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NiceLabel Automation User Guide
English Edition
Rev 16-02
© 2016 Euro Plus d.o.o. All rights reserved.
Euro Plus d.o.o.
Poslovna cona A 2
SI-4208 Šenčur, Slovenia
tel.: +386 4 280 50 00
fax: +386 4 233 11 48
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Table Of Contents
Table of Contents 2
Welcome to NiceLabel Automation 5
Typographical Conventions 7
Setting Up Application 8
Architecture 8
System Requirements 8
Installation 9
Activation 10
Trial Mode 11
Understanding Filters 12
Understanding Filters 12
Configuring Structured Text Filter 13
Configuring Unstructured Data Filter 17
Configuring XML filter 25
Setting Label and Printer Names from Input Data 32
Configuring Triggers 33
Understanding Triggers 33
Defining Triggers 35
Using Variables 61
Using Actions 64
Testing Triggers 121
Protecting Trigger Configuration from Editing 123
Using Secure Transport Layer (HTTPS) 123
Running and Managing Triggers 126
Deploying Configuration 126
Event Logging Options 127
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Managing Triggers 127
Using Event Log 129
Performance and Feedback Options 130
Parallel Processing 130
Caching Files 131
Error Handling 132
Synchronous Print Mode 133
Print Job Status Feedback 134
Using Store/Recall Printing Mode 136
High-availability (Failover) Cluster 136
Load-balancing Cluster 137
Understanding Data Structures 138
Understanding Data Structures 138
Binary Files 138
Command Files 139
Compound CSV 139
Legacy Data 140
Text Database 140
XML Data 141
Reference and Troubleshooting 143
Command File Types 143
Custom Commands 150
Access to Network Shared Resources 155
Accessing Databases 156
Automatic Font Replacement 156
Changing Multi-threaded Printing Defaults 158
Compatibility with NiceWatch Products 158
Controlling the Service with Command-line Parameters 160
Database Connection String Replacement 162
Entering Special Characters (Control Codes) 163
List of Control Codes 163
Offline Mode 164
Printer Licensing Mode 164
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Running in Service Mode 165
Search order for the Requested Files 166
Securing Access to your Triggers 167
Tips and Tricks for Using Variables in Actions 168
Tracing Mode 168
Understanding Printer Settings and DEVMODE 169
Using the Same User Account to Configure and to Run Triggers 171
Examples 172
Examples 172
Technical Support 174
Online Support 174
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Welcome To NiceLabel
NiceLabel Automation is an application that automates repetitive tasks. In most cases you would use
it to integrate label printing processes into existing informational systems, such as existing business
applications, production and packaging lines, distribution systems, supply chains. All applications
across all divisions and locations in your company can now print authorized labels templates.
NiceLabel Automation represents the optimal business label printing system by synchronizing
business events with label production. Automated printing without human interaction is by far the
most effective way to remove user errors and maximize performance.
Automating label printing with a trigger-based application revolves around 3 core processes.
Triggers are a simple but powerful function that help you automate work. At its core a trigger is a
cause and effect statement: ff a monitored event happens, do something.
We are talking about IF .. THEN processing. Triggers are good for things you find yourself repeating.
Automated label printing is triggered by a business operation. NiceLabel Automation is set to
supervise a folder, file, or a communication port. When a business operation takes place, a file change
or incoming data is detected and it triggers the label printing process.
Learn more about various Triggers:
l File trigger
l Serial port trigger
l Database trigger
l TCP/IP trigger
l HTTP trigger
l Web Service trigger
Data Extraction and Placement
Once the printing is triggered, the NiceLabel Automation extracts label data and inserts it into
variable fields on the label design.
Data extraction Filters support:
l Structured text files
l Unstructured text files
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l Various XML files
l Binary data: printer replacement, export from legacy software, data from hardware devices, etc.
Action Execution
When the data has been matched with variable fields on the label, NiceLabel Automation performs
actions. Basic operations usually include the Open Label and Print Label actions to print extracted
data on the label. You can also send the data to custom destinations, such as files on the disk, to Web
servers, hardware devices and much more. All together you can select from over 30 different actions.
See more information about basic and advanced printing Actions.
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Typographical Conventions
Text that appears in bold refers to menu names and buttons.
Text that appears in italic refers to options, confirming actions like Read only and locations like Folder.
Text enclosed in <Less-Than and Greater-Than signs> refers to keys from the desktop PC keyboard
such as <Enter>.
Variables are enclosed in [brackets].
NOTE: This is the design of a note.
EXAMPL E: T his is th e d es ig n of an examp le.
This is the design of a best practice.
WARNING: This is the design of a warning.
This is the design of a tip.
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Setting Up Application
NiceLabel Automation is a service-based application. The execution of all rules and actions is
performed as the background process under the credentials of the user account defined for the
The NiceLabel Automation consists out of three components.
l Automation Builder. This the configuration application that the developer would use to cre-
ate triggers, filters and actions to execute when data is received into the trigger. This applic-
ation always runs as the 32-bit application.
l Automation Manager. This is the management application that is used to monitor the exe-
cution of triggers in the real time and start/stop the triggers. This application always runs as
the 32-bit application.
l NiceLabel Automation Service. This is the 'print engine' executing the rules defined in the trig-
gers. Actually, there are two service applications, NiceLabel Automation Service and NiceLabel
Automation ProxyService. The Service always detects the 'bitness' of the Windows machine and
runs in the same level (e.g. as 64-bit application on 64-bit Windows), while Proxy Service always
runs as 32-bit process.
System Requirements
l CPU: Intel or compatible x86 family processor
l Memory: 512 MB or more RAM
l Hard drive: 1 GB of available disk space
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l Operating system: One of the 32-bit or 64-bit Windows operating systems – Windows XP
Service Pack 3, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Vista, Windows Server
2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012,
Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 10
l Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.0
l Display: 1024×768 or higher resolution monitor
l Label Designer:
l Recommended: NiceLabel Designer Pro or NiceLabel PowerForms Desktop, both V6.0 or
l Minimum: NiceLabel Pro V5.4
l Recommended printer drivers: NiceLabel Printer Drivers V5.1 or higher
l Full access to the applications 'System' folder, where events are logged to a database
%ProgramData%\EuroPlus\NiceLabel Automation
l Full access to the service user account's %temp% folder.
NOTE: Below is the summarized version of the installation procedure. For more information,
see the NiceLabel Automation Installation Guide.
Before you begin with the installation, make sure your infrastructure is compatible with the System
To install NiceLabel Automation, do the following:
1. Insert NiceLabel Automation DVD.
The main menu application will start automatically.
If the main menu application does not start, double click the START.EXE file on the DVD.
2. Click the Install NiceLabel products.
The installation of NiceLabel Automation will start.
3. Follow the Setup Wizard prompts.
During the installation the Setup will prompt for the user name under which the NiceLabel
Automation service will run under. Make sure to select some real user name, because service
will inherit that user name's privileges. For more information, see the topic Running in Service
To upgrade NiceLabel Automation install the new version on top of the installed version overwriting
it. During the upgrade the old version will be removed and replaced with the new, keeping the
existing settings. During the upgrade the log database will be emptied.
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You must activate NiceLabel Automation software to enable processing of the configured triggers.
The activation procedure requires the Internet connection, preferably on the machine where your are
installing the software. The same activation procedure is used to activate the trial license key.
NOTE: You can activate the software either from Automation Builder or Automation
Manager and achieve the same effect.
Activation in Automation Builder
1. Run Automation Builder.
2. Select File>Tools>Manage License.
The Activation Wizard will start.
3. Select the activation method.
l Single user software key. In this case you want to activate NiceLabel Automation as
stand-alone server. Click Next and follow on-screen instructions.
l Control Center license server. In this case you want to activate NiceLabel Automation
from the Control Center. Click Next and select the Control Center server, which already
has the NiceLabel Automation license activated. Refer to theControl Center installation
guide for the steps to activate products inside the Control Center.
Activation in Automation Manager
1. Run Automation Manager.
2. Go to About tab.
3. Click Enter License Key.
4. Select the activation method.
l Single user software key. In this case you want to activate NiceLabel Automation as
stand-alone server. Click Next and follow on-screen instructions.
l Control Center license server. In this case you want to activate NiceLabel Automation
from the Control Center. Click Next and select the Control Center server, which already
has the NiceLabel Automation license activated. Refer theto the Control Center install-
ation guide for the steps to activate products inside the Control Center.
Activation without Internet Access
The automatically activate NiceLabel Automation you must have the connection to the Internet
during the activation procedure. You install NiceLabel Automation on the server without the Internet
connection, but you will still need to have the Internet connection on some other machine, where the
activation procedure will be completed.
Do the following:
1. Follow the activation procedure.
2. Type in the License Key, the Registration Number will be generated.
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3. Click the button Save registration data.
4. Copy the file to USB key and go to the computer with Internet Access.
5. Open the URL from the saved file.
The Web activation page will open.
6. Make sure values for all fields are properly entered, then click Activate button.
7. Remember the ActivationCode and enter it back on the server with NiceLabel Automation.
8. Click Finish button.
Trial Mode
Trial mode allows you to test NiceLabel Automation product for up to 30 days. Trial mode has the
same functionality as running the licensed version, so it allows evaluation of the product prior the
purchase. The Automation Manager will continuously display the trial notification message and the
number of trial days remaining. When trial mode expires, the NiceLabel Automation service will no
longer process triggers. The countdown of 30 days begins from the day of the installation.
NOTE: You can extend the trial mode by contacting your NiceLabel reseller and requesting
another trial license key. You have to activate the trial license key. For more information, see
the topic Activation.
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Understanding Filters
Understanding Filters
NiceLabel Automation uses filters to define structure of the data received by triggers. Every time a
trigger receives a data, that data is parsed through one or many filters, which extract the values you
need. Every filter is configured with rules that describe how to identify fields in the data.
NOTE: As a result, the filter provides a list of fields and their values (name:value pairs).
Filter Types
For more information, see the topics Configuring Structured Text Filter, Configuring Unstructured
Data Filter and Configuring XML filter.
Data Structure
The filter complexity depends on the data structure. The data that is already in the structured form,
such as CSVor XML, can be easily extracted. In this case the field names are already defined with the
data. Extracting of name:value pairs is quick. In case of data without a clear structure, it takes more
time to define the extraction rules. Such data might be in a form of export of documents and reports
from legacy system, intercepted communication between devices, captured print stream, and similar.
The filter defines a list of fields that will be extracted from the incoming data once you run the filter.
NiceLabel Automation supports various types of input data that can be all parsed by one of the
supported filter types. You must choose the correct filter to match the type of the incoming data. For
example, you would use Structured Text filter for incoming CSVdata and you would use XMLfilter
for incoming XMLdata. For any unstructured data you would use Unstructured Data filter. For more
information, see the topic Understanding Data Structures.
Extracting Data
Filter is just a set of rules and doesn't do any extraction by itself. To run the filter you must run the Use
Data Filter action. The action will execute filter rules against the data and extract the values.
Every trigger can execute as many of Use DataFilter actions as you need. If you receive compound
input data that cannot be parsed by a single filer alone, you can define several filters and execute their
rules in Use Data Filter actions running one after another. At the end you can use the extracted values
from all actions on the same label.
Mapping Fields to Variables
To use the extracted values, you have to save them into variables. The Use Data Filter action doesn't
only extract values, but also saves them to variables. To configure this process, you have to map the
variable to the respective field. Value of the field will then be saved to a mapped variable.
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It's a good practice to define fields and variables with the same names. In this case the auto-
mapping feature will link variables to the fields of the same names, eliminating the manual
Auto-mapping is available for all supported filter types. With auto-mapping enabled, the Use Data
Filter action will extract values and automatically map them to the variables of the same names as field
names. For more information, see the topic Enabling Dynamic Structure for Structured Text filter,
Defining Assignment Areas for Unstructured Data filter and Defining XMLAssignment Area for
Defining Actions to Run for Extracted Data
Usually you want to run some actions against the extracted data, such as Open Label, Print Label, or
some of the outbound connectivity actions. It is critically important that you nest your actions under
the Use Data Filter action. This will ensure that nested actions run for each data extraction.
EXAMPL E: If you h ave CSV f i le w ith 5 li n es , the n es ted ac tion s w ill als o r u n 5 times , on c e
for eac h d ata extr ac ti on . If the ac ti on s ar e not nes ted , th ey w il l only exec ute on e time an d
c on tain data fr om th e l as t d ata extr ac ti on . For examp l e ab ove, 5th CSV l i n e wou ld p rin t,
b u t not als o th e f ir s t f ou r li n es . If you u s e Sub Ar eas make s ur e to nes t you r ac ti on un d er
the c or r ec t p l ac ehol d er .
Configuring Structured Text Filter
Structured Text Filter
To learn more about filters in general, see topic Understanding Filters.
Use this filter whenever you receive a structured text file. These are text files where fields are identified
by one of the methods.
l Fields are delimited by a characters. Usual delimiters are comma or semicolon. CSV(comma
separated values) is a typical example of a file.
l Fields contain fixed number of characters. In other words, fields are defined by the fixed-
width columns.
For examples of the structured text data, see topic Text Database.
Defining Structure
To define the structure of the text file, you have the following options.
l Importing structure using the Text File Wizard. In this case click the Import Data Structure
button in the ribbon and follow on-screen instructions. After you finish the wizard, the type of
text database and all fields will be defined. If the first line of data contains field names, the Wiz-
ard can import them. This is the recommended method, if trigger will always receive data of the
same structure.
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l Manually defining the fields. In this case you have to manually define the type of the data
(delimited fields or fixed-width fields and then define the field names. For more information, see
the topic Defining Fields.
l Dynamically read the fields. In this case the trigger might receive data of different structure,
such as new field names, and you don't want to update the filter for each structural change.
Dynamic support will automatically read all fields in the data, no matter if there exist new fields,
or some of the old fields are missing and will map them automatically with the variables using
the same names. For more information, see the topic Enabling Dynamic Structure.
The Data Preview section simplifies the configuration. The result of defined filter rule highlights in the
preview area with every configuration change. You can see what data would be extracted with each
Defining Fields
The definition of fields is very easy for structured text files. You have two options.
l Delimited defines the fields. In this case you have delimited, such as comma or semicolon
between the fields. You just have to define the field names in the same order as they will appear
in the data received by a trigger.
l Fixed-width fields. In this case you have to define the field names in the same order as they
will appear in the data received by a trigger and define the number of characters the field will
occupy. That many characters will be read from the data for this field.
Data Preview
This section provides the preview of the field definition. When the defined item is selected, the
preview will highlight its placement in the preview data.
l Preview file name. Specifies the file that contains sample data that will be parsed through the
filter. The preview file is copied from the filter definition. If you change the preview file name,
the new file name will be saved.
l Open. Selects some other file upon which you want to execute the filter rules.
l Refresh. Re-runs the filter rules upon the contents of the preview file name. The Data Preview
section will be updated with the result.
Formatting Options
This section defines the string manipulation functions that will be applied to the selected variables or
fields. You can select one or several functions. The functions will be applied in the order as selected in
the user interface, from top to bottom.
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l Delete spaces at the beginning. Deletes all space characters (decimal ASCIIcode 32) from the
beginning of the string.
l Delete spaces at the end. Deletes all space characters (decimal ASCII value 32) from the end of
a string.
l Delete opening closing characters. Deletes the first occurrence of the selected opening and
closing characters that are found in the string.
EXAMPL E: If you u s e "{" for op en i n g c har ac ter an d "}" for th e c los in g c h ar ac ter ,
the i n put s tr ing {{selection}} will b e c on ver ted to {selection}.
l Search and replace. Executes standard search and replace function upon the provided values
for find what and replace with. You can also use regular expressions.
NOTE: There are several implementations of the regular expressions in use. NiceLabel
Automation uses the .NET Framework syntax for the regular expressions. For more
information, see Knowledge Base article KB250.
l Replace non printable characters with space. Replaces all controlcharactersin the string
withspace character (decimalASCIIcode32). The non printable characters are characters with
decimal ASCIIvalues between 0-31 and 127-159.
l Delete non printable characters. Deletes all controlcharactersin the string. The non printable
characters are characters with decimal ASCIIvalues between 0-31 and 127-159.
l Decode special characters. The special characters (or control codes) are characters not
available on the keyboard, such as Carriage Return or Line Feed. NiceLabel Automation uses a
notation to encode such characters in human-readable form, such as <CR> for Carriage Return
and <LF> for Line Feed. For more information see topic Entering Special Characters (Control
This option converts special characters from NiceLabel syntax into actual binary characters.
EXAMPL E: W hen you r ec eive the d ata "< CR> < LF> ", Nic eLab el Au tomati on will u s e
it as p lain s tr in g of 8 c h ar ac ter s . Y ou w ill h ave to en ab l e th is op ti on to i n ter pr et
an d u s e th e r ec eived d ata as tw o b in ar y c har ac ter s CR (Car riag e Retu r n - ASCII
c od e 13 ) an d LF (Li n e Feed - ASCII c od e 10).
l Search and delete everything before. Finds the provided string and deletes all characters
from the beginning of the data until the string. The found string itself can also be deleted.
l Search and delete everything after. Finds the provided string and deletes all characters from
the string until the end of the data. The found string itself can also be deleted.
Enabling Dynamic Structure
Structured Text filter has ability to automatically identify the fields and their values in the data,
eliminating the need of manual variable to field mapping.
This functionality is useful if the trigger receives the data of the changeable structure. The main data
structure is the same, e.g. fields delimited by a comma, or the same XML structure, but the order in
which the fields are represented is changed and/or the number of fields has changed;there might
be new fields, or some old fields are no longer available. The filter will automatically identify structure.
At the same time the field names and values (name:value pairs) will be read from the data,
eliminating the need to manually map fields to variables.
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The Use Data Filter action won't display any mapping possibilities, because mapping will be done
dynamically. You even don't have to define label variables into trigger configuration. The action will
assign field values to the label variables of the same name without requiring the variables imported
from the label. However, this rule applies to Print Label action alone. If you want to use the field values
in any other action, you will have to define variables in the trigger, while still keeping the automatic
variable to field mapping.
NOTE: No error will be raised if the field available in the input data doesn't have a matching
label variable. The missing variables are silently ignored.
Configuring the dynamic structure
To configure the dynamic structure, enable the option Dynamic structure in the Structured Text filter
l The first line of data must contain field names.
l The line that you select for Start import at line must be the line with the field names (usually
the first line in data).
l The data structure must be delimited.
l You can format the data, if necessary.
Formatting Options
This section defines the string manipulation functions that will be applied to the
selected variables or fields. You can select one or several functions. The functions will be
applied in the order as selected in the user interface, from top to bottom.
l Delete spaces at the beginning. Deletes all space characters (decimal ASCIIcode
32) from the beginning of the string.
l Delete spaces at the end. Deletes all space characters (decimal ASCII value 32)
from the end of a string.
l Delete opening closing characters. Deletes the first occurrence of the selected
opening and closing characters that are found in the string.
EXAMPL E: If you u s e "{" for op en i n g c har ac ter an d "}
" f or th e c los in g c har ac ter , th e in pu t s tr in g {{selection}} w i ll b e
c on ver ted to {selection}.
l Search and replace. Executes standard search and replace function upon the
provided values for find what and replace with. You can also use regular
NOTE: There are several implementations of the regular expressions in
use. NiceLabel Automation uses the .NET Framework syntax for the
regular expressions. For more information, see Knowledge Base article
- 17 -
l Replace non printable characters with space. Replaces all controlcharactersin
the string withspace character (decimalASCIIcode32). The non printable char-
acters are characters with decimal ASCIIvalues between 0-31 and 127-159.
l Delete non printable characters. Deletes all controlcharactersin the string. The
non printable characters are characters with decimal ASCIIvalues between 0-31
and 127-159.
l Decode special characters. The special characters (or control codes) are
characters not available on the keyboard, such as Carriage Return or Line Feed.
NiceLabel Automation uses a notation to encode such characters in human-
readable form, such as <CR> for Carriage Return and <LF> for Line Feed. For
more information see topic Entering Special Characters (Control Codes).
This option converts special characters from NiceLabel syntax into actual binary
EXAMPL E: W hen you r ec eive the d ata "< CR> < LF> ", Nic eLab el
Au tomation will u s e it as p l ain s tr ing of 8 c h ar ac ter s . Y ou w i l l have to
en ab le th i s op tion to in ter pr et an d u s e th e r ec eived d ata as tw o b in ar y
c h ar ac ter s CR ( Car r iag e Retur n - ASCII c od e 13 ) an d LF (Lin e Feed -
ASCII c od e 10).
l Search and delete everything before. Finds the provided string and deletes all
characters from the beginning of the data until the string. The found string itself
can also be deleted.
l Search and delete everything after. Finds the provided string and deletes all
characters from the string until the end of the data. The found string itself can
also be deleted.
Configuring Unstructured Data Filter
Unstructured Data Filter
To learn more about filters in general, see topic Understanding Filters.
Use this filter whenever trigger receives non-structured data, such as documents and reports
exported from legacy system, intercepted communication between devices, captured print stream,
and similar. The filter allows you to extract individual fields, fields in the repeatable sub areas, and even
name-value pairs.
For examples of the structured text data, see topics Legacy Data and Compound CSV and Binary Files.
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Defining Structure
The items you can use to configure the filter:
l Field. Specifies the location of field data between field-start and field-end location. There are
various options to define the field location, from hard-coding the position to enable relative
placements. You must map the defined fields to respective variables in the Use Data Filter
action. For more information, see the topic Defining Fields.
l Sub area. Specifies the location of repeatable data. Each sub area defines at least one data
block, which in turn contains data for labels. There can be sub areas defined within sub areas,
allowing for definition of complex structures. You can define fields within each data block. You
must map the defined fields to respective variables in the Use Data Filter action. For each sub
area a new level of placeholder will be defined inside Use Data Filter, so you can map variables
to fields of that level. For more information, see the topic Defining Sub Areas.
l Assignment area. Specifies the location of repeatable data containing the name-value pairs.
The field names and their values are read simultaneously. The mapping to variables is done
automatically. Use this feature to accommodate filter to changeable input data, eliminating the
maintenance time. The assignment area can be defined in the root level of the document, or
inside the sub area. For more information, see the topic Defining Assignment Areas.
The Data Preview section simplifies the configuration. The result of defined filter rule highlights in the
preview area with every configuration change. You can see what data would be extracted with each
The fields can be defined in the root level as document fields. The fields can be defined inside data
block. The name-value pairs can be defined inside assignment area.
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This section defines the general properties of the unstructured data filter.
l Name. Specifies the filter name. Use the descriptive name that will identify what the filter does.
You can change it anytime.
l Description. Provides a possibility to describe the functionality of this filter. You can use it to
write short explanation what the filter does.
l Encoding. Specifies the encoding of the data this filter will work with.
l Ignore empty lines in data blocks. Specifies not to raise error if filter would extract empty field
values from the data blocks.
Defining Fields
When you define a field, you have to define its name and a rule how to extract the field value from the
data. When the filter will execute, the extraction rules apply to the input data and assign result to the
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Field Properties
l Name. Specifies the unique name of the field.
l Field has binary data. Specifies that the field will contain binary data. Don't enable it unless
you really expect to receive binary data.
Field Start
l Position in document. The start/end point is determined by the hard-coded position in the
data. The coordinate origin is upper left corner. The character in the defined position is
included in the extracted data.
l End of document. The start/end point is at the end of the document. You can also define an
offset from the end for specified number of lines and/or characters.
l Find string from start of document. The start/end point is defined by position of the
searched-for-string. When the required string is found, the next character determines the
start/end point. The searched string is not included in the extracted data. The default search is
case sensitive.
l Start search from absolute position. You can fine-tune searching by changing the start
position from data-start (position 1,1) to an offset. Use this feature to skip searching at
the beginning of data.
l Occurrence. Specifies which occurrence of the search string should be matched. Use this
option if you don't wait to set start/stop position after the first found string.
l Offset from string. Specifies the positive or negative offset after the searched string.
EXAMPL E: Y ou w ou ld d ef i n e th e of f s et to inc lu d e the s ear c h ed -f or -s tr in g in
the extr ac ted d ata.
Field End
l Position in document. The start/end point is determined by the hard-coded position in the
data. The coordinate origin is upper left corner. The character in the defined position is
included in the extracted data.
l End of document. The start/end point is at the end of the document. You can also define an
offset from the end for specified number of lines and/or characters.
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l Find string from start of document. The start/end point is defined by position of the
searched-for-string. When the required string is found, the next character determines the
start/end point. The searched string is not included in the extracted data. The default search is
case sensitive.
l Start search from absolute position. You can fine-tune searching by changing the start
position from data-start (position 1,1) to an offset. Use this feature to skip searching at
the beginning of data.
l Occurrence. Specifies which occurrence of the search string should be matched. Use this
option if you don't wait to set start/stop position after the first found string.
l Offset from string. Specifies the positive or negative offset after the searched string.
EXAMPL E: Y ou w ou ld d ef i n e th e of f s et to inc lu d e the s ear c h ed -f or -s tr in g in
the extr ac ted d ata.
l Find string after field start. The start/stop end point is defined by position of the searched-
for-string as in the option Find string from start of document, but the search starts after the
start position of the field/area, not at the beginning of the data.
l Length. Specifies the length of the data in lines in characters. The specified number of lines
and/or characters will be extracted from the start position.
l End of line. Specifies to extract the data from the start position until the end of the same line.
You can define a negative offset from end of the line.
Formatting Options
This section defines the string manipulation functions that will be applied to the selected variables or
fields. You can select one or several functions. The functions will be applied in the order as selected in
the user interface, from top to bottom.
l Delete spaces at the beginning. Deletes all space characters (decimal ASCIIcode 32) from the
beginning of the string.
l Delete spaces at the end. Deletes all space characters (decimal ASCII value 32) from the end of
a string.
l Delete opening closing characters. Deletes the first occurrence of the selected opening and
closing characters that are found in the string.
EXAMPL E: If you u s e "{" for op en i n g c har ac ter an d "}" for th e c los in g c h ar ac ter ,
the i n put s tr ing {{selection}} will b e c on ver ted to {selection}.
l Search and replace. Executes standard search and replace function upon the provided values
for find what and replace with. You can also use regular expressions.
NOTE: There are several implementations of the regular expressions in use. NiceLabel
Automation uses the .NET Framework syntax for the regular expressions. For more
information, see Knowledge Base article KB250.
l Replace non printable characters with space. Replaces all controlcharactersin the string
withspace character (decimalASCIIcode32). The non printable characters are characters with
decimal ASCIIvalues between 0-31 and 127-159.
- 22 -
l Delete non printable characters. Deletes all controlcharactersin the string. The non printable
characters are characters with decimal ASCIIvalues between 0-31 and 127-159.
l Decode special characters. The special characters (or control codes) are characters not
available on the keyboard, such as Carriage Return or Line Feed. NiceLabel Automation uses a
notation to encode such characters in human-readable form, such as <CR> for Carriage Return
and <LF> for Line Feed. For more information see topic Entering Special Characters (Control
This option converts special characters from NiceLabel syntax into actual binary characters.
EXAMPL E: W hen you r ec eive the d ata "< CR> < LF> ", Nic eLab el Au tomati on will u s e
it as p lain s tr in g of 8 c h ar ac ter s . Y ou w ill h ave to en ab l e th is op ti on to i n ter pr et
an d u s e th e r ec eived d ata as tw o b in ar y c har ac ter s CR (Car riag e Retu r n - ASCII
c od e 13 ) an d LF (Li n e Feed - ASCII c od e 10).
l Search and delete everything before. Finds the provided string and deletes all characters
from the beginning of the data until the string. The found string itself can also be deleted.
l Search and delete everything after. Finds the provided string and deletes all characters from
the string until the end of the data. The found string itself can also be deleted.
Defining Sub Areas
Sub area is the section of data within which there are several blocks of data identified by the same
extraction rule. Each data block provides data for a single label. All data blocks must be identified by
the same configuration rule. Each data block can contain another sub area. You can define unlimited
number of nested sub areas within parent sub areas.
When the filter contains definition of a sub area, the Use Data Filter action will display sub areas with
nested placeholders. All action nested below such placeholder will execute only for data blocks on this
level. You can print different labels with data from different sub areas.
Configuring Sub Area
The sub area is defined with similar rules as individual fields. Each sub area is defined by the following
- 23 -
l Sub Area Name. Specifies the name of the sub area.
l Data Blocks. Specifies how to identify the data blocks within the sub area.Each sub area con-
tains at least one data block. Each data block provides data for a single label.
l Each block contains fixed number of lines. Specifies that each data block in a sub area
contains the provided fixed number of lines. Use this option if you know that each data
block contains exactly the same number of lines.
l Blocks start with a string. Specifies that data blocks begin with the provided string. All
content between two provided strings belongs to a separate data block. The content
between last string and the end of the data identifies the last data block.
l Block end with a string. Specifies that data blocks end with the provided string. All con-
tents between two provided strings belongs to a separate data block. The content
between the beginning of data and the first string identifies the first data block.
l Blocks are separated by a string. Specifies that data blocks are separated with the
provided string. All contents between two provided strings belongs to separate data
l Beginning ofFirst Data Block. Specifies the start position of the first data block and thus the
start position of the sub area. Usually, start position is the beginning of the received data. The
configuration parameters are the same as for defining fields. For more information, see the
topic Defining Fields.
l End of LastData Block. Specifies the end position of the last data block and thus the end pos-
ition of the sub area. Usually, end position is at the end of the received data. The configuration
parameters are the same as for defining fields. For more information, see the topic Defining
Configuring Fields Inside Sub Area
The fields inside the sub area are configured using the same parameters as for the fields defined in
the root level. For more information, see the topic Defining Fields.
NOTE: The field lines numbers refer to the position within data block, not position within the
input data.
Data Preview
This section provides the preview of the field definition. When the defined item is selected, the
preview will highlight its placement in the preview data.
l Preview file name. Specifies the file that contains sample data that will be parsed through the
filter. The preview file is copied from the filter definition. If you change the preview file name,
the new file name will be saved.
l Open. Selects some other file upon which you want to execute the filter rules.
l Refresh. Re-runs the filter rules upon the contents of the preview file name. The Data Preview
section will be updated with the result.
- 24 -
Defining Assignment Areas
Unstructured Data filter has ability to automatically identify the fields and their values in the data,
eliminating the need of manual variable to field mapping.
This functionality is useful if the trigger receives the data of the changeable structure. The main data
structure is the same, e.g. fields delimited by a comma, or the same XML structure, but the order in
which the fields are represented is changed and/or the number of fields has changed;there might
be new fields, or some old fields are no longer available. The filter will automatically identify structure.
At the same time the field names and values (name:value pairs) will be read from the data,
eliminating the need to manually map fields to variables.
The Use Data Filter action won't display any mapping possibilities, because mapping will be done
dynamically. You even don't have to define label variables into trigger configuration. The action will
assign field values to the label variables of the same name without requiring the variables imported
from the label. However, this rule applies to Print Label action alone. If you want to use the field values
in any other action, you will have to define variables in the trigger, while still keeping the automatic
variable to field mapping.
NOTE: No error will be raised if the field available in the input data doesn't have a matching
label variable. The missing variables are silently ignored.
Configuring Assignment Area
The assignment area is configured using the same procedure as sub area. For more information, see
the topic Defining Sub Areas. The assignment area can be defined on the root data level, appearing
just once. Or it can be configured inside a sub are, so it will execute for each data block in the sub
Configuring Fields in Assignment Area
When you create the assignment area, the filter will automatically define two placeholders, which will
define the name:value pair.
l Variable name. Specifies the field, which contents will be the variable name (name component
in a pair). Configure the field using the same procedure as for document fields. For more inform-
ation, see the topic Defining Fields.
- 25 -
l Variable value. Specifies the field, which contents will be the variable value (value component
in a pair). Configure the field using the same procedure as for document fields. For more inform-
ation, see the topic Defining Fields.
The area between ^XA and ^XZ is assignment area. Every line in assignment area provides the
name:value pair. Name is defined as value between 6th character in the line and equal character.
Value is defined as value between equal character and end of the line with negative offset of three
^FD0 1D on at ion HR= G 0 9 5 6 0 5 3 4 1 2 6 2 5 ^FS
^FD0 2D on at ion BC = DG 09 5 6 0 5 3 4 1 2 6 2 5^ FS
^FD0 3H ospi t al NoHR= H N0 60 24 1^ FS
^FD0 4H ospi t al NoBC = 0 6 0 2 4 1 ^FS
^FD0 5S u rn ame= Hawl ey^ FS
^FD0 7F oren ame=An ni e^ FS
^FD0 9P rodu ct = Bl ood^ FS
^FD1 0P ati en t Bl Gp= O Rh +ve^ FS
^FD1 1D oB= 27 J u n e 1 9 4 7 ^FS
^FD1 2D ateReqd= 2 5 Dec 2 0 1 2 ^ FS
For more information, see the topic Examples.
Configuring XML Filter
XML Filter
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
To learn more about filters in general, see topic Understanding Filters.
Use this filter whenever trigger receives the XML-encoded data. The filter allows you to extract
individual fields, fields in the repeatable sub areas, and even name-value pairs. The XML structure
defines elements and sub elements, attributes and their values, and text values (element values).
While you can define the structure of the XML file yourself, it's best practice to import the structure
from the existing sample XML file. Click Import Data Structure button in the ribbon. When you import
XMLstructure, the Data Preview section will display the XML contents and then highlight the
elements and attributes that you define as output fields.
For examples of the XMLdata, see topic XML Data.
Defining Structure
To use the XML items you must configure their usage as:
l Variable value. Specifies that you want to use the selected item as field and you will map its
value to respective variables in the Use Data Filter action. For more information, see the topic
Defining XML Fields.
l Optional element. Specifies that this element is not mandatory. This corresponds to the
attribute minOccurs=0 in the XML schema (XSD file). The variable mapped to such field
- 26 -
will have an empty value, when the element does not appear in the XML.
l Data block. Specifies that the selected element occurs many times and will provide data for
single label. Data block can be defined as repeatable area, as assignment area, or both.
l Repeatable area. Specifies that you want to extract values from all repeatable data
block, not just the first one. You can define fields within each data block. You must map
the defined fields to respective variables in the Use Data Filter action. For more inform-
ation, see the topic Defining Repeatable Elements.
l Assignment area. Specifies that data block contains name-value pairs. The field names
and their values are read simultaneously. The mapping to variables is done auto-
matically. Use this feature to accommodate filter to changeable input data, eliminating
the maintenance time. For more information, see the topic Defining XMLAssignment
The Data Preview section simplifies the configuration. The result of a defined filter rule will be
highlighted in the preview area.
To change the previewed XMLdata, click Open and browse for a new sample XML file.
Defining XML Fields
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
When you define the XMLfield, you make the value of selected item available as field. The filter
definition will provide such field for mapping to variable in Use Data Filter action. You can extract the
value of the element or value of the attribute.
To define the item value as field, do the following:
1. Select the element or attribute in the structure list.
2. For Usage select Variable value.
3. The item in the structure list will be displayed with bold letters, indicating it is in use.
4. The element or attribute name will be used as the output field name.
5. The Data Preview section will highlight value of the selected item.
- 27 -
Formatting Options
This section defines the string manipulation functions that will be applied to the selected variables or
fields. You can select one or several functions. The functions will be applied in the order as selected in
the user interface, from top to bottom.
l Delete spaces at the beginning. Deletes all space characters (decimal ASCIIcode 32) from the
beginning of the string.
l Delete spaces at the end. Deletes all space characters (decimal ASCII value 32) from the end of
a string.
l Delete opening closing characters. Deletes the first occurrence of the selected opening and
closing characters that are found in the string.
EXAMPL E: If you u s e "{" for op en i n g c har ac ter an d "}" for th e c los in g c h ar ac ter ,
the i n put s tr ing {{selection}} will b e c on ver ted to {selection}.
l Search and replace. Executes standard search and replace function upon the provided values
for find what and replace with. You can also use regular expressions.
NOTE: There are several implementations of the regular expressions in use. NiceLabel
Automation uses the .NET Framework syntax for the regular expressions. For more
information, see Knowledge Base article KB250.
l Replace non printable characters with space. Replaces all controlcharactersin the string
withspace character (decimalASCIIcode32). The non printable characters are characters with
decimal ASCIIvalues between 0-31 and 127-159.
l Delete non printable characters. Deletes all controlcharactersin the string. The non printable
characters are characters with decimal ASCIIvalues between 0-31 and 127-159.
l Decode special characters. The special characters (or control codes) are characters not
available on the keyboard, such as Carriage Return or Line Feed. NiceLabel Automation uses a
notation to encode such characters in human-readable form, such as <CR> for Carriage Return
and <LF> for Line Feed. For more information see topic Entering Special Characters (Control
This option converts special characters from NiceLabel syntax into actual binary characters.
EXAMPL E: W hen you r ec eive the d ata "< CR> < LF> ", Nic eLab el Au tomati on will u s e
it as p lain s tr in g of 8 c h ar ac ter s . Y ou w ill h ave to en ab l e th is op ti on to i n ter pr et
an d u s e th e r ec eived d ata as tw o b in ar y c har ac ter s CR (Car riag e Retu r n - ASCII
c od e 13 ) an d LF (Li n e Feed - ASCII c od e 10).
l Search and delete everything before. Finds the provided string and deletes all characters
from the beginning of the data until the string. The found string itself can also be deleted.
l Search and delete everything after. Finds the provided string and deletes all characters from
the string until the end of the data. The found string itself can also be deleted.
Data Preview
This section provides the preview of the field definition. When the defined item is selected, the
preview will highlight its placement in the preview data.
- 28 -
l Preview file name. Specifies the file that contains sample data that will be parsed through the
filter. The preview file is copied from the filter definition. If you change the preview file name,
the new file name will be saved.
l Open. Selects some other file upon which you want to execute the filter rules.
l Refresh. Re-runs the filter rules upon the contents of the preview file name. The Data Preview
section will be updated with the result.
Defining Repeatable Elements
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
When you have a XML element that occurs many times in the XMLdata, that element is repeatable.
Usually, the repeatable element contains the data for a single label. To indicate that you want to use
data from all repeatable elements, not just the first one, you have to define the element as Data block
and enable the option Repeatable element. When the filter contains definition of elements defined as
data block / repeatable element, the Use Data Filter action will display repeatable elements with
nested placeholders. All action nested below such placeholder will execute only for data blocks on this
The <item> element is defined as Data block and Repeatable element. This instructs the filter to
extract all occurrences of the <item> element, not just the first one. In this case the <item> would be
defined as the sub-level in Use Data Filter action. You must nest the actions Open Label and Print
Label under this sub-level placeholder, so they will be looped as many times as there are occurrences
of the <item> element. In this case three times.
<? xml ver s i on ="1.0 " en c od in g ="u tf -8 " ? >
<as x: ab ap xmln s :as x= " h ttp :/ /w w w.s ap . c om/ ab ap xml " ver s ion =" 1 .0 " >
< as x:valu es >
< TIME ST AMP> 2 01 30 22 11 00 52 7. 7 88 13 4< /T IME ST AMP>
< item>
<LBL _ N AME> g ood s_ r ec eip t.lb l< /L BL_NAME >
<LBL _ PRINT ER> Pr od u c tion 01 </ L BL_PRINT ER>
<MAT NR> 2 8 34 5< /M AT NR>
<W DAT U>1 9 . 0 1. 2 01 2< /W DAT U >
<QU ANT IT Y > 1 < /QU ANT IT Y >
<E XIDV> 01 23 45 67 8 90 12 34 56 0< /E XIDV>
< /i tem>
< item>
<LBL _ N AME> g ood s_ r ec eip t.lb l< /L BL_NAME >
<LBL _ PRINT ER> Pr od u c tion 01 </ L BL_PRINT ER>
<MAT NR> 2 8 34 6< /M AT NR>
<W DAT U>1 1 . 0 1. 2 01 1< /W DAT U >
<QU ANT IT Y > 1 < /QU ANT IT Y >
- 29 -
<E XIDV> 01 23 45 67 8 90 12 34 57 7< /E XIDV>
< /i tem>
< item>
<LBL _ N AME> g ood s_ r ec eip t.lb l< /L BL_NAME >
<LBL _ PRINT ER> Pr od u c tion 01 </ L BL_PRINT ER>
<MAT NR> 2 7 84 4< /M AT NR>
<W DAT U>0 7 . 0 3. 2 00 9< /W DAT U >
<QU ANT IT Y > 1 < /QU ANT IT Y >
<E XIDV> 01 23 45 67 8 90 12 34 58 4< /E XIDV>
< /i tem>
< / as x:valu es >
</ as x:ab ap >
Defining XMLAssignment Area
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
XMLfilter has ability to automatically identify the fields and their values in the data, eliminating the
need of manual variable to field mapping.
This functionality is useful if the trigger receives the data of the changeable structure. The main data
structure is the same, e.g. fields delimited by a comma, or the same XML structure, but the order in
which the fields are represented is changed and/or the number of fields has changed;there might
be new fields, or some old fields are no longer available. The filter will automatically identify structure.
At the same time the field names and values (name:value pairs) will be read from the data,
eliminating the need to manually map fields to variables.
The Use Data Filter action won't display any mapping possibilities, because mapping will be done
dynamically. You even don't have to define label variables into trigger configuration. The action will
assign field values to the label variables of the same name without requiring the variables imported
from the label. However, this rule applies to Print Label action alone. If you want to use the field values
in any other action, you will have to define variables in the trigger, while still keeping the automatic
variable to field mapping.
NOTE: No error will be raised if the field available in the input data doesn't have a matching
label variable. The missing variables are silently ignored.
- 30 -
Configuring XMLAssignment Area
When you configure the Data Block as assignment area, two placeholders appear under this
element's definition. You have to define how the field name and value are defines, so the filter can
extract the name-value pair.
l Variable name. Specifies the item that contains the field name. The name can be defined by ele-
ment name, selected attribute value, or element value. The label variable must have the same
name in order for automatic mapping to work.
l Variable value. Specifies the item that contains the field value. The name can be defined by ele-
ment name, selected attribute value, or element value.
WARNING: The XMLelement containing name:value pairs cannot be the root element,
but must be at least second level element. For example, in the XMLexample below the
element <label> is the second level element and can contain the name:value pairs.
Formatting Options
This section defines the string manipulation functions that will be applied to the selected variables or
fields. You can select one or several functions. The functions will be applied in the order as selected in
the user interface, from top to bottom.
l Delete spaces at the beginning. Deletes all space characters (decimal ASCIIcode 32) from the
beginning of the string.
l Delete spaces at the end. Deletes all space characters (decimal ASCII value 32) from the end of
a string.
l Delete opening closing characters. Deletes the first occurrence of the selected opening and
closing characters that are found in the string.
EXAMPL E: If you u s e "{" for op en i n g c har ac ter an d "}" for th e c los in g c h ar ac ter ,
the i n put s tr ing {{selection}} will b e c on ver ted to {selection}.
l Search and replace. Executes standard search and replace function upon the provided values
for find what and replace with. You can also use regular expressions.
- 31 -
NOTE: There are several implementations of the regular expressions in use. NiceLabel
Automation uses the .NET Framework syntax for the regular expressions. For more
information, see Knowledge Base article KB250.
l Replace non printable characters with space. Replaces all controlcharactersin the string
withspace character (decimalASCIIcode32). The non printable characters are characters with
decimal ASCIIvalues between 0-31 and 127-159.
l Delete non printable characters. Deletes all controlcharactersin the string. The non printable
characters are characters with decimal ASCIIvalues between 0-31 and 127-159.
l Decode special characters. The special characters (or control codes) are characters not
available on the keyboard, such as Carriage Return or Line Feed. NiceLabel Automation uses a
notation to encode such characters in human-readable form, such as <CR> for Carriage Return
and <LF> for Line Feed. For more information see topic Entering Special Characters (Control
This option converts special characters from NiceLabel syntax into actual binary characters.
EXAMPL E: W hen you r ec eive the d ata "< CR> < LF> ", Nic eLab el Au tomati on will u s e
it as p lain s tr in g of 8 c h ar ac ter s . Y ou w ill h ave to en ab l e th is op ti on to i n ter pr et
an d u s e th e r ec eived d ata as tw o b in ar y c har ac ter s CR (Car riag e Retu r n - ASCII
c od e 13 ) an d LF (Li n e Feed - ASCII c od e 10).
l Search and delete everything before. Finds the provided string and deletes all characters
from the beginning of the data until the string. The found string itself can also be deleted.
l Search and delete everything after. Finds the provided string and deletes all characters from
the string until the end of the data. The found string itself can also be deleted.
The <label> element is defined as data block and assignment area. The variable name is defined by
value of the attribute name, the variable value is defined by element text.
<? xml ver s i on ="1.0 " s tan d alon e= " n o" ? >
<lab els _ FORMAT =" c as e. lb l" _ PRINT ERNAM E = "Pr odu c tion 0 1 " _QU ANT IT Y ="1">
< lab el>
<var iab le n ame= " C AS EI D"> 0 0 0 0 00 01 23 </var iab l e>
<var iab le n ame= " C ARTONTY P E" / >
<var iab le n ame= " ORD ERKEY">0 00 0 0 0 0 5 3 4 < /var iab le>
<var iab le n ame= " BU YERP O"/ >
<var iab le n ame= " ROU TE"> < / var iab le>
<var iab le n ame= " C ONTAINERDETAILI D"> 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 12 </var iab le>
<var iab le n ame= " S ERI AL REFERENC E"> 0 </var iab l e>
<var iab le n ame= " FI L TERVALU E"> 0 </var iab l e>
<var iab le n ame= " I NDI C ATORD I G IT" > 0< / var iab le>
<var iab le n ame= " D ATE"> 1 1 /1 9/2 0 12 1 0:5 9 :0 3 </ var iab le>
< /lab el>
</ lab els >
For more information, see the topic Examples.
- 32 -
Setting Label And Printer Names From Input
Typically, filters are used to extract values from the received data and send them to the label variables
for printing. In such case the label name or printer name are hard-coded into the actions. For
example, Open Label action will hard-code the label name, and Set Printer action will hard-code the
printer name. However, the input data can also provide the meta-data, the values used inside
NiceLabel Automation processing, but not printed on the label, such as label name, printer name,
label quantity, or anything else.
To use the values of meta-fields in the print process, do the following.
1. Filter reconfiguration. You must define new fields for the input data to extract the meta-data
fields as well.
2. Variable definition. You must manually define the variables that will store the meta-data, they
don't exist on the label and cannot be imported. Use intuitive names, such as LabelName,
PrinterName, and Quantity. You are free to use any variable name.
3. Mapping reconfiguration. You must manually configure the Use Data Filter action to map
meta-fields to new variables.
4. Action reconfiguration. You must reconfigure Open Label action to open label specified by
variable LabelName, and Set Printer action to use printer specified by variable PrinterName.
The CSV file contains label data, but also provides meta-data, such as label name, printer name and
quantity of labels. The Structured Text filter will extract all fields, send label-related values to the label
variables and use meta-data to configure action Open Label, Set Printer and Print Label.
label1.lbl;1;CAB A3 203DPI;00265012;SAC.PESTO 250G;383860026501;1,1 kg
label2.lbl;1;Zebra R-402;00126502;TAGLIOLINI 250G;383860026002;3,0 kg
For more information, see the topic Examples.
- 33 -
Configuring Triggers
Understanding Triggers
The functionality from this topic is not all available in every NiceLabel Automation product.
NiceLabel Automation is an event-based application and will trigger action execution upon change in
the monitored event. You can use any of the available triggers to monitor changes in events, such as
file drop into a certain folder, data acquire on specific TCP/IPsocket, HTTP message and other. The
trigger's main job is to recognize the change in the event, get data provided by the event and then
execute actions. Majority of the triggers are designed to passively listen for the monitored event to
occur, but there are two exceptions. The Database trigger is active trigger and will periodically check
for changes in the monitored database. The Serial port trigger can wait for incoming connection, or
can actively poll for data in specified time intervals.
Processing Triggers
In most cases the trigger receives data that must print on labels. Once the trigger receives the
data,the actions are executed in defined order from top to bottom. The received data can contain
values for the label objects. However, before you can use these values, you must extract them from the
received data and save them in variables. The filters define the extraction rules. When executed, filters
will save the extracted data to the mapped variables. Once you have the data safely stored in the
variables, you can run actions that will use the variables, such as Print Label.
When the event occurs, the input data it provided is saved to the temporary file on the disk in the
service user's %temp% folder. The internal variable DataFileName references the temporary file
location. The file is deleted when the trigger completes its execution.
Trigger Properties
To configure trigger, you have to define how you will accept the data and the actions you want to run.
Optionally you can also use variables. There are three sections in trigger configuration.
l Settings. Defines the main parameters of the selected trigger. You can define the event that
trigger will monitor for changes, or define the inbound communication channel. The settings
include selection of the script programming engine and security options. The available options
depend on the trigger type. For more information, see section Trigger Types below.
l Variables. This section defines the variables you need inside the trigger. Usually, you will import
variables from the label templates, so you can map them with the fields extracted from the
inbound data. You can also define variables to be used internally in various actions and won't
be sent to the label. For more information, see the topic Using Variables.
- 34 -
l Actions. This section defines the actions to execute whenever the trigger detects change in the
monitored event. Actions execute in order from top to bottom. For more information, see the
topic Using Actions.
Trigger Types
l Defining Triggers. Monitors the change in the file or set of files in the folder. Contents of the
file can be parsed in filters and used in actions.
l Serial Port Trigger. Monitors the inbound communication on the serial RS232 port. Contents
of the input stream can be parsed in filters and used in actions. The data can be also polled
from the external device in defined time intervals.
l Database Trigger. Monitors the record changes in the SQL database tables. Contents of the
returned data set can be parsed and used in actions. The database is monitored in defined
time intervals. The trigger can also update the database after the actions execute using
l TCP/IP Server Trigger. Monitors the inbound raw data stream arriving on the defined socket.
Contents of the input stream can be parsed in filters and used in actions. Can be bidirectional,
providing feedback.
l HTTP Server Trigger. Monitors the inbound HTTP-formatted data stream arriving on the
defined socket. Contents of the input stream can be parsed in filters and used in actions. User
authentication can be enabled. Is bidirectional, providing feedback.
l Web Service Trigger. Monitors the inbound data stream arriving on the defined Web Service
method. Contents of the input stream can be parsed in filters and used in actions. Is bid-
irectional, providing feedback.
Error Handling in Triggers
l Configuration errors. The trigger will be in the error state, whenever it's not configured
properly or entirely. For example, the you have configured the file trigger, but failed to specify
the file name to check for changes. Or, you defined the action to print labels, but you failed to
specify the label name. You can save triggers that contain configuration errors, but you cannot
run them in Automation Manager until you resolve the problem. The error in the lower level in
the configuration will propagate itself all the way to the higher level, so it is easy to find the
error location.
EXAMPL E: If you h ave on e ac tion in er r or s tate, al l up p er -l evel ac ti ons w i l l in dic ate
the er r or s itu ati on, th e er r or ic on w i l l be d is p l ayed in th e Ac tion s tab an d i n th e
tr ig g er n ame.
l Overlapping configurations. While it is perfectly acceptable for the configuration to include
triggers monitoring the same event, such as the same file name, or listening on the same
TCP/IPport, such triggers cannot run simultaneously. When you start the trigger in Auto-
mation Manager, it will start only if no other trigger from the same or other configuration mon-
itors the same event.
Print Job Status Feedback
See the topic Print Job Status Feedback.
- 35 -
Defining Triggers
File Trigger
To learn more about triggers in general, see topic Understanding Triggers.
The file trigger event occurs when a monitored file or set of files in monitored folder change.
Appearance of new file will also fire a trigger. Dependent on the trigger configuration the Windows
system alerts the trigger about the changed files, or the trigger itself keeps a list of the file's last-write
time-stamp and will fire when the file has a newer time-stamp.
Typical usage:The existing business system executes a transaction, which in effect generates
trigger file in the shared folder. The contents of the data might be structured in CSV, XML and
other formats, or it can be structured in a legacy format.In either way, NiceLabel Automation will
read the data, parse values using filters and print them on labels. For more information how to
parse and extract data, see the topic Understanding Filters.
This section allows you to configure the most important file trigger settings.
l Name. Specifies the unique name of the trigger. The names helps you distinguish between dif-
ferent triggers when you configure them in Automation Builder and later run them in Auto-
mation Manager.
l Description. Provides a possibility to describe the functionality of this trigger. You can use it to
write short explanation what the trigger does.
l Detect the specified file. Specifies the path and file name of the file that you will monitor for
l Detect a set of files in the specified folder. Specifies the path to the folder, which you will
monitor for file changes, and the file names. You can use standard Windows wild cards "*" and
"?". Some file types are predefined in the drop-down box, you can also enter your own types.
NOTE: When monitoring the network folder, make sure to use the UNC notation of
\\server\share\file. For more information, see the topic Access to Network
Shared Resources.
l Automatically detect changes. The application will respond to the file changes as soon as the
file has been created or changed. In this case, Windows operating system informs NiceLabel
Automation Service about the change. You can use it when the monitored folder is located on
the local drive and also in some network environments.
l Check for changes in folder in intervals (milliseconds). The application will scan the folder
for file changes in the defined time intervals. In this case, NiceLabel Automation itself monitors
folder for file changes. This polling method tends to be slower than automatic detection. Use it
as a fallback, when the automatic detection cannot be used in your environment.
Options in the File Access section specify how the application will access the trigger file.
- 36 -
l Open file exclusively. Specifies to open the trigger file in exclusive mode. No other application
can access the file at the same time. This is default selection.
l Open file with read only permissions. Specifies to open the trigger file in read-only mode.
l Open file with read and write permissions. Specifies to open the trigger file in read-write
l File open retry period. Specifies the time period in which NiceLabel Automation will try to
open the trigger file. If the file access is still not possible after this time period, NiceLabel Auto-
mation will report an error.
Options in the Monitoring Options section specify the file detection possibilities.
l Check file size. Enables detection of changes not only in the time-stamp, but also in the file
length. The changes to the file time-stamp might not be detected, so it will help to see that the
file size has changed and trigger the actions
l Ignore empty trigger files. If the trigger file has no contents, it will be ignored. The actions will
not execute.
l Delete the trigger file. After the change in the trigger file has been detected, and trigger fires
the file will be deleted. Enabling this option will keep the folder clean of already processed files.
NOTE: NiceLabel Automation always creates a backup of the received trigger data; in
this case the contents of trigger file and saves it to unique file name. This is important,
when you need the contents of the trigger file in some of the actions, such as Run
Command File. The location of the backup trigger data is referenced to by the internal
variable DataFileName.
l Empty file contents. When actions execute, the trigger file is emptied. This is useful when the
third party applications appends data into the trigger file. You want to keep the file so the
append can be done, but you don't want to print old data.
l Track changes while trigger is inactive. Specifies if you want to fire trigger upon the files that
changed while the trigger was not started. When your NiceLabel Automation is not deployed
in the high-availability environment with backup servers the incoming trigger files might be
lost, when the server is down. When the NiceLabel Automation is back online, the existent trig-
ger files can be processed.
Options in the Feedback from the Print Engine section specify the communication with the print
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
l Supervised printing. Enables the synchronous printing mode. Use it whenever you want to
send the print job status back to the third party application. For more information, see topic
Synchronous Print Mode.
Options in the Data Processing section specify whether you want to trim the data so it fits into
variable or ignore missing label variables. By default, NiceLabel Automation will report errors and
- 37 -
break the printing process, if you try to save too long value into the label variable, or try to set value to
non-existing label variable.
l Ignore excessive variable contents. Data values exceeding the length of the variable as
defined in the label designer will be truncated to fit into variable. This option is in effect when
setting variable values in filters, from command files and when setting values of trigger
variables to label variables of the same name.
EXAMPL E: T he lab el var iab le ac c ep ts 10 c h ar ac ter s at maximu m. W i th th is op ti on
en ab led , an y valu e lon ger th an 10 c h ar ac ter s will b e tr u n c ated to fir st 10
c h ar ac ter s , al l c h ar ac ter s p as t c h ar ac ter n umb er 1 0 w i ll be ig n or ed .
l Ignore missing label variables. When you execute printing with command files (such as
JOBfile), the printing process will ignore all variables that are specified in the command file
(using command SET), but are not defined in the label. There will be no error, when trying to set
value to non-existent label variable. Similar processing occurs when you define assignment
area in the filter to extract all name:value pairs, but you have less variables defined in the label.
Options in the Scripting section specify the scripting possibilities.
l Scripting language. Specifies the scripting language enabled for the trigger. All Execute script
actions that you use within a single trigger use the same scripting language.
Options in the Save Received Data section specify the commands available for the data received by
the trigger.
l Save data received by the trigger to file. Enable this option to save the data received by the
trigger. The option Variable enables the variable file name. You must select a variable that will
contain the path and file name.
l On error save data received by the trigger to file. Enable this option to save the data by into
the trigger only if there the error occurs during the action execution. You might want to enable
this option to have the data that caused the problem ready the troubleshooting at a later time.
WARNING: Make sure to enable the Supervised printing support, or NiceLabel
Automation will not be able to detect the error during the execution. For more
information, see topic Synchronous Print Mode.
NOTE: NiceLabel Automation already saves the received data into a temporary file
name, which is deleted right after the trigger execution completes. The internal
variable DataFileName points to that file name. For more information, see Internal
l Lock and encrypt trigger. Enables the trigger protection. When enabled, the trigger is locked
and cannot be edited, and actions become encrypted. Only the user with a password can
unlock the trigger and modify it.
Serial Port Trigger
To learn more about triggers in general, see topic Understanding Triggers.
The serial port trigger event occurs when data is received on the monitored RS232 serial port.
- 38 -
Typical usage: (1)Printer replacement. You will retire the existing serial port-connected label
printer. In its place NiceLabel Automation will accept the data , extract the values for label objects
from the received print stream, and create a print job for the new printer model. (2) Weight
scales. The weight scale provides the data about the weighted object. NiceLabel Automation
extracts the required data from the received data stream, and prints a label. For more information
how to parse and extract data, see the topic Understanding Filters.
This section allows you to configure the most important file trigger settings.
l Name. Specifies the unique name of the trigger. The names helps you distinguish between dif-
ferent triggers when you configure them in Automation Builder and later run them in Auto-
mation Manager.
l Description. Provides a possibility to describe the functionality of this trigger. You can use it to
write short explanation what the trigger does.
l Port. Specifies the serial port (COM)number where incoming data will be accepted on. Use the
port that is not in use by some other application, or device, such as printer driver. If the selec-
ted port is in use, you won't be able to start the trigger in Automation Manager.
The options in the Port Settings section specify the communication parameters that must match the
parameters assigned on the serial port device.
l Disable port initialization. Specifies that the port initialization will not be executed when you
start the trigger in Automation Manager. This option is sometimes required for virtual COM
l Use initialization data. Specifies that you want to send the initialization string to the serial
device each time the trigger is started. Some serial devices require to be awaken or put into
standby mode before they can provide the data. For more information about the initialization
string and if you need it at all, see your device's user guide. You can include binary characters.
For more information, see the topic Entering Special Characters (Control Codes).
l Use data polling. Specifies that the trigger will actively ask the device for data. In the specified
time intervals the trigger will send the commands provided in the Contents field. can include
binary characters. For more information, see the topic Entering Special Characters (Control
Options in the Feedback from the Print Engine section specify the communication with the print
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
l Supervised printing. Enables the synchronous printing mode. Use it whenever you want to
send the print job status back to the third party application. For more information, see topic
Synchronous Print Mode.
- 39 -
Options in the Data Processing section specify whether you want to trim the data so it fits into
variable or ignore missing label variables. By default, NiceLabel Automation will report errors and
break the printing process, if you try to save too long value into the label variable, or try to set value to
non-existing label variable.
l Ignore excessive variable contents. Data values exceeding the length of the variable as
defined in the label designer will be truncated to fit into variable. This option is in effect when
setting variable values in filters, from command files and when setting values of trigger
variables to label variables of the same name.
EXAMPL E: T he lab el var iab le ac c ep ts 10 c h ar ac ter s at maximu m. W i th th is op ti on
en ab led , an y valu e lon ger th an 10 c h ar ac ter s will b e tr u n c ated to fir st 10
c h ar ac ter s , al l c h ar ac ter s p as t c h ar ac ter n umb er 1 0 w i ll be ig n or ed .
l Ignore missing label variables. When you execute printing with command files (such as
JOBfile), the printing process will ignore all variables that are specified in the command file
(using command SET), but are not defined in the label. There will be no error, when trying to set
value to non-existent label variable. Similar processing occurs when you define assignment
area in the filter to extract all name:value pairs, but you have less variables defined in the label.
Options in the Scripting section specify the scripting possibilities.
l Scripting language. Specifies the scripting language enabled for the trigger. All Execute script
actions that you use within a single trigger use the same scripting language.
Options in the Save Received Data section specify the commands available for the data received by
the trigger.
l Save data received by the trigger to file. Enable this option to save the data received by the
trigger. The option Variable enables the variable file name. You must select a variable that will
contain the path and file name.
l On error save data received by the trigger to file. Enable this option to save the data by into
the trigger only if there the error occurs during the action execution. You might want to enable
this option to have the data that caused the problem ready the troubleshooting at a later time.
WARNING: Make sure to enable the Supervised printing support, or NiceLabel
Automation will not be able to detect the error during the execution. For more
information, see topic Synchronous Print Mode.
NOTE: NiceLabel Automation already saves the received data into a temporary file
name, which is deleted right after the trigger execution completes. The internal
variable DataFileName points to that file name. For more information, see Internal
l Lock and encrypt trigger. Enables the trigger protection. When enabled, the trigger is locked
and cannot be edited, and actions become encrypted. Only the user with a password can
unlock the trigger and modify it.
Database Trigger
To learn more about triggers in general, see topic Understanding Triggers.
- 40 -
The database trigger event occurs when a change in the monitored database table is detected. There
might be new records, or existing records have been updated. Database trigger doesn't wait for the
for any event change, such as data delivery.Instead, it pulls the data from the database in the defined
time intervals.
Typical usage:The existing business system executes a transaction, which in effect updates data
in some database table. NiceLabel Automation will detect the updated and new records, and
print their contents on the labels.
This section allows you to configure the most important file trigger settings.
l Name. Specifies the unique name of the trigger. The names helps you distinguish between dif-
ferent triggers when you configure them in Automation Builder and later run them in Auto-
mation Manager.
l Description. Provides a possibility to describe the functionality of this trigger. You can use it to
write short explanation what the trigger does.
l Database connection. Specifies the connection string to the database. Click on the Define
button opens a Database dialog box, where you can configure a connection to the database,
including database type, table name, and user credentials. You have to connect to the
database that enables access with SQL commands. For this reason you cannot use database
trigger to automatically detect data changes in CSV text files (comma separated files) and
Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
NOTE: The configuration details depend on the type of selected database. The
options in the dialog box depend on the database driver that you use. For
configuration details, see user guide for your database driver. For more information
about database connectivity, see the topic Accessing Databases.
l Check database in the time intervals. Specifies the time interval in which the database will be
polled for the records.
l Detection Options and Advanced. These options allow you to fine-tune the record detection
mechanism. When the records are acquired from the database, the Action tab will
automatically display the object For Each Record, where you can map the table fields to label
Get records based on unique incremental field value
In this case the trigger will monitor specified auto-incremental numeric field in the table.
NiceLabel Automation will remember the field's value for the last processed record. At the next
polling interval only the records with values greater than the remembered value will be
acquired. To configure this option, you have to select the table name where the records reside
(table name), the auto-incremental field (key field) and the starting value for the field
(key field default value). Internally, the variable KeyField is used to reference the
last remembered value of key field.
- 41 -
NOTE: The last value of the key field is remembered internally, but is not updated back
into configuration, so the value for key field default value does not change in
this dialog box. You can safely reload configuration and/or stop/start this trigger in
the Automation Manager and still keep the last remembered value. However, if you
remove the configuration from Automation Manager and add it back, the value of last
remembered key field will be re-set to what you have defined in key field default
Get records and delete them
In this case all records are acquired from the table and then deleted from the table. To
configure this option, you have to select the table name where the records reside (table
name) and specify the primary key in the table (key fields). While you can have a table
without a primary key, it is strongly recommended that you define a primary key. If the primary
key exists the records will be deleted one by one , when the particular record is processed in
the actions.
WARNING: If the primary key does not exists, all records obtained in the current
trigger will be deleted at once. That's fine if there is no error processing the records.
But if there is an error processing some record, the Automation will stop processing
any more records. Because all records captured in this polling interval have already
been deleted without being processed, you can lose data. Therefore having a primary
key in a table is a good idea.
SQLCode Examples
NOTE: These SQLstatements are read-only and are provided for reference only. To
provide the custom SQL statements, select the Get and manage records with custom
SQLdetection method.
Example table.
ID ProductID CodeEAN ProductDesc AlreadyPrinted
1 CAS0006 8021228110014 CASONCELLIALLACARNE 250G Y
2 PAS501 8021228310001 BIGOLI250G
3 PAS502GI 8021228310018 TAGLIATELLE250G
Example of Update SQLstatement, when table contains the primary index.
The fieldID in the table is defined as a primary index. The construct :ID in the WHEREclause
contains the value of field ID in each iteration. For first record the value of ID is 1, for second
record 2, etc. Specifying the colon in front of the field name in SQLstatement specifies the
usage of the variable.
Example of UpdateSQLstatement, when table does not have primary index defined.
- 42 -
When no primary index is defined in the table, all records will be deleted from the table, when
the first record has been processed.
Get records and update them
In this case all records are acquired from the table and then updated. You can write a custom
value into field in the table as indication 'this records has been already printed'. To configure
this option, you have to select the table name, where the records reside (table name), select
the field that you want to update (update field), and enter the value that will be stored in
the field (update value). Internally, the variable UpdateValue is used in the SQLstatement
to reference the current value of field (update value).
While you can have a table without a primary key, it is strongly recommended that you define a
primary key. If the primary key exists the records will be updated one by one , when the
particular record is processed in the actions.
WARNING: If the primary key does not exists, all records obtained in the trigger will
be updated at once. That's fine if there is no error processing the records. But if there
is an error processing some record, the Automation will stop processing any more
records. Because all records captured in this polling interval have already been
updated without being processed in actions, you can lose data. Therefore having a
primary key in a table is a good idea.
SQLCode Examples
NOTE: These SQLstatements are read-only and are provided for reference only. To
provide the custom SQL statements, select the Get and manage records with custom
SQLdetection method.
Example table.
ID ProductID CodeEAN ProductDesc AlreadyPrinted
1 CAS0006 8021228110014 CASONCELLIALLACARNE 250G Y
2 PAS501 8021228310001 BIGOLI250G
3 PAS502GI 8021228310018 TAGLIATELLE250G
Example of Update SQLstatement, when table contains the primary index.
UPDATE [Table]
SET [AlreadyPrinted] = :UpdateValue
The fieldID in the table is defined as a primary index. The construct :ID in the WHEREclause
contains the value of field ID in each iteration. For first record the value of ID is 1, for second
record 2, etc. Specifying the colon in front of the field name in SQLstatement specifies the
usage of the variable. The fieldUpdateValue is defined in the trigger configuration in the edit
field Update value.
Example of UpdateSQLstatement, when table does not have primary index defined.
UPDATE [Table]
SET [AlreadyPrinted] = :UpdateValue
- 43 -
When no primary index is defined in the table, all records from the table will be updated, when
the first record has been processed.
Get and manage records with custom SQL
In this case the SQLstatements for record extraction and field updates are entirely up to you.
To configure this option, you have to provide a custom SQLstatement to acquire records
(search SQL statement) and custom SQL statement to update the records after
processing (update SQL statement). Click the Test button to test-execute your
SQLstatements and see the result on-screen.
You can use values of table fields or values of trigger variables as parameters in the
WHEREclause in the SQLstatement. You would precede the field or variable name with the
colon character (:). This instructs NiceLabel Automation to use the current value of that field or
SQLCode Examples
Example table.
ID ProductID CodeEAN ProductDesc AlreadyPrinted
1 CAS0006 8021228110014 CASONCELLIALLACARNE 250G Y
2 PAS501 8021228310001 BIGOLI250G
3 PAS502GI 8021228310018 TAGLIATELLE250G
Example of Search SQLstatement.
To get the records that haven't been printed already, do the following. The field
AlreadyPrinted must not contain the value Y, and have blank or NULLvalue.
WHERE AlreadyPrinted <> 'Y' or AlreadyPrinted is NULL
From the sample table above two records will be extracted, with ID values 2 and 3. The first
record has already been printed and will be ignored.
Example of Update SQLstatement.
To mark the already printed records with the value Y in the AlreadyPrinted field, do the
UPDATE [Table]
SET [AlreadyPrinted] = 'Y'
You have to put colon (:) in front of the variable name in your SQLstatement to identify it as
variable. You can use any field from the table for the parameters in the WHEREclause. In the
example, we are updating the AlreadyPrinted field only for the currently processed record
(value of field ID must be the same as the value from the current record). In the similar way you
would reference other fields in the record as :ProductIDor :CodeEAN, or even reference
variables defined inside this database trigger.
To delete the current record from the table, do the following.
- 44 -
Show SQLstatement. Expand this section to see the generated SQLstatement and write your
own statement, if you have selected the option Get and manage records with custom SQL.
Previewing SQL Execution
To test the execution of the SQLsentences and see what the effect would be, click the Test button in
the toolbar of the SQLedit area. The Data Preview section will open in the right-hand pane. Click the
Execute button to start the SQLcode. When you use values of table field in the SQL statement (with
colon (:) in front of the field name), you will have to provide the test values for them.
NOTE: If you have Data Preview open and have just added some variables in the script, click
Test button twice (to close and open Data Preview section) to update the list of variables in
the preview.
l Simulate execution. Specifies that all changes made to the database are ignored. The data-
base transaction is reverted so no updates are written to the database.
The options inExecution specify when the database updating will take place. The update type
depends on the Detection Options for the trigger.
l Before processing actions. Specifies that records will be updated before the actions defined
for this trigger have started to execute.
l After processing actions. Specifies that records will be updated after the actions defined for
this trigger have been executed. Usually you want to update the records after they have been
successfully processed.
NOTE: If necessary, you can also update the records while the actions are still executing. For
more information, see the topic Execute SQL Statement.
Options in the Feedback from the Print Engine section specify the communication with the print
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
l Supervised printing. Enables the synchronous printing mode. Use it whenever you want to
send the print job status back to the third party application. For more information, see topic
Synchronous Print Mode.
Options in the Data Processing section specify whether you want to trim the data so it fits into
variable or ignore missing label variables. By default, NiceLabel Automation will report errors and
break the printing process, if you try to save too long value into the label variable, or try to set value to
non-existing label variable.
l Ignore excessive variable contents. Data values exceeding the length of the variable as
defined in the label designer will be truncated to fit into variable. This option is in effect when
setting variable values in filters, from command files and when setting values of trigger
variables to label variables of the same name.
- 45 -
EXAMPL E: T he lab el var iab le ac c ep ts 10 c h ar ac ter s at maximu m. W i th th is op ti on
en ab led , an y valu e lon ger th an 10 c h ar ac ter s will b e tr u n c ated to fir st 10
c h ar ac ter s , al l c h ar ac ter s p as t c h ar ac ter n umb er 1 0 w i ll be ig n or ed .
l Ignore missing label variables. When you execute printing with command files (such as
JOBfile), the printing process will ignore all variables that are specified in the command file
(using command SET), but are not defined in the label. There will be no error, when trying to set
value to non-existent label variable. Similar processing occurs when you define assignment
area in the filter to extract all name:value pairs, but you have less variables defined in the label.
Options in the Scripting section specify the scripting possibilities.
l Scripting language. Specifies the scripting language enabled for the trigger. All Execute script
actions that you use within a single trigger use the same scripting language.
Options in the Save Received Data section specify the commands available for the data received by
the trigger.
l Save data received by the trigger to file. Enable this option to save the data received by the
trigger. The option Variable enables the variable file name. You must select a variable that will
contain the path and file name.
l On error save data received by the trigger to file. Enable this option to save the data by into
the trigger only if there the error occurs during the action execution. You might want to enable
this option to have the data that caused the problem ready the troubleshooting at a later time.
WARNING: Make sure to enable the Supervised printing support, or NiceLabel
Automation will not be able to detect the error during the execution. For more
information, see topic Synchronous Print Mode.
NOTE: NiceLabel Automation already saves the received data into a temporary file
name, which is deleted right after the trigger execution completes. The internal
variable DataFileName points to that file name. For more information, see Internal
l Lock and encrypt trigger. Enables the trigger protection. When enabled, the trigger is locked
and cannot be edited, and actions become encrypted. Only the user with a password can
unlock the trigger and modify it.
TCP/IP Server Trigger
To learn more about triggers in general, see topic Understanding Triggers.
The TCP/IP trigger event occurs when data is received on the monitored socket (IPaddress and port
Typical usage:The existing business system executes a transaction, which in effect sends the data
to NiceLabel Automation server on a specific socket. The contents of the data might be
structured in CSV, XML and other formats, or it can be structured in a legacy format.In either way,
- 46 -
NiceLabel Automation will read the data, parse values using filters and print them on labels. For
more information how to parse and extract data, see the topic Understanding Filters.
NOTE: This trigger supports Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).
This section allows you to configure the most important file trigger settings.
l Name. Specifies the unique name of the trigger. The names helps you distinguish between dif-
ferent triggers when you configure them in Automation Builder and later run them in Auto-
mation Manager.
l Description. Provides a possibility to describe the functionality of this trigger. You can use it to
write short explanation what the trigger does.
l Port. Specifies the port number where incoming data will be accepted on. Use the port number
that is not in use by some other application. If the selected port is in use, you won't be able to
start the trigger in Automation Manager. For more information about security concerns, see
the topic Securing Access to your Triggers.
NOTE: If your server has multi-homing enabled (more IPaddresses on one or more
network cards), NiceLabel Automation will respond on the defined port on all
l Maximum number of concurrent connections. Specifies the maximum number of accepted
connections. That many concurrent clients can send data to the trigger simultaneously.
The options in the Execution Event section specify when the trigger should fire and start executing
l On client disconnect. Specifies that trigger will fire after the client sends data and closes the
connection. This is a default setting.
NOTE: If you want to send the print job status back to the third party application as a
feedback, don't use this option. If the connection is left open, you can send feedback
using the action Send data to TCP/IPport with the parameter Reply to sender.
l On number of characters received. Specifies that trigger will fire when the required number of
characters has been received. In this case the third party application can keep a connection
open and continuously sends data. Each chunk of data must be of the same size.
l On sequence of characters received. Specifies that the trigger will fire every time when the
required sequence of characters has been received. You would use this option if you know that
the 'end of data' is always identified by a unique set of characters. You can insert special (bin-
ary) characters using the button next to the edit field.
l Include in trigger data. The sequence of characters that is used to determine the trig-
ger event will not be stripped from the data, but will be included with the data. The trig-
ger will receive complete received data stream.
- 47 -
l When nothing is received after the specified time interval. Specifies that the trigger will fire
after a required time interval passes since the last character has been received.
l Allow connections from the following hosts. Specifies the list of IPaddresses or host names
of the computers that are allowed to connect to the trigger. Put each entry in a new line.
l Deny connections from the following hosts. Specifies the list of IP addresses or host names
of the computers that are not allowed to connect to the trigger. Put each entry in a new line.
l Welcome message. Specifies the text message that is returned to the client each time it
connects to the TCP/IP trigger.
l Answer message. Specifies the text message that is returned to the client each time the
actions execute. Use this option when the client doesn't disconnect upon data send and
expects the answer when action execution has ended. The answer message is hard-coded and
thus always the same.
l Message encoding. Specifies the data encoding scheme, so the special characters can be
correctly processed. NiceLabel Automation can automatically detect the data encoding, based
on BOM header (text files), or encoding attribute (XML files).
Options in the Feedback from the Print Engine section specify the communication with the print
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
l Supervised printing. Enables the synchronous printing mode. Use it whenever you want to
send the print job status back to the third party application. For more information, see topic
Synchronous Print Mode.
Options in the Data Processing section specify whether you want to trim the data so it fits into
variable or ignore missing label variables. By default, NiceLabel Automation will report errors and
break the printing process, if you try to save too long value into the label variable, or try to set value to
non-existing label variable.
l Ignore excessive variable contents. Data values exceeding the length of the variable as
defined in the label designer will be truncated to fit into variable. This option is in effect when
setting variable values in filters, from command files and when setting values of trigger
variables to label variables of the same name.
EXAMPL E: T he lab el var iab le ac c ep ts 10 c h ar ac ter s at maximu m. W i th th is op ti on
en ab led , an y valu e lon ger th an 10 c h ar ac ter s will b e tr u n c ated to fir st 10
c h ar ac ter s , al l c h ar ac ter s p as t c h ar ac ter n umb er 1 0 w i ll be ig n or ed .
l Ignore missing label variables. When you execute printing with command files (such as
JOBfile), the printing process will ignore all variables that are specified in the command file
(using command SET), but are not defined in the label. There will be no error, when trying to set
value to non-existent label variable. Similar processing occurs when you define assignment
area in the filter to extract all name:value pairs, but you have less variables defined in the label.
Options in the Scripting section specify the scripting possibilities.
- 48 -
l Scripting language. Specifies the scripting language enabled for the trigger. All Execute script
actions that you use within a single trigger use the same scripting language.
Options in the Save Received Data section specify the commands available for the data received by
the trigger.
l Save data received by the trigger to file. Enable this option to save the data received by the
trigger. The option Variable enables the variable file name. You must select a variable that will
contain the path and file name.
l On error save data received by the trigger to file. Enable this option to save the data by into
the trigger only if there the error occurs during the action execution. You might want to enable
this option to have the data that caused the problem ready the troubleshooting at a later time.
WARNING: Make sure to enable the Supervised printing support, or NiceLabel
Automation will not be able to detect the error during the execution. For more
information, see topic Synchronous Print Mode.
NOTE: NiceLabel Automation already saves the received data into a temporary file
name, which is deleted right after the trigger execution completes. The internal
variable DataFileName points to that file name. For more information, see Internal
l Lock and encrypt trigger. Enables the trigger protection. When enabled, the trigger is locked
and cannot be edited, and actions become encrypted. Only the user with a password can
unlock the trigger and modify it.
HTTP Server Trigger
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
To learn more about triggers in general, see topic Understanding Triggers.
The HTTP trigger event occurs when data is received on the monitored socket (IPaddress and port
number). Contrary to TCP/IPtrigger the received data is not in a raw data stream, but must include
the standard HTTP header. The third party application must use the POST or GETrequest methods
and provide data in the message body or in the query string. It does not matter which Internet media
type (MIMEType, or Content-Type) you use in the message body. NiceLabel Automation will receive
the message and you can define a filter to extract required data from the message content.
Typical usage:The existing business system executes a transaction, which in effect sends the data
to NiceLabel Automation server formatted as HTTP POSTmessage on a specific socket. The
contents of the data might be structured in CSV, XML and other formats, or it can be structured
in a legacy format.In either way, NiceLabel Automation will read the data, parse values using the
filters and print extracted data on the labels. For more information how to parse and extract data,
see Understanding Filters.
Providing data
- 49 -
You can provide the data for HTTPtrigger with any of the following methods. You can also combine
the methods if needed and use both in the same HTTPrequest.
Data in the query string
A query string is the part of a uniform resource locator (URL) that contains data to be passed to the
A typical URL containing a query string is as follows:
The question mark is used as a separator and is not part of the query string.
The query string is usually composed of a series of name:value pairs, where within each pair the field
name and value are separated by an equals sign (=). The series of pairs are separated by the
ampersand (&). So the typical query string would provide values for fields(variables) like this:
The HTTPtrigger has built-in support to extract values of all fields and store them to the variables of
the same name, so you don't have to define any filter to extract values from the query string.
l You don't have to define variables inside a trigger in order to populate them with values from
the query string. NiceLabel Automation will extract all variables in the query string and send
their values to the currently active label. If the variables of the same name exist in the label,
their values will be populated. If the variables do not exist in the label, the values will be ignored
and no errors will be reported.
l You would define the variables in the trigger, if you need their values inside some action in this
trigger. To get all values provided in the query string, just define the variables that have the
same names as fields in the query string. For the above example, you would define trigger vari-
ables with names field1, field2 and field3.
You would usually use GET HTTPrequest method to provide the query string.
Data in the body of the HTTPrequest
You must use the POST request method to provide the message in the body of the HTTPrequest.
You are free to send whatever data and data structure that you want in the body, provided that you
can handle the data with the NiceLabel Automation filters. The contents can be formatted as XML,
CSV, it can be plain text, it can even be binary data (Base64-encoded). Bare in mind that you will have
to parse the data with filters.
If you can influence the structure of the incoming message, use standardized structures, such as XML
or CSV, to simplify the filter configuration.
You would use POSTHTTPrequest method to provide the data in the message body.
This section allows you to configure the most important file trigger settings.
l Name. Specifies the unique name of the trigger. The names helps you distinguish between dif-
ferent triggers when you configure them in Automation Builder and later run them in Auto-
mation Manager.
- 50 -
l Description. Provides a possibility to describe the functionality of this trigger. You can use it to
write short explanation what the trigger does.
NOTE: This trigger supports Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).
This section allows you to configure the mandatory port number and optional feedback options. You
can use the standard HTTPResponse Codes to indicate success of the action execution. For more
advanced purposes you can also send the custom content back to the data-providing application,
may it be a simple string feedback, or binary data, such as label preview or print stream.
The typical URL to connect to the HTTPtrigger is as follows:
l Server. This is the FQDN or IPaddress of the machine, where NiceLabel Automation is installed.
l Port. Specifies the port number where incoming data will be accepted on. Use the port number
that is not in use by some other application. If the selected port is in use, you won't be able to
start the trigger in Automation Manager. For more information about security concerns, see
Securing Access to your Triggers.
NOTE: If your server has multi-homing enabled (more IPaddresses on one or more
network cards), NiceLabel Automation will respond on the defined port on all
l Path. Specifies the optional path in the URL. This functionality enables NiceLabel Automation
to expose multiple HTTP triggers on the same port. The client will use the triggers through a
single port in a REST like syntax, causing different triggers to be fired by a different URL. If you
are not sure what to use, leave the default path (\).
l Secure connection (HTTPS). Enables the secure transport layer for your HTTP message and
prevents eavesdropping. For more information how to set it up, see Using Secure Transport
Layer (HTTPS).
This option is available in NiceLabel Automation Enterprise.
l Query string. Specifies the name-value pairs in the URL. An optional parameter, the data is usu-
ally provided in the body of the HTTPrequest.
l Wait for trigger execution to finish. The HTTPprotocol requires the receiver (in this case
NiceLabel Automation) to send a numeric response back to the sender indicating the status of
the received message. By default, NiceLabel Automation will response with code 200, indicating
that data was successfully received, but this tells nothing about the success of the trigger
This option specifies that trigger doesn't send the response immediately after data is received,
but waits until all actions have been executed and then sends the response code indicating the
success of the action execution. When this option is enabled, you can send back the custom
response type and data (e.g. the response to a HTTP request is label preview in PDF format).
The available built-in HTTPresponse codes are:
- 51 -
HTTPResponse Code Description
200 All actions executed successfully.
401 Unauthorized, wrong user name and password were specified.
500 There were errors during action execution.
NOTE: If you want to send feedback about the print process, make sure to enable
synchronous print mode. For more information, see Synchronous Print Mode.
l Maximum number of concurrent requests. Specifies the maximum number of concurrent
inbound connections. That many concurrent clients can send data to the trigger sim-
ultaneously. The number also depends on the hardware performance of your server.
l Response type. Specifies the type of your response message. Frequently-used Internet media
types (also known as MIME types, or Content-types) are predefined in the drop down box. If
your media type is not available in the list, simply enter it yourself. The response data will be
sent outbound as a feedback, formatted in defined media type. The option Variable enables
the variable media type. When enabled, you must select the variable that will contain the media
NOTE: If you don't specify the Content-Type, NiceLabel Automation will use
application/octet-stream as a default one.
l Response data. Defines the content for the response message. You can use fixed content, mix
of fixed and variable content, or variable content alone. To insert variable content, click the
button with arrow to the right of data area and insert variable from the list that contains the
data you want to send back as HTTP response message. For more information, see Using
Compound Values.
Some examples of what you can send back as the HTTPresponse: custom error messages, label
preview, generated PDF files, print stream file (spool file), XML file with details from the print
engine plus the label preview (encoded as Base64 string), the possibilities are endless.
NOTE: If you will output binary-only content (such as label preview or print stream),
make sure to select the proper media type, e.g. image/jpeg or
User Authentication
l Enable basic authentication. Specifies that incoming messages include the user name and
password. The trigger will only accept HTTPmessages, which credentials match the credentials
entered here. For more information about security concerns, see Securing Access to your Trig-
Options in the Feedback from the Print Engine section specify the communication with the print
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
- 52 -
l Supervised printing. Enables the synchronous printing mode. Use it whenever you want to
send the print job status back to the third party application. For more information, see topic
Synchronous Print Mode.
Options in the Data Processing section specify whether you want to trim the data so it fits into
variable or ignore missing label variables. By default, NiceLabel Automation will report errors and
break the printing process, if you try to save too long value into the label variable, or try to set value to
non-existing label variable.
l Ignore excessive variable contents. Data values exceeding the length of the variable as
defined in the label designer will be truncated to fit into variable. This option is in effect when
setting variable values in filters, from command files and when setting values of trigger
variables to label variables of the same name.
EXAMPL E: T he lab el var iab le ac c ep ts 10 c h ar ac ter s at maximu m. W i th th is op ti on
en ab led , an y valu e lon ger th an 10 c h ar ac ter s will b e tr u n c ated to fir st 10
c h ar ac ter s , al l c h ar ac ter s p as t c h ar ac ter n umb er 1 0 w i ll be ig n or ed .
l Ignore missing label variables. When you execute printing with command files (such as
JOBfile), the printing process will ignore all variables that are specified in the command file
(using command SET), but are not defined in the label. There will be no error, when trying to set
value to non-existent label variable. Similar processing occurs when you define assignment
area in the filter to extract all name:value pairs, but you have less variables defined in the label.
Options in the Scripting section specify the scripting possibilities.
l Scripting language. Specifies the scripting language enabled for the trigger. All Execute script
actions that you use within a single trigger use the same scripting language.
Options in the Save Received Data section specify the commands available for the data received by
the trigger.
l Save data received by the trigger to file. Enable this option to save the data received by the
trigger. The option Variable enables the variable file name. You must select a variable that will
contain the path and file name.
l On error save data received by the trigger to file. Enable this option to save the data by into
the trigger only if there the error occurs during the action execution. You might want to enable
this option to have the data that caused the problem ready the troubleshooting at a later time.
WARNING: Make sure to enable the Supervised printing support, or NiceLabel
Automation will not be able to detect the error during the execution. For more
information, see topic Synchronous Print Mode.
NOTE: NiceLabel Automation already saves the received data into a temporary file
name, which is deleted right after the trigger execution completes. The internal
variable DataFileName points to that file name. For more information, see Internal
l Lock and encrypt trigger. Enables the trigger protection. When enabled, the trigger is locked
and cannot be edited, and actions become encrypted. Only the user with a password can
unlock the trigger and modify it.
- 53 -
Web Service Trigger
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Enterprise.
To learn more about triggers in general, see topic Understanding Triggers.
The Web Service trigger event occurs when data is received on the monitored socket (IPaddress and
port number). The data must follow the SOAP notation (XMLdata encoded into HTTPmessage). The
Web Service interface is described in the WSDLdocument available with each defined Web Service
The Web Service can provide a feedback about print job status, but you have to enable the
synchronous processing mode. For more information, see the topic Print Job Status Feedback.
Typically, Web Service would be used by programmers to integrate label printing in their own
applications. The existing business system executes a transaction, which in effect sends the data
to NiceLabel Automation server on a specific socket formatted as SOAPmessage. The data can be
provided in CSV, XML and other structured formats, or it can be provided in some legacy
format.In either way, NiceLabel Automation will read the data, parse values using filters and print
them on labels. For more information how to parse and extract data, see the topic Understanding
This section allows you to configure the most important file trigger settings.
l Name. Specifies the unique name of the trigger. The names helps you distinguish between dif-
ferent triggers when you configure them in Automation Builder and later run them in Auto-
mation Manager.
l Description. Provides a possibility to describe the functionality of this trigger. You can use it to
write short explanation what the trigger does.
NOTE: This trigger supports Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).
This section allows you to configure the mandatory port number and optional feedback options.
l Port. Specifies the port number where incoming data will be accepted on. Use the port number
that is not in use by some other application. If the selected port is in use, you won't be able to
start the trigger in Automation Manager. For more information about security concerns, see
the topic Securing Access to your Triggers.
NOTE: If your server has multi-homing enabled (more IPaddresses on one or more
network cards), NiceLabel Automation will respond on the defined port on all
l Secure connection (HTTPS). Enables the secure transport layer for your HTTP message and
prevents eavesdropping. For more information how to set it up, see topic Using Secure Trans-
port Layer (HTTPS).
- 54 -
l Maximum number of concurrent calls. Specifies the maximum number of accepted con-
nections. That many concurrent clients can send data to the trigger simultaneously.
l Response data. Defines the custom response that can be used with ExecuteTrig-
gerWithResponse and ExecuteTriggerAndSetVariablesWithResponse methods. The
response data will contain the content as provided in the text area. You can combine fixed val-
ues, variable values and special characters. To insert variables and special characters, click the
arrow button to the right of the text area. The response can contain binary data, such as image
of label preview and print file (*.PRN).
Status Feedback
By design, Web Service trigger provides the feedback about the status of the created print job. The
trigger will accept the provided data and use it when executing defined actions . The action execution
can be supervised. The trigger will report the success status for every execution event. To enable
status reporting from the print process, you must enable the Synchronous Print Mode.
There are the following methods (functions)exposed in the Web Service trigger:
l ExecuteTrigger. This method accepts data into processing and provides the optional status
feedback. One of the input parameters enables or disables the feedback. If you enable status
reporting, the feedback will contain error ID and detailed description of the error. If error ID
equals 0, there was no problem creating print file. If error ID is greater than 0, some error
occurred during the print process. The Web Service response in this method is not con-
figurable and will always contain error ID and error description.
l ExecuteTriggerWithResponse. This method accepts data into processing and provides the cus-
tom status feedback. The Web Service response is configurable. You can send back any data
you want in any structure you might have. You can use binary data in the response.
l ExecuteTriggerAndSetVariables. Similar to ExecuteTrigger above, but it exposes additional
inbound parameter that accepts the formatted list of name-value pairs. The trigger will auto-
matically parse the list, extract values and save the to the variables of the same name, so you
don't have to create any data-extraction filter yourself.
l ExecuteTriggerAndSetVariablesWithResponse. Similar to ExecuteTriggerWithResponse
above, but it exposes additional inbound parameter that accepts the formatted list of name-
value pairs. The trigger will automatically parse the list, extract values and save the to the vari-
ables of the same name, so you don't have to create any data-extraction filter yourself.
For more information about structure of the messages that you can send to one or the other
method, see chapter WSDL below.
Specifies the style of the SOAP messages. It can be either Remote Procedure Call(RPC) or a
document style. Choose the style that is supported in your application providing data to NiceLabel
The WSDL (Web ServiceDescription Language) document defines the input and output parameters of
the Web Service.
If you define Web Service trigger on port 12345, deploy it in Automation Manager and then start it, its
WSDL will be available at:
- 55 -
The WSDL exposes several methods that all provide data into the trigger. You will have to choose the
one that is most appropriate for what you have to achieve.
l The methods that have WithResponse in their names allow you to send customized responses,
such as custom error messages, label previews, PDF files, print files (*.PRN)and similar. The
methods without WithResponse in their name will still provide the feedback, but you cannot cus-
tomize the response. The feedback will contain default error messages.
l The methods that have SetVariables in their names allow you to provide list of variables in two
predefined formats and their values will be extracted and mapped to the appropriate variables
automatically. This saves you time because you don't have to set up any filter to do the extrac-
tion and mapping. For the methods without SetVariables in their names you have to define the
filter yourself.
The Web Service interface defines the following methods:
Method ExecuteTrigger
The main part of the definition is the following:
<wsdl:message name="WebSrviTrg_ExecuteTrigger_InputMessage">
<wsdl:part name="text" type="xsd:string"/>
<wsdl:part name="wait" type="xsd:boolean"/>
<wsdl:message name="WebSrviTrg_ExecuteTrigger_OutputMessage"
<wsdl:part name="ExecuteTriggerResult" type="xsd:int"/
<wsdl:part name="errorText" type="xsd:string"/>
There are two input variables (you provide their values):
l text. This is the input string, which can be parsed by the filter defined in the configuration. Usu-
ally the string is structured as CSV or XML to be easily parsed with a filter, but you can use any
other text format.
l wait. This is Boolean field that specifies if you will wait for the print job status response and if
Web Service should provide feedback. For True use 1, for False use 0. Dependent on the
method type that you select, there is either a predefined response, or you can send the cus-
tomized response.
There are the following optional output variables (you receive their values, if you request them by
setting wait to 1):
l ExecuteTriggerResult. The integer response will contain value 0 if there was no problems pro-
cessing the data, and it will contain an integer greater than 0, when error(s) did occur. The
application executing the Web Service call to NiceLabel Automation can use the response as
error indicator.
l errorText. This string value will contain the print job status response, if an error was raised
during the trigger processing.
NOTE: If there was an error during the trigger processing, this element is included in
the XMLresponse message and its value contains the error description. However, if
there was no error, this element will not be included in the XMLresponse.
Method ExecuteTriggerWithResponse
- 56 -
You would use this method when the trigger should send the custom response after it completes the
Some examples of what you can send back as the custom response: custom error messages, label
preview, generated PDF files, print stream file (spool file), XML file with details from the print engine
plus the label preview (encoded as Base64 string), the possibilities are endless.
The main part of the definition is the following:
<wsdl:message name="WebSrviTrg_ExecuteTriggerWithResponse_InputMessage">
<wsdl:part name="text" type="xsd:string"/>
<wsdl:part name="wait" type="xsd:boolean"/>
<wsdl:message name="WebSrviTrg_ExecuteTriggerWithResponse_OutputMessage">
<wsdl:part name="ExecuteTriggerWithResponseResult" type="xsd:int"/>
<wsdl:part name="responseData" type="xsd:base64Binary"/>
<wsdl:part name="errorText" type="xsd:string"/>
There are two input variables (you provide their values):
l text. This is the input string, which can be parsed by the filter defined in the configuration. Usu-
ally the string is structured as CSV or XML to be easily parsed with a filter, but you can use any
other text format.
l wait. This is Boolean field that specifies if you will wait for the print job status response and if
Web Service should provide feedback. For True use 1, for False use 0. Dependent on the
method type that you select, there is either a predefined response, or you can send the cus-
tomized response.
There are the following optional output variables (you receive their values, if you request them by
setting wait to 1):
l ExecuteTriggerWithResponseResult. The integer response will contain value 0 if there was no
problems processing the data, and it will contain an integer greater than 0, when error(s) did
occur. The application executing the Web Service call to NiceLabel Automation can use the
response as error indicator.
l responseData. The custom response that you can define in the Web Service trigger con-
l errorText. This string value will contain the print job status response, if an error was raised
during the trigger processing.
NOTE: If there was an error during the trigger processing, this element is included in
the XMLresponse message and its value contains the error description. However, if
there was no error, this element will not be included in the XMLresponse.
Method ExecuteTriggerAndSetVariables
The main part of the definition is the following:
<wsdl:message name="WebSrviTrg_ExecuteTriggerAndSetVariables_InputMessage">
<wsdl:part name="text" type="xsd:string"/>
<wsdl:part name="variableData" type="xsd:string"/>
<wsdl:part name="wait" type="xsd:boolean"/>
- 57 -
<wsdl:message name="WebSrviTrg_ExecuteTriggerAndSetVariables_OutputMessage">
<wsdl:part name="ExecuteTriggerAndSetVariablesResult" type="xsd:int"/>
<wsdl:part name="errorText" type="xsd:string"/>
There are three input variables (you provide their values):
l text. This is the input string, which can be parsed by the filter defined in the configuration. Usu-
ally the string is structured as CSV or XML to be easily parsed with a filter, but you can use any
other text format.
l wait. This is Boolean field that specifies if you will wait for the print job status response and if
Web Service should provide feedback. For True use 1, for False use 0. Dependent on the
method type that you select, there is either a predefined response, or you can send the cus-
tomized response.
l variableData. This is the string that contains the name:value pairs. The trigger will read all pairs
and assign provided values to the trigger variables of the same name. If the variable doesn't
exist in the trigger, that name:value pair is discarded. When you provide the list of variables and
their values in this method, you don't have to define any data extraction with the filters. The
trigger will do all the parsing for you.
The contents for the variableData can be provided in either of the two available structures.
XML structure
The variables are provided within <Variables /> root element in the XML file. Variable name
is provided with the attribute name, the variable value is provided by the element value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<variable name="Variable1">Value 1</variable>
<variable name="Variable2">Value 2</variable>
<variable name="Variable3">Value 3</variable>
NOTE: You will have to embed your XMLdata inside the CDATA section. CDATA,
meaning character data, is a section of element content that is marked for the parser
to interpret as only character data, not markup. All contents is used as character data,
for example <element>ABC</element> will be interpreted as
&lt;element&gt;ABC&lt;/element&gt;. ACDATAsection starts with the
sequence <![CDATA[ and ends with the sequence ]]>. Simply put your XMLdata
inside these sequences.
Delimited structure
The variables are provided in a text stream. Every name:value pair is provided in a newline.
Variable name is to the left of the equals character (=), variable value is to the right.
Variable1="Value 1"
Variable2="Value 2"
Variable3="Value 3"
There are the following optional output variables (you receive their values, if you request them by
setting wait to 1):
- 58 -
l ExecuteTriggerAndSetVariablesResult. The integer response will contain value 0 if there was
no problems processing the data, and it will contain an integer greater than 0, when error(s)
did occur. The application executing the Web Service call to NiceLabel Automation can use the
response as error indicator.
l errorText. This string value will contain the print job status response, if an error was raised
during the trigger processing.
NOTE: If there was an error during the trigger processing, this element is included in
the XMLresponse message and its value contains the error description. However, if
there was no error, this element will not be included in the XMLresponse.
Method ExecuteTriggerAndSetVariablesWithResponse
You would use this method when the trigger should send the custom response after it completes the
Some examples of what you can send back as the custom response: custom error messages, label
preview, generated PDF files, print stream file (spool file), XML file with details from the print engine
plus the label preview (encoded as Base64 string), the possibilities are endless.
The main part of the definition is the following:
<wsdl:message name="WebSrviTrg_ExecuteTriggerAndSetVariablesWithResponse_
<wsdl:part name="text" type="xsd:string"/>
<wsdl:part name="variableData" type="xsd:string"/>
<wsdl:part name="wait" type="xsd:boolean"/>
<wsdl:message name="WebSrviTrg_ExecuteTriggerAndSetVariablesWithResponse_
<wsdl:part name="ExecuteTriggerAndSetVariablesWithResponseResult"
<wsdl:part name="responseData" type="xsd:base64Binary"/>
<wsdl:part name="errorText" type="xsd:string"/>
There are three input variables (you provide their values):
l text. This is the input string, which can be parsed by the filter defined in the configuration. Usu-
ally the string is structured as CSV or XML to be easily parsed with a filter, but you can use any
other text format.
l wait. This is Boolean field that specifies if you will wait for the print job status response and if
Web Service should provide feedback. For True use 1, for False use 0. Dependent on the
method type that you select, there is either a predefined response, or you can send the cus-
tomized response.
l variableData. This is the string that contains the name:value pairs. The trigger will read all pairs
and assign provided values to the trigger variables of the same name. If the variable doesn't
exist in the trigger, that name:value pair is discarded. When you provide the list of variables and
their values in this method, you don't have to define any data extraction with the filters. The
trigger will do all the parsing for you.
The contents for the variableData can be provided in either of the two available structures.
- 59 -
XML structure
The variables are provided within <Variables /> root element in the XML file. Variable name
is provided with the attribute name, the variable value is provided by the element value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<variable name="Variable1">Value 1</variable>
<variable name="Variable2">Value 2</variable>
<variable name="Variable3">Value 3</variable>
NOTE: You will have to embed your XMLdata inside the CDATA section. CDATA,
meaning character data, is a section of element content that is marked for the parser
to interpret as only character data, not markup. All contents is used as character data,
for example <element>ABC</element> will be interpreted as
&lt;element&gt;ABC&lt;/element&gt;. ACDATAsection starts with the
sequence <![CDATA[ and ends with the sequence ]]>. Simply put your XMLdata
inside these sequences.
Delimited structure
The variables are provided in a text stream. Every name:value pair is provided in a newline.
Variable name is to the left of the equals character (=), variable value is to the right.
Variable1="Value 1"
Variable2="Value 2"
Variable3="Value 3"
There are the following optional output variables (you receive their values, if you request them by
setting wait to 1):
l ExecuteTriggerAndSetVariablesWithResponseResult. The integer response will contain value
0 if there was no problems processing the data, and it will contain an integer greater than 0,
when error(s) did occur. The application executing the Web Service call to NiceLabel Auto-
mation can use the response as error indicator.
l responseData. The custom response that you can define in the Web Service trigger con-
l errorText. This string value will contain the print job status response, if an error was raised
during the trigger processing.
NOTE: If there was an error during the trigger processing, this element is included in
the XMLresponse message and its value contains the error description. However, if
there was no error, this element will not be included in the XMLresponse.
Options in the Feedback from the Print Engine section specify the communication with the print
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
- 60 -
l Supervised printing. Enables the synchronous printing mode. Use it whenever you want to
send the print job status back to the third party application. For more information, see topic
Synchronous Print Mode.
Options in the Data Processing section specify whether you want to trim the data so it fits into
variable or ignore missing label variables. By default, NiceLabel Automation will report errors and
break the printing process, if you try to save too long value into the label variable, or try to set value to
non-existing label variable.
l Ignore excessive variable contents. Data values exceeding the length of the variable as
defined in the label designer will be truncated to fit into variable. This option is in effect when
setting variable values in filters, from command files and when setting values of trigger
variables to label variables of the same name.
EXAMPL E: T he lab el var iab le ac c ep ts 10 c h ar ac ter s at maximu m. W i th th is op ti on
en ab led , an y valu e lon ger th an 10 c h ar ac ter s will b e tr u n c ated to fir st 10
c h ar ac ter s , al l c h ar ac ter s p as t c h ar ac ter n umb er 1 0 w i ll be ig n or ed .
l Ignore missing label variables. When you execute printing with command files (such as
JOBfile), the printing process will ignore all variables that are specified in the command file
(using command SET), but are not defined in the label. There will be no error, when trying to set
value to non-existent label variable. Similar processing occurs when you define assignment
area in the filter to extract all name:value pairs, but you have less variables defined in the label.
Options in the Scripting section specify the scripting possibilities.
l Scripting language. Specifies the scripting language enabled for the trigger. All Execute script
actions that you use within a single trigger use the same scripting language.
Options in the Save Received Data section specify the commands available for the data received by
the trigger.
l Save data received by the trigger to file. Enable this option to save the data received by the
trigger. The option Variable enables the variable file name. You must select a variable that will
contain the path and file name.
l On error save data received by the trigger to file. Enable this option to save the data by into
the trigger only if there the error occurs during the action execution. You might want to enable
this option to have the data that caused the problem ready the troubleshooting at a later time.
WARNING: Make sure to enable the Supervised printing support, or NiceLabel
Automation will not be able to detect the error during the execution. For more
information, see topic Synchronous Print Mode.
NOTE: NiceLabel Automation already saves the received data into a temporary file
name, which is deleted right after the trigger execution completes. The internal
variable DataFileName points to that file name. For more information, see Internal
l Lock and encrypt trigger. Enables the trigger protection. When enabled, the trigger is locked
and cannot be edited, and actions become encrypted. Only the user with a password can
unlock the trigger and modify it.
- 61 -
Using Variables
Variables are used as containers for data values. You need variables to transfer values to the label in
Print Label action, or to use values in other data-manipulation actions. Typically, the filter will extract
values from the data streams received by trigger and send values into variables. For more information,
see the topic Understanding Filters.
Usually, you want to send the values of variables to the label template and print label. The mechanism
to send values of variables to labels uses the automated name mapping - value of the variable defined
in the trigger will be sent to the variable defined in the label of the same name. You can define
variables in one of three ways:
l Import variables from label file. For the above explained automatic mapping it makes a good
practice to import your variables from the label each time. This action ensures that variable
names match and saves time. The imported variable doesn't inherit just the variable name, but
also supported variable properties, such as length and default value.
l Manually define variables. When manually defining variables, you have to be extra careful to
use the same names as variables in the label. You would manually define the variables that
don't exist in the label, but you need them inside the trigger.
NOTE: An example would be variables, such as LabelName, PrinterName,
Quantity and similar variables that you need to remember the label name, printer
name, quantity or other meta-values assigned by the filter.
l Enabling internal variables. Values for internal variables are assigned by NiceLabel Auto-
mation and are available as read-only values. For more information, see the topic Internal Vari-
If you enable the assignment area (in Unstructured Text and XML filters) and dynamic structure(in
Structured Text filter), NiceLabel Automation will extract name:value pairs from the trigger data
and automatically send values to the variables of the same name that are defined in the label. No
manual variable mapping is necessary.
l Name. Specifies the unique variable name. Names are not case sensitive. Although you can use
spaces in variable names, it's a better practice not to. Even more so if you use variables in
scripts or in conditions on actions, because you will have to enclose them in square brackets.
l Allowed characters. Specifies the list of characters the value can occupy. You can select
between All (all characters are accepted), Numeric (only digits are accepted), and Binary (all char-
acters and control codes are accepted).
l Limit variable length.Specifies the maximum number of characters the variable can occupy.
l Fixed length. Specifies that the value must occupy exactly as many characters as defined by its
- 62 -
NOTE: You must limit variable length for certain objects on the label, such as bar code
EAN-13, which accepts 13 digits.
l Value required. Specifies that the variable must contain a value
l Default value. Specifies a default value. If the variable is not assigned with any value, then
default value will be always used.
Using Compound Values
Some objects in trigger configuration accept compound values. The contents can be a mixture of fixed
values, variables and special characters (control codes). The objects accepting compound values are
identified by a small arrow button to the right side of the object. You can click the arrow button to
insert either variable or special character.
l Using fixed values. You can enter the fixed value for the variable.
This is fixed value.
l Using fixed values and data from variables. You can also define the compound value,
combined out of values of variables and fixed values. The variable names must be enclosed in
square brackets []. You can enter variables manually, or insert them by clicking the arrow
button to the right. At processing time, the values of variables will be merged together with
fixed data and used as the content. For more information, see the topic Tips and Tricks for
Using Variables in Actions.
In this case the content will be merged from three variables and some fixed data.
[variable1] // This is fixed value [variable2][variable3]
l Using special characters. You can also add special characters to the mix. You can enter the
special characters manually, or insert them. For more information, see the topic Entering
Special Characters (Control Codes).
In this case the value of variable1 will be merged with some fixed data and form-feed binary
[variable1] Form feed will follow this fixed text <FF>
Internal Variables
Internal variables are predefined by NiceLabel Automation. Their values are assigned automatically
and are available in ready-only mode. The icon with lock symbol in front of the variable name
distinguish internal variables from user-defined variables. You can use internal variables in your
actions in the same way as you would use user-defined variables. The trigger internal variables are
internal to each trigger.
Internal variable Available
in trigger
ActionLastErrorDesc All Provides the description of the error that occurred last. You can use this
value in a feedback to host system, identifying the cause of the fault.
ActionLastErrorID All Provides the ID of the error that occurred last. This is integer value. When
value is 0, there was no error. You can use this value in conditions, eval-
uating if there was some error or not.
- 63 -
BytesOfReceivedData TCP/IP Provides the number of bytes received by the trigger.
ComputerName All Provides the name of the computer where the configuration runs.
ConfigurationFileName All Provides the path and file name of the current configuration (.MISX file).
ConfigurationFilePath All Provides the path of the current configuration file. Also see description
for ConfigurationFileName.
DataFileName All Provides the path and file name of the working copy of received data.
Each time the trigger accepts the data, it makes a backup copy of it to the
unique file name identified by this variable.
Database Database Provides the database type as configured in the trigger.
Date All Provides the current date in the format as specified by system locale, such
as 26.2.2013.
DateDay All Provides the current number of the day in a month, such as 26.
DateMonth All Provides the current number of the month in the year, such as 2.
DateYear All Provides the current number of the year, such as 2013.
DefaultPrinterName All Provides the name of printer driver, which is defined as default.
DriverType Database Provides the name of the driver used to connect to the selected database.
Hostname TCP/IP Provides the host name of device/computer connecting to the trigger.
HttpMethodName HTTP Provides the method name the user has provided in the HTTPrequest.
HttpPath HTTP Provides the path defined in the HTTPtrigger.
HttpQuery HTTP Provides the contents of the query string as received by the HTTP trigger.
NumberOfRowsReturned Database Provides the number of rows that the trigger gets from a database.
LocalIP TCP/IP Provides the local IPaddress on which the trigger responded to. This is
useful if you have multi-homing machine with several network interface
cards (NIC) and want to determine to which IPaddress the client con-
nected to. This is useful for printer replacement scenarios.
PathDataFileName All Provides the path in the DataFileName variable, without the file name.
Also see description for DataFileName.
PathTriggerFileName File Provides the path in the TriggerFileName variable, without the file name.
Also see description for TriggerFileName.
Port TCP/IP,
Web Ser-
Provides the port number as defined in the trigger.
RemoteHttpIp HTTP Provides the host name of device/computer connecting to the trigger.
RemoteIP Web Ser-
Provides the host name of device/computer connecting to the trigger.
All Provides the file name of the configuration file, without a path, Also see
description for ConfigurationFileName.
ShortDataFileName All Provides the file name to the DataFileName variable, without the path.
Also see description for DataFileName.
ShortTriggerFileName File Provides the file name to the TriggerFileName variable, without the path.
Also see description for TriggerFileName.
SystemUserName All Provides the Windows name of the logged-in user.
TableName Database Provides the name of the table as used in the trigger.
Time All Provides the current time in the format as specified by system locale, such
as 15:18,
TimeHour All Provides the current hour value, such as 15.
TimeMinute All Provides the current minute value, such as 18.
- 64 -
TimeSecond All Provides the current second value, such as 25.
TriggerFileName File Provides the file name that triggered actions. This is useful when you mon-
itor set of files in the folder, so you can identify which file exactly
triggered actions.
TriggerName All Provides the name of the trigger as defined by the user.
Username Provides the NiceLabel Automation user name of the currently logged in
user. The variable has contents only if the user login is enabled.
Global Variables
Global variables are a type of variable that can be used on different labels. Global variables are defined
outside of the label file and remember the last-used value. Global variables are typically defined as
global counters. Global variable will provide a unique value for every label requesting a new value. File
locking takes place ensuring uniqueness of each value.
Global variables are defined in the label designer, the NiceLabel Automation will only use it. If you
have your NiceLabel Automation installed on different computer than NiceLabel designer, you will
have to copy the definition file for global variables to NiceLabel Automation machine, where print
production takes place.
To copy the global variables to the NiceLabel Automation machine, do the following:
1. On computer with NiceLabel designer go to the following folder:
On Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012 and above
On Windows XP, Windows Server 2003
2. Copy the files GLOBAL.TDB and GLOBALS.TDB.SCH.
3. Paste files to the NiceLabel Automation computer in the same folder.
Using Actions
The Actions section specifies the list of actions that will execute every time the trigger fires.
Defining actions.
To define the action, click the action icon in the Insert Action ribbon group. The main ribbon contains
commonly used actions. To see all available actions, click All Actions button. To see available
commands over the selected action, right-click it and select command from the list.
- 65 -
Nested actions.
Some actions cannot be used on their own. Their specific functionality requires them to be nested
below some other action. Use buttons in Action Order ribbon group to change action placement.
Each action is identified with the ID number that shows its position in the list, including nesting. This
ID number will be displayed in the error message so you can find the problematic action easier.
- 66 -
NOTE: ThePrint Label action is a good example of such action. You have to position it under
the Open Label action, so it references the exact label to print.
Action execution.
The actions in the list will execute just once per trigger. The action execution if from top to bottom, so
order of actions is important. There are two exceptions. The actions For Loop and Use Data Filter will
execute nested actions many times. For loop as many times as defined in its properties, Use Data Filter
as many times as there are records in a data set returned from the associated filter.
NiceLabel Automationruns as service under a specified Windows user account and inherits security
permissions from the account. For more details, see the topic Running in Service Mode.
Conditional actions.
Every action can be conditional. Conditional action only runs when the provided condition allows it to
be run. Condition is one line script (VBScript or Python). To define condition, click the Show execution
and error handling options in action properties to expand the possibilities.
In this case the action will execute only if the previous action has completed successfully, so the
internal variable ActionLastErrorID has value 0. To use such condition with internal variables, you
must first enable the internal variable.
Identifying actions that are in the configuration error.
When the action is not completely configured, it will be marked with red exclamation icon. Such action
cannot execute. You can include such action in the list, but you will have to complete the
configuration, before you can start the trigger. If one of the nested actions is in error, all parent
expansion arrows (to the left of the action name) will also be colored red as an indicator of sub-action
In this case, the action Open Label is in configuration error. There is no parameter specified for the
label name. the red exclamation sign is shown next to the erroneous parameter in the action itself, in
the action list, in the Actions tab, in the trigger tab and in the ConfigurationItems tab, just for you to
easily identify the problem.
- 67 -
Disabling actions.
By default, every newly created action is enabled and will execute when the trigger fires. You can
disable the actions that you don't need, but still want to keep the configuration.A shortcut to action
enabling &disabling is a check box in front of the action name in the list of defined actions.
In this case the action Set Printer is still defined in the actions list, but has been disabled. Currently it is
not needed and will be ignored during the processing, but you can easily enable it back.
Copying actions.
You can copy the action and paste it back in the same or some other trigger. You can use standard
Windows keyboard shortcuts, or right-click on the action.
Right-click on the action will display available shortcut commands available for the currently selected
Navigating the action list.
You can use your mouse to select the defined action and then click the respective arrow button in
- 68 -
ActionOrder group in the ribbon. You can also use keyboard. The cursor keys will move selection in
the action list, Ctrl + cursors keys will move the action position up and down, and also left and right
for nesting.
Delete File
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
Deletes file on the disk. NiceLabel Automation runs as service under defined Windows user account.
Make sure that account has permissions to delete file in the specified folder.
l File name. Specifies the path and file name. They can be hard-coded, and the same file will
used every time. If you use just file name without the path, the folder where configuration file
(.MISX)is saved will be used. You can use relative reference to the file name, where folder with
.MISX file is used as the root folder. The option Variable enables the variable file name. You can
select a single variable that will contain the path and/or file name or you can combine several
variables that will create the file name. For more information see topic Using Compound Values.
NOTE: Use UNC syntax for network resources. For more information, see topic Access
to Network Shared Resources.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Execute Script
Enhances the software functionality by using the custom VBScript or Python scripts. You can use this
function if the built-in actions don't satisfy your data-manipulation requirements. NiceLabel
Automation runs as service application and as such doesn't have the access to the desktop, so you
cannot use functions, such as MsgBox() to interact with desktop in VBScript. Also make sure that
- 69 -
Windows account under which the service runs has the privileges to execute the commands in the
script. For more information, see the topic Access to Network Shared Resources.
Support for VBScript is already available with your Windows system. To install Python support, see the
Knowledge Base article KB249.
NOTE: The script type is configured per trigger in the trigger properties. All Execute Script
actions within one trigger must be of the same type.
Defines the script to execute. You can use the on-screen editor, or run the external Script Editor. The
external editor also contains reference for all available functions and script objects. NiceLabel
Automation includes some add-on functions, such as check-digit algorithms for various bar codes.
The add-on functions are accessible from the Script Editor.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
- 70 -
Execute SQL Statement
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
Sends SQL commands to an SQL server and collect the results. Use the commands SELECT, INSERT,
You would use this action for two purposes.
l Obtain additional data from the database. The trigger will receive data for label printing, but
not all required values. For example, the trigger receives the value for Product ID and
Description, but no Price. We have to look up the value for Price in the SQLdatabase.
See example of SQLcode
SELECT Price FROM Products
WHERE ID = :[Product ID]
The ID is field in the database, Product ID is a variable defined in the trigger.
l Update or delete records in the database. When the label is printed, you want to update the
record in the database signaling the system that the particular records has been already pro-
See example of SQLcode
You would set the table field AlreadyPrinted to True for the currently processed
UPDATE Products
SET AlreadyPrinted = True
WHERE ID = :[Product ID]
Or you would delete the current record from a database, because it's not needed
WHERE ID = :[Product ID]
The ID is field in the database, Product ID is a variable defined in the trigger.
NOTE: To use value of a variable inside SQL statement, you have to put colon (:) in front of its
name. This signals to NiceLabel Automation that the variable names follows.
Database Connection
Defines the connection parameters to the database. Before you can send SQLsentence to the
database, you have to set up the connection to it. Click Define button and follow on-screen
instructions. You can connect to a data source that can be controlled with SQL commands, so you
cannot use text files (CSV) and Excel files.
Defines the SQLstatement --or query-- to execute. You can use statements from Data Manipulation
Language (DML) to execute queries upon existing database tables. You can use the standard SQL
- 71 -
statements, such as SELECT, INSERT, DELETEand UPDATE, including joins, function and keywords. You
cannot use statements from Data Definition Language (DDL) to create databases and tables
Click the Test button in the toolbar to open the Data Preview section, where you can test execution of
SQLstatements. Click the Insert variable button to insert trigger variables into the SQLstatement.
The editor control allows you to Export/Import the SQL statements to/from file.
Execution mode
Specifies the explicit mode of execution. With some complex SQL queries it becomes increasingly
difficult to automatically determine what is the supposed action. If the built-in logic has troubles
identifying your intent, manually select the main action.
l Automatic. The application will try to automatically determine the action.
l Returns set of records (SELECT). You expect to receive data set with records.
l Does not return set of records(INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE). You are executing query that will
not return the records. You want to either insert new records, delete or update existing
records. The result will be status response about how many rows very affected by your query.
Save Result to Variable
Defines the variable that will store the result of the SQLstatement.
l Result of SELECT statement. When you execute the SELECT statement, the result will be data
set of records. You will receive the CSV-formatted text contents. The first line will contain field
names returned in a result. The next lines will contain records.
To extract the values from the returned data set and use them in other actions, define the
Configuring Structured Text Filter and execute action Use Data Filter upon the contents of
this variable.
l Result of INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE statements. When you use INSERT, DELETE and
UPDATEstatements, the result will be number indicating the number of records affected in the
Retry on Failure
This section allows you to configure the action to continually retry connection to the database server
in case the first attempt was not successful. If the action will fail to connect in all defined number of
attempts, the error is raised.
l Retry attempts. Specifies the number of times the action will try to connect to the database
l Retry interval. Specifies the time period for which this action will wait until it will try to re-con-
nect to the database.
Data Preview
This section allows you to test the execution of your SQLstatement upon a live data. To protect the
data from accidental updates, make sure the option Simulate execution is enabled. The statements
INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE will execute, so you will have feedback about how many records will be
affected, then the transactions will be reversed.
- 72 -
If you use trigger variables in the SQLstatement, you will be able to enter their values for the test
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
For Loop
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Enterprise.
Executes the actions defined below this action multiple times. You would use this action to when you
want to execute a group of nested actions many times. All nested actions will be executed in a loop as
many times as defined by the difference between start value and end value.
- 73 -
Loop Settings
l Start value. Specifies the reference for the start point. You can use negative value. The option
Variable enables the variable start value. You must select a variable that will contain numeric
value for start.
l End value. Specifies the reference for the end point. You can use negative value. The option
Variable enables the variable end value. You must select a variable that will contain numeric
value for end.
l Save loop variable to a variable. Saves the current loop step value into a selected variable.
The loop step value can contain any value between start and end value. You would save the
value to variable to use it in some other action to know with the current iteration.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Get Label Information
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Enterprise.
This action returns the structural information about the associated label file. The action provides the
information about the label dimensions, printer driver and lists all label variables and their main
properties. It returns the original information as are saved in the label file and also the information
after the print process has been simulated.
The simulation ensures that all labels variables get the value as they would have during the normal
print. Also, the label height information provides the correct dimensions in case that you defined the
label as variable-height label (in this case the label size depends on the amount of data to print).
The action will return the dimensions for a label size, not for a page size.
The action will save the information about the label structure into the selected variable. You can then
send the data back to the system using the action HTTPRequest(or similar outbound data
connectivity action), or send it back in the trigger response, if you bidirectional trigger.
- 74 -
NOTE: This action must be nested below the Open Label action.
l Name. Specifies the variable name. You must select a variable into which the XML-formatted
label information is saved.
l If you want to use the information from the XML inside this trigger, you can define the
Configuring XML filter and execute it with Use Data Filter action.
l If you want to return the XML data as response in your HTTPorWeb Service trigger, use
this variable directly in the Response data field the trigger configuration.
l If you want to save the XML data to file, use the Save Data to File action.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Sample Label Information XML
The sample presents the structural view on the elements and their attributes as they are returned.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- 75 -
<PrinterName>QLS 3001 Xe</Printer>
<PrinterName>QLS 3001 Xe</Printer>
Label Information XML Specification
This section contains the description of the XMLfile structure as returned by this action.
NOTE: All measurement values are expressed in the 1/1000 mm units. For example width of
25000 is 25 mm.
l <Label>. This is a root element.
l <Original>. Specifies the label dimensions and the printer name as are saved in the label file.
l Width. This element contains the original label width.
l Height. This element contains the original label height.
l PrinterName. This element contains the printer name for which the label has been cre-
ated for.
l Current. Specifies the label dimensions and the printer name after the simulated print has been
l Width. This element contains the actual label width.
l Height. This element contains the actual label height. If the label is defined as variable-
height label, it can grow together with label objects. For example, Text Box and RTF
objects can grow in vertical direction and cause the label to expand as well.
l PrinterName. This element contains the printer name that will be used for printing. For
example, the printer will be different from the original printer name, if the original
printer driver is not installed on this computer, or you have changed the printer with the
Set Printer action.
l <Variables> and <Variable>. The element Variables contains the list of all prompt label vari-
ables , each defined in a separate Variable element. The prompt variables are the ones listed
in the print dialog box when you print label from the designer.If there are no prompt variables
- 76 -
defined in the label , the element Variables is empty.
l Name. Contains the variable name.
l Description. Contains the variable description.
l DefaultValue. Contains the default value as defined for the variable when the label has
been designed.
l Format. Contains the type of content (characters) the variable accepts.
l CurrentValue. Contains the actual value as will be used for printing.
l IncrementType. Contains the information, if the variable is defined as counter, and if it
is, what kind of counter it is.
l IncrementStep. Contains the information about the counter step. The counter value will
increment/decrement for this value on the next label.
l IncrementCount.Contains the information about when the counter should incre-
ment/decrement its value. Usually, the counter changes value on every label, but that
can be changed.
l Length. Contains the maximum number of characters the variable can contain.
XMLSchema Definition (XSD) for LabelSpecification XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema id="Format" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="Label">
<xs:element name="Original">
<xs:element name="Width" type="xs:decimal"
minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="Height" type="xs:decimal"
minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="PrinterName" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="Current">
<xs:element name="Width" type="xs:decimal"
minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="Height" type="xs:decimal"
minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="PrinterName" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="Variables">
<xs:element name="Variable" minOccurs="0"
- 77 -
<xs:element name="Name" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="Description"
type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="DefaultValue"
type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="Format" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="CurrentValue"
type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="IncrementType"
type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="IncrementStep"
type="xs:integer" minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="IncrementCount"
type="xs:integer" minOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="Length" type="xs:string"
minOccurs="1" />
HTTP Request
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Enterprise.
Sends data to the destination Web server using the selected HTTPmethod. You can use http and
HTTPS URIschemes.
HTTP functions as a request-response protocol in the client-server computing model. With this action
NiceLabel Automation takes a role of the client, communicating with the remote server. This action
will submit the selected HTTPrequest message to the server. The server will return a response
message, which can contain completion status information about the request and may also contain
requested content in its message body.
Connection Settings
NOTE: This action supports Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).
l Destination. Defines the address, port and destination (path) on the Web server. If the Web
server runs on default port 80, you can skip the port number. You can hard-code the con-
nection parameters and use fixed host name or IPaddress. You can also use variable con-
nection parameters. For more information, see the topic Using Compound Values.
EXAMPL E: If th e var iab le hostname p r ovid es th e W eb s er ver n ame an d th e var iab le port
p r ovid es th e p or t nu mb er , you c an en ter th e follow i n g f or th e des tin ation :
- 78 -
l Request method. Lists the available methods for the request. You can choose between POST,
l Timeout. Defines the timeout in which connection to the server will try to be established.
l Wait for status reply. Specifies that you want to receive the status feedback, whether the data
was sent successfully. The HTTP status code returned from the Web server will be saved into
selected variable. Status code in range 2XX are success code, common "OK" response is code
200. Codes 5XX are server errors.
l Save status reply in a variable. Defines the variable that will store the status code returned
from the server.
This section allows you to enter the credentials you need to connect to the Web server. You must
enter user name and password, which can be fixed or can be provided with value of the variable.
HTTPBasic authentication (BA)uses static standard HTTP headers. The BA mechanism provides no
confidentiality protection for the transmitted credentials. They are merely encoded with Base64 in
transit, but not encrypted or hashed in any way. Basic Authentication should be used over HTTPS.
This section allows you to define the contents you want to send to the Web server. You can use fixed
content, mix of fixed and variable content, or variable content alone. To insert a variable content, click
the button with arrow to the right of data area and insert variable from the list. For more information,
see the topic Using Compound Values.
l Data. Specifies the contents that will be sent outbound.
l Encoding. Specifies the encoding of the data.
l Type. Specifies the Content-Type property for the HTTP message. If you don't select any type,
the default application/x-www-form-urlencoded will be used. If you don't see appro-
priate type listed, just type it in yourself.
Additional HTTPHeaders
Some HTTP servers (especially for REST services) require custom HTTP headers to be included in the
message. This section allows you to provide the HTTP headers that you need.
The HTTPheaders must be entered using the following syntax:
header field name: header field value
For example, to use the header field names Accept, User-Agent and Content-Type, you could
use the following:
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
You can hard code the header field names, or you can obtain their values from the trigger
variables.To access the variables click the small arrow button to the right of the text area. For more
information, see the topic Using Compound Values.
- 79 -
You can use as many custom header fields as you want, just make sure you place each header field in a
new line.
NOTE: The entered HTTPheaders will override the already defined headers elsewhere in the
action properties, such as Content-Type.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Load Variable Data
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
Loads values of one or multiple variables from the associated file as were saved to file by the action
Save Variable Data. This action allows you to exchange data between triggers. You can load a
particular variable or all variables that exist in the file.
l File name. Specifies the file name where the variable values will be loaded from. It can be hard-
coded, and values will be loaded from the same file every time. The option Variable enables the
variable file name. You must select a variable that will contain the path and/or file name when
trigger is executed. Usually, the value to the variable is assigned by a filter.
Use UNC syntax for network resources. For more information, see the topic Access to Network
Shared Resources.
File Structure
This section defines the structure of the variable file. The structure has to match the structure as was
used to save the variables to file.
l Delimiter. Specifies the delimiter in the data file. You can select a predefined delimiter, or enter
a custom one.
- 80 -
l Text qualifier. Specifies the text qualifier. You can select a predefined delimiter, or enter a cus-
tom one.
l Encoding. Specifies the encoding mode used in the data file. UTF-8 makes a good default selec-
This section defines the variables that will be read from the data file. Values of the existing variables
will be overwritten with values from the file.
l All variables. Specifies that all variables defined in the data file will be read.
l Selected variables. Specifies that only the selected variables will be read from the data file.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Writes a custom entry into the log file.
Usually, the log file contains application-generated strings and error descriptions. Use this action to
write custom string. This is useful for configuration troubleshooting and debugging so you can track
values of selected variables.
EXAMPL E: T o c on fig ur e log g in g of c us tom mes s ag e in th e log p an e i n Automati on Bu i l d er
(w h en you ar e tes tin g c onf i g ur ation ) or i n th e log p an e i n Au tomati on Manag er ( w hen th e
tr ig g er h as b een d ep l oyed an d s tar ted ), s ee th e follow i n g s c r een s h ots .
- 81 -
l Caption. Specifies title of the custom message. The option Variable enables the variable title.
You must select a variable that will contain the title when trigger is executed.
l Message. Specifies contents of the custom message. The option Variable enables the variable
title. You must select a variable that will contain the title when trigger is executed. Usually, you
will prepare variable contents in some other action, then use it here.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Open Document /Program
Interfaces with external program and executes it in the command-line. The external program can
execute some additional processing and provide result back to the NiceLabel Automation. This action
- 82 -
allows NiceLabel Automation to bind with any 3rd party software that can execute some additional
data processing, or acquire data. External software can provide data response by saving it to file, from
where you can read it into variables.
You can feed the value of variable(s) to the program by listing them in the command-line in square
C:\Applications\Processing.exe [variable1] [variable2]
l File name. Specifies the path and file name. They can be hard-coded, and the same file will
used every time. If you use just file name without the path, the folder where configuration file
(.MISX)is saved will be used. You can use relative reference to the file name, where folder with
.MISX file is used as the root folder. The option Variable enables the variable file name. You can
select a single variable that will contain the path and/or file name or you can combine several
variables that will create the file name. For more information see topic Using Compound Values.
NOTE: Use UNC syntax for network resources. For more information, see topic Access
to Network Shared Resources.
Execution Options
l Hide window. Specifies that the application's window will not be shown to the user. Because
NiceLabel Automation runs as a service application within its own session, it cannot interact
with the user's desktop, even if it runs with the privileges of the currently logged in user. From
security reasons Microsoft has prevented this interaction in Windows Vista and newer oper-
ating systems.
l Wait for completion. Specifies that action execution will wait for this action to complete
before continuing with the next action in the list. Enable this option if the next action depends
on the result from the external application.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
- 83 -
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Open Label
Specifies the name of label file for printing. When the action is executed the specified label template
will open in the memory cache. The label remains in the cache as long as triggers use it. There is no
limit on the number of labels that can be opened concurrently. If the label is already loaded and is
requested again, NiceLabel Automation will first determine if a newer version is available and
approved for printing, then open it.
In this example the NiceLabel Automation will load the label label.lbl from the folder
If the specified label cannot be found, NiceLabel Automation will try to find it in the alternative
locations. For more information, see topic Search order for the Requested Files.
l Label. Specifies the label name. It can be hard-coded, and the same label will print every time.
The option Variable enables the variable file name. You must select a variable that will contain
the path and/or file name when trigger is executed. Usually, the value to the variable is
assigned by a filter.
Use UNC syntax for network resources. For more information, see the topic Access to Network
Shared Resources.
Using Relative Paths
You can also use relative path to reference your label file. The root folder is always the folder where
the configuration file (MISX) is stored.
With the following syntax, the label will load relatively from the location of the configuration file. The
label will be searched for in the folder ProjectA, which is two levels above the current folder, and
then into folder Labels.
- 84 -
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Preview Label
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Enterprise.
Executes the print process and delivers the label preview as an image. By default the preview is saved
to disk as JPEG image, but you can choose other image type. You can also control the size of the
created preview image. The action will generate preview for one label.
Once you have the label preview created in a file, you can send the file to third party application using
one of the outbound actions, such as Send Data to HTTP, Send Data to Serial Port, Send Data to
TCP/IP Port, or use it as response message from bidirectional triggers, such as HTTP Server Trigger and
Web Service Trigger. The third party application can take the image and show is as label preview to
the user.
l File name. Specifies the path and file name. They can be hard-coded, and the same file will
used every time. If you use just file name without the path, the folder where configuration file
(.MISX)is saved will be used. You can use relative reference to the file name, where folder with
.MISX file is used as the root folder. The option Variable enables the variable file name. You
must select a variable that will contain the path and/or file name when trigger is executed. Usu-
ally, the value to the variable is assigned by a filter.
l Image type. Specifies the image type in which the label preview will be saved.
l Preview label back side (2-sided labels). Enables preview of the back label. This is useful,
when you use double sided labels and want to preview label's back side.
Preview Size
l Width and height. Specifies the image size in pixels as will be saved to disk. The label preview
- 85 -
will fit proportionally into defined dimensions and will never be stretched. The image will use
white background for all excess background not covered by the label preview.
l Use printer and label settings to set preview size. Enables the preview image to use exact
dimensions (in pixels) as defined by the label template (.LBL file)and the printer properties .
Label template will provide label dimensions (in selected unit of measure) and printer driver will
provide the printer resolution (DPI). If you want to create label preview with different res-
olution, change the printer before executing Preview Label action. Use the Set Printer action to
change the associated printer.
EXAMPL E: For examp le, if you r l ab el temp l ate d ef i n es d imen sion as 4 " × 3" an d lab el
p r in ter h as r es olu tion of 20 0 DPI, th e r es u ltin g p revi ew imag e will h ave dimen s ion s of
80 0 × 60 0 p i xels . W id th eq ual s 4 inc hes ti mes 2 00 DPI, w h ic h r es ults in 80 0 p i xels .
Heig h t eq uals 3 in c h es ti mes 2 00 DPI, w h ic h r es ults in 600 p i xels .
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Print Label
Executes the label printing. The action cannot be used on its own. You must always nest this action
under the Open Label action to reference the label to print. This allows you to have many labels
opened at the same time, and you can specify which label must print. When issuing this command the
label will print using the printer driver defined in the label template. If that printer driver is not found
on the system, the label will print using system default printer driver. You can override the printer
driver using the command Set Printer.
To achieve high performance label printing, NiceLabel Automation enables two settings by default:
l Parallel processing. Multiple print processes are all carried out simultaneously. The number of
background printing threads depend on the hardware, specifically on the processor type. Each
processor core can accommodate one printing thread, and this default can be changed. For
more information, see Parallel Processing.
- 86 -
l Asynchronous mode. As soon as the trigger pre-processing completes and the instructions
for the print engine are available, the printing thread takes it over in the background. The con-
trol is returned to the trigger so it can accept the next incoming data stream as soon as pos-
sible. When the synchronous mode is enabled, the control is not returned to the trigger until
the print process is finished. This can take a while, but the trigger has a benefit of providing the
feedback back to data-providing application. For more information, see the topic Synchronous
Print Mode.
NOTE: Using Save error to variable option in ActionExecution and Error Handling will
not yield any result in asynchronous mode, as the trigger will not receive feedback
from the print process. To capture feedback from the print process you have to enable
synchronous mode.
This section specifies the number of labels you want to print.
l Labels. Specifies the number of labels to print.
l Variable. Specifies the variable that will define the label quantity. Value of the variable is usually
assigned by the action Use Data Filter and must be integer.
l All (unlimited quantity). Dependent on the design of the label template, labels will print in
different quantities.
Typically, you would use this option in two scenarios.
1. Command the printer to continuously print the same label until it is switched off, or
when it receives a command to clear its memory buffer.
WARNING: In this scenario, you must use NiceLabel printer driver to print
your labels.
When you print the fixed label, just one print job is sent to the printer, with the quantity
set to "unlimited". Label printers have a parameter to the print command to indicate
"unlimited" printing.
When the label is not fixed but includes objects that change during the printing, such as
counters, then the printed quantity will be set to the maximum quantity supported by
the printer.NiceLabel printer driver knows the printer quantity limit and will print that
many labels.
EXAMPL E: T he maximu m q uan ti ty the p r i n ter s up p or ts is 32 , 0 0 0. T hi s i s th e
amou n t of lab els that w i ll p r i n t, wh en you s elec t " u n limited " q u antity.
2. The trigger doesn't provide and data, but only acts as a signal that "event has
happened". The logic to acquire necessary data is on the label. Usually, a connection to a
database is configured on the label and at every trigger the label must connect to the
database, and acquire all records from the database. In this case, the option "unlimited"
is understood as "print all records from the database".
- 87 -
l Variable quantity (defined from label variable). Specifies that some label variable contains
the label quantity information. The trigger doesn't receive the number of labels to print so it
passes the decision to the label template. The label might contain a connection to a database,
which will provide the label quantity, or there is some other source of quantity information.
One label variable must be defined as "variable quantity". For more information, see label
designer's user guide.
This section specifies non-frequently used label quantity related settings.
l Number of skipped labels. Specifies the number of labels that will be skipped on the first page
of labels. The sheet of labels might be printed once already, but not entirely. You can re-use the
same sheet by offsetting the starting position. This option is applicable, when you print labels
to sheets of labels, not rolls of labels, so it's effective for office printers not label printers. The
value can be hard-coded, or some variable can provide the number.
l Identical label copies. Specifies the number of label copies to make for each unique label. This
option produces the same result as the main Number of Labels option, when you have fixed
labels. With variable labels, such as labels using counters, you can get the real label copies.
l Label sets. Specifies how many times the entire label printing process should repeat. For
example, the trigger will receive content with 3 lines of CSV-formatted data, so 3 labels are
expected to print (1, 2, 3). If you set this option to 3, the printout will bein the following order
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Printer Status
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
- 88 -
Communicates with the printer to acquire printer's real-time state and Windows Spooler for
additional information about the printer and its jobs. As a result the information about errors,
spooler status, number of jobs in the spooler is collected, so you can identify possible errors.
Examples of possible usage. (1) You will verify the printer status before printing. If the printer is in
error state, you will print the label to the backupprinter. (2) You will count the number of jobs
waiting in a spooler of main printer. If there are too many, you will print label to alternative
printer. (3) You will verify the printer status before printing. If the printer is in error state, you will
not print labels, but report the error back to the main system using any of the outbound actions,
such as Send Data to TCP/IP Port, HTTP Request, Execute SQL Statement, Web Service, or as the
trigger response.
You must comply with the following prerequisites, to be able to retrieve live printer status:
l You must use NiceLabel Printer Driver to receive detailed status information. If you use other
printer driver, you will only be able to see the information retrieved from the Windows Spooler
and not live printer status.
l The printer must be capable of reporting the live status. For the printer models supporting bid-
irectional communication see NiceLabel Download web page.
l The printer must be connected on the interface that supports bidirectional communication.
l The bidirectional support must be enabled in the ControlPanel>Hardware and
Sound>Devices and Printers>driver>Printer Properties>Ports tab>Enable bidirectional sup-
l If using network-connected label printer, make sure the you are using Advanced TCP/IPPort,
not StandardTCP/IPPort. For more information, see Knowledge Base article KB189.
l Printer name. Specifies the printer name. You can select the printer from the list of locally
installed printer drivers, or you can enter any printer name. The option Variable enables the
variable printer name. When enabled, you must select a variable that will contain the printer
name when trigger is executed. Usually, the value to the variable is assigned by a filter.
Data Mapping
WARNING: The majority of the following parameters are only supported when using
NiceLabel Printer Driver. If you use some other printer driver, you can use only the spooler-
related parameters.
This section defines the parameters that are returned as result of the Printer Status action.
l Printer status. Specifies the printer live status as string. If the printer is in multiple states, all
states are merged together in one string, delimited by comma ",". If there is no problem with
the printer, this field has no value. Printer status might be "Offline", "Out of labels", "Ribbon
near end". There is no standardized reporting, so each printer brand can use different status
l Printer error. Specifies the boolean (true/false) value of the printer error status.
- 89 -
l Printer offline. Specifies the boolean (true/false) value of the printer offline status.
l Driver paused. Specifies the boolean (true/false) value of the driver pause status
l NiceLabel Printer Driver driver. Specifies the boolean (true/false) value of the NiceLabel Printer
Driver status. Provides information if the selected driver is NiceLabel Printer Driver.
l Spooler status. Specifies the spooler status as string, as is reported by the Windows system.
The spooler can be simultaneously in several statuses.In this case the statuses are merged
with comma ",".
l Spooler status ID. Specifies the spooler status as number, as is reported by the Windows
system. The spooler can be simultaneously in several statuses.In this case the returned status
IDs contains all IDs as flags. For example, value 5 represents status IDs 4 and 1, which translates
to "Printer is in error, Printer is paused". Refer to the table below.
The action will return decimal value, the values in the table below are in hex, so you will have to
do the conversion, before parsing the response.
The table of spooler status IDs and matching descriptions
Spooler status ID (in hex) Spooler status description
0 No status.
1 Printer is paused.
2 Printer is printing.
4 Printer is in error.
8 Printer is not available.
10 Printer is out of paper.
20 Manual feed required.
40 Printer has a problem with paper.
80 Printer is offline.
100 Active Input/Output state.
200 Printer is busy.
400 Paper jam.
800 Output bin is full.
2000 Printer is waiting.
4000 Printer is processing.
10000 Printer is warming up.
20000 Toner/Ink level is low.
40000 No toner left in the printer.
80000 Current page can not be printed.
100000 User intervention is required.
200000 Printer is out of memory.
400000 Door is open.
800000 Unknown error.
1000000 Printer is in power save mode.
l Number of jobs in the spooler. Specifies the number of jobs that are in the spooler for the
selected printer.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
- 90 -
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Read Data From File
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
Reads content of the provided file name and saves it into the variable. You can read content of file of
any type, including binary data.
Usually NiceLabel Automation will receive data for label printing with the trigger. E.g. when you use
file trigger, the contents of the trigger file is automatically read and can be parsed by filters. However,
you might want bypass filters to obtain some external data. Once you execute this action and have
the data stored in a variable, you can use any of the available actions to use the data.
This action is useful:
l When you must combine data received by the trigger with data stored in some file.
WARNING: If you will load data from binary files (such as bitmap image or print file), make
sure the variable to store the read content is defined as binary variable.
l When you want to exchange data between triggers. One triggers prepares data and saves it to
file (using the Save Data to File action), the other trigger reads the data.
l File name. Specifies the path and file name. They can be hard-coded, and the same file will
used every time. If you use just file name without the path, the folder where configuration file
(.MISX)is saved will be used. You can use relative reference to the file name, where folder with
.MISX file is used as the root folder. The option Variable enables the variable file name. You can
select a single variable that will contain the path and/or file name or you can combine several
variables that will create the file name. For more information see topic Using Compound Values.
- 91 -
NOTE: Use UNC syntax for network resources. For more information, see topic Access
to Network Shared Resources.
l Variable. Specifies the variable that will store all content of the selected file name. You must
have at least one variable defined.
l Encoding. Specifies the encoding of the read data. If unsure about the encoding, leave it at
Auto. You cannot select encoding when reading data into binary variable. In this case the vari-
able will contain the data as-is.
Retry on Failure
NiceLabel Automation might cannot access the file, because it locked by some other application. If
some application still writes data to file and has it locked in exclusive mode, no other application can
open it at the same time, not even for reading. Other causes for retries can be the following:file
doesn't exist (yet), folder does not exist (yet), the service user doesn't have privileges to access the file,
or something else went wrong.
These options determine how many times should NiceLabel Automation retry opening a file. If the file
cannot be open even after all retries, the action will fail.
l Retry attempts. Specifies number of times that we should retry accessing the file. When the
value is 0, no retries will be made.
l Retry interval. Specifies time interval between retries (defined in milliseconds).
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Read Data From Serial Port
Collects data received on the serial port (RS-232) and saves it to selected variable. You can use this
action to communicate with the external serial port devices.
- 92 -
l Port name. Specifies the port name, where your external device connects to. This can be a hard-
ware COM port or virtual COMport.
Port Settings
This section displays options for the serial port connection. Make sure the settings here match the
settings on your external device.
l Bits per second. Specifies the speed that the external device will use to communicate to the PC.
The usual alias used with the setting is "baud rate".
l Data bits. Specifies the number of data bits in each character. 8 data bits are almost universally
used in newer devices.
l Parity. Specifies the method of detecting errors in transmission. The most common parity set-
ting, however, is "none", with error detection handled by a communication protocol (flow con-
l Stop bits. Stop bits sent at the end of every character allow the receiving signal hardware to
detect the end of a character and to resynchronize with the character stream. Electronic
devices usually use one stop bit.
l Flow control. A serial port may use signals in the interface to pause and resume the
transmission of data.
EXAMPL E: For examp le, a s low d evic e mig h t need to h and sh ake with th e s er ial por t
to in dic ate th at d ata s hou ld b e p au s ed w h ile th e devi c e p r oc es s es r ec eived d ata.
l Read delay. Specifies the optional delay when reading the data from the serial port. After the
delay, the entire contents of the serial port buffer will be read.
l Send initialization data. Specifies the string that is sent to selected serial port before data is
read. This provides the functionality to initialize the device to be able to provide the data. You
can also use it to send a specific question to the device, and receive the specific answer. Click
the arrow button to insert special characters, such as control codes. For more information, see
the topic Entering Special Characters (Control Codes).
Data Extraction
l Enable data extraction. Provides a functionality to extract part of the received data. You can
define the start and end position. All characters within these positions will be extracted. To use
stronger extraction techniques, you can parse the received data through filters. For more
information, see the topic Understanding Filters.
l Save data to variable. Specifies the variable that will store the received data. Once you have
captured data and saved it to variable, you can manipulate it using filters, and/or as input to
other actions.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
- 93 -
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Redirect Printing To File
Diverts the print job to file. Instead of sending the created print file to the printer port as defined in
the printer driver, the printout is redirected to file. You can append data to the existing file, or
overwrite it. With this action you can capture printer commands to file.
The action will instruct NiceLabel Automation to redirect printing, it will not print labels. Make sure it
is followed by the Print Label action.
NOTE: NiceLabel Automation runs as service under defined Windows user account. Make
sure this user account has privileges accessing the specified folder with read/write
permissions. For more information, see the topic Access to Network Shared Resources.
This action is also useful to print several different labels (.LBLfiles) to the network printer keeping
the correct order of labels. When multiple .LBLfiles are printed from the same trigger, NiceLabel
Automation will send each label to the printer in a separate print job, even if the target printer is
the same for both labels. When network printer is used, job of some other user can be inserted
between two jobs the trigger must send together. Using this action you can append print data
into the same file and then send its contents to the printer using the action Send Data to Printer.
l File name. Specifies the file name. It can be hard-coded, and printing will be redirected to the
same file every time. The option Variable enables the variable file name. You must select a vari-
able that will contain the path and/or file name when trigger is executed. Usually, the value to
the variable is assigned by a filter.
Use UNC syntax for network resources. For more information, see the topic Access to Network
Shared Resources.
l Overwrite the file. If the specified file already exists on the disk, it will be overwritten.
l Append data to the file. The job file will be appended to the existing data in the provided file.
- 94 -
This option allows you to control the persistence of the redirect action. You can control the number
of Print Label actions that are affected by the redirect.
l Apply to all subsequent print actions. Specifies that the print redirect applies to all Print
Label actions that are defined after this redirect action.
l Apply to next print action. Specifies that the print redirect applies to the next Print Label
action only (just one).
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Redirect Printing To PDF
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Enterprise.
Diverts the print job to PDFdocument. Instead of printing the label to printer, the printout is
redirected to PDF. You can append data to the existing file, or overwrite it. The PDF document will
retain the exact label dimensions as defined during label design. The rendering quality of graphics in
the PDF matches the resolution of the target printer and desired printout size.
The action will instruct NiceLabel Automation to redirect printing, it will not print labels. Make sure it
is followed by the Print Label action.
NOTE: NiceLabel Automation runs as service under defined Windows user account. Make
sure this user account has privileges accessing the specified folder with read/write
permissions. For more information, see the topic Access to Network Shared Resources.
l File name. Specifies the file name. It can be hard-coded, and printing will be redirected to the
same file every time. The option Variable enables the variable file name. You must select a vari-
able that will contain the path and/or file name when trigger is executed. Usually, the value to
the variable is assigned by a filter.
Use UNC syntax for network resources. For more information, see the topic Access to Network
- 95 -
Shared Resources.
l Overwrite the file. If the specified file already exists on the disk, it will be overwritten.
l Append data to the file. The job file will be appended to the existing data in the provided file.
This option allows you to control the persistence of the redirect action. You can control the number
of Print Label actions that are affected by the redirect.
l Apply to all subsequent print actions. Specifies that the print redirect applies to all Print
Label actions that are defined after this redirect action.
l Apply to next print action. Specifies that the print redirect applies to the next Print Label
action only (just one).
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Run Command File
Executes the commands in the selected command file. All types of files provide commands that
NiceLabel Automation will execute in order from top to bottom. Command files usually provide data
for a single label, but you can define files of any level of complexity. For more information, see the topic
Reference and Troubleshooting.
NOTE: This action is available in all NiceLabel Automation products on the feature level of the
selected product. The higher the product level, more commands can be used in the command
l File type. Specifies the type of the command file to be executed.
l File name. Specifies the command file name. It can be hard-coded, and the same command file
will execute every time. The option Variable enables the variable file name. You must select a
- 96 -
variable that will contain the path and/or file name when trigger is executed. Usually, the value
to the variable is assigned by a filter.
Use UNC syntax for network resources. For more information, see the topic Access to Network
Shared Resources.
How to receive a command file in a trigger and execute it
When the trigger receives the command file and you want to execute it, do the following:
1. In Variables tab, click the Internal Variable button in the ribbon.
2. In the drop down enable the internal variable DataFileName. This internal variable provides
the path and file name to the file that contains data received by the trigger.In this case, the
contents is command file. For more information, see topic Internal Variables.
3. In Actions tab, add the action to execute the command file, such as Run Command File, Run
Oracle XML Command File, or Run SAP AII XML Command File.
For the action Run Command File, select the type of the command file in File type.
4. Enable the option Variable.
5. Select the variable DataFileName from the list of available variables.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Run Oracle XML Command File
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
Executes printing with data from an Oracle XML-formatted file.
NiceLabel Automation internally supports XMLfiles with the "Oracle XML" structure, which are
defined by Oracle Warehouse Management software. Use this action as a shortcut to execute Oracle
XML files directly without any need to parse them with XML filter and map values to variables. To be
- 97 -
able to use this action, the XML file must conform to Oracle XML specifications. For more information,
see the topic Oracle XML Specifications.
Use UNC syntax for network resources. For more information, see the topic Access to Network Shared
How to receive a command file in a trigger and execute it
When the trigger receives the command file and you want to execute it, do the following:
1. In Variables tab, click the Internal Variable button in the ribbon.
2. In the drop down enable the internal variable DataFileName. This internal variable provides
the path and file name to the file that contains data received by the trigger.In this case, the
contents is command file. For more information, see topic Internal Variables.
3. In Actions tab, add the action to execute the command file, such as Run Command File, Run
Oracle XML Command File, or Run SAP AII XML Command File.
For the action Run Command File, select the type of the command file in File type.
4. Enable the option Variable.
5. Select the variable DataFileName from the list of available variables.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Run SAP AII XML Command File
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
Executes printing with data from an SAP AII XML-formatted file.
NiceLabel Automation internally supports XMLfiles with the "SAPAII XML" structure, which are
defined by SAPsoftware. Use this action as a shortcut to execute SAPAII XML files directly without any
need to parse them with XML filter and map values to variables. To be able to use this action, the XML
- 98 -
file must conform to SAPAII XML specifications. For more information, see the topic SAP AII XML
Use UNC syntax for network resources. For more information, see the topic Access to Network Shared
How to receive a command file in a trigger and execute it
When the trigger receives the command file and you want to execute it, do the following:
1. In Variables tab, click the Internal Variable button in the ribbon.
2. In the drop down enable the internal variable DataFileName. This internal variable provides
the path and file name to the file that contains data received by the trigger.In this case, the
contents is command file. For more information, see topic Internal Variables.
3. In Actions tab, add the action to execute the command file, such as Run Command File, Run
Oracle XML Command File, or Run SAP AII XML Command File.
For the action Run Command File, select the type of the command file in File type.
4. Enable the option Variable.
5. Select the variable DataFileName from the list of available variables.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Save Data To File
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
Saves variable value or other data streams (such as binary data) into the file. The NiceLabel
Automation service must have write access to the defined folder.
- 99 -
l File name. Specifies the path and file name. They can be hard-coded, and the same file will
used every time. If you use just file name without the path, the folder where configuration file
(.MISX)is saved will be used. You can use relative reference to the file name, where folder with
.MISX file is used as the root folder. The option Variable enables the variable file name. You can
select a single variable that will contain the path and/or file name or you can combine several
variables that will create the file name. For more information see topic Using Compound Values.
NOTE: Use UNC syntax for network resources. For more information, see topic Access
to Network Shared Resources.
If File Exists
l Overwrite the file. Specifies that the specified will be overwritten, if it already exists on the
l Append data to the file. Specifies that data will be written at the end of the file, if the file of
defined name already exists.
l Use data received by the trigger. The file will contain the original data as received by the trig-
ger. Effectively, this will make a copy of the incoming data.
l Custom. The data will contain the content as provided in the text area. You can combine fixed
values, variable values and special characters in the content. To insert variables and special char-
acters, click the arrow button to the right of the text area. For more information, see the topic
Using Compound Values.
l Encoding. Specifies the encoding of the output file. Select Auto when you append data to file
and want to use encoding from the existing file.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
- 100 -
Save Variable Data
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
Saves values of one or multiple variables to the associated file. This action allows you to exchange
data between triggers. To read data back into trigger, use the action Load Variable Data. The values
are saved in the CSV format with first line containing variable names. When variables have multi-line
values the newline characters (CR/LF)will be encoded as \n\r.
l File name. Specifies the file name where the variable values will be saved into. It can be hard-
coded, and values will be saved into the same file every time. The option Variable enables the
variable file name. You must select a variable that will contain the path and/or file name when
trigger is executed. Usually, the value to the variable is assigned by a filter.
Use UNC syntax for network resources. For more information, see the topic Access to Network
Shared Resources.
If File Exists
l Overwrite the file. Specifies that the existing data file will be overwritten with new data. The
old contents is lost.
l Append data to the file. Specifies that the values of variables are appended to the existing
data file. This option allows you to generate the "text database" file, such as CSV file.
File Structure
This section defines the structure of the variable file. The structure has to match the structure as was
used to save the variables to file.
l Delimiter. Specifies the delimiter in the data file. You can select a predefined delimiter, or enter
a custom one.
l Text qualifier. Specifies the text qualifier. You can select a predefined delimiter, or enter a cus-
tom one.
l Encoding. Specifies the encoding mode used in the data file. UTF-8 makes a good default selec-
This section defines the variables that will be read from the data file. Values of the existing variables
will be overwritten with values from the file.
l All variables. Specifies that all variables defined in the data file will be read.
l Selected variables. Specifies that only the selected variables will be read from the data file.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
- 101 -
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Send Custom Commands
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
Executes the entered custom commands. You must always nest this action under the Open Label
action to reference the label to which to apply the commands. For more information, see the topic
Custom Commands.
NOTE: Majority of custom commands are available with individual actions, so in most cases
you don't need custom commands.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Send Data To Printer
Sends data to the selected printer. Useful for sending pre-generated printer streams to any available
printer. NiceLabel Automation uses the installed printer driver in pass-through mode just to be able
- 102 -
to send data to the target port, such as LPT, COM, TCP/IP or USB port, on which the printer is
Possible scenario. The data received by the trigger must be printed out on the same network
printer but on different label templates (.LBL files). The printer can accept data from various
workstations and will usually print the jobs in the received order. NiceLabel Automation will send
each label template in separate print job, making it possible for some other workstation to insert
its job between jobs created in our NiceLabel Automation. Instead of sending each job separately
to the printer, you can merge all label jobs together (by using the action Redirect Printing to File)
and then send one big print job to the printer.
l Printer name. Specifies the printer name. You can select the printer from the list of locally
installed printer drivers, or you can enter any printer name. The option Variable enables the
variable printer name. When enabled, you must select a variable that will contain the printer
name when trigger is executed. Usually, the value to the variable is assigned by a filter.
Data Source
This section allows you to define the contents you want to send to the printer.
l Use data received by the trigger. Defines that the trigger-received data it used. In this case
you received the printer stream as input to the filter and want to redirect it to printer without
any modification. The same result can be achieved by enabling the internal variable
DataFileName and using the contents of file it refers to. For more information, see the topic
Internal Variables.
l File name. Defines the path and file name of the file containing printer stream. Contents of the
specified file is used. The option Variable enables the variable file name. You must select a vari-
able that will contain the path and/or file name.
l Variable. Defines the variable that contains printer stream. The contents of selected variable is
l Custom. Defines the custom contents. You can use fixed content, mix of fixed and variable con-
tent, or variable content alone. To insert a variable content, click the button with arrow to the
right of data area and insert variable from the list. For more information, see the topic Using
Compound Values.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
- 103 -
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Send Data To Serial Port
Sends data to a serial port. You would use this action for communication with external serial-port
devices. Make sure the port settings match on both ends, in the action and in the serial-port device.
Serial port can be used by one application in the machine. To successfully use the port from this
action, no other application must use the port, not even any printer driver.
l Port name. Specifies the port name, where your external device connects to. This can be a hard-
ware COM port or virtual COMport.
Port Settings
This section displays options for the serial port connection. Make sure the settings here match the
settings on your external device.
l Bits per second. Specifies the speed that the external device will use to communicate to the PC.
The usual alias used with the setting is "baud rate".
l Data bits. Specifies the number of data bits in each character. 8 data bits are almost universally
used in newer devices.
l Parity. Specifies the method of detecting errors in transmission. The most common parity set-
ting, however, is "none", with error detection handled by a communication protocol (flow con-
l Stop bits. Stop bits sent at the end of every character allow the receiving signal hardware to
detect the end of a character and to resynchronize with the character stream. Electronic
devices usually use one stop bit.
l Flow control. A serial port may use signals in the interface to pause and resume the
transmission of data.
EXAMPL E: For examp le, a s low d evic e mig h t need to h and sh ake with th e s er ial por t
to in dic ate th at d ata s hou ld b e p au s ed w h ile th e devi c e p r oc es s es r ec eived d ata.
This section allows you to define the contents you want to send to serial port. You can use fixed
content, mix of fixed and variable content, or variable content alone. To insert a variable content, click
the button with arrow to the right of data area and insert variable from the list. For more information,
see the topic Using Compound Values.
l Data. Specifies the contents that will be sent outbound.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
- 104 -
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Send Data To TCP/IP Port
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
Sends the data to any external device, accepting TCP/IP connection on a predefined port number. The
action establishes connection to the device, sends the data and terminates the connection. The
connection and communication is governed by the handshake that occurs between a client and
server when initiating or terminating a TCP connection.
Connection Settings
NOTE: This action supports Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).
l Destination. Defines the destination address and port of the TCP/IPserver. You can hard-code
the connection parameters and use fixed host name or IPaddress. You can also use variable
connection parameters. For more information, see the topic Using Compound Values.
EXAMPL E: If th e var iab le hostname p r ovid es th e T CP/IP s er ver n ame an d th e var iab le port
p r ovid es th e p or t nu mb er , you c an en ter th e follow i n g f or th e des tin ation :
l Disconnect delay. Prolongs the connection to the target socket by the defined time intervals
after the data has already been delivered. Some devices need more time to process the data. By
default, the delay is disabled.
l Reply to sender. Enables the reply directly to the socket from which the trigger data
originated. This option can be used to provide feedback about the printing process.
Prerequisites for Reply to sender setting
The following prerequisites must be met:
- 105 -
l The remote party does not disconnect the communication channel, once they have
delivered the message.
l The action Send Data to TCP/IPPort is used within the TCP/IPServer trigger.
l The Execution Event in the TCP/IPServer trigger is not configured as On client dis-
This section allows you to define the contents you want to send to the TCP/IPserver. You can use
fixed content, mix of fixed and variable content, or variable content alone. To insert a variable content,
click the button with arrow to the right of data area and insert variable from the list. For more
information, see the topic Using Compound Values.
l Data. Specifies the contents that will be sent outbound.
l Encoding. Specifies the encoding of the send data.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Set Print Job Name
Specifies the name of the print job file as it appears in the Windows Spooler. A default print job name
is the name of the used label file, and this action will override it. You must always nest the action
under the Open Label action, so it applies to specific label file.
Print Job
l Name. Specifies the job name. It can be hard-coded, and the same name will be used for every
Label Print action. The option Variable enables the variable file name. You must select a variable
that will contain the path and/or file name when trigger is executed. Usually, the value to the
variable is assigned by a filter.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
- 106 -
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r i n tin g ac tion f ai l s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Set Print Parameter
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
Allows fine-tuning the printer-driver related parameters, such as speed and darkness for label
printers, or paper tray for the laser printers. The printer settings are applied for the current printout
only and are not remembered or the next trigger event.
If you use Set Printer action to change the printer name, make sure to use Set Print Parameter
action after it. Before you can apply the DEVMODE structure to the printer driver, you must first
load the default driver settings, which Set Printer action will do. The DEVMODE is only compatible
with the DEVMODE of the same printer driver.
Print Parameters
This section defines the available parameters you can fine-tune before printing.
l Paper bin. Defines the name of the paper bin containing the label media. Usually used with
laser and ink jet printers with multiple paper bins. The provided name of the paper bin must
- 107 -
match the name of the bin in the printer driver. For more information, see printer driver prop-
l Print speed. Defines the value for the print speed and overrides setting from the label. The
provided value must be in range of accepted values. For example, one printer model accepts a
range of values from 0 to 30, the other printer model accepts values from -15 to 15. For more
information, see printer driver properties.
l Darkness. Defines the darkness of the printed objects on the paper and overrides setting from
the label. The provided value must be in range of accepted values. For more information, see
printer driver properties.
l Print offset X. Applies the horizontal offset. The label printout will be repositioned by the spe-
cified number of dots in the horizontal direction. You can define negative offset.
l Print offset Y. Applies the vertical offset. The label printout will be repositioned by the spe-
cified number of dots in the vertical direction. You can define negative offset.
The option Variable next to each parameter enables the variable contents. You must select a variable
that will contain the value of the selected parameter when trigger is executed.
Advanced Print Parameters
NOTE: Make sure the action Set Printer is defined in front of this action.
This section customizes the printer settings sent with the print job. All printer settings, such as
printing speed, darkness, media type, offsets and similar, can be defined as follows.
1. Defined in the label itself
2. Recalled from the printer driver
3. Recalled from the printer at print time.
The supported methods depend on the printer driver and printer capabilities. The printing mode
(recall settings from label or driver or printer) is configurable in the label design. However, you might
need to apply these printer settings at a time of printing, and they can be different for each printout.
EXAMPL E: For examp le, you w an t to pr in t a s i n g le lab el temp l ate (.LBL file) to var iety of
p r in ter s , b u t eac h p r in ter r eq u ir es a s li g htly d i f f er en t p ar ameter s . T h e p r i n ter s fr om
d i f f er en t manu f ac tu r er s d on 't u s e the s ame valu es to s et p r i n tin g s peed or temp er atu r e.
Ad d ition ally, s ome p r in ter s r eq ui r e ver ti c al or h or iz ontal of f set to p r i n t the l ab el to th e
c or r ec t p lac e. Du r in g the tes tin g p has e you c an d eter mi n e the b es t s ettin g s for ever y
p r in ter you inten d to us e an d ap p ly th em to a s i n gle lab el temp late j u st b ef or e p r intin g .
T h is ac tion will ap p ly th es e c or r es pon ding s ettin g s to eac h d ef in ed p r inter .
This action expects to receive the printer settings in a DEVMODE structure. This is a Windows
standard data structure with information about initialization and environment of a printer. For more
information, see topic Understanding Printer Settings and DEVMODE.
The Printer settings option will apply the custom printer settings. You can use following inputs:
1. Fixed-data Base64-encoded DEVMODE. In this case you must provide the printer's DEVMODE
encoded in Base64-encoded string directly into the edit field. When executed, the action will
convert the Base64-encoded data back into the binary form.
- 108 -
2. Variable-data Base64-encoded DEVMODE. In this case the selected variable must contain the
Base64-encoded DEVMODE. Enable Variable and select the appropriate variable from the list.
When executed, the action will convert the Base64-encoded data back into the binary form.
3. Variable-data binary DEVMODE. In this case the selected variable must contain the DEVMODE
in its native binary form. Enable Variable and select the appropriate variable from the list. When
executed, the action will use the DEVMODE as-is, without any conversion.
NOTE: If the variable will provide binary DEVMODE, make sure that the selected
variable is defined as binary variable in the trigger configuration.
Extracting the DEVMODE structure
DEVMODEstructure is encoded into the system registry. You could extract it from the registry.
To help you test and use the Set Printer Parameter action, the application has been provided that will
retrieve the DEVMODE of the selected printer and save it to file or Base64-encode it for you. You can
find the application GetPrinterSettings.exe on the NiceLabel Automation DVD and online at
NiceLabel Web site.
Using the application interactively
Run the application, select the printer for which you need a DEVMODE structure and click the Get
Printer Settings button. The DEVMODE will be provided as Base64-encoded string. You can paste it
into the Set Print Parameter action.
Using the application with the command-line parameters
In this case you can control the application with the command-line parameters.
GetPrinterSettings.exe <printer_name> <file_name> [base64]
l printer_name: name of the printer driver as available in the Windows system.
l file_name: name of the file that will contain the extracted DEVMODE
l base64: optional parameter. If provided, the DEVMODE will be encoded into Base64 string, oth-
erwise the DEVMODE will be provided as the binary data
For example:
Save DEVMODE for printer "Avery AP 5.4 300DPI" as binary data in file "devmode1".
EXAMPL E: GetPr in ter Settin g s .exe "Aver y AP 5 .4 3 0 0 DPI" c :\temp \d evmod e1
Save DEVMODE for printer "Avery AP 5.4 300DPI" as Base64-encoded data in file "devmode2".
EXAMPL E: GetPr in ter Settin g s .exe "Aver y AP 5 .4 3 0 0 DPI" c :\temp \d evmod e2 b as e6 4
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
- 109 -
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r intin g ac tion f ail s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Set Printer
Specifies the name of the printer where the label will print. Use this action to override the printer
defined in the label template. This action is also useful when you must print the same label template
to different printers. You must always nest this action under the Open Label action to reference the
label, where to change the printer. This action reads the default settings --such as speed and
darkness-- from the selected printer driver and applies them to the label. If you don't use the Set
Printer action, the label will print to the printer as defined in the label template.
WARNING: Be careful, when changing the printer from one printer brand to another, e.g.
from Zebra to SATO, or even from one printer model to another model of the same brand.
The printer settings might not be compatible and label printout might not be identical. Also,
label design optimizations for original printer, such as internal counters, and internal fonts,
might not be available on the selected printer.
l Printer name. Specifies the printer name. You can select the printer from the list of locally
installed printer drivers, or you can enter any printer name. The option Variable enables the
variable printer name. When enabled, you must select a variable that will contain the printer
name when trigger is executed. Usually, the value to the variable is assigned by a filter.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
- 110 -
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r intin g ac tion f ail s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Set Variable
Assigns a new value to the selected variable. Usually the variables will get their values by the Use Data
Filter action, which will extract fields from received data and map them to variables. You might also
need to set the variable values yourself, usually for troubleshooting purposes. The variable values are
not remembered from one trigger to another, but they are kept while the same trigger is being
This section allows you to define the contents you want to send assign to the selected variable.
l Name. Specifies the name of the variable that will get a new value.
l Value. Specifies the new value of the variable. You can use fixed content, mix of fixed and vari-
able content, or variable content alone. To insert a variable content, click the button with arrow
to the right of data area and insert variable from the list. For more information, see the topic
Using Compound Values.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r intin g ac tion f ail s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
- 111 -
Store Label To Printer
String Manipulation
Formats the values of selected variables. You can perform actions such as: delete leading and trailing
spaces, search and replace characters, and delete opening and closing quotes. Usually you need this
functionality when trigger receives unstructured or legacy data, and you have to parse it with the
Unstructured Data filter. This action allows you to fine-tune the data value.
NOTE: If this action doesn't provide enough string manipulation power for a particular case,
you can use the action Execute Script and use VisualBasic Script or Python to manipulate
your data.
This section defines the variables to which the string manipulation will apply.
l All variables. Specifies that selected manipulation(s) will apply to all defined variables.
l Selected variables. Specifies that selected manipulation(s) will apply to all selected variables.
Formatting Options
This section defines the string manipulation functions that will be applied to the selected variables or
fields. You can select one or several functions. The functions will be applied in the order as selected in
the user interface, from top to bottom.
l Delete spaces at the beginning. Deletes all space characters (decimal ASCIIcode 32) from the
beginning of the string.
l Delete spaces at the end. Deletes all space characters (decimal ASCII value 32) from the end of
a string.
l Delete opening closing characters. Deletes the first occurrence of the selected opening and
closing characters that are found in the string.
- 112 -
EXAMPL E: If you u s e "{" for op en i n g c har ac ter an d "}" for th e c los in g c h ar ac ter ,
the i n put s tr ing {{selection}} will b e c on ver ted to {selection}.
l Search and replace. Executes standard search and replace function upon the provided values
for find what and replace with. You can also use regular expressions.
NOTE: There are several implementations of the regular expressions in use. NiceLabel
Automation uses the .NET Framework syntax for the regular expressions. For more
information, see Knowledge Base article KB250.
l Replace non printable characters with space. Replaces all controlcharactersin the string
withspace character (decimalASCIIcode32). The non printable characters are characters with
decimal ASCIIvalues between 0-31 and 127-159.
l Delete non printable characters. Deletes all controlcharactersin the string. The non printable
characters are characters with decimal ASCIIvalues between 0-31 and 127-159.
l Decode special characters. The special characters (or control codes) are characters not
available on the keyboard, such as Carriage Return or Line Feed. NiceLabel Automation uses a
notation to encode such characters in human-readable form, such as <CR> for Carriage Return
and <LF> for Line Feed. For more information see topic Entering Special Characters (Control
This option converts special characters from NiceLabel syntax into actual binary characters.
EXAMPL E: W hen you r ec eive the d ata "< CR> < LF> ", Nic eLab el Au tomati on will u s e
it as p lain s tr in g of 8 c h ar ac ter s . Y ou w ill h ave to en ab l e th is op ti on to i n ter pr et
an d u s e th e r ec eived d ata as tw o b in ar y c har ac ter s CR (Car riag e Retu r n - ASCII
c od e 13 ) an d LF (Li n e Feed - ASCII c od e 10).
l Search and delete everything before. Finds the provided string and deletes all characters
from the beginning of the data until the string. The found string itself can also be deleted.
l Search and delete everything after. Finds the provided string and deletes all characters from
the string until the end of the data. The found string itself can also be deleted.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r intin g ac tion f ail s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
- 113 -
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Enterprise.
Allows easy monitoring for errors while actions execute and running a different set of actions, if error
does occur. The action creates Do and On error placeholders for actions. All actions that should
execute when trigger fires, must be placed inside Do placeholder. When no error is detected when
executing actions from Do placeholder, they are the only actions that ever execute. However, when an
error does happen, the execution of actions from Do placeholder will stop and execution switches
over to actions from On error placeholder.
EXAMPL E: If an y of th e ac tion s in th e Do p lac eh ol d er f ail, th e ac tion exec ution will s top
an d r es ume with the ac tion s in th e On Er r or plac eh old er . If T ry w ould b e p lac ed on its
ow n , th at w ould ter min ate th e tr ig g er exec ution . In th is c as e , T r y i s n es ted u n d er th e For
loop ac tion . Nor mally, an y er r or in Do p lac eh ol d er w i ll als o s top exec uting th e For loop
ac ti on , even if th er e ar e s ti ll f ur ther s tep s until For loop s hou l d c omp lete. In th i s c as e th e
Save Data to File will al s o not exec u te. By d ef ault, an y er r or br eaks th e en ti r e tr ig g er
p r oc es sin g .
How ever , you c an als o c ontin u e w ith th e exec u ti on of th e next iter ation in For loop ac ti on.
For th is to h ap p en , you have to en ab le Ig nor e failu r e in th e T r y ac tion . If d ata f r om th e
c u r r en t s tep in For Loop c au s es an er r or in Do p lac eh old er , ac tion s f rom On E r r or w i ll
exec u te, th en the Save Data to File in level 2 w ill exec u te an d th en th e For loop ac tion w ill
c on ti n u e to exec u te of th e next iter ation .
- 114 -
This action provides easy error detection and execution of "feedback" or "reporting" actions. For
example, if an error happens during trigger processing, you can send out the warning. For more
information, see the topic Print Job Status Feedback.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r intin g ac tion f ail s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Use Data Filter
Executes the filter rules on the input data source. As a result the action will extract fields from the
input data and map their values to the linked variables. So, the action executes the selected filter and
assigns the variables with respective values.
l Elements on lower level. The action can create sub-level elements, identified with "for each
line" or "for each data block in ...". When you see those, the filter will extract the data not on
the document level (with hard-coded field placement), but relatively from the sub areas that
contain repeatable sections. In this case make sure that you position your actions below such
elements. You have to nest the action under such elements.
l Mapping variables to fields. The mapping between trigger variables and filter fields is defined
either manually, or is automated, dependent on how the filter is configured. If you have manu-
ally defined fields in the filter, you also have to manually map fields to the corresponding vari-
It's a good practice to define fields using the same names as are names of the label variables. In
this case the button Auto map will map matching names automatically.
l Testing the execution of filter. When the mapping of variables to fields is done, you can test
the execution of the filter. The result will be shown on-screen in table. Number of lines in the
table represent the number times actions will execute in the selected level. The column names
- 115 -
represent the variable names. The cells contain values as assigned to the respective variable by
the filter. The default preview file name is inherited from the filter definition, you can execute fil-
ter on any other file.
For more information, see the topic Understanding Filters and topic Examples.
l Name. Specifies the name of the filter you want to apply. The list contains all filters defined in
the current configuration. You can use the bottom three items in the list to create new filter.
NOTE: Selecting some other filter will remove all actions nested under this action. If you want
to keep currently defined actions, move them outside of the Use Data Filter action. If you
have lost your actions, you can Undo your action and revert to the previous configuration.
Data Source
This section allows you to define the contents you want to send to the printer.
l Use data received by the trigger. Defines that the trigger-received data it used in a filter. In
this case the action will use the original data received by the trigger and execute the filter rules
upon it.
For examp l e, i f you us e a file tr ig g er , th e data is a c on ten t of th e mon itor ed f i le. If you
us e a d atab as e tr ig g er , th e d ata is a d ata s et r etu r n ed f r om th e d atab as e. If you u s e
T CP/ IP tr ig g er , the d ata is a r aw c on ten t r ec eived on a s oc ket.
l File name. Defines the path and file name of the file containing the data upon which you will
execute filter rules. The content of the specified file is used in a filter. The option Variable
enables the variable file name. You must select a variable that will contain the path and/or file
l Custom. Defines the custom content to be parsed by the filter. You can use fixed content, mix
of fixed and variable content, or variable content alone. To insert variable content, click the but-
ton with arrow to the right of data area and insert variable from the list. For more information,
see the topic Using Compound Values.
Data Preview
This section provides the preview of the filter execution. The contents of preview file name is read and
- 116 -
the selected filter applied to it. The rules in the filter will extract fields. The table will display result of
the extraction. Each line in the table represents data for one label. Each column represents the
variable. To see any result, first you have to configure mapping of fields to respective variables.
Dependent on the filter definition, you could map the variables to fields manually, or it is done
l Preview file name. Specifies the file that contains sample data that will be parsed through the
filter. The preview file is copied from the filter definition. If you change the preview file name,
the new file name will be saved.
l Open. Selects some other file upon which you want to execute the filter rules.
l Refresh. Re-runs the filter rules upon the contents of the preview file name. The Data Preview
section will be updated with the result.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r intin g ac tion f ail s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Verify License
Reads the activated license and executes the actions nested below this action only if a certain license
type is used.
This action provides protection of your trigger configuration from running on the unauthorized
machines. The license key that activates the software can also encode a SolutionID. This is a unique
number that identifies the solution provider that sold the NiceLabel Automation license. If the
configured Solution ID matches the Solution ID encoded in the license, the target machine is allowed
to run nested actions, effectively limiting execution to licenses sold by the solution provider.
The triggers can be further encrypted and locked so only authorized users can open the
configuration. For more information, see the topic Protecting Trigger Configuration from Editing.
License Information
l Solution ID. Defines the IDnumber of the licenses that are allowed to run the nested actions.
- 117 -
l If the entered value is not the SolutionIDthat is encoded in the license, the nested
actions will not execute.
l If the entered value is 0, the actions will execute if any valid license is found.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r intin g ac tion f ail s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Web Service
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Enterprise.
A Web Service is a method of communication between two electronic devices or software. Web Service
describes a standard way of data exchange. It uses XML to tag the data, SOAP is used to transfer the
data, and WSDLis used to describe the services available. This action connects to a remote Web
service and executes the methods on it. The methods can be described as actions that are published
on the Web Service. The action will send inbound values to the selected method in the remote Web
service, collect the result and save it in the selected variables.
After you import the WSDLand add a reference to the Web Service, its methods will be listed in the
Method combo box.
NOTE: You can transfer simple types over the Web Service, such as string, integer, boolean,
but not the complex types. The WSDLmust contain one binding only.
You must print product labels. Your trigger would receive only segment of the needed data. E.g.
the trigger receives the value for Product ID and Description, but not the Price. The price
information is available in a separate database, which is accessible over Web service call. The Web
service defines the function by it WSDL definition, such as the input to the function is Product
ID and output is Price. The Web Service action will send Product ID to the Web service, which
- 118 -
will make an internal look up to its database and provide the matching Price as the result. The
action will save the result in the variable, which can be used on the label.
Web Service Definition
NOTE: This action supports Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).
l WSDL. Specifies the location of Web Service Description Language (WSDL) definition. This is
XML-based interface description language that describes the functionality offered by the Web
service. The WSDL is usually provided by the Web service itself. Typically you would enter the
link to WSDL and click the Import button to read the definition. If you have troubles getting
WSDL from the online resource, save the WSDL to file and enter the path with file name to load
methods from it.
NiceLabel Automation will automatically detect if the remote Web Service uses document or
RPC syntax and communicate appropriately.
Supported WSDL and data types
The action supports the simple Web Service communication:
l You can transfer simple data types, such as string, integer, boolean. Complex and com-
pound types are not supported.
l The WSDL must contain one binding only. The methods from the other binding is
l Input and output parameters must be defined in a single location, multiple locations are
not supported. This is defined by a SOAP extension soap:address, specifically in loc-
ation="uri" element.
l Address. Provides the address where the Web Service is published. Initially, this information is
retrieved from the WSDL, but you can update it before the action is executed. This is helpful for
development / test /production environments, where you use the same list of actions, but with
different names of servers where Web Services run.
You can use fixed content, mix of fixed and variable content, or variable content alone. To a
insert variable content, click the button with arrow to the right of data area and insert variable
from the list. For more information, see the topic Using Compound Values.
l Method. Lists the methods (functions) available in selected Web service. The list is
automatically populated from the WSDLdefinition.
l Parameters. Defines the input and output variables to the selected method (function). The
inbound parameters expect input from the trigger. For testing and troubleshooting reasons
you can enter fixed value and preview result on-screen. But typically you would select a variable
for inbound parameter. Value of that variable will be used as input parameter. The outbound
parameter provides the result from the function. You must select the variable that will store the
l Timeout. Defines the timeout in which connection to the server will try to be established.
User Authentication
l Enable basic authentication. Defines the user credentials that are necessary to establish the
- 119 -
outbound call to the remote Web Service. For more information about security concerns, see
the topic Securing Access to your Triggers.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r intin g ac tion f ail s th e tr ig g er
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
Data Preview
l Execute. Executes Web service call. It sends values of inbound parameters to the Web service
and provides the result in the outbound parameter. Use this functionality to test the Web ser-
vice execution. You can enter values for inbound parameters and see the result on-screen.
When satisfied with execution, you would replace entered fixed value for inbound parameter
with a variable from the list.
XML Transform
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Enterprise.
Transforms the XMLdocument into another document using the provided transformation rules. The
rules must be provided by the .XSLTdefinition in a file, or by other variable source. The action allows
you to convert the complex XMLdocuments into XML documents of more manageable structure.
XSLT stands for XSLTransformations. XSL stands for EXtensible Stylesheet Language, and is a style
sheet language for XML documents.
The action will store the converted XML document in the selected variable. The original file is left
intact on the disk. If you want to save the converted XML document, use the action Save Data to File.
Typically, you would use the action to simplify XML documents provided by the host application.
Defining XMLfilter for the complex XMLdocument might take a while, or in some cases the XMLis
just too complex to be handled. As alternative, you would defined the rules to convert XML into
structure that can be easily handled by the XML filter, or even skipping the need for a filter
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altogether. You can convert XML document into natively-supported XML, such as Oracle XML and
then simply executing it with the Run Oracle XML Command File action.
Data Source
This section defines the XMLdata that you want to transform.
l Use data received by the trigger. Defines that the trigger-received data it used. The same res-
ult can be achieved by enabling the internal variable DataFileName and using the contents of
file it refers to. For more information, see the topic Internal Variables.
l File name. Defines the path and file name of the file containing the XML file to transform. Con-
tents of the specified file is used. The option Variable enables the variable file name. You must
select a variable that will contain the path and/or file name. The action will open the specified
file and apply transformation on file contents, which must be XML formatted.
l Variable. Defines the variable that contains printer stream. The contents of selected variable is
used and it must contain XMLstructure.
Transformation Rules Data Source (XSLT)
This section defines the transformation rules (.XSLT document) that will be applied to the XML
l File name. Defines the path and file name of the file containing the transformation rules
l Custom. Defines the custom contents. You can use fixed content, mix of fixed and variable con-
tent, or variable content alone. To insert a variable content, click the button with arrow to the
right of data area and insert variable from the list. For more information, see the topic Using
Compound Values.
Save Result to Variable
l Variable. Specifies the variable that will contain the result of the transformation process. E.g. if
you will use the rules that will convert complex XML into simpler XML, the contents of the selec-
ted variable is the simple XML.
Action Execution and Error Handling
l Enabled. Specifies if the action is enabled or disabled. Only enabled actions will execute. You
can use this functionality for testing.
l Condition. Defines one-line programming expression that must provide a Boolean value(true
or false). When the result of the expression is true, the action will execute. This is a method
to not execute action every time, but only when monitored variables have certain values.
l Ignore failure. Specifies to ignore the error and continue with the next action, even if
execution of the current action fails. The nested actions that depend on the current action will
not execute. The action execution will continue with the next action on the same level as the
current action. The error is still logged in Automation Manager, but it will not break the
execution of the action. For more information, see Error Handling.
EXAMPL E: At th e en d of p rin ti n g you mig ht wan t to s en d th e s tatu s u pd ate to an
exter nal ap pli c ati on u s in g HT T P Req ues t ac tion . If p r intin g ac tion f ail s th e tr ig g er
- 121 -
s top s p r oc es sin g ac tion s . In or der to exec ute the r ep or tin g even af ter f ail ed p r int
ac ti on , th e Pr in t L ab el ac ti on mu s t have th e op ti on Ig n or e failu r e en ab led .
l Save error to variable. Specifies to save the error description to some variable, when some
error breaks the execution of this action. The same cause of error is also saved to internal vari-
ables ActionLastErrorId and ActionLastErrorDesc.
The example for this action is installed with the product. For more information, see the topic
Testing Triggers
Testing Triggers
When you have the configuration of the trigger done, that's only half of the job done. Before
deploying the trigger you must thoroughly test is for its intended operation upon incoming data and
verify the execution of actions.
You can test your configuration while you are still working on it in Automation Builder. Some actions
have built-in test capabilities so you can focus on the execution of individual action. You can also test
every triggers with Run Preview command. However, the final test should always be done in the real
environment, providing real data and using real triggers, where you monitor trigger execution in
Automation Manager.
Testing execution of the individual actions
Some of the actions have preview functionality allowing you to change the input parameters and see
the result of the action on-screen.
l Use Data Filter. The action will show live preview of the parsed data. The rules from the selec-
ted filter are applied to the selected input data file and result shown in the table. If you use
sub- or assignment areas, you can see the preview for every level of filter definition.
l Execute SQLStatement. The action will show preview of the execution of defined SQL state-
ment. You can see the data set resulting from the SELECT statement and number of rows
affected by the UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE statements. The preview execution is transaction-
safe and you can roll-back all changes. You can change the input query parameters and see
how they influence the result.
l Web Service. The action will show preview of the execution of selected method(function) from
Web Service. You can change the input parameters and see how they influence the result.
l Execute script. The action will check for syntax errors in the provided script, and also execute it.
You can change the input parameters and see how they influence the script execution.
Testing the execution of trigger and displaying label preview on-screen
To test the trigger from the ground up, use the built-in Run Preview functionality. You can run
preview for every trigger, no matter its type. The trigger won't fire upon changes of the monitored
event, only trigger started in the Automation Manager can do it.Instead, the trigger will execute
actions based on the data saved in a file. You have to make sure you have file that contains sample
data that trigger will accept in real-time deployment.
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The trigger will execute all defined actions, including data filtering, and display label preview(s) on-
screen. The preview will simulate the printing process to every detail. The labels would print with the
same composition and contents as they are previewed. This includes the number of labels and their
contents. You will learn about how many print jobs are produced, how many labels are in each job and
preview of each label. You can navigate from one label to the next in the selected print job.
The Log pane displays the same information as would be displayed in the Automation Manager.
Expand the log entries to see full detail.
NOTE: When you run the preview, all action defined for the selected trigger will run, not just
the Print Label action. Be careful, when you use actions that will modify the data, such as
Execute SQL Statement, or Web Service, because their execution is irreversible.
To preview the labels, do the following:
1. Open the trigger configuration.
2. Make sure the trigger configuration is saved.
3. Click the button Run Preview in Preview group in the ribbon.
4. Browse for the data file providing the typical contents that trigger will accept.
5. See the result in a Preview tab.
Testing deployment on pre-production server
It makes a good practice to deploy the configuration to Automation Manager on a pre-production
server, before the deployment on the production server. Testing in pre-production environment
might identify additional configuration problems not detected when testing the trigger in the
Automation Builder alone. The performance can also be stress-tested by adding the load to the
trigger and see how it performs. The testing will provide the important information about the
available throughput and identify weak points. Based on the conclusions you can then implement
various system optimization techniques, such as optimizing label design to produce smaller print
streams, and optimizing the overall flow of data from the existing application into NiceLabel
Important differences between real testing and previewing in Automation Builder
While previewing the trigger on-screen in Automation Builder provides a quick method of trigger
testing, you must not rely on it alone. There can be execution differences between previewing and
running the trigger for real when you use 64-bit Windows.
Even if you have your configuration working in Automation Builder, make sure to run in for real using
the Service as well.
l When you run command Run Preview, the configuration will execute in Automation Builder,
which always runs as 32-bit application. Previewing your trigger in Automation Builder will only
test execution on 32-bit platform.
l When you run triggers for real, the configuration will execute in Service, which will run as 32-bit
application on 32-bit Windows, and will run as 64-bit application on 64-bit Windows. For more
information see the topic Running in Service Mode.
l The problems might arise when trigger processing is affected by platform differences (32-bit vs
- 123 -
l Database access. 64-bit applications require 64-bit database drivers, and 32-bit applic-
ations require 32-bit drivers. To run configuration from Automation Builder and in the
Service, you need 32-bit and 64-bit database drivers to access your database. For more
information, see topic Accessing Databases.
l UNC syntax for network files. The service account cannot access network shared files
with mapped drive letter. You have to use UNC syntax for network files. For example, use
\\server\share\files\label.lbl and not G:\files\label.lbl, where G: is
mapped to\\server\share. For more information see the topic Access to Network
Shared Resources.
l If your NiceLabel Automation Service runs under a different user account that you are using for
Automation Builder, the accounts might not have the same security privileges. If you can open
the label in Automation Builder, the user account for the Service might not be able to access it.
To run Automation Builder under the same user account as theService, see Using the Same
User Account to Configure and to Run Triggers.
Protecting Trigger Configuration From Editing
The trigger configuration can be protected using two methods.
l Locking trigger. Using this method you lock the trigger configuration file and protect it with a
password. Without the password nobody can edit the trigger. Enable the option Lock and
encrypt trigger in trigger Settings ->Security.
l Setting access permissions. Using this method you rely on the user permissions as are defined
in the NiceLabel Automation Options. You can enable user groups and assign different roles to
each group. If the group is assigned with the edit privileges, all members of the group can edit
triggers. This method requires that you enable user login. You can use Windows users from
local groups or active directory, or you can define NiceLabel Automationusers. See User rights
and access in Configuration.
Using Secure Transport Layer (HTTPS)
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Enterprise.
You can protect the inbound traffic to the HTTP Server Trigger and Web Service Trigger by enabling
the HTTPS support. HTTPS secures the transmission of the messages exchanged over the network.
The communication security uses X.509 certificates to encrypt the data flowing between the parties.
Your information remains confidential from prying eyes because just the client and the NiceLabel
Automation can decrypt the traffic. Even if some unauthorized user does eavesdrop on the
communication he would fail to understand the meaning of the messages, because the traffic appears
as a stream of random bytes.
It makes a good security practice to encrypt the communication in cases, such as:
l You work with the sensitive and confidential data that must not be exposed to 3rd party users.
l The message must pass through networks that are outside of your control. For example, this
happens when you send data to Automation over the internet, and not from the local network.
Enabling the secure transport layer (HTTPS)
- 124 -
To enable secure transport for your trigger, do the following.
In the Windows system:
1. Obtain the X.509 certificate from the issuer of the digital certificates (certificate authority - CA).
You need a certificate type for the 'server authentication'.
NOTE: If you will self-generate the certificate, make sure to import the CA certificate in
the Trusted Authority store, so the CAsignature can be verified on the server
2. Install the X.509 certificate in the system, where NiceLabel Automation is installed. Make sure
the certificate is visible to the user account under which you run NiceLabel Automation service.
It is a good practice to install the certificate in the local computer store, not the current user
store. This will allow NiceLabel Automation to use the certificate even if it is not running under
your current logged-in user account.
1. Open a Command Prompt window.
2. Type mmc and press the ENTERkey (make sure you are running it with the admin-
istrative privileges).
3. On the File menu, click Add/Remove Snap In.
4. In the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box, select Certificates.
5. Click Add.
6. In the Certificates snap-in dialog box, select Computer account and click Next.
7. In the Select Computer dialog box, click Finish.
8. On the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box, click OK.
9. In the Console Root window, expand Certificates>Personal.
10. Right-click Certificates folder and select All Tasks>Import.
11. Follow the wizard to import the certificate.
3. Retrieve the thumbprint of a certificate you have just imported.
1. While still in the MMC double-click the certificate.
2. In the Certificate dialog box, click the Details tab.
3. Scroll through the list of fields and click Thumbprint.
4. Copy the hexadecimal characters from the box. Remove the spaces between the hexa-
decimal numbers. For example, the thumbprint "a9 09 50 2d d8 2a e4 14 33 e6 f8 38 86 b0
0d 42 77 a3 2a 7b" should be specified as "a909502d-
d82ae41433e6f83886b00d4277a32a7b" in code. This is certhash required in the next
4. Bind the certificate to the IPaddress and port where the trigger is running. This action will
enable the certificate on the selected port number.
Open the Command Prompt (make sure you are running it with the administrative privileges)
and run the following command:
- 125 -
netsh http add sslcert ipport=
certhash=7866c25377554ca0cb53bcdfd5ee23ce895bdfa2 appid={A6BF8805-1D22-42C2-
l ipport is the IPaddress-port pair, where the trigger is running. Leave the IPaddress at (local computer), but change the port number to match port number in the trig-
ger configuration.
l certhash is the thumbprint (SHA hash) of the certificate. This has is 20 bytes long and
specified as a hex string.
l appid is GUID of the owning application. You can use any GUID here, even the one from
the sample above.
In the trigger configuration:
1. In your HTTP or Web Service trigger enable the optionSecure connection (HTTPS).
2. Reload the configuration in the Automation Manager.
Disabling the secure transport layer (HTTPS)
In the Windows system:
1. Unbind the certificate from the IPaddress-port pair. Run the following command in the
Command Prompt (make sure you are running it with the administrative privileges):
netsh http delete sslcert ipport=
l ipport is the IPaddress-port pair, where the trigger is running and where you bound
the certificate
In the trigger configuration:
1. In your HTTP or Web Service trigger disable the optionSecure connection (HTTPS).
2. Reload the configuration in the Automation Manager.
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Running And Managing
Deploying Configuration
When you have configured and tested the triggers in the Automation Builder, you have to deploy
configuration to the NiceLabel Automation service and start the triggers. At that time the triggers
become live and start monitoring defined events.
To deploy the configuration, use any of the following methods.
Deploy from Automation Builder
1. Start Automation Builder.
2. Load the configuration.
3. Go to Configuration Items tab.
4. Click the Deploy Configuration button in the Deploy ribbon group.
The configuration will be loaded inside the Automation Manager running on the same
5. Start the triggers you want to make active.
If this configuration was already loaded, deployment will force its reload, keeping the active status of
the triggers.
Deploy from Automation Manager
1. Start Automation Manager.
2. Go to Triggers tab.
3. Click +Add button and browse for the configuration on the disk.
4. Start the triggers you want to make active.
Deploy from command-line
To deploy the configuration C:\Project\Configuration.MISX and run the trigger within
namedCSVTrigger, do the following:
NiceLabelAutomationManager.exe ADD c:\Project\Configuration.MISX
NiceLabelAutomationManager.exe START c:\Project\Configuration.MISX CSVTrigger
For more information, see the topic Controlling the Service with Command-line Parameters.
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Event Logging Options
WARNING: Some functionality in this topic requires purchase of product from NiceLabel
Control Center products.
NiceLabel Automation will log events to various destinations, dependent on its deployment scenario.
The first two logging features are available with every NiceLabel Automation product.
l Logging to log database. Logging to internal log database is always enabled and logs all
events and all details. When viewing the logged information you can use filter to display events
matching the rules. For more information, see the topic Using Event Log.
The data is stored in the SQLite database. This is temporary log repository, the events are
removed from the database on a weekly basis. The housekeeping interval is configurable in
Options. The records of old events will be deleted from the database, but database won't be
compacted (vacuumed), so it might still occupy the diskspace. To compact it, use some 3
party SQLite management software.
l Logging to Windows Application Event Log. Important events are saved to the Windows
Application Event Log in case the NiceLabel Automation could not start , so you have a sec-
ondary resource for logged events.
l Logging to ControlCenter. Logging to ControlCenter is available when you couple NiceLabel
Automation with one of the ControlCenter products. ControlCenter is Web-based
management console recording all events from one or more NiceLabel Automation servers. The
data is stored in the Microsoft SQLServer database. You can search in the collected data and
the application also supports automated alerts in case of certain event, printer management,
document storage, revision control system (versioning), workflows and label reprint.
NOTE: For more information see Control Center user guide.
Managing Triggers
The application Automation Manager is the management part of the NiceLabel Automation software.
If you use Automation Builder for configuring the triggers, you will use Automation Manager to
deploy and run them in production environment. The application allows you to load triggers from
different configurations, see their live status, start/stop them and see execution details in the log file.
You can change the view on the loaded configurations and their triggers. The last view is remembered
and is applied when you run Automation Manager the next time. When you enable view by status,
triggers from all open configurations that are in that status will be displayed together. When you
enable view by configurations, triggers from the selected configuration will be displayed together, no
matter what their status is. The trigger status is color-coded in the trigger icon for easier
The displayed trigger details will change in real time as the trigger events are detected. You can see
the information, such as trigger name, type of trigger, how many events have already been processed,
how many errors were detected and the time that passed since the last event. If you hover your
mouse above the number of already processed triggers, you will see the number of trigger events
waiting to be processed.
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NOTE: The loaded configuration is cached in memory. If you make a change to the
configuration in Automation Builder, the Automation Manager will not automatically apply it.
To apply the change, you have to reload the configuration.
Loading configuration
To load the configuration, click the +Add button and browse for the configuration file (.MISX). The
triggers from the configuration will load in suspended state. You have to start triggers to make them
active. For more information, see the topic Deploying Configuration.
The list of loaded configurations and status for each trigger is remembered. If the server is restarted
from whatever reason, NiceLabel Automation Service will restore the trigger state from before the
Configuration reload and removal
When you update the configuration in Automation Builder and save it, the changes will not be
automatically applied in the Automation Manager. To reload the configuration, right-click the
configuration name, then select Reload Configuration. All triggers will be reloaded. If you have file
caching enabled, the reload will force synchronization off all files used by the triggers.
Starting /stopping triggers
When you load triggers from a configuration, their default state is stopped. To start the trigger, click
the Start button in the trigger area. To stop the trigger, click the Stop button. You can select more
triggers from the same configuration and start /stop all of them simultaneously.
You can also control starting/stopping from a command-line. For more information, see the topic
Controlling the Service with Command-line Parameters.
Handling trigger conflicts
Triggers can be in errors because of the following situations. You cannot start such trigger until you
resolve the problem.
l Trigger not configured correctly or completely. In this case, the trigger is not configured,
mandatory properties are not defined, or actions defined for this printer are not configured.
You cannot start such trigger.
l Trigger configuration overlaps with another trigger. Two triggers cannot monitor the same
EXAMPL E: T wo f ile tr ig ger s c ann ot mon i tor th e s ame file, two HT T P tr ig g er s c an n ot
ac c ep t d ata on th e s ame p or t. If tr ig ger c on f ig u r ation over lap s with an oth er tr ig ger , th e
s ec on d tr ig ger w ill not r u n, b ec au s e th e even t is alr ead y c ap tur ed b y th e f ir s t tr ig ger . For
mor e inf or mation , s ee L og p an e f or th at tr i g ger .
Resetting the error status
When the trigger execution causes an error, the trigger icon will change to red color, trigger has error
status and the event details are logged to logging database. Even if all next events complete
successfully, the trigger will remain in error state until you confirm that you understand the error and
want to clear the status. To acknowledge the error, click the icon next to the error counter in the
trigger details.
Using notification pane
The notification pane is the area above the list of triggers in the Triggers tab where important
- 129 -
messages will display. The notification area will display application status messages, such as "Trial
mode" or "Trial mode expired", or warning messages, such as "Tracing has been enabled".
Viewing Logged data
Every trigger activity is logged in the database, including trigger start/stop events, successful
execution of action and errors encountered during processing. Click the Log button to see logged
events just for the selected trigger. For more information, see the topic Using Event Log.
Using Event Log
All activities in NiceLabel Automation software are logged to a database for history and
troubleshooting.When you click the Log button in the Triggers tab, then events for that particular
trigger will display. The log pane will display information for all events that comply with the defined
Logging data is useful for troubleshooting. If the trigger or action cannot be executed, the
application records an error description in the log file that helps you identify and resolve the problem.
NOTE: The default data retention time is 7 days and is configurable in Configuration. To
minimize log database size on busy systems you might want to reduce the retention period.
See options NiceLabel Automation Configuration.
Filtering events
The configurable filters:
l Configuration and triggers. Specifies which events to display, events from the selected trigger,
or events from all triggers from the selected configuration.
l Logged period. Specifies the time frame in which the events occurred. Default is Last 5
l Event level. Specifies the type (importance) of the events you want to display. Error is type of
event that will break the execution. Warning is type of event where errors happen, but are con-
figured to be ignored. Information is type of event that logs all non-erroneous information.
The log level is configurable in NiceLabel Automation Configuration.
l Filter by text. You can display all events that contain the provided string. Use this option for
troubleshooting busy triggers. The filter will be applied to the trigger description field.
Clearing the log database
You can clear the log from Automation Builder. To clear the log database, click Clear Log button.
WARNING: Use with caution, there is no turning back. This will remove ALLlogged events
from the database, and is applied to all triggers not just to the current trigger.
- 130 -
Performance And Feedback
Parallel Processing
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
NiceLabel Automation product line has been developed to support parallel processing both for the
inbound and outbound processing. This ensures the maximum efficiency on any system, where the
software has been installed to. NiceLabel Automation can execute many tasks simultaneously , while
still preserving the order in which the triggers came in. The throughput of label jobs is greatly
dependent on the hardware where the software runs.
Inbound Parallel Processing
You can run many triggers on the same machine and they all will respond to changes in the
monitored events simultaneously. Each trigger remembers the data from its unprocessed events in
the queue list. This list will buffer incoming data in case that none of the print processes is available at
that moment. As soon as one print process becomes available, the first job is taken from queue using
FIFO (First In, First Out) principle. This ensures the correct order of processing the inbound data.
However, it does not ensure the FIFO principle for printing. See the next paragraph.
NOTE: It's not just that you can run many triggers in parallel. Each trigger can also allow
concurrent connections. TCP/IP, HTTP, and Web Service triggers all accept concurrent
connections from many clients. Also, file trigger can be configured to monitor a set of files in a
folder, configurable by file mask.
Outbound Parallel Processing
Usually the result of the trigger is label print process. You want use data received by the trigger and
print it on the labels. NiceLabel Automation service runs print processes (aka "print engines") in
parallel in the background. Modern processors have two or more independent central processing
units called "cores". Multiple cores can run multiple instructions at the same time, increasing overall
speed of processing, in case NiceLabel Automation they will increase of print job processing, and
ultimately the label printing performance.
By default, each NiceLabel Automation product will run print process in a separate thread on every
core that is available in the machine. The more powerful CPUyou have, the more throughput is
available. This maximizes the usage of the available CPUpower. The software installs with reasonable
defaults where every available core accommodates one thread for print processing, and under normal
- 131 -
circumstances you never have to make any change. If you need to make a change, see the topic
Changing Multi-threaded Printing Defaults.
When you have many print processes available, the data from the first event can be printed by one
print process, while the data from the second event could be printed by a different print process
simultaneously, if a second print process is available at that time. If the second event did not provide
much data, the print process might provide the data for the printer faster than the first print process,
breaking the order. In such case, data from the second event could print before data from the first
event. To ensure FIFO principle also for the printing, see the topic Synchronous Print Mode.
Caching Files
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Enterprise.
To improve the time-to-first label and performance in general NiceLabel Automation supports file
caching. When you load the labels, images and database data from network shares, you might
experience delays printing your labels. NiceLabel Automation must fetch all required files before the
printing process can begin.
There are two levels of caching that complement each other.
l Memory cache. The memory cache consists of keeping the already used files in memory. The
labels that have been used at least once are loaded in the memory cache. When the trigger
requests print of the same label, the label is immediately available for printing process. The
memory cache is enabled by default. The contents of the memory cache will be cleared for a par-
ticular configuration, when you remove or reload that configuration. The label file is checked
for changes for each Open Label action. If there is newer label available, it will be loaded auto-
matically, replacing the old version in the cache.
l Persistent cache. The persistent cache stores data to disk and is intended for intermediate
term storage of files. Caching is managed per file object. When a file is being requested from
the network share, the service first verifies if the file is already present in cache and uses it. If file
is not in the cache, it will be fetched from the network share and cached for future use. The
cache service continuously updates the cache contents with new versions of files. You can con-
figure the time intervals for version checking in NiceLabel Automation Configuration.
NOTE: When you reload the configuration, the cache service will verify if newer version
of the file exists in the network share and update the local cache.
Enabling Persistent Cache
To enable and configure the persistent cache, open the NiceLabel Automation Configuration, select
NiceLabel Automation Settings and enabled Cache remote files.
l Refresh cache files. Defines the time interval in minutes in which the files in the cache will be
synchronized with the files in the original folder. This is the time interval that you allow the sys-
tem to use the old version of the file.
l Remove cache files when older than. Defines the time interval in days that will be used to
remove all files in cache that haven't been accessed that long.
NiceLabel Automation will use the following local folder to cache remote files:
- 132 -
%ProgramData%\EuroPlus\NiceLabel Automation\system.net\FileCache
Forcing Reload of the Cache Content
NiceLabel Automation will automatically refresh the cache content upon the defined time interval
(default value is 5 minutes).
To manually force reloading of cache, do the following:
1. Open Automation Manager.
2. Locate the configuration containing the trigger, for which you want to force-reload labels.
3. Right-click the configuration.
4. Select Reload Configuration.
Error Handling
When an error occurs during the execution of some action, NiceLabel Automation will stop executing
all actions in the trigger. If you have some actions defined after the current action, they will not be
For example, the actions are defined as shown in the screenshot. If the action SetPrinter fails,
because the invalid name or inaccessible printer was provided, the actions Print Label and
HTTPRequest will not be executed. The action processing will stop at Set Printer, Automation
Manager will show the trigger in an error state and the trigger status feedback (if enabled) will be in
the terms of "wrong printer specified /printer not accessible".
However, in this particular case you don't want to use synchronous feedback (sent automatically
when enabled in the trigger supporting synchronous feedback). The status feedback must be
provided asynchronously with the action HTTPRequest after the print job was created (or not).
When the print process has completed you want to update some application with the its status. You
will send a HTTPformatted message to that application.
In this case the HTTPRequest action must be executed regardless of success of all the actions in the
list above it. You have to enable the option Ignore failure for all actions that are above the
HTTPRequest action. The option is available in the action's Execution and error handling options.
- 133 -
If a particular action fails, NiceLabel Automation will start executing the next action in the previous
level of hierarchy.
EXAMPL E: If th e ac ti on S et P ri n t er in level 1.1 fai ls , th e exec u ti on w i ll n ot c ontin u e
with ac ti on Pri n t Label i n level 1 .2 b ec au s e it w i ll likel y fai l as w ell, b ut w ill c on tin ue
with th e ac ti on HTTP Requ est in level 2, b ec au s e it i s th e n ext ac tion in th e h ig her -level
hier ar c h y.
The same logic can be implemented for looping actions, such as Use Data Filter, Loop and For Each
Record, where you iterate through all members in the list. If processing of one member fails from
whatever reason, by default NiceLabel Automation will stop processing all other members and report
an error. If you enable Ignore failure option, the processing of the failed member will stop, but
NiceLabel Automation will continue with the next member. At the end the error is reported anyway.
For more information also see topics Print Job Status Feedback and Synchronous Print Mode.
Synchronous Print Mode
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
Asynchronous Print Mode
The default NiceLabel Automation operation mode is the asynchronous mode. It's a form of printing,
when a trigger sends the data for printing and then closes a connection to the print subsystem. The
trigger does not wait for the result of the print process and will not receive any feedback. Immediately
after data is sent, the trigger is ready to accept a new incoming data stream. Asynchronous mode
boosts the trigger performance and increases the number of triggers that can be processed in a time
frame. Each print process has a buffer in front of it, where the trigger feeds the print requests into.
The buffer will accommodate for the trigger spikes and make sure no data is lost.
If the error occurs during processing, it will still be logged in Automation Manager (and NiceLabel
Control Center, if you use it), but the trigger itself is not aware of it. When using asynchronous print
mode, you cannot define conditional actions that would execute, if the trigger execution is in error.
- 134 -
Synchronous Print Mode
On the contrary, the synchronous mode doesn't break a connection to the print process. In this
mode the trigger sends the data for printing and keeps the connection to the print subsystem
established as long as it is busy execution actions. When the print process completes (successfully or
with some error), the trigger will receive feedback about the status. You can use this information
inside the actions that are defined in the same trigger and make decision to execute some other
actions in case error occurred. You can also send the print job status back to the data-issuing
application. For more information, see the topic Print Job Status Feedback.
EXAMPL E: Y ou c an r ep or t the p r i n tin g s tatu s to th e ERP ap plic ati on th at p r ovi d ed th e
d ata.
You will use synchronous mode when you want to receive status feedback inside the trigger, or when
you want to ensure FIFO printing mode (the data received in the trigger events is printed in the same
order in which it was received).
NOTE: When the trigger runs in the synchronous print mode, it will communicate with one
print process only. Enabling synchronous print mode ensures the FIFO method of
manipulating events in the outbound direction (printing). The multi-core processing by
default cannot ensure the printing order.
Enabling the Synchronous Print Mode
The synchronous mode is definable per-trigger. To enable synchronous mode in a trigger, do the
1. Open the properties of the trigger.
2. Go to Settings tab.
3. Select the Other option.
4. In section Feedback from the Print Engine, enable the option Supervised printing.
Print Job Status Feedback
The functionality from this topic is not all available in every NiceLabel Automation product.
The application providing data for label printing into NiceLabel Automation might expect to receive
information about print job status. The feedback can be as simple as "All OK" in case of successful
print job generation, or detailed error description in case of any problem. From performance reasons
NiceLabel Automation disables feedback possibility by default. This will ensure high-throughput
printing as trigger doesn't care about the execution of the print process. The errors will be logged to
log database, but the trigger will not handle them.
You can also use this method to send feedback about other data the trigger can collect, such as
status of the network printers, number of jobs in the printer spooler, list of labels in a folder, list of
variables in the specified label file, and many more.
- 135 -
NOTE: To enable the feedback support from the print engine, you have to enable
synchronous print mode. For more information, see the topic Synchronous Print Mode.
You can provide the status feedback in one of two methods.
The trigger provides feedback about print job status (Synchronous feedback)
Some triggers have built-in feedback possibility by design. When synchronous print mode is enabled,
the trigger is internally aware of the job status. The client can send the data into trigger, keep the
connection open and wait for the feedback. To use this feedback method, you must use the trigger
supporting it.
When the error happens in any of the actions, the internal variable LastActionErrorDesc will
contain the detailed error message. You can send its value as-is or customize it.
For more information, see details of the respective trigger.
l Web Service Trigger. This trigger supports feedback by design. The WSDL (Web
ServiceDescription Language) document describes details about the Web Service interface and
how to enable feedback. You can use the default reply that will send back the error description
in case the print action failed. Or, you can customize the response and send back content of
any variable. The variable itself can contain any data, including label preview or label print job
(binary data).
l HTTP Server Trigger. This trigger supports feedback by design. NiceLabel Automation will use
the standard HTTP response codes to indicate the print job status.You can customize the HTTP
response and send back content of any variable. The variable itself can contain any data, includ-
ing label preview or label print job (binary data).
l TCP/IP Server Trigger. This trigger supports feedback, but not automatically. In this case you
must configure the data-providing client not to break the connection once the data is sent.
When print process completes, the next action in the list can be Send Data to TCP/IP Port with
the setting Reply to sender. You can feedback over the established still-open connection.
The action provides the feedback about print job status (Asynchronous feedback)
For triggers that don't natively support feedback or if you want to send feedback messages during
the trigger processing, you can define an action that will send feedback to some destination. In this
case, the data-providing application can close the connection as soon as the trigger data is delivered.
EXAMPL E: Y ou u s ed T CP/IP tr ig ger to c ap tu r e d ata. T he c l i en t d r op p ed c onn ec ti on
immed iatel y af ter it s en t th e d ata w as s en t, s o w e c an n ot r ep l y over th e s ame c onn ec tion .
In s u c h c as es , you c an us e s ome oth er c han n el to s en d feed bac k. Y ou c an c onf ig u r e an y
of th e ou tb oun d -c on n ec tivity ac ti ons , s uc h as E xec ute SQL Statement, Op en Doc umen t
/ Pr og r am, HT T P Req ues t, Sen d Data to T CP/IP Por t an d oth er . Y ou wou ld p l ac e s uc h
ac ti on u n der th e Pr in t Lab el ac tion .
If you want to send feedback only for specific status, such as "error occurred", you can use the
following methods.
l Using condition on action. The print job status is exposed in two internal variables (LastAc-
tionErrorID and LastActionErrorDesc). First one will contain the error ID or will contain
value 0 in case of no errors. The second one contains the detailed error message. You can use
values of these variables in conditions on actions that you want to execute in case of errors. For
example, you would use the action HTTPRequest after printing and send feedback just in case
- 136 -
some error occurred. You would do the following:
1. Open trigger properties.
2. In ribbon group Variable, click the Internal Variables button and enable variable
3. Go to Actions tab.
4. Add the action Send Data to HTTP.
5. Inside action's properties expand the Show execution and error handling options.
6. For Condition, enter the following. The action with this condition will execute only when
error occurred and LastErrorActionID contains the error ID(any value greater than
0). By default, the conditions runs using VBScript syntax.
LastErrorActionID > 0
7. You will also have to enable the option Ignore failure on each action you expect to fail.
This will instruct Automation not to stop executing actions entirely, but continue with
the next action in the same hierarchical level.
NOTE: For more information see topic Error Handling.
l Using action Try. Action Try eliminates need for coding conditions. The action provides you
with two placeholders. Placeholder Do will contain the actions that you want to run. If any
error occurs when running them, the execution will break and actions in the On error place-
holder will be executed. You would use outbound-connectivity actions in this placeholder, to
provide a print job status feedback. For more information, see the topic Try.
Using Store/Recall Printing Mode
High-availability (Failover) Cluster
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Enterprise.
NiceLabel Automation supports Microsoft high-availability (fail-over) cluster. A fail-over cluster is a
group of independent computers that work together to increase the availability of label printing
through NiceLabel Automation. The clustered servers (called nodes) are connected by physical cables
and by software. If one or more of the cluster nodes fail, other nodes begin to provide service (a
process known as fail-over). In addition, the clustered roles are proactively monitored to verify that
they are working properly. If they are not working, they are restarted or moved to another node. The
clients providing data will connect to the IP address belonging to the cluster, not node IPaddresses.
To enable NiceLabel Automation for high-availability, you must do the following:
l Set up Microsoft Failover Clustering feature in your Windows Servers.
l Install NiceLabel Automation on each node.
l Enable the failover cluster support in NiceLabel Automation properties on each node.
Do the following:
- 137 -
1. Open NiceLabel Automation Configuration.
2. Select Cluster Support section.
3. Enable FailoverCluster Support.
4. Browse for the folder, located outside of both nodes, but still accessible with full access
privileges to NiceLabel Automation software. The important system files that both
nodes need will be copies to this folder.
l Configure the cluster to start NiceLabel Automation on the second node in case the master
node is down.
Load-balancing Cluster
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Enterprise.
NiceLabel Automation supports Microsoft load-balancing cluster. A load-balancing cluster is a group
of independent computers that work together to increase the high-availability and scalability of label
printing through NiceLabel Automation. The clustered servers (called nodes) are connected by
physical cables and by software. The incoming requests for label printing are distributed among all
nodes in a cluster. The clients providing data will connect to the IP address belonging to the cluster,
not node IPaddresses.
NOTE: You can use the TCP/IP-based triggers with the load-balancing cluster, this includes
TCP/IP Server Trigger, HTTP Server Trigger and Web Service Trigger.
To enable NiceLabel Automation for load-balancing, you must do the following:
l Set up Microsoft Load-balancing Clustering feature in your Windows Servers.
l Install NiceLabel Automation on each node.
l Load the same configuration files in Automation Manager on each node.
- 138 -
Understanding Data Structures
Understanding Data Structures
This chapter demonstrates the basic data structure that are frequently used in automation scenarios.
We have to read the structures, extract the values of interest and print them on the label. Each of the
mentioned samples is used in the sample configurations that install with the software. For more
information, see the topic Examples.
l Text Database
l Compound CSV
l Binary Files
l Legacy Data
l Command Files
l XML Data
Binary Files
Binary files are files that don't contain plain text only, but include binary characters, such as control
codes (characters below ASCIIcode 32). The Configuring Unstructured Data Filter has support for
binary characters. You can use binary characters to define fields positions, and you can also use binary
characters for field values.
Typical example would be data export from legacy system, where data for each label is delimited with a
Form Feed character <FF>.
In this case trigger captures the print stream. The yellow-highlighted data section must be extracted
from the stream and sent to a different printer. The filter is configured to search for <FF> as field-end
- 139 -
For more information, see the topic Examples.
Command Files
Command files are plain text files containing commands that will be executed one at a time from top
to bottom. NiceLabel Automation supports native command files, as well as Oracle and
SAPXMLcommand files. For more information see the topics Reference and Troubleshooting, Oracle
XML Specifications and SAP AII XML Specifications.
The label label2.lbl will print to CAB A3 203DPI printer.
LABEL "label2.lbl"
SET code="12345"
SET article="FUSILLI"
SET ean="383860026501"
SET weight="1,0 kg"
For more information, see the topic Examples.
Compound CSV
Compound CSV is a text file containing the CSV structure as well as multi-line header in other
structure. The contents cannot be parsed with one filter alone. You have to configure two filters, one
Configuring Structured Text Filter for fields in CSV section and one Configuring Unstructured Data
Filter for fields in the header section. In actions you would define two Use Data Filter actions and
execute both filters on the received data.
The data from line 3 until the end of document has CSVstructure and is parsed by Structured Text
filter. The data in first two lines doesn't have any particular structure and is parsed by Unstructured
Data filter.
OP TP EP P QPF0 NL0 04 00 2 ; F 7 5 -TEP 7 7 31 90 22 8 9 1 -0 0 1 -0 0 1
OPT 2 z g 2 l b pr t. p 3 4 . 1 .7 . 7 GOLF+ lab el p r i n t
"p r in ter "; " lab el";"lb l _ q ty" ; " f _ log o";"f_ f i eld _ 1" ; " f _f ield _2";"f _ f ield _ 3 "
"P rodu cti on 0 1 ";"l abel .l bl ";"1 ";"l ogo-n icel abel .pn g";"ABC S1 16 1 P ";"Post : ";"1 "
"P rodu cti on 0 1 ";"l abel .l bl ";"1 ";"l ogo-n icel abel .pn g";"ABC S1 16 2 P ";"Post : ";"2 "
"P rodu cti on 0 1 ";"l abel .l bl ";"1 ";"l ogo-n icel abel .pn g";"ABC S1 16 3 P ";"Post : ";"3 "
"P rodu cti on 0 1 ";"l abel .l bl ";"1 ";"l ogo-n icel abel .pn g";"ABC S1 16 4 P ";"Post : ";"4 "
"P rodu cti on 0 1 ";"l abel .l bl ";"1 ";"l ogo-n icel abel .pn g";"ABC S1 16 5 P ";"Post : ";"5 "
- 140 -
For more information, see the topic Examples.
Legacy Data
Legacy data is unstructured or semi-structured export from legacy applications. This is not CSVor
XML structure of data, so you must use Configuring Unstructured Data Filter and define the positions
of fields of interest. The filter will extract field values so you can print them on labels.
There is no rule about the structure. Each field must be configured manually.
HAWL EY ANNI E E R1 2 3 45 67 8 ABC XY Z
98 7 6 54 32 10
PRE OP 0 7/ 1 1/ 12 F 2 7 /0 6 /4 7 St. Ken Hos p i tal 3
G0 15 1 3 4 55 7 56 4 9 A- 08 / 1 1/ 1 2 L DBS F- PB 1
G0 15 1 3 4 65 4 23 4 0 A- 08 / 1 1/ 1 2 L DBS F- PB 2
G0 15 1 3 4 32 4 56 3 C A- 0 8 / 1 1/ 1 2 L DBS F- PB 3
Antib od y Sc r een : Neg ative
Stor e Samp le :
0 7 /1 1 /1 2 B,31 . 0 0 01 24 5. E O Rh(D) Pos PHO
For more information, see the topic Examples.
Text Database
Text database in an alias for text file with structured fields, such as CSV(comma separated file), or file
with fixed-width fields. In either case, you can click the Import Data Structure button and follow the
wizard to import the fields. If you have data file with delimited structure and number of fields vary
from one copy to another, you can enable the Dynamic structure feature and let NiceLabel
Automation handle the data extraction and mapping to variables automatically. For more
information, see the topic Enabling Dynamic Structure.
l File with delimited fields. The first line in the file can contain field names that filter can import.
CAS006;8021228110014;CASONCELLI ALLA CARNE 250G;6
PAS501;8021228310001;BIGOLI 250G;6
PAS502GI;8021228310018;TAGLIATELLE 250G;6
PAS503GI;8021228310025;TAGLIOLINI 250G;6
PAS504;8021228310032;CAPELLI D'ANGELO 250G;6
- 141 -
l File with fixed-width fields.
CAS006 8021228110014 CASONCELLI ALLA CARNE 250G 6
PAS501 8021228310001 BIGOLI 250G 6
PAS502GI 8021228310018 TAGLIATELLE 250G 6
PAS503GI 8021228310025 TAGLIOLINI 250G 6
PAS504 8021228310032 CAPELLI D'ANGELO 250G 6
For more information, see the topic Examples.
XML Data
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. XML tags are not predefined, you are free to define
your own tags that will describe your data. XML is designed to be self-descriptive.
XML structure is defined by elements, attributes (and their values), and text (element text).
Oracle XML
Processing of Oracle XML is built-into the software. You don't have to configure any filters to extract
data, just run the built-in action Run Oracle XML Command File. For more information on the
XMLstructure, see the topic Oracle XML Specifications.
<? xml ver s i on ="1.0 " s tan d alon e= " n o" ? >
<lab els _ FORMAT =" case.l bl " _PRINT E RNAME = "P rodu cti on 0 1 " _ QUANT IT Y = " 1 ">
< lab el>
<var iab le n ame= " CASE ID" > 00 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 </ var iab le>
<var iab le n ame= " CART ONT Y PE " / >
<var iab le n ame= " ORDE RKE Y ">0 00 00 0 0 5 3 4 < /var iab le>
<var iab le n ame= " BU Y ERPO" / >
<var iab le n ame= " ROU T E"> < /var iab le>
<var iab le n ame= " CONT AINE RDE T AILID" > 0 0 0 0 00 42 1 2 </var iab l e>
<var iab le n ame= " SE RIALRE FE RENCE " > 0 < / var iab le>
<var iab le n ame= " FILT E RVAL U E "> 0 </var iab le>
<var iab le n ame= " IN DICAT ORDIGIT "> 0 </var iab le>
<var iab le n ame= " DAT E">1 1 /1 9/2 0 1 2 1 0 :5 9 :0 3< / var iab le>
< /lab el>
</ lab els >
General XML
If the XML structure in not natively supported in the software, you will have to define the XMLfilter
and define rules to extract data. For more information, see the topic Understanding Filters.
<? xml ver s i on ="1.0 " en c od in g ="u tf -8 " ? >
<as x: ab ap xmln s :as x= " h ttp :/ /w w w.s ap . c om/ ab ap xml " ver s ion =" 1 .0 " >
< as x:valu es >
< TIME ST AMP> 2 0 1 3 0 2 21 10 0 5 2 7 .7 8 81 34 </ TIME ST AMP>
< USE R> P G RI < /U SE R>
<LBL _ NAME >goods_ recei pt. l bl < /L BL_NAME >
<LBL _ PRINT ER> P rodu cti on 0 1 </LBL _ PRIN T ER>
<MAT NR>2 8 3 4 5 </MAT NR>
- 142 -
<W DAT U> 19 .0 1 . 2 0 12 </ W DAT U>
<E XIDV> 0 1 2 3 4 5 67 89 01 2 3 4 5 6 0 </E XIDV>
< / as x:valu es >
</ as x:ab ap >
NiceLabel XML
Processing of NiceLabelXML is built-into the software. You don't have to configure any filters to
extract the data, just run the built-in action Run Command File. For more information on the XML
structure, see the topic XML Command File.
<n i c e_ c ommand s>
< lab el name= "l abel 1 . l bl " >
< s es s ion _ pr in t_ job p rin ter ="C AB A3 2 0 3 DPI" s kip = 0 j ob _
name= "job n ame 1 " p r in t_ to_f i le="f i l en ame 1 " >
< ses s ion q u antity= "1 0">
< var iab le n ame= " var iab le n ame 1" > vari abl e v al u e 1 < / var iab le>
< /s es s i on >
< / s es s ion _p r i n t_ job >
< p r i n t_ j ob p r in ter ="Zebra R-4 0 2 q u antity= "1 0 " s kip =0 i d en ti c al_
c op i es =1 n u mb er _of _ s ets = 1 j ob_ n ame= "job n ame 2 " p r in t_ to_f i le= "f i l en ame 2 " >
< var iab le n ame= " var iab le1 " >1 </ var iab le>
< var iab le n ame= " var iab le2 " >2 </ var iab le>
< var iab le n ame= " var iab le3 " >3 </ var iab le>
< / p r i n t_ j ob >
< / l ab el>
</ n i c e_ c ommand s>
For more hands-on information on how to work with XML data, see the topic Examples.
- 143 -
Reference And Troubleshooting
Command File Types
Command Files Specifications
Command files contain instructions for the print process and are expressed with the NiceLabel
commands. Commands are executed one at a time from the beginning until the end of the file. The
files support Unicode formatting, so you can include the multi-lingual contents. Command files come
in three different flavors.
CSV Command File
The commands available in the CSV command files are a subset from NiceLabel commands. You can
use the following commands: LABEL, SET, PORT, PRINTER and PRINT.
The CSV stands for Comma Separated Values. This is the text file where values are delimited by the
comma (,) character. The text file can contain Unicode value (important for multi-language data). Each
line in the CSV command file contains the commands for one label print action.
The first row in the CSV command file must contain the commands and variable names. The order of
commands and names is not important, but all records in the same data stream must follow the same
structure. Variable name-value pairs are extracted automatically and sent to the referenced label. If
the variable with the name from CSV does not exist on the label, no error message is displayed.
Sample CSVCommand File
The sample presents the structural view on the fields that you can use in the CSV command file.
label1.lbl, CAB A3 203 DPI, 100, , , , , 100A, Product 1
label2.lbl, Zebra R-402, 20, , , , , 200A, Product 2
CSVCommands Specification
The commands in the first line of data must be expressed with at (@)character. The fields without @ at
the beginning are names of variables, and they will be extracted with their values as name-value
l @Label. Specifies the label name to use. It's a good practice include label path and filename.
Make sure the service user can access file. For more information, see the topic Access to Net-
work Shared Resources. A required field.
- 144 -
l @Printer. Specifies the printer to use. It overrides the printer defined in the label. Make sure
the service user can access the printer. For more information, see the topic Access to Network
Shared Resources. Optional field.
l @Quantity. Specifies the number of labels to print. Possible values: numeric value, VARIABLE or
UNLIMITED. For more information, see the topic Print Label. A required field.
l @Skip. Specifies the number of labels to skip at the beginning of the first printed page. This fea-
ture is useful if you want to re-use the partially printed sheet of labels. Optional field.
l @IdenticalCopies. Specifies the number of label copies that should be printed for each unique
label. This feature is useful when printing labels with data from database or when you use coun-
ters, and you need label copies. Optional field.
l @NumberOfSets. specifies the number of times the printing process should repeat. Each label
set defines the occurrence of the printing process. Optional field.
l @Port. Specified the port name for the printer. You can override the default port as specified in
the printer driver. You can also use it to redirect printing to file. Optional field.
l Other field names. All other fields define names of variables from the label. The field contents
will be saved to the variable of the same name as its value.
JOB Command File
JOB command file is text file containing NiceLabel commands. The commands execute in order from
the top to bottom. The commands usually start with LABEL (to open label), then SET (to set variable
value) and finally PRINT (to print label). For more information about the available commands, see the
topic Custom Commands.
Sample JOBCommand File
This JOBfile will open label2.lbl, set variables and print one label. Because no PRINTER command
is used to redirect printing, the label will print using the printer name as defined in the label.
LABEL "label2.lbl"
SET code="12345"
SET article="FUSILLI"
SET ean="383860026501"
SET weight="1,0 kg"
XML Command File
The commands available in the XML Command files are subset of NiceLabel commands. You can use
SESSIONPRINT. The syntax differs a little bit when used in XML file.
The root element in the XMLCommand file is <Nice_Commands>. The next element that must follow
is <Label>, and it specifies the label to use. To start label printing there are two methods: print labels
normally using the element <Print_Job>, or print labels in session using the element <Session_
Print_Job>. You can also change the printer to which the labels will print, and you can set the
variable value.
- 145 -
Sample XMLCommand File
The sample presents the structural view on the elements and their attributes as you can use them in
the XML command file.
<label name="label1.lbl">
<session_print_job printer="CAB A3 203DPI" skip=0 job_name="job name 1" print_
to_file="filename 1">
<session quantity="10">
<variable name="variable name 1" >variable value 1</variable>
<print_job printer="Zebra R-402” quantity="10" skip=0 identical_
copies=1 number_of_sets=1 job_name="job name 2" print_to_file="filename 2">
<variable name="variable1" >1</variable>
<variable name="variable2" >2</variable>
<variable name="variable3" >3</variable>
XMLCommands Specification
This section contains the description of the XMLCommand file structure. There are several elements
that contain attributes. Some attributes are required, other are optional. Some attributes can occupy
pre-defined values only, for other you can specify the custom values.
l <Nice_Commands>. This is a root element.
l <Label>. Specifies the label file to open. If the label is already opened, it won't be opened
again. The label file must be accessible from this computer. For more information, see the topic
Access to Network Shared Resources. This element can occur several times within the com-
mand file.
l Name. This attribute contains the label name. You can include the path to the label
name. Required.
l <Print_Job>. The element that contains data for one label job. This element can occur several
times within the command file.
l Printer. Use this attribute to override the printer defined in the label. The printer must
be accessible from this computer. For more information, see the topic Access to Net-
work Shared Resources. Optional.
l Quantity. Use this attribute to specify the number of labels to print. Possible values:
numeric value, VARIABLE or UNLIMITED. For more information on parameters, see the
topic Print Label. Required.
l Skip. Use this attribute to specify how many labels to skip at the beginning. This feature
is useful if you print sheet of labels to laser printer, but the sheet is partial already prin-
ted. For more information, see the topic Print Label. Optional.
l Job_name. Use this attribute to specify the name of your job file. The specified name is
visible in the print spooler. For more information, see the topic Set Print Job Name.
- 146 -
l Print_to_file. Use this attribute to specify the file name where you want to save the
printer commands. For more information, see the topic Redirect Printing to File.
l Identical_copies. use this attribute to specify the number of copies you need for each
label. For more information, see the topic Print Label. Optional.
l <Session_Print_Job>. The element that contains commands and data for one or more ses-
sions. The element can contain one or more <Session> elements. It considers session print
rules. You can use this element several times within the command file. For available attributes
look up the attributes for the element <Print_Job>. All of them are valid, you just cannot use
the quantity attribute. See the description of the element <Session> to find out how to spe-
cify label quantity in session printing.
l <Session>. The element that contains data for one session. When printing in session, all labels
are encoded into a single print job and are sent to the printer as one job.
l Quantity. Use this attribute to specify the number of labels to print. Possible values:
numeric value, string VARIABLE, or string UNLIMITED. For more information on para-
meters, see the topic Print Label. Required.
l <Variable>. The element that sets the value of variables on the label. This element can occur
several times within the command file.
l Name. The attribute contains the variable name. Required.
XMLSchema Definition (XSD) for XMLCommand File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema targetNamespace="http://tempuri.org/XMLSchema.xsd" elementFormDefault="q
ualified" xmlns="http://tempuri.org/XMLSchema.xsd" xmlns:mstns="http://tempuri.org/
XMLSchema.xsd" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="nice_commands">
<xs:element name="label" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1">
<xs:element name="print_job" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="database" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="require
d" />
<xs:element name="table" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="require
d" />
- 147 -
<xs:element name="variable" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="require
d" />
<xs:attribute name="quantity" type="xs:string" use="required" />
<xs:attribute name="printer" type="xs:string" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="skip" type="xs:integer" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="identical_
copies" type="xs:integer" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="number_of_
sets" type="xs:integer" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="job_name" type="xs:string" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="print_to_
file" type="xs:string" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="print_to_file_
append" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="clear_variable_
values" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" />
<xs:element name="session_print_
job" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="database" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="require
d" />
<xs:element name="table" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="require
d" />
<xs:element name="session" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="variable" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbo
- 148 -
<xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="r
equired" />
<xs:attribute name="quantity" type="xs:string" use="require
d" />
<xs:attribute name="printer" type="xs:string" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="skip" type="xs:integer" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="job_name" type="xs:string" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="print_to_
file" type="xs:string" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="print_to_file_
append" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="clear_variable_
values" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
<xs:attribute name="close" type="xs:boolean" use="required" />
<xs:attribute name="clear_variable_
values" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" />
<xs:attribute name="quit" type="xs:boolean" use="required" />
Oracle XML Specifications
Oracle defined the XML format so that the XML contents can be understood, parsed and then printed
as a label. A XML Document Type Definition (DTD) defines the XML tags that will be used in the XML
file. Oracle will generate XML files according to this DTD and the 3
party software will translate the
XML according to this DTD.
To execute such command file, use the Run Oracle XML Command File action.
The following is the XML DTD that is used in forming the XML for both the synchronous and
asynchronous XML formats, it defines the elements that will be used in the XML file, a list of their
attributes and the next level elements.
<!ELEMENT labels (label)*>
<!ELEMENT label (variable)*>
- 149 -
<!ELEMENT variable (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST variable name CDATA #IMPLIED>
Sample Oracle XML
This is the Oracle XML providing data for one label (there is just one <label> element).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE labels SYSTEM "label.dtd">
<labels _FORMAT ="Serial.lbl" _QUANTITY="1" _PRINTERNAME="" _JOBNAME="Serial">
<variable name= "item">O Ring</variable>
<variable name= "revision">V1</variable>
<variable name= "lot">123</variable>
<variable name= "serial_number">12345</variable>
<variable name= "lot_status">123</variable>
<variable name= "serial_number_status">Active</variable>
<variable name= "organization">A1</variable>
When executing this sample Oracle XML file the label serial.lbl will print with the following
variable values.
Variable name Variable value
item O Ring
revision V1
lot 123
serial_number 12345
lot_status 123
serial_number_status Active
organization A1
The label will print in 1 copy, with the spooler jobname Serial. The printer name is not specified in
the XML file, so the label will print to the printer as defined in the label template.
SAP AII XML Specifications
NiceLabel Automation can present itself as RFID device controller, capable of encoding RFID tags and
printing labels. For more information about SAPAIIXMLspecifications, see the document SAPAuto-
ID Infrastructure Device Controller Interface from SAPweb page.
To execute such command file, use the Run SAP AII XML Command File action.
This is the SAPAIIXML providing data for one label (there is just one <label> element).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Command xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<WriteTagData readerID="DEVICE ID">
<FieldList format="c:\SAP Demo\SAP label.lbl" jobName="Writer_
- 150 -
Device20040929165746" quantity="1">
<Field name="EPC">00037000657330</Field>
<Field name="EPC_TYPE">SGTIN-96</Field>
<Field name="EPC_URN">urn:autoid:tag:sgtin:3.5.0037000.065774.8</Field>
<Field name="PRODUCT">Product</Field>
<Field name="PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION">Product description</Field>
When executing this sample SAPAI XML file the label c:\SAP Demo\SAP label.lbl will print with
the following variable values.
Variable name Variable value
EPC 00037000657330
EPC urn:autoid:tag:sgtin:3.5.0037000.065774.8
PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION Product description
The label will print in 1 copy, with the spooler job name Writer_Device2004092916574. The
printer name is not specified in the XML file, so the label will print to the printer as defined in the label
Custom Commands
Using Custom Commands
NiceLabel commands are used in command files to control label printing. NiceLabel Automation
executes the command within command files from top to bottom. For more information, see the topic
Reference and Troubleshooting.
You can use the specific custom command, when it is available in your NiceLabel Automation product
as an action.
NOTE: For example, you can use SETPRINTPARAM, if you can see the action Set Print
Parameter (product level Pro and Enterprise).
NiceLabel Commands Specification
When developing command file it is good practice to document your commands. This will help you
decode what the script really performs, when you will look at the code after some time. Use semicolon
(;) on the beginning of the line. Everything following the semicolon will be treated as comment and
will not be processed.
- 151 -
This command resets variable values to their default values.
CREATEFILE <file name> [, <contents>]
This command will create a text file. You can use it to signal to some third party application that print
process has begun or has ended, dependent on the location where you put the command. Use UNC
syntax for network resources. For more information, see the topic Access to Network Shared
DELETEFILE <file name>
Deletes the specified file. Use UNC syntax for network resources. For more information, see the topic
Access to Network Shared Resources.
Specifies that the error occurring in the JOB file will not terminate the print process, if the following
errors occur:
l Incorrect variable name is used
l Incorrect value is sent to the variable
l Label does not exist / is not accessible
l Printer does not exist / is not accessible
LABEL <label name> [,<printer_name>]
The command opens the label to print. If the label is already loaded, it will not be re-opened. You can
include the path name. Enclose the label name in double quotes, if the name or path contains spaces.
Use UNC syntax for network resources. For more information, see the topic Access to Network Shared
The optional printer_name specifies the printer, for which the label will be opened. Use this setting
if you want to override the printer name that is saved in the label template. If the driver for the
provided printer name is not installed or not available, the command will raise an error.
MESSAGEBOX <message> [,<caption>]
Logs the custom message into the trigger log. If the message contains space characters or commas,
you have to enclose the text in double quotes (").
PORT <file name> [, APPEND]
- 152 -
This command overrides port as defined in the printer driver and redirect printing to a file. If file path
or file name contain spaces, enclose the value in double quotes ("). Use UNC syntax for network
resources. For more information, see the topic Access to Network Shared Resources.
The parameter APPEND is optional. By default the file will be overwritten. Use this parameter to
append data into the existing file.
Once you use a command PORT in the JOB file it will be valid until the next PORT command, or until
the end of file (whichever comes first). If you use PRINTER command after the PORT command has
been executed, the PORT setting will overwrite the port defined for the selected printer. If you want to
use the actual port that is defined for the selected printer, you have to use another PORT command
with empty value, such as PORT = "".
PRINT <quantity> [,<skip> [,<identical label copies> [,number of label sets]]]
This command starts the print process.
l Quantity. Specifies the number of labels to print.
l <number>. Specified number of labels will print.
l VARIABLE. Specifies that some label variable is defined as variable quantity and will con-
tain the number labels to print. The label will determine how many labels to print.
l UNLIMITED. If you use a database to acquire values for objects, unlimited printing will
print as many labels as there are record in the database. If you do not use a database,
the maximum number of labels that thermal printer internally supports will be printed.
l Skip. Specifies the number of labels you want to skip on the first page. The parameter is used
for printing labels on sheets of paper. When the part of the page has already been used, you
can reuse the same sheet by shifting the start location of the first label.
l Identical label copies. Specifies how many copies of the same label must print.
l Number of label sets. Specifies the number of times the whole printing process should repeat
NOTE: Make sure the quantity values are provided as the numeric value, not string value. Do
not enclose the value in the double quotes.
PRINTER <printer name>
This command overrides the printer as defined in the label file. If the printer name contains space
characters, you have to enclose it in double quotes (").
Use the printer name as displayed in the status line in the label design application. Printer names are
usually the same as the printer names in Printers and Faxes from Control Panel, but not always. When
you are using network printers, you might see the name displayed in syntax \\server\share.
- 153 -
This command specifies the print job name you will see in Windows Spooler. If name contains space
characters or commas, you have to enclose the value in double quotes (").
This command closes print stream. Also see SESSIONSTART.
SESSIONPRINT <quantity> [,<skip>]
This command prints the currently referenced label and adds it into the currently open session-print
stream. You can use multiple SESSIONPRINT commands one after another and join the referenced
labels in single print stream. The stream will not close until you close it with the command
SESSIONEND. The meaning of quantity and skip parameters is the same as with NiceCommand PRINT.
l Quantity. Specifies the number of labels to print.
l Skip. Specifies the number of labels you want to skip on the first page. The parameter is used
for printing labels on sheets of paper. When the part of the page has already been used, you
can reuse the same sheet by shifting the start location of the first label.
This command initiates the session-print type of printing.
The three session-print-related commands (SESSIONSTART, SESSIONPRINT, SESSIONEND) are used
together. When you use command PRINT, every label data will be sent to the printer in a separate
print job. If you want to join label data for multiple labels into print stream, you should use the session
print commands. You must start with the command SESSIONSTART, followed with any number of
SESSIONPRINTcommands and in the end the command SESSIONEND.
Use these commands to optimize label printing process. Printing labels coming from one print job is
much faster than printing labels from a bunch of print jobs.
There some rules you have to follow so the session print will not break.
l You cannot change the label within a session.
l You cannot change the printer within a session
l You must set values for all variables from the label within a session, even if some of the variables
will have empty values
SET <name>=<value> [,<step> [,<number or repetitions>]]
This command assigns the variable name with value. The variable must be defined on the label, or
error will be raised. If the variable isn't on the label, an error will occur. Step and number of
repetitions are parameters for counter variables. These parameters specify the counter increment
and the number labels before the counter changes value.
- 154 -
If value contains spaces or comma characters, you must enclose the text in double quotes ("). Also
If you want to assign multi-line value, use \r\n to encode newline character. \r is replaced with CR
(Carriage Return) and \n is replaced with LF (Line Feed).
Be careful when setting values to variables that provide data for pictures on the label, as backslash
characters might be replaced with some other characters.
EXAMPL E: If you as s ig n a valu e "c :\My Pic tu res \ raw .j pg " to the var iab le, th e " \ r " w ill b e
r ep lac ed w i th CR c h ar ac ter .
SETPRINTPARAM <paramname> = <value>
This command allows you to set fine-tune printer settings just before printing. The supported
parameter for printer settings (paramname) are:
l PAPERBIN. Specifies the tray that contains label media. If the printer is equipped with more
than just one paper / label tray, you can control which is used for printing. The name of the tray
should be acquired from the printer driver.
l PRINTSPEED. Specifies the printing speed. The acceptable values vary from one printer to the
other. See printer's manuals for exact range of values.
l PRINTDARKNESS. Specifies the printing darkness / contrast. The acceptable values vary from
one printer to the other. See printer's manuals for exact range of values.
l PRINTOFFSETX. Specifies the left offset for all printing objects. The value for parameter must
be numeric, positive or negative, in dots.
l PRINTOFFSETY. Specifies the top offset for all printing objects. The value for parameter must
be numeric, positive or negative, in dots.
l PRINTERSETTINGS. Specifies the custom printer settings to be applied to the print job. The
parameter requires the entire DEVMODE for the target printer, provided in a Base64-encoded
string. The DEVMODE contains all parameters from the printer driver at once (speed, darkness,
offsets and other). For more information, see topic Understanding Printer Settings and
NOTE: The Base64-encoded string must be provided inside double quotes (").
Text-qualifier is the character that embeds data value that is assigned to a variable. Whenever data
value includes space characters, it must be included with text-qualifiers. The default text qualifier is a
double quote character ("). Because double quote character is used as shortcut for inch unit of
measure, sometimes it is difficult to pass the data with inch marks in the JOB files. You can use two
double quotes to encode one double quote, or use TEXTQUALIFIER.
- 155 -
SET Variable = %EPAK 12"X10 7/32"%
Access To Network Shared Resources
This topic defines best practice steps when using network shared resources.
l User privileges for service mode. The execution component of NiceLabel Automation runs in
service mode under specified user account inheriting access privileges of that account. For
NiceLabel Automation to be able to open label files and user printer drivers, the associated
user account must have granted the same privileges. For more information, see the topic Run-
ning in Service Mode.
l UNC notation for network shares. When accessing the file on a network drive, make sure to
use the UNCsyntax (Universal Naming Convention) and not the mapped drive letters. UNC is a
naming convention to specify and map network drives. NiceLabel Automation will try to replace
the drive-letter syntax with the UNC syntax automatically.
EXAMPL E: If th e f ile i s ac ces sib l e as G:\Labels\label.lbl, r ef er to it in U NC
notation as \\server\share\Labels\label.lbl (w her e G: d r ive is map ped to
\\server\share) .
l Notation for accessing files in Control Center. When you open the file in the Document Stor-
age inside Control Center, you can use the HTTPnotation as http://server-
name:8080/label.lbl, or WebDAV notation as
Additional notes:
l The user account used to run NiceLabel Automation service will be used to get files from
the DocumentStorage. This user must be configured in Control Center Configuration to
have access to files in the Document Storage.
l The WebDAV access can only be used with Windows user authentication in Control
NOTE: Document Storage is available with products NiceLabel ControlCenter Pro
and NiceLabel Control Center Enterprise.
l Printer drivers availability. To print labels to network shared printer, you will have to make
the printer driver available on the server where NiceLabel Automation is installed on. Make
sure the user account that NiceLabel Automation Service runs under has access to the printer
driver. If the network printer was just installed on the machine, NiceLabel Automation might
not see it until your restart the Service. To allow automatic notification of new network printer
drivers, you have to enable the appropriate inbound rule in the Windows firewall. For more
information, see Knowledge Base article KB 265.
- 156 -
Accessing Databases
Whenever NiceLabel Automation must get the data from some database, you must make sure that
the necessary database driver is installed in the Windows system. The database drivers are provided
by the company developing the database software. The driver that you install must match the bitness
of your Windows system.
32-bit Windows
If you have 32-bit Windows, you can only install 32-bit database drivers. The same database driver will
be used to configure the trigger in Automation Builder and to execute trigger execution in NiceLabel
Automation Service. All NiceLabel Automation components will run as 32-bit applications.
64-bit Windows
If you have 64-bit Windows, you can install 64-bit or 32-bit database drivers. The applications that are
running in 64-bit will use 64-bit database drivers. The applications that are running in 32-bit will use
32-bit database drivers.
l NiceLabel Automation Service. By default, the Service runs as 64-bit process, and as such
needs 64-bit version of the database driver.
l NiceLabel Automation Builder. It always runs as 32-bit application. As such it must use 32-bit
database drivers. So, when you execute the trigger preview in Automation Builder, the trigger
will use 32-bit database drivers. When you deploy the same trigger into Automation Manager
and run it in the production environment, the event log might display an error message about
missing database content provider. This will happen, if you don't have 64-bit database driver
installed on the same system. The Service runs as 64-bit process and requires 64-bit database
To make it easier, when the 64-bit database drivers are not available, the Service will offload the
database connection task to the ProxyService process. Because Proxy Service runs as a 32-bit
process, it will use the same database drivers as you have used in the Automation Builder, and
connection will succeed.
Automatic Font Replacement
You might design your label templates to print text objects formatted as built-in printer fonts.
However, when printing such label to a different kind or printer, the selected fonts might not be
available on the new printer. The new printer probably supports an entirely different set of internal
fonts. The fonts might look alike, but are available under a different name.
The similar problem might occur when the Truetype font that is used in the label is not installed on
the target machine, where NiceLabel Automation will print labels.
NiceLabel Automation can be configured to automatically replace the fonts used on the label with
compatible fonts. You can configure the font mapping based the font names. When the original font
is not found, NiceLabel Automation will try to use the first available replacement font as defined in the
mapping table. If no suitable replacement font is found, Arial Truetype font will be used.
NOTE: If you configure the font replacement feature, the mapping rules will execute when
the printer on the label is changed.
- 157 -
Configuring the Font Mapping
To configure the custom font mapping, do the following:
1. Open File Explorer and navigate to the following folder:
%ProgramData%\EuroPlus\NiceLabel Automation\system.net
2. Open the file fontmapping.def in your favorite text XMLeditor.
3. Inside the element FontMappings, create a new element with a custom name.
4. Inside the new element, create at least two elements with name Mapping.
l Value of the first element Mapping must contain name of the original font.
l Value of the second element Mapping must contain name of the replacement font.
NOTE: There can be additional Mapping elements with new font names. If the
first replacement font is not available, NiceLabel Automation will try the next. If
no replacement fonts are available, Arial Truetype will be used instead.
Sample Mapping Configuration
In this example, two mappings are defined.
l The first mapping will convert any Avery font into matching Novexx font. For example font
Avery YT100 will be replaced with Novexx YT100, fontAvery 1 will be replaced with Novexx
1. If the Novexx font is not available, Arial Truetype will be used.
l The second mapping will convert Avery YT100 into Novexx YT104. If that font is not available,
then font Zebra 0 will be used. If that font is also not available Arial Truetype will be used.
l The second mapping will override the first one.
<? xml ver s i on ="1.0 " en c od in g ="utf - 8 "? >
<FontMap ping s>
< Aver yNovexx>
< Map p in g >Aver y< / M ap p in g>
< Map p in g >Novexx< / Map pin g >
< / Aver yNovexx>
< T extRep lac emen t>
< Map p in g >Aver y Y T 100 < /Map pin g >
< Map p in g >Novexx Y T 1 0 4< /Map p in g >
< Map p in g >Zeb r a 0 < / Map pin g >
< / T extRep lac emen t>
</ FontMap pin g s>
- 158 -
Changing Multi-threaded Printing Defaults
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
Every NiceLabel Automation product can take advantage of multiple cores inside the processor. Each
core will be used to run a print process. Half of the number of cores are used for processing
concurrent normal threads and the other half for processing concurrent session-print threads.
NOTE: Under normal circumstances you never have to change the default settings. Make
sure you know what you are doing by changing these defaults.
To modify the number of the concurrent print threads, do the following:
1. Open file product.config in text editor.
The file is here:
c:\ProgramData\EuroPlus\NiceLabel Automation\system.net\product.config
2. Change the values for elements MaxConcurrentPrintProcesses and
3. Save the file. NiceLabel Automation will automatically update the service with new number of
print threads.
Session Print
Session-print enables when you print the same label to the same printer and are printing many labels.
All labels will be sent to the printer in one print job. On the other hand is non-session printing, when
each label is sent to the printer as a separate print job. From performance point of view the session
print makes a better choice. NiceLabel Automation automatically determines the printing mode from
the trigger configuration .
Compatibility With NiceWatch Products
NiceLabel Automation can load the trigger configurations that were defined in one of the NiceWatch
products. In majority of cases you can run NiceWatch configuration in NiceLabel Automation without
any modification.
NiceLabel Automation products are using new .NET-based print engine optimized for performance
and low memory footprint. The new print engine does not support each label design option that is
available in the label designer. Each new release of NiceLabel Automation is closing the gap, but you
might still experience some unavailable features.
- 159 -
Resolving Incompatibility Issues
NiceLabel Automation will also warn you if you try to print existing label templates that contain
design functionality, not available in the new print engine.
If there are incompatibilities with the NiceWatch configuration file or label templates, you will be
notified about:
l Compatibility with trigger configuration. While opening the NiceWatch configuration (.MIS
file), NiceLabel Automation checks it against the supported features. Not all features from
NiceWatch products are available in NiceLabel Automation. Some are not available at all and
some are configured differently. If the MIS file contains some not supported features, you will
see a list such features and they will be removed from the configuration.
In this case you have to open the .MIS file in Automation Builder and resolve the
incompatibility issues. You will have to use NiceLabel Automation functionality to re-create the
removed configuration.
l Compatibility with the label templates. If your existing label templates contain functionality
not supported in the print engine provided by NiceLabel Automation, you will see error
messages in the Log pane. This information is visible in the Automation Builder (when
designing triggers) or in Automation Manager (when running the triggers).
In this case you have to open the label file in the label designer and remove the unsupported
features from the label.
NOTE: For more information about incompatibility issues with NiceWatch and label
designers, see Knowledge Base article KB251.
Opening NiceWatch Configuration for Editing
You can open the existing NiceWatch configuration (.MISfile) in Automation Builder and edit it in
Automation Builder. You can save the configuration only in the .MISX format.
To edit the NiceWatch configuration, do the following:
1. Start Automation Builder.
2. Select File>Open NiceWatch File.
3. In Open dialog box, browse for the NiceWatch configuration file(.MISfile).
4. Click OK.
5. If the configuration contains unsupported functionality, a list of unsupported features will be
displayed. They will be removed from the configuration.
Opening NiceWatch Configuration for Execution
You can open NiceWatch configuration (.MISfile)in Automation Manager without conversion to the
NiceLabel Automation file format (.MISX file). If the triggers from NiceWatch are compatible with
NiceLabel Automation, you can start using them right away.
To open and deploy NiceWatch configuration, do the following:
1. Start Automation Manager.
2. Click +Add button.
- 160 -
3. In Open dialog box, change the file type into NiceWatch Configuration.
4. Browse for the NiceWatch configuration file (.MIS file).
5. Click OK.
6. In the Automation Manager, the trigger from the selected configuration will display.
To start the trigger, select it and click the Start button.
NOTE: If there is some compatibility problem with the NiceWatch configuration, you will have
to open it in Automation Builder and reconfigure it.
Controlling The Service With Command-line
This chapter provides the information how to start or stop the Automation Services and how to
control which configurations are loaded and which triggers are active, all from the command prompt.
NOTE: Make sure you are running Command Prompt in the elevated mode (with
administrative permissions). Right-click cmd.exe and then select Run as Administrator.
Starting and Stopping the Services
To start both services from the command line use the following commands:
net start NiceLabelAutomationProxyService
net start NiceLabelAutomationService
If you want to open configuration file when the Service is started, use:
net start NiceLabelAutomationService [Configuration]
For example:
net start NiceLabelAutomationService "c:\Project\configuration.MISX"
To stop services use the following commands:
net stop NiceLabelAutomationProxyService
net stop NiceLabelAutomationService
Managing the Configurations and Triggers
NiceLabel Automation service can be controlled with the Automation Manager command-line
parameters. The general syntax to use command-line parameters is as follows.
NiceLabelAutomationManager.exe COMMAND Configuration [TriggerName] [/SHOWUI]
NOTE: Note:include the full path to the configuration name, don't use the file name alone.
- 161 -
To ADD configuration
The provided configuration will be loaded into service. No trigger will be started. If you include the
/SHOWUI parameter, Automation Manager UIwill be started.
NiceLabelAutomationManager.exe ADD c:\Project\configuration.MISX /SHOWUI
To RELOAD configuration
The provided configuration will be reloaded into service. The running status of all triggers will be
preserved. Reloading the configuration forces the refresh of all files cached for this configuration. For
more information, see the topic Caching Files. If you include the /SHOWUI parameter, Automation
Manager UIwill be started.
NiceLabelAutomationManager.exe RELOAD c:\Project\configuration.MISX /SHOWUI
To REMOVE configuration
The provided configuration and all its triggers will be unloaded from service.
NiceLabelAutomationManager.exe REMOVE c:\Project\configuration.MISX
To STARTa trigger
The referenced trigger will be started in the already loaded configuration.
NiceLabelAutomationManager.exe START c:\Project\configuration.MISX CSVTrigger
To STOPa trigger
The referenced trigger will be stopped in the already loaded configuration.
NiceLabelAutomationManager.exe STOP c:\Project\configuration.MISX CSVTrigger
Status Codes
Status codes provide the feedback of command-line execution. To enable the status codes return, run
the use the following command-line syntax.
start /wait NiceLabelAutomationManager.exe COMMAND Configuration [TriggerName]
The status codes is captured in the system variable errorlevel. To see the status code, execute the
following command.
echo %errorlevel%
List of status codes:
Status Code Description
0 No error occurred
100 Configuration file name not found
101 Configuration cannot be loaded
200 Trigger not found
201 Trigger cannot start
- 162 -
Database Connection String Replacement
A configuration file for Automation Service can include database connection string replacement
User can configure the service to replace certain parts of connection string while the trigger is
running. One instance of Automation can use same configuration, but actually use different database
server for database related functionality. This enables the user to configure triggers in development
environments and run them in the production environment without any changes in the
The connection string replacement logic is defined in the file DatabaseConnections.Config in
the Automation system.net folder.
%programdata%\EuroPlus\NiceLabel Automation\system.net
The configuration file defines from-to pairs in the XMLstructure. The <Replacement> tag contains
one <From> and one <To> element. During the trigger execution the "from" string is replaced with
the "to" string. The configuration file is not installed with Automation. You can add it yourself using
the structure from the example. The same search &replace rules will be applied to all triggers running
in the Automation Service on this machine.
NOTE: Make sure to restart both Automation Services, after you have added the config file
into the Automation System folder.
The existing trigger contains a connection to the Microsoft SQLserver mySQLServer and the
database myDatabase. You want to update the connection string to use the database NEW_
myDatabase on the server NEW_mySQLServer.
Two Replacement elements have to be defined, one to change the server name and one to change
the database name.
<? xml ver s i on ="1.0 " en c od in g ="UT F- 8 "? >
<Datab as eCon n ec ti on Rep lac emen ts >
< Rep lac emen t>
< Fr om> Data Sour c e= mySQLSer ver </Fr om>
< T o> Data Sou r c e= NE W _mySQLSer ver </ T o>
< / Rep lac emen t>
< Rep lac emen t>
< Fr om> In itial Catalog =myDatab as e< / Fr om>
< T o> Initial Catalog =N E W _ myDatab as e< / T o>
< / Rep lac emen t>
</ Datab as eCon n ec ti onRep lac ements >
- 163 -
Entering Special Characters (Control Codes)
Special characters or control codes are binary characters that are not represented on the keyboard.
You cannot type them the way normal characters are because they must be encoded using a special
syntax. You would need to use such characters when communicating with serial-port devices,
receiving data on TCP/IP port, or when working with binary files, such as print files.
There are two methods of entering special characters:
l Enter the characters manually using one of the described syntax examples:
l Use syntax <special_character_acronim>, such as <FF> for FormFeed, or <CR>
for CarriageReturn, or <CR><LF> for newline.
l Use syntax <#number>, such as <#13> for CarriageReturn or <#00> for null character.
For more information, see the topic List of Control Codes.
l Insert the listed characters. Objects that support special characters as their content have an
arrow button on their right side. The button contains a shortcut to all of the available special
characters. When you select a character in the list, it is added to the content. For more inform-
ation, see topic Using Compound Values.
List Of Control Codes
ASCIICode Abbreviation Description
1 SOH Start of Heading
2 STX Start of Text
3 ETX End of Text
4 EOT End of Transmission
5 ENQ Inquiry
6 ACK Acknowledgment
7 BEL Bell
8 BS Back Space
9 HT Horizontal Tab
10 LF Line Feed
11 VT Vertical Tab
12 FF Form Feed
13 CR Carriage Return
14 SO Shift Out
15 SI Shift In
16 DLE Data Link Escape
17 DC1 XON - Device Control 1
18 DC2 Device Control 2
19 DC3 XOFF - Device Control 3
20 DC4 Device Control 4
21 NAK Negative Acknowledgment
22 SYN Synchronous Idle
- 164 -
23 ETB End Transmission Block
24 CAN Cancel
25 EM End of Medium
26 SUB Substitute
27 ESC Escape
28 FS File Separator
29 GS Group Separator
30 RS Record Separator
31 US Unit Separator
188 FNC1 Function Code 1
189 FNC2 Function Code 2
190 FNC3 Function Code 3
191 FNC4 Function Code 4
Offline Mode
The functionality from this topic is available in NiceLabel Automation Pro and NiceLabel
Automation Enterprise.
Offline mode is an emergency mode that automatically enables when the licensing server cannot be
contacted. Automation Manager will display the message in the information pane and log the event
in the Windows Application Event log. NiceLabel Automation running in offline mode will continue to
process triggers for up to 24 hours. You will have to restore a connection to the licensing server
within 24 hours to ensure uninterrupted operation. Information about printing activities will be
cached locally and synchronized with the server, once the connection is re-established.
NOTE: The offline mode is only available, when you activate NiceLabel Automation license in
the NiceLabel Control Center.
Printer Licensing Mode
Dependent on the license, your NiceLabel Automation product might be limited to the number of
printers you can use simultaneously. In this case NiceLabel Automation keeps a track of the number
and names of different printers you have used for printing. When you exceed the number of printers
defined by your license, you cannot print to any new printer. Error will be logged into log database.
You can reset the printer list by restarting the NiceLabel Automation service. To restart the service,
openWindows Services console, find NiceLabel Automation Service and click the Restart Service
WARNING: Make sure you restart the service when NiceLabel Automation is idle. Restarting
the service in busy environments can cause failures in the label production. When service is
stopped, all internal queue lists and buffers are cleared and intermediate data erased.
Restart the service with caution!
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Running In Service Mode
NiceLabel Automation runs as Windows service and is designed not to require any user intervention
when processing data and executing actions. The service is configured to start when the operating
system is booted and will run in the background as long as Windows is running. NiceLabel
Automation will remember the list of all loaded configurations and active triggers. The last-known
state is automatically restored when the server restarts.
The service runs with the privileges of the user account selected during the installation. The service
will inherit all access permissions of that user account, including access to network shared resources,
such as network drives and printer drivers. Use the account of some existing user with sufficient
privileges, or even better, create a dedicate account just for NiceLabel Automation.
You can manage the service by launching the Services from the WindowsControl Panel. In modern
Windows operating system you can also manage the service in the Services tab in Windows Task
Manager. You would use Services to execute tasks such as:
l Start and stop the service
l Change the account under which the service logs on
Good Practices Configuring the User Account for Service
l While possible it is considered a bad practice to run the service under the Local System
Account. This is a predefined local Windows account with extensive privileges on the local com-
puter, but is usually without privileges to access network resources. NiceLabel Automation
requires full access to the account's %temp% folder, which might not be available for
LocalSystem Account.
l If creating a new user account for NiceLabel Automation service, make sure that you log in Win-
dows with this new user at least once. This will make sure that the user account is fully created.
E.g. when you log in, the temporary folder %temp% will be created.
l Disable the requirement to occasionally change password for this user account.
l Make sure the account has permissions to Log on as service.
l Run the Service in x64 (64-bit) mode.
Accessing Resources
NiceLabel Automation inherits all privileges from the Windows user account under which the service
runs. The service executes all actions under that account name. Label can be opened, if the account
has permissions to access the file. Label can be printed, if the account has access to the printer driver.
When using revision control system and approval steps inside Document Storage in Control Center,
you have to make service's user account member of the 'Print-Only' profile, such as Operator. Then
configure access permissions for specific folder to read-only mode or profile Operator. This will make
sure that NiceLabel Automation will only use the approved labels, not drafts.
For more information, see the topic Access to Network Shared Resources.
Service Mode: 32-bit vs 64-bit
NiceLabel Automation can run on 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) systems natively. The execution mode is
auto-determined by the Windows operating system. NiceLabel Automation will run in 64-bit mode on
- 166 -
64-bit Windows and it will run in 32-bit mode on 32-bit Windows.
l Printing. There are benefits running as 64-bit process, such as direct communication with the
64-bit printer Spooler service on 64-bit Windows. This eliminates the infamous problems with
the SPLWOW64.EXE, which is a 'middleware' for 32-bit applications to use 64-bit printer spooler
l Database access. Running as 64-bit process NiceLabel Automation Service requires 64-bit ver-
sion of the database drivers to be able to access the data. For more information, see the topic
Accessing Databases.
NOTE: If you don't have 64-bit database drivers for your database, you cannot use NiceLabel
Automation in 64-bit mode. You have to install it to 32-bit system, or force it into 32-bit mode.
Forcing x86 Operation Mode on Windows x64
There might be reasons to run NiceLabel Automation as 32-bit application on 64-bit Windows.
To force NiceLabel Automation into x86 mode on Windows x64, do the following:
l Select Start ->Run.
l Type in regedit and press Enter
l Navigate to the key
l Change the file name to NiceLabelAutomationService.x86.exe, keeping the existing path.
l Restart NiceLabel Automation service.
WARNING: It is not recommended to change the NiceLabel Automation service mode.If
you will do it anyway, make sure you execute extensive trigger testing prior to deployment in
the production environment.
Search Order For The Requested Files
When NiceLabel Automation tries to load a specified label file or image file, it will not cancel the
processing and report the error, if the file is not found. It will try to locate the requested file in the
alternate locations.
NiceLabel Automation will try to locate the file in this order:
1. Check, if the file exists in the location as specified by the action.
2. Check, if the file exists in the same folder as the configuration file(.MISX).
3. Check, if the label file exists in .\Labels folder (for graphic files check .\Graphics folder).
4. Check, if the label file exists in ..\Labels folder (for graphic files check ..\Graphics folder).
5. Check if the file exists in the global Labels folder (Graphics folder for graphics files) in the Con-
figuration utility.
If the file is not found in any of these locations, then the action fails and the error is raised.
- 167 -
Securing Access To Your Triggers
In some deployments you want to set up secured access to the triggers. NiceLabel Automation allows
you to enable security measures in order to allows access to triggers from trustworthy network
devices. The security configuration depends on the trigger type. Some of the trigger types by design
allow configuration of security access. For all triggers that are based on the TCP/IP protocol, you can
further define all details inside the Windows Firewall.
Configuring Firewall
When you use TCP/IP based triggers, such as TCP/IP Server Trigger, HTTP Server Trigger or Web
Service Trigger you must make sure to allow external applications connecting to the triggers. Each
trigger runs within NiceLabel Automation service, access to which is governed by Windows Firewall. A
firewall is like locking the front door to your house - it helps keep intruders from getting in.
NOTE: By default, the Windows Firewall is configured to allow all inbound connections to the
NiceLabel Automation service. This makes it easier for you to configure and test triggers, but
can be susceptible to unauthorized access.
If the NiceLabel Automation deployment your company is a subject of strict security regulations, you
must update the firewall rules according to them.
For example:
l You can fine-tune firewall to accept incoming traffic from well-known sources only.
l You can allow inbound data only on pre-defined ports.
l You can allow connection only from certain users.
l You can define on which interfaces your will accept incoming connection.
To make changes in the Windows Firewall , open the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security
management console from Control Panel ->System And Security ->Windows Firewall -
>Advanced Settings.
NOTE: When you have NiceLabel Automation linked to NiceLabel Control Center products,
make sure that you enable inbound connection on port 56415/TCP. If you close this port,
you won't be able to manage NiceLabel Automation from Control Center.
Allowing Access Based on the File Access Permissions
File trigger will execute upon the time-stamp-change event in the monitored file or files. You must put
the trigger files into a folder, which the NiceLabel Automation service can access. The user account
running the Service must be able to access the files. Simultaneously, access permissions to the
location also determine, which user and/or application can save the trigger file. You should set up
access permissions in a way that only authorized users can save files.
Allowing Access Based on the IPAddress &Hostname
You can protect access to TCP/IP Server trigger with two lists of IPaddresses and host names.
l The first list 'Allow connections from the following hosts' contains IP addresses or host
names of devices that can send data to the trigger. When some device has an IP address listed
- 168 -
here, it is allowed to send data to the trigger.
l The second list 'Deny connections from the following hosts' contains IPaddresses or host
names of devices that are not allowed to send data. When some device has an IPaddress listed
here, it is not allowed to send data to the trigger.
Allowing Access Based on User names &Passwords
You can protect access to HTTPServer trigger by enabling the user authentication. When enabled,
each HTTPrequest sent to the HTTPServer trigger must include the 'user name & password'
combination that matches the defined combination.
Tips And Tricks For Using Variables In Actions
When you use variables in the actions within NiceLabel Automation, follow the next
l Enclose variables in square brackets. When you have variables with spaces in their names and
refer to variables in actions, such as Execute SQL Statement or Execute Script enclose the vari-
ables in square brackets, like [Product Name]. You would also use square brackets, if vari-
able names are the same as reserved names, e.g. in the SQLStatement.
l Place colon in front of the variable name. To refer to the variable in the Execute SQL
Statement statement or in a Database Trigger you have to place a colon (:) in front of variable
name, such as :[Product ID]. The SQLparser will understood it as 'variable value'.
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE ID = :[ProductID]
l Convert values to integer for computation. When you want to execute some numeric cal-
culation with the variables, make sure that you convert the variable value into integer. Defining
the variable as numerical only limits the characters accepted for value, but doesn't change the
variable type. NiceLabel Automation treats all variables of string type. In VBScript you would
use the function CInt().
l Set default / start up values for scripts. When you use variables in Execute Script action, make
sure they have some default value, or the script checking might fail. You can define default val-
ues in variable properties, or inside the script (and remove them after you have tested the
Tracing Mode
By default, NiceLabel Automation logs events into the log database. This includes higher-level
information, such as logging of action execution, logging of filter execution and logging of trigger
status updates. For more information, see the topic Event Logging Options.
However, the default logging doesn't log the deep under-the-hood executions. When the
troubleshooting is needed on the lower-level of the code execution, the tracing mode must be
enabled. In this mode NiceLabel Automation logs the details about all internal executions that take
place during trigger processing. Tracing mode should only be enabled during troubleshooting to
collect logs and then disabled to enable normal operation.
- 169 -
WARNING: Tracing mode will slow down processing and should only be used when
instructed so by the NiceLabel technical support team.
Enabling the tracing mode
To enable the tracing mode, do the following:
1. Navigate to the NiceLabel Automation System.Net folder.
c:\ProgramData\EuroPlus\NiceLabel Automation\system.net
2. Make a backup copy of the file product.config.
3. Open product.config in a text editor. The file has an XML structure.
4. Add the element Common/Diagnostics/Tracing/Enabled and assign value True to it.
The file should have the following contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
5. When you save the file, NiceLabel Automation Service will automatically apply the setting.
6. The tracing files (*.LOG) will appear in the same folder.
7. To confirm that tracing mode is enabled, start the Automation Manager. It will display the text
Tracing has been enabled in the notification pane above the trigger list.
Understanding Printer Settings And DEVMODE
NOTE: The DEVMODE data structure is part of the GDIPrint APIstructure in Windows. This is
a highly technical information, used only with very specific requirements.
Whenever you print the label in NiceLabel software (or any document in Windows applications for
that matter), the printing application will read the printer settings as defined in the printer driver and
apply them to the print job. The same label can be printed to different printers by just selecting some
other printer driver. Each time the printer settings of a new printer apply to the label.
Printing some text document on one or other laser printer usually produces the same or comparable
result. Printing labels to one or another label printer could produce different result. The same label file
might require some extra settings in the printer driver, such as adjustment of offsets, speed and
temperature of printing, to produce comparable results. NiceLabel also applies the printer settings
with every printout. By default, the printer settings are saved inside the label file for the selected
- 170 -
What is the DEVMODE?
DEVMODE is a Windows structure that holds the printer settings (initialization and environment
information about a printer). It is made up of two parts: public and private. The public part contains
data that is common to all printers. The private part contains data that is specific to a particular
printer. The private part can be of variable length and contains all of the manufacturer specific
l Public part. This part encodes the general settings that are exposed in the printer driver
model, such as printer name, driver version, paper size, orientation, color, duplex and similar.
The public part is the same for any printer driver and does not support the specifics of label
printers (thermal printers, industrial ink jet printers, laser engraving machines).
l Private part. This part encodes the settings not available in the public part. NiceLabel printer
drivers use this part to store the printer model-specific data, such as printing speed, tem-
perature setting, offsets, print mode, media type, sensors, cutters, graphics encoding, RFID sup-
port and similar. The data structure within the private part is up to the driver developers and
looks just as a stream of binary data.
Changing the DEVMODE
The DEVMODE data structure is stored in the Windows registry. There are two copies of the structure:
default printer settings and user-specific printer settings. You change the DEVMODE(printer settings)
by changing the parameters in the printer driver. The first two options are Windows-related, the third
option is available with NiceLabel software.
l The default printer settings. They are defined in Printer properties>Advanced tab>Printing
l The user specific settings. They are stored separately for each user in the user's HKEY_
CURRENT_USER registry key. By default, the user specific settings are inherited from the
printer’s default settings. The user specific settings are defined in Printer prop-
erties>Preferences. All the modifications here will affect the current user only.
l The label specific settings. The designer using NiceLabel NiceLabel software can choose to
embed the DEVMODE into the label itself. This makes the printer settings portable. When the
label is copied to another computer, the printer settings travel with it. To embed printer set-
tings into the label enable the option Use custom printer settings saved in the label in
File>LabelSetup>Printer tab in the Designer Pro. You can change the in-label printers settings
by selecting File>Printer Settings.
Applying custom DEVMODE to the printout
In NiceLabel Automation you can open a label file and apply the custom DEVMODE to it. When
printing the label, the label design is taken from the .LBLfile and the DEVMODE applies the specific
printer-related formatting. This allows you to have just one label master. The printout will be the same
no matter which print you use for printing, because the optimal printer settings for that printer are
To apply the custom DEVMODE to the label, you can use two options:
1. Using the Set Print Parameter action, more specifically the parameterPrinter settings.
2. The JOBcommand file, more specifically the command SETPRINTPARAM with parameter
PRINTERSETTINGS. For more information, see Custom Commands.
- 171 -
Using The Same User Account To Configure
And To Run Triggers
The NiceLabel Automation Service always runs under the credentials of the user account configured
for the service. However, Automation Builder always runs under the credentials of the currently
logged-on user. The credentials of service account and currently logged-on account might be
different. While you are able to preview the trigger in the Automation Builder with no problem, the
Service might report an error message, caused by credentials mismatch. While currently logged-on
user has permissions to access folders and printers, the user account that the Service uses might not.
You can test the execution of the triggers in Automation Builder using the same credentials as the
Service has. To do so, run Automation Builder under the same user account as is defined for the
To run Automation Builder under a different user account, do the following:
1. Press and hold Shift key, then right click the Automation Builder icon.
2. Select Run as different user.
3. Enter the credentials for the same user, that is used in NiceLabel Automation Service.
4. Click OK.
If you frequently want to run the Automation Builder with credentials of the other user account, see
the Windows-provided command-line utility RUNAS. Use the switches /user to specify the user
account and /savecred so you will only type the password once, then it will be remembered for the
next time.
- 172 -
NiceLabel Automation ships with examples that describe the configuration procedures for frequently
used data structures and provide configuration of actions. You can quickly learn how to configure
filters to extract data from CSV (Comma SeparatedValues) files, from legacy data exports, from
printers files, from XMLdocuments, from binary files, just to name a few.
Shortcut to sample folder is available in Automation Builder.
To open the sample folder in Windows Explorer do the following:
1. Open Automation Builder.
2. Click the question mark in the upper right corner.
3. Select Samples.
4. The folder with the example files will open in WindowsExplorer.
5. See the README.PDF file in each folder.
The samples are installed in the following folder, dependent on the system, you use.
l If you have Windows XP
EXAMPL E: %AL LU SE RSPROFIL E %\Doc umen ts \Ni c eLab el Samp les \Au tomation
wh i c h wou l d r es olve to
C:\D ocu men ts an d S et t i ngs\Al l Users\Docu men t s\Ni ceLabel
S ampl es\Au tomat i on
l If you have Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 and above
- 173 -
EXAMPL E: %PU BLIC%\ Doc umen ts \ N ic eLab el Samp les \Au tomation
wh i c h wou l d r es olve to
c:\U sers\Pu bli c\D ocu men ts\Ni ceLabel Sampl es\Au tomat i on
- 174 -
Technical Support
Online Support
You can find the latest builds, updates, workarounds for problems and Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) on the product web site at www.nicelabel.com.
For more information please refer to:
l Knowledge base: http://kb.nicelabel.com
l NiceLabel Support: http://www.nicelabel.com/support
l NiceLabel Tutorials: www.nicelabel.com/Learning-center/Tutorials
l NiceLabel Forums: forums.nicelabel.com
NOTE: If you have a Service Maintenance Agreement (SMA), please contact the premium
support as specified in the agreement.