GEOLOGY 1--Physical Geology
Lecture #2, 2/9/2006
Lithospheric plates and their motions
Types of plate boundaries or margins
The present is the key to the past
Relative Time
Numerical Age
Age of the Earth
Three mechanical layers of the crust and mantle:
(crust and uppermost mantle) is strong,
brittle, rigid.
(mantle) is plastic and deformable –it
contains a small amount of molten rock or magma.
is strong, but not brittle
mantle and
mantle and
Theory of Plate Tectonics
Theory of Plate Tectonics
Plate tectonics regards the lithosphere
as broken into plates that are in motion.
The plates move relative to each other,
sliding on the underlying asthenosphere.
The plates are much like the segments of
the cracked shell on a boiled egg.
Three Kinds of plate boundaries
Three Kinds of plate boundaries
1. Divergent boundary – plates move away from each other
2. Convergent boundary – plates move toward one another, and
one plate sinks or is subducted beneath the other
3. Transform boundary – plates move past one another
is broken into plates called
is broken into plates called
or tectonic plates
or tectonic plates
Plates contain both oceanic and continental lithosphere
Plates move over the asthenosphere
Boundaries of plates are sites of convergence, divergence, shearing
This shows the simplest possible convection pattern, with
rising beneath ridges and sinking in subduction zones.
Why do plates move?
Why do plates move?
The earth cools by
The earth cools by
mantle convection
mantle convection
The motions of lithospheric plates are driven by
convection – the Earth’s interior (once molten) is
Chapter 8 Time and Geology
The present is the key to the past
James Hutton, father of geology, realized that
geologic features in the past could be explained
through present-day processes.
He realized that our mountains are not permanent
but have been carved into their present shapes and
will be worn down by the slow agents of erosion now
working on them. The great thickness of
sedimentary rocks on the continents are products
of sediments removed from land and deposited in
oceans. “We found no sign of beginning and no
prospect for an end”. He wrote in 1788. The time
required for these processes to take place had to
be incredibly long.
The present is the key to the past
Hutton’s concept of geological processes requiring
vast amount of time also influenced Charles Darwin
and led the development of theory of evolution
that revolutionized biology.
Charles Lyell,
Principles of Geology
, referred to
Hutton’s concept that geological processes
operating at present are the same processes that
operated in the past as the principle of
Actualism: the same processes and natural laws
that operated in the past are those we can actually
observe or infer from observation as operating at
present. Physical laws are independent of time and
location. Actualism=~ uniformitarianism
Relative time
1. Principles used to determine relative age
1) Original Horizontality
2) Superposition
3) Lateral Continuity
4) Cross-cutting Relationship
5) Inclusion
2. Unconformities (contact that represent a GAP in
geological records)
1) Disconformity
2) Angular unconformity
3) Nonconformity
3. Correlation (time equivalency of rock units)
1) Physical continuity
2) Similarity of rock types
3) Correlation by fossils
The principle of
states that
within a sequence of undisturbed
sedimentary or volcanic rocks, the layers
get younger from bottom to top.
The principle of
original horizontality
states that beds of sediments deposited
in water formed as horizontal or nearly
horizontal layers.
Principles used to determine relative age
The principle of lateral continuity states that
an original sedimentary layer extends laterally
until it tapers or thins at its edges.
The principle of cross-cutting relationships
states that a disrupted pattern is older than
the cause of disruption. A layer cake (the
pattern) has to be baked (established)
before it can be sliced (the disruption)
The principle of inclusion states that
fragments included in a host rock are older
than the host rock
Principles used to determine relative age
(contact that represent a GAP in geological records)
1) Disconformity
2) Angular unconformity
3) Nonconformity
1) Disconformity
Contact representing missing rock strata
separates beds that are parallel to each
The older rocks were eroded away parallel
to the bedding plane
Renewed deposition later buried the
erosion surface.
(contact that represent a GAP in geological records)
1) Disconformity
2) Angular unconformity
3) Nonconformity
Younger strata overlie an erosion surface on
tilted of folded layered rock.
Deposition and lithification of sedimentary
Uplift accompanied by folding or tilting of the
Renewed deposition
2) Angular unconformity
A nonconformity is a contact in which an erosion
surface on plutonic or metamorphic rock has
been covered by younger sedimentary or
volcanic rock.
Crystallization of plutonic or metamorphic
rocks at depth
Strong erosion of several >kms of overlying
rocks (the great amount of erosion further
implies considerable uplift of this portion of
the crust)
Deposition of new sediment
3) Nonconformity
(a GAP in geological records)
Disconformity Angular unconformity Nonconformity
Erosion slight moderate strong
Lower strata sedimentary sedimentary igneous
Geometry parallel not parallel not parallel
Folding no yes yes
Correlation (determining time equivalency of rock units)
1. Physical continuity
2. Similarity of rock types
3. Correlation by fossils
Fossils are common in sedimentary rocks and their
presence is important for correlation.
Different sedimentary layers are characterized by
distinctive fossil species and that fossil species
succeed one another through the layers in a
predictable order. William Smith’s principle of
faunal succession allows rock layers in different
places to be correlated based on their fossils.
Index fossils: 1) very short-lived, 2) geographically
widespread, 3) known existed in a specific period
of time.
Correlation by fossils
Fossils are common in sedimentary rocks and
their presence is important for correlation.
Principle of Faunal Succession: different
sedimentary layers are characterized by
distinctive fossil species and that fossil
species succeed one another through the
layers in a predictable order. William Smith’s
principle of faunal succession allowed rock
layers in different places to be correlated
based on their fossils.
Index fossils: 1) very short-lived, 2)
geographically widespread, 3) known existed in
a specific period of time, e.g., Trilobite.
The Age of the Earth
The Age of the Earth
1. In 1625, Archbishop James Usser: 4004 B.C. (Western
Countries), before the birth of Christ October 21,
9:00 in the morning
. His age determination was made
by counting back generations in the Bible.
2. Hindus regarded Earth as very old (2 billion years)
3. Earth scientists in early 1800s (Uniformitarianism): very
old, >hundreds of millions of years
Other Early Attempts
Other Early Attempts
Sedimentation rates - 3 my – 500 my
Halley/Joly - Ocean Salinity – 100 my
Lord Kelvin (famous English Physicist) in
1866: 20-40 Myrs, calculated from the
rate of cooling.
The Age of the Earth
The Age of the Earth
Isotopic Dating
Discovery of radioactivity in 1986 invalidated Lord
Kelvin’s claim because it provided a heat source that
had not known about. The decay of radioactive
elements generate heat and add to the heat already in
the earth.
The discovery of radioactivity also provided means to
determine how old Earth is. In 1905, the first crude
isotopic dates were indicate an age of about 2 billion
The Age of the Earth
The Age of the Earth
Isotopic Dating (continued)
In 1955, CalTech geochemist Clair Patterson
determined the age of the Earth at 4.55 byrs by
U-Pb isotope dating. And this age has sustained
enormous tests by other scientists using different
radioactive isotopes.
Radioactive Revolution around 1900
Radioactive Revolution around 1900
Radioactive decay - spontaneous
transformation of an element to
another isotope of the same
element or another element.
Alpha Decay – loss of a positively charged
Helium ion (two protons and two neutrons)
Beta Decay – neutron splits into proton
and electron
Protons - positively charged
Neutrons - no charge
Electrons - negatively charged
Helium 3
Radioactive Decay (Beta)
Radioactive Decay (Beta)
Helium 3
unstable stable
Beta Decay – neutron changes into proton and electron
Theory of radioactive dating
Theory of radioactive dating
N is the number of radioactive atoms
λ is the rate of decay in year
The age of the rock is thus
The fixed period of time during
which half the parent atoms
present in a closed system decay to
form daughter atoms.
Half-life is related to the rate of decay
(decay constant) by
/N)= (1/λ)ln2=0.693/ λ
=0.693/ λ
1 2 3 54
Radiometric Dating Methods and their
Radiometric Dating Methods and their
half lives
half lives
C-14: 5700 Yr.
Be-10: 2.5 M.Y.
K-Ar (K-40): 1.25 B.Y.
Rb-Sr (Rb-87): 48.8 by
U-235: 704 M.Y.
Th-232: 14 B.Y.
U-238: 4.5 B.Y.
Nd-Sm (Sm-147-Nd-
143): 106 B.Y.
Re-187 43 B.Y.
Lu-Hf (Lu-176) 36 B.Y
Time Scale
Time Scale
65 Ma
251 Ma
544 Ma
Era Period