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Business challenge
Managing software on Windows can be challenging. Most Microsoft
products are positioned as easy-to-use point-and-click systems. This is
useful for getting work done simply via a GUI, but makes automating at
scale time-consuming and challenging. Bespoke automation approaches
across teams lead to gaps and decrease speed of delivery, and traditional
tools for developing and managing Windows software come with
overhead and complexity. These challenges make it diicult for Windows
teams to adopt DevOps practices within their existing workflows.
A Puppet professional can help enable fully automated deployment
of Windows software by installing and configuring Chocolatey as a
package manager.
Chocolatey Setup &
Deployment Service
Customer benefits
Bridge skill and resource gaps,
and see faster ROI with Puppet
and Chocolatey expertise
Expand automation to
Windows software
Increase the speed and
reliability of deploying
Windows software
Expected outcomes
Installation and setup of
Installation of repository
Collaboration on building basic
packages using the Chocolatey
Package Builder
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Who will benefit?
The Chocolatey Setup & Deployment service is designed for teams that:
Struggle to eiciently deploy and make changes to Windows software
Face disruptions and must make manual changes due to the complexity of their Windows systems
Lack the resources or time required to automate the deployment of Windows software
Are struggling to expand automation success to new teams
What you can expect
A Puppet professional with Chocolatey expertise will install and set up Chocolatey and collaborate
with your team to build basic packages using the Chocolatey Package Builder. This will help
automate and increase the speed of your Windows software deployments, and support the expansion
of automation across your organization.
All services will be delivered remotely unless otherwise agreed prior to the engagement.
This is a one-week minimum engagement.
The current environment is functional, with Puppet workflows in place.
The customer has purchased Chocolatey for Business.
The customer has access to install a repository management system.
The customer will make subject matter experts available for the topics required.