Brandeis Sample Resumes
Explore the sample resumes created by the Hiatt Career Center staff to help you draft and highlight
your professional experiences. You might want to start with the First Professional Resume Student.
Arts p. 6
Acting Student
Arts Administration Student
Museum Student
Theater Student
Business p. 10
Advertising Student
BA/MA Student
Business Student
Consulting Student
Finance Student
General Business Student
Human Resources Student
Real Estate Student
Communication p. 17
Marketing Student
Media/Publishing Student
Education, Law, Non-Profit, Social Services p. 20
Counseling Student
Curriculum Vitae (CV) Student
Education Student
Law Student
Non-Profit Student
Politics/Government Student
Religious Work Student
Science & Technology p. 26
Biology/Chemistry Research Student
Computer Hardware Student
Computer Science Student
Environmental Services Student
Neuroscience Research Student
Experiences Examples
There are multiple ways to highlight skills, activities, and achievements on your resume. Below are
some examples and suggestions about how they might appear.
Activities/Involvement p. 3, 6, 11
Athletics p. 6, 15,23
Computer Skills p. 3, 10, 27
Course Project p. 8, 12, 14, 28
Course Research p.18, 26, 30
Double Major p. 6, 8, 11
Dual Degree (BA/MA) p. 4, 9
Honors and Awards p. 8, 16, 18
Interdisciplinary Major (IIM) p. 7
Leadership p.9, 10, 19, 22, 24, 27, 29
Profile/Summary Statement p. 30
Relevant Coursework p. 5, 12
Scientific Skills p. 26, 30
Senior Thesis p. 23
Study Abroad/International Experience p.10, 11, 13, 15, 24
Transfer Student p.17, 18, 24
Two Positions at the Same Employer p. 17, 20
415 South Street, MBxxx, Waltham, MA | 123-456-7890 | student@brandeis.edu | linkedin.com/in/DeisStudent
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Expected May 20xx
Bachelor of Arts
Highland High School, Salt Lake City, UT May 20xx
High School Diploma, with honors
National Merit Scholar, National Honor Society
Edsel Ford Scholarship for Innovation in Design, Best Project, National Science Fair Mar 20xx
American Youth Leadership Conference, Participant, San Francisco, CA Jun 20xx
Westinghouse Science Talent Search, Finalist Jun 20xx
Owner/Operator Jun-Aug, 20xx-20xx
Greener Yard Care Service, Granger, UT
Established eco-friendly yard service, selling door-to-door resulting in 4 new clients annually
Hired and supervised 3 employees to mow and maintain lawns and gardens
Netted $1,200 after costs in three months with 100% return customers each summer
Student Body President Sep 20xx-May 20xx
Highland High School, Salt Lake City, UT
Elected to represent interests of 400+ students at monthly faculty/administrator meetings
Supervised heads of 6 student committees responsible for social, academic, and service activities
and projects
Led drive to raise $5,000 to purchase new scoreboard for athletic fields
Prom Committee Chair Sep 20xx-Apr 20xx
Highland High School, Salt Lake City, UT
Organized committee of 8 classmates to raise $2,000 from local merchants to fund event
Planned and executed successful evening with over 250 students in attendance
Brandeis University Drama Club, Member Sep 20xx-present
Brandeis University Women's Volleyball Team, Member Sep 20xx-present
Habitat for Humanity of Broward County, Construction Volunteer Dec 20xx
Highland High School Chess Club, Social Committee Member Sep 20xx-Jun 20xx
Computer: Windows, Microsoft Word & Excel, HTML, Java
Language: German (intermediate)
123-456-7890 | [email protected] | Waltham, MA | portfolio.website.com
Off Broadway Experience
Name of Play Name of Character Name of Theater
Regional Experience
Name of Play Name of Character Name of Theater
Name of Play Name of Character Name of Theater
College Theater Experience
Name of Play Name of Character Name of University
Name of Play Name of Character Name of University
Name of Play Name of Character Name of University
High School Theater Experience
Name of Play Name of Character Name of High School
Name of Play Name of Character Name of High School
Name of Play Name of Character Name of High School
Name of Film Role Production Company
Name of Film Role Production Company
Dialects/Accents (British, German, Spanish); Classical Violin (8 years); Classical and Modern
Dance (5 years); Stage Combat
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
BA in Theater Arts, Expected May 20xx
Berkshire Theater Festival, Stockbridge, MA
Summer Performance Training Program with teachers: Sally Smith, Rick Wilson, June-August
Sarah Lawrence London Theater Program, London, England
Study Abroad program in conjunction with the British American Drama Academy (BADA), Sep
20xx-May 20xx
415 South Street, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA | [email protected] | 123-456-7890
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Bachelor of Arts in Theater Arts Expected May 20xx
Minors: French and Anthropology, GPA: 3.54, Dean’s List
Relevant Coursework: Public Speaking: The Art of Oral Communication, Psychological
Anthropology, Cultural Representations, Global Economy, Communications and Media
Improv Den, Chicago, IL May-Jun 20xx
6-week intensive acting workshop; received academic credit toward degree
Freelance Actor, Waltham, MA & New York, NY Sep 20xx-present
Build client base through targeted on-line resources, personal website, and strategic
Expanded social media marketing resulting in offers for roles in 2 independent films
Secured leading roles in 2 student films, including an official film festival selection
Theater Arts Department, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Oct 20xx-present
Manager, Main Stage Facility
Lead 3-person student team to manage large performance venue including ticketing,
staffing, procurement and event logistics
Liaise with faculty and administration to plan academic year schedule
Bella Theater, Paros, CA Jun-Aug 20xx
Assisted administrative team in production management and audience outreach
Performed roles in 5 regional productions reviewed by state-wide media outlets
Neutron Theater Company, West City, CT Jun-Aug 20xx
Selected as one of 15 students to participate in prestigious theater training program at
renowned summer festival
Placed in rotations in stage technology, marketing and development offices
Won supporting role in company’s main stage summer production, devoting additional 25
hours a week to rehearsal and performance
Ballroom Dancing Federation, Founder and President Sep 20xx-present
Conceptualized and documented club mission, managed all aspects of application process
to receive official club status and financial support
Recruit members, manage budget, and organize events calendar including campus-wide
competition raising over $400 for Haitian relief efforts
Brandeis Karate Dojo, Member (Black Belt) Aug 20xx-May 20xx
Competed and taught all levels in 35-student studio as life-long martial arts practitioner
Language: French (advanced), Spanish (beginning)
Computer: Microsoft Word Suite, SASS, Dreamweaver, Excel
artstud[email protected] | 781-123-4567 | 415 South Street, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
B.A. in Business and Fine Arts (Studio Art) Expected May 20xx
Minor: Education
Relevant courses: Modern Art and Modern Culture, Inventing Tradition: Women as Artists, Women as
Art, Secondary School: Theory into Practice Intermediate French
Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Sep 20xx-present
Museum Guard
Greet visitors; answer questions regarding facility and collection; maintain security and safety
Museum of Industry, Waltham, MA Aug-Dec 20xx
Development Intern
Collaborated with chief development officer in outreach to potential donors
Followed up with current donors by telephone during annual fund drive
Contributed data analysis and editorial support to grant-writing project for major museum
expansion initiative
Planned logistics and budget for museum's fall open house
The Children's Museum, Boston, MA May-Aug 20xx
Volunteer, Education Department
Interacted with children and families visiting the museum's highly interactive Discovery Space
Supervised special events for young visitors, including children's theater, storytelling and arts
and crafts activities
Met weekly with education staff to plan teaching/learning goals and programming for current
Admissions Office, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Sep 20xx-present
Office Assistant
Provide information about university admissions process to prospective applicants in person
and by telephone
Manage database of inquiries and up date website resources pages
Create data reports on applications for admissions committee
Communicate extensively with public and on-campus audiences
Camp Lakeview, Greenplace, NY Jun-Aug 20xx
Head Arts Counselor, Cabin Coordinator
Planned, coordinated and taught arts and crafts curriculum for 40 campers aged 5-13 years
Supervised two junior arts counselors, sharing techniques to engage young people with
varying artistic abilities
Maintained safe and collaborative living environment for diverse group of xx cabin mates
Waltham Group, Brandeis University, Tutor Jan 20xx-present
Create supportive environment for preschool children to interact in educational and social
Club Soccer, Brandeis University, Player Sep 20xx-May 20xx
Devoted 15 hours a week to practice and play; campus champions, 20xx
Language: French (conversational), Spanish (reading knowledge)
Computer: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Lotus, PhotoShop, TMS
Waltham, MA | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | portfolio.website.com
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Bachelor of Arts in Visual Culture May 20xx
Minor: Computer Science
Independent Interdisciplinary Major (IIM), Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Designed robust course of study for individualized major in visual culture
Researched trends and curricula for degree programs in US and international
Created detailed proposal approved by committee of faculty and administrators
REGIONAL THEATER EXPERIENCE Production and Performance
Year Role Name of Play Name of Ensemble
Year Role Name of Play Name of Ensemble
COLLEGE THEATER EXPERIENCE Production and Performance
Year Role Name of Play Name of Ensemble
Year Role Name of Play Name of Ensemble
Year Role Name of Play Name of Ensemble
Year Role Name of Play Name of Ensemble
Freelance Actor, Waltham, MA and New York, NY Sep 20xx-present
Build client base through targeted on-line resources, personal website, and strategic
Expanded social media marketing resulting in offers for roles in 2 independent films
Secured leading roles in 2 student films, including film festival selection
Spingold Theater, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Aug 20xx-present
Lighting and Sound Assistant
Manage light and sound boards for performances and lectures in state-of-the-art main
stage theater
Collaborate and train with master technicians to design lighting and improve technical
Camp for the Arts, South Bend, IN Jun-Aug 20xx
Drama Teacher
Taught acting to over 75 children of varying ages and levels of experience
Selected and edited scripts, designed sets, and coached student performers for end-of-
summer stage production attended by families and local community
Library and Technology Services, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Sep 20xx-May 20xx
Assisted campus computer users to resolve technical questions by phone and in person
Maintained, installed, and repaired full line of audio-visual and instructional equipment
in classrooms and presentation spaces
Dance (modern and improv), Accents, English and Spanish
Advertising Student
415 South Street, MB 1234, Waltham, MA | 123-456-7890 | [email protected]
B.A. in Business and Psychology, May 20xx
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Relevant Coursework: Consumer Behavior, Social Media and Advertising, and The Art of Visual
Inbound Marketing Certification, Feb 20xx
HubSpot Academy
Social Media: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat
Software: Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Aftereffects, InDesign); STATA; Microsoft
Office Suite, Basic Java Programming, WordPress, Wix
Communications Coordinator, Brandeis University Mountain Club, Waltham, MA, Sep 20xx - Present
Oversee communications for 30+ member campus club, cultivating students' connections to the
natural world
Create and design weekly newsletters distributed to students using Canva and Mailchimp
Lead interactive campaigns and contests in social media platforms that engage students through
relevant content about travel and the outdoors
Manage cross-channel communication through Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to promote trips
and events increasing followers by 32%
Advertising Intern, The Advertising Agency, Fairfield, CT, May 20xx August 20xx
Edited digital and print materials including brochures, blogs, scripts for commercials and
voiceovers to assist clients in building brand recognition
Created new articles for company blog while developing skills on blog and web design sites such
as Wordpress and Wix
Researched and compiled background information on key audience demographics and assisted
creative team brainstorming copy ideas for clients including Dunkin Donuts and Liberty Mutual
Marketing Group Member, BMW Analysis Project, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, March 20xx
Collaborated with 3 team members on class project analyzing BMW’s advertising campaign,
examining the influences of digital marketing
Created and drafted 2 viral marketing campaigns for BMW to increase international market
penetration with key demographics
Presented findings and recommended digital marketing initiatives, received an A on the project
Office Assistant, Admissions Office, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, Sep 20xx-present
Communicate extensively with public and on-campus audiences, providing information on
university admissions process to prospective applicants in person and by telephone
Manage database of prospective applicants’ inquiries and update website resources
Create reports on applications for admissions committee to review
Beta Gamma Sigma, International Business Honor Society, Sep 20xx
Hunter Garner Scholarship, Project Yellow Light, Jan 20xx
BA/MA Student
415 South Street, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA | name@brandeis.edu | 123-456-7890
Brandeis University International Business School, Waltham, MA
Master of Arts in International Economics and Finance Expected May 20xx
American Leadership Award Scholarship
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Bachelor of Arts Expected May 20xx
Major: International and Global Studies (Specialization: Global Economy); Minor: Economics
GPA 3.2/4.0 Dean’s List
BA/MA Relevant Coursework: Financial Accounting, Statistical Analysis of Economics, Financial
Theory, Calculus, Global Economic Environment, Microeconomics, Economics of Globalization,
Business in the Global Economy
New England Mutual Financial Network, Waltham, MA August 20xx present
Financial Intern
Provide comprehensive financial management to individuals and businesses
Meet with clients daily to review and assess needs
Design customized financial infographics to be used in reports and presentations to clients
Develop personal clientele base of 15+ potential investors
Goldman Sachs Legal Division, Business Intelligence Group (BIG), New York, NY Jun Aug 20xx
Summer Analyst
Conducted due diligence regarding new firm initiatives, proposed M&As, and financing
Identified issues pertaining to reputation and financial or legal risks
Discussed and evaluated risks and proposed mitigating factors to go forward with deals
Citigroup Global Wealth Management Division, London, England June July 20xx
Research Analyst Intern
Collaborated with team of analysts on ventures in the PECM (Power, Energy, Chemical,
Metals/Mining) industry
Performed financial calculations on all 80 companies in the PECM UK Portfolio
Tracked company finances and built monthly reports using Excel
Created PowerPoint presentations for weekly conference call with PECM Mumbai division
James Altucher, New York, NY June August 20xx
Research Analyst Intern
Hedge Fund Manager, RealMoney.com Commentator, & Author
Wrote weekly summaries of headline updates for internet stock portfolio published on
Researched daily movement of stocks and performed sum-of-the-parts analyses
Reported synopsis of quarterly earnings and future forecasts for potential portfolio acquisitions
Brandeis University Varsity Volleyball, Member Aug 20xx Sep 20xx
Balanced 18+ hour practice, training, competition, and travel schedule, at NCAA Division III
level, in addition to academics
Selected by teammates as squad leader for the 20xx season, assisting in training drills and
Computer: Excel, PowerPoint, Access, STATA, Bloomberg, Morningstar
Language: Intermediate Spanish
Consulting Student
[email protected]du Waltham, MA (123) 456-7890 linkedin.com/in/DeisConsultant
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
B.A. in Business and International Global Studies, Minor in Journalism Expected May 20xx
GPA: 3.4/4.0
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, Recipient Nov 20xx
Relevant Courses: Leadership Internships in Social Impact Organizations, Business Analytics, The Global
Economy, Marketing Management, Competitive Strategy, Democracy in the Internet Age, Econometrics
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Jan May 20xx
Study Abroad, 12 hours of courses in business
Boston Consulting Group, Boston, MA Jun Aug 20xx
Employee Experience Intern
Collaborate with Experience Team on knowledge management strategy and implementation to
facilitate effective and efficient communication practices
Supported internal microsites with a unified library of resources covering multiple practice areas,
drafted Knowledge Based Articles and developed training material to assist client and consulting teams
navigate resources
Participated in weekly Scrum meetings to manage multiple on-going projects, tracked progress and
training, lead onboarding for 3 additional team members
Global Intelligence Alliance, Hong Kong May July 20xx
Case Team Assistant
Analyzed working capital usage for a $20B company across multiple business units to identify new
value-creating opportunities in the payment collection process
Identified multiple opportunities to unlock approximately $4M in value, creating a 10-page summary
report of findings
Kantar Consulting, Boston, MA Jun Aug 20xx
Consulting Intern
Conducted qualitative and quantitative research on “The Future of Deodorant” by analyzing sales data
of popular brands such as Degree, Dove, and Gillette; prepared slide deck and presenting findings
Created 5 surveys using Qualtrics to gauge the consumer demand and perception of Beyond Meats and
other artificial meat brands; piloted surveys in-house for use with future clients
Brandeis TAMID, Waltham, MA May 20xx Present
Vice President of Consulting
Supervise Consulting Executive Board by chairing meetings to discuss and create activities and events
such as case competitions and networking opportunities for members
Aid club President with strategic planning for the long-term success of the group by providing insight
from club members through weekly updates
Brandeis General Tutoring, Waltham, MA Sep 20xx May 20xx
Writing and Math Tutor
Mentored groups and individual students in office hours to answer questions about specific course
material and assignments
Customized lesson plans for students based on individual progress and weekly assignments
Coding: R, Java, Python (Proficient); SQL, SPSS, Qualtrics (Intermediate); STATA (Beginner)
Software: Salesforce, Tableau, Microsoft Office (Proficient)
Languages: Spanish (Fluent) & Cantonese (Intermediate)
415 South Street, MB XXXX, Waltham, MA | (123) 456-7890 | [email protected]
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Bachelor of Arts, double major in Economics and Politics; minor in Business Dec 20xx
GPA: 3.65, Dean’s List
Relevant Coursework: Corporate Finance, Money and Banking, Financial Economics, Financial Accounting
Berlin Brandenburg International School, Berlin, Germany
International Baccalaureate Diploma Jun 20xx
Computers: DealMaven; FactSet; Venture Source; Capital IQ; LexisNexis; KLD; RDC; World Check; Factiva;
McDonald Information Services; Accurint; MS Office: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Languages: German and Hebrew (fluent); French (conversational)
JPMorgan Chase & Co., New York, NY Jun Aug 20xx
Summer Analyst in Private Equity; Private Fund Investments Group
Conducted due diligence on primary, secondary and co-investment opportunities
Contributed to valuation and financial analysis of private equity portfolios and private companies
Prepared screening and investment committee memos and due diligence materials for investment
Gathered information to make investment decisions with different groups in the firm and contributed
suggestions at the weekly investment committee meetings
Goldman Sachs & Co., Shanghai, China Jan May 20xx
Financial Analyst in Goldman Sachs Investment Management Division; Private Wealth Management
Analyzed data, conducted research, and developed statistical models for senior management and Private
Client Services team
Prepared presentations and performance reviews of client portfolios
Translated financial statements and correspondence from English to Chinese
Morgan Joseph & Co. Inc., Miami, FL May Aug 20xx
Summer Intern; Assistant to Managing Director
Prepared analysis of M&A and private placement activity in Florida and the healthcare industry
Researched Capital Markets and M&A activity and prepared a presentation, “Current Capital Markets
Environment for Middle Market Companies for managing director
Brandeis University Economics Department, Waltham, MA Sep 20xx present
Teacher Assistant for Financial Accounting (Spring 20xx) and Global Economics (Fall 20xx)
Hold weekly office hours and recitations on class material as well as reviews for midterm and final exams
Grade problem sets and students’ final research papers
Sodexo Corporation, Waltham, MA Aug 20xx Dec 20xx
Server, Brandeis University Faculty Club
Provided catering services for special events on Brandeis University campus
National Society of Collegiate Scholars President (20xx present); VP for Community Service (20xx)
Brandeis Business Club President and Founder (20xx 20xx)
Fortè Foundation network, 85 Broads women’s network – Member (20xx 20xx)
Brandeis Emerging Leaders Series Program Completion with Excellence (20xx)
MBxxx 415 South Street, Waltham, MA | business@brandeis.edu | 123-456-7890
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Bachelor of Arts in Economics Expected May 20xx
Minors: Business and Mathematics
Relevant courses: Econometrics, Functions of a Capitalist Enterprise, Financial Accounting,
Entrepreneurship, and Innovation
Microsoft Office: Word, PowerPoint & Excel
STATA: Data Analysis and Statistical Software
Financial Statement & Strategy Project, Brandeis University, Waltham MA May 20xx
Team Member
Analyzed decreasing sales of Microsoft phones, examining balance sheets and cash flow
Researched strategic actions to increase market share and profitability
Recommended practical steps to profitability in 20+ page paper and presentation
The Gromwell Group, LLC, New York, NY May-August 20xx
Talent Acquisition Intern
Oversaw billing and payment for over 5000 clients
Designed reports in Excel for monthly accounting audits to identify revenue sources and ensure
Developed and relationships with recruiters, clients and vendors to better promote company’s
services and talent
Healthy Habits Kitchen, Wellesley, MA May-August 20xx
Office Assistant
Organized and maintained Excel file of company’s expenditures and inventory of 200+ items
Updated website with meal options and nutrition information on a monthly schedule
Created and distributed client order checklists to improve efficiency of order processing
AT&T, Morristown, NJ May-August 20xx
Examined up to 1,100 domestic and international communications contracts
Assessed contracts; extracted and recorded relevant agreements, annexes, and memorandums
Created and maintained inventory of contracts in Excel spreadsheet, categorized by customer
service choices
Waltham Group, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA August 20xx-Present
Multiple volunteer experiences including visiting senior citizens in nursing homes weekly,
collecting canned goods for donation, and tutoring high school students
Sunrise Assisted Living, Randolph, NJ May-August 20xx
Interacted with residents to stimulate conversation, assist with mobility and ensure comfort
Human Resources Student
415 South Street, MB XXXX, Waltham, MA | HR@brandeis.edu | (123) 456-7890
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Bachelor of Arts in Business and Fine Arts, minor in Anthropology May 20xx
Relevant Coursework: Organizational Behavior, Data Analytics, Leadership and
Management, Financial Accounting, Marketing Research, International Banking and Finance
King’s College London, London, UK
Study Abroad January 20xx-June 20xx
Relevant Coursework: International Economics and Trade, Organizational Psychology, The
Psychology of Entrepreneurship
Relevant Experience
Human Resources Associate Intern
New England Construction and Development, Boston, MA May 20xx - Sept 20xx
Assisted HR staff in recruitment and onboarding for 5,000-person construction management
Conducted audits on 300+ personnel files for quality assurance, filing personnel and medical
information, and scanning employee files into online personnel files
Supported training and development teams by developing and co-leading onboarding
sessions for new staff
Utilized Workday to help review applications, forward materials to recruiters, assisted in
scheduling interviews and maintaining correspondence with applicants
Human Resources Intern
Connected Home Care, Framingham, MA May 20xx - August 20xx
Coordinated interview schedules and assisted in the hiring process by interviewing potential
Maintained relevant and required data including employee profiles and payroll timesheets
Managed background checks and I-9 verification processes
Orientation Leader
Department of Orientation Brandeis University, Waltham, MA August 20xx
Selected as one of 50 leaders from a pool of 200 applicants, participated in 40+ hours of
training in team building, ethics and integrity, resources and diversity
Guided group of 7 first-year students through a week of orientation activities
Counseled new students and families on topics including college life, safety and academics
Provided resources to first-year students, answered questions, and introduced new peers to
Additional Experience
Undergraduate Departmental Representative
Brandeis Undergraduate Business Program, Waltham, MA May 20xx - Present
Selected to represent department at campus-wide functions and serve as liaison between
department and students
Developed 4 programs on academic and career topics, and provide departmental information
for students
Computer: Microsoft Office, Google Drive, Adobe Photoshop, Workday, Taleo
Social Media and Technology: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Slack, Zoom
Real Estate Student Name
415 South Street, Waltham, MA | 123-456-7089 | s[email protected]
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Bachelor of Arts in Business and Economics May 20xx
Relevant Courses: Real Estate Finance, Asset Management, Financial Accounting, Marketing
Field Project, Real Estate and Society Course, Brandeis University, Waltham MA
Team Member January 20xx May 20xx
Collaborated with 4 team members to identify potential Opportunity Zone for Boston-based multifamily
Evaluated acquisition by creating DCF models using ARGUS and Excel
Performed competitive analysis on comparable sites, examined zoning ordinances and gathered rental comps
Collected and synthesized financial and operating information, utilized PowerPoint to deliver presentation of
analysis and recommendations
Douglas Elliman, New York, NY
Intern Agent June 20xx - August 20xx
Compiled list of potential leads using database and community-specific market research, assisting the agency
to secure 4 new clients over a 6-month period
Analyzed market trends, conditions, and activities to advise clients and develop proposals
Provided individualized follow-up, contributing to a 30% increase in repeat business and a 45% increase in
personal referrals
Developed relationships with banks, appraisers, mortgage lenders, and brokers to support agents’ timely
transaction goals
Real Estate and Society Course, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Teaching Assistant January 20xx May 20xx
Conducted weekly office hours to provide students individualized instruction on class materials and case
Coordinated with professor to create quantitative tutorials such as discounted cash flow modeling,
amortization tables, and sensitivity testing models
Sotheby's International Realty, New York, NY
Real Estate Marketing Intern June 20xx - August 20xx
Built prospect list for marketing campaign which resulted in three new listings for the team
Conducted a targeted search to increase client base by analyzing data and cold calling for open house events
Created ‘Just Listed’ graphics for the team’s social media New Listings accounts
Conference & Events Services, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Office Assistant October 20xx May 20xx
Supported 100+ internal and external campus events per semester
Assisted in coordinating event booking, schedules, logistics, and billing for catering and equipment rental
Moody’s, Argus, Excel, R (intermediate), SQL (beginner), Stata (intermediate), Python (beginner)
415 South Street, Waltham, MA | 123-456-7089 | student@brandeis.edu
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Bachelor of Arts in Economics, May 20xx
Minors in Business and Fine Arts (Studio) GPA: 3.58
Princeton Summer in Ishikawa, Kanazawa, Japan
Intensive Japanese language study Jun-Jul 20xx
Software: Mac OS X, Microsoft Office applications, Adobe Creative Suite, web content management
Social Media: Tumbler, WordPress, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram,
HootSuite, Google Analytics
Acceleration Partners (AP), Boston, MA Sep 20xx-present
Social Media Intern
Manage and monitor AP’s social media presence on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram
Administer CEO’s personal Twitter account to help grow followers by over 150% in three months
Create and curate social media content (posts, photos, podcasts, blogs, downloadable content) to
support company marketing objectives and initiatives
Report on key metrics to Marketing Manager for end-of-month reporting
Touchstone Research, Inc., Branford, CT May 20xx-Aug 20xx
Market Research Intern
Used data-driven approach to help client companies develop products and target demographics
Conducted quantitative and qualitative market research in an online and app-based setting
Analyzed data, tested survey data for statistical significance, and synthesized data into
recommendations for clients, advising on product development, product launches, and app
Recruited over 500 members to online community, expanding Touchstone’s access to college-aged
CBS Boston, Boston, MA Jun-Aug 20xx
Public Relations Intern
Wrote informational notices about upcoming events in Boston on CBS website
Coordinated events and arranged speaking engagements for news talent
Vetted, selected, and scheduled Public Service Announcements for on-air placement
Supervised and trained three new interns
Brandeis University Varsity Women's Basketball Aug 20xx-present
Point Guard, Squad Leader
Dedicate 18 hours per week to play and practice competing at NCAA Division III level
Designed team logo and ordered apparel for players and coaching staff
Communicate team and university values to prospective recruits
Coach and mentor young players weekly at Waltham public schools with teammates
Waltham Group, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Oct 20xx-present
Meet weekly with elementary school children to enhance skills in math
Media/Publishing Student
415 South Street, Waltham, MA • 123-456-7089 • media@brandeis.edu www.mediastudent.wordpress.com
B.A. in American Studies; Minor: Journalism Expected May 20xx
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Dean’s List
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship for promise of excellence in post-secondary education 20xx
New Directions in Social Media, The New Media Landscape Course May 20xx
Women and Journalism in Malaysia, Women and Gender in Society Course January 20xx
The Brandeis Hoot, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA September 20xx-present
Monitor all aspects of student-run weekly newspaper including content, funding requests and advertising
Contribute to all sections; write and edit articles, conduct research, oversee layout and desktop publishing
Rent The Runway, New York, NY January 20xx-present
Content & Marketing Strategy Intern
Write detailed product descriptions for over 10,000 items on fashion website
Develop strategic engagement, traffic and lead generation campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and
Instagram, monitor analytics to measure success and determine ideas for future growth
Create content for and schedule social media postings; actively maintain channels daily
Deliver final branding presentation to C-suite executive team
The New Straits Times Newspaper, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia June-August 20xx
Reported on events and ongoing news stories in Kuala Lumpur and outlying areas, often going solo to cover stories
Wrote and submitted at least one news- or feature-length article weekly
Watch City News, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA September 20xx-May 20xx
Transformed bi-monthly publication with low circulation to weekly four-page cultural insert in local newspaper
Arranged complimentary ticket plan with local movie theater to encourage campus writers to review new films
Developed new creative writing section to provide forum for student written work
Recruited writers to cover fashion, music, movies and cultural events on campus and in the Boston area
Mosaic Diversity Leadership Program, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA September 20xx-May 20xx
Strengthened personal leadership skills and understanding of cultural differences
The Putnam County Historical Society/Foundry School Museum, Cold Spring, NY June-August 20xx
Museum Manager/Guard
Managed museum on Saturdays and Sundays, including opening, closing, admissions and administrative work
Welcomed and oriented visitors to museum, maintained collections security, and sold merchandise
Computers: PC and Mac platforms, MS Office, Adobe Premier, HTML, Flash
Social Media: Tumblr, WordPress, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat, Pinterest
Editorial & Design: Wix, Canva, Adobe InDesign
Counseling Student
415 South Street, Waltham, MA • 123-456-7089 • [email protected]
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Art History May 20xx
GPA: 3.65
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA Sep 20xx-Dec 20xx
Coursework in Developmental Psychology
Students Talking About Relationships, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Sep 20xx-present
Peer Counselor
Trained to listen and respond to students regarding romantic, peer, family and academic
Plan and implement student support programming in conjunction with Psychology
Attend weekly meetings to publicize organization, recruit members and assess program
New Undergraduate Student Orientation, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Aug 20xx
Orientation Leader
Participated in 40+ hours of training in team building, ethics and integrity, resources and
Counseled new students and families on topics such as college life, safety and academics
Offered resources to all first-years, answered questions, and introduced new peers to
Guided group of 7 first-year students through a week of orientation activities
Selected as 1 of 50 students from a pool of 200 applicants
Littlefeet Too! Preschool, Randomville, NY May-Jul 20xx, 20xx
Summer Program Assistant Teacher
Engaged groups of 9 to xx children in conversation, play and learning
Organized and implemented classroom activities for and ensured safety of children 3-5
years of age
Merritt Bookstore Volume II, Randomville, NY Jan 20xx-Aug 20xx
Part-time Operations Coordinator
Processed billing accounts of up to $12,000 and sent monthly statements to customers
Supervised monthly updates of bibliographic PROfiche data system
Ordered up to $1,000 worth of merchandise for organizations and individuals
Proficient in Spanish
Knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Simplicity, PROfiche
linkedin.com/in/DeisEducation portfolio.wordpress.com
student@brandeis.edu Waltham, MA (123) 456-7890
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy Expected May 20xx
Overall GPA: 3.3 | Major GPA: 3.8
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Sep-Dec 20xx
Coursework in Spanish language, Latin American history and culture
Dean's Award Scholarship for academic merit, Brandeis University, 20xx-present
World of Work grant, Brandeis University, $3500 award to pursue unpaid summer internship,
Healthcare in America, Global Perspectives on Justice, Women and Children
Education and Human Rights, Latin American Social Movements, Advanced Spanish
Promoting Good Health: 1917-2017, a review of changes and major trends in U.S. hospital services
(Healthcare in America, January 20xx)
Pre-school Education in Argentina, a study of three urban early childhood programs, including in-
depth interviews with teachers, students, and families (Education and Rights, May, 20xx)
Community TODAY, Boston, MA Sep 20xx-present
Project Intern
Track participant test scores and satisfaction ratings to assess effectiveness of bilingual
(Spanish-English) instruction program in urban elementary classrooms
Present summary of data at weekly meetings with project leaders and school representatives
Visit classrooms to supplement quantitative findings with qualitative information from on-site
observation and interviews
Admissions Office, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Sep 20xx-May 20xx
Office Assistant
Responded efficiently and professionally to public inquiries about admissions procedures
Managed appointment schedule for four interviewers and administrators
Provided support such as web-based and archival research on special projects as needed
Department of Education, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston, MA Jun-Aug 20xx
Research Intern
Served as co-liaison with focus groups to determine residents’ concerns about public school
systems’ administration, testing requirements and resources
Created 120-page report and delivered presentation to government officials based on focus
group data and interviews
Maintained large database of state-wide school testing results, analyzed data and ran reports as
needed to support supervisor’s work with educators and legislators
Your name Page 2
Waltham Group, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Jan 20xx-present
After-school Sports Aide
Lead 20 middle school students in athletic activities
Teach game rules and appropriate codes of conduct and sportsmanship
Self-employed, Waltham, MA May-Aug 20xx
Instructed children aged 6 to 12 in beginning to advanced Spanish language
Created curriculum and exercises complementary to Commonwealth of Massachusetts
classroom requirements
Built client base through personal website and word-of-mouth
New Undergraduate Student Orientation, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Aug 20xx
Orientation Leader
Selected as one of 50 leaders from a pool of 200 applicants, participated in 40+ hours of
training in team building, ethics and integrity, resources and diversity
Guided group of 7 first-year students through a week of orientation activities
Counseled new students and families on topics including college life, safety and academics
Provided resources to first-year students, answered questions, and introduced new peers to
Queer Resource Center, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Jan May 20xx
General Staff
Supported students during weekly office hours on topics related to the intersection of gender
and sexuality with religion, relationships, substance abuse and the law
Presented diversity education programs to 200+ first-year students
Contributor, A. A., Contributor, B. B., Contributor, C. C., & Contributor, D. D. (Year, Month Day). Title of
contribution [Description of contribution]. Title of Symposium/Conference, Location.
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume
number(issue number), pages. https://doi.org/xx.xxx/yyyy
Language: Proficient in Spanish
Computer: Strong computer skills in Microsoft Word, SAS, PowerPoint, Excel, Lotus
American Philosophy Association, Member 20xx-present
Waltham, MA | [email protected] | 123-456-7890
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology Expected May 20xx
Minors: Education Studies, Near Eastern and Judaic Studies
Related Coursework: Secondary Curriculum Instruction and Assessment, Education and Social
Policy, Critical Perspectives in Urban Education
The Anti-Bullying Project, Does It Go Far Enough? Education and Social Policy Course Feb 20xx
Researched effectiveness of the US Anti-Bullying Project through literature review and
informational interviews with the Massachusetts Department of Education
Analyzed research and integrated informational interviews and conclusions in 30-page paper and
presented to faculty and peers
Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) Expected May 20xx
Moderate Special Needs Certificate Expected May 20xx
First Aid/CPR certified Sep 20xx
Concussion certified, Heads Up online training Jun 20xx
Devices: Elmo, SmartBoard, iClicker, graphing calculator
Software: Adobe Creative Cloud, TI-Nspire
Grading: Praxi, Gradebook Wizard
Pre-Practicum Experiences, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Sept 20xx
5th Grade Science, Kehillah Schechter Academy, Norwood, MA Sep - Dec 20xx
3rd Grade Reading, Eliot Elementary School, Boston, MA Jan - May 20xx
Observed teaching methods and classroom management skills
Created interactive lesson plans supported by pre and post assessments, in collaboration with
cooperating teacher
Taught hands-on inquiry science lesson on starfish using the cooperative structure, think-pair-
Har Zion Temple, Penn Valley, PA
Senior Camp Counselor Jun - Aug 20xx & 20xx
Mentored and led groups of preschoolers (aged 3 to 5 years) in academic and recreational
Communicated camp news to parents via newsletter and open houses
Special Needs Teaching Assistant Jun - Aug 20xx
Assisted teaching a class of 7 students about religious holidays, values and traditions
Education Student p.2
Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church, Bryn Mawr, PA May - Sep 20xx
Substitute Shadow
Guided and assisted four-year-old diagnosed with autism in mainstreamed preschool classroom
WGBH Public Television, Boston, MA May - Jul 20xx
Educational Productions Intern
Assisted in planning inaugural Summer Science Education Forum hosting xx national PBS
stations and educational partners
Performed maintenance and xml coding on national scale public television database for
educators: www.teachersdomain.org
Organized and compiled legal clearances for an online media collection about civil rights
Please Touch Museum, Philadelphia, PA Jun - Sep 20xx
Community Services Intern
Organized and updated mobile exhibits for Montessori-based interactive museum
Presented and interpreted exhibits and facilitated play at parenting workshops
Peers Educating about Responsible Choices, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Sep 20xx - present
Publicity Chair
Present and moderate residence hall workshops educating students about effects and
consequences of drug and alcohol use with a “just say no” approach
Brandeis University Theater Arts Department, Waltham, MA Oct 20xx-present
Main Stage Manager
Lead 3-person student team to manage large performance venue including ticketing, staffing,
procurement and event logistics
Coordinate with faculty and administrators to plan academic year schedule
Language: Italian (fluent), Spanish (intermediate), Hebrew (conversational)
Computer: Microsoft Word, TMS, Dreamweaver, PowerPoint, Excel, Lotus
415 South Street, MB xxxx 123-456-7890
Waltham, MA 02454 [email protected]
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Major in Politics and Psychology Expected May 20xx
Minor in Legal Studies
Relevant Courses: Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Topics in Law and Political Theory, Legal
Foundations of American Capitalism, Power and Violence
Greater Boston Legal Services, Boston, MA Aug 20xx - Present
Legal Intern
Advocate for clients who are losing housing or need access to municipal and state services
Research housing laws and case law to aid in specific cases
Draft continuances, motions, affidavits, and other legal documents
Law Offices of Robert Brady, East Providence, RI Jun20xx - Aug 20xx
Summer Intern
Researched Rhode Island case law and statutes applicable to client cases
Studied client files and organized materials for Requests for Production and Medical Affidavits
Created arbitration binders for use in court-annexed arbitration
Rhode Island Superior Court, Providence, RI May 20xx - Aug 20xx
Law Clerk for Judge Judith Savage
Drafted letters and briefs based on legal research for pending cases
Researched probate law, liability, state drug and alcohol statutes; composed memoranda synthesizing
Observed cases both in court room and in judge’s chambers with counsel
Agency for International Development, Washington, DC May 20xx - Aug 20xx
Intern, Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation, Bureau for Democracy
Edited internal and external reports fulfilling agency requirements to assess effectiveness of programs
managing causes and consequences of conflict worldwide
Generated office correspondence and tracked agency products/deliverables as member of 3-person team
Collaborated with Technical Team member to provide scheduling and data support to project assessing
countries at risk for conflict, instability, and violent extremism
Politics Department, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Sep 20xx - Present
Undergraduate Department Representative
Serve as liaison between politics department faculty and students
Develop programs of interest and provide departmental information for majors
Computer: LexisNexis, CaseMap, Westlaw Research, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint
Language: Proficient in Spanish
Certificate: Certified EMT, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
linkedin.com/in/DeisSocialGood student@brandeis.edu Waltham, MA (123) 456-7890
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
BA in Politics and International Global Studies; Minor in Legal Studies Expected May 20xx
Senior Honors Thesis: “Communities Working Together,” a study of the collaboration of five urban groups in
Boston to identify and advocate for needed neighborhood services, adviser: Prof. A. Smith
Human Rights Campaign, Washington, DC Jun 20xx present
Board Relations Intern
Compile and edit contributions to Annual Report for nation's largest LGBTQ+ rights organization
Plan board conferences, including securing speakers and researching venues
Manage official correspondence between Board of Directors and Board of Governors
Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, Boston, MA Jun Aug 20xx
Special Events Intern
Organized annual fundraising gala with 1000+ attendees for public interest legal rights organization
Coordinated mass mailings and telephone bank to secure support from businesses and civic organizations
Procured over $5000 in auction items through direct appeal and donor stewardship
Managed Excel databases of donor information and event details
Provided on-site assistance for gala; delegated tasks to 20 volunteers and oversaw room set up
Queer Resource Center, Waltham, MA Jan May 20xx
General Staff
Provided resources to students during weekly office hours on topics related to the intersection of gender and
sexuality with religion, relationships, substance abuse and the law
Presented diversity education programs to 200+ first-year students
Triskelion (GLBTQSA Alliance), Waltham, MA Oct 20xx May 20xx
General Coordinator
Developed policy manual to improve outreach, activism and education on campus
Facilitated weekly club and e-board meetings for 40+ people
Renewed alumni connections through email and video campaigns to enhance student-alumni networking
and support
Oversaw many successful events ranging from dances and speakers to protests and policy change
Smith for Mayor Campaign, San Antonio, TX Aug 20xx Jun 20xx
Intern/Volunteer Coordinator
Mapped walking routes using GIS software to assist campaign canvassers
Contacted local diversity center and high schools to encourage young voter support
Sociology Department, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Jan 20xx present
Research Assistant
Conduct research on social policy, religion and race to support professor’s research area
Identify and code themes in compiled fieldwork and interview transcripts for forthcoming book
Men’s Baseball, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Sep 20xx present
Balanced 18+ hour practice, training, competition, and travel schedule at NCAA Division III level,
Selected by teammates as squad leader for the 20xx season; plan training drills and motivate teammates
Politics/Government Student
Waltham, MA 02453 | politics@brandeis.edu | (123) 456-7890 | linkedin.com/in/DeisPolitics
Bachelor of Arts in Politics
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA May 20xx
Cumulative GPA: 3.9/4.0, Presidential Scholar, Posse Scholar
Relevant Coursework: Introduction to Political Theory, Introduction to American Government,
Comparative Politics, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, Constitutional Law, Business Law
CIEE Study Abroad
Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea August-December 20xx
Courses: International Relations in East Asia, Security and Social Media in South Korea, Intensive
Korean Language 2, Cosmopolitanism and its Critics
Outstanding Teen Volunteer for Texas League for Planned Parenthood March 20xx
Chosen to speak at the Texas League for Planned Parenthood 2018 annual gala
United States Department of Labor, Boston, MA May - Present
Data Analyst and Policy Intern
Compiled data and statistics on non-traditional apprenticeship programs and occupational licensure
Briefed staff biweekly on current events and issues pertaining to wage inequality, work conditions and
immigrant adversity
Attended legislative hearings and interagency workgroups to understand regional constituent concerns
and provide information on department’s mission
ActBlue, Somerville, MA August 20xx May 20xx
Communicated with 50+ donors per week via email, coordinating with Customer Services
Assisted in donor response, check printing, reimbursements, and research projects for the Partnerships
Texas State Senator’s Office, Austin, TX
Constituent Services Intern May 20xx June 20xx
Responded efficiently to constituent inquiries, answering letters and phones calls and filing them
Managed and updated constituent case files and drafted correspondence
Researched and wrote policy memos on gun rights and police reform
Department of Student Rights and Community Standards, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Student Conduct Board Member August 20xx- Present
Educate the University about the Brandeis codes of conduct and personally advise students who are either
victims or perpetrators of conduct violations
Attend training sessions on diversity, sexual assault awareness, and conflict resolution
Adjudicate alleged violations of University policy and impose sanctions when appropriate
Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Drive, Google Sheets, Lexis-Nexis, EBSCO
database, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, iMovie, Canva, Trello, Slack
Religious Work Student
415 South St. Waltham, MA | | [email protected] | 123-456-7890.
Brandeis University, Waltham MA
Bachelor of Arts in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies; minor in Hebrew, May 20xx
Relevant Coursework: Advanced Intermediate Hebrew (Israeli Culture & Media), Biblical Hebrew Practicum,
Sociology of Religion, Religion Identity & Conflict
Christianity and Antisemitism Thesis, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA August 20xx May 20xx
Conducted independent research under faculty supervision as part of senior thesis project titled, “Christianity and
Antisemitism: An evaluation of Rosemary Ruether's faith and fratricide”
Researched and analyzed over 50 individuals source materials and original texts, reviewing themes and
synthesizing results
Wrote 80-page thesis of original work and connected themes of historical and modern instances of Christianity
and Antisemitism
Defended thesis in front of committee and received High Honors
Yeshiva Ohr High School, Chestnut Hill, MA September 20xx - June 20xx
Assistant Teacher
Collaborated with master teacher on a year-long religious philosophy course for 25 5
grade students
Translated lesson plans into experiential activities and created materials supporting a range of student learning
styles and abilities
Organized and maintained accurate Commonwealth-compliant subject, grading, and reporting records on student
activities, achievement and attendance
Selected and requisitioned books, instructional aids, and other supplies and equipment and maintained inventory
Riverview Village, Oakwood, MA June - August 20xx
Elder Companion Volunteer
Supported 20 residents of hospice community through conversation and aid with daily needs
Assisted recreation coordinator to offer music, arts and movement activities
Shared observations on residents’ concerns with director and skilled care staff
Brandeis Hillel, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA October 20xx May 20xx
Communication Coordinator
Collaborated with 8 other board members to develop Jewish programming for the Brandeis community
Compiled Jewish social and cultural events to send in a weekly email to a listserv of over 2,000 people
Congregation Shalom, Short Hills, NJ May August 20xx
Updated and transferred 200+ paper memorial records into new online congregant database
Supported administrative assistant with daily tasks, answering phone calls and responding to inquires
Language: Hebrew (advanced intermediate)
Computers/Technology: Microsoft Office, SPSS, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, WordPress, Social Media
MBxx 415 South St., Waltham, MA 02454 | [email protected] |123-456-7890
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
B.A. in Biology, minors in Chemistry and Business Expected Dec 20xx
GPA: 3.55, Dean's List
Relevant Courses:
Cellular Structure and Function & Lab Genetics and Molecular Biology & Lab
Biochemistry Human Physiology
Biological Statistics Human Anatomy & Lab
Environmental Chemistry Organic Chemistry & Lab
Laboratory Techniques and Computer Skills
Bacterial transformation, mutagenesis, complementation, genetic mapping, restriction mapping, polymerase
chain reaction, and microscopy
Use and analysis of chromatography, MR, UV, IR, and mass spectroscopy
Preparation, synthesis, and purification of a wide range of organic compounds
SPSS, Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Explorer
Mar 20xx
Sep 20xx-present
Boston-Consortium Chemical Hygiene Training & Environmental Health and Safety Training
Research Experience
Gxxxxx Laboratory, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Drosophila Melanogaster Neurobiology Lab Assistant
Ensure the survival and maintenance of thousands of genetic strains of Drosophila
Trained in autoclaving and the use and transportation of liquid chemicals and gaseous compounds
Create detailed data reports to share with research team at weekly progress meetings
Oct 20xx-May 20xx
Lxxxx Laboratory, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Escherichia coli DNA Research Lab Assistant
Retrieved, handled, reproduced, and shipped E. coli strains to support research into mechanisms by which cells
preserve genetic information
Practiced sterile techniques and microbial culture production to determine viable counts of bacteria
Created and mixed nutrients for pouring plates and liquid media to explore cellular nutrition
Additional Experience
DJ Start-Up Business, Waltham, MA Jun 20xx-present
Disc Jockey, Entrepreneur
Invested $1300 in equipment; recovered expenses and created profitable business in six months
Work night shifts and long weekends for large venues, over 20 events a year
Coordinate and manage logistics with professional event planners to help develop events and themes
Clubs for Children, Boston, MA Jul 20xx-May 20xx
Marketing Consultant
Promoted services and special events for children and families through website and social networking sites
Liaised with local media outlets to arrange feature stories, interviews, and organizational profiles
Computer Hardware Student Resume
Waltham, MA | [email protected] | 123-456-7890 | github.com/DeisStudent
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Minors in Mathematics and History Expected May 20xx
Selected Courses: Operating Systems, Data Structures and the Fundamentals of Computing, Autonomous Robotics
Hardware: Network configuration, WAN/LAN and routers, Security systems, Cloud management
Programming: Java, R, Matlab, SPSS, STATA, Python, Eclipse, Junit, PyUnit
Systems: Microsoft OS, Mac OS, and Microsoft Office Applications
Information Technology Services, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Sep 20xx-Present
Level 2 Help Desk Consultant
Assist students and faculty with software and hardware issues, preforming 15+ repairs per week
Provide support for University applications including Workday, LATTE, JunosPulse and resolve Operating
Systems and data backup issues using KACE, DROBO, and boot operations
Consult on technical issue across campus, staffing university help line
Brandeis Robotics Club, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Sep 20xx-Present
Coordinated weekly robotics workshops for 20+ students including soldering training, and 3D printing training
Secured $1,500 in funding and managed budgets for equipment, repairs, and educational events
Collaborated with 3 team members to design and compete in regional robotics competition, designed robotic
control system, and received 4
MathWorks, Natick, MA Jun 20xx-Aug 20xx
Desktop Support Intern
Installed and troubleshot software packages across 1,500-person office on Mac and Windows OS machines
Provided technical support to customers via email and cataloged inventory of customer requests into help system
Reconfigured desktops and network equipment to increase functionality and addressed performance issues
Operating Systems, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Aug 20xx-Dec 20xx
Implemented a baisc unix command shell and adapted it to build a concurrent unix command shell using Java
with Java Threads for users to be able to process both foreground and background commands.
Statistical Approaches to NLP, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Jan 20xx-May 20xx
Created three deep learning models (LSTM, LSTM with Char CNN, and LSTM-CRF) to find the accuracy of the
POS tag assigned in the training data from the Penn TreeBank
Girls Who Code, New York, NY May 20xx-Aug 20xx
Teaching Assistant
Led activities to stimulate student interest in coding and computational thinking
Provided individual and group support to students on coding projects
Collaborated with head teacher to review lesson plans and establish productive and engaging environment
Tutored students to reinforce their understanding of concepts and functions discussed during class time
Computer Science Department, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Sep 20xx-May 202xx
Undergraduate Department Representative
Facilitate discussion and events centered around innovation and computer science, between faculty and students
Supported and helped run Brandeis’ Codestellation Hackathon
Computer Science Student
[email protected] | (124) 456-7890 | linkd.in/coscistudent | Waltham, MA 02454
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
B.S. in Computer Science and Business Expected May 20xx
GPA: 3.5 (Dean’s list for 4 semesters)
Relevant Coursework: Web Application Programming, Discrete Mathematics, Data Structures, Spoken Dialog
Design, Software Entrepreneurship, Computation, Operating Systems
Programming: Java, Maven, AngularJS, Java-script, Mongo Database, NodeJS, Express, Restful API’s, Ruby,
Gherkin/Cucumber, HTML, CSS, Github, Scheme, Subversion
Software: Eclipse, RubyMine, Microsoft Office, Excel, Autodesk
Operating Systems: Windows, Linux Ubuntu (certificate of experience with Linux)
Software Engineering Intern, Capital One, Richmond, VA June 20xx August 20xx
Developed web-applications in Java that assembles and conditions data for scheduled integration, system, and
performance testing of credit card services; automated process that previously took weeks to complete
Built Ruby project to run a series of tests on the customer acquisitions platform for integration testing purposes
Implemented the ATDD (Acceptance Test Driven Development) ideology by frequently constructing Ruby tests
with the Gherkin/Cucumber framework to test the web application
Frameworks: Java (Maven Project), Restful API’s, MongoDB, AngularJS, Ruby, Gherkin/Cucumber (testing)
Supply Chain Logistics Intern, Signify, Bridgewater, NJ June 20xx Aug 20xx
Automated twelve key performance indicator metrics from an excel sheet by creating tables and visuals on a
dashboard by applying the tools Snowflake and Power Bi for the End to End Performance Team
Participated in creating a code that helps warehouses in sorting LTL shipment and determine how many pallets
to stack together
Learned different tools like Microsoft Azure and Amazon S3 cloud storage to help with continuous data loading
for faster connection to Snowflake
Data Management for Data Science, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Aug 20xx Dec 20xx
Cleaned data using the python re.package, configure entity resolution with the record-linkage package and
process data with one-hot encoding
Trained, tested, and validated data based on different Machine Learning algorithms (decision tree, K-nearest
neighbors) and evaluate their performance using F1 score from Confusion Matrix
Unsupervised Learning and Data Mining, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Jan 20xx May 20xx
Implemented K-means clustering algorithm using built in python packages with two different types of
initializations and compared the results the algorithm’s implementation with Scipy packages
Operating Systems, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Aug 20xx - Dec 20xx
Implemented a baisc unix command shell and then adapted it to build a concurrent unix command shell using
Java with Java Threads for users to be able to process both foreground and background commands.
Captain, Brandeis Robotics Club, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Sep 20xx-Present
Coordinated weekly robotics workshops for 20+ students including soldering training, and 3D printing training
Environmental Services Student
415 South Street, Waltham, MA 025453 | 123-456-7890 | ENV[email protected]
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies, minor in Legal Studies May 20xx
GPA: 3.7; Dean’s List (all semesters)
Relevant Coursework: Fundamentals of Environmental Challenges, Applied Geographic Information Systems,
Conservation Biology, Evolution and Biodiversity
Office of Sustainability, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Aug 20xx present
Sustainability Ambassador
Partner with multiple campus clubs to plan large-scale ecologically themed events
Manage all aspects of campus Green Office and Green Room Certification Programs, educating
departments and residence halls on institutional sustainability practices
Present to groups of 10-45 peers on concrete ways to reduce personal carbon footprint
Nkonzo Wildlife Research Center, Mossel Bay, South Africa May Jul 20xx
Wildlife Research and Conservation Intern
Collected field data on water quality and sea life diversity through sampling, dives and remote sensing
Organized data from past conservation research reports to create comprehensive review of
organization’s progress to date for comparison with regional advances
Received instruction on conservation biology, animal behavior, ethics and wildlife tourism from
center’s staff of scientists
Students for Environmental Action, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Jan 20xx Dec 20xx
Vice President
Planned agenda and led weekly meetings for 35 members to share information, select priority topics
and develop action steps/projects
Co-led Brandeis Divestment Week events, including 4 educational and experiential events to promote
fossil fuel divestment
Assisted marketing team to create messaging on latest club sustainability initiatives
Brandeis Volleyball Club, Member Sep 20xx - present
Brandeis Korean Student Association, Member Jan 20xx - present
Up the Octave, Member Sep 20xx - present
Environment: Environmental Impact Assessment, basic habitat management
Computer: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, GIS, GPS, R, database management
Language: Spanish (advanced)
Waltham, MA [email protected]
(124) 456-7890 linkd.in/student
Skilled laboratory technician exploring research and development opportunities in neuroscience. Experience working with
human and animal subjects in clinical and medical environments
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
B.S in Neuroscience and Biology Expected May 20xx
Relevant Course Work: Behavioral Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Human Memory, Principles of Neuroscience,
Psychology Statistics, Social Psychology
Research tools: Tobii eye-tracker, Matlab, autoclaving device
Familiar with IRB review process
Create and test yeast and bacterial plates
Adhere to research and safety protocols
Aug 20xx-present
Psychology and Statistics Laboratory, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Research Assistant, Professor Brian Wilson, PI
Research unconscious learning by extracting statistical regularities of unknown visual scenes
Test human subjects to collect visual and learning data, supplementing with eye-tracker data
Train and head-fix rats and observe visual learning in animals
Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Sep 20xx-present
President, Secretary
Oversee club members’ execution of program responsibilities, keep in contact with national chapters
Spread awareness of club’s mission through student-professor discussion panels
Write successful grant proposals and raise funds through corporate sponsorship and events
Assisted with health education classes and community discussions in Costa Rican clinic; presented workshops on
gender-related medical issues; managed day-to-day administration; assisted with minor medical procedures
Waltham Volunteer Group, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Aug 20xx-May 20xx
Companions to Elders Coordinator
Provided weekly companionship and activities for up to 50 elderly adults in Waltham
Supervised 30 volunteers: organized training at nursing home, scheduled weekly visitations, arranged
Communicated with administrators, faculty, and peers to problem-solve challenging situations
Department of Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT), Kasturba Hospital, Manipal, India Jun-Jul 20xx
Clinical and Surgical Observer
Attended clinic teaching program given by the hospital’s ENT department staff
Observed procedures in outpatient department and surgeries including endoscopic sinus surgery and widefield
total laryngectomy
Brandeis Wind Ensemble (clarinetist) Sept-May 20xx
South Asian Culture Club (member) Aug 20xx-May 20xx