Amended September 2022, 87
Texas Legislature
Certificate Renewal and Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Requirements
School Librarian and Learning Resources Specialist, Educational Diagnostician, Reading Specialist
200 CPE hours required
An educator holding multiple classes of certificates shall complete the higher number of required CPE hours in the
classes held during each five-year renewal period unless otherwise specified in applicable State Board for Educator
Certification rules.
CPE requirements for a School Librarian and Learning Resources Specialist, Educational Diagnostician,
Reading Specialist, shall be related to the certificate(s) being renewed and focus on the standards
required for issuance of the certificate(s), including:
content area knowledge and skills; and
professional ethics and standards of conduct
All educators must receive CPE training regarding educating students with disabilities. This training must
include information particular to educating students with dyslexia.
The required CPE for educators who teach students with dyslexia must include training regarding new
research and practices in educator students with dyslexia. The training may be satisfied through an
online course.
Completion of each CPE activity shall be maintained by each educator and should be evidenced by
documentation (e.g., transcripts, certificates of completion, attendance logs)
Professional development activities may include:
an evidence-based mental health first aid training program or an evidence-based grief-informed
and trauma-informed care program that is offered through a classroom instruction format that
requires in person attendance. A person receiving this training will receive twice the number of
hours of instruction provided under that program, not to exceed 16 hours;
suicide prevention training;
an instructional course on the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) that meets
guidelines for AED training approved under Texas Health and Safety Code; and
education courses that:
o use technology to increase the educator’s digital literacy; and
o assist the educator in the use of digital technology in learning activities that improve
teaching, assessment, and instructional practices.
Types of Acceptable CPE Activities:
Participating in institutes, workshops, seminars, conferences, interactive distance learning, video
conferencing, online activities, and in-service or staff development activities given by an approved
provider or sponsor. Staff development activities completed through accredited public and private
schools in other states, United States territories, and countries other than the United States may be
Amended September 2022, 87
Texas Legislature
Completing undergraduate courses, graduate courses, or training programs that are taken through
an accredited institution of higher education that at the time was accredited or otherwise approved
by an accrediting organization recognized by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
One semester credit hour equals 15 CPE hours.
Participating in an independent study in content area knowledge and skills related to the
certificate(s) being renewed, not to exceed 20% of the required CPE hours, which may include
o self-study of relevant professional materials (e.g., books, journals, periodicals, video and
audio tapes, computer software, interactive distance learning, video conferencing, or online
o developing curriculum; or
o authoring a published work;
Developing, teaching, or presenting a CPE activity to other educators, not to exceed 10% of the
required CPE hours.
Providing professional guidance as a mentor to another educator, not to exceed 30% of the required
CPE hours.