Suggested citation: Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC). [Resource title].
EPOC Resources for review authors, 2017.
authors (accessed DD Month YYYY)
2019 10 03
EPOC Qualitative Evidence Syntheses guidance on when to sample and how
to develop a purposive sampling frame
Aim of this guidance: To introduce review authors to one possible method for purposively sampling
included studies for a qualitative evidence synthesis.
For some qualitative evidence synthesis questions, there are a large number of primary qualitative
studies available. However, in contrast to reviews of effectiveness, the inclusion of a large number of
primary studies with a high volume of data in a qualitative synthesis can threaten the quality of the
synthesis. There are a number of reasons for this: firstly, qualitative processes of analysis require
detailed engagement with text and large volumes of data make this difficult to achieve. Secondly,
qualitative evidence syntheses aim for greater variation in concepts, to help ensure conceptual
generalizability, whereas effectiveness reviews aim to be exhaustive in order to achieve statistical
generalizability. Sampling may help to achieve variation while also ensuring that the analysis is not
overwhelmed by a very large volume of primary data.
Purposively sampling from the primary qualitative studies identified as eligible for inclusion in a QES
is one way to reduce the amount of data contributing to the analysis. The objective of this guidance
is to provide practical guidance for EPOC QES authors on how to approach the issue of sampling for
qualitative evidence syntheses.
When can sampling be considered for studies included in a qualitative evidence synthesis?
In a QES, the threshold at which the number of primary qualitative studies contributing data to the
QES becomes too large can be affected by:
the amount of relevant data in the included studies (data richness)
the study design (for example mixed methods studies or surveys with open ended questions
typically provide less data than in-depth qualitative studies)
how closely and completely the objective of the included primary studies matches the
review objective. Where many of the included primary studies only address part of the
review objective, more studies may need to be included to obtain data that address the full
scope of the review objective.
What constitutes a sufficient number of primary studies, and a sufficient amount of data, for analysis
will vary across reviews. A judgement therefore needs to be made by each review team on whether
there is sufficient data, but not so much data that the analysis process will be difficult.
The following steps may be useful in making a judgement on whether sampling should be used:
1. Identify from the search outputs all of the primary qualitative studies that meet the inclusion
criteria for the review
2. Familiarize yourself with the relevant data in the included studies, including how rich these
data are
Suggested citation: Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC). [Resource title].
EPOC Resources for review authors, 2017.
authors (accessed DD Month YYYY)
2019 10 03
3. Carry out a simple mapping of the included studies based on the key elements of your review
question and important contextual considerations for the synthesis. This information can be
summarized in a table so that the key descriptive information for all studies can be easily
viewed. The mapping could include:
a. Geographic setting/s of the studies
b. Population and or participants
c. Health issue/s addressed by the studies
d. Intervention/s addressed by the studies, if applicable
e. Study type/design (for example hypothetical study, pilot study, evaluation)
f. Health care settings of the studies
g. Data collection methods
h. Temporal characteristics (how old is the data?) (This may be important if there have
been changes to laws in the area of study or introduction of new technologies)
i. Any other considerations that may be relevant to the synthesis question, such as
policy or political issues in the study settings, social climate (for example if a practice
is socially acceptable such as abortion), legislative issues (such as whether a
particular practice is legal)
j. Data richness (See worked examples)
4. Decide within the review team if using all of the included studies in the analysis would lead
to more data that can be reasonably managed in the analysis
5. If this seems likely, then consider your sampling options as described below. Please note that
the decision to sample can be revisited later in the synthesis process, if the earlier judgement
made regarding the number of studies and amount of data is no longer viewed as
How to purposively sample articles for a qualitative evidence synthesis using a sampling frame
There are a variety of ways authors can sample from primary studies for qualitative evidence
synthesis. (See appendix). In this author guidance, we present a way of sampling that builds on a few
of the examples in the table. We have chosen this example as it is relatively straight forward to apply,
mirrors what would be done in primary qualitative research to sample participants and has been
used in several Cochrane qualitative evidence syntheses to date (Odendaal 2015, Ames, Glenton et
al. 2017, Ames, Glenton et al. 2019).
Now that you have identified that you will purposively sample from the included studies, we will
present a step-by-step guide to one way of sampling. This has the aim of achieving the broadest
possible variation within the included studies while still providing rich and relevant data for your
synthesis. We recommend following these steps:
1. Review the map of included studies that you created above. Which of these elements are key to
answering your synthesis question? For example:
a. Which geographic and health care settings need to be included in the synthesis? Are
there specific settings that need to be represented, such as low and middle-income
countries or tertiary hospitals? If so, how well represented are these settings in the
included studies?
b. Is there a certain population or group of participants that needs to be represented in
your synthesis?
c. Are there multiple health issues or interventions that you need to address or include
such as different vaccines or family planning methods?
Suggested citation: Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC). [Resource title].
EPOC Resources for review authors, 2017.
authors (accessed DD Month YYYY)
2019 10 03
2. Decide on which are the key elements that will enable you to capture sufficient rich data to
answer your review objectives. These elements then become the base for your sampling
3. Decide in which order you will apply the sampling framework to the included primary qualitative
4. Pilot the sampling framework on 10 studies to see if this results in the inclusion of the most
relevant studies with rich data that answer your review objectives
5. Apply the sampling frame to all of the included studies
Please see below for two worked examples of how this type of purposive sampling was applied in
two different qualitative evidence syntheses.
Suggested citation: Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC). [Resource title].
EPOC Resources for review authors, 2017.
authors (accessed DD Month YYYY)
2019 10 03
Writing up your sampling strategy
It is important that you provide a clear and transparent description of your (planned) sampling
process in both the protocol and the qualitative evidence synthesis. (You can find more information
in the EPOC QES template). As authors, you will need to reflect on any possible limitations of your
sampling and describe these in the discussion section of your synthesis.
You should include both the sampled and included but not sampled studies in your characteristics
of included studies table. In this table, clearly indicate which studies were sampled and which were
not. Also, indicate the reason for not sampling for each study in this group. For studies that were not
sampled, the amount of descriptive information included in the table can be less as a review author
team, you should decide what information is important to include. For further guidance, please refer
to the examples below and the EPOC QES template.
Worked example 1:
This example will describe the sampling procedure from Parents' and informal caregivers' views and
experiences of communication about routine childhood vaccination: a synthesis of qualitative
evidence (Ames, Glenton et al. 2017).
The specific objectives of the synthesis were to identify, appraise and synthesize qualitative studies
exploring: parents' and informal caregivers' views and experiences regarding communication about
childhood vaccinations and the manner in which it is communicated; and the influence that
vaccination communication has on parents' and informal caregivers' decisions regarding childhood
79 studies met the inclusion criteria and 38 were sampled for inclusion in the data synthesis.
In order to decrease the number of included studies to a manageable amount for the synthesis, the
authors chose the following three step sampling frame (Ames, Glenton et al. 2017):
First, we wanted to ensure a geographic spread and reasonable representation of findings from
LMICs, given that the synthesis intended to cover all geographic settings. We therefore sampled
in all studies from low- and middle-income country (LMIC) settings, as most studies took place in
high-income country (HIC) settings. Second, we created a simple 1 to 5 scale for assessing the
richness of data (See table 2). To our knowledge, there is not existing system for assessing data
richness so we created one to fit our needs. We sampled in all articles that scored a 4 or higher
for data richness. We decided to focus on the richness of the data within the included studies to
ensure that we would have enough data to work with for the synthesis. We based this decision
on the rationale that rich data can provide clearer insights into the phenomenon of interest.
Table 2: Data richness scale
Very little qualitative data presented
that relate to the synthesis
objective. Those findings that are
presented are fairly descriptive.
For example, a mixed methods study using
open ended survey questions or a more
detailed qualitative study where only part of
the data relates to the synthesis objective
Some qualitative data presented
that relate to the synthesis objective
For example, a limited number of qualitative
findings from a mixed methods or qualitative
Suggested citation: Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC). [Resource title].
EPOC Resources for review authors, 2017.
authors (accessed DD Month YYYY)
2019 10 03
A reasonable amount of qualitative
data that relate to the synthesis
For example, a typical qualitative research
article in a health services journal
A good amount and depth of
qualitative data that relate to the
synthesis objective
For example, a qualitative research article in
a social sciences journal with more context
and setting descriptions
A large amount and depth of
qualitative data that relate in depth
to the synthesis objective.
For example, from a detailed ethnography or
a published qualitative article with the same
objectives as the synthesis
Finally, we examined the remaining studies after applying the first two elements and sampled in
any studies that closely matched the synthesis question. This was to ensure that the data of
highest relevance to the review was included, even if these data were thin and from a setting
already represented in the synthesis.
Worked example 2:
Patients’ and the public’s perceptions and experiences of targeted digital communication via mobile
devices for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health: A qualitative evidence
synthesis (Ames, Glenton et al. 2019).
The specific objective of the synthesis was to explore patients’ and the public’s perceptions and
experiences of targeted digital communication via mobile device in the areas of reproductive,
maternal, new-born, child or adolescent health.
48 studies met the inclusion criteria and 35 were sampled for inclusion in the data synthesis. We
divided the studies by type of participant;
Adolescent and youth populations as potential users of SRH services
Adult populations as potential users of SRH services
Pregnant and postpartum women (up to 6 weeks)
Pregnant and postpartum women (up to 6 weeks) living with HIV
Parents and other caregivers of children under five years of age
In order to decrease the number of included studies to a manageable amount for the synthesis, the
authors chose the following three step sampling frame and applied it to each of the participant
1. We sampled in studies conducted in low and middle-income countries as there were fewer
of these studies and the focus of the review was global.
2. We applied the data richness scale and sampled in studies rating 3 or higher. This data
richness scale was adapted from the work above. It rates the amount of rich data relevant to
the review objective specifically. (See table 3)
3. We looked at the topic of the digital targeted communication interventions represented
within each participant group and made sure that there was a broad variation (for example
family planning, medication reminders, sexual health promotion).
Suggested citation: Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC). [Resource title].
EPOC Resources for review authors, 2017.
authors (accessed DD Month YYYY)
2019 10 03
Table 3: Adapted data richness scale adjusted to rate richness of the data related to the review
Very little qualitative data presented
that relate to the synthesis objective.
Those data that are presented are
fairly descriptive.
For example, a mixed methods study using
open ended survey questions or a more
detailed qualitative study where only part of
the data relates to the synthesis objective
Some qualitative data presented that
relate to the synthesis objective
For example, a limited number of qualitative
findings from a mixed methods or qualitative
A reasonable amount of qualitative
data that relate to the synthesis
For example, a typical qualitative research
article in a journal with a smaller word limit
and often using simple thematic analysis
A good amount and depth of
qualitative data that relate to the
synthesis objective
For example, a qualitative research article in
a journal with a larger word count that
includes more context and setting
descriptions and a more in-depth
presentation of the findings
A large amount and depth of
qualitative data that relate in depth to
the synthesis objective.
For example, from a detailed ethnography or
a published qualitative article with the same
objectives as the synthesis
Links to qualitative evidence syntheses that have used purposive sampling
Ames 2017 (Worked example 1):
Ames 2019 (Worked example 2): Submitted for final editorial approval
Links to papers discussing how to sample for qualitative evidence synthesis
Ames 2019 (
0665-4 )
Benoot 2016 ( (see full review at
Suri 2011
Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group guidance paper 3:
Ames, H. M., et al. (2017). "Parents' and informal caregivers' views and experiences of
communication about routine childhood vaccination: a synthesis of qualitative evidence." Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews. 2: CD011787.
Ames, H. M., et al. (2019). "Clients’ perceptions and experiences of targeted digital communication
accessible viamobile devices for reproductive,maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health: A
qualitative evidence synthesis." Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Forthcoming.
Suggested citation: Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC). [Resource title].
EPOC Resources for review authors, 2017.
authors (accessed DD Month YYYY)
2019 10 03
Odendaal, W. G., Jane; Griffiths, Frances; Tomlinson, Mark; Leon, Natalie; Daniels, Karen (2015).
Healthcare workers’ perceptions and experiences on using mHealth technologies to deliver primary
healthcare services: a qualitative evidence synthesis (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews. 11:Art. No.: CD011942.
Suri, H. (2011). "Purposeful sampling in qualitative research synthesis." Qualitative Research Journal
11(2): 63-75.
Suggested citation: Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC). [Resource title].
EPOC Resources for review authors, 2017.
authors (accessed DD Month YYYY)
2019 10 03
Appendix 1: Some examples of purposeful sampling methods (Suri 2011)
Type of
Extreme or
deviant case
Selecting illuminative cases that exemplify ‘extreme’ or ‘deviant’ contexts or
examples, for instance:
where an innovation in a primary study was perceived notably as a
success or failure
where findings of a primary study are very different from those of
most studies identified for the synthesis
Constructed by:
identifying key dimensions of variation, and then
finding cases that vary from each other as much as possible along
these dimensions
This sampling yields:
‘high‐quality, detailed descriptions of each case, which are useful for
documenting uniqueness, and
important shared patterns that cut across cases and derive their
significance from having emerged out of heterogeneity’ (Patton, 2002,
p. 235)
Snowball or
Trying to locate a key work in the field through talking with experts or locating
a key article that is often cited
Then follow on with primary studies that have cited the key or landmark study
Selecting cases that represent important theoretical or operational constructs
about the phenomenon of interest
Set out operational definitions of key theories or constructs related to the
phenomenon of interest
Develop boundaries for these by creating specific inclusion and exclusion
criteria in relation to selecting primary studies for the synthesis
Used by those trying to construct a comprehensive understanding
Studies are sampled based on a predetermined criteria
Specific inclusion and exclusion criteria are clearly stated
Studies are then analysed as a whole
Following on from criterion sampling where each of the criteria would become
a sample
Stratified samples are samples within samples where each stratum, or group,
is fairly homogenous and are analysed within these groups
Useful for examining variation in a key phenomena of interest
Randomly select from the list of included studies for inclusion in the analysis
For example, use a random internet based selector, choose every 3
study or pull study names from a hat
Provides an unbiased way of selecting studies for inclusion but may not
provide studies with rich data
or mixed
Choosing a combination or mix of sampling strategies to best fit your purpose
For some syntheses, it may be useful to use a combination or mix of
sampling strategies. For instance, by applying theoretical sampling in a
first stage and deviant case sampling in a second stage. This should be
guided by the review methods and purpose, and the time available