Children with High Perspective-Taking Ability Prefer Sad Music
Ai Kawakami (
Brain Science Institute, 6-1-1 Tamagawa-gakuen, Machida, 194-0041, JAPAN
Kenji Katahira (
School of Science and Technology, 2-1 Gakuen Sanda, 669-1337, JAPAN
Minoru Asada ([email protected]
Graduate School of Engineering, 2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, 565-0871, JAPAN
Why do we listen to sad music? One reason could be that it
generates pleasant emotions as well as sadness. Accordingly,
it is necessary to determine what kind of person experiences
pleasant affect by listening to sad music. In the current study,
we focused on empathy as a personal trait and examined the
relationship between trait empathy and emotional response,
including liking for the sad music. We targeted children
because we considered that this age group is appropriate to
highlight individual differences in empathy. Our findings
indicated that perspective-taking ability, a sub-component of
trait empathy, was correlated with emotional responses to the
sad music. In addition, children who experienced pleasant
emotions preferred sad music.
Keywords: sad music; empathy; pleasant emotion; liking sad
music; perspective-taking ability; Grade 6 elementary school
Among the many current definitions of empathy, a
common casual definition of empathy is “sharing the
perceived emotion of another” (Eisenberg & Strayer, 1987).
This kind of empathy was first introduced by Lipps (1903;
1905) and this is typically considered the origin of the term
(Wispé, 1987). Of note, however, is that Lipps did not
initially include the interpersonal context in his use of the
term. In fact, the concept that he adopted was “einfühlung,”
which evolved from German aesthetics, and was used to
discuss aesthetic cognition. It is, therefore, surprising that,
in contrast, the modern usage of the concept of empathy is
nearly always reserved for interpersonal contexts.
Additionally, the original concept of einfühlung emerged
from the study of aesthetics, rather than the field of social
human interaction.
The German word einfühlung literally translates as feel
into in English, and is derived from the verb meaning to
feel oneself in something(Lee, 1913). According to Wind
(1963), the term einfühlung was initially used by Vischer in
1873. Vischer considered that one must project oneself into
the object to appreciate its aesthetics. Subsequently, the idea
of einfühlung spread widely throughout aesthetics research
by the late nineteenth century (Wispé, 1987). During this
time, Lipps (1897) and Wundt (1903) both adopted
einfühlung into their respective psychological terminologies
and furthered its usage in this context (Lee, 1913).
Lipps applied the idea of einfühlung to the aesthetics of
visual form (Currie, 2011). For Lipps, einfühlung meant that
projecting oneself into a perceived object is the only way in
which one may appreciate certain aesthetical aspects of that
object (Wis, 1987). Although today we do not consider
empathy to be a way in which we understand inanimate
objects, discussion of empathy in the context of non-human
objects would have been natural at that time (Currie, 2011).
Later, Lipps (1905) extended his usage of einfühlung
beyond aesthetic appreciation to explain how a person
understands the consciousness of others. Thus, the target of
einfühlung expanded from aesthetic objects to people
(Chismar, 1988). Titchener (1909) borrowed Lipps’s notion
of einfühlung, and translated it as “empathy” via the Greek
word empatheia,which means either “in suffering” or “in
passion(en + pathos). This was the first usage of the term
“empathy.” Subsequently, the concept of empathy was
borrowed by many personality theorists during the 1930s
and by psychotherapists during the 1950s. At present, social
and developmental psychologists use empathy to explain
altruistic behavior (Wispé, 1987).
Considering the way in which the term “empathy”
emerged, we predicted that empathic ability would be
associated with aesthetic emotional experience. This
suggests that emotion in art, not just in interpersonal
contexts, should be examined from the perspective of
empathic ability. In line with this, Garrido and Schubert
(2011), and Vuoskoski, Thompson, Mcilwain, and Eerola
(2012) showed that in adults, there was a positive
correlation between trait levels of empathic concern and the
degree to which they liked sad music. One of the reasons
that people like sad music could be a pleasure that is
induced by sad music. In fact, sad music provokes pleasant
emotions as well as sadness in listeners (Kawakami, 2013;
Kawakami et al., 2013a; Kawakami et al., 2013b;
Kawakami et al., 2014). However it has been unclear what
kind of person experiences pleasant affect by listening to the
sad music. So to speak, the relationship between trait
empathy and pleasant emotion generated by the sad music
remains unknown.
The concept of empathy also includes cognitive aspects
(Borke, 1971, 1973; Buckley, Siegel, & Ness, 1979;
Deutsch & Madle, 1975; Greenspan, Barenboim, &
Chandler, 1976). Therefore, in line with Hoffman’s (1987)
suggested relationship between the development and
properties of empathy, the ability to be empathetic would be
transformed depending on the degree of development of
cognitive ability. Childhood represents the developmental
stage during which empathy emerges; we therefore
predicted that studying this age group would highlight
individual differences in empathy and allow us to examine
its influence.
Hence, we examined whether the trait of empathy was
positively related to pleasant emotion as well as liking for
sad music in children. If there was such a relationship, we
aimed to clarify that what kind of trait empathy contributes
to pleasure and liking for sad music. In particular, we
examined the mediation effect of the emotional responses
linking trait empathy to liking for sad music. Our
hypothetical model suggests that sub-components of trait
empathy were differently associated with varying emotional
responses to sad music, and indirectly affect liking for such
music. We conducted an experiment in which participants
emotional responses to sad music and trait empathy were
subjectively assessed.
Participants were 42 female children and 43 male
children who were enrolled in Grade 6 at an elementary
school in Japan. The mean age of the participants was 11.9
years (SD = 0.32).
Musical Stimuli. Excerpts from the following two
musical pieces were used: (1) Glinka’s La Separation (F
minor), played at quarter note = 80; and (2) Granados’s
Allegro de Concierto (G minor), played at quarter note = 70.
We also used these pieces in an earlier study (Kawakami et
al., 2013b).
The sound level of the music excerpts ranged from
58.4dB (C) to 72.5 dB (C) for Allegro de Concierto (G
minor), and from 46.5 dB (C) to 70.5 dB (C) for La
Separation (F minor). Both music excerpts lasted
approximately 30 s.
Interpersonal Reactivity Index Scale. The modified
Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) for use with children,
developed by Hasegawa et al. (2009), was used to measure
the participants’ trait empathy. Hasegawa et al. (2009)
translated Davis’s (1980) original IRI into Japanese and
modified it so that children could understand and answer the
items. Since Hasegawa et al. (2009) recommended that this
scale be used with children older than Grade 4, the Grade 6
students who participated in our research were considered
mature enough to answer the scale. The modified IRI scale
for children contains 30 items, representing four sub-
components of trait empathy (Empathic Concern (EC):
seven items; Perspective Taking (PT): nine items; Personal
Distress (PD): seven items; and Fantasy (FS): seven items).
According to Davis (1980; 1983), EC assesses other-
oriented feelings of sympathy and concern for unfortunate
others, PT assesses the tendency to spontaneously adopt the
psychological point of view of others, PD measures self-
oriented feelings of personal anxiety and unease in tense
interpersonal settings, and FS taps respondents’ tendencies
to transpose themselves imaginatively into the feelings and
actions of fictitious characters in books, movies, and plays.
Emotional State Scale. This is a self-report scale
consisting of 50 emotion-related descriptive words and
phrases that are rated on a scale ranging from 1 (not at all)
to 5 (very much). After listening to each musical stimulus,
children were asked to rate their emotional state using this
scale. The descriptive words and phrases were almost the
same as the ones we used in a previous study (Kawakami et
al., 2013b), with some alterations because the participants in
the present study were children. Before creating the
questionnaire, we consulted a music teacher at an
elementary school to ensure that children could understand
and answer the words and phrases.
The experiments were conducted in a music class at the
elementary school. The children listened to music coming
from a pair of speakers and engaged in two kinds of tasks.
First, the participants were asked to report their own
emotional state (including their liking for the music) after
listening to each music stimulus, on a scale of 1 (not at all)
to 5 (very much). Before rating their emotional states in the
formal experiment, children completed two practice sessions.
For the practice trials, we used two short excerpts of music
(approximately 15 s) that were different from the music
stimuli used in the rating task. On the basis of the music
teacher’s advice, we did not distribute the emotional state
questionnaire until after we had played the music, so that the
children could focus on the music. After all of the students
had answered the questionnaire for the first music stimulus,
we collected the questionnaire papers and then played the
next music stimulus.
After the rating task was completed, participants
answered the IRI. We explained to the children that these
questionnaires were not associated with their academic
results, and that there was no correct answer. We did not ask
the children to write their name on their questionnaires
because we wanted to obtain honest answers. Though
children did not write their names on both emotional state
and IRI questionnaires, we numbered the questionnaires and
children sat on the same seat throughout the study; therefore,
we could match the two questionnaires.
Statistical Analysis
First, the relationship between trait empathy and liking
for sad music was examined. In addition, in consideration of
the correlations among IRI sub-components, partial
correlations with liking for sad music were investigated for
each sub-component. Second, a factor analysis was
performed on the data from the emotional state scale to
determine possible factors underlying participants’
emotional responses to the music stimuli. The relationships
among the identified factors and the study variables were
examined. All of the above statistical analyses were
completed using IBM SPSS Version 22. Finally, path
analyses were conducted to evaluate the model proposed in
the present study and to test the hypothesis that sub-
components of trait empathy influence liking for sad music
through emotional responses to music. The path analyses
were performed using IBM AMOS Version 22 with
maximum likelihood estimation. Model solutions were
assessed using the following fit indices: chi-square, adjusted
goodness of fit index (AGFI), comparative fit index (CFI),
and root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA).
Influence of Empathy on Liking for Sad Music
Correlation analyses were performed to investigate the
influence of trait empathy on liking for sad music.
Participants global empathy scores were calculated by
averaging the ratings of all IRI items. The scores for the
sub-components of trait empathy were calculated as
averaged ratings of items representing each sub-component.
Liking assessments for the two music excerpts were
averaged for each participant to obtain an overall liking
Global empathy and two sub-components of trait
empathy (PT and FS) demonstrated significant correlations
with liking for sad music (Table 1). Further, there were
correlations among some of the sub-components of trait
empathy. Therefore, partial correlation analyses were
performed to assess the association between each sub-
component and liking for sad music, controlling for the
effects of the other sub-components (Table 2). There was no
significant association between any sub-component of trait
empathy and liking for sad music.
Table 1: Correlations among Variables.
*= p < .05, ** = p < .01
Table 2: Partial Correlation Coefficients among Empathy
Sub-Components and Liking for Sad Music.
Emotional Responses to Music
Factor analysis, using the principal factor method with
promax rotation, was performed on the responses of the 85
participants to the two musical stimuli (N = 170 responses)
to identify the underlying structure of the 50 items of the
emotional state scale. A three-factor solution explaining
53.95% of the total variance was revealed.
The 50 emotion-related descriptive words and phrases
with their corresponding factor loadings are reported in
Table 3. Twenty-seven words and phrases, such as tender,
fascinated, and peaceful, were included in Factor 1, “Sweet
Emotion.” Ten other words and phrases, such as sad, lonely,
and gloomy, were included in Factor 2, “Tragic Emotion.”
In the third factor, “Heightened Emotion,” there were eight
words and phrases, such as panache, restless, and strong.
Model Testing
Path analyses were performed to test the proposed
relationship between trait empathy and liking for sad music.
The model showed that the indirect effects of the sub-
components of trait empathy on liking for sad music were
mediated by the emotional response to music.
Figure 1 shows the final model including standardized
regression weights. The fit indices were as follows: the chi-
square value was not significant, indicating that the
modified model was consistent with the data, and the AGFI
(.905), CFI (1.000) and RMSEA (.000) were also acceptable.
Path analysis indicated that some sub-components of trait
empathy were associated with emotional responses to the
music stimuli, which were then associated with liking for
sad music. Regarding the relationships among the sub-
components of trait empathy and emotional responses, only
PT demonstrated an effect on emotional responses, in that it
was positively associated with all three emotional response
factors. Additionally, sweet emotion and heightened
emotion were positively associated with liking for sad music.
Though non-significant, the positive effect of PD on tragic
emotion and the negative effect of FS on sweet emotion
contributed to the amount of variance explained within the
Table 3: Factor Analysis of Emotional Responses to
Emotion-related items
Feel easy
Warm feeling
Familiar ease
State of lightness
Feel like dancing
Weird feeling
Filled with wonder
Correlations among factors
Factor 1
Figure 1: Path analysis of the modified model.
With the exception of R
values, all values are
standardized regression weights. Dashed lines indicate non-
significant associations.
Influence of Trait Empathy on Liking for Sad
Previous studies found that trait empathy was associated
with liking for sad music. For example, Garrido and
Schubert (2011) showed a correlation between EC and
liking for sad music. Vuoskoski et al. (2012) suggested that
the degree of liking for sad music was correlated with EC,
FS, and global empathy. In line with previous studies, we
found that liking for sad music was significantly correlated
with global empathy (r(85) = .23, p < .05) but its
relationship with EC was only marginally significant (r(85)
= .20, p = .067). Furthermore, liking for sad music was
significantly correlated with both FS (r(85) = .25, p < .05)
and PT (r(85) = .26, p < .05). Previous research did not find
an association between PT and liking for sad music. The age
of the present sample might have affected the results.
Notably, participants in the experiments of both Garrido and
Schubert (2011) and Vuoskoski et al. (2012) were adults,
while ours were Grade 6 elementary school children. The
difference in age might account for the differences that
emerged in how trait empathy is correlated with liking for
sad music.
The Model of Trait Empathy and Liking for Sad
Music through Emotional Responses to Music
Path analysis of the modified model showed that the
indirect effects of the sub-components of trait empathy on
liking for sad music were mediated by the emotional
response to music. That is, we clarified that PT affected
liking for sad music indirectly, mediated by one’s emotional
response to the music (Figure 1). Our findings demonstrated
that children with high perspective-taking ability tended to
experience ambivalent emotions, such as a combination of
sweet and tragic emotions, as well as heightened emotions.
In addition, particularly pleasant emotions like sweet and
heightened emotions contributed to a preference for sad
music (Figure 1).
The effect of PT on emotional responses to sad music is a
new finding obtained in the present study. According to
Eisenberg et al. (1991), when participants watched a film
that induced sympathy and focused on emotional content,
PT was positively correlated with vicarious emotional
reactions. If PT is a prerequisite or promotional factor of
vicarious emotions, emotional responses in this study were
also strengthened by perspective-taking ability.
We thank the elementary school that allowed us to
conduct our research with their students. We also
acknowledge the considerable assistance provided by Ms.
Endo, music teacher, and Ms. Oshimura and Ms. Maeda,
coordinators at the elementary school. This work was
supported by JSPS KAKENHI under grant numbers
26540149 (Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory
Research) and 24000012 (Grant-in-Aid for Specially
Promoted Research).
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