S: Sensory & Food
Flavor-Enhancing Properties of Mushrooms in
Meat-Based Dishes in Which Sodium Has Been
Reduced and Meat Has Been Partially Substituted
with Mushrooms
A. Myrdal Miller, K. Mills, T. Wong, G. Drescher, S.M. Lee, C. Sirimuangmoon, S. Schaefer, S. Langstaff, B. Minor, and J.-X Guinard
Abstract: The effects of beef substitution with crimini or white mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) on the flavor profiles
of carne asada and beef taco blends were measured with a descriptive analysis panel. Sensory mitigation of sodium
reduction through the incorporation of mushrooms was also investigated in the taco blends. The substitution of beef
with mushrooms in the carne asada did not alter the overall flavor strength of the dish, but the incorporation of 50%
or 80% ground mushroom in the beef taco blend did enhance its overall flavor as well as mushroom, veggie, onion,
garlic and ear thy flavors, and umami and sweet tastes. Overall flavor intensity of the 25% reduced-salt version of the 80%
mushroom taco blend matched that of the full-salt versions of the 100% and 50% beef formulations, thus indicating that
the substitution of 80% of the meat with mushrooms did mitigate the 25% sodium reduction in terms of the overall flavor
impact of the dish, even if it did not quite compensate for the reduction in salty taste. This proof-of-concept study for
the Healthy Flavors Research Initiative indicates that because of their flavor-enhancing umami principles, mushrooms
can be used as a healthy substitute for meat and a mitigating agent for sodium reduction in meat-based dishes without
loss of overall flavor.
Keywords: culinary, flavor profile, mushrooms, sodium reduction, umami
Practical Application: In some meat-based dishes, meat can be substituted with mushrooms without compromising the
flavor of the dishes while also improving their nutritional quality by reducing the amount of sodium, calories, saturated fat,
and cholesterol in them. This is because of the presence of unique and so-called “umami” flavor-enhancing compounds
in mushrooms. This study provides the basis for the preparation of healthier alternatives to traditional meat-based dishes
through sodium reduction and substitution of meat with mushrooms without loss of overall flavor intensity.
The rapid. increases in obesity and chronic disease in the United
States are attributed largely to unhealthy dietary choices and pat-
terns. In response to these trends, the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for
Americans called, among other recommendations, for consumers
to “shift food intake patterns to a more plant-based diet.” Unfor-
tunately, evidence suggests that for many of the foods deemed by
nutrition experts to be healthful (that is, produce, whole grains,
nuts, seeds, legumes, and fish), consumer appeal is often lower
than other foods whose sensory appeal is related to high levels of
added sugar, salt, and fat. There is a clear need to devise culinary
strategies and sensory insights to improve the flavor and consumer
appeal of health-promoting plant-based foods. Bridging the culi-
nary arts and the food, sensory, and consumer sciences, the goal of
the Healthy Flavors Research Initiative is to combine culinary
strategies and flavor development techniques to make healthy,
MS 20140120 Submitted 1/22/2014, Accepted 5/5/2014. Authors Myrdal Miller,
Mills, Wong, Drescher, and Minor are with The Culinary Inst. of America at Greystone,
St. Helena, CA, USA. Authors Lee, Sirimuangmoon, Schaefer and Guinard are with
Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Univ. of California, Davis, CA, USA. Author
Langstaff is with Applied Sensory, LLC, Fairfield, CA, USA. Author Minor is with
Mushroom Council, San Jos
e, CA, USA. Direct inquiries to author Guinard (E-mail:
nutritious, and affordable foods more flavorful and appealing to
The extent to which flavor is compromised when sodium is re-
duced in food is well documented (Liem and others 2011). Sodium
chloride improves the sensory properties of foods by increasing
saltiness and by e nhancing some pleasant flavors and reducing un-
pleasant ones (Breslin and Beauchamp 1997; Beauchamp and Stein
2008). High consumption of sodium, however, has been linked
to hypertension, cardiovascular disease and stroke, and sodium re-
duction in Western diets continues to be a public health priority
(Institute of Medicine 2010). It therefore becomes necessary to
develop alternative strategies to reduce sodium in foods with-
out compromising sensory properties or jeopardizing consumer
acceptance. One such strategy might be to draw from the flavor-
enhancing properties of umami tastants to mitigate the sensory
effects of salt (and sodium) reduction. Indeed, Manabe and others
(2009) were successful in improving the palatability of salt-reduced
food using dried bonito stock, a food known for its characteristic
aromas and umami-tasting components.
Umami is the 5th basic taste after sweet, salty, bitter, and sour.
Derived from the Japanese word umami, meaning “delicious,”
umami is described as a savory, brothy, rich, or meaty taste sen-
sation. It is typically associated with the nonessential amino acids
glutamic acid and aspartic acid, and with 5
ribonucleotides such
2014 Institute of Food Technologists
doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.12549 Vol. 00, Nr. 0, 2014
Journal of Food Science S1
Further reproduction without permission is prohibited
S: Sensory & Food
Flavor-enhancing properties of mushrooms . . .
Table 1–Taco blend recipe codification.
Sample Salt Beef Mushroom Beef
ID reduction substitution content content
100B None 0% (none) 0% 100%
100B/25LS 25% 0% (none) 0% 100%
50M50B None 50% 50% 50%
50M50B/25LS 25% 50% 50% 50%
80M20B None 80% 80% 20%
80M20M/25LS 25% 80% 80% 20%
Table 2–Carne asada recipe codification.
Sample ID Steak substitution Mushroom content Steak content
Sample Steak Mushroom Steak
100STEAK 0% (none) 0% (none) 100%
50ST/50MR 50% 50% 50%
as 5
-IMP and 5
-GMP, all known to act synergistically in the
expression of umami taste (Yamagushi and others 1971; Yama-
gushi 1979). To chefs and foodies, umami is synonymous with a
satisfying sense of deep, complete flavor, balancing savory notes,
and full-bodied taste with distinctive qualities of aroma and mouth-
feel. These desirable sensory qualities are well documented in the
food science literature as well (Fuke and Shimizu 1993; Fuke and
Ueda 1996; Manabe and others 2009; Hong and other s 2012;
Zhang and others 2013).
Mushrooms are very low in sodium (5 mg/100 g raw white,
USDA National Nutrient Database 2011) and known for their
umami taste properties due to the presence of glutamic and aspar-
tic acids, and 5
-ribonucleotides (Yang and others 2001; Liu and
others 2005; Cheung 2010). A comprehensive review of umami
principles in mushrooms was published recently by Zhang and
others (2013). The authors of the review document how the pres-
ence of umami principles and their quantities are influenced by
several factors, including species, maturity stage, part of mush-
room (pileus and stipe), quality grade, storage type, and processing
method. Yet, there is no study documenting the effects of the
cooking method on the umami and other sensory properties of
mushrooms, except in the context of a complex food such as soup
(Li and others 2011). Chefs believe that when cooked properly,
mushrooms can take on the texture and consistency of meat. The
objective of the proof-of-concept study presented herein was to
test the hypothesis that because of their flavor-enhancing umami
properties, mushrooms can be used as a healthy substitute for meat
and a mitigating agent for sodium reduction in meat-based dishes
without loss of overall flavor or significant alteration of the flavor
profiles of the dishes.
There is evidence for the potential of using mushroom deriva-
tives to enhance the flavor of foods. In a study of the effect of
added shitake mushroom powder on perception and acceptance
of pork patties with Korean and U.S. consumers, Chun and oth-
ers (2005) found that addition of mushroom powder to patties
increased acceptance among U.S. consumers, supposedly because
it increased texture acceptance and juiciness. Dermiki and others
(2013a) further examined the application of shiitake mushrooms as
flavor enhancers in cooked minced meat, but this time as extracts.
The incorporation of a 70 °C shiitake extract led to significantly
higher levels of 5
-ribonucleotides in the cooked meat, but that did
not result in a higher umami perception or enhanced flavor overall.
The first objective of this research was to test the hypothesis
that because of their flavor-enhancing umami properties, mush-
rooms, when substituted for meat, can boost the flavor of meat-
based dishes; the 2nd objective was to determine if the way the
mushrooms were incorporated into a dish (that is, side-by-side
Table 3–Sensory attributes for cooked mushrooms.
Attribute Definition
Overall aroma Intensity of all aroma attributes taken together
Overall flavor Intensity of all flavor by mouth attributes taken t ogether
Raw mushroom Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with raw mushroom
Moss/wet soil Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with moss or wet soil
Earthy Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with dry mud or dirt
Nutty Aromatic associated with nuts or nut meats; character associated with Maillard reaction products, starches, and sugars
Buttery Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with butter
Yeasty Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with yeast and fermented products such as bread or beer
Rancid/stale oil Aroma or flavor associated with rancid oil; gives a mouth-coating sensation and/or a bitterness perceived on the back of the
Smoky Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with any type of smoke; may be phenolic or tar-like
Caramelized Browned character associated with Maillard reaction products, starches, and sugars
Burnt/charred Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with heated, scorched, or blackened substances
Toasted/roasted Browned character of Maillard reaction products, starches and sugars; aroma and flavor characteristic associated with roasted nuts
and coffee beans
Cardboard/paper Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with slightly oxidized fats, reminiscent of wet cardboard
Salty Basic taste on tongue stimulated by sodium chloride
Umami Taste on tongue produced by substances such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) in solution; a meaty, savory, or mouth-filling
Bitter Basic taste on tongue stimulated by solutions of caffeine, quinine, and other alkaloids
Sour Basic taste on tongue stimulated by acids
Sweet Basic taste on tongue stimulated by sugars and high potency sweeteners
Astringent Puckering and palate drying sensation
Oily/greasy Ease with which tongue, sample, and roof of mouth glide relative to each other due to the oil and/or grease present in the sample
Moist/juicy Inherent moistness of mass
Chewy Requiring much chewing
Crispy/crunchy Sound modifier, integrated term (hard, dense, and sound)
Soft-hard Resistance to strain when force applied
Rubbery/spongy Returns to original shape, tendency to act like a rubber band after manipulation
S2 Journal of Food Science
Vol. 00, Nr. 0, 2014
S: Sensory & Food
Flavor-enhancing properties of mushrooms . . .
Table 4–Sensory attributes for taco blend.
Attribute Definition
Overall aroma Intensity of all aroma attributes taken together
Overall flavor Intensity of all flavor by mouth attributes taken together
Meaty Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with cooked meat
Mushroom Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with mushrooms
Veggie Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with vegetables
Onion Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with onion
Garlic Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with garlic
Black pepper Characteristic sharp, penetrating aroma and hot, b iting flavor
Spicy (cumin,
chili, and
Aroma and flavor characteristics associated with the spices cumin, chili pepper, and paprika
Rancid/stale oil Aroma or flavor associated with rancid oil; gives a mouth-coating sensation and/or a bitterness perceived on the back of the
Smoky Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with any type of smoke; may be phenolic or tar-like
Earthy Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with dry mud, dirt, or damp soil
Burnt Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with heated, scorched, or blackened substances
Sharp trigeminal sensation perceived in the nasal passage and oral cavity
Salty Basic taste on tongue stimulated by sodium chloride
Umami Taste on tongue produced by substances such as MSG in solution; a meaty, savory, or mouth-filling sensation
Sweet Basic taste on tongue stimulated by sugars and high potency sweeteners
Acidic Basic taste on tongue stimulated by acids
Astringent Puckering and palate drying sensation
Oily/greasy Ease with which tongue, sample, and roof of mouth glide relative to each other due to the oil and/or grease present in the
Moisture Inherent moistness of mass
Chewy/tough Requiring much chewing
Crispy/crunchy Sound modifier, integrated term (hard, dense, and sound)
Firmness Resistance to deformation
Rubbery/spongy Returns to original shape, tendency to act like a rubber band after manipulation
Table 5–Sensory attributes for carne asada.
Attribute Definition
Overall aroma Intensity of all aroma attributes taken together
Overall flavor Intensity of all flavor by mouth attributes taken together
Meaty Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with cooked meat
Mushroom Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with mushrooms
Veggie Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with vegetables
Onion Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with onion
Black pepper Characteristic sharp, penetrating aroma and hot, b iting flavor
Spicy (cumin,
chili, and
Aroma and flavor characteristics associated with the spices cumin, chili pepper, and paprika
Rancid oil Aroma or flavor associated with rancid oil; gives a mouth-coating sensation and/or a bitterness perceived on the back of the
Smoky Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with any type of smoke; may be phenolic or tar-like
Earthy Aroma and flavor characteristic associated with dry mud, dirt, or damp soil
Salty Basic taste on tongue stimulated by sodium chloride
Umami Taste on tongue produced by substances such as MSG in solution; a meaty, savory, or mouth-filling sensation
Sweet Basic taste on tongue stimulated by sugars and high potency sweeteners
Acidic Basic taste on tongue stimulated by acids
Astringent Puckering and palate drying sensation
Oily/greasy Ease with which tongue, sample, and roof of mouth glide relative to each other due to the oil and/or grease present in the
Moisture Inherent moistness of mass
Chewy/tough Requiring much chewing
Crispy/crunchy Sound modifier, integrated term (hard, dense, and sound)
Firmness Resistance to deformation
Rubbery/spongy Returns to original shape, tendency to act like a rubber band after manipulation
in a carne asada recipe, or ground and mixed with the meat in
a taco blend) would affect their flavor-enhancement capabilities;
the 3rd objective was to examine the extent to which mushrooms
can make up the flavor that is lost upon sodium reduction in
such dishes; and the 4th objective was to measure the effect of
the mushroom cooking technique on the sensory profile of the
Materials and Methods
Formulation and bench testing of the recipes
The research began with chef-instructors from The Culinary
Inst. of America (CIA) developing recipes for the dishes to be
tested. Representatives from the Mushroom Council, the CIA,
and UC Davis then gathered to taste the samples, which included
Vol. 00, Nr. 0, 2014
Journal of Food Science S3
S: Sensory & Food
Flavor-enhancing properties of mushrooms . . .
the following items: steamed white mushrooms (tossed in canola
oil); saut
eed white mushrooms (cooked in canola oil); seared white
mushrooms (cooked in canola oil); oven-roasted white mush-
rooms (cooked in canola oil); 100% ground beef taco blend; 50%
white mushroom/50% ground beef taco blend; 80% white mush-
room/20% ground beef taco blend; 100% steak carne asada for
tacos; and 50% portabella mushroom/50% steak carne asada.
We discussed the best way to cook mushrooms for each recipe.
Roasting seemed to create meatier texture and more intense fla-
vor but also appeared to result in the greatest moisture loss (up
to 70%, as determined in preliminary testing), which affects not
only sensory properties but also food cost. Saut
eing and searing
resulted in the same moisture loss (38%). Steaming resulted in the
least amount of moisture loss (32%) but created the least intense
flavor. While CIA chef-instructors preferred the intense meat fla-
vor and texture developed through roasting, they recommended
eing the mushrooms for both the taco blend and carne asada
since it is a quicker cooking method (compared to roasting) that
can be done in large batches in volume foodservice operations.
Representatives from the Mushroom Council supported this rec-
ommendation due to lower moisture losses with this cooking
method, losses that would impact food costs for the final dish, an
important consideration for volume foodservice operations.
We also discussed the best way to cut the mushrooms, and
consensus was reached that in the taco blend, the mushrooms
should be quartered, cooked, and then ground to resemble the
grind of the ground beef. The group agreed that the mushrooms
for carne asada should be diced the same way the steak is diced.
This distinction allowed us to compare the respective effects of the
mushrooms, side-by-side or mixed within, on the flavor appeal of
each dish.
We next focused on the type of mushroom that should be used
for each application. White mushrooms were selected for the taco
blend due to cost. While initial testing on the carne asada recipe
was done with portobello mushrooms, CIA chefs recommended
using crimini mushrooms due to their size, density, flavor, and
perceived value. Carne asada is a menu item that uses steak and
therefore has higher food costs and higher perceived value for
The group also determined a relevant and optimal sodium re-
duction strategy. Based on existing research that shows that few
consumers can detect the first 20% reduction in sodium (Rodgers
and Neal 1999; Bolhuis and other s 2011), and on bench testing of
various salt-reduced versions of the recipes as well as the potential
umami flavor benefits of mushrooms, we elected to go with a 25%
sodium reduction for the reduced sodium versions of the dishes.
Mushroom preparations and taco blend and carne asada
A set of white mushrooms was prepared using 4 different cook-
ing methods—searing, saut
eing, steaming, and roasting—and eval-
uated by a descriptive analysis panel.
Chef-instructors from the CIA developed the 8 recipes that were
tested in this study. Recipes were developed using g ram weights for
all raw ingredients, and cooked weights were also determined in
grams to ensure accurate nutrition analysis, which was conducted
by a CIA Registered Dietitian using Nutritionist Pro software
(Axxya Systems, Version 4.7.0). The culinary protocol for this
study, the recipes, and complete nutrition information for the
recipes is available from the authors upon request.
A total of 6 beef taco blend recipes differing in added salt
and meat/mushroom ratios and 2 carne asada recipes differing
in meat/mushroom ratios were formulated as shown in Table 1
and 2. The recipes were prepared, cooled, vacuum sealed in rether-
malization bags, and then frozen at the CIA. On testing days, the
Figure 1–Sensory profiles of mushrooms
cooked according to 4 methods—roasted,
eed, seared, or steamed. Only
attributes for which significant differences
were found among the 4 preparations are
included in the plot (P < 0.05).
S4 Journal of Food Science
Vol. 00, Nr. 0, 2014
S: Sensory & Food
Flavor-enhancing properties of mushrooms . . .
samples were transported to UC Davis, warmed in water baths
to 160°F, and portioned for testing at the sensory facilities of the
Robert Mondavi Inst. for Wine and Food Science. Thirty gram
portions of all samples were used for this study.
Descriptive analysis
The intensity of the sensory attributes of the mushroom prepa-
rations, taco blends, and carne asada recipes was evaluated in trip-
licate by a trained panel of 13 judges (7 male, 6 female) using
the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis method (Stone and others
2012). Members of the panel were recruited from students and staff
at the Univ. of California, Davis, and were trained over several ses-
sions (6 h in total). All had participated in other descriptive panels.
Using mushroom preparations, taco blend, and carne asada
recipes prepared by CIA chefs, the panel developed a descrip-
tive language of 22 to 26 sensory attributes each for the 3 types
of products, along with definitions of the attributes (Table 3 to 5).
The panel then trained over several sessions to practice rating the
intensity of the attributes in each profile. During those (group)
training sessions, panelists shared their ratings for the various at-
tributes as a means of ensuring concept alignment across the panel.
Those ratings were discussed and in those instances where major
differences of opinion existed, panelists were encouraged to retaste
until a consensus was reached (Stone and others 2012).
A randomized complete block design was used for each training
session and the formal sessions. The intensity of each attribute
was evaluated across the products on an unstructured, 10-cm line
scale in the order in which the attributes are listed in Table 3,
4, and 5. All products were served in 2 oz plastic portion cups.
Approximately 1 oz of each product (mushrooms, carne asada—
beef, mushrooms, and seasonings, or beef taco blend—ground
beef, mushrooms, vegetables, and seasonings) was placed into each
portion cup and covered with a plastic lid. The portions cups
were then placed in a tiered rice steamer to keep them warm.
Approximately 5 min prior to the evaluation, the samples were
removed from the steamer and placed onto individual serving
trays. Serving temperature ranged from 50 to 60 °C. The tests
Figure 2–Spider web plot showing the mean intensities of the sensory
attributes in the carne asada. Only attributes that differed significantly
between the 2 recipes are shown (P < 0.05).
were conducted in isolated booths illuminated with incandescent
lighting. Judges rinsed between samples with filtered drinking
water and all samples were expectorated. All instructions, scale
presentations, and data collection were carried out using the FIZZ
software (Biosyst
emes, Couternon, France).
The final descriptive analyses of the mushroom preparations,
taco blends, and carne asada recipes were carried out in the Sensory
Laboratory of the Mondavi Inst. for Wine and Food Science at
UC Davis.
Data analysis
The descriptive analysis ratings were analyzed using analysis of
variance (ANOVA) with the main effects of “judge,” “sample,”
“replication,” and their 2-way interactions. It should be noted
that the “sample” F-ratio was reanalyzed in a pseudomixed model
ANOVA using the “judge” by “sample” interaction as the er-
ror term for any attribute with a significant “judge” by “sample”
interaction, as is customary when judges are considered a fixed ef-
fect (O’Mahony 1986). When significant differences were found,
means were compared using Fisher’s LSD (least significant dif-
ference). Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to the
mean intensity ratings of the 6 beef taco blend samples to sort
out the relationships among the sensory attributes and among the
products. PCA was not performed for carne asada samples due to
the small number of samples (that is, 2) in the design.
All the statistical analyses were performed using SAS version 9.3
for Windows (SAS Inst. Inc., N.C., U.S.A.) and XLSTAT 2012
for Windows (Addinsoft, Paris, France).
Results and Discussion
Effect of cooking method on mushroom sensory quality
The method used to cook the mushrooms had a significant
effect on their sensory profile (Figure 1, Table 6). Seared mush-
rooms clearly had more intense toasted/roasted, burnt/charred,
and smoky flavors, and had the strongest overall aroma. Roasted
mushrooms were higher in sweet, salty, and umami tastes, and
in caramelized, nutty, and buttery flavors. Steamed mushrooms
displayed higher cardboard/paper and raw mushroom flavors. In
terms of moisture, saut
eed and steamed mushrooms had higher
perceived moisture than roasted and seared ones.
With the highest overall aroma and overall flavor, seared mush-
rooms seem to have the highest potential for flavor enhancement
when mushrooms are used as a “healthy flavor” principle. But
with the highest umami intensity, roasted mushroom should be a
good alternative as well.
There is indirect evidence in the literature that the way mush-
rooms are prepared or cooked before incorporation into a food
or beverage has a significant effect on how they contribute to
the flavor profile. Dermiki and others (2013a) showed that the
temperature at which a shiitake mushroom extract was prepared
before addition to minced meat (22 compared with 70 °C) had
a significant effect on some of the attributes in the profile, and
that the extraction of 5
-ribonucleotides was higher at the higher
temperature. Li and others (2011) showed that the levels of free
amino acids and 5
-nucleotides in a mushroom soup were higher
in a microwaved soup than in a boiled or autoclaved soup, but that
more aroma-active volatile compounds were found in the boiled
soup. To our knowledge, however, there has not been any study
of the effect of the cooking method on the flavor of mushrooms,
and this study represents the first attempt at documenting how the
cooking method affects the sensory profile of the mushrooms.
Vol. 00, Nr. 0, 2014
Journal of Food Science S5
S: Sensory & Food
Flavor-enhancing properties of mushrooms . . .
Figure 3–Spider web plots showing the mean
intensities of the sensory attributes in the 6
beef taco mixes (A), and averaged by meat
substitution level (B), and by sodium reduction
level (C). Only attributes for which the samples
were significantly different are shown in
Figure 2(A). In Figure 2 and; 2(C),
superscripts indicate that the attribute
differed significantly among the samples at
P < 0.05 or P < 0.01, respectively.
S6 Journal of Food Science
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Flavor-enhancing properties of mushrooms . . .
Table 6–ANOVA F-ratios of each source of variation for 26 attributes rated by the descriptive analysis panel for 4 mushroom
Attribute Rep Judge Sample Rep
Judge Rep
Sample Judge
Sample Sample (e = Judge
Overall aroma 2.38 17.95 40.49 1.38 0.97 3.54 11.43
Overall flavor 1.30 16.86 36.49 1.42 0.79 1.18 30.99
Raw mushroom 0.84 16.28 32.86 0.65 0.84 2.86 11.48
Moss/wet soil 1.14 14.04 1.12 1.78 1.96 2.38 0.47
Earthy 0.52 26.30 0.12 1.01 1.90 1.33 0.09
Nutty 2.09 24.60 11.96 0.81 0.94 1.45 8.25
Buttery 0.47 49.16 13.60 0.83 0.74 2.03 6.70
Yeasty 0.71 97.75 5.50 2.03 1.21 3.99 1.38
Rancid/stale oil 2.98 121.05 0.67 1.85 2.49 4.30 0.16
Smoky 2.31 10.08 94.74 1.27 2.52 3.63 26.13
Caramelized 4.09 19.70 34.63 0.82 1.30 2.54 13.66
Burnt/charred 1.98 16.76 117.01 0.81 0.60 4.47 26.16
Toasted/roasted 0.39 18.98 83.77 1.02 0.39 3.39 24.71
Cardboard/paper 1.18 38.63 10.52 0.80 0.70 2.35 4.49
Salty 3.19 21.55 30.30 2.26 0.91 2.31 13.11
Umami 0.31 9.93 14.99 2.16 0.40 1.94 7.73
Bitter 0.13 51.29 25.66 0.73 0.98 7.16 3.59
Sour 1.08 29.15 1.76 1.04 1.86 1.51 1.16
Sweet 2.55
69.95 18.01 1.53 1.16 2.64 6.81
Astringent 0.78 40.54 0.45 1.96 1.77 1.66 0.27
Oily/greasy 2.05 13.68 1.51 1.03 0.78 1.06 1.42
Moisture 0.02 9.84 7.13 2.01 0.93 1.76 4.04
Chewy 2.82 25.01 0.71 1.03 0.76 1.27 0.56
Crispy/crunchy 1.66 50.02 2.02 1.48 1.34 1.12 1.80
Firmness 2.17 20.59 1.87 1.80 1.44 1.58 1.18
Rubbery/spongy 6.12 19.31 0.74 1.44 0.88 0.75 0.99
Note: Significance at P < 0.05 is shown in bold text. The attributes in italics were ones that showed a significant difference among the samples.
Table 7–ANOVA F-ratios of each source of variation for 22 attributes rated by the descriptive analysis panel for 2 carne asada
Attribute Rep Judge Sample Judge Sample Sample (e = Judge
Overall aroma 8.21 10.44 16.82 1.62 3.49 5.14 3.27
Overall flavor 6.18 6.75 0.51 0.77 2.00 5.64 0.09
Meaty 3.76 4.55 41.51 1.00 3.65 2.61 15.91
Mushroom 0.33 11.31 324.54 1.42 1.75 4.05 80.21
Vegy 0.13 22.99 69.77 4.02 5.28 7.21 9.68
Onion 1.27 16.21 9.92 1.66 0.87 1.97 5.03
Black pepper 2.09 18.95 0.04 1.77 2.08 2.39 0.02
Spicy (cumin, chili, and paprika) 2.89 56.08 2.25 2.02 0.62 0.96 2.34
Rancid oil 0.50 126.30 6.98 4.57 0.98 1.97 3.54
Smoky 6.71 43.93 50.78 5.13 1.32 3.63 13.97
Earthy 2.11 14.74 42.11 1.30 0.72 5.64 7.47
Salty 1.06 10.37 5.23 1.38 1.75 1.09 4.78
Umami 2.26 18.82 0.11 0.94 0.42 1.91 0.06
Sweet 0.26 46.82 0.08 1.91 3.45 4.06 0.02
Acidic 6.15 49.12 22.99 2.72 0.37 6.55 3.51
Astringent 1.61 22.52 1.65 2.00 3.29 2.38 0.69
Oily/greasy 2.40 14.58 27.18 2.74 0.76 3.40 7.99
Moisture 0.41 4.37 25.98 1.73 1.10 1.62 15.99
Chewy/tough 4.75 7.00 25.71 2.18 0.89 2.77 9.29
Crispy/crunchy 3.30 70.41 27.90 4.59 1.91 10.15 2.75
Firmness 0.95 4.37 22.31 1.45 1.09 1.33 16.72
Rubbery/spongy 4.38 10.88 3.65 1.71 0.14 4.76 0.77
Note: Significance at P < 0.05 is shown as bold text. The attributes in italics were ones that showed a significant difference among the samples.
As mentioned above, we elected to saut
e the mushrooms for use
in the carne asada and taco blend recipes because it is quicker, can
easily be done in large batches, and results in lower moisture loss,
which has a positive impact on food cost when combining cooked
mushrooms with cooked ground beef.
Effect of partial substitution of meat with mushroom on
the flavor of a carne asada dish
In this part of the research, we found that substituting 50% of the
steak with mushrooms, side-by-side in a carne asada recipe resulted
in significantly higher mushroom, onion, veggie, earthy, salty,
and rancid/stale oil flavors, oily/g reasy mouthfeel and moisture
(P < 0.05 or lower) (Figure 2, Table 7). The 100% steak recipe,
on the other hand, had significantly higher meaty and smoky fla-
vors, and firm and chewy/tough texture (Figure 2). There was no
significant difference in the overall flavor strength of the recipes,
however, as the overall aroma and overall flavor attributes mea-
sured by the panel did not differ between the 2 recipes. This could
be because the 2 main ingredients, steak and mushrooms, were
present s ide-by-side in the dish, thus limiting the potential for
Vol. 00, Nr. 0, 2014
Journal of Food Science S7
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Flavor-enhancing properties of mushrooms . . .
Table 8–ANOVA F-ratios of each source of variation for 25 attributes rated by the descriptive analysis panel for 6 beef taco mix recipes.
Attribute Replication Judge Sample Judge Sample Sample (e = Judge
Sample) Meat Na Meat Na
Overall aroma 4.00 16.95 1.77 1.69 0.78 0.93 1.89
Overall flavor 4.36 19.95 6.99 1.10 1.23 1.72 4.07 8.01 17.28 0.82
Meaty 1.19 20.47 45.98 2.02 1.03 1.64 27.98 113.52 0.51 1.17
Mushroom 0.76 17.13 76.72 1.57 0.82 1.62 47.26 187.60 1.14 3.62
Vegy 1.98 30.95 24.46 2.29 0.56 1.89 12.94 59.95 1.45 0.48
Onion 1.88 19.06 3.84 1.37 0.47 1.08 3.55 9.08 0.93 0.04
Garlic 5.52 45.70 3.50 1.83 0.71 0.92 3.79 6.41 4.58 0.04
Black pepper 2.27 41.41 1.62 2.01 0.75 1.01 1.60
Spicy (cumin, chili, and papr ika) 1.87 55.63 6.56 1.96 0.89 1.43 4.58 10.56 10.47 0.59
Rancid/stale oil 4.44 90.37 0.24 1.81 1.29 0.65 0.37
Smoky 0.27 28.52 1.71 2.17 0.76 1.27 1.35
Earthy 1.37 41.78 28.40 2.60 1.03 1.86 15.25 69.19 1.69 0.96
Burnt 3.74 40.89 5.32 1.48 1.05 2.11 2.52 10.96 2.16 1.25
Pungent—spicy hot 3.07 57.89 2.63 0.94 0.83 1.21 2.17 5.01 0.01 1.56
Salty 5.40 38.01 12.53 1.27 1.39 1.63 7.67 0.53 61.19 0.19
0.11 28.28 12.03 1.61 0.65 3.10 3.88 26.30 6.72 0.42
Sweet 0.92 73.02 9.72 0.74 0.86 1.99 4.90 18.45 3.39 4.16
Acidic 0.85 58.73 0.64 1.65 0.82 1.29 0.50
Astringent 0.11 38.18 0.53 1.16 0.71 0.99 0.54
Oily/greasy 4.13 14.26 3.63 1.53 1.00 1.60 2.27
Moisture 3.10 5.59 56.08 2.49 0.48 1.91 29.38 138.04 0.05 2.13
Chewy/tough 0.12 16.06 45.98 1.28 1.01 3.34 13.76 114.56 0.60 0.08
Crispy/crunchy 3.90 68.83 0.77 2.66 1.60 1.59 0.49
Firmness 5.30 26.15 79.28 3.18 2.27 3.63 21.83 192.93 9.36 0.59
Rubbery/spongy 0.37 22.30 6.36 1.62 1.10 2.99 2.13
Note: Significance at P < 0.05 is shown as bold text. The attributes in italics were ones that showed a significant difference among the samples.
S8 Journal of Food Science
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S: Sensory & Food
Flavor-enhancing properties of mushrooms . . .
Figure 4–Principal component analysis of the matrix of mean attribute ratings across beef taco mixes, showing the attributes (top figure) and the
samples (bottom figure) in the biplot of principal components 1 and 2.
flavor enhancement by the umami principles in the mushrooms.
Based on the flavor and texture profiles we observed for the 4
mushrooms preparations, one could also speculate that had the
mushrooms being seared or roasted instead of saut
eed, the texture
of the 50% beef and 50% mushroom recipe would have been closer
to that of the 100% beef carne asada.
Effect of partial substitution of meat with mushroom on
the flavor of a beef taco blend
Having the mushrooms incorporated as small, ground pieces
into a beef taco blend did enhance the flavor of the dish. Fig-
ure 3(A) and 3(B) and Table 8 show how the recipes with 50%
or 80% of the meat substituted with mushrooms did have a sig-
nificantly higher overall flavor than those with 100% beef (P <
0.05). As expected, they also had higher intensities of mushroom
and veggie flavors, as well as umami taste. But the overall flavor
enhancement of the mushrooms was further expressed as increases
in onion, garlic, earthy, and sweet flavors.
This flavor enhancement through the substitution of meat with
mushrooms in the taco blend is confirmed in the biplot of the
PCA of the sensory attribute ratings across the 6 formulations
(Figure 4). There is a clear separation of the formulations along
the first principal component as a function of meat/mushroom
content, with the 100% beef samples found on the left side of
PC1, and associated with meat and burnt flavors, whereas those
formulations with 80% mushrooms are found on the right side
of PC1, and are associated with overall flavor, thus confirming
flavor enhancement, but more specifically with garlic, onion,
veggie, earthy flavors, and, of course, umami and mushroom
These flavor-enhancing properties of mushrooms in meat-based
products or dishes had not been demonstrated before. In a study
of shiitake mushroom powder added to pork patties by Chun and
Vol. 00, Nr. 0, 2014
Journal of Food Science S9
S: Sensory & Food
Flavor-enhancing properties of mushrooms . . .
others (2005), there was no evidence of flavor enhancement by
the mushroom powder, as the patties did not differ in meaty flavor
intensity. Those patties with mushroom powder in them did have
a higher mushroom flavor. Only 3 sensory attributes—juiciness,
mushroom flavor, and meaty flavor—were rated in that study,
however, and by consumers, not trained panelists. Similarly, and
in another study, the incorporation of a 70 °C shiitake mushroom
extract led to significantly higher levels of 5
-ribonucleotides in
cooked minced meat, but not in a higher umami perception or
enhanced flavor overall (Dermiki and others 2013a). In the sen-
sory profiling of the meat samples, only 1 of the 40 attributes
in the profile—bitter taste—increased significantly as a result of
the extract incorporation. Other attributes—baked smell, tomato
ee smell, sweet smell, and salty aftertaste—actually decreased
compared to a control or meat with added MSG. These results
suggest that the mushroom extracts did not enhance the flavor of
the minced meat significantly. This was surprising given that the
authors measured increased amounts of 5
-ribonucleotides in the
meat with added shiitake extract.
Mitigation of sodium reduction by substitution with
When the sensory attribute ratings of the taco blends were aver-
aged by salt leve l (Figure 3C), the full-salt formulations displayed
significantly higher intensities of saltiness, as well as overall flavor,
umami, garlic, and spicy flavors (P < 0.05 or lower).
The overall flavor intensity of the reduced-salt version of the
80% mushroom taco blend matched that of the full-salt versions
of the 100% beef and 50% beef formulations (Figure 3A), thus in-
dicating that the substitution of 80% of the meat with mushrooms
did mitigate the 25% sodium reduction in terms of the overall
flavor impact of the dish, even if it did not compensate for the
reduction in salty taste.
There are several ways in which the substitution of meat with
mushrooms could have enhanced overall flavor or mitigated salt
reduction, through flavor enhancement by umami compounds in
the mushrooms, or through enhanced moistness or juiciness from
the mushrooms’ moisture. Indeed, the flavor-enhancing properties
of mushrooms through their umami principles have been docu-
mented (Dermiki and others 2013a, 2013b); and a recent report
suggests that juiciness enhances the salt perception of meat prod-
ucts, presumably by affecting fl avor release (Stieger 2011).
In addition to improving the nutritional properties of a meat-
based dish such as a beef taco blend, the substitution of 50% or
even 80% of the beef with ground white mushrooms can enhance
the overall flavor of a beef taco blend and even mitigate some of the
loss of flavor from a 25% sodium reduction, without dramatically
altering the flavor profile of the dish.
This study also served as a demonstration of the effect of the
cooking method on the flavor profile of white mushrooms. With
the highest overall aroma and overall flavor, seared mushrooms
seem to have the highest potential for flavor enhancement when
mushrooms are used as a “healthy flavor” principle. But with
the highest umami intensity, roasted mushroom should be a good
alternative as well.
This research was supported by a grant from the Mushroom
Author Contributions
Study design—Myrdal Miller, Wong
Drescher, Langstaff,
Minor, and Guinard. Data collection and analysis—all au-
thors. Manuscript writing—Myrdal Miller, Minor, and Guinard.
Manuscript revision—Guinard.
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