Project SARTHI
UPPTCL Bill Tracking System
Vendor Training Manual
Bill Tracking System (BTS)
Version 1.0
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 About the Document ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Target Audience .............................................................................................................................. 3
2. Business Process ......................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Process Steps ............................................................................................................................. 3
3.1 Accessing the BTS System ................................................................................................................ 3
3.2 Update Password for the User/Vendor ID ........................................................................................ 6
3.3 Forgot Password/Password Recovery Option ................................................................................... 7
3.4 Uploading a new Invoice ................................................................................................................. 9
3.5 View a BTS ID to Track Status of your Invoice ................................................................................. 13
4. Important Points ...................................................................................................................... 16
5. Contact Details ......................................................................................................................... 16
1.1 About the Document
Welcome to the Vendor User Manual for our innovative Bill Tracking System. This document
guides vendors on using our portal to upload invoices and track their status. Gain access with a
unique login ID. Streamline your invoicing process effortlessly.
1.2 Target Audience
Suppliers & Vendors providing supply and services to UPPTCL.
2. Business Process
The vendors & suppliers of UPPTCL can upload their invoices on the BTS portal created at
UPPTCL’s official website with their unique login ID resulting in creation of a unique ID known
as a BTS ID for each of their invoices and will be able to track the progress regarding the
payment against this BTS ID at their end thus ensuring visibility in the payment process.
2.1 Prerequisites
The vendor master record must exist or must be created in the UPPTCL’s ERP system &
vendor’s email address must be maintained.
The vendor must have the login credentials provided by UPPTCL to login to the Bill Tracking
System (BTS).
3. Process Steps
3.1 Accessing the BTS System
1. To access the BTS system visit the UPPTCL’s website
2. The website will open as shown below:
3. Hover over to the tab ‘On Going Project’ as shown below & select the Bill Tracking
System (BTS) option to access the BTS portal:
4. Upon clicking on the Bill Tracking System (BTS) link, a new webpage will open as
5. The initial login credentials, i.e., Vendor ID/User ID & Password will be shared by
the UPPTCL team. It is suggested that the user updates the initial password
post logging in for the first time. Login to the BTS system with your user ID
(vendor ID) and password to access the portal and click on Sign In option:
6. You will be logged in to your dashboard of the BTS system with the below screen:
The following options are available in dashboard options:
3.2 Update Password for the User/Vendor ID
1. To change the password, login with your login credentials (User ID/Vendor ID) &
current password and open your dashboard. Now select the ‘Change Password
option to update your password as shown below:
2. Enter your new password & confirm the same to update the password.
3. Once updated, you will get a success message stating that the password has been
reset and it will again ask to login with the new password.
3.3 Forgot Password/Password Recovery Option
1. In case you don’t remember the existing password and want to recover the access
the BTS portal, go to the login screen of the BTS portal using the process explained
in step section 3.1
2. Click on ‘I forgot my password’ option & follow the required steps by entering your
registered email address (registered with UPPTCL for BTS system)
3. If your email ID is registered with the UPPTCL’s BTS system, you will receive your
new password via email.
4. You can now login with this new password.
3.4 Uploading a new Invoice
1. Login to the system as shown in section 3.1 and you will arrive on the dashboard
screen for your credentials. Here all your previous BTS IDs will also be available for
2. To upload a new invoice, click on the ‘Upload Invoice’ option as shown below:
3. You will reach the invoice uploading screen as shown with certain prefilled details
maintained with the UPPTCL’s backend ERP system including the BTS number
which will be created upon successful saving of this invoice submission.
4. Enter the data in all the fields for successful saving of this BTS ID
Field Name
Concerned Unit
The UPPTCL unit for which this invoice is intended.
Select the correct unit code from the dropdown list
Please ensure correct selection of the unit to avoid
rejection of the BTS ID.
SAP DI Number
Enter the DI number shared by the UPPTCL for
procurement of goods/services against this bill.
Invoice Number
Enter your invoice number in this field.
Invoice Date
Enter your invoice date in this field.
Amount incl. tax
Enter the invoice amount inclusive of the tax.
LOI/Contract No.
Enter the LOI number shared by the UPPTCL unit for
procurement of goods/services for this bill.
In case LOI is not available for the procurement
scenario, enter the contract number in this field as
shared by the UPPTCL unit.
LOI/Contract Date
Enter the LOI date or Contract date as per the selection
of LOI/Contract No. explained in the S.No. 6 of this
Upload Invoice
Upload the invoice in this field.
Please ensure PDF format of the invoice and the size
of the file must be less than 4 MB.
Tax mentioned in Invoice is
Mandatorily select this checkbox after ensuring the
DI number mentioned in
invoice is correct
Mandatorily select this checkbox after ensuring the
GST number mentioned is
Mandatorily select this checkbox after ensuring the
LOI/Contract details
mentioned are correct
Mandatorily select this checkbox after ensuring the
Correct Unit selected
Mandatorily select this checkbox after ensuring the
5. Enter the required details highlighted in the table. In case any detail is missing the
system won’t allow you to save the details and the missing details will get
highlighted as shown below:
6. Fill in the required details as shown below:
7. After ensuring all the details, click on the ‘Upload’ option to save the BTS ID. Upon
successful saving, a success message will be generated and displayed on the top
right section of the BTS portal.
8. The BTS ID will be reflected in your dashboard as shown below. Also you will
receive an email confirmation with the details of your BTS ID on your registered
email address with an attachment of your invoice.
3.5 View a BTS ID to Track Status of your Invoice
1. To view a BTS ID to track status of your invoice, go to the dashboard as
demonstrated in section 3.1 of this document.
2. To search your BTS ID for viewing, you can also use the ‘Search’ option
functionality as shown by entering your BTS ID itself, or your Invoice Number or
simply your Invoice Date or the Invoice Amount.
3. After searching for your BTS ID, click on the ‘View’ option to track the status of your
4. The BTS ID details will open in non-editable format as shown:
5. The invoice acceptance status field provides the status whether your invoice/BTS
ID has been accepted or has been rejected by the concerned unit. Upon either
acceptance or rejection you will also receive an email on your registered email
address. For rejection cases, an additional rejection reason will also be mentioned
which will also be part of the rejection email that will be sent to you. A date of
acceptance/rejection of BTS ID by the concerned UPPTCL unit will also be
captured and displayed to you.
Both acceptance & rejection cases screenshots have been attached below for your
Accepted BTS ID:
Rejected BTS ID:
Email of Acceptance:
Email of Rejection:
6. The other status field include:
a. Invoice Parking Status & Date
b. Invoice Posting Status & Date
c. Payment Approval Status & Date
d. Payment Status & Date
These status & date will be updated as per the business process executed by the
concerned unit at UPPTCL in the processing of this invoice.
Please note that the data for these fields will be updated on the BTS portal at
00:00 hours every day.
4. Important Points
1. The data of status update for the BTS ID on the BTS portal will be refreshed at 00:00 hours
every day.
2. Vendors are mandatorily required to submit all the relevant original documents to the
concerned units for invoice processing as is being done in addition to creation of this BTS
5. Contact Details
1. For support related to accessing the BTS portal, please write to
2. For support related to individual BTS ID, kindly contact the respective unit to which the
invoice has been raised.
--End of the document--