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Updated June 7, 2022
Quick Links
What’s new | Why COVID-19 vaccination is important | Booster and additional doses | What to
expect when you get vaccinated | Safety of the vaccine | Vaccine distribution/prioritization |
Protecting your privacy | Additional vaccine information | Where can I get more information?
What’s new
Booster dose now available for everyone age 5 years and older.
Why COVID-19 vaccination is important
What does it mean to be up to date on COVID-19 vaccine?
A person is up to date with their COVID-19 vaccination if they have received all recommended
doses in their primary series and all booster doses that are recommended for them.
How do I know if I am up to date on COVID-19 vaccine?
If you are unsure if you are up to date, you can talk to your doctor about your vaccine record.
There is also a tool you can use to determine if you are up to date. You will provide answers to the
questions asked and the tool will determine if it is time for another dose. If you have any
questions about your personal health situation, contact your doctor. Check to see if it’s time for
another dose:
Who can get a COVID-19 vaccine?
The CDC recommends everyone five years and older get a COVID-19 vaccination and booster dose
to help protect against COVID-19. Some individuals are eligible for a second booster dose.
Will COVID-19 vaccination help keep me from getting COVID-19?
Studies show that COVID-19 vaccines are effective at keeping you from getting COVID-19. Getting a
COVID-19 vaccine will also help keep you from getting seriously ill, even if you do get COVID-19.
Wearing masks, hand washing, and social distancing help reduce your chance of being exposed to
the virus or spreading it to others, but these measures are not enough. Vaccines work with your
immune system so it will be ready to fight the virus if you are exposed. Stopping the pandemic
requires using all the tools we have available.
COVID-19 Vaccines
Frequently Asked Questions
June 7, 2022
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Updated June 7, 2022
Do the COVID vaccines protect against Delta and Omicron variants?
The COVID-19 vaccines authorized in the United States are highly effective at preventing severe
disease and death, including against the Delta variant. mRNA vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna) are more
than 90% effective at preventing severe illness and death. Johnson & Johnson vaccine is 66%
effective at preventing severe illness and death. Some fully vaccinated people will become
infected, which is called a breakthrough infection. For such people, the vaccine still provides
strong protection against serious illness and death.
Scientists are still learning how effective COVID-19 vaccines are at preventing infection from
Omicron. Current vaccines are expected to protect against severe illness, hospitalizations, and
deaths due to infection with the Omicron variant. People who are up to date with their COVID-19
vaccines and get COVID-19 are less likely to develop serious illness than those who are
unvaccinated and get COVID-19.
How many doses of vaccine do I need?
For most people the primary series is two-doses for mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna) and one dose for
Johnson & Johnson. People who are moderately or severely immunocompromised may need an
additional dose as part of their primary vaccine series. Studies show after getting vaccinated
against COVID-19, protection and the ability to prevent infection against COVID-19 may decrease
over time so most people may need one or more booster doses.
What is the difference between an additional primary dose of vaccine and a booster dose?
Additional primary dose: A subsequent dose of vaccine administered to people who likely did
not mount a protective immune response after initial vaccination. People who are moderately or
severely immunocompromised should receive an additional primary dose.
Booster dose: A booster dose of vaccine administered to enhance or restore protection which
might have waned over time, after primary series vaccination. A booster dose is designed to help
people maintain immunity longer.
Can I get a booster dose and an additional primary dose?
CDC recommends that people remain up to date with their vaccines. For people who are
moderately or severely immunocompromised, that means receiving an additional primary dose
and booster dose(s) at regular time points. Individuals who are moderately or severely
immunocompromised should get an additional primary dose and recommended booster dose(s).
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More information about additional primary doses for people who are
moderately or severely immunocompromised
For the primary series, people who are moderately or severely immunocompromised are
recommended to receive:
Three doses of mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna) or
A dose of Johnson & Johnson followed by a dose of mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna).
Note: While mRNA vaccines are preferred, Johnson & Johnson continues to be available for those
who are unwilling or unable to receive Pfizer or Moderna primary doses and booster doses.
Who can get an additional primary dose of an age appropriate COVID-19 vaccine?
People who are moderately or severely immunocompromised are recommended to receive an
additional primary dose. This includes people aged 5 years and older who have:
Active treatment for solid tumor and hematologic malignancies.
Receipt of solid-organ transplant and taking immunosuppressive therapy.
Receipt of CAR-T-cell or hematopoietic stem cell transplant (within two years of
transplantation or taking immunosuppression therapy).
Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (e.g., DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich
Advanced or untreated HIV infection.
Active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids (i.e., 20mg prednisone or equivalent per
day), alkylating agents, antimetabolites, transplant-related immunosuppressive drugs,
cancer chemotherapeutic agents classified as severely immunosuppressive, tumor-necrosis
(TNF) blockers, and other biologic agents that are immunosuppressive or
Can kids get an additional primary dose of vaccine?
Yes, children aged 5 through 17 years who are moderately or severely immunocompromised,
should get an additional primary dose of Pfizer vaccine 28 days after receiving their last dose in
the two-dose Pfizer vaccine primary series. Talk to your doctor to see if your child is eligible.
Do I have to get the same vaccine type for my additional primary dose as I did for my
primary dose?
If you had Pfizer or Moderna, you should receive the same vaccine for your additional
primary dose. If the mRNA vaccine used for the primary series is unknown or unavailable,
any age-appropriate mRNA COVID-19 vaccine may be administered.
If you received Johnson & Johnson it is recommended to receive an additional primary dose
of Pfizer or Moderna.
Where can I get an additional primary dose of mRNA vaccine if I am immunocompromised?
Any vaccine provider may give an additional primary dose to individuals who are moderately or
severely immunocompromised.
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Do I need a prescription to get an additional primary dose if I am immunocompromised?
No, the state does not require a prescription or other verification by the patient or their medical
provider. An additional primary dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine should be given to those
people who are moderately or severely immunocompromised.
More information about booster doses recommended for ages 5 and older
Who can get a booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine?
Everyone ages 5 years and older should receive a booster dose after completion of their primary
vaccine series.
Individuals ages 5 through 17 years old should receive the Pfizer booster.
Adults 18 years and older should receive a booster dose.
o Preference is given to Pfizer and Moderna. Johnson & Johnson continues to be
available for those who are unable or unwilling to receive an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer,
Some individuals should get a second booster dose at least 4 months after their first booster
dose, including people who are:
- 50 years and older, or
- 12 years and older and moderately or severely immunocompromised
Some individuals may receive a second booster dose, at least four months after their first
booster dose, including people who are:
- 18 through 49 years and are not moderately or severely immunocompromised and had
Johnson & Johnson for their primary and booster dose.
When should I get my booster dose?
Not immunocompromised
Moderately or severely
Pfizer (Ages 5-11)
Five months after the two-dose
primary series.
Three months after the three-
dose primary series.
Pfizer (Ages 12+)
Five months after the two-dose
primary series
Second booster: Ages 50+ only,
should receive an mRNA COVID-19
vaccine four months after the first
Three months after the three-
dose primary series
Second booster: should
receive an mRNA COVID-19
vaccine four months after the
first booster
Moderna (18+)
Five months after the two-dose
primary series
Three months after the three-
dose primary series
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Second booster: Ages 50+ only,
should receive an mRNA COVID-19
vaccine four months after the first
Second booster: should
receive an mRNA COVID-19
vaccine four months after the
first booster
Johnson & Johnson
Two months after the one-dose
primary series
Second booster:
- Ages 50+, should receive an
mRNA COVID-19 vaccine
four months after the first
- Ages 18-49 may receive an
mRNA COVID-19 vaccine
four months after the first
booster if vaccinated with
Johnson & Johnson for
primary and first booster
Two months after the two-
dose primary series
Second booster: should
receive an mRNA COVID-19
vaccine four months after the
first booster
Which booster dose should I get?
It is preferred to receive a Pfizer or Moderna over Johnson & Johnson for your primary series and
booster dose(s), but adults 18 years and older may choose which one to get. CDC recommends
the use of Johnson & Johnson vaccine for primary series and first booster only in individuals
unable or unwilling to receive an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna).
Can children get a booster dose?
Everyone 5 years and older should receive their first booster dose. A second booster dose is
recommended for those 12 years of age and older who are moderately or severely
Where can I get a booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine?
Any vaccine provider administering a COVID-19 vaccine may give a booster dose to those who
qualify. If you need help finding a COVID-19 vaccination site, visit or call the COVID-19
Hotline at 888-535-6136 (press 1), 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday and
Sunday. Bring your COVID-19 vaccination card or print your vaccination record from Michigan
Immunization Portal.
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What to expect when you get vaccinated
Do I have to pay for the vaccine?
No. You will not be charged any fees for the vaccine, including any booster or additional doses,
even if you don’t have health insurance. If you do have insurance, the vaccine provider may charge
your insurance an administrative fee, but YOU will not have to pay anything. (If you are uninsured,
this fee will come from the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Provider’s Relief Fund,
NOT you.)
Do I need an ID or documentation of chronic conditions, employment, or disability to get
the COVID-19 vaccine?
No. In some instances, you may be asked to provide information to verify the county you live in,
get you registered, or bill insurance. You may also be asked about your high-risk condition (like
chronic conditions, employment, or disability) during the registration process. However,
identification/documentation from a health care provider is not required to get a vaccine.
Can I choose which vaccine I get?
Yes, however, CDC expresses preference for Pfizer and Moderna vaccines over Johnson & Johnson
based on the latest evidence of vaccine effectiveness, safety, rare adverse events, and supply.
Receiving any vaccine is better than being unvaccinated. Individuals who are unable or
unwilling to receive an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna) will continue to have access to Johnson &
Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine.
Children ages 5-11 may receive the pediatric Pfizer vaccine.
Individuals 12 years and older may receive the Pfizer vaccine.
Moderna and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines are only recommended for those 18
years and older.
You may also choose which COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson) you want to
receive for your booster dose. Preference is given to Pfizer and Moderna for booster doses,
however adults 18 years and older may choose Johnson & Johnson if they are unable or unwilling
to receive an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna).
If I already received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine as my primary dose, what should I do
now that mRNA vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna) are preferred?
If you are immunocompromised, it is preferred that you receive a single mRNA additional
primary dose (Pfizer or Moderna) at least 28 days after the dose of Johnson & Johnson
vaccine. Additionally, you should receive your first booster dose two months after
completing the primary series, including the additional primary dose. It is recommended to
receive an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna) for the first booster dose. Then you should also
receive a second booster dose using an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna) at least four
months after your first booster dose (Johnson & Johnson cannot be used for the second
booster dose).
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If you are not immunocompromised, you should receive your first booster dose at least
two months after the primary dose. It is recommended to receive an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer,
Moderna) for the first booster dose. Additionally, if you are 50 years and older, you should
receive a second booster dose using an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna) at least four
months after your first booster. If you are 18 through 49 years, you may receive a second
booster dose using an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna) at least four months after your first
booster (Johnson & Johnson cannot be used for the second booster dose).
Do minors need consent to receive vaccinations?
Yes. Minors ages 5 through 17 will need a parent or legal guardian consent to be vaccinated.
How will I know which brand of vaccine I received?
You will receive a COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card which will tell you which brand of vaccine you
received and when you are due for a next dose, if required. It is important to keep this card.
What can I do if I lose my COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card, it is damaged, or if I did not
receive a COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card?
Michiganders, ages 18 years and older, can access and download their immunization records from
the Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR) on their computer or smartphone. Visit to get started. If an immunization record can’t be found,
immunization records can be requested from a physician’s office or local health department.
If you did not receive a COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card, contact the facility where you
were vaccinated and request either a completed card or a print-out from the Michigan Care
Improvement Registry (MCIR) if it was administered in Michigan, be given or sent to you.
Both are official vaccination records.
What is the difference between an mRNA vaccine and an adenovirus vaccine?
COVID-19 vaccines help our bodies develop immunity to the virus that causes COVID-19 without
us having to get the illness. Different types of vaccines work in different ways to offer protection,
but with all types of vaccines, the body is left with knowing how to fight the virus in the future.
Neither vaccine uses a live virus you cannot get COVID-19 from a COVID-19 vaccine.
mRNA vaccines give instructions to your cells to make a harmless piece of spike
protein from SARS-CoV-2 the virus that causes COVID-19. Recognizing that the piece of
protein doesn’t belong there, your immune system builds antibodies and activates T-cells
to destroy it. In the future, your cells remember how to destroy the protein, protecting you
from the virus. View: How mRNA vaccines work.
Adenovirus vaccine is a type of vector vaccine. This vaccine uses adenovirus (the
virus that causes the common cold) to deliver instructions about COVID-19 to your
cells through a piece of spike protein. Your immune system then builds antibodies and
activates T-cells to destroy it. In the future, your cells remember how to destroy the
protein, protecting you from the virus. View: How Adenovirus-based vaccines work.
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Are the side effects of mRNA vaccine different than the adenovirus vaccine?
No matter what vaccine you get, it is normal to have mild side effects like fever, chills, fatigue, and
headache, as well as pain and swelling in the arm where you received the vaccine. This is your
immune system learning how to fight the virus, and indicates the vaccine is working.
Can any doctor’s office, clinic, or pharmacy offer the COVID-19 vaccine?
Doctor’s offices, clinics, and pharmacies must enroll in the vaccination program to provide COVID-
19 vaccines to patients. Individuals can find a vaccination site at
If I already had COVID-19, should I get vaccinated? Shouldn’t I be immune?
You should still get the COVID-19 vaccine, even if you have had COVID-19. There is not enough
information currently available to say if or for how long after infection someone is protected from
getting COVID-19 again; this is called natural immunity. Early evidence suggests natural immunity
from COVID-19 may not last very long, but more studies are needed to better understand this.
Safety of the vaccine
Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe?
We understand that some people may be concerned about getting vaccinated. Safety is the first
priority in vaccine authorization or approval.
It’s important to know that all three of the authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccines were proven
to be safe and effective in reducing the risk of severe illness, hospitalizations, and death as caused
by the virus. Routine processes and procedures remain in place to ensure the safety of any
vaccine authorized or approved for use. More information about the safety of the COVID-19
vaccine is available at the CDC Vaccine Benefits website and the CDC Vaccine Safety website.
Is one of the COVID-19 vaccines proven to be safer than the other?
All COVID-19 vaccines go through the same process to receive emergency use authorization (EUA)
or approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Reports to the Vaccine Adverse Events
Reporting System (VAERS), a passive safety surveillance system, has shown an increased risk of
thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) after administration of the Johnson & Johnson
COVID-19 vaccine. Cases of TTS following administration of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19
vaccine have been reported in both males and females, and in a wide age range of individuals 18
years and older. The highest reporting rate is in females ages 30-49 years.
In a setting where mRNA and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines are both available,
benefit/risk balance for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (Pfizer or Moderna) are likely more favorable
across all age and sex groups. Because of these findings, CDC recommends a clinical preference
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for individuals to receive an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine over Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine
unless the patient is unable or unwilling to receive an mRNA vaccine.
How can a safe vaccine be made so quickly?
Vaccine development typically takes many years. However, scientists had already begun research
for coronavirus vaccines during previous outbreaks caused by related coronaviruses (e.g., Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome). That earlier research
provided a head start for rapid development of vaccines to protect against infection with COVID-
19. No steps were skipped in the development of this vaccine but modifications to the process
were made to shorten the timeline without sacrificing safety, such as:
Overlapping phase I and phase II clinical trials. Phase I studies included a small number of
people and evaluate whether the vaccine causes an immune response and is safe.
Scientists looked at data from a group of people in phase I as phase II was progressing to
make these evaluations.
While completing large phase III trials, manufacturers began producing the vaccine, so that
if it were shown to be safe and effective, they would have large numbers of doses ready.
While waiting for a vaccine to be ready, many other aspects of vaccine delivery were
prepared (e.g., developing plans for how to distribute the first, limited quantities, ensuring
adequate supplies for distributing and administering vaccine.
Can this vaccine give me COVID-19?
No. This vaccine gives your body a code which helps it recognize the virus, so your body can fight it
off in the future.
Can I get other vaccines at the same time as a COVID-19 vaccine?
COVID-19 vaccines may be administered at the same time as other vaccines, including flu
vaccine there is no longer a waiting period. Your doctor may recommend getting multiple
vaccines in one appointment. Be sure to have a discussion with your doctor to discuss what
vaccines you may need.
Can I be vaccinated if I have been exposed to COVID-19 and quarantined or isolated for
suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2?
In general, the people scheduled for COVID-19 vaccine who are exposed to SARS-CoV-2 virus
(COVID-19 illness) and quarantined, should reschedule vaccination after their quarantine period
has ended, in order to avoid the risk of exposing vaccinators to the virus. People diagnosed with
SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19 illness) before a scheduled vaccination, should wait to be
vaccinated until after recovery and the end of the isolation period to avoid the risk of exposing
vaccinators to the virus.
Ask the Experts about COVID-19 IAC experts answer Q&As
Interim Clinical Considerations for Use of COVID-19 Vaccines Currently Authorized in the US
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Updated June 7, 2022
Can people who are pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to become pregnant get the vaccine?
Yes. COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for everyone 5 years and older, including people who
are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or might become pregnant in the future.
If you have questions about getting vaccinated, talking with your health care professional might
help, but is not required.
MotherToBaby experts are available to answer questions in English or Spanish by phone or chat.
The free and confidential service is available MondayFriday 8am5pm (local time). To reach
Call 1-866-626-6847
Chat live or send an email MotherToBaby
More information for people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to become pregnant.
Does the vaccine cause infertility?
No. COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for people who are trying to get pregnant now or
might become pregnant in the future, as well as their partners. There is currently no evidence that
any vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, cause fertility problems (problems trying to get
pregnant) in women or men.
Are there any tests people have to get before getting the vaccine?
No. You should talk with your health care provider about any questions you have due to your
personal, specific medical history.
Does the vaccine have any side effects?
After COVID-19 vaccination, you may have some side effects. This is a normal sign that your body
is building protection. The side effects from COVID-19 vaccination may feel like flu and might even
affect your ability to do daily activities, but it should go away in a few days. Your arm may be sore,
red, or warm to the touch. You may have a low-grade fever, headache, and just a general feeling of
“not yourself”. These are signs that your immune system is doing exactly what it is supposed to,
which is produce an immune response for you to have protection against this disease.
Vaccine side effects can be different in children. Learn more about kids and COVID-19 vaccines.
Can people with a history of allergic reactions get the vaccine?
Most people who have food or environmental allergies can still get the vaccine. Prior to getting
vaccinated, talk to your health care provider if you have had any severe reactions to medicines or
vaccines in the past. Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines and rare and severe allergic reactions.
How are side effects being tracked?
The CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) manage the Vaccine Adverse Events
Reporting System (VAERS), a national system to detect any possible symptoms or side effects that
occur after someone has had a vaccine. Anyone who had a vaccine can report concerns to VAERS.
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Updated June 7, 2022
What is V-safe?
When you get your vaccine, you will get a link to access the “V-safe After Vaccination Health
Checker” for your phone. Through V-safe, you can quickly tell the CDC if you have any side effects
after getting the COVID-19 vaccine. CDC may follow up by phone to get more information. V-safe
will also remind you to get the second COVID-19 vaccine dose when needed.
Protecting your privacy
What information will be collected about me when I receive the vaccine?
By reviewing the vaccine specific Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) document and agreeing to
be vaccinated, you allow information such as name, address, date of birth, and type of vaccine be
shared to the state’s registry called the Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR).
Will information collected about me be shared with anyone?
The Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR) database is only visible by approved medical
professionals, staff, local health departments, and other officials for vaccination purposes, and
they must sign the MCIR Usage Agreement, which governs protection of your information.
Michigan will share vaccination information with the CDC but in de-identified aggregate form (i.e.,
not containing person-level information such as name, date of birth, or address).
Vaccine distribution/prioritization
How do I sign up to get vaccinated?
To find a vaccine visit You can also:
Check the website of your local health department, hospital, or local pharmacy to find out
their process or for registration forms; or
Residents without internet access or need assistance navigating the vaccine scheduling
process can call the COVID-19 Hotline at 888-535-6136 (press 1), Monday through Friday
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. or can call 2-1-1.
How are people who are homeless receiving the vaccine?
Local health departments coordinate with Federally Qualified Health Centers, shelters, and other
providers to administer the vaccine to people who are homeless.
How are tribal populations receiving the vaccine?
Vaccine is administered to tribal members through tribal health clinics.
How are seasonal/migrant workers receiving the vaccine?
Local health departments coordinate with Federally Qualified Health Centers and other providers
to administer the vaccine. More information on food processing and agricultural workers.
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Can I get the second dose of the vaccine in a different state than where I got the first dose?
If you receive a two-dose vaccine series (Pfizer or Moderna), it’s important to get the second dose
of the same vaccine in the time frame required for your vaccine. You might be able to get that in a
different state, but you should check before traveling to ensure availability in that state. Consult
that state’s COVID-19 vaccine website. Make sure you have your immunization records, including
the card you were given when you received your first dose.
Additional Vaccine Information
How do I get my vaccine counted in Michigan’s data if I was vaccinated in another state?
Work with your health care provider to ensure immunization data is added in the Michigan Care
Improvement Registry (MCIR, the Michigan system for recording vaccine information). Once data is
in MCIR, it will be added to doses administered on Michigan’s COVID-19 vaccine dashboard. This
would require the individual who was vaccinated out-of-state to take their immunization record
card to their local health department or health care provider and the provider would be able to
add it to the MCIR.
Do the COVID-19 vaccines contain fetal cells?
COVID-19 vaccines do not contain fetal cells, even if a fetal cell line is used during any part of
vaccine development and manufacturing. The Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine has been
produced by growing the virus in fetal cells during vaccine development and manufacturing (using
the PER.C6 line). Such cells were derived from a historic fetal cell line.
The mRNA vaccines (those by Pfizer and Moderna) did not use a fetal cell line to produce or
manufacture the vaccine. However, a fetal cell line was used in a very early phase to confirm
efficacy prior to production and manufacturing.
Additional information may be found at:
COVID-19 Vaccines & Fetal Cells
Questions and Answers about COVID-19 Vaccines
Vaccine Ingredients-Fetal Tissues
Immunization Action Coalition
Charlotte LOZIER Institute
Science Article
How much vaccine is going to FQHCs, otherwise known as Community Health Centers?
The amount of COVID-19 vaccine ordered each week for Michigan providers is available on the
COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard. FQHCs have been identified by the federal government and the
State of Michigan as an important provider to reach vulnerable populations. The very mission of
an FQHC is to provide primary care services in underserved communities.
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Where can I get more information?
More information is available about coronavirus on the State of Michigan coronavirus website.
More information is available about COVID-19 vaccines on the State of Michigan COVID-19
Vaccination website.
If you have additional questions, you can contact the COVID-19 Hotline at 1-888-535-6136.
For more information about coronavirus review: CDC COVID-19 Vaccine
Providers who wish to enroll in Michigan’s COVID-19 Vaccination Program.