Logo Guidelines
Print Collateral
Social Media Guidelines
Photography and
Videography Guidelines
Branding Disclosure
Official and Common Names
Brand Identity
Official Voice and Tone
Brand Colors
Logo Variations
Free Space and Logo Placement
Retired Logos
Business Cards
Email Signatures
Uniforms and Name Badges
Promotional “Swag” Items &
Branded Giveaways
Memo Template
Agenda Template
Policy Template
Event Graphic Footer
Posting Guidelines
ASI Collaborations Principles
Dos and Don’ts
Overlay Treatments
Branding Disclosure
Official and Common Names
This style guide should be followed to maintain branding consistency. Logos are to be used only as explicitly depicted in this
guide. You may not distribute branding graphics to others without the written permission of Associated Students, Inc. (ASI)
of California State University San Marcos. Please contact ASI regarding the usage of any logo or brand-related material.
Standards for logo usage must be adhered to at all times.
Official Names:
Formal names shall be used in all official documents pertaining to Associated Students, Inc. of California State University San
Marcos or a specific entity of ASI. Formal names are to be used first in all written and verbal documents and if the name is
repeated, then it is acceptable to use its abbreviation or common name. The official name of the organization is Associated
Students, Inc. of California State University San Marcos. The official names of the organization’s entities are the ASI Board of
Directors, ASI Campus Activities Board, ASI Cougar Pantry. ASI Media and Communications Team, ASI Front Desk.
Common Name (Abbreviations):
These names are to be used for causal speeches or written documents. Common names are encouraged to follow the formal
name in speeches in order to clarify each entitys abbreviation. The commons names of the organization are ASI, ASI BOD,
Official Voice and Tone
Across all mediums of communication, the official voice and tone of Associated
Students, Inc. should be maintained and upheld. The voice is the brand personality,
while the tone is a subset of the voice but changes with the audience, situation, and
The Official Voices of Associated Students, Inc. Are:
The Official Tones of Associated Students, Inc. Are:
Determined - Innovative - Advocate - Welcoming
Hard Working
Primary Font
Secondary Font
Alternate Fonts
Encode Sans
Weights: Medium, Italicized, Black,
Bold, Bold Outlined
Nature Beauty is used for the ASI
Cougar Pantry logotype.
Serif Font
Times New Roman is used for
body copy. This serif font allows
for greater readability in long
form copy such as agendas,
memorandums, and resolutions.
Calibri is used as for alternate body
copy. This font can be used for
memorandums, leerheads, and
email signatures.
He aters
Heaters is used with the ASI Crew
volunteer team logo.
Weights: Light, Medium,
Italicized, Bold, Bold Outlined
Brand Colors
Main Brand Colors
Brand Extension Colors
Festival 78 Brand Colors
CMYK: 30/30/30/100 CMYK: 100/80/0/100
CMYK: 100/80/0/0
CMYK: 60/0/26/0CMYK: 0/81/63/0
CMYK: 65/9/0/0CMYK: 84/35/100/28
CMYK: 0/0/0/0
HEX: #000000 HEX: #000F4B
HEX: #2F3F86
HEX: #50C3C6HEX: #EF5857
HEX: #35B7E9HEX: #266726
RGB: 0/0/0 RGB: 0/15/75
RGB: 47/63/134
RGB: 80/195/198RGB: 239/88/87
RGB: 53/183/233RGB: 38/103/38
RGB: 255/255/255
The ASI logo must be included on all internal and external stationery, print and
marketing collateral, and multimedia content. Any item containing any logo associated
with ASI must be reviewed and approved by the ASI Media & Communications
Coordinator prior to production or publication of any kind. The ASI logo should not be
manipulated by any means and should abide by the following guidelines.
TYPE: Symbol Only
USE: This minimal logo is often used
on swag items, fivers and sometimes
minimally hidden in ASI designs that
are used on shirts.
TYPE: Symbol with Acconyms
USE: This logo is often used on flyers
and graphics. It is minimal, but also
useful when an item needs to show the
viewer that it is associated with ASl
and CSUSM.
TYPE: Symbol with Full Name
USE: This logo is often used when
there is a need for the full name of
ASl and CSUSM. It is used on certain
flyers when it compliments the design.
TYPE: Symbol With Line & Full Name
USE: This logo is often used as a footer to certain
graphics. Often times this logo will fit better into
certain types of graphics or fiyers. It compliments
graphics with horizontal paragraphs.
TYPE: Symbol with ASI Full Name
USE: This logo is often used on polo
shirts and other ASI Uniform items.
Logo Variations
Volunteer Logos Free Space & Logo Placement
Appropriate spacing is required
around the Associated Students, Inc.
Logo. There must be a 0.25” spacing
for small documents and a 0.5”
spacing for standard documents.
In the case of collaboration or co-branding with a partner, the ASI logo
should be appear on either side of the partner logo with a dividing line
between. The free space guidelines should still be followed. The ASI logo
should not be manipulated to combine with the partner brand.
Refer to the ASI Collaborations Principles document for more information.
Left Alignment Right AlignmentCenter Alignment
Retired Logos
The envelope must include the ASI logo,
office address, and space to include the
recipient information.
The letterhead must include the ASI logo. The footer must
include the organization, office address, and contact
information. This should be used for all official ASI letters and
333 S. Tarin Oaks Valley Road, USU 3700, San Marcos, CA, 92096
asilicsusmedu| www.cuust./edu/as | Phone: 760.750.4990 | Fax 760.750.3349
Business Cards
Email Signatures
Business cards must include the ASI logo on the front side. On the back
side, the card must include full name, title/role, contact information, and
office address.
Email signatures must include full name, pronouns, title/role,
organization, office address, and contact information.
Reply signatures can be a shortened form.
Firstname Lastname
333 S Twin Oaks Valley Rd,
San Marcos, CA 92096
Uniforms and Name Badges
ASI apparel should be worn at all times when representing ASI. The following
guide outlines who is able to wear the ASI branded items and when to wear them.
Each employee or board member will receive a ASI
staff shirt and a name badge. ASI members represent
the organization when interacting with students, faculty,
staff, and campus community. The staff shirt should be
worn when tabling, working, and/or staffing events in
order to be clearly recognized by students. The staff shirt
is a black shirt with the ASI logo on the front pocket area
and the back of the shirt and should be worn with their
ASI Square Full Name Logo.
The ASI volunteer shirt should be worn when volunteering
in order to be clearly recognized by students and campus
community. The volunteer shirt is a black shirt with the ASI
logo on the front pocket area and the back of the shirt and
should be worn with their volunteer nametag.
ASI Staff Shirts
ASI Volunteer Shirts
ASI Board of Directors Polos
ASI Square Abbreviated Logo.
The ASI Board of Directors should be wearing their ASI
polo when tabling, presenting, and/or attending committee
meetings in order to represent our organization in a
professional manner. The ASI Board of Directors polo has
the ASI logo on the front pocket area and should be worn
with their nametag. ASI committee advisors and standing
invitees can receive an ASI polo.
ASI Cougar Pantry
ASI Cougar Pantry Logo
The ASI Cougar Pantry staff and interns should be wearing
their ASI aprons when working in the pantry space so
students will be able to identify them easily. The ASI apron
is a green apron with the ASI Cougar Pantry logo centered
in the middle of the chest area.
The name badge must be worn on the upper right-hand
side of the chest on your outer most garment. Name
badges should be worn when working at all times.
Name Badges
Promotional “Swag” Items & Branded Giveaways
All promotional items and branded giveaways should incorporate the ASI
logo in the design, but should not be the only design element on apparel items.
Memo Template Memo Template (Social Media)
The Memo Template serves to share important and
pressing information to the student body in a way
that is accessible across platforms.
When posted on social media, ASI utilizes a strong quote from the long-
from memorandum. A quote is used to post a cover photo alongside a
copy of the long-form memorandum.
Agenda Template Policy Template
Committee meeting agendas should list the committee
composition, advisors, and standing invitees on the left side
of the agenda. It also must include the committee’s name,
meeting date, location, and date posted at the top. The
agenda lists the number of items that need to be discussed,
presented, or voted upon, as well as the agenda topic and
ASI policies and procedures must include the
ASI header. The policy/procedure must have
the name, effective date, and approval date
stated at the top of the document.
Sample Graphics
Event Graphic Footer
Every event graphic should include the accessibility statement which can be accessed here.
Every footer should include the ASI logo and website, if not included in the flyer design.
Graphic Guidelines
• Grapic size should be 24 by 36 inches for A-frames.
• Every graphic should be exported with 300 dpi.
• Upload Ai, PNG file to sharepoint.
• Use Futura font for body text
• CMYK for printing
• RGB for screen
• Include QR and/or link for events
• Use footer on the bottom of the graphic.
• For items ordered at a print shop add an 1/8th inch bleed
• Have the event information clear to read.
• Outline text and embed images before sending to printing
• Common versions/sizes
A-frame: 24x36”
Letter/USU TV: 8.5x11”
CP TV: 1920x1080px
• Min. Font sizes: Title 170pt, Critical info 85pt, Desc 50pt.
Do double check for spellings
Do make sure the design is aligned and evenly spaced.
Do pay attention to how much white space is between your letters.
Do be inclusive and representative.
Don’t use too many different fonts.
Don’t overload your design with too many images.
Don’t use other designs that’re not yours.
Don’t forget about your audience
Do/Dont’s of Graphic
Video Caption
These sizes are meant to be used as a guideline for anticipated
visibility. Different fonts will require different treatments. Use your
best judgment when it comes to readability.
Font: Futura (Condensed ExtraBold)
Size: 93pt
Black stroke: 34pt
Placement: 11,-629
Font: Futura (Condensed Medium)
Size: 52pt
Black Stroke: 4pt
Placement: Middle bottom
Social Media Guidelines
ASI connects with our campus community through a
variety of different social media platforms that include
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
Although, each platform has different word, photo,
and video limitations, ASI strives to maintain a clear
and consistent voice.
Don’t make your own social media post using asi’s logo
Don’t crop, alter, cut, or edit an existing design or video
Don’t create your own marketing without running it by an ASI supervisor
Don’t screenshot ASI’s stories on Instagram
Do schedule a quick connect to talk out a vision or idea!
Do let ASI know if details change
Our social media is managed by the ASI Media
and Communications Team.
• Instagram: @asi.csusm
• Facebook: ASI of CSUSM
• Twitter: @asi_csusm
• YouTube: ASI CSUSM
• LinkedIn: Associated Students, Inc. of CSUSM
Posting Guidelines
Social Media Channels
Do/Dont’s of Social Media
Avoid text: Posts that are memos, updates,
and campaigns are acceptable to use text.
Refer to the Photography and Videography
Guidelines for best practices.
Avoid Acronyms - assume viewers haven’t
seen ASI before.
Avoid long form URLs.
Utilize hashtags when appropriate.
Include calls to action when possible to
encourage more engagement.
Inclusive Language
Emoji-Use: Avoid over-usage of emojis.
Practice intentionality with use of skin tones
and gender expressions.
Open Captions
Closed Captions (YouTube)
ASI strives to recognize and respect the diverse cultures we
have within our campus community. Below are the holidays,
cultural/ heritage months, and dates of significance that ASI
will be acknowledging and celebrating:
ASI defines collaboration as a program, event, or initiative that is
developed with the input of multiple stakeholders, including student voices.
All ASI collaborations will include at least one ASI student representative.
The ASI representative must play an active role in the planning process.
Refer to the ASI Collaborations Principles document for more information.
• New Years Day (January 1)
• Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Third Monday in January)
• Black History Month (February)
• Women’s History Month (March)
• Cesar Chavez Day (March 31)
• Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)
• Asian American Pacific Islander Month (May)
• LGBTQ Pride Month (June)
• Juneteenth National Independence Day (June 19)
• Independence Day (July 4)
• Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct.15)
• Constitution Day (September 17)
• Veterans Day (November 11)
• Halloween (October 31)
• Giving Day (November)
• American Indian Heritage Month (November)
• Happy Holidays (December)
Dates of Significance
Share posts from the ASI Instagram
ASI Collaborations Principles
Promote events by spreading awareness about ASI initiatives
Either repost the actual post or make sure to tag @asi.csusm so
Viewers are able to find their way to ASI’s account
Engage with posts! Double tap, comment, tag a friend.
Tag us in your stories/posts so that we can share them!
Make it your own- add your personal touch!
Add a “tap here” or “click here” gif
Drives people back to the ASI page to learn more
Post student stories that tag us in their own content, however do
NOT post stories that might have explicit content in it
Responding to comments/Dms
• State the facts
• If you’re not sure ask a prostaff/event coordinator
• Know when to step away and come back at a later time
• Don’t reply in the heat of the moment
• Anything can be screenshotted
• When possible DM people to get out of the public eye
and refer to them to come into the office to talk in person
or email or zoom
• Review any flyers/social posts that has the ASI logo on it
make sure it has been approved before
• Meet with external partners about language and use of ASI logo
• Accept or decline partner IG requests
• Make sure all information is correct before accepting
As well as talking to Breckon and/or co-Prostaff before accepting
reposting content that we have been tagged in
• TAG collaborators in our OWN posts as well
Photography and Videography Guidelines
Overlay Treatments
Unnatural poses
Dark/unclear photos/videos
Generic stock photos/videos
Harsh Filters
Overlay treatments are used mostly in graphic
designs and video backgrounds in order to create
a more unified look and feel.
Monochromatic overlays should be used to create
more texture and life to a design.
Action shots
Candid shots
Fun moments
Serious moments
Still portraits
Diverse student body
Aerial view/Drone shots
Campus shots
Unique perspectives
Natural sunlight and shadows