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Student Edion
English Language Arts
Grade 3
Grade 3 Playlist: Simple Verb Tenses
Aligns with CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.3.1.E:
• Form and use the simple (e.g., I walked; I walk; I will walk) verb tenses.
In this playlist, students will learn how to:
• recognize simple verb tenses.
• form and use verbs in the present tense, past tense, and future tense.
Key Terms
• A verbisawordthatdescribesanacon(e.g.,run, walk, talk, laugh).
• A tenseistheformofaverbthattellsthemethatsomethingtakesplace.
Thepast tense describesaconsthathavealreadyhappened(e.g.,ran, walked, talked, laughed).
Thepresent tensedescribesaconsthatarehappeningnow(e.g.,run, walk, talk, laugh).
Thefuture tensedescribesaconsthatwillhappeninthefuture(e.g.,will run, will walk,
will talk, will laugh).
Exploring the Standard
future tense, the word willmustbeplacedbeforetheverbtoletthereaderknowthattheaconbeingreferredtohas
Watch this video to learn how to form verbs in the past, present, and future tenses.
• hps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTmgwaY9p8o
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Student Edion
English Language Arts
Grade 3
A Closer Look: Present Tense
the sentence. For example, They walk uses the plural form of the verb to walk because more than one person is doing
theacon.He walks uses the singular formoftheverbbecauseonlyonepersonisdoingtheacon.
Present Tense Verb Singular Form Plural Form
give She gives. Theygive.
trade He trades. We trade.
push Markpushes. MarkandSarapush.
run Sara runs. MarkandSararun.
VerbswiththesubjectsI or youbeforethemtakethepluralformoftheverb.Forexample,I give; I trade; you push; you run.
Watch this video to learn how to form and use verbs in the present tense.
• hps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxJu375b0z4
• hp://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/simple_present_statements.htm
1. Nick (park)hisbicyclebythetreeand (walk)inside.
2. Threepeople
3. I
(swim) for twenty minutes each day.
4. SamandKaren
5. Mrs. Lee
A Closer Look: Past Tense
Thepasttensedescribesaconsthathavealreadyhappened.Whenformingthepasttense,someformof-ed is usually
added to the end of the verb. For example, walk becomes walked. Kick becomes kicked.
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Teacher Edion
English Language Arts
Grade 3
Teaching Notes: Simple Verb Tenses
The goal of L.3.1.E is for students to learn to recognize, form, and use verbs in the past, present, and future tenses.
Students should recognize the rules for forming each tense and recognize when to use it. The following informaon
contains ideas that teachers can incorporate into their classrooms as well as addional resources to peruse and integrate
into instrucon as appropriate.
1. Read aloud sentences from books or magazines. Ask students to idenfy the tense of each verb in each sentence.
Be sure to choose only sentences that contain verbs in the simple tense. Avoid sentences in the perfect, progressive,
or connuous tenses.
2. Invite students to make their own worksheets to share with a partner. Have them write a sentence with the verb
missing. Then have them tell a partner which verb should be used, and have the partner gure out what tense is
needed for the sentence and ll in the correct form of the verb.
Wring Prompt
Ask students to write a paragraph or a short story that uses each of the three tenses correctly. Then, have them highlight
each tense in a dierent color to show which verbs are in the present, past, and future tenses.
Pracce! Answer Key
1. 1. parks, walks; 2. sing; 3. swim; 4. jog; 5. thinks
2. 1. enjoyed; 2. broke; 3. baked; 4. learned; 5. drank
3. 1. will wait; 2. will ride; 3. will mail; 4. will y; 5. will grade
4. 1. will walk; 2. sits; 3. visited; 4. challenge; 5. will try; 6. bent
Addional Resources
Consider these addional resources when teaching L.3.1.E: