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Department of the Interior
Departmental Manual
Effective Date: 12/20/12
Series: Environmental Quality Programs
Part 523: Climate Change Adaptation
Chapter 1: Climate Change Policy
Originating Office: Office of Policy Analysis
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1.1 Purpose. This chapter establishes Departmental policy and provides guidance to bureaus
and offices for addressing climate change impacts upon the Department’s mission, programs,
operations, and personnel.
1.2 Scope.
A. The policy in this chapter applies to all bureaus and offices responsible for the
management of water, lands, natural and cultural resources, and infrastructure under the
jurisdiction of the Department.
B. This chapter does not apply to the Office of the Inspector General.
1.3 Authorities. This chapter is consistent with the following:
A. Executive Order 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and
Economic Performance, issued October 5, 2009.
B. Council on Environmental Quality’s Federal Agency Climate Change Adaptation
Planning: Implementing Instructions, issued March 4, 2011.
1.4 Policy. It is the policy of the Department to effectively and efficiently adapt to the
challenges posed by climate change to its mission, programs, operations, and personnel. The
Department will use the best available science to increase understanding of climate change
impacts, inform decisionmaking, and coordinate an appropriate response to impacts on land,
water, wildlife, cultural and tribal resources, and other assets. The Department will integrate
climate change adaptation strategies into its policies, planning, programs, and operations,
including, but not limited to, park, refuge, and public land management; habitat restoration;
conservation of species and ecosystems; services and support for tribes and Alaska Natives;
protection and restoration of cultural, archeological and tribal resources; water management;
scientific research and data collection; land acquisition; management of employees and
volunteers; visitor services; construction; use authorizations; and facilities maintenance.
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A. Consistent with existing laws and regulations, it is the Department’s policy to:
(1) Ensure that climate adaptation plans are grounded in the best available
science and understanding of climate change risks, impacts, and vulnerabilities, incorporating
traditional knowledge where available.
(2) Use the network of Landscape Conservation Cooperatives, Climate
Science Centers, and other partnerships to increase understanding of climate change impacts;
build upon and monitor existing response efforts; coordinate adaptation strategies across multiple
sectors, geographical scales, and levels of government; and inform decision makers.
(3) Ensure consistent and in-depth government-to-government engagement
with tribes, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians to address climate change impacts on health,
infrastructure, livelihoods, traditional practices, natural and cultural resources, and to apply
adaptation strategies.
(4) Consider climate change when developing or revising management plans,
setting priorities for scientific research and assessments, and making major investment decisions.
(5) Identify and avoid investments that are likely to be undermined by climate
impacts, such as investing in infrastructure likely to be adversely affected by repeated floods or
inundation, or planting/introducing species vulnerable to changes in temperature or precipitation
(6) Address the impacts of climate change on the U.S. territories and Freely
Associated States.
(7) Use well-defined and established approaches, as appropriate, for managing
through uncertainty, including: (1) vulnerability assessments, (2) scenario planning, (3) adaptive
management, and (4) other risk management or structured decision making approaches. The
Department’s Adaptive Management Implementation Policy is provided in 522 DM 1.
(8) Avoid “maladaptive” actions, that is, actions intended to avoid or reduce
vulnerability to climate change that negatively impact or increase the vulnerability of other
systems, sectors, or social groups.
(9) Promote landscape-scale, ecosystem-based management approaches to
enhance the resilience and sustainability of linked human and natural systems.
(10) Advance approaches to managing linked human and natural systems that
help mitigate the impacts of climate change, including:
(a) Protect diversity of habitat, communities and species;
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(b) Protect and restore core, unfragmented habitat areas and the key
habitat linkages among them;
(c) Anticipate and prepare for shifting wildlife movement patterns;
(d) Maintain key ecosystem services;
(e) Monitor, prevent, and slow the spread of invasive species (defined
in Executive Order 13112 as alien species whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic
or environmental harm or harm to human health); and
(f) Focus development activities in ecologically disturbed areas when
possible, and avoid ecologically sensitive landscapes, culturally sensitive areas, and crucial
wildlife corridors.
(11) Routinely track, record, and report on the progress and results of climate
change adaptation activities to help further public understanding, encourage the engagement of
partners, promote the conduct of similar activities, and better inform decision making on a
broader scale.
B. The Department will promote existing processes and, when necessary, institute
new processes to:
(1) Conduct assessments of vulnerability to anticipated or current climate
(2) Develop and implement comprehensive climate change adaptation
strategies based on vulnerability assessments and other factors;
(3) Include measurable goals and performance metrics in all management
plans that address climate change adaptation, regularly assess and report on whether adaptive
actions are achieving desired outcomes and, where appropriate, include measures in employee
performance appraisal plans;
(4) Facilitate and support data integration and dissemination to enable broad
use of scientific information for management decisions; and
(5) Coordinate with interagency teams such as the Interagency Climate
Change Adaptation Task Force, the United States Global Change Research Program, the
National Invasive Species Council, and the National Ocean Council; and undertake actions
consistent with relevant national strategies and plans that address, for example, fish, wildlife,
plants, marine resources, and/or freshwater resources.
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1.5 Responsibilities.
A. Deputy Secretary. Serves as Co-Chair of the Energy and Climate Change Task
Force and oversees the Department’s compliance with this policy.
B. Assistant Secretaries. Ensure that their bureaus and offices comply with the
policy in this chapter.
C. Heads of Bureaus and Offices.
(1) Ensure that their organizations comply with this policy.
(2) Develop and periodically update appropriate bureau or office policy and
guidance to address climate change adaptation as it relates to bureau and office specific missions
and authorities consistent with this policy.
(3) Incorporate climate change adaptation into existing planning processes
and develop and implement climate change adaptation plans as appropriate; formally report on
the progress made against those plans on a regular basis.
(4) Establish and support an internal climate adaptation network within the
bureau and appoint employees with appropriate technical expertise to serve on work groups of
the Departmental Energy and Climate Change Task Force or any successor Department-wide
task force that addresses climate change impacts.
(a) Representatives to such work groups are required for the Bureau
of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Bureau
of Reclamation, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, National Park Service,
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
U.S. Geological Survey, Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance, and Office of Policy
(b) Bureaus and offices not identified in 4(a) above are encouraged,
but not required, to appoint a representative to serve on such work groups.
(5) Provide support for Departmental reviews of climate change adaptation
activities and associated policies when requested.
(6) Ensure that persons conducting climate change adaptation activities have
the appropriate experience and training in climate change adaptation and planning processes, and
where appropriate, include measures in employee performance appraisal plans.
(7) Review and update existing decision making processes and management
plans to allow the integration of the principles and values identified in this policy.
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(8) Ensure full engagement with Landscape Conservation Cooperatives and
Climate Science Centers by providing executive-level representation on the Steering Committee
for each Landscape Conservation Cooperative and the Stakeholder Advisory Committee for each
Climate Science Center, as appropriate.
(9) Appoint employees with appropriate technical expertise to participate in
climate change adaptation groups involving other Federal, state, and local agencies, tribes, and
other entities, as appropriate.
(10) Address the vulnerability of mission critical and mission dependent
infrastructure and facilities. This includes seeking expert assistance, as appropriate, and
partnering with the General Services Administration (GSA) with respect to sites and facilities
leased from or through GSA.
1.6 Legal Effect. This policy is intended to improve the internal management of the
Department of the Interior. It does not create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural,
enforceable at law or in equity by any person against the United States, its agencies, its officers
or employees, or any other person. It does not alter or affect any existing duty or authority of
individual bureaus.