Y3/4 Addition and subtraction Unit 3 (34190)
Additional teacher instructions for practice sheets
These notes indicate which practice sheets are most appropriate for which groups.
Day 1 Y3 Subtraction by counting up Sheet 1
Working towards ARE / Working at ARE / Greater Depth
Working towards ARE do section A and try some of section B, using landmarked lines to help.
Working at ARE complete sections A and B, drawing their own empty number line jottings.
Greater Depth complete sections B and C.
Day 1 Y4 Counting up to subtract Sheet 2
Working towards ARE
Day 1 Y4 Counting up to subtract Sheet 3
Working at ARE / Greater Depth
Day 2 Y3 Subtraction by counting up Sheet 1
Working towards ARE / Working at ARE / Greater Depth
Working towards ARE complete section A and try some of section B, using landmarked lines to help.
Working at ARE complete section B and try some of C drawing their own empty number line jottings.
Greater Depth complete sections B and C. They may not need to draw jottings.
Day 2 Y4 Frog or counting back? Sheet 2
Working towards ARE
Day 2 Y4 Frog or counting back? Sheet 3
Working at ARE / Greater Depth
Day 3 Y3 Subtracting 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers Sheet 1
Working towards ARE / Working at ARE / Greater Depth
Working towards ARE complete Set A using a 0-100 beaded line for reference (see resources), then
complete Set B.
Working at ARE complete Set B then the rst four questions of Set C.
Greater Depth complete Set B then Set C.
Teacher Note: The nal 2 questions of Set C have an answer greater than 20 but less than 30.
Day 3 Y4 Subtracting 3-digit numbers Sheet 2
Working towards ARE / Working at ARE / Greater Depth
Working towards ARE complete Bronze and Challenge.
Working at ARE complete Bronze, Silver and Challenge.
Greater Depth complete 3 from Bronze, 3 from Silver and all of Gold and both Challenges.
Day 4 Y3 Subtracting 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers Sheet 1
Working towards ARE / Working at ARE / Greater Depth
Working towards ARE complete Set A and some of Set B (if they can). Children sketch empty number lines
and hops as appropriate.
Working at ARE complete Set B then the rst four questions of Set C.
Greater Depth complete Set B then Set C.
(Teacher Note: The nal 2 questions of Set C have an answer greater than 40 but less than 50.)
Day 4 Y4 Using addition to check subtraction Sheet 2
Working towards ARE
Day 4 Y4 Using addition to check subtraction Sheet 3
Working at ARE / Greater Depth
© Hamilton Trust practice_add-sub_34190
© Hamilton Trust
Subtraction by counting up
Sheet 1
Set A
_day 1
60 ‒ 45 = 40 ‒ 26 = 30 ‒ 13 =
50 ‒ 31 = 70 ‒ 52 = 80 ‒ 64 =
Set B
31 ‒ 18 = 86 ‒ 69 = 65 ‒ 47 =
43 ‒ 26 = 34 ‒ 15 = 52 ‒ 34 =
Set C
45 ‒ 28 = 35 ‒ 17 = 72 ‒ 54 =
93 ‒ 76 = 61 ‒ 33 = 54 ‒ 27 =
Use Maths Frog to calculate these subtracons.
34 ‒ 15 = 19. 57 ‒ 38 = 19. 82 ‒ 63 = 19.
Find three other pairs of numbers with a difference of 19. Write a statement about their
ones digits.
© Hamilton Trust
© Hamilton Trust
Counting up to subtract
Sheet 2
_day 1
Sketch number lines to help Maths Frog nd these differences:
30 ‒ 18 =
70 ‒ 55 =
40 ‒ 27 =
85 ‒ 79 =
53 ‒ 45 =
92 ‒ 78 =
63 ‒ 46 =
95 ‒ 59 =
Find the difference between each of these pairs: 23 and 32, 34 and 43 and 45 and 54.
What do you notice?
Write another similar pair.
© Hamilton Trust
© Hamilton Trust
Counting up to subtract
Sheet 3
_day 1
Sketch number lines to help Maths Frog nd these differences:
33 ‒ 18 =
72 ‒ 55 =
53 ‒ 27 =
65 ‒ 36 =
81 ‒ 45 =
74 ‒ 39 =
95 ‒ 76 =
67 ‒ 38 =
Sally writes a 2-digit number and then a smaller 2-digit number. She nds the difference. She notices that
the difference has the same digits as the smaller number but in reverse. Write three pairs of numbers that
could be Sally’s starting numbers. What do you notice about the larger number in each case?
© Hamilton Trust
Subtraction by counting up
Sheet 1
Set A
_day 2
30 ‒ 18 = 80 ‒ 66 = 40 ‒ 23 =
90 ‒ 75 = 60 ‒ 43 = 70 ‒ 54 =
Set B
83 ‒ 45 =
94 ‒ 78 = 45 ‒ 29 =
91 ‒ 76 = 54 ‒ 26 =
Set C
74 ‒ 58 = 65 ‒ 37 = 82 ‒ 46 =
53 ‒ 28 = 81 ‒ 47 = 95 ‒ 66 =
Use Maths Frog to help you work out these subtracons.
Frog does a hop of 6 and then a jump of 20. Write three pairs of 2-digit numbers which
could be his subtraction.
42 ‒ 24 =
© Hamilton Trust
© Hamilton Trust
Frog or counting back?
Sheet 2
_day 2
Decide whether to use Frog or counting back to solve each of these calculations.
Can you explain your choice ofstrategy for each question?
50 – 25 60 – 56
100 – 75 78 – 52
72 – 65 84 – 21
43 – 37 102 – 95
Write a subtraction for a friend which you would expect them to solve using Frog.
© Hamilton Trust
© Hamilton Trust
Frog or counting back?
Sheet 3
_day 2
Decide whether to use Frog or counting back to solve each of these calculations.
Can you explain your choice of strategy for each question?
102 – 75 78 – 52
132 – 48 163 – 82
132 – 91 146 – 77
155 – 75 123 – 61
118 – 59 115 – 56
Write three subtractions for a friend. One that is probably best done using Frog, one that is straightforward to
do by counting back, and one that could be efciently solved using either method.
© Hamilton Trust
Subtracting 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers
Sheet 1
Set A
The ‘baby’ number has a 1s digit that is 1 more than the 1s digit of the big number.
The 1s digit in the answer is always the same. What is it?
Suppose the ‘baby’ number has a 1s digit that is 2 more than the 1s digit of the big
number? What is the 1s digit in the answer then?
100 ‒ 82 = 100 ‒ 73 = 100 ‒ 57 =
100 ‒ 44 = 100 ‒ 68 = 100 ‒ 71 =
Set B
103 ‒ 94 = 102 ‒ 96 = 104 ‒ 95 =
105 ‒ 97 = 106 ‒ 98 = 103 ‒ 94 =
Set C
104 ‒ 86 = 108 ‒ 89 = 112 ‒ 94 =
114 ‒ 98 = 114 ‒ 85 = 112 ‒ 88 =
_day 3
© Hamilton Trust
Subtracting 3-digit numbers
Sheet 2
_day 3
Use Frog to help you count up to solve these subtractions.
Use the answer to 500 ‒ 457 to say the answer to 501 – 457 without drawing
another Frog line.
Use answer to 800 ‒ 783 to say the answer to 802 – 783.
What about 303 – 218?
500 – 457
800 – 783
300 – 218
700 – 621
900 – 842
600 – 596
216 – 164
303 – 286
417 – 379
805 – 765
519 – 483
702 – 691
623 – 571
941 – 865
319 – 293
516 – 465
725 – 682
834 – 798
Try 567 – 476, then 523 – 432, then 578 – 487, then 545 – 454.
Can you describe what these have in common (other than being between 400
and 600)?
Can you write another subtraction that follows the same pattern?
© Hamilton Trust
Subtracting 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers
Sheet 1
Set A
Use the digits 9, 8, 1, 2 and 3. Create a subtraction which looks like this:
‒ . It must have the largest possible answer.
Now create one using the same digits that has the smallest possible answer.
101 ‒ 82 = 107 ‒ 93 = 105 ‒ 87 =
113 ‒ 94 = 114 ‒ 96 = 112 ‒ 92 =
Set B
113 ‒ 84 = 106 ‒ 79 = 127 ‒ 98 =
115 ‒ 89 = 124 ‒ 97 = 118 ‒ 78 =
Set C
104 ‒ 76 = 108 ‒ 69 = 122 ‒ 84 =
111 ‒ 73 = 119 ‒ 75 = 138 ‒ 93 =
_day 4
© Hamilton Trust
Using addition to check subtraction
Sheet 2
_day 4
Be the teacher!
Use addition to check these subtractions.
If you nd a wrong answer use Frog to help you nd the
right answer.
61 8
95 10
188 12
390 15
198 9
295 17
296 20
398 27
69 ‒ 61 = 8
105 ‒ 95 = 10
200 ‒ 188 = 12
400 ‒ 390 = 15
207 ‒ 198 = 9
312 ‒ 295 = 17
311 ‒ 296 = 20
425 ‒ 398 = 27
© Hamilton Trust
Using addition to check subtraction
Sheet 3
_day 4
Use Frog to nd the differences, then check your answers
with addition.
69 ‒ 61 =
105 ‒ 95 =
200 ‒ 188 =
400 ‒ 390 =
207 ‒ 198 =
312 ‒ 295 =
311 ‒ 296 =
425 ‒ 398 =
Use these digits: 5, 6 and 7 to create two 3-digit numbers.
You must use all three digits in each number.
Find the difference between your two numbers.
Repeat, but this time, create the two numbers which will give you the largest
difference possible. Are you certain this is the largest difference?
Now create the two numbers that will give you the smallest difference possible.
© Hamilton Trust
Addition and subtraction
Day 1 Y3 Subtraction by counting up Sheet 1
Set A
15 14 17
Set B
13 17 18
Set C
17 18 18
Many possible answers. The ones digits are always consecutive numbers when the answer to
the subtraction is 19, e.g. 63 ‒ 44, 78 ‒ 59, etc..
Day 1 Y4 Counting up to subtract Sheet 2
30 ‒ 18 = 12
70 ‒ 55 = 15
40 ‒ 27 = 13
85 ‒ 79 = 6
53 ‒ 45 = 8
92 ‒ 78 = 14
63 ‒ 46 = 17
95 ‒ 59 = 36
The difference between each pair of numbers is 9.
Other examples: 12 and 21, 56 and 65.
Day 1 Y4 Counting up to subtract Sheet 3
33 ‒ 18 = 15
72 ‒ 55 = 17
53 ‒ 27 = 26
65 ‒ 36 = 29
81 ‒ 45 = 36
74 ‒ 39 = 35
95 ‒ 76 = 19
67 ‒ 38 = 29
Sally’s starting numbers could be:
55 and 32 (55 ‒ 32 = 23)
33 and 21 (33 ‒ 21 = 12)
99 and 54 (99 ‒ 54 = 45)
The 10s and 1s digits are the same in the
larger starting number.
Day 2 Y3 Subtracting by counting up Sheet 1
Set A
12 14 17
Set B
18 16 16
Set C
16 28 36
Frog does a hop of 6 and then a hop of 20. Write three pairs of 2-digit numbers which could
be his subtraction.
For example: 50 ‒ 24, 40 ‒ 14, 60 ‒ 34.
Day 2 Y4 Frog or counting back? Sheet 3
102 ‒ 75 = 27
132 ‒ 48 = 84
132 ‒ 91 = 41
155 ‒ 75 = 80
118 ‒ 59 = 59
78 ‒ 52 = 26
163 ‒ 82 = 81
146 ‒ 77 = 69
123 ‒ 61 = 62
115 ‒ 56 = 59
Day 2 Y4 Frog or counting back? Sheet 2
50 ‒ 25 = 25
100 ‒ 75 = 25
72 ‒ 65 = 7
43 ‒ 37 = 6
60 ‒ 56 = 4
78 ‒ 52 = 26
84 ‒ 21 = 63
102 ‒ 95 = 7
© Hamilton Trust
Addition and subtraction
Day 3 Y3 Subtracting 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers Sheet 1
Set A
18 27 43
Set B
9 6 9
Set C
18 19 18
The ones digit in the answer will always be 9. If the baby number digit is 2 more then
the answer ones digit will always be 8.
Day 3 Y4 Subtracting 3-digit numbers Sheet 2
500 – 457 = 43
800 – 783 = 17
300 – 218 = 82
700 – 621 = 79
900 – 842 = 58
600 – 596 = 4
216 – 164 = 52
303 – 286 = 17
417 – 379 = 38
805 – 765 = 40
519 – 483 = 36
702 – 691 = 11
623 – 571 = 52
941 – 865 = 76
319 – 293 = 26
516 – 465 = 51
725 – 682 = 43
834 – 798 = 36
501 - 457 = 44 (one more than 500 - 457)
802 - 783 = 19 (two more than 800 - 783)
303 - 218 = 85 (three more than 300 - 218)
567 – 476 = 91
523 – 432 = 91
578 – 487 = 91
545 – 454.= 91
They all equal 91.
Another example is 589 - 498 or
712 - 621.
© Hamilton Trust
Addition and subtraction
Day 4 Y3 Subtracting 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers Sheet 1
Set A
19 14 18
Set B
29 27 29
Set C
28 39 38
The largest difference 983 ‒ 12 = 971
The smallest difference 123 ‒ 98 = 25
Day 4 Y4 Using addition to check subtraction Sheet 2
69 ‒ 61 = 8 Correct
105 ‒ 95 = 10 Correct
200 ‒ 188 = 12 Correct
400 ‒ 390 = 15 Incorrect. The correct answer is 10.
207 ‒ 198 = 9 Correct
312 ‒ 295 = 17 Correct
311 ‒ 296 = 20 Incorrect. The correct answer is 15.
425 ‒ 398 = 27 Correct
Day 4 Y4 Using addition to check subtraction Sheet 3
69 ‒ 61 = 8
105 ‒ 95 = 10
200 ‒ 188 = 12
400 ‒ 390 = 10
207 ‒ 198 = 9
312 ‒ 295 = 17
311 ‒ 296 = 15
425 ‒ 398 = 27
657 - 576 = 81 765 - 567 = 198 (largest diference)
657 - 567 = 90
675 - 576 = 99 576 - 567 = 9 (smallest difference)
675 - 567 = 108
756 - 576 = 180