Seasonal Staff Handbook
P a g e | 1 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
NORTHERN TIER POINTS OF EMPHASIS .................................. 5
NORTHERN TIER BASES AND STAFF ........................................ 6
NORTHERN TIER EXPECTATIONS ............................................. 9
Standards for Personal Appearance .............................11
Approved Northern Tier Uniforms: ...............................11
Boot Policy: ...................................................................12
STAFF POLICIES......................................................................14
Know and Follow Youth Protection Policies .................19
Use of Tobacco products ..............................................21
Alcohol and Drug Use ....................................................21
Termination of Employment .........................................24
WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT OF NORTHERN TIER.......................26
PREPARING FOR NORTHERN TIER .........................................32
PERSONAL EQUIPMENT ........................................................34
For All Staff ....................................................................34
Trail Clothes (for anyone that will go on trail required for
Interpreters) ..................................................................35
Extra Items for Trail .......................................................36
ARRIVAL .................................................................................37
Being Prepared for you arrival: .....................................41
Emergency Telephone Numbers at Northern Tier........45
“A week of camp life is worth six months
of theoretical teaching in the meeting
room.” - Baden-Powell
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Congratulations and welcome to the Northern Tier staff family!
We’re delighted to have you join us as we deliver the promise of
wilderness adventure to thousands of scouts and scouters.
Together, we have taken on a huge responsibility: to safely
provide a seminal scouting experience in a landscape known for
its breath-taking beauty and its rugged remoteness.
Your positive attitude is vital to our success. We count on you to
be professional: enthusiastic, friendly, cooperative, and flexible.
These attributes will contribute to your own happiness,
effectiveness, and achievement. You must be willing to provide
outstanding service to every person with whom you come in
contact, even at the expense of your own needs
Carefully reviewing this handbook (more than once!) will help
you better prepare and go a long way toward assuring you have
an optimum experience this season. Thank you for joining us as
we deliver “Wilderness Adventures that Last a Lifetime”!
Jim John
J.S. “Jim” Wilson John Van Dreese
Chairman, NT Base Committee General Manager
P a g e | 3 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
The Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best,
To do my duty to God and my Country,
And to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
The Scout Law
A Scout is: Trustworthy,
Loyal, Helpful,
Friendly, Courteous,
Kind, Obedient,
Cheerful, Thrifty,
Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
Northern Tier’s Wilderness Pledge
Through good Scout camping,
I pledge to preserve the beauty and splendor
of North America’s Canoe Country.
I commit myself to:
A litter and graffiti-free wilderness.
A respect of wildlife.
Conservation and proper use of the forest
Respect for trails and lakes
Proper use of campsites.
Leave No Trace - Outdoor Ethics
Plan Ahead and Prepare
Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
Dispose of Waste Properly
Leave What You Find
Minimize Campfire Impacts
Respect Wildlife
Be Considerate of Other Visitors
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Northern Tier: A Scouting Program
As a member of the seasonal staff at Northern Tier you represent
the best Scouting has to offer. If you have been a member for a
long time or if this is your first experience in Scouting, it is
important you understand the mission, aims, and methods of
Aims and Methods of the Boy Scouts of America
Every activity of the Boy Scouts of America is designed to
accomplish three major objectives:
• To build character
• To foster a participating citizen
• To develop physical, mental, emotional, and moral
BSA Mission Statement
The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young
people to make ethical choices over their lifetimes by instilling
in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Northern Tier Mission Statement
The mission of Northern Tier High Adventure Programs is to provide
high quality character development experiences for all of Scouting’s
participants through challenging wilderness adventures - featuring
expedition canoeing and extreme-temperature winter camping - in the
rugged North Woods of Minnesota, Ontario and Manitoba.
Northern Tier Vision Statement
“Delivering wilderness adventures that last a lifetime.”
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Quality Staff
Someone once said that everything begins with leadership. At
Northern Tier everything begins with a quality staff. Great care
is used in the selection and training of our staff. Staff attitude,
example, and performance set the pace for all those who
Our efforts need to be directed toward assuring that every
participant has maximum opportunity for physical, mental, and
spiritual highs. All Scouters should leave with expanded
horizons of how to put adventure in unit, district, and council
programs, and with a renewed sense of importance of their
influence on youth.
Northern Tier has a lifelong impact on a person’s life. Every
Scout and Scouter should have their commitment to the ideals
of the Scout Oath and Law reinforced by the Northern Tier
High Adventure implies risks, but it doesn’t mean taking
unnecessary chances. Safety is paramount in our operations.
Safety measures are outlined for all areas of our operation. We
need to conscientiously follow these measures, and influence
participants to follow them by setting a good example at all
The beauty of God’s creation, the vision and generosity of men
like Charles L. Sommers and Frank A. Bean, the experiences of
those who have preceded us, and the lives of those who will
attend are in our hands. May we be faithful stewards so that
future generations can enjoy and be influenced by a positive
experience at one of the bases of Northern Tier.
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The Northern Tier staff is a team, even a family. Each staff
member, no matter what their job is or where they work, has a
very important role to play in the total success of Northern Tier.
Everything we do reflects on every other staff member and
makes Northern Tier the great place it is.
Northern Tier is a National High Adventure Program of the Boy
Scouts of America.
An operation as large as Northern Tier requires many people.
Northern Tier High Adventure Program’s chief executive is the
General Manager. Working with him are permanent and
seasonal staff members who manage Northern Tier’s program.
Your staff supervisor is part of the Northern Tier management
Northern Tier has a committee of volunteer Scouters who work
closely with the year-round administrative staff to see that the
purposes of the BSA and Northern Tier are pursued diligently.
Northern Tier Program includes three program bases:
The Charles L. Sommers Wilderness Canoe Base - Ely,
The Donald Rogert Canoe Base - Atikokan, Ontario -
The Northern Expeditions Base - Bissett, Manitoba -
The headquarters and logistical center for all programs is the
Charles L. Sommers Wilderness Canoe Base on Moose Lake
about 20 miles Northeast of Ely, Minnesota. The Ely Base is also
the home of the Okpik National Cold Weather Camping
Northern Tier’s staff is made up of about 200 members; two
thirds work out of the Charles L. Sommers Base with the
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remainder at Atikokan and Bissett. Every member of the
Northern Tier staff has an important and essential position. The
year-round and summer Base staff assure that the crews are
well fed, outfitted and housed, and help crews plan and prepare
for their canoe trip adventure. The following are Northern Tier
support functions:
First Impressions - Provides overall support for Northern
Tier operations including office operation, Health
Services Chaplains and History Program.
Food Service - Provides crews and staff at Ely and
Atikokan with good meals. In Bissett, Interpreter Staff
coordinate the meal service.
Trading Post Retail sales, both on-site and on-line.
Outfitting - Provides all of the trail gear to outfit crews.
Commissary - Provides all trail meals to crews. Manage
special diet restrictions and all food inventory for trail
Maintenance Service - Provides maintenance on all Base
facilities and equipment. This team, with assistance of
everyone - staff and canoeing crews included, helps to
provide a welcoming, clean appearance for all who
enter the base.
Trail Staff Management - Manages the Interpreter Staff
and coordinates the transportation, crew orientation,
and trek planning. TSM also manages “Daily Duties.”
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Trail Staff - Interpreters - Interpreters are wilderness
program facilitators. The Interpreters are a resource
person and role model to both the youth and adults.
Interpreters are there to help the crew develop their
skills and provide guidance in their decision-making.
Drivers Working primarily in our Atikokan operation,
transport crews to their entry points and pick them up
after their trip.
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I
awoke and saw that life was service. I
acted and behold, service was joy.” -
Rabindranath Tagore
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To work at Northern Tier you are affirming your commitment
that while employed by Northern Tier you will conduct yourself
at all times, both on and away from the Base, so that you are a
credit to yourself, the Boy Scouts of America, and the Northern
Tier National High Adventure Program.
Developing character in youth by providing a safe, adventure-
filled experience is Northern Tier’s primary objective and must be
kept at foremost in each staff member’s thoughts. Anything that
a staff member does that detracts from this purpose or impedes
its achievements is inappropriate.
Northern Tier comprises a community of hundreds of people and
represents a forefront of the Boy Scouts of America. The
standards are high and as a staff member you are accountable
for complying with these conditions of employment. Adherence
is an important part of your performance at Northern Tier. You
1. Be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America,
Scouts Canada, or International Camp Staff.
2. Subscribe to the Scout Oath or Promise, the Scout Law, and
the Declaration of Religious Principle.
3. Fully cooperate with the policies, programs and
management of Northern Tier.
4. Participate successfully in the designated staff training and
fulfill the job requirements specified by Northern Tier
through your supervisor.
5. Maintain yourself in a clean and well-groomed manner both
physically and morally, regardless of job assignment.
6. Successfully complete and turn in a physical evaluation
during the past twelve months using the form provided by
Northern Tier and signed by your doctor.
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Scouting Spirit
Northern Tier staff members are employed to serve youth,
advisors and crews to ensure that their “High Adventure
experience” exceeds their high expectations. Being a Northern
Tier staff member means being ready to assist willingly,
whenever and wherever needed.
The Scout Oath and Scout Law are the standards by which we are
measured. The ideals of Scouting come to life in Northern Tier’s
environment. Exemplifying those ideals in your dealings with
participants and staff members is one of the best things you can
do this summer. Your Scouting spirit will rub off on others - so
keep it at its best - it will make the difference!
Northern Tier participants deserve your best! Each staff member
should constantly strive for excellence. Good staff members
learn by doing and strive to learn how they can do better as the
summer progresses. Each participant expects a great experience
- it is the priority of the staff to see that they get it.
Developing character in youth by providing a safe, adventure-
filled experience is Northern Tier’s primary objective and must be
kept at foremost in each staff member’s thoughts. Anything that
a staff member does that detracts from this purpose or impedes
its achievements is inappropriate. Personal appearance is
important since Northern Tier is one of the showcase programs
of the Boy Scouts of America. Each staff member reflects not
only on himself or herself, but on the entire base and the BSA.
Personal appearance is essential to achieving Northern Tier’s
objective. Pride in your appearance, uniforming, and personal
grooming makes you and those around you feel that you are part
of a first rate team.
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If staff appearance is less than first rate, it implies that staff
attitude and performance are less than first rate. Unkempt hair
or a visible tattoo may not be distracting for some people but
may create a bad impression to others. Taking this into
consideration is important to your appearance and job. Each
staff supervisor is responsible for enforcing appearance
standards within the department where assigned.
Approved Northern Tier Uniforms:
Standards for Personal Appearance
You should be aware that Northern Tier is the largest Boy
Scouts of America canoe camping program! And the
Coldweather Camping Development Center for the boy Scouts
of America. Northern Tier has been and continues to be the
“pacesetter.” A proper uniform is an important element to the
atmosphere and attitude desired with all participants at each
base. While on base, wearing of the official Boy Scout
uniform, formal Canadian uniform if Canadian, Venturing
uniform, Voyageur costume, or staff uniform is required
except as noted. Wearing a partial uniform is not acceptable.
Correct uniform that is clean and properly fitted and
not tattered or torn. Wearing a partial uniform is
not acceptable (see pages 11 & 12 )
Personal cleanliness and hygiene are required.
Staff must shower or bathe frequently and
encourage participants to do likewise.
Beards, if worn, must be clean, trimmed and well-
kept, and show evidence of grooming.
Extreme hairstyles are not allowed. Hair will be
kept clean, neatly trimmed and show evidence of
good grooming.
These standards apply to every department, including those
staff who present interpretive program. If you have any
question about these policies, please contact Northern Tier.
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Northern Tier Staff Summer Uniform: Arborwear
Pants, Navy Polo, BSA belt and Socks
Northern Tier Staff Winter Uniform: Staff shirt and
appropriate winter clothing.
Official Boy Scout Uniform: Boy Scout (green) pants,
Boy Scout (tan) shirt, BSA belt and BSA socks (green).
Official Venturing Uniform: Venturing (gray) pants,
Venturing (green) shirt, Venturing Belt and Venturing
A BSA or hat with no logo may be worn with any
uniform option.
Staff must wear a nametag at all times. Nametags will be
provided upon arrival and cannot be embellished with
stickers, markers, nicknames, etc. A $5 fee will be
charged to replace lost, damaged or missing nametags.
Nametags are part of our customer service and security
Staff must wear “closed toe and closed heelshoes or
boots on base and on the trail at all times. Sandals or
shoes that expose your feet are not permitted. Flip flops
or sandals are permitted to be used in the shower areas.
While on trail, Northern Tier requires all staff and
participants to follow the following boot policy:
Boot Policy:
All participants and staff are required to wear boots that have
full ankle coverage, a rugged stitched or vulcanized sole and
drainage at the instep. It is also recommended that boots NOT
be waterproof. If you are unsure if the boots you are planning
to bring meet this requirement please feel free to contact us
prior to your arrival. Crews arriving with inadequate footwear
will be asked to purchase boots in the trading post prior to
departure on water. The health and safety of our participants
is of utmost importance to us, for this reason there are no
exceptions to the boot requirement.
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You will get your boots wet. A pair made from leather and
nylon with drain holes at the instep are recommend. They
usually cost between $40 and $90 a pair. Northern Tier sells the
Merrill Moab Ventilator in the Trading Post and you will receive
your staff discount on these boots. If you would like to
purchase prior to your arrival use code: stfboot. You can visit
the trading post here:
All staff members will receive two polo shirts, one name tag
and a pair of pants; while new staff will also receive one web
belt. Okpik staff may receive different uniform parts
appropriate for the season at the discretion of the Director
of Program. The current seasons issued staff shirts will be the
only shirts approved for wear as the official Northern Tier
staff shirts.
Interpretive costumes are worn by staff conducting
programs within their assigned history or interpreter
position. They may not be worn traveling to or from Base.
Costumes are to be kept clean. Personal costumes must be
approved by Northern Tier management. Northern Tier
does not reimburse staff members for providing their own
The Sommer’s Alumni Association provides all new staff
members a $35 credit in the Northern Tier Trading Posts to
spend on uniform supplies or trail equipment.
The Boy Scouts of America is a uniformed organization and
wearing a uniform properly at Northern Tier is part of your
job responsibility. The proper uniform is required whenever
you leave your housing area, unless you are leaving Northern
Tier property. This includes wearing a proper, clean uniform
in the dining facilities regardless of day off, no exceptions.
Staff members must bring or buy enough uniform parts to be
in correct uniform on a daily basis. (Uniforms are not re-
quired to be worn by the Interpreter staff while on the trail)
Repeated infractions of the staff uniforming requirements
will result in dismissal.
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The policies that follow are important for you to understand as a
member of the Northern Tier seasonal staff as well as being part
of your agreement to work for Northern Tier. Policies vary from
uniforming to personal behavior, but the spirit behind them are
the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Northern Tier’s Wilderness Pledge
and the Leave No Trace Outdoor Ethics. In all of your dealings
while a staff member at Northern Tier keep them at the forefront
of your thoughts and actions.
Equal Opportunity Employer
The BSA is committed to equal employment opportunity and
compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws that
prohibit workplace discrimination and unlawful retaliation, such
as those that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color,
national origin, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth,
breastfeeding, or related medical condition), gender, sexual
orientation, marital or familial status, genetic information,
citizenship status, protected activity (such as opposition to or
reporting of prohibited discrimination or harassment), or any
other status or classification protected by applicable federal,
state, and/or local laws. This policy of equal employment
opportunity applies to all aspects of the employment
relationship, including without limitation advertising, recruiting,
hiring, training, evaluation, promotion, transfer, work
assignments, compensation, benefits, disciplinary action,
termination, or any other term, condition, or privilege of
“How the young respond to nature,
and how they raise their own children, will
shape the configurations of our cities,
homes our daily lives.” - Richard Louv
P a g e | 15 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Open Door Policy
Northern Tier has an open door policy. After meeting with your
supervisor, if you are not satisfied with the handling of a concern,
you are free to take your concern to the next highest supervisor.
If still not satisfied, your concern may be brought to the Director
of Program or the General Manager. If your concern involves
your supervisor, employees may bypass their supervisor.
Employment at Will
All employees of the BSA are “employees at will” and, as such,
are free to resign at any time with or without advance notice or
reason. Similarly, the National Council may terminate the
employment of any individual with or without advance notice or
reasonEarly resignations may affect future employment. .
Employees who voluntarily resign should give as much notice as
possible (hopefully at least two weeks). All employment at
Northern Tier is at-will. That means that the employment
relationship can end at any time, for any reason (except
unlawful reasons).
Good Public Relations (“PR”)
Your “PR” with your fellow staff members and participants is
important. Teamwork is key to success at Northern Tier. When
all staff talents and efforts are blended together a successful
summer is assured. Good “PR” is important with our customers -
the Scouts, Scouters, and families who make Northern Tier
possible. We should always keep in mind that they make our jobs
possible, and that this is their camp. Always make them feel
welcome. For example, a smile and a “welcome to Northern Tier”
go a long way to a guest, or where it is necessary to designate a
staff facility the sign should read “Staff” rather than Staff Only.”
As a staff member this summer you will also have opportunities
to strengthen Northern Tier’s friendship with neighboring towns.
Every community, large or small, has community pride, and this
is true of our neighbors in Ely, Atikokan, and Bissett. We can do
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much to show our consideration for the local communities and
to make them proud that Northern Tier is a neighbor. When you
are friendly and considerate to Northern Tier’s neighbors, you
generate the same spirit in them. Be aware that in small towns
such as Ely, Atikokan, and Bissett; it is obvious who is not a year
round resident and Northern Tier staff members are easily
identified. When you wear the BSA or Northern Tier uniform in
town your behavior reflects on the BSA and Northern Tier.
Gratuities and Commercial Enterprise
Staff members are prohibited from accepting gifts, gratuities,
money or favors in return for service rendered as a member of
the Northern Tier staff. (Staff may receive crew t-shirts or
patches.) Under no circumstances should staff members solicit
any of the above considerations. Contact or negotiations with
purveyors or companies must be cleared in advance with the
General Manager or Director of Program. Northern Tier logos,
insignia, and letterhead may not be used without permission.
Care of Equipment
You have some responsibility for material supplies and
equipment purchased for use in the Northern Tier program. Your
diligent care and use of such materials is expected, as well as your
honesty in seeing that all materials are used for intended
purposes. Pilferage of trail foods or any other materials is cause
for immediate dismissal.
Fundraising for charitable causes on a Northern Tier Base may
only be done with advance approval from either the General
Manager or the Director of Program.
Firearms, ammunition and other weapons are used on Northern
Tier Bases on a closely controlled basis by properly trained staff.
Personal firearms, ammunition and other weapons must be left
at home.
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Personal Property Security
Northern Tier is not responsible for the loss of personal
belongings. It is recommended that items of value be left at
home. If you can bring a footlocker and padlock, you will have
extra storage and security. All trail staff will be provided a locker
to store their gear. You must provide your own lock.
No Pets
Seasonal staff may not have pets on the Northern Tier Bases. If
you bring a pet, you will have to send it home or put it in a
boarding kennel, and risk additional disciplinary measures.
Non-Discrimination and Harassment.
Every staff member has the right to his or her dignity and to be
respected by other people. Each of us wants to be treated with
respect as we do our job, as well as during our time off. Thus,
pursuant to applicable federal, state, and local laws, Northern
Tier enforces a policy that all employees shall have the
opportunity to work in an atmosphere and environment free
from any form of harassment or retaliation on the basis of any
protected category, including, but not necessarily limited to,
race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, gender, sexual
orientation, marital or familial status, genetic information,
citizenship status, protected activity (such as opposition to or
reporting of prohibited discrimination or harassment), or any
other status or classification protected by applicable federal,
state, and/ or local laws. In keeping with that policy, the BSA will
not tolerate harassment of any kind by or of any employees or
applicants for employment. “Harassment” is defined as verbal or
physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility because of a
protected class. Each of us needs to increase our sensitivity
toward what may be perceived as offensive or unwelcome to
other people with who we come into contact. Everyone on the
Northern Tier staff is expected to strive to ensure that our
interaction with other people is positive in every respect. The
Boy Scouts of America and Northern Tier National High
Adventure Program prohibits language or behavior that belittles
or puts down members of the opposite sex, unwelcome
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advances, racial slurs, chastisement for religious or other beliefs,
or other actions or comments that are derogatory of any people.
Each supervisor has the responsibility to maintain a work
atmosphere free of any form of harassment.
All offenses should be reported directly to the General Manager,
Director of Program, Associate Director of Program, or the Base
Director. Each complaint will be investigated promptly and in an
impartial and confidential manner. Repeated or serious offenses
will result in disciplinary action or termination of employment.
NO staff member who reports a complaint in an appropriate
manner will be subjected to reprisal or retaliation in any form.
Actions that may constitute sexual harassment include profane,
degrading or suggestive language, touching a person when that
person does not wish to be touched, making unusual requests,
propositions or advances, using pornography or gestures that
disturb others. Sexual harassment is any form of inappropriate,
abusive, threatening or mean words or actions of a sexual nature
which are unwanted, unwelcome and/or personally offensive to
the recipient and/or other people present.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Northern Tier complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) and applicable state and local laws in ensuring equal
opportunity and employment for qualified persons with
disabilities. All employment practices, terms, and conditions of
employment and privileges of employment are conducted on a
non-discriminatory basis.
An employee needing reasonable accommodation should
inform his or her manager and their local Human Resources
representative. On receipt of an accommodation request, the
BSA will engage in an interactive process with the employee to
view possible reasonable accommodation options consistent
with the ADA. Reasonable accommodations that do not result in
an undue hardship on the operation of the BSA, and do not
pose a direct threat to the health or safety of an individual, will
be considered for all employees with physical or mental
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disabilities where their disabilities affect their ability to perform
the essential functions of their job. All employment decisions
are based on the merits of the situation in accordance with
applicable job criteria, not the disability of any individual.
Know and Follow Youth Protection Policies
The Boy Scouts of America and Northern Tier enforce specific
youth protection guidelines. During staff training, a session will
be dedicated to discussing the youth protection issue. The issues
of child abuse, sexual exploitation, sexual molestation and the
overall BSA youth protection guidelines will be defined and
thoroughly discussed. The procedures for reporting youth
protection violations will be outlined and the importance for
confidentiality in reporting will be stressed.
Policies have been implemented to create barriers and to strive
to eliminate the opportunities for an abuser to abuse and/or
exploit young people. These policies include, but are not limited
to the following points:
One-on-one situations between youth and adults are
unacceptable. There must be a minimum of three people
(two Scouts and one adult or one Scout and two adults)
while doing any activity. Youth crew participants are not
to be on base without supervision by at least two adults.
Interpreters and crew advisors should not go into town
for dinner, etc. leaving the youth members
There will be no showering by adults and youth together.
Each base has separate shower accommodations for
adults and youth. All users of sauna are required to wear
shorts or swimsuits. Please adhere to base specific rules
and schedules.
Adults and youth members (under 18) must be housed in
separate tents while on the trail.
Females and males must be in separate tents unless they
are a married couple.
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There is absolutely no nudity allowed on the bases or on
the canoe trips. Skinny dipping and sleeping nude are
not acceptable activities. All staff and participants are
required to wear underwear both on bases and on the
Use of Base Resources and Property, Including Technical
The National Council’s information systems and other technical
resourcesincluding telephones, handheld e-mail devices,
voice-mail system, facsimile machines, duplicating machines,
desktop, laptop, and other portable computers, computer
network, modems, electronic mail (e-mail) system, and Internet
access—are to be used exclusively for the National Council’s
business operations, except as provided in the last paragraph
under this heading. All materials created, stored, transmitted, or
received using the National Council’s technical resources are
business records of the National Council. The National Council
reserves the right, at all times and without notice, to review and
monitor all such materials whenever, at the National Council’s
discretion, there is a business need to do so. Employees should
not create, store, or transmit personal or non-National Council
business information, messages, or images using the National
Council’s technical resources, and they have no right of privacy
as to any information, messages, or images created, stored,
transmitted, or received via the National Council’s technical
Viewing, downloading, distributing, or sending obscene or non-
business materials is strictly prohibited and will result in
disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Policies
regarding courtesy, solicitation, and harassment apply to the use
of e-mail and voice mail. Any communication via e-mail or voice
mail that may constitute verbal abuse, slander, or defamation or
that may be considered offensive, harassing, vulgar, obscene, or
threatening is strictly prohibited.
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Inappropriate e-mails must be forwarded or sent as attachments
Similarly, all other property of the National Council (including
work areas, desks and other office furnishings, file cabinets,
storage facilities, lockers, and vehicles) is to be used exclusively
for the National Council’s business operations. Employees have
no right of privacy as to any information, files, or other materials
found to be in or on the National Council’s property.
Use of Tobacco products
Smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco is prohibited in all
Northern Tier buildings, tents and vehicles. While in BSA Field
Uniform and/or on duty, smoking or the use of smokeless
tobacco is not permitted. This includes the use of electronic
cigarettes, personal vaporizers or electronic nicotine delivery
systems that simulate tobacco smoking. The use of any tobacco
products is only permitted in designated areas on base and never
in sight of a participant. Staff should support the attitude that
they, as well as youth, are better off without tobacco in any form.
Alcohol and Drug Use- Zero Tolerance
Northern Tier High Adventure Programs and the BSA enforce a
zero-tolerance drug-free workplace. The purpose of this policy is
to ensure the safety, promote productivity, and to provide a
wholesome environment for all camp participants and
employees. This policy applies to all employees, contractors,
campers, guests and temporary workers. Substances covered
under this policy include alcohol, illegal drugs, inhalants, and
prescription and over-the-counter drugs. We reserve the right to
inspect our premises for these substances. We may terminate
your employment if you violate this policy or provide false
Definitions under this policy
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A “substance” includes alcohol, illegal drugs, inhalants, and
prescription and over-the counter drugs.
An illegal drug” is any substance that is illegal to use, possess,
sell, or transfer.
“Drug paraphernaliaare any items used or intended for use in
making, packaging, concealing, injecting, inhaling, or consuming
illegal drugs or inhalants.
A “prescription drug” is any substance prescribed for an
individual by a licensed health care provider.
An “inhalant” is any substance that produces mind-altering
effects when inhaled.
You are “under the influence” if any substance (1) impairs your
behavior or your ability to work safely and productively; and
(2)results in a physical or mental condition that creates a risk to
your own safety, the safety of others, or company property.
“Scouting premises” include our buildings, grounds, parking lots,
and company-provided vehicles.
You must follow these rules while you are on Scouting Premises,
during any Scouting Activity, or during hours of employment:
1. You may not use, possess or be under the influence of alcohol,
medical marijuana, or illegal drugs.
You may not assist anyone under 21 with obtaining alcohol.
3. You may not sell, buy, transfer, or distribute any drugs or drug
paraphernalia. It is against the law to do so, and we will report
such actions to the authorities.
5. You may not use or be under the influence of inhalants.
6. You must follow these rules if you take prescription or over-
the-counter drugs on the job.
P a g e | 23 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
You may use a prescription drug only if a licensed health care
provider prescribed it for you within the last year;
You may use prescription or over-the-counter drugs only if they
do not generally affect your ability to work safely. You must
follow directions, including dosage limits and usage cautions.
You may not use machinery while taking prescription or over-the-
counter drugs that impair your ability to work safely. This
includes vehicles.
Staff must understand and follow the Minnesota Department of
Natural Resources, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, and
the Manitoba Ministry of Natural Resources laws and policies.
Additionally, Staff must ensure that participants understand and
adhere to these laws and policies. Staff and Participants who see
a trapped, sick, injured, etc. wild animal must promptly report to
the Base Director and/or your supervisor.
Special Interests and Political Activities
Staff are entitled to have personal opinions, however, promotion
of political causes, commercial products or special interests not
associated with the Boy Scouts of America is inappropriate.
Personal opinions should not be construed as being endorsed by
Northern Tier or the Boy Scouts of America. Northern Tier is not
affiliated with any political party or interest. In order to avoid
confusion, Staff may not display political posters, forms or
bumper stickers in or on Scouting Premises, including buildings,
trees, poles, etc.
P a g e | 24 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Base Sign Out/ Sign In Procedures
Prior to leaving base, all staff are to complete the Staff Sign-out
Roster. This requires listing the date, your name, destination,
time out, and expected time of return. Upon your return to the
base, you must sign back in, listing your time of arrival back. In
order to promote general safety and in case of an on base
emergency (such as a fire or severe storm), we must be able to
account for each person.
Termination of Employment
It is not possible to list all forms of behavior that are considered
unacceptable in the workplace; however, conduct deemed to be
unacceptable behavior may result in disciplinary action up to and
including termination of employment. Management, in its sole
discretion, reserves the right to determine when an employee’s
behavior is unacceptable and when and what disciplinary action
is necessary under a given circumstance. Similarly, employees
may be subject to discipline for poor performance and violation
of other policies and procedures.
The type of disciplinary action that may be imposed may vary
depending on the facts and circumstances surrounding each
case. Violations of any of the policies and procedures contained
in this Handbook may lead to disciplinary action up to and
including termination of employment.
The type of disciplinary action that may be imposed may range
from verbal warning, to written warning, to suspension and/or
termination of employment. Nothing in this Handbook creates an
obligation to follow any particular disciplinary procedure.
Management retains the right and absolute discretion to
discipline employees based on the facts of each case.
Management may skip certain disciplinary steps or repeat certain
disciplinary steps depending on particular facts of each situation.
The following violations are considered severe and likely to result
in termination.
P a g e | 25 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Violation of Northern Tier’s alcohol or drug use policies.
Violation of the “Zero Tolerance” policy will result in
immediate termination and possible prosecution.
Receiving a DUI or DWI citation while operating a BSA owned
vehicle or operating any motor vehicle on BSA property.
Theft of Northern Tier or another person’s property
including food.
Unauthorized or personal use of Northern Tier vehicles.
Repeated unexcused tardiness or absence from work.
Gross misconduct
Violation of Zero-Tolerance Workplace Violence Policy
Willful damage to Boy Scouts of America property, including
Soliciting funds, sale of property or use of BSA facilities for
personal gain.
Possession or use of firearms outside of an established
program area.
Use of fireworks or explosives except when specifically
approved by the Base administration.
Carelessness or deliberate failure to observe safety
Tampering with fire equipment smoke detectors, fire alarms,
fire extinguishers, fire hoses or search and rescue
Abuse of a child, or anyone else, including another staff
Cohabitation by unmarried couples.
Cliff Jumping.
Unauthorized hiking, canoeing, or camping in the
backcountry, without a permit.
Trespassing on unauthorized private land and state and
federal closed public land.
Possession on base of obscene magazines, photos or
Improper use of base resources and property.
P a g e | 26 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Living Quarters
Most staff live in close proximity to other staff members and to
participants; thus sanitation and safety in your quarters affect
those who live around you. In addition to maintaining a clean
appearance of your quarters, you are also responsible for
eliminating fire hazards (NO SMOKING or OPEN FLAMES),
overloaded electrical circuits, or food that attract rodents and
bears. Since staff quarters are shared, please respect those who
may need quiet and adequate sleeping time to perform their
duties. Quiet time is 11:00 pm until 7:00 am.
Male and female staff need to be aware that their actions are
closely scrutinized by Northern Tier advisors, guests and
participants. Any impropriety or the appearance of an
impropriety reflects negatively on the Boy Scouts of America and
Northern Tier.
not move Northern Tier furnishings into or out of your quarters
Northern Tier has a very limited amount of roofed housing. It is
assigned to seasonal management staff. Married couples should
not count on roofed housing or even being housed together.
Managers will make occasional checks of staff quarters. These
checks are necessary to maintain health, fire, and safety
standards for your protection and to identify maintenance needs.
You will have the opportunity to be present when visits are made.
While electricity is available in staff lodging at Base, appliances
such as televisions and gaming systems are not recommended.
Electrical wiring in these locations is designed for minimal needs.
You will be held financially responsible for damaged or missing
items from your living quarters. Graffiti or names written on the
walls of any Northern Tier structure is not acceptable. Staff need
to be aware that their actions are closely scrutinized by Northern
Tier participants while on and off duty - in Base Camp, on trails,
and in town.
P a g e | 27 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Members of the opposite sex are not permitted in staff areas of
the opposite sex. Disruptive behavior after 11:00 pm inside and
around tents or cabins will not be tolerated.
You are provided three well-balanced meals a day. If you work on
base, you will be eating in the dining hall. In Bissett, staff
members share cooking and cleaning responsibilities. When on
the trail, you will be provided trail food. Northern Tier does not
have the facilities to prepare Kosher food, or for strict
vegetarian diets. You should discuss special diets for medical or
religious reasons with the Director of Program prior to your
arrival at Northern Tier. If you plan to take a wilderness canoe
trip during your time off, you may use trail food from the
Pay, Pay Days and Banking
Staff salaries are based on an established pay chart that takes
into account position responsibilities, tenure, and/or Provincial
Law. Youll be paid bi-weekly, payable on the Friday following the
end of each pay period.
US citizens will be paid by direct deposit or pay card only. You
will need to provide appropriate banking information for direct
deposit. If your banking information is incorrect or you do not
provide, you will receive a pay card. Receiving a paycheck is not
an option.
Canadian Citizens will be paid by direct deposit or paycheck. It is
recommended that you choose direct deposit as the paychecks
are first mailed to the US for processing and then back to Canada
and this can cause a delay in when you receive your check.
Wells Fargo Bank in Ely and Royal Bank of Canada in Atikokan
and Pine Falls, provide full banking services, including an ATM.
P a g e | 28 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Visitors and family members are welcome at Northern Tier,
however, THERE IS NO HOUSING and visitors must check in and
register at the Administration Office or Base Office. Family
members and visitors are welcome to eat in the dining hall, but
you must give Northern Tier Management at least one-week
Accident and Sickness Insurance provided by Northern Tier takes
care of cost for doctors and hospital expenses as listed in the
Camper’s Accident and Sickness Insurance booklet. Death benefit
insurance is included. The coverage has exemptions such as
medical conditions existing prior to coming to Northern Tier. It is
important that you and/or your parents understand the coverage
and its limitations.
The State of Minnesota and the Provinces of Ontario and
Manitoba provide coverage for injuries received from accidents
WHILE ON THE JOB through Workmen’s Compensation in the
U.S. and Worker’s Compensation in Canada. TO QUALIFY FOR
IMMEDIATELY (WITHIN 24 HOURS) to the Health Officer and the
Base Director so you can receive proper care and the benefits
from this insurance.
Illness or Injury
Seasonal staff members who incur an illness or injury that
prevents performance of regular job responsibilities and/or
requires a prolonged recovery period may be released to
recuperate at home at the discretion of Northern Tier man-
agement, in consultation with medical professionals. Upon
recovery and release by a physician, employees may return to
work if the position has not been filled, or may be reassigned to
another staff position. Seasonal Staff in need of an
accommodation in order to perform the essential job duties,
should contact the Director of Programs. Some could be covered
by FMLA or ADA cannot require full-duty release!
P a g e | 29 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Trading Post
The Northern Tier Trading Post carries camping equipment,
Scouting items, uniform parts, sundries, and souvenirs. Staff
members with staff ID are entitled to a 15% discount on most
purchases exceeding $10, with the exception of sale items, food
items and fishing licenses. Check out the official Northern Tier
Trading Post at .
Training and Guidance
More than 200 staff members will comprise the Northern Tier
team this summer. All staff members must complete a pre-camp
training program that provides orientation and instruction for
every job. Expert training is provided for some programs and
Mature and experienced staff leaders will help you during staff
training week and with on-the-job training and counseling
throughout the summer. Your supervisor is interested in helping
you grow and develop. You will have a mid-season and final
performance review. At these reviews, your supervisor will talk
about your performance, how you can be more effective, and
how you can make the best use of your talents. Late arriving staff
must attend a staff orientation training upon arrival at Northern
Alumni Scholarship
The Charles L. Sommers Alumni Association has developed a
scholarship program for returning Northern Tier Staff. For staff
meeting the eligibility requirements, scholarships for tuition are
available. The number of scholarships and the actual amounts
depends upon availability of funds.
Automatic washers and dryers are available at each base. Staff
will need to provide their own detergent.
P a g e | 30 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Religious Services
Regularly scheduled religious services are held in Ely, Atikokan,
and Bissett during the summer. Parley’s Rock, an outdoor area
for thought, reflection, and meditation is available at all times at
the Charles L. Sommers Wilderness Canoe Base. A brief daily
inter-denominational service is held during the first night ori-
entation at every base during the summer. During the summer
the Northern Tier Chaplain is based out of the Charles L.
Sommers Wilderness Canoe Base and can offer extra activities,
counseling, and spiritual needs.
Time Off
A reasonable schedule of time off is provided for each staff
member. Normally it is six (6) days on gets one (1) day off or ten
(10) days on gets two (2) days off. Time off will be arranged with
your supervisor so it does not jeopardize the operation or
program. Three (3) days is the maximum number of days off that
may be taken at one time. Your last five (5) days at Northern Tier
must be working days. Staff members will not be permitted to
use time off to leave early.
Before leaving your scheduled shift, you must inform your
supervisor of your itinerary so that you can be reached in an
emergency. If canoeing, you must complete a Trip Itinerary with
the Trail Staff Management.
P a g e | 31 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Hiking, Canoeing and Camping by Northern Tier Staff Members
on Time Off
Staff members who are using their days off may camp and canoe
at Northern Tier within the following guidelines:
1. The rule of four applies. There must always be at least
four in a group (2 people per canoe). Coed groups must
have at least 2 persons of each gender.
2. Supervisor’s approval is required.
3. If canoeing in the BWCAW or Quetico a permit is
REQUIRED - one copy filed with the Registrar, one copy
carried by staff.
4. Each staff member is expected to comply with the
provisions, spirit and intent of the Northern Tier
Wilderness Pledge and Leave No Trace principles.
5. Staff camping groups should maintain a non-demanding
low profile. Do not interfere with participant’s program.
6. Only current staff members are allowed on staff trips.
Staff Lounge
Each base has staff areas where board games, puzzles, etc. are
available for staff during free time. Computers for e-mail and
internet access are also available. Wireless access is available at
Ely and Atikokan.
Crisis Communication
In the event of an emergency, ALL external communication (with
affected family members, home council, media, etc.) are handled
by Northern Tier’s Management. Staff members receiving
requests for information should direct inquiries to the
Management Spokesperson and, under no circumstances, initi-
ate contact with family or media.
“There is no teaching to compare with
example.” - Baden-Powell
P a g e | 32 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Letter of Employment
You are responsible for reading and understanding the contents
of your Letter of Employment before signing. Your signature
indicates you are willing to abide by all conditions. If for any
reason you cannot or do not accept all terms contained in the
letter of agreement (including the specified beginning and
termination dates), 2010 staff policies, and in this handbook,
please check with us prior to indicating your acceptance by
calling or writing Northern Tier.
It is important that you fully understand the terms and conditions
of employment as stated in your letter of agreement. If further
explanation is needed, ask your supervisor or write to Northern
Tier prior to arrival.
Membership in a Scouting Organization
You must be registered in the Boy Scouts of America, Scouts
Canada, or in the International Camp Staff Program in order to
serve on Northern Tier staff. When you arrive, you must show
your current registration card or documentation of membership.
If you are not currently registered, register through your local
council office or you can register with the BSA upon your arrival
at Northern Tier and pay the registration fee at that time.
Your Job Description and Duties
Prior to coming to the Northern Tier, read your job description
(enclosed with your staff packet) and give some thought to how
you will accomplish each task or principal responsibility.
Other Duties
You will notice that your job description states “other duties as
assigned”. This means you will most likely be assigned duties on
occasion not specifically listed in your job description. The
Northern Tier staff operates as a team to provide the best
program possible. This requires everyone to pitch in. Your extra
duties may include such tasks as dish washing, trail clearing,
custodial duties, staffing the emergency radio communications
P a g e | 33 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
center (NCC), equipment repair, performing base maintenance
projects, working in other areas or other duties as needed.
Health and Medical Record
At check-in you are required to submit a Northern Tier Personal
Health and Medical Record which has been completed and
signed by a physician within the last 12 months. You must get a
physical exam prior to your arrival at the Northern Tier. Should
the medical form not be completed before arrival, you must
have a physical exam (at your cost) at a medical clinic prior to
Vehicle Use Policy
Personal vehicles are not to be loaned to or borrowed by other
staff members. If there is an accident or driving violation, the
owner of the vehicle is legally liable for any damage or injury, no
matter who is driving. Base vehicles may only be used by
authorized person(s). Authorized person(s) will receive training
and authorization from the Northern Tier Ranger. Minnesota,
Ontario, and Manitoba laws as well as Boy Scouts of America’s
policy dictates seat belts are to be worn at all times, by all
occupants of motor vehicles.
Speed limits must be followed at all times. Staff members should
be aware that traffic violations and disregard for the law will not
be tolerated. Typically, first-time offenders receive a warning
from Northern Tier. A second violation may result in dismissal.
Habitual violators will not be rehired. We reserve the right to
adjust discipline according to the severity of the offense.
Staff bringing a personal vehicle to Northern Tier to drive during
the summer must bring the following documentation to check-
Current Insurance Policy
Current Registration Certificate
P a g e | 34 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Motorcycles and Bicycles
Recreational use of motorcycles and bicycles is not allowed on
Northern Tier Base Properties. Neither motorcycles nor bicycles
are to be used for Northern Tier business. Staff may store mo-
torcycles and bicycles on Northern Tier property for use during
their non-working hours, off-premises.
As a staff member, your personal equipment sets the example.
The participants will look to you as the expert. It is essential that
you keep your gear clean and in good repair. Interpreters,
especially, will be “living out of a pack” for most of the summer.
Okpik staff should use the personal equipment list found in the
Okpik Participant Handbook.
For All Staff
Complete and official BSA Uniform, Uniform of your
country’s Scouting program, and/or Northern Tier Staff
Activity Uniform
Work boots or sturdy shoes (with socks).
Work clothes that can be used for painting or other “messy”
jobs that would stain or ruin your uniform or off duty clothes
Clothing for time off (non-work clothes)
Toilet kit w/ toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, small towel, wash
cloth, comb or brush, small metal mirror
Sturdy rain gear, preferably a rain jacket (NOT A PONCHO)
Letter writing materials, (paper, envelopes, stamps, pens)
Clothes hangers for uniforms and other clothes
If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you should bring an
extra pair.
Summer or compact 3-season sleeping bag or sheets and
Water bottle
P a g e | 35 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
A few books, musical instrument, and other personal items
Camera and waterproof carrying case
Personal sewing kit
Voyageur style clothing (optional).
Fishing rod, reel, and tackle
Personal filet knife and good sharpening equipment
You may also wish to bring a few personal comforts and con-
veniences for your living quarters, such as a small radio, and a
battery powered or wind-up alarm clock.
Base staff may want to bring a footlocker and lock to keep items
secure in your cabin.
Trail Clothes (for anyone that will go on trail required for
One pair long pants (synthetic or cotton-poly blend. NO
One long-sleeve shirt (lightweight or synthetic for sun and
bug protection)
Two T-shirts
Minimum of 2 pairs of underwear
Minimum of 2 -3 pairs of wool or synthetic socks
1 lightweight fleece jacket
Boots with good ankle support (These will be wet every day.
The Northern Tier Trading Post sells the Merrill Moab Mid
which is a great boot for the trail.)
o Staff must follow the Northern Tier Boot Policy
(page 13). There are no exceptions to the boot
Camp shoes (sneakers or moccasins - must be closed toe,
closed heel, NO SANDALS)
Shorts or a swimsuit. (Staff may not wear revealing bathing
suits such as speedos or bikinis.)
Rain gear (jacket or pants. NO PONCHOS!)
P a g e | 36 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Stocking Cap and Mittens/Gloves for cool nights and
Hat with broad brim for sun and rain protection
Extra shoe/boot laces or parachute cord
Extra Items for Trail
Small guide pack or internal frame pack*
1-person or small 2-person tent*
Dry Bag (25-30 Liter)
Laundry detergent, etc… for personal laundry needs.
U.S. or Canadian (in Canada) Coastguard approved Type III
PFD * (Yellow, Orange, or Red recommended)
Sleeping pad (self-inflating or closed-cell foam)
Summer or compact 3-season sleeping bag with stuff sack
(compression stuff sack advisable)
Headlamp and extra bulb, batteries
Field guides/interpretive books or booklets
Small fishing hand net
Bowl, cup, and spoon
Leatherman-type tool (or pliers with wire cutter and
Personal first aid kit
Sunblock or cream
Lip Balm
Foot Powder
P a g e | 37 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
*Item available for check-out if you do not have your own
For trail staff a locker will be provided for personal gear. Trail
staff will not be allowed to leave items in cabins while on the
trail. You should bring your own lock (combination lock
recommended). All of your gear must fit into one locker,
approximately 4’ X 2’ X 2’. Do not bring extremely valuable
personal items or things that you will not use.
P a g e | 38 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Getting to Northern Tier (Ely Base) from the US
There are several ways staff members arrive at the Charles L.
Sommers Wilderness Canoe Base in Ely. Many staff members
drive their own personal vehicle or are dropped off by family or
friends. Some staff members make arrangements to carpool with
staff members who are driving or being dropped off. Many staff
members take public transportation, be it plane, train or bus to
Minnesota. The public transportation option will not get you all
the way to the base.
If you are arriving in Minneapolis-St. Paul by plane, train, bus,
or private vehicle; Northern Tier will provide a van from the
Minneapolis-St. Paul airport to the Northern Tier base in Ely.
The cost of this van service directly to the Ely base will be
$65.00 payable upon arrival at the Ely base. Please schedule
your arrival in Minneapolis for no later than 1:30 pm, the
shuttle van leaves at 2:00 pm. Shuttles are only available on
set dates and this will be communicated to you with your
Letter of Employment.
Shuttle information and registrations must be made here:
Getting to Northern Tier (Ely Base) from Canada
Staff needing to get to the Ely Base for training can arrive at the
Don Rogert Canoe Base in Atikokan, ON for a shuttle to Ely. Many
staff members drive their own personal vehicle or are dropped
off by family or friends. Some staff members make arrangements
to carpool with staff members who are driving or being dropped
off. Many staff members take public transportation be it plane or
bus to Thunder Bay, Ontario or Fort Frances, Ontario. The public
transportation option will not get you all the way to the base.
Staff driving their personal vehicles or those who are
being dropped off need to arrive to the Atikokan Base by
5:00 PM on your day of arrival.
Staff arriving in Fort Frances, Ontario need to arrive by
2:00 PM on your day of arrival. (Fort Frances is serviced
P a g e | 39 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
by Caribou Coach Bus lines and Bearskin Airlines.)
Northern Tier will provide a shuttle to the Ely Base for a
$50.00 fee that is due upon arrival to the Ely Base.
Staff arriving in Thunder Bay, Ontario need to arrive by
1:30 PM (Central Time) on your day of arrival. Northern
Tier will provide a shuttle to the Atikokan Base for a
$50.00 fee that is due upon arrival to the Ely Base.
Shuttle information and registrations must be made
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I…I
took the one less traveled by, and that
has made all the difference.” - Robert
P a g e | 40 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Shipping Baggage
The United States Post office does NOT deliver packages to base.
UPS provides daily (Monday - Friday) delivery to Northern Tier. If
it is necessary for you to ship your baggage, this is the most
available service in the Ely area. Use the following format.
Staff Members Name - Staff
ELY, MN 55731
All shipments must be prepaid. You should plan to ship your
baggage at least two weeks in advance of your arrival date and
mark each parcel. Incoming packages will be delivered to the
Administration Building for your convenience.
When to Arrive
Plan to arrive during business hours 8:30 am to 5:00 pm on the
date specified in your Letter of Agreement. No provisions
(housing or meals) are made for you before your scheduled
Check In
When you arrive, check in at the Administration Building and
complete paperwork. (See list on page 21)
Parking Area for Personal Vehicles
A staff parking area is provided for personal vehicles in the staff
parking areas. The designated parking area must be used.
Personal vehicles are not to be parked in the regular parking lot,
near tents or Staff Living Units (SLUs). After unloading or loading
of personal gear all staff must park in the staff parking lot. Parking
illegally may result in disciplinary action.
P a g e | 41 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Please do not drive or park on grass or lawn areas to unload or
load your personal belongings. Be prepared to carry them from
the nearest parking lot or roadway.
Being Prepared for you arrival:
The following pages have a list of paperwork required for
employment at Northern Tier.
1. The first list is paperwork that must be completed and
returned prior to your arrival. A postage paid envelope has
been provided to do this. Please complete this paperwork
immediately and return.
2. The second is a list of what you must have when you arrive
at Northern Tier. Make sure to have the documents easily
accessible and ready when you arrive.
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing
to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin
P a g e | 42 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
P a g e | 43 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
P a g e | 44 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Your summer mailing address will be as follows. Northern Tier
strongly discourages packages being sent into Canada due to the
large number of problems experienced in the past.
Your Name - Staff
ELY, MN 55731
Your Name - Staff
P.O. BOX 1677
Your Name - Staff
Mail for staff should be sent to the addresses listed above using
the U.S. Postal Service or the Canadian Postal Service. For
shipment of small and large packages please use UPS if delivery
is to Ely, or bus or courier services if shipping to Atikokan or
Bissett. Please ensure that packages are shipped to the correct
base as it is IMPOSSIBLE to hand carry them across the border.
Bissett mail arrives at the Bissett Post Office on Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday only. Post-season mail arriving at any
base will only be forwarded at employee’s expense. Be advised it
can take a week for mail to be delivered.
P a g e | 45 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Emergency Telephone Numbers at Northern Tier
Leave these numbers at home for EMERGENCY CALLS ONLY! (No
collect calls will be accepted.)
Staff phone lines are available in the staff areas. Cell phones may
work at the Ely and Atikokan bases depending on the service
provider you use.
Northern Tier National High Adventure Programs Telephone
Charles L. Sommers Wilderness Canoe Base, Ely, MN
Phone Number: (218) 365-4811
Fax Number: (218) 365-3112
Don Rogert Canoe Base, Atikokan, Ontario
Phone Number: (807) 597-5822
Northern Expeditions Canoe Base, Bissett, Manitoba
Phone Number: (204) 277-5261
P a g e | 46 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
Early Check Out
Your last working day is specified on your Letter of Employment.
You should plan to check out and leave Northern Tier late that
afternoon upon completion of your work assignment or check
out and leave Northern Tier the next morning. To check out, you
should secure from the Administration Building or the Base
Office, a staff Check Out Procedure Card. It will direct you to
necessary places to complete all responsibilities of forwarding
addresses, return of checked out items, paying all outstanding
obligations, turning in keys, etc.
A staff member desiring to stay at Northern Tier beyond the last
day specified on the Letter of Employment must obtain approval
from the Director of Program. A change of assigned quarters may
be necessary. Northern Tier does offer “Second Season”
employment opportunities in support of conferences, Autumn
Rendezvous and Okpik programs. Applications for those
positions are accepted from June 15 thru August 20 each
P a g e | 47 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
The Charles L. Sommers Alumni Association invites all staff to
join. Some of the alumni objectives are:
1. To preserve and promote wilderness camping, High
Adventure, and training opportunities for the
Northern Tier National High Adventure Program.
2. To bring relevant needs and suggest programs to the
Northern Tier National High Adventure Committee
3. To offer the time, talents, and assets of the
corporation’s membership to the Charles L. Som-
mers Wilderness Canoe Base and the Northern Tier
National High Adventure Program, and to local
councils of the Boy Scouts of America
4. To spread the spirit of The Far Northland” through
Active membership is open to all persons who have served on
the seasonal or permanent staff of Northern Tier National High
Adventure Program. Applications will be available throughout
the summer and upon your departure or on their website We hope you will choose to join.
P a g e | 48 Northern Tier Staff Handbook
For Food, For Raiment,
For Life and Opportunity,
For Sun and Rain,
For Water and Portage Trails,
For Friendship and Fellowship,
We Thank Thee, Oh Lord.