Reduce Costs and Do More with Less
One way is to optimize the critical clinical documentation process and
eliminate the costly, time-consuming variables that contribute to inaccuracies
and incomplete documentation. Thats where M*Modal’s solutions come in,
with targeted products and services that will meet your organization’s needs,
regardless of its size.
Our goal is to give you the added flexibility to speed up and improve the
entire transcription process and fine tune clinical operations and workflows.
Essentially, you can have it your way—internal transcription, outsourced
domestic or global transcription, or a combination of the two.
With our Speech Understanding™ technology built into M*Modal Fluency for
Transcription, transcriptionists and editors can improve productivity while
optimizing turnaround time (TAT), document quality and accuracy—all
monitored by Quality Assurance and HIM personnel, as needed.
Perhaps most important, physicians have the choice to dictate and edit their
own speech-recognized reports. During time-constrained patient encounters,
physicians can efficiently capture a more complete patient story and store
it in a format that adds structure to the narrative, providing depth to
point-and-click structured data accessed in EHRs.
M*Modal Fluency solutions help you stream-
line the process and minimize MT workloads,
shorten documentation and revenue cycle time,
and lower transcription costs overall, while
providing the capabilities that promote higher
physician satisfaction and better care.
With improved documentation, you’re better prepared
for physician reviews, downstream coding processes and
collaboration with other physicians, which leads to:
Improved quality of patient care during and immediately after the initial visit: Less time
keyboarding, more time analyzing and communicating with the patient. Physicians simply tell
the patient story providing details and care directives as time permits, which helps them stay
on schedule while capturing critical details about their patients and conditions. M*Modal listens
and does the rest!
Improved documentation quality, coding accuracy and patient care by adding structure to
the narrative: Capture the “gold” and allow medical transcriptionists, editors, coders and
radiologists to quickly resolve potential transcription errors as they sharpen the patient story.
Improved collaboration with consulting physicians: With access to the complete patient story,
receiving physicians can deliver the same or better quality of care faster. Receiving physicians can
see complete transcripts, rather than missing critical information or depending on intermediaries
to fill in critical information gaps.
Improve the productivity of your documentation process with
highly trained transcription professionals—whether you’re
supporting existing in-house capabilities or looking for new
outsourced resources.
Accurate transcription is critical to the quality and expediency of healthcare delivery, as well as
reimbursement. If recruiting, training and retaining qualified transcriptionists and editors ranks
among your organization’s top challenges, M*Modal has a solution. Whether it’s time to outsource
all or a portion of your organization’s transcription needs, you can easily tap into our pool of proven
transcription talent and services.
Healthcare organizations have relied on M*Modal to deliver quality transcription services for more
than 40 years. M*Modal offers an experienced workforce of medical transcriptionists and editors—
one that can scale and adapt to the growing needs of any organization, from community hospitals to
large, multi-facility healthcare enterprises. Our industry-leading quality and TAT performance illustrate
our ongoing commitment to accuracy without compromising speed.
With our integrated quality assurance tools, dedicated Customer Relationship Managers and over
9,000 experienced, U.S.-based and global transcriptionists and editors, we deliver transcription
quickly and accurately—allowing your organization to reduce costs, increase physician satisfaction
and improve patient care.
M*Modal’s global delivery model is effective in providing clients with the cost benefits, time-sensitive
delivery, skills and resource scalability needed for success.
Physicians can easily capture and share the complete patient story for use by
the rest of the organization.
M*Modal Fluency for Transcription strengthens the entire process by:
Supporting narrative dictation through any source—PCs, phones,
smartphones, dictation stations and real-time speech recognition methods.
Reducing quality assurance costs with intuitive tools that provide
automated feedback to medical transcriptionists and editors.
Giving physicians the option to record, edit and complete their own
documentation—or send it into the back-end transcription process
where expert transcriptionists and editors take over.
Centrally manage your dictation workload with productivity-
enhancing and quality assurance tools. Transcriptionists and
editors will produce more timely and accurate reports while
enabling your physicians to spend less time editing and more
time treating patients.
Providers can use front-end speech recognition as part of
M*Modal Fluency for Transcription to improve productivity
and help meet increasing demand.
Building on powerful M*Modal technologies, M*Modal Fluency Flex delivers greater efficiency and
supports the natural and individual workflows of physicians by providing additional ways to create
documents, so they can focus on what matters most—patient care.
With M*Modal Fluency Flex, physicians can use a workstation or their preferred devices—such
as phone, smartphone or tablet—for real-time, front-end speech recognition to either self-edit
documents or send them to transcription for review and editing. With the self-edit option, physicians
have immediate access to the final report, which they can sign electronically and upload to the
facility’s EHR and other clinical information systems.
Whatever option you choose, M*Modal Fluency Flex uses the same cloud-based, advanced M*Modal
Speech Understanding technology, powered by our back end speech recognition and transcription
process. You can easily and instantly use existing physician speech profiles for optimal accuracy.
There is no need to train the system; it already recognizes the voice profile.
M*Modal Fluency Flex
Mobile is an option for M*Modal Fluency for Transcription
clients. Mobile
Dictation via M*Modal Fluency Flex
will be offered to M*Modal Fluency for Transcription
Physicians can simply speak and create patient story details and
care directives, while automatically populating EHRs—improving
quality of care just by doing what comes naturally.
In a world of EHRs, Meaningful Use, ACOs and increasing regulations, healthcare providers are more
than challenged to keep up with new requirements and still deliver quality patient care. Speech
Understanding™ M*Modal Fluency Direct is the intelligent approach to meet the challenge.
Going beyond simple speech recognition, M*Modal Fluency Direct enables physicians and clinicians
to automatically populate EHRs and other clinical documentation systems that help your organization
document patient information, power your revenue cycle and comply with government initiatives.
Our cloud-based document management platform keeps practices
running efficiently. Physicians and administrators can easily access
and distribute all patient information from just about anywhere.
With or without EHRs, the physician’s narrative of the patient story remains an essential element in
delivering quality care. With M*Modal Fluency for Practices, physicians can tell the complete patient
story using a smartphone, phone or digital recorder, and readily access and distribute all patient-
related information and transcripts through a robust cloud-based document management platform.
In addition, M*Modal Fluency for Practices can be quickly implemented without training and with
minimal IT investment. Practices benefit from:
Web-based access to patient narratives in an easy-to-use transcription and document management
workflow system that helps enable HIPAA compliance, and includes robust security measures, solid
business continuity plan, limitless archival backup and a comprehensive audit trail.
A system that seamlessly integrates with EHR and practice management software systems,
providing one-point access to the clinical narrative, and delivering time savings and productivity
gains over template-based input.
An easy to navigate application with all critical information available on the dashboard screen,
allowing users to perform the most common document-related actions from a single screen.
© 2019 MModal IP LLC. All rights reserved.
To find out more, visit our website at
or contact us at 866-542-7253.
About M*Modal
Now a part of 3M, M*Modal is a leading healthcare technology provider of advanced clinical
documentation solutions, enabling hospitals and physicians to enrich the content of patient electronic
health records (EHR) for improved healthcare and comprehensive billing integrity. M*Modal also
provides advanced cloud-based Speech Understanding
technology and data analytics that enable
physicians and clinicians to include the context of their patient narratives into electronic health records
in a single step, further enhancing their productivity and the cost-saving efficiency and quality of
patient care at the point of care.