6 APRIL 2023
Incorporating Change 1, 24 October 2023
Certified Current 24 October 2023
ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available for downloading or ordering on the
e-Publishing website at
RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication.
OPR: HQ USAF/A1P Certified by: SAF/MR
Supersedes: AFI36-3012, 23 August 2019 Pages: 99
This instruction is re-designated as a Department of the Air Force Instruction (DAFI) and
implements Department of the Air Force Policy Directive (DAFPD) 36-26, Total Force
Development and Management, and AFPD 36-30, Military Entitlements. It provides guidance and
procedures to ensure the Department of the Air Force (DAF) has the necessary mix of quality
benefits and entitlements to recruit and retain high-quality people to meet DAF requirements. This
publication applies to DAF civilian employees and all uniformed members of the Regular Air
Force (RegAF), United States Space Force (USSF), Air Force Reserve (AFR), and Air National
Guard (ANG) and dependents except where noted otherwise. Chapter 7 applies to all officers and
enlisted personnel on extended active duty but does not apply to members of the AFR or ANG
even when brought on active duty to fill a specific AFR or ANG manpower authorization at a
predetermined location for a specified period of time (with the exception of paragraph 7.3.9.,
Secretarial Housing Allowance Waivers). In collaboration with the Chief of the Air Force Reserve
(AF/RE), the Director of the Air National Guard (NGB/CF), and the Deputy Chief of Space
Operations for Human Capital (SF/S1), the Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel, and
Services (AF/A1) develops personnel policy for military entitlements. This publication may be
supplemented at any level; all Major Command/Field Command (MAJCOM/FLDCOM) level
supplements must be approved by the Human Resources Management Strategic Board, which
manages total force integration for the Secretary of the Air Force (SecAF), Manpower and Reserve
Affairs, prior to certification and approval. Refer recommended changes and questions about this
publication to the office of primary responsibility (OPR) using the DAF Form 847,
Recommendation for Change of Publication; route DAF Forms 847 from the field through the
2 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
appropriate functional chain of command. The authorities to waive wing/delta/unit level
requirements in this publication are identified with a Tier (“T-0, T-1, T-2, T-3”) number following
the compliance statement. See Department Air Force Manual (DAFMAN) 90-161, Publishing
Processes and Procedures, Table A10.1 for a description of the authorities associated with the
Tier numbers. Submit requests for waivers through the chain of command to the appropriate Tier
waiver approval authority, or alternately, to the requestor’s commander for non-tiered compliance
items. Ensure all records generated as a result of processes prescribed in this publication adhere to
Air Force Instruction (AFI) 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program,
and are disposed in accordance with the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule, which is located
in the Air Force Records Information Management System. This instruction requires the collection
and or maintenance of information protected by 5 United States Code (USC) Section (§) 552a,
Records maintained on individuals (Privacy Act of 1974) authorized by 10 U.S.C. 9013, Secretary
of the Air Force and E.O. 9397 (SSN) as amended. The applicable system of records notices
(SORN) F036 AFPC C, Military Personnel Records Systems; F036 AFPC J, Promotions
Document and Records Tracking System; F036 AFPC K, Enlisted Promotion Testing Record;
F033 AFB, Privacy Act Request File; F036 AFPC Q, Personnel Data Systems (PDS); T7333,
Travel Payment System; and F023 AF IL C, Personal Clothing and Equipment Record are
available at:
This document has been substantially revised and must be completely reviewed. This interim
change revises DAFI 36-3012, Military Entitlements, by (1) clarifying and updating the Strategic
level roles and responsibilities for United States Space Force (USSF), (2) updating the Special
Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) roles and responsibilities and board membership for USAF and
USSF, (3) adding USSF to Assignment Incentive Pay (AIP) roles and responsibilities, (4) updating
continuation pay roles and responsibilities for AFPC Commander, (5) updating clothing allowance
and roles and responsibilities to reflect USSF, (6) updating Transitional Compensation (TC) for
Abused Dependents Roles and Responsibilities, Exceptional Eligibility and adding USSF
references to Transitional Compensation for Abused Dependents, (7) updating SDAP guidance
and procedure to reflect USSF, (8) updating Table 3.1. Conditions affecting eligibility for SDAP,
(9) updating Air Reserve Component (ARC) incentive pay program, (10) updating administrative
fixes to align with updated publishing guidance. A margin bar (|) indicates newly revised material.
Chapter 1OVERVIEW 5
1.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 5
2.1. Strategic Level Roles and Responsibilities. ............................................................. 6
2.2. Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) Roles and Responsibilities......................... 7
2.3. Assignment Incentive Pay Roles and Responsibilities. ........................................... 11
2.4. Continuation Pay Roles and Responsibilities. ......................................................... 12
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 3
2.5. AFR Incentive Program Roles and Responsibilities. ............................................... 13
2.6. ANG Incentive Program Roles and Responsibilities. .............................................. 14
2.7. Air Force and Space Force Clothing Allowance Roles and Responsibilities. ......... 16
2.8. Family Member Travel Roles and Responsibilities. ................................................ 16
2.9. Transitional Compensation (TC) for Abused Dependents Roles and
Responsibilities. ....................................................................................................... 19
3.1. SDAP. ...................................................................................................................... 21
3.2. SDAP Guidance and Procedures. ............................................................................ 22
Table 3.1. Conditions Affecting Eligibility for SDAP (applies to all service components). .... 23
3.3. Assignment Incentive Pay........................................................................................ 25
4.1. Continuation Pay. ..................................................................................................... 30
4.2. Program. ................................................................................................................... 30
4.3. Policy. ...................................................................................................................... 30
5.1. ARC Incentive Program. .......................................................................................... 32
5.2. AFR Incentive Program. .......................................................................................... 32
5.3. Obligation, Participation, and Agreement. (T-2) ..................................................... 32
5.4. Enlisted Incentive Types and Eligibility Criteria. (T-2) .......................................... 33
5.5. Officer Accession Incentive. (T-2) .......................................................................... 36
5.6. Officer Affiliation Incentive. (T-2) .......................................................................... 36
5.7. Processing Incentive Applications. (T-2) ................................................................ 37
5.8. Processing Incentive Payments. (T-2) ..................................................................... 37
5.9. Bonus Incentive Continuation Request. (T-2) ......................................................... 37
5.10. No availability. (T-2) ............................................................................................... 38
5.11. Withholding Incentives. ........................................................................................... 38
5.12. Incentive Recoupment. ............................................................................................ 39
5.13. Incentive Terminations. (T-2) .................................................................................. 39
5.14. Incentive Reinstatement. (T-2) ................................................................................ 40
5.15. ANG Incentive Program Overview. ........................................................................ 40
5.16. Incentive Program Guidance.................................................................................... 40
4 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
5.17. Incentive Program Exceptions to Policy. ................................................................. 41
5.18. ANG Incentives and Program Administration. ........................................................ 41
5.19. ANG Termination and Recoupment. ....................................................................... 42
6.1. Clothing Allowances for Air Force and Space Force Personnel. ............................ 46
6.2. Principles and Special Considerations of Clothing Allowance Programs. .............. 46
6.3. Military Clothing Allowance Program. ................................................................... 47
6.4. Civilian Clothing Allowance (CCA) Program. ........................................................ 52
7.1. Family Member Travel. ........................................................................................... 56
7.2. Waivers and Recommended Changes. ..................................................................... 56
7.3. Family Member Travel Program Elements. ............................................................. 56
8.1. Transitional Compensation for Abused Dependents. .............................................. 64
8.2. Applicability and Scope. .......................................................................................... 64
8.3. Exceptional Eligibility. ............................................................................................ 64
8.4. Policy. ...................................................................................................................... 65
8.5. Procedures:............................................................................................................... 65
8.6. Non-Payment. .......................................................................................................... 68
8.7. Application Procedures. ........................................................................................... 68
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 5
Chapter 1
1.1. Overview. This publication is a one-stop shop for guidance to members and dependents on
certain military entitlements. It is divided into eight chapters.
1.1.1. Chapter 2 provides the roles and responsibilities.
1.1.2. Chapter 3 , Assignment Incentive Pay and Special Duty Assignment Pay, provides
guidance to Airmen and Guardians who qualify for a monetary incentive award as
compensation for assignment to duties designated as extremely difficult or involving an
unusual degree of military skill.
1.1.3. Chapter 4 , Continuation Pay, provides policy for Continuation Pay eligibility.
1.1.4. Chapter 5 , Air Reserve Component (ARC) Incentive Program, provides guidance and
establishes procedures for the AFR and ANG component incentive programs. The AFR is
authorized to utilize incentive programs to attract and retain quality Airmen. The ANG
Incentive Program is designed to attract and retain members into critical skills to meet mission
manning requirements.
1.1.5. Chapter 6 , Clothing Allowance for Air Force Personnel, provides guidance on
military and civilian clothing allowances (CCA).
1.1.6. Chapter 7 , Family Member Travel, provides policy and procedures for members and
their families when required to travel for military service.
1.1.7. Chapter 8 , Transitional Compensation for Abused Dependents, provides policy and
procedures for dependents to apply for monthly transitional compensation payments and other
benefits when separated for dependent abuse.
6 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
Chapter 2
2.1. Strategic Level Roles and Responsibilities.
2.1.1. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (SAF/MR) will: Approve assignment incentive pay policies and procedures that are designed to
retain currently assigned personnel and quickly fill personnel shortfalls in designated
difficult-to-fill assignments or locations. When implementing or extending any assignment incentive pay, approve
strategies to lessen critical manning and assignment-based personnel shortfalls to limit the
prolonged use of assignment incentive pay. Determine and publish the parameters of continuation pay to include, but not
limited to changing individual parameters or creating combinations (i.e., timing, multiplier,
and obligation) to achieve retention requirements. When necessary, identify multiple options of parameter combinations and or
redefine the population groups to which they apply to affect retention across the force. Review and make a recommendation for SecAF decision regarding Transitional
Compensation Exceptional Eligibility packages.
2.1.2. Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), Manpower, Personnel, and Services (AF/A1). Recommend changes to continuation pay for certain populations to SAF/MR. Responsible for administering and managing the civilian, initial issue, partial
initial issue, and supplemental clothing allowance programs for Air Force and Space Force
military members by developing and disseminating policy, plans, and program guidance.
Approval authority for the quantity and kind of clothing to be furnished annually to enlisted
members and the amount of cash allowances that may otherwise be payable (DoDI
1338.18, Armed Force Clothing Monetary Allowance Procedures). Approve annual SDAP communities and levels. Coordinate on Transitional Compensation Exceptional Eligibility packages for
SecAF decision. Chief of Human Capital Officer (CHCO/S1) is equivalent office to AF/A1 and
responsible for those items identified in paragraphs through for USSF.
2.1.3. Military Force Management Policy (AF/A1P). Ensure all assignment incentive pay payments are consistent and comply with 37
USC § 352, Assignment Pay or Special Duty Pay. Inform Air Force Personnel Center Assignments and Air Expeditionary Force
Program Division (AFPC/DP3A), National Guard Bureau, Force Management Programs
Branch (NGB/A1PP), Chief, Air Force Reserve (AF/RE) of continued assignment
incentive pay authorization or termination at least 90 calendar days prior to implementation
date, whenever possible.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 7 Coordinate assignment incentive pay packages with appropriate stakeholders and
functional community for SecAF approval. Submit annual update to Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military
Personnel Policy (DASD (MPP)) of each assignment incentive pay program, per guidelines
in DoDI 1340.26, Assignment and Special Duty Pays, paragraph 3.4, no later than 15
January of each year. Staff Fiscal Year (FY) budget to Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for
Financial Management Budget Operations and Personnel (SAF/FMBOP). Coordinates on Transitional Compensation Exceptional Eligibility packages for
SecAF decision.
2.2. Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) Roles and Responsibilities.
2.2.1. Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) will oversee annual audit to validate proper SDAP
payments and provide results to Headquarters Air Force Military Compensation Policy
Division (AF/A1PA) and Headquarters Space Force Military Compensation and Benefits
Policy (S1PA).
2.2.2. AFPC, Airman Support Branch (AFPC/DP3SA). Publish SDAP personnel services delivery guide and table to myFSS website as necessary to reflect updated changes. Submit system change requests to meet the new designation demands and ensure
the information needed for PDS updates is current and compatible with the Defense Joint
Military Pay System.
2.2.3. AFPC, Military Sustainment Operation Section (AFPC/DPSSM). Execute procedural guidance and validate the qualification of personnel for
SDAP. Review and process Case Management System (CMS) cases.
2.2.4. AFPC, Benefits and Entitlement Section (AFPC/DPSTSB). Review and process CMS cases submitted by base-level. Process system rejects from the unit using DAF Form 2096, Classification/On-
the-Job Training Action, and pertinent source documents.
2.2.5. Headquarters Air Force Military Compensation Policy Division (AF/A1PA). Project and submit FY budget to SAF/FMBOP. Track SDAP-related expenses. Submit an annual update to DASD (MPP) of SDAP, per guidelines in DoDI
1340.26, paragraph 3.4, no later than 15 January of each year. Solicit SDAP points of contact from Regular Air Force (RegAF) and ARC for
recertification of duties. Recertify previously approved SDAP duties.
8 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 Conduct annual reviews of all SDAP designated duties. Oversee and solicit members for the SDAP review board consisting of one general
officer, two MAJCOM command chiefs, and at least three career field managers. The review board will also have at least one representative each from the
AFR and ANG. AF/A1P will designate review board president. (T-1) AF/A1 approves/disapproves board requests for designating an Air Force
SDAP duty. Solicit input of any changes to SDAP policy and eligibility with ARC personnel
and assignment policy branches (NGB/A1PP and AF/REP). SF/S1P is the equivalent organization that executes USSF SDAP policy functions
identified in identified in paragraphs - 3, 5, and 6. SF/S1 approves/disapproves board requests for designating an USSF SDAP
duty. Oversee and solicit members for the SDAP review board consisting of at
least two (FLDCOM) command chiefs, three career field managers, one special duty
representative, additional members and a board president as designated by SF/S1P.
2.2.6. Unit Commanders/Directors (RegAF and USSF). Identify members who are qualified and eligible for special duty assignment pay
as designated by the table posted on myFSS, and initiate source documents to begin special
duty assignment pay. Unit commanders or next military member in chain of command on
G-Series orders may delegate this authority in writing to an officer on G-Series orders. Certify eligibility of SDAP on the monthly Military Personnel Data System
(MilPDS)-generated SDAP roster. Council members on changes in SDAP ratings, terminations, and initiate and
certify these changes. Submit DAF Form 2096 for actions affecting an Airman or Guardian's SDAP. Direct Commander’s Support Staff (CSS) to serve as the unit point of contact for
SDAP, monitor the myFSS SDAP home page and the SDAP Personnel Service Delivery
Guide (PSDG) to be apprised of the current SDAP table and prepared to serve those in the
unit impacted by the SDAP program. Ensure unit CSS responds to CMS case requests from the FSS/MPF within 5
calendar days.
2.2.7. Military Personnel Flights (MPF) (RegAF and USSF). Using source documents, update all SDAP requests into MilPDS within 90 days
of the effective date. Submit any request with an effective date backdated into a previous
FY to AFPC via the CMS. Refer to the myFSS website for the current designated
SDAP duties and pay ratings.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 9 For units with no CSS, produce the monthly MilPDS-generated SDAP roster, send
it to unit commanders for certification, and make any changes required. Report any transaction code errors or MilPDS problems that interfere with
updating special duty assignment pay status or paying individuals to AFPC/DP1SSB. Resolve differences between the installation level, Headquarters Air Force (HAF),
and Defense Joint Military Pay System data files using the Defense Joint Military Pay
System data reconciliation. Announce the date when SDAP decreases or terminates, at a minimum of 60 days
in advance. Table 3.1 lists the conditions affecting SDAP eligibility. SDAP terminates at
the time periods listed in Table 3.1 unless the commander/director designates an earlier
2.2.8. AFR Personnel Policy (AF/REP). Provide AF/A1PA with impact analysis of and recommended changes to SDAP. Coordinate any changes or proposed changes to SDAP rates with specific AFR
Career Field Managers. Provide voting member to all AF/A1PA and SF/S1P-directed SDAP review
boards. Provide AFR military personnel sections with any required SDAP guidance.
2.2.9. Military Units (AFR). AFR units establish a manual file system and maintain a copy of all SDAP actions
to include copies of initiated DAF Forms 2096. Computer programs (e.g., spreadsheets)
are encouraged to assist in program management. At present, MilPDS does not support the SDAP program for the Reserve. In lieu
of the monthly SDAP roster produced by MilPDS, military personnel sections initiate a
similar product requiring commander certification. It is the unit’s responsibility to work
closely with the military personnel section to ensure accuracy and program compliance. When a Reserve Personnel Appropriation or Military Personnel Appropriation
order is initiated, or upon completion of unit training assemblies (UTA) (or other duty
involving inactive duty training (IDT) where orders are not initiated), units initiate a
military pay order or DAF Form 2096 identifying all SDAP participants. Forward the
military pay record to the servicing Reserve pay office for completion of payment. (T-1)
2.2.10. MPF, Force Management (AFR Unit Program). Closely monitor eligibility and SDAP effective dates (Table 3.1) and associated
Reserve guidance. After review and certification, forward a copy of the DAF Form 2096
to the Reserve pay office. (T-1) Establish a manual system to identify program participants. In lieu of the
monthly SDAP certification roster produced by MilPDS, MPFs are expected to initiate
other products necessary to ensure program compliance. Computer programs (i.e.,
spreadsheets) are encouraged to assist in program management. MPFs work closely with
all units to ensure accurate and up-to-date information. (T-1)
10 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 Ensure availability of up-to-date program guidance and resolve any SDAP
discrepancies between the unit and Reserve pay office. (T-1)
2.2.11. Headquarters Readiness Integration Organization Detachment Commander (RIO
Det/CC), Individual Mobilized Augmentee (IMA) Program. Identify members who are qualified and eligible for SDAP. Complete the DAF
Form 2096 to start, stop, or change the pay. The RIO Det/CC may not delegate this
authority. (T-1) Certify eligibility for members on the monthly SDAP roster and return the roster
to HQ Individual Reserve Readiness & Integration Organization (HQ RIO) noting
additions, deletions, or errors. A new DAF Form 2096 is initiated for each SDAP change.
(T-1) Counsel IMAs on SDAP rate changes to include terminations. Initiate and certify
these changes via DAF Form 2096. (T-1)
2.2.12. National Guard Bureau, Force Management Programs Branch (NGB/A1PP). Provide AF/A1PA with impact analysis of, and recommended changes to SDAP.
(T-1) Coordinate any changes or proposed changes to SDAP rates with specific ANG
Career Field Managers. (T-1) Provide voting member to all AF/A1PA directed SDAP review boards. (T-1) Provide ANG MPFs with any required SDAP guidance.
2.2.13. Military Units (ANG). In collaboration with the MPF, establish a manual file system and maintain a
copy of all SDAP actions to include copies of initiated DAF Forms 2096. Computer
programs (i.e., spreadsheets) are encouraged to assist in program management. It is the unit’s responsibility to work closely with the MPF to ensure accuracy
and program compliance. When Reserve Personnel Appropriation or Military Personnel
Appropriation orders are initiated, or upon completion of a regularly scheduled drill (RSD)
(or other duty involving IDT where orders are not initiated), units initiate a military pay
order or DAF Form 2096 identifying all SDAP participants. Forward the military pay
record to the servicing finance office for completion of payment. Note: At present, MilPDS
does not support the SDAP program for the ANG. In lieu of the monthly SDAP roster
produced by MilPDS, MPFs initiate a similar product requiring commander certification.
2.2.14. Military Personnel Section (ANG). Closely monitor eligibility and SDAP effective dates. Reference the SDAP tables
located on the myFSS website at for the most up-to-date
information. After review and certification, forward a copy of the DAF Forms 2096 to the
local finance office.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 11 Establish a manual system to identify program participants. In lieu of the
monthly SDAP certification roster produced by MilPDS, MPFs are expected to initiate
other products necessary to ensure program compliance. Computer programs (i.e.,
spreadsheets) are encouraged to assist in program management. MPFs work closely with
all units to ensure accurate and up-to-date information. Ensure availability of up-to-date program guidance and resolve any SDAP
discrepancies between the member, unit commander, and local finance office.
2.3. Assignment Incentive Pay Roles and Responsibilities.
2.3.1. MAJCOM/A1 and FLDCOM/S1. Review, advise, and process assignment incentive pay requests received from
units for MAJCOM/FLDCOM CC/CV recommendation of approval. Return disapproved
requests to the originating unit. Forward recommendations of approval to AF/A1P or
SF/S1P for staffing and SecAF determination. Provide oversight and management of MAJCOM/FLDCOM-specific assignment
incentive pay programs. Assist the unit with approved assignment incentive pay implementation and
provide program oversight. Provide AF/A1PA or SF/S1PA for USSF, a monthly report of the number of
members receiving assignment incentive pay, recouped assignment incentive pays, and
increases of assignment incentive pay by grade, Air Force or Space Force specialty code,
and the total amount of assignment incentive pay payment. Provide AF/A1PA or SF/S1PA for USSF, information for the assignment
incentive pay annual report. Guidelines can be found in DoDI 1340.26.
2.3.2. MAJCOM/FLDCOM CC/CV: Review assignment incentive requests for recommendation to AF/A1P or SF/S1P. Provide coordination on functional assignment incentive pay requests. Develop assignment incentive pay policies and procedures that are designed to
retain currently assigned personnel and quickly fill personnel shortfalls in designated
difficult-to-fill assignments or locations.
2.3.3. AFPC. In coordination with affected MAJCOM/FLDCOMs and Defense Finance and
Accounting Services (DFAS), develop and announce procedures and implementation
guidance for assignment incentive pay programs. Assist the CSS, DFAS, and MAJCOM/FLDCOM with assignment incentive pay
procedures and issues, as needed.
2.3.4. Unit Commander/Director. Identify and verify the eligibility of Airmen and Guardians for assignment
incentive pay and provide program oversight.
12 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 Identify, verify, and counsel eligible Airmen and Guardians on the assignment
incentive pay program. Ensure timely action to start, recoup, increase, or terminate assignment incentive
pay for eligible Airmen and Guardians. Assist and counsel Airmen and Guardians on assignment incentive pay as needed.
2.3.5. Unit Commander’s/Director’s Support Staff. Verify Airmen and Guardian eligibility. Initiate the assignment incentive pay start, recoup, increase, or termination request
using the CMS. Upon initial eligibility/award of assignment incentive pay, update Assignment
Availability Code to AP. Provide MAJCOM/ FLDCOM/higher headquarters a monthly report of the
number of Airmen and Guardians receiving assignment incentive pay and/or recouped
assignment incentive pay actions by grade, Air Force specialty code (AFSC) or Space
Force specialty code (SFSC), the total amount of assignment incentive payments and other
requested program data on a monthly basis for reporting purposes.
2.4. Continuation Pay Roles and Responsibilities.
2.4.1. Director of the ANG. Recommend changes in any of the three parameters for certain populations within
the ANG to SAF/MR. Supplement this guidance as necessary to administer continuation pay in the ANG
and coordinate the proposed supplement with SAF/MR. Provide oversight and guidance on the execution of continuation pay to Airmen
and Guardians affiliated with the respective command. Initiate system change requests for personnel data systems. Publish continuation pay parameters to myFSS as necessary to reflect updates or
changes with the ANG.
2.4.2. Chief of the Air Force Reserve (AF/RE). Recommend changes in any of the three parameters for certain populations within
the RES to SAF/MR. Supplement this guidance as necessary to administer continuation pay in the RES
and coordinates the proposed supplement with SAF/MR. Provide oversight and guidance on the execution of continuation pay to Airmen
and Guardians affiliated with the respective command. Initiate system change requests for personnel data systems. Publish continuation pay parameters to my Force Support (myFSS) as necessary
to reflect updates or changes with the RES.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 13
2.4.3. AFPC Commander (AFPC/CC). Provide oversight and guidance on the execution of continuation pay to
commanders. Initiate system change requests for personnel data systems. Publish continuation pay parameters to myFSS as necessary to reflect updates or
changes. Notify Airmen and Guardians of their eligibility for continuation pay at least 60
days prior to the member’s 12-year pay date. Review and process myFSS cases submitted by members who are approved for
continuation pay.
2.4.4. Unit Commander (or Director). Provide quality indicator reviews when a member is eligible for continuation pay. Disapprove requests for service obligation/reenlistment or extension of enlistment
when retention is not appropriate. Notify AFPC/DP1SSB, NGB/A1, or AFRC/A1, as appropriate, of quality review
outcomes. Approve continuation pay when members meet eligibility requirements and can
fulfill the required service obligations.
2.4.5. Members. Accept or decline continuation pay when offered. Accept service obligation and obtain service retainability, if applicable, upon
accepting continuation pay.
2.5. AFR Incentive Program Roles and Responsibilities. This section assigns responsibilities
for the AFR Incentive Program.
2.5.1. Chief of AFR (AF/RE) is the functional authority and is responsible for policy oversight
and advisory services related to the AFR Incentive Program.
2.5.2. AF/REP develops personnel policy for Incentive Program policy.
2.5.3. Air Force Reserve Command, Force Management Branch (AFRC/A1KK). Prepare and distribute a consolidated incentive-eligible list reflecting all
authorized incentive AFSCs. This list is effective for the periods of 1 October through 30
September of each FY. AF/RE is the final approval authority for the list. Note: AFR
Recruiting Service is authorized to use a 15 day overlap period, beginning the date the new
incentive listing is approved. This extension applies to members who meet non-prior
service, prior service, and affiliation incentive eligibility requirements and does not apply
to reenlistment or retraining members. Coordinate with AF/REP, AFR Command Directorates, Numbered Air Forces,
and Air Reserve Personnel Center (ARPC) to develop the incentive eligible AFSC list. Establish incentive programs offered, criteria and payment amounts.
14 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 Monitor the AFR Incentive Program and assess effectiveness, participation, and
budgetary requirements. Manage and establish guidelines for the administration of the AFR incentive
programs. Coordinate with Air Force Reserve Command, Financial Management
(AFRC/FM) on funding requirements and execution data. Provide resources, training, policy, and guidance on AFR incentive programs. Obtain annual retention and attrition goals to meet congressionally programmed
AFR end strength from AF/REP. Is the waiver authority for the AFR incentive program and its requirements.
Waivers will be submitted in writing to ARPC/DPAT for consideration unless otherwise
specified in this instruction.
2.5.4. ARPC. Process all AFR incentive applications. Serve as the approval authority for all incentive eligibility. Function as the OPR for executing the AFR Incentive Program and provides
procedural guidance to the field. Process incentive payments for individual reservists.
2.5.5. Wing, Independent Group, and HQ RIO Commander. Disseminates incentive eligible
AFSC list (with the assistance of the MPF and recruiting functions) within their servicing
jurisdiction, to include geographically separated units).
2.5.6. ARPC/HQ RIO/Wing Career Assistance Advisors. Notify members if they are within the six-month window of their expiration term
of service (ETS) and otherwise eligible to receive an incentive. Process incentive applications and requests for continuation, periods of no
availability, withholding, termination, reinstatement, and recoupment; forward to ARPC
for final processing. Guidance can be found in the Personnel Delivery Services Guide. Maintain incentive folders. Additional guidance can be found on myFSS Process incentive payments and submit to reserve payroll office. Additional
guidance can be found on myFSS.
2.6. ANG Incentive Program Roles and Responsibilities.
2.6.1. ANG Retention Operations (NGB/A1YR) determines the National Incentive AFSC List
for the ANG Incentive Program.
2.6.2. Recruiting and Retention Superintendent (RRS). Provide incentive program oversight and supervision.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 15 Ensure applicable NGB guidance and publications are distributed to state/wing
leadership and local Recruiting and Retention personnel. Execute a state incentive AFSC letter. Provide operational support to the Retention function as needed. Act as point of contact for all incentive program exceptions to policy for the state.
2.6.3. Retention office manager (ROM) or recruiting and retention non-commissioned officer
(RRNCO). Ensure appropriate enlistment, reenlistment and appointment documents are
accomplished for each applicant or member prior to initiating an incentive agreement.
Note: Enlisted members who extend are not authorized an incentive qualification; they
must reenlist. Ensure members who become eligible for any of the incentive programs are
properly counseled regarding payment dates, amounts, requirements for maintaining
eligibility and procedures for termination and/or recoupment of incentives. Execute the appropriate incentive written agreement on the date of enlistment
(DOE), reenlistment or appointment utilizing ANG Retention guidance located on myFSS. Suspend payments for members being processed for unsatisfactory participation.
Prepare NGB Form 38-4, Incentive Payment Authorization for deferral or denial of
payment action. Ensure the member’s commander annotates the NGB Form 38-4 and
includes cause for termination or deferment, effective date, and any other pertinent
information. Suspend payments for members being processed for possible unsatisfactory
participation until a final determination of unsatisfactory participation is concluded by the
member’s commander. Additional information can be found in the ANG Retention
guidance located on myFSS. Not less than 60 days prior to any anniversary date, the ROM will forward an
NGB Form 38-4 to the member’s immediate commander for authorization to pay the
installment. No later than 30 days before the payment date, the commander will approve
or deny payment and return the annotated form to the ROM. If approved, the ROM will
forward the form to the base finance office for payment. Ensure substantiating documentation is annotated and maintained in the member’s
incentive case file for payments processed later than 60 days. Update Air Force Recruiting Information Support System Total Force (AFRISS-
TF) with the projected payment date as annotated on the NGB Form 38-4 by the finance
office and file the completed NGB Form 38-4 in the member’s incentive case file once the
finance office completes the payment certification. Payment Notification Letter Generate payment notification letter. File a copy of the notification letter in the Airman or Guardian’s Incentive
Case File. Mail the payment notification letter to the member.
16 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 Terminate incentives at the end of the contract period or when otherwise required,
according to Department of Defense (DoD) 7000.14-R, Financial Management Regulation
(FMR), Volume 7, Part A, and applicable FY Incentives Operational Guidance. When a
member’s incentive is terminated for any reason, including completion of service
obligation, the ROM/RRNCO will retain the member's case file using the applicable
records disposition schedule.
2.6.4. ROM/RRNCO Guard to Guard Transfer of Incentive Participant. Processes incentive
records of Guard-to-Guard transfers. Additional information is found in the ANG Retention
guidance located on myFSS.
2.6.5. Additional responsibilities for health profession (HP) incentive recipients. Process
health professional incentives can be found in the current FY ANG incentive program
operational guidance and the ANG retention guidance located on myFSS.
2.7. Air Force and Space Force Clothing Allowance Roles and Responsibilities.
2.7.1. ANG and AFR Command Director of Manpower, Personnel, and Services. Responsible
for determining the initial issue clothing and supplemental clothing allowances for members
of their respective components (see Attachment 3).
2.7.2. MAJCOM/FLDCOM, Direct Reporting Unit (DRU), Field Operating Agency (FOA),
and Command Directors of Manpower, Personnel and Services. Supplement this DAFI as
needed; act as the final approval authority for all civilian clothing allowance (CCA) requests. Approval authority may be delegated to a subordinate level within the
organization; however, the delegation of authority remains at the discretion of the parent
organization. The Air Force District of Washington Director of Manpower, Personnel, and
Services will act as approval authority for military members assigned to the Secretariat,
Air Staff, and Joint Staff. Directors of government agencies or equivalent within military organizations may
also establish requirements for civilian clothing.
2.7.3. United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) and Air Force Officer Accessions Training
School Director of Manpower, Personnel, and Services. Responsible for determining the initial
issue clothing bag items for students within their respective agencies (see Attachment 2 Tables
A2.5 and A2.6.). Initiates requirements and acts as the final approval authority for all CCA
requests within their respective agencies.
2.8. Family Member Travel Roles and Responsibilities.
2.8.1. AFPC, Chief, Military Assignments Programs Branch (AFPC/DP3AM) is responsible
for the management and oversight of all programs and processes addressed in Chapter 6.
AFPC/DP3AM provides oversight/guidance to AFPC Directorate for Total Force Service
Center (AFPC/DP1) and AFPC Directorate for Personnel (AFPC/DP2) for the processing of
applications for Airmen and Guardians requesting variations in their dependent(s)
travel/secretarial waiver as prescribed in the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), and this
instruction. Direct policy questions to AFPC/DP3AM, DSN 312-665-3815, Commercial: (210)
565-3815 Email to: afpc.dp3am[email protected]. AFPC/DP3AM will coordinate with
MAJCOM/FLDCOMs as needed regarding Status of Forces Agreements, available individual
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 17
logistical support as described in the benefits/entitlement’s fact sheets and any other command
specific, country unique requirements.
2.8.2. MAJCOM/FLDCOM Staff Judge Advocate (SJA). Review and coordinate, when
appropriate, on requests for early return of dependents from the overseas area in advance of
the member's permanent change of station (PCS) order issuance (an early return of dependents
must occur prior to the Airman or Guardian receiving an assignment from the overseas duty
station). Review and update, when applicable, Individual Logistical Support fact sheets of host
2.8.3. Installation. The Commander (or civilian equivalent) or Air Base Group Commander at
non-AF led joint bases acts on requests for an early return of command-sponsored dependents
from the overseas area (authority may be delegated to the Mission Support Group Commander
or USSF Installation Deputy Commander) and requests to relocate dependents in the
continental United States (CONUS) for personal safety.
2.8.4. Mission Support Group. The Commander (USSF Installation Deputy Commander or
civilian equivalent or) reviews, coordinates, and acts on (if delegated approval authority),
requests for an early return of dependents from the overseas area in advance of the member's
PCS order issuance and concurrent travel requests. Determines when automatic concurrent
travel should be suspended based on a lack of support facilities.
2.8.5. Force Support Squadron (FSS). The Commander (or civilian equivalent) oversees the
concurrent travel process for the overseas installation. Responsible for coordinating with base
agencies to ensure housing and other facilities are available when command-sponsored
dependents are authorized to accompany the Airman or Guardian to their overseas tour
(automatic concurrent travel). When concurrent travel is not automatic, the FSS Commander
may delegate concurrent travel approval or disapproval authority to the MPF chief or
2.8.6. Unit. The Commander (or civilian equivalent) interviews foreign-born spouses when an
Airman or Guardian submits a request to relocate dependents on a designated location move
while serving a dependent-restricted tour and makes an assessment on spouse’s capability to
cope without the sponsor. The Commander makes a recommendation based on assessment for
each designated location move request prior to submitting it to AFPC/DP3AM for a final
2.8.7. MPF. The Chiefs/Senior Enlisted Leader make a recommendation concerning base
facility support, endorse dependent travel requests, and forward to the appropriate approval
authority at AFPC Transition Division (AFPC/DP1T). Determine when automatic concurrent
travel should be suspended based on a lack of support facilities. Function as the approval
authority for dependent student travel and processes those approved cases. Additional guidance
is located on myFSS for student dependent travel.
2.8.8. MPF, Career Development Element (Assignments). The Non-commissioned Officer in
Charge, Career Development is the base-level action point of contact and will provide guidance
and administrative support to assigned personnel. Counsel Airman or Guardian, or their dependents when member(s) are not
available, on dependent travel programs, determine the authorized transportation mode,
and process requests for transportation to traffic management offices who perform actual
18 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
mode, route, and carrier selection. Guidance can be found in DAFMAN 36-2102, Base-
Level Relocation Procedures. Process dependents remain overseas and dependent travel to a designated place
(to the follow-on location) applications to AFPC/DP1T. Direct DAF members to myFSS
to access application for designated location moves (travel of foreign-born spouses to their
native countries). Process advanced and delayed travel requests to AFPC/DP1T for those
Airmen and Guardians wishing to relocate or leave their dependents at the current location. Process/approve applications for dependent travel to a designated place (non-
foreign outside continental United States (OCONUS)). Counsel Airmen and Guardians, or their dependents when member(s) are not
available, using AF Form 1466, Request for Family Member’s Medical and Educational
Clearance for Travel and AF Form 4380, Special Needs Screener processing requirements.
Guidance can be found in DAFMAN 36-2102, and AFI 40-701, Medical Support to Family
Member Relocation and Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). Obtain and review family member travel request applications for completeness. Determine whether concurrent travel is approved (when not automatic) to permit
the dependents to travel with the member to the overseas permanent duty station. Approval authority for requests for use of more than two privately owned vehicles
in conjunction with a PCS. See JTR, paragraph. 050203-B2. Qualifying factors: The number of family members, including their luggage, cannot be
transported in two vehicles. Because of age or physical condition, a dependent needs special
accommodation in one vehicle and second and third vehicles are required for more than
five other family members. A member reports to a new duty station in advance of travel by dependents
who delay travel for acceptable reasons (such as school term completion, property sale,
settlement of personal business affairs, household goods transportation, non-
availability of adequate housing at the new duty station) and more than four dependents
travel by privately owned vehicle later. More than four dependents travel unaccompanied by privately owned
vehicle between authorized points other than those for the member’s travel (such as
travel to/from a designated place without the member or to the new permanent duty
station when the member has temporary duty (TDY) enroute). More than four dependents travel unaccompanied to the new duty station in
advance of the member’s reporting date for acceptable reasons (such as to enroll
children in school at the beginning of the term or secure housing). More than six family members travel together by privately owned vehicle,
including the member, over the “ALCAN Highway” (safety guidelines require extra
spare tires, parts, tools, etc.); or Special circumstances not indicated must be authorized/approved by AFPC
and/or Secretarial process.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 19 Publish dependent travel orders for early return of dependents, dependents being
relocated for safety and dependent student transportation when approved. Guidance can be
found in AFI 65-103, Temporary Duty/Special Orders.
2.9. Transitional Compensation (TC) for Abused Dependents Roles and Responsibilities.
2.9.1. Air Force Personnel Center Commander (AFPC/CC) AFPC/DP3SA provides oversight and guidance on the execution of continuation
pay to Commanders. AFPC/DP3SA initiates system change requests for personnel data systems. AFPC/DP3SA publishes TC pay parameters to myFSS as necessary to reflect
updates or changes. AFPC/DPMSSM provides guidance to MPFs and SJA offices, as needed. AFPC/DPMSSM processes TC cases and makes official notifications to base-
level on all TC determinations. AFPC/DPMSSM sends Exceptional Eligibility packages to AFPC/DP3SA to be
forwarded to AF/A1PA for routing and adjudication.
2.9.2. Wing Commanders or equivalents. Coordinate on responses to higher headquarters and congressional inquiries.
Assess cases or requests and render decisions based on the merits of the case involving
dependent abuse. Determine whether the spouse was an active participant or actively aided or
abetted the member in abuse against the dependent child. Ensure the spouse is notified, in
writing, that the evidence shows his or her active participation or aiding or abetting, and
that he or she has 10 calendar days from the mailing of such notice to respond in writing.
If the 10-day suspense is met, the response will be considered in determining whether
transitional compensation is approved. Approve requests for transitional compensation by completing Section II, block(s)
10 a-h of the Department of Defense (DD) Form 2698, Application for Transitional
Compensation, and return the case file to the MPF for disposition. May delegate, in writing, the above duties to group commanders or equivalents.
2.9.3. Unit Commanders. Ensure affected family members are informed of the program and assistance is
available. Assist family members with the application process and ensure the DD Form 2698
is completed on members from their organization prior to referring the applicant to the
MPF for final processing. Coordinate actions with the SJA and MPF as required.
2.9.4. MPF Commanders. Assign an element in the MPF to administer the program. Provide point of contact
information (i.e., office symbol, duty phone, and email address) to AFPC/DP2SSM at
20 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
[email protected]. Update the point of contact information as
needed. Ensure the DD Form 2698 is completed, and that the applicant has signed and
dated items 12c and d of Section I. Ensure there is no fund cite in Section IV, Item 2
(DFAS inserts the fund cite) and the MPF Commander verifies the content of Section II
prior to the approving official’s certification in item 10 (a-h) of the DD Form 2698. Develop and coordinate responses with the installation commander on high-level
and congressional inquiries. Inform unit commanders, First Sergeants, and detachment and operating location
chiefs of responsibilities under this program and the importance of proper counseling and
approval. Assign local POCs to assist dependents approved for transitional compensation
obtain access to resources such as receipt of an identification card, access to base, medical,
commissary and exchange facilities and TRICARE benefits via signed letter. An example
letter is in the transitional compensation PSDG on myFSS.
2.9.5. Staff Judge Advocate. Assist qualified dependent in gathering data required to complete the DD Form
2698. Coordinate the collection of information to determine the validity of the claim,
authorized recipients, and the duration of the payments (see paragraph 8.7) and unit
commanders for information. When additional information is required, consult with SJAs or legal offices in
possession of relevant information. Review claims (DD Form 2698) for legal sufficiency and provides written legal
reviews to installation commanders. The Judge Advocate General is the Air Force responsible official for coordinating,
implementing, and managing the Air Force Victim and Witness Assistance Program and
for statutory notifications to the victims. Guidance can be found in DAFI 51-207, Victim
and Witness Rights and Procedures.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 21
Chapter 3
3.1. SDAP. Program roles and responsibilities can be found at paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2.
3.1.1. General Information and Eligibility. SDAP is a monetary incentive awarded to Airmen
and Guardians as compensation for assignment to duties designated as extremely difficult or
involving an unusual degree of military skill. Air Force duties approved for SDAP are listed
in the SDAP table found on the myFSS website
3.1.2. Eligibility. Active and ARC members entitled to basic pay or inactive-duty training
compensation are eligible to receive SDAP. SDAP is awarded when Airmen and Guardians,
who meet specified special duty assignment program eligibility criteria and enter into a written
agreement that assigns them against a special duty pay-approved position. Information on basic
pay and IDT compensation is in 37 USC §§ 204, Entitlement, and 206, Reserves; Members of
the National Guard: Inactive-Duty Training, respectively.
3.1.3. An Airman in the reserve component entitled to pay under 37 USC § 206 and authorized
for assignment incentive pay under this publication may be paid an amount of SDAP that is
proportionate to the compensation received by the Airman for inactive-duty training. The
Airman may be awarded an amount at 1/30th of the prescribed monthly rate of the assignment
incentive pay for the performance of each authorized period of IDT with pay.
3.1.4. Duties must meet one or more of the following criteria to be eligible for SDAP
designation: Extremely demanding personal effort is necessary to ensure successful mission
accomplishment. (T-1) A greater degree of responsibility or difficulty is required over and above what is
normally expected for a member’s grade and experience. (T-1) Special qualifications met through rigorous screening and/or special schooling.
3.1.5. SDAP is awarded when an Airman or Guardian meets all of the following conditions: Has completed special schooling or equivalent on-the-job training required for
qualification in the special duty assignment. The duration of the on-the-job training must
be at least as long as the equivalent formal training school and must fully qualify the
member for the special duty assignment. (T-1) Performs the duties of an SDAP-designated specialty, is certified as qualified for
the duty, and meets all associated requirements as listed in the SDAP table located on the
myFSS website at (T-1) Note: Commanders review and certify
each member’s entitlement to SDAP monthly and terminate SDAP for those individuals
who have not been or are no longer certified. (T-1)
3.1.6. Recoupment of Payment. An Airman or Guardian who receives SDAP who fails to
fulfill the eligibility requirements for receipt of such pay is subject to recoupment.
22 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
3.2. SDAP Guidance and Procedures.
3.2.1. Designating a Duty for SDAP. (This applies to ARC members as applicable) Air Force career or Space Force field managers, DRUs, FOAs, FLDCOM, and
MAJCOMs can request that a duty be part of the SDAP program. SDAP requests must include: The number of members impacted and how long they have been performing
the duty associated with a particular AFSC/SFSC, special duty identifier, or reporting
identifier. Turnover and volunteer rates. Whether the special duty assignment is part of the normal career progression
for the duty. Special individual qualifications. Other special pay received for the duty, (e.g., diving duty pay or hazardous
duty pay). Proposed SDAP rate, an estimate of how long the designation is needed, the
number of members eligible, and the expected annual cost. Special screening and schooling needed, other than a brief orientation. Explanation of how positions are extremely demanding, highly responsible
in nature, require extraordinary physical effort or place a heavy personal burden on the
member (over and above what would reasonably be expected in other military
assignments for a member's grade and experience). Do not include in your request any elements of a position or AFSC/SFSC
that are part of the justification for another approved form of special or incentive pay.
(T-0) For example, the fact that duty involves aerial flight is not justification for SDAP
if individuals performing the duty already receive hazardous duty incentive pay for
aerial flight. Send SDAP requests to AF/A1PA or SF/S1PA for processing and approval
through AF/A1 or SF/S1. (T-1) Note: If an SDAP affects more than one
MAJCOM/FLDCOM, DRU, or FOA send it to the Air Force or Space Force career field
manager for consolidation and then forward to AF/A1PA or SF/S1PA.
3.2.2. Recertification. As initiators of approved requests, designation justification is required
every year, and the SDAP review will take place on an annual basis (AF/A1PA or SF/S1PA)
notifies all appropriate parties at the appropriate time). (T-1) If an annual pay review
submission is not received there is a possibility that actions could be taken to reduce or
eliminate the SDAP.
3.2.3. Processing Payment. Unit Program. When Reserve Personnel Appropriation or Military Personnel
Appropriation orders are initiated or upon completion of a unit training assembly (or other
duty involving IDT where orders are not initiated), the unit initiates a military pay order or
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 23
DAF Form 2096 identifying all SDAP participants (i.e., grade, name, and social security
number), number of days performed, and SDAP rate. The unit ensures all participants on
the military pay order or DAF Form 2096 have the appropriate completed documentation
(DAF Form 2096) on file. Forward the military pay order to the servicing Reserve pay
office for completion of payment. As necessary, the Reserve pay office or AFR Pay Office
Functional Management Office - P for IMA cross-reference the military pay order with
the DAF Forms 2096 on file and authorize the appropriate payment. IMA Program. The DAF Form 2096 submitted by the RIO Det/CC is forwarded
to ARPC, Assignments Division (ARPC/DPAA), pay office for update and payment to the
eligible IMA. Additional AFR Guidance. During contingency operations when Reservists are recalled/mobilized, the
member’s unit and the MPF or RIO Det/CC should work closely with finance to
facilitate the start/stop/adjustment of SDAP. For reserve program process and procedural guidance, the office of primary
responsibility is Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC/A1KK), Personnel Support
Programs Branch. For policy guidance, the office of primary responsibility is Air Force
Reserve Personnel Policy (AF/REP). ARPC. Provide SDAP monthly roster to Headquarters RIO Det/CCs. Air National Guard (ANG). System limitations and unique requirements have
made it necessary to adopt a process distinctly different than the traditional process
described in this instruction for the ANG. MPFs, commanders, program managers, finance
offices, as well as higher headquarters, closely coordinate all SDAP actions to ensure
thorough identification, documentation, and payment for eligible ANG members. Clear
procedural and processing instructions can be found on myFSS.
Table 3.1. Conditions Affecting Eligibility for SDAP (applies to all service components).
If SDAP member
then eligibility for SDAP (note 1)
does not maintain the
qualifications to perform the
duties well
stops when the commander
determines qualifications are
inadequate (note 2).
leaves active duty and does
not reenlist immediately
stops when the member leaves.
performs temporary or other
special duty
skills used do not merit
continues for up to 90 consecutive
days of TDY.
24 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
skills used merit SDAP
continues through entire temporary
duty or special duty period.
performs an additional duty
that does not interfere with
performance of the special
duty assignment
is a patient, including on
convalescent leave
illness is the result of
alcohol or drug addiction
illness is not the result of
alcohol or drug addiction
continues for up to 12 months.
is reassigned to a unit,
Air Force or Space Force
specialty code, or special
duty that DOES NOT pay
stops when SDAP duty ends.
is reassigned to a unit,
Air Force or Space Force
specialty code, or special
duty that DOES PAY SDAP
member remains qualified
and performs the special
continues while member travels
between assignments and when
new duty begins.
is demoted
member remains qualified
and performs the special
is absent without leave
is confined
is serving a court-martial
sentence or a non-judicial
stops on the date of confinement.
is reported missing
does not qualify for the Air
Force or Space Force
specialty code or
special duty identifier, or
special duty on which the
SDAP is based
stops when the Air Force or Space
Force specialty code / special duty
identifier is withdrawn.
goes on authorized leave
(includes terminal leave and
permissive TDY)
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 25
Serves in an Air Force or
Space Force specialty code,
special duty identifier, or
special duty and the pay for
the duty has been reduced
continues at the reduced rate
effective on the date of reduction.
Serves in an Air Force or
Space Force specialty code,
special duty identifier, or
special duty and the job is
being eliminated
the member continues the
continues at one-half rate for 1 year
from the effective date of the
elimination, then all payments
attends training
the course directly relates to
the SDAP duty, and the
member needs it to continue
the duty
the course does not directly
relate to the SDAP duty; the
member is returned to the
duty after the course
continues for no more than 90
the course leads to a
stops when the member leaves for
Is in SkillBridge
attends Air Force Institute of
Technology or participates in
Education with Industry
stops when the member leaves for
the program.
1. DoD Financial Management Regulation Table 8.2 gives further details and effective dates.
2. When termination is because of poor performance, withdraw the member's special duty Air
Force or Space Force specialty code or special duty identifier or reassign the member. If the
withdrawal or assignment is later disapproved, reinstate the member's SDAP, along with back
pay. Terminate the member from the special duty position when performance does not meet the
established standard.
3.3. Assignment Incentive Pay. Roles and responsibilities can be found at paragraphs 2.1 and
3.3.1. General Information. AIP is a temporary compensation tool that provides a monetary
incentive to encourage Airmen and Guardians to volunteer for select difficult-to-fill or less
desirable assignments, locations, or units designated by, and under conditions of service
specified by the SecAF. Eligibility. Active and ARC members who are entitled to basic pay or inactive-
duty training compensation are eligible to receive assignment incentive pay. Assignment
incentive pay is awarded when members, who meet specified assignment incentive pay
26 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
program eligibility criteria, enter into a written agreement that assigns them against an
assignment incentive pay-approved position. Additional guidance on basic pay and IDT
compensation is in Title 37 USC § 204 and 206 respectively. An Airman in the reserve component entitled to pay under 37 USC § 206 and
authorized for assignment incentive pay under this publication may be paid an amount of
AIP that is proportionate to the compensation received by the Airman for inactive-duty
training. The Airman may be awarded an amount at 1/30th of the prescribed monthly rate
of the assignment incentive pay for the performance of each authorized period of IDT with
pay. Assignment incentive pay does not transfer from one assigned duty location or
position to another unless the new duty location or position is eligible for an established
assignment incentive pay program.
3.3.2. Establishing AIP. The approval authority to establish, increase, decrease or abolish
assignment incentive pay is the SecAF. Organizations requesting assignment incentive pay must provide the following
information through the chain of command to their MAJCOM/A1 or FLDCOM/S1 for
consideration and to their MAJCOM/CC/CV for a recommendation of approval. Request
packages must include: A memorandum with description and justification for the AIP program
addressed to AF/A1P or SF/S1P for USSF. Eligibility rules (pay structure and service agreement terms) and the
specified pay period for which the assignment incentive pay is to be paid to Airmen
and Guardians. (T-0) Payment methodology which will include: (T-0) Monthly, lump sum or periodic installments. Budgeted costs, and executed costs if renewed, for the next three FYs. Current number of assigned and authorized billets including: (T-0) By grade or skill level for each assignment incentive pay location. Service-wide manning levels in the same grade or skill level. Training and investment replacement costs. (T-0) Other incentive pay earned by eligible recipients, to include specialty or skill
pay. (T-0) Other influencing factors such as. (T-0) Accessions and re-enlistments. Quality of life issues. Projected growth.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 27 Functional assignment incentive pays must be coordinated with all applicable
MAJCOM/FLDCOMs and the appropriate HAF Functional Manager prior to submission
to AF/A1P or SF/S1P.
3.3.3. Approval of AIP. MAJCOM/FLDCOM CC/CV may disapprove unit AIP requests and HAF
Functional may disapprove functional assignment incentive pay requests.
Recommendations for approval will be forwarded to AF/A1P or SF/S1P for staffing and
approval by the SecAF. (T-1) MAJCOM A1s or FLDCOM S1s must notify AF/A1P or SF/S1P of new
assignment incentive pay programs in review by 31 October of each year to allow time for
approval and inclusion in the President’s Budget Submission process. (T-1) Notification
should include a budgetary projection with the current number of assigned and authorized
billets, proposed dollar amount of the incentive pay, and the requested start date of the
potential AIP (Note: AIP requests received and approved during the process will be
effective in the next fiscal year; requested start dates must be established accordingly).
Requests to extend or continue current AIP programs must be submitted 160 days prior to
program expiration date. (T-1) AF/A1P or SF/S1P coordinates assignment incentive pay packages with
appropriate stakeholders and functional community for SecAF approval. (T-1) Upon approval AF/A1P or SF/S1P coordinates with AFPC, DFAS, NGB/A1P,
AF/RE, and the affected MAJCOM/FLDCOM to implement the approved program as
3.3.4. Incentive Pay Rate. The maximum monthly average amount of AIP is $1,500.
3.3.5. Payment Method. AIP may be paid monthly, in a lump sum, or in periodic installments
other than monthly, as determined by SecAF. If paid monthly, the SecAF may prorate the
monthly amount of the assignment incentive pay for an Airman or Guardian who does not
satisfy the eligibility requirement for an entire month to reflect the duration of the member’s
actual qualifying service during the month. The amount of a lump sum payment of assignment incentive pay payable to an
Airman or Guardian may not exceed the maximum monthly rate authorized at the time the
member enters into a written agreement multiplied by the number of continuous months in
the period for which assignment incentive pay is to be paid, pursuant to the agreement. The amount of each installment payment of assignment incentive pay payable to
an Airman or Guardian on an installment basis may not exceed the amount equal to a
monthly rate specified in the written agreement (which may not exceed the maximum
monthly rate authorized at the time the service member enters into the agreement),
multiplied by the number of continuous months in the period for which the assignment
incentive pay is paid, divided by the number of installments over such period. If an Airman or Guardian extends an assignment or performance of duty specified
in an agreement, assignment incentive pay for the period of the extension may be paid on
a monthly basis, in a lump sum, or in installments.
28 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 Reserve component Members Performing IDT. Per 37 USC § 206, a member of a
reserve component entitled to compensation who is authorized assignment incentive pay
may be paid an amount of assignment incentive pay that is proportionate to the
compensation received by the member for inactive-duty training (see paragraph
for more detailed information).
3.3.6. Relationship to Other Pay and Allowance. AIP paid to an Airman or Guardian under
this section is in addition to any other pay and allowances to which the member is entitled.
However, members will not receive incentive pays for the same purpose and period of service.
(T-0) For example, a member may not receive both hardship duty pay (for location) and AIP
if the assignment incentive pay is based on location.
3.3.7. Recoupment of Payment. An Airman or Guardian who receives AIP in a lump sum or
installment and who fails to fulfill the eligibility requirements for receipt of such pay is subject
to recoupment. (T-0)
3.3.8. Temporary Duty or Leave. An Airman or Guardian’s status in the AIP program shall not be discontinued
during any period that the member is not performing service in the assignment for which
AIP is being paid due to: Temporary duty performed by the member pursuant to orders; or Absence of the member for authorized leave, other than leave authorized for a
period ending upon the discharge of the member or the release of the member from active
3.3.9. Termination of AIP. AIP is terminated immediately if an Airman or Guardian is absent without leave,
placed in confinement, or removed from duties by the commander for cause. (T-1) AIP is terminated upon a member’s PCS or PCA to a billet other than a designated
AIP billet or location; or upon entering terminal leave status. (T-1) No AIP is initially awarded after the specific assignment incentive pay program
termination date unless the program is officially extended/authorized. (T-0)
3.3.10. Termination of AIP Authority. AIP authority is subject to annual congressional approval. If at any time during an authorized period of assignment incentive pay, the annual
review of econometric data demonstrates that the AIP program is no longer required, the
program will be terminated by the SAF/MR. Termination of the assignment incentive pay
program will be announced at least 90 days in advance of termination.
3.3.11. Other Restrictions. AIP shall not be utilized as an indefinite pay entitlement, a retention program
tool, a form of pay equity among Airmen or Guardians with similar skills, for good
performance or recognition, or to supplement basic or incentive pays for specialized skills.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 29 AIP targets specific populations based on measurable assignment shortfalls.
(T-0) An Airman or Guardian is not authorized to receive more than one AIP
simultaneously for the same period of service. If an Airman or Guardian is eligible for more than one AIP, he or she receives
the higher of these AIPs.
30 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
Chapter 4
4.1. Continuation Pay. Program roles and responsibilities can be found at paragraphs 2.1 and
4.2. Program. As prescribed by 37 USC § 356, Continuation pay: full TSP members with 8 to
12 years of service, members enrolled in the Blended Retirement System (BRS) may receive a
one-time payment as a lump sum or installments not to exceed four payments in exchange for a
mid-career agreement to perform additional obligated service. The factors associated with the
completion of the agreement include: (T-0)
4.2.1. Timing. Continuation payment will be offered at 12 years of service as determined by
the pay date. (T-1)
4.2.2. Multiplier. The amount is determined by applying a multiplier to the member’s monthly
base pay. For RegAF Airmen and ARC Airmen on Active Guard, Reserve (AGR) duty, and
USSF Guardians, the multiplier is 2.5 and for traditional ANG or AFR Airmen (non-AGR),
the multiplier is 0.5.
4.2.3. Obligation. Eligible Airmen or Guardians must enter into an agreement to complete four
additional years of service. (T-1)
4.3. Policy.
4.3.1. Eligibility. Airmen and Guardians become eligible for continuation pay upon reaching
12 years of service. (T-0) Note: members who elect to opt-in the BRS after passing 12 years
of service are not eligible for continuation pay. Likewise, members must be able to enter into
a service obligation when continuation pay is offered as defined in 10 USC § 509, Voluntary
Extension of Enlistments; Periods and Benefits. (T-0) Enlisted retainability and officer service
requirements are defined as: Enlisted. An Airman or Guardian may re-enlist, or extend an enlistment, for the
purpose of receiving continuation pay if the member is otherwise eligible pursuant to
reenlistment policy (AFI 36-2606, Reenlistment in the United States Air Force). (T-0) Unit
commanders (or directors) review all offers of continuation pay and retainability
compliance as defined in the Selective Reenlistment Program outlined in AFI 36-2606.
(T-3) Officer. Unit commanders (or directors) may disapprove service obligations for
officers who are expected to be involuntarily separated during the required obligation time.
Guidance can be found in DAFI 36-3211, Military Separations. (T-3) Wing Commanders (or equivalent) retain appeal authority for all
reenlistments/service obligation determinations when requesting continuation pay. (T-3)
The appeal authority’s decision is final.
4.3.2. Weighted Factors. Airmen and Guardians will be offered continuation pay when eligible
and the following factors (i.e., timing, multiplier calculations, and service obligations) are used
to establish continuation pay. (T-0)
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 31 Timing. Continuation pay will be paid at 12 years of service, measured by the pay
date, and offers are provided no later than 60 days prior to scheduled payments. (T-0) Multiplier. Continuation pay offers will specify the multiplier to be applied to a
member’s monthly base pay using the “over 12” column on the pay chart. ARC Airmen
are paid as if on active duty for computations when establishing base pay. (T-0) RegAF and USSF. Current multiplier for RegAF and USSF is 2.5. (T-0) Reserve Component. Multiplier for ANG and AFR Airmen, including
Airmen serving on man-day orders or voluntary limited periods of active duty
(VLPAD), is 0.5. The multiplier for Airmen on active guard and reserve duty (as
defined in 10 USC § 101(d) (6)) is 2.5. (T-0) Service Obligation. DAF members will accept a service obligation of four years
that runs concurrently unless the Airman or Guardian has other service obligations that
preclude concurrent obligations. (T-0) Members who received continuation pay but fail to complete the period of
service obligation or fail to maintain the skills for which an amount greater than the
minimum amount described in paragraph 4.3.2 is paid, are subject to full or partial
recoupment. Additional guidance is found in DoDFMR 7000 14-R, Volume 7A,
Military Pay Policy- Active Duty and Reserve Pay, Chapter 2, Repayment of Unearned
Portion of Bonuses and other Benefits. (T-0) Members involuntarily separated solely for medical reasons (i.e., medical
discharge or combat injury that results in separation) or as part of a force management
program will be exempt from recoupment. Unpaid portions scheduled for future
installments will not be paid. (T-0) Members who desire to waive recoupment should submit waiver requests to
SAF/MR for a determination through the respective chains of command: RegAF
(AFPC/CC); ANG (NGB/A1); and AFR (AFRC/A1). (T-0) Members who incur a period of extended absence, subject to the approval of
SAF/MR, which precludes meeting the terms of a service obligation: Payments are suspended during period of extended absence. (T-0) If the member is subsequently re-assigned to the member’s previous
status or a new status at the discretion of SAF/MR, continuation installation
payments may resume, and the terms of the service obligation extends to ensure
fulfilment of the original agreement. (T-0) Failure to comply with the terms of the reinstatement results in
continuation payment termination and repayment, as appropriate. (T-0) Members who enter into a continuation payment service obligation may be
subject to involuntary retraining but are not eligible to voluntarily pursue retraining
during the continuation pay service obligation. (T-0)
32 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
Chapter 5
5.1. ARC Incentive Program. Program roles and responsibilities can be found at paragraphs 2.5
and 2.6.
5.2. AFR Incentive Program. The AFR is authorized to utilize incentive programs to attract and
retain quality Airmen.
5.2.1. Incentive Program Implementation.
5.2.2. FY guidance shall be published annually to establish incentive programs to be offered.
FY guidance messages shall also identify incentive amounts, payment schedules, incentive
eligible AFSCs, and program specifics as deemed necessary. (T-2)
5.2.3. The ARC may offer all, some or none of the incentive programs identified in DoDI
1304.31, Enlisted Bonus Program, and this AFI is dependent on AFR mission requirements
and funding constraints.
5.2.4. Incentive Program Considerations. The following should be considered when
establishing eligible AFSCs for incentives to be placed on the incentive eligible AFSC list: Chronic and persistent shortages. Projected losses based on history, eligible retirements, and eligible separations. Projected unit manning document increases. High replacement costs. High Ops Tempo. Historical difficulty in recruiting. Unattractive specialty.
5.2.5. Incentive Program Procedures. Refer to HQ AFRC/A1KK and HQ ARPC/DPAT and
PSDG for specific, detailed procedures for incentive processes.
5.3. Obligation, Participation, and Agreement. (T-2)
5.3.1. To qualify for any incentive, a member is obligated contractually to serve satisfactorily
in the AFR for the full term of enlistment, reenlistment, accession, affiliation, or retraining
contract for which a bonus is paid. This individual is further obligated to continue serving in
the same bonus AFSC, unless ARPC approves a continuation waiver for the convenience of
the government.
5.3.2. Satisfactory participation for a Traditional Reservist is no more than four unexcused
absences based on a 12-month period within their anniversary year. Satisfactory participation
for an Individual Reservist is the completion of 24/48 IDT periods based on a 12-month
anniversary contract period. Traditional Reservist must satisfy UTA participation of 48 IDT
periods, and Individual Reservist must satisfy 24/48 IDTs, within their anniversary year to
receive a full anniversary incentive payment. Periods of active duty that occur during a
scheduled UTA are authorized substitutions for UTA requirements. (T-2)
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 33
5.3.3. At the time of enlistment, reenlistment, accession, affiliation, or approval of retraining,
the member signs an incentive agreement to certify confirmation and understanding of the
conditions under which incremental payments are made. This agreement states the terms of the
contract which entitles the member to an incentive.
5.4. Enlisted Incentive Types and Eligibility Criteria. (T-2)
5.4.1. Overall Eligibility Criteria. An enlistment bonus is authorized for individuals who enlist in an ARC for a
specific period and, if applicable, for service in an AFSC that is experiencing critical
personnel shortages as designated by the Secretary concerned. Enlistment/Re-enlistment must be for a period of three, four, five, or six years.
Note: Air Reserve Technicians enlisting to qualify for a civilian position where
membership in the Reserve is a condition of employment and Active Guard Reservist are
not eligible for the incentive program.
5.4.2. Non-Prior Service Enlistment. An incentive granted to a person who is enlisting in the
AFR for a term of four or six years and meets the following criteria: Has a total Reserve obligation of not less than eight years. Successfully completes initial active duty for training. Has a three-level control in the incentive AFSC. Enlists in an incentive duty Air Force specialty code (DAFSC) in effect on the
DOE. Has not previously served in any component of the Armed Forces of the United
States or has previously served but did not successfully complete initial active duty training
(IADT). Is not enlisting for voluntary assignment to extended active duty in support of the
Reserve program (does not include individuals attending formal schools). Is a graduate of a secondary school as outlined in the glossary of terms. Possesses a general education development (GED) general equivalency certificate
or a secondary school diploma or certificate awarded by a state, based on certification by
a parent or legal guardian that an individual has completed his/her secondary school at
5.4.3. Prior Service Enlistment. An incentive granted to former members of the armed forces
who enlist in the Selected Reserve for a period of three or six years and meet the following
criteria: Has not previously received a prior service enlistment bonus that exceeds three
years. Attained a level of qualification while on active duty commensurate with the grade
and years of service of the member or has completed training or retraining in the critical
34 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
specialty for the position and attained a level of qualification that is commensurate with
the grade and years of service of the member. Is not released or being released from active duty for the purpose of enlistment in
the reserve component. Received an honorable discharge from previous military service. Has completed any active service commitment and possesses not more than 16
years total service (based on Armed Forces enlistment contractual agreement on pay date)
at the time of enlistment. Is not enlisting for voluntary assignment to extended active duty in support of the
Reserve program (does not include individuals attending formal schools).
5.4.4. Reenlistment. An incentive granted to a member who voluntarily reenlists in the AFR
and meets the following criteria: Reenlists within six months of current ETS when not currently receiving an
incentive or reenlists within 30 days from current ETS when currently receiving an
incentive. CAUTION: When reenlisting a member who is potentially eligible to receive a
reenlistment incentive, ensure the reenlistment takes place “within” the six-month
timeframe and not one day “after” the ETS. Must have a minimum of 6 years of service
based on pay date to reenlist for three, four, or five years. Note: If a member has an
incentive, reenlistment more than 30 days before their ETS requires a waiver from
AFRC/A1KK prior to reenlistment unless they are reenlisting to transfer education
benefits. Although reenlistment for the G.I. Bill can take place at any time, it does not
automatically make a member eligible for a reenlistment bonus. (T-2) Reenlists according to AFI 36-2606 in the United States Air Force. Reenlists in a bonus AFSC in effect on the date of reenlistment. Is not reenlisting for retainability under the Palace Chase Program. Has no more than 20 years of total service based on pay date at the time of
reenlistment. Is required to be a satisfactory participant in the AFR. A Traditional Reservist
cannot have more than four unexcused absences and must have performed three
consecutive authorized four-period UTAs. This requirement can be met in any
combination of UTA attendance immediately before or after the date of reenlistment. Two
four-period UTAs performed after the date of reenlistment would meet the participation
requirement. An Individual Reservist must have served satisfactorily during the prior FY
without an FY participation waiver (all 24/48 IDT periods must have been completed).
Once the participation requirement has been met, the date of entitlement for the incentive
is the date of reenlistment. (T-2)
5.4.5. Affiliation. An incentive granted to a qualified member who transfers directly from the
RegAF or Individual Ready Reserve without a break in service and meets the following
criteria: Enlists for a period of three, four, five, or six years.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 35 Is being assigned duty in an incentive AFSC in effect on the member’s effective
date of change of strength accountability assignment and possesses at least a three-level
control Air Force specialty code (CAFSC) or second AFSC in that duty. Has completed or was released early under honorable conditions from active-duty
obligation and has a Reserve obligation under 10 USC § 651, Members required service,
or 50 USC § 3806 6(d) (1) of the Military Selective Service Act. Has not previously participated in any active Reserve program. Is not affiliating under the Palace Chase Program. Has less than six years of total military service. Has not received an enlistment, retention, or transfer bonus for the same period of
time as an affiliation bonus.
5.4.6. Retraining. An incentive granted to a member already assigned to a unit in a non-
incentive AFSC to retrain and later reenlist into an incentive AFSC and meets the following
criteria: Enlists for a period of three, four, five, or six years. Is retraining into an incentive DAFSC in effect on the date retraining is approved,
that is, date entered Training Status Code M, E. Refer to Attachment 22 of DAFI 36-2670,
Total Force Development for Training Status Code definitions. Has less than 20 years of total service (based on pay date) at the time of enlistment. Is required to be a satisfactory participant in the AFR. A Traditional Reservist
cannot have more than four unexcused absences and must have performed three
consecutive authorized four-period UTAs. This requirement can be met in any combination
of UTA attendance immediately before or after the date of retraining application. Two four-
period UTAs performed after the date of retraining would meet the participation
requirement. Periods of active duty that occur during a scheduled UTA are authorized
substitutions for UTA requirements. An Individual Reservist must have served
satisfactorily during the prior FY without an FY participation waiver (all 24/48 IDT periods
must have been completed). Once the participation requirement has been met, the date of
entitlement for the incentive is the date retraining is approved. (T-2) Is not requesting reenlistment more than 36 months before current ETS. This does
not include any extensions for retainability in retraining. Note: Follow normal retraining
approval requirements according to AFI 36-2100, Military Utilization and Classification.
Service retainability, if required, is obtained through an extension of the current
5.4.7. Reclassification. Any DAF member who joins with a non-incentive AFSC contract who is later
reclassified into an AFSC that is authorized an incentive is not entitled to a bonus since the
enlistment incentive was not part of the original contract. Example: Initial contract states
six years, 3F031 (no incentive), is reclassified into 3P031 (bonus), is not entitled to an
enlistment bonus.
36 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 Any DAF member who is authorized an incentive for an AFSC on their initial
contract and is later reclassified into an AFSC not authorized an incentive, is no longer
entitled to an enlistment incentive. Example: Initial contract states six years, 1T031
(incentive), is reclassified into 2S031 (no incentive), is no longer entitled to an initial
enlistment incentive. If a DAF member held a bonus AFSC on DOE and is reclassified, graduates
training, and obtains a 3-skill level for a different bonus qualifying AFSC (as of the
reclassification date), the member remains eligible for the incentive authorized from DOE.
Example: Initial contract is for 1T231 (incentive) and is reclassified and graduates as
3P031 (incentive), member receives the incentive for the 3P031 amount. The incentive for
1T231 is no longer applicable.
5.5. Officer Accession Incentive. (T-2) An incentive granted to a person who is newly appointed
in the AFR and meets the following criteria.
5.5.1. Is appointed to an incentive DAFSC in effect the date of appointment.
5.5.2. Successfully complete the required training to be awarded AFSC authorized for this
5.5.3. Be fully qualified in the incentive eligible AFSC upon completion of training.
5.5.4. Serve in the incentive eligible AFSC for a period of not less than three years.
5.5.5. Be a non-prior service applicant or newly appointed prior enlisted service member.
Note: AFR prior service personnel who are commissioned into a designated incentive skill via
the non-extended active-duty DAF Commissioning Program or other commissioning programs
are eligible for accession incentive program participation. These personnel must have less than
20 years total service (based on pay date) at the time of appointment. (T-2)
5.6. Officer Affiliation Incentive. (T-2) An incentive granted to a member who transfers directly
from the RegAF or Individual Ready Reserve, without a break in service. Note: AFR does not
offer an affiliation incentive for personnel transferring from another ARC (i.e., ANG).
5.6.1. Is assigned to an incentive DAFSC in effect on the date of affiliation.
5.6.2. Be fully qualified in the incentive eligible AFSC.
5.6.3. Execute an agreement to serve as an officer in the Selected Reserve for a service
obligation of at least 3 years. Note: DoDI 1310.02, Original Appointment of Officers states
resigning Regular Officers are not required to accomplish an AF Form 133, Oath of Office for
(Military Personnel) a Reserve Commission regardless of an existing military service
obligation/other obligation. Officers still need to be scrolled with Secretary of Defense
approval before their separation date. If the officer is not scroll approved before their separation
date, a break in service will occur and the member will need to file for a Board Correction
Military Records in order to request a correction to remove the break in service.
5.6.4. Not be a Palace Chase participant.
5.6.5. Have fewer than 15 years of qualifying military service towards a regular or non-regular
retirement. Guidance can be found in DoDI 1215.07, Service Credit for Non-Regular
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 37
5.7. Processing Incentive Applications. (T-2)
5.7.1. The Career Assistance Advisor (CAA) builds the incentive application and submits via
myFSS to ARPC for approval or disapproval. Obtain further guidance from HQ ARPC/DPAT.
5.7.2. ARPC approves the incentive by issuing an authorization number and updating MilPDS
for enlisted personnel; and by issuing an authorization number and signing AF Form 4021,
Application for Incentive Participation for officers. The CAA will use MilPDS for enlisted
personnel and the signed contract for officers as the authority to pay the bonus. (T-2)
5.7.3. ARPC will notify the CAA via myFSS when the application is approved/disapproved.
5.8. Processing Incentive Payments. (T-2)
5.8.1. Use a manual certification letter only when the computer-generated letter is not
produced. Certification letters must include information listed in the computer-generated letter
and are signed by the Career Assistance Advisor. Refer to guidance located on myFSS for
more instructions. (T-2)
5.8.2. Submit the request to the Reserve payroll office for payment upon completion of the
member’s anniversary date according to the appropriate pay schedule. (Include the amount and
date of the current and next payment due, if applicable). Obtain further guidance from HQ
5.8.3. Base payment on the number of UTA/IDT periods performed during the anniversary
year, to include Individual Reservist specific requirements. Note: For Traditional Reserve non-
prior service members, initial payments should not be prorated for participation prior to IADT
but should be based on UTA for Traditional Reserve non-prior service participation and
satisfactory service (50 points) upon completion of IADT and prorated as appropriate after
5.8.4. Grant credit for missed UTAs only when the member has been medically excused by
AF Form 469, Duty Limiting Condition Report, as a result of an in line of duty determination
or performs a period of active duty that occurs during their scheduled UTA. Note: A member
does not receive bonus payments for excused absences (unless the member is on an AF Form
469 or active-duty orders).
5.8.5. Traditional Reservists are authorized payment for 52 scheduled UTA periods when the
previous anniversary year had 44 scheduled UTA periods to differentiate between Individual
Reservist specific requirements.
5.8.6. Make final bonus payment before requesting termination of member’s incentive file.
5.8.7. Members are only paid in three- or six-year increments. Example: If a member enlists
for four or five years, the member will only receive payments for three years.
5.9. Bonus Incentive Continuation Request. (T-2)
5.9.1. Incentive continuation occurs when an incentive which would otherwise be terminated
is continued throughout the remainder of the current enlistment. Continuations are event-
centered (i.e., relocation, retraining).
5.9.2. Continuation is not authorized without approval from ARPC. The CAA should submit
continuation requests electronically to ARPC for approval or disapproval. The request must
38 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
contain the member’s incentive agreement, status of latest bonus payment, justification for
request, authorized/assigned data (all skill levels including gains/losses). ARPC will notify
the requesting agency via myFSS of the final decision. If the request is disapproved or if the
member does not meet the criteria for an incentive continuation, the gaining Retention Program
Manager pays the member a final payment, if necessary, and terminates the incentive. (T-2)
5.9.3. Members who move from one location to another may continue bonus eligibility if they
remain in the Selected Reserve of the USAFR and remain assigned to the same AFSC. The
member has 6 months to obtain a position in the Selected Reserve in the same AFSC. If the
member obtains a position within the 6 months, the time spent not actively participating in the
bonus AFSC is added to the member’s service requirement. If the member does not obtain a
position, their eligibility for a bonus will terminate. Members whose military specialty is
changed for the convenience of the government or whose unit is inactivated, relocated, or
converted (for example, weapons system conversion) may continue entitlement to bonus
payments provided they meet all other eligibility criteria, and are not separated from the
Selected Reserve.
5.10. No availability. (T-2)
5.10.1. Members of Selected Reserve may incur a period of authorized no availability, for a
period of no more than 1 year, for valid reasons as determined by the Secretary concerned and
reason listed below. These persons will be assigned to the Individual Ready Reserve during
this period of nonavailability and will have their incentive suspended and will not be entitled
to incentive payments. (T-2)
5.10.2. Personal Hardship.
5.10.3. Voluntary recall to active duty in direct support of the AFR.
5.10.4. Overseas Employment Obligation.
5.10.5. Temporary Overseas Residence.
5.10.6. Missionary Obligation.
5.10.7. If later assigned to a participating status in the skill previously contracted for, members
may be reinstated in the incentive program. The member must extend their term of service so
that they can serve the full original contract period. Entitlement to subsequent payment
resumes on the adjusted anniversary date computed by ARPC. The date shall be adjusted for
that period of no availability. Refer to Personnel Services Delivery Guide for further
instructions. (T-2)
5.10.8. The CAA electronically submits a request for a period of nonavailability to ARPC.
The request should contain the reason and duration of the nonavailability, the member’s
incentive agreement, and must be endorsed by the member’s unit commander. ARPC will
respond to the requesting agency with the final decision. The date shall be adjusted for that
period of nonavailability. Failure to meet reinstatement criteria for which previously contracted
shall result in termination of the incentive and recoupment, as appropriate. If approved, ARPC
will update the applicable code in MilPDS to withhold member’s incentive payments. If
disapproved, the CAA should pay the final incentive payment, if applicable, and terminate the
incentive. (T-2)
5.11. Withholding Incentives. (T-2)
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 39
5.11.1. ARPC will take withholding actions when a member is approved for a period of
nonavailability. Refer to Personnel Services Delivery Guide for further instructions. (T-2)
5.11.2. Upon the member’s return from the period of nonavailability, the CAA prepares a
letter containing the member’s name, Social Security number, authorization number, date
nonavailability began and ended, and date last incentive payment was made. ARPC reactivates
the member’s incentive and advises the CAA of the adjusted anniversary date for future
incremental payments.
5.12. Incentive Recoupment. When conditions warrant, such as overpayments or entitlements
paid to ineligible members, an incentive may be recouped. (T-2)
5.12.1. Recoupment will be made for the following reasons: Voluntarily reclassifies to a non-incentive eligible AFSC and has not completed
the full term of incentive contract. (T-2) Reassigned to the IRR either voluntarily or involuntarily and has not completed
the full term of incentive contract. (T-2)
5.12.2. Recoupment Calculation Formula should be verified by the Reserve Pay Office: The total amount of the bonus to be paid shall be divided by the total number of
months of the bonus contract to determine the amount the member would have received if
the bonus had been paid in monthly increments. (T-1) The monthly increment amount is then multiplied by the number of months the
member satisfactorily served in the bonus program (earned incentive months). The earned incentive is subtracted from the total amount the member has
received. The remainder is determined to be the unearned portion of the incentive and is
the recoupment amount.
Example: A member completes 30 months of a six-year $15,000 reenlistment agreement.
The calculation would start as follows: six yrs. = 72 months; $15,000/72 = $208.33; $208.33 x
30 months = $6,249.90. This figure is the amount the member actually earned while in the bonus
program. Next, add the dollar amounts the member has already been paid (i.e., $7,500 + $1,500
= $9,000). Then, subtract the amount earned from the amount member has already been paid
($9,000 - $6,249.90 = $2,750.10). This final total is the amount to be recouped from the member.
5.12.3. (Added) Recoupment may be waived for conditions that meet the requirements of
DoD FMR 7000.14, Vol 7a, Table 2.1, such as when a member fails to complete their full term
of enlistment, reenlistment, accession, affiliation, or retraining contract for reasons beyond the
member’s control (i.e., death, injury, illness).
5.13. Incentive Terminations. (T-2)
5.13.1. If entitlement to an incentive is terminated for any reason before the fulfillment of the
service as specified in the written agreement, the member will not be eligible to receive any
further incentive payments except for service performed before the termination date. Ensure
the member has been paid a final bonus payment, if applicable, prior to terminating the bonus.
40 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
5.13.2. The CAA completes the appropriate termination section on the incentive agreement,
updates MilPDS and forwards termination request to ARPC via myFSS.
5.13.3. Members incurring a period of nonavailability are not terminated but will have the
bonus payment suspended. (T-2)
5.13.4. Do not terminate a bonus prior to completion of the original incentive contract for
members who reenlist during the contract period for the purpose of GI Bill retainability.
5.14. Incentive Reinstatement. (T-2)
5.14.1. Request reinstatement only when a member has been terminated erroneously. For
example, unsatisfactory participation that has been excused by proper authority or the member
was terminated prior to receiving a final bonus payment.
5.14.2. When it has been determined that a member should be reinstated, the CAA prepares a
memo to ARPC for approval or disapproval.
5.15. ANG Incentive Program Overview. The ANG Incentive Program is designed to attract
and retain members into critical skills to meet mission manning requirements.
5.15.1. The National Incentive AFSC List is determined by NGB/A1YR and is reviewed
quarterly to ensure that the following are considered: Chronic and persistent shortages. Projected losses based on history, eligible retirements, and eligible separations. Projected unit manning document increases. High replacement costs. High Ops Tempo. Historical difficulty in recruiting. Formal Training availability and cost.
5.15.2. The Local Incentive AFSC List is developed by each state Recruiting and Retention
Superintendent (RRS) and located in FY guidance provided and approved by NGB/A1YR.
Local List criteria will be determined at a minimum annually and reviewed quarterly.
5.15.3. The National Health Professional (HP) Critical War-time Specialties list for each
military service component is designated annually by Office of the Secretary of Defense Health
Affairs (OSD/HA).
5.16. Incentive Program Guidance.
5.16.1. The FY ANG Incentive Program Operational Guidance is produced annually by the
National Guard Bureau, Retention Division (NGB/A1Y) and it: Identifies incentive eligible AFSCs, establishes incentive categories, programs
offered, and payment amounts within DOD limits. Defines eligibility requirements, administrative procedures, and payment
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 41 Is the primary source document for incentive execution authority at State,
Wing/Geographically Separated Unit levels. Is used by ROM and RRNCO for incentive eligibility determination for all
5.16.2. Annual FY Recruiting and Retention Initiatives Recruiting and Retention Initiatives are used to supplement authorized manning
percentage authorities and any other additional force management initiatives. May be used in conjunction with the FY ANG Incentive Program Operational
Guidance to determine authorized manning levels for incentive eligible AFSCs at the local
unit level.
5.16.3. Annual personnel services delivery messages and procedural guidance will be
provided to recruiting and retention personnel as a supplement to this DAFI to identify specific
system instructions and processes.
5.17. Incentive Program Exceptions to Policy.
5.17.1. Exception to policy is initiated by the ROM or RRNCO and forwarded through State
Headquarters to NGB/A1Y for consideration.
5.17.2. Must be in memorandum format and identify specific policy, guidance, instruction,
and paragraph applicable to the exception to policy.
5.17.3. State Headquarters Review: Exception to policy requires the concurrence of both the
state RRS and the Director of Staff prior to submission to NGB/A1Y.
5.17.4. NGB/A1Y is the waiver authority for exceptions to policy and will provide the final
disposition to the state RRS, who in turn will forward to the submitting ROM/RRNCO.
5.18. ANG Incentives and Program Administration.
5.18.1. ANG Officer Incentives. Officer incentives are designed to attract and retain Officers
in critical specialties; available programs include: Officer Affiliation Cash Bonus. Officer Accession Cash Bonus. Officer Retention Cash Bonus. Health Professions Accession Cash Bonus. Health Professions Retention Cash Bonus. Health Professions Residency Stipend Program.
5.18.2. ANG Enlisted Incentives. Enlisted incentives are designed to attract and retain enlisted
Airmen in critical AFSCs. Programs include: Enlistment Bonus for Non-Prior Service (NPS). Prior Service (PS) Bonus. Selective Retention Bonus.
42 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 Affiliation Bonus for accessions with prior active-duty military service who enter
the ANG directly from an active component or after separation/discharge from active
component under honorable conditions into critical specialties.
5.19. ANG Termination and Recoupment.
5.19.1. Purpose. The purpose of the incentive program is to fill critical skills and Airmen must
participate satisfactorily in training, including maintenance of medical and dental readiness
during the entire period of the bonus contract. Higher standards will not be applied to members
participating in the incentive program. Members will not be terminated from the program
based on disciplinary, punitive action, or performance issues unless the member will be
separated from ANG service. Unsatisfactory participation is defined as a failure to meet
mission requirements and established guidance. Failure to meet these requirements will lead
to separation actions. (T-1) Additional guidance can be found in DAFI 36-3211.
5.19.2. Termination of entitlement. Entitlement to continued incentive program participation
may be terminated under any of the following conditions: (T-3) Non prior service enlistee who fails to meet high school graduation requirements
before departure from Basic Military Training (BMT) or Technical Training School (TTS). Unsatisfactory participation, unless the failure to participate satisfactorily was
due to reasons beyond the control of the member (i.e., death, injury, illness, or other
impairment). Unsatisfactory Service is defined as a failure to fulfill the contractual
obligation or service agreement as a member of the Ready Reserve. Participation is unsatisfactory when members of Selected Reserve units
acquire at least nine unexcused absences from scheduled training within a 12-month
period. Participation is also unsatisfactory if members of the Ready Reserve fail to
meet the standards prescribed by Secretary concerned for annual screening, attendance
at Active Duty for Training (ADT), or training advancement. It includes misconduct for military offenses or performance of duty. Members being processed for unsatisfactory participation may have their
incentive payments suspended until a final determination of unsatisfactory
participation is made. The member’s unit commander will provide the effective date of
suspension for unsatisfactory participation on the NGB Form 38-4. The effective date
of incentive program termination will be the date of the commander’s first letter
notifying the member of the unsatisfactory participation status. (T-2) ROM/ RRNCO
should coordinate with the servicing FSS or the unit commander and obtain a copy of
this letter. Acceptance of a full-time position (Active Guard Reserve or Military
Technician) where membership in the ANG is a condition of employment. This includes
acceptance of a Temporary INDEFINITE position.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 43 Members serving in a temporary technician or Active Guard Reserve
capacity will not be terminated from the incentive program. “Title 5 United States Code” competitive service and state employees may
participate in the ANG Incentive Program. ROM/RRNCOs will refer to the current FY Incentive Program Operational
Guidance. Separation or discharge from the ANG as an enlisted person for any reason,
including enlistment or voluntary call to active duty in the active forces, or appointment as
an officer. Voluntarily transfers to a different AFSC (exceptions are identified in annual FY
Incentive Program Operational Guidance). Completes a contracted period of training.
5.19.3. Recoupment of Unearned Enlisted and Officer Incentive Payments. Recoupment of unearned incentive payments will not affect the member's period
of contracted service. Recoupment will be made if the member: (T-3) Fails to participate satisfactorily during the entire term of enlistment agreed
to unless the failure to participate satisfactorily was due to reasons beyond the control
of the member (i.e., death, injury, illness, or other impairment). Separates from the ANG as an enlisted person. Except a member who is
discharged for immediate reenlistment or appointment in a Military Department for
which no bonus or special pay is paid. This member may be considered to have
completed the full term of service specified in the enlistment contract, provided the
term of the new reenlistment or appointment includes the remaining period of service
from the former enlistment bonus obligation. Voluntarily moves to a non-incentive eligible AFSC. Fails to extend the contracted term of service for a period of authorized
non- availability. Fails to complete required training, to include correspondence courses, in
the time required for progression in the designated specialty.
5.19.4. Enlisted Cash Bonus Recoupment Calculation Formula. AFRISS-TF will calculate the
recoupment amount. However, ROMs and RRNCOs must use this formula to verify the
AFRISS-TF amount is correct. (T-3) The total amount of the bonus to be paid shall be divided by the total number of
months of the bonus contract to determine the amount the member would have received if
the bonus had been paid in monthly increments. (T-1) The monthly increment amount is then multiplied by the number of months the
member actually satisfactorily served in the bonus program (earned incentive months).
44 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 The earned incentive is subtracted from the total amount the member has
received. The remainder is determined to be the unearned portion of the incentive and is
the recoupment amount.
Example: A member completes 30 months of a six-year $15,000 reenlistment agreement.
The calculation would start as follows: six yrs. = 72 months; $15,000/72 = $208.33; $208.33 x
30 months = $6,249.90. This figure is the amount the member actually earned while in the bonus
program. Next, add the dollar amounts the member has already been paid (i.e., $7,500 + $1,500
= $9,000). Then, subtract the amount earned from the amount member has already been paid
($9,000 - $6,249.90 = $2,750.10). This final total is the amount to be recouped from the member.
5.19.5. ROM/RRNCO Recoupment Actions. Process recoupment of bonus incentives.
Additional information can be found in the ANG Retention guidance located on myFSS.
5.19.6. If the member fails to maintain a current, unrestricted valid medical, nursing, or
professional license, as required, and such additional medical certification and privileges as
may be required to practice as a health professional in the critical specialty for which Health
Professional HP Cash Bonus participation is authorized or fails to complete the contractual
obligation the member will be required to repay the government an amount equal to the total
amount paid for the incentive. Note: Program participants should remain in the billet position
to which the Incentive applies in order to receive annual installment payments. (T-1)
5.19.7. Exclusions from Termination Applicable to all incentive programs. A member whose
service is satisfactory may continue to receive incentive payments under any of the following
conditions: (T-3) Transfers to a different ANG unit and continues to serve in the original incentive
AFSC. Note: Inspector General Team members and First Sergeants may continue on a
current bonus contract while serving in these positions but cannot reenlist and receive a
new reenlistment incentive. Changes AFSCs at the convenience of the government (i.e., accepts a drill-status
First Sergeant position) or AFSC is withdrawn due to NGB-directed reorganization or
conversion, or whose unit is inactivated, relocated, reorganized, or converted (e.g.,
weapons systems conversion), provided members meet all other eligibility criteria and are
not separated from the ANG. To retain incentives, the member has six months to find a
new critical AFSC. For audit purposes, the ROM/RRNCO must obtain an official
memorandum from the commander which includes the following (at minimum): (T-2) Move is involuntarily directed by NGB and at the convenience of the
government. Identify unit that is inactivated, relocated, reorganized, or converted
(e.g., weapons systems conversion). List of affected members' names, their respective AFSCs and position
numbers removed from manning document, and the members’ new AFSC.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 45 Submit a copy of the list of names to NGB/A1YR for uploading into each
member’s record in AFRISS-TF and to make the required updates to the system. Incurs a period of authorized non-availability (i.e., temporary overseas residence,
missionary obligation, or overseas employment, etc.) and is assigned temporarily to the
Inactive Ready Reserve. One year of non-availability is authorized for valid personal reasons or up
to three years in the case of a missionary obligation. Suspend incentive for the period of non-availability. If the members return to the ANG in the same AFSC that the member
had previously contracted, the member may be reinstated in the incentive program
provided they extend the term of enlistment or contract service for the period of
non-availability, to be able to serve the full original incentive contract period. Entitlement to subsequent payments for the original contracted
amount will resume on the adjusted anniversary date of satisfactory and creditable
service following re-affiliation with the ANG. (T-2) Failure to meet reinstatement criteria in a capacity for which the
incentive previously contracted shall result in termination of the incentive and
recoupment of any unearned portion. (T-2)
5.19.8. Questionable Circumstances. ROM/RRNCOs will refer questionable circumstances to
the state RRS for resolution.
46 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
Chapter 6
6.1. Clothing Allowances for Air Force and Space Force Personnel. Program roles and
responsibilities can be found at paragraphs 2.1 and 2.7.
6.2. Principles and Special Considerations of Clothing Allowance Programs.
6.2.1. Current rates for Air Force and Space Force clothing allowances are listed in the
DoDFMR, Vol. 7A, Chapter 29 (enlisted) and Chapter 30 (officer). Articles of outer clothing issued to the service member from government supply
shall be altered to fit the individual at government expense at the time of sale or issue. The
member must bear the cost of further alterations, except during initial basic or follow-on
training when the government may pay for alterations to outer clothing required due to
changes in physical profile. Replacement of the outer clothing is authorized during the
first six months of military service when physical profile changes are such that the cost of
alterations would exceed the replacement cost. The member’s commander must certify that
replacement issue is more economical than alterations. (T-1) There are three types of clothing allowances that cover initial and replacement
uniform requirements: Initial clothing allowances. In lieu of an initial uniform monetary allowance,
enlisted Air Force and Space Force members are issued required uniform items during
Basic Military Training (Table A2.1 and Table A2.2.). Cash clothing replacement allowances. An annual cash clothing
replacement allowance is provided to eligible enlisted individuals to maintain the initial
clothing items throughout their career. Supplemental clothing allowance.
6.2.2. Retention and Disposition of Clothing Obtained Under Clothing Monetary Allowance
System. Enlisted personnel must maintain seven complete sets of uniforms. (T-1) Uniform
clothing items, manufactured from approved optional-type fabrics, shades, and designs may
be substituted for like, standard issue items listed in Attachment 2 and Attachment 3 when
authorized for wear by DAFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of United States Air
Force and United States Space Force Personnel. Enlisted military members of the Air Force and Space Force who are discharged
or released from active duty may keep all clothing items in their possession obtained under
the Clothing Monetary Allowance System, if any one of the following applies: Required by law to perform further military service in the ARC. Voluntarily enlists in ARC after discharge or release from active duty. Service members who have served less than six months on active duty, after
last authorization to an initial clothing allowance, shall be allowed to keep one
complete uniform, appropriate to the season, to wear home. (T-3)
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 47 In a national emergency, in time of war, or at such other times as recovery
of clothing is necessary, or in the government’s best interest, such clothing may be
recovered except for one uniform, appropriate to the season, to wear home. Items of uniform clothing obtained under the Clothing Monetary Allowance
System and in the possession of an individual when discharged for reasons listed in
sections 5 through 13 of enclosure 3 to DoDI 1332.14, Enlisted Administrative
Separations or who is interned or discharged as an alien enemy, shall be taken from the
individual and retained for military use. Under conditions the appropriate official
prescribes, the individual may keep uniform items that are or can be rendered non-
distinctive, as an outfit of clothing suitable for civilian purposes to be worn home. Other
provisions are outlined in DoDI 1338.18. (T-3) Upon approval of a sentence involving confinement and punitive discharge,
Airmen and Guardians shall have all outer articles of uniform clothing in their possession
taken from them. (T-3) All recovered uniform clothing of enlisted military members of the Air Force and
Space Force shall be returned to stock for reissue or processed for disposal if in the
government’s best interest, as determined by local command. (T-3)
6.3. Military Clothing Allowance Program.
6.3.1. Current rates. Current rates and frequency of payment for these allowances can be found
in DoDFMR 7000. 14-R, Vol 7A, Chapter 29 (enlisted) and Chapter 30 (officer).
6.3.2. Standard Initial Clothing Allowance. The initial clothing allowance is provided to
military members of the Air Force and Space Force to either supplement or completely absorb
the initial cost of required clothing bag items. The initial clothing allowance can be paid in
cash or furnished in-kind. The initial clothing allowance includes the cost of alterations at the
time of sale or issue of a required clothing bag item. Except for the Initial Clothing Allowance
received at basic military training, Initial or Partial Initial Clothing Allowances are credited to
the member’s pay account. Enlisted Air Force and Space Force personnel must receive a Standard Initial
Clothing Allowance (except those entitled to a Special Initial Clothing Allowance) under
the following circumstances: Upon first enlistment in the Service enlisted personnel are furnished an in-
kind distribution of required uniforms in lieu of a cash standard initial clothing
allowance. (T-1) The initial in-kind clothing bag content is approved by the AF/A1 or
SF/S1. Requested changes to the clothing bag must be submitted to AF/A1PA or
SF/S1PA for Space Force. If approved, AF/A1PA or SF/S1PA will notify the Air
Force Lifecycle Management Center who will provide Defense Logistics Agency
Troop Support the final initial clothing bag item list. An information copy will be
provided to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management
Policy) (ASD (FMP)) and the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
(Comptroller) (USD(C)). Changes in the content of the clothing bag made before
May 1 of a given year will be effective the following FY. (T-1)
48 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 USAFA and Air Force Officer Accessions Training School will
provide updated lists (if appropriate) of initial clothing bag items issued to cadets
and accessions to AF/A1PA or SF/S1PA by August 1 of each year. (T-1) The ANG (NGB/A4) and AFRC will provide updated lists of the initial
clothing bag items issued to AF/A1PA by August 1 of each year. (T-1) If member reenlists in the same branch of the regular military service and
three months have passed from the date of discharge or release from active duty and
the member is not reporting from a reserve component that requires the member to
maintain uniform clothing. When a service member enlists from the AFR component
the member shall receive the Partial Initial Clothing Allowance. ANG or Reserve
personnel are not authorized an initial allowance when brought to active duty on a
statutory tour; uniforms will be issued by their unit prior to starting their statutory tour.
(T-1) Retired or released enlisted personnel recalled to active duty after three
months have passed from the date of last release from active duty or retirement are
authorized a full initial allowance. Only one such allowance shall be authorized during
any period of four consecutive years. (T-0) Commissioned officers are eligible for an initial uniform allowance, payable only
once in a career, under the following circumstances: Upon first reporting for active duty (other than for training) for a period of
more than 90 days. A member entering active duty as an officer in a regular component,
upon Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) graduation, is considered to have entered
into active duty for more than 90 days. Upon completing at least 14 days of active duty or active duty for training
as a member of a reserve component. Upon completing 14 periods of IDT as a member of the Ready Reserve.
Each period of IDT must be of at least two-hours duration. (T-0) Upon reporting for the first period of active duty required by 10 USC § 2121
(c), Establishment, as a member of the Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship
Program. Exception: Upon transfer to another reserve component that requires a
different uniform, an Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program Reserve
officer may receive another initial uniform allowance. Restrictions. A member is not entitled to an initial uniform allowance if they have
previously received an initial uniform allowance in any amount as an officer under
conditions other than those listed in paragraphs through Regular officers may not receive this allowance when transferring to
another Military Service. Only periods of duty that require wearing of the uniform are counted
for entitlement to the initial uniform allowance. An officer must be determined physically qualified for active duty
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 49
before entitlement to an initial uniform allowance accrues. (T-0)
6.3.3. Partial Initial Clothing Allowance. The partial initial clothing allowance is provided to
enlisted Air Force members under the following circumstances: When an enlisted member being recalled to active duty for more than six months,
after at least three months have passed from the date of last discharge or release from active
duty with the clothing required for service in an ARC or enlists from the reserve component
the member shall receive the Partial Initial Clothing Allowance. (T-0) Commissioned officers under temporary appointments who enlisted or reenlisted,
or who reverted to service on active duty in an enlisted status, other than for the purposes
of retirement (ex: disenrolled ROTC or USAFA cadets) shall receive the Partial Initial
Clothing Allowance (Table A2.7 (men) or Table A2.8 (women)). Only one such allowance
shall be authorized during any period of four consecutive years. (T-0) Upon being restored to duty after being sentenced to confinement and punitive
6.3.4. Basic Cash Clothing Replacement Allowance. A basic cash clothing replacement
allowance is provided to enlisted Air Force members at 70 percent of the standard cash clothing
replacement allowance. This allowance begins accruing on the first day of month following
completion of six months of active-duty service through the end of the 36th month of active
duty. A pro-rated amount (one-half of the FY rate) will be paid upon completion of the 12th
month of uninterrupted military service. Current basic cash clothing replacement allowance
rates are in DoDFMR 7000. 14-R, Vol 7A, Chapter 29, Table 29-4. (T-0)
6.3.5. Standard Cash Clothing Replacement Allowance. The standard cash clothing
replacement allowance is provided to enlisted Air Force members to fund replacement of
military-unique items the appropriate official requires for wear. The standard clothing
replacement allowance shall begin accruing on the first day following 36 months of active duty
without regard to time lost. The 36-month period begins on the date of last authorization to
the initial clothing allowance and continues during the remaining period of continuous active-
duty service. The standard clothing replacement allowance is paid at the end of the member’s
anniversary month. Replacement allowances are not intended to totally fund a member’s
uniform or clothing purchases (ANG Title 32 members refer to paragraph 6.3.9). (T-1)
6.3.6. Establishing Cash Clothing Replacement Allowances. Initial and clothing allowances
and annual clothing replacement allowances are approved by the AF/A1 or SF/S1. DLA Troop Support will provide firm prices of initial clothing bag items along
with supporting data to AF/A1PA and SF/S1PA by June 1 of each year. (T-0) Air Force Life Cycle Management Center evaluates, determines, and provides a
useful wear life of individual items in the initial clothing bag to AF/A1PA and SF/S1PA
by June 1 of each year. AF/A1PA and SF/S1PA determines applicable annual replacement rates using an
established formula and provides AF/A1 or SF/S1 the recommended rates for approval.
AF/A1PA and SF/S1PA provides DFAS the approved initial clothing and replacement
allowance rates for the next applicable FY. DFAS publishes rates in DoDFMR 7000.14-R,
Vol 7A, Chapter 29 (Enlisted) and Chapter 30 (Officers).
50 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
6.3.7. Special Initial Clothing Allowance. The special initial clothing allowance is provided
to Air Force and Space Force members upon selection and acceptance for specified officer-
training programs and those assigned to a tour of duty, or status, requiring the wear of uniform
clothing (other than special dress uniforms) of a style different from uniforms customary for
most enlisted members of the Air Force and Space Force. Only one Special Initial Allowance
is authorized during any period of continuous active duty. The current qualifying assignments
and rates for the special initial clothing allowance are located in DoDFMR 7000.14-R, Vol 7A,
Chapter 29, Table 29-2.
6.3.8. Special Cash Clothing Replacement Allowance. The special cash clothing replacement
allowance is provided to enlisted Air Force members to fund replacement of uniform items
after receipt of any type of Special Initial Clothing Allowance. The special cash clothing
replacement allowance shall begin accruing on the first day following completion of 36 months
of active duty without regard to time lost. The 36-month period begins on the date of last
authorization to the initial clothing allowance and continues during the period for which the
special cash clothing replacement allowance is payable. During this period, no other cash
clothing replacement allowance is authorized. (T-1)
6.3.9. Supplementary Clothing Allowance. The supplementary clothing allowance is provided
to enlisted Air Force members when assigned to duty in a special organization or detail where
the nature of the duty necessitates that they have, as a military requirement, additional
quantities or special items of individual uniform clothing normally not required for most
enlisted members in the Air Force. Current rates for these allowances are in DoDFMR
7000.14-R, Vol 7A, Chapter 29, Table 29-6. Supplementary Clothing Allowances may not
exceed 30 percent of the current value of the Standard Initial Clothing Allowance (except for
the maternity supplementary clothing allowance). The unit commander determines the validity
of each enlisted member’s need for this extra allowance using the following criteria: The clothing is needed for an exemplary (rather than acceptable) appearance based
on active military representation before groups of high-ranking militaries, civic,
educational, business, or foreign dignitaries. Note: Active, as used here, means giving
presentations, speeches, lectures, etc., or engaging in official business matters as the center
of attention. It does not include marching, taking part in social events, or being present
when high-ranking military or civilian dignitaries visit a facility or function. The individual must wear the uniform(s) full-time under abnormal working
conditions or duty. (T-1) The individual does not receive more than one such allowance for the same basic
uniform items during any period of continuous active duty unless: The individual reenlists or is recalled after more than three months (from
date of discharge or release from active duty) and meets all other requirements for the
allowance. At least 3 years have elapsed since the initial need for a maternity uniform,
and a new requirement exists. An individual who transfers from one AFSC/SFSC or organization to
another, in which a supplemental clothing allowance is authorized, is entitled to any
additional items of the subsequent allowance.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 51 A member may be authorized an annual supplementary payment as outlined
in DoDFMR 7000.14-R, Vol 7A, chapter 29, Table 29-6. On the anniversary of the
initial supplementary clothing allowance payment, an annual payment may be
authorized, provided the member is projected to remain in the qualifying assignment
for at least an additional six months. The commander must verify in writing the member
is entitled to a supplementary clothing allowance, one year has passed since the last
payment, and the member is projected to remain in the qualifying assignment for an
additional six months. A member who has received a Supplementary Clothing
Allowance may not be authorized a subsequent supplementary allowance for the same
items upon reassignment to duty, if less than 12 months have elapsed since the last
payment. The Maternity Supplemental Clothing Allowance. The maternity supplemental
clothing allowance is provided to pregnant enlisted RegAF, USSF, and ARC members
serving on a Title 10 or statutory tour who are projected to remain on active duty for 12-
months or more. Purchase of the maternity jumper and one long sleeve blue maternity
blouse is mandatory for those members who receive the supplemental clothing allowance.
This combination serves as their service dress uniform. Note: (Pregnant enlisted ARC
members who do not meet the criteria for maternity supplemental clothing allowance will
be issued maternity uniforms in-kind with the exception of the maternity jumper and long
sleeve blouse. Those enlisted members who are required to wear the service dress uniform
in the performance of their duties while pregnant will be reimbursed for the associated
costs of purchasing these items. Requests for Approval of a New or Revised Supplemental Clothing Allowance.
Send requests for new or revised supplemental clothing allowances through your chain of
command to: AF A1PA Workflow [email protected] or SF/S1PA
[email protected]. The following information must be included: (T-1) Statement of abnormal uniform clothing cost. A list of the uniform items needed and quantities desired. Statement describing how and why the initial uniform clothing allowance is
inadequate. Average daily duty hours and the number of days a week the individual
performs duties. (This indicates how often regular duty uniforms are worn.) Mandatory uniforms prescribed for wear. Average number of days during the year each special/distinctive uniform is
worn. Average number of days prescribed uniforms are worn between cleanings. Extra uniform allowances authorized for enlisted members of other branches
of service involved in the same or similar duties (if any). Any alternatives considered for reducing the impact of the uniform
requirements on the individual.
52 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 Names or titles of specific dignitaries and high-ranking officials, and their
frequency of contact involved with the individual’s duties. Number of personnel for which the allowance is desired.
6.3.10. Reserve Component Uniform Clothing Allowances. Items of individual clothing
required by ARC personnel on active duty for periods of less than 12-months or while on active
duty are furnished as in-kind issues. However, the prescribed cash portion of the Standard
Initial Clothing Allowance may be paid to the Reserve member at the time that their initial
allowance is issued for items designated to be personally purchased and not issued in-kind.
Initial issue clothing bag items for ARC personnel are listed in Attachment 3 of this
publication. ANG or AFR enlisted members serving on a Title 10 or statutory tour who are
projected to remain on active duty for 12 months or more will receive an annual
replacement allowance one year from the date the member enters the active duty tour or
assignment. On completion of the 12th month of uninterrupted active duty, payment will
be made for one-half the annual rate and the full annual rate thereafter. If a member serves
on active duty less than 12-months or less than 12-months after the last annual payment
then a prorated amount will be paid, calculated at one-twelfth of the annual rate for each
whole month or a fractional month served. Issue in-kind of applicable uniform items is not
authorized while receiving a clothing replacement allowance. (T-1) All officer personnel commissioned or appointed in the regular or reserve
components may be eligible for reimbursement for the purchase of required uniforms and
equipment. Current rates for this reimbursement, when payable, and applicable restrictions
that may prevent reimbursement are contained in DoDFMR 7000.14-R, Vol 7A, chapter
30. An AF Form 1969, Officer Uniform Allowance Certification, must be completed and
certified by the officer’s supervisor or commanding officer. (T-3)
6.3.11. Lost or Damaged Clothing. Military members of the Air Force or Space Force shall be
compensated for clothing items destroyed, damaged, lost, abandoned, captured, or otherwise
rendered unserviceable, incident to military training or service, if the loss was not caused by
any fault or negligence of the Airman or Guardian. The approval authority for replacement of
lost or damaged uniform items will be local command. (T-3)
6.3.12. Organizational Clothing. Special-purpose individual clothing required for support of
personnel to accomplish assigned duties shall be issued as organizational clothing.
Organizational clothing includes special distinctive uniforms such as those required for the Air
Force Band or the Air Force Honor Guard. No monetary credits or payments are provided to
Airmen or Guardians for obtaining or replacing these items; they are furnished under the issue-
in-kind system. (T-3)
6.4. Civilian Clothing Allowance (CCA) Program.
6.4.1. CCA for Officers and Enlisted Personnel. In addition to any other clothing allowance
authorized, an Air Force member directed by competent authority (paragraph to dress
in civilian clothing more than half the time when performing official duty, as a military
requirement such as security or safety, may be authorized a CCA. During the period an enlisted
member is required to wear civilian clothing, the annual cash uniform clothing replacement
allowance continues to accrue as they are required to maintain seven full sets of current
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 53
uniform items. Exception: ARC members on active duty for periods of less than 180 days or
on inactive duty are not entitled to CCAs. Also, all CCA entitlements for officers is limited to
those assigned to a permanent duty station at a location outside the United States. The MPF will automatically authorize a CCA for enlisted personnel when: (T-1) The Foreign Clearance Guide mandates civilian clothing at the member’s
duty location. (T-1) The Joint U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group certifies a requirement
for civilian clothing. (T-1) A member is assigned to the White House Communications Agency. (T-1) The Personnel Processing Code indicates civilian clothing must be worn.
(T-3) Officers must meet one of the above criteria and have a permanent duty
station outside of the United States. (T-0) Competent Authority for determining duty requiring the wear of civilian clothing
is: MAJCOM/FLDCOM Chief of Staff. Assistant Secretaries of the Air Force. Deputy Chiefs of Staff or their Assistants, HQ USAF. U.S. Ambassador or equivalent. Director of Personnel, or equivalent, for U.S. government agency, the United
Nations, or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Headquarters, Defense Intelligence Agency Director of Personnel or
equivalent. Commander, Air Force Office of Special Investigations. United States Secret Service Director of Personnel or equivalent. HQ USAF OPR. For projects, exercises, or training requirements the
applicable HQ USAF OPR must provide written authority (e.g., TDY instructions,
tasking) making the wear of civilian clothing mandatory, and reconfirm this
requirement every 12 months for continuing projects, exercises, or training
assignments. (T-2)
6.4.2. Types of CCAs. There are two types of CCA payments, permanent duty CCA and TDY
CCA. Current rates for all CCAs are listed in the Department of Defense Financial
Management Regulation 7000.14-R, Vol 7A, Chapter 29. Officer CCA is limited to those
that are assigned to a permanent duty station at a location outside the United States. Permanent Duty CCA. The permanent duty CCA has two parts, the Initial CCA
and the Replacement CCA. The Initial CCA is payable upon assignment to a qualifying
permanent duty. When entitled, the Replacement CCA is payable annually at the end of
the service member’s anniversary month using the applicable rate then in effect. The rates
54 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
payable for the Permanent Duty CCAs are in DoDFMR 7000.14-R, Vol 7A, chapter 29,
Table 29-8. Initial CCA. Payable upon assignment to qualifying permanent duty when
authorized. An Initial CCA will not be paid more frequently than once in any 3-year
period, nor will it be paid if the member has been out of a qualifying assignment for
less than 12 months. If the member receives a follow-on permanent assignment
requiring the wear of civilian clothing within three years of receiving an Initial CCA,
or within 12 months of occupying a qualifying assignment, then they will receive the
Replacement CCA at the end of the original anniversary month. (T-1) Replacement CCA. Payable annually at the end of the service member’s
anniversary month using the applicable rate then in effect. A Replacement CCA is
payable if it is projected that they will serve at least 6 additional months in a qualifying
assignment. If it is projected that the member will remain in the assignment less than
six months beyond the anniversary month, then no Replacement CCA will be
authorized. However, if the member then actually serves 6 or more months in the
assignment past the anniversary month, then the replacement allowance will be paid,
and the member’s anniversary date will be changed to the date the allowance was
actually paid. Commanders must certify in writing each time members are authorized
to receive the Replacement Permanent Duty CCA. Certification must include a
statement that the member is projected to remain in the assignment six months or more.
(T-1) Lump Sum Payments. As an exception to policy, the office of the Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Force Management and Personnel may authorize payment of
the Initial CCA and up to two Replacement CCA payments in an up-front lump sum to
members projected to continue to meet the eligibility criteria for a CCA on a career
basis. Such a lump-sum payment will be made only one time in a member’s career and
that is when the member first becomes eligible for the CCA. On the first and second
anniversaries of a lump-sum initial payment, if it is determined the member will not
actually be remaining in a qualifying CCA position for at least the next six months; the
annual unearned portion for the year(s) not served in a qualifying assignment will be
recouped from the member. On the third and subsequent anniversaries of the member
being eligible for the allowance, the member will be paid the permanent duty
replacement CCA. Initial Lump-Sum payment requests should be forwarded to
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Management and Personnel, staffed through
the member’s MAJCOM, FLDCOM, or equivalent, AF/A1, SF/S1, Chief of Staff of
the Air Force (CSAF); and SAF/MR. Disapproval authority for the initial Lump-Sum
payment is any level in the member’s chain of command to include the Air Staff level.
(T-1) Note: Enlisted agents from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, upon
graduation from technical school, receive the initial permanent duty CCA and two
replacement allowance payments in an up-front lump sum. Such a lump-sum payment
is authorized only one time in a member’s career. On the third and subsequent duty
anniversaries, the member will be paid the permanent duty replacement CCA. (T-1) TDY CCA. Generally, the TDY CCA is for use when the Permanent Duty CCA
is not applicable. The TDY CCA has two maximum rates, one for TDY of at least 15 days
within any 30-day period and one for TDY of at least 30 days within any 36-month period.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 55
The total amount of all TDY CCAs payable in any 36-month period will not exceed the
maximum allowed for temporary duty of at least 30 days. Exception: SAF/MR may make
an exception to the 36-month payment rule and authorize an additional TDY payment.
Requests for the exception to the 36-month payment rule should be routed through the
MAJCOM, FLDCOM, or equivalent, AF/A1P, SF/S1P, the appropriate Air Staff
functional DCS, to the SAF/MR. Disapproval authority is at any level in the chain of
command, to include the Air Staff level. Note: TDY clothing allowances are not granted
for entire squadrons or work sections; they are approved only on a case-by-case basis.
Officers’ eligibility for TDY CCA is limited to those that are assigned to a permanent duty
station at a location outside the United States. Compute entitlement for TDY allowance
using any of the following criteria: the date of first payment of a TDY allowance; the date
departed TDY; or the date of performance of duty requiring the wear of civilian clothing.
(T-1) TDY of at least 15 Days. When competent authority determines the member
will be on TDY at least 15 cumulative days within a 30-day period. The 15-day
threshold requirement does not apply to Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Explosive
Detector Dog Personnel on United States Secret Service Support Duty, Defense
Courier Service couriers, or Defense Threat Reduction Agency military personnel.
These personnel may be authorized up to the maximum payment for TDY of at least
30 days, upon their initial TDY assignment, regardless of the length of their TDY. The
maximum amount payable shall be the amount located in DoDFMR 7000.14-R, Vol
7A, Chapter 29, Table 29-8. (T-2) Note: Do not authorize payment for in-flight
stopovers where civilian clothes must be worn. Member must present supporting
documentation (e.g., travel orders) for payment of the 15-day accumulative TDY in a
30-day period entitlement. (T-1) TDY of at least 30 Days. When competent authority determines that a
member will be on TDY at least 30 cumulative days within a 36-month period, the
maximum amount payable is two-thirds the initial permanent duty CCA, less any
amount paid within the past 36-month period for TDY CCA. Current rates are in
DoDFMR 7000.14-R, Vol 7A, Chapter 29, Table 29-8. (T-2) Note: Do not authorize
payment for in-flight stopovers where civilian clothes must be worn. The member must
present supporting documentation (e.g., travel orders) for payment when claiming TDY
for 30 accumulative days in a 36-month period. (T-1)
6.4.3. Prior Civilian Clothing Payments. Members who received a TDY CCA within the
preceding 12 months of commencing an assignment authorizing a permanent duty CCA will
have the permanent duty CCA offset by the applicable prevailing TDY CCA. Likewise,
members who receive the permanent duty CCA are not authorized payment of a TDY CCA
within the next 12 months. Exception: if it can be clearly demonstrated the type of clothing
needed for the permanent duty and the TDY are entirely different. In this case Competent
Authority can authorize full payment of either allowance. Compute entitlement for prior
clothing payments by using the date of first payment of a TDY allowance. (T-1)
56 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
Chapter 7
7.1. Family Member Travel. Program roles and responsibilities can be found at paragraph 2.8.
7.2. Waivers and Recommended Changes.
7.2.1. AFPC/DP3AM is the waiver authority for non-tiered compliance items targeted for
functions above the wing or equivalent level.
7.2.2. Waiver Process. Process waiver requests. Guidance can be found in DAFMAN 90-161, Publishing
Processes and Procedures. If deemed necessary, submit additional data to substantiate the waiver request.
7.2.3. Waiver Period. Tier 1, 2, and 3 waivers will be approved on a case-by-case basis and
an effective timeframe will be based on each case individually.
7.2.4. Filing Process. A copy of approved waivers is required to become part of the approvers
and requestor’s official records.
7.2.5. Waivers and the Management Internal Control Toolset. The requesting
commander/director will ensure appropriate waiver information is entered in the toolset within
seven days of waiver approval notification. (T-3)
7.3. Family Member Travel Program Elements.
7.3.1. Dependent Travel to a Designated Place. General Provisions. This program applies to DAF members who request to
relocate their dependents to a designated place OCONUS when the Airman or Guardian
will serve an unaccompanied overseas tour. (See JTR, Chapter 5, Standard Permanent
Duty Travel (PDT)). Specific process provisions for dependent relocation to a designated
place are: CONUS (JTR, Appendix A, Definitions). This is a basic entitlement is
defined in the JTR. A DAF member does not need to make a formal request for
approval other than to inform the relocations counselor of their desire to move the
dependents to a CONUS location. The PCS order will annotate the location where
dependents will travel. (T-3) Non-Foreign OCONUS locations include the states of AK and HI, the
Commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, the US
Virgin Islands, and US territories and possessions (excluding the former Trust
Territories of the Pacific Islands, which are foreign areas for JTR purposes). DAF
members may relocate dependents to a non-foreign OCONUS location if that location
was the Airman or Guardian’s place of legal residence before entering active duty; the
members spouse’s place of legal residence at time of marriage; it was
authorized/approved through the Secretarial Process; if an Airman or Guardian was
called to active duty from a non-foreign OCONUS location; or the area is the service
member’s home of record the member may relocate dependents to that place. Requests
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 57
to relocate dependents to a non-foreign OCONUS location, who meet the above
criteria, do not require approval from AFPC. This is basic authorization is defined in
the JTR as it serves the same intent of moving dependents to a designated place in the
CONUS. For requests to relocate dependents to a non-foreign OCONUS location that
do not meet the above criteria must be submitted as an exception to AFPC/DP3AM,
[email protected], (T-3) The PCS order will annotate the location
where dependents will travel. (T-3) Airmen and Guardians who make a request to relocate the dependent(s) to a
non-foreign OCONUS location based on the rationale provided in paragraph Must provide proof of conditions (enlistment contract, marriage license,
etc.). (T-1) Once the proof has been provided to the MPF, the appropriate statement
may be annotated on orders depicting dependents residence. Additional guidance is in
DAFMAN 36-2102. An OCONUS follow-on location. See paragraph A foreign-born spouse’s native country. See paragraph 7.3.2 (Only
authorized when the Airman or Guardian will serve a dependent-restricted tour). An Airman or Guardian may request to relocate dependents to an approved
OCONUS follow-on location while the member serves a short, dependent-restricted, or
unaccompanied short tour and has a follow-on to an OCONUS location. Example: An
Airman or Guardian has an assignment to Osan AB, Korea with an approved follow-on
assignment to Eielson AFB, Alaska, and the member requests to relocate dependents to the
follow-on location. It is possible that an Airman or Guardian may not be approved for the
relocation of a dependent to a foreign OCONUS location based on immigration
restrictions and Status of Forces Agreement. Even if travel and transportation
allowances are approved, the member's dependent(s) may not be authorized logistical
support at the overseas location. (T-1) Guidance located on myFSS for Family Member Travel, provides specific
guidance on processing requests to include specific JTR references.
7.3.2. Designated Location Move. General Provisions. This program applies to Airmen and Guardians with a
foreign-born spouse. It allows a DAF member with a foreign-born spouse
(spouse/dependents must be command sponsored if currently residing overseas with
sponsor serving an accompanied tour) to apply for government-funded travel to the
spouse’s native country while the member serves a dependent-restricted tour. (T-2) (Note:
If the request is approved and the Airman or Guardian relocates dependents to the same
country as that in which he or she will serve, then the member’s tour length will be extended
by 12 months. (T-2) The member will not receive short tour credit upon completion of the
overseas tour). (T-3) Purpose. Designated Location Move applications are submitted to request
government-funded transportation of foreign-born dependents to the spouse’s native
country when Airmen and Guardians have been selected for short, dependent-restricted
58 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
tour(s). (If being reassigned to Korea where an accompanied tour is authorized, and Korea
is the spouses’ native county, the member is required to first request for a Command
Sponsored Position). (T-2) If the Command Sponsored Position is disapproved, then the
DAF member may apply for a Designated Location Move. The Designated Location Move
application must clearly demonstrate the foreign-born spouse is unable to cope in the
CONUS or OCONUS area during the member’s absence due to language barriers, no
driver’s license, etc. (T-1) The following are Designated Location Move examples: An Airman or Guardian has been selected to serve a dependent restricted
tour at Osan, AB Korea and has a Korean spouse. The spouse has been in the US less
than three years, cannot understand English enough to pay bills and conduct day-to-
day business without the help of the military sponsor. The member requested and was
disapproved for a Command Sponsored Position. The Commander interviewed the
member and spouse and assessed that the spouse will have difficulties coping. The
member applied for and received an approved Designated Location Move to Korea.
The Airman or Guardian’s tour length will be 24 months and the Date Eligible to Return
from Overseas will be updated accordingly. (T-3) The member does not receive short
tour credit. An Airman or Guardian has been selected to serve a dependent-restricted
tour at Osan, AB Korea, has a foreign-born spouse from the Philippines. The spouse
has been in the US less than three years, cannot understand English enough to pay bills
and conduct day-to-day business without the help of the military sponsor. The
Commander interviewed the member and spouse and assessed that the spouse will have
difficulties coping. The member applied for and received an approved Designated
Location Move to the Philippines. The dependents relocate to the Philippines at
government expense while the member serves the 12-month dependent-restricted tour
in Korea. The Airman or Guardian receives short tour credit upon completion of the
overseas tour. Designated Location Moves are not automatically approved simply because an
Airman or Guardian has a foreign-born spouse. In most cases, it is significantly more
expensive to relocate dependents to a foreign OCONUS location rather than relocating
them to, or remaining at, a U.S. location. Common reasons for disapproval are, the spouse
has resided in the U.S. for over three years, the spouse has become a naturalized US citizen
and does not have citizenship at their place of birth and the application does not
demonstrate the spouse cannot cope in the U.S. or current foreign OCONUS area without
the sponsor. Guidance located on myFSS for Family Member Travel provides specific
guidance on processing requests to include specific JTR references.
7.3.3. Advance and Delayed Dependent Travel (includes dependents remaining overseas, after
the departure of the member). Delayed Dependent Travel. General Provisions. This program applies to Airmen and Guardians
currently assigned OCONUS. The program allows a member to request that their
command sponsored dependents remain OCONUS for a specific length of time after
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 59
the member out-processes and departs the OCONUS duty station. If the request is
approved, the member will be authorized housing/station allowances at the
dependent(s) location rather than housing/station allowances at the member’s new
permanent duty station. However, when a member serves an unaccompanied OCONUS
tour, the member still receives a with-dependent housing allowance and may also be
authorized Family Separation Housing allowance based on the member’s OCONUS
location. (T-0) Purpose. A Status of Forces Agreement between the host nation and the US
provide certain privileges for military dependents that reside in the host nation with the
military sponsor. When the military member departs and leaves dependents in the host
nation, some Status of Forces Agreements do not allow for continued privileges, such
as tax-free fuel, continued enrollment in DoD Dependents Schools, etc. The request
for delayed travel process addresses limitations of continued support and provides for
continuation of Cost-of-Living Allowance/Overseas Housing Allowance/Basic
Allowance for Housing for the dependent location unless the member is assigned
family quarters at the new permanent duty station, when command sponsored
dependents remain at the current OCONUS location. After an Airman or Guardian is
selected for assignment and prior to departure from the OCONUS duty location, the
member may submit a delayed dependent travel application. The following are
examples of delayed dependent travel: An Airman or Guardian has an assignment from the OCONUS area,
and the member would like the dependent children to complete the current school
year. An Airman or Guardian has been selected for Air Command and Staff
College and elects to leave dependent(s) in Hawaii pending subsequent PCS from
school. An Airman or Guardian stationed at Eielson AFB, AK, has an
assignment to Altus AFB, OK with a 60-day temporary duty enroute at Little Rock
AFB, AR and requests dependents remain at Eielson while attending training at
Little Rock AFB, AR. Advance Travel of Dependents. General Provisions. When a PCS order has been issued, the Airman or
Guardian’s dependent(s) may perform PCS travel ahead of the member. Purpose. This program applies to Airmen and Guardians that want to request
advance travel of dependents to an OCONUS permanent duty station. The member’s
dependents, listed on the orders, are authorized travel and transportation allowances to
the new OCONUS permanent duty station in advance of the member; however, the
member does not receive housing/station allowances for the dependent’s location at the
new OCONUS permanent duty station unless the advance travel is approved through
the Secretarial process.
60 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 An Airman or Guardian may submit a waiver request for housing/station
allowances based on dependent’s location or old permanent duty station, whichever is more
equitable to the member. Guidance located on myFSS for Family Member Travel provides specific
guidance on processing requests to include specific JTR references.
7.3.4. Relocating Dependents for Personal Safety. General Provisions. A DAF member’s spouse may request relocation when safety
is at risk; a parent/court appointed guardian of a dependent child may request relocation
when the child's safety is at risk. If the request is approved, there would be an authorization
for travel and transportation allowances. Purpose. To relocate dependents when an Airman or Guardian has committed a
dependent abuse offense against the member’s dependent. Requirements. The following requirements must be met for approval: The member has committed a dependent abuse offense (A dependent abuse
offense is conducted by a member (as defined in 10 USC § 1059[c], Dependents of
members separated for dependent abuse: transitional compensation; commissary and
exchange benefits) on active duty for more than 30 days that involves abuse of the
spouse/dependent child). (T- 1) A safety plan and counseling have been provided to the dependent. (T-1) Dependent’s safety is at risk. (T-1) The Commander and/or other interested parties deem dependent relocation
is advisable. (T-1) Former spouses are not authorized travel and transportation allowances under this
paragraph. All movement of dependents and/or household goods should be accomplished
before the current spouse becomes a former spouse. Guidance located on myFSS for Relocating Dependents for Personal Safety
provides specific guidance on processing requests to include specific JTR references.
7.3.5. Early Return of Dependents. General Provisions. If an Airman or Guardian resides at an OCONUS permanent
duty station with command-sponsored dependents, prior to the completion of the member’s
tour, the dependents may be relocated at government expense. If the dependents are
relocated prior to the end of the tour, the member’s overall tour length does not change,
and the member must complete the prescribed accompanied tour length. The Early Return
of Dependents must occur prior to the member receiving an assignment from the OCONUS
duty station. (T-2) Purpose. Authorized locations are to a designated place in the CONUS, a non-
foreign OCONUS area, or if the dependent is foreign-born, to a designated place in the
dependent’s native country. The JTR, paragraph 050804 provides the circumstances for
authorization of travel and transportation allowances. Early Return of Dependents should
be approved judiciously and only as a last resort.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 61 Guidance located on myFSS for Early Return of Dependents, provides specific
guidance on processing requests to include specific JTR references.
7.3.6. Dependent Student Travel. General Provisions. If command sponsored dependents, who reside with an
Airman or Guardian at an OCONUS permanent duty station, are eligible for student travel
and transportation allowances, the dependents may be authorized those allowances. Purpose. Approval of student dependent travel authorizes travel and transportation
allowances for an eligible dependent. Requirements. A memorandum signed by the member certifying dependent student status. Completed AF Form 1045, Request and Authorization for Student
Dependent Travel. College/university registrar office letter indicating current enrollment status. Guidance located on myFSS for Dependent Student Travel, provides specific
guidance on processing requests to include specific JTR references.
7.3.7. Concurrent Travel. General Provisions. Concurrent Travel is the process by which an OCONUS
gaining installation commander (or civilian equivalent) (or ABG/CC at non-AF led joint
bases) authorizes concurrent travel of dependents with the Airman or Guardian. Concurrent
Travel is also appropriate for CONUS locations that do not have adequate support facilities
to accommodate families due to natural disasters/special circumstances [Example: Tyndall
AFB, FL in the aftermath of Hurricane Michael]. Purpose. Concurrent Travel identifies installation support facilities that can
support dependents upon arrival. A list of automatic Concurrent Travel locations can be
located on myFSS: (select a product should be “any” and then search automatic concurrent
travel). When Concurrent Travel is automatic, dependent travel and transportation
allowances are authorized for the duration of the time the PCS order is in effect (until a
subsequent PCS order is received). At least 12 months must remain on an overseas tour
upon dependents arrival. (T-1) This means that dependents are authorized to travel with,
or independently of, the member as long as they are listed as dependents on the PCS order
and the member will serve the accompanied by dependents tour length and 12 months
remain on the OCONUS tour when dependents arrive. Also, to ship household goods, the
member must have at least 12 months remaining on the current tour. (T-1) Requirements. If Concurrent Travel is not automatic, the losing MPF, Career
Development Element Counselor must request Concurrent Travel through the gaining
MPF, Force Management Element, utilizing procedures outlined in the myFSS article,
Requesting Concurrent Travel When Automatic Concurrent Travel Is Not Authorized.
62 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
7.3.8. Command Sponsored Position List and Key Billet Concurrent Travel. General Provisions. Command Sponsored Position List. The command sponsorship program
provides a systematic method for enhancing mission effectiveness in critical positions
that require continuity and stability. Under this program, military command-sponsored
positions are authorized only in those areas that have not been designated as dependent-
restricted. Current Command Sponsored Position List locations are Korea and Qatar. Key Billet. An overseas position (officer, warrant officer, or senior enlisted
service member positions only) where it is determined that the continued presence of
the incumbent is essential to the mission of the activity or unit or to the United States’
presence in that area. Designation as a key billet requires the incumbent to serve a 24-
month tour, whether serving accompanied or unaccompanied. Requirements. If an Airman or Guardian wants to fill a Command Sponsored
Position, the member should refer to the guidance located on myFSS for that country. (T-3)
7.3.9. Secretarial Housing Allowance Waivers. Overview. Secretarial Housing Allowance Waivers provide temporary assistance
to DAF servicemembers and their dependents to ease the transition of a PCS move to a
new permanent duty station in limited situations when the members and dependents will
reside separately. If a waiver is approved, the Airman or Guardian will retain/obtain a with-
dependent housing allowance for a defined period based on the old permanent duty
station/primary residence, dependent’s designated location or new permanent duty station.
Guidance is found in the JTR; an Airman or Guardian may request a Secretarial Housing
Allowance Waiver. SecAF recognized the following circumstances as eligible for waiver
approval: low/no cost PCS move, PCS for training (such as professional military education
or technical training), Delayed/Advanced Dependent Travel, or assignment to CONUS-
Isolated tour with approved 15-month minimum tour length. Guidance is found in DAFI
36-2110, Total Force Assignments. Eligibility. Airmen and Guardians with dependents who resided with them at the prior
duty station (old permanent duty station) before departing for a new permanent duty
station unless the member was serving at a dependent-restricted/unaccompanied tour.
For ARC members, dependents must have resided with the Airman at the Airman's
home at the place entered/time called to active duty or current primary residence. (T-2) Airmen and Guardians with dependents at a government-approved
designated location. “Designated place” is defined as the location to which the
government authorized the movement of dependents. Guidance is found in the JTR,
Appendix A, and applicable AF guidance. Airmen and Guardians without dependents (only eligible for a waiver based
on low/no cost move as specified on PCS orders).
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 63 Approval Authority. Individual requests are reviewed and considered on a case-
by-case basis. The JTR, Appendix A, defines Secretarial Process as, “Action by the Per
Diem, Travel, and Transportation Allowance Committee Principal member or a
subordinate level specified by the principal. AFPC/CC, or authorized delegate,
approves/disapproves housing allowance waiver requests based on the eligible
circumstances as defined by the Secretary concerned. Guidance located on myFSS for
Secretarial Housing Allowance Waivers provides additional details and specific JTR
64 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
Chapter 8
8.1. Transitional Compensation for Abused Dependents. Program roles and responsibilities
can be found at paragraph 2.9.
8.2. Applicability and Scope. This chapter applies to dependents of members of the RegAF,
USSF, AFR, and ANG, who have been on active duty (10 USC § 12602 (b) (2), Members of Army
National Guard of United States and Air National Guard of United States: credit for serve as
members of National Guard, applies) for more than 30 days when the alleged abuse occurred and
who after 29 November 1993 are:
8.2.1. Separated from RegAF, USSF, AFR, and ANG under the appropriate authorities for a
court-martial sentence resulting from a dependent-abuse offense.
8.2.2. Administratively separated from RegAF, USSF, AFR, and ANG under the appropriate
authorities if the basis for separation includes a dependent-abuse offense; or
8.2.3. Forfeiting all pay and allowances (adjudged or by operation of law) pursuant to a
sentence of a court-martial resulting in a conviction for a dependent-abuse offense.
8.2.4. Uniformed Services Former Spouse Protection Act. A former spouse or legally
separated spouse may be entitled to a percentage of retirement pay designated by a court if the
member had 20 plus years of active service, even if the member was not eligible to receive the
retirement pay: For applications, have the applicant contact: DFAS-CL/JFBACI (Retired and
Annuitant Pay, Account Audit team) P.O. Box 998011, Cleveland OH 44199-8002 or call
Commercial (216) 204-6470 or DSN: 580-6470, Right Fax: (216) 216-367-3625. DFAS-
CL/ JFBACI will correspond directly with the applicant in lieu of the MPF. An applicant cannot receive both a percentage of retirement pay and transitional
compensation at the same time. If a spouse or former spouse is receiving transitional
compensation payments and later is determined to be eligible for and receives payments
under 10 USC § 1408(h), Payment of retired or retainer pay in compliance with court
orders, any amounts of transitional compensation received must be recouped. (T-0)
8.3. Exceptional Eligibility. 10 USC § 1059(m), Dependents of members separated for
dependent abuse; transitional compensation; commissary and exchange benefits, authorized the
SecAF to grant transitional compensation benefits to dependents and for dependents of former
members of the RegAF, USSF, AFR, and ANG, who are not otherwise authorized such benefits.
Such payments are subject to determination by the SecAF that the former member engaged in a
dependent-abuse offense, but was allowed to separate, voluntarily or involuntarily, under other
circumstances before a determination was made and/or documented. 10 USC 1059(m)(4)(A)”
stipulates that the SecAF’s authority to authorize eligibility for benefits cannot be delegated.
8.3.1. Exceptional Eligibility Applications. The approval authority is the SecAF; however,
such authority is delegated if authorized by statute. The MPF sends all applications for
Transitional Compensation under Exceptional Eligibility circumstances to AFPC/DP2SSM for
review before sending to AF/A1PA or SF/A1PA for USSF. Military Compensation Policy
Division for staffing for approval or disapproval.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 65
8.3.2. The MPF at the base level will retain a copy of the complete package until a final
determination is rendered. At that time, a record consisting of the final determination and DD
Form 2698 will be kept as a record and a courtesy copy will be sent to AFPC/DP2SSM.
8.4. Policy. It is DoD policy to provide monthly transitional compensation payments and other
benefits described herein for eligible dependents of members who are separated for dependent
abuse or for dependents who meet the criteria to receive Transitional Compensation benefits under
Exceptional Eligibility circumstances as described in paragraph 8.3.
8.5. Procedures:
8.5.1. Procedural guidance to accompany this publication is found on the myFSS website
8.5.2. Recipients of Payments. Payments will be made to eligible dependents as follows: If the member was married when the offense occurred, payment will be made to
that spouse. The spouse will receive compensation for themselves and each dependent child
in their custody. A spouse can receive the child portion of the compensation even if the
child resides away from the home (e.g., non-physical custody) as long as the spouse has
legal custody. (T-0) If the spouse is ineligible under paragraph 8.5.6 to receive payment because of
remarriage, cohabitation, or active participation, payments will be made to each dependent
child of the member not residing in the household of the member or the spouse. (T-0) If there is no eligible spouse for reasons other than those listed in paragraph 8.5.6
(example: the member had no dependent spouse or spouse has died), payments will be
made to the dependent children of the member who do not reside in the household of the
member. (T-0) For purposes of transitional compensation, “dependent child” is defined in 10
USC. § 1059(l), as well as in the DODI 1342.24 definitions section and in the definitions
section of this instruction. Status as “dependent child” is determined on the date in which
the member’s court-martial sentence is approved, or as of the date the Commander initiates
administrative separation of the member, voluntary or involuntary, whichever is
applicable. In cases where neither is applicable, the status of “dependent child” is
determined on the latest date in which the dependent abuse occurred. (T-0) If recipients are incapable of handling their affairs, payment may be made only to
a civilian court-appointed guardian. For a dependent child under 18 years of age, payments
will be made only to a civilian court-appointed guardian or a natural parent (who is not a
spouse of the member), who has legal custody and who is not also the abuser. (T-0) Children residing away from an eligible spouse are not entitled to apply for
compensation. (Example: A dependent child moves out of the home of the eligible spouse
and moves in with a grandparent. The child would not be able to apply for compensation
in their own right.) (T-0)
8.5.3. Payment Commencement and Duration. Payment commencement dates
66 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 Payment commences on the date (1) the court-martial sentence is adjudged
if the sentence, as adjudged, includes a dismissal, dishonorable discharge, bad conduct
discharge, or forfeiture of all pay and allowances; (2) if there is a pretrial agreement
that provides for disapproval or suspension of the dismissal, dishonorable discharge,
bad conduct discharge, or forfeiture of all pay and allowances, as of the date of entry
of judgment (EOJ) under section 860c of this title (Article 60c of the Uniform Code of
Military Justice) if the sentence includes an unsuspended dismissal, dishonorable
discharge, bad conduct discharge, or forfeiture of all pay and allowances; or (3) the
date the member’s commander starts administrative separation action if the basis for
separation includes a dependent-abuse offense. This date will be the date used in
Section II, Item 8 a-c of the DD Form 2698, and no payment will be made if the date
is prior to 30 November 1993. (T-0) Suspension or Deferral of Total Forfeiture of Pay and Allowances
Pursuant to a Sentence of a Court-Martial. In the case of payment of transitional
compensation by reason of total forfeiture of pay and allowances pursuant to a
sentence of a court-martial, payment of transitional compensation will not be made
for any period for which an order defers or suspends, in whole or in part, that part
of a sentence that includes total forfeiture of the Service member’s pay and
allowance; or otherwise results in continuation, in whole or in part, of the Service
member’s pay and allowances, in accordance with DoDI 1342.24, para 3.2a(3). In cases of Exceptional Eligibility, payments commence on the date set by
SecAF when it is determined a dependent is approved for transitional compensation.
(T-0) The duration of payments will be 36 months as of 22 September 2014. This
applies to those cases with an effective date of payment (DATE OF APPROVAL OF THE
September 2014 or thereafter pursuant to the authorities in 10 USC § 1059 and DoD
7000.14R, Financial Management Regulation, Vol. 7B Chapter 60 and DoDI 1342.24,
Transitional Compensation for Abused Dependents. Note: For cases with effective dates
prior to 22 September 2014: if, as of the starting date of payment, the unserved portion of
the member’s obligated active-duty service is less than 36 months, the duration of payment
will be the greater of the unserved portion or 12 months.
8.5.4. Payment Amount: Monthly payments to a spouse will be at the rate in effect for the payment of
dependency and indemnity compensation under 38 USC § 1311(a)(1), Dependency and
indemnity compensation to a surviving spouse. If the spouse has custody of a dependent
child or children of the member, the amount of monthly compensation to the spouse will
increase for each child by the amount in effect under 38 USC § 1311(b), Dependency and
indemnity compensation to children. If there is no eligible spouse, compensation paid to a
dependent child or children will be paid in equal shares at the rate in effect under 38 USC
§ 1313, Dependency and indemnity compensation to children. Payments will be prorated for months when payments start or stop in the middle
of a month.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 67 For children, if the payment amount does not divide evenly, the youngest child
will get the odd cent.
8.5.5. Cessation of Payments. Payments will stop effective on the date established by SecAF,
upon death of the recipient, or on the 1st day of the 1st month following the month in which
the recipient is notified, in writing whichever occurs first. (T-0) Payment will cease for the
following reasons: The member is sentenced by a court-martial to receive punishment that includes a
dismissal, dishonorable discharge, bad conduct discharge as a result of a conviction for a
dependent-abuse offense or forfeiture of all pay and allowances and the punishment is
remitted, set aside, or mitigated to a lesser punishment that does not include any such
punishment. (T-0) The administrative separation of a member from active duty is proposed on a basis
that includes a dependent-abuse offense and the proposed administrative separation is
disapproved by a competent authority. (T-0) The recipient will not be required to repay transitional compensation received
before the cessation effective date determined except as necessary to recoup any amount
that was erroneous when paid. (T-1)
8.5.6. Forfeiture Provisions. Remarriage. If a spouse receiving payments remarries (enters a subsequent
marriage), payments terminate on the date of remarriage. Payments will not be restarted if
the remarriage is terminated. If payments to the spouse terminate due to remarriage and
there is a dependent child not living in the same household as the spouse or member,
payments will be made to the dependent child. (T-0) Cohabitation. If the member lives in the same house as the spouse or dependent
child to whom compensation is payable under this instruction, payment will terminate on
the date the member begins living in the household. Once terminated, payments will not
be resumed. Compensation paid before the member resides in the household will not be
recouped. (T-0) Active Participant. If the victim was a dependent child and the Installation
Commander finds the spouse actively participated in the conduct constituting the criminal
offense or actively aided or abetted the member in such conduct against the dependent
child, the spouse, or dependent child living with the spouse, will not be paid transitional
compensation. (T-0) Annual Certification. Provide the spouse or applicant the DFAS address and
advise them they must notify DFAS within 30 days of the date of remarriage or the date
the member begins residing in the same household as the spouse or dependent child. (T-1) The spouse (or other individual receiving compensation payments) will
annually certify to DFAS on a Certificate of Eligibility that they have not remarried
and has not been cohabiting with the member. Dependent children (or the individual receiving payments) will annually
certify via the Certificate of Eligibility process that they are not cohabiting with the
member or ineligible spouse. (T-1)
68 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
8.5.7. Coordination of Benefits. A spouse may not receive payments under 10 USC § 1059
and 1408(h)(1). For more information, see paragraph
8.5.8. Source of Funds. Transitional compensation will be paid from a centralized Air Force
fund and will not be considered taxable income. (T-1)
8.5.9. Identification Cards. Issue an identification card with the authorized benefits. Guidance
can be found in AFI 36-3026V1, Identification Cards for Members of the Uniformed Services,
their Eligible Family Members, and Other Eligible Personnel. Commissary and Exchange Benefits. Recipients are entitled to use commissary and exchange stores while
receiving transition compensation payments, the same as dependents of members on
active duty for a period of more than 30 days. If a recipient eligible to use commissary and exchange stores is also eligible
under another law, eligibility and entitlement will be determined under the other law
and not this instruction. (T-0) When the sponsor is discharged or separated from service for dependent abuse,
the abused individuals or those affected by the knowledge of the abuse may request a
military identification card for medical care. The health care eligibility is determined by
the length of the abused family member’s transitional compensation benefits (10 USC §
1059 and DOD 7000.14R, Financial Management Regulation, Vol. 7B Chapter 60, AFI
41-210, Tricare Operations and Patient Administration Functions, which will define how
to apply DoDI 1342.24). (T-0) Dependents receiving transitional compensation under 10 USC § 1059 are
eligible to receive medical benefits under the TRICARE Basic and Extended Care
Health Option. Eligible dependents of a member who is retirement eligible may receive
medical and dental care under 10 USC § 1408[h]): Contact the local Total Force Service Center about eligibility for transitional
compensation benefits and contact the TRICARE contractor for the region about health
care benefits (AFI 41-210).
8.6. Non-Payment. No payment will be made if the date on DD Form 2698, Section II, block 9
is before 30 November 1993. (T-0) In the case when the convening authority approved the court-
martial sentence on a date prior to 30 November 1993, but the execution of discharge was 30
November 1993 or after, use the later date in block 9 (Example: Convening authority approves
court-martial sentence on 25 August 1992, but the execution of discharge was on 6 January 1994,
then you would use 6 January 1994 in block 9).
8.7. Application Procedures.
8.7.1. Applicant initiates a request for transitional compensation through the member’s unit
commander or through the MPF at any Air Force or Space Force installation when the applicant
is no longer at the installation in which the member was assigned. Assist the applicant to
collect the documents necessary to complete all required information. Guidance on the
applicable TC or EE checklist can be found on myFSS. Applicants will provide documents
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 69
(Example: DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge From Active Duty, court
documents, medical proof of pregnancy (where applicable), proof of full-time enrollment in a
SECDEF approved institution of higher learning, etc.) to assist in the completion of the
application package. (T-1)
8.7.2. The Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 also known as 31 USC § 3716,
Administrative Offset, requires all recurring payments issued by government agencies be issued
by direct deposit. (T-0) All applicants must submit an SF 1199A, Direct Deposit Sign-up Form
or submit a waiver “certifying the payee does not have a financial institution or authorized
payment agent” in order to receive their monthly payments. (T-1)
Assistant Secretary
(Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
70 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
Attachment 1
5 USC, Government Organization and Employees
5 USC § 552a, Records maintained on individuals (Privacy Act of 1974)
10 USC § 101, Definitions
10 USC § 509, Voluntary Extension of Enlistments; Periods and Benefits
10 USC § 651, Members required service
10 USC § 860, Article 60. Post-trial processing in general and special courts-martial
10 USC § 1059(c), Dependents of members separated for dependent abuse: transitional
compensation; commissary and exchange benefits
10 USC § 1059(m), Dependents of members separated for dependent abuse; transitional
compensation; commissary and exchange benefits
10 USC § 1408(h), Payment of retired or retainer pay in compliance with court orders
10 USC § 2121(c), Establishment
10 USC § 12602 (b) (2), Members of Army National Guard of United States and Air National
Guard of United States: credit for serve as members of National Guard
Executive Order 9397, Numbering System for Federal Accounts Relating to Individual Persons
Executive Order 13478, Amendments to Executive Order 9397 Relating to Federal Agency Use
of Social Security Numbers
31 USC § 3716, Administrative Offset
37 USC § 204, Entitlement
37 USC § 206, Reserves; Members of the National Guard: Inactive-Duty Training
37 USC § 352, Assignment Pay or Special Duty Pay
37 USC § 356, Continuation pay: full TSP members with 8 to 12 years of service
38 USC § 1313, Dependency and indemnity compensation to children
38 USC § 1311(a)(1), Part II, Chapter 13, Subchapter II, Dependency and indemnity
compensation to a surviving spouse
38 USC § 1311(b), Part II, Chapter 13, Subchapter II, Dependency and indemnity compensation
to children
50 USC § 3806, Deferments and exemptions from training and service
Joint Travel Regulations (JTR)
DoD 7000.14-R, Department of Defense Financial Management Regulations (FMR)
DoDI 1215.07, Service Credit for Non-Regular Retirement, 30 July 2019
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 71
DoDI 1304.31, Enlisted Bonus Program, 5 November 2020
DoDI 1310.02, Original Appointment of Officers, 26 March 2015
DoDI 1332.14, Enlisted Administrative Separations, 27 January 2014
DoDI 1338.18, Armed Force Clothing Monetary Allowance Procedures, 7 January 1998
DoDI 1340.26, Assignment and Special Duty Pays, 25 September 2017
DoDI 1342.24, Transition Compensation for Abused Dependents, 23 September 2019
DoDI 5154.31, Vol 5, Commercial Travel Management: the Per Diem, Travel and
Transportation Allowance Committee (PDTATAC), 16 October 2015
DAFPD 36-26, Total Force Development and Management, 15 April 2022
AFPD 36-30, Military Entitlements, 26 April 2023
AFI 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program, 23 March 2020
AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy and Civil Liberties Program, 10 March 2020
DAFMAN 36-2102, Base Level Relocation Procedures, 16 December 2020
DAFI 36-2110, Total Force Assignments, 15 November 2021
AFI 36-2606, Reenlistment and Extension in the United States Air Force, 20 September 2019
DAFI 36-2670, Total Force Development, 25 June 2020
DAFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of United States Air Force and United States
Space Force Personnel, 7 February 2020
AFI 36-3026V1, Identification Cards for Members of the Uniformed Services, Their Eligible
Family Members, and Other Eligible Personnel, 1 June 2023
DAFI 36-3211, Military Separations, 24 June 2022
AFI 40-701, Medical Support to Family Member Relocation and Exceptional Family Member
Program (EFMP), 19 November 2014
DAFI 51-201, Administration of Military Justice, 14 April 2022
DAFI 51-207, Victim and Witness Rights and Procedures, 14 April 2022
AFI 65-103, Temporary Duty/Special Orders, 15 August 2019
AFMAN 36-2100, Military Utilization and Classification, 7 April 2021
AFMAN 41-210, Tricare Operations and Patient Administration Functions, 10 September 2019
DAFMAN 90-161, Publishing Processes and Procedures, 15 April 2022
Prescribed Forms
AF Form 1969, Officer Uniform Allowance Certification
AF Form 4010, Application for IMA Enlisted Bonus and Incentive
AF Form 4021, Application for Incentive Participation
72 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
Adopted Forms
DD Form 2698, Application for Transitional Compensation
AF Form 133, Oath of Office (Military Personnel) for a Reserve Commission
AF Form 469, Duty Limiting Condition Report
AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
AF Form 1045, Request and Authorization for Student Dependent Travel
AF Form 1466, Request for Family Member’s Medical and Education Clearance for Travel
AF Form 1969, Uniform Allowance Certification
DAF Form 2096, Classification/On-the-Job Training Action
AF Form 4021, Application for Incentive Participation
AF Form 4380, Air Force Special Needs Screener
NGB Form 38-4, Incentive Payment Authorization
Abbreviations and Acronyms
AFIAir Force Instruction
AFPCAir Force Personnel Center
AFPDAir Force Policy Directive
AFRAir Force Reserve
AFRCAir Force Reserve Command
AFRISS-TFAir Force Recruiting Information Support System Total Force
AFSCAir Force Specialty Code
AIPAssignment Incentive Pay
ANGAir National Guard
ARCAir Reserve Component
ARPCAir Reserve Personnel Center
BMTBasic Military Training
BOSBranch of Service
CAFSCControl Air Force Specialty Code
CCACivilian Clothing Allowance
CMSCase Management System
CONUSContinental United States
CSSCommander Support Staff
DAFDepartment of the Air Force
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 73
DAFIDepartment of the Air Force Instruction
DAFMANDepartment of the Air Force Manual
DAFPDDepartment of the Air Force Policy Directive
DAFSCDuty Air Force Specialty Code
DCSDeputy Chief of Staff
DDDepartment of Defense
DFASDefense Finance and Accounting Service
DLADefense Logistics Agency
DoDDepartment of Defense
DoDDDepartment of Defense Directive
DoDFMRDepartment of Defense Financial Management Regulation
DoDIDepartment of Defense Instruction
DOEDate of Enlistment
DRUDirect Reporting Unit
ETSExpiration Term of Service
FLDCOMField Command
FSSForce Support Squadron
FYFiscal Year
HAFHeadquarters Air Force
HPHealth Profession
IADTInitial Active Duty Training
ICInterim Change
IDTInactive Duty for Training
IMAIndividual Mobilization Augmentee
IRRIndividual Ready Reserve
L/SLong Sleeve
MAJCOMMajor Command
MilPDSMilitary Personnel Data System
myFSSMy Force Support
MPFMilitary Personnel Flight
NGBNational Guard Bureau
NPSNon Prior Service
74 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
OCONUSOutside Continental United States
OCPOperational Camouflage Pattern
OGOlive Green
OPROffice of Primary Responsibility
PCSPermanent Change of Station
PDSPersonnel Data System
PDTATACPer Diem, Travel, and Transportation Allowance Committee
PTGPhysical Training Gear
PSPrior Service
RegAFRegular Air Force
ROMRetention Office Manager
ROTCReserve Officer Training Corps
RRNCORecruiting and Retention Non-commissioned Officer
RRSRecruiting and Retention Superintendent
SAFSecretariat Offices within the HAF (Headquarters Air Force)
SDAPSpecial Duty Assignment Pay
SecAFSecretary of the Air Force
SFSCSpace Force specialty code
SJAStaff Judge Advocate
S/SShort Sleeve
TDYTemporary Duty
TTSTechnical Training School
USCUnited States Code
USSFUnited States Space Force
UTAUnit Training Assemblies
VLPADVoluntary Limited Periods of Active Duty
Office Symbols
ABG/CCAir Base Group Commander
AF/A1Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), Manpower, Personnel, and Services
AF/A1PHeadquarters Air Force Military Force Management Policy Directorate
AF/A1PAHeadquarters Air Force Military Compensation Policy Division
AF/REChief, Air Force Reserve
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 75
AF/REPAir Force Reserve Personnel Policy
AFPCAir Force Personnel Center
AFPC/CCAir Force Personnel Center Commander
AFPC/DP1Total Force Service Center
AFPC/DP1TAir Force Personnel Center, Transition Division
AFPC/DP1SSBAir Force Personnel Center, Benefits and Entitlement Section
AFPC/DP2Air Force Personnel Center, Directorate for Personnel
AFPC/DP2SSMAir Force Personnel Center, Military Sustainment Operation Section
AFPC/DP3AAir Force Personnel Center, Assignments and Air Expeditionary Force Program
AFPC/DP3AMAir Force Personnel Center, Military Assignments Programs Branch
AFPC/DP3SAAir Force Personnel Center, Airman Support Branch
ARPC/A1Air Force Reserve Command, Manpower, Personnel, and Services Directorate
AFRC/A1KKAir Force Reserve Command, Force Management Branch
AFRC/FMAir Force Reserve Command, Financial Management
ARPC/DPAAAi Reserve Personnel Center, Reserve Assignments Division
ARPC/DPATAir Reserve Personnel Center, Education and Incentives Division
ASD(FMP)Assistance Secretary of Defense, Force Management Policy
CHCO/S1Chief of Human Capital Officer
DASD (MPP)Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Personnel Policy
DFAS-CL/JFBACIRetired and Annuitant Pay, Account Audit Team
FLDCOM/S1Field Command, Manpower, Personnel and Services Directorate
FLDCOM/CCField Command, Commander
FLDOM/CVField Commander, Vice Commander
MAJCOM/A1Major Command, Manpower, Personnel and Services Directorate
MAJCOM/CCMajor Command, Commander
MAJCOM/CVMajor Commander, Vice Commander
NGB/A1National Guard Bureau, Manpower, Personnel, Recruiting and Services Directorate
NGB/A1PNational Guard Bureau, Force Management Division
NGB/A1PPNational Guard Bureau, Force Management Programs Branch
NGB/A1YNational Guard Bureau, Retention Division
NGB/A1YRNational Guard Bureau, Retention Operations
NGB/CFChief, National Guard Bureau
76 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
OSD/HAOffice of the Secretary of Defense Health Affairs
RIO Det/CCHeadquarters Readiness Integration Organization Detachment Commander
RSDRegularly Scheduled Drill
SAF/FMBOPDeputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management Budget
Operations and Personnel
SAF/MRAssistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
SecAFSecretary of the Air Force
SF/S1Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Human Capital
SF/S1PSpace Force Military Policy and Management Directorate
SF/S1PASpace Force Military Compensation and Benefits Policy Division
AccompaniedAny tour of overseas duty served with command sponsored dependents.
Active Duty for Training (ADT)A tour of active duty used for training Airmen of the reserve
components to provide trained units and qualified persons to fill the needs of the Armed Forces in
time of war or national emergency and such other times as the national security requires. The
Airman is under orders that provide for return to non-active status upon completion of the period
of active duty for training. It includes annual training, special tours of active duty for training,
school tours, and the initial duty for training performed by non-prior service enlistees.
JTR, App A DefinitionFull time training duty in the active military service training a Ready
Reserve member to acquire/maintain required military skills. It includes initial basic training,
advanced individual training, annual training (AT), and full time attendance at a school designated
as a Service school by law or by the Secretary concerned.
Air Reserve Component (ARC)The air reserve components include the ANG and the AFR.
ALCAN HighwayRoadway which connects the contiguous United States to Alaska across
AllowancesPay or reimbursement to Airmen and Guardians for expenses incident to a PCS.
Consult the JTR to determine allowances to government-paid travel of dependents, movement of
household goods, and other payments associated with reassignment of DAF members.
Assigned—An Airman or Guardian counted as part of a unit’s strength.
Assignment—The permanent change of a person’s duty station from one location to another. Also
refers to duties performed. (Used alternately with the term ― reassignment).
AuthorizationA funded and validated manpower requirement.
AuthorizedPermission given before an act. The giving, through the JTR, of an allowance to an
eligible individual requiring no other action.
Command-Sponsored DependentA dependent residing with a member at an OCONUS
location at which an accompanied-by-dependents tour is authorized, the member is authorized to
serve that tour, and who is authorized by the appropriate authority to be at the member's permanent
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 77
duty station. The member is authorized to receive station allowances cost of living allowance and
temporary lodging allowance at the with-dependents rate on behalf of command-sponsored
dependent(s) as a result of the dependents’ residence in the vicinity of the member's permanent
duty station. Command sponsorship is not required to receive Overseas Housing Allowance at the
with-dependent rate.
Concurrent TravelAuthorized move of dependents at government expense to an OCONUS
area at the same time as Airmen and Guardians (sponsor).
Continental United StatesThe 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia and for
assignment purposes, the adjacent territorial waters. Specifically excludes the states of Alaska and
Hawaii as they are not part of the contiguous states and are included in the definition of Non-
Foreign, OCONUS locations.
Delayed Dependent TravelTravel of dependents after the departure of an Airman or Guardian
(military sponsor).
Department of the Air ForceThe executive part of the Department of the Air Force at the seat
of government and all field headquarters, forces, reserve components, installations, activities and
functions under the control or supervision of the Secretary of the Air Force.
DependentSee definition in JTR, Appendix A.
Dependent-Abuse OffensesAn offense by a military member on active duty for more than 30
days involving abuse against a current spouse or a dependent child of the member. This is a
criminal offense as defined by Title 10, USC., Sections 801-940 or other criminal code and is
applicable to the jurisdiction where the act of abuse is committed. Examples include crimes such
as sexual assault, rape, sodomy, battery, murder, and manslaughter.
Dependent ChildAn unmarried child, including an adopted child or a stepchild, who was
residing with the military member at the time of the abuse offense, and who is:
Under 18 years of age.
Eighteen years of age or older and is incapable of self-support due to a mental or physical
incapacity that existed before the age of 18 and who is currently dependent on the member for
over one-half of the child's support or was dependent on the member for over one-half of the
child's support when a punitive or other adverse action was carried out on the member; or
Carried during a pregnancy at the time of the dependent-abuse offense and was subsequently
born alive to either the spouse or former spouse during or after the dependent-abuse offense.
See JTR, Appendix A for a complete definition.
Dependent Restricted TourA tour at any OCONUS permanent duty station that does not
permit command sponsored dependents. Also referred to as an unaccompanied hardship overseas
tour, or remote tour. Also describes a tour at a permanent duty station at which command sponsored
dependents may be authorized, but at which the member is not eligible to serve the accompanied
tour. See DoDI 1315.18, Glossary.
Designated PlaceSee definition in JTR, Appendix A.
DischargeTermination of any enlistment or appointment resulting in complete separation from
military status.
78 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
EntitlementDescribes conditions under which the United States government provides services
or support.
Effective Date of PCS OrdersThe date the member is required to begin travel from the old
permanent duty station, the member’s home, primary residence, place from which entered (or
called) to active duty (PLEAD), last temporary duty station, safe haven location or designated
place, whichever applies, to arrive at the new permanent duty station, primary residence, home, or
PLEAD, on the date authorized by the transportation mode authorized and/or used. See JTR,
Appendix A for complete definition and examples.
Executive Part of the Department of the Air ForceThe Office of the Secretary of the Air
Force and the Air Staff consisting of; Office of the Chief of Staff; Office of the Vice Chief of Staff;
Deputy Chiefs of Staff; other members of the Air Force assigned or detailed; and the Department
of the Air Force civilians assigned or detailed.
Extended Active DutyTour of active duty (normally for more than 90 days) performed by a
member of the reserve components. Strength accountability for persons on extended active duty
shifts to the active force. Active duty for training and active duty in a service academy or armed
forces preparatory school are not creditable as extended active duty.
Family MemberSee definition of DEPENDENT in JTR, Appendix A.
G-Series OrdersUsed to announce and record command succession, unless precluded by
military agencies. Commanders, including those appointed on a temporary basis, must be
identified on G-Series orders to exercise the legal authority granted to them based on their role.
Immediate FamilySee definition of DEPENDENT in JTR, Appendix A.
InactiveDuty TrainingDuty prescribed for members of a reserve component by the Secretary
concerned under Section 206 of Title 37, USC., or any other provision of law; and special
additional duties authorized for members of a reserve component by an authority designated by
the Secretary concerned. Such members perform these duties on a voluntary basis in connection
with the prescribed training or maintenance activities of the units to which they are assigned; and
includes those duties when performed by members of a reserve component in their status as
members of the National Guard, but (except as provided in Section 206(d) (2) of Title 37, USC.)
does not include work or study in connection with a correspondence course of a uniformed service.
JTR, Appendix A Definition: INACTIVE-DUTY TRAINING A. 1. Duty prescribed for an RC
member by the Secretary concerned, or 2. Special additional duty authorized for an RC member
by an authority designated by the Secretary concerned and performed by them on a voluntary basis
pursuant to prescribed training or maintenance activities of the units to which they are assigned.
B. Pursuant to the National Guard. When performed by a National Guard member IDT includes
the duties in paragraph A above and also includes: 1. Unit training assemblies; and 2. Training or
other duty the service member is required to perform, with or without the service member's
consent. This includes appropriate duty or equivalent training and additional flying training
periods, and similar duty and/or training. C. Correspondence Course. This term does not include
work/study for a correspondence course of a uniformed service. D. Pursuant to Pay. For pay
purposes, IDT must: 1. Be performed under an order, 2. Cover a specific assignment, and 3. Have
a prescribed time limit.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 79
Initial Active Duty Training (IADT)The initial active duty training of a non-prior service
enlistee performed during a period of not less than 12 weeks and produces a trained member in a
military specialty.
Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA)An individual reservist (Cat B) who attends drills,
receives training, and is reassigned to an active component organization, a selective service
system, or a Federal Emergency Management Agency billet that must be filled on or shortly after
mobilization. IMAs train on a part-time basis with these organizations to prepare for mobilization.
Inactive duty training (IDT) for IMAs is decided by component policy and can vary from none to
48 drills a year.
Mandatory Clothing Item(s)Standard uniform clothing item(s) issued in the first uniform
clothing allowance or a like item available in any approved fabric. Each Air Force enlisted member
must have these uniforms and specified quantities at all times.
Medical or Educational Treatment ProgramA program designed to provide special medical
or educational care to a military dependent. The military health care system, TRICARE, or a
combination of both can provide these services.
MemberMember serving in one of the uniformed services including a commissioned officer,
commissioned warrant officer, warrant officer, enlisted person, and a uniformed service retiree.
Also includes members of the Fleet Reserve and Fleet Marine Corps Reserve who are in receipt of
retainer pay.
Military Service ObligationThe time that a member must serve in a regular or reserve
component of the armed forces as required by the Military Selective Service Act of 1967 or Title
10 United States Code Section 651, as amended.
myFSSThe Air Force official online source and repository for personnel policy, information,
and day-to-day transactions. Website address is
Non-command Sponsored DependentsDependents not authorized/approved to reside with a
member at an OCONUS location.
Non-Foreign OCONUS AreaThe states of Alaska and Hawaii, the Commonwealths of Puerto
Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, the US Virgin Islands, and US territories and
possessions (excluding the former Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands, which are foreign areas
for JTR purposes).
Optional Clothing ItemsA uniform clothing item other than a mandatory clothing item
approved for wear by all Air Force personnel.
Organizational Clothing ItemClothing item issued to an individual on loan and remains the
property of the organization. Two subclasses are distinctive and functional clothing items; JTR
accountable or issue in-kind property owned or purchased by the government/uniformed service;
2. Must be returned, using Service/Agency regulations, to the Service/Agency upon mission
completion or (in the case of a service member) release from active duty (discharge, separation, or
retirement); and/or 3. Is PBP&E, per Agency/Service regulations, when shipped as HHG.
OverseasAll locations, including Alaska and Hawaii, outside the contiguous states and
Washington DC.
80 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
PALACE CHASEAn early release program which allows RegAF members to request to
transfer from active military service to an ARC.
PCS NotificationThe notification of an assignment by commanders and officials authorized to
effect notification by requiring Airman or Guardian to sign the PCS notification report
acknowledging assignment selection. Note: When an Airman or Guardian is TDY or on leave,
notification is the date the member receives the notice.
Permanent Change of Station (PCS)In general, movement of an Airman or Guardian to a
different duty location for permanent duty, regardless of distance (with or without concurrent
change in unit of assignment) under competent orders that do not specify the duty as temporary,
do not provide for further assignment to a new permanent duty station, or do not direct return to
the old permanent duty station. See JTR, Appendix A for complete definition.
Prior duty stationThe location of the last duty station to which shipment of household goods
at government expense was authorized.
Ready ReserveThe selected reserve and individual ready reserve liable for active duty as
prescribed by law (Title 10 USC. 12302, 12303).
Secondary School GraduateLimited to the following:
High School GraduateHigh School Diploma. A diploma is issued to an individual who has
attended and completed a 12-year or grade day program of instruction. That diploma must be
issued from the school where the individual is credited with the completion of program
requirements or:
High School GraduateAdult Education Diploma. A secondary school diploma awarded for
attending and completing an adult education or "external" diploma program, regardless of whether
the diploma was issued by the State or by a secondary or post-secondary educational institute or:
Secretarial DeterminationDecision made by the Secretary of the Military Service on a matter
not clearly authorized by a DoD directive.
Secretariat or SECAF and Assistant SecretariesIncludes the Secretary and the Assistant
Secretaries of the Air Force.
Short Overseas TourFor the purpose of the overseas tour credit, a short tour is one that is not
authorized as an accompanied tour; or both the accompanied tour is 24 months, and the
unaccompanied tour is less than 18 months; or when HQ AFPC/DP3AM authorizes credit. See
Tour Lengths and Tours of Duty OCONUS on the DTMO website.
Spouse—The term “spouse” means a dependent spouse and, where appropriate, includes “former
StateAny of the 50 states. Puerto Rico, DC, and Guam are NOT States.
Unaccompanied Overseas TourA tour of overseas duty served without command sponsored
dependents. See JTR, Appendix A definition of UNACCOMPANIED TOUR.
Uniform Clothing ItemWearing apparel, accessories, insignia, medals, ribbons, and
component material of these items. These are further classified into mandatory, optional, and
organizational clothing items.
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 81
Unit of AssignmentThe organization to which an individual is assigned and would report to
upon mobilization.
Voluntary Limited Period of Active Duty (VLPAD)Program that provides ARC members the
opportunity to apply for extended active duty to fill vacant active duty positions for a specific
period of time.
82 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
Attachment 2
Table A2.1. Initial Uniform Clothing Items and Allowance(s) - Men.
Bag, Duffel, Nylon, Olive Green (OG)
Belt, Cotton, Web, Blue, w/Chromium Plate
Belt, Riggers, Tan 499
Boots, Combat, Temperate Coyote (pair)
Cap, Garrison (Flight cap), AF Shade 1620
Cap, Patrol, Operational Camouflage Uniform (OCP)
Coat, All Weather w/Removable Liner
Coat, OCP
Coat, Service, Wool/Polyester, Serge, 10 oz, AF Shade 1620
Drawers, Cotton, Briefs, White
Gloves, Leather, Black, Unisex
Insignia, Branch of Service (BOS), US
Jacket, Man's, Lightweight w/Removable Liner
Jacket, Physical Training Gear (PTG)
Necktie, Men’s Four-in-Hand
Name tag, Metal
Name tag, plastic
Name tape, USAF/USSF
Name tape, (Last Name)
Pants, PTG
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, Long Sleeve (L/S), w/Epaulets
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, Short Sleeve (S/S)
Shoe, Men's Dress, Leather, Black
Sock, Boot, Green
Socks, Athletes, Crew, White (3 Pair Package)
Socks, Dress, Black
Towel, Bath, Cotton, White
Trousers, OCP
Trousers, Wool/Polyester, Serge, AF Shade 1620
Shorts, PTG
T-Shirt, PTG
T-Shirt, Moisture-Wicking Tan 499
Undershirt, Man's, White, V-Neck
Athletic Shoes
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 83
Table A2.1.1. Initial Uniform Bag Items Provided by AETC Men.
Gen III, Level VI OCP Jacket
Boots, Combat, Men's, Safety-Toe, Coyote (pair)
Table A2.2. Initial Uniform Clothing Items and Allowance(s) Women.
Bag, Duffel, Nylon, OG
Belt, Cotton, Web, Blue, w/Chromium Plate
Belt, Riggers, Tan 499
Boots, Combat, Temperate Coyote, (pair)
Cap, Garrison, Polyester/Wool, Serge, Blue, AF Shade 1620
Cap, Patrol, Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP)
Coat, All Weather w/Removable Liner
Coat, Service, Wool/Pl, Serge, Blue, AF Shade 1620
Coat, Female, OCP
Gloves, Leather, Black, Unisex
Insignia, BOS, US
Insignia, Shoulder Sleeve (Tactical US Flag)
Jacket, Physical Training Gear (PTG)
Jacket, Woman's, Lightweight with Removable Liner
Neck Tab, Blue, AF Shade 1622
Name tag, Metal
Name tag, plastic
Name tape, USAF/USSF
Name tape, (Last Name)
Pants, PTG
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, L/S, AF Shade 1550, (Tuck-in)
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, S/S, AF Shade 1550, (Tuck-in)
Shoes, Running, Women (pair)
Shoe, Women's, Oxford, Black
Skirt, Darted, Wool/Polyester, Serge, 10 oz., AF Shade 1620
Slacks, Darted, Wool/Polyester, Serge, 10 oz., AF Shade
Sock, Boot, Green
Socks, Athletes, Crew, White (3 Pair Package)
Socks, Dress, Black
Towel, Bath, Cotton, White
Trousers, Women's OCP
Shorts, PTG
T-Shirt, Athlete's, PTG
T-Shirt, Athlete's, Moisture-Wicking Tan 499
Cash Allowance (pumps, black dress)
84 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
Cash Allowance (lingerie, stockings, and underwear)
Cash Allowance (handbag)
Table A2.2.1. Initial Uniform Bag Items Provided by AETC Women.
Gen III, Level VI OCP Jacket
Boots, Combat, Women's, Safety-Toe, Coyote (pair)
Table A2.3. Officer Training School (OTS) Trainee Initial Item Clothing Allowance-Men.
Belt, Cotton, Web, Blue w/ Chromium Plate Clip
Belt, Cotton, Web, Blue w/ Black Clip
Boots, Combat, Temperate Coyote (pair)
Buckle, Belt, Nickel, Chromium Plated
Buckle, Belt, Brass
Cap, Garrison (Flight), AF Shade 1620
Cap, Patrol, Operational Camouflage Uniform (OCP)
Coat, All Weather w/Removable Line, Cotton/Polyester,
Coat, OCP
Coat, Service, Wool/Polyester, Serge, 10 oz., AF Shade
1620, w/ epaulets
Drawers, Cotton, White
Gloves, Leather, Black, Unisex
Insignia, BOS, US
Insignia, Distinguishing, USAF, Subdued
Jacket, Polyester/Wool Blue, AF Shade 1605, w/removable
Necktie, Blue, AF Shade 1622
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, S/S, AF Shade 1550 Tapered, w/
regular collar
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, L/S, w/Epaulets, Blue AF Shade
Socks, Cotton/Nylon, Black
Socks, Cotton/Nylon/Wool, Black
Shoes, Patent leather, hi-Gloss Poromeric
Standard Air Force Name Tag, Individual, Blue, Plastic
Towel, Cotton/Polyester, White
Trousers, OCP
Trousers, Wool/Polyester, Serge, 10 oz., AF Shade 1620
T-Shirt, Athlete's, Moisture-Wicking Tan 499
Undershirt, Cotton, White
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 85
Table A2.4. Officer Training School Trainee Initial Item Clothing Allowance - Women.
Belt, Cotton, Web, Blue, w/Black Clip
Belt, Trousers, Web, Blue, w/Chromium Plate
Boots, Combat, Temperate Coyote, (pair)
Buckle, Belt, Brass
Buckle, Belt Chromium Plated
Cap, Garrison (Flight) AF Shade 1620
Cap, Patrol, Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP)
Coat, All weather w/Removable Liner, Cotton/Polyester,
Coat, Female, OCP
Coat, Service, AF Shade 1620, w/epaulets
Gloves, Leather, Black, Lined, Unisex
Insignia, BOS, US
Insignia, Distinguishing, USAF, Subdued
Jacket, Poly/Wool, Blue, AF Shade 1605, w/removable liner
Neck Tab, Blue, AF Shade 1622
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, S/S AF Shade 1550 w/Convertible
Collar, Tuck-in
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, L/S AF Shade 1550 w/Convertible
Collar, Tuck-in
Skirt, Darted, Wool/Polyester, Serge, 10 oz., AF Shade 1620
Slacks, Darted, Wool/Polyester, Serge, 10 oz., AF Shade
Socks, Cotton/Nylon, Black
Socks, Cotton/Nylon/Wool, Black
Standard Air Force Name Tag, Individual, Blue, Plastic
Towel, Cotton/Polyester, White
Trousers, Female, OCP
T-Shirt, Athlete's, Moisture-Wicking Tan 499
Cash Allowance (includes pumps, undergarments, purses)
Table A2.5. US Air Force Academy Preparatory Student's Initial Item Uniform Clothing
Allowance Men.
Boots, Combat, Temperate Coyote (pair)
Sock, Boot, Green
Trousers, OCP
Belt, Riggers, Tan 499
T-Shirt, Moisture-Wicking Tan 499
Coat, OCP
Tapes, Name, and USAF/USSF (OCP)
3 sets
Cap, Patrol, Operational Camouflage Uniform (OCP)
86 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
Knit Beanie Stocking Cap, Black and Sage Green Beanie
Shoes, Dress, Oxford, Black, Plain Toe Low Quarters,
Socks, Dress, Black
Trousers, Service
Belt, Blue, with Chrome buckle and tip
T-Shirt, V-neck, White
Shirt, S/S Blue w/Epaulet
Shirt, L/S Blue w/Epaulet
Name Tag, Blue, Plastic
Necktie, Blue
Cap, Flight, Blue, Enlisted
Insignia, US (for service coat)
Coat, Service
Name Tag, Service Coat, Metal
Jacket, Lightweight Blue w/ liner
Gloves, Leather, Black, Lined Unisex
Towel, White
Shoes, Athletic
Athletic Socks
Athletic Supporters
Compression Shorts
Athletic Shorts, Navy Mesh w/ Logo
T-Shirt, gray w/ Logo (2 L/S & 2 S/S)
Sweatshirt, Crew Heavy Cotton w/ Logo
Sweatpants, Heavy Cotton w/ Logo
Polo Shirt, L/S w/ Logo
Polo Shirt, S/S w/ Logo
Equipment Bag (Small gym bag)
Running Suit, (Pants, and Jacket)
1 set
Duffle Bag (Green military style)
Backpack (Black)
Thermo Top Crew Sand (L/S)
Thermo Bottom Sand
Mock Turtle T-Shirt (L/S)
Fleece Liner OCP
Velcro Name
Flip Flops (Shower Shoes)
Double Ribbon Bar
White Enforcer Name
Green Work Gloves
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 87
Table A2.6. US Air Force Academy Preparatory Students’ Initial Item Uniform Clothing
Allowance Women.
Boots, Combat, Temperate Coyote, (pair)
Socks, Wool, Black
Trousers, Female, OCP
Belt, Riggers, Tan 499
T-Shirt, Athlete's, Moisture-Wicking Tan 499
Coat, Female, OCP
Tapes, Name, and USAF/USSF (OCP)
3 sets
Cap, Patrol, Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP)
Knit Beanie Stocking Cap, Black and Sage Green (leach)
Shoes, Dress, Oxford, Black, Plain Toe Low Quarters,
Socks, Dress, Black
Slacks, Service
Belt, Blue, with chrome buckle and tip
Shirt, S/S Blue w/ Epaulet
Shirt, L/S Blue w/Epaulet
Name Tag, Blue, Plastic
Neck Tab, Blue
Cap, Flight, Blue, Enlisted
Insignia, US (for service coat)
Coat, Service
Name Tag, Service Coat, Metal
Jacket, Lightweight Blue w/liner
Gloves, Leather, Black, Lined Unisex
Towel, White
Green Work Gloves
Shoes, athletic
Athletic Socks
Compression Shorts
Athletic Shorts, Navy Mesh w/ Logo
T-Shirt, gray w/ Logo (2 L/S & 2 S/S)
Sweatpants, Heavy Cotton w/ Logo
Sweatshirt, Crew, Heavy Cotton w/ Logo
Polo Shirt, L/S w/ Logo
Polo Shirt, S/S w/ Logo
Equipment Bag, (Small gym bag)
Running Suit, (Pants, and Jacket)
1 set
White V-Neck T-Shirts
Duffle Bag (Green military style)
Backpack (Black)
Thermo Top Crew Sand (L/S)
88 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
Thermo Bottom Sand
Mock Turtle T-Shirt (L/S)
Fleece Liner OCP
Velcro Name
Flip Flops (Shower Shoes)
Double Ribbon Bar
White Enforcer Name
Table A2.7. Partial Initial Uniform Clothing Allowance -Men.
Belt, Cotton, Web, Blue w/Silver Clip
Belt, Cotton, Web, Blue w/Black Clip
Boots, Combat, Temperate Coyote, (pair)
Buckle, Belt, Chromium Plated
Buckle, Belt, Brass
Cap, Garrison, (Flight Cap) w/Wool/Polyester Blue, AF
Shade 1620
Cap, Patrol, Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP)
Coat, All Weather w/Removable Liner Cotton/Polyester,
Coat, Service, Wool/Polyester, Serge, Blue AF Shade 1620
Coat, OCP
Drawers, Cotton, White
Gloves, Leather, Black, Lined, Unisex
Insignia, BOS, Enlisted Personnel, US
Insignia, Distinguishing, USAF, Olive Green, Subdued
Jacket, Polyester/Wool Blue, AF Shade 1605 w/removable
Necktie, Blue, AF Shade 1622
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, S/S, AF Shade 1550, Tapered, w/
regular collar
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, L/S, w/Epaulet, Blue AF Shade 1550
Shoes, Dress, Oxford, Black, Plain Toe
Socks, Cotton/Nylon, Black
Socks, Cotton/Nylon/Wool, Black
Standard Air Force Name Tag, Individual, Blue, Plastic
Tape, Textile, Nylon, Plain Weave, Olive Drab, Subdued,
Trousers, OCP
Trousers, Wool/Polyester, Tropical, 10 oz, Blue, AF Shade
Trousers, Wool/Polyester, Serge, 10 oz., AF Shade 1620
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 89
T-Shirt, Moisture-Wicking Tan 499
Undershirt, Cotton, White
Table A2.8. Partial Initial Uniform Clothing Allowance-Women.
Belt, Cotton, Web, Blue, w/ Black Clip
Belt, Trousers, Web, Blue, Chromium Plate
Boots, Combat, Temperate Coyote, (pair)
Buckle, Belt, Brass
Buckle, Belt, Chromium Plated
Cap Garrison, AF Shade Blue 1620
Cap, Patrol, Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP)
Coat, All weather w/ Removable Liner, Cotton/Polyester, AF
Coat, Service, Wool/Polyester, Tropical, 10 oz, AF Shade
Coat, Female, OCP
Gloves, Lea, Black, Lined, Unisex
Handbag, Black, Plastic
Insignia, BOS, Enlisted Personnel, US
Insignia, Distinguishing, USAF, Subdued
Jacket, Polyester/Wool, Blue, AF Shade 1605 w/ removable
Neck Tab, Blue, AF Shade 1622
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, S/S, w/ Convertible Collar, AF
Shade 1550, Tuck-in
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, L/S, w/ Convertible Collar, AF
Shade 1550, Tuck-in
Shoes, Oxford, Black
Skirt, Wool/Polyester, Tropical, 10 oz Blue, AF Shade 1608
Skirt, Darted, Wool/Polyester, Serge 10 oz., AF Shade 1620
Slacks, Wool/Polyester, Tropical, 10 oz, Blue, AF Shade
Slacks, Darted, Wool/Polyester, Serge, 10 oz., AF Shade
Socks, Cotton/Nylon, Black
Socks, Cotton/Nylon/Wool, Black
Standard Air Force Name Tag, Individual, Blue, Plastic
Tape, Textile, Nylon, Plain Weave, Subdued, 1"Wide
Tape, Textile, Nylon, Plain Weave, Tan, Desert, 1"Wide
*Trousers, Female, OCP
*T-Shirt, Athlete's, Moisture-Wicking Tan 499
Cash Allowance for Black Dress Pumps
90 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
Table A2.9. Prior Enlisted Trainees at the Officer Training School (OTS) and Academy of
Military Sciences Officer Candidates Men.
Coat, OCP
Coat, Service, Wool/Polyester, AF Shade 1620
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, S/S, AF Shade 1550, Tapered, w/
regular collar
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, L/S, w/ Epaulet, Blue AF Shade
Trousers, Wool/Polyester, Serg, 10 oz, AF Shade 1620
Cap, Garrison, AF Blue, Shade 1620
Shoes, Poromeric
Table A2.10. Prior Enlisted Trainees at the Officer Training School (OTS) and Academy
of Military Sciences Officer Candidates Women.
Coat, Female, OCP
Coat, Service, Wool/Polyester, AF Shade 1620
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, S/S, w/ Convertible Collar, AF
Shade 1550, Tuck-in
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, L/S, w/ Convertible Collar, AF
Shade 1550, Tuck-in
Slacks, Wool/Polyester, AF Shade 1620
Skirt, Wool/Polyester, AF Shade 1620
Cap, Garrison, AF Blue, Shade 1620
Shoes, Poromeric
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 91
Attachment 3
Table A3.1. Initial Uniform Clothing Issue via Basic Military Training and other branch
Prior Service Transferred -Men.
Bag, Duffel
Belt, Cotton, Web, Blue w/ Chromium Plate
Belt, Cotton, Web, Blue w/ Black Clip
Boots, Combat, Green, Mildew & Water Resistant
Buckle, Belt, Chromium Plate
Buckle, Belt, Brass
Cap, Garrison (Flight Cap), Wool/Polyester, Serge, Blue, AF
Shade 1620
Cap, Patrol, Operational Camouflage Uniform (OCP)
Coat, All Weather w/ Removable liner, Cotton/Polyester,
Coat, Service, Wool/Polyester, Serge, 10 oz, Blue, AF Shade
Coat, OCP
Drawers, Cotton, White
Gloves, Leather, Black, Lined, Unisex
Insignia, BOS, Enlisted Personnel, US
Insignia, Distinguishing, USAF, Olive Green, Subdued
Jacket, PTG
Pants, PTG
T-Shirt, Athlete’s, PTG
Shorts, PTG
Jacket, Polyester/Wool, AF Shade 1605, w/ removable liner
Necktie, Blue, AF Shade 1622
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, S/S, AF Shade 1550 Tapered, w/
regular collar
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, L/S, w/ Epaulets, Blue, AF Shade
Shoes, Oxford, Black, Plain Toe
Socks, Cotton/Nylon, Black
Socks, Cotton/Nylon/Wool, Black
Standard Air Force Name Tag, Individual, Blue, Plastic
Tape, Textile, Nylon, Plain Weave, Subdued, 1"Wide
Towel, Cotton/Polyester, White
Trousers, OCP
Trousers, Wool/Polyester, Serge, 10 oz., Blue, AF Shade
92 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
Trousers, Wool/Polyester, Tropical, 10 oz, Blue, AF Shade
T-Shirt, Moisture-Wicking Tan 499
Undershirt, Cotton, White
Athletic, running shoes
Table A3.2. Initial Uniform Clothing Issue and other branch Prior Service Transferred -
Bag, Duffel
Belt, Cotton, Web, Blue w/ Black Clip
Belt, Trousers, Web, Blue, w/ Chromium Plate
Boots, Combat, Green, Mildew & Water Resistant
Buckle, Belt, Brass
Buckle, Belt, Chromium Plated
Cap Garrison, AF Shade 1620
Cap, Patrol, Operational Camouflage Uniform (OCP)
Coat, All Weather w/Removable Liner, Cotton/Polyester,
Coat, Service, Wool/Polyester, Serge, 10 oz, Blue, AF Shade
Coat, Female, OCP
Gloves, Lea, Black, Lined, Unisex
Handbag, Black, Plastic
Insignia, BOS, Enlisted Personnel, US
Insignia, Distinguishing, USAF, Olive Green, Subdued
Jacket, PTG
Pants, PTG
T-Shirt, Athlete’s, PTG
Shorts, PTG
Jacket, Polyester/Wool, Blue, AF Shade 1605, w/ removable
Neck Tab, Blue, AF Shade 1622
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, S/S, AF Shade 1550 w/ Convertible
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, L/S, AF Shade 1550 w/ Convertible
Shoes, Oxford, Black
Skirt, Wool/Polyester, Tropical, 10 oz, Blue, AF Shade 1608
Skirt, Wool/Polyester, Tropical, 10 oz, Blue, AF Shade 1620
Slacks, Wool/Polyester, Tropical, 10 oz, Blue, AF Shade
Slacks, Wool/Polyester, Tropical, 10 oz, Blue, AF Shade
Socks, Cotton/Nylon, Black
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 93
Socks, Cotton/Nylon/Wool, Black
Standard Air Force Name Tag Individual, Blue, Plastic
Tape, Textile, Nylon, Plain Weave, Subdued, 1"Wide
Towel, Cotton/Polyester, White
Trousers, Female, OCP
T-Shirt, Athlete's, Moisture-Wicking Tan 499
Cash Allowance (includes pumps)
Table A3.3. ANG Academy of Military Science Officer Candidates Non-prior Service
Initial Items - Men.
Belt, Cotton, Web, Blue w/ Chromium Clip
Belt, Cotton, Web, Blue w/ Black Clip
Boots, Combat, Green, w/ Speed Lacing
Buckle, Belt, Chromium Plated
Buckle, Belt, Brass
Cap, Garrison, AF Shade 1620 (Officer)
Cap, Patrol, Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP)
Coat, All Weather w/ Removable Liner, Cotton/Polyester,
Coat, Service, Wool/Polyester, Serge, 10 oz Blue, AF Shade
1620 w/ epaulets
Coat, OCP
Drawers, Cotton, White
Gloves, Leather, Black, Lined, Unisex
Insignia, BOS, US
Insignia, Distinguishing, USAF, Subdued
Jacket, Polyester/Wool, Blue AF Shade 1605, w/ removable
Necktie, Blue, AF Shade 1622
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, S/S, AF Shade 1550 Tapered, w/
regular collar
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, L/S, w/ Epaulet, Blue, AF Shade
Shoes, Patent leather, hi-Gloss, poromeric
Socks, Cotton/Nylon, Black
Socks, Cotton/Nylon/Wool, Black
Standard Air Force Name Tag, Individual, Blue, Plastic
Towel, Cotton/Polyester, White
Trousers, OCP
Trousers, Wool/Polyester, Serge, 10 oz, Blue, AF Shade
T-Shirt, Moisture-Wicking Tan 499
Undershirt, Cotton, White
94 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
Table A3.4. ANG Academy of Military Sciences Officer Candidates Non-prior Service
Initial Items - Women.
Belt, Cotton, Web, Blue w/ Black Clip
Belt, Trousers, Web, Blue, w/ Chromium Plate
Boots, Combat, Green w/ Speed Lacing
Buckle Belt, Brass
Buckle, Belt, Chromium Plated
Cap Garrison, (Flight), AF Shade 1620 (Officer)
Cap, Patrol, Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP)
Coat, All Weather w/Removable Liner, Cotton/Polyester,
Coat, Service, Wool/Polyester, AF Shade 1620 w/ epaulets
Coat, Female, OCP
Gloves, Leather, Black, Lined, Unisex
Insignia, BOS, US
Insignia, Distinguishing, USAF, Subdued
Jacket, Polyester/Wool, Blue, AF Shade 1605, w/ removable
Neck Tab, Blue, AF Shade 1622
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, S/S, AF Shade 1550 w/ Convertible
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, L/S, AF Shade 1550 w/ Convertible
Shoes, Oxford, Black (pair)
Skirt, Wool/Polyester, Serge, 10 oz, Blue, AF Shade 1620
Slacks, Wool/Polyester, Serge, 10 oz, Blue, AF Shade 1620
Socks, Cotton/Nylon, Black
Socks, Cotton/Nylon/Wool, Black
Standard Air Force Name Tag, Individual, Blue, Plastic
Towel, Cotton/Polyester, White
Trousers, Female, OCP
T-Shirt, Athlete's, Moisture-Wicking Tan 499
Cash Allowance (includes pumps, undergarments, purses)
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 95
Table A3.5. Prior Enlisted Academy of Military Science Officer Candidates Item Uniform
Clothing Issue - Men.
Coat, OCP
Coat, Service Wool/Polyester, AF Shade 1620
Shirt, Cotton /Polyester, S/S, AF Shade 1550, Tapered, w/
regular collar
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, L/S, w/ Epaulet, Blue AF Shade
Trousers, Wool/Polyester, Serg, 10 oz, AF Shade 1550
Cap, Garrison, AF Blue, Shade 1620
Shoes, Poromeric
Table A3.6. Prior Enlisted Academy of Military Science Officer Candidates Item Uniform
Clothing Issue - Women.
Coat, Female, OCP
Coat, Service, Wool/Polyester, AF Shade 1620
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, S/S, w/ Convertible Collar, AF
Shade 1550, Tuck-in
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, L/S, w/ Convertible Collar, AF
Shade 1550, Tuck-in
Slacks, Wool/Polyester, AF Shade 1620
Skirt, Wool/Polyester, AF Shade 1620
Cap, Garrison, AF Blue, Shade 1620
Shoes, Poromeric
Table A3.7. Senior Enlisted Advisor of the US Air Force Reserve/National Guard.
Coat, Service, Wool/Polyester, Blue, AF Shade 1620
Trousers, Service, Wool/Polyester Blue, AF Shade 1620
Shirt, Cotton/Polyester, L/S or S/S, w/ epaulets, AF Shade
Shoes, Black, Poromeric
96 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
Table A3.8. ANG Normal Fair Wear & Tear Allowance(s) Men (Effective only after 36
months have expired from the initial uniform issued at BMTS).
Full-Time Technician,
Active Guard Reserve
Drill Status Guardsman
Bag, duffel, nylon, OG
Belt, cotton, web, blue,
w/chromium plate
1ea/2 year
Belt, Riggers, Tan 499
1ea/3 year
1ea/4 year
Boots, Combat, Temperate
Coyote (pair)
1 pair/2 year
1 pair/3 year
1ea/2 year
Cap, garrison (flight cap),
AF Shade 1620
1ea/2 year
1ea/3 year
Cap, Patrol, Operational
Camouflage Uniform
1ea/2 year
Coat, all weather,
w/removable liner
1ea/5 year
1ea/6 year
Coat, OCP
1ea/2 year
1ea/3 year
Coat, service, wool/poly,
serge, AF Shade 1620
1ea/4 year
1ea/4 year
Drawers, cotton briefs,
Gloves, leather, black,
1 pair/3 year
1 pair/4 year
Insignia, branch of service,
1 set/3 year
1 set/4 year
Jacket, men’s lightweight
w/ removable liner
1 ea/4 year
1 ea/4 year
Jacket, PTG
1 ea/4 year
1 ea/4 year
Necktie, four-in-hand
1 ea/3 year
1 ea/4 year
Name tag, metal
1 ea/4 year
1 ea/4 year
Name tag, plastic
1 ea/2 year
1 ea/3 year
Name tapes, USAF
1 ea/2 year
1 ea/3 year
Name tapes
1 ea/3 year
1 ea/3 year
Pants, PTG
1 pair/3 year
1 pair/3 year
Shirts cotton/poly, short
1 ea/2 year
1 ea/3 year
Shoes, Oxford, men’s dress
1 pair/2 year
1 pair/4 year
Socks, boot, green
2 pair/2 year
2 pair/4 year
Socks, athletic, crew, white
Socks, dress
1 pair/annually
1 pair/2 year
Towels, bath, cotton, white
Trousers, OCP
1 pair/2 year
1 pair/3 year
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 97
Trousers wool/poly, serge,
AF SH1620
1 pair/3 year
1 pair/4 year
Shorts, PTG
1 pair/3 year
1 pair/3 year
T-Shirt, PTG
1 ea/2 year
1 ea/3 year
T-Shirt, Moisture-Wicking
Tan 499
1 ea/annually
1 ea/2 year
Running shoes
98 DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023
Table A3.9. ANG Normal Fair Wear & Tear Allowance(s) Women (Effective only after
36 months have expired from the initial uniform issued at BMTS).
Full-Time Technician,
Active Guard Reserve
Drill Status Guardsman
Bag, duffel, nylon, OG
Belt, cotton, web, blue,
w/chromium plate
1 ea/annually
1 ea/2 year
Belt, Riggers, Tan 499
1 ea/3 year
1 ea/4 year
Boots, Combat, Temperate
Coyote, (pair)
1 pair/2 year
1 pair/3 year
1 ea/annually
1 ea/2 year
Cap, garrison (flight cap),
AF SH 1620
1 ea/2 year
1 ea/3 year
Cap, Patrol, Operational
Camouflage Pattern (OCP)
1 ea/annually
1 ea/2 year
Coat, all weather,
w/removable liner
1 ea/5 year
1 ea/6 year
Coat, Female, OCP
1ea/2 year
1 ea/3 year
Coat, service, wool/poly,
serge, AF Shade 1620
1ea/4 year
1 ea/4 year
Gloves, leather, black,
1 pair/3 year
1 pair/4 year
Insignia, branch of service,
1 set/3 year
1 set/4 year
Jacket, women’s
lightweight w/ removable
1 ea/4 year
1 ea/4 year
Jacket, PTG
1 ea/4 year
1 ea/4 year
Neck tabs, blue, AF SH
1 ea/3 year
1 ea/4 year
Name tag, metal
1 ea/4 year
1 ea/4 year
Name tag, plastic
1 ea/2 year
1 ea/3 year
Name tapes, USAF
1 ea/2 year
1 ea/3 year
Name tapes
1 ea/3 year
1 ea/3 year
Pants, PTG
1 pair/3 year
1 pair/3 year
Shirts cotton/poly, long
sleeve, AF SH 1550 (tuck
1 ea/2 year
1 ea/3 year
Shirts cotton/poly, short
sleeve, AF SH 1550 (tuck
1 ea/2 year
1 ea/3 year
Slacks darted wool/poly
AF SH 1620
1 pair/3 year
1 pair/4 year
Skirt darted wool/poly AF
SH 1620
1 ea/3 year
1 ea/4 year
DAFI36-3012 6 APRIL 2023 99
Shoes, Oxford, Women’s
dress black
1 pair/2 year
1 pair/4 year
Socks, boot, green
2 pair/2 year
2 pair/4 year
Socks, athletic, crew, white
Socks, dress
1 pair/annually
1 pair/2 year
Towels, bath, cotton, white
Trousers, Female, OCP
1 pair/2 year
1 pair/3 year
Shorts, PTG
1 pair/3 year
1 pair/3 year
T-Shirt, PTG
1 ea/2 year
1 ea/3 year
T-Shirt, Athlete's,
Moisture-Wicking Tan 499
1 ea/annually
1 ea/2 year
Running shoes
Pumps, black dress
Lingerie, Stockings,