Student Organization Finance Center
Instructional Guide
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Table of Contents
Section 1: General Information
About - e Student Organization Finance Center .............................................. 7
Escalation Procedures ...............................................................................................8
Policies ........................................................................................................................9
Segregation of Duties .............................................................................................. 10
Donations .................................................................................................................11
Special Funding .......................................................................................................11
Risk Initiative Funding ...........................................................................................12
Documentation ........................................................................................................13
Giveaways - Gi Cards ...........................................................................................13
Business Resources ..................................................................................................14
Section 2: Payment Requests
Payment Requests General Information ..............................................................19
Common Payment Types .......................................................................................20
Payment Forms Explained .....................................................................................20
Check Requests ........................................................................................................ 21
Cash Advance ..........................................................................................................24
Credit Card Payment Request ...............................................................................27
Transfer Request ...................................................................................................... 29
On-Campus Approval to Charge ..........................................................................31
Scholarship/Award/Donation ................................................................................ 33
Direct Deposit ..........................................................................................................36
SOFC Documentation in Lieu of Receipt ............................................................37
Section 3: Deposits
Deposit Ticket ..........................................................................................................41
Check Verication ...................................................................................................43
Aer-Hours Deposits ..............................................................................................44
Section 4: Marketplace
About Marketplace .................................................................................................. 49
Market Place FAQs: ................................................................................................. 50
Section 5: Credit Card Terminals
Credit Card Terminals ............................................................................................55
Section 6: Reconciliation
Reconciliation ..........................................................................................................59
Section 7: Organization Restriction
Organization Restriction ........................................................................................ 65
Appendix A: Glossary of Terms
Glossary ....................................................................................................................69
Appendix B: Forms
Forms ........................................................................................................................71
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Student Organization Finance Center Guide
Section 1: General Information
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About - The Student Organization Finance Center
e SOFC provides banking and nancial services in support of the activities and programs of recognized
student organizations at Texas A&M University.
Services of the Student Organization Finance Center are supported by student service fees and the interest
earned on SOFC account balances.
Texas A&M University Student Rule 41.1.3
Deposit and withdraw all funds of the organization in the Student Organization Finance Center
and/or with the University Fiscal Department. All funds must be deposited no later than the next
business day aer collection. e organizations advisor must approve and sign each expenditure
before payment.
Please contact the SOFC for any comments/suggestions on what we are doing well or how we can improve
the SOFC oce at 979-845-1114 or email
Business Hours:
M T W F 8:00 AM - 4:30 P.M. &  10:30A.M. – 4:30P.M.
Deposits made aer 3:00 P.M. will be processed the next business day.
235 John J. Koldus Student Services Building
1236 TAMU (2nd Floor)
College Station, TX 77843-1236
Phone: (979) 845-1114
Fax: (979) 862-8166
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e Student Organization Finance Center (SOFC) encourages open communication, feedback, and
discussion about any matter of importance. If Cashiers are unable to handle concerns or provide solutions, it
is highly recommended that individuals see the next point of contact to seek resolution.
Individuals will follow the “Chain of Command” for all matters including concerns, recommendations,
and complaints. To bypass the Chain of Command will only delay corrective action, as the problem will be
referred back to the appropriate person.
If for any reason, a decision is made that does not meet the satisfaction of the individual, the individual
should escalate their concerns to the next level supervisor.
First Point of Contact
Student Assistant
Business Associate/Cashier
Second Point of Contact
Business Coordinator II/Auditor
Business Coordinator III/Auditor
Business Coordinator
Training Specialist
ird Point of Contact
Business Administrator
Business Manager
Student Activities
Associate Director of Student Activities, Accounting and Human Resources
Director of Student Activities
Escalation Procedures
Page 9
General Policies of the SOFC
1. All requests are processed in the order they are received.
2. Account numbers are needed for almost every action within the SOFC.
3. A photo ID is needed to pick up checks and cash.
4. Forms require two original signatures: an advisor & student leader. All authorized signers must be
designated on the signature card. Cash Advances require a third designee as funds custodian.
5. Hand written edits are NOT ALLOWED on signature cards.
6. Forms with White-Out on them will not be accepted.
7. Any expenses related to travel greater than 25 miles from campus will require a completed travel
8. Deposit all cash and checks for the organization in your SOFC account on the next business day aer
they are received.
9. Credit card receipts need to be deposited within two business days of sale.
Texas A&M University, Financial Policies
1. System members must maintain a full and true accounting of all funds collected, including
identication of the sources of such funds. Accountability for such collections must be maintained
from the origin until nal deposit in an approved depository bank.
2. e recipient of any payment must be identied with UIN if a TAMU student or employee. If not a
student or employee, a Tax ID / social security number of the recipient will be required on a W-9 or
the substitute W-9 for set up in the FAMIS system.
3. Organizations are expected to reconcile and use ledgers. Monthly reconciliation is strongly
4. Most student organizations are not tax exempt or non-prot and do not have a federal Tax ID
5. Any tax deductible donations should be made payable to and delivered to e Texas A&M
Foundation in order for the donor to receive a gi receipt.
6. Raes are not permitted in accordance with TEXAS STATE LAW.
7. No student organization funds may be used for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
8. SOFC cash advance funds may not be used for services, rentals, gi cards, gis above $100, or
anything that may be considered income.
9. Deposit ALL organization funds into an SOFC account by the next business day.
10. e organization advisor must approve and sign each expenditure before payment is made.
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Segregation of Duties
Segregation of duties is the concept of having delegated job functions that oversee each other’s work, a key
internal control that ensures no single person has too much inuence over any business transaction or
operation within the organization.
Peer checking/validation is one of the MOST IMPORTANT CONTROLS in the cash collection process.
It protects not only the organization but also serves to protect the individuals charged with handling the
organizations funds.
Segregation of Duties:
Serves to prevent unintentional errors or fraud and ensure timely detection of errors that may occur.
Provides a process by which any discrepancies and exceptions should be reported to the advisor and
SOFC immediately.
Designate a position responsible for
Collecting funds.
Designate a position responsible for
Depositing funds.
Designate a position responsible for
Reconciling accounts.
If the organization does not have enough
individuals, you may have to develop
additional mitigating controls.
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Any tax deductible donations received by the student organization need to process through the Texas
A&M Foundation. All donations received through the Texas A&M Foundation will be deposited into the
organizations 99999 sub-account. is sub-account was created to ensure the funds are used specically for
TAMU and the organizations benet.
ere are additional restrictions for the use of these funds:
Organizations cannot transfer the funds in or out of the sub-account.
e money cannot be re-donated or awarded.
e money cannot be used for a cash advance.
Scholarships granted from all 9’s sub-account must be competitive, with backup documentation
In order to receive an income tax receipt, the donors should make the checks out to the Texas A&M
Foundation and send the funds to the Foundation address (below). e organizations name needs to be
written in the memo line of the check.
Organizations that use the Foundation TAX ID# must deposit their funds through the Texas A&M
Foundation at:
e Texas A&M Foundation
401 George Bush Dr.
College Station, TX 77840
(979) 845-8161
Special Funding
e (SOFAB) Student Organization Funding Advisory Board in conjunction with the Department of Student
Activities and e Association of Former Students has established a limited supplemental funding pool for
assisting Recognized Student Organizations and their activities and events.
e SOFC will create a separate 900000 sub-account for these dedicated funds.
Special funding is earmarked for a specic purpose by the SOFAB. Funds cannot be used for any
other purpose.
Ineligible expenses include food, clothing, gis, awards and honorarium.
Any money allocated, but not used by the deadline, will be returned to the SOFAB reserve fund.
For further information visit:
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Risk Initiative Funding
Risk Initiative Funding is available for all recognized student organizations in the Department of Student
Activities at Texas A&M University. To be eligible for this funding, your organization must be in compliance
with all recognition procedures (please refer to your “Recognition Checklist” on StuAct Online). If the funds
are requested for a specic event, you must also submit an Event Form through Maroon Link. Finally, the
circumstance for your request must be a unique and/or unforeseen expense related to risk management
costs, such as new initiatives or expectations for which your organization did not anticipate budgeting.
1. Any funds granted must be utilized according to the purpose for which they were allocated.
2. Any funds allocated but not used within 90 days of the event date will be returned to the Department
of Student Activities Risk Initiative Fund.
3. Funds will not be granted for food, clothing, gis, awards and honorariums, nor personal expenses
for individuals not aliated with TAMU. Risk Initiative Funds may not be donated.
4. If you are granted funding, a 99000 sub-account will be created under your SOFC account to hold the
funds until you use them.
5. Aer the event or initiative has been completed, the student organization must provide the Student
Organization Finance Center (SOFC) with all corresponding receipts and appropriate forms for
6. Aer the event or initiative has been completed, the student organization must provide copies of
the SOFC receipts and a written explanation of how the funds allocated were used to the Student
Organization Development and Administration (SODA) team located in Koldus 142.
Review of Applications
Reviewers will analyze several factors in your application. Some considerations will include:
e circumstance for your request, as a unique and/or unforeseen expense related to risk
management costs.
e link between this event or initiative and the mission and purpose of your organization.
Evidence of your organizations comprehensive risk management planning for this event or initiative.
Evidence of your organizations ongoing eorts for proactive risk management.
Evidence of your organizations eorts to obtain funding through multiple avenues or initiatives.
Evidence of your organizations eorts to control costs and budget wisely.
e overall and specic budgets included with your application.
All funding decisions will comply with constitutional requirements of viewpoint neutrality.
e SODA team will review your application within ten (10) business days of its submission. You will receive a
notication of your allocation approximately 2-3 weeks aer the submission of your application. Questions
regarding the status of your application or the review process can be directed to (979) 458-4371 or soda@
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1. Receipts and invoices must be itemized. If provided two receipts, one itemized and one showing
payment, you must provide both.
2. Receipts must be original and show a $0.00 amount due or proof of payment (bank or credit card
statements) will be needed.
3. Receipts or invoices smaller than an 8.5 x 11 page must be taped to the back of the SOFC Form.
Avoid placing tape over the printed ink.
4. Multiple receipts (same credit card) can be combined on the same request.
5. Invoices cannot be combined – one check request per invoice. Invoices must be nal billing and have
an invoice number. No quotes or order conrmations.
6. Do not combine receipts paid using dierent credit cards in a single request. Place a separate request
for each card in the name of the cardholder.
7. If there are non-reimbursable expenses, please request a separate receipt.
Giveaways - Gift Cards
Certain giveaways are considered taxable income that we are required to report.
In order to do this certain information must be collected from the gi recipient.
Information to collect:
Purpose of Gi
Signed W-9 for gis over $100 to individuals
not aliated with Texas A&M
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Business Resources
e Student Organization Finance Center has many business resources available for the use of Student
Organizations. Most of these resources are free of charge and provide the organization with the tools needed
to successfully manage their nances.
Cash Boxes/Bags
Cash boxes and cash bags are available for use on loan from the SOFC and serve the purpose of providing
organizations with a way to bundle and transport cash transactions from the point of sale to deposit. e
boxes and bags can be reserved by calling or emailing the SOFC (979.845.1114 or
Once reserved they can be picked up at the SOFC during normal business hours. Note: Demand for these
bags and boxes is high during large campus events such as football games, and the SOFC frequently exhausts
the supply during these times.
Credit Card Terminals
According to Texas A&M Policy, all Student Organization Funds must be deposited through the SOFC.
is means popular personal credit card readers cannot be used. e SOFC does, however, oer credit card
terminals that will deposit funds directly into SOFC accounts and these terminals can be reserved by calling
or emailing SOFC at 979.845.1114 or Note: Credit Card transaction fees do apply
to every sale made using the terminals and demand for these terminals is high during large campus events.
ere are fees associated with accepting credit card transactions: .40 cents per transaction & 3% of gross
Computer Lab
A computer lab is available in the SOFC for Student Organization Leadership to facilitate nancial
transactions and conduct Student Organization business. e computer labs oer access to the Texas A&M
Accounting System FAMIS. rough FAMIS the real time nancial status of an organization can be viewed
such as current balance and transactions.
Student Work Room
e SOFC Student Work Room is open for organization use during SOFC buisiness hours. Basic oce
supplies, a copy machine, and deposit preparation materials including currency & coin counters is available
free of charge.
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Student Organization Finance Center Guide
Section 2: Payment Requests
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Distribution of funds depends on several factors: indication of preference on transaction request, vendor
preferences, and the nature of the request. ere are however some general time considerations that apply to
all transactions at the SOFC
General Timelines for Payment
All transactions are processed in the order they are received.
Under most circumstances, transactions can be completed and funds can be transferred or checks can
be written in 5-7 business days.
Checks can be either picked up at the SOFC or mailed to the payee as indicated on the transaction
Checks will only be held for pick up at the SOFC for 5 business days. Aer that time they will be
mailed to the payee.
ACH or Direct Deposit is the fastest way to receive payment and is preferred by some vendors in our
area as payment from student organizations.
Distribution Considerations for Each Type of Transaction
Check Request:
Check Requests are used for reimbursement or payment of an invoice. e form allows for the student
organization to indicate whether the check should be mailed, automatically deposited, or will be picked up at
the SOFC.
Credit Card Payment Request:
e SOFC is capable of making payments on behalf of the organization using a credit card either online or
over the phone. e transaction occurs immediately upon submission of a Credit Card Payment Request
or on the requested date. In most cases, the student providing the request is asked to initiate the online
payment in the computer work room of the SOFC. Once the online transaction is initiated, an SOFC sta
member will make the payment.
Cash Advance:
For all cash advances under $1,500 the transaction is immediate and the funds are available the same day the
funds are requested. For transactions over $1,500 a check is available for pickup on the following business
day at the SOFC. e check will be made payable to the funds custodian and can be cashed at any Wells
Fargo or your local bank.
Approval to Charge:
An approval to charge is used for paying TAMU on-campus entities and in these cases the payment of the
invoice happens internally. Upon submission of the Approval to Charge Request and receipt of an invoice,
the SOFC will take the necessary steps to transfer the funds from the student organization account to the
Payment Requests General Information
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A number of commonly used payment types are listed below. Detailed instructions for each of these
transactions are provided in the following pages. Copies of the relevant forms are provided in the Appendix.
Check Request
Request for the SOFC to issue a check for payment or reimbursement of approved organizational expenses.
e SOFC can submit the payment electronically for vendors set up for ACH payments, print a check for
pick up by the organization or mail a check to the vendor address.
Cash Advance
A request for a short-term cash advance to cover approved organizational expenses. A cash advance must be
reconciled within ve business days of the withdrawal. All original receipts must be turned in to SOFC and
any remaining cash deposited.
Credit Card Payment
If a transaction requires the use of a credit card, organizations can request a representative of the SOFC
use the SOFC credit card to complete a transaction over the phone or online. Funds are drawn from the
organizations account to cover the purchase.
Used to transfer funds between SOFC accounts: two dierent student organizations accounts or dierent
sub-accounts of the same organization.
On-Campus Approval to Charge
Used to remit payment to eligible TAMU vendors based on a pre-approved estimate of expenses.
Common Payment Types
In this section each of the most common transaction requests is explored in detail with an emphasis being
placed on an explanation of the type of information required in each section of the form. To view the form
in its entirety refer to Appendix B.
Standard Form Header
All forms require the Student Organization name, account number and sub-account number as appropriate
as well as the date the form is turned in to the SOFC.
Payment Forms Explained
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Check Requests
Request for the SOFC to issue a check for payment or reimbursement of approved organizational expenses.
See a blank Check Request Form located in the Appendix B.
Individual or business name
check should be made payable
Payee/vendor phone number.
Payee/vendor mailing address
is required regardless of
delivery option.
Select delivery option. Checks
for pick up will be mailed aer
5 business days. Direct deposit
requires set up.
Indicate if the person receiving the
check is a TAMU student, system
employee, or is not aliated.
If TAMU aliated: Provide the
UIN# of the person receiving
Indicate if the payee is not a U.S.
citizen or legal permanent resident.
Provide documentation.
Page 22
Separate the expenses on the receipt
into the appropriate categories:
Travel Expenses
Oce Supplies
Utility Costs
Services & Income
Clothing (including
promotional items)
Other Expenses
Items for Resale
Calculate total & verify amount.
Check Requests (cont.)
A statement of purpose and explanation of the benet to the organization for use of the funds is required on
all transaction requests.
Both signatures on the form must
be original, match the current
signature card, and cannot be the
person who is receiving payment
(no self-reimbursement).
By signing the form, you certify
that the money is to be used as
outlined and that NO ALCOHOLIC
BEVERAGES are included in the
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Check Requests (cont.)
Documentation for Check Requests
Tape the original receipt(s) to the back of the Check Request Form. Use additional sheets of paper as needed.
Tape the sides of the receipt to the paper. (Do not put tape on the ink of the receipt).
If the receipt does not show a zero balance, also include a copy of a canceled check or bank/credit card
statement as proof of payment.
Vendor Payments:
Attach the invoice to the Check Request Form - one invoice per request. e invoice must say invoice and
have an invoice number. Order conrmations, pre-invoices, and quotes will not be accepted.
If the payee is not set up in our payment system, a W-9 will be required if not aliated with TAMU.
If the payee is a student worker or TAMU employee who is being paid for a service (not reimbursed for an
expense) they will receive their payment through the University Payroll system.
Page 24
Cash Advance
A request for a short-term cash advance to cover approved organizational expenses. A cash advance must be
reconciled within ve business days of the withdrawal. All original cash receipts must be turned in to SOFC
and any remaining cash deposited. See a blank Cash Advance Form located in Appendix B of this manual for
further review of the full document.
Funds Custodian
Cash advance funds will be released only to the designated Funds Custodian. e Funds Custodian takes
responsibility for the cash and cannot be either the student ocer or advisor who signed as approver on the
form. Photo ID required.
Provide name, contact phone
number, address, and UIN# for
the Funds Custodian.
Cash advances can be provided
same day for amounts up to
$1500. If the amount is in excess
of $1500 a check will be cut by
the following business day in the
name of the Funds Custodian.
Cash advances aren’t available
between 1 P.M. and 2 P.M.
Note: Next day checks may be
delayed if Funds Custodian is
not previously setup in FAMIS
accounting system.
Gi cards
Gis above $100 in value
Payment of income
Tips / gratuity unless included in the price of the meal (large party).
Cash advances cannot be used for:
Intended use of funds must be indicated on the
Cash Advance form at the time of withdrawal.
Improper use of funds will require repayment on
the part of the Funds Custodian
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Cash Advance (cont.)
At pick up the SOFC will enter the
amount of the advance and the
reconciliation due date and provide
all disclosures verbally. e Funds
Custodian will initial the cash
advance disclosures.
e Funds Custodian and SOFC
representative will sign for the cash
amount and reconciliation date.
Cash Advance Agreement
Statement of purpose and benet to
the organization is required.
Separate the expenses on the receipt
into the appropriate categories:
Travel Expenses
Oce Supplies
Utility Costs
Clothing (including
promotional items)
Items for Resale
If a category is not available verify it
is an eligible expense category.
Calculate total check amount.
Amount must be written in prior to
advisors signature.
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Cash Advance (cont.)
Signatures need to be original and
match the current signature card on
Neither of these individuals can
serve as the cash custodian.
By signing the form you certify that the
cash funds are to be used as described
will be included in the purchase.
A representative of the SOFC will complete the form when the remaining cash and all applicable receipts are
Page 27
Credit Card Payment Request
If a transaction requires the use of a credit card, organizations can request a representative of the SOFC use
the SOFC credit card information to complete a transaction over the phone or online. Funds are drawn from
the organizations account to cover the purchase. See a blank Credit Card Request Form located in Appendix B
of this manual for further review.
Vendor Information
Provide vendor information for the credit card order and the payment amount. In some cases credit card
transaction fees may be applied by the vendor at purchase. For this reason, it is recommended that you
overestimate the charge to allow for any unexpected surcharges.
Reservation Details
If a reservation has already been made, provide conrmation details here.
Page 28
Statement of Purpose
e statement of purpose should include a description of the purchase and explain the benet to the
Credit Card Payment Request (cont.)
Important Note:
e process of submitting the form and conducting the online transaction does not require the presence of
an individual on the signature card. As long as the Credit Card Payment Request is properly completed and
signed by persons with signature card authority, any member of the student organization can present the
form and work with SOFC sta to complete the transaction.
Credit Card payments are encumbered (held) to Texas A&M University the day the form is submitted. e
actual expense to the vendor will be reected on the organizations statement once the credit card bill has
cleared through the TAMU accounting system.
Signatures need to be original and
match the current signature card
on le.
By signing the form you certify that
the cc funds are to be used as described
will be included in the purchase.
Page 29
Transfer Request
Used to transfer funds between SOFC accounts. See a blank Transfer Request Form located in Appendix B of
this manual for further review.
ere are two types of transfers that can be performed.
1. Transfer between one student organization to another student organization:
Ex. Organization A owes Organization B for BBQ tickets.
2. Transfer between a student organizations sub-accounts:
Ex. An organization wants to move money from their main 00000 sub-account to their 10000 sub-
account for a special event.
e request can only be initiated by the organization transferring the funds from their account.
Transfers cannot be performed from the all 9s or special funding sub-accounts unless correcting a
documented error or payment to another organizations all 9s or special funding sub-account.
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Transfer Request (cont.)
Signatures need to be original and
match the current signature card
on le.
By signing the form you certify that
the transfer funds are to be used as
described and NO ALCOHOLIC
BEVERAGES will be included in the
Page 31
On-Campus Approval to Charge
Used to remit payment to eligible TAMU vendors based on a pre-approved estimate of expenses. See a blank
Approval to Charge Form located in Appendix B of this manual for further review.
Examples of TAMU vendors include:
University Center & Special Events
Transportation Services
Student Health Services
Rec Sports
Human Resources
Fill out the detailed information about the event and estimated costs. Attach the quote or pre-invoice if
available. If the quote is subject to change, you may want to over-estimate to account for taxes and other
possible costs. Any overage from the estimate will require advisor approval for the increase.
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On-Campus Approval to Charge (cont.)
Signatures need to be original and
match the current signature card
on le.
By signing the form you certify that
the approved funds are to be used
as described and NO ALCOHOLIC
BEVERAGES will be included in the
Provide a statement of purpose and benet to the organization.
Page 33
Used to disburse funds in the form of scholarships, awards and donations. Backup documentation is not
typically required. Disbursements are not permitted from the 90000 or 99999 accounts without specic
advance approval at the time funds are given to the organization.
Scholarship checks to TAMU Students will be sent directly to the Financial Aid Oce.
Individual or business name as
the payee name on the check.
Preferred contact phone
Mailing address is required
even if selecting another
delivery option.
Indicate delivery option.
Checks for pick up will be
mailed aer 5 business days.
Page 34
Indicate if the person
receiving the check is a TAMU
student, system employee or
is not affiliated.
If TAMU affiliated: Provide the
UIN# of the person receiving
Indicate if the payee is
not a U.S. citizen or legal
permanent resident. Provide
Scholarship/Award/Donation (cont.)
Indicate the category of grant for the
funds disbursement:
Undergraduate Scholarship
Graduate Scholarship
Cash Award
If the award recipient is a TAMU
employee or student worker, indicate an
option for tax withholding.
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Signatures need to be original and
match the current signature card
on le.
Provide a statement of purpose and benet for the grant.
Scholarship/Award/Donation (cont.)
Page 36
Direct Deposit
To allow for ACH direct deposit of funds into a vendor, student, faculty member or other individuals
banking account. Use of this process eliminates the need for printing and depositing checks and expedites
the receipt of funds for the payee.
First provide basic contact information
Next provide Banking information and authorization to deposit funds.
Submit signed original document to the SOFC.
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SOFC Documentation in Lieu of Receipt
In the event a receipt is lost this form can be used to request reimbursement for expenses. is document
must be obtained at the SOFC. Distribution of this form will be done on a case-by-case basis.
SOFC Documentation in Lieu of Receipt
Student Organization Name:
Transaction Information
Vendor Name:
I certify that this money was used as outlined and that
are included in this purchase.
Student Organization Leader Signature
Faculty / Staff Advisor Signature
SOFC Signature(s) as needed
Reason for Purchase:
Student Organization Finance Center 235 Koldus Student Services Building Mail Stop 1236 College Station, TX 77843-1236 (979) 845-1114
Services of the Student Organization Finance Center are supported by the University Advancement Fee
Privacy Policy “State law requires that you be informed of the following (1) you are entitled to request
to be informed about the information about yourself collected by the use of this form (with a few
exceptions as provided by law); (2) you are entitled to receive and review that information; and (3) you
are entitled to have the information corrected at no charge to you.”
SOFC Notes
Transaction Date (mmddyyyy)
Reason for Missing Receipt:
Itemization of Purchase:
Purchaser Signature
Account Number
Date (mmddyyyy)
Vendor name and transaction
Reason for purchase and the
reason there is no receipt
List of all items purchased that
would have been printed on
the missing receipt
SOFC Documentation in Lieu of Receipt
Student Organization Name:
Transaction Information
Vendor Name:
I certify that this money was used as outlined and that
are included in this purchase.
Student Organization Leader Signature
Faculty / Staff Advisor Signature
SOFC Signature(s) as needed
Reason for Purchase:
Student Organization Finance Center 235 Koldus Student Services Building Mail Stop 1236 College Station, TX 77843-1236 (979) 845-1114
Services of the Student Organization Finance Center are supported by the University Advancement Fee
Privacy Policy “State law requires that you be informed of the following (1) you are entitled to request
to be informed about the information about yourself collected by the use of this form (with a few
exceptions as provided by law); (2) you are entitled to receive and review that information; and (3) you
are entitled to have the information corrected at no charge to you.”
SOFC Notes
Transaction Date (mmddyyyy)
Reason for Missing Receipt:
Itemization of Purchase:
Purchaser Signature
Account Number
Date (mmddyyyy)
SOFC Documentation in Lieu of Receipt
Student Organization Name:
Transaction Information
Vendor Name:
I certify that this money was used as outlined and that
are included in this purchase.
Student Organization Leader Signature
Faculty / Staff Advisor Signature
SOFC Signature(s) as needed
Reason for Purchase:
Student Organization Finance Center 235 Koldus Student Services Building Mail Stop 1236 College Station, TX 77843-1236 (979) 845-1114
Services of the Student Organization Finance Center are supported by the University Advancement Fee
Privacy Policy “State law requires that you be informed of the following (1) you are entitled to request
to be informed about the information about yourself collected by the use of this form (with a few
exceptions as provided by law); (2) you are entitled to receive and review that information; and (3) you
are entitled to have the information corrected at no charge to you.”
SOFC Notes
Transaction Date (mmddyyyy)
Reason for Missing Receipt:
Itemization of Purchase:
Purchaser Signature
Account Number
Date (mmddyyyy)
Information that would have been printed on the receipt is provided here.
signatures indicating
acknowledgment of
the lost receipt and
legitimacy of the items
is form must be submitted
with a bank statement and
cannot be used for cash
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Student Organization Finance Center Guide
Section 3: Deposits
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Page 41
Deposit Ticket
To deposit cash, checks, or money orders in organizational accounts. Deposit tickets are only available
at the SOFC during business hours. A fully completed deposit ticket must be included with any funds
Deposits can be made at the SOFC cashier window during business hours or at an aer-hours drop box:
Enter each piece of required information above the
Organization account number / sub-account
Name of organization making the deposit
Name & phone number of person depositing
Date of the deposit
Name of Organization
SOFC Account Number Sub-Account Number
Name of Person Making Deposit
Section A: Cash / Checks
Section B: Distribution
Ticket Sales
Cashier’s Initials
Total of Cash
# of Checks ____ Total of Checks
Total Deposit
Total Deposit
Both sections of this form must be completed.
Total Deposit in Section A must balance with Total Deposit in Section B.
Ref #
(SOFC use only)
Deposit Ticket
Student Organization Finance Center
235 Koldus Texas A&M University
( )
Page 42
Deposit Ticket (cont.)
is process will take time to perform accurately if there is a lot of cash. Please take the time to do the
following steps and double-check your math before entering the SOFC cashier line or putting the deposit
envelope in the drop box.
Cash/Check Count by Denomination:
Section A
List a breakdown of currency and coins
by denomination in TOTAL DOLLAR
i.e. $00.06 in pennies,
$04.00 in one dollar bills
$60.00 in twenty dollar bills
All checks should be totaled as one line item.
i.e. $24.62 in checks.
Sum and enter the total of all funds in the
Section B
Distribute the funds in the deposit by
i.e. $60.00 were dues collected
$28.68 were clothing sales
Enter total amount per category
Total by Distribution:
Section A total and
Section B Total must
Page 43
e check(s) will be returned to the organization if:
A. Check Date
B. Check is made payable to Student Organization
C. Dollar amount of check in numerals
D. Dollar amount of check in words
E. Signature of check writer must be on the signature line
F. Check needs to be endorsed by orgainzation
Check Verification
Please perform the following verications before depositing each check. A rejected check will delay receipt of
Verication Checklist:
For Deposit Only
Organization Name
Organization Account Number
Page 44
After-Hours Deposits
Safety Notes
Be aware of your surroundings when
transporting cash advances and deposits.
Do not leave cash boxes, envelopes or bags
unattended. Use the “buddy system” when
delivering money to the drop box locations
aer hours.
Any deposits made at the cashier window aer 3:00 P.M. or at the drop box locations will be processed the
next business day aer receipt. e deposit receipt will be put in the organizations mailbox.
Place all cash, checks and a completed deposit ticket inside a transparent deposit bag obtained from the
SOFC and seal. Verify that all checks in the deposit bag have been endorsed. Write the organization name,
account number and the deposit total on the outside of the deposit bag and address it to the SOFC.
If you are reconciling a cash advance, please note on the deposit slip before sealing the bag.
Drop-Box Locations
West Campus at the freestanding Wells Fargo ATM in front of parking area 74 on Olsen Blvd.
Memorial Student Center Lobby rst oor next to Wells Fargo ATM.
Student Organization Finance Center in the hall past the SOFC 2nd oor West Wing of John J. Koldus.
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Student Organization Finance Center Guide
Section 4: Marketplace
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Page 49
About Marketplace
What is Marketplace?
Marketplace is an online mall, where student organizations can set up a store and accept credit card
payments. It is typically used for selling organization merchandise collecting registration fees & dues.
Organizations must be in a recognized status
Must have a current signature card
Two or more ocers who have completed Marketplace training with the SOFC
Up to date Marketplace Agreement on le with the SOFC
Marketplace Roles and Responsibilities:
Recognized organizations need a minimum of two ocers to fulll the Marketplace roles listed below:
1. Store Manager: Manages the site set-up; performs storefront maintenance; adds/modies products;
and runs reports (typically also Store Contact, but will never also be Clerk and/or Accountant
because segregation of duties.)
2. Store Clerk fullls manual orders
3. Store Contact: Receives emails from customers
4. Store Accountant: Runs Marketplace reports, can add and modify products
Only organizations that have two ocers who have received Marketplace training with the SOFC will be
allowed to set up a Marketplace account. Training can be found at StuAct Online by going to Resources,
Training Center, Ocer Training and nally Marketplace training. For assistance contact the Marketplace
Assistant at sof[email protected].edu or call (979) 845-1114.
Policies and Fees
ere are monthly fees associated with selling products on Marketplace: $0.40 per transaction and 3%
of gross sales
All products must be set to “No Sales” Tax, and all products must be approved before enabled.
Surcharges are not permitted. Even though there is a $0.40 fee per transaction and 3% of gross sales
charged to the organization, these fees cannot be added to the sales price of online Marketplace sales
unless they are also added to inperson physical sales.
Fullllment of orders should be made daily by the Store Clerk. is process will initiate the charge
against the credit cards used for purchases.
Page 50
Market Place FAQs:
What if I forget my password or login details for Marketplace?
Make sure you are using the following link to access the Marketplace main site:
If you still have trouble logging in, please email
What browser works best with Marketplace?
Marketplace works best with Google Chrome.
What if I need to cancel or refund a customer’s Marketplace order?
Your advisor must submit an email with their approval for any requested refund or order cancellation.
Emails can be sent to e request should include: order number, customer name,
and amount to be refunded.
Can I accept donations via Marketplace?
No. Marketplace cannot be used to accept donations. Tax receiptable donations must be made through the
Texas A&M Foundation in order for donors to receive the proper tax receipt.
Important Note: Marketplace cannot be used for raes.
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Student Organization Finance Center Guide
Section 5: Credit Card Terminals
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Page 55
General Guidelines
Student Organizations are able to accept credit card transactions for goods and services oered by the
organization. However careful consideration should be made regarding Texas A&M System policies, mainly
the fact that organization funds should not be deposited in personal bank accounts. All credit card funds
received by Student Organizations should be deposited through the SOFC within two business days of
receipt. (See TAMU student rule 41.1.3 on page 7 of this guide).
Popular social and online payment methods such as Venmo and Paypal are not permitted. ese services
must be associated with personal banking accounts and thus violate TAMU Student Rule 41.1.3
Acceptable Solutions
e SOFC oers wireless credit card terminals that can be checked out for use by Recognized Student
Organizations. Aer a brief training and the submission of a Credit Card Security Agreement, organizations
can use these terminals at the point of sale for credit card transactions. is service is oered free of charge
by the SOFC, but credit card processing fees do apply. ($.40 per transaction plus 3% of gross sales)
If physical point of sale use of credit cards is not important an organization may want to consider accepting
credit cards as payment by oering merchandise/services via Marketplace. See Market Place page 47 for
Steps for Reserving and Using SOFC Credit Card Terminal
Call 979.845.1114, email sof[email protected].edu or come by the SOFC to reserve a terminal.
Submit a completed reservation form.
Pick up the credit card terminal on the designated pick up date.
If necessary allow time for a brief tutorial on how to use the terminal the day you pick it up.
Other Important Considerations for Credit Card Terminal Use
e wireless terminal uses cellular transmission technology and will only work while in range of a
cellular tower.
Major credit cards accepted include: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express.
All organization members having access to the credit card terminal equipment must read and sign
the acknowledgement of the Credit Card Security Training.
Credit Card Processing Fees will be incurred at the rate of .40 cents per transaction and 3% of gross
Copies of all three documents should be maintained by the organization[(1) sale tickets (2) batch (or
detail) report (3) settlement report] for your organizations records.
Submit originals to the SOFC within two business days of sales for processing along with a completed
Deposit Ticket indicating Account and Sub Account.
Penalties for Violating the Security Agreement
Failure to follow procedures:
First Stike: Verbal Warning
Second Strike: Written Warning
ird Strike: Loss of Credit Card Terminal Privileges for a period of 12 months
Credit Card Terminals
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Student Organization Finance Center Guide
Section 6: Reconciliation
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Page 59
e process of comparing organizational nancial account records to the reports generated from FAMIS to
verify the accuracy of each. e process can be facilitated using an SOFC Reconciliation worksheet along
with your account ledger and nancial statement. Your account ledger can be kept on the Excel spreadsheet
provided by the SOFC or any of the various types of personal accounting soware. A paper based ledger is
also acceptable. See a blank Reconciliation Form located in Appendix B of the manual for further review.
e organization Treasurer is responsible for keeping the organizations ledger up to date and performing
reconciliation. Monthly account statements are available at StuAct Online and should be compared to
the organizations ledger. Statements are posted by the 15th of following month. Monthly reconciliation is
Manual reconciliation forms can be printed from StuAct Online or picked up in the lobby of the SOFC. e
reconciliation spreadsheet is provided on the StuAct Online website.
Reconciliation Form
Your ledger balance may contain outstanding transactions that have not yet cleared the account and are not
reected in the FAMIS account balance. In order to reconcile the two accounts, these must be tallied on the
form and added or deducted from the current system balance.
Organization name
Current month of reconciliation
Ending balance in your account at the time of
reconciliation (from the most current FAMIS
Page 60
Reconciliation (cont.)
Tally any recent deposits or other credits that do not yet reect in the FAMIS balance. is total is an
encumberance to be added to the current balance in FAMIS.
Tally any outstanding checks, payments and other debits that do not yet reect in the FAMIS balance. is
total is an encumbrance that must be deducted from the FAMIS balance
Reconciliation is complete when all of the outstanding transactions have been accounted for and the
reconciled balance is the same as the balance shown on the organizations ledger. If the “reconciled balance
diers from the “balance as shown on ledger” line then there is a discrepancy between your ledger and our
accounting statement. You will need to research your entries to nd the discrepancy before the account
reconciliation can be considered complete.
Add and/or subtract the outstanding debits and credits from the current FAMIS balance -- this is your
reconciled balance.
Page 61
Reconciliation (cont.)
Account Ledger
e SOFC has provided an Excel spreadsheet tool named Account Ledger that students can use to perform
monthly reconciliation. e Account Ledger is available through the Resources -- Forms menu on StuAct
Online and will auto-calculate balances as transactions are entered. Use of the tool is recommended to
minimize the chance of calculation errors.
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Student Organization Finance Center Guide
Section 7: Organization Restriction
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Page 65
Results of Restriction
A Student Organization that is Recognized with Restrictions is limited to depositing money in the SOFC
resulting in diminishing the ability of an organization to eectively conduct business.
Causes of Restriction
Student Organizations may be placed on restricted status for many reasons. Not all of these are related to
the Student Organization Finance Center (SOFC) and nancial transactions. Some of the actions or lack
of action causing restriction are related to recognition requirements, student leader eligibility, or conduct
matters. Listed below are some of the reasons an organization may be placed on restriction as a result of
actions related to the SOFC.
Invoices past due 60 or more days
Failure to submit a $25,000 audit
Negative balance in accounts at the SOFC
Failure to reconcile a cash advance
Failure to submit a current signature card
Failure of Ocers or Advisors to complete SOFC online training
Misuse of SOFC Account
Violation of student rule 41.1.3
Organization Restriction
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Student Organization Finance Center Guide
Appendix A: Glossary of Terms
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Page 69
Audit: An ocial inspection of an organizations accounts. An audit may be requested of any organizaton
at any time. An audit is conducted twice a year of organizations that have $25,000.00 or more in combined
revenue & expenses.
Custodian: A person who has responsibility for or looks aer something. In regards to the SOFC, the funds
custodian is responsible for funds received from a Cash Advance. ey look aer this money and ensure the
cash advance is reconciled within 5 business days. Cannot be the same person who signs the approval.
FAMIS: (Financial Accounting Management Information System) e accounting system used by TAMU.
FMO - Financial Management Operations: A department in the Division of Finance. FMO provides
accounting services and ensure nancial compliance/accountability to Texas A&M University.
IRS W-9 Form: A tax form for the United States which certies an individual’s taxpayer identication number.
is form is required by the SOFC when paying a new vendor for services or income.
Itemized receipt: Receipt with detail list of the items purchased.
Ledger: A book/spreadsheet in which the monetary transactions of an organization are posted.
Encumbrance: An amount of money that is reserved / placed on hold for a stated transaction that will be paid
in the future.
Proof of Payment: An itemized receipt, original canceled check or copy (front and back required), or the
credit card or bank statement showing payment.
Reconciliation: e process of comparing organizational account records to the reports generated by the
SOFC to verify the accuracy of each.
Sub-Account Request: Sub-Accounts provide a way for organizations to group their funds and expenses
around special projects or around income streams. How an organization divides their funds into sub-
accounts is completely up to the organization.
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Student Organization Finance Center Guide
Appendix B: Forms
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Page 73
SOFC Check Request
Student Organization Name:
Payee Information
Make Check Payable to
(information required)
Individual or Business Name:
Mailing Address:
*UIN # if Afliated
Phone Number:
TAMU Afliation and Travel Authorization
TAMU Student*
TAMU Employee*
Not Afliated
Mail to Payee Address
Pick up at SOFC
Direct Deposit
Payment Information
Description Object Code Amount
Travel 3410
Ofce Supplies
Items for Resale
Other Expenses
Services & Other Income
SOFC Use Only
I certify that this money is to be used as outlined and NO
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES are included in this purchase.
Student Organization Leader Signature
Faculty / Staff Advisor Signature
SOFC Signature(s) as needed
Statement of purpose and benet to the organization:
SOFC Notes:
Student Organization Finance Center 235 Koldus Student Services Building Mail Stop 1236 College Station, TX 77843-1236 (979) 845-1114
Services of the Student Organization Finance Center are supported by the University Advancement Fee
Select one
Privacy Policy “State law requires that you be
informed of the following (1) you are entitled to
request to be informed about the information about
yourself collected by the use of this form (with a few
exceptions as provided by law); (2) you are entitled
to receive and review that information; and (3) you
are entitled to have the information corrected at no
charge to you.”
Account Number
Date (mmddyyyy)
Travel Form Password
(Required for travel more than 25 miles from College Station)
Page 74
SOFC Cash Advance
Student Organization Name:
Funds Custodian Information
Funds Custodian
- cannot be a signer on the form
Mailing Address:
UIN #:
Phone Number:
(up to $1,500.00)
(> $1,500.00)
Payment Information
Object Code Amount
Ofce Supplies
Other Expenses
SOFC Use Only
I certify that this money is to be used as outlined and NO
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES are included in this purchase.
Student Organization Leader Signature
Faculty / Staff Advisor Signature
SOFC Signature(s) as needed
Statement of purpose and benet to the organization:
Student Organization Finance Center 235 Koldus Student Services Building Mail Stop 1236 College Station, TX 77843-1236 (979) 845-1114
Services of the Student Organization Finance Center are supported by the University Advancement Fee
Privacy Policy “State law requires that you be informed of the following (1) you are entitled to request to be informed about the information about yourself collected by the use of this form (with a few
exceptions as provided by law); (2) you are entitled to receive and review that information; and (3) you are entitled to have the information corrected at no charge to you.”
Cash or check in the amount of $ _____________________ was trans-
ferred from the SOFC custodian to (me) the funds custodian listed. As funds
custodian, I understand and accept the fact that I am personally responsible
for all funds entrusted to me until the monies and/or receipts are submitted
to the SOFC for reconciliation. I also understand that a complete accounting
of all cash expenditures, supported with original itemized receipts showing a
cash payment, will be made and that these funds are to be used only for the
purpose specied. Use of these funds for any other purpose is forbidden.
Funds Custodian Signature -
Photo ID required
SOFC Signature
Required to reconcile by date:
Reconciliation Information
Deposit #:
Reconciled By Signature Date
SOFC Reconciled By Signature Date
SOFC Notes
I understand cash advances cannot be used for services, rentals, gift cards,
gifts above $100 in value, anything considered income, prizes, awards,
donations, membership dues, delivery fees, tips/gratuity (unless included in
the price of the meal for a large party).
Account Number
Date (mmddyyyy)
Travel Form Password
(Required for travel more than 25 miles from College Station)
Page 75
SOFC Credit Card Payment
Student Organization Name:
Account Number
Date (mmddyyyy)
Vendor Information
Vendor Name:
Phone Number, Website or Email Address:Contact Name:
SOFC Use Only
E-Doc #
Voucher #
Ticket #
I certify that this money is to be used as outlined and NO
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES are included in this purchase.
Student Organization Leader Signature
Faculty / Staff Advisor Signature
SOFC Signature(s) as needed
Statement of purpose and benet to the organization:
SOFC Notes:
Student Organization Finance Center 235 Koldus Student Services Building Mail Stop 1236 College Station, TX 77843-1236 (979) 845-1114
Services of the Student Organization Finance Center are supported by the University Advancement Fee
Privacy Policy “State law requires that you be
informed of the following (1) you are entitled to
request to be informed about the information about
yourself collected by the use of this form (with a few
exceptions as provided by law); (2) you are entitled
to receive and review that information; and (3) you
are entitled to have the information corrected at no
charge to you.”
Reservation Under/Guest Name:
Reservation Made By:
Conrmation, Order, or Invoice Number:
From Date: To Date:
Reservation Information
To be completed by the SOFC
Date Encumbered:
Object Code:
SOFC Account Balance:
Date Completed:
SOFC Cardholder Name:
Actual Charge:
Re-Allocation Date:
FAMIS Post Date:
E# Release Date:
Phone Number:
Travel Form Password
(Required for travel more than 25 miles from College Station)
Page 76
I certify that this money was used as outlined and that
are included in this purchase.
Student Organization Leader Signature
Faculty / Staff Advisor Signature
SOFC Signature(s) as needed
Student Organization Finance Center 235 Koldus Student Services Building Mail Stop 1236 College Station, TX 77843-1236 (979) 845-1114
Services of the Student Organization Finance Center are supported by the University Advancement Fee
Privacy Policy “State law requires that you be informed of the following (1) you are entitled to request
to be informed about the information about yourself collected by the use of this form (with a few
exceptions as provided by law); (2) you are entitled to receive and review that information; and (3) you
are entitled to have the information corrected at no charge to you.”
SOFC Notes
Reason for Transfer:
SOFC Transfer Request
Student Organization Name:
Account Number
FROM Account NumberFROM Account Name
To Account Number
Object Code
Object Code
TO Account Name
Date (mmddyyyy)
Transaction Information
SOFC Use Only
Trans #:
SOFC Use Only
Page 77
SOFC On-Campus Approval to Charge
Student Organization Name:
Account Number
Date (mmddyyyy)
Vendor Information
On-Campus Vendor Name:
Phone Number:Vendor Contact Name:
SOFC Use Only
I certify that this money is to be used as outlined and NO
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES are included in this purchase.
Student Organization Leader Signature
Faculty / Staff Advisor Signature
SOFC Signature(s) as needed
Statement of purpose and benet to the organization:
SOFC Notes:
Student Organization Finance Center 235 Koldus Student Services Building Mail Stop 1236 College Station, TX 77843-1236 (979) 845-1114
Services of the Student Organization Finance Center are supported by the University Advancement Fee
Privacy Policy “State law requires that you be
informed of the following (1) you are entitled to
request to be informed about the information about
yourself collected by the use of this form (with a few
exceptions as provided by law); (2) you are entitled
to receive and review that information; and (3) you
are entitled to have the information corrected at no
charge to you.”
Description of Purchase:
Purchase Information
To be completed by the SOFC
Date Encumbered:
Object Code:
SOFC Account Balance:
Date Completed:
SOFC Cardholder Name:
Actual Charge:
Re-Allocation Date:
FAMIS Post Date:
E# Release Date:
Estimate Amount
Event Date:
Email Address:
Event Name:
Step 1: Student Organization will turn in the completed, signed form to the
SOFC based on the vendor’s estimate.
Step 2: The SOFC will put a hold on the estimated funds amount. (If the
event or purchase is cancelled, please notify the SOFC).
Step 3: The Student Organization will keep a copy of this form and provide
one to the vendor prior to purchase.
Step 4: After the purchase / service the vendor will email invoice to sofc@ or send to SOFC Mail Stop 1236.
Page 78
Payment Information
SOFC Scholarship/Award/Donation
Student Organization Name:
Payee Information
Description Object Code
Undergraduate Scholarship 5910
Graduate Scholarship
Cash Award
524 _
SOFC Use Only
E-Doc #
Voucher #
Ticket #
Student Organization Leader Signature
SOFC Signature(s) as needed
Statement of purpose of the award:
SOFC Notes:
Student Organization Finance Center 235 Koldus Student Services Building Mail Stop 1236 College Station, TX 77843-1236 (979) 845-1114
Services of the Student Organization Finance Center are supported by the University Advancement Fee
Privacy Policy “State law requires that you be
informed of the following (1) you are entitled to
request to be informed about the information about
yourself collected by the use of this form (with a few
exceptions as provided by law); (2) you are entitled
to receive and review that information; and (3) you
are entitled to have the information corrected at no
charge to you.”
Account Number
Date (mmddyyyy)
Tax Withholding (required)
If your award is granted to a TAMU Employee, he/she
may be subject to FIT, OASA and OAHI taxes.
Make Check Payable to
Individual or Business Name:
Mailing Address:
*UIN # if Aliated
Phone Number: (Business) Tax ID Number:
TAMU Aliation (if payee is an individual)
TAMU Student*
TAMU Employee*
Not Aliated - W-9 may be needed
Mail to Payee Address
Pick up at SOFC
Direct Deposit (non-employee)
Select one
The organization approves additional tax be
charged to their account in order for the recipient
to receive exactly the amount specied.
The organization does not approve additional tax
charges and any tax should be withheld from the
payment total.
Faculty / Sta Advisor Signature
Page 79
Page 80
SOFC Documentation in Lieu of Receipt
Student Organization Name:
Transaction Information
Vendor Name:
I certify that this money was used as outlined and that
are included in this purchase.
Student Organization Leader Signature
Faculty / Staff Advisor Signature
SOFC Signature(s) as needed
Reason for Purchase:
Student Organization Finance Center 235 Koldus Student Services Building Mail Stop 1236 College Station, TX 77843-1236 (979) 845-1114
Services of the Student Organization Finance Center are supported by the University Advancement Fee
Privacy Policy “State law requires that you be informed of the following (1) you are entitled to request
to be informed about the information about yourself collected by the use of this form (with a few
exceptions as provided by law); (2) you are entitled to receive and review that information; and (3) you
are entitled to have the information corrected at no charge to you.”
SOFC Notes
Transaction Date (mmddyyyy)
Reason for Missing Receipt:
Itemization of Purchase:
Purchaser Signature
Account Number
Date (mmddyyyy)
Page 81
Organization Name
ccount Number
Reconciling Statement Month
Reconciling Statement Ending Balance
Deposits NOT on Statement
Date deposited: Amount:
Total Deposits Not on Statement
Reimbursements or Payments NOT on Statement
Date turned in: Amount:
Total Reimbursements or Payments Not on Statement
Reconciled Balance
Balance as shown on Ledger
Financial Officer Signature Date
Advisor Signature Date
Reconciliation Form
Attach a Copy of your Ledger
Student Organization Finance Center Guide
Business Hours:
M T W F 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM &  10:30 – 4:30
Deposits made aer 3:00 PM will be processed the next business day.
235 John J. Koldus Student Services Building
1236 TAMU (2nd Floor)
College Station, TX 77843-1236
Phone: (979) 845-1114
Fax: (979) 862-8166