Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is PhORCAS?
PhORCAS is the Pharmacy Online Residency Centralized Application Service, a web based tool that brings
the residency application material and tools to manage the application process together in one location.
What were the PhORCAS numbers from the 2019 match year?
PhORCAS had 2,957 programs participating throughout the cycle. There were 8,066 applicants who
submitted 88,375 applications. PhORCAS had 19,900 reference accounts set up with a total of 74,078
references submitted.
Why does the residency application process need PhORCAS?
The goal of PhORCAS is to streamline the residency recruitment process for programs, resident applicants, and
reference writers. PhORCAS will have all the efficiencies of an online application - decreased administrative
burden, time saving, and more efficient management of applications. With the increased number of
applicants an online application process will help all parties involved.
Who developed PhORCAS?
PhORCAS is a partnership between ASHP Accreditation Services and Liaison International. Liaison
International ( a Boston, MA company that specializes in centralized application services
has built and currently maintains over 30 other centralized application services (including PharmCAS - used by
many pharmacy schools in their admission process). This application was developed by a diverse group of
ASHP members, preceptors, residency program directors and ASHP staff.
How is PhORCAS structured?
PhORCAS is divided into three main portals: The Application portal, WebAdMIT (the portal used by the residency
programs), and the Reference portal.
How is PhORCAS used by residency program applicants?
The residency applicant creates a PhORCAS account and is then transferred seamlessly to the National Matching
Service (NMS) as part of the account creation process. Applicants complete an application online in PhORCAS.
Applicants have the ability to upload a personal statement/letter of intent and a copy of their curriculum vitae (CV).
They have the option of using the same personal statement and CV for all programs, or they can upload a unique
personal statement and/or CV for select programs. Applicants request one copy of their official pharmacy school
transcripts to be mailed to the PhORCAS transcripts department. The PhORCAS transcripts department certifies the
authenticity of the transcripts and uploads them into the PhORCAS application portal.
PhORCAS provides a link to the ASHP online directory, allowing applicants to check for any additional
site-specific application requirements.
The applicant identifies three individuals who will be providing references. The same individuals may be used for
all sites, or the applicant may select a series of different individuals for select programs. The applicant enters a
contact email address for the reference and may include a personal note for the automated message generated
by PhORCAS alerting the reference of the request to provide a letter of recommendation. We would recommend
that the applicant include program names and details about the residency programs that they will be applying to
in the note. The applicant will not be able to see the content of the submitted reference, but they will be able
to track the completion of the reference provided to the program.
How is PhORCAS used by residency programs?
As programs log into WebAdMIT for PhORCAS, they initially see a list of applicants to their program and the
status of the application. Applicants are categorized into one of the following statuses based on the progress of
their application.
o In Progress: The applicant has selected your program and have authorized PhORCAS to release their name
and contact information. In Progress applicants have NOT yet submitted to your program.
Please note: The number of In Progress applicants on your dashboard and the number of in progress
applicant’s information you can view may differ. If the applicant selects your program but does not
authorize PhORCAS to release their information they will simply be a number in your in progress
totals and you will not see their name or contact information.
o Received: The applicant has paid and submitted to your program, however one of the following has not been
received- either a pharmacy transcript, or one or more of the reference writer’s reviews.
o Complete: The applicant has submitted to your program and all PhORCAS required documents have been
received including Pharmacy transcripts and 3 references.
o On Hold: An applicant will be on hold for one of the following reasons:
Applicant created duplicate accounts in the PhORCAS system
Applicant charged back their credit card and PhORCAS is awaiting a new payment
Programs with site-specific application requirements may choose to have applicants submit additional materials
through PhORCAS. These would need to be uploaded into the supplemental Information section of the
application. Sites are encouraged to minimize the supplemental uploads to avoid upload problems by applicants
and to provide program reviewers a cleaner application for review.
New software was installed that improved the upload process (recommend using PDF- .pdf and MSWord .doc or
.docx for any uploads). The software will not be able to upload dynamic PDF forms or Adobe PDF Portfolio -
avoid the online PDF forms that can be populated by the applicant and then saved these are dynamic PDFs
and to not transfer well in PhORCAS.
Programs will be in two states Site is open or closed. If your PhORCAS site or application window is open, you
will be receiving applications and related materials. If the application window is closed, you will not receive any
new application material after 11:59pm ET on the date you selected. However, you may receive transcripts or
references from applicants that meet your application deadline.
The program name and application deadline date from the National Matching Service (NMS) Resident Matching
Program-Residency Agreement Form will be used by PhORCAS. PhORCAS will list the program name as it
appears on the form and will automatically close the application window for your program on the application
date you have listed on the NMS agreement form.
Programs have the ability to open and close their programs application window if they choose to beyond the
application date listed on the NMS form. The RPD has full control over their program’s deadline dates in
WebAdMIT. You have the ability to update the deadline date at any time within WebAdMIT for PhORCAS. You can
edit/close your site by selecting the Programs link under the Management tab in WebAdMIT. Please use
PhORCAS/WebAdMIT as the source of truth concerning application deadlines.
PGY2 programs that early commit must remember to close their program in WebAdMIT. Candidates will see
the program as open and accepting applications until the program manually closes the site.
PhORCAS allows the program to run a variety of queries on program applicants to evaluate and track the status
of applicants. These queries will help the programs review applications and will assist in determining applicants
you want to consider for interviews. PhORCAS allows the programs to add self-identified “Local Statuses” to
applicants, as a way to sort applicants for possible review or consideration for interviews. Additional
comments can be added to an applicant’s information, and a status given to the applicant any time during the
application process review (e.g. invite to interview, hold, remove from consideration, wait list).
How is PhORCAS used by individuals writing letters of recommendation?
The reference portal is used by reference writers to complete references for an applicant. The reference writer
will receive their own sign on code to enter their reference information on an individual. The reference writer
must complete a standardized reference form and will be able to expand on applicants in the provided space.
The standardized reference form is a combination of best practices and feedback received from
preceptors/letter writers at the ASHP meetings, feedback from year one, centralized application service survey
feedback, and Centralized Application Service Advisory Committee. This standardized form provides options for
writers to elaborate and expand on an applicant. Additionally, if a residency applicant is applying to different
programs (e.g. admin PGY1/PGY2 and a PGY1) the reference writer can choose to customize their evaluation
comments per each site.
There is one text box where the reference writer can provide a very brief program specific comment. This box is
not intended for a standard letter of reference.
How are PhORCAS and the National Matching Service (NMS) connected?
PhORCAS works closely with National Matching Service (NMS), offering applicants the ability to register
seamlessly with NMS as part of the PhORCAS application process.
Additionally, each program registered in the ASHP Resident Matching Program, with a unique NMS code, will
automatically be uploaded into PhORCAS unless the program director selects the “Opt out” selection on the
NMS Resident Matching Program-Residency Agreement Form. The program name and application deadline
date entered on the agreement will be uploaded into PhORCAS.
There are routine interfaces between NMS and PhORCAS to verify that applicants have registered for the match,
or if new residency programs have been added to PhORCAS. Following the match, NMS will produce a dynamic
list of available programs post-match thus allowing candidates to use PhORCAS in the post-match process. The
list of available programs offering positions post-match will be posted in PhORCAS and appear in the
participating programs section (if they participate in PhORCAS) to allow these individuals to apply to these
programs electronically. The information currently in PhORCAS can be used, or the applicant and reference
writer can choose to customize to the new post-match applications. Applicants will submit their information
from the PhORCAS application portal. Programs will see the new applications in WebAdMIT.
What are the benefits of PhORCAS to residency programs?
Decreased administrative burden
Programs will no longer manage the opening of letters, maintain applicant files, track application progress,
and manage document versions.
Electronic tracking of application process
Applicants will be able to check the status of their application materials, minimizing the number of email and
calls to the program about application status.
Prescreening of applicant eligibility
The applicant completes a qualifying set of questions to determine if they meet the ASHP standard for eligibility,
allowing ASHP to intervene early if a candidate is not eligible to apply for a program or the match (e.g. foreign
graduates, who will need to provide proof that they are eligible for licensure before they are allowed to apply to
any programs in PhORCAS; PGY2 candidates will document proof of attending a PGY1 residency,
before being allowed to apply to a PGY2 program).
Applicants cannot apply to programs in PhORCAS until the qualifications have been confirmed.
Organize large numbers of candidates using site determined sorting
Several sort options are available in WebAdMIT, allowing the program to arrange or organize applicants
by predetermined sort criteria.
Flexibility to add site unique requirements
Sites are encouraged to minimize the supplemental uploads to avoid upload problems by applicants and to
provide program reviewers a cleaner application for review. Programs have the ability to add program specific
criteria for application beyond the standardized application materials provided in PhORCAS. Examples might
include a requirement for the personal statement/letter of intent to include responses to unique question or to
limit responses to under 500 words; include a photo; or provide examples of their writing styles. All program
specific application materials can be uploaded through the use of the Supplemental Information section in
PhORCAS. All of the supplemental data for one program must be uploaded in a single PDF for the supplemental
data section.
Due to the overwhelming participation percentage (>99% of eligible programs) there will be no fees for programs
to participate and no ongoing maintenance fees.
To realize the benefit of PhORCAS we must have a majority of programs participating to make the applicant
submission process efficient and effective. ASHP will not assess a fee and there will be no ongoing maintenance
fee for programs implementing PhORCAS.
Ease of registering for PhORCAS
All programs registered with the National Matching Service (NMS), that have a unique NMS number are
eligible to participate in PhORCAS.
Just by completing and returning your NMS Resident Matching Program-Residency Agreement Form your program
name and application due date will be uploaded into PhORCAS. Complete your NMS Residency Agreement Form
early, to make sure you appear on the PhORCAS list before it opens in October. Additionally, ASHP will upload your
application deadlines from the NMS Agreement Form into the ASHP online directory each year by mid-October. If a
program does not give an application deadline date, we default to the day prior to the match. These programs may
want to go in to WebAdMIT and adjust the deadline date when PhORCAS goes live.
Programs that are exempt from the match (e.g. commissioned officers) may contact ASHP at [email protected] if
they are interested in participating in PhORCAS.
Programs that do not wish to participate in PhORCAS must select the “opt out” selection on the NMS Resident
Matching Program-Residency Agreement Form. They must still include their application due date to update the
ASHP online directory.
Phase II
PhORCAS has a Phase II to allow applicants and programs another chance to participate in the Match before
the post-match process. Phase II consists of the same application process as Phase I and programs who wish
to participate will see these applicants in WebAdMIT under a new “Phase 2” designation.
System available for post-match process
In order to facilitate the post-match application process, applicants will have access to all their application
materials previously entered in PhORCAS and may use them for applying to programs in the post-match process.
Applicants can choose to update information, alert their reference writers to their new applications, or select a
new reference writer and upload a new program specific required application document if needed. Otherwise all
data previously stored in PhORCAS can be used for the post-match process by applicants and/or reference
Value added service for residency programs in the ASHP Accreditation process
Only programs that have some application on file with ASHP for accreditation are eligible to participate in
PhORCAS. This includes pre-candidate, candidate, accredited, or conditional accredited programs.
Unaccredited training programs or fellowships will not be found in PhORCAS
What are the benefits of PhORCAS to residency applicants?
One online submission
The applicant completes one online application that is disseminated electronically to all programs the
applicant applies. Applicants will not have to pay for multiple mailings and tracking of deliveries. Information is
transmitted in real time to programs - thus decreasing variations in mail deliveries.
Electronic tracking, notification of application process
The applicant will know exactly what application components are pending and which reference writers have not
submitted letters of reference at all times. No need for them to call or email the sites to find the status of
application components.
Reduced applicant hassle with transcript (only pharmacy school transcripts required)
Only one copy of your pharmacy school transcript is ordered and sent to PhORCAS Transcripts Department,
where the transcripts are verified and uploaded into PhORCAS and available for review by the applicant’s
programs. Certain programs may require an undergrad transcript (ex. Residencies combined with a Master’s
program) please review the program’s requirements these would also be sent to PhORCAS for verification and
dissemination in PhORCAS.
Flexibility to standardize or customize
Applicants can submit the same application materials to all programs or customize their application
materials specific to each program they are applying (e.g. CV, personal statement).
PhORCAS has the flexibility to allow uploads of supplemental information that may be required by a program, as
long as it meets the PhORCAS specifications. New software will be used to improve the upload process
(recommend using PDF- .pdf and MSWord .doc or .docx). The software will not be able to upload dynamic PDF
forms- avoid the online PDF forms that can be populated and then saved. All programs specific application
materials can be uploaded through the use of the Supplemental Information section in PhORCAS and can be
specific just to that application. There is a space limitation of 5MB for supplemental data.
Consolidated National Matching Service (NMS) and PhORCAS registration
The applicant will enter the PhORCAS web site and is then transferred seamlessly to the NMS web site, allowing
them to pay and register for NMS. Applicants and programs will still send Rank Order Lists (ROL) directly to
NMS, and these will not go through PhORCAS.
System available for post-match process
Applicants will be able to see residency programs accepting applications post-match and can send their
PhORCAS application materials to the appropriate residency programs. This reduces the mad dash or scramble
to provide application materials to residency programs and eliminate expedited reference letter requests.
PGY2 applicants who used PhORCAS last year for PGY1 will already be in PhORCAS
Applicants who used PhORCAS last year when they applied to PGY1 programs will have their account already
populated with certain information- demographics, transcripts. Applicants can update their PhORCAS information
and provide information from the PGY1 residency. These applicants have the ability to send
updated transcript to PhORCAS.
What are the benefits of PhORCAS to reference writers?
Electronic notification and notes from applicants
Reference writers will receive an email from applicants notifying they are requesting them to be a reference
for certain programs. The applicant can customize a note to the reference writer with specific instructions. We
recommend the applicant include program names and details about the residency programs that they will be
applying to in the note. PhORCAS will automatically email a link to reference writers that will connect them to
the reference portal and provide instructions to the reference writer.
Use of a Standardized Reference Form, yet flexible
A standardized form is completed in PhORCAS by the reference writers, allowing them to elaborate and expand
on the reference. They can customize the information to one site, or use the same information for all sites the
individual has applied. The information the reference writer enters the first time for an applicant will be
populated, when they go to do the next reference for that applicant, and can be edited or used as is for the
next program. There is always one text box to make specific comments just to the one program.
If reference writers want to expand on an applicant, they have the ability to copy and paste text into the
standardized form- please make sure you use standard font (ex. Times New Roman or Arial) and avoid the use of
any symbols.
Electronic submission
Eliminates the need to print out and mail to different programs everything happens electronically and arrives
in real time.
References will not be viewable by applicants
The applicant can track that the reference was received by a program. However, they cannot see the content of
the references.
Possibility of using previous references for post-match process
PhORCAS will be used in the post-match process, allowing reference writers to use the same information
for applicants involved in the post-match scramble.
Reference writers who previously used PhORCAS will already be in PhORCAS
Reference writers who used PhORCAS previously will have their account already populated with certain
information - demographics. There may be some additional information requested about their place of
If you cannot remember your password, access the forgot your password section. Make sure that you are using
the reference portal sign on.
What is the fee for applicants?
The initial applicant PhORCAS fee is $110 and includes the first 4 program selections. Each additional
program selected is $43.
If a program has only one ASHP Residency number but multiple sites each with its own unique National
Matching Service (NMS) code, the applicant can apply to all sites associated with that residency program and
it will count as only one individual program fee.
PhORCAS will seamlessly transfer applicants to the National Matching Service (NMS) allowing them to pay
and register for NMS. The NMS fee is $160. The applicant must be registered with NMS before applying (e-
submitting) to residency programs in PhORCAS.
How were the applicant fees for PhORCAS determined?
Working with Liaison, ASHP compared comparable centralized application services, centralized application
survey data from a survey ASHP conducted, and established a fee structure that was price conscious.
ASHP has tried to keep the fees for PhORCAS comparable to the cost of applying via the old, manual process
(considering cost for multiple transcripts, supplies, mailing, and tracking costs). The fees for PhORCAS go to
administering the service.
If an applicant is applying to a program with multiple sites, each with their own matching code, is the applicant
applying to each site?
Yes, the applicant applies to each individual site that has its own unique National Matching Service (NMS) code.
Since sites are part of one residency (only one ASHP Residency number), the applicant will only have to pay one
residency application fee (the applicant can apply to all the sites associated with that residency program). This
will only count as one of your program selections under the 4 program selection for $110 or as one additional
program application fee: $43.
Any applicant applying to a residency program with multiple sites like this should check with the site to make
sure they are applying to each individual site (e.g. often found in community pharmacy residencies).
How will residency programs with multiple sites with unique NMS codes be listed in PhORCAS?
Programs will be listed by state and then alphabetically by program name (similar to the ASHP online residency
directory). The applicant will select the residency name from the PhORCAS list, when they select the name, a list
of available programs will come up under the residency name for selection by the applicant. Each program that
has a unique NMS code will be listed separately to apply to them individually.
Will there be a link from PhORCAS to the program’s information on the ASHP online residency director website?
Yes, when an applicant selects a program, the link takes it to the ASHP online residency directory.
All programs should update the information on the ASHP online residency directory page and any program
specific websites. Send requests for changes to the ASHP online directory to Applicants are
encouraged to review program’s websites for site specific details, and especially if any supplemental information
is required for the application process.
Can a program request an essay from the applicant?
Yes, if an essay or other specific requirements are part of your program’s application, those details need to be
clearly identified on the ASHP online residency directory webpage under the application section, as
supplemental information needed to be provided within PhORCAS.
Can a program request four letters of recommendation instead of three?
Yes, PhORCAS requires three letters of recommendation for each applicant to become Complete, however,
PhORCAS allows up to four reviewers. PhORCAS will not accept more than four references per program.
Is applicant information available through PhORCAS after the match cycle and recruitment process closes for
the year?
The current cycle and previous cycle will be accessible to programs. Beyond the past year’s, information will be
moved to non-accessible external storage (e.g in 2015, the 2013 information will no longer be accessible to
programs). Programs should assess the need for document retrieval beyond the current/previous cycle
availability in PhORCAS and make appropriate arrangements for archive access at their own institutions.
Complete applications can easily be saved as .pdf files for future retrieval. To access the previous year’s
information on candidates in WebAdMIT users will be able to toggle between cycles in the upper right-hand
corner of the dashboard.
If a program participates in PhORCAS, should they accept mailed applications from residency applicants?
We strongly recommend only using PhORCAS.
The benefit of accepting all applications through PhORCAS as a single source of applicant materials provides
efficiency not only for the program but reference writers, and applicants. Creating an environment where two
application processes exist (electronic through PhORCAS and a paper file system) could result in logistical and
administrative challenges.
How does Phase II work?
Programs with unfilled positions in Phase I of the Match will offer those positions to unmatched applicants in
Phase II of the Match. The purpose of Phase II of the Match is to provide a structured process to place
unmatched applicants into programs with unfilled positions. New programs or positions that receive funding
after Phase I of the Match may also be added into Phase II of the Match, and applicants who did not participate
in Phase I of the Match may participate in Phase II.
All applicants seeking positions after Phase I and all programs with available positions after Phase I submit their
Rank Order Lists by the Rank Order List deadline for Phase II of the Match. A second match is carried out using
those Rank Order Lists, and the results of Phase II of the Match will then be distributed. See all details on the
National Matching Service website.
How does the Post-Match process work with PhORCAS?
Programs that participated in Phase I and Phase II with PhORCAS can continue to participate in PhORCAS post-
match if they have an unmatched position or have received additional funding to open up another position.
All programs with post-match positions available, that participated in PhORCAS pre-match, will be listed in the
post-match PhORCAS program for post-match applicants to view and e-submit applications to them.
Unmatched applicants receive a list of available programs on the Friday of the match results and may apply to
programs as early as Monday morning. Updating their information during the weekend. Please see details on
the National Matching Service website.
Following the announcement of the match results, programs have the option of reopening the program (unfilled
positions or additional positions obtained by programs) in PhORCAS to receive applications. You can open your
program directly in WebAdMIT under the Programs link located under the Management Tab on your dashboard.
Programs are asked to not extend offers to applicants until the following Monday (one week after the
applications are submitted to open programs). This one-week moratorium is designed to allow applicants and
programs to evaluate their various options and make an informed decision.
Will an applicant be able to make changes to personal statements, CV’s or letters of recommendation during the post-
match process?
Yes, the post-match process is a new process, so the applicants will be able to upload updated information
before sending out new applications if they choose to.
What are the fees for applicant’s post-match?
The same fee structure applies to applications post-match, as they did pre-match. The applicant can use up any
remaining (unused) selections they paid for in the original $110 fee (contained 4 applications) or $43 per each
additional application.
Can an applicant who did not apply during Phase I and Phase II, use PhORCAS Post-Match?
Applicants that did not participate in Phase I or Phase II can participate in the post-match process and
PhORCAS, however they must follow all the requirements of an applicant that registered pre-match
(complete qualifying questions, register with National Matching Service (NMS) and PhORCAS and pay all the
As a preceptor, if I’m asked to write a letter of recommendation for a candidate in the post-match process, will my
previous letter or standardized form be available to submit?
Yes, all letter writers will have access to materials previously submitted and may refer back or upload those
materials for the new program application.
Will an applicant be able to see the actual reference?
No, applicants will only be able to track if the reference has reached the program.
Will the applicant be able to see any of the programs ranking information?
No, only the program affiliated associates the residency program director has given permission to have access to
PhORCAS information.
What should you do if you are a PGY2 program that early commits?
Applicants pay per application submitted. Be conscious of applicant resources and close out your program in
PhORCAS when you early commit. The residency program director will need to log-in to WebAdMIT for PhORCAS
to do this.
What materials or opportunities are available for others to learn about PhORCAS?
Materials about PhORCAS can be found at the ASHP Accreditation Services webpage, in the PhORCAS section
Information sessions will be held at many upcoming pharmacy meetings and ASHP Midyear Clinical
Meeting (MCM).
Webinars will be offered at a wide variety of times, focused either on residency program directors, applicants, or
reference writers.
Tutorial videos will be posted on the PhORCAS site to assist each group of users (applicants, programs and
reference writers).
If you have any questions, please call the WebAdMIT customer service staff at (857) 304-2020 or
Thank you,
ASHP and PhORCAS Staff