Steeplechase Elementary
Parent Handbook 2022-2023
Main Office Number:
Office Hours: 8:00am-4:30pm
Principal: Lisa Resing
Assistant Principal: Chris Deel
Counselor: Rebecca Franklin
Counselor: Terri Hall
Mission Statement: Every student will leave SCES as a
passionate leader who is an empathetic, resilient, and
a responsible citizen.
Vision Statement: We will collaborate to ensure a safe
and supportive environment in which all students and
staff are motivated and celebrated as they achieve
high levels of growth and learning.
Assurance Statement: This student/parent handbook
assures that school rules and discipline will be fair and
no person will be discriminated against because of
his/her race, color, gender, national origin, disability,
or ancestry. Due process will be followed according to
Kentucky Revised Statutes.
Accelerated Reader Program
The Accelerated Reader Program (AR) is a
web-based program that assesses your child’s
comprehension of reading literature. Students will
read books and receive incentives throughout the
year. Please support student incentives by adding
Steeplechase Elementary to your Kroger Plus
Cards to help support student incentives.
After School Care
After School Care is provided through a community
organization known as the Learning Grove.
Information can be found on the school webpage or
you may contact them directly at 859-431-2075.
Currently before school care is not available.
All students grade 3rd-5th will receive an agenda
book on the first day of school. We encourage you
to check the agenda book each evening for
teacher’s comments, homework assignments, etc.
The fee for the agenda is included in your child’s
initial school fees. If the agenda is lost or
damaged during the school year, there will be a
$5.00 replacement fee.
PK-2nd grade students will have a take home folder
that will be sent home. Teachers will share details
with parents.
Animals at School
Animals are not permitted in the school building
without educational purpose or principal
permission. Animals outside the school must be
contained/leashed or caged.
Regular attendance in Kentucky schools is
mandatory per KRS 159.010. The complete
attendance policy is located on our website.
However the following are some guidelines to our
attendance policy.
Daily Reporting of Absences
If your child will be absent or tardy to
school, please call the office by 9:00 am.
In addition, a written excuse is required
on the child’s return to school. If a note is
not received within 3 days the event will
be considered unexcused. The note must
include the students first and last name,
homeroom teacher, the date(s) of absence
and a valid reason for the event.
Absence Events
In the state of Kentucky, any period of
absences, whether it is one minute or all
day, is considered an absence event.
Excused Events
The following are recognized as reasons
for an excused absence: Illness of
student, death/severe illness or birth of
student immediate family member,
religious holidays, state fair attendance or
reasons determined by principal.There is a
limit of 5 excused events before a
doctor’s note is required for each
subsequent event. We can not accept
doctor notes if the child was not actually
seen by a doctor.
Unexcused Events
The State of Kentucky mandates that at 3
unexcused events, we contact you either
by phone or letter to inform you that your
child is considered truant. These letters
are automatically generated and are for
the purpose of awareness. We will again
contact you at 4 unexcused events, but in
addition we will contact our Truancy
Intervention Team who may visit your
home. If your child accumulates 6
unexcused events, we are required by law
to file truancy charges through our local
Tardies/Early Dismissal
The State of Kentucky determines the
time considered for a tardy. Each child’s
attendance is calculated based on
arrival/dismissal time. A student can be
tardy at the beginning, middle, or the end
of the school day. Students with a parent
note or doctor’s note may be excused.
Students without a note will be considered
unexcused. These tardies WILL count
towards the 5 events allowed. Early
dismissal from school requires a written
note by the parent or guardian. The
written request should include the child’s
first and last name, homeroom teacher
name, the time they will be picked up, the
reason, and who will be picking up the
student. Students will not be called to the
main office until you arrive to pick them
up. All students will have to be signed out
in the office.
Late Drop-off
Students arriving later than 8:40 am will
have to be signed in through our main
office as tardy. A tardy will count as an
unexcused absence.
Educational Enhancement Opportunity
If you need to take a family trip during
the school year and it has an educational
value, you can apply for an EHO. If
approved, your child will be counted as
present. There is a maximum 10 day limit
per year for EHOs. EHOs may be picked
up in the school office and must be turned
in at least 1 week prior to the trip for
approval. EHOs also require alternative
assignment requirements. Please see
administration for details.
All students will follow the school-wide Positive
Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS). The goal
of SCES is to ensure a fair, consistent, and safe
behavior policy that will share a common vision,
common language, and common experiences for all
The policy is designed to minimize behavioral
issues that negatively interfere with the
educational process. The policy promotes safety,
respect, and responsibility in all areas through the
normal routine of the school day. Class DOJO will
be used in all classrooms as a student behavior
tracking system. Parents can instantly view and
receive notification of individual student progress
and receive teacher communication directly
through a digital app. Please note the Principal and
Assistant Principal do not receive email
notifications of parent responses through DOJO.
If you need to talk to an administrator, please
email them directly or call.
Your child’s homeroom teacher will send the
tracking link for DOJO during the first week of
school. When negative behavior requires
disciplinary action, an office referral will be
completed and sent home with the student. Office
referrals become part of the student record in
Infinite Campus. Any incident involving
administration could result in detention or school
suspension. If any issues do occur, please contact
the homeroom teacher first for clarification of
the issue.
Steeplechase Elementary has clearly defined
expectations for all school settings: classrooms,
cafeteria, restrooms, playground, hallway, and
assemblies. The use of established,
well-communicated school wide expectations
ensures the guidelines for behavior within the
building are adequately communicated and
enforced to ensure the safety of the students. To
help students remember the expectations we use
the acronym LEAD.
Lead with the 7 Habits
Exhibit Safety
Act Respectfully
Demonstrate Responsibility
Bell Schedules/School Hours
8:15 am:Doors open for student Breakfast
8:30am: Students dismissed to classroom
8:40am: Morning Announcements and Instructional
time begins. Students arriving after must be
signed into the office by a guardian and will be
marked tardy.
11:00 am- 1:00pm: Student Lunches
3:35 pm: Afternoon announcements
3:40pm:Students dismissed
We understand how important birthdays are to our
students. On the announcements we will recognize
birthdays. Students are permitted to bring a small
treat for their classmates following the school
snack list. We do encourage healthy choices and
non-food items if possible. Due to food allergies,
please remember items must be store bought and
contain a list of ingredients. To limit classroom
instruction loss, treats will be given out in a 10
minute time frame. Due to privacy laws, we cannot
give out student addresses or phone numbers.
Book Fairs
We will have two Book Fairs a year, one in the fall
and one in the spring. During each book fair week,
there will be a parent night. This gives you an
opportunity to come shop with your child. Your
child will also have a scheduled time during the
school week. A book fair schedule will be sent
For safety, students are expected to act in a
reasonable, quiet, and orderly manner on and at the
bus stop. Students will use safety manners loading,
riding, or unloading. If you have concerns about
specific situations on the bus or specific bus
drivers, please contact the bus garage at
859-384-5340. Bus service is a privilege and may
be denied for unsafe student and parent behaviors.
Students must ride their assigned bus. Bus drivers
will drop students off at school or their assigned
bus stop only. All preschool/kindergarten students
MUST have an adult at the bus stop. If no one is
present, the student will be returned to school per
district transportation guidelines.
Lunch is one of the few times during the school
day in which your child can interact with his/her
peers. Classes will have assigned tables.
Cafeteria Visitors:
Due to building security and cafeteria capacity,
parents/guardians will not be permitted to eat
lunch with students. We will have other
opportunities for parent visits throughout the
school year.
Lunch and Breakfast Prices
All student lunch and breakfast will be at no
charge for the 2022-2023 school year. Additional
items including snacks or drinks (extras) are
available to purchase. You can limit the purchase of
these items by emailing our cafeteria manager,
the adjustments to your child’s lunch account.
Aug 18 – Students Start (K-5)
Sept 5 –No School
Oct 10 – No School
Oct 11 – No School
Oct 28- Early Release Day
Nov 23-25 – Thanksgiving - No School
Dec 21- Jan 3 – Winter Break
Jan 16 – No School
Feb 20 – No School
Mar 10-No School
Mar 22 – Early Release
Apr 3-7 – Spring Break
May 16 – No School
May 25 – Last Day for All Students
We have 2 celebration days a year. A Winter
Celebration (prior to winter break) and a
Friendship Celebration on Valentine’s Day. Please
remember that even on celebration days we follow
the approved treat list. All grade levels plan their
celebrations differently and the teachers will
communicate the plans to parents.
Cell Phones
Students are not permitted to use cell phones
while at school or on the school bus. Steeplechase
is not responsible for broken, stolen, or misplaced
cell phones. If students need to use a phone they
may have access to the school phone through a
school staff member.
Effective communication is essential for us at
Steeplechase Elementary. We want all of our
parents/guardians to have timely information. We
have several methods of getting information to
Communication Folder: This is a purple
plastic folder that is sent home each Thursday
to return to school on Friday.
Class Dojo: parents/guardians will receive
information about signing up
Social Media: Follow us on Twitter
Infinite Campus email messages
Automated Phone Messages
Student Agenda
Every student K-5th will receive an issued
Chromebook. Chromebooks will remain at school
until we experience inclement weather or NTI
days. If lost or damaged, the student will be
responsible for replacement.
Parent/Teacher conferences will be held in the
fall and in the spring. This will be a group session
format to maximize information. Individual
student data will be prepared for distribution. If
you have big issues to discuss, please schedule an
individual meeting with the teacher during the
teacher’s planning or before or after school.
Our two counselors will meet with students during
the school day through scheduled guidance classes,
social groups, or individually upon request by
students, teachers, or parents. Counselors will also
be scheduling and facilitating all Admission and
Release Committee (ARC) and 504 Plan meetings.
NorthKey Counseling Services are available for
students. For more information please contact our
school counselors.
Dress Code
Students should be dressed and groomed to
compliment the school environment. A groomed
student is neatly dressed, has clean clothing and a
clean body. We ask all apparel to be modest and
tasteful. Students and their clothing should be
neat and clean in appearance and clothing should
fit appropriately. The following attire is
prohibited, but not limited to, oversized, baggy
pants or torn clothing; clothing and accessories
having obscene, crude, or rude pictures or
statements; bare-feet, no flip-flops, no high heels,
or wheelies; bare torso, short shorts or skirts;
hats or caps; sunglasses; anything that
constitutes a risk of distraction to the
educational process should not be worn..
Appropriate shorts are permitted at the beginning
of the school year with the deadline being
November 1
(weather permitting). Shorts can
also be worn beginning the Monday following spring
break until the end of the school year. Please
dress your child appropriately for the weather.
Hair dyes and additional hair accessories may be
worn with good judgment. The Principal will have
the flexibility to make adjustments to the dress
code due to student medical or religious reasons.
Emergency Contacts
Emergency contact will only be contacted in the
event the parent/guardian cannot be reached.
Emergency contacts cannot pick up a student
without a written permission from the
parent/guardian if the school did not initiate the
Emergency Drills
We are required by statute to have fire drills once
per month with two in the first 30 days of school.
The first one must be held within the first 2
weeks of school. Additionally we are required to
have 1 lockdown drill, 1 tornado/severe weather
drill, and 1 earthquake drill in the first month of
school and again in January. All the drills are taken
seriously and provide practice to the students in
case of an emergency.
Extracurricular Activities
We try to provide a number of extracurricular
activities to allow students to feel a connection to
the school beyond academics. Following is a list of
current activities, but more may be added at any
Academic Team for 4
and 5
Art Club
Book Club
Earth Club
Girls on the Run
Intramural Basketball
Odyssey of the Mind
Running Club
All students are eligible to participate in age
appropriate school sponsor events. Students must
maintain a C average with no fail grades and have
limited discipline referrals to actively participate.
A student who is absent from school may not
participate in extracurricular activities the day
they were absent.
Family Resource Center (FRC)
The Family Resource Center is provided to enhance
our student’s ability to succeed in school by
assisting children, youth, and families in meeting
some of their needs. The FRC provides assistance
with referrals to individual counseling, referrals to
drug and alcohol abuse services, clothing,
workshops on various topics of interest to parents,
accessing services for children in need, parenting
skills classes, improved medical/health service,
emergency assistance/basic needs, school supplies,
and home visits to assist parents with their areas
of need. If you are in need, please contact Renee
Wooten, our FRC Coordinator.
Field Trips
We make every effort to ensure that children
have educational enhancement opportunities
outside of school at least once during the school
year. Field trips are organized by either the
homeroom teacher or unified arts teachers. All
students must have a completed permission slip
form signed by a parent/guardian for each trip in
order to attend. Any parent/guardian wishing to
help chaperone a field trip must complete the
certified volunteer guidelines including a criminal
background check prior to chaperoning.
First Aid Room
We have a full time First Aid Clerk that will work
in conjunction with the nurse assigned to
Steeplechase Elementary. Kentucky Regulations
and district policy:
Parents/Doctors need to complete the
medication consent form. The information
on the front of the pharmacy bottle must
match what is written on the consent
All medication needs to be brought to
school in the original pharmacy containers.
We may only keep one week's supply of
medication at school.
Any over the counter medications must
also be brought to the First Aid Room
with a consent form. Students do not
carry any type of medications with them
(exceptions for an inhaler or epipen)
To carry the inhaler or epipen, a consent
form needs to be signed and approved and
kept in the First Aid Room.
Students must be fever free for 24 hour
without taking medication prior to
attending school.
If any student is known or suspected to
have or be infected with any communicable
disease or condition for which a
reasonable probability for transmission
exists in a school setting, the student is
excluded from school.
If you have any questions, please contact
the school nurse or our clinician.
Fundraising is necessary to support many programs
in the school. We will not facilitate a fundraiser
that requires children to go door to door selling
items. Other types of fundraisers that we may
have are restaurant fundraiser events, Kroger
rewards, Walkathon, Box Tops for Education.
Our primary program uses an upgraded skills-based
report card. Unified Arts classes (Art, Music, PE,
World Language, Steam, and Library) will issue
conduct grades only in our primary program. Our
intermediate grades (4
& 5
) will use the
following alphabetical system for core content and
the Unified Arts classes.
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
Below 70 is I for incomplete until June 30
of the
academic year. Students with an I will be provided
support by the school to remediate learning to
reach a 70. If the grade is still listed as an I after
June 30
, it becomes a failing grade.
Report cards are issued quarterly. The
intermediate grades will receive midterms issued
every 4 ½ weeks.
Grading Periods
Quarter 8/18/22 - 10/18/22
Quarter 10/19/22 - 12/20/22
Quarter 1/4/23 - 3/13/23
Quarter 3/14/23 - 5/25/23
*dates may change if calendar changes*
Head Lice Policy
Absences from school due to head lice
infestations will be considered excused the day
the child is sent home and one day following
(for a maximum of 2 days). A total of 2
incidents will be excused per school year.
Absences/incidents occurring after that time
will be considered unexcused.
Assigned homework will have a specific
purpose. Homework will provide the
opportunity for:
Additional practice of newly-learned skills
Students learn to budget their time
To use out of school learning resources
Growth in responsibility
Parents better understand the day’s
learning objective
Teachers will assign homework as needed and
appropriately for each grade level. Each teacher
shall establish a method for assigning, receiving,
recording, and evaluating homework.
Please encourage your child with their homework
habits by showing interest, providing an
environment conducive to study and helping develop
study schedules.
Inclement Weather
There may be occasions when school is delayed or
canceled due to inclement weather. In such a case,
parents and students should tune to a major
television or radio station for school delays or
closings. Please be sure to listen for Boone County
Schools. Steeplechase Elementary may also make
an automated phone call when there is a school
closing, delay, or early dismissal. Please be sure to
keep the office updated with any phone number
changes throughout the year so you can receive
automated messages. If you do not receive a phone
call, please contact the school office.
Differentiation: Each teacher differentiates the
curriculum in the classroom. This means that the
teachers teach to each child’s level.
Response to Intervention (RTI): is used to
remediate and bring all kids to grade level in
reading and math.
Gifted and Talented (GATES) Program: Students
that demonstrate unusual academic skills in the
primary grades may be referred to the Primary
Talent Pool. In grade 4, testing begins in order to
start the qualification process of the GATES
program. After official identification is made in a
specific area, a GSSP (gifted student service plan)
is developed.
Extended School Services (ESS): ESS is our
student assistance program that provides extra
assistance to students struggling with math or
reading. This program is usually provided after the
school day (after school program) or in the
English Language Learner (ELL): ELL students are
those who speak a language other than English at
home and are not yet fully proficient in English.
The ELL program builds student’s English
proficiency levels in order to communicate
effectively and facilitates student’s success in
mastering academic content material.
Special Education Services- Students who have an
IEP (Individual Education Plan) will receive
additional services based on student needs as
determined by the ARC Meeting. .
Lost and Found
Lost items such as coats, books, etc. are turned
into the office. If a student loses an item it is the
student and parents responsibility to come to
school and identify the item(s). Lost and found
items will be cleared at Winter Break, Spring
Break and end of the school year.
Morning Procedures
Students are dismissed to their homerooms at
8:30am. Students are expected to be in their
homerooms no later than 8:40am. Students are
dismissed daily at 3:35 and buses depart
approximately 5-10 minutes after dismissal.
Doors open at 8:15am for breakfast. The
doors will not be unlocked prior to this
time. Please do not leave students
unattended. Students may not be out of
cars or walking around the parking lot.
Parking Lot/Bus Loop
During the hours of 7:30am-4:30pm, the bus loop
should be used for buses only. At no time should
the bus loop be used for student drop off or
pick-up or for temporary parking.
For parent drop off and pick up please use the
parent loop. Pull forward to drop off students at
designated spots. Please do not pass vehicles in the
line for safety.
Parent Pick-up Procedure
Car tags will be issued for students that are
picked up on a regular basis. These can be picked
up at the Back to School Night Event or in the
school office.
If you need to pick up your student at the end of
the day, please send a note with your child in the
morning. We understand that sometimes situations
will arise, but we will not accept phone calls for
parent pick-ups after 3:15 pm.
We have established our Parent Teacher
Organization (PTO). Our Parent Teacher
Organization gives parents and teachers the
opportunity to work together to supplement and
enrich the educational experiences. More
information will be provided at Back to School
Night. If you are interested please contact the
main office.
SBDM Council
The Site Based Decision Making (SBDM) Council
will be composed of one principal, 4 teachers, 3
parents and is a cooperative decision making body.
The SBDM Council's focus is on student
achievement. Please visit the school web page to
view the SBDM meeting dates and times and other
documents. If you are interested in participating
please contact the school office.
School Pictures
Individual photographs of students will be taken in
the fall and spring through Lifetouch. Purchasing
pictures is a voluntary basis, however every child
will be photographed for school purposes (Infinite
Campus, medical reasons, and yearbook).
School Resource Officer (SRO)
All Boone County Schools have a School Resource
Officer assigned to the building. The SRO’s are
employed by the Boone County Sheriff’s
Department and follow all procedural guidelines as
determined by that office. We encourage students
to meet and talk with the SRO regarding concerns
that they may have over personal, peer, school or
home safety. Deputy Ryan Strange is our school
resource officer.
School Safety
At Steeplechase Elementary School, it is the goal
of all stakeholders to provide the safest
environment possible. Outside of this goal, the
learning process is hindered and academic success
is greatly compromised. Therefore, we stand
committed to ensuring student safety and security.
Our school is equipped with a buzzer system and
security cameras. We will ask visitors to show a
picture ID to staff members upon entry for the
safety of all students. All visitors must sign in at
the front office and have a direct reason for the
visit and approved by a teacher or administrator.
Do not be offended if asked to show identification
by staff members, we simply are keeping student
safety as a priority.
In the event of a major emergency, information
will be given through our Blackboard Messaging
Center and given in a timely manner. Please
understand that if a true emergency is happening
we will not be able to answer phone calls or
respond to emails as we will be assisting students.
Information will be given for reunification of
students to parents when established in an
emerengy. Never rely on Facebook as a primary
source of communication. We will use Blackboard
Connect and post information on our webpage. It is
parents responsibility to update phone numbers
with office staff to ensure accurate information in
the event of an emergency.
School Supplies
The School Supply list is on the school webpage.
Students will be issued school technology which
will eliminate the need for bringing personal
devices. Personal devices are not permitted.
Students, Parents/Guardians, and teachers will
agree to the Boone County Acceptable Use Policy.
Violations of the AUP will result in loss of
technology privileges
Unified Arts
Classes will attend one Unified Arts class on a 2
day rotating schedule. Teachers will notify you of
the schedule for their class. Students K-5th will
participate in Art, Music, STEAM, Physical
Education, and World Language classes.
All visitors must be preapproved for visits through
teacher and principal. Visitors must check in with
a picture id at the front office and pick up a
visitor's badge. You are only permitted to go to
the area designated on the badge.
Parents/Guardians will not be allowed to visit
classrooms or teachers without an appointment.
Please contact your child’s teacher to set up an
appointment prior to arriving at school.
To become a volunteer you must complete a
background check and complete training.
Background checks are good for 2 years and the
training is good for the entire time your children
attend Steeplechase Elementary. The state
charges a fee of $10 for all background checks.
Please allow 4 weeks for background checks to be
processed. You will find the volunteer training and
requirements on the school website.
Walking to and from school promotes health and
exercise. We encourage all students who walk to
and from school to be accompanied by an adult.
Students who walk to and from school without
supervision must have a parent/guardian note on
file in the main office. All students walking home
each afternoon must sign out at the designated
location with a staff member and obtain a walker
sticker. Students should go directly home from
school. All K-2 students should be accompanied by
an adult or intermediate aged student.
Visit our school website for important information.
Withdraw From School
If a student moves out of the Steeplechase
Elementary School district, the parent/guardian
must officially withdraw the student from school.
To complete the withdraw process, the following
steps must be taken:
Complete a withdrawal form
Pay all fees and charges
Return library books and materials and
Chromebook that have been loaned to the
student. All items must be in good
condition or the parent/guardian will be
charged a replacement cost.