Revenue Cycle
End-to-end Digital
Health Solutions To
Optimize Revenue
Trusted partner for your Digital Journey
Providers need an
integrated approach to
operate in an environment
where focus is shiing
to value-based care. Our
Digital Health Solutions for
Revenue Cycle provide full
front-to-back capabilities
to ensure optimum
nancial performance.
The healthcare world is changing
An Integrated Approach for
Complex Provider Challenges
optimize revenue cycle
and achieve compliance
with our end-to-end RCM
Atos Revenue Cycle Management Services
Under the pressure of legislation, demographics, and innovation, healthcare
providers face unprecedented pressure to adapt their Revenue Cycles
while improving care, controlling costs and complying with regulatory
mandates. Our end-to-end revenue cycle management services, including
HIM Outsourcing, Medical Coding and Audit, Clinical Documentation
Improvement and Patient Financial services, enable healthcare
organizations to improve processes and optimize revenue.
Atos edge
Our integrated approach to revenue cycle management enables healthcare organizations to resolve complex issues and optimize inancial
performance. Our team of certiied healthcare professionals provide the subject matter expertise required to assess revenue cycle processes,
increase eiciencies, comply with regulatory mandates and also improve physician relationships.
Our RCM services will help you
• Maximize revenue collection and improve other inancial indicators like days in A/R, denial rates, clean claim rate, bad debt ratio etc.
• Assess end-to-end current RCM practices and implement eiciencies based on best practices and benchmarks
• Reduce process turnaround times and improve operational eiciency across the care continuum
• Ensure quality outcomes and revenue integrity
• Track performance with key performance indicators and dashboards
• Achieve compliance with regulatory mandates and external audit requirements
• Keep ahead of new regulations like MACRA
• Improve medical coding accuracy, minimize backlogs and manage staing issues
• Educate management, clinicians and sta to identify opportunities for process improvements
• Provide customized clinician education to ensure the clinical documentation is accurate and complete
Our RCM services optimize process and technology to improve all aspects
of revenue cycle performance.
Key Facts About Our Industry Ranked Services
$13 Billion
AR managed
530 Certied
healthcare professionals on sta
19 Years
clinical experience
22 Years
experience in revenue cycle
assessment and management
Average of
4M Charts
coded per year
15+ Years Of
cancer data provided for CoC
mandated quality studies
Health Information Management
Revenue Assessment & Analytics
RCM Services
` HIM Outsourcing and Optimization
` Medical Coding Services
` Coding Audit and Education
` Clinical Documentation Improvement
` Transcription/Voice Recognition
` ICD10 Services
Pyramid Patient Financial Services
` Prior Authorization
` Scheduling/Admissions
` Registration
` AR Management
` Payer Follow-up
` Reimbursement Maximizer
Pyramid Cancer Registry
` CoC Survey Preparation & Assessment
` Remote Case Finding
` On-site/remote abstracting
` Cancer registry backlog follow-up &
` Strategic Consulting & Analysis
` Revenue Cycle Optimization
` Suite of Analytical Applications
Integrated Digital Health Solutions for
Optimum Performance
Integrated Oerings
Our RCM services are complemented by our expertise in data, IT and EHR.
We combine our revenue cycle services with our tools to demonstrate the
impact to outcomes.
Certied Professionals
We have AHIMA/AAPC certiied coding and audit professionals. Our clinical
documentation service line is comprised of registered nurses with strong
clinical background and they are ACDIS certiied Clinical Documentation
Specialists (CCDS). We have AHIMA approved and certiied ICD10 CM/PCS
Industry Recognition & Certications
We are ranked #1 in 2015 HIM Outsourcing Solutions by Black Book. Our
oshore services are ISO certiied for security and quality.
Healthcare Expertise
Atos many years of experience managing HIM departments across
multiple hospitals of various types, provide a depth of knowledge
to clients that is un-equaled in the industry. We have hundreds of
certiied employees with deep clinical experience.
Flexible Delivery Models
Atos team is spread across locations providing the lexibility of
oshore, onshore or blended service delivery models.
Our certiied employees and their expertise ensures that we
achieve a minimum of 95% coding accuracy. We received the
highest Coder Quality score, 4.5 out of 5, in the KLAS report
“Outsourced Coding 2014:Do you have enough resources for the
ICD10 transition” (March 2014).
Atos Revenue Cycle Management Services
End-to-end Solutions Capabilities
Our certied healthcare professionals provide unparalleled expertise and
proven solutions across the revenue cycle.
Our integrated RCM services create a signicant impact across our
Our comprehensive HIM optimization solution
provided a large regional university health system
with a detailed roadmap to improve all HIM
operations, coding, and transcription services. It
delivered outstanding results, including signiicant
cost savings and enterprise-wide eiciencies
enabled by the implementation of best practices.
Our solutions enabled the university health system
to identify $5M in savings.
Our HIM Outsourcing services at a 222 bed acute
care hospital, in conjunction with the hospital’s
administration, has maintained a near 0% record
completion delinquency rate for the past 4 years.
This achievement satisies HFAP/CMS regulatory
standards for record completion.
Our Medical Coding services enabled a large acute
care facility to successfully reduce their DNFC
at the site from $107.2M to $30.6M, a decrease
of $71.7M in just 22 days! Our services also
enabled another customer, one of the largest NCI
designated cancer centers in the country, to lower
their DNFC from $212M to $60M, a decrease of
$152M in just 60 days!
We assisted our full HIM outsourcing customer, a
part of a major multi-hospital healthcare system,
in meeting Meaningful Use metrics outside of
the regular HIM contract. Our services have been
instrumental in this customer’s ability to meet MU
metrics to receive approximately $7.2M in incen-
tive payments over the years.
HIM Optimization at a LargeRegional
University Health System
Medical Coding Services at a
Large Acute Care Facility and a Cancer Center
HIM Outsourcing at 222 Bed Acute Care Hospital Multi Hospital Health Care System
Providing Sustainable Value in a
Changing Environment
We serve hundreds of healthcare organizations. Here is what some of our
customers are saying about us.
Atos Revenue Cycle Management Services
Customer Testimonials
“The Anthelio HIM department continues to provide day-in and day-out value to Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital. Not only
does the department generate outstanding performance outcomes (worldclass chart delinquency rates, elimination of virtually
all processing backlogs, etc.), but, over time, has become a valued business partner to the hospital. As part of our Baldrige
journey, we determined that “building loyal relationships” was our strategic core competency - we are proud to have such a
relationship with Anthelio.
Chief Financial Oicer
Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital
Anthelio’s turnaround time is good, and they are very friendly. Their software is great, and their coding is on target. They pick up
a lot of things that most people don’t; they go that extra step. And the reporting we get is amazing. We get daily reports about
the percentage, and we can get reports on anything else we want to know, like who did what, how, how often. We can see the
frequency of certain diagnoses. Anthelio just has all of their bases covered.
Collected by KLAS
Anthelio CDI physician training was excellent, and was even better than they had hoped for.”
HIM Director
Erlanger Health System
Anthelio is a wonderful company to work with. Their sta members and coders are all professional, hard working, and truly
dedicated to our accounts. The quality of their coding consistently meets and/or exceeds the Health System standard. I would
recommend Anthelio to anybody in need of great coding and can attest to the great assistance they have provided to St.
Joseph Health over the past several years.
Coding Manager
St. Joseph RCS
Anthelio Transcription is always eager to lend a hand, and is great at following up on issues; and I greatly appreciate how they
will contact me when they haven’t heard from me in a while, to see how things work-related are going. That makes me feel real
special and content that I know that I have a company that cares about me and their work. ”
HIM Coordinator
Hackettstown Regional Medical Center
As a long-time customer of Anthelio, I have always been impressed with their responsiveness to my continually changing
HIM needs. They have helped me to recognize the importance of the HIM function and have added signiicant depth and
knowledge within my organization. As the healthcare environment continues to change, Anthelio is a partner prepared to
support and manage the change into the future.
Senior Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Oicer
Rush-Copley Medical Center
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