(updated: 08/27/03)
The Early Assurance Program between The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine
and Albright College provides exceptional second year college students with a career interest in
primary care medicine with the opportunity to apply for a provisional early acceptance to
medical school.
Academic criteria for applying to the program is the achievement of an SAT score of at least
1250, a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 3.5 at the end of the sophomore year, and completion of
eight of ten required math/science courses [inorganic chemistry - 2 semesters, organic
chemistry - 2 semesters, biology - 2 semesters, physics, - 2 semesters, mathematics (calculus
recommended) - 2 semesters]. Competitive students for the program must demonstrate high
academic achievement in both science and non-science curriculum.
Extra-curricular activities and student involvement in human service experiences is also
considered in determining admission to the program.
Students applying to the program submit a completed application to the Premedical Committee
of Albright College for review. The application must include a typed statement of 300 to 500
words describing significant past experiences, interest, and motivation for pursuing a career in
medicine, and plans for the future. Three letters of recommendation from faculty members
must support the application. Evaluation by the Premedical Committee involves review of the
criteria above and a personal interview. The Premedical Committee forwards application
materials and a letter of support for competitive applicants to The Pennsylvania State University
College of Medicine.
The Admissions Committee of The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine reviews
completed applications and selects students for personal interview. The most competitive
students are offered a provisional acceptance to The Pennsylvania State University College of
Medicine through the Early Assurance Program. Final acceptance to The Pennsylvania State
University College of Medicine is contingent upon satisfactory fulfillment of annual criteria
listed below.
Following acceptance of the provisional offer for admission to The Pennsylvania State
University College of Medicine, the applicant must maintain a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.5 and
complete all remaining requirements for the undergraduate degree. In consultation with the
Premedical Advisor, students are encouraged to select a broad-based curriculum and participate
in a wide variety of extra-curricular programs including volunteer activities for the remainder
of their college career. The premedical committee is encouraged to assist students in
identifying experiences with local hospitals, clinics, or community physicians.
The Premedical Committee of Albright College follows each student admitted to the Program
and submits an annual progress report to The Pennsylvania State University College of
Students admitted to the program must take the Medical School Admissions Test (MCAT)
during the spring semester of their junior year. During registration for the examination, the
student must indicate the release of scores to The Pennsylvania State University College of
Medicine, but also must report their score results to the College of Medicine as soon as they
are available. Completion of the examination is a formal requirement for admission to The
Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine. Although a specific score is not required,
students are expected to perform at or above the mean score in each section when compared
with the previous College of Medicine entering class. Students having one or more scores
below this level receive individualized counseling from the Premedical Advisor (in discussion
with The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine) as to additional courses or other
academic work that would be beneficial during the final year of college.
Formal acceptance to The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine is contingent
upon fulfillment of annual criteria listed above, successful completion of academic
requirements for the undergraduate degree, continued demonstration of personal integrity, and
submission of a final transcript.
1. The Premedical Committee identifies and informs eligible students of the program
following the end of their third semester.
2. The Premedical Committee reviews the program with interested students and assists
with the application process including identifying three faculty members for letters of
3. The Premedical Committee reviews the completed application in May or June following
the sophomore year. It must include a transcript with fourth semester grades and three
faculty letters of recommendation.
4. The Premedical Committee prepares a summary letter similar to those prepared for
traditional students who apply to medical school. This letter is included with all
application materials and forwarded to The Pennsylvania State University College of
5. The Admissions Committee of The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine
reviews the application. Selected candidates are invited for interview during the summer
following the second year.
6. A decision is made and written notification sent to the applicant and the chair of the
Premedical Committee within 4 - 6 weeks of the interview.
7. The Premedical Committee tracks each student admitted to the program and submits an
annual report to The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine by the end of
each June following the school year. The report should indicate yearly progress in the
program including scholastic achievement, non-academic and volunteer activities,
personal growth, and continued dedication to a career in medicine. An official
transcript must accompany the report.
8. The Premedical Advisor assists students with the application process for the MCAT
examination during the spring semester of the junior year. Examination results are
forwarded to The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine and the
Premedical Advisor as soon as they become available.
9. During the junior year, the student completes an online AMCAS (American Medical
College Application Service) application, indicating the Pennsylvania State University
College of Medicine as the school to which they are applying. The information
collected on this form is for statistical purposes only.
10. Students meet with the Assistant Dean for Admissions of The Pennsylvania State
University College of Medicine during the fall semester of the fourth year to review
progress in the program.
1. Statement of good faith:
Students who are offered and accept a position in the program are encouraged and expected to
honor their commitment and matriculate to The Pennsylvania State University College of
2. Statement of formal acceptance to The Pennsylvania State University College of
Formal acceptance to The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine becomes final
when the student has met all program standards, completed the undergraduate degree
requirements, and submitted a final transcript.
3. Statement clarifying general terms of the agreement:
The terms of this agreement are subject to periodic review and change. Changes are contingent
on agreement by both The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine and Albright
College and will not affect students previously accepted into the program. The Pennsylvania
State University College of Medicine or Albright College may cancel this agreement by giving
at least six months written notification.
Representing The Pennsylvania State
Representing Albright College
University College of Medicine
Dwight Davis, M.D.
Karen Campbell, Ph. D.
Associate Dean for Admissions &
Student Affairs
Chair, Health Science Advisory