National Industrial Security System (NISS) Release 2.0
12 March 2020
NISS Overview External User
What is NISS? ............................................................................................................................... 2
NISS Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Purpose of this Document ........................................................................................................................ 2
NISS External User Roles .............................................................................................................. 3
NISS External User Personas ..................................................................................................................... 4
Security Staff ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Sponsor (GCA and Industry) .................................................................................................................. 5
Facility Clearance Verifier ..................................................................................................................... 6
NISS Homepage and Tabs ............................................................................................................ 7
NISS Knowledge Base ................................................................................................................... 9
NISS Features and Functions ...................................................................................................... 11
Requesting a NISS Account ..................................................................................................................... 11
Changing Roles in NISS ........................................................................................................................ 12
Change Condition Reporting ................................................................................................................... 13
Change Condition Process Workflow .................................................................................................. 13
Facility Profile Update ............................................................................................................................. 15
Sponsorship Submission.......................................................................................................................... 16
Sponsorship Submission Process Flow ................................................................................................ 16
Initial Facility Clearance (FCL).................................................................................................................. 18
Initial FCL Process Workflow ............................................................................................................... 19
Facility Clearance Verification (FCV) ....................................................................................................... 23
Messaging in NISS ................................................................................................................................... 25
Annual Self-Inspection Certification ........................................................................................................ 27
Personnel Security Investigation (PSI) Survey ......................................................................................... 28
Appendix A: Email Notifications ................................................................................................. 29
Appendix B: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ....................................................................... 32
Relevant Training Resources ................................................................................................................... 38
Appendix C: Access Knowledge Base Resources......................................................................... 39
Appendix D: NISS Quick Links for External Roles ........................................................................ 43
Appendix E: DCSA Field Office locations ..................................................................................... 44
The National Industrial Security System (NISS) is the system of record for facility clearance information,
replacing the Industrial Security Facilities Database (ISFD) and Electronic Facilities Clearance System (e-
FCL) legacy systems. NISS facilitates the efficient execution of DCSA’s core mission to strengthen national
security and improves transparency pertaining to the National Industrial Security Program (NISP).
NISS offers a variety of functionality that facilitates the process for facility clearance requests, processing,
and maintenance. Functions and features in NISS available to external users include but are not limited to
the following: request a facility clearance (FCL), report a change condition, message your Industrial
Security Representative (ISR), request a Facility Profile update, submit a Facility Clearance Verification
(FCV), and submit an Annual Self-Inspection Certification.
The NISS Overview User Guide for External Users is a comprehensive guide to assist industry and
government partners in navigating and using the NISS application to successfully perform tasks associated
with requesting and effectively maintaining a facility clearance. This user guide explains how to perform
specific tasks in NISS based on the different user roles and responsibilities available to external users. In
addition to this guide, NISS training resources are available in the NISS Knowledge Base. For guidance on
how to access the NISS Knowledge Base, refer to the Knowledge Base section of this user guide.
The eleven user roles for industry have been grouped within three NISS Categories: Security Staff, Sponsor and Facility Clearance Verifier.
Security Staff
Role Description:
The Security Staff are
members of the facility, or
organization, responsible for
the security oversight and
maintenance of their
organization. Roles include
the Facility Security Officer
(FSO), Assistant Facility
Security Officer (AFSO),
Corporate Security Officer
(CSO), Information System
Security Manager (ISSM), Key
Management Personnel
(KMP), and Other Security
Staff. Note that functionality
and process involvement in
NISS is limited for CSO and
KMP roles.
Submit a Facility
Clearance request
Report a Change
Complete and Submit
the Annual Self-
Inspection Survey and
Annual Personnel
Security Investigation
(PSI) Survey
Transmit Security
NISS Process
Submit an FCL Package
Report a Change
Submit PSI
Message ISR
Request Facility Profile
NISS FAQs for External
Initial FCL Process -
Messaging in NISS -
Reporting a Change
NISS Knowledge Base
Your one-stop shop for all
things NISS! Access job-aids,
videos, and transcripts to help
you navigate NISS and use it to
perform your duties. Click the
“Access External Knowledge
Base” Quick Link from the NISS
home page for access.
Role Description:
A Sponsor is a
Government Contracting
Activity (GCA) or a
cleared prime contractor
requesting sponsorship of
a Contracting Facility
requiring an FCL by
demonstrating a
legitimate need to access
classified information in
the performance of work
on a classified contract.
Submit a Sponsorship
Request for a
Contracting Facility
requiring an FCL by
demonstrating a
legitimate need to
access classified
information in the
performance of work on
a classified contract
NISS Process
Used Job-Aids
Submit a Sponsorship
Submitting a
Sponsorship Request
NISS FAQs for External
NISS Knowledge Base
Your one-stop shop for all
things NISS! Access job-aids,
videos, and transcripts to help
you navigate NISS and use it to
perform your duties. Click the
“Access External Knowledge
Base” Quick Link from the NISS
home page for access.
Facility Clearance
Role Description:
The Facility Clearance Verifier
submits and views Facility
Clearance Verification (FCV)
requests and notifications.
FCV requests are used to
verify safeguarding capability
prior to transmitting classified
information and/or to verify
FCL status prior to disclosing
classified information. FCV
requests are also used to
conduct necessary oversight
of classified subcontractors or
determine potential
sponsorship need.
Verify safeguarding
capability prior to
transmitting classified
information and/or to
verify FCL status prior to
disclosing classified
Submit, view, or delete
an FCV Request for new
or current classified
NISS Process
Used Job-Aids
Submit an FCV Request
Facility Clearance
Verification User Guide
NISS FAQs for External
NISS Knowledge Base
Your one-stop shop for all
things NISS! Access job-aids,
videos, and transcripts to help
you navigate NISS and use it to
perform your duties. Click the
“Access External Knowledge
Base” Quick Link from the NISS
home page for access.
NISS External Home Page section 1:
The NISS External Home Page includes navigation tabs, notification widgets, Quick Links, and dashboard
views; find details of each feature below:
a. Tabs: Tabs are core navigation controls and are unique to the role of the user. The “Dashboard”
tab is the default screen when a user logs into NISS. In the sample figure below, the tabs available
are “Facility Profiles”, “Tasks”, “Facility Messaging”, “Sponsorship Submissions”, “FCL Packages”,
and “More”.
More Tab: The “MORE” tab is a dynamic menu of additional pages that will vary by the NISS user’s
role and are not available to all users. A sample is provided in the figure below.
b. Notification Widgets: Important updates for external users to be aware of are included in the
different widgets on the home page. These widgets will vary depending on priority
c. Quick Links: The Quick Links are links to common functions in NISS and located on the Dashboard.
The list of Quick Links presented to the user are specific to the role under which he or she is
logged in. For example, an FSO role has different Quick Links than a Sponsor role.
d. Dashboard Views: The list of dashboards listed under “Dashboard Views” vary by role are
intended to help users manage their different tasks and job functions in NISS.
NISS External Home Page section 2:
e. Welcome: The Welcome widget is used to notify internal users of NISS training updates such as
new job aids that have become available.
Knowledge Base User Guide - Industry*
Appendix D: NISS Quick Links for External Roles
*See Appendix C for instructions to open training resource(s) in the NISS Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base is available to all NISS users and houses all external training resources to assist
industry and other external users with using NISS. The job aids posted in the Knowledge Base cover a
variety of topics, including how to submit an initial facility clearance request, how to report a change
condition, how to send a message to a DCSA representative, how to request a Facility Clearance
Verification, and how to sponsor a facility clearance. To access the Knowledge Base, click “Access the
External Knowledge Base” from the Quick Links dashboard on the NISS home page then click the “Go to
Knowledge Base” button that appears.
As new job aids are added to the Knowledge Base, they are featured on the NISS External Home Page
under the “Welcome” section. Beyond job aids, other resources available in the Knowledge Base include
NISS overview one-pager, NISS FAQs, KMP and SF-328 resources, and reference links to other DCSA and
CDSE training materials.
The Knowledge Base homepage displays different methods of sorting and searching for resources:
a. Topics clicking on a topic results in a list of resources related to that topic
b. Search bar entering keywords here allows you to search for resources based on those keywords
in the resource title
c. Featured Article (default view) lists resources that have been featured thus far
d. Most Recent sorts the list of resources in the order they were added (most recent first) and
includes a comprehensive list of all available resources
e. Most Popular sorts the list of resources in order of popularity (most “Likes” first) and includes a
list of resources that have received at least one “like”
To access the Knowledge Base, click “Access the External Knowledge Base” from the Quick Links
dashboard on the NISS home page. Click the “Go to Knowledge Base” button that appears.
The “Featured Article” view does not include a full list of all available Knowledge Base resources.
The “Most Recent” view includes a comprehensive list of all available Knowledge Base resources.
The “Most Popular” view includes a list of resources that have received at least one ‘like.
The search function in the Knowledge Base only searches by keywords included in the resource
title and does not generate search results based on information within the training documents.
Knowledge Base User Guide - Industry
*See Appendix C for instructions to open training resource(s) in the NISS Knowledge Base
In order for any user to access NISS, a National Industrial Security Program (NISP) Central Access
Information Security System, or NCAISS, account must first be created. Instructions on how to register for
an NCAISS account are available in this job aid as well on the NCAISS website: https://ncaiss.dss.mil/dss-
cac-login/cert/login. Once you have registered for an NCAISS account, go to the NCAISS homepage to log
into NCAISS and request access to NISS using the following website: https://ncaiss.dss.mil/. Users can
request multiple NISS roles depending on their job duties but must submit a separate request for each
required role in NCAISS. For example, if you are a Facility Clearance Verifier (FCV) who performs
Corporate Security Officer duties, you may also request a Corporate Security Officer role. Note that users
must have an active PKI for access to NCAISS and NISS.
Government (non-DCSA) and industry NISS account requests are made through NCAISS. All requests for
government NISS user roles (Government Contracting Activity (GCA) and Other Government Activity
(OGA) roles) are sent to the Facility Clearance Branch (FCB) to review and make a determination to either
approve or reject the request. To contact the FCB Knowledge Center, please call (888) 282-7682 and
select ‘Option 3’ for ‘Facility Clearance Inquiries.’ The FCB Knowledge Center ‘Office Hours’ are Monday
through Friday, 8:00AM 5:00 PM EST. Industry NISS user requests are sent to the assigned Industrial
Security Representative (ISR). When a user’s role request is approved, the user receives an email to the
email account associated with their NCAISS account. After an account is approved, the next time the user
logs into NCAISS, they will see a link for NISS Application under “My Applications.” Click “NISS Application”
to access the system. Finally, users may request more than one NISS role through NCAISS, depending on
their job duties. Submitted account requests expire after 14 days of inactivity. If your account request
expires, you will need to re-submit your request. After 45 days of inactivity (15 days after your account is
locked), your account will be purged. If so, you will need to re-request your NISS role(s) through NCAISS.
Steps to Requesting a NISS Role:
External users can select from the following NISS categories when requesting an account:
Security Staff Choose “Security Staff” if you are a member of the company’s security team. As
“Security Staff” member, you will need to enter your CAGE code when requesting an account.
Sponsor Choose “Sponsor” if you need to sponsor a company for a facility clearance or facility
clearance upgrade.
Facility Clearance Verifier Choose “Facility Clearance Verifier” if you need to determine the
facility clearance information for another company.
Register for an
NCAISS account
Log into NCAISS
Request NISS Access by
submitting a NISS role
Users may have multiple roles, depending on their job duties. To switch between roles, users simply need
to click the current role displayed when they log in, which is located in the Quick Links widget on the NISS
homepage. For industry users, the CAGE Code associated with the different roles displays next to the role
title. For example, an industry role may say “Facility Security Officer (FSO) K2222.”
In order to request a NISS account, you must first establish an NCAISS account.
You may request more than one NISS role for a given CAGE code, or multiple CAGE codes,
through NCAISS, depending on your job duties.
Industry roles will be approved by the facility’s assigned Industrial Security Representative (ISR).
Submitted account requests expire after 14 days of inactivity. If your account request expires, you
will need to re-submit your request.
If your role is approved you will see a link for “NISS Application” under “My Applications.”
After 45 days of inactivity (15 days after your account is locked), your account will be purged. You
will need to re-request your NISS role(s) through NCAISS at this time.
If requesting a “Security Staff” role, you will need to enter a CAGE Code.
How to Request a NISS Account as an External User
How to Change Your NISS Role*
*See Appendix C for instructions to open training resource(s) in the NISS Knowledge Base
In accordance with paragraph 1-302g of the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual
(NISPOM), cleared contractors are required to report certain changes affecting the facility clearance (FCL)
to DCSA. These changes can involve one or more but not limited to the following: a change in Ownership,
Legal Structure, Operating Name, Address, Key Management Personnel (KMP), or Foreign Ownership,
Control or Influence (FOCI). Change Conditions at a cleared facility may affect the facility’s FCL eligibility.
See the Change Condition Process Workflow below for an overview of the change condition process in
The system does not allow for more than one change condition package to be in process at a
time. Additional change condition packages can be reported once the package being processed
has been closed. To check if there is a change condition package open, you can click the Quick
Link “View My Open Changed Conditions”.
Additional tabs in a Change Condition Package generate based on your responses to the Change
Condition questionnaire, such as the “SF-328” tab for a change in address or “KMP” tab for a
change in KMP.
If your change condition results in any changes to your existing SF-328, including name or address
changes, you must submit an updated SF-328 as part of the change condition package.
The KMP records marked “Current are the official record according to DCSA and those records
can only be modified by DCSA personnel. A change condition request will need to be submitted
to make any changes to “Current” KMP records. However, Industry has the ability to modify
“Awaiting Approval” records when submitting a change condition package.
While you have an open change condition package, you will see both the original and the
potential/revised entries together in your KMP List on the facility profile, with the
potential/revised entries being preceded by “Awaiting Approval.” This will occur even if you don’t
submit the package.
To remove a package from NISS, you will need to submit the package with a request to archive.
External Reporting a Change Condition
How to Archive/Remove a Facility Clearance (FCL) Change Condition Package
*See Appendix C for instructions to open training resource(s) in the NISS Knowledge Base
The Facility Profile Update capability allows NISS Industry users to propose edits to limited sections of the
Facility Profile data separate from a change condition request to the Defense Counterintelligence and
Security Agency (DCSA). Historically, this data has been managed by DCSA personnel. However, in an
effort to promote ease of reporting and accuracy in facility profile information, this NISS capability has
been extended to Industry users. Facility profile information that can be edited in NISS by Industry users
includes, but is not limited to: new contracts, business information, and contact information. Facility
Profile fields that require change condition reporting cannot be updated by Industry users such as facility
name, KMP names, company address, and other data, per NISPOM requirements. Please note that only
one draft Facility Profile update request can be open at a time.
The following user roles will have the ability to propose updates to eligible fields within the Facility Profile
associated with their CAGE Code(s): Facility Security Officer (FSO), Assistant Facility Security Officer
(AFSO), Other Security Staff, and Corporate Security Officer. Email notifications are sent out to notify the
assigned ISR when industry submits a Facility Profile Update Request. Once the proposed updates have
been submitted, the Industrial Security Representative (IS Rep) will review the updated information and
make a determination to either accept or reject these changes. Industry users will be notified by email
when the assigned ISR makes a determination on the request. Updates that have been accepted will
appear in the Facility Profile. Any rejected changes and rationale will be included in an email notification.
FSO, AFSO, Other Security Staff, and Corporate Security Officer have the ability to submit a
Facility Profile Update Request. External users can request updates to their Facility Profile via the
designated Quick Link or via their Facility Profile.
Facility Profile fields that require change condition reporting cannot be updated by Industry users
such as facility name, KMP names, company address, and other data, per NISPOM requirements.
Email notifications are sent out to notify the assigned ISR when industry submits a Facility Profile
Update Request and to notify industry when the assigned ISR makes a determination on the
The ISR has the option to partially approve a request where some of the changes are approved
and others are rejected. Updates that have been accepted will appear in the Facility Profile. Any
rejected changes will be identified in an email notification, along with the reason for rejection.
Facility Update Request - Industry
*See Appendix C for instructions to open training resource(s) in the NISS Knowledge Base
To be considered for a facility clearance (FCL), a facility must first have an approved sponsorship request
from a Government Contracting Activity (GCA) or by another cleared contractor that is procuring services
requiring access to classified information from the uncleared contracting company. The sponsorship
request is submitted by either a Sponsor GCA or Sponsor Industry user in NISS and evaluated to confirm
that the contracting facility has a legitimate need to access classified information in the performance of
work on a classified contract. Sponsorship submission is the first step in the initial FCL process.
Once a Sponsor submits a sponsorship request in NISS, a Facility Profile is automatically created. When a
sponsorship request is submitted, the DCSA reviewer can select to approve or reject the request, or
request additional information from the Sponsor to make a final determination. If a request is rejected,
the Sponsor will need to submit a new sponsorship request. See process flow below for more
information. Once your sponsorship is approved, the initial FCL process is started in NISS.
To be considered for an FCL, a facility must first have an approved sponsorship request from a
Government Contracting Activity (GCA) or by another cleared contractor that is procuring
services requiring access to classified information from the uncleared contracting company.
The sponsorship request is evaluated to confirm that the contracting facility has a legitimate need
to access classified information in the performance of work on a classified contract.
Once a Sponsor submits a sponsorship request in NISS, a Facility Profile is automatically created.
If a sponsorship package is rejected, the FCL process stops and resubmission is required.
Once your sponsorship is approved, the initial FCL process is started in NISS.
Submitting a Sponsorship Request
*See Appendix C for instructions to open training resource(s) in the NISS Knowledge Base
A facility security clearance, or FCL, is an administrative determination that from a national security
standpoint, a facility is eligible for access to classified information of a certain classification level, and all
lower levels. In order to obtain an FCL, a company must meet the eligibility requirements listed in
NISPOM 2-102, and meet personnel security clearance requirements for certain Key Management
Personnel (KMP). The Defense Counterintelligence & Security Agency (DCSA) grants FCLs through a
process that involves evaluating a contractor’s company and facility in detail. There are five main areas
that are evaluated to determine if an FCL can be issued:
1. Sponsorship
2. Execution of the Security Agreement, or DD Form 441
3. The company’s business structure
4. The company’s Key Management Personnel (KMP)
5. Any Foreign, Ownership, Control or Influence (FOCI) factors that would affect the contractor
Facility Clearance Branch:
Within DCSA, under Industrial Security Field Operations, the Facility Clearance Branch (FCB)
oversees the issuance of FCLs and monitors the maintenance of those clearances. The FCB employs
security specialists who monitor facility security clearances for multiple contractors.
To be considered for an FCL, a facility must first have an approved sponsorship request from a
Government Contracting Activity (GCA) or from a cleared prime contractor sponsoring the facility
under the National Industrial Security Program (NISP).
Once your sponsorship is approved, an initial FCL can be requested in the NISS.
National Industrial Security System (NISS):
FCL information is collected, tracked, and maintained electronically using a variety of information
systems, databases, and secure websites. Information pertaining to contractor facility security clearances
is managed using the National Industrial Security System (NISS) for which these resources can be used as
a reference.
For more information on the overall initial FCL process, see the Initial FCL Process Workflow below.
Once a Sponsor submits a sponsorship request in NISS, a facility profile is automatically created
for that CAGE code and an initial FCL can be requested in the NISS.
If the sponsorship is approved, the listed FSO will receive a welcome email with guidance on how
to create a NISS account. In order to submit your required documentation and forms, you will be
required to register for an account in the NISS. Required documents and KMP who are required
to be cleared vary depending on the company’s business structure.
After reviewing the FCL Orientation Handbook and Presentation you will be asked to upload the
required documentations and forms in NISS, submit essential Key Management Personnel (KMP)
electronic questionnaire for investigations processing (e-QIP), and submit KMP fingerprints.
An FCL Package can be returned back to Industry for additional information at different points in
the initial FCL process; for example after a package has been initially verified by DCSA, as an
outcome of the FCL Orientation Meeting, or in certain cases, as an outcome of Business Analysis
Unit (BAU) review.
During the final review of an FCL package, a DCSA Reviewer can issue one of two types of FCLs,
either an Interim FCL or a Final FCL. If an Interim FCL is issued, a DCSA Reviewer will need to
conduct an additional review and change the FCL package’s status from “Interim” to “Final.”
Initial Facility Clearance (FCL) Package Process - Industry
How to Resubmit Your Initial FCL Package
*See Appendix C for instructions to open training resource(s) in the NISS Knowledge Base
The Facility Clearance Verification (FCV) function in NISS allows users to submit and view facility
verification requests when logged in as either a Government or Industry Facility Clearance Verifier (FCV)
role. Unlike Government and Industry FCV roles, Security Staff ((Facility Security Officer (FSO), Assistant
Facility Security Officer (AFSO), and Other Security Staff roles)) are not able to generate a FCV report for a
CAGE code they are not associated with in NISS. A NISS enhancement has expanded this functionality to
the FSO, AFSO, and Other Security Staff roles to generate a FCV report for the facility you are currently
logged in as.
An FCL notification includes the following information: CAGE Code, Facility Name, Physical Location,
Classified Mailing Address, Classified Hardware Mailing Address, Classified Overnight Address, Facility
Clearance Status/Level, Status Date, Document Safeguarding Level, Authorized Access to, FCL Limitations,
Special Limitation Notes, Facility Security Officer, Facility Security Officer Phone Number, DSS Field Office,
and DSS Field Office Phone Number. .
FCL Verification Requests are only to be used for verification of safeguarding capability prior to
transmitting classified information and/or to verify FCL status prior to disclosing classified information. To
submit a FCV, click “Submit Facility Verification Request” from the NISS Quick Links dashboard. Users can
specify if their request is a one-time request or an ongoing request. For one time requests, users will not
be notified if there are any changes to their facility clearance information. For ongoing requests, users will
be notified whenever facility clearance information is changed. The “Submit Clearance Verification”
functionality can only be run for CAGE codes with an FCL status of Active, Interim, or Invalidated. Facilities
with None, In-Process, Revoked, or Terminated status cannot return a clearance verification.
Credentials for running an FCV CAGE codes must have an FCL status of Active, Interim, or
Invalidated. Facilities with None, In Process Revoked, or Terminated status cannot access a
clearance verification.
An FCL notification includes the following information: CAGE Code, Facility Name, Physical
Location, Classified Mailing Address, Classified Hardware Mailing Address, Classified Overnight
Address, Facility Clearance Status/Level, Status Date, Document Safeguarding Level, Authorized
Access to, FCL Limitations, Special Limitation Notes, Facility Security Officer, Facility Security
Officer Phone Number, DSS Field Office, and DSS Field Office Phone Number.
To submit a FCV, click “Submit Facility Verification Request” from the NISS Quick Links dashboard.
Users can specify if their request is a one-time request or an ongoing request. For one time
requests, users will not be notified if there are any changes to their facility clearance information.
For ongoing requests, users will be notified whenever facility clearance information is changed.
To view Facility Verification Requests (FVR) notifications, click “View My FVR Notifications” from
the NISS Quick Links dashboard to see if there have been any changes to a FCL’s status.
Facility Clearance Verification (FCV) User Guide - Industry
*See Appendix C for instructions to open training resource(s) in the NISS Knowledge Base
The “Messaging” function in NISS allows users to send information and transmit files to their assigned
DCSA Industrial Security Representative (ISR) through encrypted means. Users can utilize the messaging
function for general inquiries, to report a security violation, to submit a FOCI Annual Certification, etc.
Since all messages in the NISS application are automatically encrypted, using the messaging function is
the most secure way to send sensitive information such as personally identifiable information (PII).
However, only unclassified information should be entered into the system. Another benefit of using the
messaging feature is that messages are automatically saved to the Facility Profile. Therefore, a history of
messages can be accessed by DCSA and Industry rather than messages being scattered across personal
email boxes. When reviewing your message “inbox”, note that if the status or reply status of a message is
“Unread”, then it has not yet been viewed by DCSA; and if the message status is “Read”, then DCSA has
viewed the message. Upon receiving a message in NISS, users are notified via an email alert to log into the
application to view a message.
To access the “New Facility Messaging” feature displayed in the image below, navigate to the NISS
Homepage then select “Message My ISR” from your Quick Links. The message form includes the following
Sender’s Full Name, Sender Role, and Facility Profile - appear as pre-populated read-only fields.
The Date Sent - is blank because the message has not been sent yet; the date will
populate to the current date and time after clicking the “Send Message” button.
Message Type - is similar to an email subject line; select from one of the options listed.
Message - enter your message content in the “Message” text box.
Status - is automatically populated; when a message has not yet been sent, the status field
defaults to “Message Not Sent.”
+ Select a File these buttons can be used to attach a file
John Doe
Users can utilize the messaging function for general inquiries, submitting a security baseline,
reporting a security violation, submitting FOCI Annual Certification, etc.
All data within NISS is encrypted to include messaging. Using the messaging function is a more
secure way to send unclassified sensitive information such as PII.
All messages are automatically saved to the Facility Profile for easy reference.
Users can only send a message to their Industrial Security Representative (ISR).
Up to five attachments can be added to a single a message.
If the status of a message is “Unread”, then it has not yet been viewed by DCSA. If the message
status is “Read”, then DCSA has viewed the message. This also applies to “Reply Status”, in which
“Reply Unread” means there is at least one reply in the message chain that has not been read,
either by you or DCSA, while “All Replies Read” means all messages have been read by all parties.
Messaging in NISS - Industry
*See Appendix C for instructions to open training resource(s) in the NISS Knowledge Base
The National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) requires all participants in the
National Industrial Security Program (NISP) to conduct their own self-inspections including an insider
threat self-assessment on an annual basis. Self-inspections provide insight into a cleared facility’s security
program and is an opportunity for facilities to look at the security procedures established at their
company and validate that they not only meet NISPOM requirements, but are also being implemented by
their cleared employees. According to the NISPOM 1-207b, the annual review of a facility’s security
program must address:
1. These self-inspections will be related to the activity, information, information systems (ISs), and
conditions of the overall security program, to include the insider threat program; have sufficient
scope, depth, and frequency; and management support in execution and remedy.
2. The contractor will prepare a formal report describing the self-inspection, its findings, and
resolution of issues found. The contractor will retain the formal report for the Cognizant Security
Authority (CSA) review through the next CSA inspection.
3. A senior management official at the cleared facility will certify to the CSA, in writing on an annual
basis, that a self-inspection has been conducted, that senior management has been briefed on
the results, that appropriate corrective action has been taken, and that management fully
supports the security program at the cleared facility.
4. Self-inspections by contractors will include the review of representative samples of the
contractor’s derivative classification actions, as applicable.
Prior to submitting a self-inspection certification using NISS, you must have already prepared a formal
report which describes the self-inspection methods, its findings, and any resolution of issues found; and
furthermore you must have briefed senior management on these results. Once you have satisfied the
self-inspection requirements above, use NISS to submit a self-inspection certification to DCSA. A link to
the Self-Inspection Handbook is included at the top of the “New Self-Inspection” window for additional
information on the process. Past self-inspection submissions can be viewed in NISS.
Per the NISPOM, all participants in the NISP must conduct their own self-inspections annually
(including an insider threat self-assessment), to assess their facility’s security program.
Prior to submitting a self-inspection certification using NISS, you must have already prepared a
formal report which describes the self-inspection methods, its findings, and any resolution of
issues found. Furthermore, you must have briefed senior management on these results.
A link to the Self-Inspection Handbook is included at the top of the “New Self-Inspection” window
for additional information on the process.
Submitting Annual Self-Inspection Certification
*See Appendix C for instructions to open training resource(s) in the NISS Knowledge Base
Industry users must complete an annual Personnel Security Investigation (PSI) survey so the agency can
properly collect contractor clearance data of its cleared defense industry personnel and ensure
availability of funding to meet the need for Industry PSIs. The PSI survey is required to be completed on
an annual basis and is only available in NISS for a month, typically throughout the month of March. The
Survey can be submitted in NISS by the following users: Facility Security Officer (FSO), Assistant Facility
Security Officer (AFSO), Key Management Personnel (KMP), or Other Security Staff.
To complete a new PSI survey or to continue with a previously opened PSI survey, click “Start a
New PSI Survey” from the Quick Links dashboard on the NISS home page.
There are three different “PSI Submission Types” to choose from within the PSI survey:
o Single Submission “I am submitting data only for my facility’s CAGE code.”
o Consolidated Submission I am submitting a response for at least two facility CAGE
o No Submission I will not be requiring any initial or periodic investigations in Fiscal Year
2020, 2021, or 2020.”
There are three different “Agency Types” to choose from within the PSI survey:
o Only DoD contracts/activities.
o Only Non-DoD contracts/activities.
o Both DoD and Non-DoD contracts/activities.
Based on the “Agency Type” selected, either the “DoD Estimated Projections,” “Non-DoD
Estimates Projections,” or both tabs will be visible within the PSI survey to be completed.
PSI Survey Instructions
*See Appendix C for instructions to open training resource(s) in the NISS Knowledge Base
Users receive email notifications for a variety of actions and functions in NISS including alerts to notify
users of a new task (most common email alert) during FCL and change condition package reviews, new
message receipt, facility verification requests, and FCL discontinuation and/or termination notifications;
see examples below:
Email Notification 1: Sponsorship Package Submitted
Email Notification 2: A New Task Received in NISS for FCL Submission
Email Notification 3: FCL Approval or FCL Level Change
Email Notification 4: FCL Sponsorship Discontinuation
Email Notification 5: Facility Clearance Termination
Q: How do I request a NISS account?
A: First, you must establish an NCAISS account (https://www.dss.mil/is/ncaiss/). After you establish your
NCAISS account, you will request your NISS account through NCAISS. A SAR form is not required. For a
video tutorial on how to request your NISS account, visit the NISS webpage at
https://www.dss.mil/is/niss/ and find the “Registration” section.
If your position requires you to perform multiple duties (for example, sponsoring a company for a facility
clearance and performing Facility Security Officer (FSO) duties), you will need to request each role
separately. (Note: The “Facility Security Officer (FSO)” role does not include functionality contained in the
“Sponsor Industry” and Facility Clearance Verifier “FCV Industry” roles. Those roles will need to be
requested separately.) Each role requested is evaluated by an account approver. Industry roles are
processed by the assigned DCSA Industrial Security Representative. Government roles are processed by
Submitted account requests expire after 14 days of inactivity. If your account request expires, you will
need to re-submit your request.
Q: Can I request multiple NISS roles?
A: Yes. You must submit separate NISS requests in NCAISS for each required role. For example, if an
Industry member is the FSO at a facility but also needs to sponsor a company for a facility clearance, the
user must register for the “Facility Security Officer (FSO)” and “Sponsor Industry” roles. DCSA Industrial
Security Representatives are responsible for properly vetting Industry members and approving only the
roles that they need to conduct official business. For example, if there is no need for an Industry member
to conduct facility clearance verifications, the Facility Clearance Verifier “FCV Industry” role should not be
Q: How are Industry accounts approved?
A: Industry NISS account requests are sent to the assigned DCSA Industrial Security Representative for
processing. After your request is approved or rejected, you will receive an email. If your request was
rejected, a rejection reason will be included in the email.
Q: How are Government accounts approved?
A: Government NISS account requests are sent to DCSA HQ for processing. After your request is approved
or rejected, you will receive an email. If your request was rejected, a rejection reason will be included in
the email.
Q: What if when registering for my NISS account in NCAISS I am not seeing the proper NISS role choices for
my required job duties?
A: Log into NCAISS, click “My Information” on the left side, then click “Edit” on the top right corner. If you
are an Industry user, ensure your email ends in .com, .net, .edu, .org, or other commercial domain. If you
are a Government user, ensure your email address ends in .gov or .mil. Also, make sure that the box “By
checking this box, I confirm that I am a DSS internal user.” is NOT checked as any request with that
checked will be rejected. Click “Update” to save your changes. Return to the main NCAISS page, select
“Create/Modify Requests” and then the “Request/Manage NISS Access” link. Proper roles will appear in
the drop-down list.
Q: How do I check the status of my NISS account request?
A: Log into NCAISS. On the left bar, click “Track Requests.” Search for your requests using the search
options. You can double click within the results to see the status of the request and who is the assigned
Q: I received an email that my NISS account request expired. What does that mean?
A: Your NISS account request must be reviewed and processed within 14 days or it will expire due to
inactivity. Please re-submit your request. For Industry members, please contact your ISR to confirm they
have received your request.
Q: What if my ISR is on extended leave, will someone else be able to process my request?
A: There is a function within NCAISS that allows the ISR to delegate requests to another person if they are
on extended leave.
Q: What if I am having issues with my NCAISS account or NCAISS password?
A: Call the Knowledge Center at 1-888-282-7682 and choose Option 2, then Option 2.
Q: How will Excluded Parents (XP) register for NISS accounts?
A: Industry personnel at XP’s will not be able to register for NISS accounts under the XP CAGE code. In
general, key data regarding the XP is provided to DCSA by the highest cleared contractor. Please contact
the assigned ISR for any additional questions.
Q: Can I register for multiple NCAISS accounts?
A: It is up to your companies' policies whether you require multiple NCAISS accounts for each CAGE code,
or whether you can have NISS roles for multiple CAGE codes under one NCAISS account. There are two
options available:
1. You may register for one NCAISS account, and then register for all necessary NISS accounts under
that NCAISS account. NOTE: The user can request multiple roles for multiple CAGE codes under
one NCAISS account. The user submits separate NISS requests for each necessary role/CAGE
2. You may register for multiple NCAISS accounts, assuming that you have multiple tokens/PKI and
multiple email addresses for each CAGE code. NOTE: From each unique NCAISS account, the user
can register for the appropriate NISS account(s).
Q: If I have multiple roles in NISS, how do I change roles in NISS?
A: You are able to change roles from your dashboard when you log into NISS. Right above the numbered
Quick Links, there is a link that says “Click to change roles.” Click the link and you will be presented with
your approved roles. Select the desired role. Click “Select User Team/CAGE.” The page will refresh and
you will have the new role’s functionality displayed on the Quick Links. There is a job aid available in the
NISS Knowledge Base that explains how to change roles within the system.
Q: Does NISS send me emails?
A: Yes, NISS sends emails to notify you of your required action or for other applicable informational
Q: Why is the system slow?
A: We are aware of significant latency issues and are working diligently to resolve them. Since launch,
DCSA has deployed several improvements to address the system latency concern and improve system
response time. DCSA did not want to delay the deployment of the system, in an effort to provide
enhanced features with the NISS and move away from ISFD and e-FCL. The NISS team is focusing on
reducing the time it takes to perform common functions.
Q: Did the e-FCL packages migrate to NISS?
A: e-FCL packages migrated to NISS but are only available for DCSA users at this time. If you need to
create a new Change Condition, please click the “Report Change Conditions” link from the NISS
dashboard. For all NISS submitted Initial or Change Condition packages you will have full access to the
information in that package and be able to track it. If you need to close out an e-FCL package that was
pending during the data migration to NISS, please work directly with your ISR to close the package. You
can use the NISS Messaging feature to exchange messages and documents.
Q: How do I print?
A: Application-based print functions are not available in the NISS. However, you can always print from the
native browser. Printing information from NISS is discouraged because users should use NISS as the
system of record to validate information and not a printout version of data from the system. The data
may become outdated immediately after printing.
Q: How do I search for a government office locations?
A: DCSA does not keep a record of government office locations. If you are looking for a specific DCSA
office please go to the following link: https://www.dss.mil/ma/ctp/io/fo/locations/
Q: How do I delete an FCL Change Condition package?
A: Unlike e-FCL, Industry does not have the ability to remove packages from NISS. You will need to submit
the package with a request to archive. To request a package to be archived, complete the following steps:
1. From the Dashboard, click on “8. View My Change Condition Packages.” On the new window click
the view selection “(External) My Open Change Conditions” on the right side of the window.
2. Open the package to be archived. NOTE: You can only request packages for archive that are in a
“Draft” or “Re-submit” status.
3. Navigate to the “Industry-DSS Package Comments” tab.
4. Update “Package Summary/Comments for DSS” comment box with a request to remove the
package and include your reason. For example: “Please archive this package. There is nothing to
report. This package was created in error.”
5. Click on the “Submit” button located in the lower right of the window.
Once the ISR has archived the package, the system will send you a system email notification. To verify the
archive status, go to your Dashboard, select “8. View My Change Condition Packages”, and click on
“(External) My Closed Packages.” The system will display all completed packages with the FCL Package
Status. A job aid is available from the NISS dashboard and also within the NISS Knowledge Base to explain
this function.
Q: How do I upload my DD254 or other documentation?
A: Any files you want to provide your ISR (other than those associated with an Initial FCL Package or FCL
Change Condition) may be sent with the in-system “Message My ISR” messaging functionality found on
your Dashboard’s Quick Links to upload documents and send to your Industrial Security Representative.
Q: How do I re-submit my Change Condition package?
A: To resubmit your change condition package, log into NISS. On the dashboard, click View My Tasks. On
the right bar, click “(External) Security Staff Tasks”. Find the open task called “Resubmit CC Package.” Click
the record to open it (do not click the check box on the far left side). When the task page opens, click
Actions on the right bar, and then Complete. You will be presented with the package. Make your edits
here and click Complete to submit the package.
Common Tip: Sometimes a pop up window will appear on an alternate screen. Look at all screens for
“Saved Successfully” type notifications.
Q: I’m a new company in the NISP. How do I submit my FCL Package?
A: On the NISS Dashboard, click the link called “Submit My FCL Package.” When the page loads, click the
“My Open Initial FCL Packages” link on the right side. Find your record and click once to open it. (Do not
click the check box on the left column.) Click through the gray tabs at the top (Basic Information, SF-328,
etc.) to complete all required fields and upload all required documentation. When you are finished, click
the blue “Submit” button and wait until the page refreshes and you see the message “Your FCL Package
has been submitted.” Please note: this may take several minutes to submit.
Q: My FCL package was returned to me by DCSA. How do I make updates to the package and re-submit?
A: On the NISS Dashboard, click the link called “Submit My FCL Package.” When the page loads, click the
“My Open Initial FCL Packages” link on the right side. Find your record and click once to open it. Click
through the gray tabs at the top (Basic Information, SF-328, etc.) and make your required updates.
When you are finished, click the blue “Submit” button and wait until the page refreshes and you see the
message “Your FCL Package has been submitted.”
Common Tip: After saving the FCL package, you must wait for the page to refresh until you see a “Saved
Successfully” pop up window. When the “Saved Successfully” pop up appears, you know your changes
have been saved. Close the pop up window to continue making changes or Submit the package.
Q: How do I view my facility profile?
A: To view your facility profile, please ensure you are currently logged in as a Security Staff role (i.e. FSO,
AFSO, etc.) for the associated CAGE code you are attempting to view. Click “View My Facility Profile” from
the Quick Links. Note: Please make sure you are not on the “All Records” view on the right side of the
page. You must click the label on the right bar that says “(External) My Facilities”. You may also click the
drop down arrow within the “(External) My Facilities” to set this as your default view. Click anywhere on
the record to open the facility profile. Do not click the check box on the left column. When your facility
profile loads, you will be able to view the information in a “read-only” state.
Q: How do external users (Industry and Government) receive system training?
A: The Knowledge Base is available to all users and houses all external training resources to assist industry
and other external users with using NISS. The job aids posted in the Knowledge Base cover a variety of
topics and are posted to the NISS dashboard under the “Welcome” widget in the NISS Knowledge Base.
Beyond job aids, other resources available in the Knowledge Base include NISS overview one-pager, NISS
FAQs, Tailored Security Plan template, KMP and SF-328 resources, and reference links to other DCSA and
CDSE training materials.
Q: Is training required prior to obtaining an account?
A: No. Training is highly recommended but not required for obtaining a NISS account.
Q: What is the best browser to use for accessing NISS?
A: NISS is currently supported by Internet Explorer Version 11 and Firefox Version 52. Using these
browser types minimizes access issues as they have proven to be more compatible with the NISS
Q: What if I try logging into NISS and all I see are 2 green UNCLASSFIED//FOUO bars?
A: This is a known issue. First, try to refresh the page. If the problem persists, call the Knowledge Center
and they will provide you with an additional resource to help resolve the issue. (888) 282-7682 and
choose Option 2, then Option 2.
Q: What does it mean when I log into NISS but immediately am sent to the “log off” screen?
A: This likely means your account is locked/inactive. Call the Knowledge Center at 1-888-282-7682 and
choose Option 2, then Option 2. After the Knowledge Center has unlocked your account, please ensure to
immediately log into NISS. You will need to log in for the system to full process the unlock action.
Please note, logging into NCAISS does not qualify for logging into NISS. You must click the NISS Application
link and then click “I Accept” on the banner to be taken to your NISS dashboard. Once you see the NISS
Dashboard, you have successfully logged into NISS.
Q: When will my NISS account be locked due to inactivity?
A: You need to log into NISS every 30 days to prevent your account from being locked. You will be
provided with email notifications as your account lockout approaches. Please note: Logging into NCAISS
does not qualify as a login to NISS. You must log into NCAISS, click on the NISS Application Link, and click
the "I Accept" button to officially log into NISS.
Q: What do I do if my account is locked?
A: If your account becomes locked, please contact the DCSA Knowledge Center at 888-282-7682 and
select Option 1, then Option 2. After the Knowledge Center has unlocked your account, please ensure to
immediately log into NISS. You will need to log in for the system to full process the unlock action. After 45
days of inactivity, your NISS roles will be purged and you will be required to re-register for your role(s).
Q: When will my NISS account be purged due to inactivity?
A: After 45 days of inactivity (15 days after your account is locked), your account will be purged. You will
need to re-request your NISS role(s) through NCAISS at this time.
Requesting a NISS Account
NISS Homepage and Tabs
NISS Quick Links for External Roles
Changing Roles in NISS
Initial Facility Clearance (FCL)
Facility Profile Update
NISS Knowledge Base
NCAISS-NISS Access Troubleshooting Guide*
*See Appendix C for instructions to open training resource(s) in the NISS Knowledge Base
Hyperlinks included in this user guide direct users to a variety of training resources available in the
Knowledge Base. In order to access a specific resource, users must first be logged into NISS and have an
active session going or else the link will direct them to the NISS login page and not the resource page
itself. Use the steps below to directly access the different training resources hyperlinked in the “Relevant
Training Resourcessections throughout this guide.
Note: In this example, an industry user will demonstrate how to access the Submitting Annual Self-
Inspection Certificationjob aid, which is included in the Annual Self-Inspection Submission section of this
1. Navigate to the Annual Self-Inspection Submission section of this guide. Press your ctrl
keyboard button while hovering over the Submitting Annual Self-Inspection Certification resource
link under the “Relevant Training Resources” section then click the link when a hand icon appears
( ).
2. A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm your CAC certificate. Click the OK button.
3. You will be redirected to the NISS Disclaimer page. Click the I Accept button at the bottom.
4. You will be redirected to the NISS home page. Double-click the text in the address bar/URL bar
(the narrow text field at the top of the internet/web browser where the currently displayed
website address appears), as depicted in the below picture, and delete the displayed text.
5. Copy the training resource’s URL by right clicking the hyperlinked training resource (e.g.
Submitting Annual Self-Inspection Certification), then select Copy Hyperlink” from the menu.
6. Paste the training resource’s URL into the address bar/URL bar in your internet browser then click
the “enter” button on your keyboard to search for the URL in your internet browser.
Note: To paste the URL, right click the blank address/URL bar then select paste.
7. You will then be redirected to the training resource’s page within the NISS Knowledge Base, as
shown below. To view the training resource, click on the document(s) featured in the grey shaded
8. A pop-up bar will appear at the bottom of your screen. Click the Open button, as depicted below.
9. The selected training resource will appear for you to view or save to your computer. In this
example, the “Submitting a Self-Inspection Certification Industry User Guide” was opened.
The Quick Links are links to common functions in NISS and located on the Dashboard. The list of Quick
Links presented to the user are specific to the role under which he or she is logged in. For example, a
Facility Security Officer (FSO) role has different Quick Links than a Facility Clearance Verifier role. The
following images display examples of the Quick Links for the following External roles in NISS:
Field Offices can be contacted for additional support. There are 26 different DCSA field offices located
throughout the United States locations are categorized by four regions:
Capital Region (Yellow)- 7 field offices
Northern Region (Blue) - 7 field offices
Southern Region (Green) - 6 field offices
Western Region (Magenta) - 6 field offices
DCSA Field Office Locations
*See Appendix C for instructions to open training resource(s) in the NISS Knowledge Base