Elizabeth line Accessible
Travel Policy
January 2024
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
A. Our commitment to providing assistance for passengers ................................................................................. 3
A1. Booking and providing assistance to passengers ....................................................................................... 4
A2. Passenger information and promotion of assisted travel, including during delays, diversions, disruption
or emergencies ................................................................................................................................................... 8
A3. Ticketing and fares ..................................................................................................................................... 14
A4. Rail replacement services and alternative accessible transport ............................................................... 17
A5. Wheelchairs and mobility scooters ............................................................................................................ 18
A6. Station facilities .......................................................................................................................................... 19
A7. Redress and compensation ....................................................................................................................... 20
B. Strategy and management .............................................................................................................................. 21
B1. Strategy ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
B2. Management arrangements ....................................................................................................................... 22
B3. Monitoring and evaluation .......................................................................................................................... 23
B4. Access improvements ................................................................................................................................ 24
B5. Working with disabled passengers, local communities and local authorities ........................................... 24
B6. Employee training ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
A. Our commitment to providing assistance for passengers
The Elizabeth line takes its obligations to improve accessibility seriously. We recognise our customers
may have different requirements when they travel with us and are committed to making their journey
as easy as possible. We understand the importance of accessibility when travelling on public transport
and appreciate the independence and mobility it can offer elderly and disabled customers. We strive
to deliver excellent customer service. We have made considerable improvements over the past couple
of years to decrease and remove barriers that disabled customers face (such as poor communication
and attitude), and to improve physical access to the network. Our aim is to make it easier for everyone
to access and use the network safely and with confidence.
This policy document complements our customer leaflet, ‘Making Rail Accessible: Helping older and
disabled customers’, which is available at all stations and on our website: tfl.gov.uk/accessguides
In this policy document we provide information on how we plan to meet expectations when using
Elizabeth line services. We explain how to find details of assistance, facilities and information to help
plan a journey. Assistance is available for, but not limited to, passengers with:
mobility disabilities
visual or auditory disabilities
learning disabilities
mental health conditions
non-visual disabilities which may not be immediately apparent to others
disabled children in pushchairs or wheelchairs
impaired mobility through temporary or long-term conditions
a disability who require assistance with luggage, and
older people.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
A1. Booking and providing assistance to passengers
We have members of staff at all our stations, from first to last train, able to provide assistance to older
and disabled customers, and support with:
journey planning
boarding and alighting (including deploying manual boarding ramps for wheelchair and mobility
scooters if required)
transferring between trains or other types of onward transport
ticket enquiries and station facilities.
Our colleagues are unable to assist with personal care before, during or after a journey. This includes
help with eating, drinking, using the toilet, taking medication or accompanying passengers once on
board. We encourage customers to ensure they have sufficient care or support before travelling on our
Customers do not need to pre-book assistance to use the Elizabeth line as we operate a Turn Up
And Go (TUAG) service. More information can be found below and at Transport for London
Conditions of Carriage (Bus and Underground Services): tfl.gov.uk/transport-accessibility/help-from-
Customers can though pre-book assistance for Elizabeth line services (and other train operating
companies) as part of the National Passenger Assist service by contacting:
Assisted travel service opening hours and contact details:
Phone: 0343 222 2000 (TfL Contact Centre) open 24 hours every day (except Christmas Day)
Textphone: (18001) 0343 222 1234* (for people with hearing impairments)
Online: tfl.gov.uk/help-and-contact
National Rail Enquiries, 24 hours a day:
Phone: 0800 022 3720
Text: 60083
Textphone/minicom:0845 60 50 600
A1.1. Passenger Assist
Passenger Assist is a national system supported by all train operating companies, enabling operators
to make necessary arrangements to assist passengers with barriers to travel. We are committed to
using Passenger Assist alongside TUAG to fulfil our licence requirements in relation to disabled
customers and are working with other train companies and station operators to an agreed process. So,
if a passenger’s journey involves a change or connection onto other operators’ services, assistance
can be booked through the TfL Contact Centre as one point of contact.
Contact centre colleagues will discuss customers’ individual requirements, help plan a route and advise
on connecting modes of transport e.g. bus, tube or tram. All bookings are provided with a Passenger
Assist reference number and booking confirmation is sent via email (or post on request, if there is
adequate time to send this out). There is no need to take a booking confirmation when travelling on the
Elizabeth line though as there is always a member of staff who can assist through TUAG.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
Customers can also access the TfL journey planner (tfl.gov.uk/plan-a-journey) to plan journeys
specific to their needs. It offers train times, available routes, details on delays, station information and
onward travel options in London. It provides the best routes between stations, bus stops, piers, places
of interest, addresses or postcodes in London. Passengers can set the time they want to travel and
whether they want to take the fastest route, one with fewest changes or least walking involved.
Selecting 'accessibility and travel options' enables customers to say whether they can use stairs or
escalators, which types of transport they like to use and how far they are prepared to walk. Passengers
can also select the option: 'I need step-free access to the train, bus etc' if they are unlikely to be able
to manage a step or gap onto a train. The journey planner will then create the ideal journey based on
those requirements.
There are no seat reservations on Elizabeth line services, but trains across our network have dedicated
wheelchair bays and prominent priority seating, which are clearly signed. Our colleagues will make
every effort to ensure seats are obtained and, if wheelchair space is required, relocate passengers who
may be using the space. The same applies to surrounding seats for companions and family members.
When purchasing tickets at our stations, where possible, seat reservations can be made on other
services. Advice on ticketing is available from the contact centre and from colleagues at our stations.
Tickets can be purchased at station ticket offices or ticket vending machines. View a list of our stations
on the TfL website: Travel-Information/stations-stops-and-piers
When assistance is required at a terminating station, our colleagues will help passengers alight from
the train as soon as possible and within 5 minutes of the trains arrival. Th is will be highlighted when
booking assistance.
A1.2. Turn Up and Go
We know passengers with barriers to travel want the option to travel spontaneously, so we offer a Turn
Up and Go (TUAG) service at all Elizabeth line stations. We have fully trained members of staff
encouraged to offer help to anyone who looks as though they may need assistance. If not immediately
visible, our colleagues can usually be found in ticket halls or by automatic ticket gates. Help Points can
also be found by entrances/exits, next to facilities and on platforms. These can be used to contact us
for information, assistance or in an emergency. All have induction loops which work with hearing aids.
Members of staff are equipped with radios, mobile phones and iPads with access to up-to-date station
accessibility information. On arrival, they will ask relevant questions to determine the most appropriate
journey, taking into consideration available facilities and step-free access. Colleagues will accompany
passengers to the train and help with boarding and, at stations with no step free access from platform
to train, manual boarding ramps can be deployed.
We are committed to applying the Office of Rail and Road’s (ORR) handover protocol alongside all
other train operating companies to increase the reliability of assistance and provide passengers with
more confidence to travel. When assistance is organised between Elizabeth line stations and those
operated by other train companies, our colleagues will call ahead to ensure passengers are met by a
member of staff. Likewise, we will ensure a colleague is always available to receive calls when other
train companies call ahead to our stations.
There may be a slight delay in boarding a train if members of staff at a departure station cannot contact
the receiving station to arrange alighting assistance. Our colleagues will not board passengers without
confirmation from the destination station. This is to ensure missed assists do not occur. Our services
are frequent, so the wait should not be too long and we advise customers to arrive 10 minutes in
advance of departure to allow enough time for colleagues to assist.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
A1.3. Arranging assistance
At each station members of staff have a dedicated station mobile phone used solely for work purposes,
and this includes communicating assistance requirements. The phone numbers are available to all train
operating companies to organise customer assistance between stations. When assistance is being
organised between Elizabeth line stations only, colleagues use our radio system to contact each other.
This allows for a quicker response as it can be heard by multiple people, including Elizabeth lines
control centre which monitors journeys in case of service disruption.
The Elizabeth line is committed to continuously improving the assistance we offer, especially how to
make it more dependable for passengers.
A1.4. Booking notice periods
There is no minimum advance booking period on the Elizabeth line as we operate a Turn Up and Go
service. But if passengers are connecting with another train company, we recommend booking
assistance in advance. This can be done up to two hours before departure.
A1.5. Ramps
Manual boarding ramps are available at stations that are step free from street to platform and are
regularly inspected to ensure safe use. The ramps are specifically designed for assisting wheelchair
and mobility scooter users, but are available to any passenger needing assistance. If this is the case,
we advise passengers to tell a member of staff that they require a ramp. Colleagues at our stations are
trained to assist with the boarding ramps and receive refresher courses annually. Paddington, Bond
Street, Tottenham Court Road, Farringdon, Liverpool Street, Whitechapel, Canary Wharf, Custom
House and Woolwich stations all have level boarding, and so manual boarding ramps are not available
at these stations.
The maximum weight that manual boarding ramps can hold is 300kg (occupant and wheelchair /
mobility scooter combined). We ask colleagues to be as helpful as possible, taking a common-sense
approach, with customer safety being the priority. If a member of staff believes a wheelchair and
occupant exceeds 300kg they can refuse to assist with boarding/alighting on safety grounds.
Further information about manual boarding ramps is in section A5 of this document and on the TfL
A1.6. Assistance with onward travel
When passengers book or speak to a member of our station staff, we will ensure sufficient time is
allowed to make connections. If a journey involves changes or connections with other operators, our
colleagues will organise a point of contact to provide further assistance if requested.
We will provide help to and from the station entrance, forecourt, car park, taxi rank or connecting bus
services (if within the forecourt of the station). Beyond station boundaries, we will assist where possible
but cannot guarantee assistance, including to other transport links outside our station boundary.
If necessary, colleagues can contact the nearest company to arrange an accessible taxi. The TfL
Contact Centre and National Rail Enquires can also offer details of local firms with accessible taxis.
Details will be displayed on station information posters at our stations.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
A1.7. Assistance at Heathrow stations
At Heathrow stations, there are members of Heathrow Rail and Heathrow Express staff available to
help support with boarding and alighting passengers from our trains. Heathrows assistance team
provides passengers with assistance to the airport. Passengers can continue their journey by using the
Help Point on the platform, and someone from the Heathrow team will arrive within 15 minutes. This
assistance can also be pre-booked by contacting Heathrow's Assistance Team direct on +44 344 335
1000 or by email passengersupport@heathrow.com.
A1.8. Changes in arrangements
If there are changes during a journey, we will assist by providing information in person or via audio and
visual systems. Members of staff will also carry out a physical check of the station or train to look for
anyone who may have missed the information and/or need additional assistance. Sometimes a trains
departure platform may change, and at short notice. Such a change will be shown on customer
information screens and announced over the public address system as soon as possible. In the event
of a platform change, colleagues will provide information and assistance to help passengers reach the
revised departure platform as efficiently as possible. If any changes affect the accessibility of a planned
journey, colleagues will assist with an alternative journey.
Our colleagues prioritise passenger assistance as far as reasonably possible, taking into consideration
their other duties, which may be safety critical. The Help Points at all stations also provide a link to our
Customer Information team 24 hours, 7 days a week.
A1.9. Station facilities and services
We are committed to ensuring information about our services is up to date and passengers requiring
assistance are aware of any limitations and/or temporary restrictions. The Elizabeth line control centre
is responsible for updating accessibility information, including times that assistance is available at our
stations, on the National Rail Enquiries website and Station Journey Planner. This includes:
level of accessibility from station entrance to platforms
meeting points for assistance
accessible waiting rooms, toilets and set down/pick up points.
Please see the stations facilities section on the National Rail Enquiries website
nationalrail.co.uk/stations for full details or our station accessibility document tfl.gov.uk/accessguides.
Should facilities on which passengers rely become temporarily unavailable we will update the system
within 24 hours of notification of a problem and provide an estimated time for when the facility will be
functioning again. This information will be available to station colleagues who will help re-plan a journey
if required. The information is also available directly through our website, ticket offices, contact centre
and station Help Points.
A1.10. Assistance with luggage
We will provide help with luggage, free of charge, for those who need it. However, members of staff
must be able to lift the items safely without hindrance to themselves. Passengers must note the weight,
size and quantity of luggage does not exceed the limits in the National Rail Conditions of Travel luggage
policy nationalrail.co.uk/NationalRailConditionsofTravel
A1.11. Assistance Dogs
Assistance dogs are welcome on all Elizabeth line trains, free of charge, in any part of the train. Priority
seats are situated in areas with ample space to make the journey comfortable for passengers and
assistance dogs.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
A2. Passenger information and promotion of assisted travel
We aim to provide passengers with information that is accessible, accurate, relevant, consistent, up to
date and easy to understand. We want to provide assurance and confidence at every stage of the
journey, especially journeys involving a change of train or another mode of transport.
A2.1. Accessible Travel Policy documentation, provision and promotion
To accompany this document, there is a shorter, more concise leaflet to inform passengers about our
policy, called Making Rail Accessible: Helping older and disabled customers’. The documents are
available online and in alternative formats on the TfL website tfl.gov.uk/accessguides. These are
accessible to those using screen readers or other software with accessibility features (e.g. Adobe
We are also able to provide Easy Read, Large Print and PDF versions of both the leaflet and policy
document on request within seven working days (without charge) via our website, phone or text direct.
Through our stakeholder managers and our relationship with local authorities, government agencies
and accessibility groups across London we will arrange for copies of the leaflet to be supplied at
locations where public services are provided (e.g. libraries, GP surgeries, job centres, Citizens Advice
bureaux, hospitals and post offices). We provide notices at each of our managed stations setting out
how to obtain the leaflet and the policy document.
A2.2. Stations and train accessibility information
The Elizabeth line ensures accessibility information relating to stations and trains is readily available to
passengers and kept up to date. To achieve this, station auditors monitor facilities and share
information with online journey planning tools. For live updates our control centre feeds notifications
online to the TfL and National Rail websites. These can be easily accessed via mobile devices, as well
as in accessible formats.
Station accessibility information
Information on whether the following accessible services and facilities are available at Elizabeth line
stations or the stations we call at, can be found at: Travel-Information/stations-stops-and-piers or
disabled parking
accessible set down and pick-up points
ticket office opening hours
induction loops
ticket vending machines (TVMs)
help points
catering facilities
accessible toilets
accessible waterproof waiting facilities
meeting points for assistance
staffing hours/assistance availability
ramp for train access
level of platform accessibility
wheelchair availability
tactile paving
customer information systems
secure station accreditation
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
Train accessibility information
On the TfL website there is an overview of the Class 345 rolling stock used on Elizabeth line services,
including information on our trains general accessibility and details of normal scheduled routes
(tfl.gov.uk/accessguides). All Elizabeth line fleet have wheelchair spaces and priority seating available
with multiple audio and visual material to inform passengers about their journey. Class 345 trains do
not have toilets on board, but many TfL stations have accessible toilets. More details are explained in
section B4.
Route Accessibility
To help with journey planning, the current step-free access available at our stations and other stations
our service calls to is listed below. This can also be found in our station accessibility document at
Station name
Step-free access
Abbey Wood
Step-free access to all platforms.
Acton Main Line
Bond Street
Step-free access to all platforms.
Step-free access to all platforms.
Step-free access to all platforms. It is step-free from the booking hall via lifts to
Platforms 1, 2 and 3. Access to Platform 4 via Alexandra Road car park entrance.
Burnham (Bucks)
Step-free access to all platforms.
Canary Wharf
Step-free access to all platforms.
Chadwell Heath
Step-free access to all platforms.
Custom House
Step-free access to all platforms.
Ealing Broadway
Step-free access to all platforms.
Step-free access to all platforms.
Forest Gate
Step-free access to all platforms.
Gidea Park
Step-free access to all platforms.
Step-free access to some platforms. There is no step free access to platform 1.
Step-free access to all platforms.
Harold Wood
Step-free access to all platforms.
Hayes & Harlington
Step-free access to all platforms.
Terminals 1,2&3
(Rail station only)
Step-free access to all platforms.
Heathrow Terminal
4 (Rail station only)
Step-free access to all platforms.
Heathrow Terminal
5 (Rail station only)
Step-free access to all platforms.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
Step-free access to all platforms.
Step-free access to all platforms.
Langley (Berks)
Step-free access to all platforms.
London Liverpool
Step-free access to all platforms.
Step-free access to all platforms.
Step-free access to all platforms.
Manor Park
Step-free access to all platforms.
Step-free access to all platforms.
Step-free access to all platforms. The ramps leading from the subway to the
platforms are steep.
Seven Kings
Step-free access to all platforms.
Step-free access to all platforms.
Step-free access to all platforms.
Step-free access to all platforms.
Stratford (London)
Step-free access to all platforms.
Step-free access to all platforms.
Tottenham Court
Step-free access to some platforms. Step free access available to all Elizabeth
line platforms.
Step-free access to all platforms.
West Drayton
Step-free access to all platforms.
West Ealing
Step-free access to all platforms.
Step-free access to all platforms.
Step-free access to all platforms.
A2.3. Passenger journey information
Not all passengers travel by rail frequently, so there may be aspects which are unfamiliar. Accessibility
information is important, particularly during times of service disruption. This section explains how we
will communicate accurate, clear and consistent information to passengers at every stage of their
journey - whether at home, online, on the move, at the station or on the train.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
A2.3.1. Train departures and arrivals information
We commit to providing clear and consistent audio and visual information wherever possible: both at
the platform and on approach to stations. On the train, announcements will be made about the next
station providing sufficient time for passengers to prepare to alight.
Stations audio and visual information
Many of our stations have a combination of customer information screens and automated public
announcements. There may be occasions when the departure platform must be changed, sometimes
at short notice. The platform number will be shown on the customer information screens, a PA
announcement will be made as soon as possible and members of staff will help passengers reach a
revised departure platform. If the platform is not accessible, we will arrange alternative transport i.e.,
accessible taxi, to the nearest accessible station. Our Help Points at every station - with Hearing Loops
- and connected to a 24/7 Customer Information team with links to our control centre, ensure service
information is always available, especially during times of disruption.
Trains audio and visual information
All our trains are equipped with public address systems and customer information screens providing
audio announcements and visual displays. We will ensure they comply with the standards set out in
the National Technical Specification Notice Persons with Reduced Mobility (NTSN: PRM), which
relates to UK railway technical standards.
To ensure passengers have sufficient time to prepare to leave the train, automated announcements
advising the next station are made after departure from a previous station and again before arrival. Our
train drivers are trained to speak slowly and distinctly in a clear, concise and confident manner and will
announce any unscheduled station stops. They will also make a brief announcement when a train has
been delayed for two minutes or more to provide reassurance and will share the reason (if known).
A2.3.2. Connections and wayfinding
We work closely with TfL to liaise with local authorities to ensure stations are clearly and consistently
signposted. All stations have visible totem pole’ signs and we stress the importance of maintaining the
train station, local transport and wayfinding to areas surrounding stations to improve connections.
When planning our services, we consult with local authorities that our services run to, through or near.
This is to make sure the needs of local communities inform any decisions we make concerning service
Members of staff can access our Elizabeth line customer experience application, Spotlight and others
on their smart mobile devices to help direct passengers to stations, platforms, facilities and other
connecting transport services. Colleagues will provide information on how to make connections with
other modes of transport both prior to a journey and when travelling through our stations. They can
also provide onward connection information and local maps of our stations.
A2.3.3. Delays, diversions, disruption or emergency
Disruption can have a significant impact on passenger accessibility and confidence levels when
travelling on the railway. Where service disruption occurs, we will do everything we can to ensure that,
wherever possible, passengers are able to continue their journey. We will let customers know what is
happening through the TfL website, social media, automated journey alerts and status updates by
emails to avoid passengers being affected by disrupted journeys.
Colleagues based at stations will communicate news of any service disruption and provision of
alternative transport via our Customer Information Systems or, where possible, in person. We will make
regular announcements where systems allow and update our information screens regularly.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
Disruption does not invalidate assistance on the Elizabeth line as members of staff will be present to
assist passengers. Our colleagues receive disability awareness training to recognise, approach and
interact proactively with those with visible and hidden disabilities. If there is a change of platform at
short notice, they will provide assistance to customers who identify themselves to station colleagues.
They are also trained to look for customers who require assistance in these circumstances. They will
check to ensure customers have understood the information to continue their journey and arrange
additional assistance as required.
Members of staff have been issued with smart devices which means they can contact our control centre
to rearrange onward assistance during times of disruption. They will help re-plan journeys to ensure
customers requiring assistance arrive at their destination and to their requirements. This could be
through other modes of transport such as buses, tubes, other national rail services or by taxi.
Alternative accessible required transport will be arranged without additional charge:
if a station becomes inaccessible, or
when disruption causes the cancellation or alteration of train services, or
if delays to an Elizabeth line service cause our customers to miss their last accessible onward
journey connection.
Additionally, sometimes when delays or disruption occur, or if accessible assets are out of use (such
as lifts or manual boarding ramps), an alternative route is not always an acceptable suggestion to
customers with confidence barriers such as (but not limited to) Autism. In these circumstances,
alternative accessible transport required will be arranged without additional charge to the nearest
station where confidence levels allow the customer to travel independently.
Where Elizabeth line train services are replaced with buses, they are all accessible buses from local
operators. When this is not possible, we will book a taxi that is accessible. We have contractual
arrangements with bus and taxi operators to provide Public Service Vehicle Accessibility Regulations
(PSVAR) compliant vehicles for both planned and unplanned disruption.
Once local managers have been told of any disruption, they will endeavour to deploy staff to any
stations affected by disruption. Along with employees already at the scene, they will be able to assist
with other needs, for example with luggage or guidance.
A2.3.4 Disruption to facilities
When the level of access of facilities at a station or on a train is less than that normally provided (e.g.
due to breakdown, alteration or removal), where possible we will provide equivalent replacement
facilities. We will publish information of disruption to facilities through the National Rail Enquires website
and advise our colleagues at stations, ticket offices and the contact centre, and provide estimated times
of when facilities will be functioning again.
A2.4. Ticket offices, information points, Help Points and customer service
Information about the services provided by the Elizabeth line and all other train companies is available
at our ticket offices. We provide details of fares, timetables, and connections. Information about
accessibility onto other forms of transport from the station may also be available from colleagues.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
Information facilities available at our stations can be found on the TfL website. We will ensure up-to-
date information regarding TfL services is made available to other train companies and station
operators. This includes information about delays, diversions or other events which may affect
journeys. For up to date train running information on the day of travel, passengers should refer to
tfl.gov.uk/plan-a-journey or download the TfL Go app.
Leaflets regarding our services, and those of other train operators who serve the station, are available
at stations and placed at varying heights to be accessible. We provide information on posters and
screens about onward local services/transport available from each station. Additionally, the 24/7 Help
Points are there to provide information and assistance.
Members of staff are available at all stations from first to last train if any assistance (TUAG or booked)
or information is required. Passengers are asked to make themselves known by talking to our
colleagues or showing their TfL travel support card (details below). Members of staff are dressed in
Elizabeth line uniform and have name badges. They will be at gate lines and station concourses, which
is where all our station assistance meeting points are.
The Elizabeth line promotes the TfL travel support card scheme when travelling in London. It helps by
sharing specific assistance, needs or information requirements with colleagues to make travelling
easier. Passengers can also include a name and emergency contact number. It can be used on any
TfL services: buses, trams, Docklands Light Railway (DLR), the Tube, London Overground, Elizabeth
line, London River Services’ boat services and at Victoria Coach Station. Passengers just need to show
the card to staff when they need help.
Anyone who finds travelling difficult can have a travel support card, including people with a hidden
disability or those who may not often travel on their own. Some of the things our colleagues can help
with are:
telling passengers which platform they need
telling passengers where facilities are
helping passengers to the platform and assisting with getting on and off trains
helping to plan a journey if there are delays.
If passengers need other help, they are asked to speak with a member of staff who will help where
reasonably possible. The TfL travel support card is available free of charge from the contact centre or
online from tfl.gov.uk/accessguides.
Information about all national train services is also available by contacting National Rail Enquiries:
Tel: 03457 48 49 50
Text Direct: 0345 60 50 600
Website: nationalrail.co.uk
A2.5. Reporting information
Members of staff are equipped with smart mobile devices which include the Elizabeth line specific
application, ‘Spotlight. This is how colleagues can immediately report any failures in facilities. If
passengers experience or notice anything not available or not working correctly, they can notify a
member of staff at a station. Our colleagues can advise if it has already been reported and provide an
estimated time for when the facility will be functioning again. Station auditors also carry out a daily
check of the appearance, facilities and service available. If a facility is vital to a journey, such as lifts or
accessible toilets, then this is published on X (formerly twitter), the National Rail Enquiries station pages
and announcements are made at stations. Accessible toilets are situated at many stations and we set
a robust key performance indicator about cleaning and maintenance programmes which aims to
prevent closures.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
A2.6. Website information
The Elizabeth line is committed to continuously working with TfL to achieve industry-recognised Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). WCAG defines how to make web content more accessible
for people with disabilities so they can access all required information. The Elizabeth line website works
with screen readers, magnifiers, voice over software and in-browser accessibility functions.
There is an accessibility homepage on the TfL website which explains our TUAG and Passenger Assist
service in a clear and concise manner, using plain English and avoiding the use of industry jargon. It
contact information and provisions to book assistance
train and station information, including accessibility information, staff availability and opening
information relating to any temporary reductions in accessibility and details of any delays and
disruptions to facilities and services where relevant
any restrictions on the use of wheelchairs, power chairs and scooters, together with how to
obtain assistance or priority cards and badges
a link to the Making Rail Accessible: helping older and disabled passengers’ customer leaflet
and details of how to obtain it in accessible formats
guidance on how to provide feedback or make a complaint, including the availability of redress
for when assistance has not been delivered.
If information is located elsewhere, we provide connecting hyperlinks.
A3. Ticketing and fares
We are committed to selling tickets accurately and impartially and to providing accurate information
and advice on journeys and ticket options, irrespective of which train operating company provides the
Ticket office colleagues are familiar with the accessibility of our rolling stock and have access to other
train operators information to ensure passengers only purchase tickets appropriate to travel on the
correct type of train. This is achieved by being regularly briefed on local services, requirements and
having access to smart mobile devices to search for information. Colleagues will warn customers
against purchasing tickets they cannot make use of. This is subject to ensuring that other train
operators regularly update their information so that it is accurate.
If customers requiring assistance are unable to buy a ticket before boarding an Elizabeth line service,
they will be able to purchase one without penalty at the destination station (other services buy before
you travel policy may differ). Any relevant discounts will be applied at the time of purchase.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
We participate in several schemes offering discounted fares, detailed below:
Disabled Persons Railcard
There are two types of Disabled Persons Railcard: one year (available from ticket offices and online)
and three years (online only). Both entitle the customer to discounts of up to a third on most rail tickets.
An accompanying adult can also travel at the reduced fare. Full details on how to apply can be found
Website: disabledpersons-railcard.co.uk
Email: disability@raildeliverygroup.com
Call: 0345 605 0525
Minicom/Textphone: 0345 601 0132 (for people with hearing impairments)
Passengers holding a Disabled Persons Railcard need to show it when buying their ticket and carry it
when travelling. Disabled railcard discounts are also available from ticket vending machines for the
railcard holder and up to one companion if required.
Senior Railcard
Customers aged 60 or over can buy a Senior Railcard. This gives up to a third off most rail fares
throughout the rail network in the UK. Customers can buy online, over the phone or at any staffed
station with a passport or UK driving licence as proof of age. At stations, a birth certificate can also be
used. They are valid for one or three years (three years is only available online).
Senior Railcard Office
Website: senior-railcard.co.uk
Email: railcardhelp@railcards-online.co.uk
Call: 0345 300 0250
There may be other railcards which may be suitable. More information is available at railcard.co.uk.
Visually impaired customers without a railcard are entitled to discounts when travelling with a
companion and should present their Certificate of Visual Impairment (CVI) or BD8 certificate.
Wheelchair users are also entitled to discounts without a railcard as detailed in the table below. Non-
railcard discounts are only available from our ticket offices. More information on fares and tickets can
be found at tfl.gov.uk/fares and at disabledpersons-railcard.co.uk.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
In the case of season tickets, customers can be issued with one adult season ticket to cover two people:
two travelling for the price of one and a different companion may travel on different days.
Disabled Persons
Railcard holder
34% discount on most National Rail single
or return fares
Standard child rate applies (where a child holds
a Disabled Persons Railcard a 34% discount is
available to an adult companion on most
National Rail fares)
Companion to a
Disabled Persons
Railcard holder
As above
The standard child rate applies to a child
travelling as a companion
Wheelchair users
and one
companion, or
wheelchair user
travelling alone
34% discount on Anytime single or return
fares and Anytime day single fares (first or
standard class)
50% discount available on National Rail
Anytime day return fares
75% discount available on most National Rail
Anytime day single and return fares for
wheelchair users only (34% discount available
for accompanying adult on most National Rail
fares and 50% discount available for National
Rail Anytime day return)
Blind or visually
impaired customers
when travelling
with a companion
(no discount if
travelling alone)
34% discount on Anytime single or return
fares and Anytime day single fares (first or
standard class)
50% discount available on National Rail
Anytime day return fares
Standard child rate applies
Freedom Passes
London borough councils provide Freedom Passes to give older and disabled London residents free
travel on almost all public transport in London only. Freedom Pass holders may travel free on Tube,
DLR, London Overground, Elizabeth line, bus, tram and National Rail services in London boroughs
Although time restrictions apply on some National Rail services, Freedom Pass holders may travel on
Elizabeth line services between 9:30 and 23:00 on weekdays and anytime on weekends and public
holidays. More information on applying for a Freedom Pass is available from local councils; call 0300
330 1433 or visit freedompass.org
Details on the 60+ London Oyster photo card are available at tfl.gov.uk for London residents - this is
not available for those eligible to hold an older or disabled persons Freedom Pass.
A3.1. Ticket machines
All our stations have self-service ticket vending machines. The machines are compliant with the
Department for Transport Code of Practice (Design Standards for Accessible Railway Stations, March
2015, section N2. Ticket sales points ticket vending machines) and able to issue tickets at the reduced
rate to holders of a Disabled Persons Railcard and to the holder’s companion.
We are currently reviewing the purchasing process of tickets via machines to ensure all steps are as
inclusive and user friendly as possible. This includes developments such as information notifications
on selected tickets.
A3.2. Ticket gates
All our stations have ticket gates that are staffed. When colleagues are not present, the ticket gates
will be secured in the open position. We will also unlock the manual side gate (if present) leaving it
in the open position.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
A3.3. Purchasing tickets
Where advance tickets are available for purchase, we advise passengers to check the required facilities
(e.g. accessibility of the train type or availability of wheelchair space in First Class) are available before
purchasing tickets; colleagues stipulate this when booking assistance and tickets. When buying tickets
with a Disabled Persons Railcard, our colleagues are trained to ask if assistance is required with any
aspect of the journey.
A4. Rail replacement services and alternative accessible transport
Some of our stations may not be fully accessible. Further details of the accessibility of stations is
available at Travel-Information/stations-stops-and-piers or nationalrail.co.uk/stations. This may be due
the station being inaccessible (i.e. due to a physical constraint)
for whatever reasons, substitute transport is provided to replace rail services (e.g. due to
planned engineering works)
a disruption to services at short notice that, for whatever reason, makes services inaccessible
to disabled passengers.
We ensure that those who want to travel to and from stations which are inaccessible, can do so at no
extra cost. Our aim will always be to ensure passengers can make as much of their journey by rail as
possible. However, for those parts of the journey where rail travel is not possible, we will arrange
accessible alternative transport, such as local buses or a taxi, to the nearest or most convenient
accessible station. In doing so, the requirement for assistance will be considered, relative journey times
involved, accessibility of the rolling stock, stations that may be used, and planned staffing levels on
board the train and at the station, including potential for the flexible deployment of members of staff.
Wherever possible, we will offer an option that most resembles the service provided to passengers not
requiring assistance.
The Elizabeth line will also arrange suitable transport if disruption to our services leaves trains/stations
inaccessible. In cases of delay, disruptions and emergencies, we will ensure that the rail replacement
services and taxis are accessible and PSVAR compliant. We will also make reasonable endeavours to
ensure drivers of rail replacement bus services and taxis have received appropriate training to provide
assistance to rail passengers.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
A5. Wheelchairs and mobility scooters
A5.1. Wheelchairs
These can be accommodated in designated spaces on all our trains providing they fit within the
following dimensions:
Width 700mm
Length 1200mm
Weight (including passenger) 300kg
If the wheelchair exceeds the dimensions, passengers are asked to call our contact centre. The
restrictions are in place to ensure customer safety and take account of the sizing of train doors, turning
circles available in the train and weight limit of manual boarding ramps.
A5.2. Mobility scooters
Some powered scooters are only meant for road use and cannot be used on trains. If customers have
not travelled by rail before or have recently changed their scooter, they are asked to check the
dimensions to ensure it can be used on our trains. Customers are not required to obtain a pass for their
scooter to board any Elizabeth line train.
A5.3. Mobility Scooter criteria
Powered scooters, including those with a triangular footprint (2 wheels at the front close together and
2 wheels at the rear), must fit within the following size dimensions:
Width 700mm
Length 1200mm
Weight (including passenger) 300kg
These restrictions are in place to ensure customer safety and take account of the sizing of train doors,
turning circles available in the train and weight limit of manual boarding ramps. It is the passengers
responsibility to ensure they can control the scooter to get on and off the train safely. If passengers
need to change to another train company’s services, we can advise other train operator’s scooter
requirements or provide contact details for the relevant train company to ensure the scooter is
permitted. This should be done prior to making a journey.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
A6. Station facilities
A6.1. Left Luggage
Accessible left luggage facilities are available at the following Network Rail stations:
London Liverpool Street London Paddington
Phone 020 8090 9919 Phone 020 7262 0344
Location Platform 10 Location Platform 12
A6.2. Disabled Parking
Passengers should be able to travel to the station by any means. Although not all stations have car
parks, they can be identified online at Travel-Information/stations-stops-and-piers or
nationalrail.co.uk/stations. Most station car parks are tarmac or concrete surfaced, with designated
parking spaces available for Blue Badge holders (although charges apply). We locate these spaces in
the most suitable place to ensure easy access to our stations. Usually, these spaces are located as
close to the main station entrance as possible. Spaces for Blue Badge holders are marked with the
International Symbol for Access on the ground.
We monitor the number of designated Blue Badge bays in our station car parks annually. The level of
provision is adjusted accordingly to demand, although usually 5% of the total spaces will be allocated.
To maximise the availability of spaces, car park regulations are enforced and any non-Blue Badge
holders occupying designated Blue Badge spaces are treated as being in violation of the parking
byelaws and dealt with accordingly.
A6.3. Third party provided facilities
Our station management team will monitor the services and facilities provided by third parties on a day-
to-day basis to ensure they are not located where they will cause obstruction. While it is recognised
that third-party service providers have their own responsibilities under the Equality Act, we will make
every effort to ensure any services and facilities provided by others at our stations are accessible.
A6.4. Replacement facilities
We will provide, wherever possible, reasonable replacement facilities that are accessible when the
level of accessibility of facilities at a station is less than that normally provided (e.g. as a result of the
breakdown, alteration or removal of facilities).
A6.5. Station entrances
All planned works which impact on levels of accessibility are reviewed. Our property and station
management teams will review needs when considering the need to restrict or temporarily close access
points at stations, and comply with the agreed code of practice with regards to mandatory standards
regarding unobstructed progress during building works.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
A7. Redress and compensation
While we aim to ensure our assisted travel is delivered seamlessly, when it has not been delivered
when passengers requiring assistance were travelling or due to travel on our service, we will provide
compensation for the journey. This is valid for all assistance offered on the Elizabeth line, whether it
was through TUAG or Passenger Assist, and regardless of whether it was through our own contact
centre or a different source.
We will happily assist any claim and evaluate each one on an individual basis. Passengers are asked
to contact TfL’s Contact Centre to make a claim. Details are available on the TfL website (help-and-
contact) and in the Making Rail Accessible: Helping older and disabled customers leaflet.
The contact centre will coordinate a response to the complaint if the passenger has travelled with
multiple train companies and will provide a full explanation in response, including why it happened and
what mitigating actions we intend to take as a result. Our customer will receive a single response and,
if it is more appropriate for the claim to be addressed by another operator, we will obtain consent before
passing it on for investigation.
The Elizabeth line will always comply with the Consumer Rights Act 2015. In line with the National Rail
Conditions of Travel, we will consider all complaints and additional compensation claims on an
individual review. This does not affect a customer’s legal rights to make claims under the Consumer
Act 2015, although passengers must not seek to recover the same money twice, for example both
under our claims process and the Consumer Rights Act 2015.
We want to learn from every assist complaint that occurs on the Elizabeth line and ensure it does not
discourage passengers from travelling on a train service again. Our Customer and Community
Ambassador Team offers to contact passengers to arrange a meeting (in person or digitally, depending
on preference) to discuss their experience and assure them of our TUAG and booked assist policy. We
will review the incident and any passenger feedback to see how we can improve.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
B. Strategy and management
B1. Strategy
The Elizabeth line is a rail service for London and the South East. The Elizabeth line is managed by
Transport for London (TfL) and operated by MTR Corporation (Crossrail) Limited (MTR).
In May 2022, the Elizabeth Line connected the City, Canary Wharf, the West End and Heathrow Airport
to commuter areas east and west of the capital. The route serves 41 stations and runs 118km (72
miles) from Reading and Heathrow in the West, through new tunnels below central London, to
Shenfield and Abbey Wood in the East.
The Elizabeth lines service is in operation between:
Shenfield and Paddington
Shenfield and Heathrow Terminals
Abbey Wood and Heathrow Terminals
Abbey Wood and Reading.
Our vision is to set a new transport standard for the UK, moving people and connecting communities
better than anyone else. Our mission is to:
enhance our customers’ experience, ensuring a safe, reliable and high-quality journey
actively engage with communities to move London forward
foster a company culture where we inspire, empower and develop our people
build our business through innovation and continuous improvement.
We are committed to providing a safe, reliable and friendly service. We want to make sure passengers
can use our services safely and in comfort. We recognise customers may have different requirements
when they travel with us and are committed to making each passenger’s journey as easy as possible.
Disabled customers needing assistance can use the Turn Up and Go scheme, with no need to pre-
book assistance. Members of staff are fully trained and equipped to assist passengers at all stations,
as is the case on London Underground and London Overground services. The Elizabeth line will be
fully accessible. As part of this, we will ensure:
we continuously raise the awareness of assisted travel facilities at our stations
the provision of assisted travel is consistently reliable
our employee training supports our accessibility obligations and aspirations to set a new
transport standard for the UK.
The Elizabeth line is committed to improving accessibility by collaborating with Network Rail, TfL and
the Department for Transport (DfT) to support the delivery and development of accessible stations. We
support disabled persons groups and develop practical solutions to help our employee’s better assist
people with barriers to travel. Where the Elizabeth line identifies opportunities for further positive
changes to customer experience, we work with TfL and Network Rail to ensure considerations are
included within programme works.
In addition to physical adjustments to stations and trains, the company regularly enforces its Equality
and Inclusion agenda to all aspects of operations and customer service delivery. The Elizabeth line
strives to create valuable continuous improvements to provide reliable, safe and friendly services to all
customers. Our Station Staff, Management Team, Community Ambassadors (who work on our railway
and within the wider community) and Travel Safe Officers (who help people with ticketing and ensure
customer safety) are encouraged to engage with all customers and identify/address any travel
concerns. More detail about station improvements and Elizabeth line services are available on the TfL
website at Elizabeth line - Transport for London (tfl.gov.uk)
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
B2. Management arrangements
Protecting and improving access to rail services is an integral part of our business strategy and is
supported by the Elizabeth line’s Board of Directors. The Customer Experience Director is responsible
for the Accessible Travel Policy (ATP), which is comprised of:
Accessible Travel Policy: Policy Document (this document)
Making Rail Accessible: helping older and disabled passengers (passenger information leaflet,
available from stations and online)
Elizabeth line Fleet Document
Elizabeth line Station Document
Our Customer Experience Team reviews these documents annually. If necessary, relevant directors
will implement corrective actions if any ATP requirement deficiencies are identified. All changes would
be communicated internally to all staff colleagues via our Internal Communications Team. Additionally,
the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) will review our ATP annually.
Establishing and maintaining our Accessible Travel Policy is a condition of our Passengers’ Licence
(Condition 5: Provision of Services for Disabled People) and Station Licence. For compliance purposes,
the Customer Experience Director and Concession Director are currently accountable for both the
Passengers’ Licence and the Station Licence. The principal vehicle for achieving this will be vi a the
Elizabeth line Annual Business Plan, which includes a priority workstream dedicated to improving the
service we offer disabled customers.
The Head of Customer Experience, working closely with local managers, is responsible for the day- to-
day implementation and compliance with our Accessible Travel Policy. This will largely be achieved
through communication with the relevant managers and their teams, alongside customer satisfaction
surveys, post travel research and periodic reports.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
B3. Monitoring and evaluation
To make sure the provision of services to customers with disabilities is not overlooked and to monitor
and evaluate our commitment within the Accessible Travel Policy, our Head of Customer Experience
reviews performance through our Customer Service Dashboard on a four-weekly basis. This review
ensures the following key performance indicators are correctly addressed, total number of:
customers who used turn up and go over the period
customers who booked assistance over the period
complaints received about issues relating to disabled travel over the period
complaints received as a percentage of the journeys over the period, and
employees who have received disability awareness training over the period.
The data collected as part of the review will be formally considered by the Customer Experience Team
to evaluate the effectiveness of our policies. Benchmarking our service to establish what works, how
we know it works, and how we improve service delivery ensures any deficiencies are identified and
We will continue to provide sufficient resource to maintain Passenger Assist, TUAG, improve
assistance performance and update information as often as practicable and at least annually. All
incidents relating to assisted journeys are recorded with our control centre and monitored periodically
by the Customer Experience Team. We are proud of our high success rate (99.5% of assistance
correctly delivered) and investigate all circumstances of any failures to prevent recurrence.
The TfL Contact Centre team will review and investigate any complaints or feedback from our disabled
customers and provide a detailed response. This will ensure that any failures in our commitments are
identified and resolved as quickly as possible. Local station managers will ensure policies are working
in practice and make any necessary adjustments.
We will regularly review the Accessible Travel Policy and reports on findings will be sent to the DfT and
the ORR. This will include details of the achievements of objectives, new initiatives to improve our
service to disabled customers and any difficulties we have encountered with the implementation of this
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
B4. Access improvements
The Elizabeth line is committed to making every possible effort to meet the standards of the DfTs Code
of Practice Design Standards for Accessible Railway Stations. Additionally, the Elizabeth line complies
with the NTSN: PRM. Wherever possible the Elizabeth line will adopt a best-practice approach to
access for disabled passengers.
However, there may occasionally be circumstances where the Elizabeth line is unable to comply fully
with the Code regarding:
new or enhanced station facilities
station or on-train services.
In this case, the Elizabeth line will approach the ORR to seek dispensation from the relevant section
of the Code at the earliest possible stage after all possible options have been considered.
B4.1. Stations
In November 2022, the Elizabeth line connected the East, Central and West sections of the Elizabeth
line to become a through operating railway, without the need to change at London Liverpool Street or
London Paddington National Rail stations.
B4.2. Trains
The Elizabeth line now operates with a single fleet of class 345 trains across the entire route. The class
345 trains are compliant with NTSN: PRM and include improved accessibility features such as four
designated wheelchair spaces, priority seating, wide full-length carriages and improved customer
information systems. More information on the accessibility of the Elizabeth line fleet can be found on
the website: tfl.gov.uk/accessguides.
B5. Working with disabled passengers, local communities and local authorities
The Elizabeth line maintains regular contact with key stakeholders on matters affecting accessibility,
including ways to improve and prioritise access along our network. These include London Travel
Watch; Office of Rail and Road; Transport Focus; Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee
(DPTAC); relevant London Boroughs and the British Transport Police (BTP).
We consult on the content of our improvements programmes and maintain a regular dialogue with local
user groups, charities and councils. We endeavour to attend user groups, local transport liaison, local
authority mobility forums and industry-related accessibility meetings. We are also committed to building
our relationships and working directly with our representative groups:
Ageless Teenagers in Ilford
Brentwood Access Group
CoLAG (City of London Accessibility Group)
Green Corridor
Havering Association for People with Disabilities
London Visio
MENCAP (Ealing, Southall, Ilford and Romford)
Sight Havering
Sycamore Trust (specialises in autism)
TfL Accessibility team
Transport for All
Transport Sparks
Yew Tree Centre
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
The Elizabeth line aims to ensure that all customers feel the service is safe, reliable and comfortable.
We seek to engage customers who have barriers to travel through accessibility sessions within
communities, bespoke trips along the line and personal visits to those who have experienced missed
assists. Our objective is to encourage confidence and invoke the option of independent sustainable
The Elizabeth line is proud to have Travel Ambassadors who are service users with a variety of barriers
to travel who assist us in improving our accessibility and inclusion. These barriers include perspectives
from elderly customers, from those across the autism spectrum, and from people with visual, auditory
and mobility disabilities. They meet with our Customer Experience Team quarterly to discuss and
support with upcoming changes and/or improvements which may affect accessibility matters, facilities,
services and processes.
B6. Employee training
It is important to the Elizabeth line that all passengers receive excellent customer service, especially
those with any barriers to travel. Therefore, as part of our corporate induction, all employees entering
the business (regardless of role) receive specific training in disability awareness and equality
legislation. The content aims to build knowledge and skills to enable them to best meet the needs of
disabled passengers; and to do so in accordance with the law, the Equality Act 2010, and the Elizabeth
lines commitment to continuously improve current standards of accessibility of services for all
The training objectives are to:
understand the concepts of discrimination, equality, diversity and equal opportunities and apply
key anti-discriminatory practice
understand disabled people and what possible barriers they may face on our network
examine the issues of stereotype and perception
examine the importance, application and relevance of our equality and diversity policy and the
Equality Act 2010
explore personal attitudes, values, beliefs and prejudices and understand their origin
develop appropriate action planning tools to advance equity and non-discriminatory practice
within work.
In addition to the above, front-line employees require the following additional knowledge, which is
predominantly delivered in a classroom-based setting:
Local station inductions on how to deliver passenger assistance safely and reliably:
o learn how to use the required equipment for assistance, such as radio communication,
manual boarding ramps, wheelchairs and induction loops
o understand accessibility features and services of the network
o learn how to use our customer experience app to access up to date information on
facilities and service performance.
Attend Customer First training within 3 months of starting:
o understand how to recognise, engage, support and communicate with disabled
o undergo an experiential session which illuminates a visually impaired person’s
experience to understand in detail the barriers they address and the support they require.
Complete bespoke Quality Performance Regime eLearning training. This is an interactive game
which covers passenger scenarios.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
The Elizabeth line is reviewing and, where necessary, will amend training content to ensure it is
consistent with the nine mandatory training outcomes set out in the new ORR Guidance.
Mandatory training outcomes:
1. Understanding disabled people and their everyday challenges: challenging misconceptions and
understanding barriers to access and inclusion.
2. Equality Legislation: exploring and understanding the Equality Act 2010.
3. Defining Disability: an introduction to the various definitions of disability and the appropriate
4. Recognising passengers who need assistance: exploring physical and non-physical impairments to
enable colleagues to assess individual needs and provide appropriate assistance.
5. Railway Regulatory Framework: understanding regulations and policies that are relevant within the
railway industry.
6. Passenger Assist: how it works for disabled passengers and colleaguesroles in delivering the
7.Communication: finding a way to communicate with disabled people with patience, respect and
8. Accessibility in stations: the identification of accessible features at stations where colleagues work
and at key destination stations on the network.
9. Providing safe assistance: duties and process to ensure colleagues and passengers remain safe at
all times.
Frontline colleagues will meet the mandatory training outcomes set out above. Additionally, all new
employees, including senior and key managers, as part of their induction, will receive training in
understanding the challenges facing disabled people (1), equality legislation (2), defining disability (3),
recognising passengers who need assistance (4), the regulatory framework of the rail industry (5) and
how the Passenger Assist service operates (6).
All frontline colleagues who interact directly with passengers will receive training that delivers outcomes
relating to customer communication (7), accessibility within and around stations (8) and how to provide
safe assistance (9).
We will ensure agency and temporary members of staff receive a condensed version of the training
course, including communication and providing safe assistance. We will work with third-party suppliers
to support them in delivering appropriate accessibility training to their team members where their
employees will interact directly with our customers e.g. rail replacement bus operators and drivers, taxi
drivers and cleaning teams, so they are able to provide appropriate and high-quality assistance. This
may include sharing training materials, agreeing training principles and/or providing introductions to
disabled user groups.
In addition, all contact centre employees who provide information or advice directly to Elizabeth line
passengers will receive a condensed version of the training course covering, as a minimum, the
Passenger Assist service and customer communication.
All training conducted by employees at the Elizabeth line is recorded in our learning station system
which records, reviews and tracks completion rates. The system is reviewed regularly and provides
notifications when refresher training is required. Everyone will receive refresher training within two
years of receiving their initial training and, as a minimum, every two years thereafter.
All customer experience employees receive refresher training every quarter regarding multiple
areas. A section of disability awareness content is always included.
Elizabeth line Accessible Travel Policy
Our Travel Ambassadors, who are included in the review and development of any new content, have
reviewed the current material being delivered.
At the time of submitting our Accessible Travel Policy for review, we will ensure that all statistics,
legislation and language used in training are up to date.
This approach to training will ensure all our colleagues have the skills and knowledge to enable them
to best meet the needs of customers with disability and to do this in accordance with the law and the
Elizabeth lines commitment to further improve levels of accessibility.
We will provide a report to ORR setting out progress against delivery of these training commitments.