The Wandering Ocer
abstract. “Wandering ocers” are law-enforcement ocers fired by one department, some-
times for serious misconduct, who then find work at another agency. Policing experts hold dispar-
ate views about the extent and character of the wandering-ocer phenomenon. Some insist that
wandering ocers are everywhere—possibly increasingly so—and that they’re dangerous. Others,
however, maintain that critics cherry-pick rare and egregious anecdotes that distort broader reali-
ties. In the absence of systematic data, we simply do not know how common wandering ocers
are or how much of a threat they pose, nor can we know whether and how to address the issue
through policy reform.
In this Article, we conduct the first systematic investigation of wandering ocers and possibly
the largest quantitative study of police misconduct of any kind. We introduce a novel data set of
all 98,000 full-time law-enforcement ocers employed by almost 500 dierent agencies in the
State of Florida over a thirty-year period. We report three principal findings. First, in any given
year during our study, an average of just under 1,100 ocers who were previously fired—three
percent of all ocers in the State—worked for Florida agencies. Second, ocers who were fired
from their last job seem to face diculty finding work. When they do, it takes them a long time,
and they tend to move to smaller agencies with fewer resources in areas with slightly larger com-
munities of color. Interestingly, though, this pattern does not hold for ocers who were fired ear-
lier in their careers. Third, wandering ocers are more likely than both ocers hired as rookies
and those hired as veterans who have never been fired to be fired from their next job or to receive
a complaint for a “moral character violation.” Although we cannot determine the precise reasons
for the firings, these results suggest that wandering ocers may pose serious risks, particularly
given how dicult it is to fire a police ocer. We consider several plausible explanations for why
departments nonetheless hire wandering ocers and suggest potential policy responses to each.
the wandering officer
Ben Grunwald is Assistant Professor, Duke University School of Law. John Rap-
paport is Assistant Professor and Ludwig and Hilde Wolf Research Scholar, University of Chicago
Law School. The authors thank Guangya Liu at Duke and Morgen Miller, Rafeh Qureshi, and
Bartosz Woda in the Coase-Sandor Institute at the University of Chicago Law School for help
constructing the data set; Dhammika Dharmapala and Richard McAdams for generously sharing
data; Matt Adler, Will Baude, Panka Bencsik, Sam Buell, Mitch Downey, John de Figueredo, Mi-
chael Frakes, Barry Friedman, Brandon Garrett, Roger Goldman, Hiba Hafiz, Emma Kaufman,
Kate Levine, Darrell Miller, Richard Myers, Michael Pollack, Kyle Rozema, Seth Stoughton, and
Samuel Walker for feedback and suggestions; Dylan Demello, Carly Gibbs, Morgan Gehrls, Viraj
Paul, and Catherine Prater for research assistance; and Terry Baker at the Florida Department of
Law Enforcement for assistance interpreting the data. The paper also benefited from presentations
at Duke University School of Law, Gonzaga University School of Law, the American Society of
Criminology Annual Conference, the Law and Society Association Conference, the Criminal Law
Roundtable at UNC School of Law, the Junior Faculty Forum at Richmond School of Law, the
Stockholm Criminology Symposium, the ETH Zurich Conference on Data Science and Law, the
European University Institute for the Rule of Law, and the Law of the Police Conference. John
Rappaport acknowledges The Darelyn A. & Richard C. Reed Memorial Fund for financial support.
the claims of official reason
the yale law journal 129:1676 2020
article contents
introduction 1680
i. the law-enforcement labor market 1691
A. Hiring 1691
B. Discipline 1693
ii. literature review 1698
A. Correlates of Police Misconduct 1698
B. Labor Economics 1702
iii.data 1704
A. Automated Training Management System (ATMS) 1704
B. Supplemental Data Sources 1709
C. Limitations 1710
iv. describing the wandering officer 1711
A. The Law-Enforcement Labor Market in Florida 1712
1. Hirings 1712
2. Separations 1713
B. The Wandering Ocer 1716
1. How Common Are Wandering Ocers? 1716
2. How Easily Do Wandering Ocers Find New Work? 1718
a. Reemployment Rates 1719
b. Time to Reemployment 1722
c. Distance Traveled for Reemployment 1724
d.Number of Subsequent Jobs 1724
3. Where Do Wandering Ocers Go? 1727
a. Agency Size 1727
b. Agency Resources 1728
c. Racial Composition 1729
d.Unemployment 1731
e. Crime 1733
the wandering officer
Do Wandering Ocers Engage in More Misconduct? 1734
a. Firing 1734
b. Complaints 1741
c. Explanations 1747
v. predicting which wandering officers get fired again 1754
vi.mechanisms and reforms 1758
A. Poor Information 1758
B. Unawareness of Risk 1761
C. Inadequate Alternatives 1762
D. Countervailing Benefits 1764
E. Cost Externalization 1767
conclusion 1771
appendix 1772
the claims of official reason
the yale law journal : 
With all that has been said and written about the tragic death of twelve-year-
old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, one fact attracts less attention than it should: the
ocer who fired the fatal shot had been “allowed . . . to resign” from his previ-
ous job in Independence, Ohio, aer suering a “dangerous loss of composure”
during firearms training.
According to his supervisors, Tim Loehmann “would
not be able to substantially cope, or make good decisions” in stressful scenarios.
A year or so later, however, the Cleveland Police Department failed to review
Loehmann’s personnel file before giving him a gun.
Another Ohio department
later hired Loehmann aer he killed Rice and was fired by Cleveland.
This story is not unique. Consider what happened in tiny Tulia, Texas. In a
massive early-morning raid on July , , police arrested a full fih of Tulia’s
black adults.
Aer parading them across the courthouse lawn in their night-
clothes, Tulia authorities charged the arrestees—roughly forty out of fiy of
whom were black—with felony drug oenses. The evidence in each case con-
sisted of the testimony of a single undercover narcotics ocer, Tom Coleman.
Coleman claimed he had purchased drugs, mostly powder cocaine, from each of
the defendants—over one hundred buys in total. Most were convicted, their sen-
tences ranging from  to  years. The State crowned Coleman “Lawman of
the Year.”
1. Shaila Dewan & Richard A. Oppel Jr., In Tamir Rice Case, Many Errors by Cleveland Police,
Then a Fatal One, N.Y.
TIMES (Jan. , ) (internal quotation marks omitted), https://
-police-then-a-fatal-one.html [https://perma.cc/QYN-YML].
2. Id.
3. Id.
4. Matthew Haag, Cleveland Ocer Who Killed Tamir Rice Is Hired by an Ohio Police Department,
TIMES (Oct. , ), https://www.nytimes.com////us/timothy-loehmann
-tamir-rice-shooting.html [https://perma.cc/V-SDT]. Loehmann ended up withdraw-
ing his application, however, before commencing work. Amir Vera, Ocer Who Shot Tamir
Rice Withdraws Application to Small Police Department in Ohio, CNN (Oct. , ),
https://www.cnn.com////us/tamir-rice-ocer-application/index.html [https://
perma.cc/TST-BHKS]. He continues to contest Cleveland’s decision to terminate him. Jane
Morice, Appeal Filed on Behalf of Cleveland Police Union to Overturn Firing of Timothy Loehmann,
Ex-Cleveland Cop Who Fatally Shot Tamir Rice, C
LEVELAND (Mar. , ), https://
5. The following facts are drawn from NATE BLAKESLEE, TULIA: RACE, COCAINE, AND CORRUP-
SMALL TEXAS TOWN (); and Vanita Gupta, Critical Race Lawyering in Tulia,
Te xa s ,  F
ORDHAM L. REV.  ().
the wandering officer
Under pressure from the media and postconviction litigation, Coleman’s
cases later began to crumble. Coleman, it turns out, had never recorded his buys,
nor were there any witnesses; most of the time, there was no corroboration of
any sort. No drugs, money, or weapons had been seized during the raid. Cole-
man’s written reports were vague. He misidentified suspects, some of whom had
rock-solid alibis. And marijuana and crack, not powder cocaine, were the preva-
lent vices in Tulia’s impoverished black community. By , Coleman’s credi-
bility was shredded. He was indicted for perjury. Seeing the writing on the wall,
the prosecutors eventually joined the trial judge in recommending that the con-
victions be vacated. In August , the governor pardoned the Tulia defend-
Much of what brought Coleman down stemmed from what the New York
Times called his “wretched work history.”
His first job was at a jail in the City
of Pecos,
where he was “lazy and inattentive at work and in constant danger of
being fired.”
He “abruptly quit” and le the state, only to return and find work
as a deputy at the nearby Pecos County Sheri’s Oce.
Aer five years there,
Coleman again “abruptly le town . . . owing thousands of dollars in delinquent
Aer a “brief stint as a jailer” in Denton County, Coleman became a
sheri’s deputy in Cochran County.
He lasted about two years there, skipping
town aer the county attorney witnessed him stealing gas from the county
He owed thousands of dollars to local businesses.
The Cochran
County Sheri sent an angry letter about Coleman to the State. “Coleman
should not be in law enforcement,” the sheri wrote, “if he is going to do people
the way he did this town.”
At this point, Coleman managed to join the regional task force that sent him
to Tulia. The task force hired Coleman despite a background check revealing that
hewas a discipline problem, that he wastoo gung ho, that he had been accused
of kidnapping his son in a custody battle, . . . and . . . that he had . . . ‘possible
6. Bob Herbert, Kaa in Tulia, N.Y. TIMES (July , ), https://www.nytimes.com//
//opinion/kaa-in-tulia.html [https://perma.cc/DDD-RX].
7. Nate Blakeslee, The Color of Justice, TEX. OBSERVER (June , ), https://
www.texasobserver.org/-the-color-of-justice [https://perma.cc/FX-LNVB].
8. BLAKESLEE, supra note , at .
9. Id.
10. Blakeslee, supra note .
11. Id.
12. Id.; see BLAKESLEE, supra note , at .
13. BLAKESLEE, supra note , at .
14. Blakeslee, supra note .
the yale law journal : 
mental problems.’”
During Coleman’s tenure with the task force, Cochran
County indicted him for stealing the gas and notified Swisher County, where
Tulia sits.
The Swisher County Sheri’s Oce arrested Coleman—during the
undercover operation—but he never faced trial and the charges were dropped.
Even aer leaving Tulia, Coleman continued to bounce around. In the eighteen
months aer departing, Coleman worked for three dierent task forces. He was
fired from the third, in Waxahachie, for sleeping with a sex worker who was an
informant for his then-employer.
Coleman is the archetypal “wandering ocer,” or what those in policing cir-
cles have called a “gypsy cop.” These are police ocers who are fired or who
resign under threat of termination and later find work in law enforcement else-
And although Coleman and Loehmann are prime examples, there are
scores of others. Indeed, as the following examples show, wandering ocers ap-
pear all over.
While William Melendez was working for the Detroit Police Depart-
ment in , local prosecutors alleged that he had leveled false accusa-
tions of drug possession. The federal government later indicted him for
planting evidence, filing bogus reports, and perjury (he was acquitted).
Melendez was forced out of the department in  aer his license
lapsed. Two other Michigan municipalities—Highland Park and then
Inkster—put Melendez back on the street. In , while in Inkster,
Melendez brutally beat a motorist about the head, leading to a . mil-
lion civil settlement and two criminal convictions.
While working for the St. Louis Police Department in , Eddie Boyd
III pistol-whipped a twelve-year-old girl; a year later, he struck another
child in the face with his gun or handcus before falsifying a report.
15. BLAKESLEE, supra note , at  (quoting Pecos County Chief Deputy Sheri Cli Harris).
16. Id. at -; Gupta, supra note , at .
17. BLAKESLEE, supra note , at .
18. Id. at .
19. See, e.g., TOM BARKER, POLICE ETHICS: CRISIS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT  (d ed. ); Gordon
Dill, South Carolina Police Shortage Means Employment for “Gypsy” Ocers, N
EWS (Feb. ,
, : PM), https://www.wspa.com/news/south-carolina-police-shortage-means
-employment-for-gypsy-ocers/ [https://perma.cc/KTS-VP] (“A gypsy
cop! That’s been termed an ocer that will jump from agency to agency. They have maybe
 agencies under their belt within a  year period.” (quoting Florence McCants, South Car-
olina Criminal Justice Academy)).
20. Jim Schaefer & Gina Kaufman, How Problem Cops Stay on Michigan’s Streets, DET. FREE PRESS
(Sept. , ), https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan////how
-problem-cops-stay-street/ [https://perma.cc/CRU-HUB].
the wandering officer
Shortly aer he resigned his position with St. Louis, Boyd was hired in
St. Ann, Missouri, and later, again, in Ferguson.
Nicholas Hogan, an ocer with the Tukwila Police Department in
Washington, pepper-sprayed a suspect who was restrained on a gurney
in a hospital in . Hogan was federally indicted for the act and
Tukwilared him. In, the police department in nearby Snoqualmie
hired him only to fire him later for having an aair with the wife of a
fellow ocer. He was also subsequently incarcerated for the pepper-
spray incident.
New Orleans Police Department ocer Carey Dykes was “sued for al-
leged brutality, accused of having sex with a prostitute while on duty
and caught sleeping in his patrol car instead of responding to a shoot-
An internal aairs investigation found seventeen violations of de-
partment rules. New Orleans fired Dykes in . Later the same year,
Dykes found police work at the Delgado Community College in New
Orleans and then the Orleans Parish Sheri’s Oce.
Additional examples abound, each as shocking as the last.
Yet the scope and
nature of the wandering-ocer phenomenon are dicult to pin down. Some
21. Timothy Williams, Cast-Out Police Ocers Are Oen Hired in Other Cities, N.Y. TIMES
(Sept. , ), https://www.nytimes.com////us/whereabouts-of-cast-out-police
-ocers-other-cities-oen-hire-them.html [https://perma.cc/DP-WPM].
22. Mike Carter, Jail Time for Ex-Tukwila Cop Who Pepper-Sprayed Handcued Man in Hospital,
EATTLE TIMES (Mar. , ), https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/crime/ex
23. Kimbriell Kelly et al., Forced Out over Sex, Drugs and Other Infractions, Fired Ocers Find Work
in Other Departments, W
ASH. POST (Dec. , ), https://www.washingtonpost.com
24. Id.
25. See, e.g., Anthony Cormier & Matthew Doig, Embattled Ocers Land on Their Feet, HERALD-
RIB. (Sarasota, Fla.) (Dec. , ), https://www.heraldtribune.com/news//special
-report-embattled-ocers-land-on-their-feet [https://perma.cc/KFX-CTTG]; Anthony L.
Fisher, Why Its So Hard to Stop Bad Cops from Getting New Police Jobs, R
EASON (Sept. , ),
[https://perma.cc/MWC-HFH]; Jose Gaspar, McFarland’s Hiring of Four Police Ocers
Raises Questions, C
ALIFORNIAN (Nov. , ), http://www.bakersfield.com/news/jose
-eeedbe.html [https://perma.cc/CFQ-NDCE]; Gary A. Harki, Still in Uniform: Prob-
lem Police Rarely Lose Certification in West Virginia, S
Va.), Dec. , , at A; David Kroman, “Disqualifying Conduct” Rarely an Obstacle for Fired
Police to Get Rehired, C
ROSSCUT (Apr. , ), https://crosscut.com///fired-ocers
the yale law journal : 
experts, from their own experience, or from anecdotes like these, insist that wan-
dering ocers are legion
—and possibly increasingly so.
Others deny that
wandering ocers exist
or discern an exaggerated narrative cobbled together
-can-become-hired-ocers [https://perma.cc/WD-MVK]; Matt Lait, Convicted Cop
Hired as Police Chief, L.A.
TIMES (Feb. , ), http://articles.latimes.com//feb/
/local/me-maywood [https://perma.cc/KQA-ZTGV]; Nomaan Merchant et al., Broken
System Lets Problem Ocers Jump from Job to Job, C
HI. TRIB. (Nov. , ), https://
-investigation--story.html [https://perma.cc/BD-HD]; Christopher N. Osher,
Colorado Laws Allow Rogue Ocers to Stay in Law Enforcement, D
ENV. POST (July,),
-law-enforcement [https://perma.cc/NQM-SMEM]; Push to Keep “Gypsy Cops” with Ques-
tionable Pasts O the Streets, CBS
NEWS (Sept. , , : AM), https://www.cbsnews.com
-oversight-police [https://perma.cc/UCN-UPT]; Casey Toner & Jared Rutecki, The Re-
volving Door: Troubled Ocers Get Frequent Career Chances, WBEZ (Jan. , ), http://
interactive.wbez.org/taking-cover/revolving-door [https://perma.cc/QDT-MX]; Steven
Yoder, How to Keep Bad Cops on the Beat, A
M. PROSPECT (July , ), http://prospect.org
/article/how-keep-bad-cops-beat [https://perma.cc/XR-DQT].
26. See, e.g., BLAKESLEE, supra note , at  (“Everybody’s talking about Tom Coleman—well,
there are whole task forces of Tom Colemans out there.” (quoting Barbara Markham, former
narcotics task force ocer)); Roger Goldman & Steven Puro, Revocation of Police Ocer Cer-
tification: A Viable Remedy for Police Misconduct,  S
T. LOUIS U. L.J. ,  () (“Even
when [unfit ocers] are terminated, these ocers oen go to work for other departments
within the state.”); Martha L. Shockey-Eckles, Police Culture and the Perpetuation of the Ocer
Shue: The Paradox of Life BehindThe Blue Wall,  H
UMANITY & SOCY ,  () (“In
urban areas such as St. Louis, the ocer who resigns rather than face licensure revocation
typically finds employment in a neighboring municipality with relative ease.”); Richard Ab-
shire, Sheri: Cases Show Staers Not Above Law—Kaufman: He Faults Agencies That Let Ocers
Become “Gypsy Cops, D
ALLAS MORNING NEWS, Sept. , , at B (“Sheri Byrnes said too
many law enforcement agencies have quietly dismissed problem ocers and not prosecuted
them for criminal conduct, enabling so called ‘gypsy cops’ to go from agency to agency, oen
taking trouble with them.”); Dill, supra note  (“It happens every day. It’s happened here. It
happens everywhere.” (quoting Pacolet, South Carolina Police Chief Raymond Webb));
Candice Norwood, Can States Tackle Police Misconduct with Certification Systems?, A
(Apr. , ), https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive///police-misconduct
-decertification/ [https://perma.cc/FDF-XYJ] (“There are many cases around the
country where ocers leave their departments because of misconduct and then they are re-
hired—sometimes knowingly, sometimes not—by other departments.” (quoting Professor
Roger Goldman)).
27. See, e.g., Schaefer & Kaufman, supra note  (describing former executive director of the Mich-
igan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards as conceding that the wandering-ocer
phenomenon is “a concern, and could be getting worse because of widespread cuts to police
pay and benefits in recent years”).
28. See, e.g., Sarah Childress, How States Are Moving to Police Bad Cops, FRONTLINE (Apr. , ),
[https://perma.cc/QCH-GBKD] (“Skeptics of certification . . . argue that no police chief or
the wandering officer
from cherry-picked anecdotes that distort broader realities.
When the rhetoric
is swept away, “[i]t is unclear how far-reaching such problems may be.”
policing expert Samuel Walker has remarked: “It is believed to be a problem
nationwide. The phrase ‘gypsy cops’ has come up. There’s not any solid research
on that. We don’t know how common it is.”
The answer matters. If wandering ocers are rampant and dangerous, iden-
tifying and stopping them should be a police-reform priority—especially be-
cause, by their nature, they touch new communities with each move. And
“[p]oor communities,” writes Monica Bell, “are more likely to hire ‘gypsy
cops’ . . . because their resource constraints make it more dicult for them to
discriminate between good and bad ocers.”
The answer also matters because,
for many individuals, policing represents—indeed, embodies—“the law.”
enforcement ocers interact with tens of millions of American residents each
many of whom have little other contact with the state.
And “[t]he be-
sheri would hire an ocer with a tarnished record . . . .”); Heather Goldin, Bill Seeks Licens-
ing for Massachusetts Police Ocers, S
ENTINEL & ENTERPRISE (July , ), https://
[https://perma.cc/JQ-DSC]; id. (“It’s not possible for an ocer [fired for misconduct]
to get another job in civil service.” (quoting Ray McGrath, Legislative Director, International
Brotherhood of Police Ocers)); Yoder, supra note  (“[California] doesn’t need to cancel
certificates . . . because its training program and standards for entering the profession are
among the best in the country—rogue ocers are kept out of the force from the get-go.”).
29. See, e.g., Fisher, supra note  (“Police representatives maintain that these anecdotes are cherry
picked. [The International Brotherhood of Police Ocers’ legislative director] says those who
support a national database [of ocer decertifications] ‘use these wild examples’ of ‘some-
what outlandish’ cases ‘that happened years ago.’”).
30. Williams, supra note .
31. Harki, supra note ; see Schaefer & Kaufman, supra note  (citing former executive director
of the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards as saying that the Commission
“does not know how many problem cops there are in Michigan, let alone how many jump
from job to job”).
32. Monica C. Bell, Police Reform and the Dismantling of Legal Estrangement,  YALE L.J. ,
 ().
33. Montré D. Carodine, “Street Cred,  U.C. DAVIS L. REV. ,  () (internal quotation
marks omitted).
34. See Elizabeth Davis et al., Contacts Between Police and the Public, 2015, BUREAU JUST. STAT. 
(Oct. ), https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/cpp.pdf [https://perma.cc/PA
the yale law journal : 
havior of individual police ocers” in these encounters “communicates infor-
mation to members of the public that they use to make judgments about the
nature of legal authority within their society.”
If wandering ocers are just scapegoats, however, they may distract from
other, more pressing problems in policing. Aer all, just because some wander-
ing ocers commit misconduct does not mean that, ex ante, they were any more
likely to do so than their peers. Plenty of ocers who have never been fired end
up breaking the rules. In some other labor settings, experts have recognized that
past experience does not predict future performance. “Malpractice claims against
physicians,” for example, “are simply too stochastic to lend them much credence
as an indicator of physician quality or risk.”
This Article brings much-needed data to the debate. It presents the first
large-scale empirical investigation of the wandering-ocer phenomenon and
possibly the largest quantitative study of police misconduct of any kind.
conduct our analysis using a novel data set that begins with employment records
of all , full-time law-enforcement ocers employed in the State of Florida,
covering nearly five hundred agencies, over a thirty-year period. Crucially, our
data permits us to distinguish between ocers who separated from their agen-
cies voluntarily and those who separated because they were fired. And for nearly
two decades, it also identifies ocers who resigned while under investigation.
Although we cannot know precisely why all of these ocers were pushed out—
36. Id. at . Tyler and Huo’s work “suggest[s] that personal experiences generalize to shape
broader views about the law and legal institutions,” id. at , as well as one’s “status in the
democratic community,” Vesla M. Weaver, The Only Government I Know: How the Criminal
Justice System Degrades Democratic Citizenship, B
OS. REV. (June , ), http://
bostonreview.net/us/vesla-m-weaver-citizenship-custodial-state-incarceration [https://
perma.cc/FR-XFNZ]; see also Bell, supra note , at  (explaining how current policing
regimes “can operate to eectively banish whole communities from the body politic”); Tom
R. Tyler et al., Street Stops and Police Legitimacy: Teachable Moments in Young Urban Men’s Legal
Socialization,  J.
EMPIRICAL LEGAL STUD. ,  () (asserting that “personal experiences
with the police . . . are [a] key determinant of legal socialization,” which is “the developmental
process by which individuals internalize the norms of the law”). Experiences with the police
“are translated into common stories about who is an equal member of a rule-governed society
and who is subjected to arbitrary surveillance and inquiry.” C
37. Michelle M. Mello & Troyen A. Brennan, Deterrence of Medical Errors: Theory and Evidence for
Malpractice Reform,  T
EX. L. REV. ,  () (citing FRANK A. SLOAN ET AL., INSUR-
38. In a previous study, touted as “perhaps the largest study of police misconduct ever conducted
in the United States,” Robert Kane and Michael White analyzed the careers of roughly ,
New York City ocers (plus a ,-ocer comparison group) across a twenty-year period.
See R
NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT - (). As we explain, our study covers more
ocers, more jurisdictions, and more years than does the Kane and White study.
the wandering officer
something that can be dicult to ascertain, even with access to an agency’s per-
sonnel records—we do have a general indication, such as whether the firing re-
lated to performance, training, or misconduct. The employment records also
contain demographic information about each ocer—such as age, race, sex, and
education—enabling us to describe the wandering ocer in detail.
We report three principal findings. First, wandering ocers—defined as of-
ficers who have been fired from a position in law enforcement or corrections be-
fore landing a law-enforcement job at another agency—are fairly common in ab-
solute terms. In any given year, roughly , full-time law-enforcement ocers
who had been previously fired were working for other Florida agencies. And for
reasons we explain, we suspect that this is a low-end estimate, both for Florida
and for what it implies about other jurisdictions. At the same time, when viewed
in relative terms, the number appears more modest: no more than  of ocers
employed in a given year in Florida during the study period were wanderers.
Second, assuming that many fired ocers are seeking new law-enforcement
work and are willing to move to another agency, they seem to face diculty find-
ing employment. Ocers who were fired from their immediately preceding job
subsequently obtain work in Florida law enforcement at half the rate of ocers
who separate voluntarily, and the discrepancy is growing over time. Fired oc-
ers also take much longer to start another job and typically move to smaller agen-
cies with fewer resources in communities with slightly higher proportions of res-
idents of color. Interestingly, most of these discrepancies disappear for ocers
who were fired earlier in their career rather than from their immediately preced-
ing job. We hypothesize that agencies view these ocers as having redeemed
Third, wandering ocers are far more likely—than both rookies and veter-
ans who have never been fired—to be fired from their next job. They are also
more likely to receive complaints at the state licensing board for “moral character
including complaints for violent or sexual misconduct and for in-
tegrity-related misdeeds. We cannot fully rule out the possibility that these ele-
vated risks are due to the characteristics of the agencies that hire wandering of-
ficers or to enhanced monitoring or discipline of these ocers. Perhaps some
agencies even hire wandering ocers on a de facto “probationary” basis, intend-
ing simply to terminate them if problems arise. For reasons we discuss, however,
we are doubtful that these are the principal explanations for our results.
We also explore whether certain ocer or agency characteristics—such as
ocer age or education or agency hiring and training requirements—predict
39. As we describe in more detail below, “moral character violations” can include committing any
felony or certain enumerated misdemeanors (regardless of criminal prosecution) or commit-
ting other specified acts such as using excessive force or making false statements in a court
proceeding. See F
LA. ADMIN. CODE ANN. r. B-.() ().
the yale law journal : 
which wandering ocers are most likely to fail. The idea is that agencies might
manage risk by screening for certain ocer characteristics or adopting more
stringent hiring or training requirements in the event that, for whatever reason,
they choose to hire a wandering ocer. Unfortunately, we find little reason for
optimism on this front, although agencies may have information about ocer
or agency characteristics that is more predictive than what we can observe here.
These findings present a puzzle: if wandering ocers are so risky, why do
agencies hire them? Our data do not permit us to isolate a single causal mecha-
nism, and the reality is that several are probably at play. First, agencies may hire
wandering ocers because they fail to identify them as such, either due to inad-
equate background checks or candidates’ deliberate concealment of their disci-
plinary history.
The favored solution seems to be improving the existing na-
tional decertification database. This database records decisions by state agencies
to “decertify” ocers, which prevent them from working elsewhere in the same
state. Coverage, however, is spotty. Likewise, in , the President’s Task Force
st Century Policing recommended expanding the existing database into a
comprehensive national register to address the problem of ocers who are fired
and decertified in one state and then move to another state and land a job in law
enforcement there.
We discuss the importance, but also the substantial limita-
tions, of the national decertification database as a tool to stop wandering ocers,
and we suggest potential improvements.
Second, agencies might know they are hiring a wandering ocer but be un-
aware that such ocers are, in general, risky hires. Some agencies might, for
example, think an ocer who has been fired will be more conscientious than oth-
ers, if firing acts as a deterrent sanction. As one ocial put it, “You think it’s a
second chance so they’ll try hard, which is what they’re telling you.”
most agencies probably hire too few wandering ocers to notice that, as our data
40. See, e.g., Goldman & Puro, supra note , at  (describing two ocers hired by the West
Palm Beach Police Department despite serious, undiscovered problems at their previous po-
lice departments); Ian Cohen, Questionable Hires, Low Morale Plague Palm Beach Police, P
BEACH DAILY NEWS (Apr. , ), https://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/
/exclusive-questionable-hires-low-morale-plague-palm-beach-police [https://perma.cc
/MKP-USD] (reporting that the Palm Beach Police Department “ignored or missed red
flags in the applications of its ocers, some of whom had applied [to] and were rejected with
cause from multiple agencies before being accepted by Palm Beach”).
41. See Final Report, PRESIDENTS TASK FORCE ON ST CENTURY POLICING - (), https://
cops.usdoj.gov/pdf/taskforce/taskforce_finalreport.pdf [https://perma.cc/SPA-DQT]
(quoting National Decertification Index—FAQs, I
STANDARDS & TRAINING, https://www.iadlest.org/Portals//Files/NDI/FAQ/ndi_faq.html
42. Cormier & Doig, supra note  (quoting Lieutenant David Hubbard of the Eustis, Florida
Police Department).
the wandering officer
suggest, their actual pattern of behavior seems to cut the other way. In light of
our new evidence, law-enforcement agencies should be cautious about hiring
wandering ocers. And agencies that do hire them might invest in enhanced
monitoring and support or, alternatively, adopt recidivist penalties designed to
deter misconduct in this high-risk population.
Third, agencies may know that wandering ocers are risky hires but lack
any better alternatives—that is, the wandering ocers they hire may be less risky
than the alternative candidates. Consistent with our finding that wandering of-
ficers tend to move to agencies with fewer resources, cash-strapped agencies—
and particularly those in undesirable locations—may be unable to oer compen-
sation competitive enough to attract candidates of higher quality than the wan-
dering ocers they hire. In that case, and assuming ocers must be hired at all,
the solution may be to improve the pool of candidates by raising salaries or re-
ducing barriers to entry. Certainly, if law-enforcement agencies were sophisti-
cated, for-profit entities that internalized the costs of bad hiring decisions, this
story would be compelling. As we discuss in a moment, however, there are rea-
sons to think that agencies do not internalize these costs.
Ideally, to test this third hypothesis, we would compare each wandering of-
ficer who was hired with the “marginal ocer”—the ocer the agency would
have hired had it decided not to hire the wanderer. Unfortunately, we are unable
to identify the actual marginal ocer with our data. We make progress on this
problem by isolating, for each wandering ocer, a plausible candidate cohort—
a group of ocers who were hired around the same time by nearby agencies with
similar budgetary resources. We find that wandering ocers are still riskier than
this narrower comparator group, providing some evidence that this third hy-
pothesis is, at best, a partial explanation.
Fourth, agencies may know that wandering ocers are risky but hire them
because of the unique benefits they are perceived to bring. Some agencies, for
example, may actually seek out “cowboy” veteran ocers to work the toughest
beats. Given the “band of brothers” ethos that pervades American policing, some
law-enforcement leaders, too, may feel a “warm glow” upon hiring ocers who
have been cast out by other agencies.
This may explain the seemingly cavalier
attitudes police chiefs sometimes express toward hiring ocers who have been
fired before. “We believe in redemption,” explained one police chief.
43. See, e.g., Barbara E. Armacost, Organizational Culture and Police Misconduct,  GEO. WASH. L.
REV. ,  () (describing how, “[i]n the face of outside criticism, cops tend to circle
the wagons, adopting a ‘code of silence,’ protecting each other, and defending each other’s
44. Schaefer & Kaufman, supra note  (quoting Police Chief Chester Logan of Highland Park,
the yale law journal : 
stu is supposed to follow you forever?” another wondered. “For the rest of your
career? Of course I’m going to give somebody a second chance.”
agencies might hire wandering ocers who are riskier than the alternatives if the
cost is lower. Given that they typically have little if any discretion over salaries,
it is unlikely that police administrators hire wandering ocers because they are
willing to accept lower salaries than similarly experienced candidates who have
never been fired.
But wandering ocers may be cheaper than fresh recruits, as
most Florida agencies pay police-academy tuition when they onboard rookie
hires. Compared to rookies, wandering ocers are able to hit the streets more
quickly, too.
Finally, agencies may externalize, and thus discount, the costs of hiring wan-
dering ocers. Although agencies nearly always indemnify ocers against fi-
nancial liability, the ocers themselves enjoy qualified immunity, which, in
practice, protects the agencies as well.
Direct municipal liability for negligent
hiring, moreover, is rare.
And even when municipalities do end up paying for
harms wandering ocers have caused, whether agencies internalize those costs
depends on the institutional and budgetary niceties of municipal governance.
If cost externalization contributes to the hiring of wandering ocers, and we
suspect it does, the appropriate response is to improve existing mechanisms of
accountability. This is in some sense the central challenge of all civil-rights lia-
bility regimes, however; many have tried and failed to accomplish it. Barring
successful accountability reforms, and if future research corroborates our find-
ings, states could consider following Connecticut and banning local agencies
from hiring wandering ocers altogether.
The remainder of the Article proceeds as follows. Part I describes the law-
enforcement labor market. Part II reviews the pertinent literature. Part III de-
scribes our data in detail. Part IV presents our findings about the wandering of-
45. Cormier & Doig, supra note  (quoting Police Chief Roberto Fulgueira of Sweetwater, Flor-
46. See infra Section VI.D.
47. See, e.g., Devon W. Carbado, Blue-on-Black Violence: A Provisional Model of Some of the Causes,
 G
EO. L.J. , - ().
(describing just how dicult it is for plaintis to make out a claim for municipal liability
based on bad hiring).
49. In some jurisdictions, for example, payments come from the general treasury and the agency
is never held accountable. See Joanna C. Schwartz, How Governments Pay: Lawsuits, Budgets,
and Police Reform,  UCLA
L. REV. ,  ().
the wandering officer
ficer. Part V examines whether we can predict which wandering ocers are like-
liest to fail. Part VI considers potential causal mechanisms for the wandering-
ocer phenomenon and corresponding reforms.
i. the law-enforcement labor market
Every year, over fieen thousand individual law-enforcement agencies,
spread across fiy states, hire thousands of ocers.
Because of this segmenta-
tion, it is challenging to oer a comprehensive description of the law-enforce-
ment labor market or the features of the system that influence whether a local
agency hires a wandering ocer. In this Part, however, we sketch out general
patterns in the labor market across the states and oer details on Florida—the
site of the current study—as an illustrative example.
A. Hiring
The vast majority of law-enforcement ocers work for county or municipal
agencies; a small number work directly for the state.
In nearly every state, to
become a law-enforcement ocer at any level, an applicant must first obtain cer-
tification—essentially an occupational license—from a state-level licensing en-
In most states, this body is called the Peace Ocer Standards and Training
(POST) Board.
Certification procedures vary widely from state to state.
In Florida, the certifying entity is the Criminal Justice Standards and Train-
ing Commission (CJSTC), which is part of the Florida Department of Law En-
forcement (FDLE).
To obtain certification in the state, candidates must clear a
, : PERSONNEL, POLICIES, AND PRACTICES  tbl. ().
51. Id.
porting that Hawaii does not have a POST board and the District of Columbia’s POST board
does not certify ocers). On July , , Hawaii enacted legislation to create a POST board,
which was scheduled to finalize its standards and certification process by July , . See 
Haw. Sess. Laws .
53. See Roger Goldman & Steven Puro, Decertification of Police: An Alternative to Traditional Rem-
edies for Police Misconduct,  H
ASTINGS CONST. L.Q. , - ().
54. See Roger Goldman, Importance of State Law in Police Reform,  ST. LOUIS U. L.J. , 
(); Goldman & Puro, supra note , at -.
55. FLA. STAT.  ., .() ().
the yale law journal : 
basic abilities test, graduate the police academy, and then pass a written certifi-
cation examination.
They must also meet certain minimum qualifications re-
garding age, citizenship, and education.
Once certified, ocers must undergo
continuing training and education to maintain their certification.
State law generally regulates the process by which agencies hire ocers. In
Florida, local agencies must conduct a background investigation and gather doc-
umentation to prove compliance with the statewide minimum qualifications.
State law specifies that background investigations “should include information
setting forth the facts and reasons for any of the applicant’s previous separations
from private or public employment or appointment, as the applicant under-
stands them.”
Implementing regulations require that local agencies “ver-
ify . . . [p]rior criminal justice employments of the applicant and the facts and
reasons for any prior separations of employment”
by “[o]btain[ing] previous
employment data from prior employers.”
Local agencies are expected to con-
tact CJSTC to confirm prior employment and discipline.
As part of the background investigation in Florida, the hiring agency must
confirm that the candidate has “good moral character.
Under Florida regula-
tions, moral-character violations can include committing any felony or certain
misdemeanors (regardless of criminal prosecution), using excessive force, mis-
using an ocial position to secure a privilege or benefit, participating in sexual
conduct while on duty, engaging in sexual harassment, making false statements
during the job application process, subverting training and testing processes,
and making false statements in a court proceeding.
Regulations also provide
that CJSTC is available to assist local agencies in examining moral character:
56. Id.  .()-(); id.. (certification examination); id.. (police academy);
id.  . (basic abilities test).
57. Id.  ..
58. Id.  .(), ..
59. Id..()-(); FLA. ADMIN. CODE ANN. r. B-.() () (documentation); id. r.
B-. (background investigation).
60. FLA. STAT.  .().
61. FLA. ADMIN. CODE ANN. r. B-.()(a).
62. Id. r. B-.()(a).
63. See Employment Background Investigative Report, No. CJSTC-, https://www.fdle
[https://perma.cc/LGJ-VXE], cited in F
LA. ADMIN. CODE ANN. r. B-.()(a)().
64. See FLA. STAT.  .(); FLA. ADMIN. CODE ANN. r. B-.()(d); see also id. r. B-
65. FLA. ADMIN. CODE ANN. r. B-.().
the wandering officer
upon request, the CJSTC “shall evaluate the qualification of an applicant to de-
termine compliance with ‘good moral character’ pursuant to this rule section.”
The CJSTC’s assistance focuses on the applicant’s criminal history, especially
out-of-state or federal court records.
Within the constraints set forth by state law, local agencies have fairly broad
discretion over hiring. Such discretion is not absolute, however, as it is oen
subject to civil service requirements and sometimes to provisions of a collective-
bargaining agreement with a police ocers’ union.
To facilitate the hiring pro-
cess, most agencies designate certain hiring prerequisites, such as a minimum
age or education level, and a set of screening exams, such as a physical fitness or
driving test or a polygraph examination.
Only candidates who satisfy the pre-
requisites and pass the exams are eligible to be hired. Local agencies may aug-
ment, but not diminish, state-law hiring prerequisites.
The same is true for
continuing education and training.
B. Discipline
Each local agency also administers its own disciplinary process for ocers
who commit crimes or violate agency policy. As with hiring, the agency’s author-
ity over discipline may be circumscribed by civil-service laws or provisions of a
collective-bargaining agreement. Collective-bargaining agreements frequently
provide for arbitration of disciplinary decisions, including termination. Arbitra-
tors commonly order agencies to reinstate terminated ocers.
66. Id. r. B-.().
67. Email from Terry Baker, Training & Research Manager, Fla. Dep’t of Law Enf’t, to John Rap-
paport (Aug. , , : AM CDT) (on file with John Rappaport).
68. See SAMUEL WALKER & CHARLES M. KATZ, THE POLICE IN AMERICA -,  (th ed. ).
69. See id. at -, -.
70. FLA. STAT.  . (). Florida law, for example, requires ocers to be at least nineteen
years old, id.  .(),
but a local agency is free to raise the minimum age to twenty-one.
71. Id.  ..
72. See Mark Iris, Unbinding Binding Arbitration of Police Discipline: The Public Policy Exception, 
A. J. CRIM. L.  (); Stephen Rushin, Police Disciplinary Appeals,  U. PA. L. REV. 
(); Kimbriell Kelly et al., Fired/Rehired: Police Chiefs Are Oen Forced to Put Ocers
Fired for Misconduct Back on the Streets, W
ASH. POST (Aug. , ), https://
www.washingtonpost.com/graphics//investigations/police-fired-rehired [https://
the yale law journal : 
In forty-five states, the government entity responsible for certifying ocers
also has the power to decertify upon certain conditions.
Ocers who have been
decertified are prohibited from working in law enforcement anywhere in the
state. As with certification, the criteria for decertification vary widely among the
states. All states with decertification authority, for example, can decertify for fel-
ony convictions, but only  can decertify for failure to meet training or qual-
ification requirements,  for general misconduct,  for termination for
cause, and  for any misdemeanor conviction.
Like most of its counterparts,
the CJSTC in Florida has the authority to decertify Florida ocers.
cation can happen when an ocer has committed a felony or a misdemeanor
involving dishonesty (again, regardless of criminal prosecution) or fails to main-
tain good moral character.
Note that this standard, detailed above, covers only
fairly egregious types of misconduct.
The CJSTC learns about potentially disqualifying activity through several
channels, but two are particularly important. First, local agencies are required to
notify the CJSTC whenever an ocer separates from employment, “setting forth
in detail the facts and reasons for such separation.”
Second, local agencies must
conduct an internal investigation when they have cause to suspect that an ocer
has committed a disqualifying crime or moral character violation.
If the
agency’s suspicion is substantiated, the agency must notify the CJSTC.
is one of the more active states in decertifying ocers even though the substan-
tive scope of its decertification authority is not the broadest.
73. See HICKMAN, supra note , at  (reporting that forty-four states allow decertification of of-
ficers). Aer Hickman wrote, in October , the responsible agency in New York promul-
gated regulations permitting it to decertify ocers. See N.Y.
COMP. CODES R. & REGS. tit. ,
. (). New Jersey does not have an agency that decertifies ocers. Certain criminal
convictions, however, can trigger “forfeiture of oce” by court order, which can, in some
cases, entail permanent disqualification from holding any public oce. See N.J.
 C:- (West ); State v. Hupka,  A.d , - (N.J. ).
74. HICKMAN, supra note , at . These figures do not cover New York, which adopted decertifi-
cation regulations aer the report was written. See supra note .
75. FLA. STAT.  .().
76. Id.  .()-(); FLA. ADMIN. CODE ANN. r. B-. ().
77. FLA. STAT.  .(); FLA. ADMIN. CODE ANN. r. B-.().
78. FLA. STAT.  .(); FLA. ADMIN. CODE ANN. r. B-.().
79. FLA. STAT.  .(); FLA. ADMIN. CODE ANN. r. B-.()(b).
80. While Florida is sometimes identified as the second-highest state (aer Georgia) by number
of decertifications, see H
ICKMAN, supra note , at , that observation misses a few key points.
First, Florida is the third-largest state by population and therefore has more ocers than most
other states. Second, most ocers decertified in Florida are corrections ocers, not the law-
enforcement ocers on whom we focus here. In , for example, Florida decertified  law-
the wandering officer
Given all of these regulations, how do wandering ocers still manage to find
work? For starters, local agencies do not always conduct thorough background
investigations before hiring.
Even when they do, past employers are not always
forthcoming and sometimes conceal the real reasons for an ocer’s separation.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that ocers who commit misconduct are oen al-
lowed to resign, with a guaranteed positive work reference, in exchange for for-
going legal action.
Similarly, local agencies do not always notify their state
POST boards about ocer misconduct. Even setting aside cases in which local
agencies disregard mandatory disclosure obligations,
reporting to POST is
wholly voluntary in most states.
Agencies are reportedly reluctant to disclose
negative employment information—either to other local agencies or state POST
boards—for fear of being sued for defamation.
Even more important, as men-
enforcement ocers at a rate of . decertifications per , ocers, which made it the nine-
teenth-most-frequent decertifier per ocer in the country. See Loren T. Atherley & Matthew
J. Hickman, Ocer Decertification and the National Decertification Index,  P
OLICE Q. , -
 tbl. (). Still, Florida does decertify ocers more frequently than other big states such
as California, Texas, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Illinois, and Ohio. For examples of states
with apparently broader decertification authority than Florida, see S.D.
-() (), which permits decertification for ocers who “have been discharged from
employment for cause” or “have engaged in conduct unbecoming of a law enforcement of-
ficer”; and W
IS. STAT. ANN.  .()(cm) (West ), which authorizes the POST board
to “[d]ecertify law enforcement . . . ocers who terminate employment or are terminated.”
81. See, e.g., Goldman & Puro, supra note , at ; Cohen, supra note ; Dewan & Oppel, supra
note ; Williams, supra note .
82. See, e.g., Goldman, supra note , at ; Cara E. Rabe-Hemp & Jeremy Braithwaite, An Ex-
ploration of Recidivism and the Ocer Shue in Police Sexual Violence,  P
(); Williams, supra note . In Florida, specifically, see Anthony Cormier & Matthew
Doig, Police Agencies Undermine System, H
ERALD-TRIB. (Sarasota, Fla.) (Dec. , , :
AM), http://www.heraldtribune.com/news//special-report-police-agencies
-undermine-system [https://perma.cc/QFA-QEC].
83. See Cormier & Doig, supra note .
84. See HICKMAN, supra note , at .
85. See, e.g., Goldman & Puro, supra note , at ; Steven Puro et al., Police Decertification:
Changing Patterns Among the States, 1985-1995,  P
MGMT. , - (); see also J. Hoult Verkeke, Legal Regulation of Employment Reference
Practices,  U.
CHI. L. REV. ,  () (“Providing such negative information creates a
risk of defamation liability while oering few clear benefits to the referring employer. Indeed,
the available empirical evidence suggests that former employers are less likely to reveal em-
ployee misconduct than any other information about the employee.”). Florida law attempts
to ameliorate this and several of the other problems mentioned. See, e.g., F
.() () (requiring background checks); id..()(b)-()(a) (requiring
prior employers to disclose disciplinary history and reasons for separation); id.  .()
(providing immunity for disclosure of employment information to a subsequent hiring
the yale law journal : 
tioned earlier, many states define the scope of POST-reportable conduct nar-
rowly—twenty states, for example, require a criminal conviction before an ocer
can be decertified.
In other words, not allpolice misconduct must be re-
ported even in mandatory-reporting states. In addition, local agencies some-
times learn about prior misconduct and hire the ocers anyway.
Ocer mobility across state lines introduces yet another layer of complexity.
A significant problem with state-by-state certification is that an ocer decerti-
fied in one state can move across state lines and obtain certification, and then
employment, in another. In an eort to address this problem, the International
Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training con-
structed a national database called the National Decertification Index (NDI).
State POST boards are encouraged to enter their decertification decisions into
the database. When a decertified ocer attempts to find employment in another
state, that state’s POST board—or, in some cases, the local hiring agency—can
query the database and review the prior decertification record.
Unfortunately, the NDI is far from watertight. As mentioned, five states plus
the District of Columbia—which collectively employ a significant share of all
law-enforcement ocers nationwide—have no decertification authority.
Among the majority of states that do decertify ocers, reporting to the NDI is
In , only thirty states contributed to the database; by , that
number rose to thirty-eight.
On the back end, only  local agencies have per-
mission to query the NDI directly when hiring. The rest must rely on their state
POST boards, only twenty-eight of which say they “always” or “frequently”
agency); id. .() (providing immunity for disclosure to CJSTC). It is unclear how
eective these provisions are and, in any event, many states have no analogs.
86. Fisher, supra note ; Merchant et al., supra note .
87. See HICKMAN, supra note , at  (stating that “four POSTs reported that law enforcement
agencies in their state have hired individuals as ocers who had been decertified in another
state”). Consider Tom Coleman as well.
88. See Raymond A. Franklin et al., 2009 Survey of POST Agencies Regarding Certification Practices,
ATL CRIM. JUST. REFERENCE SERV. - (), https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdles/nij
/.pdf [https://perma.cc/BJT-RK].
89. See Goldman, supra note , at ; sources cited supra note .
90. Roger L. Goldman, State Revocation of Law Enforcement Ocers’ Licenses and Federal Criminal
Prosecution: An Opportunity for Cooperative Federalism,  S
T. LOUIS U. PUB. L. REV. , 
(); Merchant et al., supra note .
91. HICKMAN, supra note , at .
the wandering officer
query the NDI.
In , Florida reported that it “occasionally” queries the na-
tional database.
The confluence of all these legal and institutional forces is thought to channel
wandering ocers toward small, understaed, and resource-strapped agen-
Budget constraints impede thorough background checks. They also make
wandering ocers, who may be prepared to settle for modest salaries and more
limited opportunities for professional advancement, more appealing—especially
where agencies must otherwise foot the bill to put rookie hires through the police
academy. And experienced wandering ocers who are already trained and certi-
fied can hit the streets immediately.
92. Id. at .
93. Franklin et al., supra note , at .
94. For versions of this narrative, see, for example, Atherley & Hickman, supra note , at 
(“[D]ismissal isn’t always the final word on the matter. Ocers may be rehired by another
jurisdiction, in which case the new jurisdiction inherits another jurisdiction’s problem. This
can be a conscious decision by the hiring agency, especially in small jurisdictions where finan-
cial resources are limited and lateral ocers are simply scarce.” (citation omitted)); Bell, supra
note , at  (“[T]he prevalence of very small departments in close proximity to each other
increases the likelihood that an ocer fired from one jurisdiction for serious reasons could
find work as an ocer in another. Poor communities are more likely to hire ‘gypsy cops,’
ocers with spotty work histories who have been fired elsewhere, because their resource con-
straints make it more dicult for them to discriminate between good and bad ocers.”);
Goldman, supra note , at , , which describes the pressures faced by small departments
that lead them to hire previously terminated ocers; Goldman & Puro, supra note , at 
(“Although it might seem unusual for a police department to hire an ocer with a past record
of misconduct, the second department is usually located in a poor community that cannot
aord to pay high salaries to its police.”); Shockey-Eckles, supra note , at  (“These mu-
nicipalities, although well known for high crime rates and excessive violence, typically oer
low pay and few benefits to their ocers. Hence, they are the very communities willing to
hire gypsy cops when other departments with more resources are unwilling to do so.”); Chil-
dress, supra note , which notes that “some departments still hire [wandering] ocers, par-
ticularly those that are smaller and strapped for cash”; Cormier & Doig, supra note  (“Vet-
erans in trouble oen find second chances by heading down the career ladder, to smaller police
forces in need of experience.”); Dill, supra note , which describes eorts to remedy a state
shortage of police ocers “while trying to avoid problem ocers who bounce from depart-
ment to department”; Toner & Rutecki, supra note , which reports that “poorer communi-
ties” in the Chicago suburbs “are also places where ocers with troubled histories and records
of multiple shootings are oen employed”; Williams, supra note  (“[S]maller departments
and those that lack sucient funding or are understaed are most likely to hire applicants
with problematic pasts if they have completed state-mandated training, which allows depart-
ments to avoid the cost of sending them to the police academy.”); and Yoder, supra note 
(“Even if a background check turns up past rogue behavior, a small department may go ahead
anyway. Such agencies usually are in poor communities that can’t aord high salaries.”).
the yale law journal : 
ii. literature review
At least two academic literatures provide helpful background on the wander-
ing-ocer phenomenon. First, a number of studies, mostly in criminology, have
examined the correlates of police misconduct. Second, a large literature in labor
economics describes the dynamics of labor markets, largely for professions and
industries other than policing. We summarize each literature in turn.
A. Correlates of Police Misconduct
Empirical research directly examining law-enforcement hiring and separa-
tion has been fairly limited. Perhaps the most pertinent study concerns the New
York City Police Department (NYPD), the nation’s largest law-enforcement
agency. Criminologists Robert Kane and Michael White examined all involun-
tary separations in the NYPD between  and . They identified , of-
ficers who were separated for so-called “career-ending misconduct” during that
period—roughly  of the , individuals the NYPD had employed.
then compared these ocers with randomly selected members of their respective
police academy classes.
Using multivariate analyses, Kane and White identified dierences between
the study and comparison groups that served as both risk and protective factors
for misconduct. In particular, black ocers were significantly more likely than
white ocers to be terminated for misconduct.
Prior criminal history, docu-
mented problems in prior jobs, civilian complaints, and assignment to busy pa-
trols also significantly predicted misconduct.
Ocers with associate’s or bach-
elors degrees, in contrast, were less likely to bered for misconduct, as were
ocers who were older when hired or who were married.
Kane and White
concluded that “police departments should continue to invest heavily in pre-em-
ployment screening processes that exclude people who have demonstrated rec-
ords of criminal involvement and employee disciplinary problems” and embrace
95. KANE & WHITE, supra note , at .
96. See id. at -.
97. More precisely, black ocers were more likely to be fired for two out of three types of mis-
conduct. Initially, the same was also true for Hispanic and Asian ocers, but over time, their
separation rates converged with that for white ocers. See id. at .
98. See id. at -, .
99. See id. at -.
the wandering officer
“racial/ethnic diversity and post-secondary educational requirements.”
formative as it is, Kane and White’s study was set entirely within a single law-
enforcement agency and does not speak to the lateral movement of ocers
among agencies, our primary interest in this Article.
Kane and White’s findings are largely consonant with the broader literature
examining ocer-level correlates of police misconduct. Some additional re-
search has also found, for example, that past misconduct predicts future prob-
Unlike Kane and White’s study, much of the research focuses specifically
on ocer use of force. Studies find that younger ocers tend to use force more
So do less experienced ocers,
although that may be precisely be-
cause they are younger.
Research on female ocers is mixed. Studies have
found that female ocers use less force than male ocers in arrest situations
and are less likely to shoot suspects
but use similar levels of force in general
citizen encounters.
100. Id. at .
101. See, e.g., Samuel Carton et al., Identifying Police Ocers at Risk of Adverse Events,  PROC.
(“[O]cers who are routinely found to have been engaged in an adverse event are likely to
engage in another such event in the future.”); James P. McElvain & Augustine J. Kposowa,
Police Ocer Characteristics and the Likelihood of Using Deadly Force,  C
,  () (“[P]revious history of shootings was a very strong predictor of future shoot-
ings.”); Kyle Rozema & Max Schanzenbach, Good Cop, Bad Cop: Using Civilian Allegations to
Predict Police Misconduct,  A
M. ECON. J.: ECON. POLY, () (finding that past civil-
ian allegations predict future misconduct).
Who Are the Complaint-Prone Ocers? An Examination of the Relationship Between Police Ocers’
Attributes, Arrest Activity, Assignment, and Citizens’ Complaints About Excessive Force,  J.
JUST. ,  (); Christopher Chapman, Use of Force in Minority Communities Is Related
to Police Education, Age, Experience, and Ethnicity,  P
OLICE PRAC. & RES. ,  ().
103. See, e.g., Eugene A. Paoline, III & William Terrill, Police Education, Experience, and the Use of
Force,  C
RIM. JUST. & BEHAV. ,  (); William Terrill & Stephen D. Mastrofski,
Situational and Ocer-Based Determinants of Police Coercion,  J
UST. Q. , - ().
104. See Chapman, supra note , at  (finding that, controlling for age, less experienced ocers
use less force).
105. See GARNER & MAXWELL, supra note ; Amie M. Schuck & Cara Rabe-Hemp, Women Police:
The Use of Force by and Against Female Ocers,  W
OMEN & CRIM. JUST.  ().
106. See McElvain & Kposowa, supra note , at .
107. See Eugene A. Paoline, III & William Terrill, Women Police Ocers and the Use of Coercion, 
OMEN & CRIM. JUST. , - () (“[B]oth males and females choose not to invoke
their coercive authority rather similarly (i.e.,  of the female encounters resulted in no co-
ercion versus  for males).”).
the yale law journal : 
Education, too, has received sustained attention. Studies have found that of-
ficers with more education use less force
and are subject to fewer disciplinary
allegations and founded complaints.
In tension with Kane and White’s rec-
ommendation, however, agency-level studies have not found that minimum ed-
ucation requirements reduce misconduct or use of force.
One possible explana-
tion is that educational requirements shrink the pool of eligible candidates,
excluding otherwise-promising individuals.
Empirical scholars have also closely examined the relationship between cer-
tain hiring requirements and police misconduct. Perhaps the largest body of re-
search examines the capacity of psychological exams to predict ocer perfor-
mance and, in particular, to identify candidates likely to have disciplinary
problems. Many studies find that personality profiles predict performance,
108. See, e.g., McElvain & Kposowa, supra note , at ; Jason Rydberg & William Terrill, The
Eect of Higher Education on Police Behavior,  P
OLICE Q. ,  (); Terrill & Mastrofski,
supra note , at , . But see Brandl et al., supra note , at  (“None of the analyses
conducted here would lead one to believe that ocers’ race or level of education played a role
in the receipt of excessive use of force complaints.”).
109. See, e.g., Victor E. Kappeler et al., Police Ocer Higher Education, Citizen Complaints and De-
partmental Rule Violations,  A
M. J. POLICE ,  () (“Although ocers with college de-
grees had fewer citizen-initiated complaints and fewer founded complaints for rudeness, they
did not have significantly fewer department-generated complaints for violations of agency
rules and procedures.”); Kim Michelle Lersch & Linda L. Kunzman, Misconduct Allegations
and Higher Education in a Southern Sheri’s Department,  A
M. J. CRIM. JUST. ,  ().
But see Donald M. Truxillo et al., College Education and Police Job Performance: A Ten-Year Study,
 P
UB. PERSONNEL MGMT. ,  () (reporting that police ocers’ education levels
had “an inconsistent relationship with measures of disciplinary action”).
110. See, e.g., David Eitle et al., The Eect of Organizational and Environmental Factors on Police Mis-
conduct,  P
OLICE Q. ,  () (finding that “neither field training nor educational
standards had a statistically discernible association with” police misconduct); Dale W. Willits
& Jerey S. Nowacki, Police Organisation and Deadly Force: An Examination of Variation Across
Large and Small Cities,  P
OLICING & SOCY ,  () (reporting that college requirements
and training hours do not have a statistically significant relationship to deadly force inci-
111. See, e.g., Lisa Kay Decker & Robert G. Huckabee, Raising the Age and Education Requirements
for Police Ocers: Will Too Many Women and Minority Candidates Be Excluded?,  P
INTL J. POLICE STRATEGIES & MGMT. ,  () (“Not surprisingly, raising the educa-
tional requirements for sworn police applicants to require a four-year college degree would
eliminate a large number of the traditionally successful police applicants.”).
112. See, e.g., Ryan M. Roberts et al., Predicting Postprobationary Job Performance of Police Ocers
Using CPI and MMPI-2-RF Test Data Obtained During Preemployment Psychological Screening,
PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT  () (finding correlations between prehire psychological
test results in California and Minnesota and supervisor ratings for police ocers); Anthony
M. Tarescavage et al., Criterion Validity and Practical Utility of the Minnesota Multiphasic Person-
ality Inventory–2–Restructured Form (MMPI–2–RF) in Assessments of Police Ocer Candidates,
the wandering officer
though a fair number reach the contrary conclusion.
Numerous studies have
also identified particular psychological profiles that predict whether someone
will be a “problem ocer.”
As with educational requirements, however, there
is little evidence that psychological exams improve agency-level outcomes such
as civilian complaints or deaths.
The empirical evidence on the eects of training is particularly conflicted.
Various studies have found that training is negatively,
or simply
associated with adverse outcomes such as the use of force, civilian deaths,
civilian complaints, and general misconduct. One plausible explanation is that
the quality of training may matter more than the quantity. Researchers in one
 J. PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT ,  () (finding correlations between prehire psycho-
logical test results in Minnesota and supervisor ratings for police ocers).
113. See, e.g., Suzanne Daniels & Emily King, The Predictive Validity of MMPI-2 Content Scales for
Small-Town Police Ocer Performance,  J.
POLICE & CRIM. PSYCHOL. ,  (); Beth A.
Sanders, Using Personality Traits to Predict Police Ocer Performance,  P
STRATEGIES & MGMT. ,  (). These studies oen measure ocer performance
using ratings given by supervisors, an imperfect outcome measure. See Steven Falkenberg et
al., An Examination of the Constructs Underlying Police Performance Appraisals,  J.
,  (). Additional studies using more objective outcomes—such as internal investi-
gations, involuntary termination, turnover, and disciplinary complaints—are similarly mixed.
Compare, e.g., Martin Sellbom et al., Identifying MMPI-2 Predictors of Police Ocer Integrity and
Misconduct,  C
RIM. JUST. & BEHAV. ,  (), with, e.g., Jose M. Cortina et al., The
“Big Five” Personality Factors in the IPI and MMPI: Predictors of Police Performance,  P
PSYCHOL. ,  ().
114. See, e.g., Michael J. Cuttler & Paul M. Muchinsky, Prediction of Law Enforcement Training Per-
formance and Dysfunctional Job Performance with General Mental Ability, Personality, and Life His-
tory Variables,  C
RIM. JUST. & BEHAV. ,  (); Charles D. Sarchione et al., Prediction of
Dysfunctional Job Behaviors Among Law Enforcement Ocers,  J.
115. See, e.g., Liqun Cao et al., A Test of Lundman’s Organizational Product Thesis with Data on Citizen
Complaints,  P
Smith, Structural and Organizational Predictors of Homicide by Police,  P
STRATEGIES & MGMT. ,  ().
pra note , at .
117. See, e.g., William C. Bailey, Less-Than-Lethal Weapons and Police-Citizen Killings in U.S. Urban
Areas,  C
RIME & DELINQ. ,  (); Hoon Lee et al., An Examination of Police Use of
Force Utilizing Police Training and Neighborhood Contextual Factors: A Multilevel Analysis,  P
118. See, e.g., Lee et al., supra note ; Willits & Nowacki, supra note .
the yale law journal : 
study, for example, found that roughly a quarter of the variation in ocers’ com-
plaint rates was attributable to the identity of their field training ocers, sug-
gesting that qualitatively bad training may hurt more than it helps.
B. Labor Economics
Although it does not focus on policing, specifically, a large body of research
in economics examines the dynamics of labor markets. A number of papers, for
example, study the costs to employers of employee turnover or “churn.” These
costs include the expense of temporarily covering the departing employee’s du-
ties, such as through overtime for other workers; replacement costs, such as
screening new applicants; training costs, including on-the-job training and uni-
forms; lost productivity for the departing employee, who may spend his last days
writing exit memos or laboring with reduced morale; damaged morale for other
workers; and lost institutional knowledge.
The costs of churn appear to vary
by region and industry
and may, in some settings, be partially or wholly oset
by the benefits of hiring new workers.
Nevertheless, one recent literature re-
view concludes that, on average, the cost of replacing an employee is roughly
one-fih of the employee’s salary (excluding the very highest-paid jobs).
High turnover costs may, therefore, discourage law-enforcement agencies from
hiring and firing wandering ocers.
A related literature explores the employee-side costs of job separation and
unemployment. One consistent finding concerns the “unemployment scar”: dis-
placed and nonemployed workers suer long-term earnings losses.
119. See Ryan M. Getty et al., How Far from the Tree Does the Apple Fall? Field Training Ocers, Their
Trainees, and Allegations of Misconduct,  C
RIME & DELINQ. ,  ().
120. See Heather Boushey & Sarah Jane Glynn, There Are Significant Business Costs to Replacing Em-
ployees, C
TR. FOR AM. PROGRESS  (Nov. , ), https://cdn.americanprogress.org
/wp-content/uploads////CostofTurnover.pdf [https://perma.cc/DR
121. See id. at -.
122. See Zeynep Ton & Robert S. Huckman, Managing the Impact of Employee Turnover on Perfor-
mance: The Role of Process Conformance,  O
RG. SCI. ,  () (mentioning “improvement
of matches between employees and firms over time” and increased eort by replacement em-
123. Boushey & Glynn, supra note , at .
124. See, e.g., Louis S. Jacobson et al., Earnings Losses of Displaced Workers,  AM. ECON. REV. ,
 () (finding that high-tenure workers who separate from distressed firms suer
longer-term earnings losses averaging  per year). See generally William J. Carrington &
Bruce Fallick, Why Do Earnings Fall with Job Displacement?, 
INDUS. REL.  () (re-
viewing the literature).
the wandering officer
workers, for example, may leave the work force or move to firms that pay lower
Unsurprisingly, earnings losses are greater for workers whom firms
exercise discretion to fire than for workers displaced by, say, a plant closing—the
former reveals important information about worker quality.
Fired workers
also experience longer unemployment spells.
Based on these findings from the
labor economics literature, we expect that wandering ocers will take longer to
land new jobs than other ocers and that they will tend to move to less desirable
The concept of “wandering workers” is not itself novel. Journalists have, for
example, penned numerous stories about clergy or teachers who, following mis-
conduct, leave one parish or school and find work in another.
As far as we can
tell, however, the labor-economics literature has not focused on most of the core
questions that concern us here: which firms hire displaced workers and how do
those workers fare upon reemployment? The closest study of which we are aware
examines the market for financial advisers.
The authors find that seven per-
cent of working financial advisers have misconduct records, and roughly one-
third of these are repeat oenders.
Approximately half of these advisers lose
their jobs aer misconduct, yet forty-four percent of them are rehired by other
firms within a year—they are, in our terminology, “wandering financial advis-
This is true even though advisers with prior misconduct are five times as
likely as the average adviser to commit misconduct in the future.
Still, advisers
125. See, e.g., Fatih Guvenen et al., Heterogeneous Scarring Eects of Full-Year Nonemployment, 
M. ECON. REV.: PAPERS & PROCEEDINGS ,  () (finding heterogeneous scarring ef-
fects from one year’s nonemployment, resulting primarily from a higher incidence of future
nonemployment rather than lower earnings conditional on working); Kristiina Huttunen et
al., How Destructive Is Creative Destruction? Eects of Job Loss on Job Mobility, Withdrawal and
Income,  J.
EURO. ECON. ASSN ,  () (finding that displacement increases the prob-
ability of leaving the labor force by  and, for workers who remain, moderately depresses
earnings due to movement between firms).
126. See Robert Gibbons & Lawrence F. Katz, Layos and Lemons,  J. LAB. ECON. ,  ().
127. Id.
128. See, e.g., Tara Isabella Burton, Scathing Report Reveals 300 Pennsylvania Catholic Priests Sexually
Abused over 1,000 Children, V
OX (Oct. , ), https://www.vox.com////
/catholic-sex-abuse-priest-crisis-pennsylvania-report [https://perma.cc/GEW-HZG];
Martha Irvine & Robert Tanner, Sexual Misconduct Plagues US Schools, W
(Oct. , ), http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article///
/AR.html [https://perma.cc/MHD-P].
129. Mark Egan et al., The Market for Financial Adviser Misconduct,  J. POL. ECON.  ().
130. Id. at , .
131. Id. at .
132. Id. at .
the yale law journal : 
who commit misconduct do experience an elevated likelihood of industry exit,
longer gaps between employment stints, and, for those who find new jobs, lower
compensation at smaller, less desirable firms.
Observing that some firms em-
ploy substantially more wandering advisers than others and that misconduct is
more common in wealthy, elderly, and less educated counties, the authors hy-
pothesize that “misconduct may be targeted at customers who are potentially less
financially sophisticated.”
To our knowledge, there is no prior quantitative empirical work on wander-
ing police ocers. In the following parts, we report the results of the first sys-
tematic exploration of this phenomenon.
Where possible, we examine how the
correlates of misconduct described above interact with wandering-ocer status
and other outcomes of interest.
iii. data
Our primary source of data is the Automated Training Management System
(ATMS), a database constructed and maintained by the FDLE. We supplement
ATMS with a range of other data sources, including an annual survey of Florida
law-enforcement agencies, the United States Census, the Uniform Crime Re-
ports, and others.
A. Automated Training Management System (ATMS)
ATMS compiles information on employment, termination, complaints, dis-
cipline, and demographics for every law-enforcement and corrections ocer
hired in the State of Florida. Our ATMS extract runs up through June .
We rely on three ATMS data sets in particular. First, the “employment” data
set is structured at the ocer-employment level. This means that the same of-
ficer can appear in multiple rows, one for each job he has held. The raw employ-
ment data set has , observations. We drop a substantial number of them.
First, given our focus on wandering law-enforcement ocers, we drop all em-
ployment positions categorized by ATMS as “corrections,” “corrections proba-
tion,” “concurrent” (both law enforcement and corrections), “civilian,” “instruc-
tor,” and “auxiliary.
Doing so removes approximately , rows from the
data. Second, we drop all rows for part-time ocers, focusing only on full-time
133. Id. at -. The finding concerning the gap between employment stints is driven by advisers
who are not rehired; conditional on being rehired, advisers recently disciplined for miscon-
duct find work marginally faster than other advisers. See id. at -.
134. Id. at ; see id. at -.
135. When we include concurrent ocers, the core results of the Article do not change.
the wandering officer
employment. Third, we drop all employment associated with a very small num-
ber of ocers whose full-time employment dates across two or more positions
overlap by more than  days. Fourth, we drop all employment stints beginning
aer  because we have only six months of data for . Fih, we exclude all
employment stints that ended before  due to concerns about whether ATMS
is comprehensive in earlier years.
Sixth, we drop all stints that end with oc-
ers “transferring within agency” to other full-time law-enforcement positions
because these are not true separations for our purposes.
Before dropping these
stints, however, we assign their start dates to the subsequent employment stints
(to which the ocers transferred) to account for the full length of employment.
Aer applying each of these sample restrictions, the employment data set
contains the , full-time law-enforcement job stints that spanned at least
one day between  and ; they correspond to , unique ocers. Most
of our analyses, however, focus on the , of those stints that began in or
aer  and that correspond to , unique ocers in  unique agencies.
Among those agencies,  are police departments,  are sheris’ oces, and
 are other agencies, which include state-level, university, school, port, and
other kinds of law-enforcement agencies. Table  presents descriptive statistics
at the agency-year level. The bottom row indicates that, on average, agencies
were closed for operation in roughly fieen percent of agency-years; we thus
drop those agency-years from the rest of the descriptive statistics reported in the
On average, agencies in the data set employed a mean of  and a me-
dian of  full-time ocers on at least one day in each year. They hired a mean
of . and a median of  full-time ocers per year, and experienced a mean of 
separations and a median of .
136. Our coverage concerns stem from a substantial increase in the volume of hirings in the years
before , which suggests that the database may not have been capturing all employment
stints during that period. To be clear, although we exclude stints that ended before  from
our analytic data set, we still use those stints to determine ocers’ firing histories. To illus-
trate, suppose a law-enforcement ocer was fired from a job in  and then found work
again in . For purposes of our analysis, this ocer would have only one row in our data
set—for the employment stint beginning in —which would indicate that the ocer had
been previously fired.
137. In contrast, when an ocer transfers within agency from a full-time law-enforcement posi-
tion to a part-time or non-law-enforcement position, we keep the employment stint and treat
it as a voluntary separation because the subsequent stint does not meet the eligibility criteria
for our sample. In some cases, multiple full-time law-enforcement ocers “transfer within
agency” on the same day to full-time law-enforcement positions in a dierent agency, likely
because the initial agency was absorbed by another agency. We assume that these are not true
separations. We therefore assign the start date and other relevant information from the first
stint to the second and drop the initial stint from the data.
138. We assume an agency is closed in a given year if it has no full-time law-enforcement ocers
employed on any day in that year.
the yale law journal : 
agency-year-level descriptive statistics, 1988-2016
Mean Median SD Min. Max.
Officers Employed 98.0 27 241.7 1 3,272
Hirings 8.4 4 16.30 0 353
Separations 5.0 2 8.90 0 237
Voluntary Separations 4.2 2 7.20 0 125
Firings 0.78 0 1.65 0 28
Firings for Misconduct 0.54 0 1.18 0 20
Complaints 0.61 0 1.94 0 85
Agency Closed 0.15 0 0.36 0 1
The employment database provides a range of information on each job, in-
cluding agency name, start and end date, and cause of separation. That last var-
iable is our principal variable of interest. A separation can be either voluntary or
involuntary; it is simply the end of an employment stint, regardless of the rea-
son. We refer to involuntary separations as “terminations,” “involuntary termi-
nations,” or, more colloquially, “firings.” In total, the variable measuring cause
of separation has thirty-seven dierent code values. Unfortunately, some of
those values have not been used consistently over time. In consultation with the
FDLE, we have grouped the codes to produce two cause-of-separation measures
that correspond to salient separation categories—voluntary and involuntary sep-
arations, or quitting and getting fired—and minimize inconsistencies in data col-
lection over time.
To refine the broad category of involuntary separations, we develop two
measures of firing. Our first, and narrower, measure captures terminations for
“moral character violations” or violations of a local agency’s policy. For conven-
ience, we refer to these terminations as firings for “misconduct.”
Agency pol-
icy violations may include things like insubordination or failing to follow orders.
139. For the frequency distributions of these codes among law-enforcement positions beginning
between  and  and their inclusion in our cause-of-separation measures, see infra Ta-
ble A.
140. There is no legal authority or academic consensus on the definition of “police misconduct.”
See K
ANE & WHITE, supra note , at -.
the wandering officer
Theoretically, they can also include more minor oenses, such as not having
one’s uniform pressed—agency policy manuals are hey tomes. Generally speak-
ing, however, the types of agency policy violations that warrant termination are
serious or represent the culmination of a pattern of misconduct. It is, aer all,
notoriously dicult to fire a police ocer.
The agencies we studied experi-
enced an average of . firings for misconduct per year, accounting for roughly
. of all separations.
A second, and broader, measure captures all instances in which ocers are
fired for cause. This measure includes firings for misconduct, but it also includes
terminations for training and performance problems. It does not, however,
count involuntary separations due to downsizing or the dissolution of an agency,
which together account for no more than . of all separations in the data. As
Table  shows, the agencies in our data set saw an average of almost . firings
for cause per year during the study period, accounting for roughly . of all
separations. We define the remaining . of the separations as voluntary sep-
One significant methodological problem in any study of police employment
and misconduct is that ocers who are under investigation are frequently al-
lowed to resign before being terminated involuntarily.
Fortunately, at least af-
ter , ATMS tracks ocers who resign “in lieu of separation” or “while being
investigated” for misconduct.
We include these separations in our firing
The vast majority of employment stints are easy to define: they are cleanly
marked by a start and an end date. But there are some edge cases that complicate
that seemingly simple line. Perhaps most important, as mentioned earlier, in
141. See, e.g., Kelly et al., supra note ; Tess Owen, Why It’s Hard to Fire Cops, VICE NEWS (Oct.
, ), https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/bjyxw/why-is-it-so-hard-for-cops-to-get
-fired [https://perma.cc/YD-RPSL]; Mike Riggs, Why Firing a Bad Cop Is Damn Near Im-
possible, R
EASON (Oct. , ), https://reason.com////how-special-rights-for-law
-enforcement-m [https://perma.cc/SKQ-RWC].
142. See, e.g., Jeremy Gorner, 2 Chicago Cops Resign Aer Facing Firing for O-Duty Trac Dispute
That Led to Gunfire, C
HI. TRIB. (Mar. , , : PM), https://www.chicagotribune.com
[https://perma.cc/VC-WU]; see also Cara E. Trombadore, Police Ocer Sexual Miscon-
duct: An Urgent Call to Action in a Context Disproportionately Threatening Women of Color, 
ARV. J. RACIAL & ETHNIC JUST. ,  () (“Thus, an ocer accused of sexual miscon-
duct can resign before an investigation is completed, and then be hired by another department
where he may continue the behavior.”).
143. We suspect that FDLE was already counting these cases under another, more generic firing
code before  because we do not observe any bump in the total number of firings and
misconduct-related terminations in that year.
the yale law journal : 
some cases a labor arbitrator will reverse a firing decision, forcing the agency to
reinstate the fired ocer—oen months or years later. Unfortunately, there is no
code in the ATMS database that indicates when a fired ocer is reinstated aer
arbitration. Nevertheless, in a small number of cases—roughly  of all firings
of full-time law-enforcement ocers from  to —we do observe fired
ocers beginning their next employment stint in the same agency that fired
them. Based on communications with FDLE sta, we suspect that many of these
cases represent arbitral reversals.
Arbitral reversals pose not only a data challenge but also a conceptual one.
For reinstated ocers, is the initial term of employment—or what we call the
“prefiring stint”—and the period aer reinstatement—the “postfiring stint”—
one employment with a pause in the middle? Or is it two separate employments?
Should the initial firing count as a firing when the department is ultimately
forced to reinstate the ocer? The answers likely vary depending on the research
question we seek to answer. Accordingly, for each of our analyses, we indicate
how we handle ocers who are fired and then rehired by the same agency.
We use our firing measures to construct professional-history variables,
which indicate whether an ocer was fired from his last job or from an earlier
job. In constructing these variables, we include firings not only from law-en-
forcement positions but also from employment stints in corrections positions.
That is, although our subject is law-enforcement ocers, specifically—and we
have dropped corrections ocers from the employment data set—we use the
corrections-related data to check whether the law-enforcement ocers we study
previously worked in corrections positions from which they separated involun-
In addition to the employment data set, we use an ATMS data set containing
state-level “moral character” complaints against ocers. Most of these com-
plaints were initiated and investigated by the local agencies that employed the
ocers named. Under Florida law, if an agency has cause to believe that an of-
ficer has committed a moral character violation, it must investigate. If the agency
sustains the allegation, it must submit its findings to the FDLE, which will then
initiate a state-level complaint. The consistency with which local agencies inves-
tigate and report complaints to FDLE likely varies.
The FDLE also has the
power to initiate complaints on its own, which are included in the data set. We
use the ATMS complaint data to compute the number of complaints filed against
ocers during each of their employment stints. We do this using the date on
144. See Email from Terry Baker, supra note .
145. See Anthony Cormier & Matthew Doig, Special Report: How Florida’s Problem Ocers
Remain on the Job, H
ERALD-TRIB. (Sarasota, Fla.) (Dec. , , : AM), https://
www.heraldtribune.com/article/LK//News//SH [https://perma.cc
the wandering officer
which complaints were initiated, which will typically succeed the date on which
the alleged misconduct occurred. That said, based on communications with the
FDLE, we suspect that, in most cases, these two dates are close in time. These
moral-character complaints are rare—agencies experienced an average of
roughly . complaints per year. Each complaint in the data set is also tagged
with “oense codes” that indicate the substantive nature of the misconduct al-
leged, and some complaints are associated with multiple oense codes. We use
these codes to identify the subset of complaints that include any allegation of
violent or sexual misconduct or misconduct that implicates the ocer’s integrity.
Finally, ATMS contains an ocer-level database that provides demographic
information including race, gender, age, and education. Ocer race is desig-
nated as white, black, Hispanic, Asian, or other, and we use these terms through-
out. We merge these demographic data with the employment data.
B. Supplemental Data Sources
We supplement the ATMS database with several other data sources to lever-
age additional information on the agencies that employ wandering ocers. To
collect information on agency hiring and training requirements, we obtained
from the FDLE all data from the Criminal Justice Agency Profile (CJAP), an an-
nual survey of all law-enforcement agencies in Florida that has run from  to
We extract from CJAP information on hiring and training requirements
for all municipal police agencies and sheris’ oces in the state. We do not cap-
ture data for these variables for other law-enforcement agencies, such as those
in schools, universities, or ports. In total,  unique police departments and
sheris’ oces appear in at least one year of the survey. Some agencies are not
present every year, either because they formed aer  or dissolved before
, or because they did not respond to the survey. We create an agency-year
panel data set in which every agency that appears at least once has a row for each
of the twenty years of our study—, rows in total.
With respect to hiring prerequisites, CJAP gathers information on minimum
age, minimum education, prior criminal-justice experience, and tobacco use.
CJAP also collects information on whether each agency requires a driving his-
tory, an in-person interview, a physical fitness test, a polygraph examination, a
psychological examination, a written exam, a swimming test, a vision test, or a
voice-stress analysis. It also records the length of any probationary employment
146. We are grateful to Guangya Liu for her heroic eorts to extract and process the relevant vari-
ables from CJAP.
the yale law journal : 
To compute a rough estimate of each agency’s overall hiring strin-
gency in a given year, we create a composite measure combining these require-
On average, agencies have a hiring-stringency score of . on our scale.
The average score increased from  to , from . to ..
CJAP also collects information on ongoing training requirements. These in-
clude training on chemical agents, defensive tactics, driving, firearms, and first
aid. In addition, CJAP records the length of the training period required of new
ocers under a field training ocer (FTO).
As with hiring, we combine the
training requirements to create a composite measure of the stringency of an
agency’s training regimen.
On average, agencies have a hiring-stringency
score of .. Agencies’ average composite-training score increased from  to
, from . to ..
We also supplement the data with additional sources of information, which
we describe in greater detail below. First, using Google Maps, we geocoded the
longitude and latitude coordinates of law-enforcement agencies to measure the
distance that wandering ocers travel from one job to the next. Second, we ob-
tained agency-level annual crime data from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports.
Third, we gathered county- and city-level information on the racial and ethnic
composition of resident populations and unemployment rates from the United
States Census and Bureau of Labor Statistics. Finally, we obtained information
on county- and city-level law-enforcement expenditures from the Florida De-
partment of Financial Services.
C. Limitations
Although our data is rich and reasonably comprehensive, there are important
limitations worth noting. One substantive limitation is that the separation codes
147. Descriptive statistics for these variables are available in Table A.
148. We construct our composite score by giving an agency one point for every hiring requirement.
To maximize the length of our observation period, we do not include hiring variables that
were excluded from one or more years of the survey. This leads us to drop driving history,
voice-stress analysis, and the swimming test. Three variables—age, education, and probation-
ary period—are not binary. We therefore specify a threshold at which to assign an agency a
point for these requirements. Based on the statistics reported in Table A, we assign agencies
a point for requiring ocers to be older than nineteen, to have an associate’s degree or college
credit, and to undergo more than twelve months of probationary employment.
149. Descriptive statistics for these variables are available in Table A.
150. To construct the composite-training score, we give agencies one point for requiring training
in chemical agents, defensive tactics, driving, firearms, or first aid every six months or year.
We give them an additional point for requiring more than twelve months of training under
an FTO.
the wandering officer
we use to construct our cause-of-separation measures (listed in Table A) reveal
only the general reason for each separation, such as a failure to complete training
requirements, budgetary constraints, misconduct, or a voluntary departure.
Within the all-important category of firings for misconduct, we are not able to
identify the specific nature of the misconduct, such as excessive force, embezzle-
ment, substance abuse, and so on. That said, even if we had more specific infor-
mation on the ocial reason for termination, it would remain dicult in many
cases to determine reliably the actual, underlying conduct at issue. As just one
example, NYPD ocer Martin Tisdale shot and killed a woman during a strug-
gle over his firearm, fled the scene, and then disposed of the firearm. The ocial
reason for his termination was recorded as “failure to safeguard a weapon.”
Other limitations relate to the geographic scope of our data, all of which are
drawn from the State of Florida. We cannot, for example, observe ocers who
were fired out of state and then obtained law-enforcement work in Florida. That
our data is limited to one state also raises questions about the external validity of
our results—that is, the extent to which our conclusions generalize to other lo-
cations. It is certainly possible that law-enforcement labor markets vary from
state to state in ways that implicate our research questions. Indeed, we note be-
low some reasons to believe that wandering ocers may be relatively more prev-
alent in some other states,
except for Connecticut, which bans their hiring al-
At the same time, we are unaware of any reason to think that Florida
is idiosyncratic in pertinent respects.
A national study, it bears noting, would not be practicable at this time. Alt-
hough we have not conducted an exhaustive survey, we are unaware of any other
state that collects and makes available the type of data contained in Florida’s
ATMS. There are, moreover, methodological advantages to working within a
single state. For one thing, any state-level covariates, such as state law or other
state characteristics, are held constant, simplifying statistical analysis and reduc-
ing the risk of omitted variable bias. In addition, that a single entity (a state
agency) collects all of the critical data significantly mitigates concerns about data
iv. describing the wandering officer
Thousands of law-enforcement ocers begin and end jobs in Florida each
year. Some are hired for the first time; some for the third or fourth. Some sepa-
151. KANE & WHITE, supra note , at -.
152. See infra Section IV.B..
153. See infra Section VI.E.
the yale law journal : 
rate voluntarily to retire or change careers; others are fired for grievous miscon-
duct. Section IV.A presents an overview of the law-enforcement labor market in
Florida, describing hiring patterns and then separations. Section IV.B details the
prevalence, characteristics, movement patterns, and behavior of wandering of-
A. The Law-Enforcement Labor Market in
1. H
The law-enforcement labor market in Florida is large. As the black line in
Figure  reveals, Florida agencies hired between , and , full-time oc-
ers in most years between  and .
In general, trends in hiring appear
to track conditions in the wider American economy. The number of ocers hired
each year dropped dramatically during the economic recession in  and .
It then began rising again until it peaked in the late s and fell during the
Great Recession, from  to . Since then, the number has been steadily
154. To give a complete picture of the ATMS database over time, all of the data we report in this
subsection include both the pre- and postfiring terms for ocers who were fired and then
rehired by the same agency for their next job. As noted, the postfiring term likely represents
an employment stint resulting from an arbitrator’s decision to reinstate the ocer. See supra
Section III.A.
the wandering officer
total number of law-enforcement officers hired and separated, 1988-2016
Men held the
vast majority of full-time law-enforcement jobs in Florida from
 to —roughly . Most jobs also went to white ocers——with
 to black ocers and  to Hispanic ocers. Educational information is
available for about  of the jobs in the employment database. Of those, 
were held by ocers with only a high school education. Another  were held
by ocers with an associate’s degree and  by ocers with a bachelor’s de-
gree. Just  were held by ocers with a master’s degree.
2. Separations
Turning to separations, Figure  shows that, in most years from  to ,
about , to , ocers separated from their jobs, whether voluntarily or
involuntarily. Unsurprisingly, the number of separations tracks the number of
hires, rising in most years except during recessions, when fewer jobs are availa-
155. Although our data identify Asian ocers and ocers with doctoral degrees, we do not report
them here because they are too scarce. We also decline to report figures where ocer charac-
teristics are unknown or where ocer race is coded as “Other.”
the yale law journal : 
In Figure , we disaggregate separations by cause.
From  to , an
average of  of separations were involuntary—meaning that the ocer was
fired—while the remaining  were voluntary. The proportion of involuntary
separations fell in the s, from roughly  to , but has remained rela-
tively stable since then. The same basic pattern characterizes firings for miscon-
duct, specifically.
proportion of separations by cause of separation, 1988-2016
Table  b
reaks down by demographic characteristics the proportions of sep-
arations that were firings and firings for misconduct, respectively. The most
striking observation is that black ocers were most likely to be fired, both in
general and for misconduct:  of all separations involving black ocers were
firings and  were firings for misconduct. Those rates were substantially
higher than the rates for Hispanic ocers—who were fired  of the time and
fired for misconduct  of the time—and white ocers—who were fired 
of the time and fired for misconduct  of the time. To be clear, these figures do
156. To give a complete picture of separations in the ATMS database, throughout this subsection
we count all involuntary separations, including those in the pre- and postfiring terms for of-
ficers who were fired and then rehired by the same agency for their next job.
the wandering officer
not necessarily imply any problem with the relative performance of black oc-
ers. Black ocers, for example, may be fired more oen due to discrimination in
the disciplinary process
or because they are disproportionately assigned duties
that present elevated opportunities for misconduct.
tional background is also correlated with involuntary termination, at
least within the  of employment stints for which education data are availa-
ble. Ocers with only a high school education are most likely to be fired, and
the rate of firing generally decreases with higher educational attainment. Ocers
without a four-year college degree are also most likely to bered for misconduct.
cause of separation by demographic groups, 1988-2016
Demographics n Fired
Fired for
White 69,103
Black 8,228 21.6% 14.8%
Hispanic 8,323
17.8% 11.7%
Male 75,946
Female 11,155 13.4% 7.6%
High School 4,028 16.9% 8.8%
Associate’s 12,728 12.1% 8.5%
Bachelor’s 22,503 9.5% 6.3%
Master’s 3,637 7.2% 4.7%
Overall 87,116 13.3% 9.5%
157. See, e.g., KANE & WHITE, supra note , at , - (discussing possible heightened scrutiny
of black ocers due to “tokenism”); Kate Levine, Discipline and Policing,  D
UKE L.J. ,
- ().
158. See KANE & WHITE, supra note, at ; see also James J. Fyfe, Police Use of Deadly Force: Re-
search and Reform,  J
UST. Q. ,  () (“Disparities in on-duty shooting rates were
attributable largely to racial dierences in rank and assignment.”); William A. Geller & Kevin
J. Karales, Shootings of and by Chicago Police: Uncommon Crisis—Part I: Shootings by Chicago
Police,  J.
CRIM. L. & CRIMINOLOGY ,  () (similar).
the yale law journal : 
B. The Wandering Ocer
Despite the salience of wandering ocers, we have remarkably little system-
atic data about them. In this Section, we attempt to answer four basic questions
that frequently arise in public discourse about police misconduct. First, how
common are wandering ocers? Second, how easy is it for them to land new
jobs? Third, where do they go? And fourth, are they really a problem, in the sense
that they cause more harms than other ocers to the communities they police?
We take each of these questions in turn.
Before we begin, a brief definitional note. There is no legal or even informal
consensus definition to tell us who, exactly, counts as a wandering ocer. We
therefore adopt an expansive definition: a wandering ocer is someone who was
fired from at least one full-time law-enforcement or corrections position in the
State of Florida and later lands another full-time law-enforcement job in the
state. At times, we also break wandering ocers into two smaller groups—those
who were fired from their last job and those who were fired from a job earlier in
their employment history—because the results for these groups dier in im-
portant respects.
1. How Common Are Wandering Ocers?
In absolute numbers, wandering ocers are fairly common. From  to
, an average of roughly , full-time law-enforcement ocers who had
previously been fired, and just under  ocers who had been fired for mis-
conduct, were employed by new agencies in any given year.
Figure  depicts
the number of wandering ocers employed over time. As the dark and light gray
lines show, the number of wandering ocers employed throughout the state in
any given year has been relatively stable over time, with a slight decrease in re-
cent years. The black line also shows that the number of all ocers—divided by
ten to depict all three lines on the same axis—has been increasing steadily over
time. In , just under , full-time ocers had been previously fired and
just over  had been fired for misconduct. To be clear, these counts include
only wandering ocers, not all ocers who worked in law enforcement aer hav-
ing been fired. If we include ocers who were rehired by the same agency that
fired them, the counts are even higher: from  to , on average, roughly
, and  ocers were employed who had previously been fired or fired for
misconduct, respectively.
159. In this Section we exclude from our ocer counts the post-firing stints of ocers who were
fired and then rehired by the same agency (before being hired at any other agency). While
these ocers have previously been fired, they are not wandering ocers because they have
not, as of yet, moved to another agency.
the wandering officer
number of employed officers by professional history, 1988-2016
When viewed in relative terms, the prevalence of wandering ocers seems
more limited. Almost 3% of all ocers employed in any given year were wander-
ing ocers previously fired and just 2% were wandering ocers previously fired
for misconduct. As Figure 4 shows, the relative proportion of wandering ocers
has fallen gradually over time. This is partly becauseas we observed Figure 3
the total number of ocers employed has increased. By 2016, just over 2% of all
ocers employed were wandering ocers who had ever been fired and 1.4%
were wandering ocers who had been fired for misconduct.
percent of all employed officers who are wandering officers, 1988-2016
the yale law journal : 
Whether there are many wandering ocers or few, therefore, may be in the
eye of the beholder. In absolute terms, Florida law-enforcement agencies employ
many wanderers: in recent years, roughly , wandering ocers who had pre-
viously been fired and about  who had been fired for misconduct. In total,
these ocers likely interact with hundreds of thousands of civilians each year.
et when viewed in relative terms, we see that the proportion of wandering of-
ficers is small and decreasing gradually over time.
Still, we suspect that our figures underestimate the actual number of wan-
dering ocers for at least three reasons. First, because our data is limited to Flor-
ida agencies, we are unable to identify wandering ocers who were previously
fired from law-enforcement agencies in other states. Second, a small number of
ocers may successfully obscure their employment history, even within the
Florida market. Some who have been fired may simply lie and get away with it.
Others may have negotiated an apparently “voluntary” separation in exchange
for separating without a legal fight.
Third, other states may have more wan-
dering ocers than Florida does. Florida has a robust statewide data system
tracking ocer employment and requires hiring agencies to investigate appli-
cants’ employment history. Although it may be possible for an applicant to con-
ceal a prior firing, it is probably not easy. Florida also decertifies more ocers
than many other states, and a decertified ocer cannot subsequently gain em-
ployment with any Florida agency. Because our estimate of the volume of wan-
dering ocers is likely a lowball—both for Florida, specifically, and for other
states—it is hard to conclude that wandering ocers are a negligible phenome-
How Easily Do Wandering Ocers Find New Work?
A second core question is how much diculty ocers have finding work af-
ter being fired.
In this Section, we probe this question along several dimen-
sions, including how oen fired ocers land a new job, how long it takes them
to do so (assuming they are looking for work), how far they have to travel, and
how many dierent jobs they tend to hold. We count as reemployment only full-
160. Drawing upon ocial Florida data and prior academic research, Jordan Blair Woods recently
estimated that law-enforcement ocers in Florida have conducted between . million and
. million trac stops annually during the past decade. See Jordan Blair Woods, Policing,
Danger Narratives, and Routine Trac Stops,  M
ICH. L. REV. ,  (). If wandering
ocers conducted a proportional number of these stops—three percent—they would have
conducted between , and , stops each year.
161. See supra note  and accompanying text.
162. See, e.g., Shockey-Eckles, supra note , at  (asserting that fired ocers who resign rather
than face license revocation find work “with relative ease”).
the wandering officer
time law-enforcement jobs in public agencies in Florida. We exclude jobs that
end with a firing followed immediately by reemployment with the same agency,
a pattern that, as mentioned earlier, likely reflects reinstatement by an arbitrator
rather than the ocer’s eorts and success on the job market.
a. Reemployment Rates
First, do ocers who have been fired obtain law-enforcement work less oen
than ocers who have not been? Interestingly, the answer depends on when
during their careers they were fired. To explore this issue, we exclude all employ-
ment stints ending aer  to allow all ocers in the data at least three years
to obtain a new position.
As the bottom row of Panel A in Table  reports, from  to ,  of
ocers who separated and had never been fired obtained a new full-time law-
enforcement position in Florida. In contrast, just  of ocers who were fired
from their last job secured a new position, which represents a statistically signif-
icant dierence.
Yet ocers who were fired further back in their employment
history obtained a new job at a rate similar to ocers who had never been
The rest of Table  shows that the same basic results hold across ocer
characteristics and when, in Panel B, we group ocers by their history of firings
for misconduct, specifically.
163. p < .. All of the statistical tests in Section IV.B. are two-sided t-tests clustered at the
person and agency level.
164. While the dierence is substantively small, it is statistically significant at the . level. Ideally,
we would also calculate rehiring rates while excluding ocers who have decided to retire, to
concentrate on the subset of separated ocers who were most plausibly looking for law-en-
forcement work. We do not have data on retirements for fired ocers, however. As an imper-
fect alternative, we exclude ocers who were over fiy years of age at the time of separation;
in a separate analysis, we exclude ocers with at least twenty-five years of full-time service at
the time of separation. The basic pattern of results for both analyses is substantively similar
to the results we report in the text.
166. Sample sizes are shown in parentheses.
the yale law journal : 
rehiring rates by demographic groups and professional history, 1988-2013
166. Sample sizes are shown in parentheses.
Panel A: Fired Panel B: Fired for Misconduct
Last Job
Last Job
the wandering officer
e next examine reemployment rates over time. Figure  shows the propor-
tion of ocers who obtained a new job within three years, conditional on their
professional history of firings.
We limit our rehiring measure to three years to
address a potential censoring problem: ocers who separated in the last few
years had less time to secure a new job. If we did not limit the rehiring measure
in this way, censoring might severely deflate the rehiring rate in the last few years
relative to years prior.
As Figure  shows, the lower reemployment rates we observe for fired ocers
date back at least to the late s. Moreover, the reemployment rate for ocers
red from their last job fell in the early s, from to roughly. That
number fell again around , probably because—as we showed above—law-
enforcement hiring generally fell throughout the state during the Great Reces-
sion. Since then, the reemployment rate for fired ocers appears to have in-
creased slightly and may continue to do so if the  drop was driven primarily
by the economic downturn.
proportion of separations in which officer obtains subsequent employment
within three years, by professional history of firing, 1988-2013
167. See Figure A for similar results on firings for misconduct, specifically.
the yale law journal : 
We cannot be sure why reemployment rates are so dierent for ocers who
were fired from their most recent job versus ocers who were fired from a job
further back in their employment history. One possible explanation is that the
subset of ocers who landed an intervening job were initially fired for conduct
that, on average, was less egregious than the ocers who were fired from their
last job. Another possibility is that wandering ocers who voluntarily separated
from their last job seek employment in law enforcement at higher rates than
those who were fired from their last job. A third potential explanation is that
law-enforcement agencies believe at least some previously fired ocers are “re-
deemed” if they have held at least one other job in the intervening period without
having been fired. We interrogate this “redemption” story in further detail be-
b. Time to Reemployment
To assess how much fired ocers may struggle to obtain new employment,
we also consider how long it takes them to secure their next job. Folk wisdom
says not long. Our data, however, show something dierent.
As the bottom row of Table reports, ocers who werered orred for
misconduct from their most recent job who later obtain another job take sub-
stantially longer to do so, on average, than ocers who have never been fired or
fired for misconduct—more than  days longer.
In Table A, we report the
median time to reemployment rather than the mean. The same basic pattern is
present, but the dierence is even starker.
These findings are driven, at least
partially, by the fact that ocers who separate voluntarily oen do not leave until
they have another job lined up.
Once again, as the rest of Table  shows, fir-
ings further back in time are substantially less important and there is relatively
little variation in these patterns across demographic groups.
168. p < ..
169. The median time for ocers fired ( days) or fired for misconduct ( days) from their
previous job is over  times longer than for ocers who have never been fired ( days) or
fired for misconduct ( days).
170. We can see, for example, that many ocers who separate voluntarily begin a new employment
stint the day aer finishing the last one.
the wandering officer
mean time to new employment by demographic groups and professional
history, 1988-2013
Panel A: Fired Panel B: Fired for Misconduct
Last Job
Last Job
171. Sample sizes are shown in parentheses.
the yale law journal : 
c. Distance Traveled for Reemployment
We also probe how much wandering ocers may struggle to find new work
by examining how far they travel to obtain their next job. The conventional wis-
dom is that wandering ocers obtain jobs at agencies that are relatively far away
and so have less (oen informal) information about their past conduct. Surpris-
ingly, we find little evidence of such dierential movement.
Among ocers who have never been fired, those who separate and find new
employment move to an agency that is, on average, forty-two miles away from
their last job. Similarly, ocers who were fired from their last job or some job
further back in their employment history move to agencies that are, on average,
forty-four and forty-five miles away, respectively. The dierence in median dis-
tances was just slightly larger.
We also find little dierence in the movement
patterns of ocers who were fired for misconduct, specifically, either from their
most recent job or earlier.
d. Number of Subsequent Jobs
Finally, we examine how many full-time jobs wandering ocers hold over
the course of their careers and, perhaps more important, aer their first firing.
As a baseline for comparison, Figure  shows the proportion of ocers who,
over the course of an entire career, worked a particular number of full-time
One thing is clear: most ocers move around very little. The vast ma-
jority hold no more than one full-time job, and virtually all of them—roughly
—hold no more than two.
172. To obtain geographic coordinates, we geocoded the names of each agency using an R package
called “ggmaps” that automatically runs queries on Google Maps. In total, we were able to
obtain geographic coordinates for  of the agencies in our sample. Most of the agencies we
could not geocode are state-level agencies with ambiguous (and potentially multiple) geo-
graphic locations. In total, we are missing geographic distance information for  of all em-
ployment stints from which an ocer separated and later obtained another job.
173. Ocers who have never been fired move a median of fourteen miles. Ocers who were fired
from their last job move a median of twenty miles, while ocers fired further back in their
employment history move a median of seventeen miles.
174. We do not count the postfiring stint for ocers who were fired and then rehired by the same
the wandering officer
Of course, not all ocers who work more than one job are wandering oc-
ers; many were never fired at all. The top panel of Figure  shows the proportion
of ocers who, aer having been fired, worked a particular number of subsequent
full-time jobs; the bottom panel presents the same information for ocers who
were fired for misconduct. Both are consistent with what we already know: the
vast majority of fired ocers—around —never secure another job. Moreo-
ver, very few—fewer than —obtain more than one additional full-time job.
Virtually none obtain more than three. Wandering ocers “jump[ing] from
agency to agency whomay have agencies under their belt within a year
period” therefore appear to be exceedingly rare, if not apocryphal, at least as far
as our data can detect.
number of full-time positions held by unique officers, 1988-2016
175. Dill, supra note .
the yale law journal 129:1676 2020
number of full-time positions held by unique officers after being fired for
the first time, 1988-2016
Taken tog
ether, our data suggest that ocers who were fired from their most
recent job may face significant challenges in securing new law-enforcement work
in Florida. They are half as likely as other ocers to obtain a new position and
it takes them twice as long to do so. Moreover, the vast majority of ocers who
were fired hold a very small number of full-time positions throughout their ca-
reer—virtually all of them have fewer than three. Interestingly, we also find evi-
dence that firings from earlier in an ocer’s career appear to pose a much smaller
obstacle to finding a new job.
the wandering officer
3. Where Do Wandering Ocers Go?
Ifred ocers struggle to nd work, they might seek employment at smaller
agencies, which may have fewer resources, or at agencies that serve socioeco-
nomically disadvantaged communities of color with higher crime. Various ac-
counts advance these hypotheses.
To test them empirically, we compare, for
each wandering ocer, characteristics of the previous agency in the year of sep-
aration to characteristics of the hiring agency in the year of hiring. We exclude all
years prior to  because, for most of our agency-level variables, we lack data
before then. As in the previous Section, we also exclude jobs that end with a
firing followed by reemployment with the same agency, which likely reflects re-
instatement by an arbitrator rather than the discretionary decisions of ocers
and agencies on the market.
Our data bear out some, but not all, of the hypotheses about the movement
patterns of wandering ocers. In particular, we find that wandering ocers tend
to migrate to agencies with fewer resources in communities with slightly higher
proportions of residents of color. Ocers who were just fired tend to move to
smaller agencies as well. We find no evidence, however, that wandering ocers
move to areas with more unemployment or crime.
a. Agency Size
Ocers who were fired from their last job move to smaller agencies on aver-
age. We calculate agency size using the ATMS employment data set by counting
the number of unique full-time law-enforcement ocers employed in each
agency each year. From  to , ocers who had never been fired and who
landed a new job moved, on average, from agencies with roughly  ocers to
agencies with roughly  ocers—representing a relative increase of nearly .
In contrast, ocers who were fired or fired for misconduct from their previous
job and who obtained a new position moved from agencies with  and  of-
ficers to agencies with  and  ocers, respectively—relative decreases of
 and . These dierences between the increase experienced by ocers
who had never been fired, on the one hand, and the decreases experienced by
wandering ocers, on the other, are both large and statistically significant.
Ocers who were fired at some point before their most recent separation
actually move in the opposite direction. These ocers went from agencies with,
176. See sources cited supra note .
177. p < .. All of the statistical tests in Section IV.B. are two-sided t-tests clustered at the
person and agency level.
the yale law journal : 
on average,  ocers to agencies with  ocers—a relative increase of
roughly . This increase is statistically significantly dierent from the change
in agency size experienced by ocers who had never been fired.
Note, how-
ever, that ocers who were fired at some point continue to work at smaller agen-
cies, on average, than ocers who had never been fired.
b. Agency Resources
Wandering ocers appear to migrate toward agencies with fewer resources.
To examine this issue, we collected data on law-enforcement expenditures by
every county and municipality in Florida from the Florida Department of Finan-
cial Services from to. The data set, therefore, contains information
only on municipal police departments and sheris’ oces and not state-level,
university, school, or port agencies.
Our expenditure figures include “personal
services” and “operating costs”—which cover salaries and benefits—but exclude
“capital outlays.”
Ocers who had never been fired and landed a new job moved, on average,
from agencies with operating budgets of . million to agencies with budgets
of . million—a relative increase of . In contrast, ocers who were fired
from their last job moved, on average, from agencies with . million budgets
to agencies with . million budgets—which represents a  decline that is
statistically significantly dierent from the change experienced by ocers who
had never been fired.
Similarly, ocers who were fired for misconduct from
their last job moved, on average, from agencies with . million budgets to
agencies with . million budgets—a . decline that is statistically signifi-
cantly dierent from the change experienced by ocers who had never been
178. p < .. When we do the same comparison for firings for misconduct, however, the results
are not statistically significantly dierent.
179. We are missing expenditure data for roughly  of all employment stints, but nearly all of
those missing observations—almost —involve an ocer moving to or from a law-en-
forcement agency that is neither a sheri’s oce nor a police department. Another limitation
of our data is that they are reported by municipalities and counties, not by the law-enforce-
ment agencies themselves. Some municipalities contract with other municipalities or counties
for policing services. Our estimates of agency budgets may exclude funds provided to an
agency by another municipality.
180. We exclude capital outlays because they are spiky over time and because, while they poten-
tially support an agency for many years, we observe only the year in which the money was
spent and not the years in which the benefits of the purchase actually accrued.
181. p < ..
the wandering officer
fired for misconduct.
As before, the experience of ocers who were fired fur-
ther back in their employment history more closely resembles that of ocers
who had never been fired. Ocers who were fired further back in their career
moved, on average, from agencies with . million-dollar budgets to agencies
with . million-dollar budgets—a relative increase of  that is not statis-
tically significantly dierent from the change experienced by ocers who had
never been fired.
The same basic patterns emerge when we examine agencies’ budgetary dol-
lars per ocer, though the dierences are smaller in magnitude.
Ocers who
had never been fired and obtained a new job moved, on average, from agencies
with , per ocer to agencies with , per ocer—a relative increase
of . In contrast, ocers fired from their last job moved, on average, from
agencies with , per ocer to agencies with , per ocer—a relative
decline of , which is statistically significantly dierent from the change ex-
perienced by ocers who had never been fired.
Similarly, ocers fired for
misconduct from their most recent job moved, on average, from agencies with
, per ocer to agencies with , per ocer—a relative decline of 
that is statistically significantly dierent from the change experienced by ocers
who had never been fired.
Yet again, the behavior of ocers who were fired
further back in their employment history more closely resembles the behavior of
ocers who had never been fired. Ocers who were fired at some point further
back in their employment history moved, on average, from agencies with
, per ocer to agencies with , per ocer, which is not statistically
significantly dierent from the increase experienced by ocers who had never
been fired.
c. Racial Composition
Our data suggest that wandering ocers tend to move to areas with slightly
higher proportions of residents of color. We use municipal measures of race and
ethnicity from the Census for municipal agencies, and county-level measures for
182. p < ..
183. For this measure, we divide the agency’s budget by the total number of ocers employed in
that same year. Because some law-enforcement agencies also employ correctional ocers, we
include these ocers in this estimate of agency size. We also find the same basic patterns when
we examine budgetary dollars per resident rather than per ocer.
184. p < ..
185. p < ..
the yale law journal : 
all other agencies.
Although county-level estimates are available annually, mu-
nicipal estimates are not. We therefore use decennial measures from , ,
and . We apply the data from each of those Census years to all subsequent
years until the next decennial census.
From  to , ocers who had never been fired and found new work
moved, on average, from agencies in areas with black populations averaging
. to agencies in areas with black populations averaging .—a relative de-
crease of . By contrast, ocers who were fired from their last job and found
new work moved, on average, from agencies in areas with black populations of
. to agencies in areas with black populations of .—a relative increase
of , which is a statistically significant dierence from the change experienced
by ocers who had never been fired.
Similarly, ocers who werered for
misconduct moved from agencies in areas with black populations of . to
agencies in areas with black populations of .—a relative increase of ,
which is statistically significantly dierent from the change experienced by oc-
ers who had never been fired for misconduct.
There is no statistically signifi-
cant dierence between the movement patterns of ocers who were fired further
back in their career—whether or not for misconduct—and ocers who had never
been fired. The same basic patterns emerge if we examine population data for
Hispanic residents.
As we have shown so far, our data support certain aspects of the conventional
wisdom about wandering ocers—many move to smaller agencies, with fewer
resources, in communities with slightly more residents of color. But not every
186. Our race data is missing for roughly  of all employment stints because it is mostly limited
to municipal police departments and sheris’ oces. Indeed, roughly  of all the missing
observations come from employment stints in which an ocer moves from or to an agency
that is neither a municipal police department nor a sheri’s oce.
187. In other words, we assign  data to all years between  and ; we assign  data
to all years between  and ; and we assign  data to all years aer .
188. p < ..
189. p < ..
190. Ocers who had never been fired moved, on average, from agencies in areas with  His-
panic populations to agencies in areas with . Hispanic populations—a relative decrease
of . Ocers who were fired from their last job moved in the other direction, from agencies
in areas with . Hispanic populations to agencies in areas with . Hispanic popula-
tions—a relative increase of , which is statistically significantly dierent from the change
experienced by ocers who had never been fired (p < .). Similarly, ocers fired for mis-
conduct for their last job moved from agencies in areas with . Hispanic populations to
agencies in areas with . Hispanic populations—a relative increase of , which is not
statistically significantly dierent from the change experienced by ocers who had never been
fired for misconduct. And once again, ocers who were fired further back in their employ-
ment history behaved similarly to ocers who had never been fired.
the wandering officer
element of the conventional wisdom is borne out by the data. We turn to those
other elements next.
d. Unemployment
Contrary to the conventional wisdom, we find little evidence that wandering
ocers move to agencies in communities with higher unemployment, which we
use as a rough proxy for socioeconomic well-being.
This result might appear
at odds with our earlier finding that wandering ocers move to agencies in areas
with larger communities of color, but the magnitude of the change in racial com-
position was quite small.
We use two measures of unemployment rates, which produce similar
(though not identical) results. Our first measure is annual county-level unem-
ployment rates from  to , which are available from the Bureau of Justice
Statistics Current Population Survey.
During that period, ocers who had
never been fired and secured a new position moved, on average, from agencies
in counties with an unemployment rate of . to agencies in counties with a
rate of .. Ocers who were fired from their most recent job and secured sub-
sequent employment moved from agencies in counties with an unemployment
rate of ., on average, to agencies in counties with a rate of .—a change
that is statistically significantly dierent from the change experienced by ocers
who had never been fired.
Ocers who were fired for misconduct experienced
a similar increase, moving from agencies in counties with an unemployment rate
of ., on average, to agencies in counties with an average rate of nearly .—
a change that is also statistically significantly dierent from that of ocers who
had never been fired.
While these changes are statistically significant, they are
191. See, e.g., John P. Crank, The Influence of Environmental and Organizational Factors on Police Style
in Urban and Rural Environments,  J.
RES. CRIME & DELINQ. ,  () (using unem-
ployment rate as one of two measures of community economic conditions in examining their
relationship with policing style); Vickie L. Shavers, Measurement of Socioeconomic Status in
Health Disparities Research,  J.
NATL MED. ASSN , - () (listing unemploy-
ment rate as a “commonly used” measure of community socioeconomic status in public-health
research); see also Bell, supra note , at  (asserting that “[p]oor communities are more
likely to hire ‘gypsy cops’”).
192. Our unemployment data is missing for roughly  of all employment stints because it is
limited to municipal police departments and sheris’ oces. Indeed, roughly  of all the
missing cases come from employment stints in which an ocer moves from or to an agency
that is neither a municipal police department nor a sheri’s oce.
193. p < ..
194. p < ..
the yale law journal : 
substantively very small.
When we look at the data for firings further back in
an ocer’s career, once again we find little dierence between ocers who have
and have not been fired. If anything, ocers who were fired earlier in their career
appear to go to agencies in counties with slightly lower unemployment.
Our county-level estimates of unemployment, however, may mask variation
within counties, especially as municipal agencies, which serve municipalities,
make up the majority of all agencies in our data set. To address this problem, we
construct a second measure of unemployment that assigns municipal-level un-
employment data to municipal agencies. Unfortunately, municipal-level data is
available only back to . We therefore assign all agencies the relevant county-
level or municipal-level unemployment rate from  for all years.
This ap-
proach is not ideal, as it requires the strong assumption that any changes in the
unemployment rate over time are constant across all localities. In other words,
in unmasking spatial variation in unemployment rates within counties, we are
forced to mask temporal variation. Still, we think the analysis useful as a check
on our results above.
Based on this second measure, ocers who had never been fired and landed
another job moved, on average, from agencies in localities with an unemploy-
ment rate of . to agencies in localities with an unemployment rate of ..
Ocers who were fired from their last job moved, on average, from agencies in
localities with an unemployment rate of . to agencies in localities with a rate
of ., while ocers who were fired for misconduct from their last job moved
from agencies in localities with a rate of . to those with a rate of .. Nei-
ther of these latter changes is statistically significantly dierent from the change
experienced by ocers who had never been fired. Finally, ocers who were fired
or fired for misconduct further back in their career moved from agencies in lo-
calities with roughly . unemployment to agencies in localities with the same
Thus, our first and second measures of unemployment point to similar an-
swers. The first measure suggests that wandering ocers migrate toward agen-
cies in communities with very slightly more unemployment than other ocers
from about . to .—while our second measure finds no evidence at all of
any dierence in migration patterns for wandering ocers.
195. Indeed, a . or . change in the county-level unemployment rate is well within the or-
dinary range of annual fluctuations for the counties in our data set.
196. Our measure of unemployment data is missing for  of all employment stints from 
to . Roughly  of the missing cases come from employment stints in which an ocer
moves from or to an agency that is neither a municipal police department nor a sheri’s oce.
the wandering officer
e. Crime
We alsond little evidence that wandering ocers are more likely than other
ocers to migrate toward areas with more crime. We measure crime using data
from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports that capture “oenses known to the po-
lice” from  to .
As it turns out, both wandering and non-wandering
ocers tended to move to agencies with less crime, and, if anything, wandering
ocers tended to experience larger decreases in crime from one job to the next—
although the dierence in the size of these drops was not statistically significant.
From  to , ocers who had never been fired and landed a new job
moved, on average, from an agency with , violent crimes per , resi-
dents annually to an agency with , such crimes—a relative decrease of .
Ocers who were fired from their last job moved, on average, from an agency
with , violent crimes per , residents to an agency with , such
crimes—a relative decrease of , which is not statistically significantly dier-
ent from the decrease experienced by ocers who had never been fired. Ocers
who were fired for misconduct from their last job experienced an even greater
decrease, moving from agencies with , violent crimes per , residents
to agencies with , such crimes—a relative decrease of , which is also not
statistically significantly dierent from the change experienced by ocers who
had never been fired for misconduct.
Once again, ocers who were fired from
a job earlier in their employment history behaved similarly to ocers who had
never been fired.
Taken together, these results suggest that wandering ocers
do not move to agencies in communities with more crime.
197. Our crime data begin in  because a large number of agencies did not report crime data in
. Even between  and , we are missing crime data for roughly  of our employ-
ment stints. But nearly all of those missing observations——involve an ocer moving to
or from a law-enforcement agency that is neither a sheri’s oce nor a police department.
Both the crime and population data are at the agency level.
198. We observe a similar pattern using property crime. Ocers who had never been fired and
found a new job moved from an agency with , property crimes per ,, on average,
to an agency with , such crimes, a relative decrease of . Ocers who were fired from
their most recent job moved from agencies with , property crimes per , to agen-
cies with , such crimes—a relative decrease of . Similarly, ocers who were fired for
misconduct from their last job and found new work moved from agencies with an average of
, property crimes per , to agencies with ,—a relative decrease of .
199. Ocers who were fired further back in their career moved, on average, from an agency with
, violent crimes per , to an agency with , such crimes—a relative decrease of
, which is similar to the decrease experienced by ocers who had never been fired. And
ocers who were fired for misconduct at some point before their most recent job moved from
agencies with an average of , violent crimes per , to agencies with ,—a relative
the yale law journal : 
4. Do Wandering Ocers Engage in More Misconduct?
Many worry that when wandering ocers move, they “tak[e] trouble with
In the absence of systematic data, however, analysts have not known
whether this fear is justified. In this Section, we examine employment and dis-
ciplinary data to assess whether wandering ocers seem to pose heightened risks
to the communities they are hired to serve. We find that they do. We then con-
sider potential explanations for these findings.
Because one goal of our analysis is to enable critical evaluation of the choice
to hire wandering ocers, we focus on employment stints in which agencies ac-
tually exercise their discretion to bring an ocer onto the force. Throughout this
Section, therefore, we drop the post-firing employment stint for ocers who are
fired and then rehired by the same agency. As noted, many of these stints likely
represent cases in which an arbitrator forced the agency to reinstate the ocer
against its will.
a. Firing
We consider first whether wandering ocers are fired more oen than other
ocers. We begin by examining firing rates across groups of ocers with dier-
ent professional histories.
As Panel A in Table  shows, from  to ,
ocers who had never been fired and who secured a new position were subse-
quently fired . of the time and fired for misconduct . of the time.
contrast, ocers who were fired from their most recent position and landed a
new job were fired and fired for misconduct, respectively, . and . of the
time. This is more than twice as oen, and the dierence is statistically signifi-
Ocers who voluntarily separated from their last position but who had
been fired at some point earlier in their career were subsequently fired and fired
for misconduct . and . of the time, respectively. This is roughly 
more oen than ocers who had never been fired, and the dierence is again
decrease of , which is not statistically significantly dierent from the change experienced
by ocers who had never been fired for misconduct.
200. Abshire, supra note , at B.
201. We do not break out these firing rates by demographic categories due to small sample sizes.
202. We exclude stints that began aer  to ensure we have at least three years of follow-up for
every observation. The results are substantively similar if we start our analysis in  rather
than , as we did in the previous Section due to data limitations. See Table A.
203. The denominator includes both employment stints that have ended and those that have not
yet ended.
204. p < ..
the wandering officer
statistically significant.
Because wandering and non-wandering ocers may
remain in their jobs for dierent lengths of time, we also report firing rates
within three-year windows (as well as one- and five-year windows in Table A),
and the results are substantively similar. The same basic pattern holds in Panel
B when we examine ocers’ history of firings for misconduct, specifically.
subsequent firing by professional history, 1988-2013
205. p < ..
206. Ocers who had never been fired for misconduct and who secured a new position were sub-
sequently fired  of the time and fired for misconduct just . of the time. In contrast,
ocers who were fired for misconduct from their most recent position were fired  of the
time and fired for misconduct . of the time—more than twice as oen as ocers who had
never been fired (p < .). Ocers who voluntarily separated from their last position but
had been fired for misconduct at some point earlier in their career were subsequently fired
 of the time and fired for misconduct . of the time—roughly  more oen than
never-fired ocers (p < .). Once again, the same pattern emerges when we examine fir-
ings within three-year windows (and one- and five-year windows in Table A).
207. As noted earlier, although our focus is on law-enforcement ocers, our variables measuring
whether an ocer was previously fired include any past firings from a position in corrections
as well. A very small number of law-enforcement rookies—ocers who are working for the
first time in a law-enforcement position—were previously fired from corrections positions.
We count these ocers as rookies when we estimate firing rates in Table , but excluding them
has very little eect on the result.
Fired for
n Ever
Panel A:
Never 29,888 8.7% 4.5% 6.6% 3.0%
Fired, last job 1,969 18.4% 11.2% 13.8% 7.9%
Fired, earlier job 1,631 14.7% 7.5% 11.1% 5.6%
Panel B:
Firings for
Never 31,182 9.0% 4.7% 6.7% 3.1%
Fired, last job 1,297 20.0% 12.2% 15.3% 9.0%
Fired, earlier job 1,009 15.0% 8.1% 11.2% 6.2%
Panel C:
54,476 10.5% 5.8% 7.2% 3.2%
the yale law journal : 
Earlier, we found that ocers who have been fired are far more likely to se-
cure a new job if they voluntarily separate from at least one intervening position.
We hypothesized that hiring agencies might view these ocers as rehabilitated.
The results just reported, however, imply a story of only partial redemption: of-
ficers who were fired from a job further back in their career are less likely to be
fired than ocers who were fired from their most recent position. Perhaps this
is unsurprising, as these ocers have been double-screened: two dierent agen-
cies have made the decision to hire them since they were fired. Still, these ocers
are substantially more likely to be fired than ocers who have never been fired
Of course, when hiring, law-enforcement agencies do not simply choose
among veteran ocers. They might also decide to hire a rookie who has never
had a full-time job in law enforcement before. Ocers hired as rookies therefore
oer another potentially helpful performance benchmark. As Table  reports in
Panel C, rookies are fired . of the time and fired for misconduct . of the
time. This makes them substantially less risky than wandering ocers—both
those who were fired from their most recent job and those who were fired from
an earlier one.
Ocers hired as rookies tend to be slightly riskier than veterans
who have never been fired, but the dierences are not consistently statistically
significant across our specifications.
So far, we have compared the firing rates of wandering ocers to those of all
veterans who have never been fired and all ocers hired as rookies. Yet
employment markets may vary across both space and time. To account for such
potential local variations, we next narrow our analysis both geographically and
temporally. The idea is to capture, as best we can, the subset of ocers who may
have applied for each job, or at least to approximate the type and quality of
ocers who were likely to have been in the candidate pool.
Our approach is to match each wandering ocer with all nonwandering
ocers who were hired within  miles and up to  days aer the wandering
ocer’s hiring date.
The results are similar when we change the time window
to  days or  year and the geographic limit to  or  miles. We exclude all
208. All but one of the dierences between ocers hired as rookies and wandering ocers are
statistically significant. The sole exception is when we compare firings within one year for
ocers hired as rookies and ocers who had been fired prior to their most recent job.
209. We do not allow ocers from the same agency to serve as comparators for each other. Each
wandering ocer is matched, on average, to roughly one hundred comparators. Because some
wandering ocers are matched with more comparator ocers than others, we weight each
comparator ocer by the inverse of the number of comparator ocers assigned to the same
wandering ocer. In other words, for a wandering ocer with twenty-five comparators, we
weight each of the comparators /.
the wandering officer
observations for the  law-enforcement agencies for which we were unable to
obtain geographic coordinates.
As a result, the data set we use for this analysis
diers somewhat from the data set used previously.
In Table , Panel A presents firing rates based on professional history. As a
basis for comparison, the first row reports firing rates for all ocers who had
never previously been fired. Overall, these ocers were fired  of the time.
The next row reports firing rates for wandering ocers who had been fired from
their immediately preceding job. Similar to our results in Table , these ocers
ended up being fired . of the time—almost  more oen. More
important, the following row reports the firing rate for the never-fired ocers
who were chosen as matched comparators based on location and timing. These
ocers were fired . of the time—slightly more than all ocers who had
never been fired, but still far less than the wandering ocers.
comparator ocers to wandering ocers based on geography and timing thus
appears to have slightly increased the firing rate of the comparison group, but
the comparator ocers are still fired at rates much lower than the wandering
ocers are.
The remaining rows in Panel A conduct the same analysis for wandering
ocers who were fired from a job further back in their employment history. The
results are substantively similar.
In the remaining columns of Panel A, the
same basic pattern also appears for firings within a three-year window and
subsequent firings for misconduct. Panel B shows similar results when we define
wandering ocers as ocers who had been fired for misconduct, specifically.
210. The vast majority of these agencies are state-level agencies for which assigning a specific lo-
cation is not straightforward.
211. The statistical significance tests we report here are two-sided t-tests based on cluster-robust
standard errors clustered at the person level. The dierence in firing rate between these wan-
dering ocers and matched comparators is statistically significant at the . level.
212. The dierence in firing rate between these wandering ocers and matched comparators is
again statistically significant at the . level.
the yale law journal : 
subsequent firing by professional history for matched comparators based
on timing and geography, 1988-2013
Fired Fired for Misconduct
Ever 3 Years Ever 3 Years
Panel A:
10.0% 5.4% 7.1% 3.3%
last job
Wanderer 18.6% 11.1% 14.0% 8.0%
Comparator 10.8% 6.0% 7.9% 3.8%
earlier job
Wanderer 14.6% 7.4% 11.1% 5.7%
Comparator 10.2% 5.6% 7.1% 3.3%
Panel B:
Firings for
10.1% 5.5% 7.2% 3.3%
last job
Wanderer 20.2% 12.1% 15.7% 9.2%
Comparator 10.9% 6.0% 8.1% 3.9%
earlier job
Wanderer 15.3% 8.3% 11.5% 6.5%
Comparator 10.5% 5.7% 7.4% 3.5%
We can narrow our comparator pool even further if we assume that
applicants similarly evaluate the desirability of working at specific agencies and
that agencies similarly evaluate the desirability of job applicants. If so, at least
within local labor markets, more desirable candidates are likely to be hired by
more desirable agencies.
Under this logic, we can further narrow our analysis
to the pool of candidates who were likely vying for the same job by matching
wandering ocers not only based on timing and geography but also based on
whether they were hired by a similarly desirable agency.
Designing an objective measure of agency desirability poses two challenges.
The first is that we need to know what agency characteristics ocers value.
Unfortunately, there is little relevant empirical evidence in the policing literature.
Moreover, dierent ocers may value agency characteristics dierently. As just
one example, some ocers may prefer to work at agencies with high levels of
213. See David Card et al., Workplace Heterogeneity and the Rise of West German Wage Inequality, 
ECON. , - () (finding that more educated workers in Germany tend to be
hired by higher-paying employers and that this correlation increased over time from the s
to the late s).
the wandering officer
crime—to be close to the action—while others may prefer agencies in safer areas.
The second challenge is that we need observable measures of agency
characteristics—measures that ideally vary over time, given the longitudinal
nature of our study.
Given these constraints, we proxy for agency desirability using annual
expenditures per ocer. The assumption is that job candidates prefer to work at
agencies with more money to spend on each ocer—for salaries, benefits, perks,
and other organizational resources.
Because the expenditure data start in
, we drop all employment stints that began before that year. We then use
agency expenditure data to compute, within each year,
the percentile rank of
each agency in terms of expenditures per ocer. We group the agencies into
quintiles—with the bottom twenty percent in the first quintile, the next twenty
percent in the second quintile, and so on, until the fih quintile, which includes
the top twenty percent in each year. We then use these quintile scores to select
comparator ocers who were hired within ninety days and fiy miles of the
wandering ocer by an agency within the same desirability quintile.
As we
show in Table A, our basic results do not change when we match on agency
This geographic, temporal, and agency-desirability matching process helps
us get closer to capturing a picture of the “marginal ocer”—the ocer the
agency would have hired had it not hired the wandering ocer. Ideally, we
would compare wandering ocers and marginal ocers more directly. Without
data on job applicants,
however, it is impossible to identify the actual marginal
ocers, and we cannot probe this question any more closely.
The foregoing analysis has revealed consistent evidence that wandering
ocers are fired at significantly higher rates than both veterans who have never
214. To obtain a comprehensive measure of the number of ocers employed by an agency, we
count both law-enforcement ocers and correctional ocers.
215. Because some agencies’ expenditures vary substantially from year to year, we also calculated,
for each agency, average expenditures per ocer over the entire period,  to . We then
reran our analysis using this time-invariant measure of agency desirability. The results are
216. Because matching on desirability quintiles substantially reduces the pool of potential compar-
ator ocers,  out of the , wandering ocers who were hired from  to  who
had previously been fired were not matched with any comparators. Also,  of the , of-
ficers hired during this period who had previously been fired for misconduct did not receive
a match. We drop these unmatched wandering ocers from this analysis. The remaining
wandering ocers were matched with an average of about twenty-one comparators.
217. We did not try to collect applicant data because it would require obtaining sensitive personnel
records from each of the hundreds of law-enforcement agencies in Florida, likely an impossi-
ble task.
the yale law journal : 
been fired and rookies. One lingering question is whether this relationship—
between wandering-ocer status and firing rates—is mediated by other
observable ocer characteristics. Might it be, for example, that wandering
ocers tend to be young and that youth predicts a higherring rate? If so, what
appears to be a “wandering-ocer eect” might really be a “youth eect.”
To explore this possibility, Table  reports a series of linear probability
models, at the employment-stint level, on our variable measuring firings within
three years.
Model  essentially replicates the results in Table  because it
contains only the professional-history variables: whether an ocer was fired
from his last job, was fired from a job further back in his employment history,
or was hired as a rookie. Veterans who have never been fired are the comparison
group. The model confirms that ocers who were fired from their last job and
ocers fired further back in their employment history are subsequently fired .
and . percentage points more oen, respectively, than ocers who have never
been fired.
In Model , we add some ocer-level demographic variables: age and
The addition of these variables has little eect on the coecients for
either type of wandering ocer, meaning that the predictive power of being a
wandering ocer is not merely driven by these demographic characteristics.
Model  adds educational attainment to the model, but this step is,
unfortunately, more complicated because the variable is frequently missing. The
coecient for ocers who were fired from their last job falls slightly, while the
coecient for ocers who were fired from an earlier job falls dramatically, by
roughly two-thirds. It is possible, however, that dropped observations due to
missing data, rather than the predictive power of educational attainment, are
driving these dierences. To test this possibility, in Model  we replicate Model
 but drop all observations for which we lack education data. The results are
similar to Model . This shows that the change in coecients we observed in
Model  is likely due to the loss of observations from missing data rather than to
the eect of the education variables.
In the end, therefore, we find little
evidence that observable ocer-level variables mediate the heightened firing rate
that wandering ocers experience.
218. We report the results of linear probability models (or linear regressions) because the magni-
tudes of their coecients are easy to interpret. The results are substantively similar, however,
when we use logistic regression, which better fits the binary structure of the dependent vari-
able. The results are also substantively similar when we fit the model on our variable measur-
ing firings for misconduct within three years.
219. We divide age by ten so that the coecients are not rounded to zero.
220. The fact that the results change dramatically thus suggests that the education variable is not
missing randomly.
the wandering officer
regression models on firing within three years, 1988-2013
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Fired from
Last Job
Fired from
Earlier Job
Education Bachelor’s
n 87,964 87,948 46,974 46,974
b. Complaints
As an alternative measure of ocer performance, we also consider com-
plaints filed with the state licensing board—the CJSTC—alleging “moral char-
acter violations” as defined by Florida law. As detailed above,
these complaints
typically begin as civilian or internal aairs allegations investigated by a local
221. An asterisk (*) denotes an estimate that is statistically significant at the . level; two aster-
isks (**) denote an estimate that is statistically significant at the . level. While our thresh-
old of statistical significance throughout the paper is ., we also note estimates that are
statistically significant at the . level with a dagger (†). Cluster-robust standard errors clus-
tered at the person- and agency-level are reported in brackets.
222. See supra Section III.A.
the yale law journal : 
agency. If the local agency sustains the allegation and the oense implicates the
ocer’s “moral character,” the agency must submit its findings to the FDLE,
which opens a “complaint” and begins an independent disciplinary process. The
FDLE also has the power to initiate complaints on its own, which are included
in the data set. Once again, our results suggest that wandering ocers may pose
significant risks.
Table  shows the rate at which ocers received complaints conditional on
their professional history. Because the FDLE appears to have begun consistently
recording complaints in , our analyses of complaints include only employ-
ment stints beginning between  and . As in our analysis of firings, we
exclude job stints in which an ocer is employed by an agency that had fired the
ocer in his immediately preceding job. Panel A shows that ocers who had
never been fired and who secured a new position received an average of .
complaints during their next job. In contrast, ocers who were fired from their
last job received an average of . complaints, almost ninety percent more, a
dierence that is statistically significant.
Ocers who voluntarily separated
from their previous job but had been fired at some point earlier in their career
received an average of . complaints, which is also statistically significantly
more than ocers who had never been fired.
223. p < ..
224. p < ..
the wandering officer
number of complaints by professional history and type, 1993-2013
n Ever
Panel A:
Never 24,711 0.07 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01
last job
1,394 0.13 0.07 0.04 0.02 0.06 0.03
earlier jobs
1,295 0.12 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.05 0.02
Panel B:
Firings for
Never 25,686 0.07 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01
last job
934 0.16 0.08 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.03
earlier jobs
780 0.14 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.06 0.02
Panel C:
44,584 0.08 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01
One question is whether the additional complaints that wandering ocers
receive concern the types of misconduct the public finds most troubling. While
we are constrained by the relatively small number of complaints in the data, we
are able to break complaints into broad categories based on the character of the
misconduct alleged. Almost a quarter of the complaints are for violent or sexual
conduct (including implied violence), the most common allegations of which are
“excess force,” “assault,” “battery – domestic violence,” and “sex oense.”
other third are integrity-related complaints, the most common allegations of
which are “false statements,” “perjury,” “misuse of public position,” and
225. In our primary specification, we exclude from this category complaints concerning prostitu-
tion, sex on duty, intimidation, harassing communication, sexual harassment, resisting an of-
ficer, unprofessional relationships, and the manufacture, possession, or transportation of ob-
scene materials. The results, however, are substantively similar when we include these
complaints. Details of the coding scheme are available from the authors upon request.
the yale law journal : 
We also create a category for drug-related allegations, which account
for just  of the complaints. This is too few to support any reliable results,
but also indicates that our general results, reported above, are not driven by
drug-related oenses.
As Table  shows, ocers who had never been fired and who secured a new
position received an average of . complaints for violent or sexual conduct
during their next job. In contrast, ocers who were fired from their last job re-
ceived an average of ., roughly twice as many, a dierence that is statistically
Ocers who voluntarily separated from their previous job but had
been fired at some point earlier in their career received an average of . com-
plaints for violent or sexual conduct, which is statistically significantly dierent
from ocers who had never been fired.
We find a similar pattern of results for
integrity-related complaints.
Because employment stints vary in length, Table  also reports the average
number of complaints against ocers within a three-year window, and the re-
sults are similar (as are the results within one- and five-year windows, reported
in Table A).
Furthermore, as Panel B of Table  shows, all of these same pat-
terns hold if we examine ocers who have been fired for misconduct instead.
Here, too, ocers hired as rookies provide another useful performance
benchmark for wandering ocers. As shown in Panel C of Table , ocers hired
as rookies receive a roughly similar number of complaints as veterans who have
never been fired
—and fewer than wandering ocers.
As before, we next match each wandering ocer with the nonwandering
ocers who were hired within  miles and fewer than  days aer the
226. We exclude traditional the oenses and oenses involving stolen property, which do not
necessarily implicate truthfulness or the abuse of an ocial position.
227. p < ..
228. p < ..
229. The one exception is that, for violent and sexual complaints, the dierence between ocers
who have never been fired and ocers who voluntarily separated from their last job but who
were fired earlier in their career is not statistically significant within a one-, three-, or five-
year window.
230. When we count all complaints, all violent or sexual complaints, or all integrity-related com-
plaints incurred during the employment stint, ocers hired as rookies receive statistically sig-
nificantly more complaints than veterans who have never been fired, at a threshold of p < .,
though the dierences are substantively small. In the time-limited comparisons, most of the
dierences are not statistically significant.
231. The dierences are always statistically significantly dierent for ocers who were fired from
their last job (p < .). They are also statistically significant for ocers who were fired fur-
ther back in their employment history when we count all complaints and integrity-related
complaints (p < .), but not when we count only violent or sexual complaints.
the wandering officer
wandering ocer’s hiring date.
The results, reported in Table, follow the
now-familiar pattern: wandering ocers receive, on average, . complaints—
about  more than all ocers with no prior history of firing (. complaints)
and the comparator ocers (. complaints).
The same pattern of results
holds for wandering ocers who were fired from a job earlier in their
employment history, for complaints received within a three-year window, and
for wandering ocers who were fired for misconduct, specifically. The same
patterns also hold when we count only violent or sexual complaints or integrity-
related complaints.
And, as reported in Table A, the same basic pattern holds
when we match comparator ocers not only on timing and geography but also
on agency desirability.
number of complaints by professional history for matched comparators
based on timing and geography, 1993-2013
All Violent/Sexual Integrity
Panel A:
0.08 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01
last job
Wanderer 0.14 0.07 0.04 0.02 0.06 0.03
Comparator 0.08 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01
earlier job
Wanderer 0.12 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.06 0.02
Comparator 0.07 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01
Panel B: Firings
for Misconduct
0.08 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01
last job
Wanderer 0.16 0.08 0.05 0.03 0.07 0.03
Comparator 0.08 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01
earlier job
Wanderer 0.14 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.07 0.02
Comparator 0.07 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01
232. The results are similar when we expand the time window to  days or one year and when
we expand the geographic limit to  or  miles.
233. The statistical significance tests we report here are two-sided t-tests based on cluster-robust
standard errors clustered at the person level. The dierence in complaints received by these
wandering ocers and their matched comparators is statistically significant at the . level.
234. The dierences are not always statistically significant, however, for violent and sexual com-
plaints within a three-year window.
the yale law journal : 
Finally, as with our firing measures, we consider whether the higher number
of complaints against wandering ocers is mediated by other observable ocer
characteristics. Table  reports a series of linear-regression models that mirror
those described in Table .
The basic results are the same: we find no evidence
that adding ocer age, gender, or education to the models decreases the size of
the coecient on the professional-history variables. Dierences in coecients
among the models appear to be due to the loss of observations from missing data
rather than to the eect of the independent variables. We therefore find no
evidence that observable ocer-level characteristics mediate the heightened risk
associated with hiring wandering ocers.
regression models on number of complaints within three years, 1993-2013
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Fired from
Last Job
Fired from
Earlier Job
235. We report the results of linear models because the magnitudes of their coecients are easy to
interpret. The results are substantively similar, however, when we use negative binomial re-
236. An asterisk (*) denotes an estimate that is statistically significant at the . level; two aster-
isks (**) denote an estimate that is statistically significant at the . level. While our thresh-
old of statistical significance throughout the paper is ., we also note estimates here that are
statistically significant at the . level with a dagger (†). Cluster-robust standard errors clus-
tered at the person- and agency-level are reported in brackets.
the wandering officer
71,984 71,971 40,436 40,436
c. Explanations
Taken together, our results suggest that wandering ocers are significantly
more likely than comparable ocers—either ocers hired as rookies or veterans
who have never been fired from a Florida law-enforcement agency—to be fired
and to incur complaints of serious misconduct. What explains these findings? At
least four hypotheses strike us as plausible.
First, agencies may scrutinize wandering ocers more rigorously than other
ocers by monitoring them more closely or applying a lower threshold for ini-
tiating the disciplinary process. To put the point most forcefully, agencies might
even hire wandering ocers on a de facto “probationary” basis, intending simply
to fire them if problems arise. Although this is possible, it strikes us as unlikely
that it could fully explain the sizable gaps in the rates at which ocers are fired
and incur complaints.
As an initial matter, employee turnover, or “churn,” is typically expensive: a
recent review of the labor economics literature found that the median cost of
replacing a worker is roughly one-fih of the worker’s salary.
This makes less
plausible the notion that agencies would hire wandering ocers on a probation-
ary rationale, particularly as the agencies that hire wandering ocers tend to be
more poorly resourced. At the same time, the literature emphasizes that the costs
of turnover vary by industry, region, and other factors, and they may be lower
for Florida law enforcement than this general evidence suggests.
237. See Boushey & Glynn, supra note, at . We have not found any research on the cost of
turnover in law enforcement specifically. For potential analogs, see G
ing the cost of teacher turnover in five school districts in  at , to ,); and
Michelle I. Graef & Erick L. Hill, Costing Child Protective Services Sta Turnover,  C
WELFARE ,  () (estimating the cost of turnover for a child protective services
worker in a midwestern state in  at ,).
238. Where labor requires “knowledge exploitation” (i.e., implementation, execution) rather than
“knowledge exploration” (i.e., discovery, innovation), however—as seems generally true of
the yale law journal : 
To probe this first hypothesis more closely, we consider a series of additional
empirical checks. None of these checks is conclusive on its own but, collectively,
they suggest that heightened scrutiny cannot fully explain our results. To begin
with, we found earlier that wandering ocers receive not only more complaints
in general, but also more complaints specifically about violent or sexual miscon-
duct. While certainly possible, it seems less likely that heightened scrutiny could
drive those results, as agencies presumably take violent and sexual conduct more
seriously than other misconduct regardless of which ocers are accused.
Our complaint data oer another way to test the heightened-scrutiny hy-
pothesis. The FDLE, a statewide entity independent from the local agencies that
employ law-enforcement ocers, itself initiates roughly one-third of the com-
plaints in our data set. These include complaints opened in response to an of-
ficer’s arrest, a news report, a verified citizen complaint tendered to the FDLE
directly, or a problem FDLE sta discovered while auditing local-agency rec-
If heightened scrutiny by employing agencies explained why wandering
ocers receive more complaints, we would expect the gap in complaint rates to
disappear in this subset of the data (because, again, the employing agencies do
not trigger these complaints). The data does not bear this out. We reran our
analysis of complaints on the FDLE-initiated subset. As Table A shows, the
results are substantively similar to when we use all complaints: across each of the
specifications, wandering ocers were roughly twice as likely as ocers who had
never been fired to receive a complaint initiated by the FDLE.
Next, we examine firing and complaint rates across agencies of varying size.
What little has been written on the topic suggests that smaller agencies are less
policing—the average net eects of turnover are expected to be negative. See Ton & Huckman,
supra note , at -, .
239. The ATMS database contains seven codes that define the source of a complaint: adavit of
separation, arrest hit notification, FDLE sta documentation, internal investigation, newspa-
per, other, and verifiable complaint. Based on conversations with the FDLE, we define a com-
plaint as initiated by the FDLE (and not the ocer’s agency) if its code is anything other than
adavit of separation or internal investigation. As noted, see supra Section III.A, we have data
only on the date a complaint was opened and not the date on which the alleged misconduct
occurred. It is possible that, in some cases, there is a nontrivial gap between the date a com-
plaint was opened and the date of the alleged misconduct.
240. The dierence between never-fired ocers and ocers who were fired from their last job is
statistically significant across all comparisons at p < .. The dierence between never-fired
ocers and ocers who were fired further back in their employment history is significant
across all comparisons at p < ..
the wandering officer
likely than their larger counterparts to have the resources and organizational ap-
paratus to closely monitor and remediate particular ocers.
Thus, if wander-
ing ocers are fired more frequently or receive more complaints than other of-
ficers because they face heightened scrutiny, we would expect these gaps to
narrow or disappear in smaller agencies.
We therefore reran our analyses of
firing and complaints aer breaking the data into two groups of agencies, by
size: agencies that employed fewer than sixty-two ocers—the smallest quartile
of employment stints—and agencies that employed sixty-two ocers or more.
We then reran the analysis again using even smaller thresholds: thirty-one oc-
ers and fieen ocers. Across all of these comparisons, our results were substan-
tively similar.
In both large and small agencies, ocers who were fired from
their last job were roughly twice as likely to be fired,
bered for miscon-
or receive a complaint
than ocers who had never been fired before.
241. See, e.g., STEVEN G. BRANDL, POLICE IN AMERICA  () (“[L]arger police departments tend
to have more rules and policies than smaller ones.”); P
POLICING, supra note , at - (reporting that “small forces oen lack the resources
for training and equipment accessible to larger departments” and encouraging consolidation);
David N. Falcone et al., The Small-Town Police Department,  P
& MGMT. ,  () (“Given the low number of [full-time employees] for small-
town police departments, and the near absence of organizational dierentiation, all ocers,
regardless of rank, must carry out general patrol functions.”);
Kevin Johnson, Lack of Training,
Standards Mean Big Problems for Small Police Departments, USA
TODAY (June , , :
PM), https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation////small-police-departments
-standards-training/ [https://perma.cc/YFL-LEJG] (“[Q]uestions about leader-
ship, training and basic competence track an array of unmet public safety needs that threaten
small-town policing operations in communities across the country.”); cf. Casey Toner & Jared
Rutecki, 113 Suburban Cop Shootings, Zero Discipline, WBEZ (Jan. , ), https://interac-
tive.wbez.org/taking-cover/zero-discipline [https://perma.cc/CV-WLTT] (“The investi-
gation found little evidence that suburban police agencies do any self-reflection or post-mor-
tem reviews aimed at retraining ocers involved in deadly shootings, a practice oen
employed at larger departments.”).
242. Alternatively, it is possible that police chiefs in smaller agencies are better able to monitor
wandering ocers closely. Our results run contrary to this prediction, too.
243. See infra Table A. To reduce the size of the table, we present only the results for agencies that
are bigger and smaller than fieen ocers at the time the ocer was hired and for firings (but
not firings for misconduct). The results are substantively similar when we break up agencies
based on the thirty-one-ocer and sixty-two-ocer thresholds and when we examine firings
for misconduct.
244. p < ..
245. p < ..
246. p < ..
the yale law journal : 
While ocers who were fired further back in their employment history also ex-
perienced heightened rates of firing and complaints—both in small and large
agencies—the dierences were only sometimes statistically significant.
Finally, we probe the heightened-scrutiny hypothesis by examining the tim-
ing of firings and complaints. If wandering ocers are, like probationary em-
ployees, scrutinized more closely than others, this heightened monitoring is
probably not indefinite. Indeed, monitoring can be costly and its expected re-
turns may diminish with time. It seems likely, then, that wandering ocers
blend in with the rest of the workforce at some point. We therefore calculate the
average rate at which ocers are fired and receive complaints during their fourth
through seventh years of employment.
As Table A shows, wandering oc-
ers continue to experience higher rates of firings
and complaints
even dur-
ing those later years, though the gap between wandering and nonwandering of-
ficers is somewhat smaller during this period than during years one through
A second potential explanation for the elevated rates of firing and complaints
that wandering ocers receive is that, even if wandering ocers are not treated
dierently within agencies, they may, on average, take jobs at agencies that are
better at detecting misconduct or more likely to initiate the disciplinary process.
We are doubtful this hypothesis is correct. If anything, agencies that are better
at detecting misconduct or more likely to initiate the disciplinary process are,
because of their high quality, probably less likely to hire wandering ocers in the
first place. While we cannot directly observe the stringency of an agency’s disci-
plinary process, our composite measures of agencies’ hiring and training re-
quirements provide useful proxies. In our data, ocers who were fired from
their last job and land a new position tend to move to agencies with less stringent
247. We also examine the data in one-year increments. The basic results are substantively similar
but noisy due to the limited number of firings and complaints within each period. In calcu-
lating the firing and complaint rates in years four through seven, we count in the denominator
all ocers who had le the agency in years one through three. If instead we drop these ocers
from the analysis, the dierence in firing rates between wandering and nonwandering ocers
is even larger.
248. The firing rate for ocers fired from their last job is statistically significantly dierent from
that of ocers who were never fired at a threshold of .. For ocers fired earlier in their
employment history, the dierence is statistically significant at the . level for all compari-
sons except when we measure both professional history and subsequent firings using firings
for misconduct.
249. The number of complaints for ocers fired from their last job is only marginally statistically
significantly dierent from the number of complaints for ocers who have never been fired,
at the . level. For ocers fired further back in their employment history, the dierence is
statistically significant at the . level.
the wandering officer
hiring and training requirements than ocers who have never been fired.
suggests that, as we expected, wandering ocers are not moving to agencies
with more stringent disciplinary processes than other agencies.
Third, wandering ocers may take jobs at agencies where, due to dierences
in culture, leadership, or beat assignment, they are exposed to conditions con-
ducive to further misconduct. Although we did not find any evidence that wan-
dering ocers move to agencies in higher-crime jurisdictions, many move to
smaller agencies with relatively fewer resources. For this reason, we think this
third hypothesis warrants further investigation.
We test the hypothesis in two ways.
First, we assess whether observable
agency-level variables reduce the predictive power of ocers’ professional-his-
tory variables. Table  presents a series of linear probability models where the
dependent variable is whether an ocer was fired within three years.
some of our agency-level variables begin in , we restrict our analysis to em-
ployment stints that began between  and . Model  contains only the
professional-history variables and shows that, during that period, ocers who
were fired from their last job and ocers fired further back in their employment
history were subsequently fired . and . percentage points more oen, re-
spectively, than veterans who had never been fired, the comparison group.
In Model , we add a number of agency-level variables (as of the date the
ocer’s employment began): total number of ocers employed by the agency,
agency expenditures per full-time ocer, violent crimes per , residents,
250. Our hiring and training scores begin in . We are also missing a substantial number of
observations within our sample. As a result, we lack hiring-requirement and training-require-
ment data for  and  of observations from  to , respectively. Most of these
missing cases— and  of the missing hiring and training observations—concern moves
from or to agencies that are neither municipal police departments nor sheris’ oces. Ocers
who have never been fired, who separated from their previous job voluntarily, and who land
a new job move from agencies that, on average, have hiring and training scores of . and .
to agencies with scores of . and .—almost no change at all. Similarly, ocers who were
fired earlier in their employment history but voluntarily separated from their last job and
found new work moved from agencies with hiring and training scores of . and . to agen-
cies with scores of . and .. In contrast, ocers who were fired from their last job and
obtain new work tend to move to agencies with lower hiring and training scores; indeed, they
move from agencies with average scores of . and . to agencies with scores of . and .
(p < .).
251. As in the rest of our analyses of professional history and firings, we exclude job stints in which
an ocer is employed by an agency that had fired him in his immediately preceding job.
252. As before, we report the results of linear probability models (or linear regressions) because
the magnitudes of their coecients are easy to interpret. The results are substantively similar,
however, when we use logistic regression, which better fits the binary structure of the depend-
ent variable.
the yale law journal 129:1676 2020
property crimes per 100,000 residents, unemployment, proportion of the pop-
ulation that is black, and proportion of the population that is Hispanic. Adding
these variables decreases the coecient both for ocers who were fired from
their last job and for ocers who were fired further back in their employment
history by 10% to 15%. Because we are missing data for at least one of the agency-
level variables in roughly 17% of employment stints from 1997 to 2013, it is once
again possible that missing data—rather than the introduction of the agency-
level variables—explain the change in results from Model 1 to Model 2. We assess
this possibility in Model 3 by replicating Model 1 while dropping any observa-
tions for which we are missing some agency-level data. The coecients both for
ocers fired from their last job and for ocers fired from an earlier job are
roughly similar to those in Model 1, suggesting that the addition of the agency-
level variables is responsible for much of the modest decrease in the coecient
from Model 1 to 2. Taken together, these models suggest that the agency-level
variables may reduce the predictive power of the professional-history variables
but only very slightly.
Second, we test whether unobservable agency-level characteristics reduce the
predictive power of the professional-history variables. More specifically, we in-
troduce agency fixed eects to assess whether the heightened rates at which wan-
dering ocers are fired stem from their moving to agencies with higher rates of
firing and complaints in general. As Model 4 in Table 11 shows, adding these
fixed eects has little impact on the size of the coecients for either type of wan-
dering ocer. This provides further evidence that this third hypothesis has lim-
ited explanatory power.
the wandering officer
regression models on firing within three years with agency characteristics,
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Fired from Last Job
Fired from Earlier Job
Number of Officers
(In Hundreds)
Expenditure Per Officer
(In Thousands)
Violent-Crime Rate
(Per 100 Residents)
Property-Crime Rate
(Per 100 Residents)
Unemployment Rate
Proportion Black
Proportion Hispanic
Agency Fixed Effects No No No Yes
n 59,861 49,687 49,687 49,687
The fourth and final hypothesis is the most straightforward: holding all else
constant, wandering ocers may simply behave worse than ocers who have
253. Asterisks (*) denote estimates that are statistically significant at the . level; two asterisks
(**) denote estimates statistically significant at the . level. While our statistical signifi-
cance threshold is ., we note estimates statistically significant at the . level with daggers
(†). Cluster-robust standard errors clustered at the person- and agency-level are in brackets.
the yale law journal : 
never been fired. On top of that, they tend to be hired by smaller agencies with
fewer resources, which may be unable to provide them with the policies, train-
ing, and supervision that could help them stay in line. Because the other hypoth-
eses largely fail, and because this explanation is consistent with anecdotal ac-
counts, we suspect that this is, in the end, the most plausible explanation of the
higher rates of firing and complaints against wandering ocers.
v. predicting which wandering officers get fired again
Before we turn to potential legal reforms for the problems just identified, we
examine one final empirical question: whether certain agencies, or certain wan-
dering ocers, pose greater or lesser risks than others. More specifically, should
certain agencies be especially wary of hiring wandering ocers? Do agencies’
hiring or training requirements aect the risk that wandering ocers pose? Are
there observable characteristics that mark some wandering ocers as more or
less risky than others?
To examine these questions, we fit a series of linear probability models on a
data set containing an observation for every time, from  to , an agency
hired a wandering ocer.
The dependent variable indicates whether the of-
ficer was fired within three years. We include a range of independent variables
measuring characteristics of the ocer, as well as the law-enforcement agencies
he moved from and to, in order to estimate whether any of these characteristics
is associated with a lower probability that the ocer’s separation was involun-
tary. As in the earlier analyses of firings, we exclude job stints in which an ocer
is employed by an agency that had fired the ocer in his immediately preceding
Table  presents the results.
Model  includes one independent variable:
whether the ocer was fired from his most recent job. It shows that such ocers
are . percentage points more likely to be fired than other wandering ocers.
Model  adds various ocer-level independent variables, including the number
of jobs worked, gender, age (at start of employment), and a dummy for prior
complaints. The only statistically significant variable is whether the ocer was
fired from his most recent job.
254. We report the results of linear probability models (or linear regressions) because the magni-
tudes of their coecients are easy to interpret. The results are substantively similar, however,
when we use logistic regression, which better fits the binary structure of the dependent vari-
255. We report cluster-robust standard errors clustered at the agency and ocer level.
the wandering officer
In Model , we add a variable reflecting the ocer’s educational attainment
to see whether education is associated with the likelihood that a wandering of-
ficer is fired. Because education data is missing for many ocers, we lose a sig-
nificant proportion of our observations. We find no statistically significant evi-
dence that ocer education makes a dierence here, but we caution that our
estimates are noisy, at least partially due to the decreased sample size.
Finally, in Model , we examine whether any agency characteristics are cor-
related with whether a wandering ocer will be fired again. We add several char-
acteristics of the hiring agency for the year the ocer was hired, including the
proportion of the agency’s jurisdiction that is black, the proportion that is His-
panic, the violent and property crime rates per , residents, county-level
unemployment rates, and agency expenditures per ocer. We also test whether
the agency’s hiring or training requirements are correlated with whether the
agency will fire a wandering ocer it hires by adding two composite scores, de-
scribed in Section III.B, that measure the stringency of the hiring agency’s re-
quirements. The idea is that stricter hiring requirements might direct agencies
toward the least risky wandering ocers and that rigorous training require-
ments might keep wandering ocers on the right path. Finally, the model also
contains two variables capturing the number of full-time ocers employed by
the agencies the ocer moved to and from divided by  (to ease interpretation
of the results). Because some of these agency-level variables are available only
starting in , we exclude all employment stints that began before that year.
We also lose some additional observations due to missingness on some of the
agency-level variables.
In this model, the variable indicating whether an ocer was fired from his
most recent job (rather than a job further back in his employment history) de-
creases in size and is no longer statistically significant. More important, the only
agency-level variables that are statistically significant relate to agency size; they
show that ocers who move from and to agencies that are smaller tend to be
fired less frequently. Otherwise, we find little evidence of any statistical associa-
tion between the agency variables and firing. When we examine firing rates
based on wandering ocers’ history of firings for misconduct, specifically, we
find a similar pattern of results.
Because Model  is restricted to hirings from
 to , however, the number of observations is substantially reduced,
which may partly explain the null results.
256. See Table A.
the yale law journal : 
predicting whether wandering officers are fired again, 1988–2013
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Fired from
Last Job
Job Number
(At Start)
Any Past
257. An asterisk (*) denotes an estimate that is statistically significant at the . level; two aster-
isks (**) denote an estimate that is statistically significant at the . level. While our thresh-
old of statistical significance throughout the paper is ., we also note estimates that are
statistically significant at the . level with a dagger (†). Cluster-robust standard errors clus-
tered at the person-level are reported in brackets.
the wandering officer
Proportion Black
(Per 100,000)
(Per 100,000)
Expenditures Per
Officer (2008)
Hiring Re-
quirement Score
Training Re-
quirement Score
No. of Officers
No. of Officers
3,533 3,533 1,390 1,451
Taken together, what should we make of these results? Assuming a law-en-
forcement agency will hire a wandering ocer, are there ways to reduce the
risks? Our models provide little optimism on this front. Most of the models sug-
gest that, among wandering ocers who are hired again, those who have sepa-
rated voluntarily from at least one job since their last firing are less likely to be
fired again. The models also suggest that ocers coming from or going to
smaller agencies may be slightly less likely to be fired. Beyond that, however, the
regression models provide little consistent evidence about how to predict which
wandering ocers will be fired again.
the yale law journal : 
vi. mechanisms and reforms
We have found that an average of over one thousand wandering ocers were
working in full-time Florida law-enforcement jobs in any given year between
 and . Many of these ocers found work by migrating to smaller, less
desirable agencies—measured by resources per ocer—than the agencies that
red them. They were thenred and subjected to complaints allegingmoral
character violations” at higher rates than ocers who had never been fired be-
fore, even when we restrict the latter group to ocers who were hired around
the same time and place by similarly desirable agencies. Although we cannot be
sure why wandering ocers experienced these adverse outcomes, aer a review
of several hypotheses, we think the most straightforward explanation is also the
most plausible one: wandering ocers simply behave worse than ocers who
have never been fired. These results appear generally consistent with the perti-
nent labor economics literature and, in particular, with the closest study on
point, which concerns the labor mobility and behavior of financial advisers who
commit misconduct.
If wandering ocers are so risky, one might reasonably ask, why do police
chiefs keep hiring them? Our data do not permit us to isolate a single mecha-
nism, and we doubt that there is only one cause in any event. In this final Part,
we consider five plausible explanations along with the policy implications of
each. In Section A, we examine the possibility that agencies may not know they
are hiring wandering ocers. In Section B, we consider whether agencies may
not appreciate the risks that wandering ocers pose. In Section C, drawing upon
our empirical analysis in Section IV.B., we discuss whether wandering ocers
are simply the best available candidates—that is, if they are hired when no
stronger candidate is available. In Section D, we explore the benefits that might
make wandering ocers attractive notwithstanding their risks. Finally, in Sec-
tion E, we discuss the possibility that agencies are not concerned about the risks
of hiring wandering ocers because, generally speaking, they do not bear the
costs of any resulting harms.
A. Poor Information
In some instances, an agency may hire a wandering ocer simply because it
does not know about the ocer’s past. Indeed, agencies do not always complete
adequate background checks, possibly due to unprofessional organizational cul-
ture or resource constraints. The Cleveland Police Department, for instance,
“never reviewed [the] personnel file” for Tim Loehmann, who shot and killed
258. See supra notes - and accompanying text.
the wandering officer
Tamir Rice.
In addition, some candidates may deliberately conceal their pro-
fessional history. Much of the small academic literature on wandering ocers
emphasizes this explanation for the ability of wandering ocers to find work.
The favored solution here is to build a robust national decertification data-
base. Such a database would record state agency decisions to decertify ocers
and make them available for local agencies in other states to see. A small group
of academics has been pushing this idea for decades and, in , the President’s
Task Force on st Century Policing lent its imprimatur.
To be sure, a national
database does already exist—the NDI described in Part I. But its coverage is poor.
Some states “have decided it’s a drain on resources to contribute to the index
[and] the state-by-state discrepancies significantly limit the database’s eective-
As one reference point, Georgia decertified  ocers in  but sub-
mitted nothing to the database.
Our data and findings highlight both the importance and limits of a national
decertification database as a tool to stop wandering ocers. On the one hand,
ournding that wandering ocers are more likely than other ocers to bered,
including for misconduct, and more likely to be subject to serious misconduct
complaints, underscores the importance of some kind of national—and manda-
tory—tracking system. Such a tool could help agencies avoid hiring wandering
ocers who saunter in from other states.
On the other hand, as the Loehmann example demonstrates—along with all
of our own findings—the focus on interstate movement seems to skip a step.
Wandering ocers frequently move around within a single state. Even before
we get to any national database, background checks should be standardized and
259. Dewan & Oppel, supra note ; see CIVIL RIGHTS DIV., U.S. DEPT OF JUSTICE & U.S. ATTORNEYS
() (detailing systemic and structural deficiencies in the department). On the importance
of organizational culture more generally, see Armacost, supra note .
260. See, e.g., Atherley & Hickman, supra note , at - (describing impediments to the flow
of information necessary to vet candidates thoroughly); Bell, supra note , at  (explaining
that “resource constraints make it more dicult” for agencies “to discriminate between good
and bad ocers”); Goldman & Puro, supra note , at  (“[T]he second department may
be unaware of the previous misconduct, either because the first department would not dis-
close the ocer’s previous misconduct, or because the second department does not conduct a
thorough background check.”).
261. See, e.g., Atherley & Hickman, supra note , at -; Goldman & Puro, supra note, at-
; Goldman & Puro, supra note , at -; see also P
POLICING, supra note , at .
262. Fisher, supra note .
263. Id.
the yale law journal : 
mandatory (as they are in some states, including Florida). There is some sug-
gestion, mentioned earlier, that background checks are taxing on very small or
resource-strapped departments. If so, states or the federal government should
consider subsidizing or otherwise assisting local agencies in conducting the nec-
essary investigation of ocer candidates.
In addition, even if the database includes every decertification decision na-
tionwide, it is useful only if states regularly decertify problem ocers. But they
do not.
Recall that five states plus the District of Columbia, employing a sig-
nificant share of all law-enforcement ocers nationally, have no decertification
option at all. Another twenty states require a criminal conviction before an ocer
can be decertified. And according to one study, in , over half of all police
decertifications reported to the NDI came from Florida and Georgia, while Lou-
isiana, Mississippi, and Wyoming did not decertify a single ocer
—in fact,
Louisiana has not decertified anyone in at least a decade.
Even in states that
do decertify a relatively high number of ocers, moreover, decertification is still
rare. Only a small subset of misconduct will render an ocer eligible for decer-
It is worth pointing out that, to our knowledge, none of the employ-
ment stints in our study—including those of wandering ocers—was held by an
ocer who had been decertified in Florida before the stint began.
The federal government—through an exercise of Congress’s spending
power—could encourage the states to decertify ocers under specified condi-
tions. Short of that, the most productive reform might be to expand the substan-
tive coverage of the national database. Rather than merely cover ocer decertifi-
cations, the database ought to record at least all misconduct-related terminations,
and probably all involuntary terminations or all separations of any kind. This
would resemble the National Practitioner Databank (NPDB) that tracks medical
264. See, e.g., Puro et al., supra note , at  (“The decertification authority is available [in most
states] but may not be implemented in many states owing to factors such as a lack of political
will by the state legislature, insucient stang at the POST, or lack of participation by local
police chiefs or sheris.”).
265. Fisher, supra note .
266. Kelly et al., supra note .
267. See Fisher, supra note  (“I think some people are under the misimpression that if a cop gets
fired for anything really bad, they’re going to get decertified, and that is not the case. . . . It’s
a very narrow range of behavior that will cause them to lose their certification.” (quoting Sue
Rahr, former police chief and member of the President’s Task Force on st Century Polic-
268. It is possible that some had been decertified and later recertified. It is also possible that some
had been decertified in another state before moving to Florida.
the wandering officer
malpractice and fraud.
In fact, the NPDB goes further, requiring reporting of
not only employment separations but also malpractice payments and certain dis-
ciplinary actions.
In the s, Congress actually considered two bills that
sought to establish a federal clearinghouse of law-enforcement “employment
termination data.”
Both died in committee.
Some states have recently taken
steps in this direction for their in-state databases. A  Illinois law, for exam-
ple, requires local agencies to notify the state POST board of any “final determi-
nation of willful violation of department or agency policy, ocial misconduct,
or violation of law” in connection with an ocer’s termination or resignation.
If other states enact similar reforms, an eective national database will be that
much closer to reality.
B. Unawareness of Risk
Some agencies may know they are hiring wandering ocers but may not
know that wandering ocers are, in general, risky hires.
Aer all, plenty of
wandering ocers do not reoend,
and plenty of ocers who have not been
fired before commit misconduct. In fact, police administrators sometimes make
the plausible argument that wandering ocers should be more conscientious
than others because they have been reprimanded beforethey know, in other
269. National Practitioner Data Bank, U.S. DEPT HEALTH & HUM. SERVS.,
https://www.npdb.hrsa.gov/index.jsp [https://perma.cc/GCA-WM]; see Goldman &
Puro, supra note , at .
270. See Ilene N. Moore et al., Rethinking Peer Review: Detecting and Addressing Medical Malpractice
Claims Risk,  V
AND. L. REV. ,  ().
271. Law Enforcement and Correctional Ocers Employment Registration Act of , H.R.
, th Cong.  () (); Law Enforcement and Correctional Ocers Employment
Registration Act of , S. , th Cong.  () ().
272. Fisher, supra note .
273. Illinois Police Training Act,  ILL. COMP. STAT.  / .(a) (). But see Toner & Rutecki,
supra note  (reporting in  that only twenty-six ocers’ names had been submitted and
that ten of the twenty-six had gone on to find additional police work).
274. See, e.g., Cormier & Doig, supra note  (describing a city manager who knowingly hired of-
ficers who had been fired for perjury, excessive force, and making false statements—but not
decertified—reasoning that, “[i]f the [certifying] commission says they’re good to go, they’re
good to go”); cf. Egan et al., supra note , at  (hypothesizing that financial advisers with
records of misconduct may find work because unsophisticated customers do not know “how
to interpret” their records).
275. See, e.g., Shockey-Eckles, supra note , at - (relating the story of a wandering ocer
who “salvaged his career,” was named ocer of the year, and was promoted to lieutenant in
his new agency).
the yale law journal : 
words, that they are not invincible.
Very few agencies, we suspect, hire enough
wandering ocers to notice that, in the aggregate, the pattern of their behavior
actually seems to cut the other way.
Police administrators are now on notice. Even when well intentioned—as a
second chance for a hard-working cop—hiring a wandering ocer is risky busi-
ness. Wandering ocers, we have shown, are fired and subjected to moral-char-
acter complaints more oen than other ocers. Notably, they are riskier, by our
measures, than even ocers hired as rookies. Our findings are consistent with
prior studies, using dierent data and methods, that examined police miscon-
duct without focusing on wandering ocers specifically. White and Kane, for
example, found that New York City ocers withredags early in their careers
were at greatest risk of dismissal later on.
Machine-learning researchers who
developed an early intervention system to predict adverse events for Charlotte-
Mecklenburg ocers found that “[t]he most predictive features of the model
were those relevant to the prior [internal aairs] history of the ocer.
Kyle Rozema and Max Schanzenbach found that Chicago ocers who receive
more civilian complaints are more likely to be sued later for civil-rights viola-
In light of this evidence, law-enforcement agencies should be wary of know-
ingly hiring wandering ocers and, when they do make such hires, should be
realistic about the risk they assume. Agencies should consider enhanced moni-
toring and support of wandering ocers as a potential way to manage this risk.
They might also promulgate recidivist penalties for ocers—common in the
substantive criminal law—designed to deter misconduct by this high-risk pop-
ulation. (Some may have already.) And if given the choice between two wander-
ing-ocer candidates, one of whom was just fired and one of whom was fired
earlier in his career, our evidence suggests that agencies ought to opt for the lat-
ter, all else equal.
C. Inadequate Alternatives
Many have assumed that hiring a wandering ocer is an obvious manage-
ment blunder. It certainly appears so aer the fact, when the public learns that
276. See Cormier & Doig, supra note .
277. Michael D. White & Robert J. Kane, Pathways to Career-Ending Police Misconduct: An Exami-
nation of Patterns, Timing, and Organizational Responses to Ocer Malfeasance in the NYPD, 
RIM. JUST. & BEHAV. ,  ().
278. Carton et al., supra note , at .
279. Rozema & Schanzenbach, supra note , at -.
the wandering officer
an ocer who hurt someone had previously been fired by another agency. But
these cases alone, tragic as they are, actually tell us little about the wisdom of the
decision from an ex ante perspective. Even if agencies suspect that, on average,
wandering ocers carry certain risks, they might still be making optimal hiring
decisions under the circumstances. The wandering ocers who are hired might
be less risky than the available alternative candidates.
That wandering ocers
tend to migrate to agencies with fewer resources is evidence consistent with this
account. Certainly, if law-enforcement agencies were epistemically sophisti-
cated, profit-driven private entities that internalized the costs of bad hiring de-
cisions, this story would be compelling. As we discuss in Section E below, how-
ever, there are reasons to think most agencies are not like this.
Fortunately, we were able to do more than speculate in this way. We were
able, as detailed in Part IV above, to identify, for each wandering ocer, a plau-
sible candidate cohort—a group of ocers who were hired around the same time
by nearby, and similarly desirable, agencies. This group roughly approximates
the type of ocers who may have been candidates for the job the wandering
ocer ultimately obtained. As we showed, although this cohort is riskier than
the general population of ocers who have never been fired, the wandering of-
ficers are riskier still. It would be preferable, of course, to compare the wandering
ocers to the actual ocers who competed for the same jobs, but that infor-
mation is unavailable. In its absence, our cohort analysis provides some evidence
that agencies are not always making the optimal hiring decision.
Nevertheless, it remains possible that a shallow applicant pool does explain
some wandering-ocer hiring. If so, and assuming additional hires are actually
necessary, the solution may be to improve the pool of candidates by raising com-
pensation or improving outreach and recruitment.
This, of course, is likely far
easier said than done. Still, to the extent that ocials allocating budgets have not
280. See, e.g., Atherley & Hickman, supra note , at  (explaining that small agencies sometimes
consciously hire wandering ocers when “financial resources are limited and lateral ocers
are simply scarce”); Goldman & Puro, supra note , at  (“Although it might seem unusual
for a police department to hire an ocer with a past record of misconduct, the second depart-
ment is usually located in a poor community that cannot aord to pay high salaries to its
police.”); Cohen, supra note  (“[I]f it’s not an attractive department, you’d have . . . very
few applicants, and it’s a matter of getting the best of the worst.” (quoting Vincent del Cas-
tillo)); Kyle Hopkins, The Village Where Every Cop Has Been Convicted of Domestic Violence,
ROPUBLICA (July , , : AM), https://www.propublica.org/article/stebbins-alaska
-cops-criminal-records-domestic-violence [https://perma.cc/TC-YFY] (describing small
Alaskan communities in which all applicants for law-enforcement jobs have criminal records).
281. Cf., e.g., Johnson, supra note  (“L[i]ke the mayor, the chief is concerned about the town’s
ability to draw candidates to small-town policing ‘when you can make more at McDonalds.’”
(quoting Roger Dowell, Police Chief, Damascus, Va.)).
the yale law journal : 
perceived a problem, our findings might encourage them to reconsider. Locali-
ties that are forced to hire wandering ocers might appeal to intergovernmental
sources of funding, such as the state, for assistance in subsidizing salary en-
Another way to improve the candidate pool may be to reduce barriers to en-
try into the profession. This could include minimizing financial barriers, such as
the cost of the requisite training or education. Another possibility—although not
one without risks—is to relax the stringency of hiring requirements. Because re-
searchnds that more educated ocers, for example, tend to commit less mis-
conduct, many assume that agencies should raise their education require-
But higher education requirements may screen out some otherwise-
excellent candidates—candidates who might be a superior choice to a better-ed-
ucated wandering ocer. More research is warranted on the eects of hiring re-
quirements on the makeup and performance of the police forces they yield.
D. Countervailing Benefits
Some agencies may understand that wandering ocers are risky—riskier,
even, than alternative candidates—but hire them because of the benefits, both
cultural and financial, they’re perceived to bring. The chief, for example, may be
looking for a “cowboy” ocer to work the toughest beat—someone who’s savvy
and unafraid to do what’s necessary to “clean up the streets.”
Some agency
leaders may even believe they are doing a service to the profession by helping a
cast-out comrade find his way. Unlike a new recruit, a wandering ocer has
earned his spot in policing’s “band of brothers”;
that he has been red may
signal only that he was unfairly maligned or fell victim to “politics.”
chance to right this perceived wrong may generate for some chiefs a “warm
282. See, e.g., KANE & WHITE, supra note , at .
283. See, e.g., Toner & Rutecki, supra note  (“Certain ocers are more active than other oc-
ers. . . . You have ocers that are out there simply looking for the bad elements. They are
looking for the criminals. They are looking for the drugs. They are looking for the guns out
there, which is what they should be doing.” (quoting Robert Collins Jr., Police Chief, Dolton,
284. See WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, KING HENRY V act , sc.  (MIT ed. ) (“We few, we happy
few, we band of brothers; / For he to-day that sheds his blood with me / Shall be my
brother . . . .”).
285. Kelly et al., supra note  (“Former New Orleans police superintendent Ronal Serpas said that
sheris and other chiefs oen justify rehiring ocers by dismissing their problems as ‘politi-
the wandering officer
glow” that actually makes a wandering ocer more, not less, attractive than a
nonwandering alternative.
Alternatively, agencies might hire wandering ocers who are riskier than the
marginal hires if the costs of doing so are lower. Because collective-bargaining
agreements in many law-enforcement agencies across the country, and in Florida
specifically, establish scheduled pay raises based primarily on years of service,
police administrators typically have little discretion over salaries.
It is there-
fore unlikely that an administrator would hire a wandering ocer simply be-
cause that ocer is willing to accept a lower salary than a similarly experienced
marginal candidate who has never been fired. But wandering ocers might be
cheaper than rookies. In many jurisdictions, hiring agencies must pay to send
new recruits to the police academy and fund their salaries during training as
286. See, e.g., Cormier & Doig, supra note  (“‘This stu is supposed to follow you forever? . . .
Of course I’m going to give somebody a second chance.’” (quoting Roberto Fulgueira, Police
Chief of the Sweetwater Police Department)); Schaefer & Kaufman, supra note  (describing
police chief who considers his agency “a place where cops can earn a second chance”); cf. Maya
Lau & Matt Stiles, L.A. County Sheri Alex Villanueva Reinstates Four More Fired Deputies,
TIMES (Apr. , ), https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-sheri-more
-reinstatements--story.html [https://perma.cc/LC-MNV] (describing a sheri
who “argued that previous sheris were too harsh in punishing deputies and he wants to be
fairer” and who campaigned “on a promise to correct the wrongs of the past, including . . .
addressing the cases of deputies who’d been unfairly disciplined through a ‘truth and recon-
ciliation’ panel”). On the concept of “warm glow,” see James Andreoni, Giving with Impure
Altruism: Applications to Charity and Ricardian Equivalence,  J.
POL. ECON.  ().
287. See, e.g., Seth W. Stoughton, The Incidental Regulation of Policing,  MINN. L. REV. , 
() (describing the New York Police Department’s wage schedule, in which “pay de-
pend[s] on the length of employment, not ocer performance”); Agreement Between the City
of Boca Raton and Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #35, C
ITY OF BOCA RATON  (), http://
ebbe.pdf [https://perma.cc/PRH-QDBP]; Agreement Between the City of St. Peters-
burg and Sun Coast Police Benevolent Association for Police Ocers and Technicians, C
PETERSBURG ,  (), https://www.stpete.org/city_departments/human_resources
/docs/PBAContract.pdf [https://perma.cc/NCN-PG]; City of Orlando Collective Bar-
gaining Agreement with Fraternal Order of Police, Orlando Lodge #25, C
- (), https://orlando.novusagenda.com/AgendaPublic/AttachmentViewer.ashx
?AttachmentID=&ItemID= [https://perma.cc/SP-KWX].
the yale law journal : 
Training also creates delay; wandering ocers join the agency ready to
While not easy, it may be possible to diminish the influence of these per-
ceived benefits on agencies’ hiring decisions. With respect to the cultural factors,
scholars and even some police leaders are increasingly challenging the notion
that high crime—even violent crime—demands a militaristic response.
idea is that Guardian Ocers, not Warrior Cops, may best accomplish the aspi-
rational aim of law enforcement: “protecting civilians from unnecessary indig-
nity and harm.”
“[R]ethinking the professional self-image of policing and
changing some of the core values that inform ocers actions and decisions will
not be easy,
but instructive examples do exist.
By foregrounding the service
288. See, e.g., Goldman & Puro, supra note , at  (explaining that, when they hire wandering
ocers, “[d]epartments need not pay for the costs of a training academy or the salary of the
trainee while he is in training”); Williams, supra note  (“[S]maller departments and those
that lack sucient funding or are understaed are most likely to hire applicants with prob-
lematic pasts if they have completed state-mandated training, which allows departments to
avoid the cost of sending them to the police academy.”). In Florida, for example, local agencies
are authorized, though not legally required, to pay police-academy tuition. See F
. (). Most do: according to CJAP data, in both  and ,  of the re-
sponding police departments and sheris’ oces reimbursed tuition costs. As a point of ref-
erence, tuition at one program in  ran roughly , for Florida residents and ,
for out-of-state residents. Law Enforcement Ocer, G
A. STONE TECH. COLL., https://
=igyerxdmb [https://perma.cc/VTZ-HWT]. Given that so many agencies pay these
costs, it may be extremely dicult for agencies that do not to hire new recruits.
289. See, e.g., Williams, supra note  (explaining that wandering ocers “can start work almost
immediately”); Yoder, supra note  (“Given the opportunity to hire a licensed ocer who can
start immediately and for whom the hiring agency doesn’t need to pay training costs, [a small
department] may decide to ignore their history.”).
290. See, e.g., PRESIDENTS TASK FORCE ON ST CENTURY POLICING, supra note , at ; Seth W.
Stoughton, Principled Policing: Warrior Cops and Guardian Ocers,  W
, - (); Kate Mather, LAPD Urges Ocers to Be Community Guardians, Not War-
riors on Crime, L.A.
TIMES (Aug. , , : AM), https://www.latimes.com/local/crime
/la-me-warrior-guardians--story.html [https://perma.cc/ABW-FZ]; Nick
Morgan, From Warriors to Guardians, M
AIL TRIB. (Medford, Or.) (Mar. , ),
http://www.mailtribune.com/article//NEWS/ [https://perma.cc
291. Stoughton, supra note , at .
292. Id. at .
293. See, e.g., Sue Rahr & Stephen K. Rice, From Warriors to Guardians: Recommitting American
Police Culture to Democratic Ideals, N
https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdles/nij/.pdf [https://perma.cc/DXL-NV] (describ-
ing training curriculum reforms in Washington designed to cultivate a guardian mentality by
the wandering officer
aspects of the job, these same reforms might help temper the “band of brothers”
mentality that may lead chiefs to pity, or at least identify with, wandering oc-
ers. Litigation targeting legal rules that reinforce a self-protective, insular mind-
set might, over time, gradually erode that mentality as well.
The perceived financial benefits—that wandering ocers are cheaper to hire
than new recruits—may be more straightforward to neutralize. If agencies are
hiring ocers with troubled histories to avoid the startup costs of educating and
training new recruits, then they should not be asked to pay these costs. If the
locality itself cannot allot more money to the police department’s budget, state
and federal authorities may need to intervene. The idea is not a fanciful one—
the federal government, for example, already supports local policing with tens
of billions of dollars. Rachel Harmon has argued that much of this money goes
to programs that are ineective or that may do more harm than good.
If that
is right, the suggestion here is simply to repurpose some of these funds to pay
for training rather than tanks.
To be clear, we do not mean to suggest that
agencies are correct to think that a wandering ocer is cheaper than a rookie in
the long run. Even if a wandering ocer is less costly upfront, what he gives
with one hand he may take away with the other, later, in the form of attrition
and potential civil liability. All told, the best approach may be to ensure that
agencies are internalizing these countervailing costs, a point to which we now
E. Cost Externalization
Finally, agencies may hire wandering ocers because they externalize, and
therefore discount, the costs of doing so—in other words, they know it’s risky
but they don’t care.
Agencies’ principal financial exposure comes from law-
suits against ocers for the harms their misconduct inflicts. Although these ac-
tions technically run against the defendant ocers as individuals, ocers are
emphasizing the nobility of policing, procedural justice, crisis intervention, tactical social in-
teraction, and respect).
294. See Aziz Z. Huq & Richard H. McAdams, Litigating the Blue Wall of Silence: How to Challenge
the Police Privilege to Delay Investigation,  U.
295. See Rachel A. Harmon, Federal Programs and the Real Costs of Policing,  N.Y.U. L. REV. ,
, - ().
296. See id. at - (describing federal grant programs that finance the acquisition of militaristic
297. See, e.g., Dill, supra note  (“You have some agencies that take the approach, we need warm
bodies, so they will hire that [wandering] individual . . . .” (quoting Union County, South
Carolina Sheri David Taylor)).
the yale law journal : 
virtually always indemnified by the employing locality.
Yet, even setting aside
the fact that many civilians wronged by the police will never sue, the locality
itself bears relatively limited exposure due to robust qualified immunity protec-
tions that immunize “all but the plainly incompetent or those who knowingly
violate the law.”
Moreover, even when the locality does incur liability on behalf of an ocer,
there are additional impediments to the generation of eective behavioral incen-
tives for those who run the agency. Roughly half of the agencies covered by one
recent study contribute nothing to the satisfaction of lawsuits brought against
them; central government funds are used to pay the bills.
Not all of the agen-
cies that do contribute, moreover, actually experience financial pressures; some,
for example, pay from funds that were earmarked for litigation costs alone.
All told, because of these complexities in the way localities finance liability costs,
the majority of agencies suer no financial consequences when liability costs in-
crease—they do not “feel the burn,” so to speak.
And though political pres-
sures may increase with liability, most agencies do not track or analyze infor-
mation about police litigation in a way that could facilitate learning and
Municipalities are also exposed to direct liability for faulty hiring deci-
But the opening for plaintis is narrow, limited to situations in which
an ocer’s misconduct was a “plainly obvious consequence of the decision to
hire” the ocer.
That said, courts have upheld claims “where there is a close
connection between information a municipality did or should have learned about
an employee in the hiring process and the constitutional violation that ultimately
In one recent case, an ocer who had previously been fired from
298. See Joanna C. Schwartz, Police Indemnification,  N.Y.U. L. REV. ,  ().
299. Malley v. Briggs,  U.S. ,  (); see, e.g., Carbado, supra note , at -. But cf.
Joanna C. Schwartz, How Qualified Immunity Fails,  Y
ALE L.J. , - () (nding that
qualified immunity rarely ends civil rights cases, although allowing that it may discourage
people from ever filing suit).
300. Schwartz, supra note , at .
301. Id. at .
302. See id. at .
303. See generally Joanna C. Schwartz, Myths and Mechanics of Deterrence: The Role of Lawsuits in
Law Enforcement Decisionmaking,  UCLA
L. REV.  () (finding that ocials do not
typically learn from civil-rights lawsuits to make informed decisions about how to modify
agency policy).
304. Bd. of the Cty. Comm’rs v. Brown,  U.S.  ().
305. Id. at .
306. AVERY ET AL., supra note , at ; see id. at  n. (collecting cases).
the wandering officer
four separate law-enforcement agencies shot and killed the former mayor of a
small town in South Carolina. Shortly aer the incident, the town’s police chief
noted that, despite the ocer’s rocky past, he had “proven himself” at his current
job: “He’s done a good job, so I guess he got a second chance.
The decedent’s
family sued, alleging, among other theories, negligent hiring by the town. A jury
awarded the family almost one hundred million dollars, including sixty million
in punitive damages against the town.
Given our evidence about the risks wandering ocers pose, the jury in a case
like this—or a court deciding a dispositive motion—is justified in deeming an
agency’s decision to hire a wandering ocer (or failure to conduct an adequate
background investigation) to be probative of fault. The more serious the ocer’s
past misconduct, the more probative the evidence is. Nevertheless, wandering-
ocer status remains but one risk factor among many and rarely should be dis-
Increased judicial willingness to entertain negligent-hiring suits concerning
wandering ocers might, on the margins, aect the frequency with which wan-
dering ocers are hired. Yet the impediments just discussed—to translating fi-
nancial liability into constructive behavioral incentives—are every bit as power-
ful here as in the case of individual ocer liability. To the extent these
impediments contribute to the hiring of wandering ocers, the appropriate re-
sponse would be to improve the system’s mechanisms of accountability so that
agencies internalize the costs of their hiring decisions. But this is hardly a novel
suggestion; indeed, it is clear by now there is no straightforward solution. Po-
lice-liability insurers might pitch in by converting the “large but improbable po-
tential liabilities” of negligent hiring into more salient premium dollars.
raising premiums for agencies that hire wandering ocers, for example, insurers
would force local governments to pay for the incremental increase in risk that
307. Harve Jacobs, Cop Accused of Shooting Ex-Mayor Had Previous Encounter, Chief Says, WCSC
(June , , : AM), http://www.livenews.com/story//sled-investigate-ocer
-involved-shooting-in-cottageville [https://perma.cc/UYD-VLHL].
308. See Heath Hamacher, A Matter of Force: $97.5M Jury Award Trains a Spotlight on the Issue of Law
Enforcement Hiring, S.C.
LAW. WKLY. (Oct. , ), https://sclawyersweekly.com/news
-enforcement-hiring [https://perma.cc/RZG-U]. The parties later settled for  mil-
lion. South Carolina Mayor’s Death Settlement Reduced to $10M, I
NS. J. (Mar. , ), https://
www.insurancejournal.com/news/southeast////.htm [https://perma.cc
309. See supra Part II (reviewing research on other ocer-level correlates of misconduct).
310. John Rappaport, How Private Insurers Regulate Public Police,  HARV. L. REV. , 
the yale law journal : 
wandering ocers present regardless whether that risk ultimately material-
Here, too, however, according special treatment to wandering-ocer
status may make most sense if other ocer-level risk factors are also considered.
Of course, many costs of wrongful policing are nonpecuniary in nature. Po-
lice misconduct humiliates and degrades its subjects, creates racial disparities in
criminal-justice outcomes, causes negative health consequences, and breeds cyn-
icism toward the police—which, in turn, can “stymie or hinder public safety ef-
forts and, instead, keep crime rates higher in the same communities where fair
and just policing practices are most needed.”
Agencies externalize many of
these nonpecuniary costs as well.
Improving transparency ought to allow the
public to monitor the police more eectively and thus to exert pressure on polit-
ical actors to account for these neglected costs of policing.
In the meantime,
federal pattern-or-practice lawsuits might help to achieve organizational change
where financial penalties do not. The federal government could consider the hir-
ing of wandering ocers, for example, when determining whether and how to
target particular agencies under  U.S.C.  .
Barring successful general-accountability reforms, and if future research cor-
roborates our findings, states could consider the “nuclear option” that Connect-
icut invoked in . Connecticut law now prohibits any local agency from hiring
311. See id.; see also id. at  (describing “feature rating” of insurance policies, the practice of
“charging more to riskier customers . . . based on the presence of traits correlated with riski-
312. Marie Ouellet et al., Network Exposure and Excessive Use of Force: Investigating the Social Trans-
mission of Police Misconduct,  C
RIMINOLOGY & PUB. POLY  (); see Harmon, supra note
, at -. As Harmon points out, lawful policing can impose many of these costs as well.
Harmon, supra note , at .
313. See, e.g., Harmon, supra note , at  (explaining that, “[f]or local governments to func-
tion as a check on the nonbudgetary costs of policing, the public must be able to monitor and
attribute responsibility for the harm the police do, and political actors must be able to influ-
ence police conduct,” and highlighting ways that federal policing programs “undermine these
preconditions for local accountability”).
314. See, e.g., Barry Friedman & Maria Ponomarenko, Democratic Policing,  N.Y.U. L. REV. ,
 () (“The people must be able to see what their agents are doing so they can evaluate
those actions and exercise control as necessary.”).
315. Some of the important sources on   include Rachel A. Harmon, Promoting Civil Rights
Through Proactive Policing Reform,  S
TAN. L. REV.  (); Debra Livingston, Police Reform
and the Department of Justice: An Essay on Accountability,  B
UFF. CRIM. L. REV.  ();
Stephen Rushin, Federal Enforcement of Police Reform,  F
ORDHAM L. REV.  (); and
Samuel Walker, The New Paradigm of Police Accountability: The U.S. Justice Department Pattern
or Practice Suits in Context,  S
T. LOUIS U. PUB. L. REV.  (). For more information, see
also C
the wandering officer
an ocer who was previously employed by another Connecticut agency and who
“() was dismissed for malfeasance or other serious misconduct calling into
question such person’s fitness to serve as a police ocer; or () resigned or re-
tired from such ocer’s position while under investigation for such malfeasance
or other serious misconduct.”
We are not prepared, on the basis of our evi-
dence alone, to oer a full-throated defense of the nuclear option, but it is cer-
tainly a plausible backstop, and it could be useful to study Connecticut’s experi-
ence to develop a better sense of the costs and benefits of going down this road.
Not all those who wander are lost, but in policing, many are. In any given
year over the last three decades, an average of roughly , full-time law-en-
forcement ocers in Florida walk the streets having been fired in the past, and
almost  having been fired for misconduct, not counting the many who were
fired and reinstated in arbitration. These ocers, we have shown, are subse-
quently fired and subjected to “moral character” complaints at elevated rates rel-
ative to both ocers hired as rookies and veterans with clean professional histo-
ries. And we likely underestimate the prevalence of the phenomenon nationwide.
We have, moreover, only a partial understanding of the extent of the problem
wandering ocers pose. Beyond their own misbehavior, wandering ocers may
undermine eorts to improve police culture, as they carry their baggage to new
locales. Worse yet, wandering ocers may “infect” other ocers upon arrival,
causing misconduct to metastasize to the farthest reaches of the law-enforcement
community. Future research should investigate these possibilities.
316. CONN. GEN. STAT.  -c(a) ().
317. Cf. Ouellet et al., supra note  (suggesting that peers influence whether an individual ocer
will engage in misconduct); Edika G. Quispe-Torreblanca & Neil Stewart, Causal Peer Eects
in Police Misconduct,  N
ATURE HUM. BEHAV.  () (estimating peer eects in police mis-
conduct); Daria Roithmayr, The Dynamics of Excessive Force,  U.
CHI. LEGAL F. (argu-
ing that use of excessive force should be thought of as contagious); Thibaut Horel et
al., The Contagiousness of Police Violence (unpublished manuscript), https://www.law
.uchicago.edu/files/-/chicago_contagiousness_of_violence.pdf [https://perma.cc
/FX-XJ] (studying whether police shootings are “contagious”).
the yale law journal 129:1676 2020
proportion of separations in which officer obtains subsequent employment
within three years, by professional history of firing for misconduct, 1988-
the wandering officer
frequency distribution of raw separation codes, 1988-2016
Separation Code
Fired for
Administrative - Unfavorable
(Historical Use Only)
928 0.009 Yes Yes
(Historical Use Only)
584 0.006 Yes Yes
No Cause for Decertification
(Historical Use Only)
90 0.001 Yes Yes
Resigned - Would Not Rehire
(Historical Use Only)
7 0 Yes Yes
Resigned/Retired in Lieu of Separation for
Violating Agency/Training Center Policy
270 0.003 Yes Yes
Resigned/Retired in Lieu of Separation for
Violating Moral Character Standards
216 0.002 Yes Yes
Resigned/Retired While Being Investigated
for Violating Moral Character Standards
1,027 0.01 Yes Yes
Resigned/Retired While Being Investigated
for Violating Agency Policy
1,039 0.01 Yes Yes
Terminated for Violating Agency Policy
(No Moral Character Violation)
1,143 0.011 Yes Yes
Terminated for Violating Ch. 943.13(4),
FS or Moral Character Standards
1,048 0.01 Yes Yes
Under Investigation
(Historical Use Only)
304 0.003 Yes Yes
Failure to Complete Basic
Recruit Training
476 0.005 Yes
Failure to Complete Elder
Abuse Training
114 0.001 Yes
Failure to Meet Mandatory
Retraining Requirement
438 0.004 Yes
Failure to Pass State
Certification Examination
70 0.001 Yes
Failure to Perform Assigned
Tasks Satisfactorily
283 0.003 Yes
Failure to Qualify with Firearm 225 0.002 Yes
the yale law journal : 
Failure to Satisfactorily Complete Agency
Field-Training Program
1,083 0.011 Yes
Involuntary Separation
(Historical Use Only)
2 0 Yes
Other - Excessive Absence, Fail Report for
Duty, Sleep on Duty, Etc.
141 0.001 Yes
Staff Termination
(Historical Use Only)
106 0.001 Yes
Administrative Separation
(Not Involving Misconduct)
1,087 0.011
Budgetary Constraints 86 0.001
Deceased 707 0.007
Extended Leave of Absence 17 0
Extended Leave of Absence or Suspension
(Historical Use Only)
135 0.001
Leave of Absence
(Historical Use Only)
10 0
Military Leave of Absence 138 0.001
Not Separated 39,344 0.39
Processed Fingerprints Not Received
Within One Year
364 0.004
(Historical Use Only)
19 0
(Not Involving Misconduct)
7,845 0.078
Special Elected or Appointed Position 28 0
Suspension 13 0
Temporary Employment Authorization
(Period Exceeded)
48 0
Transfer Within Agency
(No Break in Service)
5,658 0.056
Voluntary Separation
(Not Involving Misconduct)
35,675 0.354
the wandering officer
descriptive statistics of cjap hiring requirements, 1997-2016
Mean SD Min Max n
18 0.01 0.12 0 1 6,539
19 0.64 0.48 0 1 6,539
20 0.02 0.13 0 1 6,539
21 0.33 0.47 0 1 6,539
0 0.07 0 1 6,539
High School/
0.9 0.3 0 1 6,581
Some College
0.09 0.29 0 1 6,581
Bachelor’s 0.01 0.08 0 1 6,581
0.07 0.26 0 1 6,575
0.26 0.44 0 1 6,575
Driving Test
0.79 0.41 0 1 5,252
0.92 0.27 0 1 6,585
0.49 0.5 0 1 6,570
Polygraph Test
0.5 0.5 0 1 6,564
0.75 0.43 0 1 6,562
Selection Exam
0.54 0.5 0 1 6,575
Swimming Test
0.09 0.29 0 1 6,254
Vision Test
0.61 0.49 0 1 6,570
Voice Test
0.23 0.42 0 1 5,906
Probation Period
(In Months)
11.5 2.72 0 24 5,811
Requirement Score
4.61 1.96 0 9 6,469
the yale law journal : 
descriptive statistics of cjap training variables, 1997-2016
Mean SD Min Max n
Not Required 0.43 0.49 0 1 6,207
Every 24-48 Months 0.21 0.41 0 1 6,207
Every 6-12 Months 0.36 0.48 0 1 6,207
Not Required 0.39 0.49 0 1 6,530
Every 24-48 Months 0.17 0.38 0 1 6,530
Every 6-12 Months 0.44 0.50 0 1 6,530
Not Required 0.59 0.49 0 1 6,521
Every 24-48 Months 0.20 0.40 0 1 6,521
Every 6-12 Months 0.20 0.40 0 1 6,521
Not Required 0.01 0.09 0 1 6,550
Every 12-48 Months 0.89 0.31 0 1 6,550
Every 6 Months 0.10 0.30 0 1 6,550
Not Required 0.85 0.36 0 1 5,192
Every 24-48 Months 0.02 0.14 0 1 5,192
Every 6-12 Months 0.13 0.34 0 1 5,192
Not Required 0.31 0.46 0 1 6,527
Every 24-48 Months 0.49 0.50 0 1 6,527
Every 6-12 Months 0.21 0.40 0 1 6,527
11.96 5.91 0 52 6,486
0.68 0.47 0 1 5,887
Training Score
2.91 1.44 0 6 6,094
the wandering officer
median time to new employment by demographic groups and professional
history, 1988-2013
Panel A: Fired Panel B: Fired for Misconduct
Last Job
Last Job
High School
subsequent firing by professional history, 1996-2013
Fired Fired for Misconduct
n Ever 3 Years Ever 3 Years
Panel A: Firings
Never 21,693 7.6% 4.0% 5.3% 2.3%
Fired, last job 1,200 16.8% 10.8% 11.3% 6.7%
Fired, earlier job 1,143 13.9% 7.0% 10.1% 5.0%
Panel B: Firings
for Misconduct
Never 22,603 7.8% 4.1% 5.4% 2.4%
Fired, last job 761 18.1% 11.3% 12.6% 7.2%
Fired, earlier job 672 14.4% 7.4% 10.1% 5.4%
Panel C: Rookie
39,007 9.4% 5.4% 6.0% 2.5%
the yale law journal : 
subsequent firing by professional history with one-, three-, and five-year
time windows, 1988-2013
Fired Fired for Misconduct
n 1-Year 3-Year 5-Year 1-Year 3-Year 5-Year
Panel A:
Never 29,888 2.7% 4.5% 6.0% 1.5% 3.0% 4.3%
last job
1,969 7.3% 11.2% 13.7% 4.8% 7.9% 9.8%
earlier job
1,631 4.6% 7.5% 9.9% 3.2% 5.6% 7.5%
Panel B:
for Mis-
Never 31,182 2.8% 4.7% 6.1% 1.6% 3.1% 4.4%
last job
1,297 7.7% 12.2% 14.8% 5.4% 9.0% 11.2%
earlier job
1,009 5.2% 8.1% 10.7% 3.6% 6.2% 8.1%
Panel C:
54,476 3.8% 5.8% 7.3% 1.6% 3.2% 4.5%
subsequent firing by professional history for matched comparators based
on timing, geography, and agency desirability, 1996-2013
Fired Fired for Misconduct
Ever 3 Years Ever 3 Years
Panel A: Firings
10% 5.4% 7.1 3.3
Fired, last job
Wanderer 16.7% 10.3% 11.3% 6.2%
Comparator 9.03% 5.3% 6.2% 2.9%
Fired, earlier job
Wanderer 13.8% 6.7% 10.1% 5.0%
Comparator 9.8% 5.4% 6.4% 2.7%
Panel B: Firings
for Misconduct
10.1% 5.5% 7.2% 3.3%
Fired, last job
Wanderer 17.5% 10.8% 12.2% 6.7%
Comparator 9% 5.3% 6.0% 2.9%
Fired, earlier job
Wanderer 14.5% 7.2% 10.2% 5.4%
Comparator 9.6% 5.3% 6% 2.6%
318. For the-year time window, we exclude all job stints beginning aer  to ensure that we
have at least  years of follow-up for each observation. The sample sizes are thus slightly
smaller for these estimates.
the wandering officer
number of complaints by professional history with one-, three-, and five-
year time windows, 1993-2013
n 1-Year 3-Year 5-Year
All Complaints
Panel A: Firings
Never 24,711 0.01 0.02 0.04
Fired, last job 1,394 0.02 0.07 0.09
Fired, earlier job 1,295 0.02 0.05 0.06
Panel B: Firings
for Misconduct
Never 25,686 0.01 0.02 0.04
Fired, last job 934 0.03 0.08 0.10
Fired, earlier job 780 0.02 0.05 0.07
Panel C: Rookie Panel C: Rookie 44,584 0.01 0.03 0.04
Violent and
Sexual Com
Panel A: Firings
Never 24,711 0.00 0.01 0.01
Fired, last job 1,394 0.01 0.02 0.03
Fired, earlier job 1,295 0.01 0.01 0.02
Panel B: Firings
for Misconduct
Never 25,686 0.00 0.01 0.01
Fired, last job 934 0.01 0.03 0.03
Fired, earlier job 780 0.01 0.01 0.02
Panel C: Rookie Panel C: Rookie 44,584 0.00 0.01 0.01
Integrity Complaints
Panel A: Firings
Never 24,711 0.00 0.01 0.01
Fired, last job 1,394 0.01 0.03 0.03
Fired, earlier job 1,295 0.01 0.02 0.03
Panel B: Firings
for Misconduct
Never 25,686 0.00 0.01 0.01
Fired, last job 934 0.01 0.03 0.04
Fired, earlier job 780 0.01 0.02 0.03
Panel C: Rookie Panel C: Rookie 44,584 0.00 0.01 0.01
the yale law journal : 
number of complaints by professional history for matched comparators
based on timing, geography, and agency desirability, 1996-2013
Panel A:
0.08 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01
last job
Wanderer 0.13 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.02
Comparator 0.08 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01
earlier job
Wanderer 0.13 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.05 0.02
Comparator 0.07 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.01
Panel B:
Firings for
0.08 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01
last job
Wanderer 0.16 0.07 0.04 0.02 0.06 0.03
Comparator 0.08 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01
earlier job
Wanderer 0.14 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.06 0.02
Comparator 0.07 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.01
predicting if wandering officers are fired for misconduct again, 1988-2013
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Fired from
Last Job
(At Start)
Any Past
the wandering officer
Proportion Black
Proportion Hispanic
Violent-Crime Rate
(Per 100,000)
Property-Crime Rate
(Per 100,000)
Unemployment Rate
Expenditures Per Officer
Hiring Requirement
Training Requirement
Number of Officers
Number of Officers
2,272 2,272 848 882
number of fdle-initiated complaints by professional history, 1993-2013
n Ever 3 Years
Panel A: Firings
Never 24,711 0.02 0.01
Fired, last job 1,394 0.04 0.02
Fired, earlier job 1,295 0.05 0.02
Panel B: Firings
for Misconduct
Never 25,686 0.03 0.01
Fired, last job 934 0.05 0.02
Fired, earlier job 780 0.06 0.02
Panel C: Rookies
44,584 0.03 0.01
the yale law journal : 
subsequent firings and number of complaints by professional history and
agency size, 1988-2013
Firings for
n Ever 3 Yr. Ever 3 Yr. n Ever 3 Yr.
Never 2,295 10% 6% 7% 4% 1,822 0.07 0.04
Fired, last job 413 21% 12% 15% 9% 314 0.12 0.09
Fired, earlier job 268 19% 10% 15% 9% 210 0.12 0.06
Rookie 2,001 12% 7% 9% 5% 1,554 0.07 0.03
Never 27,593 9% 4% 7% 3% 22,889 0.07 0.02
Fired, last job 1,556 18% 11% 13% 8% 1,080 0.14 0.06
Fired, earlier job 1,363 14% 7% 10% 5% 1,085 0.12 0.04
Rookie 52,475 10% 6% 7% 3% 43,030 0.08 0.03
subsequent firings and number of complaints by professional history and
timing, 1993-2009
Firing for
Panel A:
Never 26,346 4.6% 2.3% 3.2% 2.0% 21,169 0.024 0.024
last job
1,811 11.2% 4% 8% 3.4% 1,236 0.070 0.038
earlier job
1,487 7.5% 4% 5. 9% 2.8% 1,151 0.050 0.042
Panel B:
for Mis-
Never 27,516 4.8% 2.4% 3.3% 2.0% 22,020 0.025 0.024
last job
1,198 12.1% 4.4% 9.1% 3.7% 835 0.079 0.044
earlier job
930 8.3% 4% 6.6% 2.6% 701 0.056 0.054
Panel C:
47,371 5.8% 2.4% 3.3% 2.1% 37,479 0.026 0.033
319. The firing data is based on employment stints beginning between  and , and the
complaint data is based on stints beginning between  and .
320. We exclude all employment stints that began aer  to ensure that we have a full seven-
year window for each employment stint through which to observe firings and complaints.