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Hichips-Parrot Board Software
User Manual
Hichips-Parrot Board Software
User Manual
Shenzhen Hichips Technologies Co., Ltd.
Address: Room 321, 3rd floor, building B1, yongqi business building, yintian industrial zone, xixiang street, bao 'an district, Shenzhen
People's Republic of China
Website: http://www.hichips.cn
Email: support@hichips.cn
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Copyright ©2018 by Hichips. All rights reserved
Hichips-Parrot Board Software
User Manual
Revision History
Revision Number
Zhang Lingjun
Initial Draft
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Copyright ©2018 by Hichips. All rights reserved
Hichips-Parrot Board Software
User Manual
1. Introduction
2. AVS SDK introduction
2.1. Alexa Architecture …………………………………………………………………………………………2
2.2. Hardware design…………………………………………………………………………………………….3
2.3. Code Path and Menuconfig…………………………………………………………………………….3
Amazon AVS Quick Start Guide ……………………………………………………………………………4
3.1. Via adb ……………………………………………………………………………………………….…………4
3.2. Via serial port…………………………………………………………………………………………………5
3.3. push and pull files………………………………………………………………………….…….…………6
3.4. Use SampleApp………………………………………………………………………………………..…… 7
3.5. Link SampleApp with your Amazon account………………………………………..…………8
3.6. Offline quick test tools……………………………………………………………….…………………10
4. Audio play test
4.1. Play testSpeaker……………………………………………………………………………………11
4.2. Play testHeadset……………………………………………………………….………………………11
5. Development environment
5.1. Hardware resource……………………………………………………….………………………………12
5.2. Software resource………………………………………………………………..………………………12
5.3. Code compilation and packaging……………………………………………………….…………12
6. Flash image
6.1. Necessary tools………………………………………….…………………………………………………12
6.2. Flash Steps……………………………………………………………………………………………………12
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Copyright ©2018 by Hichips. All rights reserved
Hichips-Parrot Board Software
User Manual
1. Overview
Hichips-Parrot Board(Allwinner SoC-Only 3-Mic Far-Field Dev Kit) for Amazon AVS with allwnner
R18 chip design.
The Allwinner SoC-3-Mic Far-Field Devlopment Kit is for Amazon AVS offers far-field performance
with a 3 analog mic array, and the quad-core ARM Cotex-A53-base design does not require an external
DSP, the combination of which makes the development kit a cost-effective solution for integrating
Alexa into finished products, Its rich features and cost-effectiveness make audio intelligence further
close to our daily life. Features includes:
Audio front end for beamforming, noise reduction, and echo cancellation
Sensory wake word engine tuned to Alexa”
Client application built with the AVS Device SDK
High performance with low power consumption
Reserves application headroom for non-AVS applications
Built-in battery-operated designs
Supports 3 MICs both-side placement
2. AVS SDK introduction
2.1. Alexa Architecture
Alexa is build base on AVS SDK. The architecture is shown in this diagram below:
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Hichips-Parrot Board Software
User Manual
Alexa Architecture
2.2. Hardware design
The architecture of hardware design is shown in the diagram below:
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Hichips-Parrot Board Software
User Manual
2.3. Code Path and Menuconfig
AVS SDK and SampleApp`s source code is in the tina/package/avs/.
If you want to use SampleApp, please input make menuconfig before complie and
seleted all the option
3. Amazon AVS Quick Start Guide
The AVS Developer Kit is a qualified device enables Alexa Voice Service (AVS) that
allows developer to interact with Alexa Voice Service hands-free. It includes a 3-mic
array and one base board that provides various peripheral interfaces. Services to play
music, ask questions, set alarms, play iHeartRadio, news, sports updates, weather
and more are available on this kit. With Gmems’s front end algorithm, the developer
kit is equipped with most advanced beamforming, noise reduction and echo
cancellation technology so that your commands can be easily picked up even under
noisy environment or during music is playing.
Get start with common tools
3.1. Via adb
Mini-USB cable
adb is Android debug bridge. Type adb shell in command line(windows) or
Terminal(MacOS or Linux) to enter debug mode, developers can type commands
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Copyright ©2018 by Hichips. All rights reserved
Hichips-Parrot Board Software
User Manual
3.2. Via serial port
Uart serial port
On windows, you need tools like SecureCRT or putty or MobaXterm to use serial port.
On Ubuntu, minicom is the most popular application to debug via serial com. This is
the setting on MobaXterm:
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Hichips-Parrot Board Software
User Manual
3.3. push and pull files
adb push and adb pull commands can push data from PC to developer kit and pull
data from developer kit to PC.
Connect to Internet
Without internet, developer can’t enjoy the Alexa Voice Service. Type the command
below to connect to Internet:
wifi_connect_ap_test “ssid” “passwd
ssid and passwd are your network name and your password respectively.
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Hichips-Parrot Board Software
User Manual
3.4. Use SampleApp
SampleApp is the application integrated with voice recording, Sensory’s wake word
engine, Gmems’s front end algorithm and Alexa Voice Service. Developer can start
hands-free experience with AVS Developer Kit by following steps:
1) Developer should connect wifi first. Command: wifi_connect_ap_test “ssid
2) Before start-up AVS, you need to fill in the equipment serial number, Developer
can use command below:
Fetch-device-sn /etc/avs/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json
3) First start-up SampleApp, need to verify equipment, start-up SampleApp use
command below:
SampleApp /etc/avs/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json /etc/avs/ DEBUG9
A verification prompt will appear after the connection AVS server is successful:
# To authorize, browse to: 'https://amazon.com/us/code' and enter the
code:DFVELG #
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Copyright ©2018 by Hichips. All rights reserved
Hichips-Parrot Board Software
User Manual
# Checking for authorization (1)... #
Browser access : https://amazon.com/us/code, enter the Amazon account, then
input the verification code.
Subsequent startup will automatically skip this step unless the configuration files in
the device are deleted.
/etc/avs/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json is the configuration file includes device
registration information and user CA certificates.
4) Speak Alexa” and talk with KIT. If wake-up success, the LED will light.
3.5. Link SampleApp with your Amazon account
adb pull /etc/avs/test.json /home/AVS
pull the default test.json file to /home/AVS/ directory.
The test.json layout is as follows:
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Copyright ©2018 by Hichips. All rights reserved
Hichips-Parrot Board Software
User Manual
"clientSecret":"<Client Secret for your device from the Amazon Developer
"deviceSerialNumber":"<A unique value that you create, similar to a SKU
or UPC. E.g. "123456">",
"clientId":"<Client ID for your device from the Amazon Developer
"productId":"<Product ID for your device from the Amazon Developer
NOTE: The deviceSerialNumber is a unique identifier that you create. It is not
provided by Amazon or Allwinner.
The refreshToken is the only parameter related to your own account, please follow
below steps to create your own refreshToken. You can keep other parameters same
as the default test.json.
1. You can keep other parameters same as the default test.json.
2. install python and pip on your Linux environment, then install Flask and
requests: pip install flask requests if there is any other missing python
packages.please install them in the similar way.
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Hichips-Parrot Board Software
User Manual
3. Keep the same product ID, client ID and client secret in the default test.json,
put the test.json under the same directory of AuthServer.py
4. start AuthServer by running: python AuthServer.py You should see a
message that indicates the server is running.
5. Open your favorite browser and navigate to: [1](http://localhost:3000)
6. Follow the on-screen instructions.
7. After you've entered your credentials, the server should terminate itself,
and test.json will be populated with your refresh toke
8. adb push C:\test.json /etc/avs/ push the new test.json to reference kit.
9. run SampleApp again and enjoy your iHeartRadio or Kindle or Amazon
3.6. Offline quick test tools
sample-wakeup is an offline tool to test wake-up rate for “Alexa” wake word. The
purpose of this tool is to avoid network issue for Chinese developers. Developers can
quickly test the performance of front end algorithm and Sensory’s Alexa wake word
engine without connecting to Internet. Alexa Voice Service is not supported under
offline mode. To use it, simply type the following commands:
sample-wakeup /etc/avs/config.json
Next, speak “Alexa” to the mics, If wake up success, it will be this log:
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Copyright ©2018 by Hichips. All rights reserved
Hichips-Parrot Board Software
User Manual
4. Audio play test
4.1. Play testSpeaker
Developer can start playing test by following commands:
aplay -Dhw:2,0 *.wav
4.2. Play testHeadset
Developer need to set audio channel before playing, set audio channel commands:
amixer cset name='AIF1IN0R Mux' 'AIF1_DA0R'
amixer cset name='AIF1IN0L Mux' 'AIF1_DA0L'
amixer cset name='DACR Mixer AIF1DA0R Switch' 1
amixer cset name='DACL Mixer AIF1DA0L Switch' 1
amixer cset name='DAC volume' 160
amixer cset name='HP_R Mux' 'DACR HPR Switch'
amixer cset name='HP_L Mux' 'DACL HPL Switch'
amixer cset name='Headphone Switch' 1
amixer cset name='External Speaker Switch' 0
Developer can start playing test by following commands:
aplay -Dhw:0,0 *.wav
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Copyright ©2018 by Hichips. All rights reserved
Hichips-Parrot Board Software
User Manual
5. Development environment
5.1. Hardware resource
1) A R18 development board
2) Power adapter, USB to serial port, micro-usb line
3) PC and compiler server
5.2. Software resource
1) The compiler server must only use the system of Linux 64bit. It is
recommended to install ubuntu12.04 64bit.
2) The packages that need to be installed as follows:
Gcc, binutils, bzip2, flex, python, perl, make, ia32-libs, find, grep, diff, unzip,
gawk, getopt, subversion,Libz-dev, libc headers.
Ubuntu can directly install the following commands:
Sudo apt-get install build-essential subversion git-core libncurses 5-dev
zlib1g-dev gawk flex quilt libssl-dev
3) firmware burning tools: LiveSuit (Linux) or PhonixSuit (window).
5.3. Code compilation and packaging
$ source build/envsetup.sh
=> Setting environment variables
$ lunch
=> Select scheme. See below
$ make [-jN]
=> Compile, -jN: Parameter select the number of parallel compilation process.
$ pack [-d]
=> pack, -d: The serial port information of the firmware package is transferred to
the TF card output.
Option Description:
R18 development plan => tulip_*
After the compilation is completed. The system image will be packaged in the
out/<board>/ directory.
6. Flash image
6.1. Necessary tools
1) PhoenixSuit--------Flash tool on windows
2) LiveSuit-------------Flash tool on Ubuntu
3) adb driver
4) mini-USB cable
5) tina_tulip-noma_uart0.img-----------sdk image
6.2. Flash Steps
1) install the software, please see Livesuit.doc and
R18_PhoenixSuitUserManual_V1.1.pdf for more information.
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Hichips-Parrot Board Software
User Manual
2) 2. download the image from our website, select the image in PhoenixSuit and
3) 3. Unplug power cable and mini-USB from the board, press the VOL+ button and
hold it until plug in the mini-USB cable to PC, release the button, it should ask if
format the device is necessary before start flashing.
Note: documents, configuration file, software, scripts, drivers mentioned in this
guide are shipped with the User guide.