Florida Department of Transportation
General Tips for Professional Services Prequalification Resume Submission
Please refer to Rule 14-75, F.A.C.
for detailed descriptions of each standard work type and
requirements for qualification. In an effort to assist with a smooth review of your application for
Professional Services Prequalification, we have provided helpful hints and resume samples to keep in mind
when assembling the resumes for your firm. These tips and samples are gleaned from resumes that have
been previously approved and are not an amplification of Rule.
1. First, carefully read Section 14-75.003, “Minimum Technical Qualification Standards by Type of Work”.
The qualifications requirements for each work type are very explicit, and there are no waivers from
the experience requirements. If your firm does not have the minimum required experienced
personnel, the firm will be found insufficient for that work type.
2. Marketing resumes do not contain sufficient detail for review and, if submitted, will be returned to
your firm for updates. Additionally, marketing information regarding the firm’s history and collective
experience do not contain sufficient detail for review, as prequalification is based upon the experience
of the qualifying individuals, not the firm as a whole.
3. The Rule requires experience to be measured in years, not projects, so there is no required number
of projects. Some individuals may have sufficient experience to qualify after one project and others
may require multiple projects to accumulate the required amount of experience. Resumes should
reflect the time the individual spent on each project, not the length of the project as a whole. The
total time reflected must end to end equal the time required by the Rule. To assist the technical
evaluators in measuring this time, include beginning and ending dates for each project. Be sure to list
the months and year for each date (i.e. 10/2009-06/2012).
4. Clearly identify the individual’s position on each project. Regardless of the position, the components
that were actually designed must be listed in detail. We need to know the details of your personal
duties/activities in that position on each project.
5. Once a completed application or modification package is received, the Department has 30 days to
review the submitted information. Be sure to submit your documentation and resumes well in
advance of any project response deadlines you are interested in to prevent any difficulty should the
Department require additional information. If additional information is needed, you will be notified
by email of the deficiencies so that you can update and resubmit the required information or resumes.
If you have any additional questions, please contact the Qualification Administrator, Carliayn Kell, by
email at carliayn[email protected].us
or by phone at 850-414-4597.
Rev. 1/10/24
Tips for Prequalification in Work Group 4 Bridge Design
Please refer to Rule 14-75, F.A.C.
for detailed descriptions of each standard work type and
requirements for qualification. In an effort to assist with a smooth review of your application for
Professional Services Prequalification, we have provided helpful hints and format samples to keep in mind
when assembling the experience for your firm. These tips and samples are gleaned from experience that
has been previously approved and are not an amplification of Rule.
Marketing resumes for the company cannot be utilized. The resume must clearly delineate the
role of the individual, not the firm. The project scope of the firm will not enhance the possibility of getting
Experience for qualifying individuals should utilize the Work Group 4 Sample Format
rather than
a traditional resume. These should identify the individuals name, Florida PE number, ungraduated
engineering degree date, and post-graduate degree dates. The experience is broken out by project and
should include the projects name, the applicable work type, attributes of the project that meet the
minimum requirements for the work type as outlined in Rule 14-75, F.A.C., the individuals specific
technical role with description, beginning and ending dates of individuals design involvement, and the
total number of months of involvement on that project that do not overlap with other projects
(overlapping dates can only count toward one relevant project). Words such as “Principal in Charge”,
“Project Manager”, “Project Engineer”, and “Responsible Charge” do not in themselves describe the
activities in detail enough to allow for qualification.
Submit separate forms for each group 4 work type requested. Forms are required for technicians
as well as licensed PEs, such as clerical, CADD technicians, surveyors, estimators etc. in the package for
bridge qualification. Qualifications are based upon design experience of the individual
engineers/technicians, not on the firm’s history.
Note:PleasereviewGeneral Tips for Professional Services PrequalicaƟon Resume Submission postedathps://fdotwww.blob.core.windows.net/sitenity/docs/defaultsource/procurement/pdf/sampleresumes.pdf?sfvrsn=3d385b6a_4priortosubming
*Applicantcanaachresumeforaddionalbackgroundinformaonforconsideraon.ResumesshouldconformtoformatofsampleresumeincludedwithGeneral Tips for Professional Services PrequalicaƟon Resume Submission document.
betweena4.1.1anda4.1.2projectarenotdeducted).Itisattheapplicantsdiscreonastowhichprojecttheywanttheoverlappingduraon tocountoncetowards.
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 
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 
Rev. 1/10/24
Tips for Prequalification in Work Group 8 Surveying and Mapping
Please refer to Rule 14-75, F.A.C.
for detailed descriptions of each standard work type and
requirements for qualification. In an effort to assist with a smooth review of your application for
Professional Services Prequalification, we have provided helpful hints and resume samples to keep in
mind when assembling the resumes for your firm. These tips and samples are gleaned from resumes
that have been previously approved and are not an amplification of Rule.
The following information is important and should be clearly addressed in each resume and
each project listed in the resume. These are the key elements that make a successful resume for
1. Projects listed must clearly identify the beginning and ending date of the projects. Each candidate
must validate one year of experience for each requested work type. PSM experience must occur
after Florida licensure. Clearly identifying the timeline of the project is critical to measurement of
the one year experience requirement.
2. Projects listed should be route corridor/road and/or bridge projects. Each candidate must validate
work experience demonstrating an ability to perform the activities normally associated with the
particular type of work or sub-category for which qualification is sought. FDOT work is normally
performed on road and bridge projects and is the experience most suitable for determining this
3. The activities identified in the projects listed must clearly state which requested work type the
activity applies to. Not all experience on a project may be applicable to all requested work types.
4. The activities identified must be clearly defined as to what Surveying and Mapping tasks were
performed. Generic terms are not acceptable. For example stating a candidate “did” or
“performed” 8.1 tasks does not provide sufficient detail to recommend qualification. Stating a
candidate “ran Bench Level Circuits in the field, processed and adjusted them for final publication”
does present a clear picture of what activities were performed.
5. The level of responsibility for each project listed must be clearly identified. Not all activities
performed on a project are applicable for qualification purposes. The performance of original
surveying and mapping work, supervision of original surveying and mapping work, quality control
(QC) review of original surveying and mapping work and supervision of quality control (QC) review
of original surveying and mapping work are all considered valid for experience. These responsibility
levels require similar knowledge, skill and ability to perform. Project management, which primarily
manages resources, is not considered valid as qualification experience.
Please submit resumes for group 8 work types using the following format for projects:
Project Name:
Location: Anywhere, FL
Project Dates: Begin day in DD/MM/YEAR End Date in DD/MM/YEAR
Contact Person: (NAME)
Contact Phone: (000) 000-0000
Project Description: (Project Description - Show apples to apples comparison to Route Corridor Road,
Bridge or Rail projects if they are not FDOT projects)
Person’s Role in Project: (Surveyor or Technician)
Rev. 1/10/24
Work Activities performed for this project:
Work Type for # Months - Show a reasonable cross section of experience in the related Work Activities as
shown for each Work Type.
Group 8 Example Project:
Project Name: Big Lake Roberts Bridge Replacement
Location: Anywhere, FL
Project Dates: 01/01/20013 09/30/2013
Contact Person: Mr. Check Signer
Contact Phone: (000) 000-0000
Project Description: FDOT District (#), (Name of County) County from DD/MM/YEAR to DD/MM/YEAR. As
the Project Surveyor for this 4.8 mile Advance Surveying and Mapping project, Mr. SURVEYOR is
responsible for all field survey activities, Control Survey Maps and Right of Way Maps. In addition, (Firm
Name) is preparing a Design Survey for a portion of the project to support the proposed bridge
replacement across Big Lake Roberts.
Person’s Role in Project: Project Manager and Surveyor of Record
Work Activities for this project:
8.1 Control Surveying for 2 Months- Horizontal Control 1 Month and Vertical Control 1 month.
8.2 Design, Right of Way and Construction Surveying for 5 Months- Design Survey 3 months, Utility Locates
.5 month, Section Retracement 1 month, and RW Monumentation .5 months.
8.4 Right of Way Mapping for 2 Months- - Development of Control Survey Map 1 month and Development
of Right of Way Map 1 month.
Rev. 1/10/24
Tips for Prequalification in Work Group 9: Soil Exploration, Material Testing, and Foundations
Please refer to Rule 14-75, F.A.C.
for detailed descriptions of each standard work type and
requirements for qualification. In an effort to assist with a smooth review of your application for
Professional Services Prequalification, we have provided helpful hints and resume samples to keep in mind
when assembling the resumes for your firm. These tips and samples are gleaned from resumes that have
been previously approved and are not an amplification of Rule.
Experience should be broken out by work type. Review the requirements for each work type per
Rule 14-75, F.A.C., copied below. All submissions should include a list of equipment inventory that includes
the required equipment for each work type per the Rule.
Soil Exploration - Rule 14-75(5)(h)(1)a, F.A.C.
"This type of work includes acquisition and reporting of subsurface material, hydrological, and
environmental information to be used for the planning, design, construction, and performance
of transportation facilities. The methodology involved includes on-site investigations by
performing borings, Standard Penetration tests, Cone Penetration tests, and rock coring; the use
of specialized test equipment, such as the field vane, pressuremeter, or dilatometer; and the use
of geophysical methods. Also included is the field classification of materials and acquisition of
soil and rock samples."
Qualifying Staff Requirements - Rule 14-75(5)(h)(2)a, F.A.C.
"This type of work requires one professional engineer, registered with the Florida Board
of Professional Engineers, having a minimum of five years of experience in activities
normally associated with soil exploration."
Equipment Requirements - Rule 14-75(5)(h)(2)a, F.A.C.
"The consultant must have equipment (in-house or subcontracted) necessary to perform
the work. It should be noted that the qualified consultant shall be solely responsible for
any and all explorations work, whether performed by the consultant or its subcontractor."
Drill Rig
Specialized Test Equipment
(Vane Shear, Pressuremeter,
Dilatometer, & Geophysical
Standard Penetration Tests
Cone Penetration Tests
Rock Coring
Geotechnical Classification Lab Testing - Rule 14-75(5)(h)(1)b, F.A.C.
"This type of work includes conducting tests on soil and rock according to Department approved
specifications for the purpose of classifying materials. The methodology involved includes
testing moisture content, grain size, Atterberg limits, compaction, and Limerock Bearing Ratio
(LBR) tests."
Qualifying Staff Requirements - Rule 14-75(5)(h)(2)b, F.A.C.
"This type of work requires one professional engineer, registered with the Florida Board
of Professional Engineers, having a minimum of five years of experience in activities
normally associated with geotechnical testing."
"The consultant must have at least one technician with a minimum of two years of
experience in geotechnical testing and LBR Technician qualification under the
Department’s Construction Training Qualification Program."
Rev. 1/10/24
Equipment Requirements - Rule 14-75(5)(h)(2)b, F.A.C.
"The consultant must have in-house the following equipment:"
Liquid Limit Device/ Grooving
Stirring Apparatus
Proctor molds
Hydrometer Bulb/Bath
Compaction hammer
Sieves/Sieve Shaker
LBR loading device with
penetration piston
Highway Materials Testing - Rule 14-75(5)(h)(1)c, F.A.C.
"This type of work includes sampling and testing various materials and reporting results and
recommendations. Work will be performed at mines, quarries, mills, refineries, processors,
producers, fabricators, constructors, laboratories, and project construction sites; some of which
will be outside the State of Florida. Materials to be tested include aggregates; concrete
products; cements and additives, including water, epoxies, and curing compounds; bituminous
materials, mixtures, additives, and joint fillers; metals; galvanizing, rubber, paints, and other
coatings; and soils and limerock."
Qualifying Staff Requirements - Rule 14-75(5)(h)(2)c, F.A.C.
"One professional engineer, registered with the Florida Board of Professional Engineers,
having a minimum of five years of experience in activities normally associated with
highway materials testing."
"Among the consultant’s personnel, at least one individual must possess" the following
qualifications under the Department’s Construction Training Qualification Program:
LBR Technician qualification
Asphalt Plant Level I qualification
Concrete Field Testing Technician Level I
Nuclear gauge operator certification as provided by a gauge manufacturer
Equipment Requirements - Rule 14-75(5)(h)(2)c, F.A.C.
"In additional, the consultant must have (in-house) at least the following test equipment:"
Jaw crusher apparatus
Splitter or quartering device
Sieves/Mechanical Shaker
Los Angeles machine
Colorimetric kit
Compression testing machine
Water bath
Moisture curing room or tanks
Muffle furnace
Slump cone
Proctor molds/ hammer
Air meters
Muffle furnace
Gravity apparatus
LBR loading device with
penetration piston
Soak tanks
Pulverizing apparatus
Ignition Furnace
Rev. 1/10/24
Standard Foundation Studies - Rule 14-75(5)(h)(1)(d)I, F.A.C.
"This type of work includes producing reports which include selection of the type (shallow
foundations, piles, and redundant drilled shafts) and depth of foundation for bridges and other
structures; bearing capacity and the predicted settlement of the selected foundation; slope
stability; surcharge or stage construction time schedules for construction over soft ground; pile
load tests; soil treatment; stabilization; and direction of field instrumentation installation,
including the interpretation of data obtained and other foundation studies using the applicable
Department Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, and Federal Highway
Administration guidelines and checklist."
Qualifying Staff Requirements - Rule 14-75(5)(h)(2)(d)I, F.A.C.
"One professional engineer, registered with the Florida Board of Professional Engineers,
having a minimum of five years of experience in activities normally associated with
standard foundation studies."
Geotechnical Specialty Lab Testing - Rule 14-75(5)(h)(1)e, F.A.C.
"This type of work includes conducting tests on soil and rock according to Department approved
specifications for the purpose of identifying their physical properties. The methodology involved
includes testing permeability, consolidation, unconfined compression, direct shear, splitting
tensile, and triaxial."
Qualifying Staff Requirements - Rule 14-75.003(5)(h)(2)(d)III, F.A.C.
"The consultant must have at least one staff member with at least four years of
experience performing the tests, or an equivalent bachelor’s degree."
Equipment Requirements
"In addition, the consultant must have (in-house) at least the following test equipment:"
Load frame
Direct shear machine
Triaxial panel
Consolidation load device
Triaxial cell
Rev. 1/10/24
Tips for Prequalification in Work Group 10 Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI)
Please refer to Rule 14-75, F.A.C.
for detailed descriptions of each standard work type and
requirements for qualification. In an effort to assist with a smooth review of your application for
Professional Services Prequalification, we have provided helpful hints and resume samples to keep in mind
when assembling the resumes for your firm. These tips and samples are gleaned from resumes that have
been previously approved and are not an amplification of Rule.
Resumes should be customized toward the CEI work types that are being applied for, and not be
written as a marketing resume of the firm. The resume must clearly identify the month and year for the
beginning and ending dates of the project, and should delineate the role of the individual, not the firm.
The project scope of the firm will not enhance the possibility of getting prequalified.
Qualifications are based upon CEI experience of the individual engineers/technicians, not on the
firm’s history or non-technical personnel.
Sample Resume
John Smith, P.E.
Fla. License No. 0123 (06/1995)
BSCE from UF in 1990
John has worked in the area of CEI with the firm since 1991. He started out as an engineering assistant
and now serves as the Chief Engineer supervising 7 other engineers and technicians staff. John has
experience in the inspection of pile and drilled shaft installation, simple and complex structures as noted
below. John has experience in the inspection of excavation, embankment, concrete curb & gutter,
concrete sidewalk, drainage inlets & pipes, and roadway base & asphalt as noted below.
Category 10.1: Roadway CEI
SR- 2000 in Ace, Florida 01/1999-12/2002
This 1.37 mile roadway project consisted of raising the existing roadway approximately 3 inches and the
addition of a new travel and auxiliary lanes. The project also consisted of constructing of
3 new tollbooths on the mainline, extending the existing MSE wall approximately 200 lF. Also included is
the construction of a new 5' x 1 0' x 250lf of box culvert, excavation, embankment, pavement marking,
base and asphalt. John served as the Project Engineer and supervised all of the inspectors and was
responsible for the overall inspection of the roadway construction.
SR 10 in Perry, Alabama 01/2003-12/2006
This 2.5 mile roadway project consisted of milling and resurfacing north and south bound existing roadway
and also consisted of constructing 4' widening shoulder on the outside lane of both the north and south
bound roadway. Also included in the project is the construction of drainage pipes, excavation,
embankment, pavement marking, base and asphalt John served as the Project Engineer and supervised
all of the inspectors and was responsible for the overall inspection of the roadway construction.
Rev. 1/10/24
Category 10.3: Construction Materials Inspection
SR- 2000 in Ace, Florida 01/1999-12/2002
This 1.37 mile roadway project consisted of raising the existing roadway approximately 3 inches and the
addition of a new travel and auxiliary lanes. The project also consisted of constructing of three new
tollbooths on the mainline, extending the existing MSE wall approximately 200 lf. Also included is the
construction of a new 5' x 10' x 250lf of box culvert, excavation, embankment, pavement marking, base
and asphalt. John served as the Project Engineer and supervised all of the inspectors and was responsible
for the overall inspection of the roadway construction. John also was responsible for all of the sampling
and tracking of all construction materials, asphalt, concrete, earthwork and all other construction
materials involved in this roadway project.
SR 10 in Perry, Alabama 01/2003-12/2006
This 2.5 mile roadway project consisted of milling and resurfacing north and south bound existing roadway
and also consisted of constructing 4' widening shoulder on the outside lane of both the north and south
bound roadway. Also included in the project is the construction of drainage pipes, excavation,
embankment, pavement marking, base and asphalt John served as the Project Engineer and supervised
all of the inspectors and was responsible for the overall inspection of the roadway construction. John also
was responsible for all of the sampling and tracking of all construction materials, asphalt, concrete,
earthwork and all other construction materials involved in this roadway project.
Category 10.4: Minor Bridge
Johns Bridge Over 1-10 in Ace, Florida 01/2000-12/2002
This structure is a 120’ 3 span Type II AASHTO girder bridge with a continuous CIP deck and prestressed
concrete pile foundations. John served as the Project Engineer and was responsible for the overall
inspection of the bridge. John supervised the inspection of the girders and deck for this bridge and
performed QA of the remaining structural components.
SR 10 Over Little River in Perry, Alabama 01/2003-12/2006
This structure is a 600’ CIP flat slab structure with 30’ spans. John served as a Project Engineer and
supervised the inspection of pile bents, abutments, and deck using AASHTO LRFD Bridge Specifications.
He was also involved in checking the contractors repair procedures for defects during construction.
Category 10.5.1: Concrete
SR 62 Over Muddy River 03/1997-12/2002
This structure consists of a 2000’ long medium level bridge. The foundations consist of 30”
precast prestressed concrete piles in varying size groups. The approach superstructure is 150’ Florida 78”
Bulb-T beams, simple span, with a continuous deck. The main unit is a 200’-240’-
200’ drop-in 78” Bulb-T post tensioned system. John was a Project Engineer and supervised the inspection
of simple span and continuous span girders and deck, the foundations and the piers.
CR 99 Over I-10 10/1995-02/1997
This structure consists of a 312’ two span post tensioned 78” Bulb-T bridge. The center pier is twin columns
supported by 8’ diameter drilled shafts. John was the Project Engineer and supervised the inspection on
all the substructure and superstructure using the AASHTO LRFD Department Specifications.
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Category 10.5.2: Steel
I-10 / I-595 Interchange 10/1993-02/1995
This interchange consists of 4 curved steel box girder bridges with spans ranging between 150’ and 326’.
Two of the bridges were twin boxes with a 900’ radius and the other two structures were four boxes wide
and on a straight alignment. John was the Project Engineer and supervised the inspection of the piers,
piles and also he also inspected the deck and abutments.
SR 48 Over Big River 10/1990-02/1993
This structure consist of a 3000’ long steel plate girder high level bridge with a typical span length of 250’
and a main unit of 1040’. The main span is 400’ long with 320’ flanking spans. The substructure consists
of waterline footings with large single column piers. The foundations are 72” drilled shafts in groups of 6,
8 and 12. John served as the Project Engineer and supervised the inspection of the steel plate girders and