The NSW Government’s Solar Bonus Scheme ended on 31 December 2016.
If you’re an Origin customer that was on a solar feed-in tariff of 20 c/kWh or 60 c/kWh under the NSW Solar
Bonus Scheme, you would have received or can expect to receive our letter or email with metering information on
what the scheme’s closure means for you.
What’s the NSW Solar Bonus Scheme and why did it end?
The NSW Solar Bonus Scheme is a government scheme that provided a feed-in tariff of 20 cents per kilowatt
hour (c/kWh) or 60 cents per kilowatt hour (c/kWh) for eligible customers with small scale solar or wind generators
connected to the grid.
The scheme started on 1 January 2010 and applicants had to meet a number of eligibility requirements to receive
a feed-in tariff under this scheme. The scheme ended on 31 December 2016 - a date legislated by the NSW
Government when they first set up the scheme.
You would have received your current feed-in tariff payments until 31 December 2016 provided you remained
eligible under the scheme.
Refer to the NSW Government’s website for more information about this scheme.
How can I check if I was eligible for the SBS?
60c/kWh feed-in tariff
To be eligible for 60c/kWh, you must have:
bought or leased your solar system by 27 October 2010,
lodged your application to connect it to the grid with your distributor by 18 November 2010, and,
had your solar system connected to the grid by 30 June 2012.
20c/kWh feed-in tariff
To be eligible for 20c/kWh, you must have:
had your solar meter installed and connected to the grid by 30 June 2011, or
lodged the application to connect your solar system to the grid with your distributor by 28 April 2011, and
had it connected by 30 June 2012.
But there are other things that affect eligibility.
For example, generally for the 60c/kWh tariff, changing the account over to someone else meant the new account
holder would have only received 20c/kWh (unless the new account holder was in a domestic relationship with the
previous account holder, in which case they would have kept receiving 60c/kWh up until 31 December 2016).
It’s best to check the government’s eligibility criteria at
Or, if you’d like more information, give our Solar Resolutions team a call on 1800 659 511.
How did you tell me about the NSW Solar Bonus Scheme closure?
Firstly, through our letter, which tells you:
what the scheme’s end means for you as our customer,
what you can expect to receive from us,
why a meter change makes sense, especially if you currently have gross metering, and
our change to your Agreement terms.
The NSW Government has also mailed all eligible NSW solar customers with solar PV panels to confirm the
scheme’s closure.
Whats a feed-in tariff?
A feed-in tariff is a rate paid for electricity fed back into the electricity grid by a solar system.
The tariff rates depend on a number of factors including the State you live in, when your solar system was
installed as well as your metering and retailer arrangements.
What is gross and net metering?
Gross metering solar systems have been set up to send all the solar power they generate to the grid.
This means you pay for all the energy you use in your household and receive a payment (or a ‘feed-in tariff’) for
the solar energy your system feeds back into the grid.
Net metering solar systems are set up to send energy to your household first, before sending the excess energy
back into the grid.
That means only solar energy that’s not used in your home is sent to the grid and you receive a payment (or
in tariff’) for that excess. A net meter records the excess solar your system generates, as well as the amount
of electricity your household takes from the grid.
Generally, if your feed-in tariff is lower than the price you pay for electricity, you’re likely to be better off with net
Want to know more? Just click on our metering information Changing from Gross to Net Metering which explains:
each metering type
the difference between gross and net
upgrading to a remotely read digital meter that’s able to switch to net metering, and
why changing over to net metering is a good way to minimise the impact of the closure of the NSW Solar
Bonus Scheme and continue to get the most out of your solar system.
What’s a remotely read digital meter?
A digital meter (also called an advanced meter or smart meter) is a meter that can communicate remotely with
your energy provider. We call it a remotely read digital meter.
If your new digital meter was installed in 2016, your gross metering arrangements remained until 31 December
2016, at which time we remotely switched you over to net metering.
Having a digital meter also means that no one needs to visit your property to read the electricity meter any more.
Unlike a traditional electricity meter, a smart meter digitally reads and stores the electricity usage over short
intervals, typically every 30 minutes, and then remotely sends this information to energy distributors and retailers
every day.
Origin, as your energy retailer, can then pass this information on to you as the consumer.
I have gross metering. Why should I upgrade to net?
Generally, if your feed-in tariff is lower than the price you pay for electricity, you’re likely to be better off with net
Upgrading your meter to a remotely read digital meter means you’ll be able to move to a net metering
arrangement, which is a good way to minimise the impact of the closure of the Solar
Bonus Scheme and continue to get the most out of your solar system.
Net metering solar systems are set up to send energy to your household first, before sending the excess energy
back into the grid. That means only solar energy that’s not used in your home is sent to the grid and you
receive a payment (or ‘feed-in tariff’) for that excess.
For more information just click on Changing from Gross to Net Metering this information was included in our
letter to gross metering customers.
Remotely read digital meters are expected to be rolled out more broadly in the coming years. So it’s another
reason to upgrade in readiness for this change.
What does it cost to get a digital meter?
Origin is offering to supply and install a remotely read digital meter free of charge for our NSW Solar Bonus
Scheme customers. But you do need be aware, that if our technicians come across anything that stops us from
accessing your meter or completing the installation, then we’ll be in touch to discuss further, as any additional
work would be at your cost.
We also need to let you know, that you’re able to choose to have a net metering arrangement installed by your
distribution network service provider instead of Origin, however that’s something you may have to pay for.
How do I go about getting a digital meter?
For our residential customers, we’re installing digital meters for customers during 2016 and 2017. We’ll be in
touch to install your remotely read digital meter, when we’re next in your area. There’s nothing you need to do to
prepare for the changeover.
For our business customers: There’s nothing you need to do right now. We’ll write to you to see if youd like to
go ahead with an upgrade to a remotely read digital meter, and we’ll arrange an installation time with you if so.
For our customers with life support arrangements: There’s nothing you need to do right now. We’ll write to
see if you’d like to go ahead and arrange an installation time if so.
I don’t want a digital meter. What should I do?
Don’t want the changeover to a remotely read digital meter? That’s okay, it’s your choice. But if you’re a
residential customer you’ll need to tell us that you don’t want one, by ‘opting out’.
How to let us know: Just call us on the number mentioned in Origin’s NSW Solar Bonus Scheme closure letter
or email you’ve received and we won’t proceed. We’ll note your choice on your account.
Just click on ‘Digital meter opt out and complete some key details in this opt-outform and then click ‘submit’.
We’ll note your choice on your account. Don’t want to fill out this form? That’s okay, you can call us on the
number in your letter and we won’t proceed.
Our general residential customer line is 13 24 61 between 7am to 9pm weekdays, or 9am to 5pm Saturdays. Or if
you’re a business customer - 1300 661 544 between 8am - 6pm (AEST), Monday to Friday. We’re here to help.
Do I have to upgrade to a digital meter?
No, you don’t have to. It’s your choice, but if you’re a residential customer, you’ll need to tell us that you don’t
want a digital meter. Just go to the question: I don’t want a digital meter. What should I do?
For our customers with gross metering, if you don’t want a digital meter and wish to leave your current gross
metering system in place, it means you may be paying more for your electricity from January 2017 than you
would with a net metering system.
Please refer to the metering information enclosed with our letter on the NSW Solar Bonus Scheme closure.
How much time do I have to opt out?
If you’re a residential customer and do not have any life support arrangements, you can let us know if you want to
opt out at any time, right up until a few days prior to any installation.
But if we’ve given you an ‘opt out by’ date and you’ve missed this period, then we’ll try to contact the technicians
in the field to stop the scheduling of a meter upgrade as soon as we can however we can’t guarantee we’ll
reach them in time.
If you’re a business customer or a customer with life support arrangements, then there’s nothing you need to do
right now. We’ll write to you to see if you’d like to go ahead with an upgrade to a remotely read digital meter, and
we’ll arrange an installation time with you if so.
Can I have my meter upgrade now?
If you want to upgrade now, we’ll take your details and put you in our batch of installations for when we’re in your
area next. Just give us a call on the number in our letter.
What digital meters are being installed?
The digital meters that are being installed meet current Australian Standards including those related to
safety. Communication with the meter is undertaken using a secure cellular communications network.
Who’s doing the installation?
A qualified electrical technician will install the Digital Meter. There are a couple of different providers that can do
this work on our behalf. They'll identify themselves when they arrive to install a meter.
What if I don’t want a meter?
If you’re a residential customer, you can let us know if you want to opt out at any time. If we’ve given you an ‘opt
out by’ date and you’ve missed this period, then we’ll try to contact the technicians in the field to stop the
scheduling of a meter upgrade as soon as we can however we can’t guarantee we’ll reach them in time.
For information on how to opt out see our question above I don’t want a digital meter. What should I do?
Will I have a power outage if I upgrade my meter?
Yes. An outage is required to ensure that our technician can safely complete the meter upgrade.
For a straight-
forward meter exchange the installation may take up to 1 hour with the power turned off for up to 30
If your meter set up is more complex, the installation may take up to 3 hours with the power turned off for up to
1.5 hours.
Why is there a change to my agreement?
For Origin customers on market agreements:
When we sent you our letter or email on the NSW Solar Bonus Scheme closure we attached an update to your
agreement we did this so that we’re able to install your new digital meter.
We’ll also be able to interrupt your electricity supply for short periods if it’s necessary to install or do other work on
the digital meter.
For Origin customers on standing agreements:
Our existing standing contract for electricity supply with you doesn’t cover the digital meter installation. So you’ll
see that we attached your new metering agreement to go with your existing standing contract we did this so that
we can install your new digital meter.
We’ll also be able to interrupt your electricity supply for short periods if it’s necessary to install or do other work on
the digital meter.
Is Origin the only retailer who applied the NSW SBS change?
The NSW Solar Bonus Scheme ended on 31 December 2016 and its up to each retailer to determine what they
offer to their customers from 1 January 2017.
What’s my feed-in tariff now the scheme’s ended?
As a part of our exclusive Digital Meter offer, for our NSW Solar Bonus Scheme customers with a digital meter
installed, we’re offering a special solar feed-in tariff from 1 January 2017see below.
For customers with a digital meter installedyou would’ve heard from us recently about our solar
feed-in tariff offer. For more on this offer:
Residential customers or Business customers. Don’t want this offer?
You’ll receive our standard feed-in tariff of 6c/kWh*, as well as any other benefits that form part of your
electricity agreement.
If you’re waiting for a digital meter to be installeddon’t worry, we’re installing meters as quickly as
we can and you’ll hear from us when we’re in your area. From 1 January 2017 you’ll receive our
standard feed-in tariff of 6c/kWh*, as well as any other benefits that form part of your electricity
After you receive a meter, you’re able to choose our solar feed-in tariff offer. For more on this offer:
Residential customer or Business customer. Don’t want this offer? You’ll receive our standard feed-in tariff of
6c/kWh*, as well as any other benefits that form part of your electricity agreement.
For customers who don’t want a digital meter – from 1 January 2017 you’ll receive our standard
feed-in tariff of 6c/kWh*, as well as any other benefits that form part of your electricity agreement.
New customers switching to Origin - this offer is also open to NSW solar customers who’d like to
switch to Origin and have a digital meter currently installed. Sign up over the phone on 13 24 61 or
online for your
home or business.
* Standard retailer feed-in tariff. Feed-in tariff rate is GST-inclusive (if any) and subject to change.
I’m shopping around. What’s Origin’s offer?
Our offer is based on whether you have a digital meter installed at your property.
Existing Origin customers who have a digital meter installed click here
Residential customers or
Business customers
Existing Origin customers who are waiting to have a digital meter installed see question above
New customers switching to Origin - this offer is also open to NSW solar customers who’d like to
switch to Origin and have a digital meter currently installed. Sign up:
o Over the phone on 13 24 61 or
Online for your home or business.
We have great discounts available from time to time on our current electricity offers that you can check out. And
we don’t limit our discounts just because you have solar.
What is Origin’s current solar feed-in tariff? Will it change?
Origin currently offers a feed-in tariff of 6c/kWh* to our NSW solar customers.
Yes, it’s possible our 6c/kWh* may change in the future. It can change from time to time but in any event we will
always let our customers know if it does.
We consider the 6c/kWh rate reflective of the current market rate for energy exported to the grid by solar
electricity systems.
* Standard retailer feed-in tariff. Feed-in tariff rate is GST-inclusive (if any) and subject to change.
I’m on a 6c solar feed-in tariff. Does the scheme’s closure affect me?
No. If you’re currently receiving a total solar feed-in tariff of 6c/kWh*, then you’re receiving Origin’s feed-in tariff
rate of 6 cents per kilowatt hour.
This FAQ is for our eligible customers who were on the NSW Solar Bonus Scheme’s 20c/kWh or 60c/kWh feed-in
tariff and therefore does not apply to you or affect you.
* Standard retailer feed-in tariff. Feed-in tariff rate is GST-inclusive (if any) and subject to change.
Who has access to my energy usage data?
Your energy usage data is secure. Only your energy retailer and meter reader have access to it.
Is my energy usage data secure and confidential?
Absolutely - nothing changes after installing a Digital Meter and your energy usage data is secure. Your energy
retailer, meter provider and others (such as distributors, networks, and organisations involved in the collection
and delivery of your data) are governed by strict regulatory rules around who needs to get it and what it can be
used for.
How you can keep up-to-date with the scheme changes?
We’ll keep updating this FAQ whenever we need to tell you about some new information on the closure, or on any
other changes that may affect your solar plan for 2017.
We suggest you bookmark this FAQ as a resource support for you to refer back to if not sure on anything or need
some helpor, just give us a call and talk to us.
Where can I find out more information?
For the NSW government’s information you can visit them at resourcesandenergy.nsw.gov.au/energy-
You can also visit our NSW solar feed-in tariff web page at originenergy.com.au/SolarFITNSW
Or, if you’d like more information, or wish to talk to us about the scheme’s closure, or anything we’ve mentioned,
just call us on the number in your letter 1300 138 149 (we’re here 7am to 9pm weekdays, and 9am to 5pm
Or, you can call our general line for residential customers - 13 24 61 between 7am to 9pm weekdays, or 9am to
5pm Saturdays. Or if you’re a business customer - 1300 661 544 between 8am - 6pm (AEST), Monday to Friday.
We’re here to help.
January 2017