Finding Videos in PowerUp
Content Directory
You can access PowerUp videos in the educator mode of the program! Follow the steps below to
view interacve content that targets specic skills and can be used to reinforce student learning.
1. Idenfy a video (refer to the strand-specic tables on the following pages).
2. Log in to PowerUp as an educator.
3. Select a strand. Each strand contains an overview and levels are organized
by zones (Foundaonal, Intermediate, Advanced).
4. Select the level.
5. Select the acvity.
6. Launch the unit containing the video.
7. On screen, click the forward arrow on the boom right to quickly move
through the unit without answering quesons. This feature is not included
in student mode.
Word Study
Video Level Acvity
The 3c Rule VCCCV 6 1 4
©2022 Lexia Learning, a Cambium Learning® Group company.
Word Study
Video Level Acvity
The Closed Syllable 3 1 1
The 2c Rule VCCV 3 1 4
The FLSZ Rule 3 3 4
The Doubling Rule 5 3 5
The 3c Rule VCCCV 6 1 4
The Dropping Rule 6 3 3
The VCCle Rule 7 1 4
The Changing Rule 8 3 1
The 1c Flex Rule 10 1 4
Video Level
Acvity Unit
Adjecves 1 1 8
Adverbs 3 1 10
2 1 13
6 1 6
Arcles 1 1 5
Capitalizaon & Punctuaon (SNEEQS) 1 3 1
Clauses and Sentences 3 2 8
Collecve Nouns 5 1 14
5 3 1
7 2 5
Compound Predicates 3 2 4
Compound Subjects 3 2 2
Coordinang Conjuncons 3 1 13
Demonstrave Pronouns 4 1 7
Dependent Clause 4 2 1
Direct Objects 7 1 9
Gerunds 7 1 9
Indenite Pronouns 6 1 2
Innives 7 1 11
Interjecons 7 1 5
Interrogave Pronouns 4 1 12
Nouns 1 1 2
Object Pronouns 2 1 10
Paired Conjuncons 4 1 5
Parciples 7 1 7
continued on next page
©2022 Lexia Learning, a Cambium Learning® Group company.
Video Level
Acvity Unit
Past, Present, and Future 3 1 7
Perfect Tenses: Past, Present, and Future 6 1 8
Phrases and Independent Clauses 3 2 6
Plural Nouns 3 1 3
Possessive Nouns 2 1 4
Possessive Pronouns 4 1 2
Predicate Adjecves 1 2 7
Predicate Nominave 2 2 4
Predicates: Simple and Complete 1 2 2
Preposional Phrases 2 2 3
Preposions 2 1 8
Progressive Forms 7 1 2
Reexive Pronouns 7 1 15
Relave Pronouns and Relave Clauses 5 1 16
Restricve and Nonrestricve Clauses 7 2 3
Run-on Sentences 4 3 3
Sentence Types
5 2 1
6 2 1
Simple Sentences 1 3 4
Subject Pronouns 2 1 6
Subject-Verb Agreement 3 1 5
Subjects: Complete vs. Simple 1 2 1
Subordinang Conjuncons 4 1 14
Verbs 1 1 3
©2022 Lexia Learning, a Cambium Learning® Group company.
Video Level Acvity
10 4 5
14 1 5
15 2 5
7 4 5
11 4 5
Cause & Eect
8 2 5
12 3 5
8 4 5
13 2 5
Compare & Contrast
8 1 5
13 4 5
15 1 5
10 1 5
14 3 5
7 3 5
12 4 5
Figurave Language
9 3 5
12 1 5
Informaonal Text Features
11 1 5
15 4 5
Informaonal Text (Structure) 7 1 4
Irony 13 3 5
Making Inferences
8 3 5
11 2 5
Narrave Text
7 2 5
10 2 4
13 3 4
Persuasive Techniques 10 3 5
Sensory Language
9 2 5
11 3 5
Summary 7 1 5
9 1 5
12 2 5
14 4 5
Tone & Mood
9 4 5
14 2 5
15 3 5
©2022 Lexia Learning, a Cambium Learning® Group company.