Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist
Department of Nuclear Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University
Academic Year 2023-2024
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Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
Graduate Program Office ................................................................................................................................ 3
ID Cards, PSU Email ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Mail, Parking, Offices ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Student Travel………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Assistantship Responsibilities ......................................................................................................................... 4
Health Insurance ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Reporting Resources....................................................................................................................................... 5
Graduate Degree Programs Bulletin ............................................................................................................... 6
Grading System ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Unsatisfactory Scholarship .............................................................................................................................. 6
Dropping/Adding Courses ............................................................................................................................... 7
Auditing Courses ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Full-Time Academic Status ............................................................................................................................. 7
Course Loads .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Transfer Credits ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Transfer of Nondegree Credits ........................................................................................................................ 9
Courses ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
NUCE 590, (colloquium) ................................................................................................................................ 9
NUCE 596, 600 (610) ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Limits on Research Credits ........................................................................................................................... 10
NUCE 601 (611) ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Maintaining Satisfactory Scholarship ............................................................................................................ 10
Admissions Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 11
Provisional Admission ................................................................................................................................... 11
Examinations for Admission .......................................................................................................................... 11
Nuclear Security Option - MENG .................................................................................................................. 11
Program Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 11
Selection of a Faculty Reader ....................................................................................................................... 12
Admissions Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 13
Provisional Admission ................................................................................................................................... 13
Examinations for Admission ................................
.......................................................................................... 13
Nuclear Security Option - MS ........................................................................................................................ 13
Program Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 13
Summary of MS Degree with Thesis Requirements ..................................................................................... 14
Admissions Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 15
Program Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 16
Qualifying Examination.................................................................................................................................. 16
Residency Requirement ................................................................................................................................ 17
Language and Communications Requirement .............................................................................................. 17
The Doctoral Committee ............................................................................................................................... 17
Comprehensive Exam ................................................................................................................................... 17
Continuous Registration ................................................................................................................................ 18
Final Oral Examination .................................................................................................................................. 18
SARI (Scholarship and Research Integrity)
Scholarship and Research Integrity (CITI & SARI RCR) .............................................................................. 19
The Radiation Science and Engineering Center ........................................................................................... 20
TRIGA Reactor .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Neutron Beam Laboratory ............................................................................................................................. 20
Nuclear Security Education Lab .................................................................................................................... 20
Radiochemistry Teaching and Research Laboratory .................................................................................... 21
Radionuclear Applications Laboratory .......................................................................................................... 21
Co-60 Gamma Ray Irradiation ...................................................................................................................... 21
Hot Cells ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
Subcritical Graphite Reactor ......................................................................................................................... 21
Undergraduate 400 Level Courses ............................................................................................................... 22
Graduate 500 Level Courses ............................................................................................................ ……….23
Faculty Research Interests………………………………………………………………………………………….24
Reporting and Additional Student Resources………………………………….……………………..……..…25
Welcome to the Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering at Penn State. We are
delighted to have you join our esteemed institution and embark on this exciting academic journey. As you
begin your graduate studies, we want to extend our warmest greetings and offer our full support throughout
your time here.
The field of nuclear engineering is both dynamic and crucial to the advancement of science and technology.
As a graduate student, you will have the opportunity to delve deep into this field, conducting groundbreaking
research and contributing to the ever-evolving knowledge base. We encourage you to embrace this
opportunity with enthusiasm and dedication.
Nuclear engineering is a field that encompasses a broad range of disciplines and applications, making it a
highly diverse and multidisciplinary field. We have world-class faculty members who are experts in
multidisciplinary areas such as reactor design and analysis, nuclear materials and fuel cycles, radiation
protection, nuclear medicine, and nuclear waste management. During your time in the program, you will
have access to state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, allowing you to conduct experiments and
simulations at the forefront of nuclear engineering and related areas. The campus is home to a number of
state-of-the-art core laboratories including the Radiation Science and Engineering Center, and Breazeale
Nuclear Reactor. Also, be aware that as a high-quality research university, Penn State has a multitude of
research and educational resources outside the department that can benefit you. Our esteemed faculty
members will guide and mentor you, ensuring that you have the necessary resources and expertise to
excel in your research endeavors.
Collaboration and networking are integral to the success of doctoral students. We encourage you to actively
engage with your peers and faculty members, as well as participate in conferences, workshops, and
seminars. These interactions will not only broaden your knowledge but also foster professional
relationships that can last a lifetime. Some of you will also have the opportunity to gain teaching experience
by assisting in undergraduate courses. This experience will not only enhance your communication and
leadership skills but also provide you with a well-rounded academic profile.
We understand that pursuing an advanced degree can be both intellectually stimulating and challenging.
Rest assured, our support services, including academic counseling, research funding opportunities, and
career guidance, are available to assist you throughout your journey. We are committed to ensuring that
you have a fulfilling and rewarding experience as you work towards your research goals.
Once again, welcome to the Doctoral Program in Nuclear Engineering. We are confident that your time
here will be marked by intellectual growth, personal development, and significant contributions to the field.
We wish you every success in your studies and look forward to witnessing your achievements in the years
to come.
Students enroll in classes using LionPATH. Any questions concerning registration procedures, dates and
schedules can be directed to the Graduate Program Staff. You should consult your advisor before
registering for classes to ensure proper academic progress is being made. Please note that our main
way to contact you is via e-mail. You are assigned an e-mail address when you join Penn State; you are
responsible for checking it often.
All graduate students in the Nuclear Engineering Program are required to register for NUCE 590
Colloquium. Masters students need to register for this course throughout their graduate work, and Ph.D.
students need to register continuously until they pass their comprehensive exam. These seminars are
given by prominent researchers, officials, and industry leaders, and they represent an important part of a
student’s education in the field of nuclear engineering, well beyond what is taught in the classroom and
what is learned in research.
The student chapter of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) is a focal point of professional and social
activity for students and faculty in Nuclear Engineering. The ANS organizes seminars, conducts field trips
under Nuclear Engineering Program auspices, conducts public information programs, and provides
services to the Program and undergraduate and graduate students. You are encouraged to join the chapter
and to actively support it. The Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) or Women in Nuclear
(WIN) may also be of interest to you. Additionally, I recommend you consider and participate in the
activities of the Graduate Student Association (GSA). If you have any questions or problems, please see
your academic advisor or the Nuclear Engineering Graduate Program Office. In addition, I am always willing
to meet and discuss any issues or concerns you may have.
Best wishes for your success at Penn State!
Prof. Dipanjan Pan
Huck Chair Professor in Nanomedicine
Chair of Graduate Studies
General Administrative Policies
The Graduate Program Office for Nuclear Engineering is located at 113 Hallowell Building. Program Staff
are Beth Huber and Ashley Ammerman, and they are available to assist students as necessary. You can
reach them via email, [email protected], and alb5[email protected]
with any questions or to schedule an
Every Penn State campus has an office that issues id+ cards (20 HUB-Robeson Center). There is
no charge for your first card.
When you come to the id+ Office, you will need to present a valid form of ID: driver's license,
passport, state-issued photo ID, military ID, government-issued photo ID, high school photo ID
with a Social Security Card, college ID with a Social Security Card, or a Permanent Resident
Students transferring to University Park from another Penn State campus do not need a new id+
The Graduate Program Office uses e-mail to notify students of various announcements, events, etc.
All graduate students are required to use their Penn State e-mail account for all correspondence
regarding academics. If you choose to use an account other than the one provided you are
responsible for all information contained in your PSU account. Please refer to the Information
Technology Services (ITS) website for more information:
Incoming graduate student mail and items ordered for research will be placed in 311 Hallowell
Building. Please check it often, as mail will not be held indefinitely.
The default mailing address for graduate students is: 206 Hallowell Building, Atherton St., University
Park, PA 16802. This address should be used only for professional purposes.
Every employee or student needs a parking permit to park on campus. Individuals enrolled in classes at
Penn State are classified as students and must obtain student parking through the Parking Office. Please
refer to policies and online registration procedures at:
Parking registration must be completed online
. All permits are sold on a first come, first served basis.
PermitDirectwill provide a printable temporary permit allowing students to park immediately.
OFFICES - Students will be provided an office to perform their teaching or research assistantship duties.
Emails will be sent at the beginning of each semester notifying students of desk location changes or
reassignments based on assistantship duties.
BUILDING ACCESS - Hallowell is open to the public 7:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday through Friday, and
remains locked outside those specific hours. Access to Hallowell Building is gained by the use of the
PSU student ID card. If you encounter issues with building access, please notify the graduate program
As a graduate student in Nuclear, you may be presented with an opportunity to travel to conferences or
other academic related activities. You are required to work with Madeleine McVey ([email protected]
and our Finance Team to ensure all steps have been taken to ensure that the travel expenses can be
A graduate student on a 1/2-time assistantship is expected to work a minimum of 20 hours per week.
These work requirements can include thesis research activities.
All international students who have been offered assistantships which involve classroom interaction with
undergraduate students are required to have passed the American English Oral Communicative
Proficiency Test (AEOCPT), as a result of a State law and Penn State Faculty Senate Legislation. This
test is administered before the semester begins by the Department of Applied Linguistics.
University Health Services is located in the Student Health Center which is adjacent to the Eisenhower
Parking Deck and the Bank of America Career Services Building off Bigler Road. Its facilities are
available to all students, including graduate students at all levels of training.
Health insurance is mandatory for all Graduate Students and Students with RA or TA appointments. As a
graduate student, you are eligible to purchase health care at a subsidized rate for the Graduate Assistant
and Graduate Fellow medical, dental and vision plans. This is valid for you and for any eligible
dependents. Students enrolled in the university health insurance plan have their premiums automatically
deducted from their paycheck. You are encouraged to review the policies at
and contact University Health Services directly at 814-865-6556 if
you have and questions regarding Penn State Student Health insurance.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) can help students resolve personal concerns that may
interfere with their academic progress, social development, and satisfaction at Penn State. Common
concerns include difficulty with friends, roommates, or family members; depression and anxiety; sexual
identity; lack of motivation or difficulty relaxing, concentrating or studying; eating disorders; sexual assault
and sexual abuse recovery; and uncertainties about personal values and beliefs. All consultations are
strictly confidential. You can contact their office by calling 814-863-0395 or visit their website for more
All members of the Penn State community are asked to remain mindful of their individual commitment to
Penn State's core values of Respect, Integrity, Responsibility and Community
by helping to keep the
University a safe and ethical institution. In addition, as members of this community, everyone should be
responsible stewards of university funds, whether generated from state, federal, student, or other
sources. The University does not condone wrongful conduct by any member of the Penn State
community, no matter what position he or she may hold.
Penn State University encourages the reporting of misconduct. If you see something, say something.
You can report misconduct, in the assurance that the University will protect you from retaliation.
See AD67 or contact the Office of Ethics & Compliance
for more information.
Additional reporting resources available for faculty, staff, students, and others are shown on page 23.
Academic Procedures for Graduate Students
The Graduate Degree Programs Bulletin (
) contains
policies mandated by the Graduate School regarding academic procedures, registration requirements,
conduct, resolution of problems and procedures for termination, MS degree and Ph.D. degree
requirements, as well as other procedures, regulations and requirements as related to graduate study.
Grades shall be assigned to individual students on the basis of the instructor's judgment of the student's
scholastic achievement using the grading system below.
Undergraduate and Graduate Grading System
Quality of Performance
Grade Point Equivalent
Extensive Achievement
(Does not count for Graduate Degree)
For graduate students, a minimum grade-point average of 3.00 for work done at the University is
required for graduation.
A graduate student who fails to maintain satisfactory scholarship or to make acceptable progress in a
degree program may be dropped from the University. One or more failing grades or a cumulative grade-
point average below 3.00 for any semester or session or combination of semesters and/or sessions may
be considered as evidence of failure to maintain satisfactory scholarship. Action may be initiated by the
department or committee in charge of the graduate major or by the chair of the student’s committee.
Course Registration All students must register for classes prior to the end of the first week of classes.
. If you do not register before that
date, you will be assessed a late-add fee and a late registration fee. If you are on a half-time graduate
assistantship, you must register for a minimum of 9 credits per semester. International students must be
registered full-time, or for a minimum of 9 credits in order to maintain their visa status.
If you need to drop a course, please consider whether this will have an impact on your visa status or on
your assistantship credit requirement and promptly consult with the Graduate Program Office.
Penn State University maintains three periods relating to course drops: the pre-semester period,
the add-drop period, and the late add-drop period.
1. The pre-semester period begins on the first day of scheduling and ends the day before the
semester starts.
2. The regular drop/add period is the 5-day period, which begins the day courses start. During that
timeframe, a course can be dropped or added without a drop/add penalty fee. Please refer to the
Registrar’s Academic Calendar
for specific dates.
No fee
No record on your transcript
3. The late add/drop period starts the day after the regular drop period ends and runs until the late
drop deadline (see the academic calendar),
A fee for each transaction
Courses are recorded on the student record as LD
Courses taken formally as audit are not included in the maximum number of credits required for
assistantships or for satisfying visa requirements for international students. The request to audit a
course must be done within the regular drop/add period. The adding of an audited course after the
regular drop/add period is not permitted. Requests to audit a course must be made to the instructor who
offers the course. Once instructor approval is granted, student must complete the
Registration Drop/Add
form found on the Registrar’s Homepage.
Please note that the tuition costs remain the same for an audited course.
Full-time academic status is achieved by taking appropriate course loads. Most loan granting agencies
and other organizations consider a 9-credit course load to be full-time status, fulfilling their registration
requirements. The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) requires that all international
students on student visas must achieve "full-time Academic status" during the Fall and Spring semesters.
Exceptions to this rule are possible under certain conditions. Students should contact the University
Office of Global Programs for further information. A course load of 9 credits is considered full-time during
Fall and Spring semesters, and during the Summer semester, international students do not have to
register. Any graduate student registered for NUCE 601 (Note: Student must have passed the Ph.D.
comprehensive exam in the prior semester) is considered to have full-time academic status.
For full details, see the Graduate Degree Programs Bulletin website at
Full-time students and students receiving fellowships should register for 9-12 credits per semester.
MS students are not required to register for course work or research once the course requirements have
been met.
The Graduate School requires that all students receive a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better
to graduate. After passing the comprehensive exam, all Ph.D. students must maintain "continuous
registration," which requires them to register for NUCE 601 (Ph.D. Thesis Preparation) for the Fall and
Spring semesters. If Ph.D. students plan to hold a milestone exam (comprehensive or final dissertation)
during the Summer Session, they must be registered. Also, Ph.D. students must spend at least two
semesters over some 12-month period during the interval between completion of the Qualifying exam
and completion of the Ph.D. program as a registered full-time student. For full details, see the Graduate
Degree Programs Bulletin website at
Transfer of Credit from an External Institution
A student may request for a maximum of ten (10) credits of high-quality graduate work done at a
regionally accredited institution or recognized degree-granting institution to be applied toward the
requirements for a MS degree. Approval to apply any transferred credits toward a degree program must
be granted by the Graduate Program Chair, and the Graduate School. However, credits earned to
complete a previous MS degree, whether at Penn State or elsewhere, may not be applied to a second
master's or doctoral degree at Penn State.
Transfer credits must meet the following criteria:
Must have been earned at a recognized degree-granting institution in the United States;
Must be of "A" or "B" grade value ("B-" grades are not acceptable; pass-fail grades are not
transferable unless substantiated by the former institution as having at least "B" quality);
Must appear on an official graduate transcript;
Must be earned within the five years prior to the date of registration to a degree program at
Penn State.
Forms for transfer of credit may be found at
Transfer of Non-degree Graduate Credits
Approval to apply non-degree graduate credits toward a degree program must be granted by the
Graduate Program Chair, and the Graduate School. A maximum of 15 credits earned at PSU as a non-
degree student may be applied to a degree program.
The credits must have been earned within five years preceding entry into the degree program.
Only upper level undergraduate and graduate courses may be transferred.
Only A, B, and C grades may be transferred.
Forms for transfer of credit may be found at
NUCE 590 (graduate seminar)
This course includes seminars by outside speakers (from academia, industry or government), faculty and
senior graduate students. These seminars represent an important part of the student’s education.
All Nuclear Engineering graduate students registered at a full-time level are required to schedule
this course, during the Fall and Spring Semesters, with the exception of PhD students who
successfully complete the comprehensive exam.
Credits earned from this course do not count towards the 30 credits required for graduation with
an MS or MEng degree.
Requests for exceptions to the registration requirements listed above can be made to the instructor of the
course and are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
NUCE 596, 600 (610), 601 (611)
Graduate students registering for these courses must first consult with their advisor to ensure that they
are registering for the appropriate course. Failure to select the correct course may require the student to
pay "retroactive drop/add fees" and perhaps additional course-credit fees. The NUCE Graduate Program
staff can also assist graduate students in registering for the appropriate course.
NUCE 596 - INDIVIDUAL STUDIES “Research for Writing MEng paper” - Creative projects, including
non-thesis research, that are supervised on an individual basis, and which fall outside the scope of
formal courses. NUCE 596 cannot be used for M.S. or Ph.D. thesis research. A minimum of 3
credits of NUCE 596, supervised by the student’s advisor, is required when submitting a research
paper. Achievement of a quality letter grade is required.
NUCE 600 (610 if research is Off-Campus) - THESIS RESEARCH - This course should be used to
register for M.S. and Ph.D. thesis research. A minimum of 6 credits of NUCE 600, supervised by the
student’s advisor is required when submitting a thesis. There is no limit on the total number of credits
of 600 a student can take. However, there is a maximum number of credits which a student can
receive a quality letter grade (A, B, etc.). A student must receive a non-letter grade (R, etc.) for any
additional credits of 600. The R grade is assigned for satisfactory completion of research.
Students registering for 600 or 610 should be aware that the Graduate Council has established limits on
the total number of research credits that can be assigned letter grades in a student’s program (i.e., other
than R). Students are not permitted to have more graded credits of research than stated by policy.
NUCE 601 (611 Part time) - Ph.D. THESIS PREPARATION
Only Ph.D. students who have passed the comprehensive examination are permitted to enroll in 601.
Ph.D. students are eligible for 601 in the semester following their comprehensive exam and have met the
two-semester residency requirement. Ph.D. students can register for one additional course either for
credit or audit (up to 3 credits) when they are registered for NUCE 601/611. Students who are eligible
must contact the NUCE Graduate staff to enroll in NUCE 601. Note: NUCE 601 cannot be used to
meet the residency requirement.
It is important that graduate students consult with their advisor prior to each semester's registration to
ensure that they are registering for the appropriate courses.
Maintaining Satisfactory Scholarship
A minimum grade point average of 3.00 is required in order to be granted a graduate degree in Nuclear
If in a review of the student's grade point average, the minimum requirements are not met, a letter
(signed by the advisor) to the student from the Graduate Studies Committee of Nuclear Engineering will
a) The requirement(s) which the student has failed to satisfy.
b) The requirement(s) which the student must meet by the end of the next semester.
c) If the next semester requirement(s) set forth in item b. is not met, the GSC will review the
student's academic performance at a meeting convened prior to the end of the first two weeks of
the subsequent semester. In the absence of extenuating circumstances, the student will be
dismissed from the program as a graduate student immediately following the meeting.
The student may petition the Graduate Studies Committee of Nuclear Engineering for re-admission as a
funded graduate student when their cumulative graduate course grade point average is elevated to 3.00
or greater.
Master of Engineering Degree Program
The Master of Engineering (MEng) degree is a professional master’s degree. A minimum of 30 credits at
the 400, 500, or 800 level is required. Twelve of those credits must be in Nuclear Engineering with at
least 18 credits at the 500 level. Students need to take the NUCE 450 Radiation Detection and
Measurement course (3 credits). This requirement may be waived for students with a B.S. in Nuclear
Engineering; however, the minimum of 30 credits is still required. Students must petition the Graduate
Studies Committee (GSC) to review their undergraduate transcripts to assess their eligibility for a waiver.
This transcript should be emailed to Program Staff.
The program culminates with a scholarly paper completed while the student is enrolled in NUCE 596 (3
credits). The scholarly paper must be approved by the adviser, a faculty reader, and the graduate studies
Admission Requirements
Completion of an undergraduate degree in Nuclear Engineering or in another related engineering or
science discipline is required for admission to the MEng degree program in Nuclear Engineering.
Students are required to have at least a 3.00 (4.00 base) junior-senior average to be considered for
Provisional Admission
Provisional admission (non-degree status) is a temporary classification in which an applicant may remain
for a period of no longer than 2 semesters following admission or the time it takes to accrue 15 credits. If
the deficiencies that caused the provisional admission are not corrected by this time, the student may be
dropped from the program. A maximum of 15 credits of courses taken as non-degree can be transferred
to a degree program. Therefore, it is imperative that non-degree students apply to degree status prior to
exceeding this limit.
Nuclear Security Option - MEng
An option in Nuclear Security is available for students taking the MEng degree. To follow that option,
students must complete 15 credits in the following courses: NUCE 441 (3 credits), NUCE 442 (3 credits),
NUCE 542 (3 credits), NUCE 543 (3 credits), and NUCE 544 (3 credits). Students who complete the
requirements for that option will have on their diploma “M.Eng. in Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Security
Program Requirements MEng in NUCE
Each of the following requirements must be met in order for a student to be approved for graduation:
1. A minimum of 30 graduate credits must be earned. Only grades of A, B, and C are accepted for
graduate credit.
2. A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 is required.
3. At least twelve (12) 400- or 500-level course credits must be taken as NUCE courses.
o A minimum of six credits must be NUCE 500-level courses.
4. At least eighteen (18) of the 30 required credits must be in 500-level courses.
o This includes NUCE 596 as well as any 500-level NUCE courses taken to satisfy
requirement #3 above. NUCE 600 cannot be used as a substitute to meet this
5. Student will write a paper on a topic mutually agreed upon by the advisor suitable for publication
in a professional journal or presentation at a national or international conference. Students must
take three (3) credits of NUCE 596 - Individual Studies in Nuclear Engineering representing formal
recognition of the student's effort spent on writing a paper on an engineering subject. A quality
letter grade in NUCE 596 is required.
o The final paper must be approved by the student’s advisor, a faculty reader who is a
current member of the Nuclear Engineering Graduate Faculty, and Chair of Graduate
6. The remaining credits must be courses at the 400- and/or 500-level as selected by the student
with approval by the student's advisor as having significance and value for the degree program.
Specific course requirements:
a) NUCE 301 Fundamentals of Reactor Physics
b) NUCE 302 Introduction to Reactor Design
c) NUCE 450 Radiation Detection and Measurement
Students should take NUCE 497 Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering (3.00 credits) a reactor theory
course, created as a substitute for NUCE 301 and 302. Students without a BS in NUCE are required to
take this course.
NUCE 497 Radiation Detection Lab (1.00 credit) offered during Summer Sessions in a short course
format, created as a substitute for NUCE 450. Note: This course has a brief in-person requirement held at
the University Park campus.
Selection of a Faculty Reviewer (Paper Reader)
The scholarly paper reviewer/adviser is chosen by the student. The adviser must be a member of the
Nuclear Engineering Graduate Faculty and should be appointed in a timely manner to ensure they have
adequate time to review the work.
It is advised to have your research topic and adviser identified no later than the semester prior to the
semester you will enroll in NUCE 596. It is also recommended that you have a draft of your paper
already written and submitted to your adviser before the 596 semester begins.
If a reader is unable to be determined, one can be assigned by the Program Chair upon request.
*Every semester the Graduate School produces a calendar of deadline dates regarding graduation and
thesis approval. This calendar is posted at:
Master of Science Degree Program
The Master of Science (MS) degree program is designed for students to gain advanced knowledge for
research, analysis, and design in nuclear engineering. A minimum of 30 credits at the 400, 500, 600, or
800 level is required, with least 18 credits at the 500 and 600 level combined. Twelve credits must be in
Nuclear Engineering. Students need to take the NUCE 450 Radiation Detection and Measurement
course (3 credits). This requirement may be waived for students with a B.S. in Nuclear Engineering;
however, the minimum of 30 credits is still required. Students must petition the head of the graduate
program to review their undergraduate transcripts to assess their eligibility for a waiver. Students are
required to write a thesis, and at least 6 credits in thesis research (600 or 610) must be taken in
conjunction with completing the thesis. The thesis must be approved by the advisers and readers, the
head of the graduate program, and the Graduate School.
Admission Requirements
Completion of an undergraduate degree in Nuclear Engineering or in another related engineering or
science discipline is required for admission to the MS degree program in Nuclear Engineering. Students
must have at least a 3.00 (4.00 base) junior-senior average to be considered for admission.
Provisional Admission
Provisional admission is a temporary classification in which an applicant may remain for a period of no
longer than 2 semesters following admission or the time it takes to accrue 15 credits, whichever comes
first. If the deficiencies that caused the provisional admission are not corrected by this time, the student
may be dropped from the program.
Nuclear Security Option MS
An option in Nuclear Security is available for the MS degrees. To follow this option, students must
complete 15 credits in the following courses: NUCE 441 (3 credits), NUCE 442 (3 credits), NUCE 542 (3
credits), NUCE 543 (3 credits), and NUCE 544 (3 credits).
Program Requirements (MS)
Each of the following requirements must be met in order for the student to be approved for graduation:
1. All Nuclear Engineering students registered at a full-time level are required to schedule
colloquium (NUCE 590), during the Fall and Spring Semesters.
2. A minimum of 30 graduate credits must be earned. Only grades of A, B, and C are accepted for
graduate credit.
3. A minimum grade point average of 3.00 is required.
4. At least twelve (12) 400- or 500-level course credits must be NUCE courses.
o A minimum of six credits must be NUCE 500-level courses.
5. At least eighteen (18) of the 30 required credits must be in 500-level courses.
o This includes 6 credits of NUCE 600 Thesis Research, as well as any 500-level NUCE
courses taken to satisfy requirement #3 above. NUCE 596 cannot be used as a
substitute to meet this requirement.
6. The remaining credits must be courses at the 400- and 500-level as selected by the student with
approval by the student's advisor as having significance and value for the degree program.
For students with a BS in Nuclear Engineering (some of) these requirements may have already been
satisfied. Please consult with the Graduate Program Chair for verification.
Specific course requirements:
a) NUCE 301 Fundamentals of Reactor Physics
b) NUCE 302 Introduction to Reactor Design
c) NUCE 450 Radiation Detection and Measurement
Students should take NUCE 497 Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering (3.00 credits) a reactor theory
course, created as a substitute for NUCE 301 and 302. Students without a BS in NUCE are required to
take this course.
NUCE 497 Radiation Detection Lab (1.00 credit) offered during Summer Sessions in a short course
format and is acceptable as a substitute for NUCE 450.
Note: This course has a brief in-person requirement held at the University Park campus.
Six (6) credits of thesis research, NUCE 600, must be taken followed by the submittal of a thesis that
meets the Graduate School requirements. The thesis needs to be approved by the student’s advisor, the
Faculty Reader (a current member of the NUCE Graduate Faculty) and the Chair of Graduate Studies.
Summary of Master of Science Degree Requirements
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all requirements have been met in a timely manner. Please
read carefully the section of this manual titled Academic Policies.
* The Graduate School maintains a calendar of deadline dates regarding graduation and thesis approval.
This calendar is posted
Doctor of Philosophy Degree Program
The Ph.D. program emphasizes scholarly research and helps students prepare for research and related
careers in industry, government, and academia. Students are considered formally admitted as PhD
candidates after passing written and oral portions of the Qualifying examination. The Ph.D. program is
quite flexible, with minimal formal requirements. The Ph.D. degree is awarded upon completion of a
program of advanced study that includes a minimum period of residence, the passing of the
comprehensive exam, writing a PhD thesis and defend a thesis during the final oral examination as
determined by the student's doctoral committee. Continuous registration is required of all Ph.D. students
until the thesis is approved.
Program Requirements
A doctoral program in Nuclear Engineering, as in all other disciplines at The Pennsylvania State
University, consists of a collection of a body of work, including state-of-the-art research that meets the
minimum requirements of the Graduate School, is assessed by exams and is approved by the Doctoral
Committee for each individual candidate. No specified number of courses completed, or credits earned
are required by the Nuclear Engineering Program. Typically, 45-55 credits of 400-500 level courses
(including your M.S. program) plus NUCE 600 credits are needed. The numbers above (45-55 credits)
are not construed as requirements; they are given merely to indicate to the Ph.D. candidate the typical
number of graduate course credits taken by students before attaining their Ph.D. A student’s individual
program is to be worked out in consultation with the student’s major advisor and doctoral committee.
About half of the course credits should be in Nuclear Engineering courses and the other half in other
disciplines, such as math, physics, or another engineering field. Registration in NUCE 590 Colloquium is
required until completion of the Comprehensive exam.
A student entering the Ph.D. program without an MS or BS in Nuclear Engineering must meet the
course requirements for an MS in NUCE.
Courses are:
a) NUCE 301
b) NUCE 302
c) NUCE 450
d) 6.00 credits from NUCE 500-level courses, excluding NUCE 596
Nuclear Engineering Qualifying Exam
Objective: The objective of the Qualifying Exam is to perform an in-depth assessment of the student’s
preparation and ability to perform doctoral level scientific research. To that end, the basic knowledge of
the student is proven by completed coursework, detailed in their academic plan, and further explored
during the Oral exam.
Format and Frequency: The Qualifying Exam (QE) will be held two times per year one in the
January/February time frame and the other in September/October time frame. The Chair of Graduate
Studies Committee will chair both sessions. Both sessions are the same in format and logistics. The QE
consists of two parts: an approved academic plan and an oral exam.Each student has two attempts to
pass the Qualifying Exam.
All students are encouraged to participate in the Qualifying Exam within 3 semesters (not counting
summer) of entry into the doctoral program.
All students must have earned 18 credits in courses eligible to be counted toward the graduate
degree (these may be graduate credits earned previously at other recognized institutions from
which transfer credits would be accepted).
All students, with approval from their advisors, will select 3 NucE 400-level courses (500-level
courses are also acceptable) to demonstrate their advanced undergraduate-level knowledge in
relevant area(s) of PhD research.
Once all 3 courses have been successfully completed with the required grades, the PhD student
will be eligible to participate in the oral exam.
Academic Plan:
An academic plan will be created by the student and the advisor and submitted to the GSC for approval.
The academic plan should have the student/advisor names, a brief statement (no longer than half page) of
the PhD research to be conducted by the student, and a list of the three NucE courses selected. These
courses should include the advisor’s area of expertise.
o Students with BS or MS degree in Nuclear Engineering from Penn State are required to
earn a minimum grade of A- in each of the 3 courses.
o S
tudents without BS or MS degree in Nuclear Engineering are required to earn a minimum
grade of B+ in each of the 3 courses.
Oral Exam: An oral exam will be held for each student depending on their performance in the written
part. The exam will be given by a committee consisting of at least three faculty members. Students will be
assigned a paper by their advisor, 10 days before the oral exam. Students write a critical review of the
assigned paper and make a technical presentation of its main points and any concerns or deficiencies.
Each student must submit a three to five-page technical paper prior to the oral exam on the subject
identified for the oral presentation. The language complexity should be similar to that of a thesis. The
student must certify that the paper is their original work without review or assistance by others. Students
present the paper to the committee and after the presentation the student will be asked questions
designed to explore the familiarity of the student with the fundamentals of the nuclear engineering
discipline based on the areas of the written exam. The oral exams are scheduled in advance starting in
the third week after the written exam. Although the advisor may be present and may ask questions during
the oral exam, the advisor does not have a vote in the decision.
Overall Evaluation: The overall evaluation of the student’s performance in the Qualifying Exam will take
into account both the oral and the courses completed in the academic plan. The committee may decide
that the student has to re-take the oral exam, or complete additional coursework. The decision made by
the committee is final. If the student fails the Qualifying Exam twice, the student will not be admitted to
the Ph.D. program in nuclear engineering.
English Competency: The Graduate School requires a high level of competence in the use of the
English language. You will be given an English Proficiency Exam during your Qualifying exam. Based
upon the assessment, coursework in Speech Communication and English will be identified to improve
English competency and enable the student to meet the requirement. Competency will be formally
attested after examination during the oral part of the Qualifying exam. The paper write-up and oral
presentation during the Qualifying Exam also serve for the committee to judge the student’s competency
in written and oral communication in English. The committee’s evaluation will be communicated to the
student and the Graduate School at the end of the exam.
The Qualifying Exam Committee and the student's advisor certifies whether adequate proficiency in the
English language has been demonstrated based on the paper and the oral exam. A student may pass
the Qualifying exam but not be certified in English proficiency. In this case, the complete exam need not
be taken again; but simply to demonstrate English proficiency the student may be advised to take a
Speech Communication or English course. Upon improvement of English skills, the student must write
another paper, make a verbal presentation and respond to questions by the Qualifying Exam Committee
and advisor in the same manner.
Residency Requirement
During some 12-month period between completion of the Qualifying Exam and completion of the Ph.D.
degree, the candidate must spend at least two consecutive semesters (Fall/Spring or Spring/Fall)
as a registered, full-time student engaged in academic work at University Park. Note: NUCE 601 cannot
be used to meet the Graduate Schools Residency requirement.
The Doctoral Committee
After the student passes the Qualifying Exam, their doctoral committee should be formed within one year.
The doctoral committee has the responsibility of administering the Comprehensive Examination and/or
approving the written doctoral thesis, and the oral thesis defense. The formation of the doctoral
committee is governed by the requirements of the Graduate School:
Must include at least four active members of the Graduate Faculty,
Must include at least three graduate faculty members from the Nuclear Engineering Program,
At least one member of the committee must be a Penn State Graduate Faculty member from
outside Nuclear Engineering,
The chair, or at least one co-chair, of the committee must be a Graduate Faculty member in
Nuclear Engineering, and
The student must work with the Graduate Program Staff to appoint a committee. There is a
required form that must be completed and submitted to the Graduate School for approval.
The committee is not limited to four faculty members and may include additional members who can
contribute technical advice regarding the research. External members, e.g., scientists from national
laboratories or industry, who are not at the University can be included as special members of a
committee. Special members require additional approval, and upon formation of the committee, the
student must provide the Graduate Program Staff with the following information:
o Special member email address
o Special member current CV
o Brief statement on the special member’s expertise and how it is beneficial to the student’s
The doctoral committee is formed by the student in consultation with the main research advisor.
Comprehensive Examination
Students are required to take the PhD comprehensive examination. The objective of the examination is to
provide feedback on the student’s thesis project. This examination is administered by the doctoral
committee and usually consists of a literature review and thesis proposal. Additional questions can cover
the major and related areas of study.
Requirements are as follows:
Students may not have deferred or missing grades;
Must be registered full- or part-time for the semester in which the comprehensive exam is taken,
including summers. Being registered for one credit of NUCE 600 is sufficient;
The examination must be taken at least 3 months before the final oral examination;
Notice must be given to the Graduate School at least two weeks before the exam and;
Must coordinate with the Graduate Program Staff to schedule the exam.
The comprehensive examination consists of written and oral parts. The written part includes preparation
of a Comprehensive Paper which details the research plan to be conducted, methods and proposed
approach. The paper should include the following: abstract, introduction, literature review, dissertation
research proposal, summary of the research performed to date, detailed research plan to complete
research with time-table, and conclusions with summary of the envisioned original contributions. The
paper should be provided to the doctoral committee at least two weeks before the exam. The oral
part consists of the presentation of Comprehensive Paper and answers to questions of the PhD
committee. These questions can relate both to research and to general topics of nuclear engineering.
The exam is given and evaluated by the entire doctoral committee. A favorable vote of at least two-thirds
of the members of the committee is required to pass. In case of failure, it is the responsibility of the
doctoral committee to determine whether the candidate may retake the examination.
If a period of eight years has elapsed between the passing of the comprehensive examination and the
completion of the program, the student is required to pass a second comprehensive examination before
the final oral examination can be scheduled.
Continuous Registration
After a PhD candidate has passed the comprehensive examination and has also met the two-semester
full-time residence requirement, the student must register continuously for each fall and spring semester
until the Final Oral Exam is passed and the PhD thesis is accepted and approved by the doctoral
Post-comprehensive PhD
students can maintain registration by registering in the usual way, or by registering for noncredit 601 or
611, depending upon whether they are devoting full-time or part-time to thesis preparation. Students may
take 601 plus up to 3 additional credits of course work for audit by paying only the dissertation fee.
Students wishing to take up to 3 additional credits of course work for credit, with 601 may do so by paying
the dissertation fee and an additional flat fee. Students who want to combine course work with thesis
preparation must register for 600 or 611 (not for 601, which is full-time thesis preparation).
Note: the least expensive way for a student to work full-time on research and thesis preparation is to
register for 601.
Final Oral Examination/PhD Thesis Defense
Upon recommendation of the doctoral committee, a doctoral candidate who has satisfied all other
requirements for the degree will be scheduled by the Graduate Program Staff to take their final oral
examination. It is the responsibility of the doctoral candidate to provide a copy of the thesis to
each member of the doctoral committee at least two weeks before the date of the scheduled
Other requirements are as follows:
The final oral examination may not be scheduled until at least three months have elapsed after
the comprehensive exam was passed;
Two-weeks notice must be given to the Graduate School for scheduling;
Must work with the Graduate Program Staff to schedule this exam;
The deadline for holding the exam in each semester is published in a calendar found on the
Graduate School website. A copy of this calendar can be obtained from the following site:
Dissertation, Performance and Oral Presentation Deadlines Calendar (
The student must be registered full- or part-time during the semester in which the final oral exam
is taken.
The final examination is an oral examination administered and evaluated by the entire doctoral
committee. It consists of an oral presentation of the thesis by the candidate and a period of questions and
responses. The examination is related largely to the thesis, but it may cover the candidate’s whole field of
study without regard to courses that have been taken either at this University or elsewhere. The defense
of the thesis should be well prepared, including any appropriate visual aids. The portion of the exam in
which the thesis is presented is open to the public.
A favorable vote of at least two-thirds of the committee is required to pass. If a candidate fails, the
committee will determine whether another examination may be taken later.
Based on guidance provided by the Council of Graduate Schools in a report entitled “Graduate Education
for the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR),” the Scholarship and Research Integrity (SARI)
program is an opportunity to engage graduate students broadly in a dialog surrounding issues pertinent
to research ethics. The SARI program has two parts.
SARI RCR (Responsible Conduct of Research) portion of SARI complete during first year
CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) complete during first semester
SARI RCR Overview
Every student must complete 5 hours of discussion-based SARI RCR (Responsible Conduct of
Research) education during his/her first year. SARI RCR hours can be earned by completing: attending
SARI ORP events (2 hours max.), and/or SARI modules on Canvas. CITI online does not count toward
the 5 hours of SARI RCR.
Not sure what you need to do to complete SARI?
If you have any questions, ask us by emailing [email protected] or [email protected].
CITI On-line Training
All graduate students in NUCE are required to complete the on-line CITI training program for
engineering within their first semester. Completion of the CITI program will result in a certificate of
completion. Failure to comply will preclude certification for graduation by the Graduate Program Staff.
1. Go to
2. Select “Log in to CITI” under University Park
3. Enter your PSU credentials. (If this does not work, go to
and create a username and password to access the CITI online training.)
4. Select the course called “Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) – Basic”
5. Remember to email the certificate to after completing the course.
The Radiation Science & Engineering Center (RSEC)
The RSEC facilities include the Penn State Breazeale Reactor, gamma-ray irradiation facilities (in-pool
irradiator and dry irradiator), the Neutron Beam Laboratory, the Hot Cell Laboratory, the Radionuclear
Applications Laboratory, the Radiochemistry Teaching Laboratory, the Nuclear Security Education
Laboratory, the Subcritical Graphite Reactor Facility, and various radiation detection and measurement
TRIGA Reactor
The TRIGA reactor system at the RSEC versatile reactor operating at a power level of 1 MW with a
maximum thermal neutron flux of 2.7 x 10
-sec and can be pulsed to a peak power of 2000
MW with a maximum integrated output of 6 x 10
. The reactor core, suspended from a
movable bridge, can be positioned in the “swimming pool” to provide the most effective experimental
setup. Special equipment directly associated with the reactor includes a D
O thermal column, pneumatic
“rabbit” tubes, several beam ports, and a traversing experimental ridge. The reactor normally operates
one shift per day, five days a week. More information is at
Neutron Beam Laboratory
The Neutron Beam Laboratory (NBL) is one of the most used facilities at the RSEC. Well-collimated
beams of neutrons, thermalized by D
O, are passed into the NBL for use in various neutron beam
techniques. When the reactor core is placed next to the D
O tank and graphite reflector assembly near
the beam port locations, thermal neutron beams become available for neutron transmission and neutron
radiography measurements from two of the seven existing beam ports.
The RSEC has a facility specifically designed to measure the
B concentration in neutron-absorbing
materials and has been working in this field since 1998. The facility and the measurement method are
used to characterize the effectiveness of most boron-based aluminum neutron-absorbing materials used
by the nuclear industry. The neutron beam laboratory also houses a neutron imaging facility for the
inspection of materials.
Nuclear Security Education Laboratory
The primary goal of this laboratory is to provide students with hands-on experience with radiation
detection systems, sensors, devices, and source technologies. Students can become familiar with major
radiation detectors/sensors and radiation sources, understand the principles of radiation interactions with
matter, demonstrate an understanding of the principles of radiation detection and measurement, nuclear
instrumentation, detectors/sensors, field deployable devices, portal monitors, dosimeters, and
nondestructive and destructive assay methods, as well as demonstrate an ability to conduct experiments,
acquire data, and analyze and interpret the data. The following experiments are designed and included in
the course designed for the equipment in this laboratory: neutron multiplicity measurements, identifying
the differences between neutron emissions from (a, n) reactions and spontaneous fission sources by use
of neutron counting and neutron coincidence counting measurements, gamma-ray spectroscopy systems
for versatile in-situ counting (identification of unknown radionuclides with various gamma spectroscopy
systems), environmental media characterization (soil, air, water, etc.), alpha source activity
determination, special nuclear materials gamma-ray spectroscopy analysis, measurement of
enrichment and quantity of uranium in a sample, Pu/U ratio analysis, Pu isotopic composition
determination by gamma-ray spectroscopy, radiation counting of known source materials for counting
statistics, precision and accuracy, and MDA determination, determinate corrections in radiation counting
(absorption, backscatter, geometry considerations, detectors and supporting electronics), liquid
scintillator detectors for pulse shape discrimination for neutron and gamma-ray sources, and absolute
activity measurement using coincidence counting.
Radiochemistry Teaching and Research Laboratory
The RSEC recently created a new radiochemistry research laboratory. This wet chemistry laboratory is
equipped with a radioactive materials capable fume hood, a HEPA-filtered inert atmosphere glove box for
radiochemical use, and a suite of chemicals and laboratory materials for radiochemical applications. The
radiochemistry teaching laboratory was created several years ago with funding from DOE REAP and
NRC curriculum development funds, and provides a space for undergraduate and graduate students to
obtain hands on experience with essential radiochemical concepts and techniques for applications in
radionuclide detection and separations, environmental studies, nuclear fuel reprocessing, and nuclear
Radionuclear Applications Laboratory (RAL)
The RSEC RAL provides technical assistance to research personnel and industrial users who need to
use radionuclear techniques in their research. The laboratory houses four complete high-purity
germanium detector systems with state-of-the-art electronics, multiple computer systems, and two
automated sample changers. A Compton suppression system was added to enhance the sensitivity of
measurements made in laboratory. A pneumatic tube transport system allows samples to be transported
safely and quickly between the reactor core and the laboratory workstation
Cobalt-60 Gamma Ray Irradiation
The Radiation Science and Engineering Center has two gamma-ray irradiation facilities, which provide
flexibility for research and industry projects. The Center has a pool irradiator with movable sources that
can be configured to suit the researcher. Discrete neutron sources can be inserted in the pool to provide
a mixed field. There is also a dry cell gamma irradiator that has a much higher dose rate for samples that
require it. Using these two facilities, doses of kiloRads to GigaRads can be provided to the researcher.
Hot Cells
The RSEC Hot Cell Laboratory (HCL) houses two shielded enclosures for work with significant amounts
of radioactive materials. The cells are capable of handling 100-350 curies of activity depending on the
shielding configuration. Both cells have several access plugs including roof plugs to the reactor bay so
samples can come from the reactor pool and into the cells without leaving a controlled area. The hot cells
also have transfer capability from one cell to the other using the electro-mechanical manipulators. The
cells are HEPA filtered and are kept at a negative pressure during use. The HCL has its own loading
dock and crane system that can move casks directly from the cells onto a waiting truck.
Subcritical Graphite Reactor
The graphite sub-critical reactor facility (GSR) was constructed at Penn State in 1958 as part of a
graduate student project. The pile was intended to expand upon the research reactor facility’s capabilities
to educate students in the burgeoning field of nuclear engineering. Since then, it has been used
continuously for 55 years as part of the reactor physics curriculum. Currently the GSR is used as the
basis for teaching subcritical physics to approximately 100 undergraduate students each year.
Additionally, the facility is used by researchers who require a well-thermalized neutron field for their
experiments. Recently, the facility has been used to develop sensitive neutron detectors for nuclear
safeguards purposes
Course Descriptions
Updated Course Schedule can be found on LionPATH or at
Undergraduate (400 Level Courses)
403 ADVANCED REACTOR DESIGN (3) Physical principles and computational methods for reactor
analysis and design. Multigroup diffusion theory; determination of fast and thermal group constants; cell
calculations for heterogeneous core lattices. Prerequisite: NUCE 302.
405 (CHEM 405) NUCLEAR AND RADIOCHEMISTRY (3) Theory of radioactive decay processes,
nuclear properties and structure, nuclear reactions, interactions of radiation with matter, biological effects
of radiation. Prerequisites: PHYS 237 or CHEM 452 or NUCE 301.
408 RADIATION SHIELDING (3): Radiation sources in reactor systems; attenuation of gamma rays and
neutrons; point kernel methods; deep penetration theories; Monte Carlo methods.
409 (MATSE 409) NUCLEAR MATERIALS (3) Nuclear reactor materials: relationship between changes
in material properties and microstructural evolution of nuclear cladding and fuel under irradiation.
Prerequisite: PHYS 203 or 204
420 RADIOLOGICAL SAFETY (3) Ionizing radiation, biological effects, radiation measurement, dose
computational techniques, local and federal regulations, exposure control. Prerequisites: MATH 251,
PHYS 237 or 265, or NUCE 301.
428 RADIOACTIVE WASTE CONTROL (3) Nature, sources, and control of radioactive wastes; theory
and practice of disposal processes. Prerequisites: NUCE 301 or instructor permission.
430 DESIGN PRINCIPLES OF REACTOR SYSTEMS (3) Nuclear power cycles; heat removal problems;
kinetic behavior of nuclear systems; material and structural design problems. Prerequisites: M E 412;
NUCE 301 or 401.
431 NUCLEAR REACTOR CORE DESIGN SYNTHESIS (4) Technical and economic optimization of
nuclear systems. Prerequisites: ENGL 202C; NUC E 403 and 430.
analysis for non-state actors to nuclear and radiological facilities and supply lines. Prerequisite: NUCE
442 NUCLEAR SECURITY SYSTEM DESIGN (3) Science and engineering associated with the design,
evaluation, and implementation of systems to secure nuclear and radiological materials. Prerequisite:
NUCE 302
450 RADIATION DETECTION AND MEASUREMENT (3) Theory and laboratory applications of radiation
detectors, including proton, neutron, charged particle detectors. NIM devices, and pulse-height analysis.
Prerequisite: NUCE 301 or NUCE 405.
451 EXPERIMENTS IN REACTOR PHYSICS (3) Acquisition and processing nuclear and atomic data;
application to nucleonic phenomena of importance in nuclear engineering. Prerequisites: NUCE 450, EE
460 NUCLEAR SYSTEMS RISK ASSESSMENT (3) Probability concepts and distributions, failure data,
reliability and availability of simple systems, fault and event tree analysis, risk concepts, nuclear power
risks, WASH-1400. Prerequisite: NUCE 309 or STAT 401.
470 POWER PLANT SIMULATION (3) Basic knowledge necessary for intelligent simulation and
interpretation of simulations of transients in nuclear power plants. Prerequisite(s): ME 33, MATH 251,
NUCE 302
490 (AERSP 490, EE 490) INTRODUCTION TO PLASMAS (3) Plasma oscillations; collisional
phenomena; transport properties; orbit theory; typical electric discharge phenomena. Prerequisite: EE
361 or PHYS 467.
497 FUNDAMENTALS OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERING (3) An intensive course providing introduction to
NUCE to undergraduate co-op students, non-NucE graduate, and returning students.
Graduate (500 Level Courses)
501 REACTOR ENGINEERING (3) Thermal hydraulic fundamentals including thermal hydraulic
characteristics of power reactors, thermal design principles, reactor heat generators, thermal analysis of
fuel elements and size and two-phase heat transfer in heated channels. Prerequisites: NUCE 302; NUC
E 430
502 REACTOR CORE THERMAL-HYDRAULICS (3) In-depth analysis of the thermal hydraulic design in
LWRs. Topics include: LWR design criteria, fuel rod design, subchannel analysis, uncertainties analysis,
and system design. Prerequisite: NUCE 501
505 REACTOR INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL (3) Reactor control principles; classical control
methods; operational control problems; control simulation using modern mainframe and microcomputer
software packages; reactor instrumentation. Prerequisite: NUC E 302 or NUCE 401
511 NUCLEAR REACTOR KINETICS AND DYNAMICS (3) Analytical kinetics and dynamics modeling
for reactivity-induced transients, applications including reactor accident kinetics methods for simple and
complex geometries, experimental methods.
512 NUCLEAR FUEL MANAGEMENT (3) Develop advanced techniques for reloading nuclear reactors
using sophisticated neutronic codes. Emphasis on calculational techniques in reactor optimization and
design, and economic value through the fuel cycle. Prerequisite: NUCE 302.
521 NEUTRON TRANSPORT THEORY (3) Derivation of Boltzmann equation for neutron transport;
techniques of approximate and exact solution for the monoenergetic and spectrum regenerating cases.
Prerequisite: NUCE 403 or PHYS 406
the electrochemistry and materials aspect of the in-reactor degradation processes that affect materials
performance. Uniform and localized cladding corrosion, stress-corrosion cracking irradiation creep and
525 MONTE CARLO METHODS (3) Fundamentals of the probability theory and statistics, analog and
non-analog Monte Carlo methods and their applications, random processes, and numbers. Prerequisite:
CMPSC 201, MATH 141, NUCE 309 or STAT 401.
of parallel/vector algorithms (finite-differencing of PDEs and Monte Carlo methods) for
engineering/scientific applications for shared and distributed memory architectures. Prerequisites:
AERSP 424 or CSE 457.
technology behind detectors, sensors, and source technologies including portal monitors and field
deployable detection systems. Prerequisite: NUCE 450
543 NUCLEAR SECURITY EDUCATION LABORATORY (3) Hands-on experience with the radiation
detection systems, sensors, devices, and source technologies for nuclear security. Prerequisites: NUCE
450, NUCE 542
544 GLOBAL NUCLEAR SECURITY POLICIES (3) Reviews historical development and examines the
current state of American and International policies and laws related to global nuclear security.
elementary particles, the Standard Model and beyond, nuclear decay and reactions, quantum theory.
Prerequisites: NUCE 403, NUCE 450.
See also the seminar and thesis courses on pages 6 and 7.
Faculty Research Interests
The Department actively conducts research to generate new knowledge that will strengthen and support
undergraduate and graduate education at Penn State, in the United States, and the World. More
information on each of our research areas can be found at:
A summary of types of misconduct and how to report is available at
Crime or emergency situation
Contact the campus police (814-863-1111) or security office
In an emergency, dial 911
If at any point you are unsure where to report a non-emergency, you may contact:
The Office of Ethics and Compliance, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm ET: 814-867-5088
The Penn State Hotline, 24/7: 800-560-1637 or http://hotline.psu.ed
Penn State has established a Responsible Action Protocol
in response to the University Park
Undergraduate Association's campaign for a medical amnesty policy. Effective January 2018, the
Responsible Action Protocol was updated and now reflects the following:
A student who acts responsibly by notifying the appropriate authorities (e.g. calling 911, alerting a
resident assistant, contacting police) AND meets one or more of the following criteria typically will
not face University conduct action for his or her own use or possession of alcohol or drugs.
However, the student will be required to attend an approved alcohol or drug education program,
such as BASICS or the Marijuana Intervention Program (MIP); the fee will be waived. When the
student's behavior involves other Code of Conduct violations (e.g., vandalism, assault, furnishing
to minors) the additional behavior may be subject to conduct action. If a student exhibits a pattern
of problematic behavior with alcohol or drugs, that student may be subject to conduct action.
The criteria which invoke the Protocol are:
o A student seeks medical assistance for himself or herself when experiencing an alcohol or
drug overdose or related problems
o A student seeks medical assistance for a peer suffering from an alcohol or drug overdose
or related problems
o A student suffering from an alcohol or drug overdose or related problems, for whom
another student seeks assistance will also not be subject to conduct action for alcohol
Suspected ethical or policy violations
(including fraud, theft, conflict of interest, abusive or intimidating behavior, retaliation, athletics integrity or
NCAA compliance)
Report employee misconduct to your supervisor or HR Strategic Partner
Report student misconduct to the Office of Student Conduct or call 814-863-0342
Use the Penn State Hotline at 800-560-1637 or Both are anonymous and
available 24/7
Child abuse, including child sexual abuse
Contact the Pennsylvania Child Welfare Services "ChildLine" at 800-932-0313 or
If the child is in immediate danger, dial 911 first
You must also email AD[email protected] communicating that a report has been made. For more
information on AD72 (Reporting Suspected Child Abuse), see
Further details can be found in the "Building a Safe Penn State: Reporting Child Abuse" training
available on the Learning Resource Network at
Behavioral threat
Contact the Behavioral Threat Management Team at 855-863-BTMT (2868), 814-863-BTMT
(2868), or
Bias, discrimination, or harassment
To report behavior by an employee, contact the Affirmative Action Office at 814-863-0471
Visit the Report Bias website: (For student reporting only)
Acts of intolerance by students may be reported to the Office of Student Conduct at 814-863-0342
Sexual harassment and other forms of sexual misconduct**
To make a report to the University:
Contact the University's Title IX Coordinator at 814-867-0099 or [email protected].
To file an online report: Visit the Office of Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response's
website at
to file an online report
To file an anonymous report: The Penn State Hotline is available 24/7 at 800-560-1637 or Both are anonymous and available 24/7.
** Additional information regarding information and resources available in relation to incidents of
sexual harassment and/or misconduct (including a campus-specific list of victim support services
and confidential reporting options) can be found at
To file a discrimination or harassment complaint outside of the University:
The Office for Civil Rights (Philadelphia Office) at 215-656-8541 or email
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Philadelphia District Office) at 800-669-4000
The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (Harrisburg Regional Office) at 717-787-9780
Student misconduct
Contact the Office of Student Conduct at 814-863-0342 or or
report at
Hazing by any student organization or individual is against Penn State's code of conduct, and also
a violation of Pennsylvania law. To report instances of hazing within any student organization or
group, including fraternities and sororities, contact the Office of Student Conduct
( or 814-863-0342
) or the Penn State Hotline at 800-560-
1637 or
Any research-related concerns should be directed to the Office for Research Protections at 814-
865-1775 or
Research misconduct concerns should be directed to 814-865-1775 or
Policy AD88 - Code of Responsible Conduct
By-laws of The Pennsylvania State University (section 8.13):
Policy HR91 Conflict of Interest:
Policy RP02 - Addressing Allegations of Research Misconduct:
Policy RP06 Disclosure and Management of Significant Financial Interests:
Policy AD74 - Compliance with Clery Act:
Policy AD77 - Engaging in Outside Professional Activities (Conflict of Commitment):
Policy AD85 - Sexual and/or Gender-Based Harassment and Misconduct (including Sexual
Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Stalking, and Related Inappropriate Conduct):
Policy AD86 Acceptance of Gifts and Entertainment:
Policy AD91 - Discrimination and Harassment and Related Inappropriate Conduct:
If it is not clear where to turn for assistance, any of these offices will guide you to someone who can help:
Office of Human Resources Employee Relations Division at 814-865-1412
Office of University Ethics and Compliance at 814-867-5088
Office of Affirmative Action at 814-863-0471 or
Office of Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response at 814-867-0099 or
Office of Student Conduct at 814-863-0342 or
Office of Internal Audit at 814-865-9596 or
Clery Act Compliance Manager at 814-863-1273 or
Your campus, college, or unit’s Human Resources Strategic Partner. Contact information is
available at