Effective 1 July 2023
Version 1.0
Document Amendment History
1.0 12 May 2023 Final
Endeavour Energy may change the information in this document without notice. All changes take effect on
the date made by Endeavour Energy.
i | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
2. Network Price List – Network Tariffs ........................................................................................... 1
3. Enquiries .................................................................................................................................... 1
4. Network Pricing Options ............................................................................................................. 3
4.1. Standard Pricing Options ............................................................................................................ 3
4.2. Combination Pricing Options .................................................................................................... 10
4.3. Unmetered Pricing Options ....................................................................................................... 10
4.4. Site Specific Pricing Option ...................................................................................................... 11
4.5. Obsolete Pricing Options (post 1 July 2019 Time of Day Definitions) ........................................ 12
4.6. Obsolete Pricing Options (pre 1 July 2019 Time of Day Definitions) .......................................... 12
4.7. Obsolete Solar Bonus Scheme Pricing Options ........................................................................ 13
4.8. Generated Energy Charges (credit) .......................................................................................... 13
5. Billing Calculations ................................................................................................................... 14
5.1. Network Access Charges ......................................................................................................... 14
5.2. Energy Consumption Charges .................................................................................................. 14
5.3. Demand Charges ..................................................................................................................... 17
5.4. Generated Energy Calculation .................................................................................................. 19
6. Network Pricing Definitions ....................................................................................................... 20
6.1. Time of Day.............................................................................................................................. 20
6.2. Obsolete Time of Day ............................................................................................................... 20
6.3. Public Holidays......................................................................................................................... 20
6.4. GST ......................................................................................................................................... 20
6.5. Distribution Loss Factors .......................................................................................................... 21
6.6. NMI .......................................................................................................................................... 21
6.7. Voltages of Supply ................................................................................................................... 21
6.8. Daylight Saving Time ............................................................................................................... 21
7. Treatment of Import/Export Power Flows .................................................................................. 22
8. Embedded Generators ............................................................................................................. 22
9. Controlled Load Appliances, Terms and Conditions .................................................................. 23
9.1. Controlled Load 1 ..................................................................................................................... 23
9.2. Controlled Load 2 ..................................................................................................................... 24
10. Change of Pricing Option.......................................................................................................... 26
ii | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
10.1. Endeavour Energy initiated change of Pricing Option ................................................................ 26
10.2. Retailer initiated change of Pricing Option ................................................................................ 26
10.3. Tariff Requests for Embedded Networks................................................................................... 33
11. Network Price Tables ............................................................................................................... 35
11.1. Table 1 - Standard Pricing Options ........................................................................................... 35
11.2. Table 2 – Combination Options ................................................................................................ 36
11.3. Table 3 – Unmetered Pricing Options ....................................................................................... 37
11.4. Table 4a – Obsolete Pricing Options (post- 1 July 2019 Time of Day Definitions) ..................... 38
11.5. Table 4b – Obsolete Pricing Options (pre-1July 2019 Time of Day Definitions) ......................... 39
11.6. Table 5 – Obsolete NSW Solar Bonus Scheme Tariffs (pre-1 July 2019 Time of Day Definitions)
1 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
1. Introduction
In this document “we”, “us”, “our” and “ours” refers to Endeavour Energy; “you”, “your” and “yours” refers to
you, the customer.
Words in italics are explained in your customer connection contract. This contract is available for download
from our website at:
Alternatively, you can obtain a copy by calling our Contact Centre on 133 718.
2. Network Price List – Network Tariffs
Endeavour Energy has compiled this Network Price List to provide you with details of:
a description of charges payable under your customer connection contract for services provided or
arranged by us;
the pricing options and conditions applicable to various categories of customers;
the basis on which we calculate charges for services provided under your customer connection
the tariffs and charges, including any off-peak and standby tariffs, payable by customers;
the availability of any off-peak or standby tariffs and the extent to which customers can take advantage
of them; and
our minimum charge in a standard billing period.
3. Enquiries
If you have any questions in relation to this Network Price List please contact:
Network Pricing
Endeavour Energy
PO Box 811
Seven Hills NSW 1730
or contact our Contact Centre on 133 718.
For specific enquires related to the application of charges in this Network Price List, please refer to the
Retail Operations Contact List (ROCL) or:
Tariff Transfer Requests (basic meters):
2 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
Tariff Transfer Requests (interval meters):
Annual Pricing Resets and Regulatory Determination:
NMI classification requests (change of size based on consumption):
3 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
4. Network Pricing Options
The different categories of Network Pricing Options available are:
Site Specific;
Obsolete (post 1 July 2019 Time of Day Definitions);
Obsolete (pre 1 July 2019 Time of Day Definitions); and
Obsolete NSW Solar Bonus Scheme Tariffs.
Endeavour Energy will assign a Network Pricing Option when supply commences under the customer
connection contract.
The assigned Pricing Option will depend on the annual energy consumption measured at the connection
point, the supply voltage at the connection point, the method of connection to Endeavour Energy’s
distribution system and the type of meter(s) installed.
4.1. Standard Pricing Options
The available Standard Pricing Options are:
Controlled Load;
General Supply; and
Large Demand.
Standard Network Pricing Options (as set out in Table 1 of the Network Price Tables) are applicable to
connection points located in the Endeavour Energy distribution system, unless one of the Non-standard
Pricing Options described in sections 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 or 4.7 apply.
4.1.1. Residential
A Residential Pricing Option applies to customer connection services supplied to the connection point
Total electricity consumption, per financial year, is less than 160MWh; and
Electricity is supplied at a voltage level defined as Low Voltage (LV) - nominally 230/400 V.
In addition, is predominantly used for one or more of the following purposes:
Private dwellings;
Boarding and lodging houses, being any house in which three or more persons, exclusive of the family
of the proprietor thereof, are lodged for hire or reward from week to week or for more than a week;
Retirement villages;
Residential sections of nursing homes and hospitals;
4 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
Residential sections of educational institutions;
Approved baby health centres, day nurseries and kindergartens;
Children's homes;
Churches, mosques, temples etc., being buildings or properties which are used principally for public
worship or partly for public worship and partly for educational purpose; and
Approved caravan sites.
Residential Flat Tariff – N70
The Residential Flat tariff consists of the following pricing components:
Network Access Charge ($/day); and
A flat energy consumption charge (c/kWh).
Residential Seasonal TOU Tariff – N71
The Residential Seasonal TOU (Residential STOU) tariff consists of the following pricing components:
Network Access Charge ($/day); and
High-season Peak, Low-season Peak and Off Peak energy consumption charges (c/kWh).
High-season Peak, Low-season Peak and Off Peak energy consumption are calculated using the time of
day definitions outlined in section 6.1.
Residential Demand Tariff – N72
The Residential Demand tariff consists of the following pricing components:
Network Access Charge ($/day);
A flat energy consumption charge (c/kWh); and
High-season and Low-season demand charges (¢/kW/day)
High-season and Low-season demand are calculated using the time of day definitions outlined in section
6.1. Demand charges apply to Peak periods only.
Residential Transitional Demand Tariff – N73
The Residential Transitional Demand tariff consists of the following pricing components:
Network Access Charge ($/day);
A flat energy consumption charge (c/kWh); and
High-season and Low-season demand charges (¢/kW/day)
High-season and Low-season demand are calculated using the time of day definitions outlined in section
6.1. Demand charges apply to Peak periods only.
Tariff N73 is the default tariff for residential customers.
5 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
4.1.2. Controlled Load
Controlled Load Tariffs – N50 and N54
A Controlled Load tariff applies to customer connection services supplied to the connection point where:
Total electricity consumption, per financial year, is less than 160MWh;
Electricity is supplied at a voltage level defined as Low Voltage (LV) - nominally 230/400 V; and
A Residential or General Supply tariff also applies.
A Controlled Load tariff applies where electricity load is separately metered and controlled at a connection point:
a) Controlled Load 1 (N50) applies where supply to approved specified appliances is controlled such that
supply may not be available between 7:00am and 10:00pm, during both Eastern Standard Time (EST) and
Daylight Saving Time (DST).; and
b) Controlled Load 2 (N54) applies where supply to approved specified appliances is controlled such that
electricity is available for restricted periods not exceeding a total of 17 hours in any period of 24 hours.
Switching times will be managed by Endeavour Energy to minimise network investment and meet customer
needs for the load being controlled.
When a customer with Controlled Load chooses another Pricing Option, the Controlled Load meter and
Controlled Load relay may be removed.
Customers with a Controlled Load appliance are entitled to a Controlled Load network price only if all of the
following conditions are met:
a) Controlled Load consumption is separately metered using the same type of meter as the uncontrolled
portion of a customer’s load;
b) Controlled Load consumption and uncontrolled load consumption is always synchronously read, i.e. on the
same day; and
c) The Controlled Load is managed by Endeavour Energy.
d) Endeavour Energy’s equipment or a Metering Provider’s equipment that has the approval of the Head of
Asset Planning and Performance controls the supply of electricity to the appliance. If a Meter Provider’s
equipment is used and the Meter Provider’s approval has ended or is revoked, then the Controlled Load
Tariff will no longer be allowed for premises with the Meter Provider’s equipment still installed.
Additional Notes:
If the customer wishes to take supply on a Controlled Load Tariff for an existing or new premise the
Retailer must arrange for the controlled load service by engaging a Metering Provider who has a Load
Control Agreement with Endeavour Energy to use their meter as a controlled load device. The
Metering Provider must install their meter to provide controlled load services in accordance with this
To continue the Controlled Load Tariff where an existing type 4 metering installation with an
Endeavour Energy controlled load device has failed, the Retailer must engage a Metering Provider
who has a Load Control Agreement with Endeavour Energy to use their meter as a controlled load
device. The Metering Provider must install or reconfigure their meter to provide controlled load services
in accordance with this agreement. The Retailer must arrange for the failed controlled load device to
be replaced within 15 business days of being notified of the controlled load device failure.
6 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
Existing type 5 and 6 metering installations can continue to be controlled by an Endeavour Energy
controlled load device. However, to continue supply on the Controlled Load Tariff, Endeavour Energy’s
control load device must be removed when the Retailer arranges for a type 4 meter to be installed. The
Retailer must engage a Metering Provider who has a Load Control Agreement with Endeavour Energy
to use their meter as a controlled load device. The Metering Provider must install or reconfigure their
meter to provide controlled load services in accordance with this agreement.
For the latest listing of approved Metering Providers please contact Endeavour Energy’s Metering
Coordinator as per the Retail Operations Contacts List.
A Controlled Load tariff is applicable to approved appliances only. Approved appliances must be permanently
wired without a plug and socket. Switches that enable the transfer of approved appliances or equipment to non-
Controlled Load circuits are not permitted.
Endeavour Energy reserves the right to assign the customer connection services to a non-controlled load tariff if
the conditions for the Controlled Load Tariff are not met.
Controlled Load tariffs consist of the following pricing components:
Network Access Charge ($/day); and
Flat energy consumption charge (c/kWh).
4.1.3. General Supply
A General Supply Pricing Option applies to customer connection services supplied to the connection point
Total electricity consumption, per financial year, is less than 160MWh;
Electricity is supplied at a voltage level defined as Low Voltage (LV) - nominally 230/400 V; and
Electricity is used for any purpose other than Residential, at a connection point with a meter delivering
accumulated metering data or interval metering data.
General Supply Block Tariff – N90
The General Supply Block tariff consists of the following pricing components:
Network Access Charge ($/day);
a first block energy consumption charge, expressed on a ¢/kWh basis, to be applied to electricity
consumption (kWh) up to and including 30,000 kWh per quarter; and
a second block energy consumption charge, expressed on a ¢/kWh basis, to be applied to all electricity
consumption (kWh) in excess of Block 1.
General Supply Seasonal TOU Tariff – N91
The General Supply Seasonal TOU (GS STOU) tariff consists of the following pricing components:
Network Access Charge ($/day); and
High-season Peak, Low-season Peak and Off Peak energy consumption charges (c/kWh).
High-season Peak, Low-season Peak and Off Peak energy consumption are calculated using the time of day
definitions outlined in section 6.1.
7 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
General Supply Demand Tariff – N92
The General Supply Demand (GS Demand) tariff consists of the following pricing components:
Network Access Charge ($/day);
A flat energy consumption charge (c/kWh); and
High-season and Low-season demand charges (¢/kW/day)
High-season and Low-season demand are calculated using the time of day definitions outlined in section 6.1.
Demand charges apply to Peak periods only.
General Supply Transitional Demand Tariff – N93
The General Supply Transitional Demand (GS Transitional Demand) tariff consists of the following pricing
Network Access Charge ($/day);
A flat energy consumption charge (c/kWh); and
High-season and Low-season demand charges (¢/kW/day)
High-season and Low-season demand are calculated using the time of day definitions outlined in section 6.1.
Demand charges apply to Peak periods only.
Tariff N93 is the default tariff for low voltage non-residential customers.
Tariff N93 will be applied when an established energy consumption history is not available to allow the customer
to be classified as consuming > 160MWh per annum, therefore requiring a Large Demand pricing option.
Consequently, Tariff N93 is the default tariff for all new (i.e. greenfield) sites and/or NMIs relating to low voltage
non-residential customers, regardless of future consumption and will be applied until a change in Pricing Option
is completed in accordance with section 10 (as initiated by Endeavour Energy or the Retailer).
If, however for new (i.e. greenfield) sites, Endeavour Energy receives an application from the retailer at least 30
days before the NMI is energised, then consideration will be given to placing the NMI directly onto the
requested tariff providing the following conditions are met:
Appropriate metrology are in place for demand tariffs using kVA based demand charges; and
The expected energy consumption falls within the consumption band required by the requested tariff.
If provisional approval is granted, the application can only be finalised when Endeavour Energy receive the first
metering data after energisation confirming that the required metrology is in place.
It is the responsibility of the customer to arrange for the installation of a suitable interval meter.
8 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
4.1.4. Large Demand
Low Voltage Seasonal Time of Use Demand Tariff N19
The Low Voltage Seasonal Time of Use Demand (LV STOU Demand) tariff applies to customer connection
services supplied to the connection point where:
Total electricity consumption, per financial year, is greater than 160MWh;
Electricity is supplied at a voltage level defined as Low Voltage (LV) - nominally 230/400 V; and
The meter delivers both interval metering data and demand data.
Tariff N19 consists of the following pricing components:
Network Access Charge ($/day);
High-season Peak, Low-season Peak and Off Peak energy consumption charges (c/kWh); and
High-season and Low-season demand charges (¢/kVA/day).
Energy consumption and demand charges are calculated using the time of day definitions outlined in section
6.1. Demand charges apply to Peak periods only.
It should be noted that the General Supply Transitional Demand Tariff (N93) is the default tariff for all new (i.e.
greenfield) sites and/or NMIs relating to low voltage non-residential customers, regardless of expected future
consumption and will be applied until such time as a change in Pricing Option is affected in accordance with
section 10 (as initiated by Endeavour Energy or the Retailer). Consequently, the LV STOU Demand Tariff (N19)
will not be applied as the default tariff for new (i.e. greenfield) sites and/or NMIs relating to low voltage non-
residential customers.
If, however for new (i.e. greenfield) sites, Endeavour Energy receives an application from the retailer at
least 30 days before the NMI is energised, then consideration will be given to placing the NMI directly onto
the requested tariff providing the following conditions are met:
Appropriate metrology are in place for demand tariffs using kVA based demand charges; and
The expected energy consumption falls within the consumption band required by the requested tariff.
If provisional approval is granted, the application can only be finalised when Endeavour Energy receive the
first metering data after energisation confirming that the required metrology is in place.
It is the responsibility of the customer to arrange for the installation of a suitable interval meter.
Low Voltage Seasonal Time of Use Transitional Tariff – N89
The Low Voltage Seasonal Time of Use Transitional (LV STOU Transitional) tariff applies to customer
connection services supplied to the connection point where:
Total electricity consumption, per financial year, greater than 160MWh but less than 40GWh or 10MVA
maximum demand;
Electricity is supplied at a voltage level defined as Low Voltage (LV) - nominally 230/400 V; and
The meter delivers interval metering data.
Tariff N89 applies to those customers who satisfy the LV STOU Demand (N19) criteria, but cannot be
transferred to this tariff due to:
a lack of metering capable of supporting the demand based tariff; or
the expected financial impact of a direct transition to N19 is deemed excessive.
9 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
It is the intention of Endeavour Energy that these customers will transition off N89 and onto N19.
Tariff N89 is not available by customer request.
Tariff N89 consists of the following pricing components:
Network Access Charge ($/day); and
High-season Peak, Low-season Peak and Off Peak energy consumption charges (c/kWh).
High-season Peak, Low-season Peak and Off Peak energy consumption is calculated under the time of day
definitions outlined in section 6.1.
High Voltage Seasonal Time of Use Demand Tariff – N29
The High Voltage Seasonal Time of Use Demand (HV STOU Demand) tariff applies to customer connection
services supplied to the connection point where:
Electricity is supplied at a voltage level defined as High Voltage (HV) - nominally 12.7 kV SWER, 11 or
22 kV; and
The meter delivers both interval metering data and demand data.
Tariff N29 consists of the following pricing components:
Network Access Charge ($/day);
High-season Peak, Low-season Peak and Off Peak energy consumption charges (c/kWh); and
High-season and Low-season demand charges (¢/kVA/day).
Energy consumption and demand charges are calculated using the time of day definitions outlined in section
6.1. Demand charges apply to Peak periods only.
Sub-transmission Seasonal Time of Use Demand Tariff – N39
The Sub-transmission Seasonal Time of Use Demand (ST STOU Demand) tariff applies to customer
connection services supplied to the connection point where:
Electricity is supplied at a voltage level defined as Sub-transmission (ST) - 33, 66 or 132 kV; and
The meter delivers both interval metering data and demand data.
Tariff N39 consists of the following pricing components:
Network Access Charge ($/day);
High-season Peak, Low-season Peak and Off Peak energy consumption charges (c/kWh); and
High-season and Low-season demand charges (¢/kVA/day).
Energy consumption and demand charges are calculated using the time of day definitions outlined in section
6.1. Demand charges apply to Peak periods only.
10 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
4.2. Combination Pricing Options
Combination Pricing Options (as set out in Table 2 of the Network Price Tables) are combinations of standard
Pricing Options, which are applicable to connection points where an Endeavour Energy owned combination
meter is installed
. A combination meter is one which can meter both a controlled load and normal Residential
(or General Supply) consumption as two distinct energy flows.
Combination Pricing Options are formulated on the basis of the equivalent Standard Pricing Options, which
would ordinarily be applicable to each component of the Combination Pricing Option.
For example, NC01 (Residential/Controlled Load 1) Pricing Option consists of Residential and Controlled Load
1 charges.
4.3. Unmetered Pricing Options
Unmetered Supply Pricing Options (as set out in Table 3 of the Network Price Tables) are applicable to
connection points that are not metered.
Other Unmetered Supplies – N99
The Unmetered Supply tariff applies to unmetered supplies not eligible for supply under unmetered tariff ENSL
or ENTL.
This tariff consists of an anytime energy consumption charge (c/kWh) only.
Streetlighting – ENSL
The unmetered Streetlighting supply tariff applies to streetlighting connection points that are not metered.
This tariff consists of an anytime energy consumption charge (c/kWh) only.
Traffic Control Signal Lights – ENTL
The unmetered Traffic Control Signal Light supply tariff applies to traffic control signal light connection points
that are not metered.
This tariff consists of an anytime energy consumption charge (c/kWh) only.
Nightwatch – ENNW
The unmetered Nightwatch supply tariff applies to night watch connection points that are not metered.
This tariff consists of an anytime energy consumption charge (c/kWh) only.
Energy consumption for ENSL, ENTL and ENNW sites are calculated using the appropriate algorithm in the
applicable Metrology Procedure.
Where the combination meter is not owned by Endeavour Energy, the combination pricing option will not apply.
11 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
4.4. Site Specific Pricing Option
Site Specific (individually calculated) High Voltage or Sub-transmission Demand Time of Use (TOU) tariffs apply
to customer connection services supplied to the connection point where:
Electricity consumption has been equal to or greater than 100GWh in total for the 36 months preceding
the application; or
Electricity consumption has been equal to or greater than 40GWh per annum in each of the two
financial years preceding the application; or
Monthly peak demand has been equal to or greater than 10MVA for 24 of the 36 months preceding the
Endeavour Energy may assign, or maintain, a Site Specific High Voltage or Sub-transmission Demand TOU
tariff to any connection point in circumstances such as, but not limited to:
The need to recover investment associated with stranded or dedicated assets, or other costs incurred
by Endeavour Energy at that connection point, which may otherwise not be recovered under the
Standard Demand TOU tariffs; and
Endeavour Energy agreeing to assign a Site Specific Demand TOU tariff following an application from
the retailer.
Inter-distributor transfer network use of system tariffs are calculated on a Site Specific basis and are specifically
applied to electricity transferred through the Endeavour Energy network on behalf of Ausgrid and Essential
Applications requesting a new Site Specific Pricing Option, or a change to an existing Site Specific tariff, must
be submitted by 30 September. Pricing for approved applications will take effect on 1 July the following year.
Endeavour Energy reserves the right to reassign a Standard Pricing Option to a connection point, effective from
the beginning of the next billing cycle, if it is discovered that the connection point no longer satisfies any of the
aforementioned criteria.
Site Specific Time of Use Demand tariffs consist of the following pricing components:
Network Access Charge ($/day);
High-season Peak, Low-season Peak and Off-peak energy consumption charges (c/kWh); and
High-season Peak and Low-season Peak demand charges (¢ /kVA or kW /day).
Energy consumption and demand charges are calculated using the time of day definitions outlined in section
6.1. Demand charges apply to Peak periods only.
For some Site Specific pricing option customers, Endeavour Energy recovers the customers annual AER
approved Network Access Charge (NAC) amount over multiple NMI’s through a NAC ($/day) rate applied to
each NMI. If the number of NMI’s changes, then the NAC ($/day) rate will be recalculated for the new number of
NMI’s to ensure the full recovery of the customers AER approved NAC amount.
For other Site Specific pricing option customers, Endeavour Energy recovers the customers annual AER
approved Network Access Charge (NAC) amount through a NAC ($/day) rate applied to just one NMI. If this
NMI is not available for NAC billing, then the NAC ($/day) rate will be recalculated and applied to another
NMI(s) for that customer to ensure the full recovery of the customers AER approved NAC amount.
12 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
4.5. Obsolete Pricing Options (post 1 July 2019 Time of Day Definitions)
Endeavour Energy has developed Pricing Options for non-market micro-generation installations added to
connection points within Endeavour Energy’s distribution system (as set out in Table 4a of the Network Price
Obsolete (post 1 July Time of Day Definitions) Pricing Options were formulated on the basis of the equivalent
Standard Pricing Options and included a Generated Energy (credit) pricing component. These pricing options
are closed to new entrants.
The energy consumption and demand charges for these Pricing Options are calculated using the time of day
definitions outlined in section 6.1.
4.6. Obsolete Pricing Options (pre 1 July 2019 Time of Day Definitions)
Endeavour Energy has developed Pricing Options for non-market micro-generation installations added to
connection points within Endeavour Energy’s distribution system (as set out in Table 4b of the Network Price
Obsolete (pre 1 July 2019 Time of Day Definitions) Pricing Options were formulated on the basis of the obsolete
tariffs outlined below (N706, N705, N84 and N845) and included a Generated Energy (credit) pricing
component. These pricing options are closed to new entrants.
The energy consumption and demand charges for these Pricing Options are calculated under the time of day
definitions outlined in section 6.2.
Residential Time of Use Tariff (Interval data) - N705
The Residential Time of Use (Res TOU (Interval data)) tariff consists of the following pricing components:
Network Access Charge ($/day); and
Peak, Shoulder and Off Peak energy consumption charges (c/kWh).
Peak, Shoulder and Off Peak energy consumption are calculated using the obsolete time of day definitions
outlined in section 6.2.
Residential Time of Use Tariff (Basic data) – N706
The Residential Time of Use (Res TOU (Basic data)) tariff consists of the following pricing components:
Network Access Charge ($/day); and
Peak, Shoulder and Off Peak energy consumption charges (c/kWh).
Peak, Shoulder and Off Peak energy consumption are calculated using the obsolete time of day definitions
outlined in section 6.2
General Supply Time of Use (Interval data) – N845
The General Supply Time of Use (GS TOU (Interval data)) tariff consists of the following pricing components:
Network Access Charge ($/day); and
Peak, Shoulder and Off Peak energy consumption charges (c/kWh).
13 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
Peak, Shoulder and Off Peak energy consumption are calculated using the obsolete time of day definitions
outlined in section 6.2
General Supply Time of Use (Basic data) – N84
The General Supply Time of Use (GS TOU (Basic data)) tariff consists of the following pricing components:
Network Access Charge ($/day); and
Peak, Shoulder and Off Peak energy consumption charges (c/kWh).
Peak, Shoulder and Off Peak energy consumption are calculated using the obsolete time of day definitions
outlined in section 6.2
4.7. Obsolete Solar Bonus Scheme Pricing Options
The NSW Government’s Solar Bonus Scheme (SBS) credited participating customers with a feed in tariff for all
the electricity that their eligible solar photovoltaic (PV) system or wind turbine systems generated and provided
to the network.
SBS Pricing Options (as set out in Table 5 of the Network Price Tables) were formulated on the basis of the
equivalent Standard Pricing Options and included a Generated Energy (credit) pricing component.
The SBS finished on 31 December 2016 and from 1 January 2017 all Generated Energy Rates were set to
zero. All SBS Pricing Options are closed to new entrants.
The energy consumption and demand charges for these Pricing Options are calculated under the time of day
definitions outlined in section 6.2.
4.8. Generated Energy Charges (credit)
The Generated Energy Charge (credit) consists of a single Generated Energy rate expressed on a ¢/kWh basis,
to be applied to the applicable generated energy (kWh) billing quantity.
14 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
5. Billing Calculations
5.1. Network Access Charges
A Network Access Charge (NAC) is applicable to all customers (with the exception of Unmetered Pricing Option
customers) and is payable for each day of the term of your customer connection contract with Endeavour
Energy. The amount that your retailer must pay Endeavour Energy, is calculated by multiplying the appropriate
GST-inclusive "per day" NAC by the relevant number of days.
The NAC is applied as a fixed daily charge for each connection point connected to the Endeavour Energy
distribution system, i.e. per National Metering Identifier (NMI). More than one NAC may apply per NMI if there is
more than one Pricing Option applicable to that NMI.
Where Endeavour Energy is allowed by the AER to vary certain charges and rates, those variations may
become effective part way through a billing cycle. The NAC amount which each customer must pay under the
old rates, and under the new rates, is calculated on a pro-rata basis.
The pro-rated NAC, in respect of the applicable NAC rate for each part of the billing cycle (after the increase
becomes effective) is calculated as follows:
= n x t
= pro-rated NAC
n = NAC ($/day)
t = number of days with the relevant NAC to be invoiced
For example, assume the customer has a quarterly billing cycle, and the NAC price increase is effective on the
31st day of a 92 day billing cycle. Assuming the relevant Pricing Option’s NAC is 0.30 $/day before and 0.35
$/day after the increase:
For the first 30 days, the customer would be charged as follows:
0.30 $/day x 30 = $9.00
For the last 62 days, the customer would be charged as follows:
0.35 $/day x 62 = $21.70
5.2. Energy Consumption Charges
An energy consumption charge is applicable to all customers where energy consumption occurs.
The amount that your retailer must pay Endeavour Energy, is calculated by multiplying the appropriate GST-
inclusive "per kWh" price by the amount of electricity consumed (based on Endeavour Energy’s measurement
or, in certain limited circumstances, Endeavour Energy’s estimate, of your consumption) at each separately
metered connection point.
Where Endeavour Energy is allowed by the AER to vary certain charges and rates, those variations may
become effective part way through a billing cycle. The amount which each customer must pay for consumption
under the old rates and for consumption under new rates is calculated on a pro-rata basis.
15 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
5.2.1. Flat Energy and TOU Energy Consumption Charges
The pro-rated energy consumption charge, in respect of the applicable energy rate for each part of the billing
cycle (after the increase becomes effective) is calculated as follows:
= E
x e x (t/T)
= pro-rated energy consumption charge
= total consumption (kWh) recorded for the billing cycle
e = energy rate (¢/kWh)
t = number of days with the relevant Energy Rate to be invoiced
T = number of days in the billing cycle
For example, assume the customer has a quarterly billing cycle, and an increase in the energy rate is effective
on the 31st day of a 92 day billing cycle. The customer’s energy consumption for the entire billing cycle was 920
kWh. Assuming the relevant energy rate is 10.00 ¢/kWh before and 9.00 ¢/kWh after the price change:
For the first 30 days, the customer would be charged as follows:
920 kWh x 10.00 ¢/kWh x (30/92) = $30.00
For the last 62 days, the customer would be charged as follows:
920 kWh x 9.00 ¢/kWh x (62/92) = $55.80
5.2.2. BT Energy Consumption Charges
To determine the quantity of electricity consumption (kWh) to be applied against each of the first block rate and
the second block rate, the Average Daily Consumption is compared against the Daily Threshold(s).
The portion of the Average Daily Consumption less than or equal to the Daily Threshold Level for the First Block
is billed the First Block Rate, with the remainder of the Average Daily Consumption to be billed the Second
Block Rate.
The Average Daily Consumption is calculated as follows:
/ T
= Average Daily Consumption (kWh)
= total consumption (kWh) recorded for the billing cycle
T = number of days in the billing cycle
If during the billing cycle there is a change in pricing or with the threshold level(s) due either to a change in
threshold levels or the number of days in the financial year, then a Daily Threshold Level for each part of the
billing cycle is required. The Daily Threshold Level is calculated as follows:
1 =
x 4 / D
= Daily Threshold Level for the First Block (kWh)
= Quarterly Threshold Level for the First Block (kWh)
D = number of days in the pricing year
The pro-rated energy consumption charge, in respect of the applicable energy rate(s) for each part of the billing
cycle (after the increase becomes effective) is calculated as follows:
16 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
If the Average Daily Consumption is less than or equal to the Daily Threshold Level for the First Block:
= E
x P
x t
If the Average Daily Consumption is greater than the Daily Threshold Level for the First Block:
= (L
x P
x t) + ((E
– L
) x P
x t)
= pro-rated BT energy consumption charge
= Average Daily Consumption (kWh)
= Daily Threshold Level for the First Block (kWh)
= energy rate for the First Block (¢/kWh)
= energy rate for the Second Block (¢/kWh)
t = number of days with the relevant energy rate to be invoiced
For example, assume a General Supply BT customer has a quarterly billing cycle, and a change in energy
rate(s) is effective on the 31st day of a 90 day billing cycle and the energy consumption for the billing cycle was
36,000 kWh. Also assume that the pricing year containing the new prices is a leap year with 366 days, rather
than the standard year of 365 days.
Assume the energy rate is 10.0 ¢/kWh for Block 1 and 12.0 ¢/kWh for Block 2 before the price change and 9.0
¢/kWh for Block 1, and 7.0 ¢/kWh for Block 2 after the price change.
Table 1: BT Energy Consumption Charges
Pricing Period
Days in
Pricing Year
Block 1
Block 2
(1) Old 30,000 365 30 12,000 10.0 12.0
(2) New 30,000 366 60 24,000 9.0 7.0
Billing Cycle 90 36,000
Average Daily Consumption = 36,000 / 90
= 400 kWh / day
Daily Threshold Level
Pricing Period (1) Threshold = 30,000 * 4 / 365
= 328.7671 kWh / day
Pricing Period (2) Threshold = 30,000 * 4 / 366
= 327.8689 kWh / day
For both pricing periods, the Average Daily Consumption is greater than the Daily Threshold Levels
calculated above, so the BT Energy Consumption Charge is calculated as follows:
Pricing Period (1) = Block 1 charge + Block 2 charge
= 328.7671 kWh x 10.0 ¢/kWh x 30
+ (400.0 – 328.7671) kWh x 12.00 ¢/kWh x 30
= $1,242.74
17 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
Pricing Period (2) = Block 1 charge + Block 2 charge
= 327.8689 kWh x 9.0 ¢/kWh x 60
+ (400.0 – 327.8689) kWh x 7.00 ¢/kWh x 60
= $2,073.44
Energy Charge = $1,242.74 + $2,073.44
= $3,3316.18
5.3. Demand Charges
Demand charges are applicable to customers on a tariff with a demand-based charging parameter (kW or kVA)
and are charged on a calendar month basis.
The amount that the retailer must pay Endeavour Energy is calculated by multiplying the appropriate GST-
inclusive “per kW” or “per kVA” ¢/day price by the number of days in the relevant period and the amount of
electricity consumed (based on Endeavour Energy’s measurement or, in certain limited circumstances,
Endeavour Energy’s estimate, of your demand) at each separately metered connection point.
A monthly demand charge is payable, based on the highest demand (kW or kVA), which occurred within any
half hour interval of that month consumed in a time period defined as ‘High season Peak’ or ‘Low season Peak’.
The monthly demand charge is calculated as follows:
= D
x d x T
= demand charge for the month
= chargeable demand (kW or kVA) recorded for the month in respect of the
connection point.
d = demand rate (¢/kW/day or ¢/kVA/day) according to the tariff and season.
T = number of days in the calendar month
5.3.1. Part-Month Demand Charging
Scenarios exist where the number of billing days for an individual demand charge does not match to the
number of days in the month. These situations arise where mid-month activities occur and include but not
limited to, a change of network tariff or pricing, change of retailer, disconnection, reconnection etc. Where these
events occur a separate demand charge is raised for each of the different charging periods within the month.
The demand charge for each separate period within the month is calculated as follows:
= D
x d x t
= demand charge for the relevant period of the month
= chargeable demand (kW or kVA) recorded for the applicable period within the month
in respect of the connection point
d = demand rate (¢/kW/day or ¢/kVA/day) according to the tariff and season.
t = number of days in the applicable period to be charged
18 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
For example, assume a customer transfers from retailer 1 (R1) to retailer 2 (R2) effective from the 8th day of
January. The chargeable demand for the period 1 January to 7 January is 40 kW and for the period 8 January
to 31 January is 45 kW, and the applicable Pricing Option’s demand rate is 10.00 ¢/kW/day.
R1 would be calculated as follows:
40 kW x 10.00 ¢/kW x 7 = $28.00
R2 would be calculated as follows:
45 kW x 10.00 ¢/kW x 24 = $108.00
5.3.2. Demand Metering
Demand is treated as a component of the Data Stream of Interval Metering Data, in accordance with Section 7
of AEMO’s MSATS Procedures National Metering Identifier. For the purpose of this Price List, the following
definitions are considered equivalent:
Table 2: Demand Metering Definitions
AEMO Endeavour Energy
Energy Flow Definition
NMI Master
Energy (or Power) Flow
Corresponding Load or
Phase Angle φ in
Import kWh B 2, 3 Effective, generated 180˚
Export kWh E 1, 4 Effective, consumed 0˚
Import kVARh K 3, 4 Reactive, generated Leading (Capacitive)
Export kVARh Q 1, 2 Reactive, consumed Lagging (Inductive)
19 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
The demand charge for a month is based on the demand (kW or kVA) calculated for every metering interval
during that month.
Let NEEEXXXXXX be a NMI with i feeders.
Let E1, …, Ei be the kWh channels for each feeder.
Let K1, …, Ki be the leading kVARh channels for each feeder.
Let Q1, …, Qi be the lagging kVARh channels for each feeder.
The kVA demand for each interval is calculated as follows:
))-(()( nnn KQEmkVA
Where m is the number of metering intervals in an hour.
The kW demand for each interval is calculated as follows:
 = ×
Where m is the number of metering intervals in an hour.
Endeavour Energy bills on a 30-minute demand interval. If data is received as 5-minute or 15-minute intervals,
the data will be aggregated to 30-minute. When billing on the basis of a 30-minute demand interval, the value of
m in the equations above is 2.
5.4. Generated Energy Calculation
Where the Generated Energy rates change, the variation may become effective part way through a billing cycle.
The amount of the generated energy charge (credit) under the old rates and the new rates is calculated on a
pro-rata basis.
The pro-rated amount, in respect of the applicable Generated Energy rate for each part of the billing cycle (after
the change becomes effective) is calculated as follows:
= E
x e x (t/T)
= pro-rated Generated Energy charge (credit)
= generated energy billing quantity (measured in kWh)
e =generated energy credit (¢/kWh)
t = number of days with the relevant generated energy rate to be invoiced
T = number of days in the billing cycle
For example, assume the customer has a quarterly billing cycle, and the change in the generated energy rate is
effective on the 31st of a 92 day billing cycle. The customer’s generated energy for billing purposes for the
entire billing cycle was 460 kWh. Assuming the relevant generated energy rate is 12.30 ¢/kWh before and 0.00
¢/kWh after the change:
For the first 30 days, the generated energy credit is calculated as follows:
460 kWh x 12.30 ¢/kWh x (30/92) = $18.45
For the last 62 days, the generated energy credit is calculated as follows:
460 kWh x 0.00 ¢/kWh x (62/92) = $0.00
20 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
6. Network Pricing Definitions
6.1. Time of Day
‘Peak’ and ‘Off Peak’ periods are based on the following time periods and apply during both Eastern Standard
Time (EST) and Daylight Saving Time (DST):
Business Days
Peak: 16:00 – 20:00
Off Peak: All other times.
Non-business Days
Off Peak: All times.
Demand charges apply to ‘Peak’ periods only.
The following seasons apply to ‘Peak’ energy and demand charges:
High-season: November to March
Low-season: April to October
6.2. Obsolete Time of Day
For Obsolete Pricing Options (pre 1 July 2019 Time of Day Definitions) and Obsolete Solar Bonus Scheme
Pricing Options, ‘Peak’, ‘Shoulder’ and ‘Off Peak’ periods are based on the following time periods and apply
during both Eastern Standard Time (EST) and Daylight Saving Time (DST):
Business Days
Peak: 13:00 – 20:00
Shoulder: 07:00 – 13:00 & 20:00 – 22:00
Off Peak: All other times.
Non-business Days
Off Peak: All times.
6.3. Public Holidays
The following public holidays are deemed to be non-business days: New Year’s Day, Australia Day, Good
Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Queen’s Birthday, Labour Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and other
gazetted public holidays in NSW.
All other non-gazetted holidays, such as bank holidays and other local holidays, are deemed to be business
Endeavour Energy reserves the right to declare (or decline) additional holidays for the purpose of charging for
network use of system services.
6.4. GST
Both GST inclusive and GST exclusive Network Rates are shown in the pricing tables. At the time of this
publication the applicable GST was 10%.
21 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
6.5. Distribution Loss Factors
Distribution Loss Factor (DLF) codes and values are published by the Australian Energy Market Operator
(AEMO). The DLF factor is used by a retailer to increase the customer’s metered energy amount to account for
electrical losses in the distribution system.
6.6. NMI
Endeavour Energy issues a National Metering Identifier (NMI) for each connection point in accordance with the
relevant AEMO procedure. Endeavour Energy then invoices for customer connection services and network use
of system services provided at each of those connection points using the applicable pricing option.
6.7. Voltages of Supply
Endeavour Energy reserves the right to determine the voltage of supply for a particular customer based on the
size and nature of the load to be connected. Voltage levels referred to in the prices are:
Low Voltage (LV) - nominally 230 / 400 V;
High Voltage (HV) - nominally 12.7 kV SWER, 11 or 22 kV; and
Sub-transmission (ST) - 33, 66 or 132 kV.
6.8. Daylight Saving Time
In order to maintain the same time limits during both Eastern Standard Time (EST) and Daylight Saving Time
(DST), billing data is adjusted by shifting the data forward an hour to accommodate for the time shift during
This means that at the start of DST (2am on Sunday) there will be an hour of null data when the time is shifted
forwards an hour from EST to DST. Also, data for the period 23:00 to 24:00 in EST will be recorded the
following day for the period 00:00 to 01:00 DST.
When DST ends, the time will move back an hour and there will be two sets of hourly data for the period from
02:00 until 03:00, one set generated in DST and the second set generated after the time shift in EST. This data
is aggregated for the purposes of billing the "per kWh" charge, but not for Demand Charge calculations.
The table below represents how the data is shifted for DST. The value in each cell (1 to 24) is the period of the
day in EST.
Table 3: Daylight Saving Data Shift
EST 1 2 3 4 (etc) 21 22 23 24
DST day 1 1 2 NULL 3 (etc) 20 21 22 23
DST 24 1 2 3 (etc) 20 21 22 23
EST day 1 24 1 2 3 4 (etc) 21 22 23 24
The first row represents a normal EST day.
22 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
The second row represents day one of DST. Note that the first two hours of the day are the same as EST. At
2am, when DST begins, the data is shifted forward one hour, resulting in a null value for the period between
02:00 and 03:00. Following that, all data is shifted forward one hour as compared to EST.
The third row represents a normal DST day. The data from the last hour of the previous day in EST is used as
the data for the first hour of the following day in DST.
The final row of the table represents the day when DST switches back to EST. The first three hours are as per
normal DST days, then at 3am EST begins, which means there is a time shift back one hour. Therefore data is
recorded for the period 02:00 to 03:00 for both DST and EST. This data is aggregated for the purpose of billing
the energy (per kWh) component of the network charge, but not for the Demand Charge component. After 3am,
data is recorded and billed as per normal for EST.
Note that while there is less total consumption during the first day of the DST period, this is made up for when
the switch back to EST occurs.
7. Treatment of Import/Export Power Flows
In the situation where an end-use customer generates into (Import Energy), as well as consumes energy from
(Export Energy), Endeavour Energy's distribution system, network use of system services charges apply to the
energy consumed by the customer. The energy generated back into Endeavour Energy's distribution system
(Import Energy) is not recognised for network use of system services purposes, unless it is covered under a
specific agreement.
Network use of system charges are based on Export Energy only. Import Energy will not be subtracted from the
Export Energy.
This policy also extends to Demand Charges with Import Demand not subtracted from Export Demand when
calculating network use of system services charges.
Furthermore, metering shall be configured so that reactive energy is measured only when associated with
energy consumed by the customer (Export Energy).
8. Embedded Generators
Any connection point that connects a generator to the Endeavour Energy distribution system must have an
active network use of system services account, as Endeavour Energy will invoice a Network Access Charge for
such a connection point, irrespective of whether or not an Import of energy, occurs at the connection point
during the billing cycle.
In cases where a High Voltage or Sub-transmission connection point exists primarily to connect a generator to
the Endeavour Energy distribution system, and if energy consumed at that same connection point is less than
five per cent of the energy generated during any billing cycle, then Endeavour Energy may apply the General
Supply Seasonal Time of Use Network Pricing Option (tariff N91), to that connection point.
However, if the connection point in question exceeds the level given above, for more than two months during
any period of twelve months, Endeavour Energy reserves the right to assign a Standard High Voltage or Sub-
transmission Seasonal Time of Use Demand Network Pricing Option to it, effective from the beginning of the
next billing cycle.
23 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
9. Controlled Load Appliances, Terms and Conditions
Important Note: Any plugs and/or sockets are not permitted in any Controlled Load circuit under any
9.1. Controlled Load 1
The Controlled Load 1 Pricing Option applies where specified appliances are controlled by Endeavour Energy’s
equipment or a Meter Provider’s equipment that has the approval of the Head of Asset Planning and
Performance, so that supply may not be available between 7:00am and 10:00pm during Eastern Standard Time
(EST) and Daylight Saving Time (DST). Supply will be made available for selected periods between 10:00pm
and 7:00am (EST and DST).
9.1.1. Storage Water Heaters
In relation to a heating unit in a storage water heater, the following additional conditions must all be met:
a) the rated hot water delivery of the storage water heater is not less than 100 litres, unless otherwise
approved by the Head of Asset Planning and Performance;
b) Endeavour Energy’s equipment or a Meter Provider’s equipment that has the approval of the Head of
Asset Planning and Performance controls the supply of electricity to the heating unit in the storage heaters;
c) the operation of any booster heating unit is controlled in such a way that simultaneous operation with the
main heating units is not possible; and
d) unless otherwise approved by the Head of Asset Planning and Performance, heating units must be
arranged as multiples of 4.8 kW in accordance with the following table:
Table 4: Storage Water Heater Conditions
Rated Hot Water Delivery (in Litres) Number and Rating of Heating Elements
Up to and including 400 1 x 4.8 kW
Above 400 and not exceeding 630 2 x 4.8 kW
Above 630 As necessary to provide the full amount of heat in
approximately 8 hours, but in any case not more than 20 watts
/ litre rated hot water delivery.
Note: The above requirements may be varied where a Controlled Load element is provided as a booster for a
solar water heater. Controlled Load elements are available to Residential and General Supply small retail
9.1.2. Other Appliances
In relation to swimming pool pumps, pool heating equipment, dishwashers, clothes dryers, washing machines,
thermal storage, space heaters (heat banks), under floor heating, ice storage systems, electric vehicle chargers
and other appliances, the following additional conditions must all be met:
a) each appliance is permanently connected to the fixed wiring;
b) all Controlled Load circuits originate at the meter board and are controlled by Endeavour Energy’s
equipment or a Meter Provider’s equipment that has the approval of the Head of Asset Planning and
Performance so that supply is available during specified Controlled Load hours; and
c) for pool heating, the equipment rating shall not exceed 520 watts per square metre of the water surface,
unless approved by the Head of Asset Planning and Performance.
24 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
9.1.3. Noise Control
Local councils may impose conditions relating to the use or operation of equipment causing offensive
noise. Air conditioners, swimming pool pumps and heat pump motors may be subject to such conditions
and customers should consult the local council before arranging for such equipment to operate at night on
Controlled Load.
9.1.4. Transfer Between Pricing Options
A switch that transfers equipment normally supplied as a Controlled Load to another Pricing Option is not
9.1.5. Existing Installations
Storage water heaters and thermal storage space heaters previously approved for connection as a
Controlled Load will continue to be eligible for supply under the Controlled Load 1 Pricing Option.
9.1.6. Application of Controlled Load 1 Pricing Option
The Controlled Load 1 Pricing Option is only available to a connection point utilising a Residential or
General Supply Pricing Option.
9.1.7. Single Person and Dual Occupant Aged Person Accommodation
Notwithstanding the rated hot water delivery requirements of the Controlled Load 1 Pricing Option, in the
case of single and dual occupant aged person accommodation owned and controlled by the NSW
Department of Housing, or some institution/charity as defined by the Head of Asset Planning and
Performance, the minimum rated hot water delivery may be reduced in accordance with the following table:
Table 5: Minimum Hot Water Delivery Rating – Controlled Load 1
Number of Occupants in Property
Minimum Hot Water Delivery
Minimum Kilowatt Rating
1 80 litres 3.6 kW
2 125 litres 3.6 kW
9.2. Controlled Load 2
The Controlled Load 2 Pricing Option applies where specified appliances are controlled by Endeavour
Energy’s equipment or a Meter Provider’s equipment that has the approval of the Head of Asset Planning
and Performance, so that electricity is available for restricted periods not exceeding 17 hours in any period
of 24 hours.
The same terms, conditions and restrictions as listed for Controlled Load 1 are applicable for Controlled
Load 2, with the following exceptions:
a) The Controlled Load 2 Pricing Option can be applied to an electric heat pump with a minimum tank size of
250 litres, but that pump cannot be consequently transferred to the Controlled Load 1 Pricing Option; and
b) Special conditions applicable to single person and dual occupant aged person accommodation set out in
the following table replace the conditions applicable to Controlled Load 1:
25 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
Table 6: Minimum Hot Water Delivery Rating – Controlled Load 2
Number of Occupants in Property
Minimum Hot Water Delivery
Minimum Kilowatt Rating
1 or 2 80 litres 3.6 kW
9.1.8. Application of Controlled Load 2 Pricing Option
The Controlled Load 2 Pricing Option is only available to a connection point utilising a Residential or
General Supply Pricing Option.
26 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
10. Change of Pricing Option
10.1. Endeavour Energy initiated change of Pricing Option
Endeavour Energy may initiate a change to a customer’s Pricing Option if a customer’s consumption
characteristics are inconsistent with the requirements of the tariff under which they are taking supply.
An Endeavour Energy initiated change to a customer’s Pricing Option will require Endeavour Energy to
write to the impacted customer’s retailer informing them of the proposed tariff reassignment prior to the
transfer occurring. The notification letter will provide the retailer with:
The reasons for the reassignment;
The criteria by which the customer was identified for transfer;
The opportunity to object to the reassignment prior to its actioning; and
Notification that an alternate dispute resolution process is available should the retailer be dissatisfied
with Endeavour Energy’s proposal.
10.2. Retailer initiated change of Pricing Option
Retailers can apply for a change in Pricing Option in accordance with this clause. Endeavour Energy
maintains it is the responsibility of the retailer to be aware of the needs of a customer at any time, and
apply for a change in network price to Endeavour Energy as the Distribution Network Service Provider
(DNSP), in an appropriate, compliant and timely manner.
The following tables illustrate default Pricing Options and those Pricing Options available to customers who
match specified criteria.
10.2.1. Retailer initiated changes to Residential Pricing Options
Table 7: Available Retailer initiated changes to Residential Pricing Options
Residential Customer Type Meter Type Default
(on application)
Existing (pre 1 July 2019)
Basic N70 n/a
Interval (installed pre 1 July 2019) N70 N71, N72 or N73
Interval (installed post 1 July 2019) N73 N70, N71 or N72
New (post 1 July 2019) Interval N73 N70, N71 or N72
27 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
10.2.2. Retailer initiated changes to General Supply Pricing Options
Table 8: Available Retailer initiated changes to General Supply Pricing Options
General Supply Customer Type Meter Type Default
(on application)
Existing (pre 1 July 2019)
Basic N90 n/a
Interval (installed pre 1 July 2019) N90 N91, N92 or N93
Interval (installed post 1 July 2019) N93 N90, N91 or N92
New (post 1 July 2019) Interval N93 N90, N91 or N92
10.2.3. Retailer initiated changes to Large Demand Pricing Options
Table 9: Available Retailer initiated changes to Large Demand Pricing Options
Customer Criteria Available Pricing Options
Customer Type
(on application)
Non-Residential > 160 MWh LV N19 n/a
Non-Residential n/a HV N29 Site Specific
Non-Residential n/a ST N39 Site Specific
10.2.4. Retailer initiated changes from Obsolete Pricing Options
Table 10: Available Retailer initiated changes from Obsolete Pricing Options
Customer Criteria Available Pricing Options
Customer Type
(on application)
Residential n/a LV N705 or N706 N70, N71, N72 or N73
Non-Residential < 160 MWh LV N84 or N845 N90, N91, N92 or N93
Non-Residential > 160 MWh LV N84 or N845 N19
Metrology capable of supporting the selected Pricing Option must be in place before the change of Pricing Option can be approved.
28 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
10.2.5. Mapping of Obsolete and Combination Tariffs to Individual Network Tariff Codes
The following table maps obsolete and combination network tariff codes to their equivalent individual
network tariff codes.
Table 11: Mapping Obsolete / Combination tariff codes to their equivalent individual network tariff codes.
Obsolete /
Obsolete / Combination
Network Tariff Name
Equivalent Individual
Network Tariff Code
NC01 Domestic (BT) + Controlled Load 1 N70 N50
NC02 Domestic (BT) + Controlled Load 2 N70 N54
NC03 General Supply BT + Controlled Load 1 N90 N50
NC04 General Supply BT + Controlled Load 2 N90 N54
NS70 Domestic (BT) Solar (Net) N70 NESN
NG70 Domestic (BT) Solar (Gross) N70 NESG
NS90 General Supply Non-TOU (BT) Solar (Net) N90 NESN
NG90 General Supply Non-TOU (BT) Solar (Gross) N90 NESG
NS89 Transitional General Supply TOU Solar (Net) N89 NESN
NS19 LV Demand TOU Solar (Net) N19 NESN
NS29 HV Demand TOU Solar (Net) N29 NESN
NS39 ST Demand TOU Solar (Net) N39 NESN
Feed-In Credit (eligible customer) Gross DR meter
Domestic BT
Feed-In Credit (eligible customer) Gross DR meter
Domestic BT
Feed-In Credit (eligible customer) Gross DR meter
General Supply BT
Feed-In Credit (eligible customer) Gross DR meter
General Supply BT
29 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
Obsolete /
Obsolete / Combination
Network Tariff Name
Equivalent Individual
Network Tariff Code
Feed-In Credit (eligible customer) Net meter
Domestic BT
Feed-In Credit (eligible customer) Net meter
Domestic BT
Feed-In Credit (eligible customer) Net meter
General Supply BT
Feed-In Credit (eligible customer) Net meter
General Supply BT
Feed-In Credit (eligible customer) Net Combo
meter Domestic + C.L. 1
N70 N50 NESN
Feed-In Credit (eligible customer) Net Combo
meter Domestic + C.L. 2
N70 N54 NESN
Feed-In Credit (eligible customer) Net Combo
meter General Supply + C.L. 1
N90 N50 NESN
Feed-In Credit (eligible customer) Net Combo
meter General Supply + C.L. 2
N90 N54 NESN
NFIT Feed-in Credit, Gross meter, ‘Detented’ NESG
NFT2 Feed-in Credit, Gross meter, ‘Detented NESG
NFT3 Feed-in Credit, Net meter, ‘Detented’ NESN
NFT4 Feed-in Credit, Net meter, ‘Detented’ NESN
30 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
10.2.6. Process for retailer initiated changes to Pricing Options
In order to change a Pricing Option a retailer must comply with table 12 or 13 below:
Table 12: Process for retailer to change Pricing Option for a site with basic meter
Basic Meter with the following service
(note: a connection point may have more than one service)
Non Controlled Load service
(eg general supply, generation)
Controlled Load service
where Endeavour
Energy’s equipment
controls the supply of
electricity to the
Controlled Load service
where the Meter
Provider’s equipment,
that has the approval of
the Head of Asset
Planning and
Performance, controls
the supply of electricity
to the appliance
From 26 July 2022, Endeavour
Energy will be using the B2B
Service Order Supply Service
Works – Tariff Change
During the transition period to the
use of the B2B Service Order, use
the existing method of Emailing
MassMarketTariffChanges@ende nominating
the proposed network tariff
Submit a Metering Service
Works Meter
Reconfiguration B2B
Service Order populating
the proposed controlled
load network tariff
Not applicable
LV Non-
From 26 July 2022, Endeavour
Energy will be using the B2B
Service Order Supply Service
Works – Tariff Change
During the transition period to the
use of the B2B Service Order, use
the existing method of Emailing
MassMarketTariffChanges@ende nominating
the proposed network tariff
Submit a Metering Service
Works Meter
Reconfiguration B2B
Service Order with the
proposed controlled load
network tariff
Not applicable
HV & ST Non-
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
31 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
Table 13: Process for retailer to change Pricing Option for a site with interval meter
Interval meter with the following service
(note: a connection point may have more than one service)
Non Controlled Load service
(eg general supply, generation)
Controlled Load
service where
Endeavour Energy’s
equipment controls
the supply of
electricity to the
Controlled Load service
where the Meter
Provider’s equipment,
that has the approval of
the Head of Asset
Planning and
Performance, controls
the supply of electricity
to the appliance
From 26 July 2022, Endeavour Energy
will be using the B2B Service Order
Supply Service Works – Tariff Change
During the transition period to the use of
the B2B Service Order, for Type 4 & 5
meters submit a completed
FBS 3000 Form nominating the
proposed network tariff
Submit a Metering
Service Works Meter
Reconfiguration B2B
Service Order with the
proposed controlled load
network tariff
Request the Meter
Provider to reconfigure
their meter and update
MSATS with the new
controlled load network
LV Non-
From 26 July 2022, Endeavour Energy
will be using the B2B Service Order
Supply Service Works – Tariff Change
During the transition period to the use of
the B2B Service Order, for Type 4 & 5
meters submit a completed
FBS 3000 Form nominating the
proposed network tariff
Submit a Metering
Service Works Meter
Reconfiguration B2B
Service Order with the
proposed controlled load
network tariff
Request the Meter
Provider to reconfigure
their meter and update
MSATS with the new
controlled load network
From 26 July 2022, Endeavour Energy
will be using the B2B Service Order
Supply Service Works – Tariff Change
During the transition period to the use of
the B2B Service Order, submit a
completed FBS 3000 Form nominating
the proposed network tariff
Not applicable Not applicable
The FBS 3000 form must be completed electroncially and emailed to:
Form FBS 3000 is available upon request, from this email address. Endeavour Energy reserves the right to
not process any application if form FBS 3000:
is not sent to the specified email address; or
has missing or incomplete data; or
is not in MS Excel format.
After the transition period to the B2B Service Order the FBS 3000 form will not be accepted and the B2B
Service Order “Supply Service Works – Tariff Change” must be used.
32 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
Please note that:
For published tariffs, Endeavour Energy requires a minimum of 30 days’ notice, prior to the end of the
billing cycle to which the new Network Pricing Option is intended to apply, in order to process the
Applications requesting a new Site Specific Pricing Option, or a change to an existing Site Specific
tariff, must be submitted by 30 September. Pricing for approved applications will take effect on 1 July
the following year.
All changes to a Pricing Option for a site with an interval meter can only take effect from the 1st day of
the next month.
It is the retailer’s responsibility, via their metering provider, to ensure that MSATS is populated with the
correct network tariff code.
Fees apply for each completed request to change to a different Controlled Load Pricing Option where
Endeavour Energy’s equipment is installed. Information regarding fees relating to this service can be
found in our Ancillary Network Services Price List.
Endeavour Energy will not accept any application not filed by a retailer, for example applications from
consultants or directly from customers.
Endeavour Energy reserves the right to not process any application which includes any NMI where the
retailer filing that application is not the current retailer, or for which no corresponding transfer of retailer
request is found in MSATS, at the time the application is received by Endeavour Energy.
Endeavour Energy reserves the right to not process any application which includes any NMI where a
change to the Metering Installation (refer Australian Energy Market Operator Metrology Procedures)
has been made, but the Metering Provider / Accredited Service Provider carrying out that change has
yet to lodge a Notification of Service Works with Endeavour Energy.
The required metering metrology must be in place before the application for a change of Pricing Option
can be approved.
The selected pricing option for each NMI must match the customer criteria as indicated in the
preceding tables. Tariffs N705, N706, N845, N84 and N89 are not available on application.
A customer can only move away from the Low Voltage Seasonal Time of Use Demand tariff (N19) if a
history of consistently low consumption (less than 160MWh pa) over the twelve months preceding the
date of the application can be established in a manner satisfactory to Endeavour Energy. In this event
the choice of Pricing Option is limited to tariffs N90, N91, N92 or N93.
Controlled Load conversions are not part of the FBS 3000 form process.
A customer is limited to one tariff change per NMI per twelve-month period.
10.2.7. Backdating of Tariff Requests
Endeavour Energy does not backdate any change in network pricing in cases where a retailer (or the
Metering Provider, or the Accredited Service Provider (ASP), acting on behalf of the retailer) fails to adhere
to the process outlined in section 10.2.
10.2.8. Default Pricing Option for Low Voltage Non-Residential Customers
The General Supply Transitional Demand tariff (N93) is the default tariff for low voltage non-residential
33 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
Tariff N93 will be applied when an established energy consumption history is not available to allow the customer
to be classified as consuming > 160MWh per annum, therefore requiring a Large Demand pricing option.
Consequently, Tariff N93 is the default tariff for all new (i.e. greenfield) sites and/or NMIs relating to low voltage
non-residential customers, regardless of future consumption and will be applied until a change in Pricing Option
is completed in accordance with section 10 (as initiated by Endeavour Energy or the Retailer).
If, however for new (i.e. greenfield) sites, Endeavour Energy receives an application from the retailer at least 30
days before the NMI is energised, then consideration will be given to placing the NMI directly onto the
requested tariff providing the following conditions are met:
Appropriate metrology are in place for demand tariffs using kVA based demand charges; and
The expected energy consumption falls within the consumption band required by the requested tariff.
If provisional approval is granted, the application can only be finalised when Endeavour Energy receive the first
metering data after energisation confirming that the required metrology is in place.
It is the responsibility of the customer to arrange for the installation of a suitable interval meter.
10.3. Tariff Requests for Embedded Networks
Registered embedded networks involve onselling energy to electricity customers connected to a private
network which is in turn connected to Endeavour Energy's network. The registered embedded network
typically has a single revenue metering location established on the incoming supply. This single revenue
metering location is often referred to as the parent or gate metering point. Registered embedded networks
can be shopping centres, retirement villages or office buildings.
A typical brownfield registered embedded network is established when:
An existing multi-occupancy site elects to establish a registered embedded network for the purpose of
on selling energy where one or more of the occupants seek retailer of choice instead of purchasing
electricity from the embedded network operator. Prior to establishing the registered embedded
network, the end use consumers are considered to be connected directly to the Endeavour Energy's
distribution network so that all consumers have NMIs registered in MSATS.
the brownfield registered embedded network is established, and a parent metering point has been
registered, the NMIs of consumers originally considered to be connected to the Endeavour Energy
distribution network are no longer “energised” and are made extinct in MSATS. Any consumer seeking
retailer of choice can be registered with a Child NMI by contacting their retailer of choice.
For parent NMIs, created for the purpose of registering an embedded network, the retailer may apply for a
specific network tariff to be assigned from the commencement date. Prior to the commencement date of
the registered embedded network, the retailer must complete electronic form FBS 4000 and email the
completed form to:
Form FBS 4000 is available upon request, from this email address.
Endeavour Energy will notify the retailer if their application has been successful.
34 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
Endeavour Energy maintains it is the responsibility of the retailer to be aware of the needs of a customer at
any time, and apply for a tariff request for embedded networks, to Endeavour Energy as the Distribution
Network Service Provider (DNSP), in an appropriate, compliant and timely manner.
If form FBS 4000 is not received before the commencement date of the embedded network, Endeavour
Energy's default tariff for low voltage non-residential customers, Tariff N93, will be applied.
35 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
11. Network Price Tables
11.1. Table 1 - Standard Pricing Options
Endeavour Energy 2023-24
Standard Pricing Options
Excl. GST
Incl. GST
Incl. GST
Incl. GST
Incl. GST
Incl. GST
Incl. GST
Excl. GST
Incl. GST
Incl. GST
Incl. GST
Residential Flat N70 EN70 0.4579 0.50369 8.6523 9.51753
Residential Seasonal TOU N71 EN71 0.4579 0.50369 21.0242 23.12662 11.1013 12.21143 6.8013 7.48143
Residential Demand N72 EN72 0.4579 0.50369 5.6172 6.17892 16.5600 18.21600 5.7600 6.33600
Residential Transitional Demand N73 EN73 0.4579 0.50369 6.8246 7.50706 9.9600 10.95600 3.4800 3.82800
General Supply Block N90 EN90 0.6553 0.72083 9.0636 9.96996 10.6650 11.73150
GS STOU N91 EN91 0.6553 0.72083 21.8401 24.02411 11.9172 13.10892 7.6172 8.37892
GS Demand N92 EN92 0.6553 0.72083 7.1699 7.88689 21.9600 24.15600 7.3200 8.05200
GS Transitional Demand N93 EN93 0.6553 0.72083 7.9196 8.71156 12.7200 13.99200 4.2000 4.62000
Control load 1 N50 EN50 0.0533 0.05863 2.4818 2.72998
Control load 2 N54 EN54 0.0533 0.05863 4.2215 4.64365
LV STOU Transitional N89 EN89 28.5600 31.41600 13.7842 15.16262 10.4598 11.50578 4.7617 5.23787
LV STOU Demand N19 EN19 28.5600 31.41600 4.5150 4.96650 3.8501 4.23511 2.2578 2.48358 36.1200 39.73200 30.4800 33.52800
HV STOU Demand N29 EN29 55.0700 60.57700 1.7078 1.87858 1.6494 1.81434 1.5118 1.66298 33.9600 37.35600 33.4800 36.82800
ST STOU Demand N39 EN39 86.8200 95.50200 1.3827 1.52097 1.3288 1.46168 1.2004 1.32044 28.5600 31.41600 28.2000 31.02000
Net Generation [2] NESN NNZO 0.0000 0.00000
Gross Generation [3] NESG NGZO 0.0000 0.00000
Generation [4] GENR GENR 0.0000 0.00000
From 1 July 2022, Demand charges are expressed in ¢/day rather than $/month.
The new Time of Day definitions effective 1 July 2019 apply to all tariffs in this table (refer Network Price List section 6.1).
Network Tariff codes may appear on an invoice as the Service Rate
For General Supply Block Tariffs, Block 1 applies to the first 30,000 kWh per quarter. Block 2 applies to all consumption in excess of Block 1.
[1] This is a Transitional Network Tariff applicable to selected customers with annual consumption > 160 MWh. It is not available on application.
[2] NESN can be applied to a net metered generation installation.
[3] NESG can be applied to a gross metered generation installation.
[4] GENR is only to be used if the appropriate assignment to NESN[2] or NESG[3] cannot be identified.
The network prices in this table (with the exception of Generated Energy) are inclusive of transmission passthrough charges and recovery of the NSW Climate Change Fund contribution.
Off Peak
Controlled Load
¢ / kWh
Energy Rate
¢ / kWh
¢/(kVA or
¢/(kVA or
Demand Charge
High-season Peak
Network Tariff Code
Service Rate
$ / day
Flat / Block 1
¢ / kWh
Block 2
¢ / kWh
¢ / kWh
Energy Charge
Network Access
¢ / kWh
Low-season Peak
¢ / kWh
Prices effective 1 July 2023
36 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
11.2. Table 2 – Combination Options
Endeavour Energy 2023-24
Combination Network Prices
Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST
Residential Flat + Controlled Load 1 NC01 NC01 0.5112 0.56232 8.6523 9.51753 2.4818 2.72998
Residential Flat + Controlled Load 2 NC02 NC02 0.5112 0.56232 8.6523 9.51753 4.2215 4.64365
General Supply Block + Controlled Load 1 NC03 NC03 0.7086 0.77946 9.0636 9.96996 10.6650 11.73150 2.4818 2.72998
General Supply Block + Controlled Load 2 NC04 NC04 0.7086 0.77946 9.0636 9.96996 10.6650 11.73150 4.2215 4.64365
Network Tariff codes may appear on an invoice as the Service Rate
For General Supply Block Tariffs, Block 1 applies to the first 30,000 kWh per quarter. Block 2 applies to all consumption in excess of Block 1.
The network prices in this table are inclusive of transmission passthrough charges and recovery of the NSW Climate Change Fund contribution.
Energy Charge
Network Tariff Code
Network Access Charge
Service Rate
$ / day
¢ / kWh
¢ / kWh
¢ / kWh
Flat / Block 1 Block 2
Controlled Load
Prices effective 1 July 2023
37 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
11.3. Table 3 – Unmetered Pricing Options
Endeavour Energy 2023-24
Network Prices for Unmetered
Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST
Other Unmetered Supplies N99 EN99 0.0000 0.00000 9.4191 10.36101
Traffic Control Signal Lights ENTL ENTL 0.0000 0.00000 9.4191 10.36101
Street Lighting ENSL ENSL 0.0000 0.00000 8.7133 9.58463
Nightwatch ENNW ENNW 0.0000 0.00000 8.7133 9.58463
Network Tariff codes may appear on an invoice as the Service Rate
The network prices in this table are inclusive of transmission passthrough charges and recovery of the NSW Climate Change Fund contribution.
¢ / kWh
¢ / kWh
$ / day
Network Access Charge
Flat / Block 1
Block 2
Energy Charge
Network Tariff
Service Rate
Prices effective 1 July 2023
38 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
11.4. Table 4a – Obsolete Pricing Options (post- 1 July 2019 Time of Day Definitions)
Endeavour Energy 2023-24
Obsolete Network Prices
Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST
Residential Flat, Solar (Net) NS70 GN70 0.4579 0.50369 8.6523 9.51753 0.0000 0.00000
Residential Flat, Solar (Gross) NG70 NGZ7 0.4579 0.50369 8.6523 9.51753 0.0000 0.00000
General Supply Block, Solar (Net) NS90 GN90 0.6553 0.72083 9.0636 9.96996 10.6650 11.73150 0.0000 0.00000
General Supply Block, Solar (Gross) NG90 NGZ9 0.6553 0.72083 9.0636 9.96996 10.6650 11.73150 0.0000 0.00000
LV STOU Transitional, Solar (Net) [1] NS89 GN89 28.5600 31.41600 13.7842 15.16262 10.4598 11.50578 4.7617 5.23787 0.0000 0.00000
LV STOU Demand, Solar (Net) NS19 GN19 28.5600 31.41600 4.5150 4.96650 3.8501 4.23511 2.2578 2.48358 36.1200 39.73200 30.4800 33.52800 0.0000 0.00000
HV STOU Demand, Solar (Net) NS29 GN29 55.0700 60.57700 1.7078 1.87858 1.6494 1.81434 1.5118 1.66298 33.9600 37.35600 33.4800 36.82800 0.0000 0.00000
ST STOU Demand, Solar (Net) NS39 GN39 86.8200 95.50200 1.3827 1.52097 1.3288 1.46168 1.2004 1.32044 28.5600 31.41600 28.2000 31.02000 0.0000 0.00000
From 1 July 2022, Demand charges are expressed in ¢/day rather than $/month.
The new Time of Day definitions effective 1 July 2019 apply to all tariffs in this table (refer Network Price List section 6.1).
The tariffs in this table are obsolete and no new customers will be added to them. They are not available on application.
[1] Transitional Network Tariff applicable to selected customers with annual consumption > 160 MWh. It is not available on application.
Network Tariff codes may appear on an invoice as the Service Rate
For General Supply Block Tariffs, Block 1 applies to the first 30,000 kWh per quarter. Block 2 applies to all consumption in excess of Block 1.
The network prices in this table (with the exception of Generated Energy) are inclusive of transmission passthrough charges and recovery of the NSW Climate Change Fund contribution.
¢/ (kVA or kW)/day
¢ / kWh
$ / day
¢ / kWh
¢ / kWh
¢ / kWh
¢ / kWh
¢ / kWh
¢/ (kVA or kW)/day
Energy Rate
Flat / Block 1 Block 2
High-season Peak
Low-season Peak
Off Peak
Demand Charge
Network Tariff Code
Service Rate
Network Access
Energy Charge
Prices effective 1 July 2023
39 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
11.5. Table 4b – Obsolete Pricing Options (pre-1July 2019 Time of Day Definitions)
Endeavour Energy 2023-24
Obsolete Network Prices
Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST Excl. GST Incl. GST
Res TOU (Interval data) N705 N705 0.4579 0.50369 14.9820 16.48020 10.1042 11.11462 9.5792 10.53712
Res TOU (Basic data) N706 N706 0.4579 0.50369 14.9820 16.48020 10.1042 11.11462 9.5792 10.53712
Res TOU (Interval data), Solar (Net) NS75 GN75 0.4579 0.50369 14.9820 16.48020 10.1042 11.11462 9.5792 10.53712 0.0000 0.00000
Res TOU (Interval data), Solar (Gross) NG75 GG75 0.4579 0.50369 14.9820 16.48020 10.1042 11.11462 9.5792 10.53712 0.0000 0.00000
Res TOU (Basic data), Solar (Net) NS76 GN76 0.4579 0.50369 14.9820 16.48020 10.1042 11.11462 9.5792 10.53712 0.0000 0.00000
Res TOU, (Basic data), Solar (Gross) NG76 GG76 0.4579 0.50369 14.9820 16.48020 10.1042 11.11462 9.5792 10.53712 0.0000 0.00000
GS TOU (Basic data) N84 EN84 0.6553 0.72083 14.5213 15.97343 9.6435 10.60785 9.1185 10.03035
GS TOU, (Interval data) N845 N845 0.6553 0.72083 14.5213 15.97343 9.6435 10.60785 9.1185 10.03035
GS TOU (Basic data), Solar (Net) NS84 GN84 0.6553 0.72083 14.5213 15.97343 9.6435 10.60785 9.1185 10.03035 0.0000 0.00000
GS TOU (Basic data), Solar (Gross) NG84 GG84 0.6553 0.72083 14.5213 15.97343 9.6435 10.60785 9.1185 10.03035 0.0000 0.00000
GS TOU (Interval data), Solar (Net) NS85 GN85 0.6553 0.72083 14.5213 15.97343 9.6435 10.60785 9.1185 10.03035 0.0000 0.00000
GS TOU (Interval data), Solar (Gross) NG85 GG85 0.6553 0.72083 14.5213 15.97343 9.6435 10.60785 9.1185 10.03035 0.0000 0.00000
The old Time of Day definitions apply to all tariffs in this table (refer Network Price List section 6.2).
The tariffs in this table are obsolete and no new customers will be added to them. They are not available on application.
Network Tariff codes may appear on an invoice as the Service Rate
For General Supply Block Tariffs, Block 1 applies to the first 30,000 kWh per quarter. Block 2 applies to all consumption in excess of Block 1.
The network prices in this table (with the exception of Generated Energy) are inclusive of transmission passthrough charges and recovery of the NSW Climate Change Fund contribution.
¢ / kWh
¢ / kWh
¢ / kWh
¢ / kWh
Energy Rate
Off Peak
Network Tariff Code
Service Rate
Network Access
Energy Charge
$ / day
¢ / kWh
¢ / kWh
Flat / Block 1 Block 2
Prices effective 1 July 2023
40 | Network Price List: Network Tariffs 2023-24
11.6. Table 5 – Obsolete NSW Solar Bonus Scheme Tariffs (pre-1 July 2019 Time of Day Definitions)
Endeavour Energy 2023-24
Network Prices for Obsolete NSW Solar
Bonus Scheme Tariffs
Excl. GST
Incl. GST
Excl. GST
Incl. GST
Excl. GST
Incl. GST
Excl. GST
Incl. GST
Excl. GST
Incl. GST
Excl. GST
Incl. GST
Excl. GST
Incl. GST
Excl. GST
Incl. GST
Feed-In Credit, Gross meter, 'Detented' NFIT ENFI 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Gross meter, 'Detented' NFT2 ENF2 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Gross DR meter, GS TOU NFTL ENFL 0.6553 0.72083 14.5213 15.97343 9.6435 10.60785 9.1185 10.03035 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Gross DR meter, GS TOU NFTM ENFM 0.6553 0.72083 14.5213 15.97343 9.6435 10.60785 9.1185 10.03035 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Gross DR meter, Res TOU NFTP ENFP 0.4579 0.50369 14.9820 16.48020 10.1042 11.11462 9.5792 10.53712 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Gross DR meter, Res TOU NFTQ ENFQ 0.4579 0.50369 14.9820 16.48020 10.1042 11.11462 9.5792 10.53712 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Gross DR meter, Res Flat NFTG ENFG 0.4579 0.50369 8.6523 9.51753 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Gross DR meter, Res Flat NFTH ENFH 0.4579 0.50369 8.6523 9.51753 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Gross DR meter, GS Block NFTJ ENFJ 0.6553 0.72083 9.0636 9.96996 10.6650 11.73150 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Gross DR meter, GS Block NFTK ENFK 0.6553 0.72083 9.0636 9.96996 10.6650 11.73150 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Net meter, 'Detented' NFT3 ENF3 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Net meter, 'Detented' NFT4 ENF4 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Net meter, GS TOU NFT5 ENF5 0.6553 0.72083 14.5213 15.97343 9.6435 10.60785 9.1185 10.03035 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Net meter GS TOU NFT6 ENF6 0.6553 0.72083 14.5213 15.97343 9.6435 10.60785 9.1185 10.03035 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Net meter, Res TOU NFT7 ENF7 0.4579 0.50369 14.9820 16.48020 10.1042 11.11462 9.5792 10.53712 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Net meter, Res TOU NFT8 ENF8 0.4579 0.50369 14.9820 16.48020 10.1042 11.11462 9.5792 10.53712 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Net meter, Res Flat NFT9 ENF9 0.4579 0.50369 8.6523 9.51753 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Net meter, Res Flat NFT0 ENF0 0.4579 0.50369 8.6523 9.51753 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Net meter, GS Block NFTA ENFA 0.6553 0.72083 9.0636 9.96996 10.6650 11.73150 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Net meter, GS Block NFTB ENFB 0.6553 0.72083 9.0636 9.96996 10.6650 11.73150 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Net Combo meter, Res+CL 1 NFTC ENFC 0.5112 0.56232 8.6523 9.51753 2.4818 2.72998 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Net Combo meter, Res+CL 2 NFTD ENFD 0.5112 0.56232 8.6523 9.51753 4.2215 4.64365 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Net Combo meter, GS+CL 1 NFTE ENFE 0.7086 0.77946 9.0636 9.96996 10.6650 11.73150 2.4818 2.72998 0.0000 0.00000
Feed-In Credit, Net Combo meter, GS+CL 2 NFTF ENFF 0.7086 0.77946 9.0636 9.96996 10.6650 11.73150 4.2215 4.64365 0.0000 0.00000
The old Time of Day definitions apply to the tariffs in this table (refer Network Price List section 6.2).
The tariffs in this table are obsolete and no new customers will be added to them. They are not available on application.
Network Tariff codes may appear on an invoice as the Service Rate
For General Supply Block Tariffs, Block 1 applies to the first 30,000 kWh per quarter. Block 2 applies to all consumption in excess of Block 1.
The network prices in this table (with the exception of Generated Energy) are inclusive of transmission passthrough charges and recovery of the NSW Climate Change Fund contribution.
¢ / kWh
Controlled Load
¢ / kWh
Energy Charge
Off Peak
Network Tariff
Service Rate
Network Access
Energy Rate
Flat / Block 1 Block 2
$ / day
¢ / kWh
¢ / kWh
¢ / kWh
¢ / kWh
¢ / kWh
Prices effective 1 July 2023