Loading and Modeling Data
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, QlikTech
, Qlik
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, Sense and the Qlik logo are trademarks which have been
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Loading and Modeling Data - Qlik Sense, 1.1 3
1 About this document 9
2 Quick data load 10
2.1 Troubleshooting 10
3 Using the data load editor 11
3.1 Quick start 12
3.2 Opening the data load editor 12
3.3 Connect to data sources 12
Creating a new data connection 13
Deleting a data connection 13
Editing a data connection 14
Inserting a connect string 14
Selecting data from a data connection 14
Referring to a data connection in the script 14
Where is the data connection stored? 15
ODBC data connections 15
Creating a new ODBC data connection 15
Editing an ODBC data connection 16
Best practices when using ODBC data connections 16
Moving apps with ODBC data connections 16
Connecting to non-ANSI encoded data files 16
Security aspects when connecting to file based ODBC data connections 16
OLE DB data connections 17
Creating a new OLE DB data connection 17
Editing an OLE DB data connection 18
Best practices when using OLE DB data connections 18
Security aspects when connecting to file based OLE DB data connections 18
Troubleshooting data selection problems 18
Folder data connections 18
Creating a new folder data connection 18
Editing a folder data connection 19
Web file data connections 19
Creating a new web file data connection 19
Editing a web file data connection 20
Loading data from files 20
Loading data from a file in the data load editor 20
How to prepare Excel files for loading with Qlik Sense 21
Use column headings 21
Formatting your data 21
Use named areas 21
Remove password protection 22
Loading data from databases 22
Loading data from an ODBC database 22
Adding ODBC drivers 23
64-bit and 32-bit versions of ODBC configuration 23
Loading and Modeling Data - Qlik Sense, 1.1 4
Creating ODBC data sources 23
Logic in databases 23
3.4 Select data to load 24
Selecting data from a database 24
Selecting database 24
Selecting tables and views 24
Selecting fields 25
Renaming fields 25
Previewing script 26
Including LOAD statement 26
Inserting in the script 26
Selecting data from a delimited table file 26
Setting file options 26
Selecting fields 27
Renaming fields 27
Previewing the script 28
Inserting the script 28
Selecting data from a Microsoft Excel file 28
Selecting tables 28
Selecting fields 28
Renaming fields 29
Previewing the script 29
Inserting the script 29
Selecting data from a fixed record table file 30
Setting file options 30
Setting field break positions 30
Selecting fields 31
Renaming fields 31
Previewing the script 31
Inserting the script 31
Selecting data from a QVD or QVX file 31
Selecting fields 32
Renaming fields 32
Previewing the script 32
Inserting the script 32
Selecting data from an HTML file 32
Selecting tables 33
Selecting fields 33
Renaming fields 33
Previewing the script 34
Inserting the script 34
Selecting data from an XML file 34
Selecting tables and fields 35
Renaming fields 35
Loading and Modeling Data - Qlik Sense, 1.1 5
Previewing the script 35
Inserting the script 35
Selecting data from a KML file 35
Selecting tables and fields 36
Renaming fields 36
Previewing the script 36
Inserting the script 36
3.5 Edit the data load script 36
Organizing the script code 38
Creating a new script section 38
Deleting a script section 39
Renaming a script section 39
Rearranging script sections 39
Commenting in the script 39
Commenting 39
Uncommenting 40
Searching in the load script 40
Searching 40
Replacing 40
Saving the load script 41
3.6 Debug the data load script 41
Debug toolbar 42
Output 42
Variables 42
Setting a variable as favorite 42
Filtering variables 43
Breakpoints 43
Adding a breakpoint 43
Deleting breakpoints 43
Enabling and disabling breakpoints 44
3.7 Run the script to load data 44
3.8 Data load editor toolbars 44
Main toolbar 44
Editor toolbar 45
4 Viewing the data model 46
4.1 Views 46
4.2 Moving and resizing tables in the data model viewer 46
Moving tables 46
Resizing tables 47
4.3 Preview of tables and fields in the data model viewer 47
Showing a preview of a table 47
Showing a preview of a field 48
4.4 Creating a master dimension from the data model viewer 48
4.5 Creating a master measure from the data model viewer 49
4.6 Data model viewer toolbar 49
Loading and Modeling Data - Qlik Sense, 1.1 6
5 Managing security with section access 51
5.1 Sections in the script 51
Section access system fields 51
5.2 Dynamic data reduction 52
5.3 Inherited access restrictions 54
6 Accessing large data sets with Direct Discovery 55
6.1 Differences between Direct Discovery and in-memory data 55
In-memory model 55
Direct Discovery 57
Performance differences between in-memory fields and Direct Discovery fields 59
Differences between data in-memory and database data 60
Caching and Direct Discovery 61
6.2 Direct Discovery field types 62
DIMENSION fields 62
MEASURE fields 62
DETAIL fields 63
6.3 Data sources supported in Direct Discovery 63
SAP 63
Google Big Query 63
MySQL and Microsoft Access 63
6.4 Limitations when using Direct Discovery 64
Supported data types 64
Security 64
Qlik Sense functionality that is not supported 64
6.5 Multi-table support in Direct Discovery 65
Linking Direct Discovery tables with a Where clause 65
Linking Direct Discovery tables with Join On clauses 66
6.6 Logging Direct Discovery access 66
7 Introduction to data modeling 68
7.1 Understanding data structures 68
Data loading statements 68
Rules 68
Execution of the script 68
Fields 69
Field tags 69
System fields 70
Available system fields 70
Logical tables 70
Table names 71
Table labels 72
Associations between logical tables 72
Qlik Sense association compared to SQL natural outer join 73
Frequency information in associating fields 73
Limitations for associating fields 73
Loading and Modeling Data - Qlik Sense, 1.1 7
Synthetic keys 74
Handling synthetic keys 74
Data types in Qlik Sense 75
Data representation inside Qlik Sense 75
Number interpretation 75
Data with type information 75
Data without type information 76
Date and time interpretation 77
7.2 Understanding circular references 78
Solving circular references 80
7.3 Renaming fields 81
7.4 Concatenating tables 82
Automatic concatenation 82
Forced concatenation 82
Preventing concatenation 82
7.5 Loading data from a previously loaded table 83
Resident or preceding LOAD? 83
Preceding LOAD 84
8 Best practices for data modeling 85
8.1 Guidelines for data and fields 86
Guidelines for amount of loaded data 86
Upper limits for data tables and fields 86
Recommended limit for load script sections 86
Conventions for number and time formats 86
Number formats 86
Special number formats 87
Dates 88
Times 89
Time stamps 89
8.2 Working with QVD files 89
Purpose of QVD files 90
Increasing load speed 90
Decreasing load on database servers 90
Consolidating data from multiple apps 90
Incremental load 90
Creating QVD files 90
Reading data from QVD files 91
8.3 Using QVD files for incremental load 91
Append only 92
Insert only (no update or delete) 92
Insert and update (no delete) 92
Insert, update and delete 93
8.4 Combining tables with Join and Keep 94
Joins within an SQL SELECT statement 94
Join 95
Loading and Modeling Data - Qlik Sense, 1.1 8
Keep 95
Inner 95
Left 96
Right 97
8.5 Using mapping as an alternative to joining 98
8.6 Working with cross tables 100
8.7 Generic databases 101
8.8 Matching intervals to discrete data 103
Using the extended intervalmatch syntax to resolve slowly changing dimension problems 105
Sample script: 105
8.9 Hierarchies 107
8.10 Dollar-sign expansions 108
Dollar-sign expansion using a variable 108
Dollar-sign expansion using parameters 109
Dollar-sign expansion using an expression 110
File inclusion 110
8.11 Using quotation marks in the script 110
Inside LOAD statements 110
In SELECT statements 110
Microsoft Access quotation marks example 111
Outside LOAD statements 111
Out-of-context field references and table references 111
Difference between names and literals 111
Difference between numbers and string literals 111
8.12 Data cleansing 112
Mapping tables 112
Rules: 112
Using a mapping table 112
8.13 Wild cards in the data 113
The star symbol 113
OtherSymbol 113
8.14 NULL value handling 114
Associating/selecting NULL values from ODBC 115
Creating NULL values from text files 115
Propagation of NULL values in expressions 116
Functions 116
Arithmetic and string operators 116
Relational operators 117
9 Troubleshooting - Loading and modeling data 118
9.1 A data connection stops working after SQL Server is restarted 118
1 About this document
1 About this document
When you have created a Qlik Sense app, the first step is to load the app with data to explore and analyze.
This document describes how to use the data load editor to create your data load script and how to view the
resulting data model in the data model viewer. You will also learn how to manage security using the section
access function, and how large data sets can be accesses using Direct Discovery.
Make sure to see the Concepts in Qlik Sense guide to learn more about the fundamental concepts related to
the different topics presented.
Additionally, an introduction and best practices for data modeling in Qlik Sense are presented.
For detailed reference regarding script functions and chart functions, see the Qlik Sense online
This document is derived from the online help for Qlik Sense. It is intended for those who want to read parts
of the help offline or print pages easily, and does not include any additional information compared with the
online help.
Please use the online help or the other documents to learn more.
The following documents are available:
l Concepts in Qlik Sense
l Working with Apps
l Creating Visualizations
l Discovering and Analyzing
l Data Storytelling
l Publishing Apps, Sheets and Stories
l Script Syntax and Chart Functions Guide
l Qlik Sense Desktop
You find these documents and much more at help.qlik.com.
Loading and Modeling Data - Qlik Sense, 1.1 9
2 Quick data load
2 Quick data load
Quick data load is available only in Qlik Sense Desktop.
You can add another data file, such as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or a comma delimited text file into your
app quickly, by clicking Quick data load in the ¨ menu.
See: How to prepare Excel files for loading with Qlik Sense (page 21)
You can also drop a data file on the Qlik Sense Desktop window to start a quick data load.
Do the following:
Select how to load the data file.
Add data - this will add another data file to the data you have already loaded.
Replace data - this will remove all data you have loaded previously in the app.
If you select Replace data, this can affect visualizations you have created. If the new
data does not contain fields with the same names, the visualizations may need to be
Select which data file to load.
After selecting a file, the Select data from dialog is opened.
Select tables and fields to load.
4. When you are done selecting fields, click Load data.
The Select data from dialog is closed, and the data is imported. The data load progress dialog
provides the results of the data load.
If data was loaded with warnings, see the Troubleshooting section below for more information.
If the app did not contain a sheet, a new sheet is created, which you can start editing to add data
2.1 Troubleshooting
If you have loaded several files, it is possible that you receive a warning after loading the data. The two most
common warnings are:
Synthetic keys
If two tables contain more than one common field, Qlik Sense creates a synthetic key
to resolve the linking.
If you have loaded more than two tables, the common fields may cause a loop in the
data structure.
Both issues can be resolved in the data load editor.
Loading and Modeling Data - Qlik Sense, 1.1 10
3 Using the data load editor
3 Using the data load editor
This section describes how to use the data load editor to create or edit a data load script that can be used to
load your data model into the app.
The data load script connects an app to a data source and loads data from the data source into the app.
When you have loaded the data it is available to the app for analysis. When you want to create, edit and run a
data load script you use the data load editor.
A script can be typed manually, or generated automatically. Complex script statements must, at least
partially, be entered manually.
Toolbar with the most frequently used commands for the data
load editor:navigation menu, global menu, Save, u (debug)
and Load data°. The toolbar also displays the save and
data load status of the app.
Data load editor toolbars
(page 44)
Data connections
you can save shortcuts to the data
sources (databases or remote files) you commonly use. This is
also where you initiate selection of which data to load.
Connect to data sources
(page 12)
Loading and Modeling Data - Qlik Sense, 1.1 11
3 Using the data load editor
You can write and edit the script code in the text editor. Each
script line is numbered and the script is color coded by syntax
components. The text editor toolbar contains commands for
Search and replace
Help mode
, and
. The
initial script already contains some pre-defined regional
variable settings, for example SET ThousandSep=, that you
generally do not need to edit.
Edit the data load script
(page 36)
Divide your script into sections to make it easier to read and
maintain. The sections are executed from top to bottom.
Organizing the script code
(page 38)
E Output
displays all messages that are generated during script
3.1 Quick start
If you want to load a file or tables from a database, you need to complete the following steps in Data
1. Create new connection linking to the data source (if the data connection does not already exist).
± Select data from the connection.
When you have completed the select dialog with Insert script, you can select Load data to load the data
model into your app.
3.2 Opening the data load editor
You can open the data load editor from the app overview, sheet view or the data model viewer.
Do the following:
Click in the toolbar and select Data load editor.
The data load editor opens.
3.3 Connect to data sources
Data connections in the data load editor provide a way to save shortcuts to the data sources you commonly
use: databases, local files or remote files. Data connections lists the connections you have saved in
alphabetical order. You can use the search/filter box to narrow the list down to connections with a certain
name or type.
The following types of connections exist:
l Standard connectors:
ODBC database connections.
OLE DB database connections.
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3 Using the data load editor
Folder connections that define a path for local or network file folders.
Web file connections used to select data from files located on a web URL.
l Custom connectors:
With custom developed connectors you can connect to data sources that are not directly supported by
Qlik Sense. Custom connectors are developed using the QVX SDK or supplied by Qlik or third-party
developers. In a standard Qlik Sense installation you will not have any custom connectors available.
You can only see data connections that you own, or have been given access rights to read or
update. Please contact your Qlik Sense system administrator to acquire access if required.
Creating a new data connection
Do the following:
1. Click Create new connection.
Select the type of data source you want to create from the drop-down list.
The settings dialog, specific for the type of data source you selected, opens.
3. Enter the data source settings and click Save to create the data connection.
The data connection is now created with you as the default owner. If you want other users to be able to use
the connection in a server installation, you need to edit the access rights of the connection in Qlik
Management Console.
The connection name will be appended with your user name and domain to ensure that it is
If Create new connection is not displayed, it means you do not have access rights to add
data connections. Please contact your Qlik Sense system administrator to acquire access if
Deleting a data connection
Do the following:
Click E on the data connection you want to delete.
Confirm that you want to delete the connection.
The data connection is now deleted.
If E is not displayed, it means you do not have access rights to delete the data connection.
Please contact your Qlik Sense system administrator to acquire access if required.
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3 Using the data load editor
Editing a data connection
Do the following:
Click @ on the data connection you want to edit.
Edit the data connection details. Connection details are specific to the type of connection.
3. Click Save.
The data connection is now updated.
If you edit the name of a data connection, you also need to edit all existing references (lib://) to
the connection in the script, if you want to continue referring to the same connection.
If @ is not displayed, it means you do not have access rights to update the data connection.
Please contact your Qlik Sense system administrator if required.
Inserting a connect string
Connect strings are required for ODBC, OLE DB and custom connections.
Do the following:
Click Ø on the connection for which you want to insert a connect string.
A connect string for the selected data connection is inserted at the current position in the data load editor.
You can also insert a connect string by dragging a data connection and dropping it on the
position in the script where you want to insert it.
Selecting data from a data connection
If you want to select data to load in your app, do the following:
1. Create new connection linking to the data source (if the data connection does not already exist).
± Select data from the connection.
Referring to a data connection in the script
You can use the data connection to refer to data sources in statements and functions in the script, typically
where you want to refer to a file name with a path.
The syntax for referring to a file is 'lib://(connection_name)/(file_name_including_path)'
Example 1: Loading a file from a folder data connection
This example loads the file orders.csv from the location defined in the MyData data connection.
Loading and Modeling Data - Qlik Sense, 1.1 14
3 Using the data load editor
LOAD * FROM 'lib://MyData/orders.csv';
Example 2: Loading a file from a sub-folder
This example loads the file Customers/cust.txt from the DataSource data connection folder. Customers is a
sub-folder in the location defined in the MyData data connection.
LOAD * FROM 'lib://DataSource/Customers/cust.txt';
Example 3: Loading from a web file
This example loads a table from the PublicData web file data connection, which contains the link to the
actual URL.
LOAD * FROM 'lib://PublicData' (html, table is @1);
Example 4: Loading from a database
This example loads the table Sales_data from the MyDataSource database connection.
LIB CONNECT TO 'MyDataSource';
SQL SELECT * FROM `Sales_data`;
Where is the data connection stored?
Connections are stored using the Qlik Sense Repository Service.You can manage data connections with the
Qlik Management Console in a Qlik Sense server deployment. The Qlik Management Console allows you to
delete data connections, set access rights and perform other system administration tasks.
In Qlik Sense Desktop, all connections are saved in the app without encryption.This includes
possible details about user name, password, and file path that you have entered when creating
the connection. This means that all these details may be available in plain text if you share the
app with another user. You need to consider this while designing an app for sharing.
ODBC data connections
You can create a data connection to select data from an ODBC data source that has already been created
and configured in the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog in Windows Control Panel.
Creating a new ODBC data connection
Do the following:
1. Click Create new connection and select ODBC.
The Create new connection (ODBC) dialog opens.
2. Select which data source to use from the list of available data sources, either User DSN or System
System DSN connections can be filtered according to 32-bit or 64-bit.
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3 Using the data load editor
For User DSN sources you need to specify if a 32-bit driver is used with Use 32-bit connection.
3. Add Username and Password if required by the data source.
4. If you want to use a name different from the default DSN name, edit Name.
5. Click Save.
The connection is now added to the Data connections, and you can connect to, and select data from the
connected data source.
Editing an ODBC data connection
Do the following:
Click @ on the ODBC data connection you want to edit.
The Edit connection (ODBC) dialog opens.
You can edit the following properties:
Select which data source to use from the list of available data sources, either User DSN or System
3. Click Save.
The connection is now updated.
The settings of the connection you created will not be automatically updated if the data source
settings are changed. This means you need to be careful about storing user names and
passwords, especially if you change settings between integrated Windows security and
database login in the DSN.
Best practices when using ODBC data connections
Moving apps with ODBC data connections
If you move an app between Qlik Sense sites/Qlik Sense Desktop installations, data connections are
included. If the app contains ODBC data connections, you need to make sure that the related ODBC data
sources exist on the new deployment as well. The ODBC data sources need to be named and configured
identically, and point to the same databases or files.
Connecting to non-ANSI encoded data files
If you are experiencing problems with non-ANSI encoded data files when using an ODBC data connection,
you can try importing the data files with a folder connection, which supports more options for handling
character codes.
Security aspects when connecting to file based ODBC data connections
ODBC data connections using file based drivers will expose the path to the connected data file in the
connection string. The path can be exposed when the connection is edited, in the data selection dialog, or in
certain SQL queries.
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3 Using the data load editor
If this is a concern, it is recommended to connect to the data file using a folder data connection if it is
OLE DB data connections
You can create a data connection to select data from an OLE DB data source .
Creating a new OLE DB data connection
Do the following:
1. Click Create new connection and select OLE DB.
2. Select Provider from the list of available providers.
3. Type the name of the Data source to connect to. This can be a server name, or in some cases, the
path to a database file. This depends on which OLE DB provider you are using.
If you selected Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider, enter the file name
of the Access database file, including the full file path:
C:\Users\{user}\Documents\Qlik\Sense\Apps\Tutorial source files\Sales.accdb
If connection to the data source fails, a warning message is displayed.
Select which type of credentials to use if required:
Windows integrated security: With this option you use existing Windows credentials of the
user running the Qlik Sense service.
Specific user name and password: With this option you need to enter User name and
If the data source does not require credentials, leave User name and Password empty.
5. If you want to test the connection, click Load and then Select database... to use for establishing the
data connection.
You are still able to use all other available databases of the data source when selecting
data from the data connection.
6. If you want to use a name different to the default provider name, edit Name.
You cannot use the following characters in the connection name: \ / : * ? " ' < > |
7. Click Save.
The Save button is only enabled if connection details have been entered correctly, and
the automatic connection test was successful.
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3 Using the data load editor
The connection is now added to the Data connections, and you can connect to, and select data from the
connected OLE DB data source if the connection string is correctly entered.
Editing an OLE DB data connection
Do the following:
Click @ on the OLE DB data connection you want to edit.
The Edit connection (OLE DB) dialog opens.
You can edit the following properties:
Connection string (this contains references to the Provider and the Data source)
3. Click Save.
The connection is now updated.
Best practices when using OLE DB data connections
Security aspects when connecting to file based OLE DB data connections
OLE DB data connections using file based drivers will expose the path to the connected data file in the
connection string. The path can be exposed when the connection is edited, in the data selection dialog, or in
certain SQL queries.
If this is a concern, it is recommended to connect to the data file using a folder data connection if it is
Troubleshooting data selection problems
If you are not able to select data from the data connection, please verify that the connection string is correctly
designed, and that you use appropriate credentials to log on.
Folder data connections
You can create a data connection to select data from files in a folder, either on a physical drive or a shared
network drive.
On a Qlik Sense server installation, the folder needs to be accessible from the system running the Qlik Sense
engine, that is, the user running the Qlik Sense service. If you connect to this system using another computer
or touch device, you cannot connect to a folder on your device, unless it can be accessed from the system
running the Qlik Sense engine.
Creating a new folder data connection
Do the following:
Loading and Modeling Data - Qlik Sense, 1.1 18
3 Using the data load editor
1. Click Create new connection and select Folder.
The Create new data connection (folder) dialog opens. When you install Qlik Sense, a working
directory is created, named C:\Users\{user}\Documents\Qlik\Sense\Apps. This is the default
directory selected in the dialog.
If the Folder option is not available, you do not have access right to add folder
connections. Contact your Qlik Sense system administrator.
2. Enter the Path to the folder containing the data files. You can either:
l Select the folder
Type a valid local path (example: C:\data\MyData\)
Type a UNC path (example: \\myserver\filedir\).
3. Enter the Name of the data connection you want to create.
4. Click Save.
The connection is now added to the Data connections, and you can connect to, and select data from files in
the connected folder.
Editing a folder data connection
Do the following:
Click @ on the folder data connection you want to edit.
The Edit connection (folder) dialog opens.
If @ is disabled, you do not have access right to edit folder connections. Contact your
Qlik Sense system administrator.
You can edit the following properties:
3. Click Save.
The connection is now updated.
Web file data connections
You can create a data connection to select data from files residing on a web server, accessed by an URL
address, typically in HTML or XML format.
Creating a new web file data connection
Do the following:
1. Click Create new connection and select Web file.
The Select web file dialog opens.
2. Enter the URL to the web file.
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3 Using the data load editor
3. Enter the Name of the data connection you want to create.
4. Click Save.
The connection is now added to the Data connections, and you can connect to, and select data from the
web file.
Editing a web file data connection
Do the following:
Click @ on the web file data connection you want to edit.
The Select web file dialog opens.
You can edit the following properties:
3. Click Save.
The connection is now updated.
Loading data from files
Qlik Sense can read in data from files in a variety of formats:
l Text files, where data in fields is separated by delimiters such as commas, tabs or semicolons
(comma-separated variable (CSV) files).
l dif files (Data Interchange Format).
l fix files (fixed record length).
l HTML tables.
l Excel files (except password protected Excel files).
l xml files.
l Qlik native QVD and QVX files.
In most cases, the first line in the file holds the field names.
Files are loaded using a LOAD statement in the script. LOAD statements can include the full set of script
To read in data from another Qlik Sense app, you can use a Binary statement.
directory c:\databases\common;
LOAD * from TABLE1.CSV (ansi, txt, delimiter is ',', embedded labels);
LOAD fieldx, fieldy from TABLE2.CSV (ansi, txt, delimiter is ',', embedded labels);
Loading data from a file in the data load editor
Instead of typing the statements manually in the data load editor, you can use the Select data dialog to
select data to load. Do the following:
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3 Using the data load editor
Open the data load editor.
2. Create a Folder data connection, if you don't have one already. The data connection should point to
the directory containing the data file you want to load.
Click ± on the data connection to open the data selection dialog.
Now you can select data from the file and insert the script code required to load the data.
You can also use the ODBC interface to load a Microsoft Excel file as data source. In that
case you need to create an ODBC data connection instead of a Folder data connection.
How to prepare Excel files for loading with Qlik Sense
If you want to load Microsoft Excel files into Qlik Sense, there are many functions you can use to transform
and clean your data in the data load script, but it may be more convenient to prepare the source data directly
in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file. This section provides a few tips to help you prepare your spreadsheet
for loading it into Qlik Sense with minimal script coding required.
Use column headings
If you use column headings in Excel, they will automatically be used as field names if you select Embedded
field names when selecting data in Qlik Sense. It is also recommended that you avoid line breaks in the
labels, and put the header as the first line of the sheet.
Formatting your data
It is easier to load an Excel file into Qlik Sense if the content is arranged as raw data in a table. It is
preferable to avoid the following:
l Aggregates, such as sums or counts. Aggregates can be defined and calculated in Qlik Sense.
l Duplicate headers.
l Extra information that is not part of the data, such as comments. The best way is to have a column for
comments, that you can easily skip when loading the file in Qlik Sense.
l Cross-table data layout. If, for instance, you have one column per month, you should, instead, have a
column called “Month” and write the same data in 12 rows, one row per month. Then you can always
view it in cross-table format in Qlik Sense.
l Intermediate headers, for example, a line saying “Department A followed by the lines pertaining to
Department A. Instead, you should create a column called “Department” and fill it with the appropriate
department names.
l Merged cells. List the cell value in every cell, instead.
l Blank cells where the value is implied by the previous value above. You need to fill in blanks where
there is a repeated value, to make every cell contain a data value.
Use named areas
If you only want to read a part of a sheet, you can select an area of columns and rows and define it as a
named area in Excel. Qlik Sense can load data from named areas, as well as from sheets.
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3 Using the data load editor
Typically, you can define the raw data as a named area, and keeping all extra commentary and legends
outside the named area. This will make it easier to load the data into Qlik Sense.
Remove password protection
Password protected files are not supported by Qlik Sense.
Loading data from databases
You can load data from commercial database systems into Qlik Sense through the following connectors:
Standard connectors using the Microsoft ODBC interface or OLE DB. To use ODBC, you must
install a driver to support your DBMS and you must configure the database as an ODBC data source
in the ODBC Data Source Administrator in Windows Control Panel.
Custom connectors, specifically developed to load data from a DBMS into Qlik Sense.
Loading data from an ODBC database
The easiest way to get started loading data from a database, such as Microsoft Access or any other database
that can be accessed through an ODBC data source, is by using the data selection dialog in the data load
To do this, do the following:
You need to have an ODBC data source for the database you want to access. This is configured in the
ODBC Data Source Administrator in WindowsControl Panel. If you do not have one already, you
need to add it and configure it, for example pointing to a Microsoft Access database.
Open the data load editor.
3. Create an ODBC data connection, pointing to the ODBC connection mentioned in step 1.
Click ± on the data connection to open the data selection dialog.
Now you can select data from the database and insert the script code required to load the data.
To access a DBMS (DataBase Management System) via ODBC, it is necessary to have installed an ODBC
driver for the DBMS in question. The alternative is to export data from the database into a file that is
readable to Qlik Sense.
Normally, some ODBC drivers are installed with the operating system. Additional drivers can be bought from
software retailers, found on the Internet or delivered from the (DBMS) manufacturer. Some drivers are
redistributed freely.
The ODBC interface described here is the interface on the client computer. If the plan is to use ODBC to
access a multi-user relational database on a network server, additional DBMS software that allows a client to
access the database on the server might be needed. Contact the DBMS supplier for more information on the
software needed.
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3 Using the data load editor
Adding ODBC drivers
An ODBC driver for your DBMS(DataBase Management System) must be installed for Qlik Sense to be able
to access your database. Please refer to the documentation for the DBMS that you are using for further
64-bit and 32-bit versions of ODBC configuration
A 64-bit version of the Microsoft Windows operating system includes the following versions of the Microsoft
Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)Data Source Administrator tool (Odbcad32.exe):
The 32-bit version of the Odbcad32.exe file is located in the %systemdrive%\Windows\SysWOW64
The 64-bit version of the Odbcad32.exe file is located in the %systemdrive%\Windows\System32
Creating ODBC data sources
An ODBC data source must be created for the database you want to access. This can be done during the
ODBC installation or at a later stage.
Before you start creating data sources, a decision must be made whether the data sources
should be User DSN or System DSN (recommended). You can only reach user data sources
with the correct user credentials. On a server installation, typically you need to create system
data sources to be able to share the data sources with other users.
Do the following:
1. Open Odbcad32.exe.
2. Go to the tab System DSN to create a system data source.
3. Click Add.
The Create New Data Source dialog appears, showing a list of the ODBC drivers installed.
4. If the correct ODBC driver is listed, select it and click Finish.
A dialog specific to the selected database driver appears.
Name the data source and set the necessary parameters.
6. Click OK.
Qlik Sense supports the OLE DB(Object Linking and Embedding, Database) interface for connection to
external data sources. A great number of external databases can be accessed via OLE DB.
Logic in databases
Several tables from a database application can be included simultaneously in the Qlik Sense logic. When a
field exists in more than one table, the tables are logically linked through this key field.
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3 Using the data load editor
When a value is selected, all values compatible with the selection(s) are displayed as optional. All other
values are displayed as excluded.
If values from several fields are selected, a logical AND is assumed.
If several values of the same field are selected, a logical OR is assumed.
In some cases, selections within a field can be set to logical AND.
3.4 Select data to load
You can select which fields to load from files or database tables and which views of the data source you want
by using the interactive Select data dialog. The dialog shows different selection or transformation options
depending on the type of file or database you use as data source. As well as selecting fields, you can also
rename fields in the dialog. When you have finished selecting fields, you can insert the generated script code
to your script.
You open Select data by clicking ± on a data connection in the data load editor.
Selecting data from a database
In order to select data from a database, you start by clicking ± on an ODBC or OLE DB data connection in
the data load editor. This is where you select the fields to load from the database tables or views of the data
source. You can select fields from several databases, tables and views in one session.
Selecting database
Do the following:
1. Select a Database from the drop-down list.
2. Select Owner of the database.
The list of Tables is populated with views and tables available in the selected database.
Selecting tables and views
The table list will include tables, views, synonyms, system tables and aliases from the database.
If you want to select all fields of a table, do the following:
l Mark the checkbox next to the table name.
If you want to select specific fields from a Table, do the following:
l Click on the table name (not in the checkbox).
Fields will be updated with the available table content, and you can continue by selecting fields.
Tables with all fields selected are indicated with a checkmark in the checkbox, while tables with some fields
selected are indicated with a blue square in the checkbox and the number of selected fields to the right.
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3 Using the data load editor
Selecting fields
Fields lists all fields available in the selected Table. You can Filter for fields in the list by typing part of the
field name in the text box.
You can display the fields in either of the following views:
Data preview, which presents data in horizontal column layout and preview data loaded. Primary key
fields are indicated by ®.
Metadata, which presents data in a vertical list layout with field metadata, such as primary keys and
data type, displayed.
Do the following:
l Select the fields you want to include using the checkbox next to each field name.
When you have selected the fields to include from the selected table, you can continue to select fields from
other tables in the same database, or pick another database and select tables and fields from that database.
Selections summary provides an overview of the databases you have selected and the number of selected
tables and fields.
Renaming fields
You can rename fields. This is particularly useful in the following two cases:
l If you load two files containing a field with the same name, they will by default be linked and treated
as one field in Qlik Sense. If you want to load them as separate fields, rename the fields so that they
are different.
l If you load two files containing a field that should be read as one field, but has different names in the
respective files, you can rename them (in either file) to have identical names to load them as one
You cannot rename fields in the data selection wizard at the same time as you filter for fields
by searching. You have to erase the search string in the text box first.
It is not possible to rename two fields in the same table so that they have identical names.
Do the following:
Click on the field header you want to rename, type the new name and press Enter.
The field is renamed, and the script preview is updated.
Renaming a field corresponds to using as in a field definition in a LOAD statement.
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3 Using the data load editor
If you rename fields in a table, a LOAD statement will be inserted automatically regardless of
the Include LOAD statement setting.
Previewing script
The statements that will be inserted are displayed in the script preview, which you can choose to hide by
clicking Preview script.
Including LOAD statement
If Include LOAD statement is selected, SELECT statements are generated with preceding LOAD
statements using the SELECT statements as input.
If you rename fields in a table, a LOAD statement will be inserted automatically regardless of
this setting.
Inserting in the script
When you have finished selecting fields and want to generate your LOAD/SELECT statements in the script,
do the following:
Click Insert script.
The data selection window is closed, and the LOAD /SELECT statements are inserted in the script in
accordance with your selections.
Selecting data from a delimited table file
You can load data from a delimited table file in formats such as CSV, TXT, TAB, PRN, MEM or SKV, or files
with custom delimiter symbols. When you have selected fields, you can insert the script code required to load
the fields into the script.
To start selecting data, do the following:
Click ± on a folder data connection in the data load editor.
2. Select file from the drop-down list of available files in the folder and click Select.
The selection dialog is displayed with Fields updated with preview data.
Setting file options
The preview data is formatted using settings derived from your file, but you may need to adjust the file
options to suit your purpose:
File format Set to Delimited or Fixed record.
When you make a selection, the select data dialog will adapt to the selected file format.
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3 Using the data load editor
Field names
Set to specify if the table contains
Embedded field names
No field names
Delimiter Set the Delimiter character used in your table file.
Set to specify how to handle quotes:
None = quote characters are not accepted
Standard = standard quoting (quotes can be used as first and last characters of a field
MSQ = modern style quoting (allowing multi-line content in fields)
Header size
Set to the number of lines to omit as table header.
Character set
Set to character set used in the table file.
Data files can contain comments between records, denoted by starting a line with one or
more special characters, for example //.
Specify one or more characters to denote a comment line. Qlik Sense does not load
lines starting with the character(s) specified here.
Ignore EOF
Ignore EOF
if your data contains EOF characters as part of field value.
Preview data is formatted according to the options you have set.
Selecting fields
Fields lists all fields available to select. You can do one of the following:
l Select which fields to include using the checkbox next to each field name.
Select all fields by using the Select all fields checkbox.
Renaming fields
You can rename fields. This is particularly useful in the following two cases:
l If you load two files containing a field with the same name, they will by default be linked and treated
as one field in Qlik Sense. If you want to load them as separate fields, rename the fields so that they
are different.
l If you load two files containing a field that should be read as one field, but has different names in the
respective files, you can rename them (in either file) to have identical names to load them as one
Do the following:
Click on the field header you want to rename, type the new name and press Enter.
The field is renamed, and the script preview is updated.
Renaming a field corresponds to using as in a field definition in a LOAD statement.
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3 Using the data load editor
Previewing the script
The statements that will be inserted are displayed in the script preview, which you can choose to hide by
clicking Preview script.
Inserting the script
When you have finished selecting fields and want to generate your LOAD/SELECT statements in the script,
do the following:
Click Insert script.
The Select data from window is closed, and the LOAD statements are inserted in the script in accordance
with your selections.
Selecting data from a Microsoft Excel file
You can load from data from a selected Microsoft Excel file. When you have selected fields, you can insert
the script code required to load the fields into the script.
To start selecting data, do the following:
Click ± on a Folder data connector in the data load editor.
2. Select file from the drop-down list of available files in the folder and click Select.
Select data from is displayed and the list of Tables is populated with the sheets and named areas available
in the selected Microsoft Excel file.
You can also use a Microsoft Excel file as data source using the ODBC interface. In that case
you need to use an ODBC data connection instead of a Folder data connection.
Selecting tables
The Tables list includes all sheets and named areas of the selected Microsoft Excel file.
If you want to select all the fields in a table, do the following:
l Check the box next to the table name.
If you want to select specific fields from a table, do the following:
l Click the table name (not in the checkbox).
Fields is updated with the available table content, and you can select the fields you require.
Tables that have all columns selected are indicated with a checkmark in the checkbox, while tables with some
fields selected are indicated with a square in the checkbox and the number of selected fields to the right of
the table name.
Selecting fields
Fields lists all fields available in the selected table. You may need to specify the following settings:
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3 Using the data load editor
Field names:
Embedded field names, if field names (headers) are stored in the first line of data.
No field names, if there are no field names.
Header size:
l Set to the number of lines to ignore when loading data.
Do the following:
l Select the fields to include using the checkbox next to each field name.
When you have selected the fields to include from the selected table, you can continue to select fields from
other tables in the same file.
Renaming fields
You can rename fields. This is particularly useful in the following two cases:
l If you load two files containing a field with the same name, they will by default be linked and treated
as one field in Qlik Sense. If you want to load them as separate fields, rename the fields so that they
are different.
l If you load two files containing a field that should be read as one field, but has different names in the
respective files, you can rename them (in either file) to have identical names to load them as one
Do the following:
Click on the field header you want to rename, type the new name and press Enter.
The field is renamed, and the script preview is updated if the field is selected.
Renaming a field corresponds to using as in a field definition in a LOAD statement.
Previewing the script
The statements that will be inserted are displayed in the script preview , which you can choose to hide by
clicking Preview script.
Inserting the script
When you have finished selecting fields and want to generate your LOAD/SELECT statements in the script,
do the following:
Click Insert script.
The Select data from window is closed, and the LOAD statements are inserted in the script in accordance
with your selections.
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3 Using the data load editor
Selecting data from a fixed record table file
You can select data from fixed record data files where each record (row of data) contains a number of
columns with a fixed field size, usually padded with spaces or tab characters.
Example: Fixed record table file
Item Id Price
Watch 001 2.75
Ball 002 3.25
To select data from a fixed record file, do the following:
Click ± on a Folder data connection in the data load editor.
2. Select the file from the drop-down list of available files in the folder and click Select.
Select data from is displayed with Fields updated with preview data.
3. Set File format to Fixed record.
The preview data will adapt to the fixed record format.
Setting file options
The preview data is formatted using settings derived from your file, but you may need to adjust the file
options to suit your purpose:
Field names
Set to specify if the table contains
Embedded field names
No field names
Header size Set Header size to the number of lines to omit as table header.
Character set
Set to the character set used in the table file.
Tab size
Set to the number of spaces that one Tab character represents in the table file.
Record line size
Set to the number of lines that one record spans in the table file. Default is 1.
Preview data is formatted according to the options you have set.
Setting field break positions
You can set the field break positions in two different ways:
Enter the field break positions separated by commas manually in Field break positions. Each
position marks the start of a field.
Example: 1,12,24
Enable Field breaks to edit field break positions interactively in the field data preview. Field break
positions is updated with the selected positions. You can:
l Click in the field data preview to insert a field break.
l Click on a field break to delete it.
l Drag a field break to move it.
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3 Using the data load editor
Selecting fields
Fields lists all fields available to select. You can do one of the following:
l Select the fields to include using the checkbox next to each field name.
Select all fields
Renaming fields
You can rename fields. This is particularly useful in the following two cases:
l If you load two files containing a field with the same name, they will by default be linked and treated
as one field in Qlik Sense. If you want to load them as separate fields, rename the fields so that they
are different.
l If you load two files containing a field that should be read as one field, but has different names in the
respective files, you can rename them (in either file) to have identical names to load them as one
Do the following:
Click on the field header you want to rename, type the new name and press Enter.
The field is renamed, and the script preview is updated.
Renaming a field corresponds to using as in a field definition in a LOADS statement.
Previewing the script
The statements that will be inserted are displayed in the script preview, which you can choose to hide by
clicking Preview script.
Inserting the script
When you have finished selecting fields and want to generate your LOAD/SELECT statements in the script,
do the following:
Click Insert script.
The Select data from window is closed, and the LOAD statements are inserted in the script in accordance
with your selections.
Selecting data from a QVD or QVX file
You can load data from QVD files created by Qlik Sense and QVX files created by a custom connector.
When you have selected which fields to load, you can insert the script code required to load the fields into the
To select data, do the following:
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3 Using the data load editor
Click ± on a Folder data connection in the data load editor.
2. Select a QVD or QVX file from the drop-down list of available files in the folder and click Select.
Select data from is displayed with Fields updated with preview data.
Selecting fields
Fields lists all fields available to select. You can either:
l Select the fields to include by marking the checkbox next to each field name.
Click Select all fields
Renaming fields
You can rename fields. This is particularly useful in the following two cases:
l If you load two files containing a field with the same name, they will by default be linked and treated
as one field in Qlik Sense. If you want to load them as separate fields, rename the fields so that they
are different.
l If you load two files containing a field that should be read as one field, but has different names in the
respective files, you can rename them (in either file) to have identical names to load them as one
Do the following:
Click on the field header you want to rename, type the new name and press Enter.
The field is renamed, and the script preview is updated.
Renaming a field corresponds to using as in a field definition in a LOAD statement.
Previewing the script
The statements that will be inserted are displayed in the script preview, which you can choose to hide by
clicking Preview script.
Inserting the script
When you have finished selecting fields and want to generate your LOAD statements in the script, do the
Click Insert script.
The Select data from window is closed, and the LOAD statements are inserted in the script in accordance
with your selections.
Selecting data from an HTML file
You can load data from tables in HTML files, that is, tables that are encoded with the <TABLE> element.
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3 Using the data load editor
The Select data from dialog opens when you click ± on a Folder or Web file connection in the data load
editor. This is where you select the fields to load from the tables of the HTML file. You can select fields from
several tables.
Selecting tables
Tables lists all tables in the HTML file.
If you want to select all fields of a table, do the following:
l Mark the checkbox next to the table name.
If you want to select specific fields of a table, do the following:
l Click on the table name (not in the checkbox).
Fields will be updated with the available table content, and you can continue selecting fields.
Tables with all fields selected are indicated with a checkmark in the checkbox, while tables with some fields
selected are indicated with a square in the checkbox and the number of selected fields to the right.
Selecting fields
Fields lists all fields available in the selected Table. You can Filter for fields in the list by typing part of the
field name in the text box.
You cannot rename fields in the data selection wizard at the same time as you filter for fields
by searching. You have to erase the search string in the text box first.
It is not possible to rename two fields in the same table so that they have identical names.
You may need to specify the following settings:
Field names:
Embedded field names, if field names (field headers) are stored in the first line of data.
No field names, if there are no field names.
Character set:
Do the following:
l Select the fields to include by marking the checkbox next to each field name.
When you have selected the fields to include from the selected table, you can continue to select fields from
other tables in the same file.
Renaming fields
You can rename fields. This is particularly useful in the following two cases:
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3 Using the data load editor
l If you load two files containing a field with the same name, they will by default be linked and treated
as one field in Qlik Sense. If you want to load them as separate fields, rename the fields so that they
are different.
l If you load two files containing a field that should be read as one field, but has different names in the
respective files, you can rename them (in either file) to have identical names to load them as one
You cannot rename fields in the data selection wizard at the same time as you filter for fields
by searching. You have to erase the search string in the text box first.
It is not possible to rename two fields in the same table so that they have identical names.
Do the following:
Click on the field header you want to rename, type the new name and press Enter.
The field is renamed, and the script preview is updated.
Renaming a field corresponds to using as in a field definition in a LOAD statement.
Previewing the script
The statements that will be inserted are displayed in the script preview, which you can choose to hide by
clicking Preview script.
Inserting the script
When you have finished selecting fields and want to generate your LOAD statements in the script, do the
Click Insert script.
The Select data from window is closed, and the LOAD statements are inserted in the script in accordance
with your selections.
Selecting data from an XML file
You can load data that is stored in XML format.
Do the following:
Click ± on a Folder or Web file connection in the data load editor.
Select the XML file you want to load data from.
The Select data from dialog is displayed with Fields updated with preview data. This is where you select
the fields to load from the tables of the file. You can select fields from several tables.
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3 Using the data load editor
Selecting tables and fields
Tables lists all tables available to select. When you select a table, Fields is updated with the available fields.
By default, all data is selected.
l If you want to exclude a table or a field, mark the checkbox next to the table or field name.
Renaming fields
You can rename fields. This is particularly useful in the following two cases:
l If you load two files containing a field with the same name, they will by default be linked and treated
as one field in Qlik Sense. If you want to load them as separate fields, rename the fields so that they
are different.
l If you load two files containing a field that should be read as one field, but has different names in the
respective files, you can rename them (in either file) to have identical names to load them as one
Do the following:
Click on the field header you want to rename, type the new name and press Enter.
The field is renamed, and the script preview is updated when you select something else.
Renaming a field corresponds to using as in a field definition in a LOAD statement.
Previewing the script
The statements that will be inserted are displayed in the script preview, which you can choose to hide by
clicking Preview script.
Inserting the script
When you have finished selecting fields and want to generate your LOAD statements in the script, do the
Click Insert script.
The Select data from window is closed, and the LOAD statements are inserted in the script in accordance
with your selections.
Selecting data from a KML file
You can load geographical data that is stored in KML format to use when creating a map visualization.
Do the following:
Click ± on a Folder or Web file connection in the data load editor.
Select the KML file you want to load data from.
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3 Using the data load editor
The Select data from dialog is displayed with Fields updated with preview data. This is where you select
the fields to load from the tables of the file. You can select fields from several tables.
Selecting tables and fields
Tables lists all tables available to select. When you select a table, Fields is updated with the available fields.
By default, all data is selected.
l If you want to exclude a table or a field, mark the checkbox next to the table or field name.
Renaming fields
You can rename fields. This is particularly useful in the following two cases:
l If you load two files containing a field with the same name, they will by default be linked and treated
as one field in Qlik Sense. If you want to load them as separate fields, rename the fields to be
l If you load two files containing a field that should be read as one field, but has different names in the
respective files, you can rename them to have identical names to load them as one field.
Do the following:
l Click on the field header you want to rename, type the new name and press Enter.
The field is renamed, and the script preview is updated when you select something else.
Renaming a field corresponds to using as in a field definition in a Load statement.
Previewing the script
The statements that will be inserted are displayed in the script preview, which you can choose to hide by
clicking Preview script.
Inserting the script
When you have finished selecting fields and want to generate your LOAD statements in the script, do the
Click Insert script.
The Select data from window is closed, and the LOAD statements are inserted in the script in accordance
with your selections.
3.5 Edit the data load script
You write the script in the text editor of the data load editor. Here you can make manual changes to the
LOAD/SELECT statements you have generated with the data selection pop-ups, and type new script.
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3 Using the data load editor
The script, which must be written using the Qlik Sense script syntax, is color coded to make it easy to
distinguish the different elements. Comments are highlighted in green, whereas Qlik Sense syntax keywords
are highlighted in blue. Each script line is numbered.
There are a number of functions available in the editor to assist you in developing the load script:
Detailed syntax help
There are two ways to access detailed syntax help for a Qlik Sense syntax
Click D in the toolbar to enter syntax help mode. In syntax help mode
you can click on a syntax keyword (marked in blue and underlined) to
access syntax help.
You cannot edit the script in syntax help mode.
l Place the cursor inside or at the end of the keyword and press Ctrl+H.
If you start to type a Qlik Sense script keyword, you get an auto-complete list
of matching keywords to select from. The list is narrowed down as you
continue to type. For example, type month.
Do the following:
l Select a keyword in the list by clicking on it or by pressing Enter.
When you type an open parenthesis after a Qlik Sense script function, a
tooltip displays the syntax of the function, including parameters, return value
types and additional statements.
Prepared test script
You can insert a prepared test script that will load a set of inline data fields.
You can use this to quickly create a data set for test purposes.
Do the following:
Press Ctrl+00
The test script code is inserted into the script.
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3 Using the data load editor
Indenting code
You can indent the code to increase readability.
Do the following:
Select one or several lines to change indentation.
Click À to indent the text (increase indentation) or, clickà to
outdent the text (decrease indentation).
You can also use keyboard shortcuts:
Tab (indent)
Shift+Tab (outdent)
Search and replace
You can search and replace text throughout script sections.
Click F in the toolbar to open the Search and replace panel.
Selecting all code
You can select all code in the current script section.
Do the following:
Press Ctrl+A
All script code in the current section is selected.
Organizing the script code
You can divide your script into sections to organize the structure. The script is executed in the order of the
sections from top to bottom. The script must contain at least one section.
Creating a new script section
You can insert new script sections to organize your code.
Do the following:
Click P.
The new section is inserted after the currently selected section.
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3 Using the data load editor
Deleting a script section
You can delete a script section, including all code in the section.
Deleting a script section cannot be undone.
Do the following:
Click E next to the section tab to delete it. You need to confirm the deletion.
The section is now deleted.
Renaming a script section
You can rename a script section.
Do the following:
Click on the section name and type to edit the name.
Press Enter or click outside the section when you are finished.
The section is now renamed.
Rearranging script sections
You can rearrange the order of sections to change the script execution order.
Do the following:
Select the section you want to move.
Put the cursor on the o drag bars and drag the section to rearrange the order.
The sections have now been rearranged.
Commenting in the script
You can insert comments and remarks in the script code, or deactivate parts of the script code by using
comment marks. All text on a line that follows to the right of // (two forward slashes) will be considered a
comment and will not be executed when the script is run.
The data load editor toolbar contains a shortcut to commenting or uncommenting code. The function works
as a toggle, if the selected code is not commented it will be commented, and vice versa.
Do the following:
Select one or more lines of code that are not commented out, or place the cursor at the beginning of a
Click , or press Ctrl+K.
The selected code is now commented out.
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3 Using the data load editor
Do the following:
Select one or more lines of code that are commented out, or place the cursor at the beginning of a
commented line.
Click , or press Ctrl+K.
The selected code is now not commented out.
There are more ways to insert comments in the script code:
l Using the Rem statement.
l Enclosing a section of code with /* and */.
Rem This is a comment ;
/* This is a comment
that spans two lines */
// This is a comment as well
Searching in the load script
You can search and replace text throughout script sections.
Open the data load editor.Do the following:
Click F in the toolbar.
The search drop-down dialog is displayed.
In the search box, type the text you want to find. You need to type at least two characters.
The search results are highlighted in the current section of the script code. Also, the number of text
instances found is indicated next to the section label.
You can browse through the results by clicking ê and ë.
Click F in the toolbar to close the search dialog.
Also, you can select Search in all sections to search in all script sections. The number of
text instances found is indicated next to each section label. The search function is not case
Do the following:
Loading and Modeling Data - Qlik Sense, 1.1 40
3 Using the data load editor
Click F in the toolbar.
The search drop-down dialog is displayed.
Type the text you want to find in the search box.
3. Type the replacement text in the replace box and click Replace.
Click ë to find next instance of search text and do one of the following:
Click Replace to replace text.
Click ë to find next.
Click F in the toolbar to close the search dialog.
You can also click Replace all in section to replace all instances of the search text in the
current script section. The replace function is case sensitive, and replaced text will have the
case given in the replace field. A message is shown with information about how many
instances that were replaced.
Saving the load script
When you save the script the entire app is saved, but data is not automatically reloaded.
Do the following:
Click Save in the data load editor toolbar to save the script.
The script is now saved, but the app will still contain old data from the previous reload, which is indicated in
the toolbar. If you want to update the app with new data, click Load data° in the data load editor toolbar.
When you save the script, it is automatically checked for syntax errors. Syntax errors are highlighted in the
code, and all script sections containing syntax errors are indicated with ù next to the section label.
The script is automatically saved to the app when data is loaded.
3.6 Debug the data load script
You can use the debugging utilities in the data load editor to step through the execution of your script by
using breakpoints, which will enable you to inspect variable values and output from the script execution. You
can select if you want to view any or all of Output, Variables and Breakpoints.
To show the debug panel, do the following:
Click u in the data load editor toolbar.
The debug panel is opened at the bottom of the data load editor.
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3 Using the data load editor
You can't create connections, edit connections, select data, save the script or load data while
you are running in debug mode, that is, from you have started debug execution until the script
is executed or execution has been ended
Debug toolbar
The data load editor debug panel contains a toolbar with the following options to control the debug execution:
Limited load
Enable this to limit how many rows of data to load from each data source. This is
useful to reduce execution time if your data sources are large.
Enter the number of rows you want to load.
This only applies to physical data sources. Automatically generated
and Inline loads will not be limited, for example.
Start or continue execution in debug mode until the next breakpoint is reached.
Step to the next line of code.
End execution here. If you end before all code is executed, the resulting data model
will only contain data up to the line of code where execution ended.
Output displays all messages that are generated during debug execution. You can select to lock the output
from scrolling when new messages are displayed by clicking \.
Additionally, the output menu (¨) contains the following options:
Click this to delete all output messages.
Select all text
Click this to select all output messages.
Scroll to bottom
Click this to scroll to the last output message.
Variables lists all reserved variables, system variables and variables defined in the script, and displays the
current values during script execution.
Setting a variable as favorite
If you want to inspect specific variables during execution, you can set them as favorites. Favorite variables
are displayed at the top of the variable list, marked by a yellow star. To set a variable as favorite, do the
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3 Using the data load editor
Click on the ï next to a variable.
The ï is now yellow, and the variable moved to the top of the variable list.
Filtering variables
You can apply a filter to show only a selected type of variables by using the following options in the variables
menu (¨):
Show all variables
Click this to show all types of variables.
Show system variables
Click this to show system variables.
System variables are defined by Qlik Sense, but you can change
the variable value in the script.
Show reserved variables
Click this to show reserved variables.
Reserved variables are defined by Qlik Sense and the value
cannot be changed.
Show user defined variables
Click this to show user defined variables.
User defined variables are variables that you have defined in the
You can add breakpoints to your script to be able to halt debug execution at certain lines of code and inspect
variable values and output messages at this point. When you have reached a breakpoint, you can choose to
stop execution, continue until the next breakpoint is reached, or step to the next line of code. All breakpoints
in the scripts are listed, with a reference to section and line number.
Adding a breakpoint
To add a breakpoint at a line of code , do one of the following:
l In the script, click in the area directly to the right of the line number where you want to add a
A Q next to the line number will indicate that there is a breakpoint at this line.
You can add breakpoints even when the debug panel is closed.
Deleting breakpoints
You can delete a breakpoint by doing either of the following:
In the script, click on a Q next to the line number.
In the list of breakpoints, click E next to a breakpoint.
You can also click ¨ and select Delete all to delete all breakpoints from the script.
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3 Using the data load editor
Enabling and disabling breakpoints
When you create a breakpoint it is enabled by default, which is indicated by m next to the breakpoint in the
list of breakpoints. You can enable and disable individual breakpoints by selecting and deselecting them in
the list of breakpoints.
You also have the following options in the breakpoints menu (¨):
Enable all
Disable all
3.7 Run the script to load data
Click Load data° in the toolbar to run the script and reload data in the app. The app is automatically saved
before loading the data.
The Data load progress dialog is displayed, and you can Abort the load. When the data load has
completed, the dialog is updated with status (Finished successfully or Data load failed) and a summary
of possible errors and warnings, such as for synthetic keys. The summary is also displayed in Output, if you
want to view it after the dialog is closed.
If you want the Data load progress dialog to always close automatically after a successful
execution, select Close when successfully finished .
3.8 Data load editor toolbars
The toolbars allow you to perform global actions on your data load script, such as undo/redo, debug, and
search/replace. You can also click Load datal to reload the data in your app.
Main toolbar
Navigation menu with the following options:
üApp overview
7Data model viewer
qOpen hub
Menu with the following options:
Quick data load - load another data file into the app - only available in Qlik
Sense Desktop.
Loading and Modeling Data - Qlik Sense, 1.1 44
3 Using the data load editor
Debug the script
Load data°
Execute the script and reload data. The app is automatically saved before
Data connections
Editor toolbar
Search and replace text in the script.
Activate syntax help mode. In help mode you can click on a syntax keyword
(marked in blue) in the editor to access detailed syntax help.
It is not possible to edit the script in help mode.
Undo the latest change in the current section (multiple step undo is possible). This
is equivalent to pressing Ctrl+Z.
Redo the latest
in the current section. This is equivalent to pressing Ctrl+Y.
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4 Viewing the data model
4 Viewing the data model
The data model viewer provides you with an overview of the data structure of the app. You can preview data
in the tables and fields in the data model viewer. You can also create dimensions and measures on-the-fly.
In the data model viewer, each data table is represented by a box, with the table name as title and with all
fields in the table listed. Table associations are shown with lines, with a dotted line indicating a circular
reference. When you select a table or a field, the highlighting of associations instantly gives you a picture of
how fields and tables are related.
You can change the zoom level, by clicking Y, Z or using the slider. Click ü to restore zoom level to 1:1.
You can select to view either:
7 Internal table view - the Qlik Sense data model including synthetic fields
+ Source table view - the data model of the source data tables
4.2 Moving and resizing tables in the data model viewer
Moving tables
You can move the tables by dragging them on the canvas. The table positions will be saved when the app is
You can lock the table layout (positions and sizes), by clicking [ in the right part of the canvas. To unlock
the table layout, click \.
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4 Viewing the data model
It is also possible to arrange the layout automatically using the options under ì in the toolbar:
ìGrid layout - to arrange the tables in a grid.
óAuto layout - to arrange the tables to fit in the window.
õRestore layout - to revert to the latest saved layout state.
Resizing tables
You can adjust the display size of a table with the red arrow in the bottom right corner of a table. Display size
will not be saved when the app is saved.
You can also use the automatic display size options in the toolbar:
tCollapse all - to minimize all tables to show the table name only.
å Show linked fields - to reduce the size of all tables to show the table name and all fields with
associations to other tables.
s Expand all - to maximize all tables to show all fields in the table.
4.3 Preview of tables and fields in the data model viewer
In the data model viewer, you can get a preview of any data table in a panel at the bottom of the screen. In
the preview, you can quickly inspect the contents of a table or field. You can also add dimensions and
measures quickly if you select a field.
A preview of a table shows the 10 first table fields and their values, and a preview of a field shows an
individual field with its 10 first values. Additionally, metadata such as information density and tags are
displayed in the preview panel.
You can show and hide the preview panel in two ways:
Click j in the data model viewer toolbar
Click the Preview header
Direct Discovery data is not displayed in the preview Á.
Showing a preview of a table
Do the following:
l Click a table header in the data model viewer.
The preview panel is displayed with fields and values of the selected table.
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4 Viewing the data model
Showing a preview of a field
Do the following:
l Click a table field in the data model viewer.
The preview panel is displayed with the selected field and its values.
4.4 Creating a master dimension from the data model
When you are working with an unpublished app, you can create master dimensions so that they can be
reused. Users of a published app will have access to the master dimensions in their library, but will not be
able to modify them. The data model viewer is not available in a published app.
Do the following:
1. In the data model viewer, select a field and open the Preview panel.
2. Click Add as dimension.
The Create new dimensions dialog opens, with the selected field. The name of the selected field is
also used as the default name of the dimension.
Change the name if you want to, and optionally add a description and tags.
4. Click Add dimension.
5. Click Done to close the dialog.
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4 Viewing the data model
The dimension is now saved to the master items tab of the assets panel.
You can quickly add several dimensions as master items by clicking Add dimension after
adding each dimension. Click Done when you have finished.
Direct Discovery tables are indicated by Á in the data model viewer.
4.5 Creating a master measure from the data model
When you are working with an unpublished app, you can create master measures so that they can be reused.
Users of a published app will have access to the master measures in their library, but will not be able to
modify them.
Do the following:
1. In the data model viewer, select a field and open the Preview panel.
2. Click Add as measure.
The Create new measure dialog opens, with the selected field. The name of the selected field is
also used as the default name of the measure.
Enter an expression for the measure.
Change the name if you want to, and optionally add a description and tags.
5. Click Create.
The measure is now saved to the master items tab of the assets panel.
4.6 Data model viewer toolbar
In the data model viewer, you find the following tools in the toolbar at the top of the screen:
Navigation menu with the following options:
üApp overview
ÏData load editor
qOpen hub
Menu with the following options:
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4 Viewing the data model
Save changes.
Click the info icon to show or hide the app details.
Internal table view - the Qlik Sense data model including synthetic fields.
Source table view - the data model of the source data tables.
Collapse all tables to show the table name only.
Reduce the size of all tables to show the table name and all fields with associations to other
Expand all tables to show all fields.
Layout menu with the following options:
ìGrid layout
óAuto layout
õRestore layout
Open and close the preview pane.
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5 Managing security with section access
5 Managing security with section access
You can use section access in the data load script to handle security. In this way, a single file can be used to
hold the data for a number of users or user groups. Qlik Sense will use the information in the section access
for authentication and authorization, and dynamically reduce the data, so that users only see their own data.
The security is built into the file itself, which means a downloaded file is also protected, to some extent.
However, if security demands are high, downloading of files and offline use should be prevented, and files
should be published by the Qlik Sense server only. As all data is kept in one file, the size of this file can
potentially be very large.
5.1 Sections in the script
Access control is managed through one or several security tables loaded in the same way as Qlik Sense
normally loads data. This makes it possible to store these tables in a normal database. The script statements
managing the security tables are given within the access section, which in the script is initiated by the
statement Section Access.
If an access section is defined in the script, the part of the script loading the app data must be put in a
different section, initiated by the statement Section Application.
Section Access;
LOAD * inline
Section Application;
LOAD... ... from... ...
Section access system fields
The access levels are assigned to users in one or several tables loaded within the section access. These
tables can contain several different user-specific system fields, typically USERID, and the field defining the
access level, ACCESS. All section access system fields will be used for authentication or authorization. The
full set of section access system fields is described below.
None, all, or any combination of the security fields may be loaded in the access section. Therefore, it is not
necessary to use USERID an authorization can be made using other fields, for example, serial number
Defines what access the corresponding user should have.
Contains a string corresponding to a Qlik Sense user name. Qlik Sense will get the log-on
information from the Proxy and compare it to the value in this field.
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5 Managing security with section access
Contains a string corresponding to a group in Qlik Sense. Qlik Sense will resolve the user
supplied by the proxy against this group.
Contains the name of the field that is to be omitted for this specific user. Wildcards may be
used and the field may be empty. An easy way of doing this is to use a subfield.
You should not apply OMIT on key fields, as this will change the underlying data
structure. This may create logical islands and calculation inconsistencies.
Qlik Sense will compare the user supplied by the proxy with UserID and resolve the user against groups in the
table. If the user belongs to a group that is allowed access, or the user matches, they will get access to the
As the same internal logic that is the hallmark of Qlik Sense is also used in the access section, the security
fields can be put in different tables. All the fields listed in LOAD or SELECT statements in the section
access must be written in UPPER CASE. Convert any field name containing lower case letters in the
database to upper case using the Upper function before reading the field by the LOAD or SELECT
A wildcard, *, is interpreted as all (listed) values of this field, that is. a value listed elsewhere in this table. If
used in one of the system fields (USERID, GROUP) in a table loaded in the access section of the script, it is
interpreted as all (also not listed) possible values of this field.
When loading data from a QVD file, the use of the upper function will slow down the loading
If you have enabled section access, you cannot use the section access system field names
listed here as field names in your data model.
In this example, only users in the finance group can open the document.
USER Finance
5.2 Dynamic data reduction
Qlik Sense supports the dynamic data reduction feature, by which some of the data in an app can be hidden
from the user, based on the section access login:
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5 Managing security with section access
l Fields (columns) can be hidden by using the system field OMIT.
l Records (rows) can be hidden by linking the section access data with the real data: The selection of
values to be shown/excluded is controlled by having one or more fields with common names in section
access and section application. After user login, Qlik Sense will attempt to copy the selections in
fields in section access to any fields in section application with exactly the same field names (the field
names must be written in UPPER CASE). After the selections have been made, Qlik Sense will
permanently hide all data excluded by these selections from the user.
All field names used in the transfer described above and all field values in these fields must be
upper case, because all field names and field values are, by default, converted to upper case in
section access.
section access;
LOAD * inline [
section application;
Chr( RecNo()+ord(‘A’)-1) AS ALPHA,
RecNo() AS NUM
The field REDUCTION (upper case) now exists in both section access and section application (all field values
are also upper case). The two fields would normally be totally different and separated, but using section
access, these fields will link and reduce the number of records displayed to the user.
The field OMIT, in section access, defines the fields that should be hidden from the user.
The result will be:
l User ADMIN can see all fields and only those records other users can see in this example when
REDUCTION is 1,2, or 3.
l User A can see all fields, but only those records connected to REDUCTION=1.
l User B can see all fields except NUM, and only those records connected to REDUCTION=2.
l User C can see all fields except ALPHA, and only those records connected to REDUCTION=3.
The INTERNAL\SA_SCHEDULER account user is required to enable reload of the script in a
Qlik Management Console task.
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5 Managing security with section access
5.3 Inherited access restrictions
A binary load will cause the access restrictions to be inherited by the new Qlik Sense app. A person with
ADMIN rights to this new app may change the access rights of this new app by adding a new access section.
A person with USER rights can execute the script and change the script, thus adding their own data to the
binary loaded file. A person with USER rights cannot change the access rights. This makes it possible for a
database administrator to also control the user access to binary loaded Qlik Sense apps.
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6 Accessing large data sets with Direct Discovery
6 Accessing large data sets with Direct
Direct Discovery expands the associative capabilities of the Qlik Sense in-memory data model by providing
access to additional source data through an aggregated query that seamlessly associates larger data sets
with in-memory data. Direct Discovery enhances business users’ ability to conduct associative analysis on big
data sources without limitations. Selections can be made on in-memory and Direct Discovery data to see
associations across the data sets with the same Qlik Sense association colors - green, white, and gray.
Visualizations can analyze data from both data sets together.
Data is selected for Direct Discovery using a special script syntax, DIRECT QUERY. Once the Direct
Discovery structure is established, Direct Discovery fields can be used along with in-memory data to create
Qlik Sense objects. When a Direct Discovery field is used in a Qlik Sense object, an SQL query is run
automatically on the external data source.
6.1 Differences between Direct Discovery and in-memory
In-memory model
In the Qlik Sense in-memory model, all unique values in the fields selected from a table in the load script are
loaded into field structures, and the associative data is simultaneously loaded into the table. The field data
and the associative data is all held in memory.
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6 Accessing large data sets with Direct Discovery
A second, related table loaded into memory would share a common field, and that table might add new
unique values to the common field, or it might share existing values.
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6 Accessing large data sets with Direct Discovery
Direct Discovery
When table fields are loaded with a Direct DiscoveryLOAD statement (Direct Query), a similar table is
created with only the DIMENSION fields. As with the In-memory fields, the unique values for the
DIMENSION fields are loaded into memory. But the associations between the fields are left in the database.
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6 Accessing large data sets with Direct Discovery
MEASURE field values are also left in the database.
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6 Accessing large data sets with Direct Discovery
Once the Direct Discovery structure is established, the Direct Discovery fields can be used with certain
visualization objects, and they can be used for associations with in-memory fields. When a Direct Discovery
field is used, Qlik Sense automatically creates the appropriate SQL query to run on the external data. When
selections are made, the associated data values of the Direct Discovery fields are used in the WHERE
conditions of the database queries.
With each selection, the visualizations with Direct Discovery fields are recalculated, with the calculations
taking place in the source database table by executing the SQL query created by Qlik Sense. The calculation
condition feature can be used to specify when visualizations should be recalculated. Until the condition is
met, Qlik Sense does not send queries to recalculate the visualizations.
Performance differences between in-memory fields and Direct
Discovery fields
In-memory processing is always faster than processing in source databases. Performance of Direct Discovery
reflects the performance of the system running the database processing the Direct Discovery queries.
It is possible to use standard database and query tuning best practices for Direct Discovery. All of the
performance tuning should be done on the source database. Direct Discovery does not provide support for
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6 Accessing large data sets with Direct Discovery
query performance tuning from the Qlik Sense app. It is possible, however, to make asynchronous, parallel
calls to the database by using the connection pooling capability. The load script syntax to set up the pooling
capability is:
SET DirectConnectionMax=10;
Qlik Sense caching also improves the overall user experience. See Caching and Direct Discovery (page 61)
Performance of Direct Discovery with DIMENSION fields can also be improved by detaching some of the
fields from associations. This is done with the DETACH keyword on DIRECT QUERY. While detached
fields are not queried for associations, they are still part of the filters, speeding up selection times.
While Qlik Sense in-memory fields and Direct DiscoveryDIMENSION fields both hold all their data in
memory, the manner in which they are loaded affects the speed of the loads into memory. Qlik Sense in-
memory fields keep only one copy of a field value when there are multiple instances of the same value.
However, all field data is loaded, and then the duplicate data is sorted out.
DIMENSION fields also store only one copy of a field value, but the duplicate values are sorted out in the
database before they are loaded into memory. When you are dealing with large amounts of data, as you
usually are when using Direct Discovery, the data is loaded much faster as a DIRECT QUERY load than it
would be through the SQL SELECT load used for in-memory fields.
Differences between data in-memory and database data
DIRECT QUERY is case-sensitive when making associations with in-memory data. Direct Discovery selects
data from source databases according to the case-sensitivity of the database. If a database is not case-
sensitive, a Direct Discovery query might return data that an in-memory query would not. For example, if the
following data exists in a database that is not case-sensitive, a Direct Discovery query of the value "Red"
would return all four rows.
ColumnA ColumnB
red one
Red two
rED three
RED four
An in-memory selection of "Red," on the other hand, would return only:
Red two
Qlik Sense normalizes data to an extent that produces matches on selected data that databases would not
match. As a result, an in-memory query may produce more matching values than a Direct Discovery query.
For example, in the following table, the values for the number "1" vary by the location of spaces around them:
ColumnA ColumnB
Loading and Modeling Data - Qlik Sense, 1.1 60
6 Accessing large data sets with Direct Discovery
' 1' space_before
'1' no_space
'1 ' space_after
'2' two
If you select "1" in a Filter pane for ColumnA, where the data is in standard Qlik Sense in-memory, the first
three rows are associated:
'1' no_space
If the Filter pane contains Direct Discovery data, the selection of "1" might associate only "no_space". The
matches returned for Direct Discovery data depend on the database. Some return only "no_space" and
some, like SQL Server, return "no_space" and "space_after".
Caching and Direct Discovery
Qlik Sense caching stores selection states of queries in memory. As the same types of selections are made,
Qlik Sense leverages the query from the cache instead of querying the source data. When a different
selection is made, an SQL query is made on the data source. The cached results are shared across users.
User applies initial selection.
SQL is passed through to the underlying data source.
User clears selection and applies same selection as initial selection.
Cache result is returned, SQL is not passed through to the underlying data source.
User applies different selection.
SQL is passed through to the underlying data source.
A time limit can be set on caching with the DirectCacheSeconds system variable.Once the time limit is
reached, Qlik Sense clears the cache for the Direct Discovery query results that were generated for the
previous selections.Qlik Sense then queries the source data for the selections and recreates the cache for the
designated time limit.
The default cache time for Direct Discovery query results is 30 minutes unless the DirectCacheSeconds
system variable is used.
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6 Accessing large data sets with Direct Discovery
6.2 Direct Discovery field types
Within Direct Discovery, there are three types of data fields: DIMENSION, MEASURE, and DETAIL. The
types are set on data fields when the Direct Discovery selection is made using the Direct Query statement in
the load script.
All Direct Discovery fields can be used in combination with in-memory fields. Typically, fields with discrete
values that will be used as dimensions should be loaded with the DIMENSION keyword, whereas numeric
data that will be used in aggregations only should be marked as MEASURE fields. DIMENSION fields
cannot be used in object expressions.
The following table summarizes the characteristics and usage of the Direct Discovery field types:
Field Type In
Used in chart
DIMENSION fields are loaded in memory and can be used to create associations between in-memory data
and the data in Direct Discovery fields. Direct DiscoveryDIMENSION fields are also used to define dimension
values in charts.
MEASURE fields
MEASURE fields, on the other hand, are recognized on a "meta level." MEASURE fields are not loaded in
memory (they do not appear in the data model viewer).The purpose is to allow aggregations of the data in
MEASURE fields to take place in the database rather than in memory. Nevertheless, MEASURE fields can
be used in expressions without altering the expression syntax. As a result, the use of Direct Discovery fields
from the database is transparent to the end user.
The following aggregation functions can be used with MEASURE fields:
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6 Accessing large data sets with Direct Discovery
DETAIL fields
DETAIL fields provide information or details that you may want to display, but not use in chart expressions.
DETAIL fields can only be used in Count aggregations, and can only be viewed in a Table. Fields
designated as DETAIL commonly contain data that cannot be aggregated in any meaningful way, like
Any field can be designated as a DETAIL field.
6.3 Data sources supported in Direct Discovery
Qlik SenseDirect Discovery can be used against the following data sources, both with 32-bit and 64-bit
l ODBC/OLEDB data sources - All ODBC/OLEDB sources are supported, including SQL Server,
Teradata and Oracle.
l Custom connectors which support SQL SAP SQL Connector, Custom QVX connectors for SQL
compliant data stores.
Both 32-bit and 64-bit connections are supported.
For SAP, Direct Discovery can be used only with the Qlik SAP SQL Connector, and it requires the following
parameters in SET variables:
SET DirectFieldColumnDelimiter=' ';
SET DirectIdentifierQuoteChar=' ';
SAP uses OpenSQL, which delimits columns with a space rather than a comma, so the above set
statements cause a substitution to accommodate the difference between ANSI SQL and OpenSQL.
Google Big Query
Direct Discovery can be used with Google Big Query and requires the following parameters in the set
SET DirectDistinctSupport=false;
SET DirectIdentifierQuoteChar='[]';
SET DirectIdentifierQuoteStyle='big query'
Google Big Query does not support SELECT DISTINCT or quoted column/table names and has non-ANSI
quoting configuration using '[]'.
MySQL and Microsoft Access
Direct discovery can be used in conjunction with MySQL and Microsoft Access but may require the following
parameters in the set variables due to the quoting characters used in these sources:
SET DirectIdentifierQuoteChar='``';
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6 Accessing large data sets with Direct Discovery
6.4 Limitations when using Direct Discovery
Supported data types
All data types are supported in Direct Discovery, though there may be cases in which specific source data
formats need to be defined to Qlik Sense. This can be done on the load script by using the "SET
Direct...Format" syntax. The following example demonstrates how to define the date format of the source
database that is used as the source for Direct Discovery:
SET DirectDateFormat='YYYY-MM-DD';
There are also two script variables for controlling how the Direct Discovery formats money-type values in the
generated SQL statements:
SET DirectMoneyFormat (default '#.0000')
SET DirectMoneyDecimalSep (default '.')
The syntax for these two variables is the same as for MoneyFormat and MoneyDecimalSep, but there are
two important differences in the usage:
l This is not a display format, so it should not include currency symbols or thousands separators.
l The default values are not driven by the locale but are hard wired to the values. (Locale-specific
formats include the currency symbol.)
Direct Discovery can support the selection of extended Unicode data by using the SQL standard format for
extended character string literals (N'<extended string>') as required by some databases, such as SQL Server.
This syntax can be enabled for Direct Discovery with the script variable DirectUnicodeStrings . Setting this
variable to "true" enables the use of "N" in front of the string literals.
The following security best practices should be taken into consideration when using Direct Discovery:
l All of the users using the same application with the Direct Discovery capability use the same
connection. Authentication pass-through and credentials-per-user are not supported.
l Section Access is supported in server mode only.
l It is possible to execute custom SQL statements in the database with a NATIVE keyword expression,
so the database connection set up in the load script should use an account that has read-only access
to the database.
l Direct Discovery has no logging capability, but it is possible to use the ODBC tracing capability.
l It is possible to flood the database with requests from the client.
l It is possible to get detailed error messages from the server log files.
Qlik Sense functionality that is not supported
Because of the interactive and SQL syntax-specific nature of Direct Discovery, several features are not
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6 Accessing large data sets with Direct Discovery
l Advanced calculations (Set Analysis, complex expressions)
l Calculated dimensions
l Comparative Analysis (Alternate State) on the objects that use Direct Discovery fields
Direct DiscoveryMEASURE and DETAIL fields are not supported in the search tool
l Binary load from an application that is accessing a Direct Discovery table
l Loop and Reduce
l Synthetic keys on the Direct Discovery table
l Table naming in script does not apply to the Direct Discovery table
The use of wild card * character after DIRECT QUERY keyword on the load script (DIRECT QUERY *)
l Oracle database tables with LONG datatype columns are not supported.
l Big integers in scientific notation, outside range [-9007199254740990, 9007199254740991], can
cause rounding errors and undefined behavior.
6.5 Multi-table support in Direct Discovery
You can use Direct Discovery to load more than one table or view using ANSI SQL join functionality. In a
single chart, all measures must be derived from the same logical table in Qlik Sense, but this can be a
combination of several tables from source linked via join statements. However, you can use dimensions
sourced from other tables in the same chart.
For example, you can link the tables loaded with Direct Discovery using either a Where clause or a Join
Linking Direct Discovery tables with a Where clause
In this example script, we load data from the database AW2012. The tables Product and
ProductSubcategory are linked with a Where clause using the common ProductSubCategoryID field.
[AW2012].[Production].[Product].[Name] as [Product Name],
[AW2012].[Production].[ProductSubcategory].[Name] as [Sub Category Name],
[AW2012].[Production].[Product].ProductSubcategoryID as [SubcategoryID]
FROM [AW2012].[Production].[Product],
WHERE [AW2012].[Production].[Product].ProductSubcategoryID =
[AW2012].[Production].[ProductSubcategory].ProductSubcategoryID ;
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6 Accessing large data sets with Direct Discovery
Linking Direct Discovery tables with Join On clauses
You can also use Join On clauses to link Direct Discovery tables. In this example statement we join the
SalesOrderHeader table to the SalesOrderDetail table via the SalesOrderID field, and also join the Customer
table to the SalesOrderHeader table via the Customer ID field.
In this example we create measures from the same logical table, which means we can use them in the same
chart. For example, you can create a chart with SubTotal and OrderQty as measures.
AW2012.Sales.Customer.CustomerID as CustomerID,
AW2012.Sales.SalesOrderHeader.SalesPersonID as SalesPersonID,
AW2012.Sales.SalesOrderHeader.SalesOrderID as SalesOrderID,
AW2012.Sales.Customer.TerritoryID as TerritoryID,
NATIVE('month([OrderDate])') as OrderMonth,
NATIVE('year([OrderDate])') as OrderYear
FROM AW2012.Sales.SalesOrderDetail
JOIN AW2012.Sales.SalesOrderHeader
ON (AW2012.Sales.SalesOrderDetail.SalesOrderID =
JOIN AW2012.Sales.Customer
ON(AW2012.Sales.Customer.CustomerID =
6.6 Logging Direct Discovery access
Direct DiscoverySQL statements passed to the data source can be recorded in the trace files of the database
connection. For a standard ODBC connection, tracing is started with the ODBC Data Source
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6 Accessing large data sets with Direct Discovery
The resulting trace file details SQL statements generated through the user selections and interactions.
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7 Introduction to data modeling
7 Introduction to data modeling
This introduction serves as a brief presentation of how you can load data into Qlik Sense to provide
background for the topics in this section, presenting how to achieve basic data loading and transformation.
Qlik Sense uses a data load script, which is managed in the data load editor, to connect to and retrieve data
from various data sources. In the script, the fields and tables to load are specified. It is also possible to
manipulate the data structure by using script statements and expressions.
During the data load, Qlik Sense identifies common fields from different tables (key fields) to associate the
data. The resulting data structure of the data in the app can be monitored in the data model viewer. Changes
to the data structure can be achieved by renaming fields to obtain different associations between tables.
After the data has been loaded into Qlik Sense, it is stored in the app. The app is the heart of the program's
functionality and it is characterized by the unrestricted manner in which data is associated, its large number
of possible dimensions, its speed of analysis and its compact size. The app is held in RAM when it is open.
Analysis in Qlik Sense always happens while the app is not directly connected to its data sources. So, to
refresh the data, you need to reload the script.
7.1 Understanding data structures
Data loading statements
Data is loaded by LOAD or SELECT statements. Each of these statements generates an internal table. A
table can always be seen as a list of something, each record (row) then being a new instance of the object
type and each field (column) being a specific attribute or property of the object.
The following rules apply when loading data into Qlik Sense:
Qlik Sense does not make any difference between tables generated by a LOAD or a SELECT
statement. This means that if several tables are loaded, it does not matter whether the tables are
loaded by LOAD or SELECT statements or by a mix of the two.
l The order of the fields in the statement or in the original table in the database is arbitrary to the Qlik
Sense logic.
l Field names are used in the further process to identify fields and making associations. These are case
sensitive, which often makes it necessary to rename fields in the script.
Execution of the script
For a typical LOAD or SELECT statement the order of events is roughly as follows:
Evaluation of expressions
2. Renaming of fields by as
3. Renaming of fields by alias
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7 Introduction to data modeling
Qualification of field names
Mapping of data if field name matches
Storing data in an internal table
Fields are the primary data-carrying entities in Qlik Sense. A field typically contains a number of values,
called field values. In database terminology we say that the data processed by Qlik Sense comes from data
files. A file is composed of several fields where each data entry is a record. The terms file, field and record
are equivalent to table, column and row respectively. The Qlik Sense AQL logic works only on the fields and
their field values.
Field data is retrieved by script via LOAD, SELECT or Binary statements. The only way of changing data in
a field is by re-executing the script. The actual field values can not be manipulated by the user from the layout
or by means of automation. Once read into Qlik Sense they can only be viewed and used for logical
selections and calculations.
Field values consist of numeric or alphanumeric (text) data. Numeric values actually have dual values, the
numeric value and its current, formatted text representation. Only the latter is displayed in sheet objects etc.
The content of a field can be represented in a filter pane.
Field tags
There are three different types of system tags, script generated system tags that cannot be altered by the
user, script generated system tags that can be altered in the script and system tags that are set interactively
by the user. System tags are always preceded by a $ sign.
The following system tags are automatically generated at the end of script generation. These cannot be
changed by the user:
l $system - denotes a system field.
l $key - denotes a key field.
l $keypart - denotes that the field is part of one or more synthetic keys.
l $syn - denotes a synthetic key.
The following tags are also automatically generated at the end of script generation, but may be altered or
overridden using script.
l $hidden - denotes a hidden field.
l $numeric - all (non-NULL) values in the field are numeric.
l $integer - all (non-NULL) values in the field are integers.
l $text - no values in the field are numeric.
l $ascii - field values contain only standard ascii characters.
l $date - all (non-NULL) values in the field can be interpreted as dates (integers).
l $timestamp - all (non-NULL) values in the field can be interpreted as time stamps.
The following tags can be enabled and disabled by the user:
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7 Introduction to data modeling
l $dimension - denotes a field recommended for use in chart dimensions, filter panes, etc.
l $measure - denotes a field recommended for use in expressions.
The user can also add custom tags in the script. These custom tags may not use the same name as any
system tag.
System fields
In addition to the fields extracted from the data source, system fields are also produced by Qlik Sense. These
all begin with "$" and can be displayed like ordinary fields in a visualization, such as a filter pane or a table.
System fields are typically created during script execution, and are primarily used as an aid in app design.
System fields are not included in field lists in the assets panel or the Expression editor. If you
want to use a system field, you need to reference it by typing it manually.
Example: =$Field
Available system fields
The following system fields are available:
Displays all internal tables loaded by the script.
Displays the fields that are read from the tables.
Represent the number of fields in different tables.
Displays the position of the fields in the tables.
Displays the number of rows in the tables.
Displays names of info tables, if they have been included in the app.
Logical tables
Each LOAD or SELECT statement generates a table. Normally, Qlik Sense treats the result of each one of
these as one logical table. However, there are a couple of exceptions from this rule:
l If two or more statements result in tables with identical field names, the tables are concatenated and
treated as one logical table.
If a LOAD or SELECT statement is preceded by any of the following qualifiers, data is altered or
treated differently:
This table is concatenated with (added to) another named table or with the last
previously created logical table.
This table is converted from crosstable format to column format.
This table is split into several other logical tables.
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7 Introduction to data modeling
This table is loaded not as a logical table, but as an information table
containing links to external info such as files, sounds, URLs, etc.
The table (which must contain exactly two columns) is interpreted as numeric
intervals, which are associated with discrete numbers in a specified field.
This table is joined by Qlik Sense with another named table or with the last
previously created logical table, over the fields in common.
This table is reduced to the fields in common with another named table or with
the last previously created logical table.
This table (which must contain exactly two columns) is read as a mapping
table, which is never associated with other tables.
This table is loaded not as a logical table, but as a semantic table containing
relationships that should not be joined, e.g. predecessor, successor and other
references to other objects of the same type.
When the data has been loaded, the logical tables are associated.
Table names
Qlik Sense tables are named when they are stored in the Qlik Sense database. The table names can be
used, for example for,LOAD statements with a resident clause or with expressions containing the peek
function, and can be seen in the $Table system field in the layout.
Tables are named in accordance with the following rules:
1. If a label immediately precedes a LOAD or SELECT statement the label is used as table name. The
label must be followed by a colon.
LOAD a,b from c.csv;
2. If no label is given, the file name or table name immediately following the keyword FROM in the
LOAD or SELECT statement is used. A maximum of 32 characters is used. The extension is skipped
if the file name is used.
Tables loaded inline are named INLINExx, where xx is a number. The first inline table will be given the
name INLINE01.
Automatically generated tables are named AUTOGENERATExx, where xx is a number. The first
autogenerated table is given the name AUTOGENERATE01.
If a table name generated according to the rules above should be in conflict with a previous table
name, the name is extended with -x , where x is a number. The number is increased until no conflict
remains. For example, three tables could be named Budget, Budget-1 and Budget-2.
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7 Introduction to data modeling
There are three separate domains for table names: section access, section application and mapping
tables. Table names generated in section access and section application are treated separately. If a
table name referenced is not found within the section, Qlik Sense searches the other section as well.
Mapping tables are treated separately and have no connection whatsoever to the other two domains of table
Table labels
A table can be labeled for later reference, for example by a LOAD statement with a resident clause or with
expressions containing the peek function. The label, which can be an arbitrary string of numbers or
characters, should precede the first LOAD or SELECT statement that creates the table. The label must be
followed by a colon ":".
Labels containing blanks must be quoted using single or double quotation marks or square brackets.
Example 1:
LOAD a,b from c.csv;
LOAD x,y from d.csv where x=peek('a',y,'Table1');
Example 2: Table label containing a blank
[All Transactions]:
SELECT * from Transtable;
LOAD Month, sum(Sales) resident [All Transactions] group by Month;
Associations between logical tables
A database can have many tables. Each table can be considered as a list of something; each record in the list
represents an instance of an object of some type.
If two tables are lists of different things, for example if one is a list of customers and the other a list of
invoices, and the two tables have a field such as the customer number in common, this is usually a sign that
there is a relationship between the two tables. In standard SQL query tools the two tables should almost
always be joined.
The tables defined in the Qlik Sense script are called logical tables. Qlik Sense makes associations between
the tables based on the field names, and performs the joins when a selection is made, for example selecting
a field value in a filter pane.
This means that an association is almost the same thing as a join. The only difference is that the join is
performed when the script is executed - the logical table is usually the result of the join. The association is
made after the logical table is created - associations are always made between the logical tables.
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7 Introduction to data modeling
Four tables: a list of countries, a list of customers, a list of transactions and a list of memberships, which are
associated with each other through the fields Country and CustomerID.
Qlik Sense association compared to SQL natural outer join
A Qlik Sense association resembles a SQL natural outer join. The association is however more general: an
outer join in SQL is usually a one-way projection of one table on another. An association always results in a
full (bidirectional) natural outer join.
Frequency information in associating fields
There are some limitations in the use of most associating fields, that is, fields that are common between two
or more tables. When a field occurs in more than one table, Qlik Sense has a problem knowing which of the
tables it should use for calculating data frequencies.
Qlik Sense analyzes the data to see if there is a non-ambiguous way to identify a main table to count in
(sometimes there is), but in most cases the program can only make a guess. Since an incorrect guess could
be fatal (Qlik Sense would appear to make a calculation error) the program has been designed not to allow
certain operations when the data interpretation is ambiguous for associating fields.
Limitations for associating fields
It is not possible to display frequency information in a filter pane showing the field.
Statistics boxes for the field show n/a for most statistical entities.
In charts, it is not possible to create expressions containing functions that depend on frequency
information (such as Sum, Count functions, and Average) on the field, unless the Distinct modifier is
activated. After each reload, Qlik Sense will scan all chart expressions to see if any ambiguities have
occurred as a result of changes in data structures. If ambiguous expressions are found, a warning
dialog will be shown and the expression will be disabled. It will not be possible to enable the
expression until the problem has been corrected. If a log file is enabled, all ambiguous expressions
will be listed in the log.
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7 Introduction to data modeling
There is a simple way to overcome these limitations. Load the field an extra time under a new name from the
table where frequency counts should be made. Then use the new field for a filter pane with frequency, for a
statistics box or for calculations in the charts.
Synthetic keys
When two or more internal tables have two or more fields in common, this implies a composite key
relationship. Qlik Sense handles this by creating synthetic keys automatically. These keys are anonymous
fields that represent all occurring combinations of the composite key.
If you receive a warning about synthetic keys when loading data, it is recommended that you review the data
structure in the data model viewer. You should ask yourself whether the data model is correct or not.
Sometimes it is, but often enough the synthetic key is there due to an error in the script.
Multiple synthetic keys are often a symptom of an incorrect data model, but not necessarily. However, a sure
sign of an incorrect data model is if you have synthetic keys based on other synthetic keys.
When the number of synthetic keys increases, depending on data amounts, table structure and
other factors, Qlik Sense may or may not handle them gracefully, and may end up using
excessive amount of time and/or memory. In such a case you need to re-work your script by
removing all synthetic keys.
Handling synthetic keys
If you need to avoid synthetic keys, there are a number of ways for solving this in the data load script:
l Check that only fields that logically link two tables are used as keys.
l Fields like “Comment”, “Remark and “Description may exist in several tables without being
related, and should therefore not be used as keys.
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7 Introduction to data modeling
l Fields like “Date”, Company” and “Name” may exist in several tables and have identical
values, but still have different roles (Order Date/Shipping Date, Customer Company/Supplier
Company). In such cases they should not be used as keys.
l Make sure that redundant fields aren’t used that only the necessary fields connect. If for example a
date is used as a key, make sure not to load year, month or day_of_month of the same date from
more than one internal table.
l If necessary, form your own non-composite keys, typically using string concatenation inside an
AutoNumber script function.
Data types in Qlik Sense
Qlik Sense can handle text strings, numbers, dates, times, timestamps, and currencies correctly. They can
be sorted, displayed in a number of different formats and they can be used in calculations. This means, for
example, that dates, times, and timestamps can be added to or subtracted from each other.
Data representation inside Qlik Sense
In order to understand data interpretation and number formatting in Qlik Sense, it is necessary to know how
data is stored internally by the program. All of the data loaded into Qlik Sense is available in two
representations: as a string and as a number.
The string representation is always available and is what is shown in the list boxes and the other sheet
objects. Formatting of data in list boxes (number format) only affects the string representation.
The number representation is only available when the data can be interpreted as a valid number. The
number representation is used for all numeric calculations and for numeric sorting.
If several data items read into one field have the same number representation, they will all be treated as the
same value and will all share the first string representation encountered. Example: The numbers 1.0, 1 and
1.000 read in that order will all have the number representation 1 and the initial string representation 1.0.
Number interpretation
When you load data containing numbers, currency, or dates, it will be interpreted differently depending on
whether the data type is defined or not. This section describes how data is interpreted in the two different
Data with type information
Fields containing numbers with a defined data type in a database loaded using ODBC will be handled by Qlik
Sense according to their respective formats. Their string representation will be the number with an
appropriate formatting applied.
Qlik Sense will remember the original number format of the field even if the number format is changed for a
measure under Number formatting in the properties panel.
The default formats for the different data types are:
l integer, floating point numbers: the default setting for number
l currency: the default setting for currency
l time, date, timestamp: ISO standard formatting
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7 Introduction to data modeling
The default settings for number and currency are defined using the script number interpretation variables or
the operating system settings (Control Panel).
Data without type information
For data without specific formatting information from the source (for example, data from text files or ODBC
data with a general format) the situation becomes more complicated. The final result will depend on at least
six different factors:
The way data is written in the source database
2. The operating system settings for number, time, date and so on. (Control Panel)
The use of optional number-interpreting variables in the script
The use of optional interpretation functions in the script
The use of optional formatting functions in the script
The number formatting controls in the document
Qlik Sense tries to interpret input data as a number, date, time, and so on. As long as the system default
settings are used in the data, the interpretation and the display formatting is done automatically by Qlik
Sense, and the user does not need to alter the script or any setting in Qlik Sense. There is an easy way to
find out if the input data has been correctly interpreted: numeric values are right-aligned in list boxes,
whereas text strings are left-aligned.
By default, the following scheme is used until a complete match is found. (The default format is the format
such as the decimal separator, the order between year, month and day, and so on, specified in the operating
system, that is, in the Control Panel, or in some cases from the special number interpretation variables in
the script.
Qlik Sense will interpret the data as:
A number in accordance with the default format for numbers.
A date according to the default format for date.
A timestamp according to the default format for time and date.
A time according to the default format for time.
A date according to the following format: yyyy-MM-dd.
A time-stamp according to the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm[:ss[.fff]].
A time according to the following format: hh:mm[:ss[.fff]].
Money according to the default format for currency.
A number with '.' as decimal separator and ',' as thousands separator, provided that neither the
decimal separator nor the thousands separator are set to ','.
A number with ',' as decimal separator and '.' as thousands separator, provided that neither the
decimal separator nor the thousands separator are set to .'.
A text string. This last test never fails: if it is possible to read the data, it is always possible to interpret
it as a string.
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7 Introduction to data modeling
When loading numbers from text files, some interpretation problems may occur, for example, an incorrect
thousands separator or decimal separator may cause Qlik Sense to interpret the number incorrectly. The first
thing to do is to check that the number-interpretation variables in the script are correctly defined and that the
system settings in the Control Panel are correct.
When Qlik Sense has interpreted data as a date or time, it is possible to change to another date or time
format in the properties panel of the visualization.
Since there is no predefined format for the data, different records may, of course, contain differently
formatted data in the same field. It is possible for example, to find valid dates, integers, and text in one field.
The data will therefore, not be formatted, but shown in its original form.
Date and time interpretation
Qlik Sense stores each date, time, and timestamp found in data as a date serial number. The date serial
number is used for dates, times and timestamps and in arithmetic calculations based on date and time
entities. Dates and times can thus be added and subtracted, intervals can be compared, and so on.
The date serial number is the (real valued) number of days passed since December 30, 1899, that is, the Qlik
Sense format is identical to the 1900 date system used by Microsoft Excel and other programs, in the range
between March 1, 1900 and February 28, 2100. For example, 33857 corresponds to September 10, 1992.
Outside this range, Qlik Sense uses the same date system extended to the Gregorian calendar.
The serial number for times is a number between 0 and 1. The serial number 0.00000 corresponds to
00:00:00, whereas 0.99999 corresponds to 23:59:59. Mixed numbers indicate the date and time: the serial
number 2.5 represents January 1, 1900 at 12:00 noon.
The data is, however, displayed according to the format of the string. By default, the settings made in the
Control Panel are used. It is also possible to set the format of the data by using the number interpretation
variables in the script or with the help of a formatting function. Lastly,it is also possible to reformat the data in
the properties sheet of the sheet object.
Example 1:
1997-08-06 is stored as: 35648
09:00 is stored as: 0.375
1997-08-06 09:00 is stored as: 35648.375
and the other way around.
35648 with number format
'D/M/YY' is shown as:
0.375 with number format
'hh.mm' is shown as:
Qlik Sense follows a set of rules to try to interpret dates, times, and other data types. The final result,
however, will be affected by a number of factors as described here.
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7 Introduction to data modeling
Example 2:
These examples assume the following default settings:
l Number decimal separator: .
l Short date format: YY-MM-DD
l Time format: hh:mm
The following table shows the different representations when data is read into Qlik Sense without the special
interpretation function in the script:
Qlik Sense default
DD' date
date format
'# ##0.00'
0.375 0.375 1899-12-30 12/30/1899 09:00 0.38
33857 33857 1992-09-10 09/10/1992 00:00 33 857.00
97-08-06 97-08-06 1997-08-06 08/06/1997 00:00 35 648.00
970806 970806 4557-12-21 12/21/4557 00:00 970 806.00
8/6/97 8/6/97 8/6/97 8/6/97 8/6/97 8/6/97
The following table shows the different representations when data is read into Qlik Sense using the date#(A,
'M/D/YY') interpretation function in the script:
Qlik Sense default
DD' date
date format
'# ##0.00'
0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375
33857 33857 33857 33857 33857 33857
97-08-06 97-08-06 97-08-06 97-08-06 97-08-06 97-08-06
970806 970806 970806 970806 970806 970806
8/6/97 8/6/97 1997-08-06 08/06/1997 00:00 35 648.00
7.2 Understanding circular references
If there are circular references ("loops") in a data structure, the tables are associated in such a way that there
is more than one path of associations between two fields.
This type of data structure should be avoided as much as possible, since it might lead to ambiguities in the
interpretation of data.
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7 Introduction to data modeling
Three tables with a circular reference
Qlik Sense solves the problem of circular references by breaking the loop with a loosely coupled table. When
Qlik Sense finds circular data structures while executing the load script, a warning dialog will be shown and
one or more tables will be set as loosely coupled. Qlik Sense will typically attempt to loosen the longest table
in the loop, as this is often a transaction table, which normally should be the one to loosen. In the data model
viewer, loosely-coupled tables are indicated by the red dotted links to other tables.
Data is loaded from three tables that include the following:
l Names of some national soccer teams
l Soccer clubs in some cities
l Cities of some European countries
View of the source data tables
This data structure is not very good, since the field name Team is used for two different purposes: national
teams and local clubs. The data in the tables creates an impossible logical situation.
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7 Introduction to data modeling
When loading the tables into Qlik Sense, Qlik Sense determines which of the data connections that is least
important, and loosens this table.
Open the Data model viewer to see how Qlik Sense interprets the relevance of the data connections:
View of the circular references as noted by red dotted lines
The table with cities and the countries they belong to is now loosely coupled to the table with national teams
of different countries and to the table with local clubs of different cities.
Solving circular references
When circular references occur, you need to edit the data load script by assigning a unique name to one of
the fields with identical names.
Do the following:
Open the data load editor.
2. Edit the LOAD statement for one of the duplicate field names.
In this example, the LOAD statement of the table that holds the local teams and their cities would
include with a new name for Team, for example LocalClub. The updated LOAD statement reads:
LOAD City, Team as LocalClub
Click ° in the toolbar to reload data in the app.
You now have logic that works throughout all the tables. In this example, when Germany is selected, the
national team, the German cities and the local clubs of each city are associated:
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7 Introduction to data modeling
When you open the Data model viewer, you see that the loosely coupled connections are replaced with
regular connections:
7.3 Renaming fields
Sometimes it is necessary to rename fields in order to obtain the desired associations. The three main
reasons for renaming fields are:
Two fields are named differently although they denote the same thing:
The field ID in the Customers table
The field CustomerID in the Orders table
The two fields denote a specific customer identification code and should both be named the same, for
example CustomerID.
Two fields are named the same but actually denote different things:
The field Date in the Invoices table
The field Date in the Orders table
The two fields should preferably be renamed, to for example InvoiceDate and OrderDate.
There may be errors such as misspellings in the database or different conventions on upper- and
lowercase letters.
Since fields can be renamed in the script, there is no need to change the original data. There are two
different ways to rename fields as shown in the examples.
Example 1: Using the alias statement
The LOAD or SELECT statement can be preceded by an alias statement.
Alias ID as CustomerID;
LOAD * from Customer.csv;
Example 2: Using the as specifier
The LOAD or SELECT statement can contain the as specifier.
LOAD ID as CustomerID, Name, Address, Zip, City, State from Customer.csv;
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7 Introduction to data modeling
7.4 Concatenating tables
Automatic concatenation
If the field names and the number of fields of two or more loaded tables are exactly the same, Qlik Sense will
automatically concatenate the content of the different statements into one table.
LOAD a, b, c from table1.csv;
LOAD a, c, b from table2.csv;
The resulting internal table has the fields a, b and c. The number of records is the sum of the numbers of
records in table 1 and table 2.
The number and names of the fields must be exactly the same. The order of the two
statements is arbitrary.
Forced concatenation
Even if two or more tables do not have exactly the same set of fields, it is still possible to force Qlik Sense to
concatenate the two tables. This is done with the concatenate prefix in the script, which concatenates a
table with another named table or with the last previously created table.
LOAD a, b, c from table1.csv;
concatenate LOAD a, c from table2,csv;
The resulting internal table has the fields a, b and c. The number of records in the resulting table is the sum
of the numbers of records in table 1 and table 2. The value of field b in the records coming from table 2 is
The number and names of the fields must be exactly the same. Unless a table name of a
previously loaded table is specified in the concatenate statement the concatenate prefix uses
the last previously created table. The order of the two statements is thus not arbitrary.
Preventing concatenation
If the field names and the number of fields of two or more loaded tables are exactly the same, Qlik Sense will
automatically concatenate the content of the different statements into one table. This is possible to prevent
with a noconcatenate statement. The table loaded with the associated LOAD or SELECT statement will
then not be concatenated with the existing table.
LOAD a, b, c from table1.csv;
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7 Introduction to data modeling
noconcatenate LOAD a, b, c from table2.csv;
7.5 Loading data from a previously loaded table
You can use the Resident predicate in a LOAD statement to load data from a previously loaded table. This
is useful when you want to perform calculations on data loaded with a SELECT statement where you do not
have the option to use Qlik Sense functions, such as date or numeric value handling.
In this example, the date interpretation is performed in the Resident load as it can't be done in the initial
Crosstable LOAD.
Crosstable (Month, Amount, 1)
LOAD Account,
From Budget;
Month(Date#(Month,MMM’)) as Month,
Resident PreBudget;
Drop Table PreBudget;
A common case for using Resident is where you want to use a temporary table for
calculations or filtering. Once you have achieved the purpose of the temporary table, it should
be dropped using the Drop table statement.
Resident or preceding LOAD?
In most cases, the same result can be achieved by using a preceding LOAD instead, that is, a LOAD
statement that loads from the LOAD or SELECT statement below, without specifying a source qualifier
such as From or Resident that you would normally do. A preceding LOAD is generally the faster option, but
there are some cases where you need to use a ResidentLOAD instead:
If you want to use the Order_by clause to sort the records before processing the LOAD statement.
If you want to use any of the following prefixes, in which cases preceding LOAD is not supported:
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7 Introduction to data modeling
Preceding LOAD
The preceding LOAD feature allows you to load a table in one pass, but still define several successive
transformations. Basically, it is a LOAD statement that loads from the LOAD or SELECT statement below,
without specifying a source qualifier such as From or Resident that you would normally do. You can stack
any number of LOAD statements this way. The statement at the bottom will be evaluated first, then the
statement above, and so on until the top statement has been evaluated.
You can achieve the same result using Resident, but in most cases a preceding LOAD will be faster.
Another advantage of preceding load is that you can keep a calculation in one place, and reuse it in LOAD
statements placed above.
The following prefixes cannot be used in conjunction with preceding LOAD:Join, Crosstable
and Intervalmatch.
Example 1: Transforming data loaded by a SELECT statement
If you load data from a database using a SELECT statement, you cannot use Qlik Sense functions to
interpret data in the SELECT statement. The solution is to add a LOAD statement, where you perform data
transformation, above the SELECT statement.
In this example we interpret a date stored as a string using the Qlik Sense function Date# in a LOAD
statement, using the previous SELECT statement as source.
LOAD Date#(OrderDate,’YYYYMMDD’) as OrderDate;
Example 2: Simplifying your script by reusing calculations
In this example we use a calculation more than once in the script:
LOAD ...,
Age( FromDate + IterNo() 1, BirthDate ) as Age,
Date( FromDate + IterNo() 1 ) as ReferenceDate
Resident Policies
While IterNo() <= ToDate - FromDate + 1 ;
By introducing the calculation in a first pass, we can reuse it in the Age function in a preceding LOAD:
LOAD ..., ReferenceDate,
Age( ReferenceDate, BirthDate ) as Age;
Date( FromDate + IterNo() 1 ) as ReferenceDate
Resident Policies
While IterNo() <= ToDate - FromDate + 1 ;
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8 Best practices for data modeling
This section describes a number of different ways you can load your data into the Qlik Sense app, depending
on how the data is structured and which data model you want to achieve.
In general, the way you load data into the app can be explained by the Extract, Transform and Load process:
The first step is to extract data from the data source system. In the script, you use SELECT or LOAD
statements to define this. The differences between these statements are:
SELECT is used to select data from an ODBC data source or OLE DB provider. The
SELECT SQL statement is evaluated by the data provider, not by Qlik Sense.
LOAD is used to load data from a file, from data defined in the script, from a previously loaded
table, from a web page, from the result of a subsequent SELECT statement or by generating
data automatically
The transformation stage involves manipulating the data using script functions and rules to derive the
desired data model structure. Typical operations are:
l Calculating new values
l Translating coded values
l Renaming fields
l Joining tables
l Aggregating values
l Pivoting
l Data validation
In the final step, you run the script to load the data model you have defined into the app.
Your goal should be to create a data model that enables efficient handling of the data in Qlik Sense. Usually
this means that you should aim for a reasonably normalized star schema or snowflake schema without any
circular references, that is, a model where each entity is kept in a separate table. In other words a typical data
model would look like this:
l a central fact table containing keys to the dimensions and the numbers used to calculate measures
(such as number of units, sales amounts, and budget amounts).
l surrounding tables containing the dimensions with all their attributes (such as products, customers,
categories, calendar, and suppliers) .
In many cases it is possible to solve a task, for example aggregations, either by building a
richer data model in the load script, or by performing the aggregations in the chart expressions.
As a general rule, you will experience better performance if you keep data transformations in
the load script.
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It's good practice to sketch out your data model on paper. This will help you by providing
structure to what data to extract, and which transformations to perform.
Each table in your data model usually corresponds to either a SELECT or LOAD statement. The differences
between these statements are:
SELECT is used to select data from an ODBC data source or OLE DB provider. The SELECT SQL
statement is evaluated by the data provider, not by Qlik Sense.
LOAD is used to load data from a file, from data defined in the script, from a previously loaded table,
from a web page, from the result of a subsequent SELECT statement or by generating data
8.1 Guidelines for data and fields
There are certain conventions and limitations you need to be aware of when working with Qlik Sense. For
example: the upper limit for data tables and fields as well as maximum amount of loaded data in Qlik Sense.
Guidelines for amount of loaded data
The amount of data that can be loaded into Qlik Sense is primarily limited by the amount of primary memory
of the computer.
Upper limits for data tables and fields
Be aware when building very large apps that a Qlik Sense app cannot have more than 2,147,483,648 distinct
values in one field.
The number of fields and data tables as well as the number of table cells and table rows that can be loaded,
is limited only by RAM.
Recommended limit for load script sections
The recommended maximum number of characters to be used per load script section is 50,000 characters.
Conventions for number and time formats
In many interpretation and formatting functions it is possible to set the format for numbers and dates by using
a format code. This topic describes the conventions used to format a number, date, time or time stamp.
These conventions apply both to script and chart functions.
Number formats
l To denote a specific number of digits, use the symbol "0" for each digit.
l To denote a possible digit, use the symbol "#". If the format contains only # symbols to the left of the
decimal point, numbers less than 1 begin with a decimal point.
l To mark the position of the thousands separator or the decimal separator, use the applicable thousands
separator and the decimal separator.
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The format code is used for defining the positions of the separators. It is not possible to set the separator in
the format code. Use the DecimalSep and ThousandSep variables for this in the script.
It is possible to use the thousand separator to group digits by any number of positions, for example, a format
string of "0000-0000-0000" (thousand separator="-") could be used to display a twelve-digit part number as
# ##0
describes the number as an integer with a thousands separator.
describes the number as an integer with a thousands separator.
describes the number as an integer with at least four digits. For example, the number 123 will be
shown as 0123.
describes the number with three decimals.
describes the number with at least 1 decimal and at most three decimals.
Special number formats
Qlik Sense can interpret and format numbers in any radix between 2 and 36 including binary, octal and
hexadecimal. It can also handle roman formats.
Binary format
To indicate binary format the format code should start with (bin) or (BIN).
Octal format
To indicate octal format the format code should start with (oct) or (OCT).
Hexadecimal format
To indicate hexadecimal format the format code should start with (hex) or
(HEX). If the capitalized version is used A-F will be used for formatting (for
example 14FA). The non-capitalized version will result in formatting with a-f (for
example 14fa). Interpretation will work for both variants regardless of the
capitalization of the format code.
Decimal format
The use of (dec) or (DEC) to indicate decimal format is permitted but
Custom radix format
To indicate a format in any radix between 2 and 36 the format code should start
with (rxx) or (Rxx) where xx is the two-digit number denoting the radix to be
used. If the capitalized R is used letters in radices above 10 will be capitalized
when Qlik Sense is formatting (for example 14FA). The non-capitalized r will
result in formatting with non-capital letters (for example 14fa). Interpretation will
work for both variants regardless of the capitalization of the format code. Note
that (r02) is the equivalent of (bin), (R16) is the equivalent of (HEX), and so on.
Roman format
To indicate roman numbers the format code should start with (rom) or (ROM). If
the capitalized version is used capital letters will be used for formatting (for
example MMXVI). The non-capitalized version will result in formatting with
lower cap letters (mmxvi). Interpretation will work for both variants regardless of
the capitalization of the format code. Roman numbers are generalized with
minus sign for negative numbers and 0 for zero. Decimals are ignored with
roman formatting.
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num(199, '(bin)')
returns 11000111
num(199, '(oct)')
returns 307
num(199, '(hex)')
returns c7
num(199, '(HEX)' )
returns C7
num(199, '(r02)' )
returns 11000111
num(199, '(r16)')
returns c7
num(199, '(R16)' )
returns C7
num(199, '(R36)')
returns 5J
num(199, '(rom)')
returns cxcix
num(199, '(ROM)' )
returns CXCIX
You can use the following symbols to format a date. Arbitrary separators can be used.
To describe the day, use the symbol "D" for each digit.
To describe the month number, use the symbol "M".
l Use "M" or "MM" for one or two digits.
l "MMM" denotes short month name in letters as defined by the operating system or by
the override system variable MonthNames in the script.
l "MMMM" denotes long month name in letters as defined by the operating system or by
the override system variable LongMonthNames in the script.
To describe the year, use the symbol "Y" for each digit.
To describe the weekday, use the symbol "W".
l "W" will return the number of the day (for example 0 for Monday) as a single digit.
l "WW" will return the number with two digits (e.g. 02 for Wednesday).
l "WWW" will show the short version of the weekday name (for example Mon) as defined
by the operating system or by the override system variable DayNames in the script.
l "WWWW" will show the long version of the weekday name (for example Monday) as
defined by the operating system or by the override system variable LongDayNames in
the script.
Examples: (with 31st March 2013 as example date)
describes the date as 13-03-31.
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describes the date as 2013-03-31.
describes the date as 2013-Mar-31.
describes the date as 31 March 2013.
describes the date as 3/31/13.
describes the date as 6 13-03-31.
describes the date as Sat 13-03-31.
describes the date as Saturday 13-03-31.
You can use the following symbols to format a time. Arbitrary separators can be used.
To describe the hours, use the symbol "h" for each digit.
To describe the minutes, use the symbol "m" for each digit.
To describe the seconds, use the symbol "s" for each digit.
To describe the fractions of a second, use the symbol "f" for each digit.
To describe the time in AM/PM format, use the symbol "tt" after the time.
Examples: (with 18.30 as example time):
describes the time as 18:30
describes the time as
describes the time as 06:30:pm
Time stamps
The same notation as that of dates and times above is used in time stamps.
Examples: (with 31th March 2013 18.30 as example time stamp):
YY-MM-DD hh:mm
describes the time stamp as 13-03-31 18:30
M/D/Y hh.mm.ss.ffff
describes the time stamp as 3/31/13
8.2 Working with QVD files
A QVD (QlikView Data) file is a file containing a table of data exported from Qlik Sense. QVD is a native Qlik
format and can only be written to and read by Qlik Sense or QlikView. The file format is optimized for speed
when reading data from a script but it is still very compact. Reading data from a QVD file is typically 10-100
times faster than reading from other data sources.
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8 Best practices for data modeling
QVD files can be read in two modes: standard (fast) and optimized (faster). The selected mode is determined
automatically by the script engine. Optimized mode can only be employed when all loaded fields are read
without any transformations (formulas acting upon the fields), although the renaming of fields is allowed. A
where clause causing Qlik Sense to unpack the records will also disable the optimized load.
A QVD file holds exactly one data table and consists of three parts:
If the QVD file was generated with QlikView the header is a well-formed XML
header (in UTF-8 char set) describing the fields in the table, the layout of the
subsequent information and other metadata.
Symbol tables in a byte-stuffed format.
Actual table data in a bit-stuffed format.
Purpose of QVD files
QVD files can be used for many purposes. At least four major uses can be easily identified. More than one
may apply in any given situation:
Increasing load speed
By buffering non-changing or slowly-changing blocks of input data in QVD files, script execution becomes
considerably faster for large data sets.
Decreasing load on database servers
The amount of data fetched from external data sources can also be greatly reduced. This reduces the
workload on external databases and network traffic. Furthermore, when several scripts share the same data,
it is only necessary to load it once from the source database into a QVD file. Other apps can make use of the
same data through this QVD file.
Consolidating data from multiple apps
With the binary script statement, data can be loaded from a single app into another app, but with QVD files
a script can combine data from any number of apps. This makes it possible for apps to consolidate similar
data from different business units, for example.
Incremental load
In many common cases,, the QVD functionality can be used for incremental load by only loading new records
from a growing database.
Creating QVD files
A QVD file can be created in two ways:
1. Explicit creation and naming using the store command in the script. State in the script that a
previously-read table, or part thereof, is to be exported to an explicitly-named file at a location
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8 Best practices for data modeling
of your choice.
2. Automatic creation and maintenance from script. By preceding a LOAD or SELECT
statement with the buffer prefix, Qlik Sense will automatically create a QVD file, which under
certain conditions, can be used instead of the original data source when reloading data.
There is no difference between the resulting QVD files, with regard to reading speed, and so on.
Reading data from QVD files
A QVD file can be read into or accessed by the following methods:
1. Loading a QVD file as an explicit data source. QVD files can be referenced by a LOAD
statement in the script, just like any other type of text files (csv, fix, dif, biff etc).
LOAD * from xyz.qvd (qvd);
LOAD Name, RegNo from xyz.qvd (qvd);
LOAD Name as a, RegNo as b from xyz.qvd (qvd);
2. Automatic loading of buffered QVD files. When using the buffer prefix on LOAD or SELECT
statements, no explicit statements for reading are necessary. Qlik Sense will determine the
extent to which it will use data from the QVD file as opposed to acquiring data using the
original LOAD or SELECT statement.
3. Accessing QVD files from the script. A number of script functions (all beginning with qvd) can
be used for retrieving various information on the data found in the XML header of a QVD file.
8.3 Using QVD files for incremental load
The incremental load task is very often used with data bases. An incremental load only loads new or changed
records from the database, all other data should already be available in the app. It is almost always possible
to use incremental load with QVD files.
The basic process is described below:
Load new data from the database table.
This is a slow process, but only a limited number of records are loaded.
Load old data from the QVD file.
Many records are loaded, but this is a much faster process.
Create a new QVD file.
Repeat the procedure for every table loaded.
The following examples show cases where incremental load is used, however, a more complex solution
might be necessary, if the source database requires.
l Append only (typically used for log files)
l Insert only (no update or delete)
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l Insert and update (no delete)
l Insert, update and delete
Here are the outlines of solutions for each of the these cases. You can read QVD files in either optimized
mode or standard mode. (The method employed is automatically selected by the Qlik Sense engine
depending on the complexity of the operation.) Optimized mode is about 10 times faster than standard
mode, or about 100 times faster than loading the database in the ordinary fashion.
Append only
The simplest case is the one of log files; files in which records are only appended and never deleted. The
following conditions apply:
l The database must be a log file (or some other file in which records are appended and not inserted or
deleted) which is contained in a text file (ODBC, OLE DB or other databases are not supported).
l Qlik Sense keeps track of the number of records that have been previously read and loads only
records added at the end of the file.
Buffer (Incremental) Load * From LogFile.txt (ansi, txt, delimiter is '\t', embedded labels);
Insert only (no update or delete)
If the data resides in a database other than a simple log file, the append approach will not work. However, the
problem can still be solved with a minimum amount of extra work. The following conditions apply:
l The data source can be any database.
l Qlik Sense loads records inserted in the database after the last script execution.
l A ModificationTime field (or similar) is required for Qlik Sense to recognize which records are new.
WHERE ModificationTime >= #$(LastExecTime)#
AND ModificationTime < #$(BeginningThisExecTime)#;
Concatenate LOAD PrimaryKey, X, Y FROM File.QVD;
The hash signs in the SQL WHERE clause define the beginning and end of a date. Check your database
manual for the correct date syntax for your database.
Insert and update (no delete)
The next case is applicable when data in previously loaded records may have changed between script
executions. The following conditions apply:
l The data source can be any database.
l Qlik Sense loads records inserted into the database or updated in the database after the last script
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l A ModificationTime field (or similar) is required for Qlik Sense to recognize which records are new.
l A primary key field is required for Qlik Sense to sort out updated records from the QVD file.
l This solution will force the reading of the QVD file to standard mode (rather than optimized), which is
still considerably faster than loading the entire database.
WHERE ModificationTime >= #$(LastExecTime)#;
Concatenate LOAD PrimaryKey, X, Y FROM File.QVD
WHERE NOT Exists(PrimaryKey);
Insert, update and delete
The most difficult case to handle is when records are actually deleted from the source database between
script executions. The following conditions apply:
l The data source can be any database.
l Qlik Sense loads records inserted into the database or updated in the database after the last script
l Qlik Sense removes records deleted from the database after the last script execution.
l A field ModificationTime (or similar) is required for Qlik Sense to recognize which records are new.
l A primary key field is required for Qlik Sense to sort out updated records from the QVD file.
l This solution will force the reading of the QVD file to standard mode (rather than optimized), which is
still considerably faster than loading the entire database.
Let ThisExecTime = Now( );
WHERE ModificationTime >= #$(LastExecTime)#
AND ModificationTime < #$(ThisExecTime)#;
Concatenate LOAD PrimaryKey, X, Y FROM File.QVD
If ScriptErrorCount = 0 then
Let LastExecTime = ThisExecTime;
End If
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8.4 Combining tables with Join and Keep
A join is an operation that uses two tables and combines them into one. The records of the resulting table are
combinations of records in the original tables, usually in such a way that the two records contributing to any
given combination in the resulting table have a common value for one or several common fields, a so-called
natural join. In Qlik Sense, joins can be made in the script, producing logical tables.
It is possible to join tables already in the script. The Qlik Sense logic will then not see the separate tables, but
rather the result of the join, which is a single internal table. In some situations this is needed, but there are
l The loaded tables often become larger, and Qlik Sense works slower.
l Some information may be lost: the frequency (number of records) within the original table may no
longer be available.
The Keep functionality, which has the effect of reducing one or both of the two tables to the intersection of
table data before the tables are stored in Qlik Sense, has been designed to reduce the number of cases
where explicit joins needs to be used.
In this documentation, the term join is usually used for joins made before the internal tables are
created. The association, made after the internal tables are created, is however essentially
also a join.
Joins within an SQL SELECT statement
With some ODBC drivers it is possible to make a join within the SELECT statement. This is almost
equivalent to making a join using the Join prefix.
However, most ODBC drivers are not able to make a full (bidirectional) outer join. They are only able to make
a left or a right outer join. A left (right) outer join only includes combinations where the joining key exists in the
left (right) table. A full outer join includes any combination. Qlik Sense automatically makes a full outer join.
Further, making joins in SELECT statements is far more complicated than making joins in Qlik Sense.
[Order Details].ProductID, [Order Details].
UnitPrice, Orders.OrderID, Orders.OrderDate, Orders.CustomerID
FROM Orders
RIGHT JOIN [Order Details] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID;
This SELECT statement joins a table containing orders to a fictive company, with a table containing order
details. It is a right outer join, meaning that all the records of OrderDetails are included, also the ones with an
OrderID that does not exist in the table Orders. Orders that exist in Orders but not in OrderDetails are
however not included.
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The simplest way to make a join is with the Join prefix in the script, which joins the internal table with another
named table or with the last previously created table. The join will be an outer join, creating all possible
combinations of values from the two tables.
LOAD a, b, c from table1.csv;
join LOAD a, d from table2.csv;
The resulting internal table has the fields a, b, c and d. The number of records differs depending on the field
values of the two tables.
The names of the fields to join over must be exactly the same. The number of fields to join over
is arbitrary. Usually the tables should have one or a few fields in common. No field in common
will render the cartesian product of the tables. All fields in common is also possible, but usually
makes no sense. Unless a table name of a previously loaded table is specified in the Join
statement the Join prefix uses the last previously created table. The order of the two
statements is thus not arbitrary.
The explicit Join prefix in the data load script performs a full join of the two tables. The result is one table. In
many cases such joins will results in very large tables. One of the main features of Qlik Sense is its ability to
make associations between tables instead of joining them, which reduces space in memory, increases speed
and gives enormous flexibility. The keep functionality has been designed to reduce the number of cases
where explicit joins need to be used.
The Keep prefix between two LOAD or SELECT statements has the effect of reducing one or both of the
two tables to the intersection of table data before they are stored in Qlik Sense. The Keep prefix must always
be preceded by one of the keywords Inner, Left or Right. The selection of records from the tables is made in
the same way as in a corresponding join. However, the two tables are not joined and will be stored in Qlik
Sense as two separately named tables.
The Join and Keep prefixes in the data load script can be preceded by the prefix Inner.
If used before Join, it specifies that the join between the two tables should be an inner join. The resulting
table contains only combinations between the two tables with a full data set from both sides.
If used before Keep, it specifies that the two tables should be reduced to their common intersection before
being stored in Qlik Sense.
In these examples we use the source tables Table1 and Table2:
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Inner examples source tables
First, we perform an Inner Join on the tables, resulting in VTable, containing only one row, the only record
existing in both tables, with data combined from both tables.
SELECT * from Table1;
inner join SELECT * from Table2;
Inner Join example
If we perform an Inner Keep instead, you will still have two tables. The two tables are of course associated
via the common field A.
SELECT * from Table1;
inner keep SELECT * from Table2;
Inner Keep example
The Join and Keep prefixes in the data load script can be preceded by the prefix left.
If used before Join, it specifies that the join between the two tables should be a left join. The resulting table
only contains combinations between the two tables with a full data set from the first table.
If used before Keep, it specifies that the second table should be reduced to its common intersection with the
first table before being stored in Qlik Sense.
In these examples we use the source tables Table1 and Table2:
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Left examples source tables
First, we perform a Left Join on the tables, resulting in VTable, containing all rows from Table1, combined
with fields from matching rows in Table2.
SELECT * from Table1;
left join SELECT * from Table2;
Left Join example
If we perform an Left Keep instead, you will still have two tables. The two tables are of course associated via
the common field A.
SELECT * from Table1;
left keep SELECT * from Table2;
Left Keep example
The Join and Keep prefixes in the data load script can be preceded by the prefix right.
If used before Join, it specifies that the join between the two tables should be a right join. The resulting table
only contains combinations between the two tables with a full data set from the second table.
If used before Keep, it specifies that the first table should be reduced to its common intersection with the
second table before being stored in Qlik Sense.
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In these examples we use the source tables Table1 and Table2:
Right examples source tables
First, we perform a Right Join on the tables, resulting in VTable, containing all rows from Table2, combined
with fields from matching rows in Table1.
SELECT * from Table1;
right join SELECT * from Table2;
Right Join example
If we perform an Left Keep instead, you will still have two tables. The two tables are of course associated via
the common field A.
SELECT * from Table1;
right keep SELECT * from Table2;
Right Keep example
8.5 Using mapping as an alternative to joining
The Join prefix in Qlik Sense is a powerful way of combining several data tables in the data model. One
disadvantage is that the combined tables can become large and create performance problems. An
alternative to Join in situations where you need to look up a single value from another table is to use
mapping instead. This can save you from loading unnecessary data that slows down calculations and
potentially can create calculation errors, as joins can change the number of records in the tables.
A mapping table consists of two columns; a comparison field (input) and a mapping value field (output).
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In this example we have an table of orders (Orders), and need to know the country of the customer, which is
stored in the customer table (Customers).
Orders data table
OrderID OrderDate ShipperID Freight CustomerID
12987 2007-12-01 1 27 3
12988 2007-12-01 1 65 4
12989 2007-12-02 2 32 2
12990 2007-12-03 1 76 3
Customers data table
CustomerID Name Country ...
1 DataSales Spain ...
2 BusinessCorp Italy ...
3 TechCo Germany ...
4 Mobecho France ...
In order to look up the country (Country) of a customer, we need a mapping table that looks like this:
CustomerID Country
1 Spain
2 Italy
3 Germany
4 France
The mapping table, which we name MapCustomerIDtoCountry, is defined in the script as follows:
Mapping LOAD CustomerID, Country From Customers ;
The next step is to apply the mapping, using the ApplyMap function, when loading the order table:
S *,
ApplyMap('MapCustomerIDtoCountry', CustomerID, null()) as Country
From Orders ;
The third parameter of the ApplyMap function is used to define what to return when the value is not found in
the mapping table, in this case Null().
The resulting table will look like this:
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OrderID OrderDate ShipperID Freight CustomerID Country
12987 2007-12-01 1 27 3 Germany
12988 2007-12-01 1 65 4 France
12989 2007-12-02 2 32 2 Italy
12990 2007-12-03 1 76 3 Germany
8.6 Working with cross tables
A cross table is a common type of table featuring a matrix of values between two orthogonal lists of header
data. It could look like the table below.
Example 1:
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
2008 45 65 78 12 78 22
2009 11 23 22 22 45 85
2010 65 56 22 79 12 56
2011 45 24 32 78 55 15
2012 45 56 35 78 68 82
If this table is simply loaded into Qlik Sense, the result will be one field for Year and one field for each of the
months. This is generally not what you would like to have. You would probably prefer to have three fields
generated: one for each header category (Year and Month) and one for the data values inside the matrix.
This can be achieved by adding the crosstable prefix to the LOAD or SELECT statement, for example:
crosstable (Month, Sales) LOAD * from ex1.xlsx;
This creates the following result in Qlik Sense:
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The cross table is often preceded by a number of qualifying columns, which should be read in a
straightforward way. In this case there is one qualifying column, Year:
Example 2:
Salesman Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
A 2008 45 65 78 12 78 22
A 2009 11 23 22 22 45 85
A 2010 65 56 22 79 12 56
A 2011 45 24 32 78 55 15
A 2012 45 56 35 78 68 82
B 2008 57 77 90 24 90 34
B 2009 23 35 34 34 57 97
B 2010 77 68 34 91 24 68
B 2011 57 36 44 90 67 27
B 2012 57 68 47 90 80 94
In this case there are two qualifying columns to the left, followed by the matrix columns. The number of
qualifying columns can be stated as a third parameter to the crosstable prefix as follows:
crosstable (Month, Sales, 2) LOAD * from ex2.xlsx;
This creates the following result in Qlik Sense:
8.7 Generic databases
A generic database is a table in which the field names are stored as field values in one column, while the field
values are stored in a second. Generic databases are usually used for attributes of different objects.
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Look at the example GenericTable below. It is a generic database containing two objects, a ball and a box.
Obviously some of the attributes, like color and weight, are common to both the objects, while others, like
diameter, height, length and width are not.
object attribute value
ball color red
ball diameter 10 cm
ball weight 100 g
box color black
box height 16 cm
box length 20 cm
box weight 500 g
box width 10 cm
On one hand it would be awkward to store the data in a way giving each attribute a column of its own, since
many of the attributes are not relevant for a specific object.
On the other hand, it would look messy displaying it in a way that mixed lengths, colors and weights.
If this database is loaded into Qlik Sense using the standard way and display the data in a table it looks like
However, if the table is loaded as a generic database, column two and three will be split up into different
tables, one for each unique value of the second column:
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The syntax for doing this is simple:
Generic SELECT* from GenericTable;
It does not matter whether a LOAD or SELECT statement is used to load the generic database.
8.8 Matching intervals to discrete data
The intervalmatch prefix to a LOAD or SELECT statement is used to link discrete numeric values to one or
more numeric intervals. This is a very powerful feature which can be used, for example, in production
environments as shown in the example below.
Look at the two tables below. The first table shows the start and end of production of different orders. The
second table shows some discrete events. How can we associate the discrete events with the orders, so that
we know, for example, which orders were affected by the disturbances and which orders were processed by
which shifts?
Table OrderLog
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Table EventLog
First, load the two tables as usual and then link the field Time to the intervals defined by the fields Start and
SELECT * from OrderLog;
SELECT * from EventLog;
Intervalmatch (Time) SELECT Start,End from OrderLog;
You can now create a table in Qlik Sense as below:
We can now easily see that mainly order A was affected by the line stop but that the reduced line speed
affected also orders B and C. Only the orders C and D were partly handled by Shift 2.
Note the following points when using intervalmatch:
Before the intervalmatch statement, the field containing the discrete data points (Time in the
example above) must already have been read into Qlik Sense. The intervalmatch statement does
not read this field from the database table!
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The table read in the intervalmatch LOAD or SELECT statement must always contain exactly two
fields (Start and End in the example above). In order to establish a link to other fields you must read
the interval fields together with additional fields in a separate LOAD or SELECT statement (the first
SELECT statement in the example above).
l The intervals are always closed, that is, the end points are included in the interval. Non-numeric limits
render the interval to be disregarded (undefined) while NULL limits extend the interval indefinitely
l The intervals may be overlapping and the discrete values will be linked to all matching intervals.
Using the extended intervalmatch syntax to resolve slowly changing
dimension problems
The extended intervalmatch syntax can be used for handling of the well-known problem of slowly changing
dimensions in source data.
Sample script:
SET NullInterpret='';
LOAD Key, ValidFrom, Team
FROM 'lib://dataqv/intervalmatch.xlsx' (ooxml, embedded labels, table is IntervalTable);
ValidFrom as FirstDate,
previous(ValidFrom) - 1)) as LastDate,
RESIDENT IntervalTable order by Key, ValidFrom desc;
drop table IntervalTable;
LOAD Key, Name, Date, Sales
FROM 'lib://dataqv/intervalmatch.xlsx' (ooxml, embedded labels, table is Transact);
INNER JOIN intervalmatch (Date,Key) LOAD FirstDate, LastDate, Key RESIDENT Key;
The nullinterpret statement is only required when reading data from a table file since missing values are
defined as empty strings instead of NULL values.
Loading the data from IntervalTable would result in the following table:
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The nullasvalue statement allows NULL values to map to the listed fields.
Create Key, FirstDate, LastDate, (attribute fields) by using previous and order by and thereafter the
IntervalTable is dropped having been replaced by this key table.
Loading the data from Transact would result in the following table:
The intervalmatch statement preceded by the inner join replaces the key above with a synthetic key that
connects to the Transact table resulting in the following table:
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8.9 Hierarchies
Unbalanced n-level hierarchies are often used to represent among other things, geographical or
organizational dimensions in data. These types of hierarchies are usually stored in an adjacent nodes table,
that is, in a table where each record corresponds to a node and has a field that contains a reference to the
parent node.
In such a table, the node is stored on one record only but can still have any number of children. The table may
of course contain additional fields describing attributes for the nodes.
An adjacent nodes table is optimal for maintenance, but difficult to use in everyday work. Instead, in queries
and analysis, other representations are used. The expanded nodes table is one common representation,
where each level in the hierarchy is stored in a separate field. The levels in an expanded nodes table can
easily be used e.g. in a tree structure.The hierarchy keyword can be used in the data load script to transform
an adjacent nodes table to an expanded nodes table.
Hierarchy (NodeID, ParentNodeID, Title, 'Manager') LOAD
FROM 'lib://data/hierarchy.txt' (txt, codepage is 1252, embedded labels, delimiter is ',', msq);
A problem with the expanded nodes table is that it is not easy to use the level fields for searches or
selections, since a prior knowledge is needed about which level to search or select in. The ancestors table is a
different representation that solves this problem. This representation is also called a bridge table.
The ancestors table contains one record for every child-ancestor relation found in the data. It contains keys
and names for the children as well as for the ancestors, that is, every record describes which node a specific
node belongs to. The hierarchybelongsto keyword can be used in the data load script to transform an
adjacent nodes table to an ancestors table.
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8.10 Dollar-sign expansions
Dollar-sign expansions are definitions of text replacements used in the script or in expressions. This process
is known as expansion - even if the new text is shorter. The replacement is made just before the script
statement or the expression is evaluated. Technically it is a macro expansion.
The expansion always begins with '$(' and ends with ') ' and the content between brackets defines how the
text replacement will be done. To avoid confusion with script macros we will henceforth refer to macro
expansions as dollar-sign expansions.
Dollar-sign expansions can be used with either of:
l variables
l parameters
l expressions
A dollar-sign expansion is limited in how many expansions it can calculate. Any expansion
over 1000 will not be calculated.
Dollar-sign expansion using a variable
When using a variable for text replacement in the script or in an expression, the following syntax is used:
$ (variablename)
$(variablename) expands to the value in the variable. If variablename does not exist, the expansion will
result in an empty string.
For numeric variable expansions, the following syntax is used:
$ (#variablename)
It always yields a valid decimal-point representation of the numeric value of the variable, possibly with
exponential notation (for very large/small numbers). If variablename does not exist or does not contain a
numeric value, it will be expanded to 0 instead.
SET DecimalSep=',';
LET X = 7/2;
The dollar-sign expansion $(X) will expand to 3,5 while $(#X) will expand to 3.5.
Set Mypath=C:\MyDocs\Files\;
LOAD * from $(MyPath)abc.csv;
Data will be loaded from C:\MyDocs\Files\abc.csv.
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Set CurrentYear=1992;
SQL SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE Year=$(CurrentYear);
Rows with Year=1992 will be selected.
Set vConcatenate = ;
For each vFile in FileList('.\*.txt')
LOAD * FROM [$(vFile)];
Set vConcatenate = Concatenate ;
Next vFile
In this example, all .txt files in the directory are loaded using the Concatenate prefix. This may be required if
the fields differ slightly, in which case auto-concatenation does not work. The vConcatenate variable is
initially set to an empty string, as the Concatenate prefix cannot be used on the first load. If the directory
contains three files named file1.txt, file2.txt and file3.txt, the LOAD statement will during the three
iterations expand to:
LOAD * FROM[.\file1.txt];
Concatenate LOAD * FROM[.\file2.txt];
Concatenate LOAD * FROM[.\file3.txt];
Dollar-sign expansion using parameters
Parameters can be used in dollar-sign expansions. The variable must then contain formal parameters, such
as $1, $2, $3 etc. When expanding the variable, the parameters should be stated in a comma separated list.
Set MUL=’$1*$2’;
Set X=$(MUL(3,7)); // returns '3*7' in X
Let X=$(MUL(3,7)); // returns 21 in X
If the number of formal parameters exceeds the number of actual parameters only the formal parameters
corresponding to actual parameters will be expanded. If the number of actual parameters exceeds the
number of formal parameters the superfluous actual parameters will be ignored.
Set MUL=’$1*$2’;
Set X=$(MUL); // returns '$1*$2' in X
Set X=$(MUL(10)); // returns '10*$2' in X
Let X=$(MUL(5,7,8)); // returns 35 in X
The parameter $0 returns the number of parameters actually passed by a call.
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set MUL='$1*$2 $0 par';
set X=$(MUL(3,7)); // returns '3*7 2 par' in X
Dollar-sign expansion using an expression
Expressions can be used in dollar-sign expansions. The content between the brackets must then start with an
equal sign:
$(=expression )
The expression will be evaluated and the value will be used in the expansion.
$(=Year(Today())); // returns a string with the current year.
$(=Only(Year)-1); // returns the year before the selected one.
File inclusion
File inclusions are made using dollar-sign expansions. The syntax is:
$(include=filename )
The above text will be replaced by the content of the file specified after the equal sign. This feature is very
useful when storing scripts or parts of scripts in text files.
8.11 Using quotation marks in the script
You can use quotation marks in script statements in a number of different ways.
Inside LOAD statements
In a LOAD statement the following symbols should be used as quotation marks:
Description Symbol ASCII Example
Field names
double quotation marks " " 34 "string"
square brackets [] 91, 93 [string]
grave accents ` ` 96 `string`
String literals
single quotation marks ' ' 39 'string'
In SELECT statements
For a SELECT statement interpreted by the ODBC driver, it may be slightly different. Usually, you should
use the straight double quotation marks (Alt + 0034) for field and table names, and the straight single
quotation marks (Alt + 0039) for literals, and avoid using grave accents. However, some ODBC drivers not
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only accept grave accents as quotation marks, but also prefer them. In such a case, the generated SELECT
statements contain grave accent quotation marks.
Microsoft Access quotation marks example
Microsoft Access ODBC Driver 3.4 (included in Microsoft Access 7.0) accepts the following quotation marks
when analyzing the SELECT statement:
Field names and table names:
[ ]
" " ` `
String literals:
' '
Other databases may have different conventions.
Outside LOAD statements
Outside a LOAD statement, in places where Qlik Sense expects an expression, double quotation marks
denote a variable reference and not a field reference. If you use double quotation marks, the enclosed
string will be interpreted as a variable and the value of the variable will be used.
Out-of-context field references and table references
Some script functions refer to fields that have already been created, or are in the output of a LOAD
statement, for example Exists() and Peek(). These field references are called out-of-context field
references, as opposed to source field references that refer to fields that are in context, that is, in the input
table of the LOAD statement.
Out-of-context field references and table references should be regarded as literals and therefore need
single quotation marks.
Difference between names and literals
The difference between names and literals becomes clearer comparing the following examples:
'Sweden' as Country
When this expression is used as a part of the field list in a LOAD or SELECT statement, the text string
"Sweden" will be loaded as field value into the Qlik Sense field "Country".
"land" as Country
When this expression is used as a part of the field list in a LOAD or SELECT statement, the content of the
database field or table column named "land" will be loaded as field values into the Qlik Sense field
"Country". This means. that land will be treated as a field reference.
Difference between numbers and string literals
The difference between numbers and string literals becomes clearer comparing the following examples.
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When this string is used as a part of an expression, it will in a first step be interpreted as the text string
"12/31/96", which in turn may be interpreted as a date if the date format is ‘MM/DD/YY. In that case it will be
stored as a dual value with both a numeric and a textual representation.
When this string is used as a part of an expression, it will be interpreted numerically as 12 divided by 31
divided by 96.
8.12 Data cleansing
When loading data from different tables, note that field values denoting the same thing are not always
consistently named. Since this lack of consistency is not only annoying, but also hinders associations, the
problem needs to be solved. This can be done in an elegant way by creating a mapping table for the
comparison of field values.
Mapping tables
Tables loaded via mapping load or mapping select are treated differently from other tables. They will be
stored in a separate area of the memory and used only as mapping tables during script execution. After the
script execution they will be automatically dropped.
l A mapping table must have two columns, the first one containing the comparison values and the
second the desired mapping values.
l The two columns must be named, but the names have no relevance in themselves. The column
names have no connection to field names in regular internal tables.
Using a mapping table
When loading several tables listing countries, you may find that one and the same country has several
different names. In this example, the U.S.A. are listed as US, U.S., and United States.
To avoid the occurrence of three different records denoting the United States in the concatenated table,
create a table similar to that shown and load it as a mapping table.
The entire script should have the following appearance:
Mapping LOAD x,y from MappingTable.txt
(ansi, txt, delimiter is ',', embedded
Map Country using CountryMap;
LOAD Country,City from CountryA.txt
(ansi, txt, delimiter is ',', embedded labels);
LOAD Country, City from CountryB.txt
(ansi, txt, delimiter is ',', embedded labels);
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The mapping statement loads the file MappingTable.txt as a mapping table with the label CountryMap.
The map statement enables mapping of the field Country using the previously loaded mapping table
The LOAD statements load the tables CountryA and CountryB. These tables, which will be concatenated
due to the fact that they have the same set of fields, include the field Country, whose field values will be
compared with those of the first column of the mapping table. The field values US, U.S., and United States
will be found and replaced by the values of the second column of the mapping table, i.e. USA.
The automatic mapping is done last in the chain of events that leads up to the field being stored in the Qlik
Sense table. For a typical LOAD or SELECT statement the order of events is roughly as follows:
Evaluation of expressions
Renaming of fields by as
Renaming of fields by alias
Qualification of table name, if applicable
Mapping of data if field name matches
This means that the mapping is not done every time a field name is encountered as part of an expression but
rather when the value is stored under the field name in the Qlik Sense table.
To disable mapping, use the unmap statement.
For mapping on expression level, use the applymap function.
For mapping on substring level, use the mapsubstring function.
8.13 Wild cards in the data
It is also possible to use wild cards in the data. Two different wild cards exist: the star symbol, interpreted as
all values of this field, and an optional symbol, interpreted as all remaining values of this field.
The star symbol
The star symbol is interpreted as all (listed) values of this field, that is, a value listed elsewhere in this table. If
used in one of the system fields (USERID, PASSWORD, NTNAME or SERIAL) in a table loaded in the
access section of the script, it is interpreted as all (also not listed) possible values of this field.
The star symbol is not allowed in information files. Also, it cannot be used in key fields, that is, fields used to
join tables.
There is no star symbol available unless explicitly specified.
In many cases a way to represent all other values in a table is needed, that is, all values that were not
explicitly found in the loaded data. This is done with a special variable called OtherSymbol. To define the
OtherSymbol to be treated as "all other values", use the following syntax:
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before a LOAD or SELECT statement. <sym> may be any string.
The appearance of the defined symbol in an internal table will cause Qlik Sense to define it as all values not
previously loaded in the field where it is found. Values found in the field after the appearance of the
OtherSymbol will thus be disregarded.
In order to reset this functionality use:
Table Customers
CustomerID Name
1 ABC Inc.
2 XYZ Inc.
+ Undefined
Table Orders
CustomerID Name
1 1234
3 1243
5 1248
7 1299
Insert the following statement in the script before the point where the first table above is loaded:
Any reference to a CustomerID other than 1, 2 or 3, e.g. as when clicking on OrderID 1299 will result in
Undefined under Name.
OtherSymbol is not intended to be used for creating outer joins between tables.
8.14 NULL value handling
When no data can be produced for a certain field as a result of a database query and/or a join between
tables, the result is normally a NULL value.
The Qlik Sense logic treats the following as real NULL values:
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NULL values returned from an ODBC connection
l NULL values created as a result of a forced concatenation of tables in the data load script
l NULL values created as a result of a join made in the data load script
l NULL values created as a result of the generation of field value combinations to be displayed in a
It is generally impossible to use these NULL values for associations and selections, except
when the NullAsValue statement is being employed.
Text files per definition cannot contain NULL values.
Associating/selecting NULL values from ODBC
It is possible to associate and/or select NULL values from an ODBC data source. For this purpose a script
variable has been defined. The following syntax can be used:
The symbol <sym> will substitute all NULL values from the ODBC data source on the lowest level of data
input. <sym> may be any string.
In order to reset this functionality to the default interpretation, use the following syntax:
The use of NULLDISPLAY only affects data from an ODBC data source.
If you wish to have the Qlik Sense logic interpret NULL values returned from an ODBC connection as an
empty string, add the following to your script before any SELECT statement:
Here '' is actually two single quotation marks without anything in between.
Creating NULL values from text files
It is possible to define a symbol, which when it occurs in a text file or an inline clause will be interpreted as a
real NULL value. Use the following statement:
The symbol <sym> is to be interpreted as NULL. <sym> may be any string.
In order to reset this functionality to the default interpretation, use:
The use of NULLINTERPRET only affects data from text files and inline clauses.
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Propagation of NULL values in expressions
NULL values will propagate through an expression according to a few logical and quite reasonable rules.
The general rule is that functions return NULL when the parameters fall outside the range for which the
function is defined.
asin(2) returns NULL
log(-5) returns NULL
round(A,0) returns NULL
As a result of the above follows that functions generally return NULL when any of the parameters necessary
for the evaluation are NULL.
sin(NULL) returns NULL
chr(NULL) returns NULL
if(NULL, A, B) returns NULL
if(True, NULL, A) returns NULL
if(True, A, NULL) returns A
The exception to the second rule are logical functions testing for type.
isnull(NULL) returns True (-1)
isnum(NULL) returns False (0)
Arithmetic and string operators
If NULL is encountered on any side of these operators NULL is returned.
A + NULL returns NULL
NULL returns NULL
NULL returns NULL
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NULL returns NULL
A returns NULL
NULL returns NULL
NULL returns NULL
A & NULL returns A
Relational operators
If NULL is encountered on any side of relational operators special rules apply.
NULL rel.op NULL returns NULL
A <> NULL returns True (-1)
A < NULL returns False (0)
A <= NULL returns False (0)
A = NULL returns False (0)
A >= NULL returns False (0)
A > NULL returns False (0)
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9 Troubleshooting - Loading and modeling data
9 Troubleshooting - Loading and modeling data
This section describes problems that can occur when loading and modeling data in Qlik Sense. The possible
causes are described and you are presented with actions to solve the problems.
9.1 A data connection stops working after SQL Server is
Possible cause:
If you create a data connection to a SQL Server, and then restart the SQL Server, the data connection may
stop working, and you are not able to select data. Qlik Sense has lost connection to the SQL Server and was
not able to reconnect.
Qlik Sense: Close the app, and open it again from the hub.
Qlik Sense Desktop: Close all apps and restart Qlik Sense Desktop.
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