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2024 Ohio State Fair
Space Rental Application
July 24 – August 4
Thank you for your interest in participating in the
2024 Ohio State Fair
. Receipt of this application by the Ohio State Fair does not
guarantee space and is valid for the 2024 Ohio State Fair only. Please read thoroughly and answer all questions as incomplete
applications will not be accepted.
You must attach a photo of your operation, preferably from a Fair or Festival.
submitted without a photo or artist rendition will not be considered. Returning exhibitor contracts are processed through February;
therefore, the review process for new applicants begins in March. NO APPLICATION FEE IS REQUIRED. If you have any questions,
contact the Rental Department at 614-466-4010. The Rental Manual on the website is a substantive rider to the Rental Agreement so
review prior to applying to make sure you can abide by all Rental Agreement obligations prior to submission.
Business name__________________________________________ Owner (name on contract) ____________________________
Address______________________________________ City ____________________ State___________ Zip________
Phone ________________ Cell Phone____________________ Email______________________________________
Contact name and cell phone number of Manager (person attending Fair) _______________________________________________
Have you/your company participated in previous Ohio State Fairs? ______ If yes, list contract name and year _______________
List food certifications (ServeSafe, PIC) _______________________
Are you a member of the National Independent Concessionaires Association (NICA) _____________________________________
SOCIAL MEDIA: Please list all social media accounts associated with your business.
Website: _______________________________ Instagram: _________________________________ Facebook: ________________
no exclusivity will be granted
Mark all that apply. Do not send samples.
Retail sales ______ Order taking with deposit ______ Order taking only ______ Display of products/services only ______
Other, please specify: ______________________________________ Do you plan to present a demonstration? ______
Do you plan to offer giveaways or contests? _____ If so, list prize(s) and Value(s) _______________________________________
Do you plan to use a microphone? (not permitted for concessions) ____
List all items to be sold, exhibited and /or demonstrated. Please be specific (i.e. crafts and novelties are too general). Your contract
space will be assigned on the basis of this list. Once a contract is assigned, you may not display or sell any additional items. If
necessary, use an additional page and attach. Food vendors MUST attach FULL menu with pricing.
Violations may mean cancellation
of contracts and forfeiture of monies paid.
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(equipment, products, tie-downs, hitches, overhangs, and service/prep areas must fit completely within space)
Pricing is subject to change without notice.
Marketplace Building ____10’ x 10’ ($850) ____10’ x 10’ corner ($900) ____16’ x 10’ ($1,350)
____ 16’ x 10’ corner ($1,450) ____bulk space ($4 per sq. ft.)
Food (
concession fee 15%, Clover POS, Apex Reporting with Ohio State Fair access required
$50/front foot deposit ______front foot request _____ foot depth request
$11/front foot (ground service fee) ______front foot
$130/front foot ______front foot request _____ foot depth request
$8/front foot (ground service fee) ______front foot
ELECTRICAL & WATER REQUIREMENTS Indoor exhibit space includes one 20amp outlet
Additional charges will be incurred if more amperage is needed. You must order electric for all indoor exhibits that require 30amps or
more, all concession operations, all outdoor exhibits and vehicles requiring electric in the Truck Supply Compound.
Pricing is subject
to change without notice
110 volt, single phase ____20 amp @ $140 ____30 amp @ $185
220 volt, single phase ____30 amp @ $235 ____50 amp @ $255 ____100 amp @ $315
220 volt, three phase ____50 amp @ $165 ____100 amp @ $300 ____150 amp @ $485
Truck Supply Compound ____20 amp @ $160 ____30 amp @ $290 ____50 amp @ $325 ____100 amp @ $385
Is water needed for your exhibit or concession? ____
Do not complete ticket section after July 1.
Admission Tickets are non-refundable. They are required to gain access to the grounds
during the Fair. Additional tickets may be purchased during Fair. Parking permits are non-refundable. A parking permit allows
exhibitors/concessionaires to park in a reserved lot for the duration of the Fair. It also allows entrance to the grounds before 10 AM
each morning to restock.
Parking permits do not guarantee the availability of a parking space.
Number of $70 12-Day tickets that you would like to purchase? (
one included per contractor, not per contract
) ______
Number of $7 Single-Day Admission tickets that you would like to purchase? ______
Number of $40 Load/Unload Parking Permits that you would like to purchase? ______
To be eligible for accessible parking, you must have a state-issued permit (copy required at submission). Add an accessible parking
pass? ______
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Truck Supply Compound parking is available at no charge to park stock vehicles. Space is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
If electric is needed, you must refer to the “Electric and Water Requirements” section and complete the appropriate information. Do
you need to park a stock vehicle in the Truck Supply Compound? ______ If so, what size? ______
Three fairs or events recently participated in (no family references)
1. Event Name: ___________________________________
Contact Name: __________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone: (____) _________ - _________ Email: ________________________________________
2. Event Name: ___________________________________
Contact Name: __________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone: (____) _________ - _________ Email: ________________________________________
3. Event Name: ___________________________________
Contact Name: __________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone: (____) _________ - _________ Email: ________________________________________
Do you or any other person, company, organization or distributorship that has a financial interest in your exhibit or concession, have
an interest in any other exhibit or concession, attraction, ride, show or department at the Ohio State Fair? ______ If yes, attach
Applicant agrees that all information provided is true and consistent with the rules and regulations of the Ohio State Fair. Any
falsifying of information on this document may disqualify the applicant from further participation in the Ohio State Fair. By your
signature on this application, you hereby authorize the Ohio State Fair to obtain information pertaining to your company from the
listed references.
Applicant’s Signature ___________________________________________ Date_________________________
Print Applicant’s Name __________________________________________
Mail: Rental Department, Ohio State Fair, 717 East 17
Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43211
Email: [email protected]hio.Gov