International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
September 2013, Vol. 3, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
Losing the Landline Market: A Critical Analysis of
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL)
Muhammad Asghar
Lecturer Economics (Vis), BZU Bahadur Sub Campus Layyah, Pakistan
Email Address:
Muhammad Ayyaz
Lecturer Economics, University of Baluchistan Quetta, Pakistan
Email Address:
Raheel Abbas
Lecturer Economics, BZU Bahadur Sub Campus Layyah, Pakistan
Email Address:
DOI: 10.6007/IJARBSS/v3-i9/263 URL:
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) covers the 96% of fixed local lines
subscribers. It acts like a monopoly in the landline market but facing the sluggish growth in last
eight years. We analysed the major causes of this back-through in this era of modern
telecommunication and technology. We used primary data collected via well-structured
questionnaire from subscriber of PTCL landline. They revealed that the major determinants of
slow down are introduction of smart mobile phones, innovative offerings and promotions and
customer’s facilitations service centres response. The validity of argument is tested with the
help descriptive as well statistical techniques. Bar diagrams and Chi-Squares supports the
argument validity. Introductions of smart mobile phones greatly exaggerated the declining
trend in fixed line subscribers. Innovative offerings and promotions has nonentity significance
except DSL facility to landline subscriber. Customer facilitations centre response is too poor and
act as a major retarding factor for growth of PTCL fixed line subscriber. On average minimum 3
days are required to remove the technical fault faced to fixed line subscriber. The study
suggests that the firm may focus on providing services in adjoining areas of cities, introduce
smart mobile phone wireless connections, offering competitive and economic bundles to
landline users, innovative and quality after sale services to his landline subscribers to recap the
Key Words: Telecommunication, Innovative offerings and promotions, Customer satisfaction,
Market Share
JEL Codes: L25, L96, O31, M31.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
September 2013, Vol. 3, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
1) Introduction
Telecommunication plays a vital role in the development of an economy. Every individual,
businessman, firm, corporation, and all other entities are linked with the world of information
& technology. World has arisen as a global village. A single household is in contact with all over
the world. He can access all sorts of information, can manage his business in every corner of the
world and have to be delivered every product needed in his usual life at his door steps due to e-
marketing. Telecommunication sector also shown remarkable progress in last decade due to
foreign direct investment, openness and privatization. At the time of independence of Pakistan
only 14000 landline of telegraph and telephone was present to meet the needs of
administrative setup. In 1962, both department separated ad emerged as independent postal
department and telephone and telegraph department. Due to changing demands of household,
business sector and globalization, Pakistani government took some reforms in his
communication sector. Telephone and telegraph department converted into
Telecommunication Corporation on December 15, 1990. Later on in 1996, Pakistan
Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation Limited
(PTCL) incorporated. PTCL also listed on the Stock exchange in the same year.
PTCL earns billions of dollars every years by providing domestic and international voice and
data services like broadband, landline, carrier and wholesale services, international business
and corporates services. PTCL also manufactures some IT related products. PTCL was a state
owned enterprise but in 2005 privatization commission approved the privatization of PTCL. In
2006, PTCL owns 62% of shares, 26% owned by Etisalat Telecommunications and remaining
12% owned by general public. PTCL is first largest firm in Pakistan telecommunication market
with almost 65000 employees, 6 million customers including 0.8 million V-fone users. PTCL is
also largest CDMA operator in Pakistan. In last seven years, PTCL fixed line/landline connections
significantly reduced. The maximum number of connections were recorded in year 2005. After
that the market of smart phones saturated and peoples preferred to use wireless smart phones.
The trend is clear in the following graph-1 that almost number of connections reduced to half of
the connections as compared to year 2005. On average PTCL is losing 40,000 customer in each
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
September 2013, Vol. 3, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
Graph-1: PTCL fixed line connections
Source: Pakistan Telecommunication Authority
PTCL is the largest firm providing the broadband facility on its landline connections. Broadband
users split into DSL and 3G-EVO wireless broadband. DSL facility is provided on PTCL landline
while 3G wireless facility is provided in the form of 3G-EVO devices and smart EVO tabs. The
mere increase in the broadband user is due to 3G-EVO devices. Better and economical
offerings of other mobile cellular service provider causes reduction in the number of landline
connections and hence reduction in DSL subscriber. The PTCL provided infrastructure to other
corporate agents in the country and launched mobile data services in 1998 in the form of Ufone
and Paknet. Paknet got lose his identity in the corporate market but Ufone still is a largest
telecommunication firm providing cellular services. Now it becomes a gigantic investment area
for foreign firms also. It significantly contribute to the gross domestic product of the Pakistan.
The study focuses only on PTCL landline market. PTCL is acting as monopoly for landline in
telecommunication market since its incorporation. But in last five years some other firms enters
in the metropolitan areas to offer internet services only. With the privatization of this market,
number of other firms (JAZZ, Warid, Telenor, Zong, Instaphone, and Ufone) enters in the
market. They offered same cellular and data transfer and mobile services at economical rates.
Only that customer preferred to use PTCL landline who were using DSL services. If we analyse
the financial statements of PTCL, it’s clear that earning per share and market value per share
has decreasing trend as shown in graph-2.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
September 2013, Vol. 3, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
Graph-2: EPS & Market Value per Share
Source: PTCL Year-end financial statements June 2012
In short, PTCL loses its monopoly market due to lack of mobility of landline connections. Smart
mobile phones significantly contributed to the loss of PTCL landline. Smart mobile phone also
provide internet facility. There are number of factors that affects the usage level of PTCL
landline. Here we have to analyse some factors that why peoples are going to prefer other
mobile service provider instead of PTCL landline. Although PTCL earns millions of rupees but its
profit share per year is going towards decline. The graph-3 is reflecting the scenario and trend
line depicting decreasing level of profits.
Graph-3: Profit (Million Rs)
Source: PTCL Year-end financial statements June 2012
The availability of landline in remote and adjoining areas of cities is still a problem while other
telecom operators offered their services in remote areas. They captured the market share and
consumer database which was demanding landline before the arrival of such companies. Not
just the telecom services and availability were problems but the quality of customer facility
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
September 2013, Vol. 3, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
services were a major problem of concern. PTCL landline with reference to its competitors was
providing very poor and unsatisfactory customer relation services. The customer facilitation
officers did not respond to complaints made by customers in time. Their competitors get
advantage of this weakness to attract the customers towards more quick and efficient
networks. Innovative offerings by cellular services contribute the usage level of a particular
firm. The PTCL offered many new products and services but fails to provide innovative offerings
to his landline customers. In short our objective is to analyse the factors that causes reduction
in the usage level of PTCL landline. In the forthcoming pages, the researcher have to focus on
relevant literature review, research methodology, data issues, results and discussions,
conclusion and policy lesson.
2) Literature Review
Innovations are new ideas, new products, new services and new objects to be introduced in the
market. Basically it is a multidimensional phenomenon as defined by number of researcher:
Brouwer and Kleinknecht (1996) called it newness to the firm, Song and Montoya-Weiss
(1998) called it “newness to the customer, and Atuahene-Gima and Ko (2001) called it
“newness of the product. World is acting like a global village due to advancement in technology
and telecommunications. Peoples in twenty first century demand sophisticated and innovated
products to satisfy their wants. Every firm especially in competitive market, must focus on its
innovative and adoptive strategy (Hivner, et al. 2003). Kanter (1988) and Wolfe (1994) stated
that the firm must apply innovative ideas to initiate new or improving a product, process or any
service offered. Innovation brings advancement in products and services that makes the
customers to be well rewarded with the best possible services provided in the same cost.
Customer facilitation centres is the only department of PTCL that has direct interactions with
his users. It greatly play a role to the customer satisfaction and loyalty. Homburg and Bruhn
(1998) detailed that customer satisfaction is experience based evaluation by customer of his
service provider. He judged that how his client is following his expectations. Oliver et al. (1993)
elaborated that customer service centre response is a major driving force influencing the
psychological behaviour, emotions and personal feelings towards consumption experience.
Bauer et al. (2006) concluded that service quality positively affects the customer satisfaction.
Wang et al. (2004) analysed communication industry of China, Kim et al. (2004), Tung (2004),
Turel and Serenko (2006) examined the mobile sector of South Korea, Singapore and Canada
respectively and conclude that customer satisfaction is influenced by service quality and
customer service centre response.
Mobile phone has several advantages over landline fixed connections. The great edge is of
mobility. Peoples prefer to stay connected everywhere. It may bring gains in their pleasure and
profits. Samuel, Shah, and Handingham (2005) stated that use of mobile phone increase profits
of the firms, save time of the executives and improve communication with suppliers for small
and medium enterprise. In Pakistan number of firms enters in the market and peoples from
rural areas are especially got benefitting with mobile phones. Because there is no way or
substitute available to communicate. It is the nature of human being to adopt the inventions
and innovations. Conley and Udry (2010) suggest that improved communication means improve
the social networking and influence the rate of new technology adoption. Peoples are using
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
September 2013, Vol. 3, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
varieties of facilities offered on mobile phones like mobile banking, reservation, making bills
payments and transferring money to other peoples.
Mobile phone technology evolve to fourth generation (4G) technology but no innovations made
to landline connections. Mobile phones also used as a low cost device to transfer data. They are
helpful for campaigns in elections and marketing information. Aker (2009) found that low cost
mobile phones are promoting level of literacy in Nigeria. The illiterate peoples found numbers
and letters on mobile phone, they learn to send text messages because they were almost seven
times cheaper as compared to call rates. All of the above discussion conclude that mobile
phones have several advantages over landline fixed connections and got preferred. The same
situations is observed in Pakistan and number of landline subscriber goes on diminishing with
the passage of time. Even the use of mobile phone increase the consumer and producer surplus
in developing countries (Jensen 2007, Aker 2008).
3) Theoretical Framework
The study attempts to explain that why a monopoly firm loses his mere market segment.
Theoretically, a firm value usage depends upon numerous factors. But for the ease of
parsimony and data availability, the researcher focuses just on its some behavioural aspects of
study. Level of value usage of PTCL is the dependent variable which is the variable of primary
interest. We attempted to explain this problem by taking three independent variables, one
mediating and one moderating variable. Moderating and mediating variables are used for
controlled analysis. Independent Variables considered are introduction of smart mobile phones,
innovative offerings like broad band facility for landline customers and other economics
packages and customer facilitation services like getting information, justification of bills,
settlement of complaints and dealing technical problems etc. Moderating variable and
mediating variables are government legislation and customer satisfaction.
Smart mobile phones have a significant impact on the value and usage level of PTCL. PTCL has
availability problem over the country in far-away areas as compared to its competitors in
telecom sector. Pakistan is not a metropolitan country. It has vast remote area and to provide
landline connections services is far difficult. Peoples prefer to use wireless mobile phones. So its
leads to decline in its value and usage level. Competitor’s availability as well as mobility played
a significant role to reduce the value of PTCL landline as perceived earlier as well as its usage
rate. Innovative offering include broad band facility, smart wireless phones and other facilities
like 2G, 3G and 4G networks. The variable of government legislation is moderating and having a
contingent effect on independent variable. Because no new firm can enter into the market or to
sell his product without government permission and satisfaction of legal restrictions. The
variable customer satisfaction is mediating ,as we may say that customer facilitation services an
independent variables adds to the mediating variable customer satisfaction and in turns explain
that why people go for using PTCL or not which leads to an incline or decline in its value and
usage level. Diagrammatically the relationship between dependent and independent variables
is expressed as under.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
September 2013, Vol. 3, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
Moderating Variable
Mediating Variable
Independent Variables Dependent Variable
A number of issue addressed daily by customer facilitations centres like getting new
information, correcting overbilling, handling tax matters and also get complained for technical
faults. These issue especially technical faults takes days to be removed. That’ why lack of
prompt and quick response at facilitations centres causes to be less and less dependence on
landline connections. To justify the above statements, it’s necessary to test the validity of the
argument. The research question is addressed as;
H1: Invention of smart phones negatively effects the value usage of PTCL.
H2: Innovative offerings for landline users positively effects the value usage of PTCL.
H3: Quick customer facilitation response positively influence the value usage of PTCL.
Present study utilize the descriptive as well as statistical techniques to test the validity of above
three alternative hypothesis. Bar diagrams are constructed to present our results in most
convenient way. Chi-Square Test is used to check statistical reliability of the argument.
4) Data Sources and Collection Issues
The study is based on primary data obtained from the major market area of PTCL from district
Layyah. Our basic sources of gathering information are respondents like males and females
customers like businessmen, business executives and some persons that are directly associated
with telecommunication industry.. In order to collect information from respondent we used a
well-structured questionnaire and filled them personally by our respondents to avoid any error
(non-response error and delayed response error). The value of Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.83. The
minimum acceptable of Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.60 estimated by Cronbach (1951). A mixture of
five point scale and others scales were used in questionnaire. The simple random sampling
procedure is adopted to get information from a sample size of forty customers. According to
gender, 58% respondents were male while all others were females.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
September 2013, Vol. 3, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
5) Results and Discussion
If we do descriptive analysis of data collected; the introduction of wireless communication
devices causes to be less demanded the landline communication lines (diagram-1). Wireless
devices have extra advantage of mobility, ease of net surfing at desired place and carry them to
use everywhere because of less weight and slim size make them to be attractive and hence less
demand for PTCL landline connections. These wireless communication services are offered by
PTCL itself all other telecommunication operators prevailing in the country. PTCL fails to provide
economical bundles to their customers. It is logically true that PTCL charge more price for
bundles offered because it is working as a monopoly protected by government for providing
landline connections. This factor also played a greater role in losing landline market share.
While all other operators are providing economic bundles to both male and females. The bar
diagram-1 shows that PTCL fails to offer economical bundles and promotions and right pane of
the figure depicts the ease of using wireless mobile phone affected PTCL landline market share.
Diagram-1: PTCL economic offerings and ease of using mobile phones
Summary of statistical analysis is shown in the table-1. Detail is available in appendix under
table-2, 3 and 4. The results shows that only results of introduction of smart mobile phones are
statistically significant at 3% level of significance. It significantly hampered the market of PTCL
landline. The company must expand his optical fibre network in adjoining areas of big cities. Big
towns still have potential to offer the landline services. In early 2000, number of adjoining areas
connected each other but after 2005 these connections disconnected due to non-serious
response by maintenance department of PTCL. In 2010 a campaign were started to increase the
connections but remained partially successful. It’s very difficult to regain previous credibility
and customer loyalty. Innovative offerings for landline customers are insignificant at 5% but
significant at 7%. It reveals that DSL facility to landline users and other economic bundles like
new budget packages, super Sunday offer and special promotions on Ramadan, Hajj, Christmas,
Eid and New Year significantly contributed to the usage level of PTCL. These promotions and
economic bundles are still not satisfactory for landline users.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
September 2013, Vol. 3, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
Table-1: Summary Statistics
Test Statistics
phones by
other firms
Degree of freedom
Asymp. Significance
The customer facilitation centres provide a lot of information and services. Our objective is to
analyse whether the response of customer facilitation centres is satisfactory or not. Statistically
results are insignificant. The reason is that landline user usually face technical faults. It takes
more time to be maintained. A mean response time is one week. Means if ay technical faults
occurs, it usually take three days to one week to be corrected. This is very alarming and quite
unsatisfactory practice. That’s why customers get lost their loyalty and preferred to use landless
6) Conclusion and Recommendations
We have analysed some factors that seems to be responsible for the decline in usage level of
PTCL landline. PTCL is the sole service provider of landline connections in Pakistan. In last seven
to eight years, PTCL has lost its control on his landline monopoly market. The major reasons
contributing to this tragedy are introduction of wireless mobile phone, limiting landline service
to metropolitan areas, lack of innovative services (Except DSL) and economical bundles to
landline users, no proper customer care centre response to landline users, frequent technical
faults in landline connection and too delay in maintenance process of landline connections. This
is the age of information technology and people prefers to use innovative devices to get
connected with social world. Although PTCL showed a remarkable progress in other areas like
providing broadband 3G-EVO, EVO tabs, CDMA services etc. but our study concern is limited to
landline market only. Monopolies ever ruined with the invention of substitutes and same faced
by PTCL landline market. The firm should address the above cited reasons to get back the
landline customer credibility and loyalty. The major focusing areas may be introduction of
smart mobile phone wireless connections, providing landline service in adjoining areas (small
populous towns) to cities, offering competitive economic bundles and improvement in
customer facilitation centres response to landline queries and complaints.
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Chi-Square Test:
Table-3: Frequencies; Customer facilitations centres response to
landline users
Observed N
Expected N
neither seldom/nor often
Very often
Test Statistics
Table-2: Frequencies; Availability of smart mobile phones decrease the
value usage of PTCL
Observed N
Expected N
strongly agree
neither agree nor
strongly disagree
Test Statistics
Availability of smart mobile phones decrease the
value usage of PTCL
Asymp. Sig.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
September 2013, Vol. 3, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
Customer facilitations centres response to landline users
Table-4: Frequencies; The offerings made by PTCL Landline are
Observed N
Expected N
neither seldom/nor often
Very often
Test Statistics
The offerings made by PTCL Landline are innovative
Asymp. Sig.