Detach emotionally and personalise
your home
Changing your mindset, and detaching
emotionally from your property, will help
you to make better decisions about how to
depersonalise your home.
Declutter your home
- Purge: Grab a big garbage bag and place
broken, damaged, or dirty items to take to
the tip.
- Donate: Grab a few cardboard boxes, label
them with categories such as clothes, shoes,
and kitchenware, and sort out items you
would like to donate.
- Sell: Grab your phone, a pen and paper,
and a big box. Start taking photos of items
you want to sell.
Deep clean
Grab those rubber gloves, a bucket of soapy
water and a sponge and start cleaning those
walls, oors, tiles, light xtures, and furniture.
Get rid of mould, dust, and ngermarks.
Fix minor repairs
Fix the minor repairs around your home to
help potential buyers stay interested.
Schedule your minor repairs
Scheduling minor repairs with a local trade
or even your calendar ensures the item will
be completed within a time frame you are
comfortable with.
Paint where it needs it most
Paint scuff marks and stains, or x any paint
that has started to come off the wall.
Preparing your home
for sale - checklist
A practical guide to getting your home ready for sale
real estate
Organise your home
Use a labelling system, storage boxes, and
organiser containers.
Organise bedroom closets and storage
Ensure that all of your items are neatly
stored away and organised.
Store away personal items
Before any open home, remove any personal
items you don’t wish to be on display.
Consider renting a storage unit
Hiring a storage unit may be the perfect
solution if you want to declutter and
depersonalise your property but don’t have
the storage space to store your items.
Choose a style and start designing
your interior
Researching ideas for inspiration is a great
way to start enhancing your home. Find the
design style and colour scheme you aim to
create. Then look around your home for any
items that help to create that style.
Carefully consider furniture
Complement your styling by choosing
furniture that matches your interior design,
and try to avoid or store old worn-out
furniture where possible.
Give each room a purpose
Giving each room and space a purpose
provides your potential buyers with visions
of how they can use each area.
Focus on ow
Each room and area should ow to the next
as potential buyers explore your property.
Improve your lighting
Using the combination of natural light,
ceiling lighting and lamps, you can create
a space that feels peaceful and relaxing or
productive and energising.
Inspect your carpets; do they need a
Fresh carpets can give your home a re-
energised feel even if the rugs and carpets
are due for an update.
Organise professional help
- Local builder
- Plumber
- Electrician
- Designer/Architect
- Project Manager
- Air conditioner cleaner
- Mould remover
Sort out smells
To help keep your home smelling fresh
and beautiful, consider the following:
- Airing out your house regularly
- Having natural plants in your home
- Putting out the rubbish daily
- Never leaving wet washing lying around
Tidy and enhance the front of the
Street appeal can attract local residents,
their family members and people driving
or walking past to pick up the phone and
contact one of our agents for a closer look!
Preparing your home
for sale - checklist
A practical guide to getting your home ready for sale
real estate
Fresh paint
Use the exterior as a statement for your
home; consider adding a fresh coat of paint
to fencing, doors, trimmings, and letterbox.
Get out your gardening tools, or hire a
professional gardener
Keep the outside tidy and attractive by
mowing lawns, weeding and maintaining
Use a cleaning checklist
A checklist can help you create a timeframe
for each job, keep you on track and ensure
you remember all the jobs you need to
complete before putting your property on
the market.
Scroll through Fall Real Estate’s recent
property photos for inspiration
Evaluate which properties stand out to you,
and think about why. You can also speak
to one of our property agents about real
examples of what has worked and why
those properties sold quickly and for a great
Create a mood
Encourage light into the home by rolling
up blinds, opening windows and adding
mirrors. Keep the house warm on cold days
and let fresh air ow through on warm days.
Secure your pets
Keeping animals secured or, better yet, in
another location during inspections is a
sensible idea. This allows buyers to feel at
ease when inspecting the property.
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real estate
Plan something to do on the open
Plan something to do and be away during
the open home, such as heading out for a
nice breakfast or lunch. This can be a great
way to pass the time and distract you from
anxious feelings.
It’s not over after the open home
Aim to have your property looking its
best at all times. Unfortunately, you never
know when a buyer wants to make an
Consult your property agent
You will receive professional advice and
appraisals from experienced property
agents. They will provide valuable ideas,
suggestions and a wealth of knowledge
from their professional background as you
start your selling journey.
Following these tips to present your home
to the property market will make you one
step closer to a great sale outcome.
Contact a Fall Real Estate sales agent today
and ask for an obligation-free sales appraisal
to ensure you are on the right track to
selling your property.
Preparing your home
for sale - checklist
A practical guide to getting your home ready for sale
real estate
Find your local Fall ofce!
North Hobart | 03 6234 7033
370 Elizabeth Street, North Hobart
Sandy Bay | 03 6225 4000
3 Gregory Street, Sandy Bay
Moonah | 03 6228 2960
21 Main Road, Moonah
Kingston Beach | 03 6229 2960
31 Beach Road, Kingston Beach
Lindisfarne | 03 6243 1353
37 Lincoln Street, Lindisfarne
Howrah | 03 6247 3022
4 Howrah Road, Howrah
Sorell | 03 6248 7666
1/3 Fitzroy Street, Sorell
Lauderdale | 03 6248 7666
456 South Arm Road, Lauderdale
Visit for more checklists and
real estate resources.
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