3300 W. Sahara Avenue, Suite 350 * Las Vegas, Nevada 89102-3203 * Telephone (702) 486-4033 * Fax (702) 486-4067
1818 E. College Parkway, Suite 110 * Carson City, Nevada 89706-7986 * Telephone (775) 684-1900 * Fax (775) 687-4868
This information Bulletin, along with a summary of the regulations approved by the Real Estate
Commission is being provided to help new applicants, current licensees, schools, sponsors,
instructors and interested parties familiarize themselves with the changes, requirements, and
due dates.
Pre-licensing education requirement have been changed from 90 hours to 120 hours.
Beginning October 1, 2021, the Nevada Real Estate Division will require applicants to submit
120 hours of education to meet this requirement.
The additional 30 hours of education are required to include:
15 hours of contracts in real estate transactions to the extent allowed in the capacity
of a license
15 hours of agency which must include 3 hours of foundation of relationship between
broker and agents and 3 hours of risk reduction (including but not limited to, property
management, leasing, and information security).
Q. If I apply on or after October 1, 2021; will I be required to submit the additional 30 hours?
A. Yes.
Q. If I apply prior to October 1, 2021; will I be required to submit the additional 30 hours?
A. If a complete application is received by the Division prior to October 1, 2021; the applicant
will only be required to submit 90 hours.
Q. If I submit my application prior to October 1, 2021 and the Division notifies me that there
is a deficiency or documents are missing; will I be required to submit the additional 30 hours?
A. Any deficiency or additional documents must be submitted before October 1, 2021 to avoid
the requirement of the additional 30 hours.
Q. When should schools begin submitting the 30 additional hours of pre-licensing to the
Division for approval?
A. Schools may begin submitting the 30 additional hours of pre-licensing education to the
Division for approval.
[email protected] www.red.nv.gov
Licensees whose license expires on or after October 31, 2021 will be required
to submit:
36 hours of CE for a real estate salesperson renewal which must include:
3 hours Agency
3 hours Nevada law
6 hours Contracts
3 hours Ethics
3 hours Risk Reduction
18 hours of any designated areas of CE
*Property management and business broker permit holder must complete the CE required for
the renewal of his or her permit.
36 hours of CE for a real estate broker and broker salesperson renewal which must
3 hours Agency
3 hours Nevada law
6 hours Contracts
3 hours Ethics
6 hours Broker management
3 hours Risk Reduction
12 hours of any designated areas of CE
*Property management and business broker permit holder must complete the CE required for
the renewal of his or her permit.
Q. When does the 36-hour CE requirement take effect?
A. Licensees whose license expiration date is on or after October 31, 2021 must submit 36
hours of continuing education.
Q. If my license expires on or after October 31, 2021 and I submit my renewal 45 days prior
(early renewal), will I be required to submit 36 hours of CE education?
A. Yes.
Q. If my license expires on or before September 30, 2021; will I be required to submit 36 hours
of CE education?
A. No.
Q. If my license expires on or after October 31, 2021, can I renew with 24 hours taken in the
previous 2 years?
A. You can use the 24 hours previously taken but will need to take an additional 12 hours and
make sure that those hours cover the designated areas amended in regulation.
Q. If I am reinstating my license on or after October 1, 2021; will I be required to submit 36
hours of CE education?
A. Yes. Regardless of your license expiration date, if you reinstate on or after October 1, 2021
you will be required to submit 36 hours of CE.
Licensees who are 65 years or older and have been licensed in Nevada in good standing for 30
years or more may apply for an exemption to complete a reduced number of CE credits
required for renewal. Salesperson licensee must complete 12 hours of CE in the following
3 hours Agency
3 hours Nevada law
3 hours Contracts
3 hours Ethics
In addition to the 12 hours, a real estate broker or real estate broker- salesperson must
complete an additional 3 hours in broker management.
Property management permit holders must complete the 9 hours of CE required for the
renewal of his or her permit in its entirety.
Business broker permit holders must complete the 3 hours of CE required for the renewal of
his or her permit in its entirety.
Q. Is there a form to request the exemption?
A. The Division does not require a form to request an exemption. All licensees 65 and older
who have been licensed in the state of Nevada for 30 years or more are eligible.
Q. Does this mean I am exempt from continuing education?
A. No. You are still required to complete the reduced number of CE.
Q. If I am licensed in another state for 30 years, can I use that experience qualify for the
A. No. You must be licensed in the State of Nevada for 30 years in good standing.
Q. If I have been disciplined by the Commission or have received an administrative sanction in
the past, will that affect my eligibility?
A. No. Your license must be active with no pending disciplinary action at the time of renewal.
Q. If I meet the requirements for the 65 and older limited CE exemption, will I still be required
to submit 9 hours of property management to renew my permit that expires on or before
October 31, 2021?
A. Yes.
Continuing education hours for renewal of a property management permit has increased from
3 hours to 9 hours.
Licensees with a property management permit that expires on or after October
31, 2021 will be required to complete 9 hours of CE in property management.
Q. If I have a property management permit, is the 9 hours in addition to the 36 hours of CE
required to renew a license that expires on or after October 31, 2021?
A. If the 36 hours of CE required includes 9 hours of property management then those hours
can be used for the renewal of your property management permit.
Q. If my property management permit expires on or after October 31, 2021 and I renew 45
days prior (early renewal), will I be required to submit 9 hours?
A. Yes.
Q. If my property manager permit expires on or before September 30, 2021, will I be required
to submit 9 hours?
A. No.
Q. If I meet the requirements for the 65 and older limited CE exemption, will I still be required
to submit 9 hours of property management to renew my permit that expires on or after
October 31, 2021?
A. Yes.
Licensees are required to have their license number on advertising. Preceding zeros before or
letters after the license number are not required. The definition of “advertisement” has been
extended to include media, sales literature, brochures or flyers, and social media.
Licensees may use a nickname to advertise services under certain conditions:
Nickname is not misleading as to the identity, affiliation, or nature of the services of the
Nickname does not use any combination of numbers and spaces
Nickname cannot be discriminatory
Complies with NRS 645.
Q. Do licensees have to put the full number?
A. Licensees need to include the license designation letter (S., B. or BS., etc.) but they do not
need to include any zeros at the beginning of the number. They also do not need to include
letters after the license number such as INDV, LLC, etc.
Q. Is there any requirement for specific font, size, or location where the license number should
be placed?
A. No, there is no specific requirements regarding size, prominence, location, etc. However,
we must be able to locate and identify it. The language in the regulations reads “…in a
conspicuous way…” If anyone must search extensively to find it, then it does not meet the
intent of the regulation.
Q. Does license number need to be on all signs?
A. If a licensee’s name is on the sign, then their license number should be on it. If it is a generic
“open house” sign with no specific agent or brokerage identified, then no. If it is a sign
advertising the brokerage (but no specific agent), then the broker’s number should be
Q. Do I need to include my license number on all social media adds/posts?
A. If you add/post links back to your main page and your main page has your license number
somewhere on it (either in the page name itself or on the “About” section, then that is
sufficient). We just need to be able to locate the number.
Q. Are there differences in requirements based on media one advertises on?
A. Advertising real estate on billboards, television, bus stops, shopping carts, websites, social
media, radio etc. Whichever medium you use, the same rules apply. (NRS 645.315 and NAC
Q. What steps can be taken to avoid the risks of non-compliance if posts lack the required
brokerage name?
A. Save your brokerage name where it can be easily pulled in with each real estate or related
post. Name or rename your social media page or timeline to include your brokerage name.
These steps help protect you in the event you forget to add your brokerage name to the real
estate post, which could happen.
As a final suggestion for resolving the issue of including brokerage names in social media
advertising, licensees are advised to refrain from using their personal social media page or
timeline to promote their real estate business. Instead, it is recommended to maintain a
separate real estate business page. While not a requirement, generally it makes for good
business practice to keep personal and business matters separate.