June 11, 2002
TO: Designated Agency Ethics Officials
FROM: Marilyn L. Glynn
General Counsel
SUBJECT: Revocable Living Trusts
On May 31, 2002, the Office of Government Ethics (OGE)
published an amendment to 5 C.F.R. § 2634.310. See 67 Federal
Register 37965. Section 2634.310 implements the financial
disclosure requirements of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978
(the Act), as amended, with respect to certain interests of filers,
their spouses and their dependent children as beneficiaries of
trusts, estates and other financial arrangements. The rule
amendment adds a new note to section 2634.310(a). This note makes
clear that financial disclosure reports do not have to disclose
certain interests of beneficiaries under revocable inter vivos
trusts, commonly known as “living trusts.”
The purpose of this
memorandum is to provide ethics officials with general guidance on
the subject of revocable living trusts and to explain the context
in which the rule amendment applies.
Specifically, the note provides:
Nothing in this section requires the reporting of the
holdings or income of a revocable inter vivos trust (also
known as a “living trust”) with respect to which the
filer, his spouse or dependent child has only a remainder
interest, whether or not vested, provided that the
grantor of the trust is neither the filer, the filer’s
spouse, nor the filer’s dependent child. Furthermore,
nothing in this section requires the reporting of the
holdings or income of a revocable inter vivos trust from
which the filer, his spouse or dependent child receives
any discretionary distribution, provided that the grantor
of the trust is neither the filer, the filer’s spouse,
nor the filer’s dependent child.
5 C.F.R. § 2634.310(a)(note).
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Living trusts as “will substitutes”
Revocable inter vivo trusts have become a popular estate
planning device in the last several decades. See, e.g., Langbein,
The Nonprobate Revolution and the Future of the Law of Succession,
97 Harv. L. Rev. 1108 (1984). It is frequently said that “the most
popular reason given for using the living trust in one’s estate
plan is the avoidance of probate.” Patrick, Living Trusts: Snake
Oil or Better than Sliced Bread?, 27 Wm. Mitchell L. Rev. 1083,
1092 (2000). In any event, it is very common for ethics officials
these days to encounter filers who are beneficiaries under someone
else’s living trust or who have established such trusts themselves.
In the typical living trust, the grantor (or settlor) conveys
property in trust to a trustee (who is often the grantor) and
retains a life estate, with the remainder to go to specified
beneficiaries upon the termination of the life estate. What makes
a living trust revocable is that the grantor expressly reserves the
power to revoke the trust entirely and to make lessor changes, such
as substitutions of beneficiaries or trustees. In this regard,
revocable living trusts have less in common with traditional
irrevocable trusts, in which the grantor no longer retains
substantial control over the administration of the trust or the
disposition of the property, than with wills, which remain
“ambulatory” until the death of the testator. See, e.g., Bullis v.
Downes, 612 N.W.2d 435, 469 (Mich. App. 2000). Given the control
retained by the grantor during his or her lifetime, a living trust
“actually functions as a will since it is an ambulatory instrument
that speaks at death to determine the settlor’s property.” In re
Estate of Tisdale, 655 N.Y.S.2d 809, 811 (Surr. Ct. 1997).
Therefore, it is widely recognized that living trusts are “clearly
a will substitute.” Georges v. Glick, 856 F.2d 971, 974 n. 2
(7th Cir. 1988), cert. denied, 489 U.S. 1097 (1989).
Financial disclosure requirements for beneficial interests in
trusts and estates generally
Section 102(f)(1) of the Ethics in Government Act sets out the
financial disclosure requirements for beneficiaries of trusts and
other financial arrangements:
each reporting individual shall report the information
required to be reported pursuant to subsections (a), (b),
and (c) of this section with respect to the holdings of
and the income from a trust or other financial
arrangement from which income is received by, or with
respect to which a beneficial interest in principal or
income is held by, such individual, his spouse, or any
dependent child. 5 U.S.C. app. 102(f)(1).
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The legislative history indicates several related purposes for this
provision. First, there was an intent to prevent filers from
avoiding reporting requirements “simply by transferring interests”
to a trust or other entity that would still benefit the filer
financially. H.R. Rep. No. 642, Part 1, 95th Cong., 1st Sess.
40 (1977) (reporting on H.R. 6954). Second, there was concern that
situations could arise in which there is an actual or apparent
conflict of interest because “any impact on the financial status of
the . . . trust also impacts significantly upon the financial
status of the reporting individual.” Id. Third, it appears that
the trust provision was included at least in part to deal with the
fact that Federal officials already had created a variety of
“blind” trusts, which did not follow any generally accepted
standards, in an attempt to comply with conflict of interest
requirements; Congress determined that any such pre-existing trusts
should be subject to full disclosure if the trusts could not be
brought into compliance with the new uniform standards for
qualified blind trusts under the Act. See S. Rep. No. 170,
95th Cong., 1st Sess. 123-24 (1977)(reporting on S. 555).
In 1980, OGE first published its “final regulations to state
in greater detail than the Act the information which must be
contained in the financial disclosure report (SF 278).” 45 Federal
Register 69776 (October 21, 1980). Included in those regulations
was a provision stating in greater detail what kinds of interests
in trusts and estates needed to be reported under the Act. The OGE
regulation specified that filers did not have to report information
about any nonvested interests in an estate. See 45 Federal
Register 69784. Furthermore, the regulation stated that the need
to report any nonvested interests in certain trusts had to be
evaluated on a case-by-case basis in consultation with OGE. Id.
In 1992, this regulation was amended to provide even greater
detail with respect to those interests in trusts and estates that
were deemed reportable under the Act. See 57 Federal Register
11800 (April 7, 1992). In particular, all nonvested beneficial
interests in either a trust or an estate were now excluded
altogether. See 5 C.F.R. § 2634.310(a)(2). Moreover, the
1992 amendment added a definition of vested interests and explained
the distinction between vested and nonvested interests, based
largely on a distillation of common law principles.
The definition in section 2634.301(a)(2) reads:
A vested interest is a present right or title to
property, which carries with it an existing right of
alienation, even though the right to possession or
enjoyment may be postponed to some uncertain time in the
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In excluding nonvested interests, OGE recognized that
“beneficial interest in principal or income,” in section 102(f)(1)
of the Act, should not be read so broadly as to require the public
disclosure of speculative or uncertain interests. This is evident
in the text of the regulatory definition contained in
section 2635.310(a)(2): “the uncertainty of the right of enjoyment
. . . differentiates a ‘vested’ and a ‘nonvested’ interest.” OGE
also has recognized that the reporting of nonvested interests would
not further the statutory purpose of disclosing interests that pose
a potential conflict of interest, because OGE has determined that
such interests generally are too uncertain to implicate the
financial conflict of interest statute, 18 U.S.C. § 208. See
Public Financial Disclosure: A Reviewer’s Reference 7-30 (1996).
On a closely related subject, OGE has provided additional
guidance concerning the reporting of potential interests as a
beneficiary under a will. Of particular relevance, OGE has
determined that section 102(f)(1) of the Act does not require
filers to report the fact that they are named as beneficiary in the
will of a living person. Id. OGE has concluded that any potential
beneficial interest created by the will of a living person is not
vested, within the meaning of section 2634.310(a)(2), a conclusion
which is supported by the common law. See, e.g., Cunningham, The
Hazards of Tinkering with the Common Law of Future Interests: The
California Experience, 48 Hast. L.J. 667, 677 (1997). Likewise,
OGE has determined that an employee does not have a disqualifying
financial interest, under 18 U.S.C. § 208(a), as a result of being
named a beneficiary in a will of a person still living. As OGE has
explained, “the employee’s interest in the assets to be distributed
under the will is merely speculative since he may never inherit
them.” 60 Federal Register 47207, 47209 (September 11,
1995)(preamble to proposed 5 C.F.R. part 2640); see also Reviewer’s
Reference at 7-30 (no financial interest because will can be
changed). Indeed, it is sometimes said that an heir or beneficiary
of a living person has merely an “expectancy” or a “bare hope of
succession,” rather than a real “interest” in any property that is
part of the estate. Krause v. Krause, 174 Conn. 361, 365 (1978);
see also In re Braman Estate, 435 Pa. 573, 575 n.3 (1969)
future. This includes a future interest when one has a
right, defeasible or indefeasible, to the immediate
possession or enjoyment of the property, upon the ceasing
of another’s interest. Accordingly, it is not the
uncertainty of the time of enjoyment in the future, but
the uncertainty of the right of enjoyment (title and
alienation), which differentiates a “vested” and a
“nonvested” interest.
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(expectancy is “chance” of obtaining property from living person,
and such chances are not themselves rights in property).
Reporting requirements for interests in revocable living trusts
Until now, OGE’s regulations and other written guidance have
not specifically addressed the reporting requirements of
beneficiaries under revocable living trusts. However, the approach
taken in the new amendment to section 2634.310 is consistent with,
and follows from, OGE’s prior treatment of nonvested interests in
trusts and estates, especially OGE’s prior treatment of
beneficiaries under the will of a living testator.
As a technical matter, it may be open to debate whether a
remainder interest in a revocable living trust best should be
viewed as vested or nonvested. On the one hand, there are early
cases concluding that a remainder interest in a revocable inter
vivos trust may be viewed as vested, provided that there is no
condition of survivorship or other condition precedent to taking
possession of the property upon the termination of the prior
estate(s). See Randall v. Bank of America National Trust and
Savings Ass’n., 119 P.2d 754 (Cal. App. 1941)(vested even though
power of revocation or substitution might divest beneficiary at any
time); First Nat’l Bank of Cincinnati v. Tenney, 138 N.E.2d 15
(Ohio 1956)(vested remainder subject to defeasance by exercise of
power of revocation).
On the other hand, there are more recent cases concluding
either that such remainders are nonvested or contingent, or that it
is irrelevant whether they are technically vested, given the
functional equivalence between revocable living trusts and wills.
See Bezzini v. Department of Social Services, 715 A.2d 791
(Conn.App. 1998)(beneficiary of revocable trust does not have
vested interest but mere expectancy); Ullman v. Oldensmith,
645 So. 2d 168 (Fla. App. 1994)(beneficiary’s interest is
contingent upon settlor not exercising power to revoke); In re
Estate of Button, 490 P.2d 731 (Wash. 1971)(regardless of whether
vested or nonvested, remainder in practical effect is legacy). It
has been recognized among some commentators and practitioners that
there has been an “evolution of the revocable living trust from a
traditional trust, in which the beneficiary takes an immediate
equitable interest that confers genuine rights of recourse, to a
will-like devise, in which the interest conferred constitutes
little more than an expectancy.” Smith, Note, Why Limit a Good
Thing? A Proposal to Apply the California Antilapse Statute to
Revocable Living Trusts, 43 Hast. L.J. 1391, 1407 (1992).
OGE has determined, for purposes of section 102(f)(1), that
any “interest” in the remainder of a revocable living trust is just
as speculative as the mere expectancy enjoyed by the beneficiary of
a living testator. It is plain to OGE that revocable living trusts
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are will substitutes, and there is no compelling reason to treat
beneficiaries of wills and revocable trusts differently under the
financial disclosure rules. See, e.g., Upman v. Clarke, 359 Md.
32, 47 (2000) (no real distinction between gifts through wills and
revocable trusts, as both create only expectancy). To the extent
that a remainder beneficiary under a revocable living trust may
have certain rights, see Continental Bank & Trust Co. v. Country
Club Mobile Estates, Ltd., 632 P.2d 869 (Utah 1981), those rights
would appear to be largely theoretical and of little practical
value during the life of the grantor. See Nonprobate Revolution,
97 Harv. L. Rev. at 1126-28 (hard to envision enforcement by
beneficiary since grantor can always revoke trust and enjoy entire
corpus); Continental Bank & Trust, 632 P.2d at 873-74
(dissent)(violation of terms of revocable trust would not have been
challenged had grantor not died).
Furthermore, OGE sees little connection between the
legislative purposes underlying section 102(f)(1), as described
above, and the disclosure of remainder interests in a revocable
living trust.
3 Such
expectancies are not only speculative but are
so dependent on the control of someone else that there is little
potential for the abuses of subterfuge and self-dealing that
motivated Congress. Moreover, the reporting of such expectancies
necessarily would disclose the interests and estate planning
decisions of persons other than the filer and the filer’s own
spouse and dependent children. The legislative history of the
Ethics in Government Act is replete with discussions of the
delicate balance between the public’s right to know and the privacy
rights of individuals, particularly individuals who are not
themselves Government employees, and OGE believes that important
privacy considerations counsel against compelling such disclosures
in the absence of a clear Congressional directive.
Of course, as discussed more fully below, the question would
be different if the filer, the filer’s spouse or the filer’s
dependent child were the grantor of the trust, in which case we
believe that the purposes and language of the Act require
See, e.g., H.R. Rep. 800, 95th Cong., 1st Sess.
29 (1977)(Judiciary Committee report on H.R. 1)( “the committee
sought to accommodate the public policy considerations underlying
requirements for public disclosure of personal financial
information and the right of personal privacy which affects all
citizens”); 124 Cong. Rec. H10183 (September 20, 1978)(Statement of
Rep. Moorhead)(expressing concern for “personal privacy of the
official’s spouse and children” and concern over possible
“constitutional questions”); id. at H10185 (statement of
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We note that our conclusion also is consistent with Federal
tax law, which likewise focuses on the fact that the grantor of a
revocable trust retains the real power to control and benefit from
the trust property. See generally Miller & Rainey, Dying with the
“Living” (or “Revocable”) Trust: Federal Tax Consequences of
Testamentary Dispositions Compared, 37 Vand. L. Rev. 811 (1984).
Under the Internal Revenue Code, the grantor of a revocable trust
remains the owner of the trust property. See 26 U.S.C. § 676.
Moreover, the income of a revocable trust is taxable to the
grantor, whether or not the grantor actually receives a
distribution of trust income. See 26 U.S.C. §§ 671-678.
Similarly, for gift tax purposes, the transfer of property to a
revocable trust is not treated as a completed gift to the remainder
beneficiaries. See 26 C.F.R. § 25.2511-2(c).
Therefore, the new amendment to section 2634.310(a) provides
a note indicating that nothing in that section requires the
reporting of the holdings or income of a revocable living trust
with respect to which the reporting individual has only a remainder
interest. Under the language of this note, it is not necessary to
determine whether the remainder technically is vested or nonvested.
See 5 C.F.R. § 2634.310(a)(note).
Nevertheless, the note makes clear that filers are not excused
from reporting the holdings and income of a revocable trust if the
filer (or the filer’s spouse or dependent child) also is the
grantor of the trust. As should be clear from the discussion
above, the grantor of a revocable living trust retains such rights
of control and enjoyment with respect to the trust property that
OGE must view the grantor as the true owner of the property. OGE
believes this to be the case whether or not the grantor actually
receives any distribution from the trust and whether or not the
grantor actually serves as trustee. In this instance, what is true
for Federal taxation purposes is equally true for financial
disclosure purposes under the Ethics in Government Act:
All income and principal is available for distribution to
the grantor, and the trust can be terminated at any time
during the life of the grantor. The grantor is treated
as the owner of the trust for income and estate tax
purposes. Thus the grantor is taxed on all income (both
income and capital gains) earned by the trust whether or
not distributed. No shifting of income or assets away
Rep. McClory)(“spouse and dependent disclosure requirements
dramatically point up the inherent conflict that exists between the
public’s right to know and the individual’s right to privacy”).
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from the grantor is achieved with this type of revocable
Abbin, Income Taxation of Fiduciaries and Beneficiaries
§ 106 (2000).
The note also provides that nothing in section 2634.310
requires the reporting of holdings or income of a revocable living
trust from which the reporting individual receives any
discretionary distribution, provided again that the beneficiary is
not also the grantor. It is true that section 102(f)(1) requires
the disclosure of trusts “from which income is received” by the
reporting individual, and that section 109(7) of the Act defines
“income” as including “income from an interest in an estate or
trust.” However, OGE does not view discretionary distributions of
trust income or principal from a revocable living trust as income
within the meaning of these provisions. In OGE’s view, a
discretionary distribution is no different from a gift, because the
distribution is made at the pleasure of the grantor. For purposes
of financial disclosure, OGE sees no meaningful distinction
between, for example, a gift of money from a filer’s parent and a
discretionary distribution of money from the parent’s revocable
living trust.
The Ethics in Government Act clearly treats gifts
separately from income or property interests, and gifts are subject
to different reporting requirements (and exclusions) than those
found in section 102(f). Compare 5 U.S.C. app. § 102(a)(2)(gifts);
with §§ 102(f)(1)(income and principal of trust);
102(a)(1)(income); 102(a)(3)(property interests).
The new note is limited, however, to “discretionary”
distributions. In many cases, of course, the trust instrument will
not even mention present distributions to the filer or, if it does,
the terms of the instrument will make clear that such distributions
are discretionary. Nevertheless, disclosure still is required with
respect to a revocable trust if the trust instrument expressly
directs the trustee to make present, mandatory distributions of
trust income or principal to the filer (or the filer’s spouse or
dependent child). In such situations, even though the grantor
retains the power to revoke the trust or change beneficiaries, the
fact remains that the trust instrument gives the filer present
enjoyment–not merely a future interest–and this present enjoyment
cannot be interrupted except by an affirmative act of the grantor
to alter the trust.
This view is consistent with the treatment of distributions
from revocable trusts under Federal tax law: “the receipt of income
or of other enjoyment of the transferred property by the transferee
or by the beneficiary . . . constitutes a gift . . . .” 26 C.F.R.
§ 25.2511-2(f).
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OGE emphasizes that nothing in the rule amendment changes the
reporting requirements with respect to irrevocable trusts. In this
connection, it should be noted that revocable living trusts
themselves may become irrevocable upon the occurrence of certain
events, such as the death of the grantor or other circumstances
specified in the trust instrument or state law. See, e.g.,
Beauchamp, "It's My Money ‘Til I Die": When Trustees Must Notify
Heirs and Beneficiaries Concerning a Trust That Has Become
Irrevocable, 32 McGeorge L. Rev. 670 (2001).
Other ethics considerations
Although the new amendment to section 2634.310 focuses on
financial disclosure issues, we note that we would apply a similar
analysis to conflict of interest questions arising under 18 U.S.C.
§ 208. Specifically, we see no reason why the remainder interests
of a non-grantor beneficiary in a revocable living trust should be
treated any differently than the mere expectancy of a beneficiary
under the will of a living testator. In both cases, any potential
interest is too speculative to constitute a disqualifying financial
interest under section 208. The same would be true if the non-
grantor’s only interest were an expectancy of receiving
discretionary distributions from such a trust; as explained above,
such distributions really are gifts, and the bare hope of receiving
a gift is simply too speculative to be deemed a disqualifying
financial interest under section 208. Of course, if there are any
concerns about the appearance of a lack of impartiality under such
circumstances, such concerns may be resolved under the mechanism
provided in the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Executive Branch
Employees. See 5 C.F.R. § 2635.502(a)(2).
Furthermore, discretionary distributions from a revocable
living trust could implicate the gift rules, inasmuch as we are
generally treating such distributions as gifts. See 5 C.F.R.
part 2635, subpart B. This would be the case if the trust grantor
were a “prohibited source” or the distribution were made because of
the employee’s official position. Typically, however, we would
expect that such distributions would be “motivated by a family
relationship or personal friendship rather than the position of the
employee,” within the meaning of the relevant exception to the gift
prohibitions. 5 C.F.R. § 2635.204(b).