Two Turntables and a Mobile Phone
Nicholas J. Bryan and Ge Wang
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)
Stanford University
660 Lomita Dr.
Stanford, California, USA
{njb, ge}
A novel method of digital scratching is presented as an al-
ternative to currently available digital hardware interfaces
and time-coded vinyl (TCV). Similar to TCV, the proposed
method leverages existing analog turntables as a physical in-
terface to manipulate the playback of digital audio. To do
so, however, an accelerometer/gyroscope–equipped smart
phone is firmly attached to a modified record, placed on a
turntable, and used to sense a performers movement, re-
sulting in a wireless sensing-based scratching method. The
accelerometer and gyroscope data is wirelessly transmitted
to a computer to manipulate the digital audio playback in
real-time. The method provides the benefit of digital au-
dio and storage, requires minimal additional hardware, ac-
commodates familiar proprioceptive feedback, and allows
a single interface to control both digital and analog au-
dio. In addition, the proposed method provides numer-
ous additional benefits including real-time graphical display,
multi-touch interaction, and untethered performance (e.g
“air-scratching”). Such a method turns a vinyl record into
an interactive surface and enhances traditional scratching
performance by affording new and creative musical inter-
actions. Informal testing show this approach to be viable,
responsive, and robust.
Digital scratching, mobile music, digital DJ, smartphone,
turntable, turntablism, record player, accelerometer, gyro-
scope, vinyl emulation software
The performance practice of DJing has experienced aston-
ishing growth over the past three decades. Scratching, beat-
matching, beat juggling, mixing, and similar techniques can
be heard on the radio, in night clubs, and experimental mu-
sic contexts around the world. All such performance styles
can be traced back to the unique physical interaction and
expressive nature of a simple mechanical device–the ana-
log turntable. The simple physical control and inherent
proprioceptive feedback affords the possibility of incredible
virtuosity and skill without hindering a beginner’s zeal.
With the advent of digital audio, however, great attention
has been focused on digital implementations of the turntable
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NIME’11, 30 May–1 June 2011, Oslo, Norway.
Copyright remains with the author(s).
so as to leverage the many benefits of digital storage and
playback. Such implementations typically fall within two
categories: methods leveraging existing analog turntables
with certain modification and methods requiring alterna-
tive hardware mimicking the turntable’s control. Examples
of the prior include time-coded vinyl (TCV), while examples
of the latter include CDJs or similar interfaces [2, 1, 4, 3].
TCV uses a vinyl record encoded with time-code to detect
needle position, where as alternative hardware uses various
alternate sensing mechanisms. Both approaches have dis-
tinct advantages and disadvantages, largely dependent on
personal preference and performance style.
In many traditional DJ settings, time-coded vinyl meth-
ods have proven overwhelmingly popular. TCV methods
allow a single interface to control both analog and digital
audio and maintain the familiar and nimble scratching con-
trol of a traditional analog turntable. Disadvantages in-
clude wear and tear on the vinyl record, limited duration of
the TCV records, possible jumps in needle position during
a performance, and physical interference of the turntable
tone arm.
(software + mixer)
mobile phone
mobile phone
local area network
analog turntables
Figure 1: Proposed DJ Setup. The system uses
turntables and sensor-equipped mobile phones, net-
worked with a host computer.
In this work, a novel method of digital scratching is pre-
sented as a viable alternative to currently available digital
hardware interfaces and TCV. The proposed method lever-
ages existing analog turntables as a physical interface to ma-
nipulate the playback of digital audio, but does not require a
time-coded record or any physical connection to a digital au-
dio playback device. An accelerometer/gyroscope–equipped
smart phone atop a modified record is used to wirelessly
transmit gesture data to a computer and manipulate the
digital audio playback accordingly as shown in Fig. 1. Us-
ing modern smart phones as a prototyping platform gives
similar benefits as TCV, but provides numerous additional
benefits including added visual display, multi-touch inter-
action, and untethered performance (e.g “air-scratching”),
turning a vinyl record into a familiar, but new tangible in-
terface [19]. Informal testing shows promising results, with
minimal latency and comparable feel when matched against
alternative approaches
Alternatives to commercially available digital DJ methods
include various form factors and implementations. Bill Ver-
plank references former students Keatly Halderman, Daniel
Lee, Steve Perella and Simon Reiff replacing an existing
phonograph needle with a riding wheel equipped with an op-
tical shaft encoder to digitize the gesture control [30]. Hans
and others developed DJammer, an accelerometer equipped
MP3 player [27, 12, 13, 14]. In addition to untethered con-
trol of DJ gestures, DJammer presented the use of virtual
jam sessions to exchange and share music audio streams.
Sile O’Modhrain discusses the importance of haptic feed-
back for musical instrument design in [24] and emphasiz-
ing such importance, Beamish created the D’Groove haptic
turntable device in [5].
The use of wearable sensors for real-time music signal
processing is presented in [21], while an overview of design-
ing alternative tools for turntable music in the digital era
is presented in [22]. Villar et al. introduced the ColorDex
DJ System [31], using color as a mixing metaphor. Hansen
et al. have done extensive work on the acoustics and per-
formance of scratching [17, 15] as well as high level gesture
control [16, 18].
Multi-touch interfaces have also been used within many
musical and DJ applications including the popular Reactable
[20] and numerous commercially available DJ applications.
A gesture based mobile music game involving touch-screen
scratching was presented [11]. Most recently, Savage et al.
introduced a multi-modal mobile music mixer using mobile
phones with accelerometer for gesture control of Bluetooth
streaming audio [26].
Surveying such past academic work emphasizes the vari-
ous important differences in approach when designing new
turntable interfaces. Firstly, there is a distinction between
interfaces which are meant to enhance the turntable perfor-
mance experience while maintaining the traditional physical
interaction of manipulating motor movement versus inter-
faces which are meant to alter the interaction with equiv-
alent audio effect. For better or worse, the goals between
the two approaches are notably different. Secondly, there is
a difference between the DJ performance practices of mix-
ing and scratching. A large number of alternative interfaces
focus on mixing because of the latency and sensitivity re-
quirements. Scratching, described as the art of manipulat-
ing a vinyl record against a turntable needle, as well as the
related scribbling (rapid scratching) [17] requires accurate,
low-latency, highly-sensitivity sensing.
Within the various approaches found in recent and past
research, we present work towards the enhancement of the
turntable performance using existing analog turntable hard-
ware. In addition, we focus on digital scratching interaction.
As a general approach, we begin by leveraging the porta-
bility and computing power of modern mobile phones (or
smartphones), which have been shown to provide a highly
expressive compact form factor [32, 23]. Alternative sensors
such as a wirelessly enabled light sensors or similar have the
ability to offer a more compact form factor for rotation sens-
ing, but do not provide numerous other advantages provided
by modern smartphones.
3.1 Accelerometer and Gyroscope Sensing
Accelerometer and gyroscope–equipped smartphones, in par-
ticular, can be used to sense and wirelessly transmit ges-
tural control data. With proper processing, a three-axis
accelerometer and gyroscope can detect three-axis rotation
rate (pitch, roll, and yaw velocities) ideal for sensing motion
on a turntable. As a result, by firmly attaching a properly
equipped mobile phone atop a vinyl record, an existing ana-
log turntable can easily be modified into a digital scratch-
ing interface requiring no specialized sound card. Such a
method maintains a near equivalent sense of tactility and
results in a wireless sensing-based scratching method as seen
in Fig. 2. Further, the wireless sensing method does not
Figure 2: Wireless Sensor Record In Action. A pro-
totype record (combination of mobile phone, sticky
rubber, and plexiglass disc) resting on a standard,
commercially available turntable.
have any length limitation as found with TCV and advan-
tageously avoids physical interference of the turntable tone
For many situations, the capabilities of accelerometers
and gyroscopes are not ideal. The processing required is
non-trivial and demands careful attention. Small errors
in acceleration measurements propagate to larger errors in
velocity and position estimates, commonly referred to as
drift or bias. Gyroscopes, however, provide a complemen-
tary measure of orientation and can be used to improve
accelerometer measurements via complimentary filters, sta-
tistical filters (i.e. Kalman filters), or other methods collec-
tively referred to as sensor fusion algorithms. In addition,
physical constraints can be added to further improve esti-
mates such as limiting the axes of measurement. Serendipi-
tously, the motion of scratching gestures are limited around
a single axis and even more so, the motion is circular, di-
rectly relating centripetal force (provided by the performer)
to rotational velocity. As a result, the use of accelerometer
and gyroscope–equipped smartphones for precisely sensing
scratching gestures is surprisingly suitable.
3.2 Proposed Method
By processing the continuous data stream of the accelerom-
eter and gyroscope, the system can achieve a precise and ro-
bust measurement of instantaneous rotational velocity. This
allows us to robustly track both steady and variable rota-
tional velocity. Remarkably, this works well even for more
extreme changes in rotational velocities such as those pro-
duced by the physical gesture of scratching. By transmit-
ting this data over a low-latency wireless network, the phys-
ical gestures applied to the mobile phone can be mapped to
the playback position of an audio file or, more generally,
any other real-time audio parameter. This creates a viable
alternative to prior digital scratching methods.
The proposed method enables a number of additional bene-
fits and novel interactions, taking advantage of multi-touch
displays as well as the physicality and mobility of the mod-
ern mobile phone.
4.1 Visual Feedback
By placing a mobile phone on top of the moving vinyl record
and adding real-time “on-record”visual feedback with multi-
touch interaction, a simple vinyl record is transformed into
an interactive surface. This can aid a performer in numer-
ous contexts including cueing, scratching, and beat juggling.
The processing of cueing involves preparing one record to
mix in with another and involves matching tempo, musical
phrasing, or similar musical properties. Direct visual feed-
back on the record can help in this process, even suggesting
how to modify the speed controls of the analog turntable.
When performing scratching and beat juggling, DJs will
typically place a visual marker (e.g., tape, paint, Post-it,
etc.) to remember the playback point within a certain song
as described in [5]. Having on-record visual feedback can
directly aid in this process. Fig. 3 shows an example im-
plementation displaying the actual audio signal itself on
the moving record, visually displaying the current position
within a song. As the record moves, the visual display is up-
dated according to the exact position of the audio file play-
ing on the host computer with the window size or length
of the displayed audio controlled using multi-touch pinch-
to-zoom controls. As seen, the start of a percussive sound
Figure 3: On-Record Visual Feedback. An exam-
ple of on-record visual feedback displaying the time-
domain audio waveform via custom software.
is displayed indicating a possible physical location within
the record for scratching or beat juggling. More detailed
visualizations could display virtual paint markings, tape, or
Post-its for a familiar style indication or entirely different
information and graphical user-interfaces. In addition, a
performer could use such visual feedback to select the “nee-
dle” position within a song or even switch between multiple
songs. As multi-touch technology advances, one could im-
age a multi-touch display covering the entire record surface.
4.2 Gesture Modification
By using digitized gesture control, alternative gesture-to-
sound mappings are possible. As standard in digital DJing,
this can be found in the form of independent sensitivity,
pitch, and tempo control. More specifically, scratching ges-
ture can be amplified or dampened by scaling the transmit-
ted rotational rate accordingly.
Figure 4: Changing Tone Arm Position Affects Ges-
ture Sensitivity. The changing tone arm position af-
fects scratching gestures as a function of line area.
As an alternative interpretation, sensitivity control can be
seen as controlling the tone arm position within a record.
Traditional analog turntables operate with constant veloc-
ity rotation, forcing audio material on the inner grooves of
a record to correspond to proportionally longer length sig-
nals for an equivalent angle as seen in Fig. 4. This causes
an exactly repeated scratching gesture to sound differently
depending on the tone arm position. This effect can either
be replicated or removed depending on personal preference.
In addition, gesture sensing can be set relative to still or
constant motion. This allows the system to be used with or
without the turntable motor in action. The measured rota-
tion speed can simply be biased so still motion corresponds
to a playback rate of 1.0 instead of 0.0, allowing the per-
former to choose his or her preference. This is not possible
with traditional TCV, which requires active rotation.
Finally, as presented in [25, 8, 9] and others, such ges-
tural control can also be used for active listening, allowing
the general public of listeners and inexperienced users inter-
act with the music generation and manipulation, not just
trained musicians.
4.3 Untethered Scratching
While serving the purpose of enhancing traditional scratch-
ing gestures tethered to an existing analog turntable, the
presented approach affords alternative interactions that can
lead to new forms of expression. In particular, untethered
or “air” scratching can be performed by simply lifting the
mobile phone-equipped record off the turntable as no phys-
ical sensor connections are required. As discussed in [27]
and [26], untethered interaction frees the performer to move
about and even interact directly with the audience. Such
ability poses numerous interesting questions regarding im-
provisation techniques and other musical devices. Involving
audience participation during a live scratch performance,
for example, is an appealing direction of study.
For implementation, custom software for both the sensing
smartphone and host computer was needed with minimal
custom hardware. More detailed hardware and software
implementation issues are discussed in §5.1 and §5.2 respec-
Figure 5: Untethered Scratching Interaction. “Air-
Scratching” is possible with or without a physically
attached record.
5.1 Hardware
For hardware, a single mobile phone, piece of sticky rubber,
and plexiglass disc were used for each wirelessly enabled
record. Fourth generation iPod Touch or iPhone 4 devices
were found to work well. Both devices include a three-axis
accelerometer and three-axis gyroscope with a maximum
sample rate of 100 Hz as well as a multi-touch display and
wireless networking capabilities. The iPod Touch is phys-
sticky rubber
Figure 6: Wireless Sensor Enabled Record. A mo-
bile phone attached to a modified record via sticky
ically thinner than the iPhone 4 and found to be slightly
preferable. In order to firmly attach the device to a vinyl
record, sticky rubber is placed in between the record and
mobile device as shown in Fig. 6. Commercially available
rubber mats (used to hold mobile phones against a car dash-
board) were used and found to be sufficiently sticky.
Various plexiglass discs were used in place of a vinyl
record. By varying the weight and size of record, a per-
former can customize the drag or friction between the record
and slipmat to suit their needs. A collage of prototype im-
ages is found in Fig. 7, showing a single record with phone
and rubber, collection of various discs, and the complete DJ
5.2 Software
Software implementation came in two forms: software on
the mobile phone and host computer software. The mo-
bile phone software was written within Apple’s iOS SDK
along with portions of the Mobile Music Toolkit [7], osc-
pack [6], and the Synthesis Toolkit [10]. The iOS Core-
Motion framework gives an excellent mechanism to stream
processed accelerometer and gyroscope data by an unspeci-
fied sensor fusion algorithm (most likely complementary or
Kalman filtering), directly providing three-axis rotational
rates of pitch, roll, and yaw. The yaw rate is then wirelessly
transmitted using Open Sound Control on top of UDP sock-
ets. Track information and other non-real-time information
can be sent reliably over TCP sockets.
Figure 7: Prototype Hardware. (Upper Left)
Phone, plexiglass disc, and sticky rubber. (Upper
Right) Various sized and weighted discs to accom-
modate a performer’s sense of tactility. (Lower)
Prototype setup.
To adequately implement the visual feedback of the cur-
rently playing audio stream as discussed in §4.1, additional
information including the position within the currently play-
ing audio file must be sent from the host computer back to
the mobile phone to update the display. If the visual display
is not updated by the host computer, the two devices will
drift from one another causing the audio and visuals to be-
come out-of-sync. Such effect is confusing to the performer
and is greatly undesirable.
Host software employs the Jules’ Utility Class Exten-
sions (JUCE) [29] providing a cross-platform framework
with numerous tools ready for audio application develop-
ment. A traditional DJ software model is taken, allowing
two simultaneous audio streams. The host program receives
the transmitted rotational rate and manipulates the audio
stream by resampling. Linear interpolation was initially
used for prototyping, with improvements found when using
higher-order polynomial interpolation [28]. An image of the
developed software is shown in Fig. 8.
Figure 8: Custom Prototype DJ Software. The de-
veloped DJ software required to receive and pro-
cessing the mobile phone sensor data and manipu-
late audio accordingly.
As discussed earlier, there are various advantages and disad-
vantages when comparing different digital scratching meth-
ods. In general, however, it is difficult to objectively evalu-
ate new methods and compare against past work. Just as a
violinist gets a custom to the feel and sound of their instru-
ment, a DJ will learn the subtleties of a given scratching
method and can be averse to change [5]. Informal perfor-
mance testing, nevertheless, showed promising results with
minimal perceived latency between input gesture data and
output audio playback.
General measures of evaluation included precision and re-
sponsiveness as well as stability. Rapid physical gestures
were seen to be very responsive and have precise corre-
sponding audio effect. Repeated physical gestures were also
found to have a consistent sounding effect over long perfor-
mance times. Further testing with professional level DJs,
however, is needed for a more complete evaluation. For
a video demonstration of the system in action please see
The one-way network latency time between a given phone
and host computer was measured to be on average 3-5 ms
and compares favorably with professional audio recording
equipment. When comparing the maximum humanly-possible
scratch rate (10-20 turns per second [17]), the 100 Hz sam-
ple rate of the accelerometer and gyroscope appears suit-
able. The perceived effect of accelerometer and gyroscope
latency, however, is difficult to measure and dependent on
the sensor filtering method used, requiring further study
and user evaluation.
A straightforward and surprisingly effective method of digi-
tal scratching is presented. The proposed method leverages
existing analog turntables as a physical interface and takes
advantage of the capabilities of modern sensor–equipped
smartphones, resulting in a genuinely physical, wireless sensing-
based scratching method. Benefits include digital audio and
storage, minimal additional hardware, familiar propriocep-
tive feedback, and a single interface to control both digital
and analog audio. Further benefits include visual display,
gesture modification, and the possibility of interactions un-
tethered from the turntable. Testing and evaluation show
this approach to be viable and promising.
This work was enabled by National Science Foundation Cre-
ative IT grant No. IIS-0855758 as well as the funding from
the School of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University.
Additional thanks to Professor Jonathan S. Abel for valu-
able conversation regarding the tone arm control. Finally,
a thank you to the anonymous reviewers for valuable feed-
back regarding the application of active listening and track
switching, among other observations.
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