New Bern
Rocky Mount
Real Estate
Licensing in
North Carolina
Published by the North Carolina
Real Estate Commission
March 2024
This booklet contains:
Information on the Licensing Process and License
Instructions for Filing an Application
License Examination Information
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North Carolina Real Estate Commission
1313 Navaho Drive, P.O. Box 17100
Raleigh, North Carolina 27619-7100
Phone 919/875-3700
North Carolina’s License Application Process and Qualication Requirements
The North Carolina Real Estate Commission licenses individuals and business entities as real estate brokers.
This booklet is designed to guide all prospective applicants for individual real estate broker licenses through
the license application process. If you are interested in applying for an individual real estate broker
license, you should read this booklet carefully and follow all instructions precisely. Use the detailed
Contents page to locate specic information you need.
To request a rm license for a business entity (e.g., LLC, corporation, or partnership), complete and submit
Firm Application (form REC 1.72). The electronic application is also accessible on the Commission’s
website, ( under Forms\ Application Forms.
To request a Limited Nonresident Commercial Broker License, complete and submit a Nonresident
Commercial License Application. The application form and instructions for this license are provided on the
Commission’s website ( under Forms\ Application Forms.
The License Examination
Pages 15-29 contain essential information for all persons required to take the license examination. General
information is provided about the examination composition, fee, and scheduling plus rules and procedures
pertaining to the actual taking of the examination.
New Licensee Information
Information about license issuance and activation, Postlicensing education, Continuing Education, and
license renewal begins on page 29.
License Reinstatement
Information about license reinstatement is on page 31.
North Carolina Real Estate License Law and Commission Rules
The North Carolina Real Estate License Law and Commission Rules, also includes License Law and Rules
Comments may be found on the Commission’s website,
Contents Page
Use the Contents page to nd information on specic topics.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 2024 1
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................3
LICENSE CATEGORIES & STATUS LEVELS ....................................................4
LICENSE QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS .................................................6
Education Requirement ..........................................................................................6
Education Qualication Options ............................................................................6
APPLICATION PROCESS .......................................................................................8
Overview ................................................................................................................8
Timeframe for Obtaining a License .......................................................................9
The Online Application Form ................................................................................9
Instructions for Selected Application Items .........................................................10
CONSIDERATION OF APPLICANT’S CHARACTER .....................................12
Requirement to Demonstrate Good Character .....................................................12
Criminal Record Report Requirement ..................................................................12
What is a “Character Issue”? ................................................................................13
Procedures for Applicants with Character Issues .................................................14
Requirement to Update Application Information .................................................14
Petition for Pre-Determination .............................................................................15
THE LICENSE EXAMINATION ..........................................................................15
Examination Sections ...........................................................................................15
Examination Item Formats ...................................................................................16
Examination Content Outline ...............................................................................17
Number and Value of Items ..................................................................................18
Helpful Hints ........................................................................................................18
Obtaining a Notice of Exam Eligibility ................................................................19
180-Day Examination Eligibility Period ..............................................................19
Examination Fee to Pearson VUE ........................................................................19
Making an Examination Appointment with Pearson VUE ..................................20
On-line Scheduling via Pearson VUE Website.....................................................20
Pearson VUE Test Center Policies .......................................................................25
Rescheduling a Scheduled Examination with Pearson VUE ...............................26
Special Accommodations for Candidates with Disabilities .................................26
Test Center Arrival and Check-in Procedures ......................................................26
Required Identication and Signature ..................................................................26
Examination Security ...........................................................................................27
Taking the Examination .......................................................................................27
License Issuance for Passing Applicants ..............................................................28
Applicants Who Must Rele a License Application with the Commission .........28
OTHER EXAMINATION INFORMATION ........................................................28
Forfeiture of Fees .................................................................................................28
Excused Absences ................................................................................................28
Inclement Weather, Power Failure, or Emergency ...............................................29
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 20242
LICENSEE INFORMATION .................................................................................29
Issuance of Licenses .............................................................................................29
Initial Licenses Are Inactive Provisional Broker Licenses ..................................29
Activation of Initial Inactive Provisional Broker License ...................................29
Requirement for Active Status and Notice of Changes in Employment/Address.......30
License Renewal ..................................................................................................30
Postlicensing Education for Provisional Brokers .................................................30
Postlicensing Education Waiver Based on Equivalent Education/Experience.....30
Postlicensing Education vs. Continuing Education ..............................................31
License Reinstatement..........................................................................................31
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 2024 3
he North Carolina Real Estate Commission has prepared this publication for the purpose of providing
information to interested persons regarding the requirements and procedures for obtaining a North
Carolina real estate license. Although every eort has been made to consolidate into this single publication
basic information concerning the major areas of interest to prospective real estate licensees, some questions
may be left unanswered. Therefore, persons who desire more detailed information are advised to contact the
Education and Licensing Division at the North Carolina Real Estate Commission.
In general, any person or business entity who transacts real estate brokerage business (including time share
transactions) for compensation as an agent for others must rst obtain a real estate license issued by the
North Carolina Real Estate Commission, even those actively licensed in other states or jurisdictions. The
Real Estate Commission, an independent government agency of the State of North Carolina, is responsible
for licensing and regulating all real estate brokers in this state. Operating as a real estate broker in North
Carolina (NC) without the proper license is a criminal oense. The types of real estate licenses issued in
NC are discussed below. For more information concerning NC real estate licenses and the laws and rules
governing real estate brokerage practice in North Carolina, visit the Commission’s website at www.ncrec.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 20244
Following are the categories and status levels of real estate broker licenses in North Carolina.
Broker License (For Individuals):
Provisional Broker Status:
This is the entry-level license status for an individual broker license. Upon satisfying all the license
qualication requirements (including passing the license examination) most license applicants are initially
issued an inactive broker license on provisional status and are called Provisional Brokers or PBs. A
Provisional Broker must be under the supervision of a Broker-in-Charge to be on active status and legally
provide brokerage services. To remove provisional status, a Provisional Broker must complete the 90-hour
NC Postlicensing education program within 18 months of the date of initial licensure. (See Commission
Rule 58A .1902 info on page 30.).
Broker Status:
This is the primary license status for a broker license. One generally becomes a broker by rst becoming a
Provisional Broker and then satisfying the Postlicensing education requirements to remove the provisional
status of the license. A non-provisional or “full” broker can engage in brokerage EITHER as an aliated
broker of a Broker-in-Charge (BIC) of a real estate brokerage company (rm or sole proprietorship) OR
independently as a sole proprietor or an entity. An independent broker-sole proprietor must be a Broker-in-
Charge to lawfully engage in most brokerage activities.
BIC Eligible Status:
This status is granted to a broker who has…
• satised the BIC Eligible qualication requirements noted in Commission Rule 58A .0110(e);
• submitted a Request for BIC Eligible Status and/or BIC Designation form (REC 2.25); and
• successfully completed the Commission’s 12-hour Broker-in-Charge Course within one year prior to or
within 120 days after submitting form REC 2.25.
Broker-in-Charge Designation:
A broker with BIC Eligible status may be designated as a Broker-in-Charge (BIC). Most real estate rms
or sole proprietorships must have a BIC for each oce. A BIC is responsible for:
(1) assuring that all brokers aliated with the BIC at that oce are maintaining current, active licenses
and up-to-date information in Commission records;
(2) notifying the Commission of company name or address changes;
(3) advertising by or in the name of the company at that oce;
(4) maintaining any company trust/escrow account(s);
(5) retaining all transactional records;
(6) supervising aliated Provisional Brokers;
(7) ensuring that all aliated brokers adhere to agency agreement and disclosure requirements; and
(8) notifying the Commission in writing that they are no longer serving as BIC of a particular oce
within 10 days following any such change.
[Visit the Commission’s website ( for more information on Broker-in-Charge requirements
and responsibilities.]
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 2024 5
Firm License (for Entities):
This license is issued to a legally established business entity that is authorized by the NC Secretary of State
to conduct business in North Carolina, such as a corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership,
general partnership, association, or joint business venture. To obtain a rm license, the entity will need one
of the owners/managers/ocers to hold an active NC broker license and serve as the Qualifying Broker
(QB). Responsibilities of the QB are noted in Commission Rule 58A .0502(g). The Firm Application
(Form REC 1.72) includes instructions for this license and is also accessible under Forms\Application
Forms on the Commission’s website (
Limited Nonresident Commercial License (for Individuals):
A limited nonresident commercial broker license (LNCL) is a license issued to a person who:
• does NOT live or have any home, business, or delivery address in North Carolina (NC);
• has an active real estate broker or salesperson license in another state;
• wants to enter NC to engage in a commercial transaction as an aliated agent of their out-of-state
brokerage company; and
• must enter into a Declaration of Aliation and a Brokerage Cooperation Agreement with a resident NC
broker who will be responsible for supervising the nonresident.
This restricted license permits the nonresident to enter NC to engage only in “commercial real estate
transactions” as dened in Commission Rule 58A .1802(1).
If the LNCL broker obtains any home, business, or delivery address in North Carolina, the individual must
apply for and obtain an unrestricted NC broker license in order to engage in brokerage within NC. The
Nonresident Commercial License application (Form REC 1.78) includes instructions and is also accessible
on the Commission’s website (www.ncrec. gov) under Forms\ Application Forms.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 20246
To qualify for an individual real estate broker license, an applicant must:
1) Be at least 18 years of age;
2) Be a United States citizen, a non-citizen national or a qualied alien under federal law, or have a
lawful presence in the U.S. and be authorized to work in the U.S. in the real estate brokerage eld. [Note: A
holder of a U.S. Permanent Resident Card (“Green Card”) is a “qualied alien.” Work authorization in the
U.S. for most other aliens (including DACA) requires a U.S. immigration visa (rather than a visitor visa) and/
or an Employment Authorization Document from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service that permits
work in the real estate brokerage eld.];
3) Have a Social Security Number;
4) Satisfy one of the Education Qualication Options listed below;
5) File a complete application with $100 application fee;
6) Pass the two-part real estate license examination (Exceptions: Persons eligible to bypass the license
examination, or to take only the State section of the examination under qualication option #4 below,
and some license reinstatement applicants); and
7) Satisfy the Commission that the applicant possesses the requisite character for licensure.
Education Requirement
License applicants must successfully complete the North Carolina Broker Prelicensing Course containing at least
75 instructional hours with a mandatory end-of-course examination provided by a Commission-certied Education
Provider. An applicant may also apply based on education and/or real estate brokerage experience that the Commission
nds equivalent to such a course [see Options 2-4 below].
Education Qualication Options
Shown below are four (4) options for satisfying the education requirement. Option 1 is the requirement
to successfully complete the North Carolina Broker Prelicensing Course, which will be the required
qualication method for a vast majority of license applicants. Options 2-4 are options for demonstrating
“equivalent real estate education and/or experience.”
NOTE: Passing the real estate license examination is required for most applicants. Applicants applying under
Education Qualications Options 1-3 below must pass both the National and State sections of the North Carolina real
estate license examination. Applicants qualifying under Education Qualication Option 4 may choose to take only the
State section of the NC real estate license examination or to bypass the examination.
COURSE, containing at least 75 instructional hours and an end-of-course examination
An applicant (resident or nonresident) may qualify to take the North Carolina real estate license
examination by successfully completing, within three (3) years prior to license application, a
Commission-approved North Carolina Broker Prelicensing Course. This course is only provided by
Commission-certied Education Providers authorized to oer a Prelicensing course.
Required Documentation
Commission-certied Education Providers will electronically report all successful completions of the
North Carolina Broker Prelicensing Course automatically to the Commission to be paired with online
license applications.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 2024 7
An applicant may seek a waiver of the North Carolina Broker Prelicensing Course based on
completion of equivalent salesperson prelicensing education in another state.
Per Commission Rule 58A .0304, to qualify for such a waiver, the completed prelicensing
education in the other state MUST:
1) have consisted of at least 75 hours of instruction [no partial credit granted];
2) have been completed within one (1) year prior to North Carolina license application and while the
applicant was a resident of the other state; and
3) be parallel to the topics and timings described in the Commission’s Prelicensing course syllabus.
Required Documentation
A course completion certicate or transcript evidencing the successful completion of a prelicensing
education program that meets the requirements stated in Rule 58A .0304.
Per Commission Rule 58A .0304, an applicant can qualify for a waiver of the North Carolina Broker
Prelicensing Course, if the applicant has a baccalaureate or higher degree in the eld of real estate,
real estate brokerage, real estate nance, real estate development, or a law degree conferred on the
applicant from any college or university accredited by a college accrediting body recognized by the
U. S. Department of Education.
Required Documentation
A transcript and copy of the degree evidencing the successful completion of a baccalaureate or higher
degree that meets the requirements stated in Commission Rule 58A .0304.
Applicants applying under this option are not required to pass the North Carolina Broker Prelicensing
Course or retake the National section of the license examination.
An applicant who holds a current (unexpired) real estate license in another state (or U.S. territory or
Canadian jurisdiction) that has been on active status sometime within the previous three (3) years may:
Either A
1) Submit an application with fee, including current criminal record report and ocial certication(s)
of licensure from the other jurisdiction(s),
2) pass the State section of the NC license examination, and
3) be issued a North Carolina real estate license equivalent to the license held in the qualifying state
(assuming NC requisite character requirements are met). IF the NC license issued is on provisional
status, the new PB will be subject to the NC Postlicensing education requirement;
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 20248
Or B
*NOTE: Any new NC licensee who applied for an NC license based on current licensure in another jurisdiction AND
who opted out of the NC State section of the license examination is NOT eligible for any waiver of NC Postlicensing
education per Commission Rule 58A .1905. Information about Postlicensing requirements is located on page 30.
Required Documentation
An ocial Certication of Licensure is required from the licensing agency in the state or jurisdiction
in which the applicant is currently licensed. The certication must have been issued within the six (6)
months immediately preceding the NC application and must indicate the license (and status) history and
any disciplinary action taken or complaints pending against the applicant. We will not accept a copy of the
applicant’s real estate license certicate, pocket identication card, or screenshots of a regulatory agency
website. Proof of education is not required.
NOTE: In order for an applicant to qualify for NC licensure based on Option 4, the certication of licensure from
that state’s licensing agency must show that the applicant still holds the license in the other jurisdiction at the time of
application to NC, and that if the license in the other jurisdiction is now on inactive status, it was on active status at
some point within the three (3) year period prior to application to NC. See Commission Rule 58A .0511.
Successfully complete the North Carolina Broker Prelicensing Course or one of the other Education
Qualication Options.
Submit a complete license application, including appropriate nonrefundable fee and all required
Your application is processed by Commission sta.
If you do not qualify for licensure based on one of the four (4) education qualication options
previously discussed, your application will be canceled and returned to you.
If your application is incomplete, the application will be returned to you for proper completion.
Note that the application fee is nonrefundable. Commission rules provide that once an application
has been processed by the Commission, the application fee may not be refunded, so review your
information carefully before submission.
Unless you are exempt from the license examination requirement based on Education Qualication
Option 4, a Notice of Exam Eligibility will be emailed to you within 5-7 days after application receipt.
NOTE: Add [email protected]as a safe e-mail address in your anti-spam lter in order
to receive the Notice.
You contact the testing service to pay the examination fee and to schedule an appointment to take the
license examination.
When you PASS required sections of the NC license examination (or if you are exempt from the license
examination requirement based on Education Qualication Option 4):
1) Submit a license application with fee, including criminal record report and ocial certication(s) of
licensure from the other jurisdiction(s),
2) waive taking the State section of the NC license examination, and
3) be issued a North Carolina broker license on Provisional Broker status (assuming requisite character
requirements are met) and be subject to the Postlicensing education* requirement, regardless of their
license level in the qualifying state.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 2024 9
• If there are no issues relating to character, your NC license will be promptly issued. NCREC will send a
notication e-mail containing your new license number, and you should receive your frameable license
certicate in the mail within 7-10 business days after your last examination date.
• If there is an issue relating to character, your application will be reviewed by Commission sta and may
be referred to the Commission for further consideration. This process may become quite lengthy. (See
Consideration of Applicant’s Character.)
If you FAIL one or both sections of the license examination, you may reschedule and retake the necessary
examination sections (as described under The License Examination).
NOTE: The $100 license application fee paid to the Commission PLUS the separate examination fee paid to
Pearson VUE will be collected each time an applicant takes one or both sections of the license examination.
Timeframe for Obtaining a License
If a qualied applicant les a complete application, schedules and takes the examination promptly after
receiving Notice of Exam Eligibility, passes the examination on the rst attempt, and has no character issues,
the entire application-examination-licensing process may be completed in as little as ten (10) business days.
The process may be slowed by many factors, such as ling an incomplete application or not passing the
required examination section(s) on the rst attempt. However, the main factor that slows the process is the
character review process. (See Consideration of Applicant’s Character.)
Watch this video, Overview of the Licensing Process.
The Online Application Form
ALL persons applying for a broker license, including those applying by examination, based on licensure in
another jurisdiction, or for reinstatement of an expired license, must apply online. The online application,
Application for Real Estate License, is available through the Commission’s website (
General information regarding the application is provided below, along with special instructions for each
item. You may begin to complete (but not submit) the application prior to completion of the North Carolina
Broker Prelicensing Course.
To access the online application system:
Scroll to the bottom of the Commission’s homepage ( and click on Apply Here”. Please
take time to view the video, Real Estate Licensing Requirements, before starting your application. To begin
a new online application:
1. Click on “Create a Login.” The New Applicant Registration Information will appear.
2. Enter your FULL rst, middle, and last names. Do not use punctuation. Do not enter nicknames or
initials in any eld. [See instructions regarding “Full Legal Name” on page 10.]
3. Click on the drop-down list to select a sux (if applicable).
4. Enter your street address. Do not use punctuation.
5. Enter your City and State. Do not use punctuation.
6. Enter you 9-digit zip code. A link to the US Postal Service (USPS) website will enable you to locate
your 9-digit zip code. Without this information, the online application system will not allow you to
submit your application. You must enter your address exactly as provided by the USPS.
7. Enter your Social Security Number. Do not enter dashes.
8. Enter your E-mail Address (twice).
9. Click on “Next”
10. You will be prompted to create a Password. Be sure to make a note of your password for future use.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 202410
NOTE: Once you complete the New Applicant Registration Process, you are considered ocially registered in the
system. You may exit the application and return to it at any time, until you enter your payment and submit the application
to the Commission for review. Your application USER NAME will be your e-mail address. Be sure to make a note of
which e-mail you use.
When you login to the online application, you may choose to “Apply for background check” and to access
the “Application.”
• Selecting “Apply for background check” will enable you to place an order for the required criminal
record report. Additional fees will apply. When the criminal record report is complete, the reporting
agency will e-mail a copy to you for your personal records and will link the completed background
report electronically to your online broker application that the Real Estate Commission can access once
you submit your license application.
• Selecting “Application” will take you to the comprehensive application. Instructions for specic items
are provided below.
The online application program will not allow you to enter credit card payment and nalize your application until
1. you have completed the North Carolina Broker Prelicensing Course by passing the end-of-exam,
2. the Education Provider has electronically reported your successful completion of the Course, and
3. you have obtained a criminal record report as described on page 12.
Once you enter your payment for the license application fee, the application will enter the normal and
customary Commission sta review process and you will no longer be able to access it.
NOTE: The credit card information will not be accepted if there are INCOMPLETE application elds, or if your
course completion has not been reported by your Education Provider, or if you have not obtained your criminal record
report. If you receive an error message indicating that your credit card cannot be accepted, you should rst review
all application elds to be sure that all elds have been properly and accurately completed. Remember to “save” all
updates in order to properly update your application.
Special Notes:
Be sure to “SAVE” updates each time you change any information; there is no auto save.
NO punctuation marks (including commas, single and double quotation marks, hyphens, etc.) are accepted.
If you have a hyphenated last name, enter both names in the last name blank leaving a space between the
two names and omitting the hyphen.
Instructions for Selected Application Items
• 4 Certications 1) Conrmation of reading this entire mandatory booklet, Real Estate Licensing in
North Carolina (RELINC). It addresses most issues that cause delay for license candidates. 2) Verify
understanding of Rule 58A.0302(b) about maintaining accurate application information. 3) Verify
understanding the eect of an incomplete application. 4) Statement about involvement in an Employee
Misclassication investigation.
• Full Legal Name. Enter your true legal name, including your FULL rst and middle names. Your legal
name is the name you were given at birth or subsequently acquired through marriage, court order, or
adoption, and should be the name that appears on your Social Security card. Include any sux (Jr,
III, etc.) in the applicable space. If you have no middle name, enter “None”. If you have a double last
name, enter both of your last names in the last name space with a space between the names; do not use
a hyphen. Do not enter a nickname or an initial in any space.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 2024 11
• Mailing & Street Address. Enter your full address, including the 9-digit zip code. Use the “Find
Zip+4” button to verify your full address with 9-digit zip code via US Postal Service.
• Social Security Number & Date of Birth. Providing your Social Security Number is MANDATORY,
not optional. The Commission is required by law to collect your Social Security Number but also to
protect the number from public access and improper disclosure. Your Social Security Number is not
“public information” and may only be disclosed as authorized by law. Additionally, the Commission
requires each Education Provider to collect the last four digits of each student’s Social Security Number
no later than the completion date of the student’s prelicensing course.
• Contact Info. Continue to keep this information accurate since it is the only way NCREC and the
examination service provider will communicate with you.
• First-time Exam Takers. If you have never previously taken the North Carolina real estate license
examination and this will be your rst time taking the examination, mark, “Yes.” If you have taken the
North Carolina real estate license examination before, are applying for license reinstatement, or you are
not required to pass the examination, mark “No.”
• Basis for Qualifying. If you are applying to take the examination based on the completion of the
North Carolina Broker Prelicensing Course, enter the Education Provider code, instructor code, and
prelicensing course completion date using information found on your course completion certicate. If
you are applying to take the examination based on any other option, carefully follow the instructions
for your selected option.
• License History. Indicate whether you have ever held a real estate license in NC or elsewhere. If you
have, you must provide that license information per the additional directions.
• Places of Residence. List all places you have lived during the past seven (7) years, beginning with your current
address and working backwards in time. This history should also include residences used if attending schools
away from your “home” residence during the past 7 years. Do not leave any gaps in the history. The online
application system will not allow you to submit your application if there are gaps in your residence history.
• Employment History. Describe all employment during the past three (3) years, including self-
employment or work as an independent contractor. List present employment rst and work backwards
in time. Indicate “None” for any period you were not employed. Do not leave any gaps in the history.
If there are any gaps in your employment history within the past three (3) years, the online application
system will not allow you to submit your application.
• Military Service. “Yes” for either veteran or active duty.
• Criminal Oenses, Professional License Disciplinary Actions, and Liens or Unpaid Judgments.
These three (3) questions relate to matters that may aect the Commission’s determination as to
whether you possess the requisite “Character” for licensure. It is extremely important that you honestly
answer these questions and provide the required explanations and documentation. Failure to disclose a
matter relating to your character is a separate character issue that may be considered in addition to the
underlying oense or issue. Failure to answer or provide all required information will result in your
application being returned or an application processing delay.
NOTE: If you check “Yes” to any of the “Character” questions, you must provide additional information. Be sure to
provide a detailed account of the actions that led to each specic criminal oense (including military court-martial),
professional license disciplinary action, lien, or unpaid judgment. In the online application, a drop down box will
provide space to type any necessary explanations. You may also attach additional documents.
• Another application led within past 6 months. If “Yes,” your previous criminal record report (CRR)
may still be valid. If “No,” a new CRR needs to accompany this application.
• Signature. By signing the application, you are certifying that all information provided in connection
with your application is accurate and complete. Any omission, inaccuracy, or failure to make full
disclosure in the application may be deemed sucient reason to deny permission to take an examination,
to deny license issuance, or to revoke a license after issuance. In the online application, you may submit
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 202412
an electronic signature by checking the box “I certify that I am the person shown above, and all the
information is correct…” By submitting an electronic signature, you are agreeing to all of the terms
outlined in the paragraph next to the box where you will place a “check.” Please carefully read this
information prior to submitting an electronic signature.
• Application Fee. Once you have completed the entire application, you must pay the $100.00 application
fee and electronically submit the application to the Commission. The online application system will
ONLY accept credit card payments (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and AMEX).
Requirement to Demonstrate Good Character
Every applicant for a real estate license has the burden of satisfying the Commission that the applicant possesses
the honesty, truthfulness, integrity, good moral character, and general tness, including mental and emotional
tness, necessary to protect the public interest and promote public condence in the real estate brokerage business.
To enable the Commission to render its decision regarding an applicant’s character expeditiously, the applicant
should submit with the application all information relating to criminal oenses (including serious trac oenses),
professional licensure disciplinary actions, and liens/unpaid judgments. Full disclosure and explanation of
every problem relating to these matters is expected and highly recommended! Nondisclosure of such information
will only increase an applicant’s burden of proving truthfulness, honesty, and integrity.
Criminal Record Report Requirement
Every applicant, including those seeking to reinstate an expired, revoked, or surrendered license, must
obtain and submit a criminal record report with the application. In connection with your application, you
must order a criminal record report from the agency listed below and pay the agency for the report. Only
a report prepared by the agency within six (6) months prior to ling your license application will be
acceptable to the Commission. (CRC)
Telephone (toll free): 877-272-0266
Telephone (direct): 919-459-2651
There may be substantial costs for criminal record reports for persons who have resided in multiple states
or outside the United States within the previous seven (7) years and / or for persons who have used multiple
names. Such persons may want to be certain they have successfully completed the North Carolina Broker
Prelicensing Course prior to ordering a criminal record report. Once a criminal record report has been
ordered and the fee has been paid, there is no refund of the criminal record report fee, even if the person
who ordered the report does not pass the prelicensing course.
The criminal record report must include the results from a search of criminal records in the state and/
or county of each dierent place where you have lived during the seven (7) years prior to application, as
well as a search of each dierent name you have ever used. Please note that if you have resided outside of
the United States for any period of time during the previous seven (7) years, the background report must
also include a search of criminal records for the particular country or countries where you resided. CRC’s
report will show all felony and misdemeanor convictions (including most trac convictions) on record
for an applicant, not just those that occurred in the previous seven (7) years. CRC is authorized by the
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 2024 13
Commission to collect from you all personal information necessary to conduct record searches and to
charge a separate fee for (1) collecting and verifying personal data, (2) each state or county record searched
and (3) each additional name for which a search is conducted. Thus, the cost of obtaining the criminal
record report will vary depending on the number of dierent places you have resided during the past seven
(7) years and the number of dierent names you have used.
NOTE: The cost of a criminal record search in some other states (notably New York) may be substantial.
A criminal record report involving only a search of North Carolina records will typically be provided within
2-4 business days after placing the order. Most reports involving a search of out-of-state records will be
provided in 5-7 business days. Searches of records in a few states will require more time. Most criminal
record reports involving a search of records outside of the United States take 2-3 weeks to obtain. However,
there are at least two countries (Canada and Australia) that may take a considerably longer time.
CRC will attach the completed criminal record report electronically to your online NCREC broker license
application and will also provide a copy to you via e-mail. An applicant must wait for receipt of the
completed criminal record report before the nished license application can be submitted.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The criminal record report must also include a federal background check and a check of
military records involving court-martial.
What is a “Character Issue”?
Any person who has a criminal record report showing a criminal conviction (including any serious trac oense,
especially DWI) or who answers (or should have answered) “Yes” to any one of questions on the license application
relating to criminal oenses, professional licensure disciplinary actions, and liens/unpaid judgments is considered
to have a “character issue.” It should be noted that the Commission may also consider any other information that
is pertinent to an applicant’s character.
Each application with a character issue or issues will be reviewed and evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
If the character issue is a criminal conviction, the law requires the Commission to specically consider the
following factors:
1. The level and seriousness of the crime;
2. The date of the crime;
3. The age of the person at the time of the crime;
4. The circumstances surrounding the commission of the crime, if known;
5. The nexus between the criminal conduct and the prospective duties of the applicant as a licensee;
6. The prison, jail, probation, parole, rehabilitation, and employment records of the applicant since the
date the crime was committed;
6a. The completion of, or active participation in, rehabilitative drug or alcohol treatment;
6b. A Certicate of Relief granted pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 15A-173.2;
7. The subsequent commission of a crime by the applicant; and
8. Any adavits or other written documents, including character references.
The applicant should submit any information relating to the above factors that the applicant would like to
be considered with the application.
Procedures for Applicants with Character Issues
Consideration of an application involving any character issue takes place after the applicant has passed the
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 202414
license examination or otherwise satised all license qualication requirements other than that of demonstrating
good character. At that point, an application involving a character issue is evaluated by the Commission’s
Executive Director and License Application Analyst and, if necessary, the Commission itself at the next monthly
Commission meeting after the applicant passes the examination. The applicant is then notied in writing of the
Commission’s decision.
An applicant who has a character issue in connection with the license application should allow the Commission
45 days after passing the license examination to complete its evaluation before inquiring about the status of the
application. In evaluating an applicant who has a character issue, the Commission considers all information that may
come to its attention regarding the applicant’s character and reputation. An inquiry may be made by the Commission
to obtain additional information about matters relating to an applicant’s character. This may include further search of
criminal and civil records and/or a credit report. The Commission also may request additional information from the
At any point during the process of considering an applicant’s character issues that the Commission determines the
applicant possesses the requisite good character, the applicant’s license will be promptly issued. If the Commission
determines that an applicant has not armatively demonstrated that the applicant possesses the requisite truthfulness,
honesty and integrity for licensure, then action will be deferred on the application. The applicant will be advised
of their right to request a formal hearing before the Commission on this matter and that failure to request such a
hearing within 60 days will constitute a waiver of the right to a hearing and will result in the application being
denied. In some instances, the applicant may be oered the opportunity for an informal conference with a delegation
of Commission members and sta to discuss the character issues in question before a determination is made by
the Commission. Also, in instances where an applicant has a pending criminal charge or other pending matter that
relates to the applicant’s character, the Commission may be unable to process the application until the pending
matter is resolved.
If the applicant exercises their right to a formal hearing before the Commission on the issue of character, further
information regarding the hearing process, the applicant’s rights, and appeal procedures can be found in Chapter
150B, Article 3A of the North Carolina General Statues.
Applicant Checked through National Real Estate License Disciplinary Database
Information on all applicants, including those seeking license reinstatement, will be submitted to a national
real estate license disciplinary action data bank operated by the Association of Real Estate License Law
Ocials to determine if the applicants have had (1) a real estate license revoked or suspended in another
state or have been otherwise disciplined in another state; (2) a criminal conviction or civil injunction
imposed for engaging in real estate activity without the required license; or (3) a real estate license denied
due to matters relating to character.
Requirement to Update Application Information
An applicant is required to notify the Commission of any changes to information provided in connection
with an application for a North Carolina real estate license prior to license issuance.
Petition for Pre-Determination
An individual with a criminal history may order a criminal record report, pay the $45 petition fee, and
petition the Commission for a predetermination of whether the individual’s criminal history will likely
disqualify the individual from obtaining a real estate license. This petition can be made at any time,
including before taking the North Carolina Broker Prelicensing Course. More information on this Petition
for Pre-Determination is provided on the Commission’s website ( under Licensing.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 2024 15
General Information
To qualify for a North Carolina real estate license, an applicant must pass the North Carolina Real Estate Broker
License Examination. Since North Carolina is a “broker only” license state, there is only one license examination;
it is an entry-level examination designed to determine minimal competency to practice real estate brokerage. The
few license applicants who are not required to pass the license examination are those applying for the limited
nonresident commercial license, some applicants for license reinstatement, and some applicants who are licensed
in other jurisdictions.
Examination Services Provider
The Real Estate Commission contracts with the professional testing service Pearson VUE for examination
services that include scheduling applicants for examination and administering the examination.
Examination Sections
The examination consists of separate National and State sections. The National section is developed and provided
by Pearson VUE. Some version of the National entry-level real estate license examination is administered in all states
where Pearson VUE administers the real estate license examinations. The State section of the license examination is
developed by the North Carolina Real Estate Commission and administered for the Commission by Pearson VUE
to only North Carolina license applicants.
Comprehensive License Examination
Most applicants must initially take the comprehensive license examination consisting of both the National
and State sections. The two sections will be separately timed and scored and the applicant’s examination
results will be reported separately for the National and State sections. An applicant may NOT choose to
take only one section of the examination during a scheduled appointment if the applicant must pass both
sections for license eligibility.
NOTE: Each license application submission and application for fee payment are valid for only one attempt at the
license examination.
Retaking the Comprehensive Examination
An applicant who fails both the National and State sections of the comprehensive examination must continue
to take the 2-part comprehensive examination on any subsequent attempt until such time as the applicant
passes at least one of the National or State sections. Please note that the $100 application fee PLUS the $60
examination fee will be collected each time an applicant must take both sections of the license examination.
Retaking Only One Examination Section
Once an applicant has passed one of the two (2) examination sections, the applicant may apply to take
only the remaining unpassed exam section. Please note that the $100 application fee PLUS the $50 single
section exam fee will be collected each time a candidate must take once section of the exam. Both exam
sections must be passed during the same 180-day examination eligibility period. (See Applying for and
Scheduling an Examination.) If an applicant only passes one examination section prior to the end of the
180-day examination eligibility period, then the applicant loses the benet of having passed one section,
must reapply to take the comprehensive examination, and pass both sections during the subsequent 180-day
exam eligibility period to be eligible to receive a NC real estate broker license.
NOTE: Applicants licensed in other jurisdictions who are only required to pass the State section of the examination
have an average pass rate that is less than 50%. Without serious preparation for this examination, rst attempt or
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 202416
subsequent attempts have a high probability of failure. Although not required, attendance in a North Carolina Broker
Prelicensing Course or participation in a quality exam prep program oered by a certied NC Education Provider is
highly recommended.
Examination Item Formats
All items on the license examination are multiple-choice format that requires the applicant to choose the
correct or best answer from the answer options provided.
(Basic Four-Choice Format:) This standard multiple-choice format involves a question or incomplete
statement that is followed by four (4) possible answer options. Examples 1-3 below illustrate this format.
Example 1
The primary body of law governing the relationship between a seller of real estate and the broker with
whom the seller lists the property is known as the:
A. Statute of Frauds
B. Law of Conveyance
C. Statute of Limitations
D. Law of Agency (Answer: D)
Example 2
A broker with LMN Realty listed an owners property at $150,000 and the property was subsequently sold
by a Provisional Broker with XYZ Realty for $140,000. If the total brokerage commission was 5% of the
sale price and was to be divided equally between the two rms, and if the selling agent’s share was 60% of
their rm’s share, how much did the Provisional Broker earn on the sale?
A. $1,400
B. $2,100
C. $3,500
D. $4,200 (Answer: B)
Example 3
All of the following are associated with the cost approach to estimating the value of an improved property
A. Replacement Cost
B. Depreciation
C. Net Operating Cost
D. Lot Value (Answer: C)
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 2024 17
Examination Content Outline
Shown below is the content outline for both sections of the North Carolina real estate license examination.
The content outline shows both the topics to be tested and the number of items by major subject area.
The topics for both sections are based on a comprehensive job analysis of real estate brokerage practice
and have been determined by subject matter experts to constitute the body of knowledge that minimally
competent entry-level real estate licensees should possess.
For a detailed explanation of subtopics covered in each section, review the Broker Prelicensing Course
Syllabus on the Commission’s website. (
Examination Format
Pearson VUE utilizes a separate large question bank for each of the National and the State exam sections.
The items for each exam section are drawn randomly according to a formula for that exam section, so that
each administration of the exam is unique. The exam formula insures that the topics tested are consistent
and each administration is of equal diculty.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 202418
Number and Value of Items
Scored Items: The Comprehensive Examination includes 140 scored items. There are 80 scored items on
the National section and 60 scored items on the State section. All scored items have equal value.
Pretest Items: In addition to the 140 scored items on the Comprehensive Examination, each exam section
will also include 5 pretest items. Pretest items do not count in the computing of a candidate’s score.
Including these unscored, experimental items is an essential step in developing future examinations. Pretest items
are new test items that are included to gather performance data in order that Pearson VUE and the Commission
in determining, if the new items are appropriate for use as scored items on future examinations. Results of pretest
items will be reported only to Pearson VUE and the Commission. Pretest items will appear randomly in the
exam, and candidates will not be able to distinguish pretest items from the scored items.
Passing Score
The passing score for each of the two sections of the license examination is 75 and is computed separately
for each exam section. Be aware that all sections of the examination required for licensure eligibility must
be passed within the same 180-day Examination Eligibility Period. Credit for any exam section passed in a
previous Exam Eligibility Period will be forfeited when that period expires.
View this video for a quick overview of the Basic Info about the NC License Examination
Helpful Hints
Take time at the start of the examination to view the exam tutorial; it does not count as part of the exam
time. The tutorial will help you best use the exam software to navigate smoothly through the exam. Pace
yourself. Read each item very carefully, but do not spend too much time on any one item.
If you are stumped by a particular item, mark it for later review and continue with your examination; then
return to your marked “problem items” after you have answered the other items. The exam tutorial will
show you how to quickly nd your marked items. If uncertain as to the correct answer, make an educated
guess; an unanswered item will be automatically scored as incorrect.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 2024 19
As described in the Application Process section, a license applicant must rst le an online application with
the North Carolina Real Estate Commission and be found qualied to take the license examination before
contacting Pearson VUE to schedule an exam appointment.
Obtaining a Notice of Exam Eligibility
If the Commission determines that you meet the examination qualication requirements, you will be issued
a Notice of Exam Eligibility valid for 180 calendar days from the date it is issued. Your examination
eligibility date range will be prominently indicated on the Notice.
Your Notice of Exam Eligibility will be emailed to you within 2-3 days after application receipt and
acceptance. [In order to receive the Notice by email, please add “[email protected]” as a safe
email address in your anti-spam lter.]
You should wait one business day following receipt of your electronic Notice of Exam Eligibility before
contacting Pearson VUE to schedule your examination. The wait is necessary to allow Pearson VUE to
upload your eligibility record from the Commission. (See Making an Examination Appointment with Pearson
VUE.) Walk-in testing is not available.
If you fail the National, State, or both sections of the exam, you will reapply to the Commission and be
issued another Notice of Examination Eligibility which will show your updated expiration date for exam
eligibility. You can then schedule another examination within the initial 180-day timeframe if there are at
least 10 eligibility days after your last test date.
180-Day Examination Eligibility Period
As noted, your Notice of Exam Eligibility is valid for 180 calendar days after initial issuance and the
eligibility date range will appear on the Notice. You should schedule and take your examination promptly
after receiving your Notice of Exam Eligibility.
NOTE: Commission rules do not allow the 180-day exam eligibility period to be extended for any reason.
The 180-day exam eligibility period is intended to accommodate applicant preferences in scheduling
examinations and allow for emergencies that may arise. If you wait until the 180-day period is nearly over
to schedule your examination, Pearson VUE may not be able to schedule you on a date and at a test location
that is convenient for you. If your initial 180-day exam eligibility period expires before you successfully
pass all the exam sections you are required to pass for license eligibility, you will have to rele a license
application (with new criminal record report and application fee) in order to obtain a new 180-day exam
eligibility period prior to scheduling another examination. (See Applicants Who Must Rele an Application
with the Commission.)
Examination Fee to Pearson VUE
EACH time an applicant takes EITHER the 2-part Comprehensive License Examination OR a single National
or State section, a separate examination fee is required in addition to the $100 license application
fee paid with the license application to the Commission. The Pearson VUE exam fee for the 2-part
comprehensive exam is $60; and the fee for a single exam section is $50.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 202420
NOTE: The examination fee is payable directly to Pearson VUE when the applicant contacts Pearson VUE to schedule
the examination. Do NOT submit the examination fee to the Real Estate Commission.
Examination fee payment is due to Pearson VUE at the time of scheduling. Payment may be made by credit
card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express), cashiers check or money order made payable
to Pearson VUE. Examination registration fees are not refundable or transferrable and expire at the end of
your 180-day examination eligibility period.
Making an Examination Appointment with Pearson VUE
There are two ways to schedule your examination.
Online Scheduling
Candidates may schedule via the Internet 24 hours a day at
Telephone Scheduling
Candidates may call 800-745-2627. Pearson VUE registrars are available Monday through Friday between
8 a.m. and 11 p.m., Saturday between 8 a.m., and 5 p.m., and Sunday between 10 a.m., and 4 p.m., Eastern
Pearson VUE testing center locations can be found by clicking “Find a Test Center” on the right navigation
menu at You may use whichever test center you prefer.
NOTE: A NC license candidate can also schedule and take the NC license examination in any state where Pearson
VUE has a physical testing center. No walk in testing is allowed.
In almost all cases, you will be able to take an examination at the test center of your choice within seven
(7) calendar days of contacting Pearson VUE unless you request a later appointment or have previously
taken the exam. When you schedule your examination appointment, be prepared to conrm a location and a
preferred date and time for testing. When you call or go online to schedule your examination appointment,
you will be notied of the time to report to the test center, and if you provide an e-mail address, you will
be sent an e-mail conrmation notice. If you experience diculty scheduling the license examination, rst
reach out to the Pearson VUE Customer Help Desk. Your second recourse is to e-mail the details of your
challenge to the attention of the NCREC Education and Examination Ocer at [email protected].
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 2024 21
On-line Scheduling via Pearson VUE Website
Step 1: Select the Web Link in the Eligibility Email received from Pearson VUE.
Step 2: Verify Demographic Information and complete Web Account Set up
Step 3: Agree to Privacy Policy
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 202422
Step 4: Create Login Details
Step 5: Once on your Dashboard, select NC License Exam
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 2024 23
Step 6: Select a Test Center Location
Step 7: Select a Date at Your Preferred Test Center
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 202424
“While the locations of 10 Pearson VUE-owned sites and military bases are reliable, partner locations may
be added or deleted at any time. Candidate can rely on the test sites oered on Pearson VUE’s scheduling
Step 8: Select Your Exam Start Time
Step 9: Complete Exam Registration
View this video for a quick review of Scheduling an Exam with Pearson VUE
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 2024 25
The following policies are observed at each test center. Candidates who violate any of these policies will not
be permitted to nish the examination and will be dismissed from the test center, forfeiting the examination
• No personal items are allowed in the testing room. Personal items include, but are not limited to,
cellular phones, hand-held computers or other electronic devices, pagers, watches, wallets, purses,
rearms or other weapons, hats, bags, coats, books, notes, pens, or pencils.
You will be asked to empty your pockets for the purpose of allowing the proctor to verify that nothing
is in them. If you have hair that covers your ears, you may be asked to show your ears for the purpose
of allowing the proctor to verify that no electronic devices are present. The proctor may also ask you to
roll up your sleeves to verify that you have no writings on your arms. Before you enter the testing room,
you will be asked to pat yourself down (for example: arms, legs, waistline) to show there is nothing
hidden on your body.
• Calculators are not required; however, they are recommended. Acceptable calculators include hand-
held, battery, or solar-powered nancial calculators used in real estate, nance, accounting, and business.
The acceptable nancial calculator may have storage capabilities but must not contain alpha characters.
Alpha characters are considered to be ABC, DEF similar to a cell phone. Exceptions are mathematical
symbols such as “cos” or “sin.” Calculator malfunctions are not grounds for challenging examination
results or requesting additional examination time. NOTE: Calculators are NOT provided by the test
center sta.
• Candidates must store all personal items in a secure area as indicated by the administrator, or return
items to their vehicles. All electronic devices must be turned o before storing them in a locker. The test
center is not responsible for lost, stolen, or misplaced personal items.
• Studying is not allowed in the test center. Visitors, children, family, or friends are not allowed in the
test center.
• Dictionaries, books, papers (including scratch paper), and reference materials are not permitted in the
examination room and candidates are strongly urged not to bring such materials to the test center. When
the candidate enters and is seated in the testing room, the test administrator will provide the candidate
with materials to make notes and any other items specied by the exam sponsor. The candidate may not
write on these items before the exam begins or remove these items from the testing room.
• Eating, drinking, chewing gum, smoking, and/or making noise that creates a disturbance for other
candidates is prohibited during the exam.
• NCREC allows unscheduled breaks. To request an unscheduled break, the candidate must raise their
hand to get the administrators attention. The exam clock will not stop while the candidate is taking a
• Candidates must leave the testing room for all breaks. However, candidates are not permitted to leave
the oor or building for any reason during this time, unless specied by the administrator and the exam
sponsor. If a candidate is discovered to have left the oor or building, they will not be permitted to
proceed with the examination and may forfeit the exam fees.
• While taking a break, candidates are permitted to access personal items that are being stored during
the exam only if necessary—for example, personal medication that must be taken at a specic time.
However, a candidate must receive permission from the administrator prior to accessing personal items
that have been stored. Candidates are not allowed access to other items, including but not limited to
cellular phones, exam notes, and study guides.
Any candidate discovered causing a disturbance of any kind or engaging in any kind of misconduct
giving or receiving help; using notes, books, or other aids; taking part in an act of impersonation; or
removing examination materials or notes from the examination room—will be summarily dismissed
from the examination and will be reported to NCREC. Decisions regarding disciplinary measures are
the responsibility of NCREC.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 202426
Rescheduling a Scheduled Examination with Pearson VUE
You may reschedule your appointment at no charge by calling Pearson VUE at 800-745-2627 at least two
(2) BUSINESS DAYS prior to your scheduled appointment.
Special Accommodations for Candidates with Disabilities
Pearson VUE complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as amended. The purpose of
accommodations is to provide candidates with full access to the test. Accommodations are not a guarantee
of improved performance or test completion.
Pearson VUE provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations to individuals with documented
disabilities who demonstrate a need for accommodations. Test accommodations may include things such as:
A separate testing room;
Extra testing time; and /or
A Reader or Recorder, for individuals with mobility or vision impairments who cannot read or write
on their own.
Test accommodations are individualized and considered on a case-by-case basis. All candidates who
are requesting accommodations because of a disability must provide appropriate documentation of their
condition and how it is expected to aect their ability to take the test under standard conditions. This may
Supporting documentation from the professional who diagnosed the condition, including the credentials
that qualify the professional to make this diagnosis, or
A description of past accommodations the candidate has received.
The steps to follow when requesting test accommodations vary, depending on your test program sponsor.
To begin, go to, and then select NCREC from the alphabetized
list. Candidates who have additional questions concerning test accommodations may contact the ADA
Coordinator at [email protected].
Test Center Arrival and Check-in Procedures
On the day of the examination, you should arrive at least thirty (30) minutes before your examination
appointment. This extra time is for sign-in with identication and familiarizing you with the examination
process. If you arrive late, you may not be admitted to the examination center and you will forfeit your
registration fee.
Required Identication and Signature
Candidate must register for the exam with their LEGAL rst and last name as it appears on their government-
issued identication. The required identication must match the rst and last name under which the
candidate is registered. Candidates are required to bring one (1) form of valid (non-expired) signature-
bearing identication to the test site. If the candidate fails to bring proper identication or the candidate
names do not match, the candidate will not be allowed to test and their examination fee will not be refunded.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 2024 27
Primary Identication: All candidates must provide one form of identication. ID must contain candidate’s
photo, signature, and be valid and unexpired. Allowable forms of identication are:
State-issued Drivers License, including Learners Permit (plastic card only with photo and signature)
State-issued Identication Card
U.S. Government-issued Passport
U.S. Government-issued Military Identication Card
U.S. Government-issued Alien Registration Card
Canadian Government-issued ID
U.S. Employment Authorization Card
NOTE: No temporary ID will be accepted. Student ID and employment ID are NOT acceptable forms of identication.
A candidate who does not present appropriate identication or whose identication does not exactly match the
candidate’s registration information will be denied admission to the examination and will forfeit the examination fee.
Your name on your required identication should be an identical match to the legal name on your real estate license
application. Pearson VUE proctors will accept an ID that shows the middle initial instead of the full middle name;
but other name variations between application and identication will not be accepted. If you recently changed your
name, or if your last name includes a generation indicator (e.g., Jr., III), or is hyphenated or is a double last name, you
should make sure well in advance that you are prepared to comply with this requirement. Proctors are not allowed
to admit for testing any candidate whose required forms of identication are not consistent with the name on the
license application.
Examination Security
The content of the NC real estate license examination is condential and both the Commission and Pearson
VUE take cheating and exam security very seriously. Per Commission Rule 58A .0405, no applicant or
licensee shall obtain, attempt to obtain, receive or communicate to other persons examination questions or
answers. Violation of this Rule is grounds for denial of a real estate license if the violator is an applicant
and disciplinary action if the violator is a licensee or becomes a licensee prior to discovery of the violation
by the Commission.
Taking the Examination
Taking the examination by computer at the test center is simple. You do not need any computer experience
or typing skill. You will use fewer keys than you use on a cell phone.
NOTE: After you have entered your responses, you will later be able to return to any item(s) and change your
response, provided the examination time has not run out or you have not ended your exam.
Examination Time
Check-in and the orientation to the computer testing process may take approximately 15-20 minutes. The maximum
time allowed to take the individual examination sections is shown below and includes any breaks taken at the test
center during a section.
NOTE: Since the National and State sections are timed separately, a break time taken at the test center between
sections will NOT be deducted from timed exam sections.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 202428
License Issuance for Passing Applicants
Licenses are NOT issued at the test centers or by Pearson VUE. Your examination results will be reported to the
North Carolina Real Estate Commission, and licenses will be issued by the Commission to persons who timely
passed the required section(s) of the license examination and who possess the requisite “Character” for licensure.
(See Consideration of Applicant’s Character under the Application Process Section.)
Applicants timely passing the required section(s) of the examination should expect to receive their license
certicates by mail not more than 10 days following their examination date IF THERE ARE NO CHARACTER
NOTE: Do not call the Commission Oce concerning license issuance until at least 10 calendar days after the examination
date (45 days if there are known character issues to be considered).
Applicants Who Must Re le a License Application with the Commission
NOTE: Each license application submission and application fee are valid for only one attempt at the license examination.
Before a candidate can retake a failed section of the license examination during their initial 180-day Exam
Eligibility Period, they need to return to their application portal at, verify that the information
in their original application has not changed, rele their application with the Commission, and pay another
application fee. An updated Notice of Exam Eligibility will be issued that species which exam section(s) the
candidate is authorized to retake and the remaining dates within their Exam Eligibility Period.
If a candidate’s Notice of Exam Eligibility expires (i.e., more than 180 days have passed since the license
application was originally processed by the Commission) and the section(s) of the examination required for
licensing eligibility have not been passed, then a new Exam Eligibility Period is needed. The candidate needs to
return to their application portal at, order a new criminal record report, verify that the information
in their original application has not changed, rele their application with the Commission, and pay another
application fee. If the licensing qualications are still met, a new Notice of Exam Eligibility with a new 180-
day Exam Eligibility Period will be issued. The candidate can then contact Pearson VUE and scheduleanother
There is no limit to the number of times a qualied candidate can rele their application and attempt the
examination. However, all sections of the examination required for licensure eligibility must be passed
within the same 180-day Examination Eligibility Period. Credit for any exam section passed in a previous
Exam Eligibility Period will be forfeited when that Period expires.
NOTE: No candidate is permitted to contact Pearson VUE for the retaking of any examination without rst reling their
application with the Commission and paying another application fee.
Forfeiture of Fees
Your scheduled appointment to take the license examination will be canceled, you will not be able to
take the license examination, your license application will be canceled, and you will forfeit both the
license application fee paid to the Commission and the examination fee paid to Pearson VUE if you
do any of the following:
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 2024 29
fail to schedule and take the license examination on or before the last business day prior to the expiration
of your 180-day Examination Eligibility Period;
fail to cancel your appointment at least 2 business days before the scheduled examination date;
fail to show up for an examination appointment
arrive after the testing start time; or
fail to present proper identication and required signature upon approval for a schedule examination.
(See Required Identication and Signature).
Excused Absences
Candidates who are late or absent from an exam may call Pearson VUE within 14 days of the exam date to
request an excused absence for the following reasons:
Illness of the candidate or of the candidate’s immediate family member
Death in candidates immediate family
Disabling trac accident
Court appearance or jury duty
Military duty
Weather emergency
A case number will be assigned and instructions provided for emailing supporting documentation.
Candidates absent from or late to an exam who have not changed or canceled the reservation according to
the Change/Cancel Policy will not be admitted to the exam and will forfeit the exam fee.
Inclement Weather, Power Failure, or Emergency
In the event that severe weather or another emergency forces the closure of a test center on a scheduled
examination date, your examination will be rescheduled at no additional charge to you. Pearson VUE
personnel will attempt to contact you in this situation. You may check the status of your examination
appointment by checking the website at ( or calling 800-745-
2627. Every eort will be made to reschedule your examination at a convenient time as soon as possible.
You will not be penalized.
Issuance of Licenses
After an applicant has satised the qualication requirements, passed the license examination (if required),
and satised the Commission of their good character (See Consideration of Applicant’s Character under
License Qualication Requirements), the applicant will be deemed qualied for licensure. Persons who
have satised the requirements for licensure will be emailed a conrmation of licensure containing their
broker license number and mailed a license certicate to the address shown on the license application
form. Licensees may access their digital pocket cards at immediately upon licensure.
Applicants passing the license examination should expect to receive their license certicates within
approximately ten (10) calendar days after their license examination, if there are no character issues.
NOTE: If an application raises character issues requiring special consideration, nal action on the license application
will be delayed. (See section on Consideration of Applicant’s Character under License Qualication Requirements.)
It is unlawful for any person to engage in the real estate brokerage business until the date the applicant’s
license is issued by the Commission, not the date the license examination is passed. The issuance date is
displayed on the ocial license certicate issued to each broker.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 202430
Initial Licenses Are Inactive Provisional Broker Licenses
Applicants who qualied for licensure by examination are issued an inactive broker license on provisional
status (also known as a Provisional Broker license) as dened in the Introduction.
EXCEPTION: An applicant licensed by examination who qualied based on broker licensure in another
jurisdiction may be issued a “full” broker license that is NOT on provisional status.
Activation of Initial Inactive Provisional Broker License
A Provisional Broker license is initially issued on inactive status. Before the Provisional Broker can begin
work in the real estate business, the Provisional Broker and a Broker-in-Charge must le a License Activation/
Aliation form (REC 2.08) with the Commission to have the Provisional Broker license placed on active
status. This may be accomplished by accessing the Commission’s website at ( and utilizing
the interactive online form. A Provisional Broker must be supervised by a Broker-in-Charge at all times when
engaging in real estate brokerage activities. A Provisional Broker must satisfy the Postlicensing education
requirement described below in order to terminate the provisional status of the broker license.
Requirement for Active Status and Notice of Changes in Employment or
Any broker license, whether on provisional status or not, must be on active status at all times when the
broker is performing real estate brokerage activities. To remain on active status, a licensee must satisfy in
a timely manner the payment of the annual license renewal fee and both the Postlicensing and Continuing
Education requirements described below. Also, a licensee must notify the Commission within 10 days of
any change in business or residence address or in employment status (including a change in Broker-in-
License Renewal
All NC real estate licenses expire on June 30, at midnight following the date of issuance unless they are
renewed by June 30. This is true even if the license was recently issued in May or June. License renewal
notices are sent as a courtesy reminder to licensees each year in May and included with new licenses issued
in late May or June.
Licensees should renew their licenses online through the Commission’s website, (, using Visa,
MasterCard, Discover, American Express, or PayPal between May 15 and June 30. The annual license renewal fee
is $45. Licensees are responsible for renewing their licenses in a timely manner even if they did not receive e-mail
renewal notices due to e-mail address changes or any other reason. No person may engage in real estate brokerage
activities after their license has expired.
A new digital license pocket card should be downloaded by brokers each year upon the renewal of their
licenses. A broker may opt to pay $5 to receive a paper pocket card. The pocket card veries license renewal
but does not show whether the license is on active or inactive status. Whenever there is a change in license
status (i.e., active or inactive), a separate notice is sent to the licensee.
All provisional brokers must satisfy the Postlicensing education requirement of 90 instructional hours of
Postlicensing education within 18 months of initial licensure to remain eligible for active license status.
The Postlicensing education program is divided into three 30-hour Postlicensing courses titled as follows:
Post 301: Broker Relationships and Responsibilities, Post 302: Contracts and Closing, and Post 303: NC
Law, Rules, and Legal Concepts.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 2024 31
Postlicensing Education for Provisional Brokers
All Provisional Brokers must satisfy the Postlicensing education requirement of 90 instructional hours of
Postlicensing education within 18 months of initial licensure to remain eligible for active license status.
The postlicensing education program is divided into three 30-hour Postlicensing courses titled as follows:
Post 301: Broker relationships and Responsibilities
Post 302: Contracts and closing
Post 303: NC Law, Rules, and Legal Concepts.
Upon completion of all three (3) Postlicensing courses, the provisional status of the broker license will
be automatically removed by the Commission. [Commission-certied Education Providers must report
course completion to the Commission, so licensees should not attempt to report course completion or
request removal of provisional status.] If a provisional broker fails to timely complete the Postlicensing
program, the license will be placed on inactive status until the licensee remedies the education deciency
and requests reactivation of the license using License Activation/Aliation form (REC 2.08) .
The Postlicensing courses can only be oered by Commission-certied Education Providers. The courses
may be delivered in person, or by synchronous or self-paced asynchronous (online) format. Click here to
search scheduled Postlicensing courses and providers.
Postlicensing Education Waiver Based on Equivalent Education / Experience
Most Provisional Brokers must take all the Postlicensing courses to remove their provisional license
status. However, it is possible for some Provisional Brokers with equivalent education and/or substantial
brokerage experience from another state to obtain a waiver of one or more of the Postlicensing courses. See
Commission Rule 58A .1905 for waiver criteria.
Provisional Brokers who think they may possess qualications justifying a waiver are referred to the Forms
section of the Commission’s website ( to carefully review and complete the Postlicensing
Education Waiver Request (Form REC 2.18).
NOTE: Provisional Brokers who applied for an NC license based on licensure in another jurisdiction and who opted
not to pass the State section of the license examination are NOT eligible for any waiver of postlicensing education
under Rule 58A .1905.
Postlicensing Education vs. Continuing Education
Postlicensing education should not be confused with Continuing Education. Postlicensing education
is a one-time requirement for Provisional Brokers wishing active license status eligibility that must be
completed within 18 months after initial licensure. Continuing Education is a recurring annual requirement
for ALL licensees wishing to maintain active license status eligibility that must be completed each license
period by June 10th beginning with the rst full annual license period after initial licensure.
Continuing Education (CE) requirement is eight (8) hours per annual license period, including the General
Update Course (4 hours) plus one 4-hour Commission-approved elective course. Licensees must satisfy the
Continuing Education requirement by June 10 of each annual license period (July 1 – June 30) in order to
renew their licenses on active status. There is a limited exception for new licensees.
NOTE: A broker newly licensed by examination or reinstatement does not have any CE requirement during the initial
license year; such a newly licensed broker must satisfy the 8-hour annual CE requirement prior to the second license
renewal in order to renew the license on active status.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 202432
License Reinstatement
All North Carolina real estate licenses expire on June 30 of each year. To maintain a current license, a
licensee must pay the annual license renewal fee between May 15 and June 30, even if they have not taken
their CE courses.
If a licensee fails to properly renew by June 30 deadline, the license expires. It is unlawful to engage in
brokerage activities without an active license. An individual must apply for Reinstatement to regain a
current license.
NOTE: For a full explanation of reinstatement requirements, go to the “Reinstate Your License” page on the
Commission’s website or contact the Commission’s Education and Licensing Division.
Real Estate Licensing in North Carolina - March 2024 33
Step 2:
Submit a complete
license application,
including criminal
record check,
fee, and other
documentation as
See pages 7-13.
Step 3:
Your application
is processed by
Commission staff .
See page 7-8.
Step 5:
Schedule and take the
license examination.
See pages 24-29.
Step 4:
Are you licensed in
another jurisdiction
and opting out of the
license exam?
See pages 6-7.
Step 6:
Character issues
to be reviewed?
See pages 12-13.
Initial license is Inactive
Provisional Broker
See pages 31-34.
Did you pass
the required
See page 29.
Your application is
cancelled &
returned to you.
You may reapply.
See page 8.
Reschedule and
retake the exam.
If your 180-day exam
eligibility period
has expired, a new
application is required.
See page 25-29.
Character Review
process is initiated.
Please allow
a minimum of
45 days
for this process.
See pages 12-13.
Step 1:
Successfully complete
the 75-hour North
Carolina Broker
Prelicensing Course.
See pages 5-7.
Is your
See page 8.
See pages 6-8
See pages 8-15
See pages 7-8
See pages 7-8
See pages 19-29
See pages 12-15
See page 14
See page 28
See page 8
See pages 8
See page 29
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