Dynamics 365 App for Outlook User Guide
Applies to Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps version 9.x
The latest release of Dynamics 365 App for Outlook, works with Dynamics 365 for Cus-
tomer Engagement apps version 9.0 or later only. For a prior release that works with
earlier versions of Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement, see Deploy Dynamics 365
App for Outlook.
Use Dynamics 365 App for Outlook to tap the power of Customer Engagement while
you’re using Outlook on the desktop, web, or phone. When Dynamics 365 App for Out-
look is installed, depending on which version of the app you have installed, you'll see a
Customer Engagement pane or window next to a selected Outlook email message, or
when you're composing an email message or setting up a meeting or appointment.
For example, when you open an email message, view information from Customer
Engagement about the email recipients. Or with a single click, link an Outlook email
message or appointment to a specific Customer Engagement record. When you link an
email message or appointment to a Customer Engagement record, the Outlook record
appears as an activity for that record in Customer Engagement.
Known issues and FAQs
For known issues with this version of Dynamics 365 App for Outlook, see the Dynamics
365 for Customer Engagement apps Readme.
For more information on FAQ's, see Frequently Asked Questions about Dynamics 365 App
for Outlook.
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Your Customer Engagement system administrator can make Dynamics 365 App for Out-
look available to your organization or you can add it yourself if:
You have the Use Dynamics 365 App for Outlook security privilege.
Your organization synchronizes mailboxes with server-side synchronization.
For more information, and for information on supported devices, browsers, and
Outlook versions, see Deploy Dynamics 365 App for Outlook.
Add the app to Outlook
After the prerequisites have been met, you can add the app directly from Customer
1. Click the Settings button
Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps web client Settings button
, and then
click Apps for Customer Engagement.
2. On the Apps for Customer Engagement page, under Dynamics 365 App
for Outlook, click Dynamics 365 App for Outlook.
If you have trouble installing the app, see the troubleshooting section in Deploy
Dynamics 365 App for Outlook.
Disable or remove the Outlook app
1. In Outlook, click File, and then click Manage Add-ins.
Manage the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook add-in
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This opens the Office 365 dialog box where you can see all your Outlook add-
ins. If you click the Customer Engagement row, you can see which Customer
Engagement instance the app is connected to.
2. Do one of the following:
To disable the app, in the Customer Engagement row, clear the
Turned on check box.
To remove the app, select the Customer Engagement row, and then
click the Minus button.
Term Definition
Track and link the email or appointment to an existing record in Dynamics
365 for Customer Engagement apps.
Create a copy of the email or appointment in Dynamics 365 for Customer
Engagement apps.
Use the app for the first time
To display Customer Engagement data after you’ve added the app:
1. Select an existing email message in your Inbox, or create a new email message
or appointment.
2. On the ribbon, click the Customer Engagement button.
Dynamics 365 App for Outlook ribbon
In Outlook on the web, click the Customer Engagement button in the email
Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps button
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The Customer Engagement pane appears on the right side of the screen
and shows information about the recipients.
If the recipient is a Customer Engagement user (as opposed to a contact or lead), it’s
indicated above their name:
If the recipient isn’t known to Customer Engagement, click (+) and then select Add as
contact or Add as lead. See: Add an email recipient as a contact or lead.
A quick tour of the interface
Much has changed in the app for Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps version
9.0. Here's what you see when you first open Dynamics 365 App for Outlook.
The Customer Engagement pane appears under the menu bar and shows information
about the recipients.
Dynamics 365 App for Outlook pane
Element Description
The Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps record this email is linked
2 Summary information about the recipient.
3 Summary information about the recipient's account.
Shows if the email message or meeting is linked to a record and if it's being
Click to set or change linking and tracking. You can also choose to view your
email in Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps version 9.0.
6 Click to add an activity.
7 & 8
Click and then select Set Regarding to link to the record.
Dynamics 365 App for Outlook pane
Element Description
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Element Description
1 Your last activity with the recipient.
2 & 3 Recent records for the recipient.
4 Click for options related to list of activities.
5 Click for options related to the activity. The options vary by activity.
6 & 8 Click for options related to the list of records.
7 & 9 Click for options related to the record.
Let's go over the individual elements in the menu bar.
Experience App for Outlook as a pinnable taskpane
If you're running Outlook 2016 for Windows (click to run build 7668.2000 or later), App
for Outlook will appear as a pinnable vertical taskpane to the right of an open message
or appointment in Outlook. For more information, see Implement a pinnable taskpane in
Add an email recipient as a contact or lead
One of the first things you might want to do when you receive a customer email, is add
the person as a contact or lead to Customer Engagement. In the Customer Engage-
ment pane, click (+) and then select Add as contact or Add as lead.
Add a contact or lead
If the sender of the email is unknown to Customer Engagement, when you add the con-
tact or lead, the email is automatically tracked in Customer Engagement and set regard-
ing this contact or lead. To stop tracking, you can manually untrack the regarding email.
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Link an email message or meeting to a specific
Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps record
You can link an email message or meeting to a specific Customer Engagement record,
such as an account, opportunity, or case. This also tracks the email or meeting in Cus-
tomer Engagement.
1. Create or select an email or meeting.
2. Click the Customer Engagement button in the email pane.
3. Click Set Regarding (---).
Set Regarding
4. Enter search text. A list of related records appears.
Search for related records
5. Use the left and right arrows to narrow search to cases, invoices, etc., and then
select a record to automatically track the email or meeting, and link it to the
record indicated in the Customer Engagement pane.
Find a different record to link to
1. Find the record to link in a list or using Search.
2. In Tracked regarding, click (...) > Change Regarding.
Change Regarding
3. Click Set Regarding (---).
Set Regarding
4. Enter search text. A list of related records appears.
Search for related records
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5. Use the left and right arrows to find related cases, invoices, etc., and then
select a record to automatically track the email or meeting, and link it to the
record indicated in the Customer Engagement pane.
Create a new record
1. Click Quick Create, and then select the type of record you want to create.
Add new record
2. Fill in the information in the form.
Create new record in Quick Create form
3. Click Save.
View the linked email in Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement
1. Find the linked record in a list or using Search.
2. In Tracked regarding, click (...) > View email in Dynamics 365 for Cus-
tomer Engagement apps.
View email in Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps
Untrack the regarding record
1. Find the record to link in a list or using Search.
2. In Tracked regarding, click (...) > Untrack.
Untrack Regarding
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Track signed S/MIME emails
Dynamics 365 App for Outlook can track S/MIME signed emails in Outlook Desktop and
Outlook Web App (OWA). This is enabled on Click-to-Run Outlook 2016 build
16.0.8730.1000 or later. To determine your Outlook version, go to File > Office
Account > About Outlook.
Compose an email message and link it to a Dynamics
365 for Customer Engagement apps record
Create an email message and then follow the steps in Link an email message or meeting
to a specific Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps record.
Gain insights into your activities with relationship
The relationship assistant is designed to deliver the most important and relevant infor-
mation in relation to what you are doing right now. The assistant works by analyzing all
of the data at its disposal and generating a collection of action cards, each of which
includes a message summarizing what the card is about, plus a set of links for taking
action. The assistant sorts the cards by priority and filters them for your current context.
Some of what the assistant can do for you:
reminds you of upcoming activities
evaluates your communications and suggests when it might be time to reach
out to a contact that’s been inactive for a while
identifies email messages that may be waiting for a reply from you
alerts you when an opportunity is nearing its close date
When you start your day by signing in to Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps,
the assistant draws your attention to your most important items and tasks, drawn from
all areas of the application.
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To access the assistant, on the nav bar, click
Menu - Insights
> Relationship Assis-
Relationship Assistant
Add an email template when you create an email
If you frequently send the same type of email, you can save time by using an email tem-
plate. When you use an email template, Dynamics 365 App for Outlook automatically
inserts the Customer Engagement information such as contacts or set regarding infor-
mation in the email message.
For example, you could use a Thank you template to save time whenever you want to
send a thank you message to a customer.
Email template in Dynamics 365 App for Outlook
You must have the appropriate permissions to add email templates.
Add an email template
1. Create an email message as you normally would in Outlook.
2. At the top of the Customer Engagement pane, click Document > Add
Add an email template
3. Select the record type (entity). The default is the set regarding record. Then,
click Select.
Select the entity
4. Start a search for the template you want. Under Search Template, click (---).
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Select search
5. Search for and select the template you want.
Search for email template
6. Accept the selected email template.
Accept the template
7. Click Add to Email to add the template to your email.
Add the template to email
The template text appears in your email.
Template text in email
For information on creating email templates in Customer Engagement, see Create tem-
plates for email.
Add sales literature or a knowledge base article when
you create an email message
When you're working with a customer, you might want to send them some sales litera-
ture or a knowledge base article.
You must have the appropriate permissions to add sales literature or knowledge base
articles to an email message.
1. Create an email message as you normally would in Outlook.
2. At the top of the Customer Engagement pane, click Document.
Add a document
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3. Select Add Sales Literature or Add Knowledge Article, and then follow
the steps to add or insert the literature or article.
Add a phone call, appointment, or task activity to
Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps
1. For the record you have linked and are tracking, in Tracked regarding, click
(...) > Add Activity.
Click Add Activity
2. Select an activity.
Select activity
3. Fill in the information in the form.
4. Click Save.
Track Outlook contacts in Dynamics 365 for
Customer Engagement apps
You can track Outlook contacts in Customer Engagement by using the Customer Engage-
ment add-in, an Outlook solution module. The add-in is automatically installed when you
install Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. You can access it as described below.
Delegated users can not use Dynamics 365 App for Outlook to track emails.
Using the add-in, you can:
View a list of Microsoft Office contacts or Customer Engagement contacts, and
see which contacts are tracked
Link contacts to accounts in Customer Engagement
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Open the Customer Engagement contact or account record with a single click
When the Customer Engagement add-in is installed, you’ll see a new Cus-
tomer Engagement tab on the Outlook ribbon. Click the tab to see infor-
mation about contacts.
Dynamics 365 App for Outlook add-in overview screen
Element Description
Click to see all your Outlook contacts (contacts displayed in your
default contacts view in Customer Engagement).
2 Click to see all your Customer Engagement contacts.
See whether a contact is tracked or not, or whether tracking status is
4 Open a Customer Engagement account record.
5 Click to call.
6 Click to email.
To use the add-in your admin must enable your Customer Engagement mailbox for
appointments, contacts, and tasks.
Access the add-in
In the lower-left corner of the Outlook window, click the Dynamics 365 for Cus-
tomer Engagement apps add-in.
Click Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps add-in
See the Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps contact card
for a contact
1. In the contacts list, select the check box next to the contact. The contact details
appear on the right side of the screen.
Dynamics 365 App for Outlook contact tracking contact card
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Track or untrack a contact
1. Click the Outlook Contacts tab.
2. In the contacts list, select the check box next to the appropriate contact(s).
3. On the ribbon, click Track or Untrack.
Dynamics 365 App for Outlook contact tracking ribbon
Do not navigate outside the page while tracking or untracking the contact. Oth-
erwise, it won’t be tracked or untracked.
Link a contact to an account or change the account that a contact is
linked to
1. Click the Outlook Contacts tab.
You can’t select a contact listed under the Customer Engagement Con-
tacts tab.
2. In the contacts list, select the check box next to the appropriate contact.
3. On the ribbon, click Link.
4. Do one of the following:
On the right side of the screen, select the account to link to, and then
click Link at the bottom of the screen.
1. To create a new account, on the right side of the screen, click New at
the bottom of the screen.
2. Enter the new account name.
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3. Click Save.
4. Click the Refresh button.
If the contact isn’t already tracked, the contact will be tracked immediately and
will be linked to the account. The account record will be synchronized in the
next synchronization cycle.
Send email or schedule an appointment
1. Click the Customer Engagement Contacts tab, or the Outlook Contacts
tab, and then select the check box next to the appropriate contact(s).
2. On the ribbon, click Email or Appointment.
Regardless of which tab you selected in step 1, the email, task, or appointment
will be sent from Outlook, not Customer Engagement.
Search for a contact
Enter a value in the search box. You can search for data stored in the Full
name, Company, Department, and Business address fields. You can’t
search for data stored in the Tracking status, Business phone, or Email
Filter by all contacts, tracked contacts, or untracked contacts
1. Click the arrow next to the view drop-down.
2. Select the view you want.
Dynamics 365 App for Outlook with contract tracking filter drop-down
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Track appointments from another person in your
You can track appointments from another person in your Dynamics 365 for Customer
Engagement apps organization using Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. To enable this capa-
bility, you need to enable the OrgDBOrgSetting in your organization. Dynamics 365 for
Customer Engagement apps provides the OrgDBOrgSettings tool that gives administra-
tors the ability to implement specific updates that were previously reserved for registry
1. Follow the instructions in this article for steps to extract the tool.
2. After extracting the tool, enable the OrgDBOrgSetting
You can also use this tool to edit the OrgDBOrgSetting TrackAppointmentsFromNonOr-
After the OrgDBOrgSetting is enabled, when you open Dynamics 365 App for Outlook on
an appointment created by another user in your organization, you can track the appoint-
ment. You will no longer see the banner blocking you from tracking the calendar item.
Track appointments
Synchronization and tracking
The Dynamics 365 App for Outlook tracks and synchronizes your mail and calendar data
between Outlook (Exchange) and Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps. Server
Side Synchronization is an asynchronous service that runs in the background approxi-
mately every 15 minutes to synchronize items between Exchange and Dynamics 365 for
Customer Engagement apps. In most scenarios, the Outlook item is immediately created
in Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps. However, in some cases, Server Side
Synchronization service is used to promote the item to Dynamics 365 for Customer
Engagement apps and keep it synchronized, which may take up to 15 minutes. The below
table provides a brief explainer of the behavior.
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Outlook app sync
Server Side Synchronization is used to promote emails when Microsoft Outlook includes
images in email signatures as attachments.
If the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook uses Server Side Synchronization to track an item to
Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement apps, the track status of the item will be “Pend-
Outlook app server side sync
See also
Deploy Dynamics 365 App for Outlook
Set up server-side synchronization (admins)
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