Project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of
Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology
Under the supervision of
(Mr. Nishant Sharma)
Assistant Professor, Grade II
Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology
Jaypee University of Information Technology Waknaghat, Solan-173234
Himachal Pradesh
Candidate’s Declaration
I hereby declare that the work presented in this report entitled “ Bookstore: E-commerce
platform with MERN Stack” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering/ submitted
in the department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology,
Jaypee University of Information Technology Waknaghat is an authentic record of my own
work carried out over a period from January 2023 to May 2023 under the supervision of
Mr. Nishant Sharma (Assistant Professor Grade-II - CSE Dept.).
I also authenticate that I have carried out the above mentioned project work under the
proficiency stream Data Science.
The matter embodied in the report has not been submitted for the award of any other
degree or diploma.
This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is true to the best of my
(Supervisor Signature)
Supervisor Name: Mr. Nishant Sharma
Designation: Assistant Professor (Grade II)
Department name: Computer Science
Firstly, I express my heartiest thanks and gratefulness to almighty God for his divine
blessing that made it possible for us to complete the project work successfully.
I am really grateful and wish my profound indebtedness to supervisor Mr. Nishant
Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Jaypee University of Information
Technology, Waknaghat. His endless patience, scholarly guidance, continual
encouragement, constant and energetic supervision, constructive criticism, valuable
advice, reading many inferior drafts and correcting them at all stages have made it possible
to complete this project.
I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to Mr. Nishant Sharma, Department of
CSE, for his kind help to finish my project.
I would also generously welcome each one of those individuals who have helped me
straight forward or in a roundabout way in making this project a win. In this unique
situation, I also want to thank the various staff individuals, both educating and
non-instructing, which have developed their convenient help and facilitated my
Finally, I must acknowledge with due respect the constant support and patience of my
Table of Content
Plagiarism Certificate
Table of Content
Chapter-1 (Introduction)
Chapter-2 (Literature Survey)
Chapter-3 (System Design,
Chapter-4 (Performance Analysis)
Chapter-5 (Conclusion)
The Book based e-commerce website project is a complete platform for readers and book
lovers to explore, discover, and connect with their favorite authors and books. It was
created using the MERN stack. With a contemporary, responsive design and simple user
interface, this online application offers an enjoyable user experience.
The MERN stack, which consists of MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js, is used to
build the project. The application's backend is created with Node.js and Express.js, which
offer a powerful API for dealing with user requests and managing the database. The
database used to hold all the data about users, books, authors, and reviews is called
The application's frontend was developed using React, which offers a fluid and dynamic
user experience. The website is responsive and mobile-friendly for use on all platforms,
including PCs, tablets, and smartphones.
Users get access to a sizable selection of books and authors to search through and
explore, add titles to reading lists, provide reviews and ratings for books, and interact
with other users who have similar interests. Authors are able to set up online accounts,
advertise their publications, and communicate with readers.
Overall, the Book Website Project, created with the MERN stack, is a great tool for book
enthusiasts to find new books, interact with authors, and meet others who share their
1.1 Introduction:
The Book App, which makes use of the MERN stack, is a cutting-edge web
application created to meet the demands of book fans. The Node.js,
Express.js, MongoDB, and React.js components of the MERN stack are used
to build the project. Because of its adaptability, scalability, and simplicity of
usage, this stack is frequently used in web development.
The Book App offers a user interface that is easy to use, contemporary,
responsive, and intended to deliver an engaging user experience. Users may
visit the website at any time, and any devices, including computers, tablets,
and smartphones, can use it.
The Book App allows users to browse a vast library of books, experiment
with various genres, and discover fresh writers. With the help of the app,
users can easily find new books, read reviews and ratings, and interact with
other readers who have similar interests.
The Book App also has features for writers, who may use them to build
profiles, advertise their work, and engage with readers. Writers may increase
their readership, visibility, and access to constructive criticism with the aid of
modern technology.
Through the MERN stack-based Book App project, users and writers have
access to a wide-ranging platform for communication, book discovery, and
book-related trade. It is an excellent resource for readers and a successful
strategy for writers to market their writing.
As a result, the MERN stack-based Book App is a unique and practical tool
for readers and writers. It offers a comprehensive platform for discovering
new publications, communicating with readers, and marketing and spreading
content. Due to its extensive features and user-friendly UI, The Book App is
a vital tool for both book lovers and authors.
1.2 Problem Statement:
Due to the growing popularity of online book sales, the usual
brick-and-mortar retailers have encountered several difficulties. More
individuals are now buying their books from online stores since online book
sales have increased significantly recently. The bulk of online book vendors,
however, don't offer the same level of interaction and customer care as
traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores.
The issue is that there isn't an online bookshop that can provide clients the
specialized care and in-person interaction of a brick-and-mortar store while
still offering the ease of an online purchase. Most online book retailers do not
provide the elements that customers need, such as the ability to explore and
discover new books, communicate with other readers, and get individualized
Making a book-based e-commerce website that makes use of the MERN
stack might solve this issue. This internet application may offer readers a
platform for finding new books, interacting with one another, and buying
online for their preferred books. The MERN stack can provide an
e-commerce website the flexibility, scalability, and user-friendliness needed.
The website has a reader community where users may interact and
recommend books, as well as a straightforward user interface and tailored
recommendations. The website may employ a range of social media and
marketing strategies, including email marketing and social media advertising,
to raise its profile and draw in more visitors.
By providing a platform that offers a tailored user experience, book
recommendations, and a reader community while also providing the
convenience of online shopping, a book-based e-commerce website built on
the MERN stack aims to bridge the gap between traditional brick-and-mortar
bookstores and online bookstores.
1.3 Objectives:
To provide book enthusiasts a convenient online book purchasing and
browsing platform: With the help of a user-friendly website, customers
will be able to explore and discover books, read book reviews, and buy
books online.
To create a community where readers can communicate, recommend
books to one another, and discuss books they have read. The effort aims
to create a social network where readers can communicate, recommend
books to one another, and discuss books they have read.
To provide a user-friendly, interactive environment: The project aims to
provide a user-friendly, interactive setting that motivates people to
browse and purchase books online.
In order to provide writers a platform where they may advertise their
material, interact with readers, and get book reviews, the initiative was
The project tries to enhance the website's search engine visibility in
order to increase its prominence in search results and attract more
The project aims to integrate a wide range of security measures to
safeguard the integrity and safety of user data in order to guarantee its
security and privacy.
1.4 Methodology:
Planning and Analysis: The first phase of development consists of
analyzing and determining the project's requirements, goals, and scope.
The functions, personalities, and user flow of the website must all be
determined. Defining the aims and purposes of your website is the first
stage. Determine the functionality and services you want to offer, the
audience you want to connect with, and the website's objective. To
understand your target audience's needs, interests, and behaviors, we
must first define your target audience and develop user personas. We
could use this data to develop a website that appeals to your target
audience. [12]
Researching your competition will enable you to recognise them and
discover their strengths and weaknesses. This data may be used to set
your website apart from those of your rivals and pinpoint market niches.
Define the website's components and features you wish to include, such
as user profiles, social sharing, book reviews, and recommendation
functions. Create a sitemap and user flow to help you envision how
people will explore your website and interact with its features. Plan the
architecture and user experience of your website using wireframes and
mockups. By doing this, you'll be able to see any possible design flaws
and guarantee a consistent user experience throughout the whole
website. [8]
Establish a project plan and timeline to list important project milestones
and deadlines. The resources your project will need, such as staff, gear,
and software, should be determined. You might compute the project
budget and identify potential dangers using this information. Building an
excellent book-based website often requires planning and study. To
ensure the project's success, it is necessary to identify the target
audience, specify the features and objectives of the website, and create a
thorough project plan.
Design: Throughout the design phase, wireframes, mockups, and
prototypes are created for the user interface, navigation, and layout of
the website.
For designing and components we have used React-Bootstrap:
Responsive web apps are created using the well-known UI framework
React-Bootstrap. The Bootstrap CSS framework was used to generate
a collection of pre-built, editable components. [8]
There are several UI components offered by React-Bootstrap,
including navigation bars, forms, buttons, modals, and more. These
React-built parts are incredibly flexible and easy to customize. [8]
Maintaining and upgrading your application is made simpler by
React-Bootstrap's uniform appearance and feel. This is among its key
advantages. The components' flexible design allows them to adapt to
various screen sizes and devices. [8]
For styling we have used SCSS (Sassy CSS):
Sassy CSS, a preprocessor for CSS, adds additional functionality to the
CSS syntax. It is an improved version of CSS that enables the
development of more sophisticated styles with less code. Given that
SCSS is a superset of CSS, every valid CSS code also qualifies as a
valid SCSS code. However, SCSS also adds new syntax, such as
functions, mixins, variables, and nesting.
SCSS has a many features, including:
Variables: In SCSS, variables may be declared and given values to be
used throughout your stylesheet. As a result, it is easier to maintain
and update your code since you can modify a variable only once and
have it affect every instance of your stylesheet.
Nesting: You may organize and make your code more readable by
nesting selections inside of other selectors using SCSS. Because of
this, you might have to write less repetitive code. [13]
Mixins: By using reusable code blocks in your CSS, mixins make it
simpler to apply sophisticated styles to your HTML components. [13]
Functions: Mixins and functions are similar, but functions are more
flexible and powerful since they accept parameters and return values.
Overall, SCSS may make the process of creating CSS easier and assist
you in writing more effective and manageable code. The preprocessor
required to transform the SCSS code into standard CSS, however, can
make your development process more challenging.
Front-end development: React is used in the front-end development
stage of a website to create the user interface and client-side
functionality. Making the website's pages, elements, and interactive
features falls under this category.
User interfaces (UIs) for web apps are made using the popular
JavaScript library React. It was developed by Facebook and made
publically available in 2013. React is now supported by Facebook and
a substantial development community.
Reusable UI components may be made by developers using React and
used in several places of an application. Simply creating complex user
interfaces is possible with these JavaScript-built components.A virtual
DOM (Document Object Model) is used by React to manage the state
of the user interface and render updates quickly.
React's essential characteristics include things like:
Component-based architecture: With React, you can create reusable
user interface (UI) components that can be swiftly combined to create
intricate UIs.
Declarative programming: You declare your goals and React takes care
of the implementation details in this declarative programming style.
Virtual DOM: Performance is improved by React since it controls the
user interface's state and renders changes rapidly.
JSX: By allowing you to write HTML-like code in JavaScript files, the
JSX syntactic extension for JavaScript makes it easier to write and
understand code.
React supports a wide range of libraries and frameworks, including
Redux, React Router, and Material UI. Additionally, it is quite
React is a robust and flexible framework that can be used to build user
interfaces for internet applications. Developers like it because of its
component-based architecture, declarative programming, and virtual
Back-end development: For backend development, Node.js is used to
write clean JS code for server development and also Express.js is used to
build decent routes and easy to use controllers, services, and databases
using Mongoose. In order to do this, new features must be developed,
including social sharing, book search, user authentication, and
recommendation engines. [9] [10]
Node.js has a number of important features, including:
Event Driven I/O: Node.js uses a non-blocking, event-driven I/O model
that enables it to manage several connections simultaneously without
slowing down the program's performance.
NPM: Node.js has an integrated package management called NPM
(Node Package management) that enables programmers to quickly
install and maintain third-party libraries and modules.
Scalability: Because Node.js is built to be extremely scalable, it is a
popular option for developing apps that must manage a lot of traffic.
Cross-platform: Node.js can work on any system (Linux, Mac
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are regularly developed
with Node.js, as are web apps and real-time applications. Its
interoperability with a variety of web frameworks, such as Express.js,
etc. allows developers a range of choices.
Express JS:
An open-source web application framework for Node.js called
Express.js is popular. It offers a complete set of capabilities that make it
easy and quick to create web apps and application programming
interfaces (APIs).
Due to the fact that Express.js, which is based on Node.js, allows
JavaScript to be used in both the front end and the back end of a web
application. It offers a simple framework for creating web applications,
allowing programmers to concentrate on the essential components of
their project without being constrained by needlessly complex
framework features.
Express.js's important characteristics include the following:
Routing: Express.js provides a simple and flexible method to build
routes for handling HTTP requests and responses.
Middleware: Programmers may integrate functions like logging,
authentication, and error handling into their applications using the
middleware layer provided by Express.js. [9][10]
Template Engine: EJS and Pug are just a few of the many templating
engines that Express.js supports, making it simple to create dynamic
HTML pages.
Modularity: Express.js's modularity feature makes it simple for
developers to divide their applications into smaller, reusable
Express.js is frequently used to create APIs and online apps. It
frequently pairs with other well-known Node.js frameworks and
modules, like MongoDB.
Database development: During this stage, MongoDB is used to design
and create the queries, data models, and database structure that are
necessary for the website. [7] [11]
MongoDB, a well-known database management system for documents,
makes use of NoSQL (non-relational) technology. It has grown in
prominence as a platform for developing cutting-edge web apps since its
release in 2009. [11]
MongoDB stores data as flexible documents with varying forms that
mimic JSON. This makes it possible for developers to store and retrieve
sophisticated data structures without having to conform to a set model,
unlike traditional relational databases.
MongoDB has a number of important characteristics, including:
Scalability: MongoDB can manage massive volumes of data and traffic
because of its highly scalable architecture.
Flexibility: Developers may store data in a flexible manner using
MongoDB's document-oriented data format, which makes it simple to
modify and update data structures.
Performance: MongoDB has built-in caching and automated sharding,
making it a very performant database.
Aggregation: MongoDB has strong aggregation features, making it
simple to carry out complicated data analysis and aggregation.[11]
MongoDB is commonly used to create real-time applications and
application programming interfaces (APIs). It typically works in
conjunction with cutting-edge web development technologies like Node.
All things considered, MongoDB is a robust and flexible database
management system with a lot to offer creators of modern web
applications. Because of its document-oriented data format, scalability,
and performance, developers regularly employ it. [7] [11]
Integration and testing: During the integration and testing phase, the
front-end, back-end, and database components are integrated and the
functionality, performance, and security of the website are tested.
1) Comparative analysis of MEAN stack and MERN stack-
Authors: Sanchit Agarwal and Jyoti Verma
Publisher: International Journal of Recent Research Aspects
The MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js) and MERN
(MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js) web development stacks are
contrasted in the paper. The two stacks are assessed in the article based
on a number of factors, including performance, scalability, simplicity of
development, and community support. [1]
The paper's succinct and unambiguous comparison of the two stacks is
one of its strong points. Each technology in both stacks is thoroughly
studied by the writers, who then compare them according to a number of
different factors. They also shed light on which stack would be more
appropriate for a certain kind of web app. [1]
The paper does, however, have several shortcomings. It doesn't go into
great depth about how the two stacks are implemented or how to
leverage them to create particular kinds of web apps. Additionally, the
report does not critically examine any of the two stacks' potential
shortcomings or limits; instead, it just compares the two stacks.
For developers who are debating which stack to employ for their web
application, "Comparative analysis of MEAN stack and MERN stack" is
a useful reference. The article offers a thorough comparison of the two
stacks and can assist developers in making a choice based on their own
needs and specifications. [1]
2) A Review on Technologies used in MERN stack:
Authors: Vaishnavi Joshi, Rujuta Nikam, Ishali Gawande and Prof.
Sudesh A. Bachwani, Mohanish Bawane
Publisher: International Journal for Research in Applied Science &
Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
The paper gives a general overview of the MERN (MongoDB,
Express.js, React, and Node.js) stack of technologies. The article
analyzes each technology's benefits and drawbacks and offers insights
into how they interact to produce reliable and scalable web applications.
The paper's ability to concisely and clearly describe each technology is
one of its strong points. It is simple for readers to comprehend how each
technology functions within the context of the MERN stack since the
authors include examples and use cases to show the advantages and
disadvantages of each technology. [2]
The paper does, however, have several shortcomings. The MERN stack's
implementation and how it might be used to create particular kinds of
web applications, such e-commerce websites or social media platforms,
are not covered in length. A critical evaluation of the MERN stack or
any possible drawbacks is also absent from the study.
For those who are unfamiliar with the MERN stack and wish to learn
more about its components in general, this paper is a useful reference. It
gives a thorough review of each technology and explains how they
combine to form a solid web application. [2]
3) Key Factors for Developing a Successful E-commerce Website:
Authors: Osama Mohammed Ahmad Rababah and Fawaz Ahmad
Publisher: IBIMA Publishing Communications of the IBIMA
The paper gives a thorough examination of the important elements that
influence the performance of e-commerce websites. The writers have
listed a number of elements, such as user experience, security, usability,
design, customer support, and payment choices, that are essential for
creating a successful e-commerce website. [3]
The paper's merits are found in its thorough research of each aspect,
which offers insights into their significance and practical use. The
writers have also included helpful advice and ideas for enhancing many
parts of an e-commerce website, making it a useful tool for programmers
and companies wishing to launch or enhance their online presence.
The paper's primary focus on general e-commerce websites and lack of
specialized information about book-based websites is one of its
weaknesses. Overall, the article offers a thorough analysis of the critical
elements that influence the performance of e-commerce websites. [3]
4) Protecting Websites from Attack with Secure Delivery Networks:
Authors: Ramesh K. Sitaraman, David Gillman, Bruce Maggs, Yin Lin
Publisher: IEEE
The idea of secure delivery networks (SDNs) is discussed in the research
paper along with how they can defend websites against different kinds of
assaults. The effectiveness of SDNs in thwarting attacks like distributed
denial of service (DDoS), cross-site scripting (XSS), and SQL injection
is assessed in the article. [4]
The paper's thorough analysis of SDNs and how well they defend
websites from assaults is one of its strong points. The authors offer a
thorough examination of SDNs' functionality, capabilities, and threat
mitigation applications. They also shed light on the drawbacks of SDNs
and how to get around them.
The paper's emphasis on application is another strength. It is simpler for
users to comprehend how SDNs may be applied in their own projects
because the authors give instances of how they have really been utilized
to defend websites against assaults. [4]
But there are certain restrictions on the document. It does not give
in-depth information on alternative security measures that may be
employed in addition to SDNs because its main focus is on the usage of
SDNs to safeguard websites. The report also does not include a critique
of the drawbacks of SDNs or suggestions on how to get around them.
5) Real-World Decision Making: Logging Into Secure vs. Insecure
Authors: Timothy Kelley, Bennett I. Bertenthal
Publisher: IEEE
The study looks at the variables that affect users' choices when deciding
whether to log into safe or unsecure websites. The research looks at how
users assess a website's security based on several visual signals and how
they balance the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing a certain
website. [5]
The paper's emphasis on making decisions in the actual world is one of
its advantages. To mimic how consumers actually decide what to do
when they enter onto websites, the authors conducted a lab experiment.
The study sheds light on the thought processes individuals use to decide
how secure a website should be.
The paper's utilization of a multidisciplinary approach is another asset.
To present a thorough examination of the elements influencing
consumers' judgements about website security, the writers rely on
research from the fields of psychology, computer science, and
information security. [5]
6) Building an online shop application with MERN stack:
Authors: Tien Pham
Publisher: Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
The paper begins by outlining the various MERN stack elements and
their significance in creating the e-commerce application. The setup of
the MongoDB database, construction of the backend using Node.js and
Express, and development of the frontend using React are all covered in
the next sections of the article. [6]
The article also discusses how JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) and
Passport.js are used to create authentication and authorization
functionality. The integration of a payment gateway using Stripe is also
covered by the author.
The paper serves as a thorough tutorial for creating an e-commerce
application utilizing the MERN stack. It covers the key elements of
environment setup, backend and frontend development, authentication
and authorization implementation, and payment gateway integration. [6]
Why do we need E-Commerce websites?
E-commerce websites are essential for many reasons:
Convenience: E-commerce websites make it simple for people to buy
things without having to go to real stores since they let them shop from
the comfort of their homes or offices at any time of day or night.
Global audience: E-commerce websites allow companies to contact a
worldwide clientele, erasing geographical boundaries and enabling them
to grow their clientele beyond their local region.
Cost-effectiveness: E-commerce websites sometimes have lower
overhead costs than conventional businesses do, such as rent, utilities,
and personnel pay.
Sales growth: E-commerce websites may assist firms in growing their
sales by facilitating consumer product discovery and purchases,
delivering personalized suggestions, and providing discounts and
Analytics: E-commerce websites give businesses access to useful data
and analytics that can be utilized to streamline processes, enhance
customer satisfaction, and boost sales.
So, we decided to design a website for book sales which is completely
authenticated and secure and easy to use for customers. [7]
Our project can be broken down into the following stages:
Planning and Analysis: During this phase, the project's parameters and
the needs for the e-commerce website are established. This includes
figuring out the target market, the kinds of books to sell, the payment
choices, the shipping procedures, and other aspects that must be put into
place. The website's blueprint is created once a thorough examination of
the requirements is completed. [5]
Design: The layout, color scheme, typography, and visuals for the
website are all produced at this stage. The layout should be simple to
use, visually appealing, and navigable.
An essential component of the overall design and user experience of a
MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) programme is the UI (User
Interface). Here are some pointers for creating a MERN app's user
Ensure simplicity: Users may find it easier to explore your app with a
clear and straightforward design. Make good use of the white space and
refrain from overcrowding the interface.
Use a responsive design: As more and more people use the internet
from mobile devices, it's critical to make sure your MERN app is
adaptable and can adjust to various screen sizes. [6]
Pick a color palette that is dependable: Choose a color scheme for
your MERN app that represents your brand and stick with it.
Use icons and graphics: to assist users rapidly distinguish between
different parts in your MERN app and to improve the app's aesthetic
Easy to navigate: Make sure the MERN app is simple and easy to
navigate. Users should be able to navigate the app without getting lost
and locate what they're searching for promptly.
Provide users feedback: When users engage with various MERN app
components, provide them feedback. Give a visual confirmation, for
instance, when a button is clicked or a form is submitted. [4]
Development: At this point, the MERN stack is actually used to start
building the website. React and React-Bootstrap are used to build the
front end, and Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB are used to build the
back end. The website should be enhanced for scalability, security, and
Testing: A website undergoes a rigorous testing procedure once it is
developed in order to identify and address any flaws or issues. It is
important to do functional, security, performance, and usability tests.
Testing is a key phase in the development of software since it ensures
that the programme works as planned. The three forms of testing that
may be done are unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing.
Unit testing is a method used to test certain elements or functionalities of
an application. The MERN stack may be subjected to unit testing using
testing frameworks like Mocha or Jest.
Integration testing examines how various application components
interact with one another. Trying things out, like how the frontend and
backend interact. [4]
Frameworks like Cypress or Selenium may be used for integration
End-to-end testing entails evaluating the entire programme while
mimicking user interactions. Frameworks like Puppeteer or TestCafe
may be used for end-to-end testing.
In addition to these many types of testing, other aspects of testing, such
as load testing and security testing, must be considered.
Demand testing is the process of analyzing an application's performance
under a heavy demand. For this, you can use programmes like Apache
JMeter or LoadRunner.
Security testing is the process of putting the application's security
measures to the test to make sure it is protected from attacks. Two tools
that might be used for this are OWASP ZAP and Burp Suite.
Deployment: Following extensive testing, the website is set up on a web
server or cloud hosting platform. To guarantee that the website is
constantly current and functioning properly, the deployment process
should be automated and incorporate continuous integration and
deployment (CI/CD). [4]
Technologies/Libraries used:
1) React-Bootstrap: In order to employ helpful React.js components, we
choose to use the React-Bootstrap framework. Speaking specifically
about the library:
React-Bootstrap, a well-known UI framework, is used to build
responsive web applications. It is a set of ready-to-use, customizable
components created with the help of the Bootstrap CSS framework.
React-Bootstrap provides a wide range of UI components, such as
navigation bars, forms, buttons, modals, and more. These React-built
elements are easily styleable and adaptable.
React-Bootstrap gives a consistent look and feel throughout your
application, making maintenance and updating easier. One of its main
benefits is this. Because the components are responsive in design, they
will adjust to different screen sizes and devices. [8]
2) React.js: During the front-end development stage, React is used to
create the website's user interface and client-side functionality. Making
the pages, elements, and interactive features of the website falls under
this category. [8]
React is a popular JavaScript library that is used to build user interfaces
(UIs) for internet applications. It was developed by Facebook and
released to the public in 2013. Today, React is supported by both
Facebook and a substantial developer community.
Reusable UI components that may be used in many different parts of an
application can be made by developers using React. Simple user
interface creation may be done using these JavaScript-built components.
React uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) to maintain the
state of the user interface and swiftly render changes.
Redux, React Router, and Material UI are just a few of the many
libraries and frameworks that React can be used with. It is also quite
In general, React is a strong and adaptable toolkit for creating user
interfaces in online applications. It is a well-liked option among
developers due to its component-based architecture, declarative
programming, and virtual DOM.
3) Node.js: Node.js is a backend based framework which is used to
develop API which can be used for various purposes. It is an
open-source platform based on Javascript. Previously only feasible with
languages like Python, Ruby, and PHP, writing server-side code is now
made available with JavaScript. [9]
Developing server-side apps, online APIs, and microservices with
Node.js is common practice in web development. The creation of
desktop apps and software for the Internet of Things (IoT) are only a
couple of the numerous businesses that employ it. [9]
4) Express.js: Express is a Node.js web framework with a lot of features
for developing online and mobile apps. It is speedy, flexible, and easy to
use. It has developed into one of the web frameworks for building web
apps that is most widely used in the Node.js community. [10[
Express provides a simple and approachable API for controlling HTTP
requests and responses. In order to improve the functionality of the web
application, middleware, which handles duties like authentication,
logging, and error handling, is also included. EJS and Pug are only two
of the many templating engines that Express supports and allows you to
employ to create dynamic HTML pages.
Express is open source, and a substantial developer community actively
contributes to and supports its development.[10]
5) MongoDB: In this project, mongoose was used for mongoDB.
Mongoose is an Object Data Modelling (ODM) module for Node.js and
MongoDB. The higher level of abstraction it provides over the
MongoDB driver makes working with MongoDB databases in Node.js
applications easier. Mongoose uses a schema, which is a description of
the document's structure, to build your data models. The data may then
be subject to limitations like data types, required fields, default values,
and validation procedures. Mongoose provides a wide range of options
for dealing with data, including querying, updating, deleting, and
aggregating data. [11]
6) Nodemailer: For sending email to the admin and user after completing
the shopping, we have used the Nodemailer module which is built in
Node.js. Email messages may be sent via a variety of transport protocols
thanks to its simple and flexible interface. Using Nodemailer makes
sending emails with HTML content, attachments, and integrated images
straightforward. [16]
Nodemailer supports many recipients and may send emails using a
variety of SMTP servers or services, such as Gmail. Since it supports a
wide range of email authentication techniques, such as OAuth2, it is
genuine to communicate with many email providers. [16]
One of the main advantages of Nodemailer is its capacity to handle
errors and automatically repeat failed email sending attempts.
Additionally, it might be configured to monitor email sending problems
using custom error handling algorithms or third-party error monitoring
7) JWT: JWT, or JSON Web Tokens, is a sort of authentication technique
that lets users securely send data between parties in the form of a JSON
object. [14]
With a special secret key that only the server is aware of, the server
produces a token in a JWT authentication system. After a successful
login, this token is provided to the client and saved there. The client
provides this token in the request header for each future request to the
server, enabling the server to validate the token and validate the user.
Compared to conventional session-based authentication systems, JWT
authentication provides a number of benefits. First off, because JWT
tokens are complete and capable of holding all relevant user data, they
can do away with the necessity for session storage on the server. As a
result, JWT authentication can grow considerably more easily since it
requires less server storage. [14]
JWT authentication, however, may potentially have significant
drawbacks. An attacker who successfully intercepts a token may be able
to access all the secured resources linked to it. A security risk arises if a
token is stolen or lost since JWT tokens cannot be invalidated until they
expire because they are self-contained.
8) Passport.js: A popular middleware for authentication in Node.js apps is
Passport.js. It is quite adaptable and works with a variety of
authentication methods. Passport.js is renowned for its dependability,
simplicity, and ease of usage. It offers a selection of authentication
methods, including third-party, local, and social authentication
providers. [14]
For username- and password-based authentication, which is frequently
used for online applications, a local authentication technique is utilized.
Users are authenticated through social authentication strategies using
OAuth providers like Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. Users can also be
authenticated in Passport.js using third-party authentication services.
By offering a standard interface and combining several authentication
techniques, Passport.js streamlines the authentication and authorisation
process in Node.js apps. It simplifies the implementation of safe and
dependable authentication in apps by abstracting the specifics of
authentication from developers. [14]
Passport.js enables developers to design unique authentication methods
depending on their particular needs in addition to the pre-built
authentication strategies. Because developers may select the
authentication strategy that best matches their application, authentication
is now more flexible.
Passport.js is a strong authentication mechanism for Node.js apps
overall. It is a popular option for developers wishing to establish safe
and dependable user authentication and authorization due to its
flexibility, usability, and dependability.
9) Bcrypt: We have used the Bcrypt library for encryption and decryption
of the user passwords. For password hashing and encryption, Node.js
users frequently use the Bcrypt package. By encrypting user passwords
into an unbreakable, irreversible string of characters, it offers a method
for securely storing user passwords. Bcrypt creates distinct and
unexpected encrypted passwords for each user by combining salting and
hashing methods. [15]
For saving the password in encrypted format:
For verifying the user:
verified=bcrypt.compareSync(enteredPassword, actualPassword);
“Verified” is a boolean variable which tells whether the user is verified or not
i.e. entered password matches the actual password or not.
Before hashing the user's password, salting includes adding a random string of
characters to it. Even if two users share the same password, the resultant hash is
unique to each of them as a consequence. The technique of hashing creates an
unchangeable string of characters from the initial password and salt. Blowfish, a
potent hashing algorithm, is used by Bcrypt to generate the hash.
A way to compare a plaintext password with the hashed password is also
included in Bcrypt. Bcrypt fetches the previously saved hash from the database
and compares it with the hashed version of the user's password when they log
in. The user is allowed access if they match.
Passwords may be safely stored in Node.js with the help of Bcrypt, which also
shields user accounts from theft and hacking. It is a commonly used library that
security professionals advise using to password-protect web applications.
10) Axios: A popular JavaScript package for sending HTTP requests to web
servers is called Axios. Requests are often sent from the frontend React
components to the backend Node.js server in MERN stack apps. [15]
For performing various HTTP requests, including GET, POST, PUT, DELETE,
and others, Axios offers a number of alternative ways. Here are a few succinct
descriptions of these techniques:
GET: Data is retrieved from the server using the GET technique. To get
data from a database or an API, it is frequently used. The axios.get() function in
Axios may be used to invoke the GET method, passing the URL to be obtained
as an argument.
POST: Data is sent to the server via the POST method. A database or an
API are frequently updated or added to using this method. The
function in Axios may be used to call the POST method, and the data to send is
supplied as an argument.
PUT: The server's existing data can be updated using this technique. The
axios.put() function in Axios may be used to invoke the PUT method, passing
the data to be updated as an argument.
DELETE: The server's data can be deleted using this technique. The
axios.delete() function in Axios may be used to invoke the DELETE method,
passing the data to be erased as an argument.
Folder structure:
1) Frontend: Main App.js file is present in the parent directory of the
project. Execution of the app starts from this file. The Src folder
contains the components and each component is segregated into
different folders with different purposes. We also have a services folder
for the API calls and routes folder for protection of routes from
unauthenticated users.
Fig 3.1: Folder structure for Frontend
2) Backend: Execution of the backend folder starts from the server.js file
which is present in the parent directory of the folder and different folders
are present in the project:
Following line starts the execution of the backend code:
Fig 3.2: Folder structure for Backend
Controller: Contains files for functions that are to be executed for the routes hit
from the frontend.Every controller has a class and they have static methods
enclosed inside them.
Routes: Contains different routes and their description. Every router file
contains a “router” instance of the express module.
Services: Contains mongoose calls to the database to fetch and post data for
different controllers.Every service file has its own class and it has many static
methods inside them.
Database: Contains schema of different models.
Schema of the databases:
1) Books Schema: Every book is donated by field which is the unique
ObjectID of the user that donated the book.
2) Cart Schema: It contains a collection of the cart where each cart item
has a userId field which contains the unique ObjectID of the user in the
users collection. Thus, a user is mapped with the cart item.
3) User Schema: The user schema is a crucial component of web
development because it enables programmers to specify the layout of the
user object and guarantee that all necessary data is appropriately
gathered and saved. The user's information must be accessed in order to
authenticate their identity and establish their degree of access to the
features and data of the application. This schema is also essential for
authentication and authorization procedures.
Connection file of the database:
Using Passport JS for google login:
Popular authentication middleware for Node.js called Passport.js offers web
applications a straightforward and flexible approach to integrate user
authentication. It supports a number of authentication methods, including social
network login, local username/password authentication, and third-party
authentication providers like Google, Facebook, and Twitter. [14]
A variety of mechanisms are offered by Passport.js for user authentication
across various channels. These tactics can be simply changed out or combined
to build a unique authentication pathway because they are designed to be
modular. For instance, the Google approach may be used to authenticate people
using their Google account while the local strategy can be used for
username/password authentication. [14]
Additionally, Passport.js offers middleware that may be used to determine if a
user has been authenticated and granted access to a certain resource. By limiting
access to specific pages or API endpoints, this middleware may make sure that
only authorized users have access to sensitive data. [14]
You must first establish a Google API Console project and receive a client ID
and secret in order to allow Google login using Passport.js. Installing the
passport-google-oauth20 package, which offers a Google OAuth 2.0
authentication method, is the next step. [14]
Fig 3.3: Users Collection
Fig 3.4: Books Collection
Fig 3.5: Cart Collection
Flow of the App:
1) Authentication: First the user will have to login with his credentials. If
he does not have the credentials then he can register with a new account.
We have used Localstorage to save the data of logged in users and
protect the routes. [14]
Authentication is a crucial security mechanism that aids in guarding
against unauthorized access and safeguarding sensitive data. A website
and its data might theoretically be accessed by anybody without
authentication, which could result in data breaches, identity theft, and
other security problems.
Fig 3.6: Login Page
2) Books List: Books list will be displayed to the user when he is logged
in. We have tried to implement the features of a data table into the books
table without using any library. [12]
Datatables: Intuitive, feature-rich, and configurable HTML tables with
sophisticated capabilities like pagination, sorting, filtering, searching,
and more may be made with the help of the robust DataTables jQuery
plugin. It offers a straightforward and user-friendly interface for
visualizing and modifying massive volumes of data from several
sources, including JSON, XML, arrays, and server-side processing.
The MERN stack is only one of the many web technologies that
DataTables may be linked with. Data from MongoDB collections may
be shown using it, and users can interact with the data by using
capabilities like sorting, searching, and pagination. Overall, DataTables
offers a complete solution for quickly and easily creating sophisticated
and interactive HTML tables.
Developers may construct dynamic, responsive tables using DataTables
that are optimized for speed and performance. Additionally, it enables
modification of the table's behavior and look using a number of choices
and APIs. Additionally, it offers server-side processing, allowing the
table to effectively manage big datasets.
Fig 3.7: Books Table
Features of the booklist are:
Pagination: The entire data is paginated so that when the number of
books increases, then data can be displayed without scrolling the page.
Main code for pagination:
Tooltips: When a user hovers on the status of the book, then he can see
the quantity of book in the tooltip. Similarly he can see the email ID of
the user on hovering the donated column.
Fig 3.8: Tooltips
Search Box: Users can search a particular book with the author name or
book name.
Fig 3.9: Search Functionality
3) Book Details Page: When a user clicks on the row of a book then he
will get the details of the book. After going on the details page, the admin
can edit the book details. And also a normal user can add the book to the
Fig 3.10: Book Details Page
4) Cart Page: After clicking on add to cart the user can manage the
quantities of books on the cart page. He can proceed to checkout after
deciding which books to purchase. He and the admin both will receive an
email with the description of the shopping cart.
Fig 3.11: Email sent to the admin
Fig 3.12: Email sent to the user
5) Edit Book Page: This page can be accessed only by the admin where he
can edit the details of a book.
Fig 3.13: Edit Details of Book
6) Users List Page: This page is visible only to admin.
Fig 3.14: Users List
Performance study is necessary before developing any website, even one that
sells books on the MERN stack. Performance analysis is the measurement and
examination of several factors affecting the quickness, responsiveness, and
dependability of the website. By doing a performance study, developers may
discover and address potential issues that might be harming the website's
functionality and user experience.
There are many different methods and approaches that may be used to do
performance analysis on an e-commerce website created on the MERN
platform. One of the most well-liked methods is the use of performance
monitoring tools like Google Analytics, New Relic, or AppDynamics. In order
to provide information on how effectively a website is doing, these tools may
monitor and evaluate a range of data, such as user behavior, server response
times, and page load times.
Another method for doing performance analysis is to use load testing software
like JMeter or LoadRunner. The purpose of load testing is to assess how well a
website performs when it receives a lot of traffic by simulating a lot of
concurrent users. By performing load testing, developers may identify and
address any performance bottlenecks and scalability issues that may have an
impact on the website's performance and user experience.
Developers can employ a range of performance optimisation techniques in
addition to monitoring and load testing technologies to improve the website's
speed and responsiveness. One such tactic is to optimize images and other
media assets used on the website to reduce their size and quicken load times.
Developers can also improve the website's code and database queries to increase
its effectiveness and responsiveness. Reduced HTTP requests, database
searches, and website CSS and JavaScript file optimisations can all contribute to
Developers may employ a number of performance monitoring and load testing
tools, as well as performance optimisation techniques, to provide the best user
experience possible. Furthermore, it's essential to do ongoing performance
optimisation and analysis in order to address any potential issues that may arise
over time and make sure the website stays performing at its peak.
One of the initial tasks in performance analysis is to carry out load testing to
evaluate how the website performs under heavy traffic. When a website is being
tested under load, several simulated users can visit it at once, and the server's
capacity, resource use, and response time are all being monitored. Using load
testing software like JMeter and LoadRunner, thorough performance data may
be generated by automating this operation.
Database optimization is another important aspect of performance analysis. This
comprises optimizing the database structure, queries, and indexing to ensure
that operations for data retrieval and manipulation are efficient and effective.
Use tools like Robo 3T and MongoDB Compass to analyze and enhance
database performance.
In addition to the aforementioned, putting in place a Content Delivery Network
(CDN) may help websites function much better by caching commonly used
resources and lowering server load times. The website can integrate CDN
service providers like Cloudflare and Amazon CloudFront to offer this feature.
Response Time of the Website:
A built-in Node.js module called perf_hooks offers a means to gauge how well
Node.js applications are performing. It is employed to gauge how long it takes
for the functions in the code to run.
Developers may detect bottlenecks and improve the speed of their code by
measuring the time taken by a particular block of code or function using
Fig. 4.1: Output of the response time API
React Hooks:
Thanks to hooks, stateful behavior, like processing form input, managing a
component's state, and obtaining data from an API, may be reused. Some of the
often used Hooks include UseState(), UseEffect(), UseContext(), UseReducer(),
and UseCallback().
The useEffect() hook allows developers to conduct side effects based on changes
to the state or props of the component, such as gathering data from an API or
altering the DOM, whereas the useState() hook allows developers to add state to
functional components. The useContext() hook enables developers to consume
data from the React context, but the useReducer() hook is equivalent to the
useState() hook and gives a more powerful approach of handling complex state
Hooks in the project:
useState: Functional components can have state thanks to the useState
hook that comes with React. Functional components were stateless prior
to the addition of hooks in React 16.8 because they were unable to save
or modify state. Thanks to useState, developers may now use state in
functional components instead of a class-based component.
The array's first item is the state value that is in effect right now, and its second
value is a function that updates the state value. A beginning state can be
provided as an input to the useState hook. The useState hook can be used
repeatedly in a component to manage multiple state components.
useNavigate: The useNavigate hook in React Router makes it possible
to navigate within React components without generating a Redirect
component or manually changing the URL. It provides a way to go
between pages in a React application by changing the URL and creating
the relevant component.
The useNavigate hook returns a navigate function that may be used to
browse to another URL. A string argument is used to specify the URL to
go to. The function modifies the URL and renders the corresponding
component again. [8]
useEffect: It is a Hook in React that enables the execution of side effects
in function components. Examples include getting data from an API,
modifying the DOM, setting timers, and more. [8]
Unless it is defined to only run once, the useEffect Hook is called after
each render of a component, including the first render. A function that
executes the side effect and an optional array of dependents that specify
when the effect should be rerun are its two required inputs. [7]
The cleaning function can be returned by the effect function, which is executed
before the effect is rerun or after the component is unmounted. This function is
supplied as the first parameter.
Security: Some pages in the project can be accessed by admin only and some of
them can be accessed by normal users. Data of the user is being saved in the
Local Storage after logging the user into the website.
Localstorage: A client-side web storage feature in HTML5 called LocalStorage
enables web applications to store key-value pairs in the browser without a time
limit. It offers a straightforward method to quickly save data locally on the
user's device and access it later. [4]
Fig 4.2: LocalStorage saves the data
Similar to cookies, but with larger storage space and no expiration date, is local
storage. For web applications that often store and receive tiny quantities of data,
LocalStorage is a helpful technology because, unlike cookies, it is not
communicated to the server with each HTTP request.
Concept of Private Routes is used in the React for protecting the main pages
from unauthenticated users.
Developers may save, retrieve, and remove data using the LocalStorage API.
Key-value pairs are used to store data; a string is used as the key and any
JavaScript object may be used as the value. The LocalStorage API provides
methods for setting, retrieving, and deleting data, such as setItem(), getItem(),
and removeItem().
Modern online applications frequently use LocalStorage to store user
preferences, browser settings, and other information that must endure between
browser sessions. The efficiency and user experience of online apps can be
enhanced by using this straightforward and dependable method of storing tiny
quantities of data locally in the browser.
React Router:
A potent library for creating React single-page apps (SPAs), React Router. It
gives developers a declarative approach to build and maintain an application's
routing by letting them associate particular routes with various components that
can be displayed depending on the current URL. [8]
For handling various routing scenarios, React Router provides a number of
components, including BrowserRouter for client-side routing, HashRouter for
server-side routing, and MemoryRouter for testing. Additionally, it offers
Switch components that only render the first matching route and Route
components that specify which component to render for a particular path. [8]
Along with these helpful features, React Router also provides nested routes,
route parameters, and route guards. While route parameters enable dynamic
routing depending on parameters supplied in the URL, nested routes enable the
building of complicated routing structures. Route guards offer a mechanism to
extend authentication and permission to certain routes, guaranteeing that only
authorized users may access particular pages.
Overall, React Router makes it easier to manage routing in a React application,
freeing developers from having to think about how to handle various URLs and
routes in order to concentrate on designing the application logic.
For normal users, pages that can be accessed by a logged in users only:
For unauthenticated users, pages that can be accessed only by users not
logged in:
Pages that can only be accessed by admin:
Working on our project might be a rewarding and meaningful experience for
engineers and users alike. The MERN stack, made up of Node.js, Express.js,
React.js and Mongoose is a robust and flexible framework for creating a solid
e-commerce website since each technology in the stack adds to its own unique
MongoDB is an excellent choice for managing enormous volumes of data since
it is a powerful NoSQL database with good performance and scalability. Its
adaptability allows developers to easily add, amend, and remove data without
worrying about the restrictions of a predefined schema. This suggests that an
ecommerce website's product data may be swiftly added or changed as
necessary, providing users with a seamless experience.
The backend of the e-commerce website is created using Express, a
straightforward and adaptable web application framework for Node.js. Express
has a number of features that make it simple for developers to manage
complicated requests and answers, including middleware support and
sophisticated routing. Additionally, it makes managing the website's data
simpler by allowing developers to connect to MongoDB quickly.
The front-end of the e-commerce website is created using React, a strong and
well-liked JavaScript toolkit for creating user interfaces. React is incredibly
quick and effective thanks to its virtual DOM, which gives consumers a
seamless experience. Additionally, it provides reusable and modular
components, making it simple for developers to design a uniform and
user-friendly user experience for the website.
The whole online store is powered using Node.js, a server-side JavaScript
engine. Its quick and effective event-driven design enables developers to create
scalable and high-performance applications. Additionally, it features a sizable
and vibrant community that makes it simple for developers to obtain help and
It is crucial to keep in mind the numerous factors and difficulties involved in
creating a safe, effective, and user-friendly platform while constructing an
e-commerce website using the MERN stack.
User experience (UX) has a direct influence on customer happiness, retention,
and eventually revenue, making it essential for the success of any e-commerce
company. Consumers have high expectations for their online buying
experiences in today's cutthroat market, and if a website doesn't live up to those
standards, customers will probably move on to a rival.
The functioning and design of websites is one of the key elements influencing
UX. The chance of a sale will rise if a website is well-designed, simple to use,
and offers a smooth user experience. This will attract visitors to remain longer
and browse more goods. On the other side, users may leave a website if it is
complicated or challenging to use.
Speed and performance are additional key components of UX. A website that
loads slowly or performs badly might annoy visitors and give them a bad image
of the company. According to study, a one-second delay in the time it takes for a
page to load can significantly lower conversion rates. Therefore, boosting
website performance and speed is essential for raising user experience.
Personalization may also improve user experience on e-commerce platforms.
E-commerce websites may provide users a more interesting and relevant
experience by providing personalized suggestions and targeted marketing
messages based on their browsing and buying history. Increased consumer
loyalty and repeat business may result from this.
When creating an e-commerce website, security is an important consideration.
Since the website will handle sensitive user data, including personal and
financial information, it is essential to ensure that it is secure from several types
of attacks. One method to ensure website security is JWT authentication and
authorization. JWT, or JSON Web Token, is a standard for exchanging data
securely between parties. It facilitates user authentication and ensures that only
individuals with authorization may access the website's content.
When creating an e-commerce website, performance is an important
consideration. Customers expect the website to load quickly and without
One method to speed up a website is to use a caching system, which may save
frequently requested information in memory and reduce the time it takes to get
information from the database. Using extensive testing techniques and
continuous integration and delivery can further enhance the performance of the
The MERN stack enables seamless integration of the front-end and back-end
components of the website, simplifying the development of a user-friendly,
responsive website that provides a good user experience. The project requires
in-depth planning and analysis, including user requirements analysis, market
research, and competition analysis, to ensure that the website fits the needs and
expectations of the target audience.
The website is safe and user-friendly thanks to the integration of several
features, including authentication, authorization utilizing JWT, Passport.js
respectively. The website's user interface is both aesthetically beautiful and
responsive thanks to the use of SCSS and React-Bootstrap.
In conclusion, throughout the development process, the user experience must be
given high importance. The creation of an easy-to-use interface, the provision of
succinct and concise product descriptions and images, and the implementation
of a powerful search and filtering system may all considerably improve the user
experience. Furthermore, providing quick and safe payment options may help
you win the trust and respect of your audience.
Additionally, throughout the development process, the user experience must be
given high consideration. By following design principles and best practices,
developers can create a website that is easy for visitors to use and navigate.
Examples of these principles and best practices include developing a
straightforward and intuitive interface, providing clear and concise product
descriptions and photos, and setting up a powerful search and filtering system.
At all times, it's important to keep in mind the various factors and difficulties
that go into developing an e-commerce website, such as security, performance,
user experience, and scalability. Developers can make sure their website is safe
and operates at its best by putting strict testing methods in place, following best
practices, and utilizing technologies like JWT for authentication and
authorisation as well as Bcrypt for password hashing.
So, the MERN stack combines flexibility and scalability, giving it the ideal
foundation for building a book-based e-commerce website. By putting best
practices into practice and giving the user experience first importance,
developers may create a stable and user-friendly platform that can satisfy the
needs of both sellers and buyers in the book market.
[1] Sanchit Agarwal, Jyoti Verma, “Comparative Analysis of MEAN Stack
and MERN Stack”, International Journal of Recent Research Aspects, March
[2] Mohanish Bawane , Ishali Gawande , Vaishnavi Joshi , Rujuta Nikam ,
Prof. Sudesh A. Bachwani, “A Review on Technologies used in MERN
stack”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET), Jan 2022.
[3] Osama Mohammed, Ahmad Rababah and Fawaz Ahmad Masoud, “Key
Factors for Developing a Successful E-commerce Website”, IBIMA
Publishing, December 2010.
[4] David Gillman, Yin Lin, Bruce Maggs, Ramesh K. Sitaraman, “Protecting
Websites from Attack with Secure Delivery Networks”, IEEE, April 2015.
[5] Timothy Kelley, Bennett I. Bertenthal, “Real-World Decision Making:
Logging Into Secure vs. Insecure Websites”, Springer, June 2016.
[6] Tien Pham, “Building an online shop application with MERN stack”,
Bachelors Thesis, November 2020.
[7] MongoDB official website for understanding what is MERN stack: [Access Date: 10-02-23]
[8] Official Documentation for ReactJS: [Access Date:
[9] NodeJS official documentation: [Access Date:
[10] ExpressJS official documentation: [Access Date:
[11] Getting started with Mongoose: [Access Date:
[12] Best Website practices for designing the User Interface of the website:
nal-website-design-and-usability.aspx [Access Date: 15-03-23]
[13] Understanding the basic difference between CSS and
SCSS: [Access Date: 19-03-23]
[14] Passport JS documentation for Google Login: [Access Date: 19-03-23]
[15] Using CORS for secure connection between frontend and backend: [Access Date:
[16] Nodemailer official documentation:
[Access Date: 26-04-23]