Los Angeles
Measuring Linguistic Empathy:
An Experimental Approach to Connecting
Linguistic and Social Psychological Notions of Empathy
A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the
requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
in Applied Linguistics
Trevor Kann
© Copyright by
Trevor Kann
Measuring Linguistic Empathy:
An Experimental Approach to Connecting
Linguistic and Social Psychological Notions of Empathy
Trevor Kann
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics
University of California, Los Angeles, 2017
Professor Olga Tsuneko Yokoyama, Chair
This dissertation investigated the relationship between Linguistic Empathy and
Psychological Empathy by implementing a psycholinguistic experiment that measured a
person’s acceptability ratings of sentences with violations of Linguistic Empathy and
correlating them with a measure of the person’s Psychological Empathy. Linguistic
Empathy demonstrates a speaker’s attitude and identification with a person or event in an
utterance (Kuno & Kaburaki, 1977; Kuno, 1987; Silverstein, 1976; Yokoyama, 1986). This
identification is represented in the utterance through a speaker’s unconscious/automatic
selection from grammatically valid options that convey pragmatically different attitudes.
On the other hand, Psychological Empathy is a social psychological notion that allows a
person to understand and experience the emotional reality of others. The capacity for
Psychological Empathy is known to differ among individuals, and assessment of this
capacity is often implemented in a clinical setting to indicate those at risk of conditions
with deficits of Empathy, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder. This study measured
Psychological Empathy with the Empathy Quotient test, which was designed for both
clinical and non-clinical settings (Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright, 2004).
This study extended the notion of Linguistic Empathy from a linguistic phenomenon
that is represented in speech to a measurable trait in an individual. The measure of
Linguistic Empathy specifies the individual’s capacity to notice and rate sentences that are
grammatically valid but contain unnatural violations of Linguistic Empathy phenomena
I met Nancy
Nancy met me
). The results of the experiment showed that
Linguistic Empathy is a measurable and systematic trait, and that it has a significant
positive correlation with Psychological Empathy. This correlation suggests that despite
their disparate theoretical origins, Linguistic and Psychological Empathy share a common
information processing component. One important clinical application of the results is to
use a test of Linguistic Empathy as an unbiased screen for individuals at risk for a deficit of
Psychological Empathy.
The dissertation of Trevor Kann is approved.
Eran Zaidel
Jesse Aron Harris
Olga Tsuneko Yokoyama, Committee Chair
University of California, Los Angeles
To Jenni,
for challenging and inspiring me
desde Simon Dice
EMPATHY: AN INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 EMPATHY IN SOCIETY AND LANGUAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 GOALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.1 MEASURING LINGUISTIC EMPATHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
AND PSYCHOLOGICAL EMPATHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.3 METHODOLOGICAL IMPACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.4 CONFIRMATIONS AND EXTENSIONS OF EMPATHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 SUMMARIES OF CHAPTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1 PSYCHOLOGICAL EMPATHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1.1 AFFECTIVE AND COGNITIVE EMPATHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1.2 PSYCHOLOGICAL EMPATHY MEASURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2 LINGUISTIC EMPATHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.1 EMPATHY PERSPECTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
THEIR PRAGMASEMANTIC CONNECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.2.3 POINT OF VIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.2.4 SENTENTIAL TOPICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.2.5 PASSIVE CONSTRUCTIONS AND RECIPROCAL VERBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.2.6 UNIVERSAL AND INDIVIDUAL NOTIONS OF EMPATHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.3 EMPATHY IN THIS STUDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH TO EMPATHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.0 INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.1 RATIONALE FOR EXPERIMENTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.1.1 MEASURE OF LINGUISTIC EMPATHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.1.2 MEASURES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL EMPATHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.1.3 BENEFITS OF LINGUISTIC EXPERIMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.2 LINGUISTIC MANIPULATION OF THE STIMULI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.2.1 OPERATIONALIZATION OF EMPATHY HIERARCHIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.2.2 TARGET SENTENCES AND CONTEXT SENTENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 58
3.2.3 CONDITIONS OF THE STIMULI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.3 PREDICTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.3.1 STIMULUS TYPES AND EMPATHY HIERARCHIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.3.2 EXPERIMENT DESIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.3.3 SENSITIVITY TO LINGUISTIC EMPATHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
PSYCHOLOGICAL EMPATHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.4 METHODOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.4.1 PARTICIPANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.4.2 STIMULI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.4.3 PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
LINGUISTIC AND PSYCHOLOGICAL EMPATHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.1 RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.1.1 RECIPROCAL ITEMS AND EXPERIMENT VALIDATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 DEFINING CONDITIONS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 LINGUISTIC EMPATHY SENSITIVITY AND
. . . . . . 81
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 DEFINING CONDITIONS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 LINGUISTIC EMPATHY SENSITIVITY AND
. . . . . . 87
4.1.3 COMPARISON ACROSS SENTENCE TYPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.2 DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4.2.1 DEFINING CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4.2.2 DIFFERENCE MEASURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.2.3 LINGUISTIC EMPATHY MEASURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4.3 LIMITATIONS AND EXTENSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
5.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
5.1 METHODOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
5.2 MEASURE OF LINGUISTIC EMPATHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
AND PSYCHOLOGICAL EMPATHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
5.4 ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL EXTENSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
5.5 UNDERLYING EMPATHY PROCESSING COMPONENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Figure 2.1: Kuno & Kaburaki’s “Empathy and Camera Angles” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Table 3.1: Example Trials, Violations, and Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Table 3.2: Reciprocal Stimulus Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Table 3.3: Active/Passive Stimulus Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Figure 3.1: Sample Trial of the Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Figure 4.1: Mean Ratings, Reciprocal Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Table 4.1: Sample Reciprocal Sentences for the Defining Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Table 4.2: Mean Ratings and Correlations, Reciprocal Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Table 4.3: Mean Ratings and Correlations, Reciprocal Difference Measures . . . . . 81
Figure 4.2: Correlation of EQ and Linguistic Empathy, Reciprocal Sentences . . . . 83
Figure 4.3: Mean Ratings, Active/Passive Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Table 4.4: Sample Active/Passive Sentences for Defining Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Table 4.5: Mean Ratings and Correlations, Active/Passive Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Table 4.6: Mean Ratings and Correlations, Active/Passive Difference Measures . . 86
Figure 4.4: Correlation of EQ and Linguistic Empathy, Active/Passive Sentences. . 88
Language/Empathy Terms:
NP Noun Phrase
ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder
EQ Empathy Quotient
HES Hogan Empathy Scale
IRI Interpersonal Reactivity Index
QMEE Questionnaire Measure of Emotional Empathy
Rasch Analysis A method for measuring latent traits like attitude or ability
Statistics Terms:
ANOVA Analysis of Variance: statistical method for testing between
and among groups
SD Standard Deviation
M Mean
SE Standard Error: standard deviation of the sampling
distribution of a statistic
Mean of the within group variances
Mean Squared Error: risk function corresponding to expected
Probability value of obtaining a result (statistical significance)
Partial Eta Squared: default measure of effect size in ANOVAs
r Correlation Coefficient: measures how closely 2 variables are
t-test Assessment of whether 2 groups are statistically different
Fisher Z Test Converts correlations into a normally distributed measure
z Comparison of a test population with a normal population
Sigma: the sum of the values that follow
Although my dissertation research has focused on Empathy, what I have learned
about this topic was exponentially eclipsed by the insight I have gained from my loved ones
and from my committee. The Empathy that the people mentioned below have shown me is
the central reason that I have been able to complete this dissertation.
I must first and foremost thank those in my personal life for their love, support, and
patience throughout academic career. Jenni, the passion you exhibit toward everything you
undertake, no matter how daunting the task, is both humbling and inspiring. Since we
were thirteen, the intellectual and emotional fortitude with which you carry yourself have
challenged me to strive in ways I could have never imagined. Mom, you demonstrate more
Empathy than anyone I know, and I live my life hoping to show others the type of kindness
that comes so naturally to you. I owe my love for teaching and entertaining to you. Dad,
without the love you have shown and the sacrifices you have made, I would not have had
the opportunities that I have enjoyed. Also, I know for a fact that others are super grateful
to you for making me as sarcastic as I am. Dylan, without the high academic standards you
set for us, I would have never pursued academia. I could not imagine a funnier, more
thoughtful, and more loving brother (despite always making me turn out the light even
though I was already asleep). Jee, your love and counsel that began in my youth continue to
guide me through the challenges I face. Thank you for being the first to intrigue me with
and expose me to higher educational pursuits. Ardelle, I cannot thank you enough for your
tireless generosity throughout this process; your selflessness astounds me. Finally, I must
acknowledge Mike, who instilled in me a love for teaching and linguistics at an early age,
and always smothered his tutelage and our friendship in a healthy layer of wry humor. I
regret that I could not finish this dissertation in time for him to see its completion.
I will forever be indebted for the guidance, compassion, and understanding that my
committee have exhibited. I am truly humbled by the unbelievable support they continue to
demonstrate through the difficult circumstances I have faced in this dissertation process.
Olga, you have continually exceeded the role of a mentor by providing me with layers upon
layers of support that I never knew I needed. Thanks to your mentorship, you have
motivated me to apply myself and to believe in myself, and you continue to model a
staggering level of dedication to both professional pursuits and personal convictions. I have
always felt encouraged and understood, and with this has come trust and respect for you as
an academic, an advocate, and a friend. Eran, I admire your passion for your work and for
your family, and I appreciate your ability to provoke your colleagues into meaningful
discussion and action. You personify an enviable combination of kindness and brilliance in
an advisor. Jesse, your sharp insight and thoughtful support are astounding, and your
adeptness as a younger academic is inspiring. Thank you also for providing a roof for the
experiments when we were suddenly without one. Finally, John, since I began my graduate
studies, you have embodied what I had hoped was true: that seriousness and levity are not
mutually exclusive in academia. To all of my advisors, I can only aspire to one day provide
mentorship for others with a fraction of effectiveness as you have shown me.
I would also like to acknowledge the generous contributions from the Dr. Ursula
Mandel Endowed Fellowship, which helps to fund research that endeavors to contribute to
the medical field, and to the UCLA Grad Division for the Dissertation Year Fellowship.
Additionally, I would like to thank the Department of Applied Linguistics for the Teaching
Assistance positions and other funding opportunities that have helped me become a more
effective educator and researcher.
Finally, I would also like to acknowledge my colleagues in the research team who
have contributed significantly to the development of this project. Portions of this
dissertation (primarily segments in chapters 3 and 4) overlap with a co-authored
manuscript that is currently in preparation (cited below). Olga Yokoyama and Eran Zaidel
are responsible for conceiving of and initiating the study, for assembling the wonderful
research team, and for contributing to the co-authored paper below. Additionally, I must
thank Michael Cohen for his brilliance in generating and analyzing the statistics in chapter
4. Despite the contributions from my co-authors, any mistakes in this dissertation are
entirely my own.
Kann, T., Yokoyama, O.T., Cohen, M.S., Gülser, M., Goldknopf, E., Berman, S., Erlikhman,
G., Zaidel, E. (2017).
Linguistic Empathy: Behavioral measures, physiological
correlates and correlation with Psychological Empathy.
Manuscript in preparation.
2004 B. A. Linguistics, Portuguese Minor
University of California, Los Angeles
2010 M. A. Applied Linguistics & TESOL
University of California, Los Angeles
2014 - 2016 Graduate Research Assistant, Zaidel Psychology Lab
University of California, Los Angeles
Department of Psychology
Designed, oversaw, and conducted behavioral and neurophysiological
experiments in psycholinguistics.
2009 - 2016 Teaching Assistant/Teaching Associate/Teaching Fellow/Instructor
University of California, Los Angeles
Department of Applied Linguistics
Courses Taught
o Appling 10W: Language in Action
o Appling 30W: Language and Social Interaction
o Appling 40W: Language & Gender
o Appling 101W: Language Learning and Teaching
o Appling 102W: The Nature of Language
o Appling 144M: Fundamentals of Translation
o Appling 161W: Talk and the Body
Department of Linguistics
Course taught:
o Linguistics
1: The Study of Language
Department of Writing Programs
Courses taught:
o ESL 32: Academic Interaction
o ESL 33C: Academic Writing
o ESL 34: Public Speaking
o ESL 38B: Pronunciation
UCLA Anderson School of Business
International Student Summer Program
Speaking/Listening for Business English
2012 - 2013 Instructor of English as a Second Language
Santa Monica Community College
Department of English as a Second Language
Courses taught:
o 11B: Basic English II
o 21B: English Fundamentals II
2015-2016 Dissertation Year Fellowship, UCLA
Awarded on the basis of a thorough dissertation research proposal,
organization and initiative for preliminary findings, and prospective
contributions to the field.
2015-2016 Dr. Ursula Mandel Scholarship, Endowed Fellowship
Awarded to dissertation fellows in scientific fields whose research is of
value to the medical field.
2013 Celce-Murcia Outstanding Teaching Award, UCLA
Received by one student annually. Nominated and awarded by
professors in Applied Linguistics and the Social Sciences for excellence
in teaching performance, mastery of materials, student satisfaction,
and original contributions.
2010-2013 Scholarship, Applied Linguistics, UCLA
Yokoyama, O. T. & Kann, T. (2014).
EEG methods in pragmatics research
. Paper
presented at the Second Annual American Pragmatics Conference, UCLA, Los
Angeles, CA.
Kann, T. (May 2012).
The prosodical son: The influence of music and other modalities
on evolution of language.
Paper presented at the
11th Annual Conceptual
Structure, Discourse, and Language Conference University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Social psychology and linguistics share a term,
, to designate two distinct
Psychological Empathy
Linguistic Empathy
. Psychological Empathy is
described as the ability to “understand emotionally another’s feelings and experience”
(Ehrlich & Ornstein, 2010, p. 4) or as “the ability to see the world through others’ eyes so as
to sense their hurt and pain and to perceive the source of their feelings in the same way as
they do” (Watson, 2002, p. 446). In other words, Psychological Empathy registers a person’s
emotional reactions to others and the emotional understanding involved in these
experiences. Alternatively, Linguistic Empathy is a notion based on perspectives in
linguistic structure that capture a speaker’s attitude toward people and things that are
referenced in an utterance. As defined by Kuno (1987), Linguistic Empathy is “the speaker’s
identification, which may vary in degree, with a person/thing that participates in the event”
(p. 206). Linguistic Empathy is used to explain utterances that differ with respect to the
speaker’s perspective, yet defy standard grammatical explanation. For instance, the
I met someone last summer
Someone met me last summer
are logically and
structurally equivalent; however, the latter seems to be markedly less acceptable than the
former. Similarly, Linguistic Empathy is used to explain lexically correct options at a
speaker’s disposal (e.g., a mother asking her child
Did daddy call?
rather than
Did Terrance
). Psychological Empathy and Linguistic Empathy both involve the understanding and
application of perspective taking; however, there is no consensus of how the two types of
Empathy are related. This study is designed to shed light on this question.
1.1 Empathy in Society and Language
The popular use of the term Empathy is often synonymous with compassion. When
people strive to show Empathy, they are attempting to understand the world based on
another’s circumstances and to convey this understanding through a compassionate
response. Although there may be individual and cultural nuances, the implementation of a
version of Empathy exists across cultures. Empathy is universally acknowledged as a
personal and social asset: It can serve as a window into morality (Baier, 1958; Hogan,
1969), it can benefit cross-cultural interaction, and it is a quality that parents endeavor to
impart to their children. Barack Obama has even stressed the personal importance of
learning about Empathy from his mother by using her “simple principle ‘How would that
make you feel?’ — as a guidepost for [his] politics.” He has also argued that the United
States is “suffering from an empathy deficit” (Obama, 2006, p. 66-67). Ciarrochi et al. (2016)
cite the extensive prosocial benefits of Empathy, from having positive effects on
relationships and communication, to promoting conflict management and emotional
Although the arguments against Empathy as a prosocial behavior are few, the
promotion of Empathy does convey some inherent drawbacks. First, because Empathy is
highly valued socially and culturally, those who experience a deficit of Empathy on a
clinical level (e.g., Autism Spectrum Disorder, psychopathy, schizoid personality disorder)
can become disadvantaged and disenfranchised. Their lack of Empathy is considered
antisocial and becomes stigmatized. However, for them, a lack of Empathy is not a result of
complacence, selfishness, or cold calculation; it is not a choice. It is a condition that is
ingrained in their neurology, which can be addressed through medical and therapeutic
channels, if desired.
Bloom (2016) describes another drawback with respect to Empathy. He argues that
a paradoxical pitfall of Empathy involves a phenomenon where Empathy is more likely to
be triggered when exposed to the harrowing plight of an individual as opposed to the notion
of widespread human tragedy. Logically, the suffering of many should outweigh the
suffering of a single person. Nevertheless, providing personal detail about an individual’s
struggle provides a face to the tragedy, whereas a mass of people loses out on specificity and
poignancy. Bloom argues that Empathy is potentially a cultural downfall for this reason,
and instead, if humans attempted to exercise compassion with more impartiality and logic,
there would be less suffering. This argument suggests that when the experience of
another’s suffering is described as specific, real, and relatable, it becomes a more relevant
target of Empathy than suffering that may be more unjust and tragic. If the suffering
affects a larger population, it becomes more difficult to describe with precision an
experience that affects many. When this specificity is lost, the struggle becomes less
relevant and relatable.
Unfortunate circumstances can feel much more significant for a person when these
details are relevant to this person’s life. Yokoyama (1986) cites the example from the 1980s
of Americans coping with increased gasoline prices, versus the concurrent tragedy of food
shortages experienced by the Polish (p. 148). For most Americans, the issue of gasoline
prices was far more relevant and palpable than the distant issue of Poland’s food shortage,
despite the fact that coping with devastating health issues like starvation and malnutrition
exceeds the struggle of confronting more expensive gas. Relatedly, Yokoyama (1986, pp. 28
ff.) describes the linguistic notion of a
relevance requirement
, in which a message must
contain information that is relevant for the hearer. Yokoyama provides the examples of a
stranger who approaches someone at a train station and utters
you dropped your ticket
This utterance is considered relevant and valid to the hearer considering the importance of
a ticket in a train station. However, if the stranger approaches and utters
I’m cooking fish
, this would be irrelevant and invalid from the hearer’s perspective (Yokoyama,
1986, p. 28). When the
relevance requirement
is applied on to Empathy, it suggests that
when a struggle like starvation is distant (e.g., in Poland) or less specific (e.g., a mass of
people), then it is considered less relevant to those who learn of these issues. Linguistic
messages, like descriptions of suffering, become more relatable when the principle of
relevance is observed.
The term Empathy also remains problematic for linguistics. Because Linguistic
Empathy is a little known term outside of the discipline, the notion of Psychological
Empathy is the default for both the layman and academics outside of linguistics. In fact,
Linguistic Empathy is often avoided within the field of linguistics and overshadowed by
traditional notions of syntax. Linguistic Empathy takes a functional view of language
analysis in which grammar and pragmatics are interrelated, and the language participants
(e.g., speaker, author, hearer, addressee) are inseparable from the speech event. This is an
alternative approach to traditional syntax, which endeavors to establish and describe rules
of language by investigating linguistic structure. However, grammar on its own is not the
quintessence of language. Yokoyama (1986) argues that “grammar and pragmatics are
inseparable; they … verbalize both universally human (“phylogenic”) experience, as well as
narrowly personal (“ontogenic) experience” (p. 186). Linguistic Empathy is a linguistic
phenomenon that is firmly planted in both grammar (e.g., subject/object alternation in
met someone last summer
Someone met me last summer
) and pragmatics (e.g.,
speaker/hearer relationship that justifies the utterance
Did daddy call?
). By extension, it
considers both universal human tendencies of language, as well as situational
idiosyncrasies when applied to discourse.
1.2 Goals
1.2.1 Measuring Linguistic Empathy. As mentioned, Linguistic Empathy considers
both linguistic structure and individual circumstances when analyzing language behavior
in order to describe a speaker’s identification and point of view with respect to entities
within a sentence. When this linguistic phenomenon is quantified (e.g.,
Empathy or
Empathy), it refers to the extent to which a speaker shares the perspective with an
entity in a sentence. For instance, the utterance
Joey was hit by Katie
expresses more
Empathy with
than the utterance
Katie hit Joey
Katie hit her neighbor
(in which
her neighbor
are co-referential). Similarly, when Psychological Empathy is
quantified (e.g.,
Empathy or
Empathy), it can refer to a situation in which an
experiential perspective is shared more or less with others. For example, two people might
have different emotional responses upon learning that someone has broken an arm while
riding a unicycle: One might experience
Empathy by feeling upset with the person
and by expressing concern, while another might experience
Empathy and instead feel
that this person deserved to have an accident for riding a unicycle.
Unlike Linguistic Empathy, Psychological Empathy is also conceived of in terms of
an individual’s capacity to experience more or less Empathy. Various medical conditions,
such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, are related to deficits of Psychological Empathy.
However, Linguistic Empathy is not currently measured as an individual trait in the same
way that Psychological Empathy can be measured as a screening tool for deficits of
Empathy. Although difficulty in language acquisition and processing is one of the most
prominent symptoms for those who experience a Psychological Empathy deficit, Linguistic
Empathy is not currently conceived of as a quantifiable notion. A primary goal of this study
is to extend the theory of Linguistic Empathy from a notion that describes a speaker’s
identification within a speech event to include a measure of a person’s capacity for
experiencing Linguistic Empathy.
1.2.2 Correlations of Linguistic Empathy and Psychological Empathy. A driving
force in this study is to explore the correlations between Linguistic Empathy and
Psychological Empathy. This is examined by issuing a psycholinguistic experiment
designed to probe both notions of Empathy. In this experiment, a person’s capacity to
experience Psychological Empathy is determined through a prevalent measure of
Psychological Empathy, i.e. Empathy Quotient (Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright, 2004). Then,
experimental participants are exposed to sentences that vary in felicitousness, and they are
asked to provide acceptability ratings for these stimuli that manipulate phenomena within
Linguistic Empathy. If a measure of Linguistic Empathy is found (as posited in section
1.2.1), and if this measure correlates significantly with the measure of Psychological
Empathy, then it follows that Linguistic Empathy and Psychological Empathy share more
than a common term, Empathy, and are in fact interrelated phenomena. Uncovering the
extent that this overlap exists is a central goal of this study.
1.2.3 Methodological impact. This dissertation takes a transdisciplinary approach to
assess correlations between Psychological Empathy and Linguistic Empathy. The goals of
this approach, as stated above, are to yield a measure of Linguistic Empathy as well as
establish correlations between Psychological and Linguistic Empathy. The aforementioned
psycholinguistic experiment produces quantifiable results that can apply to both the
linguistic phenomena that are manipulated in the experiment and to the individuals who
participate in the experiment. When the results are analyzed with respect to the linguistic
phenomena, this serves to solidify current understandings of Linguistic Empathy, and to
nuance the understanding of the linguistic phenomena that are represented in the
experiment. This methodology is relatively standard in experimental linguistics. However,
when the results are analyzed by applying these results to the participants themselves, this
methodology investigates individual difference factors that can account for variation in
acceptability ratings. The success of the goals in sections 1.2.1 (Linguistic Empathy
measure) and 1.2.2 (correlations of Linguistic and Psychological Empathy) are predicated
on the analysis of the results reflecting individual differences in Empathy processing and
issuing language acceptability ratings. The goal of this methodological approach is to
challenge linguists to examine acceptability judgments in language not only through
grammatical rules that reflect linguistic structure, but through idiosyncratic and pragmatic
accounts of language that reflect individual differences in linguistic capacity.
1.2.4 Confirmations and Extensions of Empathy. In addition to the individual
differences that are investigated in this dissertation, confirmation and extension to existing
Linguistic Empathy theory will be discussed. The experiment provides a quantitative
means to solidify linguistic phenomena within Linguistic Empathy, which can serve as
evidence for a united theory of Linguistic Empathy. Additionally, if Psychological Empathy
is demonstrated as a correlate of Linguistic Empathy, then the extended view of Linguistic
Empathy must accommodate this united view of Empathy.
1.3 Summaries of Chapters
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 of this dissertation examines the notions of Psychological Empathy and
Linguistic Empathy more deeply. One goal of this chapter is to present the disparate
applications of these notions while also demonstrating an overlap in the fundamentals of
perspective taking. The chapter investigates the evolution of Psychological Empathy
measures and evaluates strengths and weaknesses of the various approaches, including the
Empathy Quotient test (Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright, 2004). Despite its shortcomings,
Empathy Quotient is presented as an eminent measure of Psychological Empathy, and it
serves as the measure of Psychological Empathy for the subsequent experiment in this
dissertation. Then, the notion of Linguistic Empathy is reviewed, beginning with Empathy
Hierarchies that are posited by Kuno & Kaburaki (1977) and Kuno (1987). The specifics of
three of these hierarchies, the Surface Structure Empathy Hierarchy, the Person Empathy
Hierarchy, and the Topic Empathy Hierarchy, are examined in depth because these
hierarchies were central to creating the stimuli for the experiment in the study.
Additionally, this chapter situates Kuno’s approach with other notions of viewpoint in
linguistics and related fields, and consolidates it with notions of Linguistic Empathy in
other approaches (e.g., Silverstein, 1976; Yokoyama, 1986; Deane, 1992) for a unified
Linguistic Empathy model.
Chapter 3
The purpose of chapter 3 is to bridge the theoretical notions of Empathy discussed in
chapter 2 with a psycholinguistic experimental approach, and to illustrate the methodology
for this approach. This chapter first provides a rationale for the experimental approach.
Next, the specific features of the Linguistic Empathy Hierarchies can be isolated and
operationalized as variables within an experimental setting, so the chapter demonstrates
the process of linguistic manipulation of the stimuli in the experiment. The chapter then
submits specific predictions based on the manipulation of the stimuli, and it concludes by
providing the methodology of the experiment.
Chapter 4
The results and discussion of the experiment are presented in chapter 4. The
purpose of this chapter is to present the quantitative evidence that supports the pursuit of
a valid individual measure of Linguistic Empathy as well as a correlation between
Psychological and Linguistic Empathy. The goals of the results are to confirm the
predictions of Linguistic Empathy theory, an individual measure of Linguistic Empathy,
and an Empathy processing component that is common to both Psychological and Linguistic
Empathy. Additionally, the limitations and potential extensions of this experiment are
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 expands upon the implications of the experiment that were introduced in
the previous chapter. This chapter extends the application of these results into four areas.
First, the implications of a measure of Linguistic Empathy sensitivity are introduced.
Second, the correlations between Psychological Empathy and Linguistic Empathy are
reviewed, and the influence that a test of Linguistic Empathy can exert on Psychological
Empathy measures is discussed. Third, the methodological contributions of experimental
approach challenge linguists to rethink the methods and implications of acquiring native
speaker grammatical judgments. Finally, extensions are proposed for further Linguistic
Empathy and Psychological Empathy experimentation.
This chapter describes varying notions of Psychological and Linguistic Empathies,
including where they overlap and where they diverge. After establishing current
psychological understandings of Empathy, the chapter discusses the means of measuring
an individual’s capacity for Psychological Empathy. The chapter then considers Linguistic
Empathy theory, beginning with the Empathy Hierarchies proposed by Kuno and Kaburaki
(1977) and Kuno (1987), and continuing with notions related to linguistic point of view,
such as animacy (Silverstein, 1976) and entrenchment (Deane, 1992). Next, the chapter
examines the role that passive constructions, reciprocal verbs, and preceding context can
have in Linguistic Empathy. Based on these discussions, the approach to Empathy taken in
this dissertation is then illustrated.
2.1 Psychological Empathy
The term Psychological Empathy in this study is used to refer to the social
psychological notions of Empathy in order to distinguish Psychological Empathy from
Linguistic Empathy. Psychological Empathy refers to the ability of a person to understand
the thoughts and emotions of others, to share in this emotional experience, and to respond
to these situations appropriately. Psychological Empathy allows a person to navigate
productively the social and emotional landscape in which the interaction between the
speaker and others takes place. In the field of psychology, this term is typically discussed in
terms of Affective Empathy and Cognitive Empathy.
2.1.1 Affective and Cognitive Empathy. Affective Empathy reflects the emotional
and prosocial component that is applied to seeing the world from another’s perspective. As
defined by Bryant (1982, p. 414), Affective Empathy is “the vicarious emotional response to
the perceived emotional experiences of others.” The emotional responses that comprise
Affective Empathy are typically categorized as either parallel (i.e., experiencing the same
emotion) or reactive (i.e., sympathy, pity, or compassion beyond the experiencer’s emotion)
(Davis, 1980; Lawrence et al., 2004). Crucially, the emotional response must be socially
appropriate to be considered as part of Affective Empathy. Taking delight in another’s
misfortune, for instance, is self-oriented, and therefore not considered a prosocial response
to another person (Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright, 2004; Lawrence et al., 2004).
Sympathy and Affective Empathy are neither equivalent nor distinct from one
another; they overlap. Davis (1994) cites that the origins of sympathy and Empathy have
different theoretical roots. The concept of sympathy originated from 18
century moral
philosophy to describe the emotional response that occurs when a person observes someone
else experiencing a significant emotion. This means that sympathy originates from focusing
on another’s situation, but maintaining one’s own point of view. Contrarily, the concept of
Empathy originates from German aesthetics to describe the phenomenon of a person
inserting her/himself into another’s situation. Thus, a contrast between Empathy and
sympathy is that sympathy maintains a person’s perspective, and Empathy involves
leaving one’s own point of view in order to take another’s (Davis, 1994). Affective Empathy
thereby demands the recognition of another’s emotions and requires the ability to craft an
appropriate emotionally congruent response, which sometimes includes sympathy, and
sometimes includes other emotional responses.
Cognitive Empathy, on the other hand, involves parsing out the emotions and
reactions of Affective Empathy from the unemotional and rational aspects of Empathy. The
focus is placed on the ability to understand others’ emotions (Kohler, 1929) as well as
processes like role taking and perspective switching (Mead, 1934). As defined by Hogan
(1969, p. 313), Cognitive Empathy is the “intellectual or imaginative apprehension of
another’s condition or state of mind.” This approach is not necessarily prosocial. If this
person were to exploit or manipulate others with the knowledge that accompanies
emotional understanding, he/she might display a lack of Affective Empathy but a wealth of
Cognitive Empathy. Similarly, Smith (2006) contends that an imbalance of Cognitive and
Affective Empathy is associated with Empathy deficits such as schizoid personality disorder
and antisocial personality disorder, and Jolliffe & Farrington (2006, p. 592) suggest that the
apparent social charm of psychopaths can be attributed to this imbalance. Jolliffe &
Farrington go on to argue that, as a means of identifying this imbalance, it would useful to
have Empathy measures that accurately reflect different facets of Empathy. However,
Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright (2004) maintain that despite the theoretical existence of
multiple facets that Empathy embodies, they are so inherently tied that, empirically, it is
exceedingly difficult to tease them apart.
2.1.2 Psychological Empathy measures. Hogan (1969) argues for the importance of
developing an Empathy measurement in order to quantify concepts directly and indirectly
related to morality, and thus developed a test for measuring these concepts. Developing this
scale, he argues, provides a necessary step toward shifting conceptions of Empathy to a
quantifiable construct. However, Jolliffe & Farrington (2006) argue that a shortcoming of
the Hogan Empathy Scale (HES) is that it does not measure Empathy; rather, it identifies
individuals belonging to high and low Empathy groups based on other conditions. The HES
is no longer considered a valid measure of Cognitive Empathy, but it remains an accurate
predictor of behavior that is indicative of criminal or delinquent behavior (Jolliffe &
Farrington, 2006, p. 591).
Other common Empathy measures include the Questionnaire Measure of Emotional
Empathy (QMEE) (Mehrabian & Epstein, 1972), which measures Emotional (i.e., Affective)
Empathy, and the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) (Davis, 1980), which measures both
Affective and Cognitive Empathy. Both tests are self-reports in which respondents agree or
disagree with statements that are designed to reflect Empathy. However, Jolliffe &
Farrington (2006) argue that some statements falsely equate sympathy and Empathy (e.g.,
“I get very angry when I see someone being ill-treated” [Mehrabian & Epstein, 1972], “other
people’s misfortunes do not usually disturb me a great deal” [Davis, 1980]). While these
statements reflect instances of sympathy (or the lack thereof), Jolliffe & Farrington
consider only the parallel responses of Affective Empathy (i.e., experiencing the same
emotions) and not the reactive responses of Affective Empathy (feelings beyond the
experiencer’s emotions) under their definition of Affective Empathy (2006, pp. 591 ff.). As
such, they argue that questions relating to sympathy (i.e., reactive Affective Empathy)
should be disqualified from Affective Empathy measures. Nevertheless, there appears to be
a consensus that Affective Empathy includes any appropriate parallel or reactive emotional
response (Davis, 1994; Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright, 2004; Lawrence et al., 2004).
Additionally, despite the attempts of the QMEE to measure solely Affective
Empathy, the creators of the QMEE (Mehrabian & Epstein, 1972) cite that its items were
likely to tap into a single empathic construct that includes both cognitive aspects and
emotional arousal (Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright, 2004). Other critiques of the IRI state
that it does not attempt to measure Cognitive Empathy; rather, they attempt to measure
more general perspective taking ability. In other words, instead of measuring a person’s
ability to understand the emotions of others, the IRI measures the person’s ability to take
another’s perspective without necessarily understanding the emotions involved (Jolliffe &
Farrington, 2006).
Baron-Cohen and Wheelwright (2004) justify the need for a unifying test for
Psychological Empathy, citing previous shortcomings of the IRI and QMEE (Baron-Cohen
& Wheelwright, 2004). While previous Empathy measures may accurately express factors
within Empathy (e.g., Cognitive Empathy, empathic concern, etc.), they assert that
Affective and Cognitive Empathy cannot be parsed easily, and one should not be analyzed
without the other. Consequently, Baron-Cohen and Wheelwright sought to develop a
measure of Empathy, Empathy Quotient (EQ), to investigate the relationship between
Empathy and Autism. Baron-Cohen et al. (2001) had already developed a test called the
Autism Spectrum Quotient, but this quotient did not focus on Empathy. They argued that a
lack of Empathy, both affectively (i.e., appropriate emotional responses) and cognitively
(i.e., theory of mind), requires a unifying measure that does not attempt to parse and
measure individual aspects of Empathy.
Initial tests of reliability and replicability for EQ reinforce the validity of the
measure. Lawrence et al. (2004) demonstrate that the EQ test yields strong inter-rater
reliability, test-retest reliability, and correlation with key aspects of the IRI. However, the
study also indicates that social desirability (i.e., not wanting to self-report unfavorably)
may influence participants in some questions. Additionally, despite Baron-Cohen and
Wheelwright’s (2004) claim that facets of Empathy (e.g., Affective versus Cognitive) cannot
be parsed, Lawrence et al. (2004) employed a Principal Components Analysis to determine
that the EQ questions could be accurately categorized into three subtypes of Empathy that
measure: Cognitive Empathy, emotional reactivity, and social skills separately. Other
evaluations of EQ (e.g., Muncer & Ling 2006, Berthoz et al. 2008) again confirm that the
measure of these three separate types of Empathy is valid. Furthermore, Allison et al.
(2011) support dividing the test into three categories of Empathy by applying a Rasch
analysis, to measure latent personal traits, to evidence the view of EQ as a unidimensional
measure of Empathy. Crucially, through all this, the validity of the EQ remains, and
considering EQ as multi-factor measure of Empathy or a unidimensional measure of
Empathy are valid approaches and applications of EQ.
Additional criticisms of EQ cite that participants with Autism Spectrum Disorder
(ASD) often underreport their own Empathy compared to control groups (Baron-Cohen &
Wheelwright, 2004; Lawrence et al., 2004; Allison et al. 2011). With EQ questions and ASD
status both relying on self-reporting, the opportunity for variance arises between those with
ASD who report their condition and those who do not (Lawrence et al., 2004). Despite these
criticisms, Lawrence et al. (2004) report that EQ accurately distinguishes between control
groups (i.e., participants without ASD) and clinical groups (i.e., participants with ASD)
because of the robust sample size. This particular shortcoming targets EQ in
clinical/diagnostic settings; however, this does not convey that EQ is a false indicator of a
person’s Empathy. Additionally, if someone is hoping to get a baseline measure of
Psychological Empathy without heeding the ASD implications, this test is described as
“suitable for use as a casual measure of temperamental Empathy by and for the general
population” (Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright, 2004).
To measure a socio-cognitive construct like Empathy with reliability is no simple
task. Certain tests have proven successful at reliably targeting specific aspects of Empathy
or Empathy related behavior (e.g., HES - offending behavior, EQ - singular Empathy
construct, QMEE - emotional arousal, IRI - perspective taking). As Psychology continues to
improve upon previous versions of Empathy tests, the most prominent tests all seem to
follow a self-reporting style, which appears to be an inherent conflict to the impartiality of
what it attempts to measure. Many of the questions on these exams are quite direct and
transparent toward the goal of assessing social awkwardness or emotional confusion. This
creates a motive for someone who may want to “correctly” answer a question to avoid being
labeled at risk for a deficiency of Empathy.
2.2 Linguistic Empathy
The purpose of this section is to provide an overview of Linguistic Empathy, which is
the central principle under investigation in the psycholinguistic experiments in this paper.
As mentioned, Linguistic Empathy and Psychological Empathy derive from different
theoretical constructs, which happen to share the term
. However, as will be
demonstrated in this section, many of the theoretical foundations, like perspective-taking
and appropriate responses, overlap between the two concepts. The extent to which these
two distinct concepts overlap is a central research question to be explored.
2.2.1 Empathy perspective. Linguistic Empathy refers to the vantage point from
which an event is encoded in a speaker’s language. Empathy is the perspective with respect
to certain participants (e.g. the agent or the patient of the action in an utterance) or events
in a sentence. In expressing his/her point of view, the speaker identifies with entities in a
speech event to varying degrees. As defined by Kuno (1987):
(2.1) Empathy: Empathy is the speaker’s identification, which may vary in degree,
with a person/thing that participates in the event or state that he describes in a
sentence (Kuno, 1987, p. 206).
(2.2) Degree of Empathy: The degree of the speaker’s Empathy with x, E(x), ranges
from 0 to 1, with E(x) = 1 signifying his total identification with x, and E(x) = 0 a
total lack of identification (Kuno, 1987, p. 206).
One facet of Linguistic Empathy is that it explains certain linguistic data that defy
standard syntactic explanation. It manifests in the speech events produced in the form of a
speaker’s momentary and subconscious choice of expression among grammatically or
lexically correct options at his/her disposal. Linguistic Empathy has been used to explain
how the subconscious selection is reached. For example, when a mother asks her five-year-
old son
Did daddy call?
rather than
Did Joey call?
Did my husband call?
, the mother is
sharing the perspective of the child, who thinks of his father as
instead of
(his mother’s) husband.
The mother, however, more likely considers this same person as
my husband
when expressing her own perspective. Besides playing a role in the
choice of referential expressions (
), Linguistic Empathy has been
proposed as the force behind other lexical choices (
), as well as behind the
choice of the grammatical subject of reciprocal verbs and some active/passive options (see
more on this below), reflexive forms (
), and other phenomena observed
in several typologically unrelated languages (Silverstein, 1976; DeLancey, 1981; Kuno,
1987; Yokoyama, 1999; Oshima, 2007a).
Since language speakers are typically heavily reliant on their visual sense, this
vantage point is often conceived of through visual representation, as in
Figure 2.1
This depicts Kuno and Kaburaki’s (1977, p. 628) reference to “camera angles” as a manner
of experiencing language, where the sentences listed in (A), (B), and (C) correspond to the
metaphorical vantage point of (A), (B), and (C). The notion of “camera angle” corresponds to
where a camera would be placed to capture the scene depicted in the utterances. The
utterances are all logically equivalent, and they vary only in grammatical structure and
referential expressions. The utterances in (A) provide a relatively neutral depiction of the
scene, whereas the utterances in (B) and (C) convey
Kuno’s initial description of Linguistic Empathy suggests that a sentence can be
conceived of in terms of camera placement as if the scene were filmed. Although this
embodies much of how Linguistic Empathy exists in language, this notion oversimplifies
Linguistic Empathy and falls short of representing its crux. The camera placement aligns
nicely with
, in which we literally
the scene described in the sentence from the
appropriate angle. However, this does not account for sentences that are
cannot be
, in literal terms. Like the theory of perspective discussed by Uspensky
(1972), Linguistic Empathy goes beyond the visual experience implied through the use of a
camera angle and instead represents the entire visceral experience of an event. The extent
to which a speech event portrays this experience reflects Linguistic Empathy. For instance,
a sentence like
her stomach turned
is not something for which “camera placement” is
appropriate. This sentence is not about the film-able signals of such an event (e.g., a
wincing facial expression that indicates someone’s stomach might be turning); rather, this
sentence is about the internal experience of one’s stomach turning. The version of this
(A) Teddy hugged Lucy.
Lucy hugged Teddy.
Teddy and Lucy hugged.
(B) Teddy hugged his sister.
(C) Lucy was hugged by her
Adapted from Kuno & Kaburaki (1977, p. 628).
Figure 2.1: Kuno & Kaburaki’s “Empathy and Camera Angles”
sentence that would be film-able (e.g.,
[it seemed that] her stomach turned
) would shift the
perspective from internal to external.
For a classic illustration of a shift in Linguistic Empathy that defies syntactic
explanation, we turn to Kuno and Kaburaki (1977) and some examples with the Japanese
, which share the same logical meaning,
to give.
The difference in
these verbs is entirely empathic:
is used when the speech event is described from the
sentential subject’s (i.e., the giver’s) perspective, and
is used when the speech event
is described from the sentential dative’s (i.e., the receiver’s) perspective, as seen in the
following two sentences, both of which have the core meaning “Taroo gave the money to
(2.3) a. Taroo wa Hanako ni okane o
Taroo-NOM Hanako-DAT money-ACC gave
‘Taroo gave the money to Hanako.’
b. Taroo wa Hanako ni okane o
Taroo-NOM Hanako-DAT money-ACC gave
‘Taroo gave the money to Hanako.’
(Adapted from Kuno & Kaburaki 1977, p. 630)
The syntactic structure and case marking of these two examples are identical, and
the logical truth value for each sentence is the same (i.e.,
was the giver of money to
). However, despite the fact that both (2.3a) and (2.3b) are grammatical and
acceptable, there is not free alternation of these verbs and their corresponding perspectives.
By uttering (2.3a), the speaker conveys the perspective of
, thereby unequivocally
signaling an identification with him. It would most naturally be uttered by someone who is
part of
in-group (e.g.,
friend or relative). Alternatively, by uttering (2.3b),
the speaker conveys the perspective of
, thereby unequivocally signaling an
identification with her. It would most naturally be uttered by someone who is part of
in-group (e.g.,
friend or relative). For a speaker who is part of an in-
group to utter a sentence that corresponds with the perspective of the other entity would
sound jarring to the hearer and cause confusion as to the speaker’s allegiance. A speaker
who is not part of either in-group or who is part of both in-groups choosing between these
two verbs must therefore indicate whether to view and convey the logical truth of the
utterance from the perspective of the giver (
) or from the perspective of the receiver
) by means of verb choice
It is possible for the identification with one of the entities in the sentence to be made
lexically explicit when certain referential expressions are used. For instance, uttering the
Japanese first person male pronoun
identifies the speaker unequivocally with the
speaker’s own perspective (i.e., the speaker must identify with himself), whereas uttering
the name
does not explicitly identify the speaker’s perspective. Sentences are
unacceptable when the identification with one of the sentential entities is made lexically
explicit, and the perspective conveyed by the verb conflicts with the explicit perspective of
that sentential entity, as in examples (4) and (5) below.
(2.4) a.
wa Taroo ni okane o
(Subject-Centered Verb)
I - ACC Taroo-DAT money-ACC gave
‘I gave money to Taroo.’
A truly neutral speaker, e.g. a judge in a court case, would avoid either verb and resort to
a formal Sino-Japanese high register word like
‘gift’ or an archaism high
register word like
‘give’, neither of which would be usable in normal speech.
b. * Taroo wa
ni okane o
(Subject-Centered Verb)
Taroo-ACC I-DAT money-ACC gave
‘Taroo gave me money.’
(2.5) a. *
wa Taroo ni okane o
(Dative-Centered Verb)
I - ACC Taroo-DAT money-ACC gave
‘I gave money to Taroo.’
b. Taroo wa
ni okane o
(Dative-Centered Verb)
Taroo-ACC I-DAT money-ACC gave
‘Taroo gave me money.’
(Adapted from Kuno & Kaburaki 1977, p. 631)
In all examples above, the perspective is explicit by means of the first person
. In other words, when
is uttered, the speaker conveys his/her own
perspective, and the sentence should be experienced from this vantage point. When
used as the subject of the sentences in (2.4a) and (2.5a), the subject-centered verb
(2.4a) correctly corresponds with the perspective of the speaker (
), whereas the dative-
centered verb
in (2.5a) clashes with the perspective that is already established by
. Similarly, when
is used as the indirect object of the sentences in (2.4b) and
(2.5b), the dative-centered verb
in (2.5b) correctly corresponds with the perspective
of the speaker (
boku ni
), whereas the subject-centered verb
in (2.4b) clashes with the
perspective that is already established.
Examples (2.4) and (2.5) illustrate that a shift in Empathy perspective to an
unnatural or unexpected Empathy locus can hinder the acceptability of an utterance. Kuno
and Kaburaki, (1977) and Kuno (1987) use violations of Linguistic Empathy like those in
(2.4b) and (2.5a) to inform and establish rules of acceptable perspective taking. Like
Silverstein’s (1976) predictions of the distribution of split-ergative case markings, these
rules form Empathy Hierarchies that can predict violations and acceptability of sentences
where syntax fails to do so.
2.2.2 Empathy Hierarchies and their pragmasemantic connections. Kuno (1987)
posits that the Degree of Empathy is managed by a series of rules in the form of Empathy
Hierarchies (EHs) that determine preferences and constraints for the perspectives shared
in utterances. A speaker establishes a vantage point, or Empathy locus, through different
discourse channels (e.g., referential expressions, structure, semantic relations, context) that
manifest within these hierarchies (Kuno & Kaburaki, 1977; Kuno, 1987), three of which are
described below.
(2.6) Surface Structure Empathy Hierarchy: It is easier for the speaker to empathize
with the referent of the subject than with the referents of other noun phrases
(NPs) in the sentence.
E(subject) > E(other NPs), (Kuno, 1987, p. 211)
Juli met a strange man at the party.
(?) A strange man met Juli at the party.
This Surface Structure EH formalizes the notion that perspective is typically established by
the subject of the sentence. In (2.6a), the sentential subject
is the Empathy locus.
However, in (2.6b), the Surface Structure EH selects the Empathy perspective of the subject
A strange man
. The sentence becomes awkward once the name
is uttered since a
proper name like
is typically more relevant than an indefinite NP like
a strange man
In addition to the structural account of establishing Empathy perspective, a speaker
typically express identity with her/himself over others by using the first person pronouns
, which is the notion asserted in the Person EH below.
(2.7) Person Empathy Hierarchy (also known as the Speech-Act Empathy Hierarchy):
The speaker cannot empathize with someone else more than with himself.
E(speaker) > E(others), (Kuno, 1987, p. 212)
I like Gary.
(?) Gary is liked by me.
The Person EH formalizes the notion that a speaker identifies with her/his own point of
view over all others. The logical truth value in (2.7a) and (2.7b) above is identical; however,
when the Empathy locus shifts from the speaker (
) to a third person entity (
), the
acceptability of the sentence suffers. The effect that passive voice exerts on sentences like
(2.7b) will be discussed in section 2.2.5. The Topic EH, below, is the final EH to be discussed
here, and it addresses the role of context in perspective taking.
(2.8) Topic Empathy Hierarchy: Given an event or state that involves A and B such
that A is coreferential with the topic of the present discourse and B is not, it is
easier for the speaker to empathize with A than with B.
E(discourse topic) ≥
E(nontopic), (Kuno, 1987, p. 210)
a. Observed:
Did you hear what happened to John? He got into a car accident
with Anna.
b. Violated:
Did you hear what happened to John? (?) Anna got into a car
accident with him.
The Topic EH formalizes the notion that entities that are topically relevant are typically
the focus of Empathy. Examples (2.8a) and (2.8b) again convey the same logical content;
It is not clear what motivated Kuno (1987) to use the ≥ instead of the > in this EH. This
paper will continue the use of the ≥ within this EH, but it does not take a strict stance as to
which sign is more appropriate.
however, (2.8b) is less acceptable than (2.8a). This is due to the first sentence in each
example, in which the referent
is mentioned. The question
Did you hear what
happened to John?
as a relevant topic for the following discourse, and the
Topic EH suggests that Empathy with a discourse topic is more natural than with a non-
When the Empathy relations across these hierarchies align, then the sentence’s
Empathy perspective is consistent. However, discrepancies in Empathy locus can occur
within one utterance, which can often cause marginality in the acceptability of a sentence.
Kuno postulates a
Ban on Conflicting Empathy Foci
, which posits that “a single sentence
cannot contain logical conflicts in Empathy relations” (1987, p. 207). According to this
hypothesis, the Empathy relations must remain logically consistent across these
hierarchies. Following Kuno’s terms, when the inequalities align, then there is no Empathy
violation. However, when the inequalities conflict, this causes an Empathy violation, which
affects sentence acceptability. It should be mentioned that Uspensky (1972), Yokoyama
(1979, 2000), and Christensen (1994) have all provided counterexamples in Russian and
Polish that refute Kuno’s ban. In these examples, multiple distinct perspectives occur in the
same sentence. Yokoyama and Christensen have argued against the ban on these grounds.
Instead, the Ban on Conflicting Empathy Foci can be considered a guideline. Let us
consider some examples of the sentences that are in violation, and analyze them using
Kuno’s ban.
I met a strange man at the party.
a. Surface Structure EH: E(
) > E(
a strange man
b. Person EH: E(
) > E(
a strange man
c. Topic EH: N/A
A strange man met me at the party.
a. Surface Structure EH: E(
a strange man
) > E(
b. Person EH: E(
) > E(
a strange man
c. Topic EH: N/A
I like Gary.
a. Surface Structure EH: E(
) > E(
b. Person EH: E(
) > E(
c. Topic EH: N/A
Gary is liked by me.
a. Surface Structure EH: E(
) > E(
b. Person EH: E(
) > E(
c. Topic EH: N/A
Did you hear what happened to John? He got into a car accident with
a. Surface Structure EH: E(
) > E(
b. Person EH: N/A
c. Topic EH: E(
) > E(
Did you hear what happened to John? Anna got into a car accident with
a. Surface Structure EH: E(
) > E(
b. Person EH: N/A
c. Topic EH: E(
) > E(
Examples (2.9), (2.11), and (2.13) all explicitly invoke two of the three EHs discussed
above, and the Empathy relationships for these hierarchies do not conflict. Contrarily,
examples (2.10), (2.12), and (2.14) also invoke two of the three EHs, but the Empathy
relationships for these hierarchies are in conflict. For instance, examples (2.11) and (2.12)
investigate the sentences
I like Gary
Gary is liked by me
, respectively, in terms of the
Person EH and the Surface Structure EH. Since the Surface Structure EH places the
Empathy perspective on the subject of the sentence, and the Person EH places the Empathy
perspective with the speaker (
) above other NPs,
is valid as the Empathy locus by
means of both EHs in example (2.11), but the Empathy perspective is conflicting in example
(2.12). This conflict, according to Kuno, causes marginality in sentences. Since there is no
explicit topic in this example (e.g., no preceding context), the Topic EH was not considered
in the examples above unless there was a context sentence given. Kuno does not make
explicit how a sentential entity becomes a “topic of the present discourse,” in cases when no
preceding context includes a topic, so for now, it is assumed that the sentential entity must
be referenced previously. The role of Topic EH when there is not explicit entity that is
referenced previously will be discussed in section 2.2.4.
Other linguistic hierarchies have been proposed that are closely related to Kuno’s
EHs. Silverstein (1976, 1981) and Deane (1992) propose hierarchies that largely overlap
with Kuno’s and describe closely related phenomena. The Silverstein Hierarchy was
originally proposed to explain variability in split-ergative languages. Ergativity allows
perspectives and identities to be assigned without specific lexical items or structural
changes. Ergative-absolutive languages assign the same case marking to the subject of an
intransitive verb as the object of a transitive verb, whereas nominative-accusative
languages, such as English, assign the same case marking to subjects of transitive and
intransitive verbs. Split-ergative languages contain sentences that can vary between
sentences with ergative-absolutive case markings and sentences with nominative-
accusative case markings. Silverstein establishes a hierarchy based on animacy (e.g.,
human > nonhuman
, and
person > 2
person > 3
, etc.) that predicts which
sentential NPs prefer a given case based on the lexical properties of this NP that the
“‘split’ of case markings is not random” (Silverstein, 1976, p. 113). In other words, NPs that
are higher on the Silverstein Hierarchy more naturally take nominative-accusative case
markings, and the NPs that are lower on the hierarchy take ergative-absolutive case
markings. This parallels the hierarchies that Kuno proposed for Linguistic Empathy in
terms of the ease with which a speaker can identify/empathize with an entity in a speech
event. Kuno argues that in order to share an entity’s perspective, that entity must be
capable of having a perspective in the first place. That excludes inanimate entities and non-
human animate entities, which must be personified in order for the speaker to assume their
perspective. Importantly, Silverstein focuses on the lexical properties of the varying NPs
when establishing order to the assignment of case markings. DeLancey (1981)
acknowledges the Silverstein Hierarchy and builds upon the lexical properties of NPs to
include the use of aspect in determining viewpoint in split-ergative languages. Verb aspect
(e.g., perfect vs. imperfect) in these languages can shift viewpoint from internal to external
without a change in case markings or lexical items. Other languages, such as English, must
default to changes in structure, like passivization, in order to accomplish a similar effect.
Deane (1992) applies the notions of animacy, agency, and salience to the NPs of an
utterance in order to extend the Silverstein Hierarchy. Deane argues that the extent to
which a sentential entity embodies these qualities correlates with how naturally a
speaker/hearer should share its perspective. Animacy, agency, and salience unify Deane’s
hierarchy of entrenchment with Kuno’s EHs, and these qualities can map onto Kuno’s EHs.
The first factor of these factors, animacy, is the conceptual relation that an entity has in
common with the speaker. That is, the more in common an entity has physiologically with
the speaker, the more natural it is to empathize with this entity. As mentioned above, the
notion of animacy is central to the Silverstein Hierarchy (Silverstein, 1976). Animacy
hierarchies rank humans over non-humans, which is typically further delineated in the
following order:
Humans > Animals > Plants > Natural Forces > Concrete Objects >
Abstract Objects
. The
portion of this hierarchy most broadly unravels into the
following order:
First Person > Second Person > Third Person
(Yamamoto, 1999). Animacy
and humanness map directly onto Kuno’s Person EH and provide the means to investigate
greater granularity to the concepts of
. A crucial difference between
Deane’s entrenchment hierarchy and Kuno’s Person EH is that the granularity introduced
in the Deane’s hierarchy is based on tendencies of Empathy relations, but not strict rules;
violating these tendencies does not necessarily result in an invalid utterance. However, the
Person EH is based on the binary notion of
, and it claims that
utterances that violate this preference, i.e.,
, are infelicitous.
The agency of a NP is another factor that diminishes sequentially along Deane’s
entrenchment hierarchy and the Silverstein Hierarchy. With humans at the top, and non-
humans toward the bottom, the relevance for establishing agency also diminishes as one
moves down the hierarchy. In other words, semantically speaking, humans should be more
capable of serving as agents in narrated events, which is a notion that aligns with the
animacy hierarchies. Hopper & Thompson (1980) consider agency interrelated with the
transitivity and salience of a narrated event. They argue that in discourse, story lines are
moved along by performing actions, and that agency is linked with entities performing
these actions (Hopper & Thompson, 1980, p. 286). Then, using the Silverstein Hierarchy
(1976), they demonstrate the correlation of agency with grounding/salience. Hopper and
Thompson posit agency as a factor in determining the degree of transitivity by
demonstrating that a sentence with greater agency is predicted to occur in discourse with
greater salience. Agency maps onto Kuno’s Person EH as those higher on human hierarchy
are more likely to be sentential agents.
The salience of a narrated event is another factor that is related to determining the
recipients of Empathy perspective. Salience refers to the degree to which an entity or action
is likely to enter the mental state of a language user. The salience increases when concepts
are common and stable, or if they are contextually activated in speech events (Schmid,
2007, pp. 119 ff.). An item is considered salient if “it has been loaded . . . into current
working memory and has thus become part of a person’s center of attention” (Schmid, 2007,
p. 119). Similarly, Yokoyama (1986, pp. 31 ff.) argues that topics that are in the center of
current concern are more relevant as discourse topics. In other words, with respect to
Empathy, the more real and tangible an entity is, the more natural it becomes to share its
perspective. Relatedly, Hopper & Thompson (1980) discuss the Transitivity Hypothesis in
which the relative level of transitivity in a narrated event is highly correlated with its
salience. They argue that transitivity can be predicted based on linguistic parameters like
agency, kinesis (i.e., action transfer), and punctuality; and that these parameters are
heavily involved with the foregrounding (higher transitivity) and backgrounding (lower
transitivity) of the speech event. The terms “foregrounding” and “backgrounding” indicate
in binary terms higher and lower degrees of salience, respectively, of an utterance (Cramer,
2011, p. 87), as opposed to a sliding scale such as Fillmore’s Saliency Hierarchy (Fillmore,
1977, p. 78). Hopper & Thompson qualitatively cite universal manifestations of
morphosyntactic features that support the Transitivity Hypothesis across unrelated
languages, and then establish a quantitative correlation of linguistic parameters with
salience that are found within the narrative. They argue that although grammatically valid
structures exist that flout the tendency for correlation between salience and transitivity,
these manifestations are rare and marked. This argument parallels the grammatically
relevant structures of Linguistic Empathy for which violations can be grammatically valid
but are marked.
Salience maps onto Kuno’s Person EH and the Topic EH. Regarding the Person EH,
the notions of humanness that are central to this EH are more real and tangible to a
speaker than abstract concepts. Additionally, the concept of a self-referential first person is
more salient than a different human, especially one who is grammatically indefinite, plural,
or unfamiliar to the speaker. It is highly implausible for a speaker to enter the mind of
someone she/he does not know or cannot identify. Animacy is a strong indicator of
transitivity, and entities higher on the animacy hierarchy are shown to exist primarily in
prominent positions of salience (Hopper & Thompson, 1980). Regarding the Topic EH,
discourse in which an entity is mentioned previously increases the salience of that entity
with respect to the current concern of the interlocutors. Hopper & Thompson argue that
topicality (i.e., definiteness and referentiality) “follow[s] naturally from the fact that
foregrounded [i.e., salient] clauses typically continue talking about the same participant
within one episode, rather than introducing a new participant” (1980, p. 286). Since
background precedes foreground, and background sentences can suggest or predict the
topics of the following foreground sentences, Hopper & Thompson argue that topicality,
salience, and agency are all closely correlated. Similarly, topicality, salience, and agency
have all been discussed as factors that influence the Empathy perspective of utterances and
map onto the Empathy Hierarchies as defined by Kuno (1987).
2.2.3 Point of view. Similar to the interdisciplinary notions of Empathy, point of
view is a construct that can take shape across disciplines. Point of view can refer to a visual
point of view, a dogmatic stance, a cognitive standpoint, or, as in linguistics, these vantages
as reflected in language. It should be noted that many scholars use
point of view
, interchangeably. If there is a difference among these terms, it is not
crucial here; instead, the current discussion focuses on understanding point of
view/viewpoint/perspective, and its overlapping traits with Linguistic Empathy.
Uspensky (1972) delineates how internal and external perspectives are invoked in
artistic expression and shared with the audience, arguing that the “behaviour of a human
being can be described either externally (in terms of his objective acts with reference to an
external observer), or with reference to his internal state, which is, generally speaking, not
accessible to outside observation” (p. 8). In literature, these perspectives can include the
thoughts, feelings, and experiences of individual characters, and in fine art, they can
include the vantage point of a painting. In order to successfully convey these perspectives,
the creator of the piece of work must portray perspective faithfully and accurately with
respect to the individual and any cultural expectations. It is the choice of the artist or the
author to convey perspectives internally or externally. With respect to literature, Uspensky
denotes four categories by which an external or internal perspective can be identified:
psychological characterization (i.e., the thoughts, feelings, and experience of a person),
verbal characterization (e.g., the dialect or the referential expressions that reflect a belief or
perspective), spatial and temporal characterization (i.e., spatiality: akin to Kuno’s visual
“camera angle;” temporality: whether the perspective is told in the present, which is
typically internal, or past, which is typically external), and ideological evaluation (i.e., the
beliefs and stances as reflected in the discourse).
Uspensky does not create a hierarchy of rules with respect to perspective in the arts;
instead, he describes and exemplifies how the conveying of perspective is realized using the
four categories above. These verbal means reflect perspectives that convey pragmatic
meaning beyond the mere truth value of an event. To diverge from the type of expression
that a character might use would miss these pragmatic considerations or even seem
unnatural, not unlike a violation of a Linguistic Empathy Hierarchy. This description of
perspective in the arts utilizes many of the principles that govern Linguistic Empathy, and,
significantly, Uspensky’s theory of perspective extends into Psychological Empathy as well.
More specifically, the narrator must place her/himself into the world that has been created,
she/he must understand what the character must be experiencing (Cognitive Empathy),
and she/he must convey these experiences with appropriate expression (Linguistic
Empathy) so that characters (and the audience) can have authentic emotional responses
(Affective Empathy).
The notion of point of view has additional applications within linguistics. Kuroda
(1973) reports that point of view is traditionally considered either reportive, where an
outsider describes her/his perception of another’s point of view (e.g.,
[I think that] Grace is
) or nonreportive, where the point of view is reported directly from the source (e.g.,
Grace: “I am tired”
). Kuroda’s assessment corresponds with Uspensky’s notion of internal
versus external perspective. DeLancey (1981) argues that viewpoint manifests in language
through the implications of words (e.g.,
from the viewpoint of the destination,
from the viewpoint of the object being taken) and structures (e.g., active versus passive
constructions), and that viewpoint manifests semantically in natural attention flow.
Natural attention flow is a focal point of attention that is given to the prototypical or
natural unfolding of the predicate, and it most naturally begins with the agent of a
sentence and flows to the patient. This semantically-defined focal point differs from
Yokoyama’s (1986) and Schmid’s (2007) centers of current concern/attention, which are
defined more broadly by the discourse situation, including inter-speaker pragmatic history
and context. DeLancey argues that contradictions between viewpoint and the natural
attention flow result in unacceptable sentences. This, he argues, explains why
The bear ate
the salmon
is more natural than
The salmon was eaten by the bear
: the flow of attention
naturally begins with the
and finishes with the
Oshima (2007b) identifies how perspective takes shape in natural language through
construction alternations, anaphora, deixis, semantics-pragmatics interface, narrative
styles, and discourse. Oshima discusses that perspective is a term that is often used across
linguistics in order to describe multiple linguistic constructs (i.e., deixis, logophoricity,
Empathy, etc.), and that these constructs are often wrongly equated with one another.
Oshima (2007b) argues that although there is significant overlap among deixis,
logiphoricity, and Empathy, it is necessary to distinguish these constructs so as to avoid
confounding them. For example, Oshima teases apart the complexities of
deictic center
Empathy locus
, which other scholars (Culy, 1997; Sells, 1987) label as equivalent.
Deictic center
refers to a reference point that is “the object relative to which the meaning
(content) of a deictic expression is determined” (Oshima, 2007b, p. 23), whereas
refers to the physical or conceptual center from which perspective is experienced by
the entities in a sentence. Although these often coincide and the meaning is typically
derived from the perspective that the speaker identifies with, Oshima exemplifies and
summarizes that despite these significant correlations, they operate under different
guidelines and reflect different notions. For a discussion that parses these concepts through
examples from Japanese, see Oshima 2007b (ff p. 22).
Oshima’s approach is to tease apart related phenomena that are associated with
perspective while establishing a correlation between them. This helps to establish, predict,
and utilize individual differences toward understanding and applying Empathy, which is
not unlike the approach in this dissertation to attempt to correlate Linguistic and
Psychological Empathy. Although the definitions of Linguistic and Psychological Empathy
vary, the core principles of the varying points of view can be distinguished through
explication and example. Point of view is an essential component of Linguistic and
Psychological Empathy, whether discussed in a social context, as a literary device, or
analyzed in linguistic terms.
2.2.4 Sentential topics. The Empathy perspective of an utterance can be influenced
through contextual priming, in which entities mentioned in previous discourse become
relevant for future discourse. Kuno (1987) uses the term “topicalization” to refer to this
-sentential phenomenon. However, “topicalization” traditionally refers to the
phenomenon of
-sentential movement of an argument to the topic of a sentence. In
English, this corresponds to the leftward movement of an expression, as in a sentence like
You still have much to learn
transforming into
Much to learn, you still have.
dissertation adopts Kuno’s use of this term to refer to inter-sentential contextualization.
Previous discourse can contribute to competition among sentential entities to be
inserted as the topic of current discourse. For the hearer, this can prime an expectation for
certain entities to be the topic of the following sentence. In English, this occurs as
competition for subjecthood. As reviewed in section 2.2.2, Kuno establishes an Empathy
Hierarchy (EH) to manage the effect of context on Empathy perspective by claiming the
(2.8) Topic EH: Given an event or state that involves A and B such that A is
coreferential with the topic of the present discourse and B is not, it is easier for
the speaker to empathize with A than with B.
E(discourse topic) ≥ E(nontopic), (Kuno, 1987, p. 210)
a. Observed:
Did you hear what happened to John? He got into a car accident
with Anna.
b. Violated:
Did you hear what happened to John? (?) Anna got into a car
accident with him.
In this definition of the EH, Kuno suggests that making an entity relevant in previous
discourse increases its right to be empathized with. However, Kuno does not elaborate on
whether “topic of the present discourse” refers to explicit mentioning of a topic or making it
relevant by some other means. A strict interpretation of “topic of present discourse” could
refer only to entities that have been explicitly mentioned previously, as in (2.8a) and (2.8b).
In these examples, the speaker mentions
in the first sentence (i.e., context sentence),
which explicitly makes
a relevant discourse topic.
In addition to an explicitly referenced topic, it is possible for a topic to be made
relevant through other entities in the sentence, as in
I took the bus to Long Beach.
Unfortunately, the driver didn’t have change
. This example derives from Prince (1981, pp.
233 ff.), in which she proposes
assumed familiarity
of knowledge and connotations between
interlocutors. In this example, the phrase
took the bus
suggests that other entities and
actions were involved in this event. Clark (1975) describes this phenomenon as
, in
which the relevant but implicit information derives from a series of implicatures. For
example, a bus, a bus driver, paying fare, and other passengers are primed as candidates
for being involved in this event. Similarly, in Fillmore’s (1976) notion of frame semantics,
bus/driver/money are all interrelated and derive meaning from one another in the same
semantic frame. This knowledge is culturally shared by the interlocutors, hence they are
reasonable impositions. Thus, without explicitly mentioning these other entities, the first
sentence makes other entities, such as
the driver
, valid as the topic of the second sentence.
Along with topicalization through previous explicit reference and through semantic
priming, an entity can be “coreferential with the topic of present discourse” if it is of mutual
current concern between the speaker and the hearer. Yokoyama (1986) argues that the set
of notions {
you, me, here, now
} is the minimum set of items that is required to be mutually
acknowledged between interlocutors. As a result, the entities
(hearer) and
(speaker) are, by default, relevant “topic of the present discourse” in a typical exchange
between interlocutors. Compare the following sentences in (2.15a) and (2.15b), in which
is the only entity mentioned in the previous discourse.
David definitely likes to exercise.
You first met him at a gym, after all.
Surface Structure EH: E(you) > E(David)
Person EH: E(you) > E(David) or N/A
Topic EH: E(David) ≥ E(you)
He first met you at a gym, after all.
Surface Structure EH: E(David) > E(you)
Person EH: E(you) > E(David) or N/A
Topic EH: E(David) ≥ E(you)
Examples (2.15a) and (2.15b) follow the same preceding context sentence in which
is the only sentential entity that is explicit. Therefore, according to the strict reading
of the Topic EH,
should be easier to empathize with than
. Additionally, the
Surface Structure EH dictates that the entity in subject position is the preferred recipient
of the Empathy perspective. If these two factor together, then (2.15b) should be preferred to
(2.15a). However, according to a Yokoyamas notion of mutually acknowledged context,
is an entity that is of mutual concern, and therefore, it is a relevant “topic of the present
This updated understanding of the Topic EH, where “present discourse” includes
you, me, here, now
}, along with the further delineation of the Person EH
, would suggest
that both (2.15a) and (2.15b) should have complications resulting from conflicts in EHs.
Indeed, the acceptability of (2.15a) and (2.15b) is hardly distinguishable. Thus, candidates
for topics that are “coreferential with the topic of the present discourse” should include
entities that are explicitly referenced, entities that are suggested frame-semantically, and
entities that are part of mutual current concern. In all of these cases, competition could
arise among multiple allowable topics of following discourse. Depending on the strength of
the topicalization, certain contexts could create expectations for certain entities to be
preferred over others.
2.2.5 Passive constructions and reciprocal verbs. Passive constructions and
reciprocal verbs are distinctive in English in that they can alter the surface structure of a
sentence while maintaining the logical truth value. The active/passive alternation in
sentences like
Danny likes Alison
Alison is liked by Danny
does not alter the logical
Kuno’s (1987) formulation of the Person EH, as represented in (2.9), recognizes only the
speaker (first person) versus other (non-speaker). In this formulation,
would not be
higher on the Person EH than David; they would both be considered “other”. However,
other formulations of the human hierarchies (e.g., Deane’s entrenchment hierarchy [1992],
Silverstein’s animacy hierarchy [1976], explicitly suggest that second person you should be
higher than proper names like David. Kuno and Kaburaki (1977) also make this distinction
in the Person EH by positing that speaker > 2nd person > 3rd person. Additionally,
Yokoyama’s (1986) notion that {
you, me, here now
} are necessarily in mutual current
concern to start a conversation suggests that
should be higher on the Person EH than
an unreferenced third person entity.
equivalence of these sentences; similarly, the alternation of subject/object in sentences with
reciprocal verbs like
Joey married Jessica
Jessica married Joey
does not alter the
logical equivalence of these sentences. Reciprocal verbs usually refer to verb forms that
convey “each other” in the meaning (e.g.,
Joey and Jessica married each other
). In some
languages, the reciprocal pronoun can be obligatory, as in the Spanish version
Joey y
Jessica se casaron.
In this study, reciprocal verbs are discussed without the explicit use of
“each other,” following the implementation of “reciprocal verbs as Empathy verbs” from
Kuno (1987, pp. 209 ff.). As previously discussed, Kuno’s Surface Structure EH argues that
a speaker expresses identity with the subject of a sentence, and the sentential subject is the
Empathy locus. When there are possible alternations in the structure of a sentence, as in
passive constructions and reciprocal verbs, then the speaker chooses the subject of the
sentence based on which entity is the speaker Empathizes with. Since a sentence’s
structure is a common means of reflecting a speaker’s Empathy perspective, this section
establishes that usage of passive constructions and alternations in reciprocal verbs provides
speakers a structural choice in encoding Empathy perspective.
Passive constructions are often taught as a stylistically less preferred option in
English because they can be less direct or more difficult to follow (Strunk & White, 1999
[1958]; Ferreira, 1994). However, the notion that passive constructions should be avoided is
not universally true. Let us revisit examples (2.7a) and (2.7b) above, which contain an
active sentence that is transformed into a passive sentence:
(2.7) a.
I like Gary.
(?) Gary is liked by me.
I argue that the passive voice in (2.7b) is not
per se
the primary cause of its marginal
acceptability. In these examples, and indeed in all passive constructions, one of motivations
for passivization is the Empathy locus on the patient rather than the agent of the predicate.
Note that when (2.7b) is compared with another sentence in the passive voice like
Gary is
liked by his peers
, the latter is more acceptable. The difference between
Gary is liked by me
Gary is liked by his peers
is that the former violates Linguistic Empathy through a
conflict between the Surface Structure EH (E(
) > E(
)) and the Person EH (E(
) >
)), and the latter does not. Furthermore, many consider the passive
I was just
mugged (by someone)!
to sound more natural than the active form,
Someone just mugged
. When the first person pronoun is the subject (
I was just mugged!
), passive is more
acceptable than when the indefinite pronoun is the subject (
Someone just mugged me!
despite the passive construction because the speaker is the Empathy locus in the passive
form. Thus, a speaker uses a passive construction when he/she identifies with a sentential
entity that is not the agent of the proposition.
Similarly, reciprocal verbs also allow for speaker choice when establishing Empathy
perspective. Kuno argues that sentences with reciprocal verbs “share one characteristic
with passive sentences: the subject of these sentences has been chosen as subject by the
speaker’s design” (1987, p. 211). Reciprocal verbs, which include verbs like
, and
, are verbs whose subject and object reflect equal participation in the action. As a
result, reciprocal verbs can often have multiple constructions which all share the same
logical truth value. For instance,
Bob is dating Nancy
Nancy is dating Bob
, and
Nancy and
Bob are dating (each other)
all describe the same situation. However, Kuno’s Surface
Structure EH argues that the subject of the sentence is determined by the identification of
the speaker with sentential entities. In other words, the Empathy perspective determines
the subject of the sentence. So, while the sentences are all identical semantically, the
pragmatic motivation differs.
Sentences with reciprocal verbs and sentences with passive constructions differ in
that passives have the additional markedness of a change of grammatical voice (e.g.,
is liked
). Additionally, when a transitive verb is converted into a passive
construction, the agent of the sentence is no longer mandatory but may be added after the
predicate as a
-agentive. The example above
I was just mugged
does not require the
-agentive, and in fact some I argue that adding the indefinite and anonymous pronoun as
the agent, as in
I was just mugged by someone
, sounds less acceptable than simply
I was
. Despite these differences, passive constructions and reciprocal verbs share the
property of speaker choice as the determining factor for the sentence’s final structure, and
that this choice directly encodes the Empathy perspective of the utterance.
2.2.6 Universal and individual notions of Empathy. Yokoyama (1986, pp. 167 ff.)
depicts Linguistic Empathy into a dichotomy of phenomena: Anthropological Empathy and
Personal Empathy. Anthropological Empathy is an objective phenomenon that aligns with
the notions of Empathy established by Kuno in which the Empathy locus is based on
grammatical (e.g., subjects of passive predicates) or semantic (e.g., human vs. non-human)
categories. Like the hierarchies discussed above (e.g., Silverstein, 1976; Kuno, 1987; Deane,
1992), Anthropological Empathy is governed by the “general human tendency to identify
with certain referential and semantic categories over others” (Yokoyama, 1986; p. 167).
Yokoyama continues by establishing the expression of Anthropological Empathy as a
universal phenomenon across languages that does not vary depending on prior knowledge
or the relationship between interlocutors.
Personal Empathy, on the other hand, is a subjective phenomenon that is distinctly
individualized to reflect both the relationship between interlocutors as well as the attitudes
and emotions toward sentential referents. This is manifested by speakers contributing an
“egocentric display of personal factors” that may conflict idiosyncratically with the
universal hierarchies of Anthropological Empathy (Yokoyama, 1986; p. 167). An important
distinction is necessary between egocentricity as it relates to animacy hierarchies (i.e.,
second person
, etc.), and egocentricity as it relates to personal factors. These
personal factors can help to determine appropriate identification with NPs that are
otherwise equal on the Silverstein Hierarchy with a speaker’s personal relationship with
these entities (e.g., two proper names, one of whom is in the speaker’s in-group), as in (2.16)
below. These factors can also place the Empathy locus on an item that should otherwise
violate the EHs, as in (2.17) below. Consider the following examples:
(2.16) Context: A mother (B) conversing about her son, Dylan, and his wife,
Carolyn, with a friend (A) familiar with everyone involved (i.e., {A and B’s
knowledge and A and B’s current concern include: +Dylan, +Carolyn,
a. A:
So how did they meet?
They met (each other) while volunteering for Americorps.
b. A:
So how did they meet?
Dylan met Carolyn while volunteering for Americorps.
c. A:
So how did they meet?
Carolyn met Dylan while volunteering for Americorps.
(2.17) Context: A father speaking to his young daughter:
Daddy wants you to chew with your mouth closed
For sequence (2.16a-c), the friend (A) knows that her interlocutor’s son,
, is
married to
. Because of the mutual knowledge of B’s greater referential proximity to
her son (i.e.,
), it is only appropriate for
to be the subject of the
sentence, be it individually as in (2.16b) or as a compound as in (2.16a). Placing
the subject position in (2.16c) is grammatically acceptable and valid according to the
Silverstein Hierarchy and Kuno’s EHs; however, it violates the speaker’s Personal Empathy
when the speaker places the Empathy locus away from her son,
. Furthermore, in
example (2.17), the use of
as self-referential for the speaker should also be a
violation of the Silverstein Hierarchy and Kuno’s Person EH. In this example,
presumably the referential expression that the hearer (the speaker’s young daughter)
would use, which suggests that the speaker is adopting the perspective of the hearer over
his own. This is a phenomenon that was previously expressed by Yokoyama (1994, p. 4).
Personal Empathy considers the relationship between the father and his young daughter,
which reflects the father’s preference to share his daughter’s perspective. Personal
Empathy accounts for this sort of variation where other EHs do not. Similarly, the regular
violations of the EHs that occur in Russian and Polish, as introduced by Uspensky (1972,
pp. 20-21), Yokoyama (1994), and Christensen (1994, pp. 39-41), can be accounted for by the
empathic associations posited by Personal Empathy.
Additionally, Personal Empathy and discourse topic mutually influence one another.
Yokoyama (1986, pp. 59 ff., 255 ff.) points to the phenomenon of imposition, which is the
result of a speaker unilaterally deciding that a referent or proposition of personal current
concern is part of mutual concern. Yokoyama argues that the speaker and the hearer need
not experience a discourse situation identically. In the case of imposition, the state of the
addressee’s mind as it is and as it is assumed by the speaker are not identical, and the
speaker commits an assessment error (pp. 31 ff.). An imposition, nevertheless, does not
disrupt the exchange as long as the hearer accepts this imposition as reasonable. For there
to be an imposition between interlocutors, their relationship and the mood of the discourse
must permit such an imposition; otherwise, the addressee can refuse to accept it and the
transaction fails, exposing the speaker’s violation of a sociolinguistic (or Psychological
Empathic) norm. In interactions where there are multiple eligible discourse topics (e.g.,
multiple items relevant frame-semantically or multiple items mentioned in previous
discourse), and the item that the speaker chooses as topic is not of current concern for the
hearer, these items are reasonable candidates for being accepted impositions. When there is
less relevance, the imposition becomes more jarring to the hearer. Imposition and Personal
Empathy coincide when a topic of discourse that is of personal concern, be it a referent
and/or a proposition, is hoisted into the conversation as relevant and appropriate. In these
cases, Personal Empathy and imposition can help to validate violations of Kuno’s EHs. For
an example, let us consider the following:
(2.18) Context: The speaker (A) has waited quite a long time to get married to her
boyfriend (C) and, at long last, they have gotten engaged. The hearer (B) has
knowledge that includes {+A dating C, +A waiting to get married, +C has a
fear of commitment, - A and C have gotten engaged.}. As indicated by the
Guess what?
, A’s dating life is not part of B’s current concern prior
to the following exchange.
Guess what? He’s finally marrying me!
Wow, congratulations! That’s so exciting!
The utterance
He’s finally marrying me
, when preceded by a null context like
, is marginal or unacceptable. This utterance is in violation of Kuno’s Person EH.
However, Personal Empathy and imposition help to validate the utterance. The imposition
of referential knowledge of the pronoun
in this utterance, despite being impositional and
not objectively appropriate, is retroactively validated by B’s utterance. The
that A utters
can only refer to A’s romantic partner (C) that exists in the knowledge sets of both A and B.
Secondly, there is an imposition of the disjunction
he will marry me
he will not marry
, which is made relevant by the use of the word
and the accentuation of the verb
. This accentuation manifests an additional imposition of the information that the
question of marriage was up in the air until now, while the word
shows that the
decision to get married was delayed because of the referent
. Typically, Linguistic
Empathy would deem that the speaker should be locus in a sentence with a reciprocal verb
as uttered by A, were it not for the Personal Empathy assumed to be shared between
interlocutors by means of speaker imposition. In example (2.18), the speaker commits an
assessment error in that she identifies
in the current concern of both A and B; however,
is not in the current concern of B. Thus, this is an example of a topic that is imposed
upon the hearer, and the influence of B’s Personal Empathy with A makes it possible to
ignore the violation of Anthropological Empathy, (i.e.,
He’s finally marrying me
instead of
I’m finally marrying him
). If the propositional knowledge that A was waiting to get married
was not reasonably imposable into B’s set of knowledge, then A’s utterance would likely be
considered unnatural.
2.3 Empathy in this Study
As discussed, Linguistic Empathy is a linguistic notion contained in narrated events,
as opposed to a cognitive notion like Cognitive Empathy or an emotional notion based on
the actions and feelings of individuals like Affective Empathy. A person’s ability to feel
Psychological Empathy influences his/her emotions, speech, actions, and understanding. By
contrast, Linguistic Empathy has thus far been considered a property of language that
reflects the extent to which a speaker identifies with people or entities in a speech event.
Linguistic Empathy has not been considered as a personal trait that can be measured. A
person with greater Psychological Empathy is considered more adept at managing and
processing Psychological Empathy stimuli; however, a person is not currently considered to
have more or less adeptness for Linguistic Empathy. In contrast, what I argue is that a
language user’s ability to recognize and manage phenomena within Linguistic Empathy can
be considered a quality of an individual. This quality exists as a speaker’s ability to convey
his/her identification with sentential entities and as a hearer’s ability to notice violations of
Linguistic Empathy. The varying degrees to which Linguistic Empathy is experienced by
speakers and hearers is never discussed explicitly, and this gap in the discussion provides
an opportunity to investigate the extent to which individual language users experience
Linguistic Empathy.
This dissertation’s approach aligns with the uncontroversial stance that Linguistic
Empathy is encoded in the linguistic structure by the speaker. However, I argue that in
addition to being a feature of linguistic structure, it is also a
trait in language
users. The measure of Linguistic Empathy in speakers would reflect the ability to convey
Empathy perspective naturally (e.g., the ability to adhere to rules like Kuno’s EHs or to
navigate notions like Yokoyama’s Personal Empathy) as much as it reflects the addressee’s
ability to evaluate sentences in terms of their adherence to it. In basic terms, this means
that a speaker and a hearer with a greater ability to manage Linguistic Empathy would
prioritize Empathy perspective when generating or processing an utterance, whereas a
speaker or hearer with less awareness of Linguistic Empathy would more easily neglect
Empathy relations and instead prioritize syntactic and semantic validity (e.g., she/he would
I like Gary
Gary is liked by me
as equivalent). In this dissertation’s experiment,
only the hearer’s measure of Linguistic Empathy is under investigation; the speaker’s
measure of Linguistic Empathy will remain untested.
The extent to which a hearer’s ability to manage Linguistic Empathy is a
measurable and systematic phenomenon is under investigation in this dissertation. The
measure of Linguistic Empathy in hearer would reflect the ability to notice nuances in
perspective taking (e.g., imposition) and violations in Linguistic Empathy (e.g., conflicting
Empathy foci). For instance, if an addressee finds an utterance
Gary is liked by me
to sound
as natural as
I like Gary
, then I argue that this addressee understands the semantics of the
two utterances but not the significance in alternating perspective between the speaker
and the third person referent
. This person would have a lower sensitivity to violations
of Linguistic Empathy. Alternately, a person who finds the utterance
Gary is liked by me
less acceptable would register the negative effect of the speaker identifying with another
entity over her/himself. This person would have a higher sensitivity to violations of
Linguistic Empathy. Thus, if the measure of Linguistic Empathy in an addressee involves
understanding the Empathy perspective of the speaker and the pragmatic implications of
this perspective, then evaluating the ability to recognize when a speaker violates Linguistic
Empathy amounts to a valid test for this measure.
By conceiving of Linguistic Empathy as a measurable trait in individuals, the
overlap of Empathy across linguistic and social psychological notions can be compared. The
experimental approach this dissertation takes is to measure an addressee’s ability to
recognize violations in Linguistic Empathy. The experiment implemented in this
dissertation focuses on violations of Kuno’s Linguistic Empathy Hierarchies. Baron-Cohen
and Wheelwright (2004) support their measure of Psychological Empathy (Empathy
Quotient) as meaningful by comparing the results of the EQ test between participants with
Autism Spectrum Disorder (a related Psychological Empathy deficit) and participants
without this condition. This resulted in a significant correlation between lower EQ scores
and participants with high-functioning Autism. Similarly, this dissertation’s measure of
Linguistic Empathy can be shown as meaningful if the results correlate with a related
phenomenon. Psychological Empathy and Linguistic Empathy both incorporate the capacity
for adopting viewpoints and understanding others’ perspectives, and thus both involve
overlapping processes. More specifically, if a person has difficulty with shifting perspective
when language is not involved (i.e., low measure of Psychological Empathy), then this
difficulty will manifest in managing Empathy perspective in language. I hypothesized that
there exists a significant correlation between Linguistic Empathy sensitivity and EQ, and
that this correlation would validate the measure of Linguistic Empathy.
As presented, Empathy is sometimes conceived of as a social and philosophical
notion (e.g., Davis, 1994), and other times conceived of very mechanistically with a rigid set
of linguistic guidelines (e.g., Kuno, 1987). Beyond the mechanistic view, Linguistic
Empathy has been presented as having universal elements, cross-linguistic variability,
personal/idiosyncratic influence (Yokoyama, 1986, 2000), as well as suggested to have
cultural roots (Oshima, 2007b). Similarly, the notion of Psychological Empathy has been
approached more mechanistically in experimental settings and controlled settings (e.g.,
Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright, 2004). These notions arose independently to account for
phenomena that involve perspective taking within language and psychology. One goal of
this study is to operationalize Kuno’s mechanistic rules of Linguistic Empathy, which lend
themselves to an experimental setting, and then to investigate the correlations and
applications that these results have with respect to Psychological Empathy. The
experimental section of this dissertation examines the extent to which Psychological
Empathy and Linguistic Empathy influence one another.
The goal of this chapter is to elucidate the rationale, predictions, and methodology for
the experiment in this dissertation. The chapter begins by illuminating extensions of
current Linguistic Empathy theory and gaps in previous approaches to Psychological
Empathy. The chapter argues in favor of experimentation that examines Linguistic
Empathy and Psychological Empathy together in order to maintain objectivity and to
investigate a potential correlation between the two forms of Empathy. Subsequently, the
chapter describes the process by which the linguistic stimuli were manipulated in order to
target the specific Linguistic Empathy Hierarchies. Based on these stimuli, the chapter
then submits predictions for the experiment, and concludes with the details of the
experimental methodology.
3.1 Rationale for Experimentation
In attempting to uncover new insight into Linguistic Empathy, one could either
expand upon existing theory using similar methodologies, or one could approach the theory
using an alternate methodology. In researching Linguistic Empathy Kuno and Kaburaki
(1977) and Silverstein (1976) follow a prominent and tested trajectory in linguistic
investigation. The first step is typically to highlight a range of linguistic phenomena in
sentences that have either been generated by the linguist or that derive from attested
discourse. Next, the linguist demonstrates that these phenomena are not be accounted for
in current theoretical understandings. Finally, the linguist accounts for these phenomena
in a nuanced or novel theory. However, since the current study pursues a different line of
investigation (i.e., a correlations and a measure of Linguistic Empathy as opposed to a
novel/nuanced theory of Linguistic Empathy), I have chosen a fundamentally different
experimental methodology.
When analyzing linguistic phenomena, it is standard for the linguist to make
acceptability judgments or for the linguist to solicit acceptability judgments from native
speaker informants. There is often variability in acceptability ratings of marginal
sentences; however, this variability is not often researched. A hypothesis of the current
study is that variance in acceptability does not only apply to the ambiguity of the linguistic
phenomena, but also applies to individual differences of those who rate the sentences. To
evaluate this hypothesis, this study diverged from the traditional approach to Linguistic
Empathy by creating and issuing experiments. This involved first generating language
samples based on existing parameters of Linguistic Empathy (i.e., not highlighting new
phenomena), and then conducting experiments that yield quantitative feedback regarding
these sentences. Instead of this data only applying to the theory of Linguistic Empathy, the
data also provides information about the individuals who participated in the experiment.
Once quantitative and qualitative patterns emerge with respect to the individuals, then the
results provide the measure of a person’s sensitivity to these Linguistic Empathy
The goal of Linguistic Empathy thus far has been to establish Empathy as a
linguistic phenomenon and to show that it operates in utterances generated by a speaker.
This study built upon this goal and explored the extent to which a viable measure of
Linguistic Empathy in individuals is possible. The present study attempted to conceive of
acquiring Empathy measures through a novel methodological approach, to be described
below. The study also determined how measurements of Linguistic Empathy correlate with
traditional measures of Psychological Empathy.
3.1.1 Measure of Linguistic Empathy.
As discussed, the goal of linguists who
research Empathy has been to establish and detail the theory of Linguistic Empathy using
their own language judgments or judgments from native speaker informants. These
judgments are then used in linguistic argumentation for establishing Linguistic Empathy.
The tacit assumption for linguists who follow this paradigm is that acceptability judgments
from native informants are valued equally, and that judgments can vary. It is assumed that
these differences reflect individual idiolects; however, differences in inter-subject
acceptability ratings are not typically investigated. Alternatively, the current experimental
approach evaluates whether inter-subject acceptability ratings are the result of a
systematic difference in language competence with respect to Linguistic Empathy
Linguists have not attempted to measure person’s capacity for noticing and adhering
to the principles of Linguistic Empathy, nor have they hypothesized that this capacity may
co-vary with measures of Psychological Empathy. Variation in acceptability judgments of
sentences with Linguistic Empathy violations are often attributed to the strength that the
Empathy principles that have been violated have in each person’s idiolect” or “mitigating
circumstances can be readily found that would make up for the violation” (Kuno, 1987, p.
296). The individual differences in acceptability ratings have been acknowledged, but they
have not been researched. The experiment in this dissertation examines these individual
differences in acceptability ratings in order to provide insight into the strength of different
types of Linguistic Empathy violations, as well as to provide evidence for an approximate
measure of Linguistic Empathy within an individual. By determining patterns of the
ratings within an individual participant, this study approximated a person’s sensitivity to
violations of Linguistic Empathy in sentences that are otherwise grammatically correct. It
was hypothesized here that this measure of sensitivity to Linguistic Empathy correlates
with a person’s measurement of Psychological Empathy.
3.1.2 Measures of Psychological Empathy.
The Psychological Empathy measures
that were reviewed in the previous chapter have all faced criticism. Criticism of these
various measures typically focuses on the theoretical approaches of the tests, such as
separating sympathy and or only measuring certain aspects within Empathy. Nevertheless,
even if a test was argued to provide only portions of an Empathy measure, these criticisms
did not take issue with the accuracy of these measures. For example, despite their critique
of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) as a measure of only Affective Empathy, Jolliffe
& Farrington (2006) claim that IRI results are meaningful, and they use correlations with
the results of IRI measures to validate another Empathy test. With respect to EQ,
Lawrence et al. (2004) verify that despite its flaws, “EQ provides a reliable and valid way of
measuring Empathy via self-report in both healthy individuals and clinical populations” (p.
919). Because of its widespread implementation, its validity in clinical and healthy
populations, and its accessibility, EQ was utilized as a measure of Psychological Empathy
for this dissertation.
One consistency across all of these assessment approaches is that they all employ a
self-report questionnaire. Chronologically, each measure attempted to some extent to
improve upon previous tests’ criticisms by creating fixes to these issues instead of taking an
alternative approach. Although these tests approach Empathy with varying definitions and
theoretical vantage points, they attempt to improve upon previous iterations while
maintaining this consistent format. Unfortunately, attempting to create a measurement
system using this standard format has created a culture for Empathy measures with
consistent limitations that are intrinsic to the format. More specifically, each test solicits
responses to questions that directly reflect Empathy and empathic behavior, and inherent
shortcomings of self-report questionnaires remain unaddressed. I argue here that
questionnaires attempting to accurately reflect Empathy are inherently flawed for three
primary reasons. Firstly, basing the measurement of a prosocial trait on direct, self-report
questions creates a conflict of interest when there is a disconnect between a person’s desire
to be portrayed positively and a person’s true feelings and behavior. Secondly, issuing a
questionnaire that measures an emotionally-founded trait like Psychological Empathy is
subject to fluctuate based on the emotional state of the participant. Finally, with regard to
test-retest reliability, the nature of a questionnaire familiarizes the participant with the
subject matter, thus creating difficulties for reissuing the questionnaire without a sizable
lapse of time.
With respect to the first issue, Empathy is a prosocial behavior, which causes an
inherent conflict for a person who does not want to self-incriminate; subjects might
recognize prosocial criteria in self-diagnostic questions, and they may not respond
truthfully if this answer conveys antisocial tendencies. Even if subjects can be trusted to
avoid this, a level of self-incrimination is built into these measures, which leaves open the
possibility of subconscious bias. Some examples of statements from the EQ test for
participants to agree or disagree with are: “I am very blunt, which some people take to be
rudeness, even though this is unintentional”, “other people tell me I am good at
understanding how they are feeling and what they are thinking”, and “friendships and
relationships are just too difficult, so I tend not to bother with them” (Baron-Cohen &
Wheelwright, 2004, pp. 172-173). People might imagine themselves differently than others
perceive their behavior, or people might simply hope or want to act differently than they
typically feel.
Some of these concerns were in fact reported in by Lawrence et al. (2004), who found
a correlation between EQ and social desirability (i.e., a disconnect between how people hope
to appear and how they actually feel/behave). Participants’ responses to the EQ test were
measured against their responses to the Social Desirability Scale (SDS), which is another
questionnaire designed to measure a person’s tendency to answer questions with socially
preferable responses (Crowne & Marlowe, 1960). The correlation was found in five of the 40
items on the EQ test (three of which were significant). Although a trend in a few
individuals who might answer questions with bias could raise questions, the fact that this
trend correlates across the entire population of the study raises concern for the impartiality
of the questionnaire.
It can be argued that the statistical significance of the test’s validity despite these
confounds proves the reliability of the EQ. Nevertheless, aside from Lawrence et al. (2004),
it is not standard practice to issue an SDS concurrently with the EQ test, or with any
Empathy measure. So, if an individual or group beyond that study were to answer
questions inaccurately caused by the bias of social desirability, this trend would likely go
unnoticed and unreported. Furthermore, while the statistics overwhelmingly suggest that
EQ is a reliable measure of Empathy across large number of subjects, Empathy
measurements are typically used for diagnostics in individuals with an Empathy deficit. If
an individual so desires to avoid a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder or psychopathy
in order to adhere to social norms, the bottom line is that issuing a test with overt and
direct questions creates a more explicit opportunity to do so. Rather than intending to
improve upon surveys that directly question a person’s Empathy, the potential for a test
that avoids the potential for conscious/unconscious social desirability should be proposed.
The second issue with respect to Empathy questionnaires is that since Psychological
Empathy is an inherently emotional quality, the state of a person’s emotions could
influence the results of the questionnaire. A person in an unusually happy or affectionate
state, for instance, could provide more prosocial responses than that if that same person
were in an unusually agitated state. Of course, a person’s emotional state is a variable in
any experiment; however, a questionnaire that asks direct questions of a person’s socio-
emotional tendencies is in direct conflict with emotional objectivity. Even if a questionnaire
attempts to recognize behavioral patterns as opposed to emotional states, surely there
would be potential for significant emotional impact.
The final issue with Empathy questionnaires deals with test-retest reliability.
Lawrence et al. (2004, p. 912) cite the efficacy of test-retest reliability of the EQ test when
measured one year apart. While this supports the reliability of the EQ test, it leaves room
for logistical difficulties. For instance, if a person wants to verify an EQ score, it hardly
seems viable to wait an entire year before retaking the test. There is only one version of
typical Empathy questionnaires, so other than shifting to a different type of Empathy test,
new questions could not be issued. These restrictions highlight the need for a test that
contains multiple possible versions with equivalent stimuli.
3.1.3 Benefits of linguistic experiments.
Linguistic experiments can be designed to
explore the issue of individual differences with respect to sentence acceptability ratings.
The experiment in this dissertation considers acceptability as a numerical gradient.
Standard treatment of sentence acceptability by linguists considers sentences as
unacceptable (designated with *), acceptable (no designation or √), or marginally acceptable
(designated by a single question mark, ?, or any number of them, e.g., ???). The current
study applies a similar gradient scale onto numerical values. Participants are instructed to
rate the sentences numerically on a scale from 1 (low acceptability) to 4 (high acceptability)
for all stimuli. Since the experiment design is quantitatively rich, ratings can be averaged
for individual sentences as well as across categories of sentences. Most importantly, this
design yields acceptability judgments that will be used to develop an individual measure for
Linguistic Empathy sensitivity.
Additionally, if Linguistic Empathy is demonstrated to correlate with Psychological
Empathy, then a Linguistic Empathy test could be developed to acquire measurements that
would approximate an individual’s Psychological Empathy. Psychological Empathy
measures are often used in clinical settings as a diagnostic tool for individuals at risk of
Empathy deficits (Lawrence et al., 2004; Rogers et al., 2006). Issuing a linguistic test to
assess a person’s Empathy would be a radically new approach to Psychological Empathy,
and it would avoid the three issues described above in section 3.1.2 that arise from the
questionnaire-based measurements. Firstly, with respect to social desirability, there is no
issue of self-incrimination of antisocial feelings and behavior when it comes to linguistic
acceptability judgments. As such, rating a sentence does not factor into social desirability.
Indeed, Rogers et al. (2006) conclude that a measure of Empathy with more objectivity and
less intrinsic conflict is needed. Secondly, linguistic ratings are an unemotional endeavor.
While linguistic experiments are prone to the same emotional variance as any experiment,
the subject matter is not inherently emotional, and therefore avoids the conflict created by
Psychological Empathy self-report questionnaires. Finally, retaking a test that involves
language acceptability is logistically more flexible than a fixed questionnaire. If it is
deemed invalid to participate in an experiment with the same linguistic stimuli, then
another set of stimuli that manipulate Linguistic Empathy can be issued. The ability to
adjust an experiment based on linguistic variables is more flexible than the closed set of
questions that ask about a person’s Psychological Empathy behavior.
3.2 Linguistic Manipulation of the Stimuli
By implementing psycholinguistic experimentation, this study attempted to account
for individual variability in acceptability judgments. The experiment applied the argument
that a person’s acceptability ratings can measure her/his capacity for recognizing particular
linguistic phenomena. The present study focused on phenomena within Linguistic
Empathy, in which sentences often sounded marginal or awkward to most, but were
grammatically correct. Patterns that emerge from these acceptability ratings would
demonstrate that a person’s capability for recognizing violations of Linguistic Empathy
phenomena is actually a measure of Linguistic Empathy sensitivity. This experiment also
investigated inter-subject variability and correlation with the Psychological Empathy
measure of Empathy Quotient.
3.2.1 Operationalization of Empathy Hierarchies. The experiment measured the
effect of manipulating two of the Empathy Hierarchies (EHs) proposed in Kuno and
Kaburaki (1977) and Kuno (1987): Person EH and Topic EH. These EHs are replicated
(3.1) Person EH: The speaker cannot empathize with someone else more than with
E(speaker) > E(others), (Kuno, 1987, p. 212)
(3.2) Topic EH: Given an event or state that involves A and B such that A is
coreferential with the topic of the present discourse and B is not, it is easier for
the speaker to empathize with A than with B.
E(discourse topic) ≥ E(non-topic), (Kuno, 1987, p. 210)
The first hierarchy, the Person EH, argues that it is unnatural for a speaker to share the
Empathy perspective of another entity (e.g.,
) over the self (
). The Person EH
was manipulated through the use of target sentences with structures that permit the
reversal of the subject and object, i.e., reciprocal verbs and active/passive constructions,
I like Gary
Gary is liked by me
. The second hierarchy, the Topic EH, argues
that when the topic of a sentence has been mentioned in or made relevant by previous
discourse, it is easier for the speaker to empathize with this entity than an entity that was
not mentioned nor relevant. The Topic EH was manipulated by including preceding context
sentences before the target sentences that either referenced a sentential entity (e.g.,
Let me
tell you about Gary
), or referenced no entity and were conceived of as
occurring ‘out of the blue’ (e.g.,
Guess what?
A third hierarchy, the Surface Structure EH, was also relevant in creating the
stimuli; however, it was not manipulated as a variable in the experiment. Kuno formulates
the Surface Structure EH as follows:
(3.3) Surface Structure EH: It is easier for the speaker to empathize with the referent
of the subject than with the referents of other noun phrases (NPs) in the
E(subject) > E(other NPs), (Kuno, 1987, p. 211)
The Surface Structure EH posits that the subject of a sentence is the most natural
Empathy locus. Instead of being manipulated as an experimental variable, this EH served
as a reference point for conflicts of observation/violation of the Person EH or the Topic EH.
When there was a violation of the Person EH or the Topic EH in this experiment, these
violations conflicted with the Surface Structure EH. For example, in a sentence like
Gary is
liked by me
, there is a conflict between the Person EH and the Surface Structure EH. The
Person EH identifies the speaker
as the Empathy locus (E(
) > E(
)), and the
Surface Structure EH identifies
as the Empathy locus (E(
) > E(
)). However, in
the sentence
I like Gary
, there is no such conflict: The Empathy relation is E(
) > E(
for both the Person EH and the Surface Structure EH.
Across these examples, Surface Structure EH is not manipulated because of the
strength that subjecthood has in conveying Empathy perspective in English. However, the
relationship between subjecthood and Linguistic Empathy cannot be trusted universally.
The strength of subjecthood is varies in other languages, especially those with
morphological case marking and freer word order, like Slavic languages (Yokoyama, 1986),
Native American languages like Navajo, Cree, or Jinghpaw (DeLancey, 1981; Oshima,
2007a & 2007b), or Japanese (Kuno, 1987; Oshima, 2007a & 2007b). In these languages,
while Linguistic Empathy is a major factor affecting the linguistic form of the sentence, it
does not necessarily depend on the choice of the grammatical subject the way it does in
English. Since English is an SVO language, the speaker typically chooses a sentence
structure in which the referent the speaker empathizes with is the grammatical subject.
Therefore, the Surface Structure EH is automatically observed, and when there is a conflict
between the Surface Structure EH and either the Person EH (e.g.
I like Gary
Gary is
liked by me
) or the Topic EH (e.g.,
Let me tell you about Gary. I like him
), the Surface
Structure EH is observed, and the other EH is violated.
3.2.2 Target sentences and context sentences. The stimuli used in this experiment
consisted of two types of sentences: target sentences and context sentences. Target
sentences were designed to manipulate the Person EH. These were the sentences that the
participants rated, and they consisted of two structurally different groups: a Reciprocal
group and an Active/Passive group. Stimuli were presented to the participants as if an
external speaker were uttering all sentences in the stimuli, as opposed to the participants
imagining the utterances as self-generated. The Reciprocals contained sentences with
reciprocal verbs like
, in which the truth value of the sentence did not
depend on which of the two participants in the sentence was chosen as the grammatical
subject; if
I dated Terry
is true, so too is
Terry dated me
. (Reciprocal verbs also allow plural
subjects such as in
Terry and I dated [each other]
, but this option was not considered.) In
the Active/Passive group, the alternation between active and passive constructions was
used to maintain the truth value across sentences; if
I like Sherry
is true, so is
Sherry is
liked by me
. Stimuli in both the Reciprocal and Active/Passive groups were limited to
sentences in which the first person
was one of the sentential entities, and a third
person proper name was the other. In the Active/Passives, the grammatical subject of the
active version was always
Context sentences preceded target sentences and provided background for the
participants to interpret the target sentence. Designed to manipulate the Topic EH, context
sentences were divided into two categories: null context and priming context. A null context
corresponds with the beginning of an interaction or with utterances introduced by phrases
Guess what, did you hear the news?
A null context merely establishes the mutual
willingness of the interlocutors
ready to engage at a given time and place without
designating a specific topic. Yokoyama (1986, pp. 31 ff.) argues that at a minimum, the
topics {
} are relevant to the discourse because both interlocutors must have
them in their current concern in order to communicate. Thus, the topics
should be
included in the set of things that are “coreferential with the topic of present discourse”
(Kuno, 1987, p. 210), as the Topic EH stipulates, even if they are not explicitly referenced.
This means that when
is the subject of a sentence that follows a null context, the sentence
observes the Topic EH (e.g.,
Guess what? I like Gary
). When a third person entity is the
subject of a sentence that follows a null context, it violates the Topic EH because this entity
does not have a legitimate reason to be part of mutual current concern (e.g.,
Guess what?
Gary is liked by me
In priming contexts, third person entities were explicitly referenced in order to
create the expectation that these entities could be used as a topic in future discourse. For
example, the relevance of
is elevated by the content of the sentence
Let me tell you
about Gary
. Thus, when
is mentioned, it becomes a candidate for topic of a sentence
that follows; the mutual current concern is revised and now contains both
Which of the two is chosen by the speaker as the focus of Empathy thus becomes contested.
Let us consider the following sentences:
Guess what, did you hear the news? Gary is liked by me.
a. Surface Structure EH: E(
) > E(
b. Person EH: E(
) > E(
c. Topic EH: E(
) ≥ E(
Let me tell you about my friend Gary. He is liked by me.
a. Surface Structure EH: E(
) > E(
b. Person EH: E(
) > E(
c. Topic EH: E(
) ≥ E(
In example (3.4) there is no mention of any entity in the context sentence
what, did you hear the news?
, so the relevant entities for topic in the following discourse
derive from the NPs of mutual current concern, i.e., {
I, you
}. Thus, the Empathy relation of
the Topic EH is in conflict with the Surface Structure EH in (3.4). A sequence with a
priming context like (3.5)
sounds better than the equivalent sequence with a null context
like (3.4) because there is no conflict between the Topic EH and the Surface Structure EH
in the priming context (though it is still marginal because the Person EH is in conflict). In
is mentioned in the context sentence, which enters
into mutual current
concern. Thus,
is a relevant entity to be the topic of the following discourse.
A sequence similar to (3.5) would sound even more natural if there were further
contextualization of the third person referent
. For example, let us consider the
Let me tell you about my friend Gary. He’s liked by his peers, he’s liked by
his friends, and he is liked by me.
The final phrase in (3.6),
he is liked by me
sounds better in this example than in (3.4) or
(3.5) because of the extended context of which
is clearly the topic. Furthermore, this
extended context arguably makes
more competitive than
to be the topic, as in the
Let me tell you about my friend Gary. He’s liked by his peers, he’s liked by
his friends, andI like him.
If the target sentence
I like him
in (3.7) were judged as marginal, this would confirm that
long contextual strings with a heavily emphasized topic can prioritize
for a
clear violation of the Topic EH. However, the practical considerations for this experiment
prevented the design from including stimuli with this type of extreme contextual priming.
Instead, the strength of the contextual priming was tested in sequences that resemble those
like (3.5) in which the expectation for the explicitly mentioned topic,
, creates
competition between
and the unverbalized topic of mutual concern,
. I stipulate that
when the explicitly referenced entity is topic of the following discourse, the Topic EH is
observed, like in example (3.5). Contrarily, when the topic of the following discourse is
this competition triggers a violation of the Topic EH, as in (3.8) below:
Let me tell you about my friend Gary. I like him.
A violation to the Topic EH occurs in two conditions. Let us consider the following
sentence quartet in order to contrast these conditions using the following examples of
stimuli from the experiment:
Matt can be such a bully. This morning, I fought Matt.
Matt can be such a bully. This morning, Matt fought me.
Guess what happened this morning, I fought Matt.
Guess what happened this morning, Matt fought me.
The first type of Topic EH violation corresponds with the previous explanation of (3.5) and
(3.6), and applies to (3.9). This violation occurs when a sequence with a priming context is
followed by a target sentence with
as the subject. In (3.9) and (3.10),
is referenced in
the context sentence. Once this entity is introduced into the discourse, it creates
competition with the other relevant entities {
I, you
}. This competition creates a conflict
between the expectation of what the topic will be and what is uttered. Sentences like (3.9),
for this reason, are considered in violation of the Topic EH according to this experiment
Sentences like (3.10) observe the Topic EH because
is the subject of the target
sentence. The second type of Topic EH violation occurs when a sequence with a null context
is followed by a target sentence with a third person referent. The contexts in (3.11) and
(3.12) contain no competition for topic; of the entities in the target sentence, the topic
Like with all reciprocal verbs, some readers might be tempted to apply an agentive
reading to the subject of
, so that the utterance means something like
Matt picked a
fight with me
Matt assaulted me
. However, I argue that
entails reciprocal
confrontation between the two sentential actants, as evidenced by the semantic oddness of
the utterance
Matt fought me, but I did not fight Matt.
If both participants do not engage in
then the attempt to
is unsuccessful.
the only viable option for the subject of the sentence. Thus, (3.11) observes the Topic EH
is the subject of the target sentence, and (3.12) violates it since
is the subject of
the target sentence. The two types of violations can be contrasted between examples (3.9)
and (3.12). In (3.9), there is competition for topic of the context sentence (i.e.,
explicitly referenced,
is not referenced but is relevant by default;
is used as topic), and in
(3.12), there is no competition (i.e.,
is not referenced and not relevant,
is not
referenced but is relevant by default;
is topicalized).
Target sentences within the same item group have obvious differences caused by
reciprocal or active/passive alternation; for example, the difference between the target
sentences in (3.9)
I fought Matt
and (3.10)
Matt fought me
is the alternation of
. Aside from this difference, it was necessary to design the target sentences to be as
homogenous as possible in order to isolate these experimental variables. As a result, the
effort toward minimizing differences across sentences resulted in some stimuli with
constructions that were less than ideal. Let us consider the alternation between (3.9)
fought Matt
and (3.10)
Matt fought me
. The use of the name
in both of these sentence
constructions was necessary to compare these alternations. However, when the sentence
was preceded by the priming context, as in (3.10)
Matt can be such a bully. This morning,
(Matt fought me)
, the mentioning of the name
in the context sentences creates a
possibility (and a preference) for a pronoun to be used in the target sentence. However,
instead of using the pronoun
, the name
is repeated. Although the repetition of the
proper name
can affect the acceptability of the stimulus, it was necessary in order to
keep sentences homogenous within item groups. Indeed, Gordon, Grosz, and Gilliom (1993)
demonstrate the
repeated-name penalty
, in which proper names that are the center of focus
and are repeated present more difficulty in processing than their pronominal counterpart.
This issue was also dealt with in some stimuli with use of backward
pronominalization, in which a pronoun appears before a coreferential proper name instead
of the proper name appearing first and the pronoun appearing subsequently. In these
stimuli, the entity was referenced in the priming context using a pronoun, and the target
sentence contained the proper name. For example, a stimulus with backward
pronminalization resembles the following:
He can be such a bully. This morning, Matt
fought me.
Cole (1974) discusses how sentences with backward pronominalization are often
considered marginal, and he argues that sentence acceptability in these sentences can
depend on syntactic and semantic constraints, as well as intonational variation and
individual preferences. The use of backward pronominalization eliminated the issue of
repetitive reference to the same person using a name in subsequent sentences; however, it
introduced its own potentially marginalizing effects.
There was another type of context sentence that used parallel grammatical subjects,
which is exemplified in (7) and (8) from
Table 3.1
below. This type of context does not have
the drawbacks of repeating the proper name or of backward pronominalization. Parallel
grammatical subjects occur in sentences such as
Jack fell down and Jill came tumbling
with parallel grammatical subjects (
) belong to a previously established
topic set (Yokoyama 1986, 314 ff.). Coming after
Jack fell down
in the coordinated
parallel sentence (
and Jill came tumbling after
) is recognized as a member of a topic set
Jack, Jill
}. In the same way, coming after
Dan and Sue have had quite a busy morning,
Dan got a haircut,
in the coordinated parallel sentence (
and Sue was massaged by me
should be recognized as a member of a topic set {
Dan, Sue
}. Both the explicit mention of
and the implication of the topic set affect interference between the two entities now high on
the Topic EH (
3.2.3 Conditions of the stimuli. The sentence quartets in the experiment gave rise to
four stimulus types, which are defined as follows: the observation of both EHs (condition A),
the violation of the Topic EH and the observation of the Person EH (condition B), the
observation of the Topic EH and the violation of the Person EH (condition C), and the
violation of both EHs (condition D). The four stimulus types are abbreviated to the
condition labels of {A, B, C, D} so that they can be compared across Reciprocal and
Active/passive groups, as well as placed into graphs and analyses in the experimental
results. Participants were asked to rate the acceptability of the target sentences given the
previous context sentence.
Table 3.1
, stimulus examples are organized by the type of context, target,
violation (+ or -), and condition (A, B, C, D). The examples of a null context for a reciprocal
are presented as (1) and (2), and examples of a priming context for the same
reciprocal verb are (3) and (4). Examples of a null context for an active/passive pair with
are (5) and (6), and examples of the priming context for the same
active/passive verb are (7) and (8).
3.3 Predictions
3.3.1 Stimulus types and Empathy Hierarchies. In the Reciprocal group, the Person
EH was manipulated by creating stimuli in which the grammatical subjects and objects
alternated between first and third persons. In the Active/Passive group, the Person EH was
similarly manipulated by creating stimuli in which the object of an active sentence was
used as the subject of the passive version, and the subject of an active sentence was used as
-agentive in the passive version. I predicted that in null contexts, in which
established as a default topic, target sentences with first person grammatical subject (e.g.,
fought Matt
I massaged Sue
) should be more acceptable than targets with third person
Target sentence
Guess what happened this morning?
I fought Matt.
+ +
Guess what happened this morning?
Matt fought me.
- -
Matt can be such a bully. This
I fought Matt.
- + B
Matt can be such a bully. This
Matt fought me.
+ -
Good to see you. Can I tell you about
what happened last night?
I massaged Sue.
+ +
Good to see you. Can I tell you about
what happened last night?
Sue was
massaged by me.
- -
Sue and Dan have had quite a busy
day. Dan got a haircut, and
I massaged Sue.
- + B
Sue and Dan have had quite a busy
day. Dan got a haircut, and
Sue was
massaged by me.
+ - C
Table 3.1: Example Trials, Violations, and Conditions
Table 3.1:
Example trials for all types of stimuli (1-4 Reciprocal, 5-8 Active/Passive) with
columns for contexts, targets, Topic and Person EH observation (+) or violation (-), and
condition label.
grammatical subject (e.g.,
Matt fought me
Sue was massaged by me
). This is
demonstrated in
Table 3.1
in examples (1)
Guess what happened this morning? I fought
and (5)
Good to see you. Can I tell you about what happened last night? I massaged
, where the Topic (T) and Person (P) EHs are both satisfied (+), and these stimuli are
defined as (T+, P+), condition A. The Topic EH and Person EH are both violated (-) in
examples (2)
Guess what happened this morning? Matt fought me
and (6)
Good to see you.
Can I tell you about what happened last night? Sue was massaged by me
, and these stimuli
are defined as (T- P-), condition D.
The priming context introduced a third person entity (
) into the
discourse beforehand, thereby escalating it on the Topic Empathy scale. I predict that the
interference between the two entities high on the Topic EH (
, or
) would
be in competition with one another, which would negatively affect the acceptability of the
target sentences when the Person EH was satisfied. In these cases, I treat the Topic EH as
violated when the context suggests
as the topic, but the subject of the following
target sentence is
, as in examples (3)
Matt can be such a bully. This morning, I fought
and (7)
Sue and Dan have had quite a busy day. Dan got a haircut, and I massaged
. These sentences were defined as
(T- P+), condition B. Alternatively, the Topic EH is
treated as satisfied when the context suggests
as the topic, and the subject of
the following target sentence is
, as in examples (4)
Matt can be such a bully.
This morning, Matt fought me
and (8)
Sue and Dan have had quite a busy day. Dan got a
haircut, and Sue was massaged by me.
Meanwhile, the Person EH is violated in these
examples since the third person is the subject, and the first person is the object (reciprocals)
agentive (active/passives). These sentences were defined as (T+ P-), condition C.
Let us examine in some detail the two relationships between a context sentence and
a topic sentence that can cause a violation of Topic EH (T-). The first relationship can be
found in examples (2)
Guess what happened this morning? Matt fought me
and (6)
Good to
see you. Can I tell you about what happened last night? Sue was massaged by me
, in which
the null context is followed by a target sentence with a third person subject. In these
examples, the null context does not mention a third person entity, which means that the
only relevant topics are {
(speaker of experiment text),
}. Thus, the preferred topic of the following sentence should default to the first person.
In these examples, there is a violation of the Topic EH because the third person subject
is not an established discourse topic, yet it is in the subject position. Thus, I
predict that examples with a T+ such as (8)
Sue and Dan have had quite a busy day. Dan
got a haircut, and Sue was massaged by me
should sound better than (6)
Good to see you.
Can I tell you what happened last night? Sue was massaged by me
despite having the same
target sentence because (6) violates the Topic EH and (8) does not.
The second relationship between the context and the target sentence in which T-
occurs can be found in examples (3)
Matt can be such a bully. This morning, I fought Matt
and (7)
Sue and Dan have had quite a busy day. Dan got a haircut, and I massaged Sue
, in
which the priming context is followed by a target sentence with a first person subject. In
these examples, the priming context mentions third person entities,
in example (3)
Sue and Dan
in example (7), which places these entities into the set of mutual current
concern). In these instances, T- signifies that there is competition between possible topics to
be the subject of the context sentence. I predict that examples like (5)
Good to see you. Can
I tell you what happened last night? I massaged Sue
will be rated higher than examples
like (7)
Sue and Dan have had quite a busy day. Dan got a haircut, and I massaged Sue
despite having the same target sentence
I argue for this prediction because even though
the target sentence
I massaged Sue
is identical in each, there is no competition for the
topic/subject entity in example (5), and there is competition for the possible topic/subject in
example (7). Thus, by referring to entities in the context sentences, an increased
expectation for this entity to be the topic of the following (target) sentence is created for the
addressee/participant. When this expectation is not realized, it is considered a violation of
the Topic EH (T-).
3.3.2 Experiment design. Overall, the experimental design is considered successful
when it produces a statistically significant interaction between the two manipulations of
the Topic EH, designated as “Context (Null vs. Priming)” and the two manipulations of the
Person EH, designated as “Subject (First vs. Third)” for the Reciprocal Group and
“Structure (Active vs. Passive)” for the Active/Passive group. This interaction has four
defining conditions: Null First/Active (condition A), Null Third/Passive (condition D),
Priming First/Active (condition B), Priming Third/Passive (condition C). A significant
interaction of Context x Subject and Context x Structure would demonstrate that each of
the four conditions {A (T+ P+), B (T- P+), C (T+ P-), D (T- P-)} yield different and predictable
acceptability measures relative to the other conditions. The predictions followed that when
a Linguistic EH is violated, the acceptability ratings are lower than when it is observed.
Condition A contains no violations, and it should be the highest rated condition. Condition
D contains two violations, and it should be the lowest rated condition. Since conditions B
and C each contain one violation, I predict that the ratings of both B and C to fall between
A and D. Thus, if the measures of the four conditions in the interaction of Context x Subject
or Context x Structure are significant, then the follow-up paired-sample t-tests will show
that A > {B, C, D} and {A, B, C} > D.
There is no prediction regarding the relative difference between conditions B and C;
however, this difference is important for investigating the relative strength of the two
hierarchies. B (T- P+) represents the violation of Topic EH while the Person EH is observed.
Given this assumption, B represents the independent contribution of the Topic EH.
Similarly, C (T+ P-) represents the independent contribution of the Person EH.
Consequently, B > C would imply that the violations of the Person EH are stronger (i.e.,
result in lower ratings); conversely, C > B would imply that violations of the extended Topic
EH are stronger. Therefore, B-C is a first step toward a measure of the asymmetry between
the two hierarchies. However, this asymmetry is systematically influenced by instances of
imposition, which itself contains subjective factors (e.g., speaker’s whim, egocentric
preoccupation, the cooperative mindset or lack thereof on the part of the addressee, the
cultural conventions, etc.). Thus, this asymmetry is predicted to be approximate, at best.
To summarize, the subjects were expected to find sentences more or less acceptable
depending on the conditions given below in
Table 3.2
(Reciprocal group) and
Table 3.3
(Active/Passive group).
Topicalizing 3
Sentence Subject
First Person
Third Person
First Person
Third Person
Topic Empathy
Observed Violated Violated Observed
Person Empathy
Observed Violated Observed Violated
Violations (T, P)
(T+ P+)
(T- P-)
(T- P+)
(T+ P-)
Acceptability Rating
Guess what
happened this
Guess what
happened this
Matt can be
such a bully.
This morning,
Matt can be
such a bully.
This morning,
Target Sentence
I fought Matt.
Matt fought
I fought Matt
Matt fought
Topicalizing 3
Topic Empathy
Person Empathy
Observed Violated Observed Violated
Violations (T, P)
(T+ P+)
(T- P-)
(T- P+)
(T+ P-)
Acceptability Rating
Good to see
you. Can I tell
you about
happened last
Good to see
you. Can I tell
you about
happened last
Sue and Dan
have had quite
a busy day.
Dan got a
haircut, and
Sue and Dan
have had quite
a busy day.
Dan got a
haircut, and
Target Sentence
I massaged
I massaged
Sue was
massaged by
Sue Was
massaged by
Tables 3.2
: The matrices demonstrate the EH violations for Context (Topic EH)
and Subject (Person EH) for Reciprocal verbs (
) and for Active/Passive
constructions (
Table 3.3
). The matrices predict acceptability ratings of sentences relative
to other sentence types based on these violations. In descending order, these ratings are
High (no violation), Mid (one violation of either EH), and Low (violation of both EHs).
Table 3.3: Active/Passive Stimulus Matrix
Table 3.2: Reciprocal Stimulus Matrix
3.3.3 Sensitivity to Linguistic Empathy. The four types of stimuli, A, B, C and D,
provide several different representations of Linguistic Empathy where one or both of the
EHs in question were violated. As mentioned above, in this experiment, the stimuli that did
not violate any Linguistic EH (i.e., T+ P+, condition A) are predicted to be rated as with the
highest acceptability across participants. The stimuli that violated both Linguistic EHs
(i.e., T- P-, condition D) are predicted to be rated with the lowest acceptability across
participants. Thus, the difference between the ratings for stimuli of condition A and ratings
for stimuli of condition D provided the crudest reflection of how violations of the Topic EH
and the Person EH with respect to the Surface Structure EH are perceived. The difference
between condition A and condition D therefore represents a person’s tendency to notice
violations of these two Linguistic Empathy Hierarchies relative to sentences with no
violations of these hierarchies. The prediction follows that the greater the distance is
between A and D for an individual participant, the more heightened that person’s
awareness is to violations of Linguistic Empathy. This difference, thus, is the best
representation of an individual’s sensitivity to Linguistic Empathy in this experiment
3.3.4 Correlations between Linguistic and Psychological Empathy. In addition to the
manipulation of Empathy Hierarchies and the potential measures of Linguistic Empathy
sensitivity, this experiment measured the EQ for each participant. It was hypothesized that
if there is a correlation between a person’s Linguistic Empathy (i.e., a person’s sensitivity to
Linguistic Empathy violations) and Psychological Empathy (i.e., EQ), this would signify
that the two distinct forms of Empathy are somehow overlapping or related. This study
predicted that the acceptability measure of Linguistic Empathy is related to Psychological
Empathy (EQ): if a person demonstrated a heightened awareness to violations of Linguistic
Empathy, then that person should also demonstrate an increased measure of Psychological
Empathy. This study also predicted that Linguistic Empathy and Psychological Empathy
correlate positively with each other. I argue that the correlation would be most significant
between a participant’s EQ score and the difference between points A and D. As a person’s
EQ score increases, so does the distance in ratings between (Null, First/Active) stimuli (T+
P+, condition A) and (Null, Third/Passive) stimuli (T- P-, condition D). Moreover, in this
view, a person’s capacity for sensitivity to Linguistic Empathy is measurable within
individuals, and there are individual differences in Linguistic Empathy just as in
Psychological Empathy.
3.4 Methodology
3.4.1 Participants. Thirty-four UCLA undergraduate students (19 females, 15 males)
participated in the experiment in exchange for course credit. One additional participant
was run, but did not complete the experiment due to equipment failure. All participants
were classified as right-handed based on self-report and observation of right hand
dominance for writing. All participants were also native speakers of English between 18 -
22 years of age.
3.4.2 Stimuli. The experimental session contained a mixture of trials intended to
manipulate a number of different variables related to Linguistic Empathy. The set of 208
items presented to each participant was composed of twelve different item groups, where an
item group includes all possible sentence variants presented with a particular verb. These
twelve item groups consisted of three types of items: reciprocal verbs, active/passive verb
structures, and sentences with genitive phrases. The items with genitives manipulated
different variables that do not map simply onto the variables of the other two groups, and
thus, they are not discussed in this study. Additionally, the reciprocal and active/passive
sets each included one item that manipulated separate variables from the other items in
that group, on an exploratory basis. Those items are also excluded from the analysis. The
data discussed here thus includes two sub-experiments: the Reciprocal group consists of
three item groups (48 trials) using reciprocal verbs, and the Active/Passive group consists of
three item groups (48 trials) in which active/passive construction was contrasted.
The reciprocal sentences included item groups with the following three verbs:
(finally) met,
Eight trials in each item group had a first person pronoun as the
grammatical subject and a single-syllable proper name as the object, e.g.,
I fought Matt
The subject-object choice was reversed for the other eight trials, with the third person
grammatical subject and a first person object (e.g.,
Matt fought me
The active/passive constructions included item groups with the following three
, and
. For those item groups, eight trials included an
active construction with a first person pronoun as the grammatical subject and a single-
syllable proper name as the object (e.g.,
I massaged Sue
), while eight trials included a
passive construction with the third person subject and first person
-agentive (e.g.,
was massaged by me
In each of the Reciprocal and Active/Passive groups, half of the trials were preceded
by a null context sentence, while half were preceded by a priming context sentence, as
is intended to mean “made the acquaintance of,” which is why the adverbial
was included with these stimuli. Kuno (1987) used the verb
in his examples as “to run
into;” however, I argue that “made the acquaintance of” carries an equal or greater
reciprocal meaning.
described above. Context length was controlled across sentences within each set within five
total characters. Trial order was randomized for each participant, and this avoided possible
biases of neighborhood effects from surrounding trials that could have shared or differed in
experimental conditions.
Additionally, this experiment was designed to explore potential hemispheric
differences in processing Empathy. Language processing predominantly occurs in the left
hemisphere (Taylor & Taylor, 1990); however, there is reason to believe that the right
hemisphere is selectively involved in social aspects of human interaction in general, and in
the pragmatics of natural discourse in particular (Brownell & Joanette, 1993).
Furthermore, there is evidence that the right hemisphere is selectively involved in
Psychological Empathy (Shamay-Tsoory, Tomer, Berger, & Aharon-Peretz, 2003). Given the
hypothesis in this dissertation that Linguistic Empathy is correlated with Psychological
Empathy, this leads to the conjecture that the right hemisphere is selectively involved in
Linguistic Empathy as well. The experiment was devised to be able to examine this issue by
lateralizing the target word to one visual hemifield and requiring the participant to rate the
stimulus with the ipsilateral (matching) hand. In this way, the input and output would be
restricted to one hemisphere and minimize the involvement of the other hemisphere.
However, the ANOVA that incorporated hemisphere as an independent variable showed no
main effects nor first- or second-order interactions with Hemisphere. Consequently, the
results were collapsed across this variable. Nevertheless, this variable may become
prominent if the analysis were extended to search for an electrophysiological correlate for
Linguistic Empathy.
3.4.3 Procedure. Participants first completed an inventory of linguistic and cultural
background, followed by an EQ test (Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright, 2004) to produce a
measure of Psychological Empathy. During the main cognitive task that followed,
participants were positioned with their eyes 57.3cm from the monitor while resting on a
chin rest. At that distance, one degree of visual angle is equal to one centimeter of distance
on the screen. Participants responded to each trial by pressing one of four keys
corresponding to the level of sentence acceptability, with cartoon faces shown on the
response screen at the end of each trial to illustrate the levels of acceptability of each
response key. Participants responded with the hand ipsilateral to the visual field target;
thus, if the target was left-lateralized, they should respond with the left hand using the
keys “x”, “d”, “f”, or “v”, corresponding to “worst”, “bad”, “good”, and “best” ratings, while if
the target was right-lateralized, they should respond with the right hand using the keys,
“b”, h”, “j”, or “m”, again corresponding to “worst”, “bad”, “good”, and “best” ratings.
Participants were instructed to indicate how “natural or acceptable” they judged the target
sentence to be if they were to hear it from an external speaker.
The experimental session began with a practice block of twelve trials, followed by
two blocks with 104 trials each. The trial began with a fixation cross flashed in the center of
the screen for 180ms. Then, a context sentence appeared centrally for 1500ms above the
fixation cross; this sentence then disappeared and another brief (100ms) fixation cross
remained. Next, the first part of the target sentence appeared centrally for 1500ms, but
with a blank line for the critical final word. Lastly, the final word of the sentence, or target
word, appeared lateralized for 180ms at one degree of visual angle to the right or the left of
the edge closer to fixation, subtending from two to five degrees. Immediately after the
target word, a screen appeared that reminded the participants of the response options,
which remained until the response was given. At the end of each trial, a screen appeared
that reminded the participant of the correct response pattern of the keys (
x, d, f, v
for the
left hand,
b, h, j, m
for the right hand). When this screen appeared, this unfortunately
created variable delay between processing the display and responding to the target, which
contaminated response time as a potential variable. Consequently, reaction time was not
considered as a variable to measure performance in this task.
Figure 3.1
below visually
demonstrates the structure of each trial.
Figure 3.1:
This figure illustrates the screens presented to participants during a
single trial of the experiment. This particular sample trial consists of a null
context for an unmarked reciprocal item. Since the target is flashed on the right
side of the screen, the response to this item should be with the right hand.
Figure 3.1: Sample Trial of the Experiment.
This chapter provides the results, discussion, and extensions for the psycholinguistic
experiment described in the previous chapter. The results are split into three sections:
results for items with reciprocal verbs, results for items with active/passive sentences, and
the combined results. A discussion of the results follows that interprets the significance of
these findings with respect to the Linguistic Empathy Hierarchies (EHs) and Psychological
Empathy. This chapter concludes with the limitations and several potential extensions of
this experiment.
4.1 Results
Empathy Quotients (EQs) were obtained for 32 of the 34 participants (19 females, 13
males). Scores ranged from 25-73 out of a possible range of 0-80, with a mean score of 46.8.
The mean score for females was 49.7, and the mean score for males was 42.7; this gender
difference missed significance,
(30) = 1.81,
= .08, but such a difference would be
consistent with prior literature. Baron-Cohen and Wheelwright (2004) found the average
EQ ratings for females to be 47.2 (SD = 10.2) and for males to be 41.8 (SD = 11.2).
4.1.1 Reciprocal items and experiment validation. Reciprocal design.
In chapter 3, the predictions established that the
experiment design was considered successful if the results showed a significant effect of
Context (Topic EH) x Subject [of the target sentence] (Person EH). A 2 x 2 ANOVA of
Context (Null, Priming) x Subject (First Person, Third Person), with mean acceptability
rating as the dependent variable, showed a main effect of Subject. Target sentences with
First Person subjects (M = 3.53, SE = .063) were rated higher than with Third person
subjects (M = 2.68, SE = .107),
(1, 33) = 62.21,
= .391,
< .001, η
= .65. There was
also a main effect of Context, with
the Null context (M = 3.16, SE =
.078) rated higher than the
Priming context, (M = 3.05, SE =
(1, 33) = 7.72,
= .057,
= .009, η
= .19. The critical
Context x Subject interaction was
(1, 33) = 16.11,
= .092,
< .001, η
= .33 (
). This validated the design by
showing that it successfully
implemented the intended rating
order of the defining conditions
(i.e., the four stimulus types), such
that A > {B, C, D} and {A, B, C} >
D. Below, example sentences with
reciprocal verbs for each of the
defining conditions are listed in
Table 4.1.
A: + +
B: - +
C: + -
D: - -
Figure 4.1.
Acceptability ratings for First Person
versus Third Person grammatical subjects in Null
or Priming contexts. Error bars represent +/- 1 SE.
Points ABCD correspond to stimuli in which: A-
both EHs observed (++); D-both EHs violated (- -);
B-Topic EH violated, Person EH observed (-+); C-
Topic EH observed, Person EH violated (+-).
Figure 4.1: Mean Ratings, Reciprocal Items Defining conditions.
The results for the defining conditions are summarized in
Table 4.2
Table 4.3.
Table 4.2
provides mean ratings for the Reciprocal items and their correlations with EQ.
The t-tests showed that all the defining conditions (A, B, C and D) were significantly
different from zero. In this table, as in all tables that follow, a cell is highlighted when the
datum therein is statistically significant. Paired-samples t-tests also showed that in the
Priming context, target sentences
with First person subjects (condition
B) had significantly higher ratings
than target sentences with Third
person subjects (condition C).
contains the measures of the
differences between the defining
conditions. The second column in
Table 4.3
lists the meaning of the
Table 4.1.
The four defining conditions (A, B, C, D) for the Reciprocal group with
example contexts and target sentences, and indication of the Topic and Person
Hierarchy observation (+) or violation (-).
Target sentence
Guess what happened this morning?
I fought Matt.
+ +
Matt can be such a bully. This
I fought Matt.
- +
Matt can be such a bully. This
Matt fought me.
+ -
Guess what happened this morning?
Matt fought me.
- -
Table 4.1: Sample Reciprocal Sentences for the Defining Conditions
Table 4.2
. Mean ratings for the defining
conditions (ABCD) of the Reciprocal sentences
and their correlations with EQ.
with EQ
Table 4.2: Mean Ratings and Correlations,
Reciprocal Items
difference measures in terms of the conditions of the two hierarchies that are being
assessed. For example, A-B is the same as A: (T+ P+) B: (T- P+). Thus, this shows the
difference between T+ and T- when P+ remains constant, written as T
. Of the difference
measures, there was a significant effect (i.e., greater than zero) for A-D, A-C, and A-B
Taken together, these data validate the defining conditions. C-D showed only a trend
towards significance, thus, the prediction of a significant difference was not supported.
There was no prediction about B-C, yet the data showed that B was significantly higher
than C, suggesting that the violations of the Person EH impacted the participants to a
greater extent than the violations of the Topic EH in this experiment design (t = 5.232, p <
0.001) when there was an explicit entity that was topicalized, and the target sentence
contained a default topic. Linguistic Empathy sensitivity and correlations with Psychological Empathy
There was a prediction that stated that A-D would be the crudest measure of
Correlation with
A - D
+ P) / 2
< 0.001
A - B
< 0.001
C - D
B - C
(T- P+) (T+P-)
< 0.001
A - C
< 0.001
B - D
< 0.001
Table 4.3.
Mean difference measures in the defining conditions (A, B, C, D) for the
Reciprocal sentences, t-tests and correlations with EQ. The Empathy Hierarchies
that correspond with the difference measures are listed.
Table 4.3: Mean Ratings and Correlations, Reciprocal Difference Measures
sensitivity to Linguistic Empathy, and that a person’s sensitivity to Linguistic Empathy
should be related to Psychological Empathy (EQ) by a significant negative correlation
between the differences of ratings of A-D and the EQ of the participant. To demonstrate
this, EQ was correlated with the four defining conditions (A, B, C and D,
Table 4.2
) as well
as with the four differences between these conditions (A-D, A-B, C-D as well as B-C,
Among the defining conditions, only C and D showed significant correlations with
EQ. Among the difference measures, A-B did not show a significant correlation with EQ (r =
0.11, p = 0.548) and the correlation of C-D with EQ missed significance (r = 0.335, p =
0.061). A-D and A-C showed significant correlations with EQ (i.e., both exhibited differences
between conditions when the Person EH was observed and violated). Furthermore, A-D
(i.e., difference between the conditions when both EHs are observed and when both EHs are
violated) showed the highest correlation with EQ (r = 0.647, p = <0.001). A-C does not
involve a violation of the Topic EH, but it does involve a difference between observing and
violating the Person EH. In other words, A-C measures the Person EH (P+ minus P-) in
conditions when the Topic EH is observed (T+). Note that C is smaller or equal to D, and
therefore A-C is smaller than A-D. Thus, A-D is the largest and presumably the best
measure of the two empathy hierarchies. In other words, A-C measures the Person EH (P+
minus P-) in conditions when the Topic EH is observed (T+) since both A and C observe it.
Since A-D accommodates a greater violation of Linguistic Empathy, it is a more accurate
and more sensitive measure of Linguistic Empathy than A - C, and consequently it should
and did correlate more significantly with EQ. Similarly, the correlation of EQ with A-D was
also higher than the correlation for D alone (r = 0.496, p), confirming the prediction that the
difference measure A-D is a more accurate and sensitive measure of Linguistic Empathy
than D.
The difference between the Topic EH and Person EH, B-C, was described as a
promising measure of the asymmetry between the two hierarchies. The results showed that
B-C was significantly different from chance, suggesting that the Person EH was stronger
than the Topic EH in this design. The results also showed that A-B (i.e., T
: difference in
Topic EH violation when Person EH is observed) is always larger than C-D (i.e., T
difference in Topic EH when Person EH is violated).
Taken together, the correlation data suggest that A-D is the most promising
measure of a person’s sensitivity to Linguistic Empathy, combining violations of the Topic
and Person EHs. As expected, the correlations with EQ were largest for terms that include
violations of both EHs (difference measure A-D) rather than violations of only the Person
EH (difference measure A-C), as shown in
Figure 4.2
Figure 4.2.
Correlation between EQ score and sensitivity to Linguistic Empathy
when determining acceptability for reciprocal sentences, with Null context (A - D,
left), or Priming context (A - C, right). Both correlations are significant, but A - D
demonstrates a greater correlation.
Figure 4.2: Correlations of EQ and Linguistic Empathy, Reciprocal Sentences
4.1.2 Active/Passive items and experiment validation.
6 Active/Passive design.
The experiment design was
considered successful if the results
showed a significant effect of Context
(Topic EH) x Structure [Active
versus Passive] (Person EH). The
results for the Active/Passive items
were analyzed using the same
procedure that was used for the
Reciprocal items. A 2 x 2 ANOVA of
Context (Null, Priming) x Structure
(Active: First person subject,
Passive: Third Person subject)
revealed a main effect of Structure,
where Active sentences (M = 3.48,
SE = .077) were rated higher than
Passive sentences (M = 2.44, SE =
Sentences in this group are referred to as Active and Passive to avoid confusion with the
corresponding variable in the Reciprocal group. The “Actives” in this group have first
person grammatical subjects, and the “Passives” have third person grammatical subjects,
but the “First person” and “Third person labels were reserved for the Reciprocals.
Figure 4.3.
Mean acceptability rating for
Active/Passive sentences with Active (first person
subject) versus Passive (third person subject)
sentences in Null or Priming contexts. Error bars
represent +/- 1 SE. Points ABCD correspond to
stimuli in which: A-both EHs observed (++); D-
both EHs violated (--); B-Topic EH violated,
Person EH observed (+-); C-Topic EH observed,
Person EH violated (-+).
A: + +
B: - +
C: + -
D: - -
Figure 4.3: Mean Ratings, Active/Passive Items
(1, 33) = 83.93,
= .44,
< .001, η
= .74. The main effect of Context was not
(1, 33) < 1. The critical interaction of Context x Structure was significant,
33) = 20.62,
= .095,
< .001, η
= .39. Follow-up comparisons showed that Active
sentences (M = 3.62, SE = .070) were rated as more acceptable than Passive sentences in
the Null context (M = 2.34, SE = .117),
(33) = 10.01,
< .001, as well as in the Priming
context (Active: M = 3.34, SE = .090, Passive: M = 2.54, SE = .102),
(33) = 6.53,
< .001.
These data are displayed in
Figure 4.3
The interaction indicated that the effect of Structure in the Null context was
stronger than in the Priming context. There was a significant effect of Context in the Active
sentences (First person subjects),
(33) = 5.39,
< .001, where ratings were higher in the
Null context (A) than in the Priming context (B). Passive sentences (Third person subjects)
showed the opposite pattern, which was predicted: the ratings were significantly higher in
the Priming context (C) than in the Null context (D),
(33) = 2.55,
= .015. This validated
the design by showing that it successfully implemented the intended rating order of the
Table 4.4.
The four defining conditions (A, B, C, D) for the Active/Passive group with
example contexts and target sentences, and indication of the Topic and Person
Hierarchy observation (+) or violation (-).
Target sentence
Good to see you. Can I tell you about
what happened last night?
I massaged Sue.
+ +
Sue and Dan have had quite a busy
day. Dan got a haircut, and
I massaged Sue.
- +
Sue and Dan have had quite a busy
day. Dan got a haircut, and
Sue was
massaged by me.
+ -
Good to see you. Can I tell you about
what happened last night?
Sue was
massaged by me.
- -
Table 4.4: Sample Active/Passive Sentences for Defining Conditions
experimental conditions, i.e., A > {B, C, D} and {A, B, C} > D. Example sentences for each of
the defining conditions are listed in
Table 4.4. Defining
The results for the
follow-up tests are summarized
Tables 4.5
Table 4.5
provides the mean
ratings for the defining
conditions (A, B, C and D), and
the t-tests showed that all the
defining conditions were
with EQ
Table 4.5
. Mean ratings for the defining conditions
(A, B, C, D) of the Active/Passive sentences and
their correlations with EQ.
Table 4.5: Mean Ratings and Correlations,
Active/Passive Items
Table 4.6.
Mean difference measures in the defining conditions (ABCD) for the
Active/Passive sentences, t-tests and correlations with EQ. The Empathy Hierarchies
that correspond with the difference measures are listed.
Correlation with
A - D
+ P) / 2
< 0.001
A - B
< 0.001
C - D
B - C
(T- P+) - (T+P-)
< 0.001
A - C
< 0.001
B - D
< 0.001
Table 4.6: Mean Ratings and Correlations, Active/Passive Difference Measures
significantly different from zero.
Table 4.6
provides the difference measures, and
demonstrates that there was a significant effect (i.e., greater than zero) for all difference
measures. Paired-samples t-tests also showed that in the Priming context, Active target
sentences (B) had significantly higher ratings than Passive target sentences (C). This
difference between the Topic EH and Person EH, B-C, was described as a promising
measure of the asymmetry between the two hierarchies, and it suggests that the violations
of the Person EH impacted the participant greater than violations of the Topic EH in this
experiment design (t = 6.15, p < 0.001). The results also showed that A-B is always larger
than C-D. Linguistic Empathy sensitivity and correlations with Psychological Empathy
As with the Reciprocal group, the predictions stated that A-D in the Active/Passive
group would be the best measure of sensitivity to Linguistic Empathy, and that a person’s
sensitivity to Linguistic Empathy should be related to Psychological Empathy (EQ). To
investigate the validity of this prediction, EQ was first correlated with the four defining
conditions (A, B, C and D,
Table 4.5
), with the four differences between these conditions (A-
D, A-B, C-D and B-C,
Table 4.6
). Of the four defining conditions, only the acceptability
ratings for Passive items in the Null context (D) correlated significantly (and negatively)
with EQ score. Of the differences in these conditions, only A-D showed a significant
correlation with EQ (
Table 4.6
The correlations with EQ for the individual defining conditions are shown in
, and the correlations with EQ for the difference measures are shown in
Table 4.6
Among the defining conditions, only D showed significant correlations with EQ. Among the
difference measures, A-B did not show a significant correlation with EQ (r = 0.153, p =
0.404), and the correlation of C-D with EQ missed significance (r = 0.314, p = 0.08), and B-C
did not show a significant correlation (r = 0.14, p = 0.445). In fact, A-D was the only
difference to show significant correlations with EQ (r = 0.408, p = 0.02). The correlation of
EQ with A-D was also higher than the correlation for D alone (r = -0.371, p = 0.037),
confirming the prediction that the difference measure A-D was a more accurate reflection of
sensitivity to Linguistic Empathy than the absolute measure, D.
As with the Reciprocal group, the correlation data suggest that A-D is the most
promising measure of a person’s sensitivity to Linguistic Empathy. This measure combines
the violations of the Topic and Person EHs (condition D), and compares them with
corresponding stimuli with no EH violation. As expected, the correlations with EQ were
largest for terms that include violations of both the Topic EH and the Person EH (difference
measure A-D) rather than violations of only the Person EH (difference measure A-C), as
shown in
Figure 4.4
Figure 4.4.
Correlation between EQ and Linguistic Empathy for Active/Passive
sentences, with the Null context (A-D, left, significant), and the Priming context
(A-C, right, not significant).
Figure 4.4: Correlation of EQ and Linguistic Empathy, Active/Passive Sentences
4.1.3 Comparison across sentence types. Finally, the correlation was examined for
each of the defining conditions and the difference measures of Linguistic Empathy for the
Reciprocal and Active/Passive item groups together. The correlation between A-D in the
Reciprocals and A-D in the Active/Passive was highly significant,
= 0.71, p < .001. The
correlation of B-C in the two type of sentences was also a significant but smaller,
= 0.51, p
= .003. A Fisher’s Z test showed that the correlation coefficients for A-D and B-C did not
differ significantly from each other, z = 1.22, p = 0.22. More generally, all the difference
measures that were analyzed (see
Table 4.3
Table 4.6
) correlated significantly across
the two sentence types, but they did not correlate significantly with each other within each
sentence type. The pattern of the results demonstrated that a measure of Linguistic
Empathy in the Reciprocal item group correlated significantly with the same measure in
the Active/Passive item group.
In comparing respective ratings for the Active/Passive stimuli with the Reciprocal
stimuli, inspection of
Figure 4.2
Figure 4.4
suggests that the ratings for points C and D
were lower in the Active/Passive sentences than for the Reciprocal sentences, whereas the
ratings for points A and B were similarly high for the Reciprocal and Active/Passive
sentences. More formally, condition D was significantly lower in the Active/Passive than in
the Reciprocal sentences,
(33) = 3.45,
= .002. Point C was almost significantly lower in
the Active/Passive than in the Reciprocal sentences,
(33) = 1.89,
= .068. By contrast, the
difference in mean ratings for the two types of sentences was not significant for either point
A (
(33) = 1.36,
= .183) or point B (
(33) < 1).
4.2 Discussion
4.2.1 Defining Conditions. The findings confirm that comparisons across
acceptability ratings yield valid and stable measures of sensitivity to violations in
Linguistic Empathy. The results found that for both Reciprocal and Active/Passive groups,
with first person subjects in a null context (condition A:
Guess what happened this
morning? I fought Matt
.) were rated higher than sentences with third person subjects
(condition D:
Guess what happened this morning? Matt fought me.
), as was predicted by
the combined effect of violations to the Person EH and the Topic EH. In the priming
context, the sentences with first person grammatical subjects (condition B:
Matt can be
such a bully. This morning, I fought Matt
) were less acceptable than in the null contexts
(condition A). The sentences with third person grammatical subjects were more acceptable
in priming contexts (condition C:
Matt can be such a bully. This morning, Matt fought me.
than in the null contexts (condition D). Thus, the acceptability ratings confirmed the
predictions that A > {B, C, D} and {A, B, C} > D. These ratings also validated the principles
stipulated in Kuno and Kaburaki (1977) and Kuno (1987) regarding the role of the two EHs
in sentence acceptability. In other words, when there is a conflict in the Empathy relations
between the Person EH and the Surface Structure EH, the Topic EH and the Surface
Structure EH, or both the Person EH and the Topic EH with the Surface Structure EH,
sentence acceptability becomes more marginal.
The correlation of the measurements with EQ is more complex. Firstly, let us
consider the correlations with defining conditions for both Reciprocal and Active/Passive
groups. For sentences that observed the Person EH, no correlation with EQ score was found
for null context (condition A:
Guess what happened this morning? I fought Matt
. and
to see you. Can I tell you what happened last night? I massaged Sue.
). This finding suggests
that sentences with no EH violation should be deemed acceptable by all participants,
regardless of EQ. Next, in sentences that observed the Person EH, correlation with EQ was
slightly higher but not significant for the priming context either (condition B:
Matt can be
such a bully. This morning, I fought Matt.
Sue and Dan have been quite busy today.
Dan got a haircut, and I massaged Sue.
). Sentences in which the Person EH was violated
were statistically significant in the priming context for the Reciprocals (condition C:
can be such a bully. This morning, Matt fought me.
), but not for the Active/Passives
(condition C:
Good to see you. Can I tell you what happened last night? Sue was massaged
by me.
). Reciprocals and Active/Passives with third person subjects in the null context
displayed the most significance (condition D:
Guess what happened this morning? Matt
fought me.
). These findings suggest that as the stimuli increase in violations, they
gradually become judged as more unacceptable by people with higher EQ.
4.2.2 Difference Measures. For the Reciprocal items in both null and priming
contexts, the mean acceptability ratings correlated negatively with EQ score for the target
sentences with third person grammatical subjects. These correlations were strongest in the
differences between ratings of conditions A (
Guess what happened this morning? I fought
.) and D (
Guess what happened this morning? Matt fought me.
). Correlations were also
significant between conditions A and C (
Matt can be such a bully. This morning, Matt
fought me.
), though less than A-D. The correlations demonstrated that the higher the EQ
measure is in a participant, then the more sensitive that person is to Linguistic Empathy
violations of both the Person EH and Topic EH. This matched the expectation that a
correlation with EQ would be most significant in sentences with a more violations of
Linguistic Empathy. In other words, a higher EQ score correlates with a larger discrepancy
between ratings of sentences that observe and sentences that violate the EHs. The lower
the EQ is for the participant, the less sensitive the participant is to violations of the Person
EH and Topic EH together (condition D:
Guess what happened this morning? Matt fought
). This sensitivity to violations is less powerful but remains significant when the Topic
EH was observed in priming contexts (condition C:
Matt can be such a bully. This morning,
Matt fought me.
). The fact that the correlation is less significant when only one EH is
violated confirms that violating multiple hierarchies is additive: the violations compile to
make an utterance sound less acceptable. This also indicates that violations of the Person
EH in this design affect participants with higher EQ regardless of the type of context
sentence, and comparatively, violations of the Person EH have less of an effect on
participants with lower EQ.
For the Active/Passive items, the mean acceptability ratings correlated negatively
with EQ score for the passive sentences only in the null context. This correlation was the
difference between the ratings of conditions A (
Good to see you. Can I tell you what
happened last night? I massaged Sue.
) and D (
Good to see you. Can I tell you about what
happened last night? Sue was massaged by me.
). The implication must be the same as with
the Reciprocal items: the lower the EQ is for a particular participant, the more inclined that
person is to ignore violations of the Person EH in Null contexts. However, there was no
significant correlation between EQ score and ratings of stimuli that violated the Person EH
and observed the Topic EH (i.e., difference between condition A:
Good to see you. Can I tell
you about what happened last night? I massaged Sue.
and condition C:
Sue and Dan have
been quite busy today. Dan got a haircut, and Sue was massaged by me.
). The lack of
significant correlation with EQ score indicates that the observation (
I massaged Sue.
) or
violation (
Sue was massaged by me.
) of the Person EH in the Active/Passive items overrode
the effect of the Topic EH for all participants despite EQ. This can be interpreted either as
participants with lower EQ scores are relatively less sensitive to violations of the Person
EH and more sensitive to violations of the Topic EH in the Reciprocal items versus the
Active/Passive items, or as participants with higher EQ scores are less sensitive to the
effects of Topic EH in the Active/Passive items. In either case, the interactive effects of both
Linguistic EHs that correlated across Reciprocal and Active/Passive item groups support
the hypothesis that sensitivity to Linguistic Empathy violations is related to Psychological
4.2.3 Linguistic Empathy measure. I argue that the specific rating of a marginal
sentence is not as important as the difference between how this sentence sounds compared
to a felicitous sentence. For instance, if a person rates sentences with EH violations as a 1
out of 4, and rates sentences with no violations as a 3 out of 4, then this person seems to be
affected by the EHs to the same extent as a person who rates sentences with EH violations
as a 2 out of 4, and rates sentences with no violations as a 4 out of 4. Since the difference is
2 in both instances, these raters are influenced by the effects of EH violation to the same
degree. However, if the measure of Linguistic Empathy sensitivity were recorded by an
individual’s rating of sentences with EH violations without such a comparison, this
distinction would be lost. Indeed, the results demonstrated that EQ was correlated more
strongly with the difference of A-D than with D alone (A:
Guess what happened this
morning? I fought Matt
versus D:
Guess what happened this morning? Matt fought me.
This supports the claim that a difference between two defining conditions is a more
accurate measure of EQ than a proposed fixed value at a single point.
If a valid measure of Linguistic Empathy sensitivity is required to be positively
correlating with EQ, then the three difference measures A-D (A:
Guess what happened this
morning? I fought Matt.
minus D:
Guess what happened this morning? Matt fought me.
), A-
C (A:
Guess what happened this morning? I fought Matt.
minus C:
Matt can be such a
bully. This morning, Matt fought me.
), and B-D (B:
Matt can be such a bully. This morning,
I fought Matt.
minus D:
Guess what happened this morning? Matt fought me.
) are valid
candidates as measures of sensitivity to Linguistic Empathy because there is an imbalance
in the amount of EH violation. However, since A-C and B-D only contain the violation of a
singular EH, these differences measures are less likely candidates. Further, if a difference
measure that has the highest correlation with EQ is assumed to be the best estimate of
sensitivity to Linguistic Empathy, then A-D (A:
Guess what happened this morning? I
fought Matt.
versus D:
Guess what happened this morning? Matt fought me.
) is clearly the
preferred measure, at least when contrasting the Topic and the Person EHs under the
restricted conditions specified by the experimental design. Indeed, this difference is also the
crudest in that it demonstrates the difference between observing both EHs and violating
both EHs. The significant correlation between Linguistic Empathy sensitivity and EQ is
consistent with the view that Linguistic Empathy sensitivity is a meaningful individual
4.2.4 Implications for the Linguistic Empathy Hierarchies. Difference in the relative
strength of the Topic EH vis à vis the Person EH has been found among different
languages. In this experiment the Person EH overrode the Topic EH (witness that cases
Matt can be such a bully. This morning, I fought Matt
were rated better than
Matt can
be such a bully. This morning, Matt fought me.)
, although strong heavy contextual priming
can significantly improve the acceptability of sentences that violate the Person EH (e.g.,
Guess what, big news! Remember Basil, the guy I met last summer in England, that cool
handsome aristocrat? Well, Basil is marrying me!).
Nevertheless, in the null context, odd
English sentences like
Sue was massaged by me
are still considered grammatical. In
Lummi (a Native American language), however,
He was hit by me
(although structurally
equivalent to
Sue was massaged by me
) is judged to be ungrammatical (Oshima, 2007a, p.
757). Evidently, in this language the Person EH is stronger than the Topic EH, and
Empathy Hierarchies have the status of grammatical rules. Considering the varying status
of Linguistic Empathy among the languages of the world, the results obtained from the
participants with lower EQ in this experiment are by no means impossible.
The investigation of which stimulus type demonstrated the best measure of the
Topic EH is intricate. Across both Reciprocal and Active/Passive item groups, the difference
of A-B (A:
Guess what happened this morning? I fought Matt.
versus B:
Matt can be such a
bully. This morning, I fought Matt.
) is not equal to the difference of C-D (C:
Matt can be
such a bully. This morning, Matt fought me.
versus D:
Guess what happened this morning?
Matt fought me.
). The comparison of the EH values is as follows: A-B = (T+ P+) (T- P+),
and C-D = (T+ P-) (T- P-). These differences represent comparisons of when the Person
EH remained constant (P+ & P+ or P- & P-) while the status of the Topic EH changed from
observed to violated. Thus, in these differences, the Topic EH is the only EH whose status
changes. The difference in the status of the Topic EH was larger in A-B (A:
Guess what
happened this morning? I fought Matt.
versus B:
Matt can be such a bully. This morning, I
fought Matt.
) than in C-D (C:
Matt can be such a bully. This morning, Matt fought me.
versus D:
Guess what happened this morning? Matt fought me.
). This suggests that the
violation of the Topic EH when the Person EH is observed (condition B:
Matt can be such a
bully. This morning, I fought Matt
) made the violation of the Topic EH more obvious to the
rater; contrarily, a violation of the Topic EH when the Person EH is also violated (D:
what happened this morning? Matt fought me.
) made the violation of the Topic EH less
obvious. In effect, this demonstrated that violation of the Person EH influenced the ratings
more than violation of Topic EH.
Another factor that could contribute to the imbalance between the effects of the
Topic EH is that the violations at point B (
Matt can be such a bully. This morning, I fought
) and point D (
Guess what happened this morning? Matt fought me
.) are not
equivalent, strictly speaking. The violation of the Topic EH at point B involves competition
between eligible topics:
is mentioned in the context,
is part of mutual current
concern (but not verbalized), and
is used as topic of the target sentence. Contrarily, there
is only one eligible topic in the violation at point D:
is part of mutual current concern,
is not mentioned in the preceding context, and yet
is used as the sentential topic
of the target sentence. Despite this imbalance between violations to the Topic EH, the
influence that the Person EH exerted on the participants was also supported by the result
that point B (
Matt can be such a bully. This morning, I fought Matt.
) was rated
significantly higher than point C (
Matt can be such a bully. This morning, Matt fought
). This showed that the violation of the Person EH negatively affected the ratings more
than both types of Topic EH violation.
This study supports the validity of the effect of the two Empathy Hierarchies on the
acceptability of the sentences studied. Given the contested status of subtle acceptability
judgements of this type of data in linguistic studies, this conclusion provides important
support for notions of Linguistic Empathy. The study also confirmed the hypothesis that
Linguistic Empathy is related to Psychological Empathy, suggesting a common underlying
component is at work when processing Empathy related phenomena. Psychological
Empathy measures indicate individual differences with respect to processing Empathy, and
they can be acquired through both behavioral and neuro-physiological methods. The
correlations suggest that Linguistic Empathy measures should reflect similar individual
differences in processing Empathy, and that these differences should be measurable in both
behavioral and electrophysiological terms. Furthermore, these results indicate that the
capacity to notice violations of Linguistic Empathy differs among individuals. If individuals
vary in their ability to notice linguistic violations, this indicates a fundamental difference
exists in individual linguistic competence.
4.3 Limitations and Extensions
A speaker’s Empathy can find expression in many features of an utterance,
including the choice of referential expressions, verbs, conjunctions, intonation, and
syntactic constructions. In natural language, these features rarely operate in isolation but
co-occur in the same utterance. Stripping the sentences to bare minimum to satisfy the
technical requirements of an experiment seriously affects their processing by the native
speaker and the acceptability ratings. Given the necessarily crude target sentences, it is
striking that patterns were still discernable. A richer, more natural target sentences will
hopefully be testable in the future. Additionally, the rating system is explicit and self-
conscious. A more automatic or implicit measure would be preferred. It is likely that
different participants have different criteria for acceptability, be they grammatical,
semantic or pragmatic. The experiments discussed here demonstrated a correlation
between Psychological Empathy and at least the criterion of sentence acceptability caused
by the manipulation of the Empathy Hierarchies. What other factors correlated with or
affect other linguistic features of sentences remains to be seen.
The visual form of the stimuli creates another principled limitation. Studies (e.g.,
Ayers, 1994; Bader, 1998) have shown that prosody influences the way a person interprets
language when reading silently. This means that language stimuli in psycholinguistic
experiments that have multiple possible prosodic possibilities (e.g., syntactic ambiguity,
varying stress patterns, etc.) can be interpreted differently depending on a person’s chosen
prosody and intonation. In the present experiment, in the null context, when
I fought Matt
is preceded by
Guess what happened this morning?
, then
can be fully accented. When
the same target sentence
I fought Matt
is preceded by the prime
Let me tell you about
, on the other hand,
would normally be deaccented (weakly stressed), otherwise
its acceptability is seriously diminished. A more natural version would be to use a pronoun
to refer to the
in the second sentence:
Let me tell you about Matt. I fought him
. When
participants are presented with visual stimuli, the experimenter has no control over what
accentual pattern the participants posit in each case. This potentially contaminates the
results with acceptability judgments that are influenced by presupposed wrong intonation.
This obstacle can be removed by presenting the participants with auditory stimuli, but this
would be another experiment. Nevertheless, patterns were still discernable despite this
accentual ambiguity of the stimuli.
Apart from these limitations with the experiment design, there were limitations in
the scope of the data, of which two are important and can be addressed in the future
without changing the experiment setup. Firstly, this experiment compared Active/Passive
pairs with first person agents and third person patients only (e.g.,
I massaged Sue
Sue was massaged by me
). When these roles are maintained across the Active and Passive
forms, only the syntactic categories subject and object shift. Extensions of this experiment
should include Active/Passive pairs where the agent and patient roles are reversed (e.g.,
Sue massaged me
I was massaged by Sue
). Passives in such cases do not violate the
Person EH, and therefore they are expected to yield higher acceptability ratings than the
Passives used in this experiment. Sentences with agent and patient both in third person
Kate coached Sean
Sean was coached by Kate
) would present yet additional interesting
An obvious extension to this experiment would be to consider other EHs and their
linguistic manifestation. This experiment demonstrated that specific EHs can be analyzed
systematically independently from the others. In this experiment, the relationship among
three specific hierarchies was analyzed: Person EH and Topic EH were manipulated to
conflict with the Surface Structure EH. However, Linguistic Empathy is manifested in
many other forms, and the ultimate goal is to describe a general model for Empathy that
includes all known (and undiscovered) manifestations, as well as their interactions with
Psychological Empathy. One can then proceed with introducing one or two new Linguistic
Empathy phenomena at a time and analyze their interactions with each other and with the
first set. Correlation with Psychological Empathy and the subjects’ reactions to sentences or
contexts with socially inappropriate or socially unexpected meanings could be another
avenue for exploring Empathy relations.
Finally, since EQ tests are often used as a screening tool for Psychological Empathy
deficits such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, the correlation yielded between EQ
measurements and Linguistic Empathy suggests that a measure of Linguistic Empathy
could be developed into a similar diagnostic or therapeutic tool for Empathy deficits or
training the affected population. Compared to existing self-report questionnaires that
measure EQ, linguistic tools of the sort used in this experiment would be unencumbered by
self-conscious biases. The results from this experiment indicate that through further
experimentation, sentential stimuli could be developed for a test that can be used as a
diagnostic tool for Psychological Empathy deficiencies. Additionally, once a unified model
for Linguistic and Psychological Empathy is developed, it could have applications for
children’s socialization, language acquisition, and clinical treatments for Empathy deficits.
This chapter extends the implications of the experimental results from the previous
chapter. If the aim of the previous chapter was to confirm and discuss experimental
predictions, then the goal of this chapter is to reintegrate this discussion into linguistic and
psychological contexts. In doing so, the contributions from this dissertation and proposed
extensions to this dissertation are presented. A first contribution involves the implications
of the methodological approach. The experimental methodology in this study provides an
opportunity not only to investigate the linguistic phenomena, but also to apply these data to
the experimental participants. In doing so, these methods reimagine the role of
grammatical judgments in order to test for patterns and systems that may emerge with
respect to individual differences among participants. A second contribution is the
confirmation of Linguistic Empathy as a measurable trait in individuals. This measure
proved to be correlated with a person’s Psychological Empathy score, as measured by
Empathy Quotient (EQ). This correlation marks a third major contribution, and this
chapter explores the overlap between Linguistic and Psychological Empathy notions.
Further experimentation that builds upon these results are discussed, which includes the
incorporation of electrophysiological methods. Finally, the notion of an underlying Empathy
component is explored.
5.1 Methodological Contributions
In undertaking an investigation into Linguistic Empathy, this dissertation’s primary
intention was to confirm the effects of linguistic phenomena in Linguistic Empathy and to
uncover novel contributions and extensions to the understanding of Linguistic and
Psychological Empathy. In pursuing this research, this study utilized and provided
significant methodological contributions toward future studies. As discussed in chapter 3,
this paper investigates Empathy not through additions to previous approaches, but through
a novel methodological approach. More specifically, this dissertation’s experiment attempts
to validate notions of Linguistic Empathy by presenting sentences with established
phenomena to a range of native speakers in order to observe and analyze trends in their
responses. Analyses were then applied to the sentences to confirm the linguistic effects, and
they were also applied to the participants themselves to measure significant individual
differences in those who rated the sentences. The variation of linguistic judgments in this
experiment reflected significant phenomena in both the individuals who participated as
well as the linguistic stimuli. The patterns that emerged from how a person rated the
sentences turned out to reflect an individual measure of Linguistic Empathy. Additionally,
the systematic way that people rated sentences helped to confirm the underlying principles
of Linguistic Empathy that were manipulated in the experiment.
The methods in this study and the results of the experiment present a challenge to
linguists to reconsider the process of grammatical judgment by providing a new perspective
for linguistic research. A traditional approach for a linguist is to engender sentences that
highlight phenomena that are contradictory or unexplained by the current understandings
of linguistic rules. The linguist then uses native speaker informants or her/his own
expertise to determine the felicitousness of the sentence. However, although this method
may be useful for introducing novel phenomena, this method falls short of providing a
thorough account of phenomena with marginal acceptability. The most significant evidence
of this effect is that Linguistic Empathy has been demonstrated to extend into systematic
individual differences in linguistic competence.
Linguists who investigate Empathy have done so by providing sentences with
phenomena that defy syntactic explanation and fit into the theory of Linguistic Empathy.
Many of the rules of Linguistic Empathy that emerged were based on counterexamples in
which the syntax of the sentences could not explain the difference in felicitousness. For
instance, examples like
I fought Matt
Matt fought me
, where the felicitousness of
these sentences is clearly not equivalent but the syntax is identical, required explanation.
Thus, rules like Kuno’s EHs were established to explain these phenomena. However, this
dissertation has shown that standard methodology falls short of fully explaining the
behavior of sentence acceptability. When someone rates a sentence’s acceptability, this
judgment may not hold true for all native speakers. Previously, this variability in
acceptability across native speakers was acknowledged, but it was attributed to a person’s
individual idiolect instead of hypothesized as a systematic and measurable difference. This
paper demonstrates that this approach can provide systematic, significant, and informative
results based on acceptability judgments that apply to both the individuals and the
linguistic phenomena involved.
This paper is not advocating for the removal of the traditional linguistic approach in
which phenomena are highlighted in sample sentences. This method is crucial in providing
counterexamples that highlight holes in current theoretical understandings. However, I
argue that the benefits of the approach proposed and practiced here are many. Providing
language examples that support rules and understandings is crucial to supporting evidence
for linguistic phenomena. Similarly, native speakers whose grammatical judgments vary
can provide insight to validate the proposed rules, as well as insight into corollary
phenomena (e.g., EQ correlation). The experiment in this dissertation shows that variation
of grammatical judgment can be relative to individual speakers, and not in an arbitrary
way. I argue that this approach must be considered with respect to new and different
Empathy phenomena in language. If this approach confirms systematic variation in
individual acceptability with respect to Linguistic Empathy violations, the possibility of
similar systematic variation with respect to violations of other linguistic phenomena should
be pursued.
5.2 Measure of Linguistic Empathy
The consideration of Linguistic Empathy as an individual trait and the
measurement of a person’s sensitivity to violations in Linguistic Empathy comprise a novel
approach to Empathy. Linguistic Empathy sensitivity measures a persons ability to notice
violations of Linguistic Empathy, and it is manifested by this person’s tendency to rate
these utterances as less acceptable. In other words, when established rules of Linguistic
Empathy are violated, a person with greater Linguistic Empathy sensitivity has more
capacity to notice the negative effects of Linguistic Empathy violations; contrarily, a person
with less Linguistic Empathy sensitivity either has less awareness of these violations, or is
less affected by these violations, as evidenced by acceptability judgments. The notion of
Linguistic Empathy sensitivity was hypothesized in chapter 3 and supported by the results
of the experiment in chapter 4. These results confirmed that Linguistic Empathy sensitivity
is measurable and meaningful in individuals. This measure was not tested in the person
generating the utterance (i.e., speaker), but rather in the person interpreting/processing the
utterance (i.e., hearer).
5.3 Connection Between Linguistic Empathy and Psychological Empathy
This dissertation utilized EQ as an individual measure of Psychological Empathy,
and the findings revealed that EQ score provides a stable correlate with the Linguistic
Empathy measure. Additionally, this dissertation suggests that measuring Linguistic
Empathy could provide an alternate approach toward developing a valid measure of
Psychological Empathy. I argue that instead of continually revising the previous self-
reporting surveys that measure Empathy, one can develop a measure that is based on
principles of Linguistic Empathy theory. The influence that this correlation imparts on
measures of Psychological Empathy are discussed below.
One of the primary criticisms of current Psychological Empathy measures discussed
in this dissertation has been that these tests are self-report questionnaires that ask direct
questions about a person’s prosocial emotional behavior. As reviewed in chapter 3, this sort
of questioning engenders a conflict of interest with respect to self-incrimination, social
desirability, and emotional contamination. I argue that a method for testing should be
explored to measure a person’s Psychological Empathy without asking the participant to
self-report on socio-emotional issues that are relevant for diagnosing deficits of Empathy.
One of the applications of a Psychological Empathy measure is in a clinical setting with
individuals who are at risk of conditions that present with a deficit of Empathy, such as
Autism Spectrum Disorder, psychopathy, or schizoid personality disorder (Baron-Cohen &
Wheelwright, 2004; Smith, 2006; Rogers et al., 2007). In this context, the purpose of
Psychological Empathy measures is to screen for an Empathy deficit, but not to diagnose
such a condition. A Linguistic Empathy measure that is developed to screen for Empathy
deficits would do so without the inherent social desirability conflict such as admitting to
negative socio-emotional tendencies. As a screening tool, the measure of Linguistic
Empathy would indicate the suitability for further investigation from medical professionals.
As a result of the correlation, the Linguistic Empathy test in its current design could
be a strong indicator for a person’s Psychological Empathy measure. However, the current
design investigates aspects of only three specific Empathy Hierarchies, so there is the
capacity to expand the theoretical scope of this test. I argue that with further
experimentation, a refined version of a Linguistic Empathy sensitivity test could be
designed as an implicit and accurate indicator of Psychological Empathy. The next step in a
revised version of the test that aims to measure Psychological Empathy would contain a
different range of Linguistic Empathy violations among the stimuli so that a broader set of
Linguistic Empathy violations could be verified and incorporated. If subsequent
experiments maintain a significant correlation with EQ and other measures of
Psychological Empathy, then this linguistic approach would be a candidate for implicit
measure of Psychological Empathy. Additionally, if successful, the role of Linguistic
Empathy stimuli developed or integrated into therapeutic tools for individuals with
Empathy deficits could be explored.
5.4 Electrophysiological Extensions
In addition to the behavioral effects of Linguistic Empathy that were established in
this dissertation, the electrophysiological effects of Empathy can also be pursued. The
experiment design from this study lends itself to incorporation of electrophysiology in the
test methodology, which would augment the behavioral results with a neural account of
reactions to Linguistic Empathy violations, including hemispheric and neuroanatomical
implications of Empathy violations. A subsequent study is currently under investigation
(Kann et al., in preparation) in which reaction time and electroencephalography (EEG)
were collected during the task. In this experiment, the behavioral results were replicated
and showed that acceptability ratings correlated significantly with reaction time. This
confirmed the validity of the experiment design and the results. As with the acceptability
ratings, there was also a positive correlation between reaction time and EQ. This result
confirmed that the effect of Linguistic Empathy violations extends beyond acceptability
ratings. With respect to the electrophysiology, the EEG record was analyzed into Event
Related Potential (ERP) components. The ERP analysis included a temporal bin analysis
between 300-400ms as well as an analysis of the peak amplitude at 370ms for midline
electrodes for stimuli that violate the EHs. In this range, the ERP component verified the
effect of Linguistic Empathy violations as consistent with other types of linguistic violations
(Kaan, 2007). The ERP amplitude model correlated positively with acceptability ratings and
negatively with reaction time, but it did not correlate with EQ. The components of
acceptability ratings and reaction time provide evidence that Linguistic Empathy shares
information processing mechanisms with Psychological Empathy. The experiments also
demonstrate that there exists a physiological correlate of Linguistic Empathy.
5.5 Underlying Empathy Processing Component
Developing a more precise understanding of the underlying connection between
Linguistic Empathy and Psychological Empathy would benefit the design of a linguistic-
based Empathy deficit screening tool. Further behavioral and electrophysiological
experimentation is needed to provide evidence toward uncovering the nature of this
connection. However, based on the theoretical and experimental evidence from this study, a
further hypothesis can be presented: Instead of Linguistic Empathy deriving from
Psychological Empathy, or Psychological Empathy deriving from Linguistic Empathy, I
argue that they both derive from a singular processing mechanism that involves shifts in
perspective. Perspective shifts are always imagined and never actual; no one truly
embodies another person when experiencing the world from a different viewpoint. Instead,
this shift is hypothetical, and this leap of perspective is precisely what experiencing
Empathy amounts to. The nature of this perspective shift can be linguistic, cognitive, social,
emotional, or some combination of these contexts.
Since the individual measure of Linguistic Empathy originated separately from
previous measures of Psychological Empathy, some might argue that a measure of
Linguistic Empathy can only apply to linguistic notions; attempting to use sensitivity to
Linguistic Empathy as a measure of Psychological Empathy could be argued to lack
substantive validity. However, this study takes the position that Linguistic Empathy
sensitivity is a measure of a component that is inextricably linked to the practice of
understanding and adopting other perspectives, and this component is necessary for
Psychological Empathy. In addition to the correlation found in the experimental results, the
well-known association of Psychological Empathy deficits with language difficulties serves
as strong support for this connection. That the stimuli in the experiment are unrelated to
socio-emotional notions of Psychological Empathy, I argue, is precisely what makes them
more effective. Based on this unified theory of Empathy, honing an individual’s Linguistic
Empathy would sharpen the underlying ability to process the perspectives of others. The
existence of an underlying Empathy construct would also support the inseparability of
overlapping Empathy notions, as proposed by Baron-Cohen and Wheelwright (2004). I
argue that although post-hoc classifications of situations and stimuli as, say, cognitive or
affective, can be informative, the underlying Empathy process itself cannot be parsed.
A test of Linguistic Empathy would provide a more impartial measure of the
underlying component that is responsible for shifts in perspective, and identifying a deficit
of Empathy through a linguistic channel would sidestep the socio-emotional stigma that is
entangled with Psychological Empathy. Typically, deficits of Empathy are stigmatized at
least partially because of the social and emotional awkwardness that they can cause. Since
the notion of an individual measure of Linguistic Empathy is novel to this study, and
because it is an unemotional endeavor, a deficit in Linguistic Empathy would be
comparatively less stigmatized. Regrettably, this study cannot directly address the
unfortunate social stigma that comes with the diagnosis of an Empathy deficit.
Nevertheless, I hope that this dissertation’s discussion of the stigma-free notion of the
individual measure of Linguistic Empathy can to help to normalize the conversation around
deficits of Empathy.
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