Journal Article Reporting Standards for Quantitative Research in
Psychology: The APA Publications and Communications Board Task
Force Report
Mark Appelbaum
University of California, San Diego
Harris Cooper
Duke University
Rex B. Kline
Concordia University, Montréal
Evan Mayo-Wilson
Johns Hopkins University
Arthur M. Nezu
Drexel University
Stephen M. Rao
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio
Following a review of extant reporting standards for scientific publication, and reviewing 10
years of experience since publication of the first set of reporting standards by the American
Psychological Association (APA; APA Publications and Communications Board Working
Group on Journal Article Reporting Standards, 2008), the APA Working Group on Quanti-
tative Research Reporting Standards recommended some modifications to the original stan-
dards. Examples of modifications include division of hypotheses, analyses, and conclusions
into 3 groupings (primary, secondary, and exploratory) and some changes to the section on
meta-analysis. Several new modules are included that report standards for observational
studies, clinical trials, longitudinal studies, replication studies, and N-of-1 studies. In addition,
standards for analytic methods with unique characteristics and output (structural equation
modeling and Bayesian analysis) are included. These proposals were accepted by the Publications
and Communications Board of APA and supersede the standards included in the 6th edition of the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2010).
Keywords: reporting standards, research methods, meta-analysis, APA Style
The involvement of the American Psychological Associ-
ation (APA) in the establishment of journal article reporting
standards began as part of a mounting concern with trans-
parency in science. The effort of the APA was contempo-
raneous with the development of reporting standards in
other fields, such as the Consolidated Standards of Report-
Mark Appelbaum, Department of Psychology, University of California,
San Diego; Harris Cooper, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience,
Duke University; Rex B. Kline, Department of Psychology, Concordia
University, Montréal, Quebec, Canada; Evan Mayo-Wilson, Bloomberg
School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University; Arthur M. Nezu,
Department of Psychology, Drexel University; Stephen M. Rao, Neuro-
logical Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio.
The authors comprise the APA Publications and Communications Board
Working Group on Quantitative Research Reporting Standards (Mark
Appelbaum, Chair). The order of authorship is alphabetical. This report
was prepared with assistance from David Kofalt, Emily Leonard Ayubi,
and Anne Woodworth. The group thanks Scott Maxwell, Arthur Stone, and
Kenneth J. Sher for their contributions to the 2008 Working Group on
Journal Article Reporting Standards that served as the foundation for this
article. We also thank David Rindskopf, who authored the reporting
standards for the use of Bayesian statistical approaches. We also acknowl-
edge Rick Hoyle, whose 2013 paper with Jennifer Isherwood serves as the
basis for the structural equation modeling reporting standards; Robyn Tate
(Tate, Perdices, Rosenkoetter, McDonald, et al., 2016), lead author of “The
Single-Case Reporting Guideline In BEhavioural Interventions (SCRIBE)
2016 Statement: Explanation and Elaboration” that is the basis of the
N-of-1 reporting standards; Pamela Cole and others from the Society for
Research in Child Development, who advised on the reporting standards
for longitudinal designs; Graeme Porte for his comments on the reporting
standards for replication studies; Bruce Thompson, Cecil Reynolds, and
Ronald Livingston for their comments on reporting standards about psy-
chometrics; and members of the Society for Research Synthesis Method-
ology for advice on the meta-analysis reporting standards.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Mark
Appelbaum, Department of Psychology, University of California, San Diego,
9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0109. E-mail: mappelbaum@
American Psychologist
© 2018 American Psychological Association 2018, Vol. 73, No. 1, 3–25
ing Trials (CONSORT; see http://www.consort-statement
.org/) in the medical sciences. Work on the APA standards
began with the appointment of the first Working Group on
Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS) by the Publi-
cations and Communications (P&C) Board of APA in 2006.
The report of that committee was received by the P&C
Board and subsequently published in the American Psychol-
ogist (APA Publications and Communications Board Work-
ing Group on Journal Article Reporting Standards, 2008).
The content of that report and the article was also incorpo-
rated into the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the
American Psychological Association (hereinafter referred to
as the Publication Manual; APA, 2010).
In May 2015, the P&C Board of APA authorized the
appointment of two working groups: one to revisit and
expand the work of the original JARS (JARS–Quant Work-
ing Group or Working Group) and the other to establish new
standards for reporting qualitative research (JARS–Qual
Working Group). This report is the result of the delibera-
tions of the JARS–Quant Working Group and both updates
the 2008 article and extends its scope.
Developing New Reporting Standards
The development of reporting standards is an ongoing
process. In selecting the reporting standards to include in
this report, the Working Group tried to balance several
factors. These included perceptions of the frequency of
research involving a particular research strategy, experi-
mental design, or analytic strategy; the extent to which an
approach needed a separate set of reporting standards; and
the state of technical development in the publishing–
archiving domains that would allow for the recommended
standards. The Working Group made judgments that a dif-
ferent group of individuals may not have made and expects
that future groups will continue to develop new standards
and modify some that are in the current document. The list
of uncovered topics is long, and the next JARS–Quant
Working Group may venture into domains that are now just
being developed. One example is the development of re-
porting standards for secondary data analysis. Changes in
attitudes about data sharing, new technologies for data shar-
ing, and emerging ideas about the responsible conduct of
data-sharing ventures make it likely that reporting standards
for secondary data analysis may appear in future versions of
reporting standards. The development of reporting stan-
dards spans many fields and is an international undertaking.
In the process of developing the new standards, the Working
Group took into account standards that had been developed
in many areas and aspired to utilize features of the existing
standards that could be adapted into the scientific needs of
the field.
Between Then and Now
Since about the year 2000, many organizations have created
or further refined their own sets of reporting standards. Where
work on these reporting standards overlap with the work often
done by those in the behavioral, social, and psychological
sciences, the Working Group has chosen to cite (and, on
occasion, incorporate) those standards into JARS–Quant rather
than try to develop a complementary set of reporting standards.
For example, a few words from the Animal Research: Report-
ing of In Vivo Experiments (ARRIVE; Kilkenny et al., 2010)
guidelines have been incorporated into JARS–Quant to make
the two sets of standards for reporting studies using nonhuman
living organisms consistent. In the case of reporting standards
when neuropsychological measurements are used, recent work
on standards for reporting work that includes functional MRI
(fMRI; e.g., Nichols et al., 2017), event-related potential (ERP;
e.g., Picton et al., 2000), and other neuropsychological mea-
sures was cited. On other occasions, sections of other pub-
lished standards have been adapted into the tables, as in the
case of reporting standards for structural equation modeling
(SEM) and N-of-1 studies. Finally, other groups, including the
Society for Research in Child Development and the Society for
Research Synthesis Methodology on longitudinal studies and
meta-analysis, respectively, provided input, as did individuals
with special expertise and insights into a particular issue,
including David Rindskopf for standards for reporting the
results of studies using Bayesian analyses. For those looking
for guidelines for study types not covered in JARS–Quant but
with health outcomes, the Enhancing the QUAlity and Trans-
parency Of health Research (EQUATOR) network (http://www currently lists more than 300 different
sets of guidelines, including some similar to JARS. The
EQUATOR set contains some guidelines that are general (e.g.,
CONSORT) and some that are very narrowly construed, such
as guidelines for reporting studies specific to disease types.
During the same period, there has been a gathering
movement to register or preregister randomized control
trials and randomized clinical trials (Cybulski, Mayo-
Wilson, & Grant, 2016). Although these registrations are
most commonly found in the medical domain, increas-
ingly they are appearing for trials with psychoeduca-
tional, psychotherapeutic, or related studies. In JARS–
Quant, guidance on where to report the registration
information for studies that are registered is provided.
Some APA journals, at the discretion of their editors, are
now requiring registration of some kinds of clinical trials
to qualify for publication. Routine registration of psycho-
logical studies that involve controlled trials is encouraged
in JARS–Quant. There are several ways that studies can
be registered, particularly using (http://, a registry and results database of
publicly and privately supported clinical studies using
human participants conducted around the world.
The Structure of JARS–Quant
Recommendations in both the JARS–Quant and the original
JARS follow the same basic structure. These recommendations
are stated in a series of tables that apply either singly or in
combination to cover varying designs of empirical studies.
Over time, additional tables (and modules within tables) may
be added as new reporting standards emerge.
In the current version, there are three general groups of
tables: Tables 1–6, the uses of which are determined by the
nature of the inquiry being reported; Tables 7 and 8, the uses
of which are dictated by specific statistical–quantitative anal-
yses being reported; and Table 9, which contains reporting
standards for research syntheses and meta-analysis. Tables
have been designed to be comprehensive and to apply widely.
For any individual report, the authors would be expected to
select those items that apply to the particular study. Efforts
were made to minimize overlap among tables; however, in
some cases, this was not always possible or even desirable.
Certain items, such as reporting the flow of participants and
participant attrition from studies, appear in multiple tables.
This was done because the implications of reporting this in-
formation may vary over different kinds of studies (e.g., clin-
ical trials vs. longitudinal studies). Figure 1 provides a flow-
chart that shows the decisions that are made in determining
which tables, among Tables 1–6, apply for a particular study.
All tables presume that Table 1 has been completed by the
reporters of the research. The structure for reporting the flow of
participants through each stage of an experiment or quasi-
experiment can be found in the appendix of the Publication
Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.;
APA, 2010).
The JARS–Quant tables do not specify where this informa-
tion should be reported. The intent is for the information to be
presented without compromising the readability of the paper.
Information that is needed by the reader to understand the
content of the report and evaluate the credibility of the results
and conclusions should be immediately available to the reader
(i.e., in the print version or online main text of the article).
When possible, well-constructed tables can be used to present
this information without disturbing the flow of the text. More
detailed information that would be needed to allow replication
of the empirical data collection or fine-grained understanding
of the content of the article can be successfully provided in the
supplemental materials provided by publishers. These supple-
mental materials however, should be ones freely open to all
readers of the journal article, not just for subscribers.
Providing the information specified in the JARS–Quant
tables is expected to become routine and minimally burden-
some because these data are (or should be) regularly col-
lected in the process of conducting empirical research; thus,
JARS–Quant only represents guidelines for presenting the
already-available data.
Table 1 remains the master table in the JARS–Quant
hierarchy. All other tables involve detailed reporting expec-
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
If your study involved an
Follow Table 2
If your study did not
involve an experimental
Follow Table 3
If your study was
conducted on a single
Follow Table 5
If your study used
random assignment
to place participants
in conditions
Follow Table 2,
Module A
If your study did not
use random assignment
to place participants in
Follow Table 2,
Module B
If your study collected data on more than one occasion
Follow Table 4
If your study was intended to be a replication of an earlier study
Follow Table 6
If your study
qualifies as a
clinical trial
Follow Table 2,
Module C
For all studies
Follow Table 1
Figure 1. A flowchart describing the steps in choosing the JARS–Quant tables to complete depending on
research design.
Table 1
Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS): Information Recommended for Inclusion in Manuscripts That Report New Data
Collections Regardless of Research Design
Paper section and topic Description
Title and title page
Title Identify main variables and theoretical issues under investigation, the relationships between them. Identify the
populations studied.
Author note Provide, in the author note, acknowledgment and explanation of any special circumstances, including
Registration information if the study has been registered
Use of data also appearing in previous publications
Prior reporting of the fundamental data in dissertations or conference papers
Sources of funding or other support
Relationships or affiliations that may be perceived as conflicts of interest
Previous (or current affiliation of authors) if different from location where study was conducted
Contact information for the corresponding author
Additional information of importance to the reader that may not be appropriately included in other sections of
the paper
Objectives State the problem under investigation.
Main hypotheses
Participants Describe subjects (animal research) or participants (human research), specifying their pertinent characteristics for
this study; in animal research, include genus and species. Participants will be described in greater detail in the
body of the paper.
Study method Describe the study method, including
Research design (e.g., experiment, observational study)
Sample size
Materials used (e.g., instruments, apparatus)
Outcome measures
Data-gathering procedures, including a brief description of the source of any secondary data. If the study is a
secondary data analysis, so indicate.
Findings Report findings, including effect sizes and confidence intervals or statistical significance levels.
Conclusions State conclusions, beyond just results, and report the implications or applications.
Problem State the importance of the problem, including theoretical or practical implications.
Review of relevant
Provide a succinct review of relevant scholarship, including
Relation to previous work
Differences between the current report and earlier reports if some aspects of this study have been reported on
Hypothesis, aims, and
State specific hypotheses, aims, and objectives, including
Theories or other means used to derive hypotheses
Primary and secondary hypotheses; other planned analyses
State how hypotheses and research design relate to one another.
Inclusion and exclusion Report inclusion and exclusion criteria, including any restrictions based on demographic characteristics.
Report major demographic characteristics (e.g., age, sex, ethnicity, socioeconomic status) as well as important
topic-specific characteristics (e.g., achievement level in studies of educational interventions).
In the case of animal research, report the genus, species, and strain number or other specific identification, such as
the name and location of the supplier and the stock designation. Give the number of animals and the animals’
sex, age, weight, physiological condition, genetic modification status, genotype, health–immune status; if
known, drug- or test-naïve, and previous procedures to which the animal may have been subjected.
Sampling procedures Describe procedures for selecting participants, including
Sampling method if a systematic sampling plan was implemented
Percentage of sample approached that actually participated
Whether self-selection into the study occurred (either by individuals or by units, such as schools or clinics)
Settings and locations where data were collected as well as dates of data collection.
Agreements and payments made to participants
Institutional Review Board agreements, ethical standards met, and safety monitoring
Table 1 (continued)
Paper section and topic Description
Sample size, power,
and precision
Describe the sample size, power, and precision, including
Intended sample size
Achieved sample size, if different from intended sample size
Determination of sample size, including
Power analysis, or methods used to determine precision of parameter estimates
Explanation of any interim analyses and stopping rules employed
Measures and
Define all primary and secondary measures and covariates, including measures collected but not included in this
Data collection Describe methods used to collect data.
Quality of
Describe methods used to enhance the quality of measurements, including
Training and reliability of data collectors
Use of multiple observations
Instrumentation Provide information on validated or ad hoc instruments created for individual studies, for example, psychometric
and biometric properties.
Masking Report whether participants, those administering the experimental manipulations, and those assessing the outcomes
were aware of condition assignments.
If masking took place, provide statement regarding how it was accomplished and if and how the success of
masking was evaluated.
Psychometrics Estimate and report values of reliability coefficients for the scores analyzed (i.e., the researcher’s sample), if
possible. Provide estimates of convergent and discriminant validity where relevant.
Report estimates related to the reliability of measures, including
Interrater reliability for subjectively scored measures and ratings
Test–retest coefficients in longitudinal studies in which the retest interval corresponds to the measurement
schedule used in the study
Internal consistency coefficients for composite scales in which these indices are appropriate for understanding the
nature of the instruments being employed in the study
Report the basic demographic characteristics of other samples if reporting reliability or validity coefficients from
those sample(s), such as those described in test manuals or in the norming information about the instrument.
Conditions and design State whether conditions were manipulated or naturally observed. Report the type of design as per the JARS–Quant
Experimental manipulation with participants randomized
Table 2 and Module A
Experimental manipulation without randomization
Table 2 and Module B
Clinical trial with randomization
Table 2 and Modules A and C
Clinical trial without randomization
Table 2 and Modules B and C
Nonexperimental design (i.e., no experimental manipulation): observational design, epidemiological design,
natural history, and so forth (single-group designs or multiple-group comparisons)
Table 3
Longitudinal design
Table 4
N-of-1 studies
Table 5
Table 6
Report the common name given to designs not currently covered in JARS–Quant.
Data diagnostics Describe planned data diagnostics, including
Criteria for post-data collection exclusion of participants, if any
Criteria for deciding when to infer missing data and methods used for imputation of missing data
Defining and processing of statistical outliers
Analyses of data distributions
Data transformations to be used, if any
Analytic strategy Describe the analytic strategy for inferential statistics and protection against experiment-wise error for
Primary hypotheses
Secondary hypotheses
Exploratory hypotheses
Participant flow Report the flow of participants, including
Total number of participants in each group at each stage of the study
Flow of participants through each stage of the study (include figure depicting flow when possible; see Figure 2)
(table continues)
tations for specific kinds of designs and for use with specific
statistical approaches. The reporting standards for re-
search synthesis and meta-analyses are self-contained in
Table 9. In essence, Table 1 covers the basic features for
reporting all forms of quantitative empirical studies. It is
organized around the usual structure of a journal article
found in the behavioral and psychological sciences liter-
ature. Whether individual items are reported in the text of
the article or in archived supplemental materials depends
on the flow of the article. Much of Table 1 is similar to
that of the original JARS Table 1, but some important
changes are noted next.
Changes in Table 1
The Method section of the JARS–Quant Table 1 contains
subsections on Data Diagnostics and Analytic Strategy.
These subsections were added for two reasons. First, they
highlight the importance of including in reports descriptions
of ways in which, if any, a data set has been modified prior
to data analysis. These modifications could include, for
example, the exclusion of data, imputation of missing data,
identification and adjustment of statistical outliers, and the
application of data transformations to alter the distribution
of data points. These subsections are included in the Method
Table 1 (continued)
Paper section and topic Description
Recruitment Provide dates defining the periods of recruitment and repeated measures or follow-up.
Statistics and data
Provide information detailing the statistical and data-analytic methods employed, including
Missing data
Frequency or percentages of missing data
Empirical evidence and/or theoretical arguments for the causes of data that are missing, for example, missing
completely at random (MCAR), missing at random (MAR), or missing not at random (MNAR)
Methods actually employed for addressing missing data, if any
Descriptions of each primary and secondary outcome, including the total sample and each subgroup that includes
the number of cases, cell means, standard deviations, and other measures that characterize the data employed.
Inferential statistics, including
Results of all inferential tests conducted, including exact p values if null hypothesis statistical testing (NHST)
methods were employed, including reporting the minimally sufficient set of statistics (e.g., dfs, mean square
[MS] effect, MS error) needed to construct the tests
Effect-size estimates and confidence intervals on those estimates that correspond to each inferential test
conducted, when possible
Clear differentiation between primary hypotheses and their tests–estimates, secondary hypotheses and their
tests–estimates, and exploratory hypotheses and their test–estimates
Complex data analyses, for example, structural equation modeling analyses (see also Table 8), hierarchical linear
models, factor analysis, and multivariate analyses, and so forth, including
Details of the models estimated
Associated variance–covariance (or correlation) matrix or matrices
Identification of the statistical software used to run the analyses (e.g., SAS PROC GLM, or the particular R
library program)
Estimation problems (e.g., failure to converge, bad solution spaces), regression diagnostics, or analytic anomalies
that were detected and solutions to those problems.
Other data analyses performed, including adjusted analyses, if performed, indicating those that were planned and
those that were not planned (though not necessarily in the level of detail of primary analyses).
Report any problems with statistical assumptions and/or data distributions that could affect the validity of findings.
Support of original
Provide a statement of support or nonsupport for all hypotheses whether primary or secondary, including
Distinction by primary and secondary hypotheses
Discussion of the implications of exploratory analyses in terms of both substantive findings and error rates that
may be uncontrolled
Similarity of results Discuss similarities and differences between reported results and work of others.
Interpretation Provide an interpretation of the results, taking into account
Sources of potential bias and threats to internal and statistical validity
Imprecision of measurement protocols
Overall number of tests or overlap among tests
Adequacy of sample sizes and sampling validity
Generalizability Discuss generalizability (external validity) of the findings, taking into account
Target population (sampling validity)
Other contextual issues (setting, measurement, time; ecological validity)
Implications Discuss implications for future research, program, or policy.
Note. Tables have been designed to be comprehensive and to apply widely. For any individual report, the author would be expected to select those items
that apply to the particular study.
section of Table 1 because the criteria and methods used to
make such modifications should be established prior to data
analysis. If such modifications occur after data analysis has
begun, this should be mentioned in the report and a clear
rationale for the post hoc modifications should be provided.
In addition, the unmodified data set should be retained and
made available for verification purposes. Researchers mak-
ing post hoc modifications should describe results based on
both the modified and the unmodified data sets (however,
one of the two sets of analyses could be included in sup-
plemental materials).
Second, the subsections of Method in Table 1 emphasize the
designation of hypotheses as of primary, secondary, and ex-
ploratory interest. These designations are meant to help convey
to readers how experiment-wise results, of both null hypothesis
significance tests and effect-size estimations, might be influ-
enced by chance. This distinction in hypotheses is also re-
flected in changes to the JARS–Quant that appear in the
subsections on Statistical and Data Analysis and Discussion in
Table 1.
Animal research. References to animal research in
Table 1 have been slightly modified to include the words
genetic modification status, genotype, health–immune
status, drug- or test-naïve, and previous procedures to
make JARS–Quant consistent with the reporting stan-
dards included in ARRIVE (Kilkenny et al., 2010).
Psychometrics. When describing psychometric charac-
teristics, authors should use language that is consistent with
the recommendations of the most recent standards for edu-
cational and psychological testing (American Educational
Research Association, American Psychological Associa-
tion, & National Council on Measurement in Education,
2014). Specifically, the term reliability should refer to test
scores in particular samples and not to tests or testing
instruments. Likewise, the term validity should refer not to
a test but to the proposed interpretations of test scores
(Reynolds & Livingston, 2012). That is, reliability and
validity are not properties of tests that are invariant across
all samples or proposed score interpretations (Thompson,
2003). Best practice is to estimate both reliability and va-
lidity, when possible, within the researcher’s sample or
samples (i.e., the scores analyzed). If the report includes
values of reliability or validity coefficients from other pub-
lished or unpublished sources, then these should be directly
compared with the characteristics of the researcher’s sam-
ple. Finally, the report should contain the appropriate types
of score reliability coefficients, given the characteristics of
the test, design, or analysis (see Slaney, Tkatchouk, Gabriel,
& Maraun, 2009, for more information).
Neural measurement techniques. Although there are
no changes in the content of Table 1 concerning neural mea-
surement techniques, the variety of such techniques (including
electroencephalogram [EEG], fMRI, magnetoencephalogra-
phy [MEG], ERP, etc.) and their use have increased greatly in
the past 2 decades. Alongside these developments in the tech-
niques, sets of reporting standards for them have emerged. The
JARS–Quant Working Group does not specifically endorse
these independent standards but recognizes their value for
reporting details of data collection and processing that are
outside of the purview of this report.
When reporting the results of studies using this class of
measurements, researchers must make full information about
the technique accessible, including advanced data-processing
information, either in the text of the paper or in the supple-
mental materials (usually the latter). These reporting expecta-
tions are in addition to those that would be expected in studies
that do not employ this set of measurements. Other than the
changes noted above, all of the other elements in the original
Table 1 remain in full application, including the use of subject
flow diagrams as illustrated in Figure 2. No items in the
original Table 1 were eliminated.
Reporting Standards for Studies With an
Experimental Manipulation
Listed in Table 2 are reporting standards for studies in which
there is an experimental manipulation. Presented in Table 2 are
additional modules that then further refine reporting standards
for cases when assignment of participants to manipulation is
done by a random process (Module A), when assignment is
nonrandom (Module B), or when the study is a randomized
clinical trial or a randomized control trial (Module C). Table 2
with Modules A and B were all present in the original JARS
but have been slightly revised. Module C on reporting stan-
dards for clinical trials is new to JARS–Quant.
Clinical Trials
Listed in Table 2 Module C are the new additional re-
porting standards for formal clinical trials. There are two
similar terms used to describe a wide class of studies with
experimental manipulations: randomized control trials and
randomized clinical trials (which are a subset of random-
ized control trials). In the literature, there is a tendency to
use both terms interchangeably—however, a randomized
clinical trial is a subset of the larger universe of randomized
controlled trials. Module C includes reporting standards for
clinical trials because certain investigations do require re-
searchers to use these reporting standards. It would not be
required for the reporting or registration of a more general
randomized control trial, for example, in a university setting
aimed at evaluating the efficacy of a new approach to teach
calculus skills among college students; however, registra-
tion of studies with nonhealth outcomes may nevertheless
be desirable.
In this context, a clinical trial is a research investigation
that evaluates the effects of one or more health-related
interventions (e.g., psychotherapy, medication, or a diet
intervention) on health outcomes (e.g., depression or diabe-
tes) by prospectively assigning humans or groups of people
to various experimental conditions. Assignment or alloca-
tion can be accomplished either randomly or nonrandomly
(see Table 2, Modules A and B). Although the original
JARS Table 1 included reporting standards that covered
many aspects of a clinical trial, there are additional require-
ments for modern clinical trials. Thus, Module C was added
to JARS–Quant.
One important difference concerns increased calls, both
nationally and internationally, for clinical trial registration.
This involves providing information to a registry about the
Assessed for eligibility (n = )
Excluded (total n = ) because
Did not meet inclusion criteria
(n = )
Refused to participate
(n = )
Other reasons
(n = )
Assigned to experimental group
(n = )
Received experimental manipulation
(n = )
Did not receive experimental
(n = )
Give reasons
Assigned to comparison group
(n = )
Received comparison manipulation
(if any)
(n = )
Did not receive comparison manipulation
(n = )
Give reasons
Lost to follow-up
(n = )
Give reasons
Discontinued participation
(n = )
Give reasons
Lost to follow-up
(n = )
Give reasons
Discontinued participation
(n = )
Give reasons
Analyzed (n = )
Excluded from analysis (n = )
Give reasons
Analyzed ( n =)
Excluded from analysis ( n =)
Give reasons
Figure 2. Flow of participants through each stage of an experiment or quasi-experiment. This flowchart is an
adaptation of the flowchart offered by the CONSORT Group (Schulz, Altman, Moher, & the CONSORT Group,
Table 2
Reporting Standards for Studies With an Experimental Manipulation (in Addition to Material Presented in Table 1)
Paper section and topic Description
General principles
Experimental manipulations Provide details of the experimental manipulation(s) intended for each study condition, including
comparison conditions, and how and when experimental manipulations were actually administered,
Content of the specific experimental manipulations (if experimental manipulation is part of a clinical
trial, address Module C)
Summary or paraphrasing of instructions, unless they are unusual or compose the experimental
manipulation, in which case they may be presented verbatim
Method of experimental manipulation delivery
Description of apparatus and materials used and their function in the experiment
Specialized equipment by model and supplier
Deliverer: who delivered the experimental manipulations
Level of professional training
Level of training in specific experimental manipulations
Number of deliverers, and in the case of experimental manipulations, the M, SD, and range of number
of individuals–units treated by each
Setting: where the manipulations or experimental manipulations occurred
Exposure quantity and duration: how many sessions, episodes, or events were intended to be delivered
and how long they were intended to last
Time span: how long it took to deliver the experimental manipulation to each unit
Activities to increase compliance or adherence (e.g., incentives)
Use of language other than English and the translation method
Sufficient detail to allow for replication, including reference to or a copy of the manual of procedures.
If the manual of procedures is available, and how others may obtain it
Units of delivery and analysis State the unit of delivery (how participants were grouped during delivery).
Describe the smallest unit that was analyzed (and in the case of experiments, that was randomly assigned
to conditions) to assess experimental manipulation effects (e.g., individuals, work groups, classes).
Describe the analytical method used to account for this (e.g., adjusting the standard error estimates by the
design effect or using multilevel analysis) if the unit of analysis differed from the unit of deliver.
Participant flow Report the total number of groups (if experimental manipulation was administered at the group level) and
the number of participants assigned to each group, including
Number of participants approached for inclusion
Number of participants who began the experiment
Number of participants who did not complete the experiment or crossed over to other conditions, with
Number of participants included in primary analyses
Include a figure describing the flow of participants through each stage of the study (see Figure 2).
Treatment fidelity Provide evidence on whether the experimental manipulation was implemented as intended.
Baseline data Describe baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of each group.
Adverse events and side effects Report all important adverse events or side effects in each experimental condition. If none, state so.
Discussion Discuss results, taking into account the mechanism by which the experimental manipulation was intended
to work (causal pathways) or alternative mechanisms.
Discuss the success of, and barriers to, implementing the experimental manipulation; fidelity of
implementation if an experimental manipulation is involved.
Discuss generalizability (external validity and construct validity) of the findings, taking into account
Characteristics of the experimental manipulation
How, what outcomes were measured
Length of follow-up
Compliance rates
Describe the theoretical or practical significance of outcomes and the basis for these interpretations.
Module A: Reporting standards for studies using random assignment
Random assignment method Describe the unit of randomization and the procedure used to generate the random assignment sequence,
including details of any restriction (e.g., blocking, stratification).
Random assignment implementation
and concealment
State whether and how the sequence was concealed until experimental manipulations were assigned,
including who
Generated the assignment sequence
Enrolled participants
(table continues)
Table 2 (continued)
Paper section and topic Description
Assigned participants to groups
Masking Report whether participants, those administering the experimental manipulations, and those assessing the
outcomes were aware of condition assignments.
Provide a statement regarding how any masking (if it took place) was accomplished and whether and how
the success of masking was evaluated.
Statistical methods Describe statistical methods used to compare groups on primary outcome(s).
Describe statistical methods used for additional analyses, such as subgroup comparisons and adjusted
Describe statistical methods used for mediation or moderation analyses, if conducted.
Module B: Reporting standards for studies using nonrandom assignment
Assignment method Report the unit of assignment (i.e., the unit being assigned to study conditions; e.g., individual, group,
Describe the method used to assign units to study conditions, including details of any restriction (e.g.,
blocking, stratification, minimization).
State procedures employed to help minimize selection bias (e.g., matching, propensity score matching).
Masking Report whether participants, those administering the experimental manipulation, and those assessing the
outcomes were aware of condition assignments.
Report whether masking took place. Provide a statement regarding how it was accomplished and how the
success of masking was evaluated, if it was evaluated.
Statistical methods Describe statistical methods used to compare study groups on primary outcome(s), including complex
methods for correlated data.
Describe statistical methods used for any additional analyses conducted, such as subgroup analyses and
adjusted analysis (e.g., methods for modeling pretest differences and adjusting for them).
Describe statistical methods used for mediation or moderation analyses, if these analyses were used.
Module C: Reporting standards for studies involving clinical trials
Title and title page State whether trial was registered prior to implementation.
Abstract State whether the trial was registered. If the trial was registered, state where and include the registration
Describe public health implications of trial results.
Introduction State the rationale for evaluating specific intervention(s) for a given clinical problem, disorder, or
Describe the approach, if any, to assess mediators and moderators of treatment effects.
Describe potential public health implications of study.
State how results from current study can advance knowledge in this area.
Participant characteristics State the method(s) of ascertaining how participants met all inclusion and exclusion criteria, especially if
assessing clinical diagnosis(es).
Sampling procedures Provide details regarding similarities and differences of data collection locations if multisite study.
Measures State whether clinical assessors were
Involved in providing treatment for studies involving clinical assessments
Aware or unaware of assignment to condition at post-treatment and follow-up assessment(s); (if
unaware, how was this accomplished?)
Experimental interventions Report whether the study protocol was publicly available (e.g., published) prior to enrolling participants;
if so, where and when.
Describe how intervention in this study differed from the “standard” approach in order to tailor it to a
new population (e.g., differing age, ethnicity, comorbidity).
Describe any materials (e.g., clinical handouts, data recorders) provided to participants and how
information about them can obtained (e.g., URL address).
Describe any changes to the protocol during the course of the study, including all changes to the
intervention, outcomes, and methods of analysis.
Describe the Data and Safety Monitoring Board.
Describe any stopping rules.
Treatment fidelity Describe method and results regarding treatment deliverers’ (e.g., therapists) adherence to the planned
intervention protocol (e.g., therapy manual).
Describe method and results of treatment deliverers’ (e.g., therapists) competence in implementing the
planned intervention protocol (e.g., therapy manual).
Describe (if relevant) method and results regarding whether participants (i.e., treatment recipients)
understood and/or followed treatment recommendations (e.g., did they comprehend what the treatment
was intended to do, complete homework assignments if given, and/or practice activities assigned outside
of the treatment setting?).
study prior to its implementation as well as a summary of
results upon its completion. Trial registration can enhance
transparency by providing a complete description of the trial
to both the scientific community and the general public.
From an ethical perspective, the Declaration of Helsinki,
which is the set of ethical principles regarding human ex-
perimentation developed by the World Medical Association
(2013), stated that “every clinical trial must be registered in
a publicly accessible database before recruitment of the first
subject” (p. 2193). Trial registration also helps minimize
publication bias and selective reporting of results. As of
January 18, 2017, all clinical trials, funded in whole or in
part by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), must be
registered in A clinical trial is defined
by NIH as a “research study in which one or more human
subjects are prospectively assigned to one or more interven-
tions (which may include placebo or other control) to eval-
uate the effects of those interventions on health-related
biomedical or behavioral outcomes” (NIH, 2014, para. 4).
Relevant to the majority of clinical trials conducted by psy-
chologists, this definition includes various types of psychother-
apy and psychosocial interventions (e.g., cognitive therapy,
diet, exercise, problem-solving training) as well as delivery
systems (e.g., telemedicine, face-to-face interviews). Addi-
tional information can be found in FAQs on the NIH website
On an international basis, the World Health Organization
(WHO) manages the International Clinical Trials Registry
Platform (, which pro-
vides a way to search and other registries.
Information about where a trial is registered should be reported
on the title page, in the abstract, and in the reporting of the
experimental manipulation. A second issue involves the
difference in the amount of information necessary to ade-
quately describe the experimental manipulation imple-
mented in a clinical trial. This can include details regarding
one or more psychotherapy treatment conditions as well as
any comparators and control conditions.
In addition, because of the potential variability in perfor-
mance among both assessors or data gatherers of clinical
information (e.g., those conducting complex clinical inter-
views) and psychotherapists or interventionists, more de-
tails are usually requested. One issue involves taking steps
to monitor how the intervention was delivered. This is often
referred to as treatment integrity or fidelity, and includes the
degree to which the planned intervention (e.g., as described
in a treatment manual) was delivered by a therapist (e.g., did
the individuals implementing the experimental manipula-
tion follow the protocol?) and taken-up by participants (e.g.,
did the clients attend all sessions?; see Borrelli, 2011; Mont-
gomery, Underhill, Gardner, Operario, & Mayo-Wilson,
2013; Nezu & Nezu, 2008). This information would be
reported in the Results section.
Of particular importance, highlighted in this new module is
the need to report mild to severe adverse events, or occurrences
more likely to happen when evaluating interventions meant to
affect health outcomes compared with other types of research
investigations. Recent research has indicated that few behav-
ioral health intervention studies monitor and report adverse
events other than serious occurrences, such as suicide or hos-
pitalization (see Peterson, Roache, Raj, & Young-McCaughan,
2012; for the STRONG STAR Consortium). Increased distress
symptomatology or the negative effects of treatment on others
are rarely reported (Duggan, Parry, McMurran, Davidson, &
Dennis, 2014). Without such information, patients are unable
to ascertain the full array of possible risks or benefits of
psychological interventions, clinicians are unable to determine
the valence and direction of a benefit–harm analysis, and the
ability of policymakers and professional organizations to de-
velop valid clinical practice guidelines is severely hampered.
Such information, even including a statement that no adverse
effects occurred, would be reported in the Results section.
Nonexperimental Research
Table 3 is new to JARS–Quant and deals with reporting
standards for studies in which no variables are manipulated.
Instead, the main goal of such studies is to observe, de-
scribe, classify, or analyze the naturally occurring relations
between variables of interest. These studies are sometimes
Table 2 (continued)
Paper section and topic Description
Describe any additional methods used to enhance treatment fidelity.
Research design Provide rationale for length of follow-up assessment.
Results Describe how treatment fidelity (i.e., therapist adherence and competence ratings) and participant
adherence was related to intervention outcome.
Describe method of assessing clinical significance, including if the threshold for clinical significance was
prespecified (e.g., as part of a publicly available protocol).
Identify possible differences in treatment effects due to intervention deliverer.
Describe possible differences in treatment effects due to data collection site if multisite study.
Describe results of analyses of moderation–mediation effects, if tested.
Explain why study was discontinued, if appropriate.
Describe frequency and type of adverse effects that occurred (or state that none occurred).
Discussion Describe how this study advances knowledge about the intervention, clinical problem, and/or population.
called observational, correlational,ornatural history stud-
ies. Given the nature of the research question, such studies
may have different designs or sampling plans (e.g., prospec-
tive, retrospective, case-control, cohort, cohort-sequential).
They include single-group studies, in which relations
among attributes in a naturally occurring group are analyzed
as well as studies in which comparisons are made across
two or more naturally occurring groups on variables of
interest. Reporting guidelines in Table 3 were informed, in
part, by the STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational
studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) reporting standards
( As with other
tables, Table 3 is intended to be used along with Table 1.
Longitudinal Research
In almost all cases, a longitudinal study (Table 4)
employs one of the basic study designs but the same
Table 3
Reporting Standards for Studies Using No Experimental Manipulation (Single-Group Designs, Natural-Group Comparisons, etc.; in
Addition to Material Presented in Table 1)
Paper section and topic Description
Study design Describe the design of the study.
Data use State the type of data used.
Participant selection Describe the method(s) of selecting participants (i.e., the units to be observed, classified, etc.), including
Method(s) of selecting participants for each group (e.g., methods of sampling, place of recruitment) and the number
of cases in each group
Matching criteria (e.g., propensity score), if matching was used
Identify data sources used (e.g., sources of observations, archival records), and if relevant, include codes or algorithms
to select participants or link records.
Variables Define all variables clearly, including
Potential predictors, confounders, and effect modifiers
State how each variable was measured.
Comparability of
Describe comparability of assessment across groups (e.g., the likelihood of observing or recording an outcome in each
group for reasons unrelated to the effect of the intervention).
Analysis Describe how predictors, confounders, and effect modifiers were included in the analysis.
Limitations Describe potential limitations of the study. As relevant, describe the possibility of misclassification, unmeasured
confounding, and changing eligibility criteria over time.
Table 4
Reporting Standards for Longitudinal Studies (in Addition to Material Presented in Table 1)
Paper section and topic Description
General reporting expectation
Sample characteristics
(when appropriate)
Describe reporting (sampling or randomization) unit—individual, dyad, family, classroom:
N per group, age, and sex distribution
Ethnic composition
Socioeconomic status, home language, immigrant status, education level, and family characteristics
Country, region, city, and geographic characteristics
Sample recruitment and
retention methods
Attrition Report attrition at each wave, breaking down reasons for attrition.
Report any differential attrition by major sociodemographic and experimental condition.
Additional sample
Report any contextual changes for participants (units) as the study progressed (school closures–mergers,
major economic changes; for long-term studies, major social changes that may need explanation for
contemporary readers to understand the context of the study during its early years).
Method and measurement Specify independent variables and dependent variables at each wave of data collection.
Report the years in which each wave of the data collection occurred.
Missing data Report the amount of missing data and how issues of missing data where handled analytically.
Analysis Specify analytic approaches utilized and assumptions made in performing these analyses.
Multiple publication Provide information on where any portions of the data have been previously published and the degree of
overlap with current report.
experimental unit or units are observed on the same
response variables on more than one occasion. In these
studies, the objective is usually to understand the
occasion-changes either in and of themselves or as func-
tions of other influences. As used here, longitudinal
designs are distinct from three other similar designs.
Rather than the passage of time (or some other metric),
occasion might also refer to experimental manipulations
such as dosage level, experimental condition, and so
forth, and may occur within a single session or in differ-
ent sessions. The latter kinds of designs are often called
within-subject designs and generally have different re-
porting standards than for what is being referred to here
as longitudinal studies. Although all longitudinal studies
are within-subject, not all within-subject designs are lon-
gitudinal. Also, there are designs in which the same
experimental units are measured on several different de-
pendent variables at various points during a single ses-
sion, but no attribute is measured on more than one
occasion. These are multivariate outcome studies, and
reporting standards for longitudinal studies do not gen-
erally apply to such studies. Finally, there are time-series
experiments that generally have their own reporting stan-
Longitudinal studies come in many different shapes
and forms and are traditionally, but not uniquely, seen in
developmental, geriatric, and educational studies as well
as in clinical trials. These studies may typically involve
some preintervention measures, an intervention, and then
one or more postintervention measures. Other longitudi-
nal studies may involve a selection of cases at a particular
time or event and then repeated observations of these
participants on a prespecified schedule (which may or
may not be the actual achieved schedule). The prespeci-
fied schedule may be time or event based.
Some work has been published on reporting standards
for longitudinal studies (Tooth, Ware, Bain, Purdie, &
Dobson, 2005), but most of these are designed to report
studies that arise from epidemiology. To develop report-
ing standards that would reflect longitudinal studies in
the behavioral sciences, several organizations were con-
sulted, including the Governing Council of the Society
for Research in Child Development. The Working Group
received assistance from the Governing Council of the
Society for Research in Child Development in creating
standards for reporting longitudinal studies.
As with other reporting standards, those for longitudi-
nal studies can be divided into two general classes: (a)
those items that are required for a well-trained reader to
be able to make decisions concerning the validity and
scope of application of the findings as the article is being
read, and (b) those details that might be necessary for a
fine-grained understanding of the work and its possible
replication. Information of the first type should appear in
the body of the paper, whereas the more fine-grained
information can be made available in the supplemental
materials. Because most longitudinal studies are, at any
one measuring instance, a traditional experimental or
observational design, the reporting standards for that
class of design also would be expected to be followed in
the report. In addition, any materials that pertain to the
entire study (e.g., a study registration number) would be
expected to appear as it would in a nonlongitudinal
It is expected that when important conditions change from
observational period to observational period (e.g., a test
form is changed, a new measure that is purportedly mea-
suring a similar or the same construct is substituted for an
earlier measure, when major life events occur such as family
structure changes for some participants), these will be
clearly noted. In such cases, the dates of data collection
(e.g., years 2010–2015) should be given.
A class of studies (see Table 5) known as N-of-1 exper-
imental designs (also known as single-case studies) are
commonly employed in many areas of behavioral and edu-
cational research, but there has been limited specification of
reporting standards for this class of design. In addition,
there is ample evidence of incomplete reporting in single-
case intervention research (e.g., Barker, Mellalieu, McCar-
thy, Jones, & Moran, 2013; Didden, Korzilius, van Oor-
souw, & Sturmey, 2006; Maggin, Chafouleas, Goddard, &
Johnson, 2011; Smith, 2012; Tate, Perdices, McDonald,
Togher, & Rosenkoetter, 2014).
Although reporting guidelines for N-of-1 trials currently
exist (CONSORT Extension for N-of-1 Trials [CENT];
Shamseer et al., 2015; Vohra et al., 2015), no reporting
guidelines have been available specifically for behavioral
science research. The SCRIBE 2016 guideline (Single-Case
Reporting Guideline In BEhavioural interventions) was de-
veloped to address this need (Tate, Perdices, Rosenkoetter,
McDonald, et al., 2016; Tate, Perdices, Rosenkoetter, Shad-
ish, et al., 2016). The SCRIBE 2016 guideline provides
researchers who conduct single-case experiments with a
minimum standard, in the form of a 26-item checklist, with
which they can write their reports clearly and accurately.
The SCRIBE 2016 guideline is intended to be used in the
four prototypical designs often used in single-case experi-
ments: withdrawal–reversal, multiple baseline, alternating–
simultaneous treatments, and changing criterion as well as
combinations and variants of the designs. Two primary
articles on the SCRIBE 2016 are available: (a) a SCRIBE
Statement (Tate, Perdices, Rosenkoetter, Shadish, et al.,
2016) that describes the methodology of their development,
and (b) an explanation and elaboration article (Tate, Perdi-
ces, Rosenkoetter, McDonald, et al., 2016) that provides a
rationale for each of the 26 items, along with examples from
the literature of adequate reporting of the items.
The SCRIBE 2016 checklist will provide researchers,
authors, reviewers, and editors involved in the publication
of results of single-case trials with a tool to measure the
clarity and accuracy of reporting. The checklist is also
expected to facilitate the replication of these studies. In
Table 5, a portion of the SCRIBE 2016 formulation is
summarized. In this table, which is intended to be used in
conjunction with Table 1 and the Table 2 modules, those
elements of SCRIBE 2016 that are unique to the single-case
design are summarized.
Studies Reporting Replications
Reproducibility is a core scientific principle. Increasingly,
there have been efforts to make replication more likely,
including the adoption of reporting standards such as these,
policy changes in journals to include publication of repli-
cation studies as part of their primary mission, and so forth
(Begley & Ellis, 2012; Nosek & Lakens, 2013; Open Sci-
ence Collaboration, 2015). At the same time, there is a
necessity to ensure that the replication studies themselves
are reported in such a way that readers can easily understand
what was done and how to evaluate the claims made in
those replication studies (See Table 6). These standards
concern external replication, which occurs when research-
ers state that a study being reported is a repetition of one or
more specific, previously published, or archived studies.
They do not apply to internal replication, which involves
cross-validation of analyses within the same sample or the
use of resampling or randomization procedures, such as
bootstrapping, that recombine or generate cases to estimate
the statistical precision of specific estimators.
Reporting should highlight the comparisons between
the original and replication studies such that sufficient
detail is provided to permit evaluation of whether any
differences in outcomes between the original and the
replication study are due to differences such as in par-
ticipants, conditions, measures, methods of analysis, or
other factors induced into the replication study. More
information about terms and concepts mentioned in these
standards is available in Mackey (2012) and Maxwell,
Lau, and Howard (2015).
Reporting Standards for Some
Quantitative Procedures
Although reporting standards are generally associated
with entire research designs, some quantitative proce-
dures are of sufficient complexity and open to such
internal variation that additional information (beyond just
the name of the technique and a few parameters) needs to
be reported for the reader to be able to fully comprehend
the analysis. Researchers may need additional informa-
tion to evaluate the conclusions that the authors have
drawn or replicate the analysis with their own data.
Structural Equation Modeling
Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a family of statistical
techniques that involve the specification of a structural or
measurement model, given relevant theory and previous em-
pirical results. These statistical techniques will include a series
of analytic steps that estimate effects represented in the model
(parameters) and evaluate the extent of correspondence be-
tween the model and data. Hoyle and Isherwood (2013) de-
veloped standards for studies in which results of SEM analyses
are reported (see Table 7). These standards take the form of a
comprehensive description of data preparation, specification of
the initial model(s), estimation, model fit assessment, respeci-
fication of the model(s), and the reporting of the results. Hoyle
Table 5
Reporting Standards for N-of-1 Studies (in Addition to Material Presented in Table 1)
Paper section and topic Description
Design Describe the design, including
Design type (e.g., withdrawal-reversal, multiple-baseline, alternating-treatments, changing-criterion, some
combination thereof, or adaptive design)
Phases and phase sequence (whether determined a priori or data-driven) and, if applicable, criteria for
phase change
Type of design
Procedural changes Describe any procedural changes that occurred during the course of the investigation after the start of the
Replication Describe any planned replication.
Randomization State whether randomization was used, and if so, describe the randomization method and the elements of the
study that were randomized (e.g., during which phases treatment and control conditions were instituted).
Sequence completed Report for each participant the sequence actually completed, including the number of trials for each session
for each case.
State when participant(s) who did not complete the sequence stopped and the reason for stopping.
Outcomes and estimation Report results for each participant, including raw data for each target behavior and other outcomes.
and Isherwood’s questionnaire was adapted with permission
for inclusion in these revised JARS–Quant reporting stand-
The standards for SEM studies outlined next are orga-
nized by the sections of the manuscript. Those for the
title, abstract, introduction, Method, and Discussion sec-
tions elaborate on certain points from Table 1 by adding
information more specific to SEM. Standards for the
Results section of manuscripts in which SEM results are
reported concern estimation, evaluation of model fit, and
the reporting of statistical findings. These standards call
on authors to state their justification for choices made
when alternative statistical methods (e.g., maximum like-
lihood vs. a different estimation method) or model testing
strategies (e.g., trimming vs. building) are available. For
respecification, authors should disclose the theoretical or
statistical bases for modifying an initial model. For more
information about best practices in SEM, see Kline
(2016, Chapter 18), Mueller and Hancock (2008), and
Schumaker and Lomax (2016, Chapter 18).
Bayesian Statistics
Bayesian statistical analysis has become a more com-
monly used statistical procedure in behavioral research.
Relatively little has been published to guide authors regard-
ing what information to report when using this class of
analysis. To that end, the JARS–Quant Working Group
invited David Rindskopf to develop a set of reporting stan-
dards for use with Bayesian analysis. These standards are
summarized in Table 8.
Meta-Analysis Reporting Standards
Revisions to the meta-analysis reporting standards
(MARS) were developed in three steps. First, two recent
revisions to other reporting standards for research syntheses
and meta-analysis in the health professions were examined
(Montgomery, Underhill, et al., 2013; Stroup et al., 2000),
as was a published recommendation regarding the reporting
of literature search strategies (Atkinson, Koenka, Sanchez,
Moshontz, & Cooper, 2015). Second, items not represented
on the original MARS were added to the revised MARS
after terminology was changed to reflect that used in the
social sciences. Third, the members of the Society for
Research Synthesis Methodology were asked to examine
the original MARS and to suggest any changes for the
revision. Two members made suggestion that were incor-
porated into the revision. Finally, the revision was vetted
with the JARS–Quant Working Group.
Table 6
Reporting Standards for Replication Studies (in Addition to Material Presented in Table 1)
Paper section
and topic Description
Study type Report sufficient information both in the study title and, more important, in the text that allows the reader to
determine whether the study is a direct (exact, literal) replication, approximate replication, or conceptual (construct)
Indicate whether a replication study has conditions, materials, or procedures that were not part of the original study.
Describe these new features, where in the study they occur, and their potential impact on the results.
Report for both the original study and the replication study indications of treatment fidelity.
Participants Compare the recruitment procedures in the original and replication studies. Note and explain major variations in how
the participants were selected, such as whether the replication study was conducted in a different setting (e.g.,
country or culture) or whether the allocation of participants to groups or conditions is different. Describe
implications of these variations on the results.
Compare the demographic characteristics of the participants in both studies. If the units of analysis are not people
(cases), such as classrooms, then report the appropriate descriptors of their characteristics.
Instrumentation Report instrumentation that includes both hardware (apparatus) and “soft” measures used to collect data, including
questionnaires, structured interviews, or psychological tests. Clarify in appropriate subsections of the Method section
any major differences between the original and replication studies.
Indicate whether questionnaires or psychological tests were translated to another language, and specify the method(s)
used, such as back-translation, to verify that the translation was accurate.
Report psychometric characteristics of the scores analyzed in the replication study and compare these properties with
those in the original study.
Specify and compare the informant(s) and method(s) of administration across the two studies. The latter includes the
setting for testing, such as individual versus group administration, and the method of administration, such as paper-
and-pencil versus online.
Analysis Report results of the same analytical methods (statistical or other quantitative manipulations) used. Results from
additional or different analyses may also be reported. State the statistical criteria for deciding whether the original
results were replicated in the new study. Examples of criteria include statistical significance testing, effect sizes,
confidence intervals, and Bayes factors in Bayesian methods. Explain decision rules when multiple criteria, such as
significance testing with effect size estimation, are employed. State whether the effect size in a power analysis was
specified to equal that reported in the original study (conditional power) or whether power was averaged over
plausible values of effect size based on an estimated standard error (predictive power), which takes account of
sampling error.
Table 7
Reporting Standards for Studies Using Structural Equation Modeling
Paper section
and topic Description
Title Mention the basic mechanism or process reflected in the primary model to which the data are fit.
(Note: The complexity of the multivariate data analyzed in many structural equation modeling (SEM) studies makes it
unlikely that, in most cases, the variables under investigation and the relations between them could be concisely stated in
the title.)
Abstract Report values for at least two global fit statistics, each from a different class, and include a brief statement about local fit
(residuals). State whether the interpreted model (if any model is retained) is the originally specified model.
Introduction Describe the primary model to be fitted to the data, and include an explanation of theory or results from previous empirical
studies that support the primary model.
Point out paths that are especially important, and justify directionality assumptions, such as the claim that X causes Y
instead of the reverse. Do the same for paths of secondary importance.
State whether respecification is planned, if the primary model is rejected.
Method State whether the data were collected from research participants or generated by computer simulation.
Report whether indicators of latent variables were drawn from one questionnaire or from multiple questionnaires.
Describe, for each questionnaire, whether the indicators are items or total scores across homogeneous sets of items (scales,
parcels), stating how
Scales were constructed, reporting their psychometrics
Items were treated in the analysis as continuous or categorical
Report how the target sample size was determined, including
Rule of thumb
Availability of resource constraints
Results of a priori power analysis
Estimates of parameter precision used to plan the number of cases with appropriate explanation
For a power analysis, state
Target level of power
Null and alternative hypotheses
Significance of key parameters
Fit statistics that figured in the analysis
Expected population effect sizes
Report the computer software or algorithm used if the data were generated by simulation, state and justify the sizes of
generated samples, and disclose whether samples were lost because of nonconvergence or inadmissible estimates.
Results Report data diagnostics, including
Percentage of missingness (if some data are missing) and how it is distributed across cases and variables
Empirical evidence or theoretical arguments about causes of missing data (i.e., missing completely at random [MCAR],
missing at random [MAR], or missing not at random [MNAR])
Evidence that distributional or other assumptions of estimation methods are plausible
Missing data Indicate the statistical method used to address missingness, such as multiple imputation, full information maximum
likelihood (FIML), substitution of values, or deletion of cases. For multiple imputation or FIML estimates, state whether
variables not included in the model were specified as auxiliary variables.
Distributions State whether the data were evaluated for estimation methods that assume multivariate normality.
Report values of statistics that measure univariate or multivariate skewness and kurtosis that support the assumption of
normal distributions.
If the data were not multivariate normal, state the strategy used to address nonnormality, such as use of a different
estimation method that does not assume normality or use of normalizing transformations of the scores.
Data summary Report in the manuscript—or make available in the supplemental materials—sufficient summary statistics that allow
secondary analysis, including
Covariance matrix with means, or a correlation matrix with standard deviations and means for continuous variables
Polychoric correlation matrix, items thresholds, and the asymptotic covariance matrix for categorical variables
Indicate whether the case-level data are archived, and provide information about how these data can be accessed by
interested readers.
Specification Indicate the general approach that best describes the application of SEM, strictly confirmatory, comparison of alternative
models, or model generation.
Provide the diagram for each model fitted to the data. If the diagram would be overly complex, such as when large
numbers of variables are analyzed, then clearly describe the models in text. A reader should be able to translate the text
description of a model into a diagram.
Give a full account of the specification for all models to be evaluated, including observed variables, latent variables, fixed
or free parameters, and constrained parameters.
Report sufficient information, such as tabulations of the numbers of observations versus free parameters, so that the model
degrees of freedom can be derived by the reader.
Verify that models to be analyzed are actually identified. State the basis for this claim, including the method, rules, or
heuristics used to establish identification.
State the basis in theory or results of previous empirical studies if a measurement model is part of a larger model.
The revised MARS (see Table 9) includes six groups of
changes. First, the wording has been revised to clarify
that many sections of the MARS should be completed by
research synthesists whether or not the evidence in their
report is amenable to conducting a meta-analysis. Sec-
ond, additional detail has been added to the description of
the title page and author note. Most important, authors
are now asked to (a) explicitly state whether a possible or
perceived conflict of interest may exist, and (b) provide
the name and document entry number if the work had
been placed in a research register prior to being con-
ducted (e.g., University of York, n.d.). Third, in recog-
nition of the growing number of distinct research ques-
tions with unique techniques to which research syntheses
are now being applied, both the abstract and the intro-
duction sections now ask that authors specify the type of
synthesis being conducted. Fourth, the Search Strategy
section has been expanded to deal directly with the five
types of strategies used most frequently in literature
searches. Details of these searches are now asked for to
allow more precise replication of searches and the eval-
uation of whether biases might exist in the retrieved
literature. Fifth, the section on Coding Procedures has
been expanded to include more information on code
development. The section has also been changed with
regard to reporting of coder reliability. Sixth, a subsec-
tion has been added to the Statistical Methods section
asking for the reporting of recently developed statistical
outcomes of meta-analysis.
Some Final Thoughts
The JARS–Quant formulations, like those of the original
JARS, were developed specifically for use in the social,
behavioral, and educational sciences. They incorporate nu-
merous ideas from other reporting standards, of which there
Table 7 (continued)
Paper section
and topic Description
Describe fully the specification of the mean structure if the model has a means component.
Explain the rationale for including error correlations in the model if correlated error terms are specified.
Explain how the effects are specified if the model includes interaction effects.
Explain how nonindependence is accounted for in the model for nested data (e.g., occasions within persons, students within
Describe any comparisons of parameters to be made between groups or occasions, and indicate which parameters are to be
compared if models are fitted to data from multiple groups or occasions.
Estimation State the software (including version) used in the analysis. Also state the estimation method used and justify its use (i.e.,
whether its assumptions are supported by the data).
Disclose any default criteria in the software, such as the maximum number of iterations or level of tolerance, that were
adjusted in order to achieve a converged and admissible solution.
Report any evidence of an inadmissible solution (e.g., error variances less than zero or constrained by the computer at zero;
estimated absolute correlations or proportions of explained variance that exceed 1.0). Explain what was done to deal with
the problem.
Model fit Report fit statistics or indices about global (omnibus) fit interpreted using criteria justified by citation of most recent
evidence-based recommendations for all models to be interpreted.
Report information about local fit, such as covariance, standardized, normalized, or correlation residuals, that justify
retaining the model at the level of pairs of observed variables for all interpreted models.
State the strategy or criteria used to select one model over another if alternative models were compared. Report results of
difference tests for comparisons between alternative models.
State the test and criterion for testing estimates of individual parameters. If parameter estimated were compared over groups
or occasions, indicate how those comparisons were made.
Respecification Indicate whether one or more interpreted models was a product of respecification. If so, then describe the method used to
search for misspecified parameters.
State which parameters were fixed or freed to produce the interpreted model. Also provide a theoretical or conceptual
rationale for parameters that were fixed or freed after specification searching.
Indicate whether models for which results are presented were specified before or after fitting other models or otherwise
examining the data.
Estimates Report both unstandardized and standardized estimates for all estimated parameters.
Report the corresponding standard errors, especially if outcomes of significance testing for individual parameters are
reported. State the cutoffs for levels of statistical significance, if such cutoffs were used.
Report estimates of indirect effects, both unstandardized and standardized. Also report values of standard errors for indirect
effects, if possible. State and justify the strategy for testing indirect effects.
Report estimates of interaction effects and also results of follow-up analyses that clarify the underlying pattern for
interpreted interactions. Also report values of standard errors for such interactions.
Discussion Summarize the modifications to the original model and the bases, theoretical or statistical, for doing so.
Address the issue of equivalent models that fit the same data as well as retained models or alternative-but-nonequivalent
models that explain the data nearly as well as retained models. Justify the preference for retained models over equivalent or
near-equivalent versions.
are many. As with the original JARS, they share many
features of other widely used systems such as CONSORT.
In many cases, the Working Group has fairly directly
adapted the schema of other systems (e.g., N-of-1 reporting
standards); in other cases, other reporting systems are re-
ferred to without any details (e.g., standards for reporting
measures of neural activities); and in some cases, com-
pletely new standards were developed, sometimes aided by
individuals or groups of individuals who were not members
of the Working Group (e.g., standards for reporting results
using Bayesian analyses, longitudinal studies, and studies
purporting to be replication studies). As in the original
JARS, the ways in which the tables might be used (e.g., as
a formal checklist, as a reference list for editors, authors,
and reviewers) are not specified. Some editors may wish to
develop formal checklists; some educators who teach sci-
entific writing for psychology (see Cooper, 2011) might
wish to utilize the tables as part of classroom handouts. The
purpose of the tables in this article is as a communication
device to organize otherwise complex and numerous
No matter the approach, the goal was to provide reporting
standards that would be appropriate for most of the empir-
ical, quantitative research conducted by those individuals
who identify their work, at least in part, as behavioral,
social, or educational science. The intent was to span as
wide a range of work as possible, including randomized
clinical trials, single-case designs, observational studies,
longitudinal studies, research synthesis, and other forms of
empirical study—including qualitative studies and mixed
method studies that were the province of the JARS–Qual
Working Group.
Although the focus for the development of JARS–Quant
was the social, behavioral, and educational sciences, the Work-
ing Group stayed keenly aware that many fields use some of
these domains in their work—medicine, nursing, law, and
Table 8
Reporting Standards for Studies Using Bayesian Techniques
Paper section
and topic Description
Model Completely specify both the systematic and the stochastic parts of the analyzed model, and give the rationale for
choices of functional forms and distributions.
Distributions Describe the prior distribution(s) for model parameters of interest. If the priors are informative, state the rationale for
that choice, and conduct a sensitivity analysis to check the dependence of the results on the prior distribution.
Describe the posterior distribution(s) for substantive model parameters and important functions of the parameters. If
feasible, report the highest posterior density (HPD) interval for each parameter or function.
Plot or describe the joint distribution if substantive parameters are correlated.
If predictions are made for observable quantities, make available either the actual predictive distribution and parameter
estimates, report summary statistics that describe the distribution, or a graphical summary.
Likelihood Describe the unnormalized or normalized likelihood if the prior distribution is informative.
Plots Include the prior distribution, likelihood, and posterior distribution in a single plot (i.e., a triplot) if the prior
distribution is informative and plots are to be presented.
Decisions Report the utilities, or costs and benefits, and explain how they were derived if the data are used for decision making
about possible actions. Also provide a sensitivity analysis for various prior distributions or assumptions about
utilities for the decision.
Special cases Explain the rationale for assuming exchangeability (or conditional exchangeability if there are covariates) for
multilevel analyses. If relevant to the research context, present plots or tables of shrinkage-adjusted estimates and
their confidence intervals.
Report forest plots or caterpillar plots that include original and shrinkage-corrected estimates of effect sizes for each
study with confidence intervals for meta-analytic summaries. If feasible for the analytic method, provide a
parameter trace plot where shrinkage-adjusted estimates are shown against the standard deviation of the residual
effects, combined with the posterior distribution of the residual variance.
Describe the details of all decision rules, if these rules were decided (before or during the study), and the
consequences (results) of each decision in adaptive designs.
Computations Describe in detail, including the number of chains, the number of burn-in iterations for each chain, and thinning if
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) or another sampling procedure is used. Specify the methods used to check for
convergence and their results.
Model fit Describe the procedures used to check the fit of the model, and the results of those checks.
Bayes factors Specify the models being compared if Bayes Factors are calculated.
Report the Bayes Factors and how they were interpreted.
Test the sensitivity of the Bayes Factors to assumptions about prior distributions.
Bayesian model
State the parameter or function of parameters being estimated in Bayesian model averaging. Either plot the distribution
or list the mean and standard deviation if it is near normal; otherwise, list a number of percentiles for the
distribution if it is not near normal.
Describe how the models were generated and if a reduced set was used for averaging, how the selection was made
and which models were used in the averaging.
Table 9
Information Recommended for Inclusion in Manuscripts Reporting Meta-Analyses
Paper section and
topic Description
Title State the research question and type of research synthesis (e.g., narrative synthesis, meta-analysis).
Author note List all sources of monetary and in-kind funding support; state the role of funders in conducting the synthesis and deciding
to publish the results, if any.
Describe possible conflicts of interest, including financial and other nonfinancial interests.
Give the place where the synthesis is registered and its registry number, if registered.
Provide name, affiliation, and e-mail address of corresponding author.
Objectives State the research problems, questions, or hypotheses under investigation.
Eligibility criteria Describe the characteristics for inclusion of studies, including independent variables (treatments, interventions), dependent
variables (outcomes, criteria), and eligible study designs.
Methods of
Describe the methods for synthesizing study results, including
Statistical and other methods used to summarize and to compare studies
Specific methods used to integrate studies if a meta-analysis was conducted (e.g., effect-size metric, averaging method,
the model used in homogeneity analysis)
Results State the results of the synthesis, including
Number of included studies and participants, and their important characteristics
Results for the primary outcome(s) and moderator analyses
Effect size(s) and confidence interval(s) associated with each analysis if aa meta-analysis was conducted
Conclusions Describe strengths and limitations of the evidence, including evidence of inconsistency, imprecision, risk of bias in the
included studies and risk of reporting biases.
Problem State the question or relation(s) under investigation, including
Historical background, including previous syntheses and meta-analyses related to the topic
Theoretical, policy, and/or practical issues related to the question or relation(s) of interest
Populations and settings to which the question or relation(s) is relevant
Rationale for (a) choice of study designs, (b) the selection and coding of outcomes, (c) the selection and coding potential
moderators or mediators of results
Psychometric characteristics of outcome measures and other variables
Objectives State the hypotheses examined, indicating which were prespecified, including
Question in terms of relevant participant characteristics (including animal populations), independent variables
(experimental manipulations, treatments, or interventions), ruling out of possible confounding variables, dependent
variables (outcomes, criterion), and other features of study designs
Method(s) of synthesis and if meta-analysis was used, the specific methods used to integrate studies (e.g., effect-size
metric, averaging method, the model used in homogeneity analysis)
Protocol List where the full protocol can be found (e.g., a supplement), or state that there was no protocol. State that the full
protocol was published (or archived in a public registry) or that it was not published before the review was conducted.
Inclusion and
Describe the criteria for selecting studies, including
Independent variables (e.g., experimental manipulations, types of treatments or interventions or predictor variables)
Dependent variable (e.g., outcomes, in syntheses of clinical research including both potential benefits and potential
adverse effects)
Eligible study designs (e.g., methods of sampling or treatment assignment)
Handling of multiple reports about the same study or sample, describing which are primary and handling of multiple
measures using the same participants
Restrictions on study inclusion (e.g., by study age, language, location, or report type)
Changes to the prespecified inclusion and exclusion criteria, and when these changes were made
Handling of reports that did not contain sufficient information to judge eligibility (e.g., lacking information about study
design) and reports that did not include sufficient information for analysis (e.g., did not report numerical data about
those outcomes)
Describe all information sources:
Search strategies of electronic searches, such that they could be repeated (e.g., include the search terms used, Boolean
connectors, fields searched, explosion of terms)
Databases searched (e.g., PsycINFO,, including dates of coverage (i.e., earliest and latest records
included in the search), and software and search platforms used
Names of specific journals that were searched and the volumes checked
Explanation of rationale for choosing reference lists if examined (e.g., other relevant articles, previous research
Documents for which forward (citation) searches were conducted, stating why these documents were chosen
Number of researchers contacted if study authors or individual researchers were contacted to find studies or to obtain
more information about included studies, as well as criteria for making contact (e.g., previous relevant publications), and
response rate
(table continues)
Table 9 (continued)
Paper section and
topic Description
Dates of contact if other direct contact searches were conducted such as contacting corporate sponsors or mailings to
distribution lists
Search strategies in addition to those above and the results of these searches
Study selection Describe the process for deciding which studies would be included in the syntheses and/or included in the meta-analysis,
Document elements (e.g., title, abstract, full text) used to make decisions about inclusion or exclusion from the synthesis
at each step of the screening process
Qualifications (e.g., training, educational or professional status) of those who conducted each step in the study selection
process, stating whether each step was conducted by a single person or in duplicate as well as an explanation of how
reliability was assessed if one screener was used and how disagreements were resolved if multiple were used
Data collection Describe methods of extracting data from reports, including
Variables for which data were sought and the variable categories
Qualifications of those who conducted each step in the data extraction process, stating whether each step was conducted
by a single person or in duplicate and an explanation of how reliability was assessed if one screener was used and how
disagreements were resolved if multiple screeners were used as well as whether data coding forms, instructions for
completion, and the data (including metadata) are available, stating where they can be found (e.g., public registry,
supplemental materials)
Methods for
assessing risk
to internal
Describe any methods used to assess risk to internal validity in individual study results, including
Risks assessed and criteria for concluding risk exists or does not exist
Methods for including risk to internal validity in the decisions to synthesize of the data and the interpretation of results
Describe the statistical methods for calculating effect sizes, including the metric(s) used (e.g., correlation coefficients,
differences in means, risk ratios) and formula(s) used to calculate effect sizes.
Methods of
Describe narrative and statistical methods used to compare studies. If meta-analysis was conducted, describe the methods
used to combine effects across studies and the model used to estimate the heterogeneity of the effects sizes (e.g., a
fixed-effect, random-effects model robust variance estimation), including
Rationale for the method of synthesis
Methods for weighting study results
Methods to estimate imprecision (e.g., confidence or credibility intervals) both within and between studies
Description of all transformations or corrections (e.g., to account for small samples or unequal group numbers) and
adjustments (e.g., for clustering, missing data, measurement artifacts, or construct-level relationships) made to the data
and justification for these
Additional analyses (e.g., subgroup analyses, meta-regression), including whether each analysis was prespecified or post
Selection of prior distributions and assessment of model fit if Bayesian analyses were conducted
Name and version number of computer programs used for the analysis
Statistical code and where it can be found (e.g., a supplement)
Publication bias
and selective
Address the adequacy of methods used (e.g., contacting authors for unreported outcomes to identify unpublished studies
and unreported data). Describe any statistical methods used to test for publication bias and selective reporting or
address the potential limitations of the synthesis’s results if no such methods were used.
Study selection Describe the selection of studies, ideally with a flowchart, including
Number of citations assessed for eligibility
Number of citations and number of unique studies included in the syntheses
Reasons for excluding studies at each stage of screening
Table with complete citations for studies that met many but not all inclusion criteria with reasons for exclusion (e.g.,
effect size was not calculable)
Summarize the characteristics of included studies. Provide a table showing, for each included study, the principle variables
for which data were sought, including
Characteristics of the independent and outcome or dependent variables and main moderator variables
Important characteristics of participants (e.g., age, sex, ethnicity)
Important contextual variables (e.g., setting, date)
Study design (e.g., methods of sampling or treatment assignment).
Report where the full data set is available (e.g., from the authors, supplemental materials, registry)
Results of
Report the results for each study or comparison (e.g., the effect size with confidence intervals for each independent
variable). If possible, present this information in a figure (e.g., forest plot).
Synthesis of
Report a synthesis (e.g., meta-analysis) for each study result (e.g., weighted average effect sizes, confidence intervals,
estimates of heterogeneity of results).
social work, to name but a few. In developing the JARS–Quant
recommendations, the Working Group tried to ensure that
these reporting standards would be usable for scholarly work in
other fields but ones that incorporate aspects of the social,
behavioral, and educational sciences into them.
The implementation of reporting standards is a slow
process, with many individuals contributing to realizing
the goals set forth in the JARS–Quant. Certainly, journal
editors, associate editors, and manuscript reviewers will
be prime movers of the adoption of any set of standards.
This fact, however, implies that scholars who have the
most contact with the authors of journal articles must be
encouraged to be aware of these reporting standards and
encourage their use. It is also incumbent upon publishers
(such as APA) to provide training materials that present
these standards in convenient formats. This is essential if
those entering the field—indeed anyone committed to the
advancement of transparent social sciences—are to ac-
quire the habit of utilizing reporting standards as a part of
their formulation of how scholarly research is reported.
Much can be said about the value of adopting reporting
standards and developing ways to provide creative and
forward thinking tools for communicating and training
those who use these standards. However, most basic is the
realization that these reporting standards are important ways
of systematically communicating the work that scholars
have done in the process of doing their science. These
standards do not specify how the science should be done but
rather what about the science needs to be reported so that (a)
scientific claims can be clearly understood, assessed, and
evaluated by the reader, and (b) the work can be replicated
with reasonable accuracy such that a replication would
reflect the science being reported. The Working Group
does, at the same time, recognize that specifying what needs
to be reported also influences what data need to be gathered
(one cannot report the reasons for drop-out if one does not
collect that data). Therefore, a command of the reporting
standards is a critical part of the initial planning of an
empirical study. This initial understanding may not only
ease the task of complete and transparent reporting but also
improve the implementation of the research.
American Educational Research Association, American Psychological As-
sociation, & National Council on Measurement in Education. (2014).
Standards for educational and psychological testing. Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the
American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
APA Publications and Communications Board Working Group on Journal
Article Reporting Standards. (2008). Reporting standards for research in
psychology: Why do we need them? What might they be? American
Psychologist, 63, 839851.
Atkinson, K. M., Koenka, A. C., Sanchez, C. E., Moshontz, H., & Cooper,
H. (2015). Reporting standards for literature searches and report inclu-
sion criteria: Making research syntheses more transparent and easy to
replicate. Research Synthesis Methods, 6, 87–95.
Table 9 (continued)
Paper section and
topic Description
Assessment of
validity of
Describe risks of bias different design features might introduce into the synthesis results.
Publication and
reporting bias
Describe risk of bias across studies, including
Statement about whether (a) unpublished studies and unreported data, or (b) only published data were included in the
synthesis and the rationale if only published data were used
Assessments of the impact of publication bias (e.g., modeling of data censoring, trim-and-fill analysis)
Results of any statistical analyses looking for selective reporting of results within studies
Adverse and
harmful effects
Report any adverse or harmful effects identified in individual studies.
Summary of the
Summarize the main findings, including
Main results of the synthesis, including all results of prespecified analyses
Overall quality of the evidence
Strengths and limitations (e.g., inconsistency, imprecision, risk of bias, and publication bias or selective outcome
reporting) of findings
Alternative explanations for observed results (e.g., confounding, statistical power)
Similarities and differences with previous syntheses
Generalizability Describe the generalizability (external validity) of conclusions, including
Implications for related populations, intervention variations, dependent (outcome) variables
Implications Interpret the results in light of previous evidence.
Address the implications for further research, theory, policy, and/or practice.
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Received September 6, 2016
Revision received June 27, 2017
Accepted June 29, 2017