Personal Statement Example #1
My only goal when finishing high school was to finish college as quickly and painlessly as possible. I
took a degree path that, while enjoyable, has left me with limited career options moving forward.
Getting a political science degree was a valuable personal experience that grew many of my skills, but it
was far from the best option for a long-term career out of college. The job I got out of college was as a
database manager which hasn’t really been a job for me. Processing files and constantly dealing with
poor internal structures as well as difficult clients has left me feeling burnt out. I want to get into
Midland’s Code Academy program to move my career towards one with better long-term growth
opportunities and to acquire more in-demand skills for the workforce.
I am still a relatively recent college graduate which is why I want to look for a new career path now
instead of when I have more responsibilities under my belt. As far as my own coding experience goes, I
only have some introductory level experience. I took a couple of coding classes in high school and also
learned some basic SQL for my current position. From that light experience I’m confident in my ability
to learn programming skills. I’m a fast learner, I come from a past of playing games competitively at a
very high level. It’s a very dynamic environment that requires constantly learning new information and
adapting to new strategies. This experience led to my team being invited to play and compete at an
international tournament for a smaller game where we were crowned champions.
While I’m proud of my accomplishments between gaming and college, this path was far from perfect.
Along the way there were thousands of lost games, less than ideal grades, and two failures. One specific
instance was when I failed an important class during my college path. Constitutional law was a class
that I needed to pass to graduate in a clean four year path. However, it was far from my best subject. I
was mostly focused on international relations and not on issues within the country. To overcome this
delay, I had to buckle down. I reached out to see what I could do about it, but the mistake was made
and I had to live with the consequences. I registered for classes over the summer that would make up
for the credits I missed out on to make up for it. Instead of getting to enjoy my summer off, I had to
spend at least three hours a day in a classroom to finish my degree.
I think that I would be a good fit for the Midland Code Academy program. I have a lot of experience
working in a team, both in my current job, as well as in my history of competitive gaming. I am a very
flexible learner, and I have tackled difficult subject material over small amounts of time in the past.
During my college career, I took a year and a half of Spanish classes over three months instead. I have
some light programming experience as well, and have some understanding of how basic
programming logic works. I have no doubt that the class will challenge me, but I am up to the
challenge. I look forward to joining the upcoming class and think I would make a great addition to the
class both as a student and a teammate.
Personal Statement Example #2
Throughout my life, I knew I had a special adoration for children and helping people. When it came
time to begin my Bachelor’s degree, I pursued the one degree that could combine and foster those two
loves, teaching. However, that decision didn’t come easy. At the beginning of my college years, I was an
indecisive, confused young adult who was learning more about herself daily. But, the moment I got into
my first education class, I knew I was in the right place. During my first interaction with students, I knew
even more that this was the career field for me. I had found my place and transformed into a confident,
fun-loving teacher.
Currently, I am finishing my third year of teaching 7th grade Language Arts and a section of 6th grade
FCS. Also, I coach middle school girls basketball and high school softball. I am honored to be accepted
by the students and staff members in this district and cherish the students I have, past and present,
who look up to me for their educational and emotional needs. When a student comes to me concerned
about something happening in their life, it is a moment that humbles me because I feel like I can make
a difference for the young individuals I teach.
It was not long ago that I used to be the same student sitting across from their teacher asking tough
questions -- when I was in grade school, my parents got divorced and they both got remarried. Then,
when I was in middle school, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Both of these moments
defined my childhood growing up because of their emotional magnitude which caused me to turn to
my teachers for help. I am still to this day thankful for the support and help that teachers gave to me
during those times. One of these teachers, in particular, was my Language Arts teacher. Not only did
she help me navigate the world, my life situations, and understand where I was meant to be, but she
also turned me into the avid reader that I am today. She encouraged me to love school, reading, and
most importantly, love myself. She is the reason I am the teacher that I am today.
I have a natural urge to learn and strive to be the best educator I can be, I am, and will always be a
student at heart. When my boss sends out the latest professional development opportunity or the next
educator conference, I am quick to respond with interest. When it comes to continuing my education
and completing a master’s degree, I know it’s something I want to do. The lifelong learner in me has led
me to where I am today writing this personal statement and to continue bettering myself as a teacher
through the Masters of Education program at Midland University. My hope and aspirations when it
comes to continuing in the education profession are to remain in the classroom for many years to
come but to also help students in a new capacity such as high ability learner (HAL) educator or a school
There isn’t a thing I would change about how I got where I am today because I am a teacher who is just
at the beginning of her journey and has found her place in the world. So, for the time being, I will
remain in the classroom. However, through the Walker School of Education, I believe I will open a new
door for myself by acquiring new tools, techniques, and a better understanding of what it means to be
a teacher. Thank you for taking the time to consider me for your program, and I look forward to the
possibility of continuing my education at Midland University.
Personal Statement Example #3
Business and entrepreneurship have long been central to my life. I grew up observing my parents
making tough decisions to grow their agribusiness like the crops in their fields. Steeped with risk and
hard work, the rewards of having grown up on a successful farm were invaluable. I always enjoyed
taking a ride with my dad and grandpa to check progress on our crops, talk market forecasts, and
discuss financial strategy for the next season. I was utterly fascinated, as I am today, with the
challenges and processes it takes to run a thriving business.
Growing up on a farm in a small-town, I had a great undergraduate college experience while earning
my business degree. I fully embraced the “liberal arts” philosophy to become a well-rounded student.
Soon after, I took a job with one of the largest beer distributors in the country. I helped promote their
portfolio of brands in small downtown bars and massive corporate grocery stores. A short time later, I
found my niche with a growing in-home healthcare store. Through each of these experiences, I have
developed a clear vision for my future.
But now I need help gaining more knowledge from those with an abundance of real-world experience.
I also need to learn how to speak competently and easily with all departments of small and large
businesses and to connect with people and ideas from across a broad spectrum. I need an MBA from
Midland University.
In my current position, I am responsible for ensuring each department is running effectively and
efficiently. My line of business has a lot at stake, arguably more so than most other businesses. For
example, if we do not stay solvent, people who need walkers, wheelchairs, and home care will no longer
have easy access to those items. Working with a vulnerable demographic that is subject to constant
and drastic change to meet healthcare regulations. Therefore, our company must be running in top
form. Each department (marketing, customer service, billing...etc) needs the tools, training and a clear
path for growth and success. 
In the future, I need to be able to talk with local politicians and government officials to remind them of
our commitment to our customers in need. Networking with professors and fellow students could help
me connect with influential people in related industries. Learning from courses focused on strategy
and management decisions would teach me how to advocate for our company and other companies
like ours across the country. Every individual brings a different outlook and set of skills to a team. I’m
excited to get to know my fellow classmates and even more excited to see what creative solutions our
groups can invent. In the past, I have worked for small businesses and large corporations allowing me
the ability to see both the big picture and small interests. I believe that my knack to quickly relate to
different personality types, work ethic, and patience can help my cohort complete successful projects. I
am a natural born leader and a great team player as teamwork is key to any business and project. 
With a combination of all of my experiences professionally, I am ready to take my next step to earn an
MBA from Midland University. The program will help me to further my academic education, connect
me with persuasive people and help me to advance my understanding of running a business in my
current role. I hope to build relationships and make friendships lasting well into the future. With all the
tools and resources Midland MBA has to offer, I am confident I will be successful.