Member information (please provide current information)
People or Organizations who will receive this information
Last Name
Phone Number with Area Code
Phone Number with Area Code
Mailing Street Address
Mailing Street Address
Relationship to Member
First Name
Apt. #
Apt. #
Apt. #
Mailing Street Address
Date of Birth (mm
Member ID Number
Phone Number with Area Code
Authorization for release of
protected health information (ROI)
Optum uses this form to get your permission to disclose your personal health information, which is known as
Protected Health Information (PHI) under the law. By completing and signing this form, you agree that
Optum and its related businesses may disclose information to the people or organizations you provide
below. By Optum’s related businesses, we mean its subsidiaries and affiliates.
I agree that Optum and its related businesses may disclose my PHI to the people or organizations named below. I
understand that health care providers, health plans, and others are required to protect my PHI under federal law. If a
person or organization is not a health care provider, health plan, or another party required to protect my PHI, it could
be discussed or released without my permission.
This form should not be used to request a copy of your records; please see Instructions for information to submit a
Request for Records.
Person or Organization #1
Relationship to Member
Person or Organization #2
[System Platform]
Please print legibly
Description of information to use or disclose
Purpose of disclosure
Please describe the information covered by this authorization.
I understand that by leaving this section blank, I am authorizing the disclosure of all of my PHI, including my health
information. This may include medical, pharmacy, dental, vision, mental health, HIV/AIDS, psychotherapy, reproductive,
communicable disease and health care program information. I also intend this disclosure to include all substance use
disorder records (if any).
The purpose of this authorization is to disclose my health information held by Optum at my request. If there are other
purposes or reasons for this authorization, please provide them below.
Expiration and revocation
This authorization will be active for 3 years (36 months) from the date of my signature below or on the date I have
indicated below or as required by law. If you are a resident of Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, or Montana the expiration date
cannot exceed the following length of time:
Maine: 30 months
Maryland: 12 months
Minnesota: 12 months
Montana: 30 months
This authorization will expire on (insert date): _______________________________.
I have the right to end this authorization at any time by notifying Optum in writing at the address listed below. I
understand that ending this authorization will not affect Optum’s disclosures or uses of PHI by Optum before receiving
my notice.
Please keep a copy of this form for your records. You also have the right to receive a copy of this authorization.
For Authorized Representatives Who Are Receiving Substance Use Disorder Information
This information may have been disclosed to you from records protected by federal confidentiality rules (42 CFR part 2). The federal rules prohibit you from
making any further disclosure of information in this record that identifies a patient as having or having had a substance use disorder either directly, by reference
to publicly available information, or through verification of such identification by another person unless further disclosure is expressly permitted by the written
consent of the individual whose information is being disclosed or as otherwise permitted by 42 CFR part 2.
Please mail the completed form to:
Attn: ROI Processing
PO BOX 1495
Shawnee Mission, KS 66222
or fax to 1-866-322-0051
Authorization and signature of individual or individual’s legal representative
I have read and understand this Authorization for Release of Protected Health Information. I understand that by
signing this form I am voluntarily giving my permission for Optum to use and disclose my PHI to the people or
organizations named in Section 2. Optum will not deny treatment, payment, enrollment, or eligibility for health care
benefits if I do not sign this authorization.
Member Signature Date
Name and relationship if signing on behalf of a minor child:
Legal Representative’s Name Date
Apt. #Mailing Street Address
City State ZIP
Relationship to Member
If on behalf of a minor child, we may require additional information.
If this authorization is signed on the member’s behalf by someone other than the parent or guardian, as such their
legal or court appointed representative, please attach documentation of the legal authorization and complete the
following. This can include a power of attorney or a court order. Do not send your original legal documents. Only send
a copy of these documents as we do not have the ability to return your original documents.
1. Demographical Information Fill in your name, date of birth, address information and your
subscriber ID. This information is required for identification
and authentication purposes.
2. People or Organizations who will receive
this information
Write the name and address of the individual(s) that
you authorize Optum to disclose information to
regarding your care.
This form should not be used to request a copy of your
records; it is intended to allow us to share protected health
information (PHI) with the individual you have authorized. If
you or your legal representative would like to request a copy
of your records, please complete the “Request for Access to
Protected Health Information” form, which can be obtained
through the instructions below:
Go to Navigate to
Forms, select the type of healthcare information needed
and submit an electronic request using the link under
“Get it,” or
Call customer service at the telephone number located
on your health plan ID card and ask that we mail or email
a “Request for Access to Protected Health Information
form to you. The form will provide further instructions for
completion and where to send it to obtain your records.
Please note: You must list someone other than yourself
as an authorized individual. If you list yourself as the
authorized individual, your form will be rejected.
3. Description of Information to Use or Disclose Leave this section blank if you would like all information to
be disclosed to your representative. If you would not like all
information to be disclosed to your representative please
write on the line what information you would like disclosed.
4. Purpose of Disclosure The purpose of this authorization is to disclose your health
information held by Optum at your request. If there are oth-
er purposes or reasons for this authorization, please write
the reason on the line provided.
5. Expiration and revocation
This authorization will be active for 3 years (36 months)
from the date of your signature in section 6 or on the date
you have indicated in this section. If you are a resident of
Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, or Montana the expiration date
cannot exceed the following length of time:
Maine: 30 months
Maryland: 12 months
Minnesota: 12 months
Montana: 30 months
6. Authorization and signature of individual or
individual’s legal representative
Member must sign and date the form unless the form is
accompanied by a Legal document that gives authority for
someone to sign and date on member’s behalf.
Please do not send original legal document, only send a
copy, as we are unable to return document.
Instructions for Completing
Authorization for Release of Information