Text boxes in this Instrument refer to National Instrument 45-102 Resale of Securities.
These text boxes are located above sections 2.1 to 2.5, 2.7 to 2.21, 2.24 to 2.27, and 2.30
to 2.42. These text boxes do not form part of this Instrument.
Table of Contents
1.1 Definitions
1.2 Affiliate
1.3 Control
1.4 Registration requirement
1.5 Definition of distribution - Manitoba and Yukon
1.6 Definition of trade - Québec
Division 1: Capital Raising Exemptions
2.1 Rights offering
2.2 Reinvestment plan
2.3 Accredited investor
2.4 Private issuer
2.5 Family, friends and business associates
2.6 Family, friends and business associates - Saskatchewan
2.7 Founder, control person and family- Ontario
2.8 Affiliates
2.9 Offering memorandum
2.10 Minimum amount investment
Division 2: Transaction Exemptions
2.11 Business combination and reorganization
2.12 Asset acquisition
2.13 Petroleum, natural gas and mining properties
2.14 Securities for debt
2.15 Issuer acquisition or redemption
2.16 Take-over bid and issuer bid
2.17 Offer to acquire to security holder outside local jurisdiction
Division 3: Investment Fund Exemptions
2.18 Investment fund reinvestment
2.19 Additional investment in investment funds
2.20 Private investment club
2.21 Private investment fund - loan and trust pools
Division 4: Employee, Executive Officer, Director and Consultant Exemptions
2.22 Definitions
2.23 Interpretation
2.24 Employee, executive officer, director and consultant
2.25 Unlisted reporting issuer exception
2.26 Trades among current or former employees, executive officers, directors, or
consultants of non-reporting issuer
2.27 Permitted transferees
2.28 Resale - non-reporting issuer
2.29 Issuer bid
Division 5: Miscellaneous Exemptions
2.30 Isolated trade by issuer
2.31 Dividends and distributions
2.32 Trade to lender by control person for collateral
2.33 Acting as underwriter
2.34 Guaranteed debt
2.35 Short-term debt
2.36 Mortgages
2.37 Personal Property Security Act
2.38 Not for profit issuer
2.39 Variable insurance contract
2.41 Schedule III banks and cooperative associations - evidence of deposit
2.42 Conversion, exchange, or exercise
2.43 Removal of exemptions - market intermediaries
3.1 Registered dealer
3.2 Exchange contract
3.3 Isolated trade
3.4 Estates, bankruptcies, and liquidations
3.5 Employees of registered dealer
3.6 Small security holder selling and purchase arrangements
3.7 Adviser
3.8 Investment dealer acting as portfolio manager
3.9 Removal of exemptions – market intermediaries
4.1 Control block distributions
4.2 Trades by a control person after a take-over bid
5.1 Application and interpretation
5.2 TSX Venture Exchange offering
5.3 Underwriter obligations
6.1 Report of exempt distribution
6.2 When report not required
6.3 Required form of report of exempt distribution
6.4 Required form of offering memorandum
6.5 Required form of risk acknowledgement
6.6 Required forms in British Columbia
7.1 Exemption
8.1 Additional investment - investment funds
8.2 Definition of “accredited investor” - investment fund
8.3 Transition - MI 45-103/MI 45-105/ OSC Rule 45-501
8.4 Transition - Closely-held issuer
8.5 Coming into force
1.1 In this Instrument
“accredited investor” means
(a) a Canadian financial institution, or a Schedule III bank,
(b) the Business Development Bank of Canada incorporated under the
Business Development Bank of Canada Act (Canada),
(c) a subsidiary of any person referred to in paragraphs (a) or (b), if
the person owns all of the voting securities of the subsidiary,
except the voting securities required by law to be owned by
directors of that subsidiary,
(d) a person registered under the securities legislation of a jurisdiction
of Canada as an adviser or dealer, other than a person registered
solely as a limited market dealer under one or both of the
Securities Act (Ontario) or the Securities Act (Newfoundland and
(e) an individual registered or formerly registered under the securities
legislation of a jurisdiction of Canada as a representative of a
person referred to in paragraph (d),
(f) the Government of Canada or a jurisdiction of Canada, or any
crown corporation, agency or wholly owned entity of the
Government of Canada or a jurisdiction of Canada,
(g) a municipality, public board or commission in Canada and a
metropolitan community, school board, the Comité de gestion de la
taxe scolaire de l’île de Montréal or an intermunicipal management
board in Québec;
- 2 -
(h) any national, federal, state, provincial, territorial or municipal
government of or in any foreign jurisdiction, or any agency of that
(i) a pension fund that is regulated by either the Office of the
Superintendent of Financial Institutions (Canada) or a pension
commission or similar regulatory authority of a jurisdiction of
(j) an individual who, either alone or with a spouse, beneficially
owns, directly or indirectly, financial assets having an aggregate
realizable value that before taxes, but net of any related liabilities,
exceeds $1 000 000,
(k) an individual whose net income before taxes exceeded $200 000 in
each of the 2 most recent calendar years or whose net income
before taxes combined with that of a spouse exceeded $300 000 in
each of the 2 most recent calendar years and who, in either case,
reasonably expects to exceed that net income level in the current
calendar year,
(l) an individual who, either alone or with a spouse, has net assets of
at least $5 000 000,
(m) a person, other than an individual or investment fund, that has net
assets of at least $5 000 000 as shown on its most recently
prepared financial statements,
(n) an investment fund that distributes or has distributed its securities
only to
(i) a person that is or was an accredited investor at the time of
the distribution,
(ii) a person that acquires or acquired securities in the
circumstances referred to in sections 2.10 [Minimum
amount investment], and 2.19 [Additional investment in
investment funds], or
(iii) a person described in paragraph (i) or (ii) that acquires or
acquired securities under section 2.18 [Investment fund
- 3 -
(o) an investment fund that distributes or has distributed securities
under a prospectus in a jurisdiction of Canada for which the
regulator or, in Québec, the securities regulatory authority, has
issued a receipt,
(p) a trust company or trust corporation registered or authorized to
carry on business under the Trust and Loan Companies Act
(Canada) or under comparable legislation in a jurisdiction of
Canada or a foreign jurisdiction, acting on behalf of a fully
managed account managed by the trust company or trust
corporation, as the case may be,
(q) a person acting on behalf of a fully managed account managed by
that person, if that person
(i) is registered or authorized to carry on business as an
adviser or the equivalent under the securities legislation of
a jurisdiction of Canada or a foreign jurisdiction, and
(ii) in Ontario, is purchasing a security that is not a security of
an investment fund;
(r) a registered charity under the Income Tax Act (Canada) that, in
regard to the trade, has obtained advice from an eligibility adviser
or an adviser registered under the securities legislation of the
jurisdiction of the registered charity to give advice on the securities
being traded,
(s) an entity organized in a foreign jurisdiction that is analogous to
any of the entities referred to in paragraphs (a) to (d) or paragraph
(i) in form and function,
(t) a person in respect of which all of the owners of interests, direct,
indirect or beneficial, except the voting securities required by law
to be owned by directors, are persons that are accredited investors,
(u) an investment fund that is advised by a person registered as an
adviser or a person that is exempt from registration as an adviser,
(v) a person that is recognized or designated by the securities
regulatory authority or, except in Ontario and Québec, the
regulator as
- 4 -
(i) an accredited investor, or
(ii) an exempt purchaser in Alberta or British Columbia after
this Instrument comes into force;
“AIF” means
(a) for financial years starting before January 1, 2004, a current AIF as
defined in Multilateral Instrument 45-102 Resale of Securities that
came into force on November 30, 2001, and
(b) for financial years starting on or after January 1, 2004,
(i) an AIF as defined in NI 51-102,
(ii) a prospectus filed in a jurisdiction, other than a prospectus
filed under a CPC instrument, if the issuer has not filed or
been required to file an AIF or annual financial statements
under NI 51-102, or
(iii) a QT circular if the issuer has not filed or been required to
file annual financial statements under NI 51-102
subsequent to filing its QT circular;
approved credit rating” has the same meaning as in National Instrument 81-
102 Mutual Funds;
approved credit rating organization” has the same meaning as in National
Instrument 81-102 Mutual Funds;
“bank” means a bank named in Schedule I or II of the Bank Act (Canada);
Canadian financial institution” means
(a) an association governed by the Cooperative Credit Associations
Act (Canada) or a central cooperative credit society for which an
order has been made under section 473(1) of that Act, or
(b) a bank, loan corporation, trust company, trust corporation,
insurance company, treasury branch, credit union, caisse populaire,
financial services cooperative, or league that, in each case, is
- 5 -
authorized by an enactment of Canada or a jurisdiction of Canada
to carry on business in Canada or a jurisdiction of Canada;
“control person” has the same meaning as in securities legislation except in
Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia,
Nunavut, Ontario, Prince Edward Island and Quebéc where control person means
any person that holds or is one of a combination of persons that holds
(a) a sufficient number of any of the securities of an issuer so as to
affect materially the control of the issuer, or
(b) more than 20% of the outstanding voting securities of an issuer
except where there is evidence showing that the holding of those
securities does not affect materially the control of the issuer;
“CPC instrument” means a rule or regulation of a jurisdiction of Canada or a
rule, regulation or policy of an exchange in Canada that applies only to capital
pool companies;
“debt security” means any bond, debenture, note or similar instrument
representing indebtedness, whether secured or unsecured;
director” means
(a) a member of the board of directors of a company or an individual
who performs similar functions for a company, and
(b) with respect to a person that is not a company, an individual who
performs functions similar to those of a director of a company;
“eligibility adviser” means
(a) a person that is registered as an investment dealer or in an
equivalent category of registration under the securities legislation
of the jurisdiction of a purchaser and authorized to give advice
with respect to the type of security being distributed, and
(b) in Saskatchewan or Manitoba, also means a lawyer who is a
practicing member in good standing with a law society of a
jurisdiction of Canada or a public accountant who is a member in
good standing of an institute or association of chartered
- 6 -
accountants, certified general accountants or certified management
accountants in a jurisdiction of Canada provided that the lawyer or
public accountant must not
(i) have a professional, business or personal relationship with
the issuer, or any of its directors, executive officers,
founders, or control persons, and
(ii) have acted for or been retained personally or otherwise as
an employee, executive officer, director, associate or
partner of a person that has acted for or been retained by
the issuer or any of its directors, executive officers,
founders or control persons within the previous 12 months;
“eligible investor” means
(a) a person whose
(i) net assets, alone or with a spouse, in the case of an
individual, exceed $400 000,
(ii) net income before taxes exceeded $75 000 in each of the 2
most recent calendar years and who reasonably expects to
exceed that income level in the current calendar year, or
(iii) net income before taxes, alone or with a spouse, in the case
of an individual, exceeded $125 000 in each of the 2 most
recent calendar years and who reasonably expects to exceed
that income level in the current calendar year,
(b) a person of which a majority of the voting securities are
beneficially owned by eligible investors or a majority of the
directors are eligible investors,
(c) a general partnership of which all of the partners are eligible
(d) a limited partnership of which the majority of the general partners
are eligible investors,
(e) a trust or estate in which all of the beneficiaries or a majority of the
trustees or executors are eligible investors,
(f) an accredited investor,
- 7 -
(g) a person described in section 2.5 [Family, friends and business
associates], or
(h) a person that has obtained advice regarding the suitability of the
investment and, if the person is resident in a jurisdiction of
Canada, that advice has been obtained from an eligibility adviser;
“executive officer” means, for an issuer, an individual who is
(a) a chair, vice-chair or president,
(b) a vice-president in charge of a principal business unit, division or
function including sales, finance or production,
(c) an officer of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries and who performs
a policy-making function in respect of the issuer, or
(d) performing a policy-making function in respect of the issuer;
“financial assets” means
(a) cash,
(b) securities, or
(c) a contract of insurance, a deposit or an evidence of a deposit that
is not a security for the purposes of securities legislation;
“founder” means, in respect of an issuer, a person who,
(a) acting alone, in conjunction, or in concert with one or more
persons, directly or indirectly, takes the initiative in founding,
organizing or substantially reorganizing the business of the issuer,
(b) at the time of the trade is actively involved in the business of the
“fully managed account” means an account of a client for which a person makes
the investment decisions if that person has full discretion to trade in securities for
the account without requiring the client’s express consent to a transaction;
“investment fund” has the same meaning as in National Instrument 81-106
Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure;
- 8 -
“marketplace” has the same meaning as in National Instrument 21-101
Marketplace Operation;
“MD&A” has the same meaning as in NI 51-102;
“NI 45-102” means National Instrument 45-102 Resale of Securities;
“NI 51-102” means National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure
“non-redeemable investment fund” has the same meaning as in National
Instrument 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure;
person” includes
(a) an individual,
(b) a corporation,
(c) a partnership, trust, fund and an association, syndicate,
organization or other organized group of persons, whether
incorporated or not, and
(d) an individual or other person in that person’s capacity as a trustee,
executor, administrator or personal or other legal representative;
“QT circular” means an information circular or filing statement in respect of a
qualifying transaction for a capital pool company under a CPC instrument;
“qualifying issuer” means a reporting issuer in a jurisdiction of Canada that
(a) is a SEDAR filer,
(b) has filed all documents required to be filed under the securities
legislation of that jurisdiction, and
(c) if not required to file an AIF, has filed in the jurisdiction,
(i) an AIF for its most recently completed financial year for
which annual statements are required to be filed, and
(ii) copies of all material incorporated by reference in the AIF
not previously filed;
- 9 -
“related liabilities” means
(a) liabilities incurred or assumed for the purpose of financing the
acquisition or ownership of financial assets, or
(b) liabilities that are secured by financial assets;
“reporting issuer” means, in Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Prince Edward
Island, an issuer that is a reporting issuer in a jurisdiction of Canada;
“RRIF” means a registered retirement income fund as defined in the Income Tax
Act (Canada);
“RRSP” means a registered retirement savings plan as defined in the Income Tax
Act (Canada);
“Schedule III bank” means an authorized foreign bank named in Schedule III of
the Bank Act (Canada);
“SEDAR filer” means an issuer that is an electronic filer under National
Instrument 13-101 System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval
“spouse” means, an individual who,
(a) is married to another individual and is not living separate and apart
within the meaning of the Divorce Act (Canada), from the other
(b) is living with another individual in a marriage-like relationship,
including a marriage-like relationship between individuals of the
same gender, or
(c) in Alberta, is an individual referred to in paragraph (a) or (b), or is
an adult interdependent partner within the meaning of the Adult
Interdependent Relationships Act (Alberta);
“subsidiary” means an issuer that is controlled directly or indirectly by another
issuer and includes a subsidiary of that subsidiary.
- 10 -
1.2 For the purpose of this Instrument, an issuer is an affiliate of another issuer if
(a) one of them is the subsidiary of the other, or
(b) each of them is controlled by the same person.
1.3 Except in Part 2, Division 4, for the purpose of this Instrument, a person (first person)
is considered to control another person (second person) if
(a) the first person, directly or indirectly, beneficially owns or exercises
control or direction over securities of the second person carrying votes
which, if exercised, would entitle the first person to elect a majority of the
directors of the second person, unless that first person holds the voting
securities only to secure an obligation,
(b) the second person is a partnership, other than a limited partnership, and the
first person holds more than 50% of the interests of the partnership, or
(c) the second person is a limited partnership and the general partner of the
limited partnership is the first person.
Registration requirement
1.4 (1) An exemption from the dealer registration requirement or from the prospectus
requirement that refers to a registered dealer is only available for a trade in a security if
the dealer is registered in a category that permits the trade described in the exemption.
(2) An exemption from the dealer registration requirement is deemed to be an
exemption from the underwriter registration requirement.
Definition of distribution - Manitoba and Yukon
1.5 For the purpose of this Instrument, in Manitoba and Yukon, “distribution” means a
primary distribution to the public.
- 11 -
Definition of trade - Québec
1.6 For the purpose of this Instrument, in Québec, “trade” includes any of the following
(a) any of the activities referred to in the definition of “dealer” in section 5 of
the Securities Act (Québec);
(b) the sale or disposition of a security for valuable consideration, whether the
terms of payment are on margin, installment or otherwise, but does not
(i) except as provided in paragraph (e), a transfer, pledge or
encumbrance of securities for the purpose of giving
collateral for a debt made in good faith, or
(ii) the purchase of a security;
(c) participation as a trader in any transaction in a security through the
facilities of an exchange or a quotation and trade reporting system;
(d) receipt by a registrant of an order to buy or sell a security;
(e) a transfer, pledge or encumbrancing of securities of an issuer from the
holdings of a control person for the purpose of giving collateral for a debt
made in good faith;
(f) entering into a derivative;
(g) any activity, advertisement, solicitation, conduct or negotiation directly or
indirectly in furtherance of any of the activities referred to in paragraphs
(a) to (f).
Division 1: Capital Raising Exemptions
- 12 -
Rights offering
Refer to Appendix E of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
seasoning period on resale.
2.1 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by an
issuer in a right granted by the issuer to purchase a security of its own issue to a security
holder of the issuer if
(a) the issuer has given the regulator or, in Québec, the securities regulatory
authority, prior written notice stating the date, amount, nature and
conditions of the trade, including the approximate net proceeds to be
derived by the issuer on the basis of the additional securities being fully
taken up,
(b) except in British Columbia, the regulator or, in Québec, the securities
regulatory authority, has not objected in writing to the trade within 10
days of receipt of the notice referred to in paragraph (a) or, if the regulator
or securities regulatory authority objects to the trade, the issuer has
delivered to the regulator or securities regulatory authority information
relating to the securities that is satisfactory to and accepted by the
regulator or securities regulatory authority, and
(c) the issuer has complied with the applicable requirements of National
Instrument 45-101 Rights Offerings.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Reinvestment plan
Refer to Appendix E of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
seasoning period on resale.
2.2 (1) Subject to subsections (3) and (5), the dealer registration requirement does not
apply in respect of the following trades by an issuer, or by a trustee, custodian or
administrator acting for or on behalf of the issuer, to a security holder of the issuer if the
trades are permitted by a plan of the issuer:
- 13 -
(a) a trade in a security of the issuer’s own issue if dividends or distributions
out of earnings, surplus, capital or other sources payable in respect of the
issuer’s securities are applied to the purchase of the security that is of the
same class or series as the securities to which the dividends or
distributions out of earnings, surplus, capital or other sources is
attributable, and
(b) subject to subsection (2), a trade in a security of the issuer’s own issue if
the security holder makes optional cash payments to purchase the security
of the issuer that is of the same class or series of securities described in
paragraph (a) that trade on a marketplace.
(2) The aggregate number of securities issued under the optional cash payment referred
to in subsection (1)(b) must not exceed, in any financial year of the issuer during which
the trade takes place, 2% of the issued and outstanding securities of the class to which the
plan relates as at the beginning of the financial year.
(3) A plan that permits the trades described in subsection (1) must be available to every
security holder in Canada to which the dividend or distribution is available.
(4) Subject to subsections (3) and (5), the prospectus requirement does not apply to a
distribution of a security in the circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
(5) This section does not apply to a trade in a security of an investment fund.
Accredited investor
Refer to Appendix D of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
restricted period on resale.
2.3 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a
security if the purchaser purchases the security as principal and is an accredited investor.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
(3) Subject to subsection (4), for the purpose of this section, a trust company or trust
corporation described in paragraph (p) of the definition of “accredited investor” in section
1.1 [Definitions] is deemed to be purchasing as principal.
- 14 -
(4) Subsection (3) does not apply to a trust company or trust corporation registered
under the laws of Prince Edward Island that is not registered or authorized under the
Trust and Loan Companies Act (Canada) or under comparable legislation in another
jurisdiction of Canada.
(5) For the purpose of this section, a person described in paragraph (q) of the definition
of “accredited investor” in section 1.1 [Definitions] is deemed to be purchasing as
(6) This section does not apply to a trade in a security to a person if that person is
created or used solely to purchase or hold securities as an accredited investor as described
in paragraph (m) of the definition of “accredited investor” in section 1.1 [Definitions].
Private issuer
Refer to Appendix E of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
seasoning period on resale.
2.4 (1) In this section, “private issuer” means an issuer
(a) that is not a reporting issuer or an investment fund,
(b) whose securities, other than non-convertible debt securities,
(i) are subject to restrictions on transfer that are contained in
the issuer’s constating documents or security holders’
agreements, and
(ii) are beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by not more
than 50 persons, not including employees and former
employees of the issuer or its affiliates, provided that each
person is counted as one beneficial owner unless the person
is created or used solely to purchase or hold securities of
the issuer in which case each beneficial owner or each
beneficiary of the person, as the case may be, must be
counted as a separate beneficial owner, and
(c) that has distributed securities only to persons described in this section.
(2) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a security
of a private issuer to a person who purchases the security as principal and is
- 15 -
(a) a director, officer, employee, founder or control person of the issuer,
(b) a spouse, parent, grandparent, brother, sister or child of a director,
executive officer, founder or control person of the issuer,
(c) a parent, grandparent, brother, sister or child of the spouse of a director,
executive officer, founder or control person of the issuer,
(d) a close personal friend of a director, executive officer, founder or control
person of the issuer,
(e) a close business associate of a director, executive officer, founder or
control person of the issuer,
(f) a spouse, parent, grandparent, brother, sister or child of the selling security
holder or of the selling security holder’s spouse,
(g) a security holder of the issuer,
(h) an accredited investor,
(i) a person of which a majority of the voting securities are beneficially
owned by, or a majority of the directors are, persons described in
paragraphs (a) to (h),
(j) a trust or estate of which all of the beneficiaries or a majority of the
trustees or executors are persons described in paragraphs (a) to (h), or
(k) a person that is not the public.
(3) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (2).
(4) Except for a trade to an accredited investor, no commission or finder’s fee may be
paid to any director, officer, founder or control person of an issuer in connection with a
trade under subsection (2) or (3).
Family, friends and business associates
Refer to Appendix D of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
restricted period on resale.
- 16 -
2.5 (1) Except in Ontario and subject to section 2.6 [Family, friends and business
associates - Saskatchewan], the dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect
of a trade in a security to a person who purchases the security as principal and is
(a) a director, executive officer or control person of the issuer, or of an
affiliate of the issuer,
(b) a spouse, parent, grandparent, brother, sister or child of a director,
executive officer or control person of the issuer, or of an affiliate of the
(c) a parent, grandparent, brother, sister or child of the spouse of a director,
executive officer or control person of the issuer or of an affiliate of the
(d) a close personal friend of a director, executive officer or control person of
the issuer, or of an affiliate of the issuer,
(e) a close business associate of a director, executive officer or control person
of the issuer, or of an affiliate of the issuer,
(f) a founder of the issuer or a spouse, parent, grandparent, brother, sister,
child, close personal friend or close business associate of a founder of the
(g) a parent, grandparent, brother, sister or child of a spouse of a founder of
the issuer,
(h) a person of which a majority of the voting securities are beneficially
owned by, or a majority of the directors are, persons described in
paragraphs (a) to (g), or
(i) a trust or estate of which all of the beneficiaries or a majority of the
trustees or executors are persons described in paragraphs (a) to (g).
(2) Except in Ontario and subject to section 2.6 [Family, friends and business associates
- Saskatchewan], the prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security
in the circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
- 17 -
(3) No commission or finder’s fee may be paid to any director, officer, founder, or
control person of an issuer or an affiliate of the issuer in connection with a trade under
subsection (1) or (2).
Family, friends and business associates - Saskatchewan
2.6 (1) In Saskatchewan, section 2.5 [Family, friends and business associates] does not
apply unless the person making the trade obtains a signed risk acknowledgement from the
purchaser in the required form for a trade to
(a) a person described in section 2.5(1) (d) or (e) [Family, friends and
business associates],
(b) a close personal friend or close business associate of a founder of the
issuer, or
(c) a person described in section 2.5(1)(h) or (i) [Family, friends and business
associates] if the trade is based in whole or in part on a close personal
friendship or close business association.
(2) The person making the trade must retain the required form referred to in subsection
(1) for 8 years after the trade.
Founder, control person and family- Ontario
Refer to Appendix D of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
restricted period on resale.
2.7 (1) In Ontario, the dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade
in a security to a person who purchases the security as principal and is
(a) a founder of the issuer,
(b) an affiliate of a founder of the issuer,
(c) a spouse, parent, brother, sister, grandparent or child of an executive
officer, director or founder of the issuer, or
(d) a person that is a control person of the issuer.
- 18 -
(2) In Ontario, the prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security
in the circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Refer to Appendix D of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
restricted period on resale.
2.8 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by an
issuer in a security of its own issue to an affiliate of the issuer that is purchasing as
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Offering memorandum
Refer to Appendix D of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
restricted period on resale.
2.9 (1) In British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and
Labrador, the dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by an
issuer in a security of its own issue to a purchaser if
(a) the purchaser purchases the security as principal, and
(b) at the same time or before the purchaser signs the agreement to purchase
the security, the issuer
(i) delivers an offering memorandum to the purchaser in
compliance with subsections (7) to (13), and
(ii) obtains a signed risk acknowledgement from the purchaser
in compliance with subsection (14).
(2) In Alberta, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Prince Edward Island,
Québec and Saskatchewan, the dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect
of a trade by an issuer in a security of its own issue to a purchaser if
(a) the purchaser purchases the security as principal,
- 19 -
(b) the purchaser is an eligible investor or the acquisition cost to the purchaser
does not exceed $10 000,
(c) at the same time or before the purchaser signs the agreement to purchase
the security, the issuer
(i) delivers an offering memorandum to the purchaser in
compliance with subsections (7) to (13), and
(ii) obtains a signed risk acknowledgement from the purchaser
in compliance with subsection (14),
(d) if the issuer is an investment fund, the investment fund is
(i) a non-redeemable investment fund, or
(ii) a mutual fund that is
(A) a reporting issuer, and
(B) in Manitoba, Québec and Saskatchewan, is an issuer
listed for trading on an exchange or quoted on an
over-the-counter market.
(3) In British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and
Labrador, the prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
(4) In Alberta, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Prince Edward Island,
Québec and Saskatchewan, the prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of
a security in the circumstances referred to in subsection (2).
(5) In Alberta, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Prince Edward Island,
Québec and Saskatchewan, this section does not apply to a trade in a security to a person
described in paragraph (a) of the definition of “eligible investor” in section 1.1
[Definitions] if that person is created or used solely to purchase or hold securities in
reliance on an exemption from the dealer registration requirement or the prospectus
requirement set out in subsections (2) and (4).
- 20 -
(6) No commission or finder’s fee may be paid to any person, other than a registered
dealer, in connection with a trade to a purchaser in
(a) Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Saskatchewan under subsections (2)
and (4), or
(b) New Brunswick under subsections (1) and (3).
(7) An offering memorandum delivered under this section must be in the required form.
(8) If the securities legislation where the purchaser is resident does not provide a
comparable right, an offering memorandum delivered under this section must provide the
purchaser with a contractual right to cancel the agreement to purchase the security by
delivering a notice to the issuer not later than midnight on the 2
business day after the
purchaser signs the agreement to purchase the security.
(9) If the securities legislation where the purchaser is resident does not provide statutory
rights of action in the event of a misrepresentation in an offering memorandum delivered
under this section, the offering memorandum must contain a contractual right of action
against the issuer for rescission or damages that
(a) is available to the purchaser if the offering memorandum, or any
information or documents incorporated or deemed to be incorporated by
reference into the offering memorandum, contains a misrepresentation,
without regard to whether the purchaser relied on the misrepresentation,
(b) is enforceable by the purchaser delivering a notice to the issuer
(i) in the case of an action for rescission, within 180 days after
the purchaser signs the agreement to purchase the security,
(ii) in the case of an action for damages, before the earlier of
A) 180 days after the purchaser first has knowledge of
the facts giving rise to the cause of action, or
B) 3 years after the date the purchaser signs the
agreement to purchase the security,
- 21 -
(c) is subject to the defence that the purchaser had knowledge of the
(d) in the case of an action for damages, provides that the amount recoverable
(i) must not exceed the price at which the security was offered,
(ii) does not include all or any part of the damages that the
issuer proves does not represent the depreciation in value of
the security resulting from the misrepresentation, and
(e) is in addition to, and does not detract from, any other right of the
(10) An offering memorandum delivered under this section must contain a certificate
that states the following:
“This offering memorandum does not contain a misrepresentation.”
(11) A certificate under subsection (10) must be signed
(a) by the issuer’s chief executive officer and chief financial officer or, if the
issuer does not have a chief executive officer or chief financial officer, a
person acting in that capacity,
(b) on behalf of the directors of the issuer,
(i) by any 2 directors who are authorized to sign, other than
the persons referred to in paragraph (a), or
(ii) by all the directors of the issuer, and
(c) by each promoter of the issuer.
(12) A certificate under subsection (10) must be true
(a) at the date the certificate is signed, and
(b) at the date the offering memorandum is delivered to the purchaser.
- 22 -
(13) If a certificate under subsection (10) ceases to be true after it is delivered to the
purchaser, the issuer cannot accept an agreement to purchase the security from the
purchaser unless
(a) the purchaser receives an update of the offering memorandum,
(b) the update of the offering memorandum contains a newly dated certificate
signed in compliance with subsection (11), and
(c) the purchaser re-signs the agreement to purchase the security.
(14) A risk acknowledgement under subsection (1), (2), (3) or (4) must be in the
required form and an issuer relying on subsection (1), (2) (3) or (4) must retain the signed
risk acknowledgment for 8 years after the distribution.
(15) The issuer must
(a) hold in trust all consideration received from the purchaser in connection
with a trade in a security under subsection (1), (2), (3) or (4) until
midnight on the 2
business day after the purchaser signs the agreement to
purchase the security, and
(b) return all consideration to the purchaser promptly if the purchaser
exercises the right to cancel the agreement to purchase the security
described under subsection (8).
(16) The issuer must file a copy of an offering memorandum delivered under this
section and any update of a previously filed offering memorandum with the securities
regulatory authority on or before the 10
day after the distribution under the offering
memorandum or update of the offering memorandum.
(17) If a qualifying issuer uses a form of offering memorandum that allows the
qualifying issuer to incorporate previously filed information into the offering
memorandum by reference, the qualifying issuer is exempt from the requirement under
National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects to file a
technical report to support scientific or technical information about the qualifying issuer’s
mineral project in the offering memorandum or incorporated by reference into the
offering memorandum if the information about the mineral project is contained in a
previously filed technical report under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of
Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
- 23 -
Minimum amount investment
Refer to Appendix D of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
restricted period on resale.
2.10 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a
security to a person if
(a) that person purchases as principal,
(b) the security has an acquisition cost to the purchaser of not less than
$150 000 paid in cash at the time of the trade, and
(c) the trade is in a security of a single issuer.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
(3) This section does not apply to a trade in a security to a person if that person is
created or used solely to purchase or hold securities in reliance on this exemption from
the dealer registration requirement or the prospectus requirement.
Division 2: Transaction Exemptions
Business combination and reorganization
Refer to Appendix E of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
seasoning period on resale.
2.11 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a
security in connection with
(a) an amalgamation, merger, reorganization or arrangement that is under a
statutory procedure,
(b) an amalgamation, merger, reorganization or arrangement that
(i) is described in an information circular made pursuant to NI
51-102 or in a similar disclosure record and the information
circular or similar disclosure record is delivered to each
- 24 -
security holder whose approval of the amalgamation,
merger, reorganization or arrangement is required before it
can proceed, and
(ii) is approved by the security holders referred to in
subparagraph (i),
(c) a dissolution or winding-up of the issuer.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Asset acquisition
Refer to Appendix D of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
restricted period on resale.
2.12 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by an
issuer in a security of its own issue to a person as consideration for the assets of the
person, if those assets have a fair value of not less than $150 000.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Petroleum, natural gas and mining properties
Refer to Appendix D of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
restricted period on resale.
2.13 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by an
issuer in a security of its own issue as consideration for the acquisition of petroleum,
natural gas or mining properties or any interest in them.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
- 25 -
Securities for debt
Refer to Appendix D of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
restricted period on resale.
2.14 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by a
reporting issuer in a security of its own issue to a creditor to settle a bona fide debt of that
reporting issuer.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Issuer acquisition or redemption
This provision will not be cited in any Appendix of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities.
2.15 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a
security to the issuer of the security.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Take-over bid and issuer bid
Refer to section 2.11 or Appendix E of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades
are subject to a seasoning period on resale unless the requirements of section 2.11 of
NI 45-102 are met.
2.16 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a
security in connection with a take-over bid or issuer bid.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Offer to acquire to security holder outside local jurisdiction
Refer to Appendix E of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
seasoning period on resale.
- 26 -
2.17 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by a
security holder outside the local jurisdiction to a person in the local jurisdiction if the
trade would have been in connection with a take-over bid or issuer bid made by that
person were it not for the fact that the security holder is outside of the local jurisdiction.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Division 3: Investment Fund Exemptions
Investment fund reinvestment
Refer to Appendix E of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
seasoning period on resale.
2.18 (1) Subject to subsections (3), (4) and (5), the dealer registration requirement
does not apply in respect of the following trades by an investment fund to a security
holder of the investment fund if the trades are permitted by a plan of the investment fund:
(a) a trade in a security of the investment fund’s own issue if dividends or
distributions out of earnings, surplus, capital or other sources payable in
respect of the investments fund’s securities are applied to the purchase of
the security that is of the same class or series as the securities to which the
dividends or distributions out of earnings, surplus, capital or other sources
are attributable, and
(b) subject to subsection (2), a trade in a security of the investment fund’s
own issue if the security holder makes optional cash payments to purchase
the security of the investment fund that is of the same class or series of
securities described in paragraph (a) that trade on a marketplace.
(2) The aggregate number of securities issued under the optional cash payment referred
to in subsection (1) (b) must not exceed, in any financial year of the investment fund
during which the trade takes place, 2% of the issued and outstanding securities of the
class to which the plan relates as at the beginning of the financial year.
(3) A plan that permits the trades described in subsection (1) must be available to every
security holder in Canada to which the dividend or distribution is available.
- 27 -
(4) No sales charge is payable on a trade described in subsection (1).
(5) The most recent prospectus of the investment fund, if any, must set out
(a) details of any deferred or contingent sales charge or redemption fee that is
payable at the time of the redemption of the security,
(b) any right that the security holder has to make an election to receive cash
instead of securities on the payment of a dividend or making of a
distribution by the investment fund, and
(c) instructions on how the right referred to in paragraph (b) can be exercised.
(6) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Additional investment in investment funds
Refer to Appendix D of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
restricted period on resale.
2.19 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by an
investment fund in a security of its own issue to a security holder of the issuer if
(a) the security holder initially acquired securities of the investment fund as
principal for an acquisition cost of not less than $150 000 paid in cash at
the time of the trade,
(b) the subsequent trade is for a security of the same class or series as the
initial trade, and
(c) the security holder, as at the date of the subsequent trade, holds securities
of the investment fund that have
(i) an acquisition cost of not less than $150 000, or
(ii) a net asset value of not less than $150 000.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
- 28 -
Private investment club
Refer to Appendix E of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
seasoning period on resale.
2.20 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a
security of an investment fund if the investment fund
(a) has no more than 50 beneficial security holders,
(b) does not seek and has never sought to borrow money from the public,
(c) does not and has never distributed its securities to the public,
(d) does not pay or give any remuneration for investment management or
administration advice in respect of trades in securities, except normal
brokerage fees, and
(e) for the purpose of financing the operations of the investment fund,
requires security holders to make contributions in proportion to the value
of the securities held by them.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Private investment fund - loan and trust pools
Refer to Appendix E of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
seasoning period on resale.
2.21 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a
security of an investment fund if the investment fund
(a) is administered by a trust company or trust corporation that is registered or
authorized by an enactment of Canada or a jurisdiction of Canada to carry
on business in Canada or a jurisdiction of Canada,
(b) has no promoter or manager other than the trust company or trust
corporation referred to in paragraph (a), and
- 29 -
(c) co-mingles the money of different estates and trusts for the purpose of
facilitating investment.
(2) Despite subsection (1), a trust company or trust corporation registered under the laws
of Prince Edward Island that is not registered under the Trust and Loan Companies Act
(Canada) or under comparable legislation in another jurisdiction of Canada is not a trust
company or trust corporation for the purpose of subsection (1)(a).
(3) Subject to subsection (2), the prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution
of a security in the circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Division 4: Employee, Executive Officer, Director and Consultant Exemptions
2.22 In this Division
“associate”, when used to indicate a relationship with a person, means
(a) an issuer of which the person beneficially owns or controls,
directly or indirectly, voting securities entitling the person to more
than 10% of the voting rights attached to outstanding voting
securities of the issuer,
(b) any partner of the person,
(c) any trust or estate in which the person has a substantial beneficial
interest or in respect of which the person serves as trustee or
executor or in a similar capacity, or
(d) in the case of an individual, a relative of that individual, including
(i) a spouse of that individual, or
(ii) a relative of that individual’s spouse
if the relative has the same home as that individual;
“associated consultant” means, for an issuer, a consultant of the issuer or of a
related entity of the issuer if
- 30 -
(a) the consultant is an associate of the issuer or of a related entity of
the issuer, or
(b) the issuer or a related entity of the issuer is an associate of the
“compensation” means an issuance of securities in exchange for services
provided or to be provided and includes an issuance of securities for the purpose
of providing an incentive;
“consultant” means, for an issuer, a person, other than an employee, executive
officer, or director of the issuer or of a related entity of the issuer, that
(a) is engaged to provide services to the issuer or a related entity of the
issuer, other than services provided in relation to a distribution,
(b) provides the services under a written contract with the issuer or a
related entity of the issuer, and
(c) spends or will spend a significant amount of time and attention on
the affairs and business of the issuer or a related entity of the issuer
and includes, for an individual consultant, a corporation of which the individual
consultant is an employee or shareholder, and a partnership of which the
individual consultant is an employee or partner;
“holding entity” means a person that is controlled by an individual;
“investor relations activities” means activities or communications, by or on
behalf of an issuer or a security holder of the issuer, that promote or could
reasonably be expected to promote the purchase or sale of securities of the issuer,
but does not include
(a) the dissemination of information or preparation of records in the
ordinary course of the business of the issuer
(i) to promote the sale of products or services of the issuer, or
(ii) to raise public awareness of the issuer
that cannot reasonably be considered to promote the purchase or
sale of securities of the issuer,
- 31 -
(b) activities or communications necessary to comply with the
requirements of
(i) securities legislation of any jurisdiction of Canada,
(ii) the securities laws of any foreign jurisdiction governing
the issuer, or
(iii) any exchange or market on which the issuer’s securities
(c) activities or communications necessary to follow securities
directions of any jurisdiction of Canada;
“investor relations person” means a person that is a registrant or that provides
services that include investor relations activities;
“issuer bid requirements” means the requirements under securities legislation
that apply to an issuer bid;
“listed issuer” means an issuer, any of the securities of which
(a) are listed and not suspended, or the equivalent, from trading on
(i) the Toronto Stock Exchange,
(ii) TSX Venture Exchange Inc.,
(iii) the American Stock Exchange LLC,
(iv) The New York Stock Exchange, Inc.,
(v) the London Stock Exchange Limited, or
(b) are quoted on the Nasdaq Stock Market;
“permitted assign” means, for a person that is an employee, executive officer,
director or consultant of an issuer or of a related entity of the issuer,
(a) a trustee, custodian, or administrator acting on behalf of, or for the
benefit of the person,
(b) a holding entity of the person,
(c) an RRSP or a RRIF of the person,
- 32 -
(d) a spouse of the person,
(e) a trustee, custodian, or administrator acting on behalf of, or for the
benefit of the spouse of the person,
(f) a holding entity of the spouse of the person, or
(g) an RRSP or a RRIF of the spouse of the person;
“plan” means a plan or program established or maintained by an issuer providing
for the acquisition of securities of the issuer by persons described in section
2.24(1) [Employee, executive officer, director and consultant] as compensation;
related entity” means, for an issuer, a person that controls or is controlled by
the issuer or that is controlled by the same person that controls the issuer;
“related person” means, for an issuer,
(a) a director or executive officer of the issuer or of a related entity of
the issuer,
(b) an associate of a director or executive officer of the issuer or of a
related entity of the issuer, or
(c) a permitted assign of a director or executive officer of the issuer or
of a related entity of the issuer;
“security holder approval” means an approval for the issuance of securities of
an issuer as compensation or under a plan
(a) given by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of security
holders of the issuer other than votes attaching to securities
beneficially owned by related persons to whom securities may be
issued as compensation or under that plan, or
(b) evidenced by a resolution signed by all the security holders entitled
to vote at a meeting, if the issuer is not required to hold a meeting;
“support agreement” includes an agreement to provide assistance in the
maintenance or servicing of indebtedness of the borrower and an agreement to
provide consideration for the purpose of maintaining or servicing indebtedness of
the borrower.
- 33 -
2.23 (1) In this Division, a person (first person) is considered to control another person
(second person) if the first person, directly or indirectly, has the power to direct the
management and policies of the second person by virtue of
(a) ownership of or direction over voting securities in the second person,
(b) a written agreement or indenture,
(c) being the general partner or controlling the general partner of the second
person, or
(d) being a trustee of the second person.
(2) In this Division, participation in a trade is considered voluntary if
(a) in the case of an employee or the employee’s permitted assign, the
employee or the employee’s permitted assign is not induced to participate
in the trade by expectation of employment or continued employment of
the employee with the issuer or a related entity of the issuer,
(b) in the case of an executive officer or the executive officer’s permitted
assign, the executive officer or the executive officer’s permitted assign is
not induced to participate in the trade by expectation of appointment,
employment, continued appointment or continued employment of the
executive officer with the issuer or a related entity of the issuer, and
(c) in the case of a consultant or the consultant’s permitted assign, the
consultant or the consultant’s permitted assign is not induced to participate
in the trade by expectation of engagement of the consultant to provide
services or continued engagement of the consultant to provide services to
the issuer or a related entity of the issuer.
- 34 -
Employee, executive officer, director and consultant
Refer to Appendix E of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
seasoning period on resale.
2.24 (1) Subject to section 2.25 [Unlisted reporting issuer exception], the dealer
registration requirement does not apply in respect of
(a) a trade by an issuer in a security of its own issue, or
(b) a trade by a control person of an issuer in a security of the issuer or in an
option to acquire a security of the issuer,
(c) an employee, executive officer, director or consultant of the issuer,
(d) an employee, executive officer, director or consultant of a related entity of
the issuer, or
(e) a permitted assign of a person referred to in paragraphs (c) or (d)
if participation in the trade is voluntary.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a person referred to in paragraph (c), (d) or (e)
includes a trustee, custodian or administrator acting as agent for that person for the
purpose of facilitating a trade.
(3) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of an act by a related
entity of an issuer in furtherance of a trade referred to in subsection (1).
(4) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Unlisted reporting issuer exception
2.25 (1) For the purpose of this section, “unlisted reporting issuer” means a reporting
issuer in a jurisdiction of Canada that is not a listed issuer.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), section 2.24 [Employee, executive officer, director and
consultant] does not apply to a trade to an employee or consultant of the unlisted
- 35 -
reporting issuer who is an investor relations person of the issuer, an associated consultant
of the issuer, an executive officer of the issuer, a director of the issuer, or a permitted
assign of those persons if, after the trade,
(a) the number of securities, calculated on a fully diluted basis, reserved for
issuance under options granted to
(i) related persons, exceeds 10% of the outstanding securities
of the issuer, or
(ii) a related person, exceeds 5% of the outstanding securities
of the issuer, or
(b) the number of securities, calculated on a fully diluted basis, issued within
12 months to
(i) related persons, exceeds 10% of the outstanding securities
of the issuer, or
(ii) a related person and the associates of the related person,
exceeds 5% of the outstanding securities of the issuer.
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to a trade if the unlisted reporting issuer
(a) obtains security holder approval, and
(b) before obtaining security holder approval, provides security holders with
the following information in sufficient detail to permit security holders to
form a reasoned judgment concerning the matter:
(i) the eligibility of employees, executive officers, directors,
and consultants to be issued or granted securities as
compensation or under a plan;
(ii) the maximum number of securities that may be issued, or in
the case of options, the number of securities that may be
issued on exercise of the options, as compensation or under
a plan;
(iii) particulars relating to any financial assistance or support
agreement to be provided to participants by the issuer or
- 36 -
any related entity of the issuer to facilitate the purchase of
securities as compensation or under a plan, including
whether the assistance or support is to be provided on a
full-, part-, or non-recourse basis;
(iv) in the case of options, the maximum term and the basis for
the determination of the exercise price;
(v) particulars relating to the options or other entitlements to be
granted as compensation or under a plan, including
(vi) the number of votes attaching to securities that, to the
issuer’s knowledge at the time the information is provided,
will not be included for the purpose of determining whether
security holder approval has been obtained.
Trades among current or former employees, executive officers, directors, or
consultants of non-reporting issuer
Refer to Appendix E of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
seasoning period on resale.
2.26 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the dealer registration requirement does not apply
in respect of a trade in a security of an issuer by
(a) a current or former employee, executive officer, director, or consultant of
the issuer or related entity of the issuer, or
(b) a permitted assign of a person referred to in paragraph (a),
(c) an employee, executive officer, director, or consultant of the issuer or a
related entity of the issuer, or
(d) a permitted assign of the employee, executive officer, director, or
(2) The exemption in subsection (1) is only available if
- 37 -
(a) participation in the trade is voluntary,
(b) the issuer of the security is not a reporting issuer in any jurisdiction of
Canada, and
(c) the price of the security being traded is established by a generally
applicable formula contained in a written agreement among some or all of
the security holders of the issuer to which the transferee is or will become
a party.
(3) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Permitted transferees
Refer to Appendix E of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
seasoning period on resale.
2.27 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a
security of an issuer acquired by a person described in section 2.24(1) [Employee,
executive officer, director and consultant] under a plan of the issuer if the trade
(a) is between
(i) a person who is an employee, executive officer, director or
consultant of the issuer or a related entity of the issuer, and
(ii) the permitted assign of that person,
(b) is between permitted assigns of that person.
(2) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a security
of an issuer by a trustee, custodian or administrator acting on behalf, or for the benefit, of
employees, executive officers, directors or consultants of the issuer or a related entity of
the issuer, to
(a) an employee, executive officer, director or consultant of the issuer or a
related entity of the issuer, or
- 38 -
(b) a permitted assign of a person referred to in paragraph (a),
if the security was acquired from
(c) an employee, executive officer, director or consultant of the issuer or a
related entity of the issuer, or
(d) the permitted assign of a person referred to in paragraph (c).
(3) For the purposes of the exemption in subsections (1) and (2) (c) and (d), all
references to employee, executive officer, director, or consultant include a former
employee, executive officer, director, or consultant.
(4) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution in the circumstances
referred to in subsection (1) or (2), if the security was acquired
(a) by a person described in section 2.24(1) [Employee, executive officer,
director, and consultant]under any exemption that makes the resale of the
security subject to section 2.6 of NI 45-102, or
(b) in Manitoba, and the Yukon, by a person described in section 2.24(1)
[Employee, executive officer, director, and consultant].
Resale - non-reporting issuer
2.28 The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of the resale of a
security that was acquired under this Division or by a person described in section 2.24(1)
[Employee, executive officer, director, and consultant] if the conditions in section 2.14 of
NI 45-102 are satisfied.
Issuer bid
2.29 The issuer bid requirements do not apply to the acquisition by an issuer of a
security of its own issue that was acquired by a person described in section 2.24(1)
[Employee, executive officer, director, and consultant] if
(a) the purpose of the acquisition by the issuer is to
(i) fulfill withholding tax obligations, or
- 39 -
(ii) provide payment of the exercise price of a stock option,
(b) the acquisition by the issuer is made in accordance with the terms of a plan
that specifies how the value of the securities acquired by the issuer is
(c) in the case of securities acquired as payment of the exercise price of a
stock option, the date of exercise of the option is chosen by the option
holder, and
(d) the aggregate number of securities acquired by the issuer within a 12
month period under this section does not exceed 5% of the outstanding
securities of the class or series at the beginning of the period.
Division 5: Miscellaneous Exemptions
Isolated trade by issuer
Refer to Appendix D of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
restricted period.
2.30 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by an
issuer in a security of its own issue if the trade is an isolated trade and is not made
(a) in the course of continued and successive transactions of a like nature, and
(b) by a person whose usual business is trading in securities.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Dividends and distributions
Refer to Appendix E of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are subject to a
seasoning period on resale.
2.31 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by an
issuer in a security of its own issue to a security holder of the issuer as a dividend or
distribution out of earnings, surplus, capital or other sources.
- 40 -
(2) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by an issuer
to a security holder of the issuer in a security of a reporting issuer as an in specie
dividend or distribution out of earnings or surplus.
(3) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1) or (2).
Trade to lender by control person for collateral
This provision will not be cited in any Appendix of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities.
Trades by a lender, pledgee, mortgagee or other encumbrancer to realize on a debt
are regulated by section 2.8 of NI 45-102.
2.32 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a
security of an issuer to a lender, pledgee, mortgagee or other encumbrancer from the
holdings of a control person of the issuer for the purpose of giving collateral for a bona
fide debt of the control person.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Acting as underwriter
Refer to Appendix F of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First trades are a
2.33 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a
security between a person and a purchaser acting as an underwriter or between or among
persons acting as underwriters.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Guaranteed debt
This provision will not be cited in any Appendix of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities.
These securities will be free trading.
2.34 (1) In this section
- 41 -
(a) “Asian Development Bank” means a bank established pursuant to a
resolution adopted by the United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific in 1965;
(b) “Inter-American Development Bank” means a bank established by the
Agreement establishing the Inter-American Development Bank which
became effective December 30, 1959, as amended from time to time, of
which Canada is a member;
(c) “International Bank for Reconstruction and Development” means the
bank established by the Agreement for an International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development approved by the Bretton Woods and
Related Agreements Act (Canada);
(d) “International Finance Corporation” means the corporation established
by Articles of Agreement approved by the Bretton Woods and Related
Agreements Act (Canada);
(e) “permitted supranational agency” means the Asian Development Bank,
the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Inter-
American Development Bank and the International Finance Corporation.
(2) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a debt
(a) of or guaranteed by the Government of Canada or the government of a
jurisdiction of Canada,
(b) of or guaranteed by a government of a foreign jurisdiction if the debt
security has an approved credit rating from an approved credit rating
(c) of or guaranteed by any municipal corporation in Canada, or secured by or
payable out of rates or taxes levied under the law of a jurisdiction of
Canada on property in the jurisdiction and to be collected by or through
the municipality in which the property is situated,
(d) of or guaranteed by a Canadian financial institution or a Schedule III bank,
other than debt securities that are subordinate in right of payment to
deposits held by the issuer or guarantor of those debt securities,
- 42 -
(e) in Ontario, of any school board in Ontario or of a corporation established
under section 248(1) of the Education Act (Ontario),
(f) of the Comité de gestion de la taxe scolaire de l’île de Montréal, or
(g) of or guaranteed by a permitted supranational agency if
(i) the debt securities are payable in the currency of Canada or
the United States of America, and
(ii) with respect to those securities, all documents or other
information required by the regulator, or in British
Columbia, Ontario and in Québec, the securities regulatory
authority, are filed with the regulator or securities
regulatory authority, as the case may be.
(3) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (2).
Short-term debt
This provision will not be cited in any Appendix of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities.
These securities will be free trading.
2.35 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a
negotiable promissory note or commercial paper maturing not more than one year from
the date of issue, if the note or commercial paper traded
(a) is not convertible or exchangeable into or accompanied by a right to
purchase another security other than a security described in this section,
(b) has an approved credit rating from an approved credit rating organization.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
- 43 -
This provision will not be cited in any Appendix of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities.
These securities will be free trading.
2.36 (1) In this section, “syndicated mortgage” means a mortgage in which 2 or more
persons participate, directly or indirectly, as a lender in a debt obligation that is secured
by a mortgage.
(2) Subject to subsection (4), the dealer registration requirement does not apply in
respect of a trade in a mortgage on real property in a jurisdiction by a person who is
registered or licensed, or exempted from registration or licensing, under mortgage
brokerage or mortgage dealer legislation of that jurisdiction.
(3) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (2).
(4) In British Columbia, Manitoba, Québec and Saskatchewan, subsections (2) and (3)
do not apply to a syndicated mortgage.
Personal Property Security Act
This provision will not be cited in any Appendix of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities.
These securities will be free trading.
2.37 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a
security evidencing indebtedness secured by or under a security agreement provided for
under personal property security legislation of a jurisdiction providing for the acquisition
of personal property if the security is not offered for sale to an individual.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Not for profit issuer
This provision will not be cited in any Appendix of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities.
These securities will be free trading.
- 44 -
2.38 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by an
issuer that is organized exclusively for educational, benevolent, fraternal, charitable,
religious or recreational purposes and not for profit in a security of its own issue if
(a) no part of the net earnings benefit any security holder of the issuer, and
(b) no commission or other remuneration is paid in connection with the sale of
the security.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a trade in British Columbia unless the issuer has
delivered an information statement in the form prescribed by the regulator in British
Columbia to the purchaser before the purchaser agrees in writing to purchase the security.
(3) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Variable insurance contract
This provision will not be cited in any Appendix of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities.
These securities will be free trading.
2.39 (1) In this section,
(a) “contract” “group insurance”, “insurance company”, “life insurance” and
“policy” have the respective meanings assigned to them in the legislation
for a jurisdiction referenced in Appendix A.
(b) “variable insurance contract” means a contract of life insurance under
which the interest of the purchaser is valued for purposes of conversion or
surrender by reference to the value of a proportionate interest in a
specified portfolio of assets.
(2) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a variable
insurance contract by an insurance company if the variable insurance contract is
(a) a contract of group insurance,
(b) a whole life insurance contract providing for the payment at maturity of an
amount not less than 75% of the premium paid up to age 75 years for a
benefit payable at maturity,
- 45 -
(c) an arrangement for the investment of policy dividends and policy proceeds
in a separate and distinct fund to which contributions are made only from
policy dividends and policy proceeds, or
(d) a variable life annuity.
(3) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (2).
These securities will be cited in Appendix D and Appendix E of NI 45-102 Resale of
Securities. The resale restriction is determined by the exemption under which the
security was first acquired.
2.40 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a
security between
(a) an individual or an associate of the individual, and
(b) an RRSP or RRIF
(i) established for or by the individual, or
(ii) under which the individual is a beneficiary.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Schedule III banks and cooperative associations - evidence of deposit
This provision will not be cited in any Appendix of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities.
These securities will be free trading.
2.41 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in an
evidence of deposit issued by a Schedule III bank or an association governed by the
Cooperative Credit Associations Act (Canada).
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
- 46 -
Conversion, exchange, or exercise
Subsection (1)(a) will be cited in Appendix D and Appendix E of NI 45-102 Resale of
Securities. Resale restriction is determined by the exemption under which the
previously issued security was first acquired.
Subsection (1)(b) will be cited in Appendix E of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. First
trades are subject to a seasoning period on resale.
2.42 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by an
issuer if
(a) the issuer trades a security of its own issue to a security holder of the
issuer in accordance with the terms and conditions of a security previously
issued by that issuer, or
(b) subject to subsection (2), the issuer trades a security of a reporting issuer
held by it to a security holder of the issuer in accordance with the terms
and conditions of a security previously issued by that issuer.
(2) For a trade under subsection (1)(b),
(a) the issuer must give the regulator or, in Québec, the securities regulatory
authority, prior written notice stating the date, amount, nature and
conditions of the trade, and
(b) except in British Columbia, the regulator or, in Québec the securities
regulatory authority, must not object in writing to the trade within 10 days
of receipt of the notice referred to in paragraph (a) or, if the regulator or
securities regulatory authority objects to the trade, the issuer must deliver
to the regulator or securities regulatory authority information relating to
the securities that is satisfactory to and accepted by the regulator or
securities regulatory authority.
(3) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Removal of exemptions – market intermediaries
2.43 (1) Subject to subsection (2), in Ontario and Newfoundland and Labrador, the
exemptions from the dealer registration requirement under the following sections are not
- 47 -
available for a market intermediary except for a trade in a security with a registered
dealer that is an affiliate of the market intermediary:
(a) section 2.1 [Rights offering];
(b) section 2.3 [Accredited investor];
(c) section 2.4 [Private issuer];
(d) section 2.7[Founder, control person and family - Ontario];
(e) section 2.10 [Minimum amount investment];
(f) section 2.11 [Business combination and reorganization];
(g) section 2.12 [Asset acquisition];
(h) section 2.14 [Securities for debt];
(i) section 2.15 [Issuer acquisition or redemption];
(j) section 2.16 [Take-over bid and issuer bid];
(k) section 2.17 [Offer to acquire to security holder outside local
(l) section 2.19 [Additional investment in investment funds];
(m) section 2.21 [Private investment fund - loan and trust pools];
(n) section 2.30 [Isolated trade by issuer];
(o) section 2.31 [Dividends and distributions];
(p) section 2.33 [Acting as underwriter];
(q) section 2.34 [Guaranteed debt];
(r) section 2.35 [Short-term debt];
(s) section 2.39 [Variable insurance contract];
(t) section 2.42 [Conversion, exchange, or exercise].
- 48 -
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a trade in a security by a lawyer or accountant if the
trade is incidental to the principal business of that lawyer or accountant.
Registered dealer
3.1 The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by a person
acting solely through an agent who is a registered dealer.
Exchange contract
3.2 (1) In Alberta, British Columbia, Québec and Saskatchewan, the dealer registration
requirement does not apply in respect of the following trades in exchange contracts:
(a) a trade by a person acting solely through a registered dealer;
(b) subject to subsection (2) and (3), a trade resulting from an unsolicited
order placed with an individual who is not a resident of and does not carry
on business in the jurisdiction;
(c) a trade that may occasionally be transacted by employees of a registered
dealer if the employees
(i) do not usually trade in exchange contracts, and
(ii) have been designated by the regulator or, in Québec, the
securities regulatory authority, as “non-trading” employees,
either individually or as a class.
(2) An individual referred to in subsection (1)(b) must not
(a) advertise or engage in promotional activity that is directed to persons in
the jurisdiction during the 6 months preceding the trade, and
(b) pay any commission or finder’s fee to any person in the jurisdiction in
connection with the trade.
- 49 -
(3) Subsection (1)(b) does not apply in Saskatchewan.
Isolated trade
3.3 The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a security
by a person if the trade is an isolated trade and is not made
(a) by the issuer of the security,
(b) in the course of continued and successive transactions of a like nature, and
(c) by a person whose usual business is trading in securities.
Estates, bankruptcies, and liquidations
3.4 The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by a person
acting under the authority of
(a) a direction, order or judgment of a court,
(b) a will, or
(c) any law of a jurisdiction
in the course of enforcing legal obligations or administering the affairs of another person.
Employees of registered dealer
3.5 The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by an
employee of a registered dealer in a security if the employee does not usually trade in
securities and has been designated by the regulator or, in Québec, the securities
regulatory authority, as a “non-trading” employee, either individually or as a class.
Small security holder selling and purchase arrangements
3.6 (1) For the purposes of this section
“exchange” means
(a) the Toronto Stock Exchange,
- 50 -
(b) the TSX Venture Exchange Inc., or
(c) an exchange that
(i) has a policy that is substantially similar to the policy of the
Toronto Stock Exchange, and
(ii) is designated by the securities regulatory authority for the
purpose of this section;
policy” means
(a) in the case of the Toronto Stock Exchange, Policy Statement on Small
Shareholder Selling and Purchase Arrangements as amended from time to
(b) in the case of the TSX Venture Exchange Inc., Policy 5.7 Small
Shareholder Selling and Purchase Arrangements as amended from time to
time, or
(c) in the case of an exchange referred to in paragraph (c) of the definition of
“exchange”, the rule, policy or other similar instrument of the exchange on
small shareholder selling and purchase arrangements and every successor
to that rule, policy or other similar instrument published by that exchange
as amended from time to time.
(2) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by an issuer
or its agent, in securities of the issuer that are listed on an exchange if
(a) the trade is an act in furtherance of participation by the holders of the
securities in an arrangement that is in accordance with the policy of that
(b) the issuer and its agent do not provide advice to a security holder about the
security holder’s participation in the arrangement referred to in paragraph
(a), other than a description of the arrangement's operation, procedures for
participation in the arrangement, or both,
(c) the trade is made in accordance with the policy of that exchange, without
resort to an exemption from, or variation of, the significant subject matter
of the policy, and
- 51 -
(d) at the time of the trade after giving effect to a purchase under the
arrangement, the market value of the maximum number of securities that a
security holder is permitted to hold in order to be eligible to participate in
the arrangement is not more than $25 000.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2)(c), an exemption from, or variation of, the
maximum number of securities that a security holder is permitted to hold under a policy
in order to be eligible to participate in the arrangement provided for in the policy is not an
exemption from, or variation of, the significant subject matter of the policy.
3.7 The adviser registration requirement does not apply to
(a) the following persons if performance of services as an adviser are
incidental to their principal business or occupation:
(i) a Canadian financial institution and a Schedule III bank;
(ii) the Business Development Bank of Canada continued
under the Business Development Bank of Canada Act
(iii) a société d’entraide économique or the Fédération des
sociétés d’entraide économique du Québec governed by the
Act respecting the sociétés d’entraide économique
(iv) a lawyer, accountant, engineer or teacher, or, in Québec, a
notary, if that individual
A) does not recommend securities of an issuer in which
that individual has an interest, and
B) does not receive remuneration for the performance
of services as an adviser separate from
remuneration received by that individual for
practicing in their professions;
- 52 -
(v) a registered dealer or any partner, officer or employee of a
registered dealer;
(b) a publisher or a writer for a newspaper, news magazine or business or
financial journal or periodical, however delivered, that is of general and
regular paid circulation, and only available to subscribers for value, or
purchasers of it, if the publisher or writer
(i) gives advice only through the written publication,
(ii) has no interest either directly or indirectly in any of the
securities on which that individual gives advice, and
(iii) receives no commission or other consideration for giving
the advice other than for acting in that person’s capacity as
a publisher or writer.
Investment dealer acting as portfolio manager
3.8 (1) Subject to subsection (2) and, in Ontario, subsections (2) and (3), the adviser
registration requirement does not apply to a registered investment dealer who manages
the investment portfolios of its clients through discretionary authority granted by the
clients if
(a) the investment dealer follows the rules, policies or other similar
instruments made by the Investment Dealers Association of Canada for
portfolio managers, and
(b) in British Columbia, those rules, policies or other similar instruments
(i) have been filed with the securities regulatory authority before they
take effect, and
(ii) have not been objected to in writing by the securities regulatory
authority within 30 days after filing.
(2) Any partner, director, officer or employee of a registered investment dealer referred
to in subsection (1) who manages an investment portfolio for the registered investment
- 53 -
dealer must be registered under the securities legislation of the jurisdiction to trade in
(3) In Ontario, the registered investment dealer must provide the securities regulatory
authority with
(a) the names of any partner, director, officer or employee of the investment
dealer designated and approved by the Investment Dealers Association of
Canada pursuant to the rules, policies or other similar instruments referred
to in subsection (1) to make investment decisions on behalf of or to offer
advice to clients, and
(b) any changes made from time to time in the designation and approval of
any partner, director, officer or employee referred to in paragraph (a).
Removal of exemptions – market intermediaries
3.9 (1) Subject to subsection (2), in Ontario and Newfoundland and Labrador, the
exemptions from the dealer registration requirements under the following sections are not
available for a market intermediary except for a trade in a security with a registered
dealer that is an affiliate of the market intermediary:
(a) section 3.1 [Registered dealer];
(b) section 3.3 [Isolated trade].
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of a trade in a security by a lawyer or
accountant if the trade is incidental to the principal business of that lawyer or accountant.
Control block distributions
4.1 (1) In this Part
control block distribution” means a trade to which the provisions of securities
legislation listed in Appendix B apply;
- 54 -
NI 62-103” means National Instrument 62-103 The Early Warning System and
Related Take-over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues.
(2) Terms defined or interpreted in NI 62-103 and used in this Part have the same
meaning as is assigned to them in that Instrument.
(3) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a control block distribution by an
eligible institutional investor of a reporting issuer’s securities if
(a) the eligible institutional investor
(i) has filed the reports required under the early warning
requirements or files the reports required under Part 4 of NI
(ii) does not have knowledge of any material fact or material
change with respect to the reporting issuer that has not been
generally disclosed,
(iii) does not receive in the ordinary course of its business and
investment activities knowledge of any material fact or
material change with respect to the reporting issuer that has
not been generally disclosed, and
(iv) either alone or together with any joint actors, does not
possess effective control of the reporting issuer,
(b) there are no directors or officers of the reporting issuer who were, or could
reasonably be seen to have been, selected, nominated or designated by the
eligible institutional investor or any joint actor,
(c) the control block distribution is made in the ordinary course of business or
investment activity of the eligible institutional investor,
(d) securities legislation would not require the securities to be held for a
specified period of time if the trade was not a control block distribution,
(e) no unusual effort is made to prepare the market or to create a demand for
the securities, and
- 55 -
(f) no extraordinary commission or consideration is paid in respect of the
control block distribution.
(4) An eligible institutional investor that makes a distribution in reliance on subsection
(3) must file a letter within 10 days after the distribution that describes the date and size
of the distribution, the market on which it was made and the price at which the securities
being distributed were sold.
Trades by a control person after a take-over bid
4.2 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the prospectus requirement does not apply to a trade in
a security from the holdings of a control person acquired under a take-over bid for which
a take-over bid circular was issued and filed if
(a) the issuer whose securities are being acquired under the take-over bid has
been a reporting issuer for at least 4 months at the date of the take-over
(b) the intention to make the trade is disclosed in the take-over bid circular
issued in respect of the take-over bid,
(c) the trade is made within the period beginning on the date of the expiry of
the bid and ending 20 days after that date,
(d) a notice of intention to distribute securities in Form 45-102F1 Notice of
Intention to Distribute Securities under Section 2.8 of NI 45-102 Resale of
Securities under NI 45-102 is filed before the trade,
(e) an insider report of the trade in Form 55-102F2 Insider Report or Form
55-102F6 Insider Report, as applicable, under National Instrument 55-102
System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders (SEDI) is filed within 3 days
after the completion of the trade,
(f) no unusual effort is made to prepare the market or to create a demand for
the security, and
(g) no extraordinary commission or consideration is paid in respect of the
- 56 -
(2) A control person referred to in subsection (1) is not required to comply with
subsection (1) (b) if
(a) another person makes a competing take-over bid for securities of the
issuer for which the take-over bid circular is issued, and
(b) the control person sells those securities to that other person for a
consideration that is not greater than the consideration offered by that
other person under its take-over bid.
Application and interpretation
5.1 (1) This Part does not apply in Ontario.
(2) In this Part
“exchange policy” means Exchange Policy 4.6 - Public Offering by Short Form
Offering Document and Exchange Form 4H - Short Form Offering Document, of
the TSX Venture Exchange as amended from time to time;
“gross proceeds” means the gross proceeds that are required to be paid to the
issuer for listed securities distributed under a TSX Venture exchange offering
“listed security” means a security of a class listed on the TSX Venture
“NI 43-101” means National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for
Mineral Projects;
“NI 51-101” means National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil
and Gas Activities;
- 57 -
“prior exchange offering” means a distribution of securities by an issuer under a
TSX Venture exchange offering document that was completed during the 12-
month period immediately preceding the date of the TSX Venture exchange
offering document;
“subsequently triggered report” means a material change report that must be
filed no later than 10 days after a material change under securities legislation as a
result of a material change that occurs after the date the TSX Venture exchange
offering document is certified but before a purchaser enters into an agreement of
purchase and sale;
“TSX Venture Exchange” means the TSX Venture Exchange Inc.;
“TSX Venture exchange offering document” means an offering document that
complies with the exchange policy;
“warrant” means a warrant of an issuer distributed under a TSX Venture
exchange offering document that entitles the holder to acquire a listed security or
a portion of a listed security of the same issuer.
TSX Venture Exchange offering
Refer to Appendix D of NI 45-102 Resale of Securities. These securities will be free
trading unless
(i) the purchaser who acquires the security was an insider, a promoter of the issuer,
an underwriter of the issuer, or a member of the underwriter’s professional group
at the time the security was acquired, or
(ii) any other purchaser who purchases securities in excess of $40 000.
The first trade by purchasers under (i) and (ii) are subject to a restricted period.
5.2 The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution by an issuer in a security
of its own issue if
- 58 -
(a) the issuer has filed an AIF in a jurisdiction of Canada,
(b) the issuer is a SEDAR filer,
(c) the issuer is a reporting issuer in a jurisdiction of Canada and has filed
with the securities regulatory authority of that jurisdiction
(i) a TSX Venture exchange offering document,
(ii) all documents required to be filed under the
securities legislation of that jurisdiction, and
(iii) any subsequently triggered report,
(d) the distribution is of listed securities or units consisting of listed securities
and warrants,
(e) the issuer has filed with the TSX Venture Exchange a TSX Venture
exchange offering document in respect of the distribution, that
(i) incorporates by reference the following documents
of the issuer filed with the securities regulatory
authority in any jurisdiction of Canada:
A) the AIF,
B) the most recent annual financial statements
and, for financial years starting on or after
January 1, 2004, the MD&A relating to
those financial statements,
C) all unaudited interim financial statements
and, for financial years starting on or after
January 1, 2004, the MD&A relating to
those financial statements, filed after the
date of the AIF but before or on the date of
the TSX Venture exchange offering
D) all material change reports filed after the
date of the AIF but before or on the date of
- 59 -
the TSX Venture exchange offering
document, and
E) all documents required under NI 43-101 and
NI 51-101 filed on or after the date of the
AIF but before or on the date of the TSX
Venture exchange offering document,
(ii) deems any subsequently triggered report required to
be delivered to a purchaser under this Part to be
incorporated by reference,
(iii) grants to purchasers contractual rights of action in
the event of a misrepresentation, as required by the
exchange policy,
(iv) grants to purchasers contractual rights of
withdrawal, as required by the exchange policy, and
(v) contains all the certificates required by the
exchange policy,
(f) the distribution is conducted in accordance with the exchange policy,
(g) the issuer or the underwriter delivers the TSX Venture exchange offering
document and any subsequently triggered report to each purchaser
(i) before the issuer or the underwriter enters into the
written confirmation of purchase and sale resulting
from an order or subscription for securities being
distributed under the TSX Venture exchange
offering document, or
(ii) not later than midnight on the 2nd business day
after the agreement of purchase and sale is entered
(h) the listed securities issued under the TSX Venture exchange offering
document, when added to the listed securities of the same class issued
under prior exchange offerings do not exceed,
- 60 -
(i) the number of securities of the same class
outstanding immediately before the issuer
distributes securities of the same class under the
TSX Venture exchange offering document, or
(ii) the number of securities of the same class
outstanding immediately before a prior exchange
(i) the gross proceeds under the TSX Venture exchange offering document,
when added to the gross proceeds from prior exchange offerings do not
exceed $2 million,
(j) no purchaser acquires more than 20% of the securities distributed under
the TSX Venture exchange offering document, and
(k) no more than 50% of the securities distributed under the TSX Venture
exchange offering document are subject to section 2.5 of NI 45-102.
Underwriter obligations
5.3 An underwriter that qualifies as a “sponsor” under TSX Venture Exchange Policy 2.2
- Sponsorship and Sponsorship Requirements as amended from time to time must sign
the TSX Venture exchange offering document and comply with TSX Venture Exchange
Appendix 4A - Due Diligence Report in connection with the distribution.
Report of exempt distribution
6.1 Subject to section 6.2 [When report not required], if an issuer distributes a security of
its own issue, the issuer must file a report in the local jurisdiction in which the
distribution takes place on or before the 10
day after the distribution under the following
(a) section 2.3(2) [Accredited investor];
(b) section 2.5(2) [Family, friends and business associates];
- 61 -
(c) section 2.9 (3) and (4) [Offering memorandum for Alberta, B.C.,
Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador,
Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Prince Edward Island, Québec, and
(d) section 2.10 (2) [Minimum amount investment];
(e) section 2.12 (2) [Asset acquisition];
(f) section 2.13(2) [Petroleum, natural gas and mining properties];
(g) section 2.14 (2) [Securities for debt];
(h) section 2.19 (2) [Additional investment in investment funds];
(i) section 2.30(2) [Isolated trade by issuer];
(j) section 5.2 [TSX Venture Exchange offering].
When report not required
6.2 (1) An issuer is not required to file a report under section 6.1(a) [Report of exempt
distribution] for a distribution of a debt security of its own issue or, concurrently with the
distribution of the debt security, an equity security of its own issue, to a Canadian
financial institution or a Schedule III bank.
(2) An investment fund is not required to file a report under section 6.1 [Report of
exempt distribution] for a distribution under sections 2.3 (2) [Accredited investor], 2.10
(2) [Minimum amount] and 2.19 (2) [Additional investment in investment funds] if the
investment fund files the report not later than 30 days after the financial year-end of the
investment fund.
Required form of report of exempt distribution
6.3 (1) Except in British Columbia, the required form of report under section 6.1 [Report
of exempt distribution] is Form 45-106F1.
(2) Except in Manitoba, an issuer that makes a distribution under an exemption from a
prospectus requirement not provided for in this Instrument is exempt from the
requirements in securities legislation to file a report of exempt trade or exempt
- 62 -
distribution in the required form, if the issuer files a report of exempt distribution in
accordance with Form 45-106F1.
Required form of offering memorandum
6.4 (1) The required form of offering memorandum under section 2.9 [Offering
memorandum] is Form 45-106F2.
(2) Despite subsection (1), a qualifying issuer may prepare an offering memorandum in
accordance with Form 45-106F3.
(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply in British Columbia.
Required form of risk acknowledgement
6.5 (1) Except in British Columbia, the required form of risk acknowledgement under
section 2.9(14) [Offering memorandum] is Form 45-106F4.
(2) In Saskatchewan, the required form of risk acknowledgement under section 2.6(1)
[Family, friends and business associates] is Form 45-106F5.
Required forms in British Columbia
6.6 In British Columbia, the required forms are the forms specified by the regulator under
section 182 of the Securities Act (British Columbia).
7.1 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the regulator or the securities regulatory authority may
grant an exemption to this Instrument, in whole or in part, subject to such conditions or
restrictions as may be imposed in the exemption.
(2) In Ontario, only the regulator may grant an exemption and only from Part 6, in
whole or in part, subject to such conditions or restrictions as may be imposed in the
- 63 -
(3) In Québec, the exemption in this section is granted pursuant to section 263 of the
Securities Act (R.S.Q., c.V-V-1.1).
Additional investment - investment funds
8.1 (1) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade by an
investment fund in a security of its own issue to a purchaser that initially acquired the
security as principal before this Instrument came into force if
(a) the security was initially acquired under any of the following provisions:
(i) in Alberta, sections 86(e) and 131(1)(d) of the Securities
Act (Alberta) as they existed prior to their repeal by
sections 9(a) and 13 of the Securities Amendment Act
(Alberta), 2003 SA c.32 and sections 66.2 and 122.2 of the
Alberta Securities Commission Rules (General);
(ii) in British Columbia, sections 45(2) (5) and (22), and 74(2)
(4) and (19) of the Securities Act (British Columbia),
(iii) in Manitoba, sections 19(3) and 58(1)(a) of the Securities
Act (Manitoba) and section 90 of the Securities Regulation
MR 491/88R;
(iv) in New Brunswick, section 2.8 of Local Rule 45-501
Prospectus and Registration Exemptions;
(v) in Newfoundland and Labrador, sections 36(1)(e) and
73(1)(d) of the Securities Act (Newfoundland and
(vi) in Nova Scotia, sections 41(1)(e) and 77(1)(d) of the
Securities Act (Nova Scotia);
(vii) in Northwest Territories, section 3(c) and (z) of Blanket
Order No. 1;
- 64 -
(viii) in Nunavut, section 3(c) and (z) of Blanket Order No. 1;
(ix) in Ontario, sections 35(1)5 and 72(1)(d) of the Securities
Act (Ontario) and section 2.12 of Ontario Securities
Commission Rule 45-501 Exempt Distributions;
(x) in Prince Edward Island, section 2(3)(d) of the Securities
Act (Prince Edward Island) and Prince Edward Island Local
Rule 45-512 -Exempt Distributions - Exemption for
Purchase of Mutual Fund Securities;
(xi) in Québec, section 51 and 155.1(2) of the Securities Act
(xii) in Saskatchewan, sections 39(1)(e) and 81(1)(d) of the The
Securities Act, 1988 (Saskatchewan).
(b) the trade is for a security of the same class or series as the initial trade, and
(c) the security holder, as at the date of the trade, holds securities of the
investment fund that have
(i) an acquisition cost of not less than the minimum amount
prescribed by securities legislation referred to in paragraph (a)
under which the initial trade was conducted, or
(ii) a net asset value of not less than the minimum amount prescribed
by securities legislation referred to in paragraph (a) under which
the initial trade was conducted.
(2) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (1).
Definition of “accredited investor” - investment fund
8.2 An investment fund that distributed its securities to persons pursuant to any of the
following provisions is an investment fund under paragraph (n)(ii) of the definition of
“accredited investor”:
- 65 -
(a) in Alberta, sections 86(e) and 131(1)(d) of the Securities Act (Alberta) as
they existed prior to their repeal by sections 9(a) and 13 of the Securities
Amendment Act (Alberta), 2003 SA c.32 and sections 66.2 and 122.2 of
the Alberta Securities Commission Rules (General);
(b) in British Columbia, sections 45(2) (5) and (22), and 74(2) (4) and (19) of
the Securities Act (British Columbia),
(c) in Manitoba, sections 19(3) and 58(1)(a) of the Securities Act (Manitoba)
and section 90 of the Securities Regulation MR 491/88R;
(d) in New Brunswick, section 2.8 of Local Rule 45-501 Prospectus and
Registration Exemptions;
(e) in Newfoundland and Labrador, sections 36(1)(e) and 73(1)(d) of the
Securities Act (Newfoundland and Labrador);
(f) in Nova Scotia, sections 41(1)(e) and 77(1)(d) of the Securities Act (Nova
(g) in Northwest Territories, section 3(c) and (z) of Blanket Order No. 2;
(h) in Nunavut, section 3(c) and (z) of Blanket Order No. 3;
(i) in Ontario, sections 35(1)5 and 72(1)(d) of the Securities Act (Ontario) and
section 2.12 of Ontario Securities Commission Rule 45-501 Exempt
(j) in Prince Edward Island, section 2(3)(d) of the Securities Act (Prince
Edward Island) and Prince Edward Island Local Rule 45-512 -Exempt
Distributions - Exemption for Purchase of Mutual Fund Securities;
(k) in Québec, section 51 and 155.1(2) of the Securities Act (Québec);
(l) in Saskatchewan, sections 39(1)(e) and 81(1)(d) of the The Securities Act,
1988 (Saskatchewan).
Transition - MI 45-103/MI 45-105/ OSC Rule 45-501
8.3 (1) In this section,
- 66 -
“MI 45-103” means Multilateral Instrument 45-103 Capital Raising Exemptions
that came into force on June 6, 2003;
“MI 45-105” means Multilateral Instrument 45-105 Trades to Employees, Senior
Officers, Directors and Consultants that came into force on August 15, 2003;
“2004 OSC Rule 45-501” means the Ontario Securities Commission Rule 45-501
Exempt Distributions that came into force on January 12, 2004.
(2) The dealer registration requirement or the prospectus requirement does not apply in
respect of a trade in a security if the trade complies with and is completed in accordance
with the requirements of MI 45-103, MI 45-105, or 2004 OSC Rule 45-501 by November
30, 2005.
Transition - Closely-held issuer
8.4 (1) In this section,
“2001 OSC Rule 45-501” means the Ontario Securities Commission Rule 45-501
Exempt Distributions that came into force on November 30, 2001;
“2004 OSC Rule 45-501” means the Ontario Securities Commission Rule 45-501
Exempt Distributions that came into force on January 12, 2004;
“closely-held issuer” has the same meaning as in 2004 OSC Rule 45-501;
(2) The dealer registration requirement does not apply in respect of a trade in a security
that was previously distributed by a closely-held issuer under section 2.1 of 2001 OSC
Rule 45-501 or under section 2.1 of 2004 OSC Rule 45-501 to a person who purchases
the security as principal and is
(a) a director, officer, employee, founder or control person of the issuer,
(b) a spouse, parent, grandparent, brother, sister or child of a director,
executive officer, founder or control person of the issuer,
(c) a parent, grandparent, brother, sister or child of the spouse of a director,
executive officer, founder or control person of the issuer,
(d) a close personal friend of a director, executive officer, founder or control
person of the issuer,
- 67 -
(e) a close business associate of a director, executive officer, founder or
control person of the issuer,
(f) a spouse, parent, grandparent, brother, sister or child of the selling security
holder or of the selling security holder’s spouse,
(g) a security holder of the issuer,
(h) an accredited investor,
(i) a person of which a majority of the voting securities are beneficially
owned by, or a majority of the directors are, persons described in
paragraphs (a) to (h),
(j) a trust or estate of which all of the beneficiaries or a majority of the
trustees or executors are persons described in paragraphs (a) to (h), or
(k) a person that is not the public.
(3) The prospectus requirement does not apply to a distribution of a security in the
circumstances referred to in subsection (2).
Coming into force
8.5 This Instrument comes into force on September 14, 2005.
National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions
Variable insurance contract exemption
(section 2.39)
ALBERTA “contract of insurance”, “group insurance”, “life
insurance”, and “policy” have the respective meanings
assigned to them under the Insurance Act (Alberta) and the
regulations under that Act.
“insurance company” means an insurer as defined in the
Insurance Act (Alberta) that is licensed under that Act.
BRITISH COLUMBIA “contract”, “group insurance”, “life insurance”, and
“policy” have the respective meanings assigned to them
under the Insurance Act (British Columbia) and the
regulations under that Act.
"insurance company" means an insurance company, or an
extraprovincial insurance corporation, authorized to carry
on insurance business under the Financial Institutions Act
(British Columbia).
MANITOBA “contract of insurance”, “group insurance”, “life
insurance”, and “policy” have the respective meanings
assigned to them under the Insurance Act (Manitoba) and
the regulations under that Act.
“insurance company” means an insurer as defined in the
Insurance Act (Manitoba) that is licensed under that Act.
- 2 -
NEW BRUNSWICK “contract of insurance”, “group insurance”, “life
insurance”, and “policy” have the respective meanings
assigned to them under the Insurance Act (New Brunswick)
and the regulations under that Act.
“insurance company” means an insurer as defined in the
Insurance Act (New Brunswick) that is licensed under that
NOVA SCOTIA “contract”, “group insurance”, “life insurance”, and
“policy” have the respective meanings assigned to them
under the Insurance Act (Nova Scotia) and the regulations
under that Act.
“insurance company” has the same meaning as in section
3(1)(a) of the General Securities Rules (Nova Scotia).
ONTARIO “contract”, “group insurance”, “life insurance” and
“policy” have the respective meanings assigned to them in
section 1 and 171 the Insurance Act (Ontario).
“insurance company” has the same meaning as in section
1(2) of the General Regulation (Ont. Reg. 1015).
QUEBEC “contract of insurance”, “group insurance”, “life
insurance”, and “policy” have the respective meanings
assigned to them under the Civil Code of Québec.
“insurance company” means an insurer holding a license
under the Act respecting insurance (R.S.Q., c. A-32).
- 3 -
PRINCE EDWARD "contract", "group insurance", “insurer”, "life insurance
ISLAND and "policy" have the respective meanings assigned to them
in sections 1 and 174 of the Insurance Act (Prince Edward
“insurance company” means an insurance company
licensed under the Insurance Act (R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. I-
SASKATCHEWAN “contract", "life insurance" and "policy" have the respective
meanings assigned to them in section 2 of The
Saskatchewan Insurance Act (Saskatchewan).
“group insurance” has the respective meaning assigned to it
in section 133 of The Saskatchewan Insurance Act
“insurance company” means an issuer licensed under The
Saskatchewan Insurance Act (Saskatchewan).
National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions
Control Block Distributions
(PART 4)
ALBERTA Section 1(p)(iii) of the Securities Act (Alberta)
BRITISH COLUMBIA Paragraph (c) of the definition of “distribution” contained
in section 1 of the Securities Act (British Columbia)
MANITOBA Section 1(b) of the definition of “primary distribution to the
public” contained in subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act
NEW BRUNSWICK Paragraph (c) of the definition of “distribution” contained
in section 1(1) of the Securities Act (New Brunswick)
Section 2(1)(1)(iii) of the Securities Act (Newfoundland
and Labrador)
NOVA SCOTIA Section 2(1)(1)(iii) of the Securities Act (Nova Scotia)
ONTARIO Paragraph (c) of the definition of “distribution” contained
in subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act (Ontario)
Section 1(f)(iii) of the Securities Act (Prince Edward
QUEBEC Paragraph 9 of the definition of “distribution” contained
section 5 of the Securities Act (Québec)
SASKATCHEWAN Section 2(1)(r)(iii) of The Securities Act, 1988
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