Online Certicates
& Degrees
ELAC offers a wide range of degrees and certicates that
can be taken online from the comfort of your own home.
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Administration of Justice & Public Safety
Business, Law, & Information Technology
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(323) 780-6800
Administration of Justice & Public Safety
Administration of Justice,
Associate in Arts Degree
subject / # course units
Complete 18 units:
ADM JUS 1 Introduction to Administration of Justice 3
ADM JUS 2 Concepts of Criminal Law 3
ADM JUS 3 Legal Aspects of Evidence 3
ADM JUS 4 Principles and Procedures of the Justice System 3
ADM JUS 5 Criminal Investigation 3
ADM JUS 6 Patrol Procedures 3
ADM JUS 14 Report Writing for Peace Ofcers 3
ADM JUS 49 Narcotics and Vice Control 3
ADM JUS 62 Fingerprint Classication 3
ADM JUS 67 Community Relations I 3
ADM JUS 75 Introduction to Corrections 3
ADM JUS 160 Police Organization and Administration 3
ADM JUS 172 Criminalistics I 3
ADM JUS 173 Criminalistics II 3
ADM JUS 174 Offender Proling in Criminal Investigations 3
ADM JUS 178 Terrorism: The First Responder 3
ADM JUS 428 Ethics in Forensic Science 3
Complete all:
ADM JUS or PUBSERV elective units 6
Free electives 18
LACCD General Education Plan 21
= 60
Note: Administration of Justice 001 may be
double counted under GE area B2.
Administration of Justice
Associate in Science for Transfer
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ADM JUS 1 Introduction to Administration of Justice 3
ADM JUS 2 Concepts of Criminal Law 3
List A: complete two courses:
ADM JUS 3 Legal Aspects of Evidence 3
ADM JUS 4 Principles and Procedures of the Justice System 3
ADM JUS 5 Criminal Investigation 3
ADM JUS 67 Community Relations I 3
ADM JUS 75 Introduction to Corrections 3
List B: complete two courses:
ADM JUS 160 Police Organization and Administration 3
ADM JUS 172 Criminalistics I 3
MATH 227 Statistics 4
or MATH 227S Statistics with Support 4
PSYCH 1 General Psychology I 3
SOC 1 Introduction to Sociology 3
List A or any List A course not already used
Complete all:
Complete additional CSU units, if needed,
to reach 60 CSU transferable units
IGETC or CSU GE Pattern
= 60
Note: 3 units of major courses may be double
counted towards General Education
Forensic Crime Scene Investigation,
Associate in Science Degree
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ADM JUS 1 Introduction to Administration of Justice 3
ADM JUS 5 Criminal Investigation 3
ADM JUS 172 Criminalistics I 3
ADM JUS 173 Criminalistics II 3
ADM JUS 174 Offender Proling in Criminal Investigations 3
ADM JUS 428 Ethics in Forensic Science 3
ADM JUS 62 Fingerprint Classication 3
ADM JUS 285 Directed Study – Administration of Justice 2
BIOLOGY 3 Introduction to Biology 4
PHOTO 47 Introduction to Digital Photography 3
Complete all:
Free elective: complete 15 units
from any degree applicable courses
LACCD General Education Plan 21
= 60
Note: 6 units of major courses may be
double counted in GE area A and B2
Administration of Justice,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ADM JUS 1 Introduction to Administration of Justice 3
ADM JUS 2 Concepts of Criminal Law 3
ADM JUS 3 Legal Aspects of Evidence 3
ADM JUS 5 Criminal Investigation 3
ADM JUS 14 Report Writing for Peace Ofcers 3
ADM JUS 67 Community Relations I 3
= 18
Administration of Justice/
Law Emphasis,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ADM JUS 1 Introduction to Administration of Justice 3
ADM JUS 2 Concepts of Criminal Law 3
ADM JUS 3 Legal Aspects of Evidence 3
ADM JUS 4 Principles and Procedures of the Justice System 3
ADM JUS 185 Directed Study – Administration of Justice 1
LAW 1 Business Law I 3
= 16
Administration of Justice/
Sociological Emphasis,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ADM JUS 1 Introduction to Administration of Justice 3
ADM JUS 2 Concepts of Criminal Law 3
ADM JUS 75 Introduction to Corrections 3
SOC 3 Crime and Delinquency 3
SOC 7 Juvenile Delinquency 3
= 15
Basic Police Academy Preparation,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ADM JUS 1 Introduction to Administration of Justice 3
ADM JUS 2 Concepts of Criminal Law 3
ADM JUS 5 Criminal Investigation 3
ADM JUS 6 Patrol Procedures 3
ADM JUS 14 Report Writing for Peace Ofcers 3
KIN 229 Body Conditioning Skills (in person) 1
= 16
Chemical Dependency Specialist
in Criminal Justice,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ADDICST 1 Understanding Addiction and Counseling 3
ADDICST 7 Addiction Treatment and Recovery 3
ADDICST 22 Prevention Specialist Training 3
ADM JUS 1 Introduction to Administration of Justice 3
ADM JUS 49 Narcotics and Vice Control 3
ADM JUS 75 Introduction to Corrections 3
= 18
Forensic Crime Scene Investigation,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ADM JUS 5 Criminal Investigation 3
ADM JUS 172 Criminalistics I 3
ADM JUS 173 Criminalistics II 3
ADM JUS 174 Offender Proling in Criminal Investigations 3
ADM JUS 285 Directed Study – Administration of Justice 2
ADM JUS 428 Ethics in Forensic Science 3
= 17
Fingerprint Classication,
Skill Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ADM JUS 62 Fingerprint Classication 3
= 3
Business, Law, & Information Technology
Associate in Arts for Transfer
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ECON 1 Principles of Economics I 3
ECON 2 Principles of Economics II 3
MATH 227 Statistics 4
or MATH 227S Statistics with Support 4
MATH 236 Calculus for Business and Social Science 5
or MATH 261 Calculus I 5
List A: complete one course:
ACCTG 1 Introductory Accounting I 5
ACCTG 2 Introductory Accounting II 5
CAOT 35 Concepts in Information Systems 3
CIS 101 Introduction to Computers and Their Uses 3
MATH 235 Finite Mathematics 5
MATH 262 Calculus II 5
List B: complete one course:
ECON 11 Economics and Globalization 3
ECON 30 Comparative Economic Systems 3
ECON 60 Economics and the Environment 3
MATH 263 Calculus III 5
MATH 270 Linear Algebra 3
List A any List A course not already used
Complete all:
Complete additional CSU units, if needed,
to reach 60 CSU transferable units
= 60
Note: 6 units of major courses may be double counted
towards general education. Business 015 can not be
substituted for Mathematics 227 or Mathematics 227S.
Associate in Arts Degree
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ACCTG 1 Introductory Accounting I 5
or ACCTG 21 Bookkeeping and Accounting I 3
and ACCTG 22 Bookkeeping and Accounting II 3
ACCTG 2 Introductory Accounting II 5
ACCTG 3 Intermediate Accounting I 3
ACCTG 12 Auditing 3
ACCTG 15 Tax Accounting I 3
ACCTG 28 Introduction to Accounting Software 2
or ACCTG 32 Accounting Using QuickBooks Pro 3
ACCTG 45 Governmental Accouting I 3
BUS 1 Introduction to Business 3
CIS 101 Introduction to Computers and Their Uses 3
LAW 1 Business Law I 3
SUPV 1 Elements of Supervision 3
Complete 6 units:
ACCTG 11 Cost Accounting 3
ACCTG 16 Tax Accounting II 3
ACCTG 19 Ethics for Accounting Professionals 3
ACCTG 38 International Accounting II 3
ACCTG 46 Governmental Accounting II 3
ACCTG 66 Introduction to Forensic Accounting 3
FINANCE 8 Personal Finance and Investments 3
LAW 2 Business Law II 3
Complete all:
LACCD General Education Plan 21
= 60-62
Business Management,
Associate in Arts Degree
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ACCTG 1 Introductory Accounting I 5
or ACCTG 21 Bookkeeping and Accounting I 3
BUS 1 Introduction to Business 3
ACCTG 15 Tax Accounting I 3
LAW 1 Business Law I 3
CIS 101 Introduction to Computers and Their Uses 3
FINANCE 2 Investments 3
FINANCE 8 Personal Finance and Investments 3
LAW 1 Business Law I 3
MGMT 13 Small Business Entrepreneurship 3
MGMT 15 Small Business Management II 3
or MGMT 2 Organization and Management Theory 3
MARKET 1 Principles of Selling 3
MARKET 11 Fundamentals of Advertising 3
MARKET 12 Advertising Copy and Layout 3
MARKET 31 Retail Merchandising 3
SUPV 1 Elements of Supervision 3
PUB REL 1 Principles of Public Relations 3
or MGMT 6 Public Relations in Business 3
Complete all:
Free elective: complete 1-3 units from
any degree applicable course(s)
LACCD General Education Plan 21
= 60
Note: 6 units of major courses may be double
counted in General Education area B2 and D2
Computer Science
Information Technology,
Associate in Arts Degree
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CIS 123 Microcomputers in Business 3
CIS 101 Introduction to Computers and Their Uses 3
CS 111 Programming in Visual Basic 3
CS 130
Introduction to Computer Architecture
and Organization
CIS 120 Introduction to Databases 3
CIS 111 Supporting Windows Desktops 3
CIS 210 Introduction to Computer Networking 3
CS 116 Programming in C++ 3
CIS 146 Introduction to Web Page Design 3
CS 113 Programming in JAVA 3
Complete 9 units:
CIS 162 Cyber Security I 3
CIS 222 PC Maintenance and Troubleshooting 2
CS 119 Programming in Python 3
CS 131 Discrete Structures with Application Programming 3
CS 152 Server-Side Ruby Web Programming 3
CIS 147 CIWA Web Page Authoring Fundamentals 3
CS 112 Programming in JavaScript 3
CIS 192 Introduction to Cloud Computing 3
CIS 193 Database Essentials in Amazon Web Services 3
CIS 194 Computer Engines in Amazon Web Services 3
CIS 195 Security in Amazon Web Services 3
CS 115 Programming in C# 3
CS 211 Advanced Visual Basic Programming 3
CS 213 Advanced Programming in Java 3
Complete all:
Electives: complete3 units from
any US or CSU transferable courses
LACCD General Education Plan 21
= 60
Note: CIS 101 may be double counted in
General Education area D2.
Executive Assistant,
Associate in Arts Degree
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CAOT 2 Computer Keyboarding and Document Applications II 3
CAOT 31 Business English 3
CAOT 35 Concepts in Information Systems 3
CAOT 92 Computer Windows Applications 2
CAOT 33 Records Management and Filing 2
CAOT 34 Business Terminology 2
CAOT 82 Microcomputer Software Survey in the Ofce 3
CAOT 84 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Word Processing 3
CAOT 85 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Spreadsheet 3
or CAOT 86 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Database 3
CAOT 110
Microcomputer Ofce Applications:
Presentation Design
CAOT 111
Microcomputer Ofce Applications:
Electronic Communications
Complete all:
Electives: complete 6 units of any
degree applicable course
LACCD General Education Plan 21
= 60
Note: CAOT 35 (3 Units) May be double counted
in LACCD General Education area D2.
Associate in Arts Degree
subject / # course units
Complete all:
BUS 1 Introduction to Business 3
or BUS 172 Global Business 3
BUS 15 Business Statistics 3
CIS 101 Introduction to Computers and Their Uses 3
FINANCE 2 Investments 3
FINANCE 8 Personal Finance and Investments 3
MARKET 1 Principles of Selling 3
MARKET 11 Fundamentals of Advertising 3
MARKET 12 Advertising Copy and Layout 3
or MARKET 23 Introduction to Social Media Marketing 3
MARKET 31 Retail Merchandising 3
MGMT 13 Small Business Entrepreneurship 3
MGMT 15 Small Business Management II 3
or MGMT 2 Organization and Management Theory 3
PUB REL 1 Principles of Public Relations 3
or MGMT 6 Public Relations in Business 3
SOC 4 Sociological Analysis 3
PSYCH 13 Social Psychology 3
SUPV 1 Elements of Supervision 3
Complete all:
Electives: complete 3 units from
any UC or CSU transferable courses
LACCD General Education Plan 21
= 60
Note: 6 units of major may be double counted
in General Education area B2 and D2
Ofce Systems Specialist,
Associate in Arts Degree
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CAOT 31 Business English 3
CAOT 35 Concepts in Information Systems 3
CAOT 145 ePortfolio 1
CAOT 2 Computer Keyboarding and Document Applications II 3
CAOT 32 Business Communications 3
CAOT 92 Computer Windows Application 2
CAOT 84 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Word Processing 3
CAOT 85 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Spreadsheet 3
CAOT 109 Web Multimedia for the Ofce 3
CAOT 86 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Database 3
CAOT 110
Microcomputer Ofce Applications:
Presentation Design
CAOT 111
Microcomputer Ofce Applications:
Electronic Communications
CAOT 152 Mobile Apps for Business 3
CAOT 153 Social Media 3
Complete all:
Electives: complete 4 units of any
degree applicable course
LACCD General Education Plan 21
= 60
Note: CAOT 35 (3 units) may be double
counted in LACCD General Education area D2.
Real Estate,
Associate in Arts Degree
subject / # course units
Complete all:
BUS 15 Business Statistics 3
REAL ES 1 Real Estate Principles 3
REAL ES 3 Real Estate Practices 3
REAL ES 5 Legal Aspects of Real Estate I 3
REAL ES 7 Real Estate Finance I 3
REAL ES 9 Real Estate Appraisal I 3
REAL ES 21 Real Estate Economics 3
Complete 12 units:
ACCTG 1 Introductory Accounting 5
LAW 1 Business Law I 3
LAW 2 Business Law II 3
REAL ES 11 Escrow Principles 3
REAL ES 14 Property Management 3
REAL ES 16 Income Tax Aspects of Real Estate 3
REAL ES 17 Mortgage Loan Brokering 3
REAL ES 24 Common-Interest Developments 3
Complete all:
Electives: complete 9 units from any
UC or CSU transferable courses
LACCD General Education Plan 21
= 60
Note: BUS 15 (3 units) may be double counted
in General Education area D2.
Business Administration 2.0,
Associate in Science for Transfer
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ACCTG 1 Introductory Accounting I 5
ACCTG 2 Introductory Accounting II 5
ECON 1 Principles of Economics I 3
ECON 2 Principles of Economics II 3
LAW 1 Business Law I 3
MATH 236 Calculus for Business and Social Science 5
or MATH 235 Finite Mathematics 5
or MATH 261 Calculus I 5
MATH 227 Statistics 4
or MATH 227S Statistics with Support 4
BUS 1 Introduction to Business 3
Complete all:
Complete additional CSU units, if needed,
to reach 60 CSU transferable units
= 60
Note: 9 units of major courses may be double
counted towards General Education.
Technology and Logistics,
Associate in Science Degree
subject / # course units
Complete all:
LOGTIC 101 Technology in Global Logistics 1
LOGTIC 102 Concepts in Global Logistics 2
LOGTIC 103 Inventory in Global Logistics 2
LOGTIC 104 Logistics: Cornerstone Essentials 3
LOGTIC 105 Green Logistics and GIS Technology 3
LOGTIC 106 Leadership in Logistics 3
LOGTIC 107 E-Commerce for Global Logistics and Entrepreneurs 3
LOGTIC 108 Industry Safety Fundamentals 3
CAOT 32 Business Communications 3
CAOT 35 Concepts in Information Systems 3
CAOT 48 Customer Service 3
CAOT 133 How to Succeed in an Online Course 1
or CAOT 145 ePortfolio 1
Electives: complete 12 units:
ACCTG 1 Introductory Accounting I 5
or ACCTG 21 Bookkeeping and Accounting I 3
CAOT 82 Microcomputer Software Survey in the Ofce 3
CAOT 85 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Spreadsheet 3
CAOT 86 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Database 3
CAOT 92 Computer Windows Application 2
CAOT 111
Microcomputer Ofce Applications:
Electronic Communications
CAOT 145 ePortfolio 1
ECON 11 Economics of Globalization 3
Introduction to Geographic Information
Systems and Laboratory
or GIS 25
Introduction to Geographic Information
Systems and Laboratory
INTBUS 1 International Trade 3
INTBUS 3 Export Procedures I 3
INTBUS 4 Import Procedures I 3
SUPV 1 Elements of Supervision 3
Complete all:
LACCD General Education Plan 21
= 60
Note: CAOT 35 (3 units) may be double counted
in LACCD General Education area D2
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ACCTG 1 Introductory Accounting I 5
or ACCTG 21 Bookkeeping and Accounting I 3
and ACCTG 22 Bookkeeping and Accounting II 3
ACCTG 2 Introductory Accounting II 5
ACCTG 15 Tax Accounting I 3
LAW 1 Business Law I 3
CIS 101 Introduction to Computers and Their Uses 3
= 20-22
Administrative Assistant,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CAOT 2 Computer Keyboarding and Document Applications II 3
CAOT 31 Business English 3
CAOT 32 Business Communications 3
CAOT 33 Records Management and Electronic Filing 3
CAOT 35 Concepts in Information Systems 3
CAOT 82 Microcomputer Software Survey in the Ofce 3
CAOT 84 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Word Processing 3
CAOT 92 Computer Windows Application 2
CAOT 110
Microcomputer Ofce Applications:
Presentation Design
CAOT 111
Microcomputer Ofce Applications:
Electronic Communications
= 30
Business Information Worker I,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CAOT 1 Computer Keyboarding and Document Applications I 3
CAOT 32 Business Communications 3
CAOT 35 Concepts in Information Systems 3
CAOT 48 Customer Service 3
CAOT 85 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Spreadsheet 3
CAOT 92 Computer Windows Application 2
CAOT 111
Microcomputer Ofce Applications:
Electronic Communications
= 19
Business Information Worker II,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ACCTG 32 Accounting Using QuickBooks Pro 3
CAOT 33 Records Management and Electronic Filing 3
CAOT 48 Customer Service 3
CAOT 85 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Spreadsheet 3
CAOT 86 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Database 3
CAOT 110
Microcomputer Ofce Applications:
Presentation Design
= 18
Business Management I,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
BUS 1 Introduction to Business 3
or HLTHOOC 62 Skill Set for the Healthcare 2
BUS 11 Job Retention and Responsibility 1
Basical Medical Terminology, Pathophysiology
and Pharmacology for the Healthcare
FINANCE 8 Personal Finance and Investments 3
or ACCTG 1 Introductory Accounting I 5
or HLTHOOC 64 Cultural and Legal Topics for Healthcare 1
SUPV 1 Elements of Supervision 2
or HLTHOOC 65 Fundamentals for the Healthcare 5
MGMT 13 Small Business Entrepreneurship 3
MARKET 1 Principles of Selling 3
or MARKET 11 Fundamentals of Advertising 3
Complete 3 units:
FINANCE 2 Investments 3
MGMT 2 Organization and Management Theory 3
MGMT 6 Public Relations in Business 3
MGMT 15 Small Business Management II 3
= 19-21
Business Marketing I,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
BUS 1 Introduction to Business 3
BUS 11 Job Retention and Responsibility 1
CIS 101 Introduction to Computers and Their Uses 3
MARKET 1 Principles of Selling 3
MARKET 11 Fundamentals of Advertising 3
MARKET 12 Advertising Copy and Layout 3
or MARKET 23 Introduction to Social Media Marketing 3
MARKET 31 Retail Merchandising 3
Complete 3 units:
MGMT 2 Organization and Management Theory 3
MGMT 6 Public Relations in Business 3
MGMT 13 Small Business Entrepreneurship 3
MGMT 15 Small Business Management II 3
SUPV 1 Elements of Supervision 3
= 22
Cloud Computing,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CIS 192 Introduction to Cloud Computing 3
CIS 193 Database Essentials in Amazon Web Services 3
CIS 194 Computer Engines in Amazon Web Services 3
CIS 195 Security in Amazon Web Services 3
Complete 6 units:
CIS 101 Introduction to Computers and Their Uses 3
CS 119 Programming in Python 3
CS 152 Server-Side Ruby Web Programming 3
CS 115 Programming in C# 3
= 20-22
Computer Science Information
Technology - Microcomputers,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CIS 123 Microcomputers in Business 3
CIS 101 Introduction to Computers and Their Uses 3
CS 111 Programming in Visual Basic 3
CIS 120 Introduction to Databases 3
CIS 111 Supporting Windows Desktops 3
CIS 210 Introduction to Computer Networking 3
= 18
Computer Science Information
Technology - Programming,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CIS 101 Introduction to Computers and Their Uses 3
CS 111 Programming in Visual Basic 3
CIS 120 Introduction to Databases 3
CS 136 Introduction to Data Structures 3
CIS 216 Object-Oriented Programming in C++ 3
CS 116 Programming in C++ 3
CS 113 Programming in JAVA 3
= 21
Customer Service Representative,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CAOT 1 Computer Keyboarding and Document Applications I 3
CAOT 31 Business English 3
CAOT 32 Business Communications 3
CAOT 34 Business Terminology 2
CAOT 48 Customer Service 3
CAOT 82 Microcomputer Software Survey in the Ofce 3
= 17
Executive Assistant,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CAOT 2 Computer Keyboarding and Document Applications II 3
CAOT 31 Business English 3
CAOT 32 Business Communications 3
CAOT 33 Records Management and Electronic Filing 3
CAOT 34 Business Terminology 2
CAOT 35 Concepts in Information Systems 3
CAOT 82 Microcomputer Software Survey in the Ofce 3
CAOT 84 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Word Processing 3
CAOT 85 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Spreadsheet 3
or CAOT 86 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Database 3
CAOT 92 Computer Windows Application 2
CAOT 110
Microcomputer Ofce Applications:
Presentation Design
CAOT 111
Microcomputer Ofce Applications:
Electronic Communications
CAOT 145 ePortfolio 1
CAOT 153 Social Media 3
= 37
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
HOSPT 100 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry 3
HOSPT 340 Introduction to Professional Food Service 3
HOSPT 136 Small Business Entrepreneurship 3
or MGMT 2 Organization and Management Theory 3
MARKET 11 Fundamentals of Advertising 3
SUPV 1 Elements of Supervision 3
= 18
Industry Safety Standards,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CAOT 32 Business Communications 3
CAOT 82 Microcomputer Software Survey in the Ofce 3
LOGTIC 101 Technology in Global Logistics 1
LOGTIC 104 Logistics: Cornerstone Essentials 3
LOGTIC 106 Leadership in Logistics 3
LOGTIC 108 Industry Safety Fundamentals 3
= 16
International Trade,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
INT BUS 1 International Trade 3
INT BUS 3 Export Procedures I 3
INT BUS 4 Import Procedures I 3
ANTHRO 102 Human Ways of Life: Cultural Anthropology 3
CAOT 48 Customer Service 3
MATH 125 Intermediate Algebra 5
or MATH 125S Intermediate Algebra with Support 5
MATH 134 Accelerated Elementary and Intermediate Algebra 6
or MATH 137 Pre-Statistics Algebra 5
Foreign Lang. any ve unit Foreign Language Class 5
Complete one course:
GEOG 2 Cultural Elements of Geography 3
ENGLISH 101 College Reading and Composition I 3
or CAOT 32 Business Communications 3
Complete 5-6 units:
CAOT 82 Microcomputer Software Survey in the Ofce 3
CIS 101 Introduction to Computers and Their Uses 3
LOGTIC 101 Technology in Global Logistics 1
LOGTIC 102 Concepts in Global Logistics 2
LOGTIC 103 Inventory in Global Logistics 2
= 33-35
Microsoft Ofce Specialist,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CAOT 84 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Word Processing 3
CAOT 85 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Spreadsheet 3
CAOT 86 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Database 3
CAOT 92 Computer Windows Application 2
CAOT 110
Microcomputer Ofce Applications:
Presentation Design
CAOT 111
Microcomputer Ofce Applications:
Electronic Communications
= 16
Ofce Assistant ,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CAOT 1 Computer Keyboarding and Document Applications I 3
CAOT 31 Business English 3
CAOT 33 Records Management and Electronic Filing 3
CAOT 34 Business Terminology 2
CAOT 82 Microcomputer Software Survey in the Ofce 3
CAOT 111
Microcomputer Ofce Applications:
Electronic Communications
= 16
Ofce Systems Specialist ,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CAOT 2 Computer Keyboarding and Document Applications II 3
CAOT 31 Business English 3
CAOT 32 Business Communications 3
CAOT 35 Concepts in Information Systems 3
CAOT 84 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Word Processing 3
CAOT 85 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Spreadsheet 3
CAOT 86 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Database 3
CAOT 92 Computer Windows Application 2
CAOT 109 Web Multimedia for the Ofce 3
CAOT 110
Microcomputer Ofce Applications:
Presentation Design
CAOT 111
Microcomputer Ofce Applications:
Electronic Communications
CAOT 145 ePortfolio 1
CAOT 152 Mobile Apps for Business 3
CAOT 153 Social Media 3
= 38
Real Estate Broker,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
REAL ES 3 Real Estate Practices 3
REAL ES 5 Legal Aspects of Real Estate I 3
REAL ES 7 Real Estate Finance I 3
REAL ES 9 Real Estate Appraisal I 3
REAL ES 21 Real Estate Economics 3
Complete three courses:
ACCTG 1 Introductory Accounting I 5
LAW 1 Business Law I 3
REAL ES 1 Real Estate Principles 3
REAL ES 11 Escrow Principles 3
= 24-26
Technology & Logistics,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
LOGTIC 101 Technology in Global Logistics 1
LOGTIC 102 Concepts in Global Logistics 2
LOGTIC 103 Inventory in Global Logistics 2
LOGTIC 104 Logistics: Cornerstone Essentials 3
LOGTIC 105 Green Logistics and GIS Technology 3
CAOT 32 Business Communications 3
CAOT 35 Concepts in Information Systems 3
CAOT 48 Customer Service 3
CAOT 82 Microcomputer Software Survey in the Ofce 3
CAOT 133 How to Succeed in an Online Course 1
CAOT 145 ePortfolio 1
= 24
Technology for E-Commerce
and Entrepreneurs
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CAOT 48 Customer Service 3
CAOT 82 Microcomputer Software Survey in the Ofce 3
CAOT 152 Mobile Apps for Business 3
CAOT 153 Social Media 3
LOGTIC 101 Technology in Global Logistics 1
LOGTIC 107 E-Commerce for Global Trade & Entrepreneurs 3
= 16
Social Media,
Skill Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CAOT 32 Business Communications 3
CAOT 152 Mobile Apps for Business 3
CAOT 153 Social Media 3
= 9
Accounting Assistant,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ACCTG 1 Introductory Accounting I 5
= 5
Accounting Specialist,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ACCTG 1 Introductory Accounting I 5
ACCTG 2 Introductory Accounting II 5
= 10
Accounting Using QuickBooks Pro,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ACCTG 32 Accounting Using Quickbooks Pro 3
= 3
Advanced Government
Accounting Specialist,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ACCTG 45 Governmental Accounting I 3
ACCTG 46 Governmental Accounting II 3
= 6
Computer Essentials,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CIS 123 Microcomputers in Business 3
CIS 101 Introduction to Computers and Their Uses 3
= 6
Cyber Security,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CIS 101 Introduction to Computers and Their Uses 3
CIS 162 Cyber Security I 3
CIS 111 Supporting Windows Desktops 3
CIS 120 Introduction to Computer Networking 3
= 12
Logistics Analyst,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CAOT 85 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Spreadsheet 3
CAOT 86 Microcomputer Ofce Applications: Database 3
LOGTIC 931 Cooperative Education - Logistics 3
or LOGTIC 101 Technology in Global Logistics 1
LOGTIC 102 Concepts in Global Logistics 2
LOGTIC 103 Inventory in Global Logistics 2
= 11-13
Logistics Associate,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
LOGTIC 101 Technology in Global Logistics 1
LOGTIC 102 Concepts in Global Logistics 2
LOGTIC 103 Inventory in Global Logistics 2
LOGTIC 104 Logistics: Cornerstone Essentials 3
LOGTIC 105 Green Logistics and GIS Technology 3
= 11
Logistics Specialist ,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CAOT 32 Business Communications 3
CAOT 48 Customer Service 3
LOGTIC 108 Industry Safety Fundamentals 3
LOGTIC 931 Cooperative Education - Logistics 3
or LOGTIC 101 Technology in Global Logistics 1
LOGTIC 102 Concepts in Global Logistics 2
LOGTIC 103 Inventory in Global Logistics 2
= 14-16
Micro Business Management,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
BUS 1 Introduction to Business 3
MGMT 13 Small Business Entrepreneurship 3
FINANCE 8 Personal Finance and Investments 3
or ACCTG 1 Introductory Accounting I 5
MARKET 1 Principles of Selling 3
or MARKET 11 Fundamentals of Advertising 3
= 12-14
Real Estate Agent,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
REAL ES 1 Principals of Real Estate 3
= 3
Real Estate Escrow,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
REAL ES 11 Escrow Principles 3
Complete 6 units:
REAL ES 1 Principals of Real Estate 3
REAL ES 3 Real Estate Practices 3
REAL ES 5 Legal Aspects of Real Estate I 3
REAL ES 7 Real Estate Finance 3
= 9
Real Estate Sales,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
REAL ES 1 Principals of Real Estate 3
REAL ES 3 Real Estate Practices 3
Complete two courses:
ACCTG 1 Introductory Accounting I 5
LAW 1 Business Law I 3
REAL ES 5 Legal Aspects of Real Estate I 3
REAL ES 7 Real Estate Finance 3
REAL ES 9 Real Estate Appraisal I 3
REAL ES 11 Escrow Principles 3
REAL ES 21 Real Estate Economics 3
= 9-11
Health Sciences
Health Information Technology,
Associate in Science Degree
subject / # course units
Complete all:
MATH 227 Statistics 4
or MATH 227S Statistics with Support 4
and CAOT 82 Microcomputer Software Survey in the Ofce 3
PHYSIOL 6 Anatomy and Physiology 6
HTHTEK 133 Medical Terminology 3
HTHTEK 100 Intro to Health Information Technology 3
HTHTEK 106 Hospital Ethics and Law 2
HTHTEK 134 Introduction to Pathology 3
HTHTEK 108 Introduction to Pharmacology 1
HTHTEK 103 Introduction to Basic Coding 3
HTHTEK 207 Introduction to Health Statistics 3
HTHTEK 230 Electronic Health Records in the Healthcare System 3
HTHTEK 215 Advanced Inpatient Coding and Abstracting 3
HTHTEK 221 Quality Management and Leadership 3
Health Information Services Organization
and Management
HTHTEK 110 Ambulatory Care Coding 3
Health Care Reimbursement and
Revenue Management Cycle
HTHTEK 202 Directed Practice for Coding Specialists 1
HTHTEK 241 Directed Practice in Health Information Procedures II 4
Complete all:
LACCD General Education Plan 21
= 64
Note: 3 units from PHYSIOL 6 may be
double counted in GE area A.
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
HLTHOOC 62 Skill Set for the Healthcare Professional 2
Basical Medical Terminology, Pathophysiology
and Pharmacology for the Healthcare Professional
HLTHOOC 64 Cultural and Legal Topics for Healthcare Professionals 1
HLTHOOC 65 Fundamentals for the Healthcare Professionals 2.5
FAM & CS 6 Challenges of Aging 3
FAM & CS 21 Nutrition 3
FAM & CS 91 Life Management 3
= 16.5
Health Information
Coding and Statistics Clerk,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
HTHTEK 100 Intro to Health Information Technology 3
HTHTEK 103 Introduction to Basic Coding 3
HTHTEK 106 Hospital Ethics and Law 2
HTHTEK 108 Introduction to Pharmacology 1
HTHTEK 110 Ambulatory Care Coding 3
HTHTEK 133 Medical Terminology 3
HTHTEK 134 Introduction to Pathology 3
HTHTEK 202 Directed Practice for Coding Specialists 1
HTHTEK 207 Introduction to Health Statistics 3
HTHTEK 215 Advanced Inpatient Coding and Abstracting 3
PHYSIOL 6 Anatomy and Physiology 6
or BIOLOGY 20 Human Anatomy and Physiology 8
CAOT 82 Microcomputer Software Survey in the Ofce 3
or ENGLISH 101 College Reading and Composition I 3
= 34-36
Health Information Coding Specialist,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CAOT 82 Microcomputer Software Survey in the Ofce 3
HTHTEK 100 Intro to Health Information Technology 3
HTHTEK 103 Introduction to Basic Coding 3
HTHTEK 106 Hospital Ethics and Law 2
HTHTEK 108 Introduction to Pharmacology 1
HTHTEK 110 Ambulatory Care Coding 3
HTHTEK 133 Medical Terminology 3
HTHTEK 134 Introduction to Pathology 3
HTHTEK 202 Directed Practice for Coding Specialists 1
HTHTEK 215 Advanced Inpatient Coding and Abstracting 3
PHYSIOL 6 Anatomy and Physiology 6
= 31
Health Information Technology,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CAOT 82 Microcomputer Software Survey in the Ofce 3
MATH 227 Statistics 4
or MATH 227S Statistics with Support 4
PHYSIOL 6 Anatomy and Physiology 6
HTHTEK 133 Medical Terminology 3
HTHTEK 100 Intro to Health Information Technology 3
HTHTEK 106 Hospital Ethics and Law 2
HTHTEK 134 Introduction to Pathology 3
HTHTEK 108 Introduction to Pharmacology 1
HTHTEK 103 Introduction to Basic Coding 3
HTHTEK 207 Introduction to Health Statistics 3
HTHTEK 230 Electronic Health Records in the Healthcare System 3
HTHTEK 215 Advanced Inpatient Coding and Abstracting 3
HTHTEK 221 Quality Management and Leadership 3
Health Information Services Organization
and Management
HTHTEK 110 Ambulatory Care Coding 3
Health Care Reimbursement and
Revenue Management Cycle
HTHTEK 202 Directed Practice for Coding Specialists 1
HTHTEK 241 Directed Practice in Health Information Procedures II 4
= 53
Interventional Radiology Coding,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CAOT 82 Microcomputer Software Survey in the Ofce 3
HTHTEK 100 Intro to Health Information Technology 3
HTHTEK 103 Introduction to Basic Coding 3
HTHTEK 106 Hospital Ethics and Law 2
HTHTEK 108 Introduction to Pharmacology 1
HTHTEK 110 Ambulatory Care Coding 3
HTHTEK 133 Medical Terminology 3
HTHTEK 134 Introduction to Pathology 3
HTHTEK 202 Directed Practice for Coding Specialists 1
HTHTEK 215 Advanced Inpatient Coding and Abstracting 3
HTHTEK 216 Interventional Radiology Coding 3
= 34
Health/ Service Careers Foundational,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
HLTHOOC 62 Skill Set for the Healthcare Professional 2
Basical Medical Terminology, Pathophysiology
and Pharmacology for the Healthcare Professional
HLTHOOC 64 Cultural and Legal Topics for Healthcare Professionals 1
HLTHOOC 65 Fundamentals for the Healthcare Professionals 2.5
= 7.5
Front Ofce Medical Assistant,
Certicate of Completion
subject / # course units
Complete all:
HTHTEK 133 Medical Terminology 3
ALD HTH 57 Computers in Health Occupations 1
HLTHOCC 54 Human Disease for Health Occupations 4
HLTHOCC 40 Introduction to Medical Assisting 3
HLTHOCC 61 Medical Insurance 3
Medical Ofce Microcomputer
Management Applications
HLTHOCC 52 Medical Ofce Procedures I 4
HLTHOCC 53 Medical Ofce Procedures II 4
HLTHOCC 55 Clinical Assisting Techniques I 4
HLTHOCC 59 Practicum for the Medical Assistant 2
= 29
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics
Computer Aided Drafting (CAD),
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
Engineering Graphics with Introduction
to GD&T and 2-D CAD
EGD TEK 111 2-D Computer-Aided Drafting with AutoCAD 3
EGD TEK 121 3-D Computer Aided Design with SolidWorks 2
EGD TEK 221 CAD Advanced Applications 3-D 2
IND TEK 103 Technical Writing and Communication 2
IND TEK 104 Print Reading with GD&T 2
IND TEK 106 Shop Math and Measurements 2
= 16
A+ certication,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CISCO Essentials: Part 1 COMPTIAS
A+ Hardware Certication
CISCO Essentials: Part 2 COMPTIAS
A+ Software Certication
ELECTRN 126 Installing, Conguring and Administering
a Microsoft OS
= 9
Engineering Graphics and Design,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
EGD TEK 102 Engineering Graphics with Introduction
to GD&T and 2-D CAD
EGD TEK 111 2-D Computer-Aided Drafting with AutoCAD 3
EGD TEK 121 3-D Computer Aided Design with SolidWorks 2
= 8
Network +,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CISCO Essentials: Part 1 COMPTIAS
A+ Hardware Certication
CISCO Essentials: Part 2 COMPTIAS
A+ Software Certication
ELECTRN 125 COMPTIA Network+ Certication Training 3
Installing, Conguring and
Administering a Microsoft OS
= 12
Land Surveying Technician,
Skills Certicate II
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ENG SUP 224 Land Surveyors in Training Preparatory Course 2
ENG SUP 225 Boundary Control for Surveyors 2
= 4
Programming Certication
(Dual Enrollment Program),
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
MIT 220 Introduction to Robotics 3
EET 123 Introduction to Arduino 2
= 5
Programming and Problem Solving,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
ENG GEN 121 Programming for Engineers: C++ 4
ENG GEN 122 Programming and Problem-Solving in MATLAB 3
= 7
Property Boundaries for
Real Estate and Land Surveying,
Skills Certicate
subject / # course units
Complete all:
REAL ES 5 Legal Aspects of Real Estate I 3
ENG SUP 225 Boundary Control for Surveyors 2
= 5
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Associate in Arts for Transfer
subject / # course units
Complete all:
Political and Social History of the
United States to 1877
Political and Social History of the
United States from 1865
List A: complete two courses:
HISTORY 1 Introduction to Western Civilization I 3
or HISTORY 86 Introduction to World Civilization I 3
HISTORY 2 Introduction to Western Civilization II 3
or HISTORY 87 Introduction to World Civilization II 3
List B (Area 1 Diversity): complete one course:
AFRO AM 4 The African-American in the History of the U.S. I 3
AFRO AM 5 The African-American in the History of the U.S. II 3
ASIAN 1 The Asian in America 3
ASIAN 3 The Peoples and Cultures of Asia 3
ASIAN 11 Chinese Civilization 3
HISTORY 5 History of the Americas I 3
HISTORY 6 History of the Americas II 3
HISTORY 7 The World’s Great Religions 3
HISTORY 23 Latin American Civilization 3
HISTORY 52 The Role of Women in the History of the U.S. 3
POL SCI 2 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3
SOC 11 Race and Ethnic Relations 3
List A any List A course not already used
List B (Area 2): complete one course:
AFRO AM 4 The African-American in the History of the U.S. I 3
AFRO AM 5 The African-American in the History of the U.S. II 3
ASIAN 1 The Asian in America 3
ASIAN 3 The Peoples and Cultures of Asia 3
ASIAN 11 Chinese Civilization 3
HISTORY 5 History of the Americas I 3
HISTORY 6 History of the Americas II 3
HISTORY 7 The World’s Great Religions 3
HISTORY 23 Latin American Civilization 3
HISTORY 52 The Role of Women in the History of the U.S. 3
HISTORY 81 A History of Working People in the United States I 3
HISTORY 82 A History of Working People in the United States II 3
List A any List A course not already used
Complete all:
Complete additional CSU units, if needed,
to reach 60 CSU transferable units
= 60
Note: 6 units of major courses may be double
counted towards general education.
Associate in Arts for Transfer
subject / # course units
Complete all:
PHILOS 8 Deductive Logic 3
or PHILOS 6 Logic in Practice 3
PHILOS 1 Introduction to Philosophy 3
or PHILOS 20 Ethics 3
List A: complete one course:
PHILOS 12 History of Greek Philosophy 3
PHILOS 13 History of Medieval Philosophy 3
PHILOS 14 History of Modern European Philosophy 3
Core any required core not already used
List B: complete two courses:
HISTORY 1 Introduction to Western Civilization I 3
HISTORY 2 Introduction to Western Civilization II 3
PHILOS 31 Philosophy of Religion 3
PHILOS 33 Comparative Survey of World Religions 3
List A any List A course not already used
List C: complete one course:
PHILOS 19 Contemporary Problems in Bioethics 3
PHILOS 28 Environmental Ethics 3
PHILOS 44 Feminist Philosophy 3
PHILOS 15 History of Contemporary Philosophy 3
List A or B any List A or B course not already used
Complete all:
Complete additional CSU units, if needed,
to reach 60 CSU transferable units
= 60
Note: 9-18 units of major courses may be double
counted towards general education or 6-15 units in
IGETC, depending on which GE plan is chosen.
Political Science,
Associate in Arts for Transfer
subject / # course units
Complete all:
POL SCI 1 The Government of the United States 3
List A: complete three courses:
POL SCI 2 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3
POL SCI 5 The History of Western Political Thought 3
POL SCI 7 Contemporary World Affairs 3
POL SCI 50 Introduction to Research in Political Science 3
MATH 227 Statistics 4
or MATH 227S Statistics with Support 4
List B: complete two courses:
List A any List A course not already used
or POL SCI 19 Women in Politics 3
AFRO AM 4 The African-American in the History of the U.S. I 3
AFRO AM 5 The African-American in the History of the U.S. II 3
ASIAN 1 The Asian in America 3
The Mexican-American in the
History of the United States I
The Mexican-American in the
History of the United States II
CHICANO 47 The Mexican-American Woman in Society 3
CHICANO 80 Chicano Politics 3
ECON 1 Principles of Economics I 3
ECON 2 Principles of Economics II 3
ECON 60 Economics and the Environment 3
HISTORY 6 History of the Americas II 3
Political and Social History of
the United States to 1877
Political and Social History of
the United States from 1865
HISTORY 52 The Role of Women in the History of the U.S. 3
HISTORY 81 A History of Working People in the United States I 3
HISTORY 82 A History of Working People in the United States II 3
LAW 3 Civil Rights and the Law 3
SOC 11 Race and Ethnic Relations 3
SOC 22 Sociology of Women 3
POL SCI 40 Law and Democracy 3
or SOC 14 Law and Democracy 3
Complete all:
Complete additional CSU units, if needed,
to reach 60 CSU transferable units
= 60
Note: 12-13 units of major courses may be
double counted towards general education.
Associate in Arts for Transfer
subject / # course units
Complete all:
PSYCH 1 General Psychology 3
PSYCH 91 Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences 4
or MATH 227 Statistics 4
or MATH 227S Statistics with Support 4
List A: complete one course:
PSYCH 2 Biological Psychology 3
List B: complete one course:
PSYCH 11 Child Psychology 3
PSYCH 13 Social Psychology 3
PSYCH 41 Life-Span Psychology 3
PSYCH 43 Principles of Group Dynamics 3
List C: complete one course:
List B any List B course not already used 3
or PSYCH 14 Abnormal Psychology 3
PSYCH 29 Multicultural Psychology 3
PSYCH 32 Psychology of Women 3
PSYCH 52 Psychological Aspects of Human Sexuality 3
PSYCH 77 Sport Psychology 3
Multivariate Statistical Analysis for
the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Complete all:
Complete additional CSU units, if needed,
to reach 60 CSU transferable units
= 60
Note: 9 units of major courses may be double
counted towards general education.
Social Justice: Asian American Studies,
Associate in Arts for Transfer
subject / # course units
Complete all:
SOC 11 Race and Ethnic Relations 3
SOC 2 Sociology of Women 3
ASIAN 1 The Asian American in the History of the United States 3
Complete three courses from at least two areas:
Area 1: History Or Government
ASIAN 11 Chinese Civilization 3
Area 2: Arts and Humanities
ARTHIST 130 Survey of Asian Art History 3
ASIAN 3 The Peoples and Cultures of Asia 3
ASIAN 20 Asian and Asian American Film 3
Area 3: Social Science
ASIAN 2 Contemporary Issues of Asians in America 3
ASIAN 3 The Peoples and Cultures of Asia 3
Area 4: Quantitative Reasoning and Research Methods
(only one course from Area 4 may be used)
MATH 227 Statistics 4
or MATH 227S Statistics with Support 4
POL SCI 50 Introduction to Research in Political Science 3
PSYCH 92 Psychological Research Methods 5
SOC 4 Sociological Analysis 3
Complete all:
Complete additional CSU units, if needed,
to reach 60 CSU transferable units
= 60
Social Justice: Gender Studies,
Associate in Arts for Transfer
subject / # course units
Complete all:
SOC 11 Race and Ethnic Relations 3
SOC 2 Sociology of Women 3
CHICANO 47 The Mexican-American Woman in Society 3
or HEALTH 8 Women’s Personal Health 3
or ENGLISH 239 Women in Literature 3
or SOC 1 Introduction to Sociology 3
or SOC 2 American Social Problems 3
Complete three courses from at least two areas:
Area 1: History or Government
HISTORY 52 The Role of Women in the History of the U.S. 3
POL SCI 19 Women in Politics 3
Area 2: Arts and Humanities
ARTHIST 181 History of Women and Art 3
ENGLISH 239 Women in Literature 3
HUMAN 8 Great Women in the Humanities 3
PHILOS 44 Feminist Philosophy 3
Area 3: Social Science
ANTHRO 109 Gender, Sex and Culture 3
CHICANO 47 The Mexican-American Women in Society 3
CHICANO 50 Gender and Sexuality in Chicano/Latino Communities 3
KIN MAJ 109 Women in Sport 3
PSYCH 32 Psychology of Women 3
Area 4: Quantitative Reasoning and Research Methods
(only one course from Area 4 may be used)
MATH 227 Statistics 4
or MATH 227S Statistics with Support 4
PSYCH 92 Psychological Research Methods 5
SOC 4 Sociological Analysis 3
Area 5: Major Preparation
CHICANO 47 The Mexican-American Women in Society 3
HEALTH 8 Women’s Personal Health 3
ENGLISH 239 Women in Literature 3
SOC 1 Introduction to Sociology 3
SOC 2 American Social Problem 3
Complete all:
Complete additional CSU units, if needed,
to reach 60 CSU transferable units
= 60
Associate in Arts for Transfer
subject / # course units
Complete all:
SOC 1 Introduction to Sociology 3
Complete two courses:
SOC 2 American Social Problem 3
SOC 4 Sociological Analysis 3
MATH 227 Statistics 4
or MATH 227S Statistics with Support 4
List A: complete two courses
Core any required core course not already used
SOC 3 Crime and Delinquency 3
SOC 11 Race and Ethnic Relations 3
SOC 12 Marriage and Family Life 3
or FAM & CS 31 Marriage and Family Life 3
SOC 13 Society and Personality 3
or PSYCH 13 Social Psychology 3
List B: complete one course
List A any List A course not already used 3
SOC 7 Juvenile Delinquency 3
SOC 14 Law and Democracy 3
or POL SCI 40 Law and Democracy 3
SOC 19 Introduction to Social Services 3
SOC 21 Human Sexuality 3
SOC 22 Sociology of Women 3
SOC 23 Issues of Manhood in U.S. Society 3
SOC 86 Popular Culture 3
Complete all:
Complete additional CSU units, if needed,
to reach 60 CSU transferable units
= 60
Note: 6 units of major courses may be doubled
counted towards general education.
Infant/Toddler emphasis,
Certicate of Achievement
subject / # course units
Complete all:
CH DEV 1 Child Growth and Development 3
CH DEV 11 Home, School, and Community Relations 3
CH DEV 30 Infant/Toddler Development 3
CH DEV 31 Infant/Toddler Care and Education 3
CH DEV 44 Early Intervention for Children with Special Needs 3
CH DEV 62 Developmental Proles: Pre-Birth Through Age Eight 2
= 17