Automated Reading Passage Generation with OpenAI’s Large Language Model
Ummugul Bezirhan
& Matthias von Davier
Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA
Corresponding Author: Ummugul Bezirhan
TIMSS &PIRLS International Study Center, Boston College, 188 Beacon Street, Chestnut Hill, MA
02467, USA. Email: [email protected]
The widespread usage of computer-based assessments and individualized learning platforms has
resulted in an increased demand for the rapid production of high-quality items. Automated item
generation (AIG), the process of using item models to generate new items with the help of
computer technology, was proposed to reduce reliance on human subject experts at each step of
the process. AIG has been used in test development for some time. Still, the use of machine
learning algorithms has introduced the potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
the process greatly. The approach presented in this paper utilizes OpenAI’s latest
based language model, GPT-3, to generate reading passages. Existing reading passages were
used in carefully engineered prompts to ensure the AI-generated text has similar content and
structure to a fourth-grade reading passage. For each prompt, we generated multiple passages,
the final passage was selected according to the Lexile score agreement with the original passage.
In the final round, the selected passage went through a simple revision by a human editor to
ensure the text was free of any grammatical and factual errors. All AI-generated passages, along
with original passages were evaluated by human judges according to their coherence,
appropriateness to fourth graders, and readability.
GPT-3 was the latest release as of 2022.
Technological innovations in all aspects of test development facilitate efficient test practices and
a more well-rounded information retrieval from the data compared to traditional paper-pencil
assessments. Consequentially, the integration of technology in computer-based assessments
(CBA) increases the demand for more frequent administration and rapid and efficient production
of high-quality content-specific innovative items. The greater selection of item types presented to
groups of examinees with high frequency requires a more streamlined item development process.
Conventional item development is among the most expensive, time-consuming, and labor-
intensive parts of assessment development because the process heavily depends on human
content specialists. Human subject experts write each item individually, then each item is
reviewed, edited, and revised by a group of experts until it meets predefined quality control
standards (Haladyna & Rodriguez, 2013). Therefore, the subjectivity of traditional item writing
is often compromised by the subject experts’ qualifications and understanding of the specific
content area. Other issues with the traditional item development process are its lack of efficiency
and scalability. Automated Item Generation (AIG) was proposed to address the limitations
associated with conventional item development by utilizing cognitive and psychometric theories
with the help of computer technology to generate items (e.g. Hornke & Habon, 1986; Embretson
& Yang, 2007; Gierl & Haladyna, 2012).
A considerable amount of literature has already been published on AIG in educational
measurement. These studies typically utilized a simple template-based approach (Gierl & Lai,
2013) for generating assessment items. This approach usually uses a three-stage procedure to
automatically capture necessary information and features to produce multiple-choice items
(MCQs). First, content experts develop a description, referred to as a cognitive model, that
defines the knowledge, skills, and content that are needed to process and solve given questions.
In the second stage, content experts create a simple schema, an item model, to highlight the parts
and content of the assessment task that can be manipulated to create new items. Often these item
models are a bit like cloze items or Madlib texts, with empty spaces where the schema-filling
algorithms fill in the blanks, for example, different numbers in a multiplication item. The item
template is a prototype of a test item that informs the automated item generation process (Gierl et
al., 2012). In the last step, a computer algorithm utilizes information from both cognitive and
item models to fill in the blanks to generate new items.
While this approach reduced the cost and time associated with traditional item writing, it
still suffers the reliance on generating clones of narrowly defined item types by only
manipulating limited task components of certain items to derive item templates (von Davier,
2018). Another important limitation of templated-based approaches is the human expert
associated cost. The automation process does not start until after considerable groundwork takes
place by content experts. Kosh et al. (2019) argued that the cost-effectiveness of template-based
AIG depends on most of the items being generated belonging to the same content area and tests
with a limited number of skills that can be modeled with a single cognitive model.
Another approach that has been explored in the AIG framework focused on generating
items without any prespecified templates and human intervention focusing on customary (non-
AI) Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques (Shin, 2021). Specifically, part of speech
tagging, topic modeling, and noun phrase extraction have been explored in question generation
(e.g. Azevedo et al., 2020; Flor & Riordan, 2018; Mazidi, 2017). Moving beyond traditional
NLP methods and towards AI, von Davier (2018) demonstrated using a novel neural network
approach, long short-term memory-based recurrent neural networks (LSTM-RNN), to generate
items. With these methods, the textual information is extracted and modeled from a collection of
documents replacing the manual construction of cognitive and content models to generate items.
With the advances in the field of AI-based NLP, large transformer-based language
models such as the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT; Devlin et
al., 2018) and the Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT; Radford et al., 2019) often approach
human-level performance in diverse language tasks (Hansen & Hebart, 2022). The earlier
version of the GPT model, GPT-2, was released by OpenAI in 2019 and it is subsequently
utilized for automated item generation for medical licensing type tasks (von Davier, 2019) and
personality question generation (Hommel et al., 2021). Despite the groundbreaking performance
of GPT-2 compared to other language models, it was not equipped to handle more specialized
tasks such as storytelling and constructing complex language formations. For a specialized task,
GPT-2 required sufficient pre-training to be able to generate appropriate responses often
including very large databases for finetuning the model to enable the generation of items of
sufficient quality (von Davier, 2019).
OpenAI released the Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3), one of the largest
transformer language models to date, which was recently superseded by yet another iteration.
GPT-3 excels at few-shot learning, which means it can be given a small number of representative
samples of text to complete a task without any pre-training, such as text generation (Brown et al.,
2020). GPT-3 and its successors, such as the media-hyped ChatGPT, have been utilized in
various tasks, including machine translation, question answering, and text generation, and were
attacked by critiques to do anything from taking away jobs to destroying the world as we know
it. At the time of submitting this, GPT-4 was released, so we will use the term GPTx to refer to
large language models originating from OpenAI’s series of GPT releases. There are increasing
numbers of use cases of GPTx, such as creating chatbots and virtual assistants, designing
websites, automating the process of writing code, and creating machine learning models. All
these can be achieved by solely communicating with GPTx in simple natural language. A new
(equally hyped) job category, the prompt engineer, has been created whose exclusive job
description is to communicate with GPT-type AIs. It is reminiscent of comic literary depictions
of artificial general intelligences such as Deep Thought (Adams, 1995). However, the current
version available through ChatGPTs web interface was well trained to answer questions in a
manner that does not feed fears or misconceptions about its capabilities. The following example
was generated on April 1st, 2023, with ChatGPT Mar 14 Version accessible at
Author (paraphasing a line in the Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy): O ChatGPT, you are
the true Deep Thought computer! The task we have designed you to perform is this. We
want you to tell us.... The Answer!
ChatGPT: I apologize for any confusion, but I'm not sure what specific answer you are
referring to. Can you please clarify your question and provide more context? I'll do my
best to assist you.
Author (continuing to cite lines from the book): The answer to all. Life, the Universe,
and Everything!
ChatGPT: Ah, I see. Well, according to Douglas Adams' science fiction novel "The
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," the answer to the ultimate question of life, the
universe, and everything is 42. However, it's worth noting that this answer is intended as
a joke and is not meant to be taken seriously as a philosophical or scientific answer to the
meaning of life. The true answer to this question, if such an answer exists, remains a
mystery and subject to interpretation and debate among thinkers and philosophers.
It is clear from this small example that ChatGPT allows one to have intelligent (seeming?)
conversions with this advanced chatbot. However, our goal with this research was to focus on
guided text generation that allows us to steer GPTx towards producing reading passages that
could pass as short human written stories that can be used to assess reading achievement.
In particular, the goal of this research is to utilize GPT-3 to generate reading
comprehension passages in the context of an international large-scale assessment, specifically
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). The PIRLS is an international study
of primary school students' reading skills and is administered every five years since 2001. The
assessment consists of a battery of tasks, including literary and informational passages with
accompanying multiple-choice and open-ended questions. Students’ reading literacy are assessed
with the passages that are drawn from a wide range of genres either in fiction or non-fiction. We
utilized GPT-3 to generate passages in similar genres as those in the PIRLS assessment. We then
asked human experts to evaluate the passages according to their coherence and appropriateness
for the target population. We did not test these passages with any children, but rather focused on
the evaluation of the GPT-3 generated texts by adults with an education background, as we
wanted to ensure that the generated texts are appropriate for the target audience, rather than
subjecting young readers to potentially unsuitable material.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: The next section provides an
overview of how NLP was revolutionized by AI, and GPTx as a state of art language model and
its current applications in educational assessment and beyond. The subsequent section details the
proposed approach followed by experimental results. The article concludes with a summary of
main contributions, implications of the study, and suggestions for future work.
A Short Overview of Language Models: From Word2Vec to GPTx
NLP has witnessed significant advancements in recent years, particularly with the emergence of
deep learning and large neural network language models (e.g. Ruder, 2018; von Davier, 2018).
Some of the notable recent models that have played a critical role in the development of NLP
include Word2Vec, GloVe, BERT, and finally GPTx. With the development of word
embeddings there was a significant shift towards using distributional semantics in language
modelling. Models like Word2Vec (Mikolov, Chen et al., 2013; Mikolov, Sutskever, et al., 2013)
and GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014) are unsupervised models that produce these embeddings by
mapping words onto a high-dimensional semantic space. While Word2Vec accomplishes this
based on neighboring context words, Glove relies on the global word co-occurrence matrix of
words in a corpus. Word2Vec is a predictive model that generates word embeddings based on the
distributional semantics of the words in a corpus. It utilizes a simple neural network to learn high
dimensional word embeddings from a raw text, this can be achieved through training a binary
classifier to predict a target word using its context words with Continuous bag-of-words
(CBOW) model or the context given a word with Skip-gram models. With these models, weights
were updated at each iteration to maximize the prediction, and producing an n-dimensional
embedding matrix where each word in a vocabulary is represented as an embedding vector, thus
allowing mathematical operations to be performed on the word vectors to identify relationships
(Young et al., 2018).
Word embeddings became popular because of their capacity to represent words in a
distributed latent space. To extract higher-level features from constituent words or n-grams deep
neural network (DNN), models were utilized in conjunction with word embeddings. These
abstract features would then be used in various NLP tasks such as sentiment analysis, text
generation, machine translation and question answering. Given their success in computer vision
tasks, convolutional neural networks (CNNs; LeCun et al., 1998; Krizhevsky et al., 2017;
Razavian et al., 2014) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs; Elman, 1990) have been employed
for NLP tasks as well. While CNNs are good at extracting position invariant features, they are
very data heavy models because they include a large number of trainable parameters. Moreover,
CNNs struggle to preserve sequential order and also have difficulties modeling long-distance
contextual information (Kalchbrenner et al., 2014, Yin et al., 2017). RNNs, on the other hand,
are designed with the goal of processing sequential data. The term “recurrent” refers to its ability
to perform the same task on each sequence element, thus the output depends on previous
computations and results. Essentially, RNNs possess the ability to retain memory of past
computations and leverage that information in the current processing. However, simple RNNs
can encounter the vanishing gradient problem, making it difficult to tune and learn parameters in
the earlier layers. To address this limitation, alternative variants like long short-term memory
(LSTM; Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997; Jozefowicz et al., 2015) networks and gated-recurrent
networks (GRU; Cho et al., 2014) were introduced.
LSTM is one of the most utilized RNN variants for NLP tasks. LSTMs are capable of
learning relationship between words that are not in close proximity and they alleviate the
exploding or vanishing gradient issue by selectively retaining or discarding information through
the use of gates (input, forget, and output). This structure determines what information to add or
remove from the output of the network from the previous time step. LSTM based models are
widely adopted for sequence to sequence mapping tasks and implemented by using an encoder-
decoder framework. These models have shown exceptional performance in different applications
including machine translation, text summarization, question generation and modeling human
conversations. von Davier’s (2018) approach to automated item generation was based on a
LSTM-RNN trained with publicly available items from personality tests. While LSTMs have
been highly effective in addressing the challenges of long-term sequential dependencies, they too
may suffer from the vanishing gradient problem during training because they have a very
complex architecture, many non-linear transformations, and gradients are propagated through
time to update the parameters. When gradients become too small, the model cannot efficiently
learn long-term dependencies and can fail to make accurate predictions.
One of the notable advancements in NLP is the introduction of transformer models by
Vaswani et al. (2017). Transformer models utilize self-attention mechanisms to capture
dependencies across all positions in an input sequence, allowing them to model long-term
dependencies more efficiently than LSTMs. Another significant advancement of transformer
models is that the model can process sequential data in parallel, reducing resources needed for
model training. Additionally, transformer models do not contain recurrence or convolution,
therefore, cannot determine the order of a given sequence. Instead, the model incorporates a
positional encoding mechanism to provide information about the absolute or relative positions of
tokens in the sequence. These features, along with the availability of large training data, allow
transformer models to achieve state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of NLP tasks.
Several pre-trained models have been proposed that demonstrate the capabilities of transformer
model implementations. These pre-trained large language models can be fine-tuned on task-
specific datasets, and the model weights are adjusted to improve its representation of the specific
corpus. Some notable examples of transformer models include BERT, and GPT; both were
released in unidirectional and bidirectional variants. BERT is particularly notable for its ability to
be pre-trained on large amounts of text data and then fine-tuned on specific downstream NLP
tasks, leading to state-of-the-art results on many NLP tasks. Other important transformer-based
models include Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer (T5; Raffel at al., 2020) that frames the tasks
as a unified text-to-text transformation problem.
Building upon the success of GPT, OpenAI introduced GPT-2 and GPT-3, which are
even larger models with significantly improved performance. GPT-2 was introduced in 2019 as a
larger and more powerful version of GPT and was trained on over 8 million web pages and had
1.5 billion parameters (Radford et al., 2019). It was one of the largest language models at the
time and demonstrated impressive performance, but it mostly required fine-tuning for every new
task. von Davier (2019) used GPT-2 and fine-tuned the model with a large corpus of medical
articles with the goal of generating medical licensing items. The challenges associated with
collecting a large supervised training dataset for each new task, along with the potential of
exploiting spurious correlations in training data with model expressiveness and narrowness of the
training distribution, resulted in the need for larger models (Brown et al., 2020). GPT-3 was
developed for this purpose with 175 billion parameters and trained using about 45 TB of text
data from various sources. GPT-3 has generated widespread interest due to its ability to perform
a wide range of NLP tasks with minimal fine-tuning and without any task-specific architecture
modifications. Subsequently, OpenAI released a number of derivative models, including
InstructGPT-3 (Ouyang, 2022), and Codex 12B (Chen et al., 2021). These models are commonly
referred to as GPT-3.5 series and are comprised of the models trained on text and code from
before the last quarter of 2021 (OpenAI, 2022). In this research, we will refer to all GPT-3 model
variants including GPT-3.5 series as GPTx. Recently, OpenAI released a chatbot app, ChatGPT,
utilizing GPT 3.5 series. ChatGPT uses reinforcement learning from human feedback to align the
large language model with the user’s intent (Ouyang, 2022). Within two months after its release
it reached 100 million active users.
Applications of Large Language Models in Education
The development of GPT-3 and its variants has inspired new research into its potential
applications in various areas. GPT-3 model and its successive iterations have also been utilized
in educational research such as automated question generation (e.g., Raina & Gales, 2022;
Settles et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2022), automated scoring (e.g., Mizumoto & Eguchi, 2023, Wu
et al., 2023), generating educational content (e.g., Hocky & White, 2022; Moore et al., 2022;
Walsh, 2022), and providing automated feedback for students (Zong & Krishnamachari, 2022).
Previous studies have also investigated other NLP-based models for generating reading
comprehension questions and passages for educational assessment. For example, Shin (2021)
combined template-based and non-template-based techniques to generate reading inference test
items given reading passages based on the Harry Potter series. Fung et al. (2020) introduced a
web-based system for generating reading comprehension questions and multiple-choice
questions on grammar from a given text utilizing the T5 model. Similarly, Narayan et al. (2020)
utilized another transformer-based model BERT to generate test items that could be answered
using the information from the given reading passage directly.
While there has been research on generating reading assessment items, such as multiple-
choice or cloze type questions with large language models like GPTx, there has been
comparatively little attention on generating reading assessment passages. Recently, the Duolingo
English Test (DET) employed GPT-3 to generate reading passages for both expository and
narrative texts which represent the types of text that university students typically encounter in the
target language domain (Attali et al., 2022). They also generated accompanying comprehension
items and distractors for multiple-choice questions using GPT-3 for the generated passages.
Duolingo English Text adopted “human-in-the-loop AI” throughout the process for test security,
generation of test items, and scoring for test taker responses automatically (Burstein et al., 2021).
Here, “human-in-the-loop AI” describes a process that includes an evaluation of the generated
text by assessment researchers and designers. They evaluate new item types by assessing the
degree to which they can facilitate item generation and what type of human intervention is
necessary. In the case of item generation, a human review process was used to evaluate the
fairness and possible bias in the automatically generated test passages and items (Burstein et al.,
Even though the applications of GPT-3 are not well explored within the reading
assessment framework specifically, it has been utilized for various writing tasks in different
domains. Gwern (2023) conducted extensive experiments with GPT-3 in fiction and non-fiction
writing. For fiction writing, GPT-3 was able to produce coherent and creative stories, but longer
outputs tended to become repetitive or lack originality. For non-fiction writing, GPT-3 showed
promise in generating summaries of articles or research papers and generating new text based on
given prompts. However, due to the potential for errors in technical or specialized content,
human evaluation and editing were necessary. Moreover, Shakeri et al. (2021) utilized GPT-3 to
develop a web application that allows people to write collaborative stories. Their results suggest
that storytelling using GPT-3 can encourage roleplay and enhance creativity in the collaborative
writing process. Along the same lines, Noy and Zhang (2023) examined the productivity effects
of using ChatGPT on mid-level professional writing tasks. Their results showed that ChatGPT
substantially increased productivity and self-efficacy, and improved output quality and job
satisfaction while reducing the inequality between workers. The various applications of GPT
family models in text generation prompted this research on generating automated passages for a
large-scale reading assessment of fourth graders.
PIRLS provides comparative data on reading achievement at the primary school level across
countries on a regular five-year cycle over 20 years. Reading literacy is fundamental to academic
success and personal growth and PIRLS provides an invaluable instrument for assessing the
impact of new or revised policies on reading achievement (Mullis, & Martin, 2019). The
passages presented in the PIRLS assessment cover two purposes of reading that students
encounter both in and out of school, those are literary experience and acquire and use
information. In PIRLS, each reading purpose is linked to a particular type of text, such as literary
experience is associated with reading fiction, and acquiring and using information is associated
with informative articles and instructional texts. Following the structure in PIRLS, this research
implemented the automated generation for both informational and literary passages.
Since its inception in 2001, after each PIRLS cycle, some of the reading passages have
been released for public or academic use. For the last two cycles, the International Association
for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) no longer releases passages for public use
without permission. Still, users can request access to the restricted use passages through their
website (TIMSS & PIRLS, 2017). We constructed a pool with 24 passages that have been
released over four cycles of PIRLS assessment from 2001 to 2016 to be used in prompts for
automated reading passage generation with GPTx. In this paper, we specifically focused on
analyzing narratives created utilizing three restricted-use passages, namely two informational
passages: “Antarctica: Land of Ice” and “Ants,” and one literary passage “Brave Charlotte.”
The original PIRLS passages are available upon request from IEA.
In this study, we utilized OpenAI’s text-davinci-002 model, also referred to as
InstructGPT, released in January 2022 as an updated and fine-tuned version of GPT-3 models, as
mentioned above we refer this model as GPTx. To generate passages, we utilized Python (van
Rossum & Drake, 1995) to send API requests with prompt design and parameters using text-
davinci-002 text completion API. The associated cost for utilizing OpenAI’s API service with
text-davinci-002 was $0.02 for 1000 tokens.
By using natural language prompts and task demonstrations as context, GPT-3 is capable
of effectively performing a diverse set of tasks with just a few examples, all without having to
update the parameters of the underlying model (Gao et al., 2020). Consequently, prompt design
is essential for large language models like GPTx to generate the desired response because it
directly affects the quality and relevance of the output produced by the model. In this research,
for each task, we generated passages using GPTx with first “zero-shot” learning, where only an
instruction in natural language is provided without any demonstration, second “one-shot”
learning, where a single demonstration together with a prompt containing an instruction is given
to the model. In addition to the text prompts, we included the target audience’s age as a part of
the prompt for both one-shot and zero-shot scenarios. This additional information is provided to
the model to ensure that the generated passages are age-appropriate, as they are intended for use
in a fourth grade assessment. An example prompt for each scenario is given in Appendix A. We
first generated outputs with one-shot learning (Figure 1A), after determining the topic of the
story from the first set of outputs, we utilized that in the prompt of both one-shot (Figure 2A) and
zero-shot (Figure 3A) learning for more detailed prompts.
Along with the prompts, we also manipulated the “temperature” setting in GPTx. This
can be understood as a hyperparameter of the model that controls the randomness and variability
of the generated output. For lower temperatures, GPTx chooses words with a high probability of
occurrence, thus resulting in a more predictable and conservative output. When a higher
temperature is chosen, the model explores a wider range of words resulting in more random,
diverse and what some would call more creative output. Therefore, higher temperatures are
recommended to generate ideas and stories. We generated stories with 𝑡 = {0.5, 0.7, 0.9}
temperatures to allow for a range of outputs.
We generated informational and literary PIRLS stories, using the prompts and parameters
mentioned above, with ten replications for each setting. After generating the passages, the
selection mechanism involved first calculating the text difficulty score using an online text
difficulty analyzer (Cathoven, 2023) associated with each generated story. This score is similar
to a Lexile score (Stenner, 2022) that indicates the level of reading difficulty by combining
measures of semantics and syntax that are represented by word frequency counts and sentence
length, respectively. After calculating the text difficulty scores for both the original PIRLS
passages and the generated passages, only the generated passages that fell within one standard
deviation of the original passages' text difficulty scores were selected for further evaluation.
Once selected passages were determined, a human editor went over the passages and corrected
them for any grammatical and factual errors. The process involved three human editors, and they
independently assessed the suitability of the content and provided suggestions for improvement
by assessing the coherence, clarity, and logical consistency. A similar approach of human post-
generation QC was taken in prior research (von Davier, 2018, 2019; Attali et al., 2022). The
factual error checking was especially important in the case of informational passages because the
model was prone to generating erroneous outputs in some of the replications, especially for
certain statistics and numbers such as average rainfall in the Amazons or the average number of
eggs laid by a queen bee. The finalized AI-generated passages are given in Appendix B.
To evaluate the appropriateness of generated passages, we compared original PIRLS
passages with the GPT-3 generated ones within an online survey similar to the approach taken by
von Davier (2018). We paired original passages with the AI-generated ones and devised three
different online questionnaires with items using a 4-point Likert scale. After giving each passage
following questions were asked: “The story is written at an adequate reading level for a fourth
grader, “The story is written in a coherent manner,” “Children will be able to identify the main
topic of the story,” “There are confusing or distracting elements in the story,” and “This story
can engage children to answer questions.” We recruited 150 human expert raters (50 for each
survey) through Amazon Mechanical Turk, the participants were awarded $1.50 upon
satisfactory completion of the survey. We set up additional qualifications for the expert rater
selection. To be selected as rater of passages of the study, they must have a Bachelor’s degree
and be working in the education industry. Additionally, we used different measures to identify
and exclude potential inattentive users and non-respondents (bots) in Amazon MTurk. To
identify bots, we increased the time between Human intelligence task (HIT) completion and
auto-approval to examine the data before approving or rejecting the HITs. Moreover, we rejected
HITs with unreasonable response times, this was determined using the median absolute deviation
(MAD) statistic on the overall completion time. This type of outlier detection (Leys et al., 2013)
was shown to be successful in the detection of differential item functioning (von Davier &
Bezirhan, 2022) and can be readily applied to the detection of suspiciously short response times.
The last measure was to incorporate an attention question in each survey to sort out careless
respondents. This resulted in a final sample of 50 respondents for each survey.
For the informational PIRLS passages “Antarctica: Land of Ice” and “Ants”, with one-
shot and zero-shot learning along with the additional age/grade indicator, we generated “The
Amazon: Green Lungs of the Planet” and “Bees.” Overall, for one passage 160 different
passages were generated, 40 for each condition, and their text difficulty scores were calculated.
In the generation process, we first used one-shot prompting, shown in Figure 1A in Appendix A,
and let GPT-3 generate passages that are similar to the given example passage. This first batch
with 10 replications was to determine the topic of the generated passage and therefore discarded.
GPTx almost always generated the passages around the same topic, for example, for Ants
almost all of the generated passages were about bees.
Figure 1. Text difficulty scores for generated “Bees” passage under different prompting
Figure 1 shows the distribution of text difficulty scores for the “Bees passage for one-
shot or zero-shot learning, with either grade information included or not. The “Bees passage
was based on the “Ants passage in PIRLS which had a text difficulty score of 560, the
horizontal line in Figure 1 represents this value. From all the prompt types, passages from one
shot learning with grade information included had a lower text difficulty score compared to the
other generated passages. There is no clear pattern regarding the variance associated with the
prompt types.
The other informational passage “The Amazon: Green Lungs of the Planet” was
prompted using the PIRLS “Antarctica: Land of Ice” passage as an example. It has to be pointed
out that these generated passages are not simple copies where one word is replaced by another
word to vary content. Unlike traditional AIG approaches (Gierl et al., 2020), the GPTx-generated
passages are based on priming a large language model with a context, and then have the model
generate an independent text, inspired by requesting a type of text, a topic, or by providing an
example. The calculated text difficulty scores are presented in Figure 2, the horizontal line shows
the score for the Antarctica: Land of Ice” passage. For both one-shot and zero-shot prompting
conditions, inclusion of grade/age information reduced the text difficulty score for the generated
Figure 2. Text difficulty scores for generated “The Amazon: Green Lungs of the Planet” passage
under different prompting conditions.
For the literary passage generation, the prompting approach was slightly different than
the one used for generating informational passages. Similar to the informational passage
generation, the first step was to generate ideas about a story utilizing an existing PIRLS passage.
“Brave Charlotte” was used as a prompt for the literary passage generation, and GPTx came up
with various different storylines. “Brave Charlotte” is about a brave sheep which helps the
shepherd in a difficult situation. The generated stories were about the importance of friendship,
kindness, and community, which were not very different from the general theme of the prompted
story. Utilizing one of these ideas, we started generating “Coco the Rabbit.” While generating
literary passages with GPTx, we faced the challenge of premature stopping points, which made it
difficult to generate longer stories. To overcome this issue, we adopted a stepwise approach and
leveraged previously generated text as prompts, in addition to providing instructions to generate
full-length stories successfully.
The finalized stories were used in our expert judgment exercise collection along with the
PIRLS passages. To prevent the experts from being affected by similarities between the
prompted and generated passages, we paired the informational passages Bees with Antarctica:
Land of Ice and the Amazons: Green Lungs of the Planet with Ants. However, we only
paired literary passages together as the two stories had different main storylines and characters,
and thus were not directly comparable.
In this research, we employed a four-category Likert scale to measure participant
attitudes toward each passage. We gathered answers from a sample of 50 expert judges for each
passage. Figure 5 displays the distribution of responses and level of agreement and disagreement
among judges for GPTx generated Bees passage and PIRLS original Ants passage. The
results indicate that a high portion of judges agreed or strongly agreed that both passages
demonstrated similar levels in the assessed qualifications. In particular, 92% of the judges agreed
or strongly agreed with the adequateness of the GPTx generated passage. In comparison, 96% of
the judges agreed strongly that original PIRLS passage is adequate for the target population of
students. Other questions exhibited a similar trend, with marginal variations between 2% and
8%. Positive evaluations towards engagement were observed for both passages, with the PIRLS
passage scoring slightly higher (86%) than the GPTx generated passage (84%). The coherence of
the passages revealed the largest gap in agreement with 94% of the participants found the PIRLS
passage coherent compared to 84% for the AI-generated passage.
Figure 3. GPT generated “Bees” and PIRLS original “Ants” passage survey results
Similar outcomes were observed for comparing the Antarctica: Land of Ice and
Amazons: Green Lungs of the Planet passages. The distribution of responses and level of
agreement and disagreement among participants for these passages are given in Figure 4.
Overall, the agreement and disagreement levels aligned well between the AI-generated and the
original human-generated PIRLS passages across all questions. However, we observed a larger
difference between the individual response categories for certain questions.
Figure 4. GPT generated “Amazons” and PIRLS original “Antarctica” passage survey results
For both Amazons and Antarctica passages, 97% of participants agreed that the
passages were adequate for fourth grade readers. However, the strongly agree category was
higher for the original PIRLS passage (54%) compared to the AI-generated one (38%). For
coherence, the positive attitude towards the original PIRLS passage (91%) was higher compared
to GPTx generated passage (84%), this suggests that human-generated passages may have been
more logically structured and easier to follow than the GPTx generated one. However, more
judges strongly agreed (43%) with the statement for the GPTx generated passage compared to
the original PIRLS passage (32%), when we look at the individual categories for coherence.
Moreover, identifying the passage's main topic was deemed harder for GPTx generated passage,
with 79% of the participants agreeing with the statement, compared to the agreement with the
human-written passage (91%). Finally, the overall agreement on the passage not being
distracting was similar for both passages, but more judges had a stronger evaluation towards
GPTx generated passage (32%) being more distracting than the original PIRLS passage (16%).
However, when taking strongly agree and agree categories together, there was no difference
observed between the general level of agreement for AI generated (66%) vs. human generated
passage (66%).
Figure 5. GPT generated “Coco the Rabbit” and PIRLS original “Brave Charlotte” passage
survey results
Lastly, Figure 5 displays the level of agreement and disagreement between Coco the
Rabbit and Brave Charlotte stories. A somewhat similar pattern in the agreement was also
observed with these literary passages, with GPTx generated passage being slightly more
adequate and engaging and less distracting compared to the original PIRLS passage. For the
passage being adequate for the fourth graders, judges agreement was higher for AI-generated
passage (96%) compared to the original PIRLS passage (80%). A similar pattern was observed
for the engagement, 94% of the participants agreed with the AI-generated passage to be
engaging, whereas only 74% of the participants agreed about the same statement for the original
passage. Lastly, about 16% more people found the human written passage more distracting
compared to the GPT-generated passage.
Discussion and Conclusion
With the recent technological advancements, the field of NLP has been completely
transformed by the emergence of large language models, and OpenAI’s GPTx family of models
has appeared as one of the most sophisticated and powerful large language models available
today. Researchers and practitioners in numerous disciplines have taken notice of it due to its
impressive capacity and performance. In this research, we investigated the text generation ability
of GPT-3 in the context of an international large-scale reading assessment. We utilized GPT-3 to
automatically generate literary and informational passages similar to those typically employed in
the PIRLS assessment.
We experimented with two different prompt designs along with the age information of
the audience to generate informational passages. After determining the topic of the specific
passage more detailed prompts given in Appendix A were utilized. The results revealed that the
one-shot learning, along with the specific information about grade, usually showed the best
performance in terms of matching the text difficulty score of the original passage. This is in line
with previous research that GPTx tends to perform better when more examples are provided
along with clear instructions and this is interpreted as GPTx learning from the examples at
runtime (Brown et al., 2020). Given that the generated passage was intended to be tailored
towards a fourth grade assessment and compared according to their test difficulty scores,
providing clear instructions about the intended audience was beneficial for both one-shot and
zero-shot prompts. This demonstrates that the carefully constructed prompts primarily direct the
model to access existing knowledge and perform the task, which is referred to as direct task
specification (Reynolds, & McDonell, 2021).
Moreover, the results suggest that GPTx can produce passages that closely resemble
those in the PIRLS assessment, not only in terms of length, vocabulary, and difficulty but also in
adequacy, coherence, engagement, and ability to cause distraction. The empirical analysis results
also revealed that in addition to making it more difficult to determine the main topic, AI-
generated passages could also be more distracting for the readers. This is likely due to the fact
that passages in the actual assessment were written by human authors for the purpose of the
assessment. At the same time, those generated by GPTx may lack intentional organization and
coherence, therefore, making it more difficult for the readers to identify the main topic. In
contrast, for the literary story, the participants found the AI-generated passage to be less
distracting and more engaging for the fourth grade readers than the original PIRLS passage. This
finding may suggest that the iterative prompting approach might contribute to generating more
appealing and easier-to-comprehend stories.
While GPTx generated passages demonstrated some promising results, a number of
potential limitations need to be considered for future research. First of all, this research focused
on demonstrating the feasibility and applicability of a GPT family model to reading passage
generation. Given that recently more advanced models were released by OpenAI, future research
should consider using ChatGPT or GPT-4 (OpenAI, 2023). Even though we experimented with
some prompt designs in this research, it is quite limited to observe the full effect of different
prompting techniques on age-adequate reading passage generation. Therefore, it would be
worthwhile to explore more comprehensive prompt engineering approaches, including both
manual techniques (e.g., Reynolds, & McDonell, 2021) and automatic methods (e.g., Gao et al.,
2020) within the context of the reading assessment passage generation. Lastly, the sample size in
the empirical analysis of expert judgements was relatively small which may limit the
generalizability of the results.
Nevertheless, this research demonstrates that GPT family models could be effectively
utilized for automated passage generation in the context of a large-scale reading assessment.
Considering the high costs and significant time investment associated with human-authored
assessment development and the copyright concerns that often arise, large language models
present a promising opportunity to streamline and enhance current practices in assessment
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A. Example Prompts
Figure 1A. Initial Prompt for Bees Passage
Figure 2A. One-shot prompt for Bees Passage
Figure 3A. Zero-shot prompt for Bees Passage
B. GPT Generated Passages
Passage 1. Bees
Bees are small, flying insects that are known for their role in pollination and for producing
honey. They are found on every continent in the world except Antarctica.
Bees' Bodies
Bees have adaptations that help them collect nectar and pollen from flowers. For example, they
have a long tongue that unrolls to drink in nectar. They also have specialized hairs on their body
that collect pollen.
There are three sections to a bee's body: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. The head of a
bee contains the eyes, antennae, and mouthparts. The thorax is the middle section where the
wings and legs are. The abdomen is the bee's back end and where the bee has the stinger. The
female bees have a stinger that they use to defend themselves and their hive.
Bees produce honey by collecting nectar from flowers. Nectar is a sugary liquid that is produced
by flowers. Bees use their long tongue to collect the nectar and store it in their special honey
stomach. Once the bee returns to the hive, the nectar is mixed with enzymes and turned into
honey. The honey is then stored in the honeycomb. When the weather is cold and no flowers are
blooming, the bees eat the honey to stay alive.
Social Life
Bees are social insects that live in hives (or colonies). A bee colony is made up of three types of
bees: the queen bee, the worker bee, and the drone bee. Each bee has a specific job to do in the
colony. The queen is the biggest bee in the hive and the only bee that can lay eggs. She can lay
2,000 eggs a day in the spring or summer months. The workers are female bees, and they do all
the work in the hive! They collect nectar, make honey, build the honeycomb, care for the eggs
and young bees, and protect the hive. The drones are male bees, and their job is to mate with the
queen. In the winter, the hive goes into survival mode, so the drones are kicked out.
Importance to Ecosystem
Bees are essential to the ecosystem because they help to pollinate plants. Pollination is the
process of transferring pollen from the male part of the plant to the female part of the plant. This
process is necessary for the plant to produce seeds. Bees are responsible for pollinating about
one-third of the food we eat, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Bees are in danger because of
the use of pesticides and the loss of habitat. You can help bees by planting flowers in your
garden and avoiding the use of pesticides.
Passage 2. The Amazons: Green Lungs of the Planet
The Amazon: Green Lungs of the Planet
The Amazon is a large rainforest that takes up most of the Amazon Basin in South America.
The basin is home to the Amazon River, the second longest river on Earth. The Amazon
rainforest covers multiple countries and an area of nearly 6 million square kilometers. This is
almost half of the total rainforest area on Earth! The Amazon rainforest is an important part of
the world's climate because it helps to adjust the Earth's temperature. It also plays a vital role in
the global water cycle, producing much of Earth's oxygen.
The Weather in the Amazon
The climate in the Amazon rainforest is very warm and humid. It rains a lot in the Amazon. The
average rainfall each year is 300 centimeters. This makes 200 rainy days in a year! There are
only two seasons in the Amazon: the wet season and the dry season. The wet season is from
October to May, and the dry season is from June to September. It is the wet season when the
Amazon receives most of its rain.
The Plants and Animals in the Amazon
There are different kinds of plants and animals in the Amazon rainforest. Many plants and
animals in the rainforest are not found anywhere else in the world. Some of the animals that live
in the rainforest are monkeys, jaguars, sloths, snakes, and toucans. The Amazon rainforest is also
home to many different types of plants, such as the rubber tree, the Brazil nut tree, and the cocoa
tree. Some trees are as tall as 40 meters, and you can use their leaves as an umbrella during a
You have a letter from a team of researchers studying in the rainforest and can learn more about
the Amazons by reading their letter.
Dear Friend,
The Amazon is the world's largest rainforest. It is home to many different kinds of animals and
plants. Unfortunately, Amazon is under threat. We are one of the research teams here in the
Amazon that works on threats to the rainforest. We study deforestation, climate change, and fires
in the Amazon. We try to find ways to help protect the Amazon and its animals.
One of the biggest threats to the Amazon is deforestation. Deforestation is when trees are
cut down, and the land is cleared for other uses, such as farming. Deforestation is a significant
problem because it destroys the home of many animals and contributes to climate change.
We are working hard to understand the long-term effects of deforestation on the climate.
We are also working to develop ways to regenerate the forest. We invite you to learn more about
our research and to help us spread the word about the importance of the rainforest.
Thank you for your support,
The Amazon Research Team
Passage 3. Coco the Rabbit
The shiny button eyes of the little rabbit stared up at the sky. The rabbit's name was
Coco, and she was very excited. She was going on her first adventure. She had never been
outside her meadow before and was very curious about the world. Her friend, a little fox named
Max, was going with her. Max had been to the forest many times, and he promised to show Coco
around. Coco and Max hopped through the meadow, stopping to smell the flowers and chase the
butterflies. They walked through the forest, stepping over roots and ducking under branches.
They climbed over a fallen tree, and Max helped Coco down the other side. They walked and
walked until they came to a clearing. In the clearing was a big, old house. It looked like it had
been abandoned for years.
"This is where the adventure starts," Max said.
Coco's heart started to beat faster. She was scared, but she was also excited. She wanted to see
what was inside the house.
Max and Coco crept up to the house. Max pushed open the door, and they both stepped inside.
It was very dark and musty inside. They could see the dust floating in the air. Max and Coco
coughed and covered their mouths with their paws.
"Let's go explore," Max said.
Coco followed Max as he showed her around the house. They went into different rooms and saw
old furniture covered in dust. In one room, there was a big mirror. Max and Coco looked at
themselves in the mirror. They both jumped when they saw a face appear in the mirror behind
them. It was a scary face with big teeth.
Max and Coco screamed and ran out of the room.
They ran and ran until they were outside the house. They were both panting, and Coco's heart
was beating so fast she thought it would come out of her chest.
"That was so scary!" she said. "But who was that?"
"I don't know," Max said. "But we're never going back there to find out!"
"Maybe we should go back," said Coco.
"No way," said Max. "That place is haunted."
Coco thought for a moment. She was a brave rabbit and wouldn't be scared of a little ghost.
"I'm going back," she said. "If you're too scared, then you can wait here."
Max didn't want to be left alone, so he followed Coco back to the house. They went into the
room with the mirror, and sure enough, the ghost was there again. But this time, Coco wasn't
"Who are you?" she asked.
"I'm the ghost of the house," the ghost said. "I'm here to protect this house."
"But why are you so scary?" Coco asked.
"I'm not trying to be scary," the ghost said. "I just want to make sure no one steals anything from
this house."
"We're not going to steal anything," Coco said. "We're just exploring."
"I'm sorry," the ghost said. "I didn't know that. You can explore all you want. Just be careful not
to break anything."
But Coco had an idea, and if he was the ghost of the house, maybe he could show them around.
And so, he did. He showed them all the hidden passages and secret rooms. He even showed them
where the treasure was hidden.
"This has been the best adventure ever!" Coco said when they were finished. "Thank you for
showing us around."
"You're welcome," the ghost said. "And thank you for being kind. I'm not used to people being
kind to me."
"That's what friends are for," Max said. "That's what we do for each other."
They said goodbye to the ghost and left the house. Coco thought to herself; if you give a chance
to get to know someone, even a ghost, you might find they're not so different from you after all.