National Accountability Bureau
NAB is maintaining its official website on http:// for national and
international visitors / viewers. NAB is also maintaining an Intra net website for the
benefit of users within organization. During the year, websites were regularly updated
with operational data, statistics, press releases, tender notices and other relevant
information. The details are as follows:-
Sr. Point Reply
1. Description of the public body
organization and functions,
duties, powers and any
services, it provides to the
public, including a directory of
its officers and employees,
indicating their duties functions
and their respective
remunerations, perks and
The NAB website covers following details:-
(Enclosed at Annex-A)
About Us
Salient Feature of NAO 1999
Organizational Chart
2. Status, statutory rules,
regulations, by-laws, orders and
notifications, etc. applicable to
the public body disclosing the
date of their respective
commencement or effect.
NAB is governed through National
Accountability Ordinance (NAO) 1999.
(Enclosed at Annex – B)
3. Substantive or procedural rules
and regulations of general
application evolved or adopted
by the public body including
any manual or policies used by
its employees.
Rules, regulations and Code of Conduct of
NAB are available in NAB Code of Conduct &
Ethics which forms part of Terms & conditions
of Service (TCS) of NAB employees (Enclosed
at Annex-C). Additionally, substantive
Standing Operating Procedures (SOPs) of all
the NAB functions have been prepared by NAB
which consist of 2 x volumes. Details of which
are as follows.
NAB Operational Methodology &
Procesution Procedures – Volume 1
Other Functions – Volume 2
Each officer of NAB carries a set of these
4. Relevant facts and background
information relating to
important policies and
decisions which have been
adopted, along with a
statement of the policies
adopted by the public body and
the citeria standards or
guidelines upon which
discretionary powers are
exercised by it.
Statement of Policy
National Accountability Bureau aims to be a
credible, effective, efficient and dynamic anti-
corruption organization creating an enabiling
environment for a corruption free society by
engaging all stakeholders in the fight against
corruption through a program which is
holistic, inclusive and progressive.
Standard & Guidelines
To eliminate corruption through a
comprehensive approach
encompaissing enforcement,
prosecution, awareness and
To rejuvenate the government bodies,
enhancing their capability for efficient
stewardship of public resources.
To establish an anti-corruption legal
framework, that provides a broad and
solid mechanism across the board.
To increase awareness and prevent
corruption in society through advocacy
and education.
To take cognizance of acts constituting
offences of corruption and corrupt
practices, eradication of corruption and
corrupt practices and hold accountable
accused persons and manners ancillary
To provide effective measures for
detection, investigation, prosecution
and speedy disposal of cases involving
corruption, corrupt practices, misues of
authority, misappropriation of
property, taking of kickbacks,
commissions and for manners
connected and ancillary or incidental
Decision Making & Use of Discretionary
As per the statute, all the powers to make the
culprit accountable are concentrated with
Chairman NAB. However, the procedures have
been adopted wherein the discretionary
powers of Chairman are exercised through
consultative boards i.e. Executive Board
Meetings (EBM) at NAB HQ and regional
Board Meetings (RBM) at Regional Level.
Therefore, inputs from operational, legal and
others are gathered to make the decision
logical and reasonable.
5. The conditions upon which
members of the public can
acquire any license, permit,
consent, approval, grant,
allotment or other benefits of
whatsoever nature from any
public body or upon which
transactions, agreements and
contracts, including contracts of
employment which can be
entered into with the public
body, along with particulars
about the recipients of any
concession, permit, license or
authorization granted by the
public body.
NAB is the apex National Anti
Corruption Agency. Its ambit includes
cases of Cheating Public at Large.
Procedure for lanching complaints is
simple application address to Chairman
or DG with available evidence attached.
Most of the cases against corruption
are initiated by NAB on receiving
Complaints from general public either
through mail or e-mail.
An email account is created for
Chairman by IT Cell on NAB email
server for receiving complaints,
suggestions and information directly
from people all over the world. The
address of this email account is
published on Bureau’s website for
information of general Public and is
given as under:-
Its Complaint initiation addresses are
given on the website (Enclosed at
Additionally, any person can view the
website and can give his / her opinion
regarding NAB repute / Performance.
He/She can also write the comments,
which are seen by the Competent
Authority. (Enclosed at Annex-E)
6. A description of its decision
making process as defined in
the Federal Government’s
Secretariat Instructions 2004
and any instructions for the
time being in force for public to
provide input into or be
consulted about decisions.
NAB adheres to a comprehensive decision
making process in the shape of Executive
Board Meetings (EBMs) chaired by Chairman
NAB and Regional Board Meetings (RBM)
chaird by Regional DGs. The general public is
informed about the decision through media
and NAB website.
7. Detailed budget of the public
body, including proposed and
actual expenditures, original or
revised revenue targets, actual
revenue receipts, revisions in
the approved budget and the
supplementary budget.
Annual Budget is not shown on website,
however, NAB Operations heading contains
Recoveries through Voluntary Return and Plea
Bargain (VR/PB).(Enclosed at Annex-F)
The methods whereby
information in the possession
or control of the public body
may be obtained and the
prescribed fee required
alongwith the name, title and
contract details of the
designated officials.
Every Year, Annual report is prepared which
includes all the work carried out within the
year by NAB and its Regional Offices. The
same is presented to President of Pakistan.
The same is available to public on NAB
website. The Report is also made available in
the market. (Enclosed at Annex-G)
9. Reports including performance
reports, credit reports,
evaluation reports, inquiry or
investigation reports and other
reports that have been
NAB Annual Report covers the details and the
NAB Website is updated about its Operational
10 Such others matters which
principal officer of the public
body deems fit to be published
in the public interest.
Lot of information has been made public
through website which includes:
NAB Operations (Annex-H)
List of 179 Mega Cases
State of recoveries
Voluntary Return / Plea bargain Data
Plea Bargain Details (01-07-2015 to 30-
Plea Bargain Details (2008 to 30-06-
Plea Bargain Details (2006 to 2007)
Voluntary Return Details (01-07-2015 to
Voluntary Return Details (2008 to 30-
Voluntary Return Details (2006 to 2007)
Court Cases Data
Statistics of Procesution
Proclaimed Offenders NAB Multan
Proclaimed Offenders NAB Sukkur
Public Infomrationi Meterial
Summary Ordiance of NAO 1999
National Anti Corruption Strategy
NAB Public Awareness Initiatives
Dhani Bux Movie
Case Briefs on different Case Studies
Details of Tenders
NAB Rawalpindi
Daily Press Clippings
11. Camera footages at public
places, wherever available,
which have bearing on a crime.
Awareness and Prevention (A&P) Division has
carried out a lot of awarenenss activities,
which are as follows:-
Awareness Campaign “Say No to Corruption”
“Say ‘No’ to Corruption” messages
through Cellular Companies.
Issuance of Postal Stamp bearing
“Say No to Corruption: message.
Say No to Corruption written on
mailing Envelope of Pakistan Post
All the provinces of Pakistan is now
printing “Say No to Corruption” on
Driving Licenses.
Pakistan Cricket and Hockey Team
carrying the message “Say No to
Story book for children “gogi Says
No to Corruption” in English and
Colouring books for children of
primary and secondary level
students to educate the children of
Pakistan to always “Say No to
“Say No to Corruption” message
written on Electricity, Gas & PTCL
etc Bills across the country
The message “Say No to
Corruption” is flashing on all ATMs
of Pakistan.
All the screens installed at
Pakistani airports are flashing the
message “Say No to Corruption” in
English and Urdu.
“Say No to Corruption” message
also written on the Railway Tickets.
All the Cinema Halls in Pakistan are
playing anticorruption song along
with “Say No to Corruption”
message before the start of the
“Say No to Corruption” on the
carrier paper of National Identity
Cards issued by NADRA.
Displaying “Say No to Corruption”
banners in PSO outlets and Petrol
Spreading the message “Say No to
Corruption” through Daewoo
Express Bus Service Pakistan.
Pakistan Observer and
Balochistan’s Daily Newspapers are
also printing the message “Say No
to Corruption” daily.
“Say No to Corruption” on
correspondence of Cabinet Division
/ NHA Tender Notices and Letters
of OGRA.
Delivered lectures on benefits of Awareness
Campaign “Say No to Corruption” in different
Schools/Colleges/Universities and
Air University
National Uiversity of Modern
Fatima Jinnah Women University
Roots International School
The City School
Iqra University
Islamabad Model College for Girls
International Islamic University
Quaid-e-Azam University
Crescent Lions Club SABA Orphan
Homes for Girls
Bahria University
Riphah University
“Say No to Corruption” Lectures –
Different Departments
Securities Exchange Commission of
Pakistan (SECP)
Pakistan Electronic & Media
Regulatory Authority (PEMRA)
Pakistan Air Force (Lady
Naval HQs (Lady Officers/Wives)
Directorate General of Civil
Pakistan International Airlines Ltd
National Defence University
National Highway Authority
Pakistan Postal Staff College
Ministry of Health
Asian Development Bank
POF Wah Cantt
IB Officers (IB Academy)
SAARC Nation Anti-Corruption
National Anti-Corruption Day
Sindh Madrassatul Islam University
National Highway Authority
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Quaid-e-Azam University (QAU)
International Islamic University
Higher Education Commission
Allama Iqbal Open University