eRequisition Submission Form - Instructions
This eRequisition Form will assist State Entity and State Purchasing buyers/contract
professionals in tracking all required documents as part of the requisition packages. The form
is essentially a checklist that organizes all the necessary information and documents required
to submit a requisition.
The eRequisition form is provided in two formats—MS Outlook and MS Word. If you use the
MS Outlook format, the form is created as part of an email message that you complete and
send. If you use another email application, then you complete the MS Word form and then
attach it to an email that you create.
For instructions on using the eReq form, please click the format that you want to use below:
Using the MS Word Form
Using the MS Outlook Form
Note: If you have any difficulties, please email or call DOAS at or 404-657-6000.
Revised 01/27/11
Instructions for ERequisition Submission Form in MS Word Format
Instructions for Using MS Word Format
(1) Open the eReq Word Form in MS Word. It should look like this screen shot.
(2) Select Save As (under File), Change the file type to document template and save the file
with the name “eRequisition Submission Form”
Note: You will only need to follow steps 1 & 2 for the first use. For subsequent uses,
follow instructions 3-7 below.
(3) Create a new document
a. Under File, choose New
b. Under Templates, choose On my computer
c. Select the eRequisition Submission Form
(4) Begin completing the document for your requisition
(5) Complete the five sections:
a. Type of Requisition
i. Use arrow to open drop down menu to choose correct solicitation
b. Type of Product/Service Category
i. Use arrow to open drop down menu to choose correct category
c. Brief description of solicitation
i. Use text box to describe purpose of solicitation
d. Document type, method of submission and document name
i. For each type of document (Requisition, specification, etc)
1. Click on the appropriate check-box indicating the method of
submission-Sent through PeopleSoft or this Outlook form
ii. In the text box area, list the name of the document for each document type
submitted (i.e. Specification.doc)
e. Check that all documents were submitted
i. Click on Yes or No to indicate whether all documents have been submitted
or not (including those attached to this email message)
ii. If all documents have not been submitted, please provide:
1. Document type (Requisition, Specification, etc)
2. Intended method of submission (PeopleSoft or Word form)
3. Document name, and
4. Reason why the document was not submitted in the large text box
Revised 01/27/11
Instructions for ERequisition Submission Form in MS Word Format
(6) Save the document with an appropriate name indicating identifying information. For
example, if you are with DOAS and submitting a requisition for office supplies, a file name
might be DOAS_OfficeSupp2006.
(7) Attach to an email message and send to the intended DOAS Acquisition Manager.
MS Word Format Screen Shot
Revised 01/27/11
Instructions for ERequisition Submission Form in MS Outlook Form
Instructions for MS Outlook Users
Section A. Installing the Outlook Form
(1) Click on the attachment entitled eReq Outlook Form.oft
(2) Please save the attachment to your desktop
(3) Go to your desktop
a. Open EReq Outlook Form.oft
1) If you see two tabs labeled Message & Requisition Submission Checklist,
please continue to the next section Using the Outlook Requisition Form
2) If you just see one tab, close the Outlook form and see the Appendix on how to
publish the form on your computer.
Note: You will only have to install the Outlook Form once. For subsequent uses, the Form can
be found on your computer desktop.
Section B. Using the Outlook Requisition Form
(1) To open the form (If the Form is already open, skip to step 2):
(2) Go to your Desktop, Open eReq Outlook Form.oft (The new window entitled Requisition
Submission should look like this screen shot.)
(3) To use the email message, select Message tab:
a. Please write an email message for the intended DOAS Acquisition Manager.
b. Attach all documents to be sent to DOAS.
(4) To use the checklist, select the Requisition Submission tab. Ensure that the scroll bar on
the right side is moved to the top. To complete the form, you will complete five
sections: (Click here to see a screenshot.)
a. Type of Requisition
i. Use arrow to open drop down menu to choose correct solicitation
b. Type of Product/Service Category
i. Use arrow to open drop down menu to choose correct category
c. Brief description of solicitation
i. Use text box to describe purpose of solicitation
d. Document type, method of submission and document name
i. For each type of document (Requisition, specification, etc)
Revised 01/27/11
Instructions for ERequisition Submission Form in MS Outlook Form
1. Click on the appropriate check-box indicating the method of
submission-Sent through PeopleSoft or this Outlook form
2. In the text box area, list the name of the document for each
document type submitted (i.e. Specification.doc)
e. Check if all documents were submitted
i. Click on Yes or No to indicate whether all documents have been submitted
(including those attached to this email message)
ii. If all documents have not been submitted, please provide the:
1. Document type (Requisition, Specification, etc)
2. Intended method of submission (PeopleSoft or Outlook form)
3. Document name, and
4. Reason why the document was submitted in the large text box
(5) Once the Message tab and the Requisition Submission Checklist tab have both been
filled out, click on Send in the upper left-hand corner to send the Outlook email form
Revised 01/27/11
Instructions for ERequisition Submission Form in MS Outlook Form
MS Outlook Form Screenshot
Revised 01/27/11
Publishing MS Outlook Form
(1) Return to the main Outlook window
(2) In the menu bar, Go to Tools -> Forms -> Design a form
(3) In Look in, select User Template in file system
(4) Click Browse and select your desktop-Click OK once desktop is selected
(5) Select eReq Outlook Form.oft and click open
(6) This will open the form in design mode (the window should be entitled Requisition
(7) Go to Tools -> Forms -> Publish form
A new window entitled Publish Form As will appear,
a. In the Display name field, replace Untitled with Requisition Submission
b. Select Publish.
c. Close the window entitled Requisition Submission.
(Note: You will be asked to save the changes. Select No”.)
(8) Go back to your desktop, and click on the eReq Outlook Form- You should now see two
tabs, one titled Message, and one titled Requisition submission checklist.
Note: You will only need to publish the form once. For subsequent uses, the Outlook Form
can be found on your computer desktop. For instructions on using the Form, go to page 4
Section B.
Revised 01/27/11